haomnyangz · 8 months
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chocobros vs the mystic (joint slay)
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tenebriism · 3 months
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// I swear, Tumblr takes the quality of my screenshots out back and fills it with bullets. Anyways--- I was dead serious. Everytime I look at him, I just... swoon.
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voiidcursed · 2 years
>> Seems that @alchemist-of-blight​ finally got his wish, and after a couple jabs.. Ignis isn’t feeling his best...
>> Blighted!Ignis is open for Rps/Asks!
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negantesors · 6 months
tag list
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halphcs-a · 7 months
tags. ٠☽ ❛ ❜
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oubaitorisouls · 8 months
Iris tag dump !
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ouraniatm · 11 months
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yet another amazing doodles drawn by MY FRIEND, SEB, whom i will always promote till' the end of time cuz holy fucking shit, the way he draws cora is so adorable. 😭😭😭
pictured on left: ortho taking a selfie with idia and cora after spending the day at the aquarium (they were very, very reluctant but come on, it's ortho, how can they refuse him?) pictured on right: cora using her big brain and wrapping idia's hair around her neck, thus using it as a scarf. also idia crying over how kawaii desu nee this is of her
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mercuryxbullet · 1 year
( ooc. ) tag dump.
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gonemechaniic · 1 year
@tenebriism :: “ you looked so peaceful while you were sleeping…i couldn’t bring myself to wake you up. ” // from Ignis!
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     ⚙ *:・゚✧ // Awake before her yet again. The aroma of coffee fills the room as Cindy stirs to greet the morning. She hears a tray being set down upon the vanity then seconds later there's an added weight at the side of the bed and naturally she turns to meet it. Familiar is the touch that brushes waves of gold from her brow before moving to caress her cheek. Familiar still is the voice that accompanies it. She smiles then moves to send a kiss to awaiting palm, savoring the feeling of his skin against her lips in a blissful sigh.
Truly did she have to wake? Did she have to leave the comfort of this warm bed or could she not give a needy tug and pull him into loving embrace to remain here forevermore?
There is a slight pull upon Ignis but only to bring him close enough to trail hand from chest to fan her fingers along his neck; albeit a bit clumsily as her eyes are still closed. However, once they open, oh what a way to wake ; to focus on the beautiful visage before her, to witness the sweet curve of his smile, to be so pleasantly lost in the forest of his eyes. Another sigh. She is utterly smitten all over again.
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❝ Mmm, but then how would I be able to catch a glimpse of this wonderful vision first thing in the morning? ❞
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hellguarded-moved · 1 year
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it wasn't often, if at all, that the hound attended such formal parties alone. but it's been years, how could he turn down such an opportunity, all but yearning for a little movement? he still owned an authentic outfit for the ocassion; a neatly pressed tux with far too many details and adornments, little lines of gold decorating the otherwise black fabric, complete with a cape and a mask to cover his eyes, sprouting around the top to give it somewhat of an impression of a crown, and the feathers attached at the side matched the other's own.
" you think so? but you look quite lovely— certainly i wasn't the first one to make the mistake? " raspy tones scratched at his throat, a faint smirk lighting up his visage. it was curious to hear that she wasn't good and yet attended anyway— an attitude he could appreciate.
the lady's bold request for a dance was a little out of the ordinary, as it were usually the men taking such a step. but, not a request he could decline. smile widened yet before he nodded, gingerly closing his fingers around her own, lifting their joint hands slightly higher up as he began leading her towards the dance floor. " i might know a step or two. "
she was rather cute in the way she tried so hard to retain manners, hiding away her face— he'd seen a glimpse of it at this point, given her earlier failures, but he'd simply play along. if it were up to him, he would've even kept their names a secret, at least until the evening was over... but as it were, it would have been improper not to return the sentiment now.
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" you may call me ignis. zaahm is such a unique name, not like one i've ever heard in the past... " which was something to say, given his lifespan, " you must have travelled from far away. "
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ekleipsi · 1 year
[ reunion ] thinking they'd never see each other again, sender and receiver are reunited and run into each other's arms, sharing a kiss // ig & ra
[ reunion ] thinking they'd never see each other again, sender and receiver are reunited and run into each other's arms, sharing a kiss
--- Greece was a long trek, especially by foot, from Egypt. Paying for passage across the sea was difficult, the journey arduous and filled with sun and sand. Was it worth it, though? Rashida might have thought as much, initially- her life in Greece with Ignis, married as they were? Was domestic and enjoyable. He'd finally seemed to gain enough control and heal properly enough that he could take the form of a man and she'd truly never seen one quite so handsome. All dark hair and olive complexion, with bright and passionate eyes.
--- He made her heart sing, made her feet dance, he'd drawn her into his life and his own culture in the same way she had done with him. To share this with him felt truly...magickal, though he was still equally as mischievous and playful though wasn't that the beauty of young love? When the Call had taken him, beckoned him back to the Underworld against his will, heart broke within cage though she clung to her faith that he'd return. That eventually he'd come back, though just how many years would pass before that happened?
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--- She hadn't even...the chance to tell him about the swell in her belly. The life that formed there. Though perhaps it was for the best given the following months were filled with such misery- neighbors turned on her, claiming her husband a demon who served the lord Hades. As fate would have it, the knife driven into her belly would promptly end two lives, and dying thoughts lay with lost husband, lost child. Had she lived a full life, a happy life?
--- Next she knew, she was blinking herself awake upon dark sandy shores, staring at a black river. Body felt...normal, but more, though there was a gaping hole in her chest where she felt something missing. Something...something...what was it? What was missing? Emeralds blinked life, this form having experienced something of a glow up...though when visage lighted upon the tall and lean figure of her husband, she couldn't stifle the gasp.
--- Nearly wanting to cry and without realizing the full depth of the situation, she yelped softly and ran to him. Arms were stretched out, his own opened for her to all but jump into as tears gathered at the corners of gaze. ' Ig...puppy! Puppy I thought you were gone...what happened? This...this doesn't look like home... ' she said quietly, softly, so wrapped up in her emotions that she all but melted into the kiss he pressed to her mouth, so warm and welcoming.
--- It was deep, emotional, and full of love; like he'd been gone decades and was finally holding her once more. Once again. Digits clutched at hair neck and hair, crying as they clung to one another, before he softly cleared his throat and gave her...a look that spoke volumes. Something was wrong. ' What is it? What happened, Ignis... ' she whispered, biting at her bottom lip. Worry began to build in her chest, but...with nowhere to go but the gaping hole, she wondered what this building feeling was.
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--- Anger? Why was she angry? ' Ra....Rashida? ' his voice permeated thoughts, her visions dancing with stars and spots, as she blinked and tried to focus on him. The dull throb of pain in head, and chest, anger...rage. Hate. What were these feelings!?
--- ' Ig...something's wrong...something feels wrong... ' she whispered, gasping and clawing at her chest as if hoping to dislodge the source of these ugly feelings. ' Something...is wrong... ' words were low, growled, dark. Narrowed optics lifted to husband for some measure of explanation only to watch his features soften. Break.
--- ' You...you died, my love... '
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ahdenyadahling · 1 year
Final Fantasy XV - Fate & Destiny
Chapter Eleven, Part One
note: mild language
Chapter Eleven: Ardyn & Titan
We traveled back to Lestallum in the morning to inform Talcott that his information was invaluable. However, as we reached the hotel, another headache sent Noct to his knees. Ignis had him lie down on the sofa in the hotel foyer while Gladio checked in with Iris, and the four of them stayed behind to talk out the next plan while I wandered outside, heading for the outlook.
Seeing the Disc of Cauthess from this angle was amazing. It was like lightning had struck the earth, sending rocks jutting sky-high, then flash-freezing them into thin pillars that glowed with crystalline energy. It was beautiful and terrifying at once. I stepped toward the scope for a closer view, nodding politely to the man who had just finished using it. He tipped his hat to me and took a step away, only to turn back to me, his eyes wide in either surprise or confusion.
“Excuse me, my dear,” he began, taking his hat off and placing it over his chest, “May I again gaze upon your visage?”
Uncomfortably, I obliged, seeing no harm in simply looking at someone, and I in turn scrutinized him.
This man appeared to be in his late forties, and was dressed very strangely. He wore a long, black leather trench coat and thick boots, though neither had the Crownsguard symbol. He wore an ascot with a dark floral motif. His shirt had a high-collared frill with another red scarf around that. I had never seen anyone dressed so flamboyantly, especially in a place as warm as Lestallum. Another thing that was strange was this man had my exact eye color, a crisp olive green with hints of hazel when in the light, and my same exact hair color, so auburn that it was almost magenta in the sun.
“In all my years,” he said, his raspy voice tinged with wonder, “I’d never seen another—” He smiled, and though he meant it to be sincere, I found it sort of creepy, “Forgive me, my dear, you must think me an awful lout. I was reminiscing, you see. You have her eyes. My mother’s. It’s been so long, so very long since—” he lowered his gaze and cut his words short. “I should like to know more about you. Where are you from?” The man extended one arm in an attempt to put it around my shoulder, but I backed away, slamming my elbow into the scope.
“Ey!” a voice called gruffly, and I was relieved to see Gladio appear behind the man’s shoulder. “This guy bothering you, Den?”
I opened my mouth, not knowing how to answer as I began to rub feeling back into my arm, but as the older man turned to face Gladio, each of them had different reactions to being recognized.
“You’re that guy—” Gladio began and immediately took a protective step toward Noct, who was just joining us. Still feeling uneasy, I placed myself behind Ignis, holding onto the crook of his arm a little tighter than I should have. He didn’t seem to mind, as his focus was on this stranger.
The older man’s demeanor completely changed upon recognizing the group, his tone light. “What a coincidence.”
Gladio nearly snarled, “I’m not so sure it is.”
“A curious thing, nursery rhymes,” the man began, unphased, turning toward Noct as he spoke.
I whispered to Ignis, “You’ve met him before?”
“Yes,” he kept his voice low, answering me while still listening to the man, never taking his eyes from him, “In Galdin Quay, just before… before the King fell.”
I began to understand Gladio’s sentiment. This appeared too convenient for a coincidence, and this man, while seemingly polite to me, was not one to be trusted. Engrossed in my thoughts, I lost track of their conversation, but it appeared we were suddenly accompanying him to the Archaean, the Titan in the Disc. It was surreal. Noctis needed to speak directly with one of the Six Gods of our world in order for his headaches to cease.
The man introduced himself as Ardyn, and my throat clenched. Surely his name being so close to mine was another coincidence- Ardyn and Ardenia, and Ignis glanced at me, also taking notice of the similarity and gauging my reaction. I was dumbfounded. Who was this man, and why was he helping us? We followed him to his car, a red and white Vixen convertible, where we split into two groups. Noctis drove the guys in the Regalia while I was given to Ardyn.
I sat in the back seat, not wanting to be too close to this stranger as he pulled his car onto the highway, leading the way for Noct.
“I never got your name, my dear.”
“It’s Ardenia.”
He swerved slightly, just as surprised as I was. “You don’t say. Well, this world is full of wonders, is it not?” He smiled over his shoulder and continued, “Tell me, my dear Ardenia, have you done much fighting alongside these boys?”
I was wary; it was an odd question. “I’ve done my share.”
“Have you yet encountered a monster, or a person, perhaps, which upon death or near death, emits a purple substance, a starry, lavender miasma?” His mouth turned in a half-grin, and I wasn’t sure whether to enjoy the way the worded death so beautifully or terrified that he knew something like that could happen. I answered with hesitation, yet truthfully, “Once.”
“Well, if it happens again, stretch your hand toward it. Be not afraid. When next we meet, tell me of your experience.”
I was silent, unsure of what to make of this ominous-sounding advice. Why was he so confident that we would meet again? I glanced over my shoulder to be sure that Noctis was keeping up in the Regalia.
Ardyn glanced at me from the rear-view mirror. “Someone you can’t take your eyes from?”
Heat rose in my cheeks. “Something like that. I’m… bound to one of them through old magic.”
He continued to grin, “Ah, but that’s not the one you were eyeing.”
My silence was his confirmation.
“Be that as it may, I don’t care much for Destiny or the Will of the Gods these days. Some advice from an old man, my dear Ardenia,” the grin dropped and his eyes darkened, “Do what you need to ensure your own happiness. People are fickle, resentful beings. Don’t try to please anyone but yourself.”
I nodded, but was that really sound advice?
Ardyn pulled us over to a gas station near Cauthess to spend the night. Although it was only mid-afternoon, even he didn’t want to be caught on the road at night. We spent an awkward evening sitting outside the RV, listening to Ardyn's ramblings of tales of old. Now with six of us trying to sleep in this camper, there was little debate as to who had to share a sleeping space with Ardyn, and that was Ignis. Noct and Prompto had already hidden away. Gladio took the pullout bed underneath. I squished into the dining seat, and Ignis closed the curtain behind him. When all we heard were soft snores, Gladio motioned me over, and I hesitated before I headed into his waiting arms.
He held me tight as we lay on our sides, facing each other. He began to whisper, “I hope you’re not mad at me for skipping out on you the other night. We haven’t had a good opportunity to talk until now.”
“No, I wasn’t mad. A little lonely. But we knew what we were getting into, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so. I didn’t… disappoint you, did I?”
“No,” I shifted to look up at him, and he sat up on one elbow, propping his head. I began to blush in the dark as I admitted, “It was incredible. I just… keep replaying it in my mind.”
“I do too,” he leaned over and kissed me for a long time, and I assumed that because he was continuing this affection, we were a couple. Was that how it worked? Yet when I stopped his hand from moving anywhere than my waist, he mentioned we should probably sleep. There was no telling what we were in store for tomorrow.
Like any other old man, Ardyn was up at the crack of dawn, waiting for all of us at the table where I was supposed to be sleeping.
With his arm still around me, I felt Gladio jolt as Noctis slapped at his leg.
“Let’s go, loverboy.”
“Very funny.”
As Noct, Prompto and Ignis exited, Ardyn grinned at the two of us as Gladio sat up.
“Oh, how very wonderful to have a romance blossoming in our very midst.”
Gladio grumbled, “It’s no concern of yours.”
Ardyn spread his hands pleadingly. “But I only wish the young lady good will. She is obviously burdened with other difficulties, and you, oh, Shield of the King, are an insufferable fool for encumbering her poor heart.”
Gladio got to his feet, pointing angrily, “Shut your mouth, old man. We have an understanding, you don’t know anything—”
Ardyn seemed indifferent to Gladio’s threat and ridiculed, “Oh, please, do enlighten me to this understanding. Whatever will you do when those first throes of jealousy hit?”
Gladio stormed out, and I went to grab his hand, but he slapped it back at me. I don’t know why, but Ardyn seemed to be mocking Gladio while protecting me. And how did he know Gladio was a Shield? Who was this man, really?
Despite the awkwardness, we filled up the gas tanks and were back on the road by eight. The next stop: the Disc of Cauthess. Just shy of three hours later, we arrived at the gate, which for some reason was under Imperial control, fully barricaded and lined with Magitek soldiers.
Ardyn drove up to the gate and raised his voice to a sing-song shout, “Yoo-hoo, it’s me! Be so kind as to open the door?”
The cast-iron gates pulled aside with no hesitation, and I could hear Prompto in the car behind us exclaim, “Woah, that worked?”
That was where we parted ways with Ardyn. We still had no idea why or how he was helping us enter enemy territory unimpeded, but it allowed Noctis to continue his mission. I returned to my seat in the Regalia, and we drove for as long as we could, down winding stone and dirt paths. For miles, we were on a downward slant heading into the crater, before we found a crevasse too small for the car to fit through. We continued on foot.
“These ruins...” Ignis began, adjusting his glasses in wonderment.
To me, these ruins looked like some sort of stone ribcage of a gargantuan beast that was weather-worn and broken away in chunks over time. We rounded a corner, pausing when our eyes met an unexpected sight.
“Is that what I think it is?” Prompto questioned.
“Never expected to find a Royal Tomb here.”
Noctis nodded, “Let’s grab it and go,” He ran forward, calling forth another of the Royal Arms, and as soon as it was in his hands, another earthquake knocked us all to our feet, all but Noct, who was already bent over in pain.
“Get away! Quickly!” I had never heard Ignis’s voice so gruff as when he shouted that warning.
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tenebriism · 1 year
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Ignis Scientia's Summer Sunset Ball Outfit:
Black, a SYMBOLIC color in Lucis, is a mandatory feature for most, if not ALL events, but Ignis has added a pop of his favorite color, dark purple, in the handmade corsage that rests above his chest. Paired elegantly with a velvet vest, hand-picked silver buttons, leather gloves, a gifted watch from his late mother, a semi-sheer cape, and his finest Oxfords, it is undeniable that the Advisor will come looking his ABSOLUTE best, as he always endeavors to do.
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aurumesque-a · 2 years
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞/𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐔 // Ignis x Cindy ( @tenebriism )
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The Professor enters his classroom readying for a testing day. While he doesn't find his assistant he does find that she's already neatly placed the exams at the end of each seated row and her pristine handwriting on the whiteboard.
Please take a test as you find your seat and leave finished tests in the empty basket at the end of your row. Enjoy your weekend!
The message is ended with the flourish of a heart that brings the slightest smile to his lips. Yet it falters a touch as he glances to the clock; ten till and still no sight of wavy sunlit hair ensnared within a hair clip coming through the door, nor the sound of approaching heeled pumps.
Perhaps she took a moment of respite, which is really all he would ever ask of her, regardless of how they both strive to keep the other from overworking. A unique push and pull that has them entangled in such a dangerously tantalizing way. Seeing as it was nearing the lunch hours, it was only logical that she would be grabbing a meal or meaning to surprise him with a coffee on her return, another aspect that brings a smile to his face.
It doesn’t help that the honeyed scent of her still lingers; faint but he can pick up the citrus notes upon the air, it's like she's already in the room. He could do another glance about, yet the time was becoming far too close and there were already a few students trickling in picking up their papers to settle in.
So he simply adjusts his glasses and walks over to his desk. Yet when he moves to remove his blazer, there comes a moment where his stomach and his heart switches places for but an instant. He pauses, blinking to make sure he is indeed looking down to meet an olive gaze from under his desk. The faint smirk of one Cindy Aurum greets Professor Scientia with an accompanying wink. He stands frozen in those few seconds right up until the alarm on his phone goes off and snaps him back to teaching mode, for now.
❝ You have forty-five minutes to finish the tests in front of you or, at the least, turn in what you have regardless of your progress. ❞ The sternness of his voice brings the students, as well as Cindy, to attention while he takes his blazer off fully, placing it upon the back of his chair, forest eyes focused on mischievous olive hues.
A long exhale goes unnoticed by pupils more intent on a passing grade than how their teacher's heart was doing summersaults while unbuttoning and rolling up the cuffs of his shirt. Ignis smooths down the front of his shirt as he takes his seat, adjusting to the precarious space. And oh how perfectly Cindy nestles in-between his legs, leaning in to rest her head upon his knee. A brief concern over if she's too cramped in the state she's in, yet with such a sweet visage looking up to him and a hand beginning to travel up his thigh, it's a wonder that quickly placed to the back of his mind.
Gods preserve him…
❝ You may begin… now. ❞ He clears his throat and sets the timer on his phone. Meanwhile, Cindy uses the opportunity to unzip and free him from confining dress slacks. Inaudible sigh leaves her while olive hues darken with lust, soft hand grasping softer skin, fingers gliding along his cock. She pays little mind to the clench of his jaw nor the faint groan masked as a yawn. Enamored by the sight of him and fueled by the risky nature she's placed them in, Cindy’s heart races, licking her lips as fingers oh so gingerly incircle and slowly move up and down his length.
Barely does his studious demeanor falter, seemingly looking over previous assignments. A twitch of his eye here. The random tapping of his pen there. Coupled with his already distinguished reputation, it was enough to keep any questioning thoughts at bay. Even as Cindy becomes a touch more daring, enveloping him within the warmth of her mouth in a low hum.
He takes in a deep inhale, resisting the desire to reach or even look down, eyes pinned upon the door, watching intently as one by one each student files out, giving a cordial nod as they leave. As soon as the last one leaves and the doors are closed, he waits for a moment more before bringing a shaky hand to sink into the radiance of her hair, fingers curling to a subtle pull.
❝ Cindy…❞ He finally manages to sigh out with the slight tilt of his head looking down to blonde crown leisurely bobbing up and down his lap with pure, unadulterated awe. She responds in a curious hum as if oblivious to the hold she has on him regardless of the intoxicating swirl of her tongue as she comes up for a proper inhale. His ragged moan echoes throughout the empty room, head knocking back to the chair then rolling to gaze upon his dutiful assistant with reddened lips and flushed face. Hand moves from hair to cup her face, thumb brushing over heated cheek so gently like she were made of the most delicate porcelain.
❝ My darling, you'll be the end of me. ❞ Lovingly whispered as free hand loosens his tie. A giggle catches in Cindy’s throat while leaning to slowly run her tongue around the tip of his arousal and descends yet again, relishing in the sounds she can draw out of Ignis.
He has no idea how right he is.
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NSBC • Chapitre 28
Les premiers jours se sont bien passés. Je prenais mes marques au bureau, j’écoutais tranquillement les conseils de M. Ignis pour fournir le meilleur travail possible. J’ai croisé Mme la Maire plusieurs fois, mais elle est tellement occupée qu’on n’a jamais eu le temps d’échanger quelques mots.
Ça se passe si bien que je ne vois pas les jours passer, et finalement, M. Ignis m’annonce qu’ils ont besoin d’aide dans le bureau de la maire, et me demande si ça m’intéresserait. J’ai balbutié un peu trop je crois, mais il ne m’en a pas tenu rigueur, apparemment, parce qu’un mois après mon arrivée, j’étais promu !
Je suis rentré en courant ce soir-là, et je l’ai annoncé à la première personne sur qui je suis tombé : mon père.
« Papa, papa ! Je vais travailler officiellement pour la maire d’Oasis Springs à partir de maintenant !
— C’est vrai ? Mais c’est fantastique ! »
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Je sais ce que vous pensez. Je suis encore chez mes parents. Eh bah en fait, je vais rester jusqu’à l’anniversaire de maman… c’est dans pas longtemps, et j’ai pas envie de partir de manière précipitée. Je leur ai dis et ils avaient l’air ravis de ma décision. Même si j’ai eu l’impression que maman vivait assez mal le fait que je sois déjà adulte…
Je ne m’autorise aucune seconde de répit. Je sais que je devrais ralentir sur mon investissement dans mon travail, mais je n’y arrive pas, c’est plus fort que moi !
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Je pourrais avoir envie de sortir, mais vu le temps qu’il fait depuis plus d’une semaine, très peu pour moi…
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Et puis… Peut-être que j’évite un peu Gabriel, aussi… Je sais qu’il s’en va bientôt, et je n’arrive pas à me faire à l’idée. Alors quand je le vois sur l’ordinateur en train de chercher des petites annonces pour un logement dans le coin, ça me fait me sentir mal… Pourtant, je devrais m’estimer heureuse qu’il ne déménage pas à l’autre bout du monde !
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Et donc, dès que je ne suis pas au travail, j’ai l’impression de passer ma vie sur cette machine ! Que ce soit pour l’utiliser ou la nettoyer, d’ailleurs…
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Enfin, je suis bien obligée de sortir de mon trou pour satisfaire les besoins d’un humain normal… comme manger, par exemple.
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« Ah, maman, je savais bien que je te trouverai là.
— Ah, Gabriel. Bonsoir… tu n’étais pas censé dormir… ?
— Si, mais comme tu m’évites depuis plusieurs jours, j’ai décidé de mettre un réveil au milieu de la nuit pour avoir une chance de tomber sur toi. Et bingo. »
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« Maman… Je crois savoir pourquoi tu te terres dans ton labo… T’as pas envie que je m’en aille, c’est ça ? »
Je soupire.
« Non, c’est plus compliqué que ça… Je sais que tu dois t’en aller, c’est la vie, mais… c’est un changement très brusque pour moi, de dire au revoir à mon premier enfant, tu comprends ?
— Mais si tu m’évites, on passe encore moins de temps ensemble…
— Je sais, mais comme ça quand tu partiras, ça fera moins mal. »
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« Maman… »
Je crois apercevoir un air triste sur son visage. Je me doutais que je le faisais souffrir en agissant comme ça, mais de le voir, c’est autre chose…
« Aaah… Viens dans mes bras… »
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« Je vais essayer de prendre sur moi, d’accord ?
— Maman, je ne pars pas loin, on pourra se voir souvent, si c’est ce que tu veux… !
— Je sais… »
On a reprit nos places, et je lui ai posé la question fatidique.
« Tu as trouvé quelque chose, alors ?
— Tu veux vraiment le savoir ?
— Bah oui, sinon je te demanderai pas…
— Oui, j’ai trouvé, je signe le contrat d’achat dans une semaine, et j’emménage… tu sais quand. »
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J’ai été étonnée de ne pas ressentir plus de peine que ça. Au moins, il aura quelque chose de sûr, je suis contente.
Il est retourné se coucher, apparemment heureux d’avoir pu me parler, et j’y ai été aussi, une fois mon plat terminé. Bon, j’ai toujours du travail, mais je vais essayer de passer plus de temps avec ma famille, tant qu’elle est au grand complet… !
Au fait, je vous ai pas dis, mais ça y est, Mariko est venue à la maison et a rencontré mon petit frère ! Pour l’instant, ça a l’air de bien se passer, elle vient régulièrement et ils discutent… Bon, ça avance pas assez vite à mon goût, mais ils font ce qu’ils veulent, hein…
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Maman, quant à elle, tient sa promesse. Elle passe plus de temps avec nous, même si elle est toujours souvent fourrée dans son labo… ! Elle a beaucoup de travail, qu’elle dit… !
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Mais je lui pardonne, elle a toujours été une bourreau du travail, alors c’est pas étonnant. Et je pense que j’ai un peu hérité ça d’elle, d’ailleurs.
Celui qui m’inquiète, maintenant, c’est papa. Il a l’air heureux, hein, mais je trouve qu’il se fatigue de plus en plus vite… ça me fait peur. Et s’il disparaissait alors que je viens tout juste de quitter la maison ? J’ai vraiment peur de l’effet que ça aura sur maman, en plus. Reste avec nous encore un peu, papa…
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Pour essayer d’oublier tout ça, je fais comme maman, je me plonge dans le travail. Et ça paye bien, puisqu’on parle déjà un peu de moi sur internet, comme me faisant une place importante dans mon parti… Oui, j’ai rejoins un parti, je vous l’avais pas dis ? En tout cas, pour se faire apprécier, rien de mieux que les réseaux sociaux ! Rester en contact avec les gens, tout ça… Et ça marche plutôt bien !
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Et comme ma vie semble être fait de changements en ce moment, la veille de l’anniversaire de maman, Gaëlle m’a demandé de rester jusqu’au sien, qui se trouve être juste après.
« Allez, s’il-te-plaît !
— Je ne sais pas, Gaëlle… J’ai déjà convenu de la date d’emménagement avec l’ancien propriétaire de ma nouvelle maison… Et puis, je viendrai, le jour de ton anniversaire !
— Mais ça sera pas pareil !! Alleeeez, s’teupléééé !
— … Bon, s’il est d’accord pour décaler la remise des clés, ok.
— Ouiiii ! »
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« T’es le plus chouette des grand-frères ! s’exlame-t-elle en me serrant dans ses bras. — Eh ! s’offusque faussement Raphaël non loin. »
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Je ris, et demande à Raphaël s’il veut que je reste jusqu’au sien, tant qu’on y est.
« Nan t’inquiète, je suis pas accro à toi à ce point-là.
— Ah bah merci ! »
Nous rions tous de bon cœur, et hop, nous voilà partis, eux pour l’école et moi pour le travail. C’est vrai qu’ils vont me manquer, tous les deux, aussi…
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starscourged · 4 years
oh look tags
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