#INSTEAD of blaming the queer couple for daring to have their happily ever after
plan-d-to-i · 3 years
So I went through most of your anti Jiang Cheng stuff and I am so relieved that at least there are some people who share my opinion. Back when I entered the mdzs fandom I met lot of Jiang Cheng stans, some polite and some totally utterly disrespectful. So at that time I was really conflicted on this. I used to think maybe he is just a misunderstood character due to this takes untill I saw someone say and I quote "I want to see Lan Xichen rip Wei Wuxian a new one because of the way he treated Jiang Cheng" and at this point I realised that I should reread the novel. Now I don't really think of Jiang Cheng as Satan or cinnamon roll, he's just meh (Like I just view him one of those people who tried to kill Wei Wuxian. Nothing special about it). And at this point I realised arguing with stans will only ruin my day so I should just ignore them.
Opps! It turned into a rant😅. I hope you have a good day and stay hydrated😊.
Ah thank you so much! hahah I definitely didn’t start out as a vocal: stop trying to make nice uwu jc happen, it’s not gonna happen (canonically) - mission statement. Unbelievable as it may seem I actually loathe conflict & it gives me just buckets! of anxiety... But most of the friends I’ve made in the fandom had very similar experiences to what you’re describing, where they almost began doubting their own perception of this character bc they were bombarded by so much twisted information & ‘metas’ powered by dream dust bs, so I just wanted a little corner where jc canon takes precedence over fanon, with a dash of ✨venting✨ -self care! I understand liking a character. I understand enjoying a villain, but trying to completely change who they are canonically, not tagging it as ‘ooc’ & shouting down & at times quite frankly viciously verbally piling on anyone who even dares to question blatant inaccuracies is the height of absurdity. jc bOUGht Jin Ling hiS dOg?! jc never tORTured anyOne?! jc kept WWX’s roOMs exActly the sAmE -THEY WERE LITERALLY TORN DOWN. jc kEpt Chenquing bEcAuse he miSSed WWX - as bait so if WWX ever came back and needed to get it he could KILL HIM  :)))))) It’s especially infuriating when they descend on actual character metas, sometimes not even directly involving jc, where people include quotes!, facts! and things like logic!, reason!! and critical thinking!!! to start fighting back and forth, (because the meta is mean to jc holding him accountable for things he's done instead of blaming it on other characters) like they don’t have enough purple blogs where they can live out their "jc wAs the mc >:-/// hE juSt NeeDed A huG!111″ fantasies in blissful communal ignorance. Oh look this turned into a rant too lol *sigh*. I'll go hydrate. (◎ ◎)ゞ xx
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