#IDV oc
t0bey · 6 months
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more comms from twitter 🕺
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quoththeowl31 · 6 months
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Norton and Johnny.
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wormyyzzworm · 4 months
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marie and andrew
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rabidratt · 5 months
Okay identity v oc postin time. If u know me from other socials u def already know them XDDD Plz feel free to send asks if u want to know abt them they all have STUPID extensive lore and several essence AUs
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Danilo Galang the "Lab Rat". He's a neurotic biochemist who, due to some choice experiments and a deranged mentor became a Jekyll and Hyde scenario.
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Luella Cricket the Butcher. She's just a sweetie!! A farmhand who is honestly the only one capable of optimism in this whole group.
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Clara, just Clara. She's vaguely German and mysteriously rich and she can supposedly see the future. She is an incredibly jaded socialite, and has put far too much effort into trying to save her not-yet-husband Danilo from his terrible garbage fate. (2nd pic a commission from the swag af poki_soup on tiktok<3)
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kanishymayana · 2 months
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Dang havent posted in a while
Oh well: Time to introduce a new OC of mine owo
Name: Kass Meier
(Kassandra Meier)
Career: Teacher
Gender: Female
Nationality: German-British
Birthday: June 1st
Age: 24
Likes: Children, Sweets, Romance Novels
Dislikes: Her colleagues, Spiders
Favourite Dish(es): Liqueur Chocolate, Brownie, Acorn Cake
Kass is/was teacher in a elemantary School in Lower-Saxony, she was well beloved by her students but even more hated by her colleagues, which was a mutual relationship. The other teachers despised her because of her good connection to the children and because her modern view on teaching discipline: No child, whatever they did, should be emotionaly hurt or slapped as a method of education.
"Children are our future, so what future are we striving for if we traumatise those innocent souls?"
But no one wanted to listen so she was forced for more drastic meassures. As long as she was a teacher she wouldnt let others hurt her students.
After months she one day got the fateful letter of the Oletus Manor, she got the oppurtunity receiving enough money to build her own school and to make sure that no child under her care would ever suffer again.
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turbulentscrawl · 2 months
very curious abt your oc 👀...
The time is now... To preface, I made this character back in December, before Faro Lady was even teased, and I'm not willing to change Evelye's name...but for the sake of sparing confusion, I'll call her Evie most of the time.
(I'm also going to start posting some of the blurbs I've written about Evie and Luchino later.)
Warnings for canon-typical violence, cannibalism, and one mention of sex.
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Evelyne Bailey, The Butcher
Age: 29 Nationality: American Likes: cicadas, needlework Dislikes: winter, mystery meat, teeth Talents: cooking, cleaning, trapping wild game Favorite Dish: Fried Okra
Test Indicators:
Selective Food Intolerance
Delusional Paranoia
emotionally starved
She is from America in Appalachia, and her backstory is loosely inspired by the Beast in the Cave.
Evelyne was an only child and her folks ran a little ranch/butchery kitchen in a small mountain town. They were sweet, generous people… Then somewhere in her youth, they made "friends" with strangers who lived further into the mountain range, and in time began killing travelers who passed through town, even going so far as to butcher, and eat them. Evelyne was young enough to not fully grasp what they were doing, and by the time she did, she felt it was too late for her to stop going along with it. Her parents grew to be dark and twisted people, and she took up running the store front due to how horrifying they'd become in appearance and behavior. As she grew older, she helped lure male travelers home for this process.
External Traits
The Butcher knows how to clean up a mess. The trail left by the Butcher disappears 1.5 seconds faster. After taking damage, she leaves no trail at all for 3 seconds.
The Butcher has a bag of Remains and can use them to mislead a hunter by creating a fake trail for them to follow. At the start of a match she has enough Remains to leave a trail up to 30 meters long. This trail can persist up to 30 seconds and only one trail can exist at a time. Additionally, a new trail will activate the Hunter's tinnitus for the first five seconds after being placed. This ability can be recharged by healing teammates. Each time The Butcher heals one instance of damage, she recovers enough Remains for 10 meters of trail.
Survivors healed by the Butcher have been thoroughly cleaned and leave no trail for 10 seconds.
The sight of a bleeding human makes the Butcher uneasy. She heals allies 10% slower.
Evie’s experience running a store front has made her a decent actress. She has above-average persuasion skills and can maintain a friendly facade during small talk. She flounders with deeper conversation, however, and has a tendency to shut down when asked about her pre-Europe past.
Evie’s living situation for the last few years back in Appalachia has made her paranoid of people. She believes that, since her own parents turned on her, everyone else is capable of it as well. Additionally, she’s afraid that people will try to slip her human meat for consumption without her knowledge. Evie is functionally a pescatarian; she will not eat non-fish meat that she did not hunt, butcher, and prepare herself from start to finish. (Beyond this, however, she is not a picky eater.)
Evie refuses to talk about her years in Appalachia. She’s convinced that if people knew what she did, everyone would turn on her and the manor would become her eternal hell. On some level, she thinks she’s a monster deserving of that fate. But her fear is too strong for her to test the waters.
Her paranoia has also made her very aware of physical body language. She’s only average at analyzing people’s words, but she was so used to watching her parents for signs they may attack her again, that she’s excellent at spotting tension, fear, and anger in others. She has also memorized the sounds of every hunter’s and survivor’s footsteps to identify them at a distance. Anyone familiar with paranoid behaviour will notice that she has a tendency to periodically slow down or pause completely during any noise-making activity and listen. When footsteps can be heard, she stops to identify who it is, and only resumes working when she’s determined it’s someone she trusts, or when they’ve passed.
Evie also suffers from nightmares and sudden bouts of extreme nausea.
While friendly at face-value, Evie is paranoid and distrusting of people. At the end of the day, she puts her own security and safety above anyone else's. She avoids standing within arms reach of people, and jerks away if someone leans close, as a reflex to avoid being bitten.
Her pain tolerance is a bit higher than average. Which is fortunate, because she's slightly resistance to pain-relieving medications. She's also somewhat resistant to anesthetics.
She's most comfortable with the Arms Factory and Dark Woods maps, as the taller trees and dense forests remind her a bit of home. She occasionally goes out to trap fresh meat from these maps when they're not in use--this has led to some tension with the Gamekeeper....
Evelyn's relationship with Luchino is a bit complicated. In the beginning she's nervous about him. He's polite and kind enough, but he has a quiet masculinity and bodily enhancements that make him a physical threat to her. But he's private and respectful, and Evie is emotionally and physically starved, so the door is first cracked open through casual sex. Over time, the things that first made her scared of him begin to make her feel safer around him. He's observant, and has good intuition, so he's good at anticipating and curbing Evie's paranoia bouts before they get too bad. The situation with Evil Reptilian further complicates things, as it gives Evie a window into the part of Luchino most like her parents. But at the end of the day, he might just be the bridge she needs to accept her own past and what it means for her own identity.
A Snippet of Evelyne's First Match
Evelyne could not hide from this “game” under the covers of her bed, it seemed. Though she had tried very hard to clutch her sheets, had squeezed her eyes shut until they ached, when she opened them again she was standing in an unfamiliar, forgotten church. The scene was dilapidated, dark, and dreary. If there was a sun, it was hidden behind an endless expanse of murky clouds. It was quiet, save the ominous caw of ravens outside.
Though it had taken Evelyne nearly too long to figure out what she was meant to do with a messenger bag filled with remains–bloody rags and scraps of cloth, tiny chunks of cartilage, bone, fresh offal–it was certainly coming in handy for the twists and turns of ruins. They worked well as gruesome “bread crumbs,” spiraling and coiling in confusing patterns around the crumbling ruins of the ominous church to mislead this Hunter into chasing a false injured prey. She had not so much as seen the face of the Hunter yet, but knew he or she was on-and-off her trail by the strange hammering of her heart. Sometimes she seemed to lose them entirely, thanks to those trails, but they were growing closer. Smarter, perhaps, or used to her tricks.
Another gong-like sound echoed in the distance. That was the second ‘cipher,’ she believed, which left three more to go. That seemed like too long.
Evelyne paused next to a set of lockers to catch her breath. The crackly voices of her ‘teammates’ sounded off in her earpiece with their decoding progress. For a moment, her fear seemed to ebb and Evelyne thought she might finally be in the clear.
A wave of fog suddenly surged over a wall and towards her, and before she could even wonder where it had come from, the Seer’s owl dropped down from the sky in front of her. It cut through the fog with wings like blades, and then surged off again with a screech, leaving Evelyne frozen and confused. All at once, she was hit with the feeling that she was in greater danger, that her enemy had just gotten stronger somehow, and that she was being watched.
A chill ran up her spine just before the wall across from her came crashing down.
Evelyne briefly took in a gangly man with a top had and a hand of long razors climbing over the rubble–giggling–before she took off in a sprint through the maze. Another rush of fog surged after her, and her feet kicked up dirt and dust with her skidding attempts to dodge. When it flew past, she swore it felt like someone had grazed her with a knife. As she doubled-back around a sharp bend, she heard a sickeningly sweet voice calling from beyond the walls.
“How tasteless of you,” the unsettling man said with raised volume. “Leaving me only stale, rotting scraps about when your fresh meat is so close at hand!” She felt eyes on her back again, but couldn't place from where. Another gong, but this time the sound covered the one of another crumbling wall.
It collapsed on top of her, and Evelyne dropped under the crushing weight with a cry of pain. Some of the rubble had cracked against her skull and now the dreary world was spinning and pulsing. The gangly, too-tall, top-hatted man stands over her, wiggling his knife fingers like he’s waving hello. The blades were almost as long as her arms; he had to stand at least 7 feet.
“Finally I get to meet you face to face,” he says. “You can call me Jack, my lady.” Jack the Ripper, she briefly recalled of the Seer’s lessons. A real, bonafide serial killer. If she had the energy, she would have spit in his face.
Jack bent down and plucked Evelyne from the rubble with one hand, lifting her like a weightless ragdoll and holding her in his arms. Though dazed, sore, and confused, she had sense enough to struggle in his hold. She squirmed and kicked all the way to the “chair” he would be placing her on, until she suddenly remembered the bag slung across her torso. As a last-ditch effort, Evelyne swung the half-filled thing into Jack’s face, splattering him with the gore he claimed to love so much. He yowled and dropped her.
The fall knocked the wind out of her, but Evelyne scrambled to her feet and ran as fast as she could.
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sarcophagid · 6 months
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idv hunter oc... just gotta think of a good name
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rokapoka · 5 days
Oh yeah
More IDV OC x Canon arts here!
My precious Victor and Ludwig (and Wick, of course!!)
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dearembraced · 21 days
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Commission of Hunter Andrew for @nimbystrife !!!! Crocidile Andrew is growing on me tbh
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moliathh · 1 year
crossover: hellsing x identity v (Tarot gamemode)
Two factions: Hellsing Organisation and Vatican Section XVIII: Iscariot
Kings: Integra and Enrico
Squires: Seras/Walter and Yumiko/Heinkel
Knights (Hunters): Alucard and Anderson
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(another part of hellsing/idv crossover)
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t0bey · 1 year
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redid my old idv oc’s ref 🤵
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quoththeowl31 · 1 month
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While the world reeled from the economic crash, eyes turned to news about ancient ruins discovered under the land of the supposedly cursed Oletus Manor.
Archeologist Johnathan "Carter" was assigned to the excavation, but as time went on, Johnathan found himself plagued by dreams intertwined with memories he thought were forever lost.
As a boy, he and his parents had come to England to visit only to vanish for nearly a year. Young Johnny was later found wandering on the side of a country road in a complete haze. Despite authorities best efforts, the child could not recall what had happened to him and his parents during their time missing. He would be taken in by his Godmother and grew up otherwise healthy, traveling between England and America for most of his Education.
Since the dreams, Johnathan has sought help in the form of Hypno-Therapy to travel back and attempt to unlock the mystery of his parents and the missing year.
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ronironiica · 2 months
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wtfff toxic wlw??? Them my and my wife IDVoc's The Slaughterer – Vickie Lofton; and The Collector – Anetta Meloche
"Vicki is a somewhat distant woman. For her, killing, blood, and all the things that usually turn people's stomachs are absolute routine. Sometimes these thoughts scare her, but it seems she's gotten used to them? Perhaps she even enjoys dissecting the livestock she just saw alive in some twisted sense? What nonsense."
"Anetta comes from a wealthy family. Since childhood, her father seemed greatly concerned about her strange inclination towards ending the lives of everything that once lived and ran. He tried to channel her deviations into a more acceptable outlet - hunting. But at some point, this played a cruel joke on her. Anetta collects taxidermy of animals she has killed; her collection is extensive, ranging from commonly found animals to extremely rare ones. Yet she is haunted by the obsessive thought that her collection is incomplete… it lacks one exhibit - a human."
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wormyyzzworm · 3 months
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I got suspended on twitter 😭
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pop-ping-candy · 3 months
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"It's not vanity or entitlement, it's just trauma I promise"
DOODLED THE GIRL A LIL MORE, I'm solely avoiding making an actual google docs on her past and her skills by drawing silly little headcannons of her 0v0
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sarcophagid · 2 months
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dice game, now in gif format
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