alexandersimpleton · 1 year
Hey guys, remember that time time Leland forced his high-school aged, sickly son to clear THIS
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On his feet with an overweight llama on his back? And remember how he didn't give Frederick an escort or anybody to watch him? And remember how he was in the middle of nowhere with no hospital for miles? And remember how it was broad daylight out? And remember how the gala normally happens in the fall so this was probably some time in summer? And remember how Leland made him do it AGAIN? And remember how it took so long the second time that he had to sleep outside? And remember how he immediately had to make a break for it in the morning? And remember how if Whitney wasn't there Frederick would've 100%, legitimately, actually died of exhaustion or heat stroke? And remember how Leland almost murdered his own child because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life trapped in a loveless marriage with someone who legitimately thought was going to hurt him?
Haha, yeah. What a funny thing Leland did. This is such a funny joke, and it will never be acknowledged again.
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Can I get more horndog Nikto pls? Like Nikto legit wanting the reader every way emotionally and physically, becoming territorial of them, and the reader doesn't take him seriously because they don't wanna be another conquest. Sad horny boi lol
- He is jealous, it’s pretty much in his Slavic dna to be, so once you show him a bit of affection without strings attached, he gets territorial. Nikto does a lot of questionable things to ensure the recruits know you’re off limits. From standing really close to you no matter what you’re doing at that moment, to literally pressing himself against your body like a horny dog. The creepiest thing he’s done was probably standing in a corner, intensively watching you read from afar. Recruits would get scared about coming to you for advice because he was there, awkwardly staring and they would get chills (he’s just so silly!).
- The first time Nikto got to know your sweet side was when you made biscuits for the barracks and decided to bring some to him too. He was not the type to hang around the base, so having such sweet little thing like you come and knock on his door with a bag of biscuits was very surprising and suspecting on his side. He found you hot, there was no denying, so having many other instances where you would do something for him without asking anything in exchange was starting to grow onto him. You always brushed it off, how possessive he began to be about you, thinking he was just an awkward adult that didn’t get to learn proper socialization, and well part of that was true. You kept brushing his affections off, he was like that and nothing could change him. You knew he liked women, too much for your own good, and part of you did not want to end up as another conquest.
- Many times he grew frustrated of you, because no matter how many signs he gave, you always seemed to not understand, or maybe not care at all. He would touch you, press himself into you, sweet talk to you, yet all you would do is pat his head and crack a joke, continuing with your duties and leaving him there, by himself, contemplating weather he should just give up and leave you be. And truth is he was close to leave you be many times.
- What he didn’t know was that you kinda felt the same, you always found in Nikto a safe place, from the instance you joined KorTac he was always there, sure he was as hard as a rock at the beginning, but you made your way into the small remains of his cold, broken heart. It started strangely, you’ve seen him alone once, back laid on the side of a small balcony, while his gaze was lost into nothingness. It hit you, how he was never around, he was never with the boys, never made attempts to make friends, and part of you knew he was afraid, afraid of scaring anyone. Truth is recruits always feared him, even if he never gave them a reason to. The only person he would get along with was König, and occasionally you’d see him in Horangi’s or Kreuger’s company. His mask was most of the times on, and you started to pity him. Such a poor, lonely man. God knows the last time he felt the warm touch of a woman, and not the touch you feel when the only thing you do is fuck, because he did not lack intercourse in his life, but the loving touch of a woman genuinely caring about him? That’s a whole different story.
- You started small, afraid of coming off too clingy. You brought him biscuits, you always made sure to carry a bottle of water at practice, knowing he would always drink a lot and would remain without one lot of times. You’d pass him your bottle and he’d thank you, almost shyly if you squint. You’d bring his clothes to his room from the drier, your excuse being that you were already there so why not, you’d cook for him sometimes too, well not really, it was just that you accidentally poured too much of this or too much of that and being alone on the base you didn’t want it to go to waste, excuses on excuses that were always working. You always thought he was a bit too silly to understand what you were actually doing, and you were right. He just thought you were constantly friend zoning him.
- It was difficult once he actually accepted what you were giving to him and he wanted more. Ignoring him when he got too needy, when he was too close, when he made advances and all you could do was joke or excuse yourself to another room. Truth is you were scared too because what has started as a small act of kindness towards a lonely teammate, became a lot more, and you didn’t know how to handle it.
- One particular night brought out all the hidden emotions. Coming from a mission was always the best time of the year, week, month, it was just the best time, not only because you were alive, but because you could finally rest and turn your brain off. Well for Nikto it was a yes no situation, he was happy to be alive but coming at the base where he would be ‘confined’ again due to his loneliness, was not something he was dreadful about. This time was just too much, and after what felt like hours of contemplation he just went for it. A soft knock on your door late into the night awakened you, not that you were particularly deep into sleep, since the arrival time from the mission was not long ago, but it woke you up, and you opened, for some reason finding yourself in front of who you actually expected to come. Nikto stayed still, admiring you for a bit, just for you to grab his hand and pull him into the room. You didn’t care anymore, after almost loosing him this many times of the battlefield the only thing you wanted to do was hug him. And you did, he dreamed about this moment for months, and it came so unexpected yet so sweet. The night was spent between kisses and hugs, late talks between two people that were too afraid to fall asleep because of the fear of this all being a dream.
- Actually labeling your relationship with Nikto changes many dynamics. He gets bolder definitely, he’s more secure and shows off more. Being in a relationship with him is giving him access to your privacy also, and he makes sure he takes advantage of it. He shamelessly ravages your panty drawer, sneaks up on you in the common showers, after gym becomes a gig where you’re trying to run and shower and he’s after you saying how hot you look right now and how you should let him bring you to his room first. Sex is something utterly surprising for you, you would’ve not given him half the credits he actually deserved, because he does know how to please you, and he’s avid with it. He’ll be a dog for you, waiting and begging and pleading until you give it to him.
- Ride his face he LOVES it, just use him as your personal seat and he’s cumming in his pants no lie. He’s a sucker for your pleasure, also a big voyeur, he tried to fuck you many times in the main hall, or in the showers, he once succeeded in the kitchen, and oh boy you could not look into the eyes of some of your female colleagues for a week straight. Nikto is always eager to try something new, that’s because he finally has you, his woman, and prefers to do with you all the things he never got to experience. He always told himself that he’d prefer waiting to do certain things only with the woman of his dreams, and there you were finally, ready to let him fuck you up, or the other way around.
- When I call Nikto a dog is because I mean it. The utter loyalty this man has for you is something straight out some romance movie. You’ll start to notice how his eyes are always on you, no matter the surroundings, no matter the circumstances, and the utterly look of an enamored man he gives you always succeeds to make you weak in the knees. He is avid, lustful, borderline possessive about you, like a feral dog that’s protecting the only thing that he ever got to call ‘his’. And don’t get off the birth control, because he brings to the bedroom each and every ounce of possessiveness he shows outside.
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supershot73199 · 3 months
Dpxdc prompt here.
Valerie goes to Gotham and gets a bat Boy/Girlfriend
So the setup for this is that Danny just got done helping the big bad bat with some big ghost themed problem. What was it? Doesn't matter but in the epic adventure that happened identities were revealed (its a good parent fentons so no adoption) and at the end Batman says "If there is anything I can do to return the favor let me know."
And Danny responds with "Actually there is something but it's something Bruce Wayne is better suited for."
Danny then goes on to explain what happened with Cujo and Valeries dad and how he's pretty sure that the way he was fired is illegal in some way. Now he's not asking for you to try to sue these guys but if Maybe you were able to offer him a job with a living wage so that Val doesn't have to stress so much since Danny can't do anything to fix this himself.
Bruce who had already planned to open some form of Wayne Tech branch in Amity to give him an excuse to be seen there if it was ever necessary just says he'll see what he can do.
So Damon Gray (also I love how he has such a similar name to a bat) gets a call from a Wayne tech hiring manager saying that they are opening a location in Amity and would like to interview him for a position. Damian gets the past the initial interview but he has to go to Gotham for a few weeks foe relevant training etc.
Obviously Valerie has to go with him so they pack up and are off on this all expenses paid trip with a bigger paycheck at the end to look forward to.
Now obviously Bruce's kids notice what is happening and after he explains that a young hero he met asked for his help in setting things right that he doesn't have the resources to do himself. Of course the kids have to meet the family that this (rather impressive from what Bruce was saying, which is not biased by him looking like he could be one of his kids no way) hero gave up a favor from the Batman for so they "just so happen" to stumble upon the two and in true batfam manner convince the tour guide to let them tag along.
Now here is where things get fun so depending on which bat you choose obviously determines who's all there as if you choose Dick then the only other bat's of that age would be young Jason and maybe Barbara if you drag her in. Now me personally I think the best choices are Damian who's not my favorite for this as I think Val would find it weird to date a guy who has such a similar name as her dad one of either Cass or Steph and while that could be fun i think the only Bat boy who as far as I'm aware has not had a badass vigilante girlfriend who can snap him like a twig so far is Duke.
Now some other reasons I think it might be fun for Duke and Val as a couple is maybe he can see the changes her red huntress suit causes to her with his powers thus leading to that initial curiosity that causes him to spend more time with her to get to the bottom of it.
Maybe she asks one of the Wayne's if they know somewhere she can get a good spar and the others sacrifice Duke as he's got the least experience under his belt (not saying he's a bad fighter but some of these bats have been fighting since before puberty) since they assume she's just a standard civi. He tries to hold back since again civi, but she knocks him on his ass before he can react before saying she probably should have mentioned being a black belt.
Just think of all the cute moments they could have together.
One interaction I thought of for after they know each other's vigilante identity and val learns Danny is why Bruce reached out to her Dad. (She knows he is Phantom in this)
"So that dork went out of his way to ask Batman for help even after I finally pulled my head out of my ass to see it wasn't his fault? Of course he still feels guilty over it, damn Martyr complex, we aren't even dating anymore!"
"You guys dated?"
"Yeah in civis while I was actively hunting him for revenge in our hero ids. Who dates a girl actively trying to kill you?!"
"Can't blame him."
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dozhdevik · 5 months
Maybe it's just my speculation, but it seems to me that AFO has a soft spot for a certain type of person.
That moment when Mineta talks AFO out of stealing Tokoyami's quirk always struck me as very strange. AFO really had no reason to pass up the opportunity to steal a powerful quirk, but he looked into Mineta's tear-stained eyes, while also remembering Jirou's tear-stained face, and suddenly changed his mind. We don't know what AFO was thinking at that moment. All we see is a meaningful "…", after which he leaves, because "every precious second counts now".
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Although, to be honest, it seems to me that this whole situation looked like he was looking for an excuse for himself not to steal Tokoyami's quirk. He pretended that he just didn't have time to get a quirk, but I think that's bullshit. AFO is definitely fast enough to steal multiple people's Quirks in a matter of seconds. He had already done something similar when Eri's quirk first started affecting him.
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He definitely could have taken Tokoyami's quirk, but he decided not to.
I suspect that the students reminded him of Yoichi when he was still a child: a weakling with tear-stained eyes. The reminder of his brother made him feel uncomfortable, so he hurried away.
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Maybe this weakness for people who remind him of Yoichi will play a role in the near future. After all, Izuku has a lot in common with Yoichi: Izuku is small and weak/worthless (according to AFO), but more importantly, Izuku is very stubborn and he is hopelessly kind, just like Yoichi. Izuku, like Yoichi, is a gentle person, but he has strong moral principles that he will stand up for if he has to. They have similar personalities, and I think Izuku is really very similar to little Yoichi.
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I don't expect AFO to get redemption or anything like that. Unlike Tomura, who was manipulated from his birth, AFO committed evil knowingly and deliberately. AFO is the real villain and after everything he's done, he doesn't deserve to be forgiven. However, I believe that until AFO accepts his brother's death and admits that he regrets the way he treated him, he will not leave Japan alone. Even now that AFO has accepted that Yoichi's death has left a hole in his soul, he still views his brother's death as a tool for achieving power. "It is tragedy that makes people stronger" is what he said.
But at the same time, AFO spent nearly a century trying to bring back his dead brother, only to lose him again, this time perhaps for good. Regardless of what AFO says, this is indeed a major blow to him. And as long as this wound bleeds, he will be a threat to heroic society. Someone needs to help him heal this wound so he can leave.
I'm guessing that Yoichi might return at some point to talk to his brother one last time, but I'm not sure how that could happen considering Eri's quirk failed to return OFA to Izuku.
Even if Yoichi doesn't end up coming back, I think Izuku will still make an attempt to talk to AFO to help him. Whether this attempt will be successful or not.
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clairdelunelove · 6 months
itadori yuuji is the type to believe that giving his girlfriend "princess treatment" is the bare minimum
yuuji who, upon getting a glimpse of the gloomy sky, will immediately shed his jacket to give it to you. he genuinely checks the weather app on his phone just for you. actually, it doesn’t even matter if the weather is terribly stormy or rainy– if he glances out the window and sees the trees swaying from the wind then he’s handing you his jacket. call him dramatic but he doesn’t want his girl to be cold! can’t fathom the thought of how inconsiderate he’d be if he just let you waltz in the frigid air and become sick. just the idea of that happening to you has him nauseated. and if you sheepishly decline, murmuring a worried excuse that he’ll be cold and whatnot, then he’s got a couple tricks up his sleeve! “got this new jacket over the weekend,” he’ll casually bring up while the two of you are walking together, “it’s really soft on the inside! here, wear it and lemme know!” and before you know it, you’re bundled up in his jacket and he’s zipping it up for you with the sweetest smile on his face. just continuously dotes on you in the ways that count. and on the rare occasion where it’s pouring rain outside while the two of you are together, he’s surprisingly prepared. has a travel-sized umbrella tucked away in his pocket for this situation. it sometimes stuns you at how well he plans anything that revolves around you; once, he jokingly mentioned how his brain works overtime whenever he’s with you. “I’m, like, actually thinking when you’re around me, yanno,” he muses and the seriousness in his voice always pulls a giggle from you. he’s in charge of holding the umbrella over the both of you but because of the size, his uncovered shoulder is usually drenched by the end of it. tries to change the subject if you notice. “hey, that small shop is selling figurines!” “they had them last week, yuu.” not to mention that half a week later he definitely gets sick from being in the rain for too long but he won’t admit it because he’s stubborn. also, during the stormy season, he’s the type to advise you to wait under some cover so he can get the car. will guide you to a brightly lit spot on the sidewalk so you can safely wait for him. “wait here for me!” he calls over his shoulder and hurriedly jogs to where he last parked the car. yuuji is especially precarious in these situations. scrambles out of the car to open the door and carefully help you in. even if he’s moving quickly, his actions are always so delicate towards you. buckles your seatbelt while pressing a soft kiss on your cheek and, in the process, doesn't bother to protect himself from the rain. ends up with his pink hair sticking to his forehead, weighed down from water droplets, and you’re instinctively brushing it away from his eyes. and when you pull away, he considers that it’s worth it. so even if the chilly weather numbs your fingertips, you’re warm from the amount of effort yuuji goes through to ensure that you’re alright.
yuuji who vigilantly guides you through crowded places so you can have the best view. is aware that you become a bit anxious due to the amount of restless people that are rushing and swarming to their destination. and yes, you acknowledge that everyone has their reasons but it still causes you to panic. yuuji has a foolproof plan for the date to go well, though. he typically opts to whisper sweet nothings in your ear while leading you through the crowd. “gosh,” he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear and leans beside you, “today's almost as beautiful as you are.” and the way his voice is reduced to a dreamy sigh is incredibly charming. makes your heart flip and your palms sweaty. you’re awestruck at how thoughtful he is and he’s so careful about directing you through the crowd. has a steady arm wrapped around your waist as he eagerly points to the direction where the fireworks are being set off. it’s a beautiful evening. hues of burnt orange and titian paint the sky, a perfect backdrop for the event that caused onlookers to buzz in excitement. but yuuji’s gaze never leaves yours. watchful for the possibility of someone standing too close to you. he will deliberately jab an elbow and warn them with a, “watch it, man. almost knocked my girl over.”  but then he’s back to being your good-natured boyfriend. angles towards you with a considerably soft glimmer in his eyes when you tug him closer. he’s always beside you, never straying too far away from you– he couldn’t. even if the world tried to pry you from his arms, he’d raise havoc. that’s the type of person yuuji is. and his touch makes you feel so secure– safe. just a comforting weight around your waist as he gently guides you along. unfortunately, the event was more popular than you expected. you can’t see a thing, regardless of whether you teetered on the tips of your toes or not. a frown pulls at your lips and disappointment rushes through you because it had been your idea to spend the night here. better luck next time, you supposed. but as you turn to break the news to the blushy haired male, he’s speaking up. “hop on my back so you can see better!” and before you can retort, he’s dropping to his knees and motioning for you to get on. “hurry! they’re starting!” nudging you onto his back, yuuji easily maneuvers to give you a piggyback ride in hopes of providing you a better view of where they’re manually lighting the fireworks. while you’re squealing at the sudden change of position, he takes the time to smooth a courteous hand over the folds of your clothes and chuckles at your genuine shock. “better, right?” he asks. and he’s so brawny that the action is a breeze. you readjust your hold on his shoulders despite how flustered you are by how effortless it is for him to carry you, “it is! I can see now!” and when you press a sticky kiss on his cheek, he’s in bliss. likes the mark of gloss and lipstick that you leave behind. won’t wipe it off even if he gets teased for it later on. “only the best seat in the house for the best girl in the world,” he declares as your warmth emanates onto him and the sky is streaked in prismatic fireworks.
yuuji who wordlessly reaches out to shoulder any grocery/shopping bag that dangles in your grasp. for instance, if you’re on a little weekend date at the nearby plaza and the two of you are browsing then he’s full-on excited. his honeyed eyes light up whenever he recognizes the billboard of your favorite shop and he immediately knows that this’ll be a great day. adores shopping with you! sure, a couple of the customers might cast a strange glance at him whenever he pleads for you to try on clothes that he suggests. “please? I haven’t seen you in this color,” yuuji says, not bothering to hide the desperation in his voice despite the close proximity of a store employee, “I’ll pay for it! my treat!” and he gets a bit dizzy while imagining you in all the frills and lace. just pretty, delicate fabric sitting on your soft skin that causes his fantasies to run wild. but he can’t be blamed! you’re drop-dead gorgeous to him! and if you lack self-confidence in how you look then don’t worry. yuuji’s perfect at reassuring you that you’re beautiful and he firmly reminds you that people are meant to wear clothes– not the other way around. eventually, his utter devotion to you eases your worries so it’s a huge win for him. loves that you trust him enough to let him decide on what you should buy! and once (yuuji) the both of you are finished paying and the retail employee hands you the heap of bags, you’re bracing yourself to carry them. because they’re all filled to the brim with clothes meant for you. but don’t even think about touching them! yuuji’s strong, calloused hands instinctively pluck them away from you. he balances the heavy load on a single, broad shoulder and uses his unoccupied hand to hold onto yours. and, surprisingly, he’s silent during the whole ordeal. like holding your bags was part of his duty of being your boyfriend. if you ask him his reasoning for it then he’ll shoot you a cheeky grin and chirp, “it’s easier to hold your hand like this!” and when he had first done this, you rationalized that this seemingly small yet significant gesture would be forgotten the more your relationship with him blossomed. nope. if anything, it’s gotten more apparent. the blushy haired male will even carry your purse around if you allow him to! never bats an eye to the quizzical stares or mocking laughs that he gets from it. he holds a certain standard for himself in regards to your relationship with him. and in all seriousness, he just wishes to alleviate the burden and inconvenience for you– no matter how meager it is.
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caliburn-the-sword · 2 months
i find it really annoying that people are all like "omg ella totally pranked bridget on purpose as a plot twist since that was the only thing they changed in the past and they successfully stopped her from doing that"
did none of you listen to get your hands dirty?? or even pay attention to anything about ella's character at all?? or pay attention to the original cinderella fairy tale?? bfr
an IMPORTANT detail of the cinderella fairytale is that cinderella was BANNED from going to the ball by her unreasonable, evil stepmother. the vase gave lady tremaine a valid excuse to ground ella in the movie, but if not for the time travel intervention, she would have found some other reason to just ban ella from going to castlecoming to try and get her own daughters to snag a prince. at THIS point fay would swoop in and save the day, but because she's already been established as bad at magic, THIS is why she is limited by midnight - after all, if ella wasn't banned and went dress shopping with bridget, how would the glass slippers ever be so important that she ended up getting her daughter her own glass shoes
two, the villains ONLY crack open the evil cookbook to lord it over red and chloe to rub their loss in their faces, once they think the coast is clear because red and chloe have ALREADY dispatched merlin's security, and they got too self assured. without time travel, they would've been racing against the clock to get out before they were caught by merlin. they wouldn't have had time to crack open the book. so once they were FINALLY safe i believe they would've been more cautious. perhaps ulyana would have consulted the souls of the black lagoon, or maybe one of her friends snatched it out of her hands and froze themself opening it in their excitement. it doesn't matter, all we need to know is that ulyana figures out that she has to trick someone good into opening it to the page she needs. since we know that ulyana intended to pretend to be bridget's friend, i think it's possible that she herself tricks ella into opening the book by telling ella she wants to make amends with bridget, which makes the betrayal so much more intense for bridget and explains away why she'd be so angry at her in the modern day
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rosesareredrosa · 1 month
One More Chance
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Mattheo Riddle x fem reader
Summary: Y/n stumbles upon Mattheo while going to the library after they broke up but Mattheo wants One More Chance in their relationship
w/c: 832
The dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts were quiet, the echo of footsteps bouncing off the ancient stone walls as Y/N made her way towards the library. The evening was drawing in, the golden light from the setting sun filtering through the narrow windows and casting long shadows. She pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders, more out of habit than need—after all, it was late autumn, and the chill had only just started to creep in.
As she turned the corner, she nearly bumped into someone. Y/N took a step back, her breath catching when she recognized who it was.
"Mattheo," she greeted, her voice coming out steadier than she felt. She hadn't expected to run into him, not here, not now. Her pulse quickened, memories she had tried so hard to bury threatening to resurface.
Mattheo Riddle stood there, hands shoved into the pockets of his robe, his dark eyes watching her intently. There was a glimmer of something—mischief, perhaps?—that danced behind his gaze, something that had always drawn her in. His tousled curls and easy smirk were as infuriatingly attractive as ever.
"Y/N," he replied, his voice smooth, carrying a hint of surprise that he didn't bother to mask. "Fancy running into you here."
She stiffened slightly, unwilling to let herself be swayed by the familiar charm in his tone. She had built walls around her heart since they had parted ways, and she wasn't about to let him chip away at them again.
"I was just heading to the library," she said coolly, sidestepping him. "Excuse me."
But Mattheo moved too, blocking her path. "In a hurry?"
Y/N sighed, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "What do you want, Mattheo?"
He tilted his head, studying her as if trying to unravel a mystery. "I just wanted to talk."
"We have nothing to talk about," she retorted, keeping her tone brisk, despite the way her heart thudded in her chest.
"Is that so?" Mattheo mused, not moving an inch. "You don't still have feelings for me, do you?"
The question caught her off guard. Heat rose to her cheeks, but she forced herself to meet his gaze with a sharp glare. "Oh, why would I? We broke it off for a reason, didn't we?"
Mattheo's smirk faltered, replaced by a more serious expression. His eyes softened slightly, and for a moment, the bravado dropped. "We did. But it doesn't mean it was easy. Or that it didn't matter."
Y/N felt her resolve wavering, memories of late-night conversations, shared secrets, and stolen kisses flooding her mind. She had convinced herself that ending things was for the best, that they were too different, that he was too reckless and she too cautious. But the truth was that she had never really let go of him.
She shook her head, determined to keep her emotions in check. "It doesn't matter anymore, Mattheo. We made our choices."
He sighed, his posture relaxing as he leaned back against the wall. "Maybe. But I can't help but wonder…if we made the right ones."
Her heart clenched at his words, but she forced herself to stay firm. "You can't change the past."
"Maybe not," he conceded, "but the future? That's still up for grabs."
Y/N bit her lip, torn between the desire to walk away and the pull of what could be. The chemistry between them had always been undeniable, a spark that never quite fizzled out, even after they parted ways.
"Why are you saying this now?" she asked, her voice softer, almost vulnerable. "What's changed?"
Mattheo looked at her with a seriousness she hadn't seen before. "I realized that letting you go was a mistake. I've been thinking about it a lot, and I can't shake the feeling that we gave up too easily."
She stared at him, unsure of what to say. Part of her had hoped he would say something like this, while the other part was terrified of reopening old wounds. "Mattheo…"
He stepped closer, his voice low, earnest. "I'm not asking for everything to go back to the way it was. But I am asking for a second chance. To see if we can figure this out, together."
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she looked up into his eyes. She saw sincerity there, a glimmer of the boy she had fallen for mixed with the man he was becoming. The future was uncertain, but as she stood there, she realized that maybe, just maybe, it was worth taking the risk.
"Alright," she whispered, barely believing her own words. "One more chance."
A slow, genuine smile spread across Mattheo's face, one that made her heart skip a beat. "One more chance," he echoed, his voice filled with promise.
And as they stood there, in the quiet corridor of Hogwarts, it felt like the beginning of something new—something that had been left unfinished, but was now ready to be written.
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sadokasochism · 5 months
For me, the most heartbreaking aspect of Ivan is that the poor clueless bastard didn't have the tools to express his affection in any way that didn't involve violence or manipulation, or weren't too inscrutable, quiet, or unseen to be picked up by Till.
I definitely interpret Ivan as autistic for several reasons, a big one being their Segyein teacher's notes about him:
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It's just. Classic ND behaviour to me.
Not only does expressing emotion and communicating the way other kids do not come naturally to Ivan, but it's not as if he's been given a great example of coping with this from the Segyein.
Ivan managed to mask in a way that made him popular with other students, and got him in the good graces of their captors. He did everything expected of him to survive and thrive in this environment.
Then he meets Till, inscrutable and very different to the other kids, just like Ivan is. Except, Till doesn't mask. He doesn't change or try to endear himself to their captors, and he doesn't bend to anyone, no matter how much he is hurt and punished for it.
This is a new situation for Ivan, and he's never had anything to compare his feelings to. He also can't figure out how to communicate with Till, every interaction, no matter how well meaning, seems to end in failure.
I bring your attention to the cheer up comic, and how, again, autistic this interaction feels:
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There could be many reasons why Ivan chose to say what he did, but to me it feels like ND bluntness not being received well. And that's fair! From Till's perspective Ivan is being a jerk for no good reason.
Instead of responding with glee towards Till laying him out (as we see from Ivan when they're a bit older), Ivan justs seems... really confused. Like he didn't expect that statement to upset Till that much, and he didn't expect Till to respond in the way he did. Everything was fine a second ago, what went wrong?
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Then, Ivan uses the phrase he learned from Till in an attempt to self sooth. It might have been the first example of comfort after an injury/hurt he had ever seen, given how he defaults to it. And it was from Till trying to cheer up a flower.
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This also shows some of Till's blindspots. He has grown up having to be vigilant, because violence and hurt have been a core part of his upbringing. This leads to anything he doesn't immediately, clearly understand being perceived as a threat or a slight, and so he reacts violently to Ivan's statement.
I'll also draw your attention to this comic where, as far as we know, Ivan is simply stating a true fact in a blunt manner:
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In my interpretation, these types of interactions keep adding up, and Ivan is grasping at straws the whole time, trying to be closer to Till and failing every time.
Eventually, the only surefire way to get Till's attention is to piss him off, provoke him, manufacture scenarios to talk to him. I'm not excusing this behaviour, but I understand where Ivan could be coming from, from the perspective of both an emotionally immature/stunted child and/or an ND child.
Despite how much they fight and bicker, at every moment it really mattered, Ivan was there for Till. It was always Ivan coming to free him, to take off his collar or gag, and it was Ivan who led their escape.
Ivan couldn't leave Till behind when he went back for Mizi. Even with the confirmation that Till would choose Mizi over Ivan every time, Ivan couldn't leave him.
The miscommunication goes two ways though. It's insane to think that Till didn't care about Ivan at all. They were close as kids, and I doubt Till ever forgot about the escape he gave up.
We have the graduation messages, where Ivan is able to write something that could be reasonably interpreted as affectionate or fond towards Till.
Meanwhile, Till's message-
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If we're being charitable with our interpretations, we can say this was Till's way of saying 'of course I remember you' and attempting to communicate that Ivan HAD left a lasting impact on him.
However, how could any reasonable person be expected to get THAT out of 'you stole my fucking pencil'? Ivan could have taken this one of two ways:
1) Omg he remembers me 🥰
2) he leans into his 'i will never be loved back' bias and thinks that Till really doesn't care about him at all
Who the hell knows what goes through that weird little brain of his. But given how Round 6 went, and what Ivan had to say in the confession comic, he obviously didn't think his impact was significant enough.
Then Alien Stage happens, and in Round 3 Ivan is FINALLY communicating his feelings in a way that is vulnerable and might even have a chance of being understood as love and yearning!
Till is unconscious through it until the very end.
Then in the next round, Mizi goes missing, and Till can't care about anything anymore.
Ivan finds him after the private performance, takes off his gag, and just holds him. Again, Till is unconscious for all of this.
Then, in Round 6, not only is Till distraught from the disappearance of Mizi, but he's given no time to process what the fuck is going on before Ivan is dead at his feet. Till might have finally had a chance to really understand where Ivan was coming from, how he really felt all this time, and Ivan DIES.
And still, Ivan's most transparent act of affection? It's delivered with violence. He's kissing a distraught Till who tries to push him away, and neither of them are happy. He puts his hands around Till's neck, not really hurting him, but it's enough to look convincing for the cameras, and it's enough for Till to go limp and wait for death. Ivan's final loving act is to give Till a soft look with blood pouring out of his mouth, that Till still does not see, and then let go before falling to the ground.
It's just a collection of failures. We see from Ivan that he truly loved Till, made a lot of selfless decisions for his sake, was filled with so much longing and affection, but he just couldn't get it across in a way that doesn't seem fucking deranged from an outsider's perspective. And when he DID manage to communicate his feelings more clearly, it was to a Till that was unconscious, or too distracted/dense/traumatised to see Ivan's actions as ones of love.
There's no guarantee that Till would have reciprocated even if Ivan had managed to communicate his feelings in a healthier way, but there was at least a CHANCE. At least Ivan could have gotten some closure, even if he was rejected.
Instead Ivan died thinking he was completely unloved by the person who he cared about more than anything else, and his last ditch effort to make Till understand was deeply flawed and uncomfortable.
If these kids had grown up any other way, maybe they could have had a chance. Unfortunately, the world they were in didn't equip them to not hurt eachother in their attempts to grow closer.
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Chiori, Navia, Furina and Bronya with an s/o who wears a full on tuxedo outside regardless of blazing hot weather or frigid cold, when asked the reason they simply reply “I look really cool while doing stuff” in it
(Genshin Impact/H:SR) Chiori, Navia, Furina, Clorinde, and Bronya's S/O always wearing a tuxedo
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On some level, Chiori respects that S/O refuses to not be stylish.
But she could see the sweat dripping onto the white part of their tux, disgusting her.
(Chiori) "You realize that you're ruining your tux just by sweating, right?"
(S/O) "Oh come on, it's nothing that a washer can't take care of."
Her eyes shot up and down before her expression repulsed at whatever ran through her mind.
(Chiori) "Ew, no. It's so bad that I can see the shirt changing color. Go and change already."
(S/O) "But you never get out of that dress-"
(Chiori) "Because I can still breathe in it. You on the other hand are roasting alive in that. If you really must wear that thing everywhere, I can tailor it to where you won't be adding to Fontaine's water level."
Fashion was important to Chiori, and so was making sure your clothes weren't soaking wet on a dry day.
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Navia absolutely understands S/O's struggle.
Looking fashionable on a hot summer day was hell on earth, the things she had to do to ensure there would be no sweat!
(Navia) "S/O, we need to make you an umbrella that complements your suit!"
(S/O) "You'd do that for me?"
Navia scoffs and smiles, hands going onto her waist.
(Navia) "Of course I would! We gotta make sure your fashion statement goes unimpeded, come on, I know what we're doing today!"
Navia and S/O walk side by side, with umbrellas in hand to protect them from the sun.
Sadly, S/O's doesn't turn into a shotgun, but Navia could have it special ordered for them if they wanted!
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Furina never really feels that much of the heat, due to her usually staying indoors all the time.
But that being said, she appreciates that S/O always strived to look as good as her, no matter the weather or situation!
All that being said, she never really saw them wear anything else.
Either they had spares, or...
(Furina) "...S/O, I must ask, when was the last time you washed your suit?"
(S/O) "When was the last time you washed yours?"
Furina actually had an excuse! She could use her Vision to wash it out and let it air dry, then she could use lots of perfume and shower...That was good enough, right?
(Furina) "D-Do not dodge my question by asking me one! Don't tell me you just wear the same thing day in, day out!"
(S/O) "That's not fair, I never see you get out of that suit either!"
The two get into a mini argument about wearing the exact same thing every day, while proceeding to actually not change their outfits at all.
It ends with Furina snapping her fingers and changing into a slightly different variation of her usual, letting her get the upperhand.
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Clorinde thinks S/O just looks way more gaudy than they actually are, always wearing a tux.
Granted, they were in Fontaine and gaudiness was what they were essentially known for besides their technology.
But she always felt like it attracted the wrong crowd, but its not like she had much room to talk.
(Clorinde) "...S/O."
(S/O) "Hm? What's up, Clorinde?"
(Clorinde) "I am aware it might be hypocritical to bring this up but...Must you wear that suit to this?"
(S/O) "Come on, Clorinde! It's not like this is any different to what I wear everyday."
(Clorinde) "While that is true, the fact you are in that first thing in the morning is concerning."
They were just brushing their teeth, and Clorinde had not even gotten into uniform yet, simply donning a nightgown with her hair neatly tucked behind her.
Wouldn't the water just get all over the suit anyway?
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Bronya appreciated that S/O was always looking presentable, given that she was the Supreme Guardian of Belebog, and her S/O should not be caught lacking in the style department.
However, she swears that S/O has never worn anything else in their life.
Even before the Astral Express crew came along, before they had become a couple, S/O was in that suit.
Even more impressive considering that they were in the Eternal Freeze for their entire lives, but still chose to go out in that.
Seele had tried to drag her and S/O out multiple times to at least get something new to wear, which she admittedly didn't do a good job of wearing either.
But S/O's dedication to their one outfit bordered on psychotic.
(Bronya) "S/O, may I ask you something?"
(S/O) "Sure, what is it?"
(Bronya) "Do you have spares of that suit?"
(S/O) "One for every day of the week."
She just blinked at that revelation and sighed loudly.
(Bronya) "...We should change our wardrobe."
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
this post made me have thoughts
cw: sexual content, alcohol mention (but they're not drunk and fully into it)
Daniel and Max are at the same party. Doesn't matter if they're famous and hanging out with friends or just dudes being bros. Someone brings up this idea and everyone agrees, even if not everyone is like super happy.
Max isn't super happy, because he knows he's on the smaller sides of things, but it's whatever, nobody will really know who's the smallest, only the biggest, so he agrees.
Some guys go in and out, and then Daniel goes in. And doesn't come out. Keeps not coming out. When it's Max's turn he goes in and Daniel is just chilling sitting on the bathtub edge, sipping his wine, and bopping to the music. Smiling at him. Max feels hot under his collar and he hopes and prays he doesn't get hard in front of Daniel.
Daniel says something like "all right, Maxy?" and then just. takes out his dick. and it's big, like big big. Max has seen his fair amount of dicks, has had some inside him, but never this big. He immediately starts thinking about how it would feel, if Daniel would need to stretch him out with four fingers before pushing in, if he would even be able to take it. How it would feel on his tongue, in his mouth.
He's getting hard, so he just takes out his dick and doesn't even look down. Doesn't want to see the size difference. Instead he looks at Daniel, and sees his face change, something in his eyes shift.
Then he swallows, puts his dick away and says "you win" and flees.
Daniel is the last guy in the bathroom. He gets showered in jokes and shoulder pats, but for some reason refuses the alcohol he gets offered. Keeps looking at Max. Max is trying very hard to stay away from him, can't stop thinking about his dick, and he knows it's wrong, because this was a game, he wasn't supposed to think about Daniel's dick like that.
But he can't stop.
He ends up excusing himself earlier than most, saying he has to be up the next morning, and when he's outside, waiting for a car, he lays against the wall and lets his head drop back, bumping against it, trying to breathe.
When he opens his eyes again, he find Daniel getting out of the house too.
Daniel who looks at him like he's also thinking about Max's dick, which is absurd, because Max's dick is small and pink and was half hard when Daniel saw it.
Daniel makes some kind of joke about it and for a second Max thinks Daniel is making fun of him, but then Daniel says "I wouldn't mind having a second peek."
Turns out, Daniel is just as crazy about Max's tiny dick as Max is about Daniel's big dick.
They go home, and Daniel moans when he touches Max's dick, which he can hold whole in his palm, and then moans again when Max sucks him off, barely able to take half of him before gagging, and then moans again when after a very thorough prep he sinks into Max. And Max just. Takes it. Loves it. Comes even before Daniel is all the way in and then asks Daniel to keep going. Comes again when Daniel comes inside him.
And then they kiss kiss fall in love goodbye
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 5 months
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The Beast Wants to Tempt the Little Rabbit (Epilogue)
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Not proofread.
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Matias: "Don't move, or else I won't be able to get it off."
(Get off what?)
His fingers tickled my cheek for a moment before moving away.
Matias: "I finally got it."
Emma: "Was there something on me?"
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Matias: "Just a hair."
Emma: "I didn't notice, thank you."
(Maybe it was his way of not interfering with my mysterious rule, just because I mentioned I have to space out once a day.)
(I really think he's a kind person. He even politely goes along with my lies.)
Matias: "A crime is a crime. Your excuses hold no meaning."
Matias: "If you still wish to make excuses, do so in court."
Matias: "Whatever the reason, the law is something that must never be broken."
Matias: "Criminals have no right to beg for mercy."
---------Flashback Ends--------
I became a little curious.
Emma: "Could you teach me about the law now?"
I placed my hand on the law book, and he nodded.
Matias: "Sure. As a token of my gratitude to you."
Emma: "Then, may I ask one thing?"
Emma: "Is there no leniency in Acroite's laws?"
(This has been bothering me for a while now.)
In Rhodolite, judgments often consider the circumstances of the offender.
(But judging from his attitude earlier, it seems like Acroite...)
Matias: "I can't say there's none at all."
Matias: "There used to be, but now, as a matter of principle, there isn't. Regardless of the circumstances, we uphold equality under the law."
(Just as I thought.)
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Matias: "Strict laws have contributed to making Acroite the safest country on the continent."
Matias: "For example, crimes like fraud rarely occur because everyone in the country knows that the law is strict."
Emma: "Are the punishments severe as well?"
Matias: "Compared to your country, yes, they are. There's no need to show mercy to criminals."
Matias: "Everything is the fault of the guilty. This is the unshakeable foundation of justice."
(His country seems quite cold.)
While I believe that humans are creatures prone to making mistakes, his attitude suggests he doesn't even forgive those mistakes.
(Is this justice for the sake of equality?)
(My emotions might influence me, but I guess that's one way to look at it.)
I accepted his views without affirming or denying them.
Matias: "By the way, is there a specific number of minutes for your rule of spacing out?"
Emma: "It's over now! Sorry for the trouble!"
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Emma: "I'll focus on your lecture from now on. Thank you in advance!"
Matias: "Leave it to me. I'll cram the law basics into you in a few hours."
By the time we left the shop, the sky had already turned red.
(I might have underestimated the lecture.)
The lecture in which he began using the book turned out to be more comprehensive than I thought.
I was able to understand everything thanks to his easy-to-understand explanations, but perhaps due to the dense content, I still felt a little dizzy.
Matias: "Sorry. I got a bit carried away."
Emma: "Please don't apologize! It was very informative."
Matias: "Well, if you say so, but I may have overdone it since you were listening so attentively."
Matias: "I often get told off by my juniors for this, but finding the right balance is tricky."
Matias: "Especially with women. Honestly, this is my first time giving a lecture to a woman."
Matias: "I'll have to imagine and practice every possible scenario when I go home."
(This is his first time giving a lecture to a woman.)
I was surprised because most of the women we passed by would look at him when he was just walking around like this.
Jin and Nokto often attract female attention, but in his case, I feel a compelling "force" akin to butterflies drawn to honey.
Emma: "Are there no women around you?"
Matias: "There are plenty. But they're all unique."
Matias: "Whether they are as pretty as butterflies or as lovely as bunnies, they all change their attitude when I approach them."
Matias: "But you, on the other hand..."
Suddenly, Matias stopped in his tracks.
Matias: "Miss Emma, are you sure there's nothing wrong with you when you're with me?"
Emma: "Hmm, I don't think so."
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The moment I replied, it was as if a dam had burst, and his charm overflowed, leaving me breathless with its intensity.
(He might be like this, but his presence feels like it's breaking some law.)
The overflowing charm of the most law-abiding prince, who seems to have gone to destroy order himself, is a guilty verdict in every sense.
(But he doesn't seem to be aware of it.)
Matias: "You're my only hope."
Emma: "Huh?"
He smiled warmly and clasped both of my hands.
Matias: "I thought I would never meet my ideal queen because women's attitudes often change, but..."
Matias: "If there's a woman as level-headed as you, there's still a chance."
Matias: "And someday, we'll greet the morning together, wrapped in a blanket, watching the early snow."
Emma: "Prince Matias?"
Matias: "Ahem. Anyway, you're my hope."
Matias: "I now have another reason to thank you."
(I may not fully understand everything he's dealing with, but he seems to have his own struggles.)
Emma: "I've received more than enough thanks today. I hope you find your wonderful queen."
Matias: "Yeah."
Emma: "And, Prince Matias, my house is just around the corner."
Matias: "I see. That was quicker than I thought. I guess this is it then."
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Emma: "Yes. Your lecture was fun and informative. I feel like I've become a bit smarter! Thank you for today."
Matias: "That's what makes you such a lovely woman."
(That charm again.)
Dizziness washed over me as he smiled charmingly. I tried to let go of his hand, but he held on tightly, stopping me.
Matias: "Would it bother you if I said I find it hard to leave?"
Emma: "Did you say something?"
Matias: "No, it must be your imagination."
Matias: "If there's another chance, I'll teach you anything you want to know."
Emma: "In that case, I'd like to hear about your student days next."
(I'm really curious about their student life.)
Matias: "Sure. There's no shortage of stories from our school days."
With a sudden change of demeanor, he lifted my hand and kissed the tips of my fingers.
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Matias: "Until we meet again."
Matias: "Emma, I sincerely appreciate it."
Emma: "Likewise."
He reluctantly released my hand and walked away.
His beautiful figure gradually grew distant, and the gaze of the women also shifted away. 
(Matias is a kind and good person, but I wouldn't want to meet him in a courtroom.)
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Matias End ╎ Epilogue
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uc1wa · 11 months
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18+ minors dni
happy halloweekend! heard you're goin' to a frat party, sweet thing. whose got your eyes?
or… stereotypical slutty boy costumes & which one of your favs is wearing it!
ktober m.list
tags: fem reader, penetrative sex, alcohol, mentions of frats, lap dancing
easy, lazy boy costume but sure enough to get bitches.
he might throw some fake blood dripping down his lip, drawn-on stitches, and a teardrop under his eye with the help of a makeup crayon from the halloween store he got with his friends. and if he’s feeling really slutty, he either bought some tattoo kisses to stick on his collarbone or asked you to use some red lipstick, pointing to the spots he wants you to kiss that leave dramatic color.
he’s unzipping it partially, with no white tank top underneath like some other guys who are wearing the same costume, wanting to show as much skin as possible, without showing too much. convinces you to be a cop, easy excuse to buy handcuffs; for you or him? he doesn't care, as long as they get used by the end of the night.
too many shots, sweaty kisses, and enough grinding that your boy has a full hard-on and he's throwing you on the bed of an empty room. taking the cuffs out of your pocket with a nasty smirk as he crawls towards you.
"i've been a real bad boy, officer."
SUNA, JASON, yuuji, AKI, iwaizumi, OSAMU, MATTSUN, semi, kenma, SAKUSA, geto, INUMAKI, AKAASHI, choso, MEGUMI
it was you who wanted to be a playboy bunny, the perfect slutty outfit that shows enough skin to still be cute. but once he heard the idea come from you, he was quick to ask you to be hugh hefner, thinking that him dressing up as a bunny would be even funnier.
and of course, once his frat brothers heard the news of that, his buddies joined in, all dressing in skin-tight black latex with bunny ears sticking from their heads. all on either side of you in the silk red robe and sailor hat. he thinks the dynamic change is hot. the way his tall figure looms over you despite the submissive costume he wears.
and, as if to match the piece he sports, he's sure as hell fucking you like a rabbit in heat after he's had his fun. thrusts quick enough to put you in a drunken daze, like the alcohol wasn't enough. pace quick, bruising, and tiring yet the bunny ears remain on his head through it all.
GOJO, dick, HINATA, choso, atsumu, OIKAWA, makki, goshiki, roy
c'mon, you think he's got chiseled abs for no reason? well, he sure gave a reason for them tonight.
the sluttiest costume you've ever seen, and it's all things he found in his closet--the only thing that was purchased was the oil he rubbed across the ripples of his abdomen; accentuating the muscle that he sure as hell worked for.
topped off with a tie around his neck and low-waisted jeans, he's quick to spot the prettiest girl in the same room as him. quick to place claim on you with hands on your waist and kisses on your neck. he's shameless, and it's almost embarrassing when he and his two other frat brothers are sitting you on a foldable chair in the middle of the living room. giving you a lap dance that consists of grinding against you and pulling your hand to rub down his chest.
roles change when you're in the bedroom, though. he likes the way you hold onto the tie, riding him dumb and pulling him forward by the piece of cloth when his eyes roll to the back of his head.
DICK, ATSUMU, toji, SUKUNA, nanami (forced), oikawa, GOJO, ROY
oh, this guy's crazy. crazy for you, that is.
what'll it be, sweet? harley quinn or catwoman? you gotta pick one or the other, and it better be the tiniest pair of shorts if you choose the former or a tight latex suit if it's the latter.
hell, it doesn't matter either way. he's covering you all night with his big hands all over your body, sucking embarrassingly dark hickies into your neck. hickies mixed with red smeared on his lips equal the biggest and nastiest mess of splotches all over your skin. and don't bother reminding him you don't want your professors to see on monday... he doesn't give a damn. in fact, he'll give you even more love bites, reminding those nasty old men you're taken for the count.
it's generous that he lasts an hour in the party space, dragging you upstairs and fucking you enough times that the only word you remember by the end of the night is his name, oh, and his makeup is smeared all between your plush thighs.
TOJI, kageyama, GETO, jason, MATTSUN, CHOSO, bokuto, KUROO, SUKUNA, kita, KUNIMI, TENDOU
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🏷️: @nmw-am, @cl-0-vr, @loviie-stuff, @mxqdii, @harleycao, @idyllcy, @aviixol, @nightjarwings, @hearttjason , @roysjason , @blursotongz , @zaxlrza
thank you for this kinktober everyone! i still have my toji fic to finish lol, but i thought this would be a fun surprise! happy halloween pretty babies. also thank you for 800!
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Grandma MC: Please excuse my grandchildren. They are only worried. *chuckles*
Eirian: *smiles softly at her* It's fine with me. Don't worry.
Ace and Deuce: Tch.
Malleus: I don't like this man. This date is over.
Vil: We're going to end it if he does something inappropriate. For now, let's observe.
Rook: Oui! Let's give Monsieur a chance.
Ruggie: I don't understand why Grim gets to be with Granny though. What's he gonna do there? Annoy her suitor?
Ace: Huh? That's why he's there? Dude, the guy already won him over!
*Grim eating the snacks brought by Eirian*
Leona: Is there any surprise to that?
Grandma MC: Anyway, I think we should need to start this conversation. *smiles at him*
Eirian: Yes. As you are already aware of, I'm here to win your heart and with your permission, to be my wife.
Grandma MC: How sweet of you and you seem to be a kind gentleman. However, why would you be interested to an old woman like me?
Grandma MC: I'm sure you have a lot of women chasing after you. *chuckles*
Eirian: Indeed there are. Though I am not and will never be interested to any of them except you.
Eirian: You have captured my heart, my lady. And my feelings have never changed even after fifty years have passed.
Ruggie: Fif—
Ruggie and Ace: FIFTY YEARS?!!
Vil, Rook, and Riddle: *who already knew about the details so they were not shocked but were amused to see others' reaction*
Malleus: *dumbfounded*
Leona: Damn. That was such a long time ago.
Grandma MC: Oh dear... Why would you wait that long?
Azul: *nods* Yeah. I agree. That is a no-brainer.
Kalim: Come on! It's true love!
Jamil: Kalim, can you imagine Granny getting married to a young man who looks like our age? It doesn't matter if he's old, he still looks young.
Kalim: But... Can't he make her younger?
Jamil and Azul: ...
Azul: With all due respect, shut your mouth.
Kalim: Eh?
Jamil: If someone hears you— *sigh*— Just don't speak for the time being, Kalim.
Eirian: I can wait for you even for a thousand years— No. An eternity. The only reason I didn't pursue was because you were married.
Grandma MC: ...
Grandma MC: But I don't remember ever meeting you.
Grandma MC: To be honest, I thought it was my first time arriving here in Twisted Wonderland.
Eirian: *sad frowns* It seems your memories had been erased. Though I can assure you that we had met. I have evidences and the fact that you used to call me 'Rian'.
Grandma MC: My... Well, it does suit you. I'm glad I had given you a beautiful nickname. *chuckles*
Eirian: *blushes*
Vil: *kicks him* Who gave you the permission to yell at Granny?
Epel: Yeah! Yell at the guy! Not her!
Rook: Himeringo, that isn't good too.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: I'm ending this date now.
Riddle and Vil: Not yet!
Leona: So who are we really watching over here? You're all a mess.
Eirian and Grandma MC: *have talked for a few hours; mostly Granny listening to him of how they had met*
Eirian: It remained a mystery to me how you had arrived to the underworld and how it became possible for you to befriend the creatures living there.
Eirian: Normally, a human would run away in fear, but you... *smiling* You had held them in your arms like they were adorable and tiny.
Grandma MC: Well, they do sound adorable so I do not see the problem. *chuckles softly*
Eirian: ...
Eirian: *pulls out something from his pocket*
*It was the Sundrop Flower*
Eirian: My lady, I have a present for you.
Grandma MC: What a lovely flower...
Eirian: This flower can bring back your youth.
Eirian: *smiles reassuringly* Don't worry. I won't be asking you to answer me now.
Eirian: I'm giving this to you so you will be able to travel some places here in Twisted Wonderland.
Grandma MC: Why, how kind of you. I shall treasure this gift. *smiles*
Eirian: ...
Eirian: *hugs her*
Epel, Ace, Ruggie, and Deuce: GET YOUR HANDS OFF GRANNY!!!!
Malleus: *ready to cause havoc*
Grandma MC: *chuckles* You must leave now. My grandchildren are angry.
Eirian: I'll see you again.
Riddle: You all are embarrassing.
Leona: Except me. I was totally cool back there.
Vil: What is that flower, Granny?
Grandma MC: Oh, it is a gift from Rian. *smiles*
Idia: Isn't that the Sundrop Flower? Rumored to bring back youth?
Kalim: Bring back youth?
Idia: Yes. But they disappeared from existence years ago.
Azul: Does that mean...
The boys: ...
Grim: Mryah! What's with you all?!
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sunny44 · 1 year
Business party
Pairing: Max Verstappen x girlfriend!reader
Warnings: couple fight.
Summary: The night of the company party has finally arrived and Y/n was super excited to introduce her boyfriend Max to her work friends but unfortunately the night doesn't end as she would have liked.
Next Chapter
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It was the day of the party for the company you worked for, you were super excited to attend since you would formally introduce your boyfriend Mason to your friends but at the last minute, Mason decided that he is no longer going.
Finally the day had come.
I was super excited for this party and even more excited to officially introduce Mason to my friends from work.
He was away training but would arrive on time to get ready, meanwhile I was getting ready for the party.
After showering and washing my hair I dried it and did some curls and as I was finishing my makeup I heard the noise from downstairs.
I finished with my lipstick and went downstairs wrapped in my robe to find my boyfriend in the kitchen.
"Hi love." I smiled and gave him a kiss. "How was the simulator?"
"It was good, tiring but good."
"Are you going to shower now so we won't be late."
"Late for what?"
"For the party."
"Oh I'm not going to the party." Just as he says this I feel the sadness hit me.
"What do you mean you're not going? I warned you months ago and you promised you would go with me."
"I know but I changed my mind, I don't want to go anymore. I'm tired."
"But Max you promised and..."
"I'm not going, can you just leave me alone? I'm tired from the day and I don't feel like going to this stupid party." He says rudely, and I shut up.
"You always do this, when it's something important to you I have to support you and go to those stupid Redbull events, but when it's something important to me you let me down like I don't matter to you. I always prioritize you and support you in everything so why don't you do the same thing for me?"
"I never made you go."
"I go to support you, and as my boyfriend I expected you to do the same thing for me."
"I already said I'm not going."
"Then I'll go without you."
I went back to our room and put on my skirt and blouse, the one that I had bought just to match his tie. I grabbed a jacket and my purse, went downstairs and got the car key from the door.
"You don't have to wait for me, I'm not coming home."
I slammed the door behind me and headed for the party.
I had to hold back tears many times tonight just because all my friends were asking about Max and I had to lie saying that he couldn't come, I didn't have the heart to say that he let me down because he was tired.
"So where is the much talked boyfriend."
Stacy, for sure one of the people I wasn't the least bit interested in introducing Max to, she hates me for some reason unknown to me, it's always been that way since I joined the company.
"He couldn’t make it, he got tired of the simulator."
"Oh yeah, he's an F1 driver." She says wryly. "What's his name again? If he even exists."
"It's Max and I don't have to prove anything to you, if you'll excuse me."
I left there and went to the bar, I honestly had lost all excitement about the party, the reason I wanted to be there was an idiot with me. And once again that night I felt like crying.
“Are you ok?" My friend Kylie asks.
"Yeah, just bummed Max couldn't make it."
"I'm sorry, I know you really wanted to introduce him to us."
"Yeah, but that doesn't matter anymore." She smiled sadly and I took the last sip of my drink.
"Are you okay to drive later?" She says pointing to my drink.
"Yeah, not only is this night sucking, but I'm still drinking a non-alcoholic drink.” She laughs. "Actually, I’m going home.”
"Are you sure? We can still dance and have fun."
"Thanks for trying to cheer me up but I'm really not in the mood."
"All right, see you Monday."
"See you."
I didn't want to go home, I was mad at him and also because I said I wouldn't come back but my sister was traveling so I couldn't go to her apartment. When I arrived I left my heels on the door and locked up, went upstairs to our room and when I opened the door Max was lying down watching TV.
"Guess you weren’t so tired after all."
"Can we talk?"
"No, I’m too tired to talk." I said walking into the bathroom and locking the door.
I took off my dress and put on my pajamas, took off all my makeup and when I was done I left the bathroom taking my cell phone and walking to the door.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm not sleeping here."
"Baby I'm sorry I..."
"I don't want to hear your excuses Mex, when I wanted you to listen to me you didn't, so I'm not going to stay here and listen to your stupid excuses after you ruined my night." He doesn’t say nothing. "I honestly still don't know why I’m still trying."
"What are you talking about?"
"I can't stand feeling like I'm the only one who values this relationship anymore. I'm tired of F1 always coming ahead of me in this relationship.”
"That's not true." He stands up.
"Then why didn't you go today? Oh yes because you were tired of driving an imaginary car in that stupid simulator." He still in silent. "I work just as hard as you do Max, but I've never let my work get in the way of our relationship. But I don't think you care about me as much as I care about you. So maybe we shouldn't be together.”
I wiped the tear that ran down my cheek and left the room, slamming the door and going to sleep from the guest room.
Maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername stories
“It suck’s that my night was ruined.”
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This will have a part 2 so let me know if you want to be tagged
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dutchdread · 6 months
Ouch, that's gotta hurt.
Watching Cleriths celebrate NPTK these past weeks, knowing they'll, as always, be proven incorrect has been an exercise in patience. Sometimes it's just clear that you won't be able to convince people of a complex truth when so often discourse is limited to 280 characters. The reason Clerith exists is that people are unable to see the big picture, it survives by people squinting and not seeing the "but" that's located right after every piece of evidence they put forward. This means that you'll often be perceived to be arguing against what is to them the blatantly obvious. It's futile, nuanced argument never wins from emotion, so often you just have to take solace in the idea that "well, it will be fun to see their surprise 4 years from now". So when you get an interview like this, mere weeks after the game releases, which confirms everything that Clotis had been saying about, and had been mocked for, NPTK, you can't help feel a sense of schadenfreude.
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Man that's gotta hurt. This is the difference between Clotis and Cleriths. Cleriths don't really like Aerith, because they want to assassinate her character. Rather than a sad tragic tale of a lifetime of love and loss they want to reduce her character to a shallow cliche rom-com about a capricious girl whose fickle affections change by the hour. The fact that the first person Aerith starts developing feelings for after 5 years of pining after Zack is a man who is almost literally channeling Zack becomes a meaningless coincidence in the story. The fact that she knows Cloud for 2 weeks, most of which is also spent pining over Zack is viewed as confirmation of how special their love is. It doesn't matter that Aerith doesn't even know who Cloud is. It doesn't matter that Cloud is shown to very obviously be in love with another woman. It doesn't matter that Cloud is clearly losing his mind. It doesn't matter that Cloud is constantly show as being apathetic towards her advancements. Even them fighting is recontextualized as "good chemistry" just to avoid facing reality. Usually nonsensical romances are seen as bad-writing, but here the cope makes people excuse all the nonsense as "how brilliantly written is this story? They love each other despite it making no sense, now THAT is romance". Zack is called irrelevant, CC is a "ret-con" and can be ignored, ACC is about how romantic it is to want to die to be with someone. The reason Zack is so predominant in Rebirth is in no way connected to Aerith yearning for exactly the bond he's constantly showing to have with her. The contrast with Clouds apathy means nothing, he definitely isn't there to have some sort of pay-off with Aerith in part 3. Nah, he's just there to give Cloud and Aerith his blessing and to F-off. The reason Tifa is silent and heartbroken at the end has nothing to do with her best friend dying and the man she loves losing his mind. The distance between her and Cloud at that moment is totally not used to illustrate the severity of the situation, or to set-up Tifas importance in the events for part 3. Nah, she doesn't get lines because she's just a side character duh!. That is how they think, every single character and story is assassinated, everything happens only to service Cloud and Aeriths romance, even Cloud and Aerith themselves are pushed through the mud. Screw the death of Ifalna, screw the death of Zack, screw the complexity surrounding Clouds Zack shaped psychology, screw Aeriths childhood and desire for real bonds of friendship, screw even the story of Aerith dying and how maybe, JUST MAYBE, the scenes surrounding Aeriths death have SOMETHING to do with the strong emotions surrounding death rather than just being "a cute romance scene uwu". Never have I seen any story interpretation reveal such rampant hatred for a character as Cleriths reveal for Aerith. To them, Aerith is totally the kind of person who would bond with Tifa, hear the very personal and intimate story about the promise shared between her and Cloud, hear that Cloud thinks that Zack is dead, and not 5 minutes later write a story about how "she loves Cloud and they wouldn't need no promises like that other girl". But sure, I'm the one who hates Aerith, not the people who think this is who she is, but me, the person who assumed she'd be less vile than that and that any song she'd write would encompass more than that. I stand up for her character and get mocked, called an Aerith hater, and called "toxic"....and then you get an interview like this. God it feels good to always have all your positions validated by future content. One has to wonder if the people still arguing for Clerith ever sit back and think "wait, the last 100 times I dismissed these peoples arguments I was proven wrong almost immediately, I am constantly having to shift my goalposts while they're just happily sitting there laughing as they consume media about Cloud kissing Tifa, or proclaiming to become her special existence....maybe I am the delusional one...." God I can't wait for part 3, it will be hilarious.
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cylabook · 1 month
Reasons why are the diaboys weaker than yui(some)
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As we know yui is a very strong person .but what most of us may ignore is the fact that she's stronger than our hot boys.
First of all she's always kind which is her strongest feature and selfless no matter what situation she is in not like some people.
In the whole anime she only cried once in ep4 .
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And when it's about the mosquitoe boys when know the story they had a" dark past "blahblah, they're" traumatised "blahblah ..okey we know but wasn't that "dark past" like 300 years ago can they just have a trauma after all those years when our angel still menages to be strong when it's happening everyday .
And about the other half- mosquitoes just have they're darker past too
Like ruki was a jerk that was spoiled rotten since birth and after all what he've done still thinks that the world didn't give him "justice"
And the cringy part when he said that he murdered a cat because yui has ended its freedom.
I mean woow that's a great excuse
The orphanage didn't fix him as well.
And a cringier part is that he accepted the help of karl heinz to revenge from humanity. Another great excuse for being alive.and he revenged in a great way i mean he read the whole books of humanity 😀. And changed some of their foods .isn't that a disgrace for the humanity we must fear him after all his revenge.
The problem is that he's my favorite diaboy...what can i say i'm an open-minded i'm talking about our revenger
And kou just because he is an idol doeasn't give the right to call our angel u*ly i had a terrible time writing that word.
I mean we know he's an idol and everything but...... i just can't that's so cringy
And ruki i just wanna say that just because he's mom is a jerk doesn't make all women like it the poor boy he's afraid of women now💔
And the funny thing is even in the se*ual intercourse he can't let the girl take charge maybe he's afraid she can breack his thing i mean maybe we musn't attack the poor guy
And in my opinion the cringiest boy in this bunch of mosquitoes 🦟 is ......reiji
He had the best past and his mother didn't neglect him that mush in some games she told him that she's proud of him for studying hard . And dtill he burned a whole village out of jealousy and killled him mommy ....i don't think i have to explain more .
And the fact that they hate humans. First of all aren't the ones who made their past ''dark'' vampires .so why are they hating humans .
I was crual for them now i mean humans feed them isn't that bad that so disrespectful towards vampires i'm ashamed for attacking them.
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I mean look at that smile i wanna pretect her so mush non of the mosquitoes deserves her...............or dogs i misgender some of them.
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