aromanticasterisms · 6 months
okay chiori's quest was really nice :] i liked it. weird music choices though
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tetsuskei · 4 months
⟣ tartaglia
notes: based off the fact that i am indeed a sleepy drunk, and also inspired by diluc’s lore with firewater, also childe lore. he can smell when something is done cooking?
warnings: self indulgent, childe is referred to by his birth name, russian pet names, suggestive themes, fluff
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it’s always a beautiful sight to see your boyfriend, ajax, when he cooks in the kitchen.
second to the battlefield, this place is his domain. the sound of soft music plays in the background, and he’s completely in his element. the ginger moves his hips to the rhythm, swaying ever so gracefully while mumbling the lyrics to the current song under his breath. he’s always been a great dancer, so you’re not surprised. it makes you wonder if there’s anything he’s not good at.
you always adore seeing him in atmospheres such as this one, especially with how much he loves to cook. his lips are pursed in concentration, a cute crinkle to his nose on display from the small frown on his face. all of his movements are skilled and dexterous. his knife abilities—albeit ignoring the fact that he’s a harbinger—are precise and quick, almost like everything he’s doing is a second thought.
it may be the alcohol you had talking, or the everlasting love you have for him—or maybe both that gets you feeling extremely soft. the urge to kiss away the expression on his face is high, but you hold back on distracting him and starting something else entirely.
and speaking of distractions, your handsome boyfriend is sporting a v-neck crew shirt and some sweatpants. much different from his sharp work attire. and although loose, the material of his clothes are still somewhat form fitting. his back muscles had been flexing every so often in a way that makes it hard to peel your eyes away. you silently curse his lean muscular self for looking so soft and domestic. just really, how shameless—
“hey! you’re supposed to be helping, not slacking off!” ajax scolds, pointing a wooden spoon at you in a chastising way. but the playful lit to his tone suggests otherwise as he cocks his head, smiling. “mila, what are you daydreaming about from over there?”
you giggle, “sorry, i’m just admiring the view.”
he hums, his smile growing. “and is the view to your liking?”
“it’s likely.” you answering padding over to him.
“i hope so. i don’t look this good for nothing.”
once in his radius, he pulls you into his side, swaying you both as he stirs the food. he quietly tells you it’s his mother’s recipe and his favorite thing to make.
“may i try some?” you ask.
wordlessly, your boyfriend holds out a spoonful for you, and you happily eat off of the utensil. the juices and flavors evade your mouth, beating the rich aroma you’ve succumbed to long ago.
you close your eyes in bliss, blinking them open happily. “wow! it’s delicious, ‘jax!”
“it’s not done yet.” he explains, humbly. “almost, but not quite.”
“okay, perfectionist.” you laugh, going back for more. “still good enough to me.”
he pushes your hand back. “you’ll spoil your appetite.” he warns, frowning.
“i promise i don’t want a lot. just a smidge more. please?” you look up at him with the biggest doe eyes you can muster, and he falters, trying to look away and focus back on what he’s doing.
as uncharacteristic as it may seem, ajax does not put up very much of a fight. not that he could ever say no to you anyways.
he sighs, “alright…fine.”
while you sit and eat (after clearly giving up on helping), your boyfriend starts to ramble about some theater performance he wants to take you to in fontaine.
“so what do you think?”
you hum quietly in response, your cheek on your hand. “mmh that sounds nice…”
ajax glances over at you, concerned. you had grown awfully quiet.
“are you alright?” he asks, inspecting the rest of you for any strange signs. “we don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
“i want to, yes!” your thoughts are jumbled. “and m’fine. why?” you add to reassure him, “just tired.”
‘tired? you were fine just fifteen minutes ago. so full of energy, actually’ he thinks, watching the way your eyes are suddenly drooping.
“well don’t worry, i’m almost done.” ajax assures.
“hey. did you put this in the food?” you hold up the open bottle of white wine, and some of the contents spill out. however, your boyfriend is quick to grab it once seeing how you’re swaying.
suddenly it all clicks in his brain. “ahh, i might’ve put in too much.” he chuckles, now noting the smell of the food a little bit different than usual. stronger and sharper like the wine. “that explains things. plus the firewater we had from earlier.” he recalls you taking an impressive amount of shots, trying to out beat him.
“didn’t you once say something about sharing firewater with someone in the cold makes them trustworthy? i’ve done half the battle!” you say with pride, albeit wobbling a little. “let’s go sit outside later! we’ll see who freezes first!”
ajax stares at you in awe before laughing—loudly.
“milaya, you always surprise me with just how cute you can be.” he pinches your cheeks before moving his hand to your lower back, steering you towards the couch. “now come on, sit down. you’re going to fall over at this rate.”
“‘kay.” you mumble, letting him guide you. you don’t really feel yourself moving until the plush cushion under you meets your bottom.
“i’m just going to clean up and i’ll be right back. i promise.” he reassures, squeezing your hand before releasing it.
you jump back up eagerly, “i’ll help!”
“no, you’ll stay here.” he pushes you back down gently before standing up himself. there’s a stern look on his face as he says, “you’ve had too much to drink. that’s my fault.”
a small huff leaves your mouth and you pout. your eyes start to water. “then…at least sit with me!”
“the kitchen has to be cleaned up, lisichka.” he reminds gently.
your eyes grow wetter. “the kitchen is more important than me?”
he gives you a look. “nothing could ever be more important than you. you know that.”
“then…you’ll stay. it is your fault after all.”
he laughs, scratching the back of his head, “alright then. but only for a little bit.”
the minute he sits down, you promptly slide yourself onto his lap, wordlessly making yourself comfortable.
“oh? what’s this?” his heart swells. you’re usually too shy to initiate something like this, often leading him to pulling you onto him.
there’s a confused look on your face. “you said to sit down and stay here, so i’m doing that.” you blink slowly, head tilting. “did i sit wrong?”
“no, of course not.” he answers, kissing your forehead. thankfully you’re too out of it to tease him, or he’d never hear the end of it.
he shifts you so your legs straddle his lap. your face is buried in his neck, breathing in the smell of his aftershave and the pinewood scent of him. one hand reaches up towards his soft locks and mindlessly plays with it.
ajax feels his entire being burning with exhilaration. while he knows how to handle his alcohol way better than you do, he is not immune to your touches. he could get intoxicated and drunk on any little thing you do.
a satisfied exhale leaves the man and he closes his eyes for moment, his nose nuzzling your cheek. the feeling of your warm palms sliding across his face pull him out of the moment before your eyes meet.
you hum, staring at him closely. “have your eyes always looked like this?” you ask.
he blinks. “like what? and why?”
“they’re so blue. i’ve never seen eyes like yours before.”
“no, they haven’t.” he answers honestly. he tries to avert his attention away from you, but your hands grab his face again.
“they’re so pretty…like the ocean…” you breathe, now poking at his freckles. “you’re so pretty…”
the man is pretty sure he’s blushing right now when you speak, rambling and comparing him like the sea. of the comforting warmth and unpredictability of the weather, all comparable to his nature—which you love.
you must be trying to kill him, because what he doesn’t expect next is for you to kiss him on the nose, and then his cheeks.
by the time he’s chasing your lips with his own, you’re pulling back, giggling quietly.
“hey, you can’t just tease like that—“ you slump against him, and he freezes, eyes widening.
pulling your face back from his chest, he notes that you’ve passed out.
ajax tugs you tight in his hold, tucking your face in the crook of his neck. the smell of your hair makes his heart grow even bigger and fonder.
“by the tsaritsa, my cute girlfriend can’t hold her alcohol well,” he laughs to himself, absently tracing shapes into your lower back, “i’m sure glad this happened at home, or god knows what would happen out in public.”
he doesn’t really know if he’d be more worried about your own safety, or the things he’d do if someone dared to take advantage of you.
either way, his endless vow to protect you couldn’t be broken anyway anyhow. not even in death. he’d be loyal to you for a thousand life times.
waking up groggily, you rub your eyes, shield them from from the unavoidable brightness of the sun.
while warm light hits your face, it only makes you feel hot and cold all at the same time. a feeling that should be welcoming only suffocates you instead as an ache converges the nerve points in your head.
“rise and shine sleeping beauty.”
you turn limply, eyes widening at the sight of ajax standing in the doorway.
“i was really hoping on you waking up soon.” he says pushing the door open further. he holds a tray of food in his hands. padding over to you he nods to the water and ibuprofen on the bedside table. “once you eat some, you should really take that.”
maybe its the sleep in your eyes or the fact that you’re not fully awake yet, but you tear up. “you’re always taking care of me.”
“yep, that is my job.” he places the food down, leaning over to kiss away any stray tears.
“thank you.”
he clicks his tongue. “what did i tell you about thanking me for things like this?”
you roll your eyes. such a stubborn man.
you quietly tell him that your brain is foggy, and while you partially don’t want to know, wish that he recall what last happened when you were awake.
“you should’ve seen how cute you were while drunk. i don’t think i could ever forget it.” he laughs once he’s done recapping.
blood rushes to your cheeks, your face aflame. “i’m not going to be able to live this down, am i?”
ajax laughs again, “don’t think so! although, being passed out for pretty much the whole day is alarming, so i don’t think we will be letting you near any alcohol anytime soon.”
your shoulders droop, “i guess that’s fair…”
“don’t be so sad! here, let me feed you!” he moves behind you, sitting down on the bed so his legs are on either side of you. his chest presses into your backside as he reaches for the food.
“‘jax i can feed myself just fine.” you say, going for the spoon, but his reflexes are faster.
“please?” he looks down at you, hoping his ocean hues favor him.
you sigh. “fine.”
the two of you sit in comfortable silence as he feeds you, and you being hungrier than you realize, finish everything quickly.
“i almost forgot! you owe me something.” he says coyly.
you frown, “huh?”
“after all that teasing yesterday…you left me high and dry…” he sniffs.
you blink, and suddenly it’s clear what he’s insinuating. “a kiss?”
“so you remember?” he asks.
you shrug, “just barely…”
“well, now that you’re aware—“ he scoots towards you, knees bumping your own before he’s pulling you towards him.
a yelp leaves you. “b-but i just ate food! and…and i need to brush my teeth!” you protest, but he’s still hovering close over you.
there’s no use, because the minute you open your mouth to reply, ajax swoops down, kissing you wordlessly and hungrily. his tongue brief swipes over yours before he soon pulls back.
there’s a mild grimace on his face, “yeah, go brush your teeth.”
you shove him back on the bed, making him holler with laughter, “i told you!”
“it was still worth it, mila!” he shouts after you.
“fuck you.” you spit.
“with pleasure.” he smiles.
notes: my mom added too much white wine to food she made, so she’s the running inspiration for this. shout out to her!
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yuellii · 1 year
when imitating life from art
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𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒 of what kinds of gifts they would give you while we wait for maintenance to end !
feat. various fontaine characters, separately
note. reader’s gender not specified, not necessarily romantic but definitely can be, this is written pre-release, just something to kill the time during maintenance before fontaine drops !!
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random trinkets ; She’s quite sporadic, actually. Quite similar to the flamboyance of her demeanor, she does not stick to a theme when she’s gift-giving to you especially. They must be random, they must be completely new and fun every time—and that’s not a rule, it’s only like the laws of nature.
In retrospect, they’re all endearing in the end. If there’s one theme she missed, it’s that all these random trinkets pertained to you in some way, even in the oddest of aspects. Truth be told, she picked items up once they reminded her of you, and that itself was enough to excuse the weirdness of some of her presents.
magic tricks ;; The gifts he gives themselves are… rather normal. But he is a person of presentation, or so he’d say. Therefore, the true uniqueness that set him aside from any other gift givers was the performance he gave alongside them.
For even the smallest of gifts—books, drinks, Mora—he insists he hides them from you first. With a wink and a grin that can be frustrating sometimes, the true present is really how hard he tries to impress you. And so, he goes out of his way to try something new every time. If you’re not impressed, absolutely astounded and amazed, then is it really a gift from him at all?
flowers ;; The irony is that Lynette hates flowers… When they’re given to her, at least. But they were always offered to her early into her career that she just associates them with goodness, and goodness, only. So in her mind, who is more deserving of flowers than you?
She doesn’t quite know flower meanings; she likely has no idea each one even had a separate connotation. But she knew that they looked pretty, and if you paid attention hard enough, you’d notice they were displayed in such a beautiful way every time she gave them to you, like she felt the need to carefully arrange them to your liking.
seashells ;; ‘He sells seashells by the seashore’—not really, but he liked mumbling it to himself whenever he came by. He liked diving; pretty much everyone knew that. He liked the water; everyone knew that, too. But, he also liked to silently hand you shells he collected from his little water sessions.
If you took the time to notice all the details, you’d see that he only brings you complete shells, ones that stents cracked or broken. It’s as if he sorted them out one by one, making sure they look pristine before selecting them as the final one—and maybe, that’s truly what he does.
dinner dates ;; He actually doesn’t… give you gifts. Physical ones, anyways. He’s a very serious yet interesting man, one that leaves you guessing what his next move will be.
What he does as a treat in place of a physical present is treat you out to a nice dinner, but you won’t know what days he will ask until he is already in front of you. They’re quite nice, though, as he always picks places he knows you enjoy at least a few things off the menu. And they’re quite expensive and classy, too. You’re also not quite sure if he picks these random nights based on your mood throughout the day, or based on his own selfish discretion… But honestly, you’ll never know.
tea boxes ;; The man in charge of a fleet of exiled convicts is one you’d consider to be more scruff and too barbaric of a person, but he is gentle in the way he likes his tea. It’s a form of art that calms him down from the bottom of the ocean, one that he thinks you would enjoy, too.
And so he loves giving sets of new blends he’s tried, or sometimes specific herbs to add to really make a different aroma pop more than usual. He always prefers tea over anything, and his gifts and recommendations are his way of saying he wants you to enjoy them, too.
skincare ;; The lady is quite particular with the sun and the shade, the hydrating and hydro-boosting—she takes care in the art of aesthetics and believes it’s only fair that you pamper yourself, same way as she does on her own. There’s an interest she takes, one that is so particular in which she studies your type of skin just to find out what lotion would be best, or what would keep your face hydrated.
And at first, you’d think to yourself maybe it’s a bit insulting, like she needs to look better than you already do. But wish her dashing smile always so positive when she gifts them, it’s clear she has the best of intentions.
gold trinkets ;; Being a champion duelist meant many things, but one of those features implicated an eye for the golden prize. Gold was always classy, so she liked it. Love was also classy, and she liked feeling it whenever she thought of something to give to you. It was always something gold, ranging from expensive jewelry to even cheap, gold-lined trinkets.
But she thought of you when she chose it, and she thought it was pretty enough to give to you. And it felt lovely, at the very least, as if she was sharing her winning trophies.
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pigeonpeach · 9 months
More Arlecchino Husbandry!
Cw: implied violence or possible violence: FMAB reader! Reader is called mother! Slight yandere themes (not full on though)
summary: continuation of Arlecchino Husbandry with more of a domestic focus
To say the children were estatic to know you would be a permanent member of the house hearth and you are officially their mother is a understatement. They threw a party. Even those you haven’t raised and were already grown when you arrived can recognize your importance both to their siblings and to their father: needless to say you essentially have alot of bodyguards now. Each of those children are determined to keep you safe, both out of devotion and gratitude and because it was Arlecchino’s orders to do so. And so on.
As for Arlecchino she’s quite happy to have you. She keeps you in her office on your downtime, sat nicely on her lap as she goes through paperwork so your presence can keep her calm. Occasionally she’ll press a kiss to your neck. In moments like these you two often don’t speak, rather you may be knitting or reading s book or writting ideas down for fun activities for the kids.
Arlecchino despite her deep affections fory you however is a possessive lover at her core. You’re just so fragile in the grand scheme of things. The children are protectors but if another harbinger decided to pursue you there is little they could do besides awkwardly stand by you. She knows her colleagues too well. She knows they’ll see your big heart as a weakness of hers. She knows you’re her weakness now, and in the eyes of the other harbingers it’s something they could exploit if necessary. So she simply refuses to bring you around them. Besides very few are even good company. The only harbinger you might see is Childe when he is visiting fontaine. He’s friendly to you but respectful knowing the Knave likely wouldnt like it if he was flirty with her beloved. Even so all it took was seeing him in your general direction to make her tense. Shooting him a dirty look as she quickly pulled you to her side and cut the conversation short.
In that case Childe just got glared at and scolded because he is a harbinger, she can’t kill him for something so minor. But if it was someone else who doesn’t have that sort of protection then there’s no guarantee she won’t. I wouldn’t describe this as yandere but simply a part of her job. Again you are her weakness, she cannot risk people possibly taking you from her or using you to get to her. Because that is a legit fear for her to have. So everywhere you go a underling accompanies you. Often the twins. Lynette and Lyney because they’re quite sociable and its easy for you to forget they’re your bodyguards. The children actually are very eager to accompany you because such trips are often like a day out with their mom. Its not uncommon you’ll treat them to lunch and or go shopping with them. This actually works as well because it helps you blend in easily amongst the crowd too. Sometimes you’ll bring one of the actual children with you as a fun activity to reward them for hard work. Often times you take them to get some toys or something special.
These trips are great as well, your motherly demeanor towards Lyney and Lynette often does scare away suitors but if it doesn’t Lyney is quick to intervene. And if the suitor gets aggressive from their rejection then its nothing they can’t handle. If the guards aren’t available then they could always just… kill them you know. Granted you often discourage that with the excuse of wanting to avoid legal troubles. But its a possibility.
Arlecchino herself hardly takes you to balls, she is fiercely loyal to you still, even refusing to dance with others for respect for you. This is both because the kids don’t like when you leave, and again: she doesn’t want you to become a target or too infamous because of her. She wants to keep you safe and protected.
As for gifts you can trust she won’t let you down there. She is a incredibly observant person. She knows the exact flavors, styles, items, and colors you would like. She studies your tastes diligently. It also helps she has dozens and dozens of little informants who also know your tastes. If she notices you seem overworked she books you a luxurious spa session. If she notices you’re a bit insecure them she’ll make it a point to hold you and kiss each curve and crevice of your skin. She knows you don’t have extravagant tastes but you do like things of quality and meaning. And her gifts do have meaning. If you like knitting then she’ll purchase a set of the most soft and vibrant wool. If you like reading then she’ll keep an eye on exclusive or high demand books to get you. if you’re a artist then you can guarantee you’ll never be short on paints and ever work will be framed and displayed proudly.
Also in terms of gifts you are utterly spoiled not just by your husbandwifey but your kids. They bring you trinkets and souvenirs from across the world. Often based on things that remind them of you.
Arlecchino however is a busy woman. As a harbinger she deals with stressful situations and stressful meetings. And as her new bride you do have the expectation of tending to her. My advice is to simply let her lay her head on your shoulder or lap. Embrace her gently and don’t ask for details. More often then not she cannot tell you what exactly has happened but it’s usually frustration from dealing with the other harbingers. Usually the males. You’ve heard her grievances and slander of each male at this point. If you really want to help her relax then just smile softly and nod along. Your compliance and obedience is a well needed relief to her. Then tell her good news of the kids, how their skills have improved, etc.
When you’re upset on the other hand, maybe shaken up from a failed kidnapping/assassination attempt you can bet she’ll come to you quickly. She’s wiling to ditch a meeting if she thinks its that severe. Before she gets to you however, you can bet the kids will also comfort you. Often holding you and fiercely protecting you. When she gets there they leave to give you two privacy and to stand outside to make sure no one comes by. Upon which she will hold you tighter than you’re used to her. Her nails almost digging into your skin as she breathes heavily. She waits till you’re collected to ask for details and assures you the perpetrator will not be spared or shown a slight of mercy. All those involved will be hunted down and eliminated. Until then she will personally keep you by her side. With a voice surprisingly shakey, a sound only you will hear and ONLY you: she proclaims her utter devotion to you. She proclaims that she loves you in a soft voice. This softness and weakness is a rare sight, its only done to comfort you and when she’s quite alarmed herself.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Oh wow fantastic I loved it!! now I kinda want a part two to the whole short post what did happen after finding out there darling likes tall guys how will they comfort there rival
I'm assuming you meant confront! I hope so at least cause that's what I wrote! If not I can totally write a second one! Thank you so much for your request!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Yanderes confront their rivals~༺}
This is a Part 2! Part 1:
CW: Fighting, using their obsession to get information, a knife is mentioned, Freminet trains you to like him, descriptions of blood, slight gore, confronting, yandere themes, some angst, and Lyney call reader mon amour!
(Includes: Lyney, Tighnari, Venti, Freminet, and Aether!)
You knew Lyney was the reason Neuvillette had gone missing, it was obvious and yet no one could arrest him because there wasn't enough evidence, not to mention without the Chief of Justice...how could you have a trial? The whole of Fontaine was now in disarray, searching for Neuvillette everywhere and anywhere Lyney could have taken him, but not a single place had any results.
You didn't even know if he was still alive...but you just couldn't give up, thats what led you to this moment, honeyed words slipping past your lips and your arms around Lyney, batting your eyes at him..."Lyney, I'm all yours, Neuvillette is no longer a threat to that I promise. Let him go..." The magician sighed softly, so tempted, so enraptured by you that he almost gave it away from your beautiful eyes alone, "You know as well as I do mon amour, if I do as you ask...I'll be taken away to Meropide. Away from you..."
You bit your lip, wandering how deep into this act you'd have to go in order to convince him, "Not if they don't catch you, we can run away together... just you and me..." You kissed his cheek and he caved...unable to resist you any longer, "I can't say no to that..."
He reached out his hand, a card between his fingers...but it wasn't like any of his others, it was blue with a a outline of Neuvillette. "Neat isn't it?" Lyney asked when he'd caught you staring and with a snap of his fingers the card began to change, blue smoke circling around a spot on the ground until it sudden disappeared, leaving Neuvillette in its place...
He seemed perfectly healthy, shaken to say the least, but otherwise fine. It felt like you could breath again like everything would be okay...he could save you...right?
You hadn't heard from Tighnari in over a week and you felt so guilty...after how hard it must have been to confess his feelings, you shot him down without even a moment to think if you really wanted to,... just because he wasn't exactly your type. Now he was probably in his home, regretting his decision to ever tell you how he felt in the first place...ever be nice to you at all for that matter.
You sighed, opening the door to your humble abode, only to see one of the most terrifying things even your nightmares could have prepared you for, "T-tighnari?" The fennec fox looked up at you with a crazed smile, a small hunting knife tightly gripped in his hand...the blade of it against against what looked to be a drugged Alhaitham, "You're finally home! We've been waiting for you...sorry to barge in uninvited but I had to show you that I was better than him. Let you see that I can overpower him, even though he's stronger and...taller."
You felt your chest tighten with fear, your hands shaking uncontrollably, "What... d-did you do to him Tighnari?" Meanwhile Tighnari was acting as if this was a casual hangout between the two of you, his tail swaying behind him and his ears twitching in delight, he even chuckled when Alhaitham attempted to mutter something, "Don't worry, he's just poisoned. I asked if he wanted something for a headache he was having and then I gave him something, it just wasn't what he had in mind..."
"Tighnari...let him go. T-this is crazy!" You felt tears welling up in your eyes, your body screaming at you to run for help and yet you felt frozen, unable to move a muscle. "I'm not crazy, I'm dedicated,...to you. I want nothing more than to be with you and if I have to make sure the scribe isn't able to interfere to have that, then I will." His eyes sparkled at the mention of being with you...
"...just let him go. Give him a antidote and I'll s-stay with you. Please Tighnari, don't hurt anyone more than you already have, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shot down your confession so quickly, but I'll m-make it up to you" You reached your hand out and he wasted no time accepting it, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug, all of it seeming so innocent..
"As long as you stay with me...no one else will ever get hurt."
You'd never seen such a war before...archons battling against eachother, destroying the land with power far greater than you ever could have imagined, all of this...because you couldn't see yourself with someone short, what was Venti doing! By now there was a large crowd of people, some from Liyue, some from Mondstat and each of them cheering for their own Archon. There were even fights breaking out over who was better....
This had to stop. "Venti! Venti listen to me! I know you're angry and that's okay, but starting a war just because I said I wasn't into you isn't the way to feel better!" You shouted as loud as you could, but he wasn't able to hear you, the sound of large rocks crashing into the ground and highwinds ripping trees right out of the land impossible to talk over. Was it a lost cause...?
You shook your head, unable to give up at the thought of your friend getting hurt...even if he was stupid for starting it in the first place...you cared about him. You swallowed your fear and gathered up all of your courage, running into the danger zone, barely able to keep your footing while you continued to call to the anemo archon. "Venti! Vennntii!!"
Suddenly the part of land you'd been running on ripped away from the rest of the ground, flying upwards with you holding on for dear life, "Venti! Hellpp!!!" You felt your grasp slipping and then you were spinning, falling back down at such speed you'd die on impact, you shut your eyes tightly, praying for everything to be okay.
Then there was a gentle breeze surrounding you.. lifting you upwards, the entire battle out on pause when you came face to face with Venti, shocked to see him in his archon outfit, "Venti please, I'm sorry. Don't take this out on Zhongli, don't make such a big mess because of me. I'm... not worth it." You looked down at all the dilapidated area beneath you...all of this for you?
"You're worth more than every world or star in the entire universe...I'd fight to the end for you." The anemo archon touched your cheek softly.., making you feel something you never had before..
Freminet wouldn't leave your side, keeping you away from Neuvillette at any costs... pampering you with romaritime flowers and ocean shells, convincing you in ever way he could think of that he was better. He'd be there in the morning with warm breakfast and a nice hot beverage, he'd walk with you anywhere you needed to go so he could keep you safe and...people were noticing. Most thought you were dating. Even congratulating you two...but he always answered before you could, thanking them happily.
Truthfully...he was training you to only want to be around him and it was working...
"ITTO!" You screamed, your skin paling at the sight of the Oni you had been crushing on so much, taken down to the ground with dark crimson blood dripping from his head onto grass beneath him, his face badly bruised and beaten up. You couldn't even tell if he was breathing, your heart racing as you looked to the culprit... his face speckled with deep red flecks of blood and sickening smile on his lips..
"W-why...Aether, you're supposed to be a hero why would you...he didn't...h-he didn't deserve this!" You rushed to Ittos side, holding his large hand in yours and staring at the damage someone you thought you could trust caused.
"I did it for you. Now he can't take you from me..., now there's only one hero for you and it's me." Aether grabbed your wrist harshly, pulling you close to him while you tried desperately to shove him away, "No! Let go of me! Help! Someone help!!" You screamed frantically, searching for any other signs of people...but nobody was around? How was that possible! It was the city?!
Aether smiled at you sadistically, "Being a famous hero and knowing important people means I can say there's a need to evacuate...and everyone will just leave. No one...can hear you now..."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚*⁠.⁠✧
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megistusdiary · 5 months
here's a thirst for yelan's birthday: gifting her cute matching blue restraints (collar, handcuffs, gag, etc) to see her reaction and if she'd get flustered >:) bonus points if it's semi public (but hidden out of view)
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i am so sorry, happy belated birthday, yelan
(suggestive themes utc - tw sub!yelan)
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"what's all this?" yelan asks when you lift up a stack of prettily wrapped gift boxes. her head tilts as she takes the weight off your arms.
"for your birthday! i know i missed it because of my trip to fontaine, but i want you to know how important your birthday is to me." you smile at her and she returns the expression.
"you already got me this nice dinner." she reaches across the table to hold your hand. "and, besides, i've got you. that's a gift in itself." she cheekily responds, and you lightly swat her arm when she sets the boxes off to the side. "so, am i going to get to see why you didn't invite anyone else to my birthday dinner?" she asks, leaning down towards you.
"well, before that." you cough. "open the ones on top." you point to the ones with white bows. as she opens them, her smile brightens when she sees the gifts. a new blanket, a bottle of her favorite perfume, the lipstick she always wears, and a beautiful set of earrings.
and although she's most grateful, the other boxes are calling to her. she inches closer, tearing the wrapping paper off to reveal something that has her quickly covering the box.
"what- what in morax's name are you thinking?" she gasps, a blush blooming across her cheeks.
you smirk, leaning your head onto your palm cutely. "what? is the color off?"
she can't believe how nonchalant you are in a place like this!
"baby... you just wrapped up... handcuffs for my birthday." she whispers.
you scoff. "actually, i had them custom made to look like your bracelet. and the other... things are the same to match. you don't like them?"
she breathes heavily, looking down at the still wrapped items. "they're... for me?"
"who else is gonna look so cute all tied up on our bed later?" you mumble, nearly garnering the attention of another table.
she's as red as a tomato now, hiding the boxes back under the table and covering her face.
"let me see your face, birthday girl." you coo, making her look up at you. "come on, finish your food. i'm ready to play."
your giggle has her shivering, uncharacteristically following your orders like a good puppy on the leash you hold.
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slickfordain · 1 year
“Fontaine is coming out!”
Me: 😦😀😚🥰🦥 (rip storage)
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GN!readerxNeuvillette, mentions of detailed gore, Yandere-themed, based off of Veil manga (EmmaxAlexander)
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“Rest, my dear, you must be feeling ill.”
Neuvillette— a man known for punishment and laws, a man who would do anything to keep his beloved safe— which is, fortunately, you. [Name] [Last name], a member in Fontaine— a lovely little fellow who’d just sit back and relax, eating biscuits and make yourself look beautiful/handsome (or just pretty if you prefer). And, dear me do I say, Neuvillette is completely smitten by you as much as he’d love to deny it.
He was in your soft cozy bedroom where you owned some few fairy lights dangling above the ceiling, with Neuvillette and you sitting on top of the bed in the middle— the older man brushing your [Hair color] hair gently. (Doesn’t matter if your hair is short— he’ll brush it anyway-)
“I’m fine, Neuvillette… I didn’t fall down the stairs like last time..” You mumbled out, trying to convince your best friend that it was all well— even though, you’ve caught feelings for him. It was mutual pining, and it was adorable how close you two were, even if nobody knew that… Everyone just assumed you were a stranger to Neuvillette, but behind closed doors, he’s quite a gentleman and very soft with you.
Neuvillette sighs, scoffing a bit, because you’re always saying your fine— but recently you just almost died by being in the way of a robot who was speeding it’s way, so he can’t say you’re fine. “You do realize you followed a stranger last time.. Hm? And what about you having troubles with money and debt? You know I could just pay it off for you.” The male exclaims, suggesting it’s better to just leave everything to him rather than you going outside again. He refuses to let you out.
He might as well lock you up, if that were the very case.
You just softly pouted, furrowing your eyebrows slightly considering he did have a point— but you were too stubborn to admit your embarrassing moments to him, even if you both are best friends. “It was an accident…. Neuvillette, you’re too humble for me… I feel like I owe you something..” Neuvillette had a light chuckle at the moment you said that, and shakes his head before his silk-like long fingers trails and strokes your hair just a bit.
However…. His face soon darkens.. He did remember about Furina getting personally close to you… And that damn Fatui, Arlecchino, having her own personal favoritism towards you. It was overwhelming, and stressing— even. Neuvillette didn’t want you to be exposed, but it ends up with everyone in Fontaine knowing your very existence when they shouldn’t.
“…” He was silent for a moment, but there was a mere smirk being visible on his face— but you couldn’t see because your back is turned, and because he’s doing your hair nicely.
“You owe me nothing, darling. All I’m asking of you, is to sit here, in this very room… And do nothing.” He confirms, nodding slowly at his own words that he commented out. “That is all I’ll ever ask of you. After all, I know how weak you are…. You almost died by a ruin guard, after all.” Your body froze a little, a bit terrified by the very memory…
You think maybe he’s right…. But you also want to buy biscuits for yourself— but it’s fine with just soup if it meant for you to not injure yourself again… So, you complied with his request. “… Alright… I’ll stay..” You agreed, much to his amusement before he stops brushing your hair. He soon touches your arms very softly, slowly…. “How about I do your skin-care routine?” He suggests, again. “I know how much you care about having a fine smooth skin…” And he adores your [Skin color] skin. It’s so soft to touch… It’s so mesmerizing.
You smiled, glancing up at him to see he has his neutral face on— only because he can’t reveal his true intentions you’re unaware of. “I’d love that very much…” You confirmed. “After all, I have to meet up with Navia later… She says she has some important questions for me, so I might as well head off and come back later..”
Neuvillette darkened his face again, at that comment. He knew of Navia— and knows of her informations and what she’s about… Of course, she’d take a liking to you because you’re a very lovely sweet person to chat with.. It’s also no wonder why Furina doesn’t bother you at all despite that she’s a brat herself.
Sure, you two were just best friends… But he had bonded with you so much he got a little too attached to you.. You’re just… Dangerously gorgeous, it’s hard to keep himself off of you when he tries.
“Navia, huh…? Might I ask, where is she now? When is this meeting starting?” He asks, trying to sound curious than possessive— because he knows that it might scare you of. (It doesn’t but this mf doesn’t believe it)
You hum to yourself, trying to figure out as you gaze up at the ceiling just a tiny bit. “… I think it was in 10 minutes or something…” “Then, we must get straight to the skin-care routine. Come on now, I’ll take care of you.” Neuvillette motions for you to turn around, and so you did…
There were further darker intentions Neuvillette wanted to do at that very moment to Navia. Either decapitate her as a public execution, rip her guts and organs out— probably donate her heart to someone else, or… He could tie her up to a chair and cut her fingers off one by one, and feed them to the Hilichurls or Mitachurls… Maybe cut off her limbs and throw them to the oceans, in hopes a shark would appear to eat her.
Yes, he might just do that.
But for now, he takes the moment to appreciate your smooth-like skin, and tries hiding the fact he wanted nothing more but to pluck Arlecchino’s eyes as well. Who knows? He might have to get rid of everyone else, before it’s too late.
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Neuvillette my beloved<3
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neuvillettes · 1 year
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lost on you | childe
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summary | you’ve lost so much time grieving for your relationship with childe.
pairing | childe x reader, diluc x reader
warnings | depictions of anxiety/panic attack, depictions of depression, angst, reader x childe, reader x diluc, chilumi, suggestive themes but nothing explcit, fem!reader
wc | 1.6k
a/n | i tried something new with thos and i’m not sure i lile it :,) this was supposed to be much shorter and diluc weaseled his way in there. how’d he do that? i have know idea aksdjfhkasdjhfasdf
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your fingers are numb, just like the rest of your body, yet they still tremble. it’s cold, you’re not sure what you expected. it’s the middle of winter in fontaine and you weren’t wearing any gloves. sure, the cold wasn’t as fierce as it was back in snezhnaya, but it was still enough to run a chill throughout your entirety. you could laugh at the irony. it wasn’t as if you weren’t already cold and empty on the inside, so, what did it matter if you were cold externally as well. even though it’s been well over a year since he left and took your heart with him, you were still an empty shell of the person you were before him.
“what?” you were cooking the two of you a nice dinner and almost cut yourself in the process due to his words. he said something - but - surely you’d heard it incorrectly.
he wasn’t looking at you. no, that wasn’t right either, he refused to look at you. “after my next mission…i’m not coming back.”
you almost asked him to repeat himself one more time. what did he even mean? he wasn’t coming back? last you checked, he was being sent to liyue, the nation of the geo archon. you’d heard it was a beautiful, and for the most part, peaceful place. and this was him of all people. so… why would he say that? he wasn’t making any sense.
“… what do you mean you’re not coming back? what about your family? what about the fatui? what about…” what about me. you thought it, but didn’t dare say it out loud. you couldn’t bring yourself to make him feel guilty on your behalf.
his jaw clenches and hands tremble. he’d been dreading this. he didn’t want to let you go, but it would be selfish of him. he had a duty to uphold and he was getting sloppy. you were a distraction. he reminded himself, he constantly had to remind himself, otherwise the truth would slip through the cracks. he takes in a stuttered and shallow breath before uttering the words that made you completely drop the knife you were holding.
“i don’t mean snezhnaya… i’m not coming back here. i’m not coming back to you.”
the knife made a loud clanking noise before he could even get all of his words out. you had to hold onto the counter to steady yourself. his words were cold, icy, and they drove icicles right through your heart. your ears rang and heart sank. every word he uttered after that was muffled, almost as if he was speaking on the other end of a very long tunnel. you were able to catch bits of what he was saying but none of it was making a lick of sense to your foggy brain.
it had been over a year and, still, you remember his last night with you like it was only hours ago. you spent months sitting at home staring into nothing. his excuses running through your mind over and over again. you analyzed every action you made leading up to him leaving. you couldn’t come up with any reason as to why he would go like he did. his family often checked up on you, knowing they were the only one you had. eventually even seeing them became too much for you.
you left, a note nailed to your door as a goodbye. you weren’t sure you would ever return but you decided now was the time to go out and see the world like you had always talked about with him. you started in inazuma, you wanted to get as far away from your homeland as possible. you couldn’t bring yourself to enjoy it, so you moved on to sumeru. you came up with the same result. you didn’t spend much time in liyue, it was too much for you.
mondstadt was the one nation that brought you a bit of peace. you stayed there the longest. you met a fiery redhead there that was the total opposite of your former lover and yet, he brought you the same type of comfort. he was weary of you at first, familiar with the accent you bore, yet he spoke the same tongue as you.
his name is diluc. although you still couldn’t bring yourself to say his name, diluc was easy for you. he was the first to comment on the way your smile never reached your eyes. he was the first to mention the dull light in your eyes that surely had to brighten at some point in your life.
“who was he?” the redhead was pouring you a glass of dandelion wine as you sat in his bed, covered by a thin white sheet.
“…i don’t care to talk about it.” you avoided his eyes and decided it best to look out the window of his room that overlooked the vineyards.
“does anyone ever like to talk about a previous relationship? you don’t have to tell me, i just thought you might benefit from talking about him.” his voice was so warm and kind that you almost cried.
diluc helped you fill some of the void that was left. but he still couldn’t fill all of it. when it came time for you to leave he made you promise to visit.
you set off to fontaine, hoping to find something that didn’t make you feel so empty. you wanted to come back to diluc as a whole person. you wanted to give him everything, but you couldn’t do that as the semblance of a person you still were.
you were sat at the front of a cafe, sipping on a hot cup of coffee. most people were indoors, but this cold was nothing to you. something about this made you nostalgic. maybe it was the crisp air and mixture of coffee, it reminded you of diluc. suddenly the emptiness isn’t so overwhelming and something happens in that moment, you let a soft, genuine smile grace your features.
unfortunately the moment only lasts a second because, before you know it, a familiar voice is calling out your name. your body runs colder than it had felt previously. you don’t want to open your eyes. you don’t want to be faced with the one person who had been haunting your nightmares for the better part of two years. your body has other ideas though. on instinct you're leaning towards the voice, eyes wide open.
he seems taller than before, built more as well. he’s been training and it shows. he has the same goofy smile on his face. the freckles that litter his nose and cheeks seemed to have multiplied, no doubt from the excess amount of sun he wasn’t getting in snezhnaya. he’s bounding over to you and it’s only until he is right in front of you and speaking that you notice he isn’t alone.
a short blonde woman and some sort of floating child are close on his tail. he introduces her as lumine, the traveler, her smile is bright and you can’t help but smile back despite not wanting to. she seemed familiar with him and that made your chest ache. feelings you had pushed aside for so long began to simmer and boil over. your hands were no longer trembling because of the cold. your body was overheating and your head felt fuzzy. it was happening again, just like the last time you had seen him. you were forced into the back seat, autopilot taking over.
pleasantries were exchanged, he asked you how you were, you asked him the same. lumine introduced her companion and they all laughed about how they met. you watched as they had a conversation without you. his hand every so often resting on her shoulder and a blush forming on her face when it did. you didn’t want to be here, you didn’t want to watch this happen. you didn’t want to watch as he moved on, while you were still helplessly trying to forget him.
after a short while lumine and paimon excuse themselves and then it’s just the two of you. his smile fades and a worried expression replaces it.
“how are you, really? last time i saw you…” he reaches his hand out to hold your own but you immediately retract yours.
you watch the hurt flash across his face. what was he expecting though? he had left you, seemingly so easy. he was replacing you now too. why would you let him touch you as if he still had the right. he clearly didn’t.
you narrow your eyes at his concern. “i’m doing just fine, childe.”
that was the first time you had uttered his name since he left. you hadn’t even dared to think it. although it wasn’t his given name it still left your mouth dry and eyes glossy.
childe flinches at the sound of his codename falling from your lips. it wasn’t something he was used to. he lets out a sigh and stands. “i see. if you say so. i know when i’m not wanted. i’ll go now. goodbye, moya dorogaya.”
he’s gone before you can say anything more. just like last time. tears spill from your eyes and you let out a humorless laugh at the pet name he always used to call you. “how unfair of you…”
you’re left to pick up the pieces yourself once more, but this time is different. if he was able to move on so easily, so would you.
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taglist | @bladiez | @dottores | @mxnjiros | @4rlecchinos |
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theother-victoria · 9 months
mille-feuilles have never tasted so sweet
SYNOPSIS: an ice-skating outing with your girlfriend takes a very sweet turn
NOTES: for @reilly34 as part of favonius library's secret santa event- I hope you enjoy!
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The holidays in Fontaine have always been a special occasion. The air always smelled of freshly-baked desserts and hot cocoa within the city and by Lady Furina’s orders, the streets were to always be decorated. Lampposts, trees, and archways would be covered in lights. The aquabuses would receive a fresh coat of paint and large ribbons that would flutter in the wind while the Melusines would receive a special holiday uniform as they ferried curious visitors in and out of the city. 
(“Let the children of Fontaine be merry!” she would say. “‘Tis a joyous occasion worth celebrating. It is only just that I, their great archon, give the people what they want during these special times!” Or something along those lines.)
Even though Lady Furina has abdicated the throne, it seems as if her wish to spread some holiday cheer continued to live on. Quartier Lyonnais is busier than ever with people doing their holiday shopping. (a large Blubberbeast plushie on display makes you pause. It would make a nice present for her. You mentally remind yourself to buy it later today if it's still in stock.) Boulangeries and patisseries are drawing large crowds from their mouthwatering goods. You make the impulsive decision to snag some holiday-themed mille-feuilles that are on sale for Furina. She’d like them for sure.
You circle around the area in front of the Palais Mermonia, which had been converted into a public outdoor skating rink with the help of some Cryo vision holders. It’s crowded with families and their children. Past that and a block down is a quieter residential area where the former archon’s apartment is. Though the curtains are drawn, you can see that a light is on inside. She’s been acting nonchalant about your visit all week but as you approach the front door, you can hear her muffled pacing and talking to herself.
“Do these boots…? No, they clash with my coat. How about…?”
You knock and you hear her startled yelp.
“Lady Furina, dear. It’s me,” you call out. “I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long.” 
You can hear her scramble to get the door and a moment later, the door flies open to reveal your dearest Furina. 
“Perfect timing! I need your help on deciding what to wear.”
You walk inside and place the bag of freshly-baked desserts on the coffee table. (You don’t miss how her eyes follow your every move and light up once she smells what’s inside.) 
“Hmm… I don’t think my taste in fashion could ever compare to you, Miss Furina de Fontaine.”
“Naturally,” she declares, her head held high in the air. But the facade quickly melts away, revealing the mellowed-out and humbled person your girlfriend had become.
“But I’d say you come a very close second. Now, tell me what I should wear.”
“Just choose something that’ll be easy to slip on and off. I have faith in your aesthetics so I’m not too worried about that.” 
She looks at you strangely. You shoot her a little wink.
“You’ll see why.”
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“So, what’s this all about?”
“I wanted to do something for the holidays, but I know big crowds aren’t your thing anymore.”
You walk by the public outdoor skating rink from earlier and you don’t miss how she hides behind you. Luckily, everyone was too busy having fun to notice their former archon just a few feet away from them. 
“... But that doesn’t change the fact that I still want to do something special for you. Come on, we’re heading outside the city.”
With a gentle tug, you pull her along with you. You weave between the streets and alleyways, eventually ending up on the outskirts of the city. After consulting your map, going in circles several times, and getting lost at one point, you eventually arrive at your destination: a beach on the northwestern coast of Fontaine. The sand is covered by thick sheets of snow and the water has frozen over. 
You stride toward the waters and test out the thickness of the ice. Meanwhile, Furina looks at you as if you’ve lost your mind.
“... But there’s nothing here?”
“Nothing here but the two of us, and that was the point. I wanted this to be a moment shared only between us and no one else.”
You grab your pair of ice skates and toss your bag to her. Catching it, she realizes there’s a pair inside for her too. 
“I-Ice skating?” she stammers. “But I’ve never done this before…”
“Never thought I’d hear you say those words,” you say as you lace your skates up. “What happened to the Furina I know, who learned surfing in record time despite not having any experience with it beforehand?”
Your Cryo vision, which had been resting dormant atop the back of your hand, comes to life with a bright glow. Thick ice spreads out before your foot and you harshly stomp on it- it doesn’t even budge and with how cold it is, the ice should last. 
“Besides, I’m here as well. Do you trust me?”
Without hesitation, she grabs your outstretched hands with both of hers. 
“With my life now that I’m mortal.”
“Then, keep your eyes on me.”
You slowly glide along the ice, pulling her with you. The ice generated by your vision spreads out until it extends as far as your eye can see. It’s calm and quiet, only disrupted by the sounds of your skates against ice.
Furina’s legs start to wobble and her hand begins to slip out of your grasp. Without missing a beat, you 
After some time, you can tell she’s getting used to the rhythm of skating and has even tried mimicking your movements with some guidance from you.
(“Try to mirror my footwork. Think of it as a dance. I move back, you move forward.”)
“I’m going to let go of you now, ok?”
She nervously nods and… promptly falls on her ass the moment you let go of her hands. Naturally, you help her up but not before laughing a bit first. 
“That hurt,” she whines as you lift her back up onto her feet.
“Need my help again?”
She furiously shakes her head.
“No. I want to learn how to do this by myself.”
She dusts herself off and tries skating again on shaky legs, like a newborn foal. Knowing how stubborn she can be, you leave her to her devices, only returning every time you hear a loud yelp and a thud before lifting her off the ice again. 
“(Name), look! I think I’m getting it!”
You look back to see your girlfriend skating her way toward you- slowly and shakily- but still doing it nonetheless.
A light snow begins to fall overhead. It’s just the two of you skating in lazy figure-eights. You pull her to a stop and point toward the city where even out here, you can see Fontaine all decorated and lit up for the holidays. 
“Look at how beautifully Fontaine shines,” she whispers, her shoulders bumping against yours.
“Look at how beautifully you shine,” you respond. It’s true. Underneath the moonlight, her white hair shines like silver and the blue streaks shimmer like the ice beneath your feet.  Your dearest Furina looks like those legendary water nymphs you’d read about in storybooks as a child, renowned for their bewitching beauty. 
I am so lucky to call her mine. What did I do to deserve her?
I am so lucky to call them mine. What did I do to deserve them?
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The walk back is a joyous one. It’s getting late and stores are beginning to close down. You pass by the shop you saw earlier selling the Blubberbeast plushie and remembering your mental note from earlier, you stop in to buy it for Furina. Was it pricey? Yes. But did seeing the starry-eyed look on your girlfriend’s face make the hefty price tag worth it? Also yes.
You come to a stop in front of her apartment, the street lamp flickering to life above you. 
“I’ll be heading home now, Furina. Good night, and-”
You look back to see your girlfriend glancing off to the side with an adorable pout and flush on her cheeks. 
“... Can I have a kiss?”
You laugh lightly at her request and in a few strides, you’re standing in front of her again. 
“Haven’t I already told you? You don’t need to ask.”
Only the light snow is witness to your shared kiss. Her lips are soft and they taste like peppermint and dark chocolate. They’re just as cold as yours from the freezing winter winds. 
When you finally pull away from each other, gasping for air, you rest your forehead against hers, warming her hands up in your equally-cold ones.
“Did you sneak a bite of the dessert I brought you?”
“When you weren’t looking,” she cheekily replies. Her expression softens, losing all its playfulness as her sincerity shows through.
“Thank you, (Name). For the first time, the holidays don’t feel as lonely anymore.”
She giggles. 
“I’ve always liked mille-feuilles, but I never knew they could taste so sweet.” 
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herwritingartcowboy · 10 months
Spending Autumn With The Twins
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character(s): Aether, Lumine, ft. Paimon
Warning(s): fluff, Twins being in love with reader and fighting for that love, Paimon,
Readers Gender: Gn
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You all had your fun in summer but now it was time to relax and enjoy the autumn season. You had planed allot of things for all the four of you even the twins had ideas.
Yes you all traveled to Mondstadt to go look around and see all the beautiful leaves and take a nature walk. During those walks Lumine would hook her arm to yours and when you notice her cheeks turned pink and she just said, “So if anything happens I’ll be close to protect you”, which to you was very sweet. Aether soon did the same thing saying how, “We don’t want to get split up and lost so I wanna be close”, but they did have to let go cause Paimon wanted a turn and neither was gonna let the have this chance and to be fair for Paimon. You guys saw a bunch of leave so like any normal person would do you jumped in as leaves went everywhere and that started a whole thing in it’s self as you guys were throwing leaves everywhere
Than off to Fontaine where you all had wanted to try the delicious autumn themed treats. From sweets to drinks you all tried them all and as you were drinking your (drink choice) Aether asked if you wanted to try some of his drink as well where you took a sip from his cup and you offered yours and Lumine had watched as Aether drank where you had drank your cup, putting his lips where you just put yours and did the same for his cup. So after that Lumine had gotten a treat and asked if wanted a bite and when you were going to grab some Lumine was ready to feed you, you wanted to say no but she was giving you such a cute look.Hey both stopped when you and Paimon had a discussion on which treat was better almost starting a war, all in good fun
Then to Inazuma where you all decide to go see a pumpkin patch there. You had a competition on who can find the biggest pumpkin as you all looked around and it being a tie, said by Paimon. From there you all had wanted to paint and carve your pumpkins which you all did in Inazuma. As you were showing off your carving skills you couldn’t help but be jealous of both Aether and Lumine which you commented and both faves were growing red and when you turned to Paimon she was just painting all of you, which was adorable.
Now you all stopped at Liyue for the market place just to see if they have anything. It was nice cause you all went around looking at stuff and buying stuff. You even bought things for the twins and Paimon and asked if they all wanted a sleep over at your house. They agreed and from there you all stocked up on things for the slumber party in Liyue.
Once home you had asked if they can put on a little fashion show for you as you wanted to see the close they got and what you had gotten for them. They all proudly posed and showed off their clothes and were very moved by the clothes you gotten them as it really fit their style. And when it was your turn they all cheered as you showed off and when asked which outfit was better, by what Aether and Lumine had gotten you, you had to say. “Honestly I can’t decide you two are very good at picking out stuff for me”, and with that it was a tie.
During the sleep over you all had played games, tell stories, gossip, read books, and by night you all were tired. You had told the twins and Paimon to take your as would just use some blankets and make a little bed on your floor. With that you all argued from that you should take the bed and they take the floor, you sleep with one twin and the other is on the floor, then to Paimon takes the bed and you all sleep on the floor.
You all just agreed to try and sleep on the bed all together. That’s how you were left with ten twins curled up on each side with you and Paimon sleeping on your chest. Was it comfortable probably not, but would you rather be somewhere else maybe? But it was all washed away when you took a good look at everyone and just seeing how comfortable and happy they were if made you love autumn a bit more now.
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welcometoteyvat · 11 months
trailer thoughts
FURINA!!!! shes still not a fave (yet) but holy shit WHAT IS THE DEAL!! "the penalty is a death sentence" what do you mean. what do you mean!!!!!!
the version art with like 4 of her is SO GOOD. so good. amazing incredible showstopping. like look at this!!!!! the symbolism?? superb
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also furina's alt outfit (the black version of her suit) is SO FUN!! I like the dark colors it's refreshing and has some nice contrast :3
thank you for bringing navia back I miss my golden buttercup (but she sounds like she's going through it this vers.. :'))
NEW REGION !?!?!?!?!? the golden tree and ethereal scenery holy shit im going there immediately. it looks more ancient/antediluvian than anything fontaine has shown so far (aka mostly 19th century inspirations). im so hyped I love ancient ethereal trees (shoutout to tree of barsom, harvisptokhm, mt. kanna's giant tree on tsurumi, nantianmen's tree etc)
furina and charlotte's themes!! bangers
Also. can we talk about furina's little sea creatures being called salon solitaire, aka lonely hearts salon??? LONELY HEARTS? :''') screaming.
skirk? my reaction: watching everyone else's reactions with a bowl of popcorn next to me (but seriously. wow thats a lot of hate)
i understand that everyone is disappointed, she's too honkai, jingliu copy, design doesn't translate the abyss warrior vibes, blah blah blah but goddamn i dont think people have gone so insane (negative) over a character
FREMINET EVENT ALERT!! my small guy........ the penguins look so cute 🥺🥺 his fairytale mechanical penguin wah
suspicious lack of arlecchino in the trailer unless I missed something?? but if they really just Left Her Out of the trailer like that... something's up
Was watching the chinese livestream so idk if these apply to the english. However omg furina's little bit at the front so cute JSDDJSKF her inner monologue is so funny
also Neuvillette's CN voice actor?? Hilarious actually?? his banter and jokes were so fun i had a seizure when he said 'byebye' but in like. the most Voice ever
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iloveyanderes · 2 years
New year's gift to you and me:
Overanalyzed yandere Columbina and arlecchino.
There is no doubt in my mind that these two bishes would work together. If there's anything hoyoverse is good at it is confirming characters are gay without actually confirming it.
From watching hundreds of videos of people talking about the harbingers, It seems like arlecchino is a mother type figure to many people. Childe's voice line says that she's someone who does not seem trustworthy or loyal, scaramouches says that we should definitely be cautious of her and the she puts on a facade meaning she'll probably act nice to us at first. As much as I love the thought of her being in Fontaine it's way more likely she'll be in natlan with her soldier theme. More time to save for her c6 I guess. The leaks from twitter says that she's a control freak and demands perfection. Taking all of this together I think she would be a controlling yandere, someone that puts you beneath her, while slowly training you to act the way she wants. My personal headcanon is that she's really into corporal punishments, often bending you over her knees and swapping your bottom until your crying for her to stop. Another thing is she would keep you close at all times, your not allowed to look at anyone but her and doing so would make her very angry, let's say you'd probably get out with a broken bone. I personally don't like writing nswf but I occasionally add little bits but I totally think she'd use edging as a punishment if you liked sex.
Columbina is a bit harder to work with I know there's some leaks from twitter but I forgot them so if someone could tell me it be very appreciated. In the fatui video she's litterly just singing which makes me think she has some sort of power with her voice, she also appears to be a little sassy because of what she said to dottore at the end of the video. Both childe's and scaramouches voice lines state that she is very dangerous with scaramouche hinting that she looks very weak at first sight but is really really strong. Like arlecchino taking this together I imagine her to be the type of yandere to lure you in, making you think that she is innocent and the moment you realize she's not it'll be far too late. Totally the type to kidnap you and force you to fatui harbinger meetings, goes out of her way to scare you and even trick you into doing things so she can punish you. In a way her punishments are way worse then arlecchino's. No you don't get hurt physically she messes with your mind, forcing you to watch your worst nightmares while your screams haunt everyone while she's gleefully singing a terrifying song. Demanding cuddler, if your not in bed cuddling her when she demands it things will get a bit bloody, if you can't fall asleep don't worry she'll force fully sing you to sleep. I like to imagine she'd put you to sleep eternally, putting you under a curse so you'll never wake up and she'll keep you as a cute obedient dolly.
Arlecchino and Columbina working together headcanons: these two are hopelessly in love, I love to think the arlecchino will bride carry Columbina with a love sick smile on your face, while blood is covered on both of them. Arlecchino worships Columbina, anything for her. ANYTHING. Eventually they get a little board, they need something to coddle, something to torment, something a little human. Then you come along a cute little niave innocent weak human. Arlecchino found you first, quickly taking you to her orphanage and making you a servant, she quickly drills into you that obedience is the number one thing and to do otherwise will have consequences, very serious consequences. One day Columbina comes to see arlecchino and decides to make you her new pet. Suddenly being kidnapped by some weird angel women freaks you out a lot but seeing arlecchino there will freak you out even more. Basically there the perfect wives and your there dog or cat to do whatever they want. Columbina switches between coddling you to tormenting you.
Whose more likely to do certain things?
Whose more likely to kill you? Columbina, like a said earlier she's perfectly fine turning you into a dolly even if that doll is lifeless.
Whose more scary? Columbina, unlike arlecchino who immediately gives away just how scary she is Columbina hides it, making It a lot hard to predict what she'll do.
Whose shed more blood for you: arlecchino, arlecchino is a lot more likely to travel out of sneznayha so she's definitely had more access to people that have messed with you, Columbina doesn't appear to like travel so she can really only kill people in snezhneya
Most likely to let you go: arlecchino. They say when a divine being has found something they like they will never let it go so Columbina is not letting you go. Arlecchino has a chance to betray the fatui so she might have a change of heart and let you go.
Whose more likely to kidnap you: Columbina no questions asked.
Whose more likely to kill another harbinger if they got close to you: arlecchino: Columbina has a large tolerance and most of the time she really doesn't care. I can imagine arlecchino killing Childe or pantalone if they got to close to you.
Nswf questions
Who tops: most of the time arlecchino she's probably the handsome women that refuses to be on the bottom. Columbina is mostly a bottom, except for some very selective times where she goes a little crazy and wow I pray for your bottom half when that happens.
Edging or overstimulation: edging both of them, sadism. No other words needed.
Prompts for yandere arlecchino:
Yandere arlecchino x servant reader: when arlecchino first became a harbinger you were the first servant assigned to her, instead of taking advantage like other people would do you helped her out and gained a large amount of respect for you, soon enough she kept you closer then everyone else and monopolized all your time, keeping a very tight lesh on you.
Yandere arlecchino x Rosalyn reader, some people ship them and I can kinda understand. Imagine coming home after getting you butt beat by the raiden shogun and arlecchino is suddenly protective of you. In the trailer arlecchino defended signoria meaning they were either close or arlecchino had respected her greatly. Going with the first originally arlecchino had thought you were super strong, still does but thinks of you a little more fragile, she'd shut anyone up that even thinks about talking bad about you and remind the harbingers that you got two out of the seven gnosis's whenever they insult you for getting beating by the Shogun.
Prompt for yandere Columbina:
People say that she is an angel and I believe that, maybe she originally worked for someone with a bunch of other people before realizing some was wrong and leaving them. Imagine you were one of her colleagues and you were super nice to her, you also had no idea about the corrupt organization your were working for so she thought of you as a pure innocent person unsuitable for work. So when she betrayed that organization and joined the fatui she dragged you down with her, never letting you leave her side.
Prompt for yandere arlecchino & columbina
Yandere arlecchino & Columbina x tsaritsa reader. With a heart so noble and pure the two of them have nothing but absolute respect and awe for you. Your ice cold beautie is comparable to no amount of words. Your their saviour and unlike normal yandere arlecchino & Columbina who see you below them they now see you above them. They worship you and will do anything to help you with your goal.
Imma have to end it here, my creative mind has been drained and I'm kinda tired from staying up for news years.
I suddenly had the will to do this so consider it a gift. Also have a happy 2023 it's still 2022 over where I am.
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storysprite · 5 months
Ei’s Apocrypha - A Shogun’s Story in Stills: Inazuma
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For a while now I always include a short character story to go with my Genshin fanart. This one will be my first installation of “Ei's Apocrypha��. I technically have other Ei stories that fall under this theme but I hadn't thought of the series at the time. The point will be to draw images/snapshots of her life, with stories that you could imagine happened in her past. Some of them will be a lot sillier and just for fun/AU like Ei and Furina on a girl's night out in Fontaine. Or in highschool with the other Archons. But for the most part they'll explore a past that Hoyo haven't really gone into much detail yet.
The story for this piece is below.
Ei's Apocrypha - A Shogun's Story in Stills: Inazuma.
The records of the tales of the life of She who is Voice of Thunder and form of Lightning. House of Yae Revised Edition.
Editor's notes: Some parts of the ancient records could not be recovered so the text will show gaps that are incomplete. Requests have been sent to Tenshukaku for clarification. However, the Shogunate has decided not to provide commentary, in order to preserve the spirit of myth that is due and proper to divinity. As well as not give a settled answer on articles of devotion and tradition that have developed over time, which different sects of the Faithful hold in contradiction to one another yet with equal conviction and reverence.
(Part 1 of 8)
Even in the early days of her awakening, the Lady of the Sakura Woods was devoted to an art form that consumed much of her time. A pastime that reflected the nature of one born of both serenity and chaos. A paradox that embodied her soul. Perhaps that's why she was born as a {...}air.
She took to the sword for its discipline and singular focus. The mind and body are united in one goal: to strive for strong physical prowess and mental agility. Everything united. Later on, it was understood that what becomes one and indivisible cannot be taken apart and cannot be destroyed.
Ironic, then, forgoing the body to save the mind, she sacrificed not just her relationships but a true part of herself.
A true warrior's battle isn't first with their opponent, but with their own limitations. This art was a way to do so. Love of the art, not death.
When they were first awakened, the moment lightning conjured under moonlight struck its own reflection in the water, the light and the light of light were born. The irony is that the light of light would bear the name of {....}adow.
And yet, in herself, she was full of light and life. So why did the Heavens call her to fight, not to protect what she loved, but for Authority?
These thoughts weighed heavily on her mind. Especially today, as she wiped blood born of fire from her blade.
"She's here! I know it," said a little girl with pink hair, leading her friend deep into the woods at night. "If we're quiet we might even catch her singing."
"Akari, is my family even allowed to be here?" asked her frightened friend.
"Anyone who is looking for a safe place and wants to live in peace is welcome here."
"But is it safe?" asked the friend. "I've never seen a forest like this before. It seems like a strange place. Who knows what monsters are hiding here."
"Not anymore! All the danger has been chased away!" said Akari. "It's night, but the forest feels bright. We're alone, but haven't you felt like we're being watched over in a good way?"
(Part 2 of 8)
Her friend hesitated for a moment and looked around.
"I suppose," she said, letting out a sigh of relief. "But why?"
"It was the Lady of the Lightning. The Woman of the Woods," cheered Akari. "She chased all the monsters out and left sparking leaves and flowers all around to warn them not to come back."
Her friend got worried again. "What if she chases me and my family away?"
"Never! She's nice," said Akari. "When those bad men on the black horses came to our village, I ran here. They tried to catch me, but the Lady scared them away and played music for me to make me feel better when she came back like my momma used to."
The girls wandered around the forest a little more, chatting and laughing, till eventually they stumbled upon a lake that looked like it had a life of its own.
Standing in the midst of the water was a woman with long violet hair, with such an air about her that she seemed like an illusion of moonlight wiping red stains from her sword and lilac dress.
The water glimmered with an enchanted glow and rang with a low, sweet sound, as though its ripples were soft notes echoing through the night. Each droplet that wiped on her blade and robes would take away their red stains and instantly remove them without polluting the lake.
Once the woman's gown was entirely clean and her sword shone again like the evening star, she turned her head every so slightly towards the sound of a pair of little feet not too far away.
The girls knew they had been spotted. For it seemed like the light of the Lady's golden horns, like that Oni, be they real or enchanted ornaments, sought them out from the bushes where they hid.
"I think I remember saying something about children needing to sleep on time," said the Lady.
"But I don't feel tired anymore when I come to this part of the forest," said Akari.
"Hmm... Maybe I made this place too comfortable then," noted the Lady. For the forest, and this spot in particular were no ordinary place. But had long become an extension of her inner world, sealed off from the mortal lands around it.
A safe haven for her and her newly awakened {....} to preserve all the good things they discovered.
"Eventually, we'll keep adding to this place and make it a nice home for the people to come and rest," the Lady's {.....} suggested one day. A sentiment they both shared.
(Part 3 of 8)
But the Lady had a concern not shared by her {....}. "Will it remain a nice home if the people come with all their problems?"
This was a thought that bothered her for quite some time.
Until one day, when the Lady was taking a walk along the periphery of the forest, she heard the desperate cry of a child. It belonged to Akari who was terrified of some riders on dark horses. They bore banners in honour of "The Lord of the Invincible Flame," and by their bright torches lit during the day, it looked like they were about to make Akari their sacrifice.
So the Lady made the forest appear again on the mortal plane and, in so doing, became visible to Akari and her pursuers.
"Leave her be," she said to the now terrified men. They looked like they wanted to flee, but another fear kept them planted in place.
"We... we can't leave without her," said the men. "Our Lord demands His sacrifice."
"And who is this Lord?"
The men looked at each other. It was clear that they were wondering whether or not they had a chance against this strange horned woman who stood before them.
At once, they yelled in a strange tongue and threw orbs that lit up with smokeless fire in hopes of burning the girl.
But before the fires could reach Akari, the Lady stood between her and the flames. Fanning them away with one swipe of the katana that materialised in her hand.
The Lady moved so quickly that it startled the horses which threw their owners off at the terrifying sight of her glowing violet gaze. The horses ran as though commanded, leaving their rider's behind.
"You- you can't do this," cried the leader of the men. "If our Lord doesn't have this child, then our families will perish."
The Lady raised her blade till it was but a hair's breadth from grazing the man's face.
"I won't ask you again. Who is your Lord, and why does he want this sacrifice?" Her blade began to spark with the violet light of Electro, just enough to tickle the tip of the man's nose. But he knew in his heart that if a good answer was not forthcoming, that this power would do a lot more than that.
"The... the... Edict of the Heavens," said the terrified man. "The Gods of the land are to carve out their own space to reign and bring order as they see fit. That the powers of the world may be at rest. But as each ruling God grows in power, so too does their influence and reign until it encroaches on the domain of another God. Then the weaker of the two will have to submit to the power of the greater. Or both can share the authority, but in doing so become all but utterly vulnerable to one another.
(Part 4 of 8)
"Few Gods choose submission. Fewer still choose to open themselves up in such a way. So the only option left is either to flee or to fight. Our Lord of Flames grows strong from the fires of war and by consuming the flesh of those touched with the gift of fire. Particularly of humans blessed with this affinity.
"This girl has been greatly blessed with this power. Far exceeding that of any mortal we've ever known. And so, her sacrifice would greatly increase the power of our Lord. In exchange, he's promised to spare us and our families and greatly bless this girl's sister with the power of great smokeless fire, for her sister is the one who brought this Lord's attention to our village and sold out her own flesh and blood for this exchange."
Hearing these things evoked in the Lady feelings that she had never experienced before. Righteous indignation against this Lord of the Flames and the sister who would sell out their own flesh and blood for power.
And also great pity for the girl and her troubles.
But surprisingly, there was pity too for the men who, in a desire to save the lives of their families, were brought to such desperate acts.
"Where is this Lord of yours?" asked the woman.
"He dwells in the crooked tower, far to the west of here. But it's in our village that his Emmissary, this girl's sister, is holding our families hostage till we were able to find and retrieve this girl."
The Lady turned around to the little girl and knelt by her, reaching out to still her trembling form.
"Don't be afraid," she said. "No harm will come to you. Till I return, you can stay in my forest, where no danger can enter and the trees will care for your needs. I will go deal with your sister and then her Lord."
The little girl didn't know why, but she trusted these kind words that brought her tears of relief.
She also felt as though the branch of the Sakura tree behind her had come to life and was beckoning her to hurry into the forest. And so she did, after bowing, giving her deepest thanks to the kind stranger.
The Lady then turned to the men and said: "I extend this same protection to you and your families. But if you mistake that kindness for weakness, there will be no mercy found for you."
Then the leader of the men spoke. "But what can you do against our Lord? Even his Emissary commands the very power of the storms like a God. No mortal or minor spirit can stand against her."
"Bring me to her," said the Lady. The men were in shock, for she didn't hesitate for even a moment.
(Part 5 of 8)
"Did you not hear? The Emmissary-"
"Bring me. To her," repeated Lady. The men knew that it would not fair well for them if she had to speak thrice.
And so they agreed to take her back to their village.
For three hours, they walked with fear and trembling, not knowing what would take place. In their hearts, they said that perhaps this woman would be an acceptable sacrifice instead of the girl, and their families could be saved.
Then finally, when the men reached their village, they broke down and began to weep. For their families were tied to stakes. From the young children and babes to the elderly. Each was doused in oil and pinned to wood that was ready to burn.
The children cried as the elders in their family tried to reassure them. The villagers who witnessed these horrors about to take place stood silently and watched helplessly, terrified of the pink-haired woman in a long red cloak that stood in their midst and mocked the crying kids and their families.
"To think," she said. "That I grew up amongst all of you in the dirt that you call home. But now I'll crush you beneath my feet, but a mere step on the ladder of my greatness."
An aura of Electro energy radiated around her. And had one not known better, they could easily have mistaken her for a God.
Upon hearing the wailing men return, she spun around to mock them but stopped to glare at the stranger they brought back with them:
(Part 6 of 8)
An eerily beautiful violet-haired woman in an elegant robe with a Katana in one hand. Clearly enchanted with Electro. But not just enchanted, from where the woman stood, it felt as though that sword in the stranger's hand was birthed by lightning itself.
Who was this strange woman the men brought back with them? Perhaps she was a local witch or the daughter of a wealthy lord who was harbouring the sacrifice? Either way, the Emmissary did not look pleased and the violet aura around her flashed for a moment with envy's viridescence.
"Oh?" said the Emmissary. "Instead of finding that rat of a sister, you went to seek aid from... what is this thing? Some nobleman's daughter, perhaps by the looks of it. She had a few lessons from a samurai and now thinks she can take on the world? Or are you hoping she dies and that some petty lord will fight for you to avenge their daughter? Have you forgotten the power of My Lord?"
She stepped forward, and the ground beneath her feet trembled, bursting with violet light, bringing the villagers to their knees as though in worship. "Have you forgotten my power?" she added.
The men pleaded with the Emmissary to spare their families, even offering themselves in their place. But the Emmissary laughed. Laughed so hard and so high that it hurt their ears and bruised their hearts.
And on that day, for the first time since her awakening, the Lady of the Sakura Woods came face to face with true, undiluted depravity.
"You're the one selling off her sister for power?" she asked the Emmissary.
"And what of it?"
"You're not worthy of the title of sister," said the Lady of the Woods.
"Oh? And what will you do about it?" jeered the Emmissary.
(Part 7 of 8)
The Lady of the Woods drew her sword. "We'll have a duel to decide."
The Emmissary laughed. "A duel to the death won't go well for you!"
"To the death? I was happy merely to strip you of your power when you lost," said the Lady. "You don't need to lose your life."
Fury flashed across the Emmissary's face.
"You dare act like you have any power over me? Pathetic. You're nothing but a well dressed rat! In fact, I'll even let you take the first strike... if you can."
As she finished, a deep red violet aura surrounded her. The ground began to shake. And the skies above began to darken.
"Go on, you fool," dared the Emmissary.
"Just try it. But after your first attempt, I'll not show you any mercy. I will make you cry and beg to end your miserable life. But you will suffer to the bitter end and watch as I burn each and every one of these vermin alive. But it will pale in comparison to what's in store for you and my-"
Horror struck the Emmissary's heart. Before she could even finish speaking, quicker than she could blink, the Lady had gone and was now standing right behind her. Having moved through the barrier of the Emmissary's aura without detection or breaking it.
"Unlike you," said the Lady. "I am not a monster and have at least made sure that your death was quick and painless. Far more than you deserve."
The Emmissary looked around and couldn't believe her eyes. She was standing in place, yet at the same time she could see what looked like her body cut in half and lying at her feet. This body she was looking at seemed more solid than the transparent form she had now. And staring into her own face, she saw a pair of pink eyes looking back at her with a vacant stare.
"No...no... impossible... I can't be... I... I can't," the Emmissary whimpered. Then, as she began to cry, a strong and strange melodic wind came, wrapping itself around her, moving her presence away from her body till both the sight of her form and the sound of her wailing had utterly faded from world.
At first, the villagers were afraid, but seeing the stranger being gentle with them, reassured their hearts that she meant them no harm.
(Part 8 of 8)
"'Come, all of you, and rest in my woods, where you'll be safe from mortal peril and from the wrath of the Lord Fire who dwells in the West," she told them. The villagers soon gathered their things and were astonished at the enchanted forest that appeared before them. Even more astonished to find that the Electro energy that was used to torment them, was now a source of life, beauty and comfort.
After a few months, they fully settled in well and began to call their new home" Inazuma no Mori"; Lightning Forest.
Despite having led the people there, the Lady of the Woods seldom went to them in person. Instead, she left the day-to-day handling of their affairs and meeting with the people to her tw{... ...}ster, whom they would all continue to mistake for the Lady that saved them.
All of them except for one.
Akari approached the Lady of the Woods as she meditated in a quiet place, something that should not have been possible at this time. The Lady opened an eye, and seeing the girl approaching, she could only imagine that a mischievous kitsune that had gotten close to the Akari decided to share with her some of the deeper mysteries of the forest.
"I knew it," said Akari. "I knew there were two of you. I could just tell that you're different."
"Hmmm," said the Lady. "My {.....} is the nice and approachable one. She's better at dealing with the people."
"I think you're nice too. You just show it different," said Akari. "But maybe you can try show it some more, okay?"
Then the Lady of the Woods did something that she rarely did with anyone but her {....}. She smiled.
"Of course," she said. "I'll try."
Akari hugged the Lady of the Woods before scurrying off. An act that even surprised the Lady herself.
"Having a mortal body has its drawbacks and it can't last forever," her {.....} once said. "But it lets you experience a lot of little things that makes it worth having."
Perhaps this hugs was one such experience? The Lady thought to herself.
Either way, she would fight to protect the Forest of Inazuma and make sure it was a world where Akari, and many Akari's after her would always feel safe and happy enough to share hugs.
Despite wanting to treat her sword techniques like an art to improve her use of this new body in a way she finds enjoyable, the Lady would also raise her sword to answer the mysterious Edicts of the Heavens. To grow her power not by wicked means but by protecting those under her care. To keep them safe so they could fulfil their ambitions, dreams, and desires. To fight against any creature, mortal or divine, that would threaten the peace of Inazuma Forest. Even if it meant one day, when she was strong enough, having to stand against the Heavens themselves.
That Inazuma and its people may stand against the erosion impressed upon this world. To remain and flourish in it for all of time and eternity…
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year
I'm feral and I feel like you are the only one who will listen
Focalor greets us with their demon god name, I think it's important!
Venti greeted us as Venti, we learned he is Barbasito later. Zhongli is Zhongli for many reasons. And Ei was just "Raiden Shogun", title-only bitch. I'm not sure Nahida didn't even think of herself as an Archon for many reasons.
But we also know her name is Furina
Maybe maybe maybe finally It's not Ei who was speculated to be Bipolar when Inazuma was just about to come out. Maybe it will be Furina. She split her conscience in two on purpose? To pure herself of any stains on her ideals? To get over her trauma of previous Archon death? I'd hate the latter.
Previous Hydro Archon is somewhat alive in a form of consciousness too. So I bet there's some fucking trauma involved with Hydro Archon and the whole consciousness idea.
"Water is swallowing memories". Memories are incredibly important in Genshin world, Irminsul and all that. GIven the trailer moment of "how the fuck a machine is doing the sentencing" and "who the fuck am I?". Those memories aren't just spoofing into the air. or water. It's going into the fucking machine. Which, I believe, is a bad thing for 2 main reasons: a. Memories are supposed to return to Irminsul. That's how Teyvat operates. Byt fucking with peoepl's memories, Focalr effectively fucking with foundation of the world, but Celestia, apparently, does not give a fuck. b. She is steps away from creating a hive mind.
Is that why the prophecy (who the fuck made the prophecy? are we gonna find out?) about Hydro Archon weeping alone on her throne? It's just that her people will be turned into a giant hive mind, will likely self-implode if Alhaithaim's story quest taught us anything.
Not be an Alhaitham simp, but something tells me that his Story Quest is about to be echoed in Fontaine storyline.
It's gonna be fucking hilarious if Furina rejects previous Hydro Archon's idea of "I want to connect everyone UWU peace and love UWU" only to become "I want to connect everyone you get no vote".
Lore in this blog? :o No way.
Imo, using her demon name hints at her being more aligned with Celestia's goals than the previous archons (this contradicts the hive mind theory tho).
Likely the former, remaking themselves to fit some ideal is a huge theme between Hydro characters. Also I expect full DID, not bipolar and it saddens me because almost no one can write DID well (irl it's subtle and looks nothing like the movies).
YES. And I think Furina *knows*.
Final Fantasy 7 vibes tbh (because something something Fontaine energy problem). No theories here but EXTREMELY curious.
no thoughts on 6-7, I barely remember anything about the previous archon
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pigeonpeach · 9 months
The Acting Grandmaster’s Secret
A/n: once again Jean has ruined another 50:50 for me >:( i have her c3 and I haven’t even built her properly. Anyways i toyed with the idea that she was obsessed with me and it resulted in this enjoy!
Summary: Jean takes s vacation with her wife to Fontaine only for another blonde to catch her attention making her very jealous
Warnings: mild manipulation and yandere themes, dw nothing bad happens to Navia. Fem! Reader usage of wife!
Jean is a sophisticated woman. Raised to be cordial but fierce. Like a lioness she could cut her foes or shelter the weak. It was no secret in Mondstadt that if you flirt with her beloved wife that she will be most displeased. The only one who seemingly has been able to get away with even friendly flirting is Lisa. But she knows not to push Jean’s boundaries.
Jean trusts you. She does really. She listens when you tell her to take a break, to unwind. You’re also clever yourself. If she truly can’t take time you’ll give her a shoulder massage and pepper her in kisses. You’re her wife after-all, she trusts your capability to know when she can push a but more and when she’s at her limit. But also because she can never stand to see you leave her office dejected or defeated. She also knows you are quite loyal. She hears from Kaeya how one night you joined him for drinks at Angel’s share mostly to try some of the mocktails Diluc had prepared. According to him when a unwanted suitor didn’t take the hint you proceeded to humiliate him with a thorough explanation of how disgusting and undesirable he was. Leaving him to retreat in embarrassment as Diluc shot him a menacing glare. She was still annoyed you went out without her but she was glad to hear you still stuck to your vows.
Now however she faced a crisis. You managed to convince her to take a vacation and head to Fontaine for a week, leaving Lisa in charge. She was quite excited to get to explore with you. To see new sites in a city of romance. She was okay with you making friends… except for Navia.
Navia was nice. She’s beautiful really. But Jean struggles to accept how frequently she joins you two. This trip was for you two to get closer and to relax. Not for you to make a new friend. Jean knows Navia is probably innocent, she probably isn’t as sinister of manipulative as she makes her out to be in her head. But Jean can’t stand seeing someone else embrace her wife, giving her a ‘friendly greeting’ which is a kiss on the cheek. Yes that’s how Fontaine is but still, she reels in envy and jealously.
Navia and you seemed to bond over fashion in particular. Jean herself is used to more princely attires, choosing pants or shorts at almost every occasion. Navia is the opposite. She dawns such delicate dresses and gloves. With s beautiful parasol to further accentuate her beauty and enthusiasm.
As much as Jean hated to admit, she wasn’t exactly concocting innocent plans. She toyed with the idea if just demanding you two go home, or making up a lie about her. Either way she wouldn’t stand to see you so friendly with her any longer.
So late one night she woke you up early than planned and decided to cancel all plans and take over for the planning of the day on a whim. You went along with it just wanting to her to be happy. But really it was a ploy to keep you away from Navia’s presence. She took you out to explore the countryside assuring you that Navia is probably busy herself and that you could always see her tomorrow.
But when tomorrow comes suddenly you two have to cut your trip sort because she miscalculated the return time and you wouldn’t get home in time unless you left now. She rushes you through it using her stress to make you focus more on comforting her than saying goodbye to your friend. You only manage to write a letter thanking her before you can leave. But on the ride back home on the Aqua bus Jean can’t help but smile as you lay on her shoulder. She looks at your ring finger admiring the ring, she decides she could you one more shinier just incase anyone else gets any ideas.
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amaiguri · 9 months
heyy, happy STS!! I'm curious to know about your recent reads - what was your favorite book/short story/screenplay/whatever that you've read this year? any that disappointed you (feel free to ignore if you don't wanna spill any tea lol)? or, if you haven't read anything, first, I see you, and second, any book you'd particularly like to get your hands on?
Mmm, the media I experience the most is anime and secondarily, video games, and since I don't speak Japanese, TECHNICALLY, I read all the subtitles 💀💀💀 So I will answer about that:
Genshin Impact continues to hold the crown of "My Favorite Franchise" at the moment. The most recent main story quest in Fontaine was a tragic mystery with genuine twists that, in contrast to the expectations of the genre, are truly heartwrenching and beautiful. I loved the way it critiqued the idea of "justice as a show" -- especially with regards to the global effects of social media. And I also loved the way every character in the recent releases are actors and liars -- that's actually kinda a huge theme I've been interested in this year. I just think Genshin is doing what it is trying to do well -- and to be clear, it's not TRYING to be the next Godfather. It requires an understanding and love of the anime art movement AND the cozy-gaming movement BUT, within that framework, I think it goes so well. But I am also very biased because I relate to the characters so closely -- which is the quickest way to get me to overlook quality. So I would say that's my favorite thing I've played this year.
Obviously, Baldur's Gate 3 is incredible. Nuff said.
Anime wise, my anime of the year is probably Oshi No Ko -- a mystery thriller about idols in Japan. While also being my favorite thing, it simultaneously was disappointing to me. It wanted to be this really dark, gritty, adult story but then it restated the main theme several times explicitly. And while this works nicely in a pure comedy (as in the writer's previous work), Oshi No Ko is not Kaguya-Sama. So, it's good but it isn't quite succeeding in being the kind of show it seems like it wants to be. But Oshi no Ko is ALSO about liars and sociopaths and I adore them all, so like... I'm having a good time, despite it not-quite being want I want. I give it a 8/10.
I also saw Made in Abyss Season 2 this year and it was amazing and horrible. I cannot recommend it to literally anyone because of the content, but I love the way it does horror themes in a not-horror aesthetic -- this makes it paletteable to me. (I don't do good with horror but I love horror aesthetics.) I give it a 9/10 so far with a BIG asterix.
I'm not really looking forward to anything right now -- except maybe Loddlenauts -- so I'm hopeful something exciting gets announced soon!
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