n0chanxes · 7 months
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"Ah-- how unfortunate." A brow rose, left hand tightening the glove around his right, the sound of black leather stretching almost drowned out by the sounds of blood dripping from a very recently made corpse. He looked to the side, where the other now stood, brow raised, head tilted. "I wasn't expecting bystanders. I would've dressed to entertain"
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frostyfuture · 6 months
(An ask from @sevens-road-chaos !)
"...?" Tempest slowly woke up. The wind Prototype looked around at their surroundings.
"You're awake, my friend..." Lilith smiles. The light Prototype was as radiant as ever.
"Hello you two." Ai waved
"Good to see you." said Snowfall
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tenebriism · 3 months
@heartbinders ;; cont. from here -
One would assume, in his many years of training, that he would remember to establish distance come the moment they fell a beast. Oft these creatures do expel some manner of last resort offense, whether poisonous or with intent to impale, but no amount of quick thinking on any of their parts would have been enough to prevent what happens.
When he finally re-finds his bearings, stood still, for a moment, as if not quite trusting his legs to support him in full, just yet, it hits him near IMMEDIATELY that aught is amiss. Nevermind that--- as always, Noctis is his priority; once assured his highness was safe, he could address whatever other issues may have arisen amidst the scuffle.
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" Noct!? " Hm. Rather queer, that. He swears Prompto is not at his six, and yet he swears he'd just heard him close by. Mayhap they'd merely called for the heir apparent at the same time. Ignis tries again. " My liege, where are you!? Gladiolus!? Prompto!? "
--- ah, wait a moment. Since when does Prompto refer to Noctis as ' my liege, ' save in moments of jest?
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gravesung · 14 days
❝ i’m also worried about me, but i somehow seem to be worried about you more. ❞ and ignis @ ravus :3c?
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❝ DON'T. ❞ THE REPLY comes sharply and without hesitation, mismatched eyes fixing on ignis' face — studying, silent for a moment. ❝ i have no need for your pity. nor for you to risk your life to protect me. if we are to fight, you cannot split your attention elsewhere. ❞ as is inevitable in a world of gods and kings, a war is brewing. the niflheim loyalists have taken tenebrae as their new stronghold. with noctis and lunafreya gone, unable to return home without capture from the army he formerly commanded, ravus found himself lost, following at ignis' heels as the world began to rebuild what was destroyed by the gods' mistakes.
they are both adrift. ignis has his remaining friends; ravus has ignis, the burn of grief and fury in his chest, and nothing else. so he has made a decision: tenebrae will be his again. if he cannot find a way, he will make one.
he steps forward, lifts his hand to cup the back of the blind man's neck. ❝ you've no need to join me, ignis. it is not your war. ❞
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Jem went to Ignis's restaurant, relieved to see him. He smiles when he sees him. "Ignis! I'm so glad to see you're okay! Everything's been so crazy!" He has his cane with him, but he doesn't rememeber it being a weapon. His stele is in his pocket, because it feels important, but he has no clue what it is. There's a lot he's unsure of at the moment.
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sasouken · 9 months
kusatta liked ❀ for a starter + noctis !
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"noct, it's getting late. don't you think we should find somewhere to rest for the night?"
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lightoflegend · 11 months
Link stopped only a short distance away, taking a moment to get a good look at the person before him. It was already unusual to see anyone other than himself out this far in the woods, especially this late in the day. They didn't appear to be severely injured, at least as far as he could tell just lightly dusted in dirt and perhaps a few bumps or bruises. His eyes flicked over to the snapped branch for just a moment. That must have been what aided in the loud thud he had heard earlier.
Perhaps he had just gotten lost? As far as he knew, no one lived out this far. Regardless of the reason, he had no intention of leaving him out here.
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"Need some help?" Link asked again, taking a few slow and easy steps toward him, a warm friendly grin spreading across his face. "These woods can get pretty spooky at night. So, let me help you get back home." He held out a hand, offering to help the mysterious person to their feet.
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madeimpact · 11 months
@tenebriism || bringing this back from the dead
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Ignis can say he's fine all he wants. But despite having asked in the first place, Noctis knows a drunk Ignis when he sees one. No matter what he says, the prince is going to help get whatever or go wherever he needs. His advisor can't be left to fend for himself like this.
Noctis is just about to offer to help him to a seat, when Ignis seemingly accepts that offer before it can even be made. Noct startles ever so slightly when Ignis grasps his hand -- something he's normally way too straight-laced to even consider doing.
It's a little endearing...
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No. Noctis shakes the thought out of his head. Ignis is drunk. He shouldn't be having these sorts of thoughts about him. It's just...nice to see him loosen up a bit. Yeah, that's it.
Swallowing the lump he didn't realize appeared in his throat, Noctis lets himself be dragged along to the indicated seat, sort of steering Ignis away from any accidental collisions with other guests. Any close calls would get a nod and a curt, but polite apology from Noctis.
Eventually, they reach some seating along the wall, out of the way of other partygoers. Noct guides Ignis to sit, placing a hand on his back without so much as a second thought.
❝ There you go. Easy does it, ❞ he soothes. ❝ I can, uh -- grab you some food or water if you need it. ❞
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stellarhistoria · 11 months
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"Iiiiii don't think it's important what I think of Arty. He's, my best friend. He always will be. He does a lot of reckless things! And I care about his health, and if he's smiling, but I'm not going to get onto him for a bad day... you know?" shame he doesn't let himself have those thoughts about himself. "He's," thonk. "the reason why I do what I do."
@nerdynanny ( for ignis - whenever you vibe )
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elizabethvonbean · 1 year
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis, beat May 25th.
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Gameplay is a lot more similar to the base game but with a hookshot and an added hint of Musou? It was cool to see this story part from a different perspective and see an alt path choice but the way Ignis talks about his motivations feels kinda goofy.
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n0chanxes · 7 months
"Back for more~?"
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His head tilted as he sensed the energy enter the space a smirk on blood red lips, back to the door. "Thought I'd scared you off, judging by the way you turned tail and ran last night"
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stonecoldmeme · 2 years
"Obsidian? Yeah! That's super badass! You're a genius, Ignis." Noctis ruffled the fur on the cat's head. "Hear that kitty? You're gonna be a badass."
Rolling his eyes slightly, Ignis couldn't help the soft smile. "I should hope you're not training any of them to fight. Or, Six forbid, be guard cats." Actually a bit of a good idea in his mind, however...
Well, chocobos were actually a better choice for security. Not that he assumed Prompto was thinking the same. They could be trained to be something like alarms fairly simply, at least. He shook his head before he could give himself a task, wondering if it was already too late.
Ah. Well. Knowing when to fight and when to accept defeat was something he was supposed to have learned long ago. "I don't suppose anyone's discussed future security plans..?"
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tenebriism · 1 year
@madeimpact ;; cont. from here:
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" Splendid. Follow me. " With a gesture, Ignis leads Prompto to the privacy of his office, shutting the door behind him and locking it. Best they do this in a space where they wouldn't be interrupted, or Prompto's comfort IMPOSED upon. " Allow me to fetch the tape measure and a few other key items, and I shall be right with you. May I get you a beverage or anything else whilst you are here ? A snack, mayhap, if you've not eaten ? "
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affcgato-archived · 2 years
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📸 :: the hidden hallways& corridors of a palace, sneaking away from a party at just the right moment || @foundationsbuilt (jace), from starter call taking some liberties with this prompt LOL
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this part of the Institute is unusually quiet, or perhaps she's just used to the clang & clatter of the forge but hearing the echoing footfalls as she walks through this place alone is almost eery. she's distantly reminded of her family's Provençal estate, & how quiet it would be as everyone pretended not to notice the things going on inside its very walls, but somehow this near-silence feels almost warmer.
her thoughts slip from that & slide back to the party she had just left - a Christmas party Jocelyn's daughter had set up with the help of some of the others. that was probably where the warmth came from, & Céline feels a rush of affection for the other despite only knowing her a few short weeks. it really has only been a few weeks since she reconnected with her son & met the others. it felt like their absence had been a lifetime ago. perhaps that's a good thing.
she'd thought to hide away in the institutes' archives for a bit, but it seems like she's not the only one taking a minute to collect herself before going back to the crowd. ' I wondered where you had slipped off to. don't worry, no one thought to follow me so you still have some time to hide. '
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Jem had just finished his classes, and decided to go to his favorite restaurant. He was pleased when he saw Ignis, he'd enjoyed getting to know him. "Hey Ignis. How have you been?"
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sasouken · 1 year
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                                "it's rotten work, taking care of me." smile is soft, sad, gaze not quite meeting noctis'. ignis has always taken care of others, and while on the surface he enjoys being spoiled every now and again, allowing someone else to care for him feels. . . as if he isn't doing his job well enough. "don't you worry about me, noctis. i'll sort things out."
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