lunarlegend · 1 month
the "showing my ___ things they've never seen before" meme but it's me showing the ghost in my room pictures of Ignis
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gravesung · 14 days
❝ i’m also worried about me, but i somehow seem to be worried about you more. ❞ and ignis @ ravus :3c?
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❝ DON'T. ❞ THE REPLY comes sharply and without hesitation, mismatched eyes fixing on ignis' face — studying, silent for a moment. ❝ i have no need for your pity. nor for you to risk your life to protect me. if we are to fight, you cannot split your attention elsewhere. ❞ as is inevitable in a world of gods and kings, a war is brewing. the niflheim loyalists have taken tenebrae as their new stronghold. with noctis and lunafreya gone, unable to return home without capture from the army he formerly commanded, ravus found himself lost, following at ignis' heels as the world began to rebuild what was destroyed by the gods' mistakes.
they are both adrift. ignis has his remaining friends; ravus has ignis, the burn of grief and fury in his chest, and nothing else. so he has made a decision: tenebrae will be his again. if he cannot find a way, he will make one.
he steps forward, lifts his hand to cup the back of the blind man's neck. ❝ you've no need to join me, ignis. it is not your war. ❞
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Currently realizing it's interesting how my two favourite Yugioh villains/antagonists, Ai and Yubel, are both motivated by love, and their messed up ways of showing it.
Heck, even my third favourite, Paradox, can be argued to be motivated by love as well, though it's obviously not the same kind of love.
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ragnar0c · 8 months
While I'm here... love languages for da guild:
Likes recieving: Quality time, acts of service (stubborn about this though.)
How she shows affection: She acts cold but she often gives gifts. She also will have moments where she spends quality time with others.
Likes recieving: She's even more stubborn about it than Hana but she likes acts of service. She won't let people do it. But she wants it so bad.
How she shows affection: ALL OF THE LOVE LANGUAGES... esp ACTS OF SERVICE... words of Affirmation and physical touch... Gift giving too but it's always like. Something small she finds outside she feels reminds her of the person. Except for one instance we'll talk about later. She is so filled with love.
Likes recieving: Words of affirmation, Physical touch (Everyone is free game.)
How they show affection: Physical touch, acts of service (esp for Alope, they know her secret.)
Likes recieving: Acts of service, Physical touch,
How he shows affection: Acts of service, words of affirmation.
Likes recieving: Quality time, Physical touch (esp from Enid)
How he shows affection: Gift giving and Quality time...
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@stella-ignis-rosea (from this)
"I get it, I do. The nightmares at least. I fuckin' nearly died or some shit. I can't even recall most of that night 'nymore,"
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Likely thanks to the God that was still hibernating inside him, waiting for Kohaku to be old enough to control what it had for him. He'd move over toward the teen, as odd as it was, he knew his presence was a comfort to him despite his nature.
"I recall bein' stabbed, or impaled a coupla times, and I'm pretty sure yer brother had been too... but he cauterized our wounds and kept fightin' beside me before I drew the bastards fire myself so we could get ya outta there."
When the Dragon had gone down? He'd done so HARD his heart had barely been beating when Kohaku had come to thanks to his brother. Not that the raven-haired male knew that, though. Since he'd been unconscious and seemingly on the verge of death at the time.
"Come're I can tell ya want a hug."
He was recovering fairly quickly though, not as quickly as he would if he'd not been totally tapped out thanks to the 'guest' inside his body. One he was both aware of and not at the same time. It was weird but it was fine.
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Hoshidan Festival: Selena and Ignatius Parent-Child Conversation
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Ignatius truly seems like the more mature one here. He trails off A LOT in his Japanese speech, making him sound a little more tentative, though he freaks out quite a bit at other places in the game. Here, though, he has to act as the more responsible of the two, due to Selena’s (very understandable, given her history) addiction to shopping.
Selena: “Hey, Ignatius! Look at that stall over there! I heard that they’re selling rings made with valuable gemstones! I suppose I have no choice but to buy one, right?!”
Ignatius: “……”
Selena: “This is a perfume made from a flower that only blooms once every few years… Yeah! I’ll buy this later! No, wait! I see something else over there!”
Ignatius: “Mother… You need to calm down a little… If you want to shop… You can take your time once the festival resumes…”
Selena: “I-I know that! I just, I saw this stuff, and…”
Ignatius: “You try to buy everything you see…”
Selena: “A-and what’s wrong with that?! I can do as I please, can’t I!?”
Ignatius: “…I think you’re buying too much.”
Selena: “B-but… I need every one of these…”
Ignatius: “No, I’m pretty sure you don’t… It’s better to make your selections more carefully when you're shopping… If you do, you’ll become more attached to what you bought… Then it becomes something precious to you…”
Selena: “Hrrrrrm, well… I guess there is some truth to that…”
Ignatius: “I’m not saying that you can’t buy anything… I’m saying that you need to be more careful choosing what to buy… You get what I mean, right?”
Selena: “Of course I do. Though I can’t believe that my own son is the one telling me to be more careful about this…”
Ignatius: “Up to three… You can buy whatever you want but only three things…”
Selena: “What is this…? Doesn’t it feel more like YOU’RE the parent now?”
Ignatius: “Heh… You’re imagining things…”
Selena: “W-well then, YOUR limit is five. You can get whatever you want, but only up to five things.”
Ignatius: “Isn’t that a bit much…?”
Selena: “It’s fine! It’s perfectly permissible for children to want more stuff than adults! And after all, when I was little… I was in a place where there simply wasn’t much around, so I decided that if I ever had a kid someday, I would buy them lots of the stuff they want.”
Ignatius: “Mother…”
Selena: “You don’t need to hold back. I’m your mother after all.”
Ignatius: “…Understood. But I don’t need five things. There is only one thing I want.”
Selena: “Wh-what is it?”
Ignatius: “Time to spend with you, Mother.”
Selena: “…! Ignatius… W-well, I guess it can’t be helped. So, as soon as this battle is over, we’ll wander the festival together. And no matter how much you might protest, I’m not going to let you go until I’ve decided upon my three things!”
Ignatius: “Yeah. I’ll brace myself for that…”
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tenebriism · 1 year
ღ with Jean for Dain because we like to mix it up in this house, or maybe Aerith for Ignis, because yolo. And I miss the botanical buddies.
Attraction Meme - [ ACCEPTING ] ;; @gunnhildred .
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Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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souls-of-chaos · 2 years
Liam notices Aqua with what they were doing.
(Not sure if this is a good starter)
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Aqua was looking at the river with uncertainty. It was as if something bad would happen. She could sense it.
"Oh! Hello, stranger. I don't believe I've met you before." The ignis said quietly. She was tiny and could fit in Liam's palm.
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maleficarlife · 2 years
The Witcher III needs Ignis Hawke so much
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cashmere-caveman · 6 months
help i tried to find a foundation gifset to reblog bc i just finished watching 2.08 the last empress but the whole tag is just lee pace's tits in 4k hd 😭😭
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halphcs-a · 7 months
tags. ٠☽ ❛ ❜
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sinful-lanterns · 3 months
i imagine researcher introducing new monsters to the team as you would do with pets... letting them sniff each other through the door first and all 😭
also while they're obviously mostly there for the researcher, i'd like to consider some of the team develop some sort of coexistence over the time spent together, even if they claim they can't stand the others. like, the monsters with fluff silently accepting the bird ones plucking their loose fur to add to their nests—
Something about the monster girls sniffing each other to get used to each other’s prescience is ascending me. Now I’m imagining monsters like Sphinx! Stargazer and Nekomata! Angell just circling each other and leaning in to sniff each other’s necks so they don’t kill each other lmao 😭😭
Anywho, I do agree that while some of the monsters have formed rivalries with each other over the Researcher, a lot of them have managed to bond. For example, I can see Vampire! Cassia bonding with Alraune! Coquelic quite easily because Coquelic smells very good. For more coexistence relationships, I can see someone like Lamia! Serpent snuggling up with Dragon! Ignis often because her body temperature is naturally very warm. And perhaps Griffin! Langley works well with Gorgon! Chelsea as Chelsea turns living things into gem statues (like bugs) and Langley likes to add them to her nest because they’re shiny.
Of course, I also really like your idea of some of the monsters with fur just casually allowing the bird monsters to pluck out their fur for their nests. Can you imagine someone like Weredog! Rahu just sitting with a stoic expression on her face, all the while Tengu! Raven is hopping around her and gently pulling small tufts of fur from her tail? 😅
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mechaknight-98 · 8 months
Party Time (NSFW) Ft: Jeewon
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Author note: to have a constant and cleaner master list I reposted this to make the list more consistent in naming conventions since Tumblrr wouldn't let me edit the title.
The adventuring Party was traveling through the woods they were looking for a group of townsfolk who had disappeared a few days ago. You the paladin were unsure of this quest as it smelled fishy as several monsters roamed these woods. However, you relented because your party was low on cash after bailing out the well-intentioned but so very dumb rogue who drew the ire of one of the king's knights. It was winter and night was closing in. Having been exposed to the horrors of the night. so you were insistent on getting back to town safely, but your fearless leader; the human wizard named Alan pushed on. That was one thing you did hate about humans was how stubborn they could be. before you could make a real fuss through the other human in the party (She was also the one that convinced you to join) the cleric named Jeewon assured you that things would go right.
"Yeah you Aasimars always worry too much, and besides if anything happens. We have you and good ole Jeewon to protect us." The astral elf Bard Nayeon says with a smile
"You guys know how I feel about Spooky shit though, and this forest reeks of spooky shit." You say to Nayeon annoyed
There was a rustling of the wind and your party’s druid; an Iceborne named Irene veers around to you all and inquires to the party "Did you guys hear that? it sounded like a sick animal?" Seulgi the siren aberrant mind Sorceror of your party and often the kindest but often the least wise and clumsiest member of our party ran to the noise. we followed close behind. well, not you. moving in the full plate was unsurprisingly difficult. when you close in you take a moment to catch your breath when the cleric pushes you down. confused you look at her but before you can say anything she shushes you. She points ahead where you see 4 pale lengthy bodies surrounding a bear. you hear them crunch into the body as you watch You internally groan. you unsheathe your sword and stand low. you begin two silent entrapment spells to hold the beast when you hear
"Ignis Orbem Ventus" you groan as you see a fireball shoot towards the beasts. you groan externally because your fearless leader made a dumb move. you look to Jeewon and say
"Regroup with Allan and the rest of the party." Jeewon nods at your command and you draw the attention of the 4 pale beasts towards you. you have them chase you through the woods a fair distance but eventually, they encircle you. Their hollow white soulless eyes bore into you and their bodies and bones begin to creak and crack as they change
the first one speaks in a voice that's half a voice you recognize and half a wild animal, "How could you abandon us Indo?" you watch as its face shifts to an old friend of yours.
"We trusted you and you abandoned us." another of the beings says shifting into another one of your friends.
"You were our leader, the visionary. Kazuo's legacy Indo and you threw it all away for nothing." the third said shifting. As these beings spoke you watched them as their eyes and expressions grew more haggard and hungry.
"You abandoned us, and look what we became!" the fourth yelled at you. you dodge the first lunge at you and can fend off the other three while striking. but it's a losing battle. that is until you hear a familiar.
"I guarantee I got ya." and the beastly creatures are restrained. you look up to your friends and race towards them while the beast tries to break their bonds. you all manage to get away safely with barely any scrapes,
as you walk back to town. the Irene asks. "Hey, Atyriox what were those things?"
You reach into your bag of various things you are surprised to feel a sharp pain. when you look down, you see a claw taking out a piece of your right side. you look up and see the 4 beasts smiling and laughing, in a mixture of voices you recognize and beastial ones. You try to hold in your rage, but on the verge of death, it consumes you.
"An extraneous existence. Encroaching on humanity," you scream as the rage takes over. your bones creak and lengthen. Your longsword changes to the great axe as a familiar wave of ancient energy envelops you.
you face the four pale beings, now taller than them. you swing your axe into the first and it embeds itself in the skull of it.
“There's no way out! Game over you are done for!" you yell as you tear the axe blade from the beast's skull and throw it into the other nearest one. the next one embeds its claws into your other side, and in response, you stomp its arm your steps leave a trail of blackened blood in its wake. you turn to the last one and yell "You wanted to eat me huh." it looks at you in terror and tries to run away you grab it and punch through its teeth to rip out its tongue. As it bleeds out you grab your axe as your rage subsides. You hear your friends approach and try to cover up the damage but it's too late when Jeewon sees the nightmarish scene. she turns to you and sees your blood.
"Shit I'm sorry Atyriox. shit, I'm so sorry. We shouldn't have left you." she repeats. you reassure her as she goes to heal you she begins putting out her magic but when the arcane energies begin to work despite her not having the components she turns to your eyes full of terror as her magic mends your flesh.
as the rest of your friends come down to the crater of catastrophe you made Nayeon looks at the carnage then you and says, "Remind me not to make you made. We heard your screams of war miles away. you nod as you turn to Jeewon who is still visibly shaken. You all decide to return to town for safety
"Fuck” Jeewon the cleric said as she walked into the inn they were staying in and you smiled at her adorable walk. She then turns to you and says “Okay Paladin bedroom now. I believe I am owed a massage and an explanation,” You nod before following her up to the bedroom where you both bath together before leaving the lobby of the inn the druid and fighter both look at you and laugh.
"Ooh someone's in trouble." The wizard said
"Shut up Alan." You say to the wizard annoyed that his plan almost got you all killed
the bard looks at Jeewon and you overhear her whisper to Jeewon, "Go easy on him. he seems shaken." Jeewon nods as the two of you head to the bathhouse. Once you arrive The cleric is insistent on not letting you out of her sight. So this led to the two of you sharing a bath. As a cleric of Iyaza the doting and alluring. Jeewon had unrivaled comfort and confidence in her body which was pushed even further by the comfort she felt being around you.
“Okay so tell me everything!” Jeewon demanded. You hesitate not because of your story but because you became distracted by Jeewon’s naked and stellar body. Your mind was brought back to tales you'd hear your older brothers say about the followers of Iyaza the goddess of beauty being the most beautiful and attractive followers of all the 7 favored ones, and Jeewon certainly fit the bill. Flawless skin and impeccable curves as if she was crafted by Iyaza herself, but what kept your attention was not her marvelous body but her adorable smile and generous heart. She loved to help despite being quite the loner type. She was always willing and first to do so. it was incredibly admirable and you found yourself enamored. So enamored that you found yourself leaning in closer and closer until your lips met. In the bathhouse. The kiss you shared was chaste. When you break however filled with the haze of desire but also worry the air shifts heavily she stares at you and her stare is soft not the glare of earlier but a somber gaze.
“Please Atyriox (pronounced Uh-tyr-E-ox) don't shut me out.” Jeewon pleads, her eyes stare into yours and you feel your heart soften even more toward the girl, “what happened out there?” she asks. She leans in closer to you. Her folds rub against your manhood which causes an involuntary groan to escape your lips. using this to her advantage Jeewon begins to unwrap the bandages on your forearms. Before you can stop her she succeeds in her task and removes the bandages. She gasps when she sees the scars.
"Jeewon I... I...I am sorry." you say as your War Beast markings are presented. Jeewon was silent for a moment, then another. It began to be worrying until she said, " Explain."
"Before beginning my studies and dedication to my oath of Restoration, I was a child soldier of The Old Warlord Kazuo. 6 others and I were trained from childhood to keep his kingdom safe. we were stripped from our families and our identities and remade. we were molded in his ideals of what warriors should be like." You explain. Jeewon's glare softens again before asking "So why the scars."
"Our new identities were given to replace our new ones. So we were each given a new name after we earned it. I was given Atyriox after the Endurance beast Alpha Rex.
"Okay Why?"
"To whom much is favored is expected. My warriors will transcend everything that binds them including their fucking mortality." Kazuo would always say and so we became what he wanted. Beast of war, and as our final test, and Kazuo's long list of affronts to the gods. he made us each fight an Apex Beast. Each one chosen was meant to be the opposite of our capabilities, and so I was "granted" the opportunity to face the Apex Beast of Endurance. (you hesitate as the pain of remembering begins to swell.) I was told it was alone and that it was a solitary creature that was hurting the townsfolk. I was told no one would be hurt. I was told that nothing bad would happen, but actions speak louder than words I guess," you finish as tears flood your eyes. Jeewon intimates what you mean and begins to hug you as the quiet sobs become too much to bear. you two stay in the bath until the water has long grown cold. After you two get out of the bathhouse and back into the bedroom Jeewon asks
"So how did you get away from Kazuo."
"Another Warlord Named Shen Long came whose warriors rivaled ours, and I saw an opportunity. I faked my death and escaped into the night away from all of that Eventually I found myself at the monastery and not long after you all found me." You explain
"Fuck! That's intense." Jeewon exclaimed
"Can I ask a favor Jeewon?" you bring up as the two of you enter the bed.
"What is it Atyriox?" Jeewon Questions
"Can you not tell the others about this?" You say
"Well, why not?" Jeewon asks
"Our fighter Jason is from the neighboring country to mine, and he would have problems with my history," you tell her
"Oh okay then. I will keep you until you're ready to speak then." Jeewon affirms as she stands up and paces.
"Thanks!” you exclaim while giving a thumbs up. Jeewon smiles then she walks over to your side of the bed, “Okay. I don't want the paladin Atyriox anymore now I need my lover Ayriox to release some tension. You nod as you understood what she meant by this.
Jeewon cups your face and the tension from earlier returns her eyes fill with desire, but also deep administration and appreciation for you as you watch as her pupils dilate into hearts. You kiss again. It begins chaste but the feeling quickly ferments into lust as her tongue pokes its way into your mouth. Unversed in these affairs you let her take charge. Jeewon breaks the kiss with heavy breath and says “Take off your clothes.”
as the both of you strip you say to Jeewon “By the gods you alluring.” Jeewon smiles as she takes your hands and giggles as they shake in hers. She puts them up to her robust posterior and says, “Gosh you're so cute, but don't be nervous dear it's just me.” her voice as always soothes your belligerent spirit somehow the beast that rages inside but with her its less rage and more freedom it surges through you and you arrive at an even greater serenity then during your meditations. she gently pushes your head down to her pussy and something awakens in you. It was subtle at first and the overwhelming desire was to not only be with Jeewon but also protect her. You look up to her and this wave of lusted calm bathes you and you smile at her. She smiles back as your body moves on instinct to her pussy. You lap up near her clit and she bucks and moans with such an intense ferocity
“Oh gods Atyriox right there,” she says in between moans. She looks down as you continue your ministrations on her and notices your back is glowing. Intrigued but a little preoccupied at the moment Jeewon notes this for later as you continue your care of her womanhood, until her body gives out on her and into her release. She squirts all over your face. She tastes sweet to you almost too sweet. As you wipe your face she brings you up to hers. “Damn I taste good.” she coos as she kisses you.
You smile at your paramore and in a moment of alacrity, you say, “In all the planes I could never hope to meet a star as bright as you. Your melody resonates with the light itself, and when we part my shadows only grow to be extinguished by you when we meet again.”
Jeewon smiles and says, “God I love you.”
“I love you two.” you reaffirmed before diving into another kiss. You both tumble to the bed as your kiss grows more desperate more hungered.
Jeewon cups your face and the tension from earlier returns her eyes fill with desire, but also deep administration and appreciation for you as you watch as her pupils dilate into hearts. You kiss again. It begins chaste but the feeling quickly ferments into lust as her tongue pokes its way into your mouth. Unversed in these affairs you let her take charge. Jeewon breaks the kiss with heavy breath and says “Take off your clothes.”
as the both of you strip you say to Jeewon “By the gods you alluring.” Jeewon smiles as she takes your hands and giggles as they shake in hers. She puts them up to her robust posterior and says, “Gosh you're so cute, but don't be nervous dear it's just me.” her voice as always soothes your belligerent spirit somehow the beast that rages inside but with her its less rage and more freedom it surges through you and you arrive at an even greater serenity then during your meditations. she gently pushes your head down to her pussy and something awakens in you. It was subtle at first and the overwhelming desire was to not only be with Jeewon but also protect her. You look up to her and this wave of lusted calm bathes you and you smile at her. She smiles back as your body moves on instinct to her pussy. You lap up near her clit and she bucks and moans with such an intense ferocity
“Oh gods Atyriox right there,” she says in between moans. She looks down as you continue your ministrations on her and notices your back is glowing. Intrigued but a little preoccupied at the moment Jeewon notes this for later as you continue your care of her womanhood, until her body gives out on her and into her release. She squirts all over your face. She tastes sweet to you almost too sweet. As you wipe your face she brings you up to hers. “Damn I taste good.” she coos as she kisses you.
You smile at your paramore and in a moment of alacrity, you say, “In all the planes I could never hope to meet a star as bright as you. Your melody resonates with the light itself, and when we part my shadows only grow to be extinguished by you when we meet again.”
Jeewon smiles and says, “God I love you.”
“I love you two.” you reaffirmed before diving into another kiss. You both tumble to the bed as your kiss grows more desperate more hungered.
“Fuck me till I can't walk then use your hands of the faithful so we can fuck again.” Jeewon’s eyes stare into yours clouded by lust but you are in a similar state as you bend her over the bed. Your shaft grinds against her slit. “Ahh, you've teased me enough fuck me.” the ferocity from earlier blends your mind and you oblige Jeewon. She screams “Oh gods! Oh yes!” you begin thrusting her womanhood as always welcomes you you grab her breast as their soft and perky nature draws the wandering of your hands. “Oh god yes! Massage my breasts.” Jeewon yells as you thrust and massage. She is not far from her second orgasm of the night. Her breasts have always been sensitive ever since the first time you “massaged her” so you begin to slow down and focus on plunging deep into her and pulling out slowly. Jeewon’s body responds favorably.
You probably would have continued that pace all night but the ferocity inside had other plans, you gave yourself away to it and began pounding harder and faster. The intensity of your coupling shook the bed and one particularly hard thrust sent Jeewon over the edge, but your spirit overrode your rational mind and you kept fucking her. Jeewon loved it though when you were rough with her because it meant after you would be so caring and accommodating to her. So despite her muffled screams, you kept pounding your release imminent. Jeewon lifted herself to kiss you again and said “Let it all out Atyriox. Give me all of you.” her words sent you into a freefall as you came in your fancier. She smiled as came having reached her third release of the night. She then began kissing you again before pulling you to the bed. You lay there for a while still connected. Jeewon grabs your hand
“Why did Kazuo choose you?” Jeewon asks
“I was the experiment. All the others volunteered or were bred to be his war beasts. When he took me my dad convinced me this would be the path to stability and success but in reality, it ended up just being chaos, torment, and so much resentment toward everything else.” you elaborate. Jeewon nods as she rests her hand on yours. You both fall asleep. Your dreams are peaceful, but you are jolted awake when you feel an intense but familiar pressure on your cock. You look down to see Jeewon’s hollowed cheeks and puckered lips,
"you looked so stressed while you slept so I figured I relieve the tension," Jeewon says with a smile before a particular gag. you groan and she smiles as she comes up for air. "I love the way your body reacts to my touch so honest and adorable. they way your breath hitches when I do this." Jeewon says with a malicious smile as she grabs your balls, and you stop breathing for a moment, "Or when I go deep on you and you groan." she says as she takes you deep again. "But my favorite has to be when your close and you close your eyes when you're about to cum." Jeewon coos as she coaxes another orgasm out of you. She swallows and keeps sucking until you start quivering. She gets up and smiles. "No more secrets okay," she says playfully, as you groan. she smiles and says "I'll take that as a yes."
The next day breakfast in bed is delivered but you and Jeewon have other plans for the morning as you fill your morning filling her. she's all smiles. As you ram into her from behind you watch as her breasts and ass jiggle hypnotically as you thrust in and out of her. Jeewon looks at you with a lusted-over smile. "Oh, Iyaza thank you for bringing me such a kind sweet, and gentle man who fucks me so well," Jeewon says smiling.
You look at her filled with unbridled lust and affection before saying “cum with me Jeewon.”
Jeewon responds “Yes my darling” as you both tumble into bliss together. You both fall into the bed again and cuddle together before your stomach growls Jeewon turns to you and says, “Come on let’s get some breakfast.”
All you can think about is how much you love this girl
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deception-united · 4 months
Hello there. I wanted to know what's a good fantasy term for a race of humans that can wield the natural elements. (fire, water, earth, etc.) I already have something in mind, but I'm still not fully convinced to use it. Some examples would be great.
Hi, thanks for asking! Here are a few ideas:
Aetherians: Suggests a connection to the elements as fundamental forces of nature.
Arcanians: Implies a deep understanding and mastery of arcane energies, including elemental.
Thaumaturges: Though this technically suggests the ability to perform miracles or wonders through magic, it can suggest mastery over the elements through context.
Eldritchians: Again, this doesn't specifically relate to elemental powers, but evokes the sense of ancient power and mystery.
More specific to an element:
Lumians: From the word "luminous". Suggests their ability to harness light and energy.
Umbrals: Derived from "umbra", the Latin word for shadow. Hints at their control over darkness and the unseen elements.
Geomancers: Focusing specifically on their mastery of earth and stone, with "geo" meaning earth.
Hydromyths: Combining "hydro" for water with "myth", showing their mythical status and connection to the seas and rivers.
Pyroclasts: Evoking images of volcanic eruptions and fiery power whilst emphasising their control over flames and heat.
Ignisians: Rooted in the Latin word for fire, "ignis".
Aquarans: Derived from "aquatic" or "aquarius". Suggests their affinity for water.
Terranites: From "terra", the Latin word for earth. Shows their bond with the land.
Aerians: From "aer" (the Latin word for air), indicating their mastery over this element.
Or you might want to stick to something more simple:
Elementari: Combines "element" with "-ari" to give it a mystical flair.
Vitalians: Suggests their vital connection to the elemental forces that sustain life.
Naturans: Highlights their innate connection to the natural world and its elements.
Celestials: Suggesting a divine or otherworldly origin, with powers over celestial bodies like stars and moons as well as elemental forces.
Overall, a good way to go about it is to find a root word (either English or derived from another language), and add a suffix that denotes a group or race of people, like "–ians" or "–ials". Hope this helps ❤
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ragnar0c · 8 months
Valentine's day isn't really a thing in OoS. But I think there'd be a day where Hana would make chocolates and just give them to people around town. Only Hana.
Hana can cook and bake actually. Though she's kinda bad at cooking... and okay at baking. So she prefers baking. But womp womp... doesn't like sweets. The result is a lot of bread and a lot of "extra" sweets. It's not like she enjoys doing it so she can give her guild things... or anything. Especially not because the first time she made bread in front of Alope, Alope got so excited watching her that it gave her motivation to randomly give her loaves of it to eat with their breakfast.
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
Ko proceeds to hide in Gajeels pocket whimpering “your brothers are fighting…”
Oh look the Redfoxes are Fighting
"Ko, there ain't a damn thing I can do 'bout that. Let 'em pummel one 'nother. 'Sides, if it's who I THINK it is, the younger needs a good throttlin'."
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He'd yawn, clearly still very much drained as his body recovered from injuries and his magic drain. He was alive, he was MOSTLY healthy too, but he was fucking exhausted.
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