scarlet-traveler · 1 year
“Hey Kats, can you check and see if I have anymore clothes in the closet?”
“Sure.” Katsuki finished folding the neon green shirt he’d been working on (thank fuck, he felt like his eyes would catch fire if he looked at it any longer), and he added it to the stack with the other shirts he’d already finished before wading through the sea of boxes in Eijirou’s room.
They had been at this for most of the day, working to clear out their dorms before they had to leave at the end of the week. Katsuki and Eijirou had wrapped up the former’s room yesterday, and now they were working together to sort through Eijirou’s belongings to see what he would keep and what he would throw away or send off to a thrift store.
It was a strange feeling, packing up their rooms. Ever since the summer of their first year these rooms—this building—have been their second home. They’ve seen their class grow and develop into the heroes they were now, seen them through everything from final exams to a fucking war, and all the emotions and memories to come with it, good and bad.
But now they were finally (finally) officially graduated, and now came the daunting task of getting rid of all the crap that had accumulated in each of their rooms throughout the past two and a half years so that the new first years could move in come April.
It was easier said than done. It never seemed like you had a lot of stuff to pack until you actually start trying to pack it away, and then you realize the three boxes you thought it would take to hold everything was nowhere near enough.
In Katsuki’s case, the number of boxes had been double what he’d guessed. He had way more junk than he’d thought.
It was also tricky to make progress when his himbo of a boyfriend kept getting distracted by whatever trinket he found stashed away under his bed or shoved to the back of a desk drawer. An easy bribe of barbecue if they could be done by tomorrow had instantly cut the distractions however, and now things were going smoothly. Eijirou was going through his clothes to see what would go home with him and what he could finally admit had been too wrecked by his quirk (dammit, the neon shirt went in the keep pile) while Katsuki handled the folding.
The closet was mostly empty, he saw, when he finally made his way over to it. “There’s just a few things left,” he called over to Eijirou as he reached for the articles of clothing still hanging in the back of the closet. He wrapped his arms around it all, aiming to grab everything in one trip, when his fingers brushed against plastic, and something crinkled.
Furrowing his brow, Katsuki tugged the bundle of clothes along the rack towards the front, revealing one of those cheap garment bags you get from a clothing store tucked away in the very back. Weird. Eiijrou didn’t usually have clothes fancy enough to warrant using this kind of bag. He usually left his dress shirts to hang uncovered with his regular clothes.
Curiosity had Katsuki rolling up the garment bag, and his eyebrows rose in surprise. “You still have our suits?”
They were just as tattered and dirty as Katsuki remembered them being, the sleeves of Kirishima’s shirt and blazer completely torn to shreds from using his quirk, the sleeves of Katsuki’s own long burned to cinders from a few too-powerful explosions, the flowers decorating his vest a dingy gray from soot rather than the vibrant white they should have been.
Some of the only physical remnants of that disastrous trip to I-Island in their first year. Katsuki had barely spared his own suit a second thought after taking it off following the events of that night, more focused on wanting to sleep the entire next day away. He hadn’t wanted to keep the suit, didn’t feel a need to considering the thing was wrecked, so he was surprised to find it with Eijirou’s in the redhead’s closet after all this time.
Eijirou looked up, a brief flicker of confusion crossing his face before his eyes widened, his face flushing red as his hand went to scratch the back of his neck. “Oh, y-yeah. I honestly forgot those were still back there.”
“Why’d you even keep them in the first place?” Katsuki asked, grabbing the suits along with the rest of Eijirou’s clothes and making his way back over to the bed. “They’re wrecked to shit and they don’t even fit us anymore.”
The simple question made Eijirou’s face burn even brighter, and he turned away from Katsuki, continuing to shuffle through the folded shirts as a distraction. “Wanted them for keepsakes, I guess,” he finally answered. “Sure, the trip didn’t exactly go as planned-”
“No shit,” Katsuki snorted.
Eijirou huffed, “Yeah.” A smile broke across his lips, sharp teeth seeming to gleam in the afternoon light filtering through the balcony door. “But even so, I didn’t want to forget it.” His gaze cut over to Katsuki, smile pulling wider. “Plus, it kinda felt like our first date, y’know? We had a whole love suite and everything.”
“Still can’t believe out of all the fucking rooms at that hotel that was the one we got.” Where that statement originally was steeped in anger, now his voice held an exasperated fondness. The room had been annoying at first, but looking back, he couldn’t bring himself to hate it as much.
Eijirou was right, after all. Katsuki couldn’t quite place when he had started to fall for the ridiculously nostalgic redhead he now called a boyfriend, but looking back, he was sure I-Island had been part of the push. He wouldn’t have chosen Eijirou as his plus-one if not for his then-unknown feelings, after all.
“Sap,” Katsuki elected to say instead of the disgustingly sweet thoughts filtering through his head at the moment. Eijirou laughed, because of course he did, and Katsuki couldn’t hide his own smile as he started folding the tattered suits to the best of his ability. “These go in the keep stack, yeah?”
Eijirou beamed, brighter than the sun, his smile always a star to guide Katsuki through his life. He hoped it never went away. “Yeah.” He suddenly grabbed Katsuki in a hug, squeezing him as he pressed his smile into blond spikes. “Love you, Kats.”
Katsuki hummed, eyes falling closed as he sank into Eijirou’s warmth. “Love you too, Ei.”
Fic I wrote for @krbkevents I-Island Week Day 1: Suits! Also on AO3!
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nyx-conniesoup · 2 years
"oh izuku has gone to highschool early" Midoriya inko said laughing lightly
But Katsuki didn't felt like laughing infact,he was furious. Quirkless Dekh has went highschool before him and didn't even bother to tell him about it!
He was here today to make sure the dweeb didn't do anything stupid, After the 'Swan dive' comment and the sludge villain incident,
Deku was acting weird since all that drama, it's been 4 weeks and the little shit was blanlty ignoring him. And 2 since he stopped coming to school, Katsuki thought that maybe it's cuz of the incident, he doesn't wanna admit but he himself was shooked to his core.
But when the ignoring became more noticeable Katsuki knew something is going on.
So when the old hag practically throttle him today to visit the Midoriya household, he saw his chance to Corner the nerd and ask what the fuck is going on.
But no the universe was fucking with him this month.
"oh really? That's great!, Little izuku must be excited! , So where is he going to study? , Is it UA?"
Mitsuki asked with glea
Ha if thar quirkless freak can enter UA, he could dream on, Katsuki thought giving a scoff.
"No, I was actually surprised when he turned down the UA scholarship offer, apparently he had given a online test for the support course and he was selected on a scholarship but after the whole villain incident he turned it down. It was kind of strange, seeing how adamant he was to go there"
Wait a Fucking minute!
"Deku got made it to UA!?" Katsuki asked dumbfounded
"Katsuki!, I told you to stop with that name" Mitsuki snapped.
"oh , he didn't tell you?, Can't say I am surprised, he had been very secretive these days" inko mummered
"So, where is he going now?" Katsuki impatiently asked wanting to know which school was better than UA in that shit nerd's eyes.
"He went to I Island academy with support course honours program to study directly under David shield you know the support scientist who worked with All might. I am so proud of him he had it really difficult after finding out he is quirkless but finally he can study something he loved without being in danger.
I have to thank you katsuki for taking care of him till now"
Inko smiled while dabing her handkerchief on her eye corners as her and mitsuki chatter filled the background Katsuki was torn with the dam of thoughts that just burst in his head.
Deku in I-island ?
Deku studying under someone who was closed to All might!
Who does he think he is, does he think he is better than Katsuki?
No Katsuki can't hold a grudge
Deku is studying support course, something his brain can easily take on.
But he should have told him, He should have told Katsuki that he is giving up on a being a hero.
And deku hasn't told Auntie inko about the bullying, he thought that the 'swan dive' comment was the last straw.
Now it doesn't matter that useless nerd is out of his was , He can now focus on his entrance exam for U.A
So, why does it feels weird?
Like something isn't right?!
Dammit now his head hurt!!
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thanakite · 1 year
I-Island in My Hero Academia seems similar to the town of Eureka in the show of the same name
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Part 3 - Chapter 16 - I-Island: Exploring The Expo
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
And we're back continuing our journey on I-Island! :D We've got a bunch of friend fluff coming your way this update so I hope you enjoy! ^________^ Editing took a bit more time than usual because I had some parts I still had to flesh out. Didn't help that I had a really long week at work last week. On top of that I also caught a cold, but I managed to survive!
Alright, enough complaining. Let's get to the chapter!
Reminder that it isn't just Izuku who came to I-Island in BC. We've got Hitoshi, Shouto, and Mei tagging along under Present Mic and Hound Dog's supervision. All Might is here too but currently with David Shield.
Linktree to all the things!    
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
All the friend bonding! :D Izuku's friends really like to tease him and Melissa got to meet some peeps from Class A. No Kirishima though. :/ I could have brought him as well with the working the expo thing but I wouldn't think he would want to leave Bakugou behind by himself. Especially since the rest of the Bakusquad did go to I-Island. You're probably wondering how it's going to go down without Bakugou or Kirishima, but I'll just tell you throw canon out the window for this one. :P I've got a plan and I think you'll like it. I do anyway.
Sh-sh-shout out to cooper and Baltimoresurvivor for their help with outfit suggestions! (really thank you, I'm quite fashion illiterate...) :P I was originally going to keep Izuku's the same as cannon but Baltimoresurvivor had some fun ideas for changing it up as well as something for Hitoshi. Which I think I made it work? ^____^ And cooper even threw together some schematics for Mei's which I then drew up which you can see here!! :D To give you a better idea of her outfit. So thanks!
Flirting. Just a whole bunch of flirting this chapter. ;)
Also reminder I have no idea how coffee works. I don't drink the stuff myself so I made stuff up in an attempt to write something cute. If anything, I see it as Kaminari made that coffee himself also without much knowledge how it works. So there, that's my logic. :P
Fun Facts About Japan:
Let's talk restaurant etiquette! Now in the US, good customer service consists of the wait staff regularly checking in with their tables and seeing if there's anything they need and if they are doing okay. Very much attentive service without the customer having to ask for it. That is actually not the case in Japan. In fact, it's kind of the opposite. In restaurants and food places, they don't come unless you call for them as they don't want to interrupt your meal or socializing. In fact, a lot of places have a call button for that specific reason to notify them you need something or ready to place your order. There are also places like conveyor belt sushi that they will have tablets and such you can use to order your food without even talking to a person. I experienced it where those places will either serve your order to you via person or conveyor belt depending on the restaurant set up. This also goes for karaoke booths as well. You order through the tablets or indicate you're ready to order. Then they come and get your order and give it quickly once it's ready so that you can maximize your enjoyment of the experience. (also karaoke is super duper fun in Japan and they do have a large selection of English songs to choose from over there)
Another difference is tipping. In the US, tipping is a big part of the restaurant industry and are part of restaurant staff wages. The better the service, the better the tip. (at least in theory) In Japan, they don't tip. Top service is considered to be a part of the job and no extra compensation is expected. Which was really hard to wrap my head around at first because customer service in Japan is top notch. They are just so kind and determined to get it right the first time. You just feel like you want to tip them anyway but it's just not a cultural thing there. Like how I previously mentioned that if you're in a convenience store and they notice what you are buy is expiring, even that day, and they will go out of their way to get you a fresh one. I strongly feel this is tied to their cultural mentality of the betterment of the group verses the individual. Get it done right the first time and everyone will be happy.
That's all for today! I hope you liked all the fluff this chapter. 'Cause next chapter is the attack itself and just plain drama. A nice balance. ;) Thank you for your patience and have a great two weeks!
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bakedbeanchan · 6 months
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I love the first season of atla
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sleepnoises · 5 months
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im the king of the world and can achieve anything i set my mind to (blobbily approximating the boston metropolitan area in fabric)
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ceceru · 10 months
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rescue teams!
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cup-o-stars · 2 months
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I'm definitely going to redraw this one day, but for now:
Zeff and Sanji is something I dearly appreciate 🙏
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daily-crabbys · 30 days
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Today's crab is: crab-destrian crossing
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b0tster · 2 months
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mydairpercabeth · 2 months
finding out this is ONE of MANY hairstyles Annabeth will have in season 2??? oh someone cooked here
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syrupfog · 2 months
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999pinkprincess · 1 month
i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school i cant go to school
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demigods-posts · 3 months
headcanon that percy and annabeth have a relationship contract they made after they got together once the war came to pass. they outlined it on paper in percy's bedroom. typed up a final draft using sally's laptop. and printed out and laminated it at the local library on their two month anniversary. and they abide by it like it's the law.
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Blank Canvas: Heritage - Mei’s I-Island Outfit!
Heyo! Joker here with a post for my BC fanfic for MHA! This is for part 3 of BC so view by your own choice. ^__^
This is Mei’s outfit for the events on I-Island! Thanks again goes to cooper on the discord for help with this.
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And cooper also made some schematics that I based this off of and here they are! :D Thanks again for your help! I am so fashion illiterate. XD This is with jacket...
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...and without!
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Just to give you an idea of what Mei is wearing in chapter 16 of part 3! ^_____^ Now as to what babies she has with her...well, I’ll let chapter 17 reveal that.
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sweetmapple · 1 year
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Act 1 Astarion
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