#ISMS &&.
angelaism · 2 days
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i'm cooking up an amangela fic and this is the energy i'm channeling
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jonquilisms · 6 months
five poems for april*
wet evening in april // patrick kavanagh
before a departure in spring // w.s. merwin
precisely as unbig a why as i’m // e.e. cummings
april morning // jonathan wells
to the young who want to die // gwendolyn brooks
*because i have a giant poetry archive & too much time on my hands
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People need to understand that when they hate something they will often look for an acceptable excuse to hate it within their own moral framework.
Lots of people do this. You don't even know you're doing it! You hate it so there must be a GOOD REASON.
One sign you can look out for that you're just looking for reasons is that if one reason turns out to be bunk, you move to another.
If you find yourself doing this, you need to sit down with yourself and instead of coming up with reasons that fit you, ask how it makes you feel. Consider the feeling, not the rational reason, might be the cause of your hate.
Sometimes we don't like things for complex reasons that have little to do with the things themselves. Homophobia, transphobia, racism, they often work like this. People absorb the idea "this is how things are" even when it isn't true, see groups existing outside of those lines, and become upset because of the social transgression.
Then respond by coming up with rationalizations about being upset because they don't see themselves as very emotional people. The feeling must be caused by the thing that they respond to. The idea it comes from within is difficult to parse.
That's why we often respond to ideas like "racism is a part of society and everyone is racist on some level and needs to be aware of pitfalls," as slander against our good character when in reality, it's just noting that we are human, and humans aren't rationality machines. We are biological, emotional machines with a rationality module stamped on the front (neatly literally). We need to account for that to be our best selves.
Anyway this isn't about anything specific, just a thought. Sometimes when you think you're arguing rationally you're arguing from emotion because you haven't noticed that your reasons shift.
I think we all do that.
Just keep it in mind.
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stardustresource · 11 months
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One thing wild about bigotry that I rare see brought up, is how it hurts more than just the targeted group, every time! And I mean everytime! Because bigots fail to understand that humans in themselves are often naturally ambiguous creatures
There is intersex, there is masculine cisgender women, there is feminine cisgender men, historically men wore pink/red and women blue, you look at a person and not know their age, voices can range so incredibly, the skin tans and pales real dark to very bright, there's metabolism differences, there's birth defects, there's war that can achieve the same thing.... and yet
Bigots fail to understand the world truly how it is. They are illogical, and that is something we must come to terms with.
They fail to understand how babies are born, how skin tone works, how brains work, how genetics work, how culture works, how puberty works, how compassion works, how you should treat each other...
Then when they try to understand, they realize they're wrong. Instead of accepting it, they try to force the rest of the world to see things how they do... illogical
It's unfortunate that they often succeed. Of course they do so by targeting the vulnerable. It never makes sense though, as they fail to notice how humans are ambiguous, and in their crazed crusades they end up eventually targeting each other. Bigots hate the ambiguous. If they don't target you, and you are one bit ambiguous, you will become a victim of their bigger plan.
In a world where trans people can't exist, neither can naturally masculine cis women, or naturally feminine cis men.
In a world where two men can't get together, neither can ace people live in piece
In a world where cross dressing is a sign of sinister scheming, the girl who wears pants is in danger
In a world where foreigners are seen an invasive species, the Bilingual shall live in fear
In a world where Atheist are illegal, anyone religious man is under threat for their beliefs
In a world where the disabled child needs to be put down for mercy, the unlucky veteran has to come home knowing no one will accept them
And bigots... they want that
Which is why we must stick together, as they're coming for us all if they're coming one of us
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handsomethrowrug · 2 months
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twcfaces · 7 months
"Some animals do better in cages. Some gnaw their own leg off. Which one are you?"
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homophobicgerardwayau · 10 months
I do not fuck around when it comes to My Chemical Romance!!!
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defiedfate · 8 months
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redd956 · 1 year
Worldbuilding questions to get the creative juices flowing 35
Theme: The ISMS
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What are the isms? Well isms are the discriminatory or prejudiced hate we are familiar with. In writing settings (including realism & fantasy) the isms tend to be these
Hatred against gender/sexual identities
Hatred towards a religious group or non-religious group due to religious beliefs
*Speciesism derives from fiction
All because these are the isms doesn’t mean in fictional settings new isms cannot be invented for the sake of worldbuilding and writing conflict. Now whenever including isms in your writing it is important to do tons of research, otherwise the situation could be romanticizing, offensive towards groups of people discriminated against, incredibly misguided (or potentially leaning into a ism itself) and more.
Now onto the worldbuilding inspo
What is the most prevalent ism in society? What does society view as the most prevalent? What isms are going hand in hand? Are isms overlayed commonly?
Is the society overall morally against it or for it? Does the government and people hold different perspectives on it? 
What are the discriminated peoples doing about it? How is that going? What is standing in their way? How are hate groups trying to counter them?
Are there safe spaces for discriminated peoples? If so what are these spaces like? How prevalent are they? Do they accept groups of other discriminated peoples? How else are these spaces used?
(Ronscovia; a beloved nation from SOA Series. A massive religious group moved back into the region, re-illegalizing mlm marriage and drag [Yeah my brother and I are dying about the irony too, it was made 2015]. Ronscovian people decided to turn the underground sections of their towns into gay districts, because they’re much harder for the Clevicry [law enforcement] to enforce. Also so that the gay revolutionaries could easily traverse around the city to usurp the enemy)
What’s the history between the present isms in the society? How is the history really bleeding through? Is the history taught about? If not how to hated groups learn about their historical circumstances? How do non-hated groups learn about it too?
Is there anything out their to support/aid hated groups? If so how do they do this? Does society try to stop them? Does society advocate for them? (Both)
Is there a nearby region, province, country that accepts these discriminated groups? Are the majority of the hated peoples trying to go there? If not why or what’s stopping them?
Are discriminated peoples moving into the society for safety? Is the society accepting (all) refugees? What is life like for refugees in society?
What are the well known minorities? What peoples are usually viewed as the majority? (Unless for specific worldbuilding reasons, it should rarely be a gender as the minority)
What types of people have easier lives? What types of people have more difficult lives? Do people get certain groups of peoples mixed up with one another? If so how does this affect them?
Is there any benefits to for the haters to do this? How is prejudice primarily spread throughout the society? What are stereotypes of the different groups of peoples?
Are younger generations against the current isms? Are older generations against the current isms? Is it a mixture?
How do isms affect the society? Culture? Quality of life? Etc.
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angelaism · 18 days
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close enough. welcome back mabel and dipper pines
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kael-writ · 10 months
yknow I was taught that alcoholism is like, racially genetic and they used Irish people and Native Americans as examples and I cant help but think that maaaybe the link there is less "idk some racial groups are just more alcoholic" than it is "hey colonialism and crushing poverty sure can contribute to alcoholism subculture huh?"
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jonquilisms · 5 months
five poems for may
black cherries // w.s. merwin
a blessing // james wright
i need a poem // kyla jamieson
[since feeling is first] // e.e. cummings
the trees // philip larkin
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archivedsizhui · 9 months
What Fruit Are You tagged: I stole it from my dash. tagging: take it and tag me.
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In Islam, during Ramadan, dates are used to break the daily fast that Muslims engage in and are sacred symbols of faith, abundance, longevity, hospitality and peace. In other faiths, they are also used to represent faith, power and pilgrimage. Dates, being high in sugar, are prosperous in desert regions and were known for keeping men from starvation. In the same way dates are subtly sweet, so are you. More even-tempered than others, though you likely have a more placid surface, your waters do run deep. You're someone who has a strong connection to whatever faith or belief system you believe in and enjoy engaging in deep conversations with those around you. Contemplation and gratitude are words that aren't rare in your vocabulary. You spend much of your time putting others before yourself, getting by on the dates of kindness alone. Just remember, you cannot survive to be there for other people; you have to put yourself first sometimes.
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userpeggycarter · 10 months
Jewish people deserve to live
and so does palestinians and they will live because Palestine will be free, from river to the sea. it's disgusting you think it's either or. thinking genocide is necessary makes you sound more like n*zi than jewish, baby 😘
history will not look kindly on you and neither will future jews, you're a disgrace to your community and to your God
you and everyone with blood on their hands will pay the price of being such monsters insha'Allah
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sweet-pea-sims · 10 months
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a peaceful sunset bike ride around senbanmachi calms the soul
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