alwerakoo · 2 months
I think the worst part of the whole Lila&Five thing is that Five shows absolutely no remorse in ep 6. Lila is visibly upset, she feels guilty for how things turned out. Meanwhile Five just?? Doesn't care?? He picks up a fight with Diego about like a teenage boy fighting for a school-crush? The notion that Five would not only go behind Diego's back and betray him like that, but also show no remorse is an absolute insult to his character.
He doesn't even greet any of his siblings after those 7 years apart. Five might not be a perfect man, maybe not even a good one, but throughout all seasons one of his most defining characteristics was his loyalty to his family.
But it seems like the writers forgot that Five loves Diego.
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cowboycatdotcom · 8 months
I just finished the season 5 finale and I am PISSSEDD OFFFFFF this is no hate to the show because I absolutely love it, but the fact that it was supposed to end at season 5 and it lasted 10 MORE YEARS has me a bit peeved
I understand that in hindsight more Supernatural was actually a bad thing instead of "ooo more Sam and Dean!!" but renewing the show for a 6th season when ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS IS ESSENTIALLY KILLED OFF is not how you finish off a character arc. I don't have any solid proof of this but I'm betting the show got renewed before the finale aired so they added the little, "look, look, Sam is back!!" thing at the end WHICH JUST MAKES ME MADDD
This whole entire series up until this point had clear character arcs for Sam and Dean. Sam was sympathetic and wanted to have a normal life, he didn't want to waste his life away to the family business, he wanted his own choice. Dean had to protect Sam his whole life, following John's orders like a soldier, always knowing that he would live to hunt until his demise. This is CLEAR FROM THE START
Towards the end of season 5 we see Sam ready and WILLING to sacrifice himself to save the world, ANF EVERN BEFORE THAT he says that he does not incision himself living a normal life anymore. He knows he will die fighting. Dean towards the end of the season is tired, he wants it all to end, to go to the Grand Canyon with Sam, he wants something normal. He has to let go of Sam and let him grow up, not keep him tethered to Dean because he's grown. Dean has a "normal" life after Sam traps himself and Adam in the pit.
BUT THEN OHHH BUT THEN AT THE END OF THE EPISODE SAM SHOWS UP WATCHING DEAN HAVE DINNER WITH LISA AND BEN !!!! it just completely erases the whole sacrifice Sam did to save the fucking world !!! It makes no sense for the show to continue after season 5 CAUSE EVERYTHING HAS BEEN WRAPPED UP !! Bella is dead because of her demon deal, Ellen and Jo were killed off by the hellhounds and bombing, Lilith is dead, Azael is dead, John is dead, EVERYONE'S DEAD !! Castiel was brought back for the second time that season but it's heavily implied that God brought him back so that's fine or whatever, SO NOTHING ELSE NEEDS TO HAPPEN !!!!!
I get that if the show ended at season 5, we wouldn't have gotten all the of the material we have now, but I'm just saying that the ending of season 5 was FINE and we didn't have to have this entire mess of a series finale WITH THE FUCKING NAIL.
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nerdygirl2023 · 8 months
Barbie movie this Barbie movie that
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parasitic-anomaly · 5 months
I’m gonna scream and cry and throw up /hj I keep seeing really cool Tangled artists and then scroll down their works to see them shipping Varian with Cassandra or Rapunzel LEAVE ME ALONE!!! THATS A MINOR YOU FREAKS!!
If you support ships like that block me RIGHT NOW you are not welcome here :3
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tadfools · 1 year
Tumblr media
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humhalelujah · 1 year
today i learned that netflix sometimes changes the original background music for supernatural due to copyright reasons and i have never been more upset
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witchbugs · 2 years
explodes netflix w/ my mind explodes netflix w/ my mind EXPLODES NETFLIX W/ MY MIND
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terminalmetaphor · 8 months
Transmeds are the most stupid person I ever met, are you actually fucking kidding me. "you're not a trans person if you don't have dysphoria and doesn't want to do surgeries/HRT!!!" Like bro wtf that doesn't even make sense, you can be transgender if you don't have dysphoria, you don't have to hate your fucking body to be transgender, you just have to not identify with the gender you were given at birth + IS SUPER CLASSIST to say that "if you DON'T want surgeries/you don't have surgeries you aren't trans", some people don't have the money to do the surgery, SOME PEOPLE DON'T EVEN HAVE THE MONEY TO EAT, SOME PEOPLE ARE SCARED, SOME PEOPLE CAN'T DO SURGERIES BECAUSE OF THEIR HEALTH!!! maybe they want to do the surgery but they just can't, and they aren't less valid for not wanting to do that. you guys need to understand that being transmed (or truscum whatever the fuck you bitches call yourselves.) is so fucking close of being a terf and the "LGB without the T" .
Also I've seen many transmeds talking about MOGAI being invalid and all that discourse...you guys probably doesn't even search after saying. So MOGAI is basically the "+" in the LGBTQIA+ (like nonbinary, pansexual, polyam, demisexual and etc...)
I'm a trans guy btw.
(sorry if my English is bad, is not my first language.)
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ponikopuffy · 5 months
I hope the people who say "the kosa Bill is not going to pass" feel ashamed because literally the kosa Bill is winning and you guys are doing nothing.
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jokerwithcrowbar · 2 months
ooc: stop. im gonna scream. i lost all the fucking progress on canva. i quit. i hate my life. im gonna destroy everything i see. i wanna die.
canva better bring out that fucking ukulele.
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zee-143 · 7 months
DISNEY FLOPPED WITH WISH. WE COULD'VE GOTTEN A STARBOY😭😭 Honestly Disney should re-do it. Idc💀
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
Okay wait so if Fred heard rumors that’s just metagaming right? Like there was absolutely nothing to indicate anything before yesterday
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usakkhae · 10 months
I wake up
I see a new egg with glasses
I go MAXO?????
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transexualpirate · 7 months
i know that trying to make a second movie as great as the first would immediately doom them to failure but i didn't expect it to be this bad.
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somefink790 · 5 months
that goal of the czech team against the fins should have been counted as valid, what were the refs were fucking thinking. absolute nonsense
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fruit-kick · 6 months
spending months fleshing out ur self indulgent OC for a show u rlly like only to stop and realize that u've replicated another character just in a different font
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