acoraxia · 1 year
“We’re brothers. Nothing will ever change that.”
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tumblunni · 5 years
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I feel really sorry for Verygoodsir...
Like..his design is so cool but he only exists to be compared to Whisper as the worse version that everyone is meant to hate because he's a jerk. That was his only appearance in anything- an anime episode where he replaces whisper but he's such an asshole that nate gets rid of him and takes whisper back.
And i know that the anime turns so many characters into assholes, like i mean i just found out they turned friggin Ray O Light into a stalker, YIKES! But since Verygoodsir doesnt have any plot presence in the games or any other adaptation, this kinda stands out as a stain upon his popularity.
And now im finding out that in japanese he didnt even get a butlery pun, he was just literally named the most generic placeholder butler stereotype name. Friggin INTERNATIONAL JEEVES EQUIVELANT
And i just feel so bad for him cos he's just a simple grandpa?? A simple grandpa with cool hair and a cute smile and a missing eye! HE DESERVES MY LOVE game please let me give him my love
Srsly if you hadnt already told me his actual role i woulda just assumed this was a humanoid design for whisper? Like aside from the colours it really looks that way?? HE LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE WHISPER'S VOICE ACTOR *googles it* WOW GUESS WHO VOICED THIS GUY ALSO
So can i just like.. Have him as my whisper?
When im doin my comickyness of my oc as i play thru the games i wanna stick this guy in it. I love you whisper but this dude is like the underdog whisper!! I dunno how id really have them both without taking attention away from whisper tho? But id feel bad replacing whisper with this dude. But then it could work well towards making this more of my own oc adventure with her completely different team of yokai? Or i dunno maybe just have Whisper in his shadowside form that looks similar to Verygoodsir. I kinda like it better cos it looks more butlery, really theres nothing about whisper's design that says he's a butler so i'm 100% support him getting a fabulous outfit in that sequel show nobody liked. Lol
Aaa i dunno maybe make him an evolution from my Hungramps on my current team? Cos i saw spoilers of hungramps's canonical evolution and i noped the fuck out. Like im sorry why did he turn from a cute stylized lemon grandpa to a weirdly realistic overly detailed crusty drooling lamprey mouth man. Im sorry im a lil grossed out by the yokai that are.. Well, gross. No matter how stylized it is i dont want the snot duck or the spit grandpa. I was never a fan of grossout humour even as a kid, its just icky
Or AAAAGH would i be allowed to have all three of these grandpas? Could i have a team of all grandpas?????
My brain is already going "but what if hungramps AND verygoodsir, and they are married and they are Mallory's new grampses of love" Like a sweet ongoing plot of sad cuddly hungramps finding love again after his tragic demise, and grumpy boasty verygoodsir learning to open up from his emotional barriers and that he doesnt have to be 'perfect' to earn people's love. And also cos he's the fancy perfect butler type, what if he first starts getting the doki dokis for hungramps after seeing his skill at cooking fancy food? Like "harrumph everyone here is so uncultured OH MY GOD LOOK AT THAT PIE" *completely geeks out* And like they bond over discussing differences in tea ceremony etiquette from japan and britain? And also how to team up to take good care of Mallory and teach her to be a fine upstanding young lady. And then like five years later they realize "oh fuck we've kinda become grandpas together" *gaze out upon their fifty bazillion children*
I dunno lol
yokai watch has so many good grandpas
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