#IC: Misplaced Prefect Present
magiclessxprefect · 2 years
@crownshattered continuing from here.
This was such a bad idea.
A part of her is relieved to have stepped in and let the other first year run away from Floyd. She would have gone the other direction, but the sight made her wince at the thought to not do anything and instead headed in Floyd’s direction with her demand at his actions. Some people were really stupid to not be wary of Floyd...If not the whole trio that controlled Octavinelle.
Yes, she helped someone...But now she was in trouble.
It was one thing when she had to interact with Floyd at work, it was another when it was outside of the lounge. Yuzuki made it her daily goals to avoid Azul, Jade and Floyd if she could help it....Even after everything that happened, Yuzuki was terrified still wary of them.
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And so....Here she was, standing right in front of Floyd wondering if it was too late to run-
No an awful idea, he would catch her in no time. Curse him and his towering height!
Before swallowing loudly and opening her mouth to speak out an answer.
“I can uh...S-Show you how to make some coffee art?” It was probably useful to entertain teach him with and beneficial for the lounge....And it was a lot better then to stutter out in protest that it wasn’t her fault, sorta.
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magiclessxprefect · 11 months
@crownshattered continuing off from here.
"Ah...Jeez...To have such a big family-"
Whatever Yuzuki was about to say gets cut off as she takes in his words. Something about the way he spoke about his older brothers caught her off guard, and that they didn't do anything together? Aside from his younger sister, it seemed he....Didn't like his older brothers?
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She shook her head a little, no...That wasn't right to just assume.
Hearing Kristian share a little about what his sister, Alanna, did made Yuzuki smile again. She manages to give a weak laugh hoping to keep the conversation going in a light-hearted manner.
"That's great! It reminds me of what M-Momo and I would do, but instead of beaches we'd go to the park or nearby coffee places. I think....Our favorite place was this small coffee place I worked at for whenever we had a break." Yuzuki could only assume...That was their favorite spot. Most of her memories seemed to pop up a lot that her sister frequently the place and was easier to grasp for a memory.
"Alanna...Your sister has a pretty name!" Yuzuki complimented, "And you sound like you two are close. That's great."
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magiclessxprefect · 11 months
@crownshattered continuing off from here.
"I can't hear you Floyd! I can keep running all day damnit!"
As much denial Yuzuki had been projecting, he was loud enough that she knew if she lost her running momentum or tripped all he needed to do was wrap his arms around her and she'd be caught. This was Floyd she was dealing with though and he hadn't tried cutting the chase off too soon.
So he was definitely playing with her and enjoying her torment.
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Yuzuki also refrained from cursing at the bystanders around her, because if it had been the other way around....Yeah, she would probably keep as much distance as possible. She couldn't blame them, but damnit....
It would be nice to have some help!
Yuzuki kept running, lightly panting as she tried to think of something aside from hoping she could-Again in denial-out run Floyd.
"...Ah....H-How about we make a deal!?" she shouted, "I work your shifts for three weeks and you just leave me alone Floyd and not do whatever crazy thing you want me to do today? Huh!?"
Weak deal, but Yuzuki wanted to try it.
"I'll do your cleaning duty too during those three weeks!"
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magiclessxprefect · 11 months
@crownshattered continuing off from here.
Her nightmares were getting worst...Or rather, they've been increasing to the point she had one every single night. Yuzuki would normally have maybe two a week, if she got lucky she only would get two nightmares within the month.
It seemed lately though every night when she thought she would be left to fall into a dreamless slumber, the girl would jolt awake an hour after feeling the first shiver running down her spin her body suddenly falling either into the ocean or from a great height. Screams of pain ringing in her ears and suffocating to the point of practically inhaling something metallic in her lungs....
She could only function so long from short naps and a very unhealthy consumption of coffee back to back. Yuzuki didn't have any way either in covering the growing bags and shadows underneath her eyes. Her actions were starting to reflect her poor state, as demonstrated now.
A handful of her schoolmates had been witnesses of what happened when Yuzuki did not get proper sleep.
Crashing into walls and corners, dropping her books while dragging her feet to class and nearly missing the correct classroom, cat napping in the weirdest yet sunniest places on campus, mumbling things that didn't make sense....And now, Yuzuki had decided apparently Malleus was a good seat to rest in and hopefully close her eyes for a bit.
Luckily they were both in Ramshackle, so no one would bear witness to this very startling action on Yuzuki's part. The prefect merely sat sideways on Malleus' lap, angling her body so her head was against his chest as she yawned loudly. A small part of her brain was screaming at her, to definitely get off Malleus and apologize for her poor decision and run up to bed properly. But she ignored it and instead lazily pressed her ear against his chest, "...I can hear your heart," she mumbled lightly before laughing, "And you're warm..."
She definitely was not getting enough sleep if she was bluntly saying that.
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magiclessxprefect · 2 years
@valiantroyalty​ - Comparing Riddle to a Hedgehog from here.
“I’m glad you agree! Hedgehogs are adorable, and so is Riddle. Why, if he was one, I can just carry and hold him all day.”
Alice no.
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She’s quiet for a moment, turning her head around as if searching for Riddle before speaking up to Alice. Hands around her mouth as she loudly whispered.
“I think the same or just at the very least maybe I would set him on my head.”
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magiclessxprefect · 2 years
“....down here the fish are happy....Under the sea..Under the sea...”
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She’s humming and singing under her breath while cleaning around the lounge tonight.
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magiclessxprefect · 2 years
@crownshattered​ liked for a starter! (Selected Muse: Kristian) 
“Come on you stupid plant...I need you for class!”
Yuzuki glared at the offending flower, hands feeling sore even with gloves from how hard she had tried to grip it out of the ground. It was only her left in the botanical gardens, and she was certain Crewel was going to single her out if she really was the last one to show up with her ingredients.
It was too much of a given that her favorite class being Potionology of all things because one she didn’t need magic and secondly she was...Actually good at it?
Probably why she was so hellbent on getting this one last ingredient before booking it back to the classroom.
The prefect inhaled loudly, pushing the sleeves of her lab coat and shirt before getting back to pulling the stubborn thing out-
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She got the plant out...Only for both her left glove and plant to fly behind her. The magicless student froze, forgetting to breath as she could hear someone grunt at the impact of both items.
Oh damnit-
“I am so so sorry!” Yuzuki immediately got to her feet, running over and bowing lowly as she prayed to the Sev-God, that there wasn’t any dirt on the person or they didn’t get slapped in the face by her glove-
“I wasn’t looking! I’m so sorry!” 
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magiclessxprefect · 2 years
@crownshattered​ continuing off from here.
Yuzuki rushed towards the small kitchenette tucked away from the living room, quickly pulling out two mugs from the cupboard to set them down onto the counter. The kettle she had on the stove lightly whistling before she shut it off while dumping into a spoonful of hot chocolate powder into the two mugs. Pouring the hot water into the mugs quickly she searched around for a pair of spoons, finding only one and a fork...It would do for now.
The prefect quickly stirs both drinks before taking them in hand and rushing back outside.
“And I’m back!”
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She didn’t doubt Malleus had left, but....
“Here,” she offered the mug with the spoon...Definitely not the one with the fork, to him with a smile, “Hot chocolate. I thought maybe we can enjoy a cup while talking if it’s alright...”
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magiclessxprefect · 1 year
@crownshattered​ continuing off here. 
Oh...This was not good for her....She did not like that smile at all.
Yuzuki gripped on the coffee pot in her hands as she slowly leaned far away as Floyd approached her. Already she could hear sirens blaring in her head the longer she stared up at his smile and how he addressed her. Sure he still dragged that nickname, but presently Yuzuki had to resist in letting out a squeak the closer he got.
She had a VERY bad feeling....
“W-Why would you guys need me to get more people to come in here....”
Something clicked in her head because of course, the longer she just stood still in confusion like a baby animal alongside with questioning him....The less chances of escape were available for her.
She knew her face was pale and her legs were shaking, but this was not the time to just stand in fear and let Floyd go in for the kill. So she slowly and shakily took a deep breath in....
Before throwing the coffee pot right at him, hopefully aimed right at his smiling face, before ducking underneath him and for once taking advantage of their height differences to slip around him, “I DECLINE!”
Thank god she was so used to running  for her life and made a break to get out of the kitchen as fast as she could.
Because damnit she might as well go down fighting!
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magiclessxprefect · 2 years
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“…Milou-senpai. For once, I am willingly siding with you.”
@bitterseadrop @fishhook3r
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magiclessxprefect · 10 months
@crownshattered from here.
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"Heh...I'll be careful."
It wasn't easy climbing up here, with the lack of magic and broom Yuzuki had to relay mostly on her light frame and light feet to climb up the narrow staircase that was hidden and slipping through a window before climbing up a very old narrow stairway. It seemed the pathway had been forgotten, lack of use evident with the cobwebs and dust she had seen as she carefully came up.
It wasn't her original plan to come up, but she had spotted Malleus from below after leaving classes.
She had recalled hearing Sebek and spotting Silver following after him yelling for him...It didn't take her long to piece together that he had left the two and was taking some time with himself. Time she had hoped she wasn't intruding on, but she did want to spend a bit of time with him...Was that strange?
Either way the magicless student took his offer and began to carefully maneuver around the tiles and stones as steps until she found a good spot to hold on to. Fingers gripping on the edge and hoisting herself up, Yuzuki let out a huff as she could feel her knees hit the cold roof tiles yet she only gave him a smile.
"I hope I wasn't bothering you...I noticed you from down below."
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magiclessxprefect · 1 year
@asea0fmxses liked for an event-based starter!
A flowy white dress and flowers intertwined in her hair from from decilate ribbons trailing down from the flower crown that sat on her head, Yuzuki felt a little giddy.
It wasn’t everyday she could dress up and for a moment she did feel a little happy in such a pretty outfit. However that pleasant feeling was being brushed aside with a new one.
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Nervous. Oh she was so very, very nervous as she pulled her knees close to her chest as she continued to just ramble beside Ellen.
At first they sat in silence after the other had given her the flowers to complete her look, but the longer they sat the more Yuzuki’s thoughts had begun to surface. While she would be Ruggie and Grim, what if something went very wrong? Knowing their luck it was possible, what if they got separated? Or worst?
“-I don’t even know anything about...Dealing with fairies or royalty or just anyone super important,” the magicless student mumbled before playing with a strand of her hair, “I mean, I’m not going to be the center of attention, but what if something happens? What do we do? What are we even allowed to do? Do we bow if we run into someone ‘higher’ up?” Her fingers were brushing through her hair, nearly pulling the flowers off as she kept speaking.
Usually she would keep quiet, but there was so much on the line the longer she thought about it. This wasn’t some situation with another schoolmate, this was a situation that had a queen...An actual queen they would have to steal from.
“What’s the customs here? What’s right?”
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magiclessxprefect · 2 years
@fishhook3r​ continuing off from this ask.
A small smile made it’s way across Jamie’s face as he looked at the magicless prefect- nodding in response to her thanks. The kid’d done a good job on shift today, from what little he’d seen from his spot on the line. Good work should always be rewarded.
Hopefully she’d keep it up. He had way too much candy from his last run to Sam’s shop, and there was no way he’d be able to get through it all on his own.
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Yuzuki smiled before returning her attention back to the candy, her fingers playing with the plastic wrapping before unwrapping it.
Might as well eat it now before heading back to Ramshackle, Grim would probably snatch it.
Popping the candy into her mouth she perked up a little bit at the taste, it was sorta...It was a berry flavor? Not blueberry, but it wasn’t quite right...
“It’s good,” she managed to say from behind her hand, “Thank you.”
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magiclessxprefect · 2 years
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“...Riddle-senpai reminds me of a hedgehog....A very aggressive one.”
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magiclessxprefect · 11 months
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"Aw....He's actually adorable when he fanboys over gargoyles."
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magiclessxprefect · 1 year
@fishhook3r liked for a starter!
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“...Let me help with that.”
Yuzuki approached over to him and quickly took half of the stack plates in his arms. Technically...She wasn’t on the clock, but no one was paying her any attention and she was done for the day.
She wasn’t the type either to ask for more than what was given....So-
She gives him a smile, “It’s nice to see you again James.”
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