fordp1nes · 8 months
"why didnt you guys use the normal meta knight icon" because my imbion my mutual imbion uses normal meta knight and i refuse to step on that brand
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sam-does-stuff · 1 month
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This was a really fun revenge!
These ocs are not mine, they belong to Imbion on artfight :3
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caede9 · 1 year
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"Daily posts" I say and then immediately forget.
Anyways, the Librarian as owned by https://artfight.net/~Imbion with both wyrm (which I leaned a bit more towards snakelike than dragonlike) and human form. I think they're pretty cool.
Second ever polished drawing :)
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shsl-comicgal · 9 years
Pool Time is a Cool Time (Open Starter)
Avery had been pretty tired lately. Not much had happened since the trial, so she simply spent her days waiting. Maybe for a new floor to be unlocked, or for the bear to give them a new announcement... anything to break the monotony, really.
That last trial was a mess. Five people died, and that was terrible, but... Avery didn’t want to think about that. All the negativity was really getting to her, and she wanted to stay up beat and on top of things. That meant she should make sure to have as much fun as possible!
It was pretty late, and Avery had already wasted too much time in the game room today. She wanted to go somewhere new. Why not try the pool? She’d never been there before. There had been a murder there, but still, it could be fun. She made her way to her room quickly, digging her swimsuit out of her bag and heading to the pool. Once she got into the dressing room, she quickly changed, excited to check out the water. She did take a few moments to admire herself in a mirror though, deciding she’d probably show Keisuke ther bathing suit sometime soon. 
She made her way across the tiled floor, stepping up against the pool. Taking a seat, she slowly dipped her toe in, checking it’s temperature. She quickly removed it though, finding it a bit too cold for her tastes. She pouted. That was pretty unpleasant, but she’d just have to deal with it if she wanted her swim. She decided to dip herself in bit by bit, starting with her legs. She cringed a little as she first got in the water, but her legs started to feel nicer and nicer as time went on. She stared at her feet in the water as she wiggled her toes.
She had no idea how long she was doing it for, half asleep as she sat there, her legs submerged. She wasn’t really paying attention to her environment, and hadn’t even realized how exhausted she was. Being trapped in a killing game can really wear you out.
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*Bang* *Bang* Into the Room. (Predespair, Closed for Daichi, IMBION)
Takumi was slowly waking up, tangled underneath all his sheets and blankets. He began to pull his head out of the sheets and look around with his eyes half shut. Somehow, he ended up being half way on the floor at the foot of his bed. How did he end up this way? Whatever, it wasn't a big deal. Takumi got back up on his bed. he reached into his drawer and pulled out a schedule book. He flipped it open and looked through. "Seismology Lesson with Daichi at 9:00 a.m." was scheduled for today. Takumi placed it back in the drawer and rubbed his eyes. he looked over at the clock and his eyes shot wide open. IT WAS 9:05 AM! HE WAS LATE! Takumi jumped out of bed and quickly got his clothes on, grabbed his messenger bag, and ran out of the door.  Now, Takumi was suppose to meet Daichi in the courtyard 8 minutes ago. He hated being late. Takumi began running.
"IM LAAATTTEE!! IM LATE! IM LATE! IM LATE! IM LATE! MOVE BITCH! IM LATE!" Takumi screamed running down the hall. He ran by the cafeteria, into the kitchen, grabbed two muffins, and he ran back out.
Now 12 minutes late, Takumi made it to the courtyard. He looked around for Daichi and finally saw him sitting on a bench. oh thank god he hasn't left. He enjoyed spending time with Daichi and getting lessons from.
"I'm here Daichi!" he yelled out to him. he walked over and he looked at him with a smile. " I am so sorry that i'm late. I woke up late and I was rushing getting here." Takumi said while handing him a muffin. He sat down, placed his bag down, and took out a notebook and pencil. He took a bite of his muffin, looked at daichi and smiled. "So, what is going on?"
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
Time to Study Up! (Predespair Closed RP with Nashimi)
Bells rang as yet another day at Hope’s Peak came to a closing. Mika took her time getting out of her seat, delicately placing her books into her bag one by one rather than following behind her fellow classmates in shoving the books into their bags and rushing out of class. Mika and Nashimi planned a tutoring session after school in the library, so Mika took her time. Her heart had already been racing all afternoon long, so running rampant in the halls to hurry to the library would only subject her to more anxiety.
Mika thoroughly enjoyed being around Nashimi. They made her feel sweet and warm and happy. All of these emotions sprouted up not too long ago, so Mika hadn’t much time to consider what she was feeling. Now that she had the chance to talk with Nashimi virtually alone, maybe some answers would be found. Not to mention, Nashimi rarely went to class if they decided to at all. Mika felt inclined to assist them in academics since she found so much ease in studying.
With all of this in mind, Mika finally stood up from her desk, her bag on her back, and walked steadily from the class toward the library. Mika wondered what she’d start with. Maybe mathematics? Or English? No, no, no. The study material was up to Nashimi. They’re the one being tutored. Anxiety and tension were getting the best of her. Mika inhaled deeply, held in the air for a good five seconds and exhaled. The library doors were within sight, and seconds later within reach. Mika grabbed hold of the door handle and opened it, revealing a massive room. Bookshelves lined practically every wall. Tables were placed about the room, allowing for ease when reading. The librarian wasn’t at the front desk at the moment. She was most likely in her office or on a short break. Nonetheless, Mika scouted the room for Nashimi. For some odd reason, their location could not be ascertained.
After minutes of looking about, Mika caught a glimpse of a large grandfather clock ticking on one the walls of the library. After reading its time, Mika realized why Nashimi wasn’t here. Mika arrived an hour early. No big deal. Mika walked to a table close to one of the windows to watch the ongoing sports practices outside. What an easy way to pass by time. As she looked on upon these activities, Mika found herself drifting off. She tried to catch herself, but eventually she could be found peacefully curled up on the library table fast asleep.
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lieyouadore · 9 years
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“Who needs socialization when you have video games?”
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Curiouser and Curiouser (Closed for Chou)
 It has been a little over a week since the third motive has been given. Each student was given a secret of the others. And someone could possibly kill to keep it in hiding forever. Could some secrets be worth killing over? Momo let out a sigh at her thoughts as she wandered around aimlessly the Inn Finite. Her  head started to hurt at the thought of another death, another trial and then another execution. It was a pattern. Everyone getting knocked down one by one like toy soldiers. But, the question remained in her head in her aimless wandering. Who has my secret?.. Which secret was chosen. I can only hope it wasn’t what I think it is..   Momo continued her endless thinking. She didn’t realize she was walking toward the exit of the Inn Finite either. Suddenly, as she looked up, Momo walked into the door hard enough to cause her nose to bleed. FUCKING HELL WHY DOES THIS SHIT HAPPEN TO ME FOR THE QUEENS NAME IN  SAKE!? She screamed in her head as she held her hand over her nose to prevent it from falling to the ground.  Turning around Momo made her way to the Infirmary to grab some gauze for her nose. Walking into the Infirmary she grabbed what she needed and then walked out and deiced she needed to sit down to help, not only her nose, but her mind ease. She walked into Lounge A on the same floor and sat  on the couch and tilted her head backwards keeping pressure on her nose. She was lost in thought she didn’t here another student approaching the Lounge as well. 
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shslgametester-blog · 9 years
life’s too short to have a plan | imbion | open
Annoyance. Irritation. Exasperation. Whatever you may refer to it as Oliver was certainly feeling it. Of course... It was only natural to feel this way considering the situation he was still currently in. He’d learnt better than the rest of them to give up hope on the idea of anyone ever finding them. In fact, he’d given up on such a pathetic concept within the first few hours he’d woken up in this god awful place. What a fateful day that was.
With a hum Oliver made his way out of his dorm room as he carefully masked his irritation behind a lazy smirk. Oliver had spent most of his time in his room anyways, and was honestly getting rather sick of the same boring scenery. They didn’t have their laptops, or any fun electronics of their own. That... was also another key factor behind his irritation. He didn’t have his laptop. 
Feeling a frown tugging at his features at that last thought he slowly shook his head in an attempt to clear his head. Oliver had spent enough of his life being locked up in a room that was considered his of his own volition. And as it was stated before, he was sick of it. Why did anyone think he’d accepted the invitation to Hope’s Peak in the first place? For the promises of success? Well... Yeah, okay, that was a part of it, but... look where that brought him.
The lazy smirk on Oliver’s face was beginning to look... a lot more like a grimace if anything else. While in deep thought he had managed to stroll down the hall and make his way into one of the Inn’s elevators. Thoughtlessly he’d pressed the button that would take him to the second floor- he already knew where it would bring him, and he certainly already knew where he was headed in the first place.
It was a simple no-brainer to figure out he was headed for the game room. Oliver had been in there a couple of times before, but... never lingered for too long. He didn’t exactly feel like socializing with these dimwits just yet as he typically had his fun antagonizing them during trials. 
As he entered the room Oliver stopped by the doorway letting his gaze flit around the place; not many seemed to come here from what he could tell, and he honestly preferred it that way. Making his way over to one of the television stands he lazily crouched down upon his knees to examine what games and game consoles the stand held in store for him. Last time he was here he was he knew exactly what he wanted to play, but now... He wasn’t quite sure.
Lost in his own thoughts and decisions of what game to choose it was obvious that Oliver wouldn’t hear any other person if they had also decided to enter the game room themselves. That is... until he was done making his decision and inevitably saw them, or unless they interrupted him themself. The latter wasn’t exactly preferable though.
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shslbearhug · 9 years
Two Birds One Stone (Closed RP for Hiromi)
Keisuke was feeling kind of sick following this most recent motive announcement, cursing under his breath the entire way back to his dorm as his mind raced and tried to wrap itself around the possible severity of this event. Everyone’s deepest secrets? Keisuke had to admit he hadn’t done anything particularly awful in his lifetime… but the more mortifying occurences were another story. He shook his head and slipped into his dorm, shrugging off his jacket and making his way to his bed. On his pillow, he saw a small envelope, labelled “Hiromi”. Keisuke thought for a moment. This was the guy he helped during the last trial… he questioned how bad it could be as he hesitantly opened the envelope, tossing it to the side and staring at the paper he’d pulled out of it. He read the paper, of course, and felt his face drop. This could… be taken multiple ways. Nonetheless, this wasn’t really anything Keisuke was expecting. What should he do now though..?
Keisuke paused and turned to look at his door. He could… go give this to him. He didn’t understand the exact context of this secret, so he didn’t know how Hiromi would feel about it. Plus, Keisuke could go check up on him. He never got the chance to speak to him about Kai after the trial… or to see how he was doing between then and the motive being released. Keisuke hadn’t thought about it too much, he was a bit mentally preoccupied with making sure Avery recovered all right…
“… You’re gonna see him anyway, might as well get this out of the way so things aren’t awkward…” Keisuke mumbled to himself as he made his way to the door, leaving his jacket behind as he made his way dkwn the hall to Hiromi’s room. Was he even there? Who cares, Keisuke was about to find out. He gave to door a couple of knocks and scratched the back of his head a little. How was he even supposed to do this… just outright hand him the paper and move on like it didn’t happen… save it for later..? Keisuke will figure it out eventually, it seems.
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Secrets, Secrets, Are No Fun [Open]
Chou had been very quiet, doing her best to stay out of the horror and drama that her fellow students had been so good at stirring up. She was trying not to let that bear get to her but now... He was just giving away everyone’s secrets?
She didn’t think she would ever kill over her secret... but she knew other people would. This is how she found herself nervously pacing around, her eyes glancing around warily as she played with one of her pigtails to try and distract herself.
Maybe she ought to talk to someone... that always seemed to calm her down around here. She paused, looking around the area to see if there was anyone who wanted to speak with her.
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shsl-comicgal · 9 years
One For the Money (Open Starter)
It was the middle of the night, Avery was in the kitchen, digging through the freezer, her entire upper body buried in the food as she burrowed through. She had grabbed a few containers of ice cream. She was feeling pretty snackish, even though it was well past midnight. She’d just left the game room for awhile, and was hoping for someone to talk to. 
That was a bit too much to ask this early in the morning, wasn’t it? 
She emerged from the freezer, setting down her ice cream, and pulling out a bowl. This sundae was gonna be great! She danced over to the cabinet, looking to see if there was any candy to use as a topping, whistling as she went. 
She was hoping this’d cheer her up to be honest. She’d been feeling pretty down lately, what with all the murder and all. Being around a bunch of kids who can die at any given moment does that to you. She wished there was some way to cheer everyone up... she’d think of something. For now, she just wanted to enjoy this snack, and not have to worry about everyone slowly dying. This week’s motive wasn’t even that bad! She knew someone would kill for it, but she wasn’t really all that worried about cracking herself.
She sat down on one of the stools, ready to enjoy her ice cream. Before she could take a decent bite, however, she heard someone outside. Was she in any danger? She was prepared to bolt if she was. 
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Takumi walked into his room to realize it was kind of dirty on his side of the room being covered with art supplies and dirty clothes. He usually keeps his room straightened up a majority of the time, but he has been out of it since he has been forced into this hellhole. So He began getting art supplies moved back to the art room.
After bringing back all of the art supplies to the art room, Takumi cleaned up all of his clothes and moved them to the side of the room. He went to his drawers to see if there was anything that needed to be cleaned or organized. Opening the drawer, he see's he has 6 monocoins sitting there. He looks at them for about a minute pondering whether or not he should go spend them or not. He finally decided fuck it and grabbed 4 of the coins and he made his way to the monomachine.
Takumi inserted his 4 monocoins and waited for his prizes. Out came a Mika doll, Some person he had no clue who it was on a body pillow, a weird red key, and... a wig. He stares at the wig and looks around. seeing that no one was around, he runs to the bathroom and slips the wig on.
"Awwww yeah sonnn! sweet ass wig!" takumi said excitedly. Takumi walked out of the bathroom singing Whip My Hair by Willow Smith. while whipping his sweet ass wig back and forth. Who could he show this wig to? Takumi begins walking around the inn and circus looking for someone. He sees someone coming towards him, but his luscious locks keep getting in the way.
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
Thank you. (Closed RP with Yukari)
These last three days were insane. Mika rounded in so many varying emotions and attitudes from her grievances her original personality became absurdly equivocal. What was I like before all of this? Have I always been this mercurial? Is Hachimitsu Mika an annoying whiny brat? Mika pondered her prior composition while cradling in a ball in her bed. The softness of her mattress and the plush fabric making up her blanket reminded her of the warm sensation Nashimi had given her. Melancholic emotions eased from her eyes in the physical manifestation of tears. How Mika missed their warmth. Now all she had was the warmth taken in by the blanket and sheets from her own body.
The day drew on and on endlessly. Every time Mika looked at the time, nothing appeared to change. The clocks froze from her cold emotions, leaving Mika stopped in a single moment. The lack of scenery aided this strange sensation of timelessness. The clocks hands were the only movement in the room. Momo and Ryuu were once again vacant from the dorm, and most likely from the Inn Finity. What happy lives they lived. Together. Not separated by the reality of life and death. Shortly, Mika wished for them to be split between, for some catastrophic event to conjure itself and divide them as Nashimi and Mika had been. Or to the very least how Maverick and Viola were separated. Mika wondered if they met again in the afterlife. Maybe that was her destiny? To leave this world to seek her only love? Mika shook away these thoughts as she sat up in her bed.
The routine of lying down and moping was becoming sad within itself. Mika felt like complete shit, but maybe walking around the inn would cheer her up? To the very least, Mika wished to talk to someone. With that on her mind, Mika walked out of the room immediately. She was wearing some pajama pants and a t-shirt. Her hair was a mess as well, but at this point fashion and decorum were off Mika’s to-do list.
As Mika walked to the elevator to decide where to go, her stomach growled. This was the first time she left her room in the 24 hours, so hunger was expected. The cafeteria it is. Pressing the button to go up to the first door, Mika waited patiently. Before she noticed, the elevator dinged and the doors opened up. Mika instantly walked in the direction of the cafeteria. A ways off from the entrance sat Yukari, alone. Every time Mika entered the cafeteria, it was empty. Mika headed toward Yukari, not really announcing her arrival, save for her footsteps. She sat in front of Yukari and positioned her arm on the table to act as a support for her face. Mika’s face remained a blank, deserted expression.
“Hello, Yukimura. I… I want to say thank you for helping me at the end of… The trial.”
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infinitymbion · 9 years
Motive Announcement
The intercom cutting through the heavy silence of the students with an obnoxiously loud crackling is what effectively managed to freeze them in their tracks. It was no surprise that this was happening again...
“ATTENTION!!” At least they had been rather prepared this time for the, ‘Attention.’
“Attention, everyone! You know what it’s time for, so get your butts in gear! Everyone is required to meet at the Big Top for a mandatory meeting! ...And that means immediately, so go!”
Gingerly, the remaining students all began to gather much like they had the last two times they had shown up at the Big Top. It was obvious the motives were beginning to leave some unfazed, but... There was a hint of excitement in Monobear’s voice that had a chill racing down your spine. You weren’t exactly delighted to find out why that was.
Nonetheless, once the podium in the center of the tent came to view for everyone that had gathered, you could clearly see Monobear waiting there.
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“Welcome back, everyone! My... It seems like everyone’s finally been getting in the spirit of things! Upupupu, what a death that was last time, huh?”
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“Nevermind that. It’s right about time we get onto some more... pressing matters at hand, don’t you think so? You see...” Monobear briefly turns around looking as though he were clearly in thought before springing back around to face everyone with a rather cruel glint in his eyes.
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“...I’ve been thinking. What are some fun ways to get these bastards to give in and just... kill? What will motivate them to finally get the ball rolling some more? I’ve been pondering this over for quite some time you see...”
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“Even with prior planning to this all... It’s still rather hard to appease any of you. To know that each and every one of you will or will not kill each of these weeks- which, of course, one of you will I didn’t design this shit to have you people not kill.” There was a clear sign of restraint showing from Monobear. It was obvious the excitement from earlier was briefly smothered by the anger of the lack of enthusiasm from you all. What did he expect though...? For all of you to go out lickety split and begin mass murder?
A cackle emitted from him then putting a halt to any previous thoughts you had.
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“Of course... To keep morale up that’s why I’ve prepared something special for you all this week! I rather like this one, you see. It’s bound to strike up some interesting reactions from everyone...”
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“When each and every one of you returns to your dorms later today, you will find... an unopened envelope beneath your pillows. Specially contained in that lovely envelope is the most deepest secrets of your beloved classmates- including your own, obviously.”
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“I really do love this one... It’s funny how messed up some of them really are! How messed up some of you are, upupu!”
“None of you want those secrets to be let out, right? So.... chop chop then! Let’s get a move on! Let’s see if you all can find the other person with your own secret, and let’s see if any of you scandalous bastards read those secrets! It’s all very.... tempting. Will one of your fellow students kill over this? Will you kill over this? Upupu... I can’t wait to see the results!” 
And with all of that said and done, the bear was gone. Leaving you all to deal with the thick tension beginning to form in his absence.
(( Now... First off, we need each and every one of you that hasn’t already to send in your characters biggest secrets to the blog! Preferably in an ask! Once we’ve collected them all we’ll begin to send them out via inbox to everyone! SO MAKE SURE YOU ASKBOX IS OPEN. ))
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I’m Not All There Myself. (Closed for Mika)
 Since the motive announcement Momo has been absent from her dorm. She would come in the dorm late into the night when Mika slept quietly as possible and slip into bed in hopes of not disturbing her. And in the early morning hours Momo would bathe and then leave. She couldn’t let Mika see and here her like this. She may have gone mad, but at least she had decency to not want others to witness her like this. All she could do was hope for a murder soon so everything could be back to normal. Hell, Momo didn’t even know if Mika herself had the illness as well! But, she didn’t wish to find out. This hole motive was messed up. It was one thing to threaten others, but now to have been injected while you slept with some disease!? That was maddening! Momo thought to herself and then giggled at the word “maddening” she loved using it since it made since to her now. It was near 1 AM and Momo decided it was time to head to bed before it get’s to early. She sighed and walked from the lounge on the third floor and walked across the hallway toward the purple door. Please be asleep.. Momo swiped her key-card and entered the room quietly seeing all the lights were off. Sighing in relief she slipped in and shut the door slowly, she continued to take off her shoes and left the against the wall and made her way to the far side of the room, after she let her eyes adjust to the dark, she claimed to be hers. On her way towards her bed Momo stopped and looked over at her room mate. She seemed to be sound asleep. This was good. Please just.. stay asleep Mika. Momo giggled softly to herself again. Walking to the nightstand Momo pulled out a large t-shirt and laid it on the bed. Momo proceeded with removing her jacket socks and pants before sliding the shirt on quickly. She laid her clothes neatly at the end of the bed on the floor and slipped into the bed.  After what felt like hours Momo sat up and held her head. She couldn't sleep. She had so much on her mind. She couldn’t stop thinking of the fact that someone would die. They all will die. Death was the final frontier here wasn’t it? Tears filled Momo’s eyes as she hiccuped and sniffled trying to not cry. But a smile grew on her face as she began to laugh letting the tears fall. She couldn’t control her laughing they only grew louder as she wrapped her arms around herself and tried to make herself stop laughing. Momo was caught up in her laughter she didn’t realize she woke up her room mate.  
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