(Tbb spoilers!!!! TBB SPOILERS DOWN BELOW!!)
Oh man 10/10 episode!!!
Crosshair is soo lonely! The other clones even leave the table if he sits down with them to eat 🥺🥺
They left Crosshair on that platform for 32 rotations! 32! How did he survive! He said he went back because he's a soldier but he really just felt like he didn't have anywhere else to go🥺😭😭
I still want to know how he knew clone force 99 so well.
The look on his face when Crosshair said "then they're traitors. Like the jedi." You know he was thinking about Obi-wan😔
CODY KNOWS REX IS ALIVE!!!!! ( nevermind, He said Regs not Rex😔)
Crosshair was doing work ok! The part where he was shooting at the tank chef's kiss 🤌💋
Crosshair and Cody's teamwork 🤌💋
All the Cody and Crosshair scenes from the trailer happened in this episode idk how to feel about that. Excited, nervous, disappointed 🤔...curious probably.
Cody was trying. You heard me? He was trying for peace and almost had it! Stupid Imperial governor 🙄 Crosshair taking the shot didn't surprise me in the least. Good soilders follow orders right?
The part where the clones are leaving the planet and the TK troopers show up. Foreshadowing🥺🥺
Crosshair still alone 😥
CODY DESERTED!!! HE LEFT THE EMPIRE!!! I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT! NOT THIS EARLY!! He also knows Rex is alive as well! So we will see Cody in the rebellion!?😲😲 ( nevermind he doesn't) but what about his inhibitor chip?
Rampart knows! And I know he knows! And I think Crosshair knows he knows about CF99 both are just letting it play out😬
Next episode might be about the batch on the same planet (the part in the trailer where Omega is falling and Hunter catches her. Looks like the same planet at least. Also the part where they surround a bunch of teens (clone cadets ) on a bridge.) But we'll see.
Favorite episode so far!
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blighted-lights · 2 months
Have you watched the Mandalorian?
hiiii karly!!! thank you for the ask 🫶
i watched the first few episodes of the mandalorian wayyyyyy back at the start but never ended up finishing it 😔. my favorite parts of star wars are centered around the prequels/the clone wars, and the further the media gets from that era, the more my interest kind of wanes. i have watched all of clone wars, the live action movies, rebels, the clone wars movie, the obi-wan series, and bad batch tho! along with a few scattered episodes of some of the other shows here and there
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What your thougets on andor?
I have mixed feelings on it. I think visually it’s INCREDIBLE! Especially the most recent episode. The cinematography and directing is top tier.
But I’m struggling a bit with the story. I’m finding it very slow, to the point where it’s losing my attention. Episode 3 and 6 have been the best so far, I thought the others were just okay. There was an interview where they said this show is structured in 3 episode blocks, which makes me think it’d be better to release 3 episodes at a time like they did for the premiere, rather than week to week.
Gonna get into a few spoilers down below:
I enjoy Rogue One but it’s nowhere near my favourite SW story, and I liked Cassian well enough and was intrigued to see more of his backstory. I liked the flashbacks of him as a kid! That was interesting. But as an adult he’s very reserved and stand offish. Which is who he is, I know, but I’m finding it difficult to warm to him.
I feel like most of the characters are really bland. For me to enjoy a story I need to care about the characters and I just don’t really? I don’t even know why. On paper I should really like them so I have no idea why I don’t?
I was excited to know more about the guy who we found out was a former stormtrooper. I thought maybe they’d explore that some more, something I hoped they’d have done in the ST. But nope... he died. Nemik was probably the most likeable character... and he’s dead too. I like the girlfriends (sorry I’m struggling to remember the names on this show haha) but we don’t really know much about them or their relationship so I’m finding it hard to care.
(Also why is SW so afraid of romance??? The last kiss was in TROS. But that’s another topic...)
I know its trying to be a dark gritty drama, but it just doesn’t really feel like Star Wars to me. Aside from the occasional droid or TIE fighter etc it could be any other show. If I wanted to watch something like that I’d watch something else, not SW.
It’s also very grim. Like... three main characters died on the last episode. Three!!?! And we know Cassian is gonna die, and probably all these rebels we’ve met in the show are going to die too. And then with the way TROS ends it makes this whole thing one big tragedy 😔
I absolutely loved the Obi-Wan series. The way it bridged the gap between ROTS and ANH, and took Obi-Wan of a journey of healing and finding his faith again. And imo it had just the right amount of fan service. Sure, the production value wasn’t as high as Andor, but the story worked for me emotionally and that’s what matters most. That’s the kind of story that I love. Andor is just not doing it for me so far unfortunately. Which sucks cause I really wanted to love it.
Sorry for the long response. I guess I have a lot of thoughts 😅
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valkblue · 2 years
1: among the two actual trilogies that have been made, of course.
4: Yes, you can name mandalorians. 😔
6: Marbled or not, it’s open bar today.
7: Mandalorians are not a race, it’s a creed. 😑
9: Go ahead, nerd on.
12: All Media Included.
Hehehehe... 🙃👍
1. movie
Of course. My fave, I'd say, it would be a tie (lol) between The Phantom Menace and The Empire Strikes Back. The first is because it holds a very special place in my heart because of how I saw it the first time (and the 345663213 times after), how my friends and I, we rushed out of school at lunch each saturday of every weeks to grab a burger and a ticket, and sit in the theatre, and then…
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We knew the film by heart at some point! But it was the whole point, actually. It was magical for us…✨
As for The Empire Strikes Back, it taught me an important storytelling lesson as a child: that your heroes don't always have the upper hand, sometimes the bad guys are on top of things and put up a real challenge to the main characters, even if they still win at the end of the story.
My least fave though would sadly be Attack of the Clones… while there are some of my favourite characters and moments in it. 🤔
4. character
I better be allowed to name Mandos! Because, obviously, my fave character is Canderous. But I also like Din very much.
Which character is my least fave is a little less easy, though… I could say Jar-Jar, but I don't hate him all that much. He's just an annoying character to me. Characters I don't like usually are from media I don't like and steer clear from, so… I couldn't really say. But from those I like or even love?! Now, I have food for thoughts.
6. planet
Fave planet would be Dantooine and Naboo. I kinda like Corellia (don't say that to Ela) and Onderon (from KotOR, please…) too.
And least fave planet… Hoth. I love the cold and snowy landscapes and all but, it looks like too much there! I like the taun taun, though… I could add Telos post bombing too.
7. species
But Canderous said they were a breed appart!!!! 😲 So, clones then? 🤡… Ok, ok! I can't choose just one fave, anyway. I love Mon Calamari and Nautolan. Even Quarrens! And Bothans. And I know Kal and my babies the clones would hate me for it but… Kaminoans! 😅
Least fave, I'm sorry but Aqualish and Bith are making my skin crawl. They always did! I never watched the cantina scene as a child. Jabba is just disgusting (as a person, lol) but the Bith…?! I'm sorry, I can't. (Same goes with the Ood in Doctor Who, btw.)
9. ship
Fave ships!!! I love the LAAT/i the larty the GAR/clones gunships! 😭 And the Razor Crest definitely grew on me after a while and a few snickers. I have a few classes of freighters I like too. Like a certain Lantilian short hauler. And I know someone who's very proud of his newly acquired Gozanti… and I can understand why.
Least fave ships… Honestly, it may surprise you because how much I speak about them in Lost and Found, but I never liked the TIE fighters all that much.
But my real two least faves are the weird Jedi starship Obi-Wan is piloting in AotC, because of that dubious hyperdrive ring and how claustrophobic it looks, even compared to TIEs ans X-wings. And — unpopular opinion — Jango's Slave I. The way that thing takes off and fly like it's standing up… It hurts something in a corner of my mind, I can't explain! ��
12. moment/scene
Fave moment, more like moments, I'd say. Mando checking the Crest's vicinity on Arvala (the use of silences and calm ambient in this season!!!!!! 😭💖✨) Mando against the mudhorn (and almost all of episode 2, actually), Mando rampaging the safehouse to snatch the kid back + the whole scene with Pershing of course, Cara yelling 'Weapons ready!' in episode 4, Peli caring for the child and shoving Mando aside after he shot Toro, Din fist fighting Gideon's TIE… 🤣 Ok, sorry, I also like a lot of scenes in other medias of course! Shmi and Anakin saying goodbye brings tears to my eyes, when Leia hears Luke throught the Force the first time, Luke coming to 'negotiate' to Jabba's palace and when Vader yeets Palps down the shaft… Vader asking Luke to take his mask off too, and the pyre scene while everybody is celebrating. 😭💔
Also, in OG Clone Wars, Fordo and his brothers wrecking Sep forces on Muunilinst in apparent silence like the badasses they are!!! And don't get me started on Republic Commando.
Least fave moment would be in Revenge of the Sith, the whole Mustafar light saber fights between Anakin and Obi-Wan. I always found it awkward and dragging… 😫 Yes, much more than the Utapau chase.
15. line of dialogue
I'm going to stick to the media I like, because if I didn't it would be too easy to quote this and that… 🙄 So, fave line is from A New Hope, when Owen and Luke are fighting over him leaving Tatooine at the beginning.
Aunt Beru: Where are you going?!
Luke: Looks like I'm going nowhere.
This quote gets me everytime. 😔👍
Least fave, I had to think a little longer about it. There are a lot of things the Jedi say that rubs me the wrong way, and the turbo-cringe way Anakin is flirting with Padmé… But I think it would be 'Unlimited Powaaaaah'!!! 🤣 Because it kills the gravitas for me and makes me burst into laughter!!
> Ask me my fave and least fave!
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treasureplanetsheep · 2 years
Started watching the Kenobi series...first episode was very slow (reminds me of tbobf in that regard) and the quality is a bit mixed, but Obi-wan looks fan-flipping-tastic in blue.
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Which makes me all the more sadder when he ditches the blue for the standard Jedi uniform 😔🥲 (I've watched the first two eps)
I also started Star Wars Rebels! I'm on episode 3 rn and it has a pretty solid start! I like the droid (Chopper?) that craves violence.
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dolce-peach · 2 years
Hi! I loved your soft & honeyed obi-wan fic, and was wondering if I could request another for him? Maybe him & the reader have the same dynamic they did in soft & honeyed. Obi-wan and the reader have just come back from a brutal mission where they lost a lot of men, and it's really negatively affecting the reader. Obi-wan notices how depressed the reader is and goes to comfort her, maybe some cuddles or something sweet like that?? I've been having a bit of a rough time recently and would love to see how Obi-wan would comfort the reader during a depressive episode. No worries at all if this is too heavy of a request, I appreciate you taking the time to read this & for writing all of your works. I love them & you! <3
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pairing: obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader
warnings: violence, death, grief
a/n: so this took a little longer than expected -- so sorry about that, anon! 🥲 i’ve been out of the country this entire month and also had a nasty cold (also could've been covid shhhhhh) -- also i’m so sorry you’ve been feeling that way 😔 sending all my love! also apologies bc you can tell that i’m obviously touch starved 🙃 hope you like it!! 🥰💗
permanent taglist: @kaitlynmalikisnotonfire @just-another-loki-fangirl
** TO MAKE A REQUEST -- please check the status in my bio **
The plan was simple with very little room for error, as it always was. It was one of Obi-Wan’s secret talents, as you discovered over the years of partnering up for missions.
It fascinated you to see how his mind worked in high pressure situations. You noticed he often stationed you somewhere near him on the front lines. He took into account everything that could possibly go wrong. You appreciated that he wasn’t overly demonstrative about his need to protect you. Your eyes often found his anyway, even across the battlefield.
His priority was you as well as the mission.
If all went well, you and your entire squad of clones would be home before supper.
“That is all,” Obi-Wan said, concluding the makeshift briefing in the cruiser’s cargo hanger. “Cody, how soon can you get your men in the air?”
The clone commander stood tall. “Fifteen minutes, General Kenobi.”
“You have ten,” Obi-Wan said. “We’ll want to have the element of surprise on our side.”
“Understood,” Cody replied with a nod, turning towards his team. “You heard the General! Wings up in ten!”
“Yes, sir!”
As the clones dispersed, you found yourself tightening your wrist gauntlets. You weren’t surprised when you recognized the pair of boots that stopped in front of you.
Obi-Wan’s gloved hands lay themselves on top of yours. “Allow me.” There was a small twinkle in his eyes.
You couldn’t help but smile. “What would I do without you?”
He chuckled as he easily tightened your gauntlets, casually checking the rest of your armor while he was at it. “In your defense, this armor isn’t intuitive,” he pointed out.
He took your hands and helped you into your gloves, the leather of his brushing against your skin.
You hummed. “Maybe there’ll be a day where we won’t have to wear these anymore.”
“If we complete today’s mission, we’ll be one step closer to that day,” he told you, as he always did.
“What are we waiting for then?” you joked, brushing a bit of his hair away from his face. “I’ll see you later?”
His eyes fluttered at your touch, selfishly relishing in your presence for one more moment more before nodding, his expression hardening. “May the Force be with you.”
You echoed his words before running off to your own ship. You glanced back briefly and flashed a smile.
It was all you could do before boarding your fighter.
In a way, it comforted you, to pretend like everything was okay in the midst of everything falling apart. You were sure it probably put Obi-Wan at ease. Maybe that was a bit of a guilty thought you had, but in the end, it really only put off the inevitable.
You knew your body was due for another breakdown at some point, but as your cockpit closed over your head and your ship launched into space, you knew it couldn’t be today.
You had a job to do, a duty to fulfill.
As you sliced the last battle droid with your saber, you took a moment to catch your breath.
Just because the plan was simple didn’t mean it was going to be a cakewalk. Part of you didn’t even want to turn around to see the aftermath of the small battle that ended up occurring. You were sure most of your squad had fallen. The lack of the sound of their boots only confirmed that.
Hearing Cody’s voice gave you some relief.
“Commander,” you greeted. “Where’s General Kenobi?”
“Securing the last of the throne room,” he replied. “I was ordered to take the men I have left and see if you needed help.”
You glanced over your shoulder and couldn’t help but look away immediately. There was no question that your entire squad had fallen, their white armor almost glowing in the light that fell through what few windows there were in the room. Their bodies were strewn, decorated in their blood.
“My men...” you trailed off.
Cody beat you to it, already ordering what medic clones he had to start surveying for wounded soldiers.
You fell to your knees. How could this have happened? You were sure you were taking most of the heavy fire, deflecting blasts elsewhere. There had to be someone.
You could scarcely recognize Obi-Wan kneeling before you. His gloved fingers hooked gently under your chin, raising your face to examine you.
There were tears blurring your eyes. He bore concern in his face as he stroked your cheek.
“No one,” you breathed. “There’s no one left. They’re all...they’re all dead...”
“You don’t know that. We’ll check --”
“I do know!” you snapped. “You feel it as I do! Their spirits. Their life. Their Force, gone!”
At seeing Obi-Wan stagger back, your eyes were wide with horror as you covered your mouth. Stop talking! Stop thinking.
Stop living.
He called your name, cautiously taking your hand. “Breathe,” came the soft command.
“I can’t!” you sobbed uncontrollably.
“Just try,” he insisted, cupping your cheek. “Look at me.”
Your lower lip trembled as you followed his voice, gazing deeply into his ocean eyes. His thumb rubbed away grime and oil caked into your skin.
“There, that’s it,” he praised. “Their deaths are not your fault. Remember that.” His eyes reflected your sadness.
You leaned your head into his chest. “I want to go home.”
You felt his chest rise. “Me too,” he said as he caressed your head, holding you close.
You had no strength left in your body. It was a miracle you made it back to the star cruiser. With the help of Obi-Wan, who made no complaints while carrying you, you were able to get what rest you could in your quarters, away from prying eyes and grieving men.
Nothing could ever comfort you for your losses this time. You knew they were clones, men bred for war, but as the years went by, you couldn’t help but form friendships. They had your back, always.
As you sat still on your bed, still in your roughed robes, you glanced outside your window, to the infinite stars.
The door to your room slid open. Obi-Wan walked in with a tray of food. Sensing your silence, he set the food on your table before sitting down next to you with a heavy sigh.
“You should eat something,” he said.
“I think I just want to sleep,” you admitted tiredly.
He nodded, his lips pursed in a small smile. “Then sleep.”
You sighed as you leaned back, collapsing into your sheets. Closing your eyes, you could already feel yourself giving in to sleep.
The only thing barely keeping you conscious was Obi-Wan gently removing your boots and setting them neatly to the side.
He paused for a moment before removing your belt. You rolled over, so he could slip you out of your robes more easily. His fingers occasionally grazed your skin. Physical intimacy with you two was an unfamiliar thing, but it didn’t change the fact that you felt incredibly comfortable with each other. Obi-Wan had seen you in your most vulnerable states. He knew when you were guarded, and this wasn’t one of those moments.
On the other hand, he was harder to read. You eventually learned every expression and nuance his face had to offer, with the way his eyebrows were furrowed deeply or the way his hand always found his beard when he was deep in thought. You memorized every shade of blue his eyes had to offer.
Eventually you opened your eyes, seeing his eyes on you in quiet observation. You sat up, saddling his lap before you undressed him. It was your way of begging him not to leave.
“Better?” he asked quietly while watching you fold his robes neatly before setting them on the chair. His callused fingers brushed against your collarbone. You slowly hugged him.
“Yeah,” you whispered in his ear. “You?”
He hummed in affirmation. “Always so concerned about others before yourself,” he pointed out. “What can I do for you?”
You wanted to have him kiss you, hold you, take you in every way known to man. You wanted his skin against yours, holding you so close and so tight that you might disappear. You wanted him to make you forget your sadness.
You could never tell him that, to use you so you could use him. Part of you knew he’d never forgive you for that either.
For now, you could do with this.
You felt his laugh rumble from his chest to yours. “Lay down then.”
You scooted back, letting your head hit the pillow. He lay down next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. Letting his body spoon yours, you held his hand to your chest, interweaving your fingers in his. You placed a tentative kiss against his knuckles, and he responded by brushing his lips against your neck, breathing in your scent.
The sensation tickled you. “I should shower,” you said, trying to get out of bed. “I probably smell like oil and sweat.”
He refused to let you move. “Stay,” he murmured. “Rest.”
Feeling him pull you close to him sheltered you. You exhaled slowly, trying to force yourself to relax.
“You’re okay,” he breathed, as if hearing your troubled mind. “You’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
You turned until you were facing him, stroking his cheek. “How can you be so sure?” you whispered. “Our time is finite anyway. My men may have been clones, but they all had lives, personalities of their own. I was the only one with the power to save them, and I couldn’t in the end.”
“How would I be able to live with myself if I didn’t try?”
In the moment you gave a weak smile whilst gazing into his eyes, you knew you were safe. He meant those words, as much as you hated to admit, and as much as it went against what the two of you stood for. But in that moment, you forgot about protocols and duty.
His arms were all you could focus on, his body pressed close against you, skin on skin. His sweet musk dulled your senses as the warmth that radiated from his body sedated you. You ran your fingers along his chest, creating constellations through his freckles. His rough fingers squeezed the skin of your hips with every changing direction, making your breathing unsteady in the best of ways.
As he cradled you close in his chest, he stroked your hair. “None of it was your fault,” he said. “You understand that, right?”
“Obi-Wan...” you trailed off in warning as you pulled back, sitting up.
He took your hand. “It wasn’t your fault.”
Tears welled in your eyes. No matter how many times he said it, there would always be a part of you that would never believe him. Your grief would never think of letting you off the hook that easily.
You could see his eyes widen as you tried to hold back your tears. Wiping your eyes in haste, sobs shook your body. “I’m sorry...”
He gave you a sad smile. “What are you sorry for?” he said gently. “You have nothing to apologize for. I know it, my men know it, and your men know it.”
You shook your head as he wiped your tears. “You and I have responsibilities. I don’t want to keep you here, General.”
“General, now?” he lightly mused. “You’re exhausted,” he said, laying you down again. “Just try to sleep, alright?”
“Will you leave?”
He settled next to you. “No,” he said. “And we’ll talk about it when you’re ready.”
You leaned forward, pressing your lips against his in silent thanks.
You never realized when you fell asleep, but you woke up a few hours later, thanks to a nightmare. Much to your relief, Obi-Wan still slept beside you, his breath steady.
Your fingers found a home caressing his cheek with the lightest touch. Peace never left his face as he slept, almost making him look younger. If it weren’t for his beard, he’d probably still have his boyish look. It was one of the only signs that he lived in a world where he had to age too quickly, being thrown into something he never wanted to be part of.
When he stirred, you froze. He murmured something in his sleepy haze.
“It’s okay,” you hushed him. “Just sleep.”
His brow relaxed once more, the growing crease on his forehead disappearing instantly. You carefully repositioned yourself so your head lay on his chest.
Then you heard it. Steady thumps of his heart in your ear.
He was alive.
You bit your lip as tears welled up again. You never knew a simple heartbeat, something one wouldn’t ever think to listen to, would bring you so much relief.
You had to protect it at all costs. Even though you knew such thinking was deeply rooted in the dark side, what was wrong with protecting what you loved?
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himboskywalker · 2 years
Is anyone else just the teensiest bit sad that Hayden’s face is hidden behind the vader mask because you just KNOW he is absolutely killing it with his facial expressions? The Kubrick stare, the Kubrick stare, THE KUBRICK STARE. (Also, I just really really really like his face 😔)
It’s amazing how emotive he is even with the mask! Like I know I’m a foaming at the mouth not normal amount invested fan lmao but you can so clearly see it’s Hayden by the way he moves and telegraphs his emotions,he’s such a phenomenally emotive actor. He reminds me a lot of Robert Pattinson and how well he did in the batsuit and just how much emotion he was able to pour into the way he tilted his head or walked.
But I’m with you 100% I want to see that man’s face!!!I’ve lost all hope for clone wars flashbacks,I really don’t feel at this point that that’s the direction the series is going (which is realistically fine I’m not a fanboy and not getting an expectation doesn’t mean the show is bad lol) but I do think we’re going to get a scene where Vader takes off his helmet or Obi-Wan sees him as Anakin in the force again. I am very much fingers crossed hoping we get Hayden to take the helmet off,and I feel that surely they do utilize that and it will be impactful. Chow has done such a phenomenal job so far,especially picking out these key nerve points in the story that strike so true to their characters and dynamic,and I really think she’ll further do Vader/Hayden Justice in the next two episodes.
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wayward-wren · 2 years
What's up am back from assignment void hell (for now hahaaaa only half way through the year)
Since I have been away I:
Wrote some bad scripts for assignments
Started watching the kenobi series and am loving it though I'll watch the last two with my brothers
On that note had thoughts about Obi-Wan's spiritual depression in the series which I may make a post about tomorrow
Had a brief uncharted phase and watched all the games/the movie and added Nathan Drake and co to my beloved blorbos
Tears and self searching yadda yadda
Watched that and got sucked in
Rewatched seasons 1-3. Abslolutely bawled at the end of season 3 again! Worse this time!
Had the house to myself for a week cos my flatmates were away and realized I'm a human disaster but survived!
Watched Free Guy (totally unrelated to aforementioned Stranger Things Binge and Joe Keery cough cough)
First episode of Ms Marvel was fun! Bright and colourful and I will watch more... eventually. Just gotta rewatch stranger things again
Explored the minecraft deep dark with friends and died a LOT (we got the new disc though! And found like four cities side by side)
DOUBLE LIFE minecraft roleplays have not let go of me yet so we're back I guess. soulmate aus y'know 😔
Anyway am back for now might be slightly less active and might do some rambling about Obi-Wan and Stranger Things at some point (also have a couple of fics I might post over @words-with-wren one day)
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elysian-prince · 2 years
Obi-Wan for 003
Hello dear 🥰💜
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: I feel absolutely, completely normal about Obi-Wan Kenobi and have not dedicated a significant chunk of the past two years of my life interacting with as much content about him as possible.
He’s just… perfect? It’s hard to encompass all of the feelings I have about him with words. I love himb.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: just Anakin 🥰
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Quinlan! God what I would give to see more of them interacting in canon. Literally anything. I should rewatch their TCW episode.
My unpopular opinion about this character: uhhh, that he’s not short?? or generally small by any means?? Obi-Wan is a normal-sized man who can’t help that he’s surrounded by fucking giants all the time.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: honestly his story is so well fleshed out at this point that I’m not left with many wants, but it would have been nice to actually see him find Quinlan again in the OWK show, to see in the flesh that his friend was okay and still helping those in need in the galaxy.
Favorite friendship for this character: Hondo! Obi-Wan seems capable of befriending absolutely everyone in some capacity, and Hondo has a knack for collecting Jedi friends. I got emotional when Hondo mentioned having a Jedi friend in Rebels 🥺😭
I was really hoping we’d see Hondo in the show so he would know Obi-Wan survived, alas 😔
My crossover ship: I don’t do crossovers lol
from this ask game
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jedimasterbailey · 3 years
Good afternoon, could you please do 1, 5 and 11 for the salty ask game? Thank you and did you catch that partial eclipse? Hope you're having a lovely day so far!
Good afternoon! ☺️ thank you so much for asks, making my day much easier to cope 😊 There was na eclipse?! Damn I must have missed it! 😄 Hope your having a lovely day as well ❤️
1.) What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Oh there are quite a few I don’t understand so here are the ones that bother me the most 😄
1.) Obitine: Sorry guys but I’ve never gotten the hype for this one. The Clone Wars has made it pretty clear that their relationship was a catch 22 in that both parties would have to sacrifice who they are as people in order to make their relationship work which would be so unfair to both Satine and Obi-wan. Obi-wan is a Jedi through and through and Satine’s place is with her people. I think had Obi-wan decided to leave for her or vice versa, both of them would wind up miserable in the long run. They would both feel that there’s something missing is in their lives. Also doesn’t Obi-wan deserve to be with someone who wouldn’t make his hairs go grey for once? The man is surrounded by chaos all the damn time, give him a break! Furthermore, hot take folks, your first love isn’t always the right love for you nor does anyone need to be with anyone to feel fulfilled in life. I accept their relationship for what it was, two young kids who crushed over the other and that’s that. Obi-wan felt plenty of love from his Jedi family and that’s that.
2.) Codywan: For similar reasons to the above, I never understood the fascination with this pairing. First off, don’t burn me because this is coming from a gay person, but Obi-wan doesn’t come off gay to me? Second, the interactions we see between Obi-wan and Cody are very professional. They admire each other sure and I can see them being friends, but I just have a hard time seeing them in bed together, but hey I’m not a hater and each to their own.
3.) Literally any straight pairing involving Ahsoka and Barriss: These two are gay goddamnit and dont get me started on L*x B*nteri 😡 The way he treats Ahsoka is so not okay for so many reasons.
5.) Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
Anidala I think; I don’t hate the pairing by any means but the amount of excuses people will make to justify Anakin and Padme’s choices when it comes to each other are interesting to say the least. Anidala was sweet in the beginning but it did turn toxic as seen in the later Clone Wars episodes and in ROTS.
11.)Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I’m gonna have to go with my girl Barriss 💙 Barriss (along with her Master) is a severely misunderstood character that deserves so much more than the fandom is giving her. First off, if you’ve ever read the Legends books “The Approaching Storm” or the “Medstar” duelogy, you would come to find out what an absolute sweetheart Barriss is. She’s the OG Force healer and she cares and feels so deeply for others. She’s still a sweetie in Clone Wars until Feloni and the gang decided to take a racist turn with her and assassinate the character George created with the temple bombing. People love to forget that the poor girl was RIGHT about the Republic and the Clone Wars and it doesn’t take a psychology expert to figure that a teenage girl with PTSD (from being forced into being a child solider like Ahsoka) whose apart from her mother figure and loved ones often would be vulnerable to making a choice 😔 A choice that she clearly regrets mind you if you pay attention to her facial expressions and voice. There’s actually a deleted scene of her apologizing to Ahsoka, thus that’s proof that she never wanted Ahsoka hurt or involved. Also I’m pretty sure Barriss got screwed in whatever deal she had going on with Letta and I’m positive no one was supposed to die. We’re talking about the same character who was perfectly content with dying by suffocation or parasite here for God’s sake in the name of saving others. Barriss deserves better and she deserves so much love and happiness and I hate that she and Luminara are so disrespected by the fandom and canon itself. Where is she Feloni? Is Barriss safe? Is Barriss alright? I love her 💙🥺
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Someone give her a hug damn it 💙😭
Original Salty Asks Here
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oflgtfol · 3 years
god i need more good grievous content like on par with 2003 cw. where is it *shakes my cage*
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Whats your thougets on tales of the jedi?
I loved it!! Reminded me of how much I love the Clone Wars and this whole time period.
Baby Ahsoka was adorable! Loved seeing her train with Anakin! Oh I’ve missed them! And she was at Padme’s funeral 😭😭😭
Caleb/Kanan cameo!!
So interesting delving more into Dooku’s backstory. Seeing his relationship with his padawan Qui-Gon (the younger version was voiced by Liam Neeson’s son!). Then the last time they saw each other... 😔 Him mourning Qui-Gon, and seeing him slowly turn to the dark side.
All the parallels between Dooku, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka. How the master/padawan relationship has passed down through the generations. I just thought it was all really well done.
Yaddle is awesome!
I really enjoyed all the episodes. Great stories and gorgeous animation. I hope they do more seasons for different time periods! I’d love a season set in the sequels era 🤞
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