10001gecs · 2 years
You seem like you have a fagcent (compliment)
girl i am from a fag from california the valley girls WISH they were me
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leona-florianova · 9 months
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‘The dogs seem to like you,’ he said. ‘I get on well with animals, sir.’ Teatime’s face was young and open and friendly. Or, at least, it smiled all the time. But the effect was spoiled for most people by the fact that it had only one eye. Some unexplained accident had taken the other one, and the missing orb had been replaced by a ball of glass. The result was disconcerting. But what bothered Lord Downey far more was the man’s other eye, the one that might loosely be called normal. He’d never seen such a small and sharp pupil. Teatime looked at the world through a pinhole. He found he’d retreated behind his desk again. There was that about Teatime. You always felt happier if you had something between you and him. ‘You like animals, do you?’ he said. ‘I have a report here that says you nailed Sir George’s dog to the ceiling.’
-Hogfather (Terry Pratchett)
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cubbihue · 16 days
Hey uh. Am I misinterpreting something or have you been implying that the entire changeling situation sucks for more reasons than “bad things happen if the changeling gets caught”. Like am I misinterpreting something or are you saying it’s directly terrible, at least the process, for the godkid???
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Fifth Consequence of becoming a Fairy: Alterations of the Soul.
The child's body undergoes Physical Changes to become a fairy, but they also undergo a metaphysical change as well. The soul must be adjusted, shaped, broken and remade. These changes allows the child to accept magic into their body, and handle any disruptions in time or perception.
Their soul is transformed into their proper Fairy's Crown, and the child would have officially become a True Pixie! Yippiiiie!!
Thankfully, this part of the process is painless! Or, well, more like Timmy fell unconscious during it. Though Timmy says he sometimes feels strange moments of loss. Like an essential part of himself has been ripped away from where it should be.
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barghuest · 10 days
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I made this so I can print it out as motivation for my final year in college so I thought I'd share
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citycrows · 2 months
Does anyone else think about how Sakura was so excited and FRIENDLY to Suo when he thought he was a foreigner? If I had to count how often I think about that I'd say I'm never not thinking about it.
He introduced himself so POLITELY. Even tried to accommodate him by greeting him in English. He was so fuckin stoked thinking he was being kind to a foreigner.
(I'm also always thinking about how he got out the "I am-" and the part he got stuck at was his name my booooyyyy 😭)
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hollis-art · 7 months
i literally love Data's "Ode to Spot" so much. i think about it so often,,, there's literally SO much love said in that thing and yet everyone was just snoozing off. my guy Data is FULL of LOVE and AFFECTION, and yet he says he can't feel emotions
whoever decided that Data needed a cat friend?? you are loved and appreciated. best decision for a character EVER
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doubleslashkarma · 1 year
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stormcallart · 4 months
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"Feyre darling~"
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ofswordsandpens · 11 months
thinking about how the (greek) big three swore to never sire any more demigod children because those children are just too powerful (dangerous) and also thinking about how the characters that, arguably, seem to have the greatest proclivity for cruelty in the name of justice or vengeance are also the (greek) big three children... there's something there, a connection to be made I'm sure of it
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
this is what i imagine if germany and america were friends like all the fanfictions say (for context they faked their deaths and everyone thinks they died)
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glitter-alienz · 3 months
goofysona :p
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moonpaw · 9 months
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agerblade · 5 days
Art prompts for Monty and Montwin enjoyers ur welcome
Also I clocked Esther was using Monty as her dress up doll
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beepboopappreciation · 9 months
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AM + P03 = .... 3AM?
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the-king-of-lemons · 2 years
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everybody cheered
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The Dark lords nanny - upcoming fic
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-(y/n) had known Tom during school, being his age and in the same house, she'd grown up with him and watched him become a dark, tall, and handsome young man. He disappeared soon after graduation and soon after the name 'Voldemort' began to echo through the wizarding world, the new dark lord.
And (y/n), a for-hire nanny/governess, gets a curious call from someone she once knew, an offer to be Voldemorts, or as she knew him-Tom Riddle's, live-in nanny for his newborn son, his heir.
she takes the job, it's good money with a nice room and free food, and the place she moves into, the dark lord's new manor, is very nice and big-she hardly interacts with him anyway, giving all her attention to young Mattheo who grows quickly and gets attached to her like super glue. so far, she has no regrets about being the Dark lord's nanny, and she's only 3 months in.
What she doesnt know however, is things between her and the dark lord-her boss-are about to change.-
yeaaah i wanna write this so bad-just gotta figure out the actual story line first, i just have little flashes/scenes in my head rn lol
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