h0wdyydee · 3 years
“The Armorer and Bo-Katan would not agree with each other they’re two different opinions of how mando culture” is weak thinking what if the Armorer and Bo-Katan become enemies to lovers and eventually become a mando power couple 
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maggiesarchives · 4 years
Ke’ade (Bounty Hunter): from the ages of 13-16was tiny, small, small boy— but BITCH HITS 17 AND SHOOTS UP TO 6’3 BEEFCAKE THAT CAN BENCHPRESS A WAMPA
Mar’keo (consular): dad bod. 6’4 Mirialan.
Nicky (Knight): SMALL- 5’9 and ANGEY
Trii’va (Smuggler): can and WILL step on you lemme tell you this lady can pick up a 50kg sack of smuggled goods like it’s a couple of grapes -5’11
Karavia (Trooper): She’s a soldier????????? idk what you expect she’s FIT!!!! the embodiment of Milf -5’9
Kel’katis (Sith Warrior): HE IS SIX FEET TALL AND READY TO FUCK- ironically when Ke’ade and him were both wild and in their early twenties there was,,,, happenings that they didn’t realise were the other until Mar’keo introduced his Grumpy Mando to his Slutty Sith and there was the [insert spider man point meme]
He’katia (Sith Inquisitor): shorter than Trii’va WITH the montrals because she may be small but don’t fuck with her —- ask Nicky - she bites — 5’8 (with montrals)
Ahtoan (Imp Agent): baby boy. baby. small and tired and kinda scrawny because the Empire fucked him up real good and he’s just???? sad????? sad boy??? hugs???? Karavia makes sure to feed him as much as humanly possible????? —5’7
JUST,,, HEIGHTS MAN- also there have been MULTIPLE incidents that you may pick which one you want to hear about (if any):
The Alderaan Accident
The Mek-Sha Incident (also known as why Mar’keo started drinking)
The Water Conundrum Of ‘07
The Ke’ade/Kelly Quagmire
dad bod Mar'keo, I love it
Nicky is small and angry and honestly??? same.
Trii'va step on me 🙏🙏🙏
Karavia is fit as fuck, exactly how I imagined.
Kel omgggg im intrigued
He'katia SHE BITES 😭😭 smol angry lesbian I LOVE HER
Tony: BABIE!!!!!!!! someone give him a sandwich
love how all of them are taller than me 😂😂
pls tell me abt the water conundrum
its OC day! ~ celebration info post
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Legendarium Ladies April - Prompts for April 27
Here we go again, already at the penultimate prompt for this year’s LLA, but never fear if you got started on something and haven’t had time to finish it - that’s what our Amnesty Week, the first week of May, is for. Anything posted into the LLA tag in that time counts toward the event and will still be reblogged and roundupped. So let’s end this with a bang before the final prompt set on Monday, yes? 
General Prompt: Love and Romance, with a Twist
Many if not most of the women in Tolkien’s Legendarium are married, but except for rare exceptions like Beren and Lúthien we hardly ever hear about the love story behind it - consider Mithrellas and Imrazôr, who may be a prime example for the question why and how the fell in love, and if they are a footnote of history already, how many other unions of Elves and Men there are that never got explored... or Tar-Telperiën, who outright refused to marry and have children, and is often read as aro-ace by fans because of it, or as a lesbian whose partner was not recorded in history. Or take Finwë, Míriel and Indis, the original love triangle. Did they ever get a happy ending, perhaps all three of them together? Did Nerdanel ever remarry after Fëanor went to Mandos without hope for return? What influenced Arwen's, or Lúthien’s, or Elwing’s Choices? What about the “strange and hard fates” of unmarried Elves, or couples who were separated by war or calamity, like Morwen and Húrin or Huor and Rían? 
For this prompt, create a fanwork about the love or romance of a female character that isn’t easy and straightforward.
Picture Prompt: The Stone Bridge by Amalia Lampri
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Poetry Prompt: View from Afar, by Shakila Azizzada
I'm left again with no one standing behind me, ground pulled from under my feet. Even the sun's shoulders are beyond my reach.
My navel chord was tied to the apron strings of custom, my hair first cut over a basin of edicts. In my ear, a prayer was whispered: ‘May the earth behind and beneath you be forever empty'.
However, just a little higher, there'll always be a land purer than any land Satan could wish on me.
With the sun's hand on my shoulder, I tear my feet away, a thousand and one times, from the things I leave behind me.
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