#IVF Devices
wileys-russo · 11 months
manchester is saved II m.earps x reader
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manchester is saved II m.earps x reader
"mumma!" you looked up from your phone, pocketing the device with a wide smile watching your almost six year old son sprint toward you, backpack comically almost as big as he was.
"well hello! someone's had a good day then hm?" you laughed at the huge grin on his face as he waved goodbye to his friends, you sending a smile to some of their parents you knew quite well.
"the best day!" mason beamed, and you couldn't help but melt at how much he looked like your wife when he did so. he had your eyes and the same dirty blonde hair that ran deep in your genes, but his sloped nose, rambunctious laugh and cheeky smile was exactly alike your wife.
"well don't hold out on me, tell me all about it." you demanded as you took his bag from him and he grabbed your hand, swinging it to and fro as the two of you began to walk home, not living very far from the school both you and mary took turns walking him to and from each day.
he began to happily ramble on and on about his day, which you knew he would enjoy given the fact they'd run a sports camp for the kindergarten class for half the day, you having give him very very strict instructions not to lose the permission slip you'd tucked away securely into his bag last week.
"then we have sports day next week! are you and mama coming?" he asked hopefully, looking up at you as you affectionately ran a hand through his shaggy blonde hair, moving it out of his eyes. "of course my love, we'll both be there." you promised as he cheered happily, hugging your leg.
"oh! can i go get mama some flowers?" he gasped, seeing a few wild daises growing in a clump on the nature strip, sprinting off after you nodded. you leaned against the front gate of your house with his backpack in hand, watching on carefully as the five year old squatted down.
you couldn't help but laugh quietly to yourself at the way his tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth, eyebrows knitted into a frown exactly mirroring mary's own concentrating face as his eyes wandered the clumps of flowers in front of him.
you and your wife were both fiercely protective over the boy ever since he'd blessed the two of you coming into the world. you'd tried IVF three times until finally on what you'd both agreed would be the final run you'd fallen pregnant.
it wasn't an easy birth with mason coming out feet first, and a grueling ten hour labour had you demanding any and all drugs they'd give you, snapping your wifes head off anytime her lips curled up in amusement, cursing her out over and over as you'd almost broken her hand squeezing it so hard.
but you'd done it and the moment you both laid eyes on him felt a surge of love different to anything you'd experienced before, and in that moment you and your wife made a silent promise that no matter what you would never let a soul harm so much as a hair on his head.
though mary had always been the more over protective out of the two of you, especially since mason had always been quite soft spoken and sensitive, taking after you in that sense.
he was a perfectly happy child, always with a beaming smile on his face and refusing to let either of you cut his hair meaning it hung down just past his shoulder blades, often tied back into a loose bun to keep it out of his eyes.
but as much as he loved to run around and climb trees, scraping his knees and coming home covered in dirt or leaves, he also found immense joy in letting you paint his nails, or allowing one of his aunties to braid his hair, and you and mary made no move to discourage any of it.
though you did have to step in when he decided he wanted to wear his underwear outside of his clothes to his school one day and you'd made him change. taking the bad cop role that day your heart broke as afterwards he ran crying to mary, the older girl sending you an empathetic smile as she rocked him back and forth.
but his soft and caring nature had meant once he was old enough to talk mary had made sure to constantly affirm and build up his own self confidence, making sure he knew how to stand up for himself despite your fussing that he would be fine, your wife forever worried he would be picked on for being that little bit different.
the goal keeper was a nervous wreck his first day of school, overthinking every little possibility that something would happen. you did everything in your power to try and assure her that though he took after you he was still her son, and had her same hard headed determination to any task he set his mind to.
to your collective relief even if more shy in nature, school brought him further out of his shell, turning him into quite the little social butterfly, you and mary needing to get him his own calendar for the fridge to keep track of the multitude of birthday parties, play dates and outings he was invited on.
"come on mase!" you called out, shaking your head with a smile as he struggled to choose which flowers to pick, the boy glancing over to you and sending a thumbs up, quickly pulling out a small handful. you laughed as he also grabbed a fistful of weeds, tucking them in with his little bouquet and racing back over to you.
"i couldn't choose what ones, didn't want to hurt the other flowers feelings." he huffed as you smiled, opening the gate as he ran past you and up the driveway. "careful please!" you warned as he took the front steps two at a time, your breath catching as he stumbled but fixed his footing, waiting for you patiently by the front door.
"bang your shoes please babe." you nodded as he stomped his feet, shaking off the excess dirt and you unlocked the door. you took the flowers from him and hung his bag up as he sat down on the floor and pulled his shoes off.
mary's car not yet in the driveway you knew she wasn't home, much to masons disappointment as he ran a lap of the house calling out for her until you reminded on tuesdays and thursdays she arrived home after he did, the boy nodding with a sigh.
knowing the way to his heart was the same as your wife you proposed some food, tilting his head back and kissing his forehead as he sat at the table and you placed a colouring book in front of him.
placing his flowers in a cup of water you busied yourself making him a sandwich, waiting patiently as he ticked over and over trying to decide what he wanted. "half and half? mama can have the same when she gets home." you offered as he nodded happily, attention dropping back down to his colouring.
making two sandwiches, one ham and cheese and the other with turkey you cut them in half, placing two halves aside for your wife. "bbq or prawn cocktail?" you asked holding up two packets of crisps, your son pointing to those in your left hand.
placing a handful onto his plate alongside some cut up strawberries you put everything away, mason asking if he could watch some tv as you nodded, helping him down and following after him. setting his plate down on the coffee table you clicked onto his favourite show and left him to it.
you glanced to the time with a slight frown, mary normally home no later than four. with a shrug you helped yourself to the sandwich you'd made her, placing away everything you'd used as you heard her keys in the front door.
"only me!" she yelled out letting herself in, a thump telling you she'd dropped her kit bag by the door making you roll your eyes at the small habit you were constantly telling her off for. "in here!" you called back, mason's head shooting up as he hurried to his feet.
"you're home!" he launched at mary the moment she rounded the corner, the tall girl grunting as his body rammed into her legs and she stumbled for a moment before catching her balance. "hello handsome, i missed ya!" mary grinned, pulling him up into her arms and kissing all over his face as he whined and tried to push her off.
"yeah she's gross isn't she mase." you teased sticking your tongue out making him giggle as your wife let him down and he raced back off to finish his show. "forever the charmer aren't you darling." mary rolled her eyes playfully, moving to press your body against the fridge, just out of sight of your son.
"stuck with me now." you grinned holding up your wedding ring as your wife pulled you into a kiss, mumbling that was exactly how she wanted it. "you're home late?" you questioned as she let you go, pecking your lips a few more times and pushing off of you.
"had to drop tooney home her car shit itself again!" mary rolled her eyes as you smacked her shoulder and nodded to the five year old within earshot. "sorry gorgeous." the girl smiled guiltily, you forever warning her about her language in front of mason, who was in the phase of repeating everything and anything.
you'd both found that out the hard way the other morning.
"good morning beautiful." your wife had sauntered into the kitchen, playfully smacking your bum as she breezed past you toward the coffee machine. "watch it earps." you'd warned playfully, flipping over the pancakes as she stuck her tongue out at you.
"good girl mumma!" your head snapped down toward your son who now stood beside you, looking up at you with his disheveled bed hair and a smile, hugging your leg.
"what did you just say love?" mary frowned as he climbed up to sit at the table across from her. "good girl! mummas a good girl." he repeated making your eyes widen as they locked with marys, which only twinkled with slight amusement.
"why do you say that mase?" mary asked, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to de-tangle it. "you said it mama, heard you this morning when you and mumma were wrestling." he chirped, busying himself playing with one of his toy cars, driving it along the table and making noises with his mouth as you choked on air in surprise at his words.
"i'm going to kill you." you mouthed seriously toward the smirking older girl, who'd been insistent your son wasn't awake when she'd had her way with you this morning, far too eager to get up and lock the door despite your worries.
dumping masons pancakes onto a plate you moved to place them in front of him once you'd cut them up, gently removing the toy car from his hand and giving him a fork.
"thanks sexy!" the boy grinned, repeating marys exact words she'd just spoke as you handed her her coffee a few seconds prior. "mase no, thats an adult word okay? you do not say whatever mama says." you'd warned sternly as he'd only shrugged, too busy devouring his pancakes.
safe to say you and mary hadn't wrestled for quite a while after that, much to her utter displeasure.
"oh thank you." you smiled as your son ran into the kitchen and handed you his now empty plate which you stacked in the dishwasher. "mama! those are for you, i picked them." he beamed pointing to the daises on the counter, marys entire face melting.
"oh mase, baby they're beautiful. thank you!" mary grinned, affectionately touching the flowers before bending down to wrap him in a tight hug. "tell mama about your day mase!" you nodded encouragingly as mary picked him up and sat him up on the counter.
he gestured his hands around wildly as he spoke making you smile as you watched on, mary over-acting her facial expressions to make sure he knew she was just as engaged in his story telling, taking a quick photo with your phone and tucking it back your pocket.
you stepped out of the room for a moment, retreating to your bedroom and changing, taking off your bra and sighing in relief as you swapped from jeans into a pair of joggers, tugging one of your wifes england hoodies on over the top.
though as you returned to the kitchen it seemed your timing was somewhat perfect to hear the one sentence you never thought you'd hear uttered in the earps household.
"and i was striker! and i'm gonna be striker on wednesday for sports day." mason beamed as you stopped in your tracks, watching marys face fall for a moment before she slapped a fake smile on, nodding through the pain in her eyes.
"hey mase? can you go and tidy up your toys on the floor of your room please." you called out, your son nodding as mary helped him down, slumping against the counter as he disappeared and you checked he was out of earshot.
"oh my love." you held back the urge to smile, opening your arms as the taller girl collapsed into them, chin resting on your shoulder as she let out a deep and troubled sigh. "a fucking striker. my own son!"
"mary." you warned, rubbing her back and feeling her huff. "there is goal keeping trophies, gears, posters, all around this house! and now he wants to be a fucking striker." mary unwrapped herself from you, pulling herself to sit up on the counter with a scowl.
"at least he wants to play?" you tried, moving to stand between her legs with your hands resting on her knees. "i'd rather he not play than be a bloody striker! no son of mine isn't going to follow in his mothers footsteps." mary shook her head firmly, a smile curling onto your lips.
"baby you can't force him to be a goal keeper." you laughed as she only scoffed. "i can and i will! just you watch." mary challenged, pushing you away with her foot and jumping down, calling out for mason.
"mary alexandra earps, you leave him be." you warned, your wife waving you off as your son appeared. "shall we go to the park and kick a football?" mary offered, mason nodding happily before he ran off to grab his shoes at her request.
"you are unbelievable."
you sat on a picnic blanket watching on with your arms crossed as your wife tried any and every way she could to sway masons mind.
"isn't this more fun?" mary cheered as she softly kicked the ball toward mason, makeshift goal set up using a few sticks to mark the posts as he shook his head, refusing to even move and try to stop it as it rolled past him.
"i wanna kick it!" he huffed, stamping his feet and flaring his nostrils, alerting you he was dangerously close to a meltdown. "mary!" you called out, raising your eyebrows as she waved you off.
"you do kick it! but only if you stop it, like i showed you before. try again!" she raced over to grab the ball, pausing to re-tie masons hair which had slipped out of the loose bun it was tied back into given the amount of times he'd furiously shaken his head at her.
you sighed with a shake of your own head, flopping down onto your back and closing your eyes, the warm rays of an impending sunset bathing your face. "yeah! like that." mary cheered as mason stopped the ball, but not before he kicked it hard as he could in the other direction and raced over toward you.
you grunted as he landed on top of you, tucking his head into your neck. "mama won't let me kick." he mumbled as you moved a hand to rub his back, sitting up and shooting your wife a stern look as she huffed and kicked at the ground like a scolded child.
"okay, sit up for me please mase." you gently pulled him away from you, setting him down to sit in your lap as he looked up at you with a frown. "don't do that, if the wind changes your face gets stuck like that forever!" you teased, smoothing out his eyebrows with your thumbs.
"can you do something for me?" he nodded at your words and you glanced over his shoulder to see mary lost in thought, staring away into the distance with a troubled look on her face. "you know how we go and watch mama play football yeah? in the big stadiums." he nodded again.
"well mama is a goal keeper. so strikers are like her bad guy, like how all superheros have a villian." you started. "like batman and riddler?" you now nodded at your sons words.
"but only when she's playing! its like pretend, all a big game. like when aunty lessi kicks the ball at mama and tries to get it in the goal? mama and aunty lessi are still best friends after the game right?" he nodded again.
"so why don't you ask mama if she'll take turns with you? you be the striker and then it's her turn, but you can't let her score when she's striker! otherwise the bad guys win." you smirked, tickling at his sides as he giggled but nodded, jumping off and running back toward mary.
you watched on as mary squatted down beside your son, holding his hands as the boy did his best to recount what you'd just told him, the smile returning to her face as she nodded happily at his words.
you knew this was only the start of a very long battle, knowing your wife well enough that this was only a band aid solution to the inevitability she would do anything in her power to have mason earps be the next big goal keeping name.
you laid back down in the sun grabbing your wifes sunglasses where they sat on the ground and slipping them on, the sounds of your families laughter causing a soft smile to curl onto your lips.
however your lack of watching had meant you'd missed mary call over your son and whisper something in his ear, the two of them growing bored of football and advancing toward you. "get her!" your eyes shot open at that as you pushed the sunglasses up onto your head just in time to see mason jump on top of you, mary following suit.
"no! no no no please." you begged as both your wife and sons fingers jabbed into your sides, your body thrashing as mary held you down with a grin, your laughter filling the air as masons own little giggles joined in.
"manchester is saved mase, bad guy defeated!" mary high fived the blonde as the two of them finally ceased their attack, mason running off to kick the ball as you struggled to catch your breath.
"never gets old." mary grinned cheekily, hovering over you and sweetly pecking your lips a few times as you shook your head and flipped her off, still trying to recover.
"just you wait till i call less and let her know her godsons choosing to follow in her footsteps instead of his own mothers!" you teased once you could speak again. "don't you dare." mary warned as she sat beside you, a beat of silence falling between you before you grabbed your phone and jumped to your feet.
"traitor! get her mason!" mary yelled after you as your son dropped the football in his hands and chased after you with a grin, mary quickly packing everything up into a bag.
"mama!" she glanced up as mason gestured toward you as you darted past her, mary easily grabbing you by the waist and tossing you over her shoulder.
"mary!" you laughed, smacking her back as she slung the bag over her free shoulder, taking masons hand as you shook your head, accepting the fact you were being carried home.
"manchester is saved once again!"
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lastoneout · 6 months
Things that can go in/pass through the vagina just fine:
penis (and/or semen)
sex toys made of body-safe materials
condoms (male and female)
infants you are actively giving birth to
all that other shit that comes outta there during childbirth
period blood
mucus your body naturally produces so long as it doesn't smell or look weird
tampons and menstrual cups
IUD or other insertable birth control methods
ovulation tests
medical devices used during pap smears and pelvic exams or IVF treatments
dilators for those who've had bottom surgery
medications as directed by your doctor(like estrogen cream to prevent vaginal atrophy when on testosterone)
Things that should not go in there!!!
soap, oh my god do not put soap in there holy shit
flavored condoms/lube
douching fluids
crystals/special rocks
blood that isn't yours
pregnancy tests(you're supposed to pee on them)
sex toys made out of non-body safe materials unless you put a condom on them
stuff that isn't sterile or hasn't been cleaned properly
no fr like if you are doing anal you NEED to clean your penis/sex toy or at least swap to a new condom before putting it in the vagina holy fucking infections batman
anything you're allergic to(this includes everything on the safe list, if you're allergic to it it's not safe)
the body parts/bodily fluids of someone who has an STI unless you guys have protection(condoms, dental dams, latex gloves, you're taking PrEP/medications to keep your HIV viral load low enough that you can't pass it on, ect.)
Not a comprehensive list ofc but like since it does seem we occasionally need the reminder here ya go. If you're unsure about anything planned parenthood has a lot of sex education material up on their website, def check it out!!
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
I'm Losing You... (But We're Filling the Cracks)
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem.
Warnings: Read chapter 1 for warnings. This chapter also has some suggestive themes and language
Taglist: @phsycochan | @mirillua | @augustanna | @chaixsherlock | @whore-of-many-hot-men
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Chapter 20
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Law’s grip on your sweaty hand was grounding for you as you fidgeted in your seat.  Across the table from the two of you in the tiny medical conference room was Robin, who was silently shuffling through papers in front of her.  The room was so silent you could almost pick out the sound of the clock hands ticking away each passing second, each interval seeming to grow longer and longer.  You anxiously bit the inside of your cheek as you watched your doctor diligently sort through your comprehensive patient history.
After what felt like an eternity, she finally looked up.  “I think IVF will be a good method to try.  The success rate for women with endometriosis successfully conceiving and carrying to term with IVF is much higher than going without.  Additionally, you have undergone some treatment for your condition, which improves your chances much more substantially.”
You breathed a heavy sigh of relief, the tension seeming to roll off of your shoulders.  You glanced up at Law beside you, whose face was contorted in confusion.  The sight made you stifle a chuckle.
“Sorry, can you, uhm… explain what IVF is?” he asked Robin.  “Sorry I’m a bit useless with gynecological stuff.”
The question made Robin smile, appreciating his candidness.  “Of course, Law.  IVF stands for in vitro fertilization.  It’s a procedure where a mature egg is fertilized outside of the body and is then implanted into the uterus, thereby increasing chances of successful conception and embryo growth.  Of course, that’s the layman’s version of it.  But once I have your official go-ahead, I will explain in much greater detail.”
You could see the gears turning in your husband’s head, making you grin.  You loved the way he was clearly dissecting the mental image of what Robin had just explained.  He silently nodded.
“I would like to go through with it,” you affirmed.  “If it will increase our chances, then I’ll do anything.”
Robin organized your patient files in front of her, a content grin on her lips.  “I’m delighted to hear that.  If you’re ready, we can begin discussing the full process, since I imagine you would like to begin as soon as you possibly can.”
You eagerly nodded.  “Yes, absolutely.”
Law was counting in his head.  “How long has it been since the last miscarriage?”  He was growing so nervous in the stifling room that he was losing track of time.  You started to worry that he might be the one to pass out this time.
“Almost six months, I think,” you answered, rubbing the surface of your glass ring with your thumb.
Robin nodded.  “I believe that’s correct.  That’s a good amount of time for your body to heal, so you should be ready to conceive again with little issue.”  The black-haired woman reached into her bag in the chair beside her and procured her laptop, opening the device and clicking through a few windows.  “Are you okay if we begin discussing the procedure?”
“Yes I am,” you confirmed.  Law nodded beside you.
“Perfect.  The entire process could take anywhere between six to eight weeks, so I want you to be prepared for that waiting period.  Because, trust me, there will be a lot of waiting,” she explained.  She turned her computer around, displaying an illustrated diagram of a uterus and ovary.  She used her finger to point around the screen.  “I’m sure you’re more than familiar with what you’re looking at, so I won’t have to explain the anatomy.  We’ll monitor your menstruation cycle briefly, and then the process will begin with ovarian stimulation, which alone can last anywhere from eight to fourteen weeks.  This will ensure that multiple eggs can grow to maturity, instead of just one.  We will most likely use an injectable hormone medication for you, considering your condition.  Are you following?”
You once again nodded your head, laser focused on her words as her fingers moved around the diagram.  “Following.”  You weren’t so sure about Law, but you thought somewhere in that thick head of his he was absorbing your doctor’s long-winded explanation.
“Alright.  After ovarian stimulation, we’ll be monitoring your eggs while they’re still in your body every few days to ensure they are maturing properly with the medication.  36 hours before the retrieval, you’ll be given what’s called a “trigger shot,” to stimulate your eggs to complete maturation.  Egg retrieval will be done as a minimally invasive procedure, so you will be put under general anesthesia, but the process is quite short.  A suction tube will be inserted through your vagina with the help of an ultrasound, and a small needle will be placed through the tube to puncture your ovary and extract a small amount of mature eggs.  The eggs are stored on a petri dish and placed in an incubator to prepare them for fertilization.”
“Kind of like chicken eggs,” you joked.
Robin snapped her fingers with a chuckle.  “That’s a good comparison.  Once they’re ready to be fertilized, a single sperm will be injected into each egg on the dish.  It’s likely that not all the eggs will successfully be fertilized, but having the multitude of mature eggs greatly increases the chances that at least one will form an embryo.  You’ll have to wait a few days while the embryos develop on the dish, but once they have progressed far enough, they will be able to be transferred.  You also have the option to freeze unused fertilized embryos, in case you want to conceive again in the future.”
You and Law nodded along with her words.
“The embryo transfer itself is a very quick procedure, similar to a pap smear.  A speculum will be inserted into the vagina, and a catheter will be used to insert one or more of the fertilized embryos into your uterus.  Your body will usually take care of the embryo from there, having it latch to your uterine wall and form a placenta.  After about 14 days, we’ll give you a blood test that will determine if the pregnancy was successful.  If it is, then we’ll go about the usual pregnancy monitoring.  If not, we try again after a few menstrual cycles.  Understood?”
You and your husband leaned back in your chairs, taking deep breaths.  The explanation of the process was almost as exhausting as actually carrying out the procedure, but something in your chest told you that this was a good idea.  You had a giddy feeling develop deep within, almost begging you to go through with the long, arduous process, somehow promising that it would be worth it.
“I understand.  I want to go through with it,” you once again confirmed.
Robin smiled, amused by your willingness.  “I’m happy to hear that, we’ll be there constantly to support you and monitor your progress.  Let’s officially begin the process in a week.  We’ll need to do a comprehensive full blood panel, infectious disease screening for both of you, an evaluation of your reproductive system, and a male fertility test.  It’s just a formality,” she explained.
Law became slightly rigid in his seat, alerting your attention.  He appeared nervous as he asked, “Will I have to go back to the fertility clinic?”
Robin looked confused at his question.  “Yes, is there a problem with that?”
You thought briefly about why your husband would be so uncomfortable with returning to the clinic, until a sudden memory flashed into your brain.  The sight of Law, hunched over your kitchen counter with his head in his hands, guilt plaguing his entire being as he informed you he couldn’t ejaculate into the cup at the fertility clinic until he watched 15 minutes of porn on his phone with the volume as low as it could go.  You had laughed at his misery then, and you had to fight your entire body to hold in your laugh now.
Law quickly shook his head, collecting himself.  “No, no problem at all.”
The gynecologist’s eyebrow tilted up in confusion, but she dropped the subject as she wrote a list of instructions on a piece of paper before handing it to you.  “Take this to the reception desk to schedule your appointment for next week.  Most of the tests on you we can perform in this clinic, but your blood panel will have to be done at the outpatient laboratory.  I’m also going to file a prescription for estrogen patches so we can begin regulating your cycle.  Once all your tests are done and approved, we can proceed to the next step!”
You enthusiastically took the paper from her, reading over her guidelines and dates.  You smiled at your doctor, standing when she did and shaking her hand cordially.  “Thank you so much, Dr. Robin, I really appreciate it!”
“Of course, I’m more than happy to be able to help you two with this.  I’ll see you next week, alright?” she asked as she gathered her papers and laptop into her bag, preparing to leave the room and let you two continue on with your day.
You and Law gave her an affirmative nod as you departed, your husband following you like a lost dog to the reception desk so you could schedule your next appointments.  The only thing in his mind at that moment, however, was the dread of returning to the fertility clinic.  He did not want to have to deal with Dr. Franky again next week.
“HEYYYY, TRAFALGAR!  It’s good to see you again, welcome back!”
The booming voice of Dr. Franky made Law wince as the giant man entered the small room, another clear plastic cup clutched in his abnormally large hand.  The cardiac surgeon looked at the fertility doctor differently now that he knew that your gynecologist was this man’s wife.  What a small world.
“How are those swimmers doing, huh?” the blue-haired doctor asked, a bright smile on his face as he plopped himself down in the swiveling stool that rested below the medical counter.  He clacked a few times on his keyboard, looking up Law’s patient info.  “Here for another sperm sample, I see.”
“Just part of a protocol,” Law muttered, his face growing red with shame.
“Ahh, got it, got it.”  Dr. Franky nodded a few times as he typed.
Law felt his phone buzz a few times in his pocket, but ignored the urge to reach in and check his device while the boisterous man was in the room.
“Well, you know the drill!  Just–”
“I know, Doctor, I know…” Law mumbled, fighting the reflex of pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers.
With a pout, Franky passed over the clear cup, gave his regards, and left Law alone in the room.  Finally surrounded by silence, the man slipped his phone out of his pocket to see who had texted him during his brief yet horrendously awkward discussion with the fertility doctor.  His spirits immediately brightened upon seeing your name on the screen, followed by slight confusion upon reading your messages.
Good luck at the clinic today baby!!!
Thought these might help you ;)
[3 Image Attachments]
[1 Video Attachment]
See you later darling <3
Law felt his face grow heated upon seeing the images you had sent him.  Suffice to say, he was not expecting it.
But his wife’s beautiful body was always worlds better than porn.
“Hey, I’m home!” you called into your apartment, kicking off your shoes.  The excited tapping sounds of Bepo greeted you, your cloud of a dog skidding across the floor into your entryway, his bushy tail wagging a mile a minute while his pink tongue lolled out of his mouth as he smiled up at you.  “Look who’s happy to see me!”
“Hey, hon,” Law called from around the corner, leaning against the wall as he watched you be smothered by the thick, billowing fur of your four-legged baby.  He had a smirk on his face as you stood to greet him, a surprised gasp leaving your throat as he grabbed your arms in his calloused hands and brought your lips to his, kissing you dumb.
When he finally pulled away, you flashed him a knowing grin.  “I take it you appreciated the ‘help’ I sent you?”  You used air quotes to punctuate your sentence.
“Oh, I more than appreciated it,” he hummed back, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck where he knew you were the most ticklish.  He delighted in the giggle that left your lips as you fisted his shirt in your hands.
Bepo eagerly butted in between your pairs of legs, demanding the attention to be on him.  He had spent so much time with Shachi and Penguin as of late that he was desperate for the love from his parents.  His big, beady eyes gazed up at the both of you as he silently demanded you to go to the living room and sit on the couch so he could curl up next to you.
“Okay, okay, let’s go sit down,” you relented, laughing as your dog immediately sprinted to his favorite couch cushion.  You followed your furry baby, Law’s hand in your own, a pleasant, content grin on your face.  You flopped down next to your dog, your husband following your lead and pulling your body down on top of his, your ear resting over his heart.  You could hear it thrumming away, endlessly excited about the concept of holding you.
“You know what I like about you, Law?” you asked, adjusting yourself to be more comfortable.  
“Other than the fact that I’m married to you?” he teased.
“Yes, other than all the obvious things that I like about you,” you joked back, poking a finger into his side.  “I like that you still treat me like you did when we were dating.”
Law’s eyebrows furrowed, trying to deconstruct what your words meant.  “What do you mean?”
You sighed.  “I don’t know… I was just thinking about it today.  Like, some married couples drift apart after they have kids or after big life tragedies, but you didn’t do that.  And I like that about you.”
Law wrapped his arms around you, linking his fingers together as they rested over the small of your back.  “Couples who leave each other after having kids probably didn’t have a spark to begin with,” he replied.  “Same with couples who give up on each other after bad events happen to them.  But that’s not us, it never has been and it never will be.”
“So you’ll still like me when I’m old and shriveled?” you asked, your voice holding a hint of sincere insecurity along with your joking tone.
“I’ll love you even when we’re decaying skeletons six feet underground,” he replied, planting a kiss to the crown of your head.  “Who knows, maybe the 80-year-old you will be even sexier than you are now.  Only one way to find out.”
“Law!” you yelped, laughing at his flirtatious remark.  A few more jokes were tossed between you two, lighthearted giggles floating through the air as you cuddled before you finally relaxed in his embrace.
“How did your tests go today?” your husband asked, idly trailing his hands up and down your sides.
“They went well, my blood panel was completely normal, but the nurse said I should try to up my Vitamin D intake,” you explained.  “My ultrasound and saline sonogram were fine, there was some endometrial tissue on the outside of my uterus but Robin said it shouldn’t pose a problem.  And my infectious disease panel…”
The way your voice trailed off made Law pick up his head to look at you, concern bubbling in his chest.
You gazed back up at him with a cheeky smile.  “No tuberculosis.”
Law barked out a laugh.  “I sure as hell hope not!”
You giggled along with him, dropping your head back down onto his test.  “Aside from my texts, how did your test go?”
Your husband grinned, though you couldn’t see with your current position.  “It went fine, thanks to you I was out of there much quicker.  Nothing abnormal with my semen, and I hope to whatever’s up there in the universe that I won’t have to go back there again.”
“Is it really that bad?” you asked, holding in your laughter.
“It’s just that Franky guy.  He’s so… loud.  He’s always the last person I see before I’m supposed to jerk off into a cup,” he lamented.
“Fertility doctors don’t get you hard?” you teased.
“Not when they call semen ‘little swimmers,’' he griped back.
The conversation was making you giggle uncontrollably, your body trembling in your husband’s grasp as you poked fun at his misfortune before finally getting your energy out and settling down.  “Well… for your sake, I’m happy you’re done with that, too.”
Another comfortable silence settled over the two of you as you lay back on the couch, your dog snuggled with both pairs of your feet.
“Are you feeling ready to start this whole thing?” Law asked.
You pondered your thoughts briefly.  “I’m… I’m definitely really nervous, but I think I’m ready.”
Law’s hand rested on the back of your head, supporting you against his chest.  “I’m not leaving you, baby.  I’ll keep promising that until my tongue falls out.”
His words made a relieved, content grin crawl to your lips as you buried your head further into the junction between his shoulder and neck.  “I love you, Law.”
“I love you, darling.”
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Senate Democrats sought to pass legislation Tuesday banning bump stocks for firearms after the Supreme Court overruled a previous ban, but a single Republican objected on behalf of his party, effectively stalling the bill.
Backed by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., sought “unanimous consent” to pass his BUMP Act that would prohibit the devices, which modify semi-automatic weapons to fire bullets more quickly.
The New Mexico senator said he’s a firearm owner who sees no purpose for bump stocks other than to facilitate mass shootings, as in Las Vegas in 2017, when a gunman killed dozens of people at a music festival and more than 500 people were injured.
“The Las Vegas gunman was able to murder and injure so many so quickly because he used a deadly device known as a bump stock,” Heinrich said on the Senate floor. “There’s no legitimate use for a bump stock. Not for self-defense, not in a law enforcement context, not even in military applications as they’re less accurate than a standard fully automatic military platform. But what they are tailor-made for is a mass shooting.”
But the bill was met with an objection from Sen. Pete Ricketts, R-Neb., blocking it from moving forward. The objection was backed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and many other Republican senators, marking a turnaround after many of them championed a bump stock ban imposed by the Trump administration after the Las Vegas massacre.
Ricketts labeled the bill “a gun-grabbing overreach," saying it is written vaguely and could give the Biden administration power to target “common firearm accessories, not just bump stocks.”
“That’s really, really scary,” Ricketts said, calling the measure an infringement on the rights of law-abiding gun owners. He labeled it “another day in the Democrat summer of show votes,” following recent votes on protections for IVF and contraception which were also blocked by Republicans.
The clash comes in the heat of an election year, when Republicans are running as staunch supporters of gun rights while President Joe Biden and Democrats call for stricter firearm laws.
The move Tuesday followed a Supreme Court decision last week saying the executive branch may not use existing law to ban bump stocks, although the 6-3 ruling along ideological lines kept the door open for Congress to regulate the accessories with a new law.
Unanimous consent is one mechanism for the Senate to pass legislation speedily, often used for non-controversial measures. Schumer can also bring the bump stock bill or other legislation up through the regular process, which takes more time and requires 60 votes to break a filibuster. That means at least 9 Republicans would have to support it if Democrats and independents stick together.
Before the unanimous consent request, Schumer didn’t say whether he’d bring up the bill through regular channels if it stalled, imploring Republicans to “see the light” and not block it.
“Many of them were extremely supportive of this when President Trump did it as a regulation,” Schumer said. “Donald Trump is hardly a friend to gun safety. But I’m just shocked that the Supreme Court will be even to the right of him.”
Heinrich warned that if Congress doesn’t prohibit bump stocks, “street gangs and cartels and mass shooters” may be able to access these devices “and turn them against our communities.”
He added: “This will not be the last time you hear about these devices on the floor of the Senate.”
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unreliablesnake · 2 years
Failing (Phillip Graves x reader)
Summary: You find spyware on your devices when you’re already depressed following another failed IVF cycle. Turns out Phillip is just worried…
Note: Fluff. A real emotional rollercoaster for the reader. / If you find any mistakes… they’re on me. Sorry. / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button. I don't have a taglist.
Warnings: afab!reader, mentions of possible infertility
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Being Phillip Graves' wife was a dream. That's what he would say, probably. In a way, it was true. He was a loving husband. He gave you everything you needed, showered you with gifts and romantic getaways whenever he had the time, flew in your family for the holidays every single time because he knew you missed them, and always noticed if something was off about you.
In reality he used his fucking techno-wizardry skills to spy on you. He had security cameras around the house, you already knew that, but after a while he let a few comments slip that made you suspicious he knew about your private conversations.
So one day when he was somewhere far away on a mission, you went to the Shadow Company HQ to visit an employee you had a good relationship with. You played dumb. You told him you just read some article about spywares and realized that maybe that's why some of your messages are shown as seen, even though you never opened them. And of course you knew that Phillip would never take a look at them.
The poor guy believed you, and he offered to check your devices for anything that could be worrying, especially on the device that belonged to the wife of the head of a private military company. And look at that, he found spyware on your phone and laptop as well.
“I'll delete them for you, okay?” he said with a smile. “Come back in–”
“It's okay, you don't have to,” you interrupted him with a sweet smile. “I know you're good at your job, but I wouldn't trust any of these after this anyway. I'll just throw them out and buy new ones.” He let out a weird laugh as he nodded. “Oh, and please, don't tell Phil about this. I don't want him to blame me for clicking on a wrong link or something.”
Nodding, he handed you back the laptop and the phone. “You can trust me.”
You thanked him and left the building as quickly as you could, heading straight to a store to buy another phone with a brand new number. You didn't want to ditch the old one. Oh, no. You just used this new one to create new accounts on social media and message some of your friends to divide your conversations from now on.
Sensitive topics could only be discussed on this new account and phone, while basic, everyday conversations with your friends, co-workers and family would be done on the old one.
Phillip noticed the sudden decline in the number of messages you exchanged on a daily basis. In the past your inbox was flooded with new notifications, but now it was surprisingly quiet. He wasn't home at the moment, and you always told him everything was okay with a sweet smile on your gorgeous lips whenever you talked.
He could feel that something was wrong. Based on the footage of the security cameras around the house, your behavior didn't change much, but it didn't prove anything. It could be high-functioning depression for all he knew, and that could be a sneaky thing. You barely communicated with others online or over the phone. This was a fact.
Another two weeks passed before he could finally go home to you. Everything seemed to be okay, but he knew what question to ask you, about a topic he had carefully avoided until then. “Was it negative again?” he asked you as he put his hand on your cheek, rubbing the skin with his thumb.
You gulped, let out a sigh, then curtly nodded. “I don't know how long I can do this, Phil. It's getting too much,” you told him, tears already forming in your eyes. It wasn't the first, second, or even third goddamn IVF cycle, and once again you failed. It was hard not to blame yourself, after all you were the one who just simply couldn't get pregnant.
“I know, sugar, it fucks up your hormones,” he whispered as he pulled you into his chest, having no idea how you truly felt.
But you weren't about to explain to him that you were blaming yourself. You didn't need him to feel sorry for you, or to act like he cared about becoming a father. He was only doing this because he knew you were lonely whenever he left for work, and he thought having a baby could help you with that.
The doctor at the clinic had suggested you see a therapist after the second failed cycle, believing there might be psychological reasons for the unsuccessful attempts, but you weren't ready, and your husband wasn't fond of the idea either. But recently something changed in you, and you just had your second session yesterday.
The therapist had said you should bring Phillip with you one time so you could try to get to the bottom of your issues. Was it you? Was it him? Or were the both of you defected? “I want to go to therapy. With you,” you clarified, just to be sure.
Your husband let out a tired sigh as he let go of you and buried his face into his palms. “Don’t do this. Don’t fucking do this,” he muttered. “I told you I don’t want therapy. Even I have to go through a psychological evaluation every year, and I’m fine.”
“I'm sure your fucking daddy issues have something to do with you not wanting a kid,” you noted bitterly.
Something obviously snapped in him because he gave you a death glare with those bright blue eyes of his. “I don't have daddy issues, and it’s not that I don’t want a child, I just don't want my kid to grow up without a father!” he told you angrily.
This took you by surprise. “Why would they grow up without you?”
“Come on, you know what I do for a living. I can die on a mission, it's in the cards for me.” Seeing the absolute horror on your face, Phillip took a deep breath, and walked over to pull you into a tight hug again, your face tucked into the nape of his neck. “I’m sorry, baby, but you knew that when you married me. But I’m not planning on dying anytime soon, I want to keep coming home to you.”
“You’d better,” you mumbled against his skin.
You could be so damn mad at him sometimes, but despite all this, you loved him deeply. And he loved you too, you knew that. He had been supportive ever since you started this baby project four years ago, always talking about how he couldn’t wait to see you with your baby. Until now you assumed he was just pretending, saying these nice things to make you feel better, but after today it was obvious he was just scared of the two of you being left alone.
What he said was true. You knew what he did was dangerous, but you didn’t want to think about it, so instead you just pushed this thought into the back of your mind. Phillip was good at his job, he would survive anything. He knew how to protect himself, and he had an entire team protecting him.
“I can guess who told you that bullshit about me not wanting to be a father,” he suddenly noted. “You should stop listening to her. And what’s with her usual ‘why don’t you divorce him’ question? It’s not normal.”
You suddenly froze in his arms. You had never told him about that, and you knew she was sneaky enough not to say it around Phillip either. Then you remembered –spyware. “How do you know about that?” you asked once you peeled him off of yourself.
He gave you a surprised look. “You mentioned it once.”
“I’m sure I didn’t.” He tried to laugh it off, but his expression turned serious once he realized you weren’t kidding. “I know about the fucking spy softwares on my devices,” you decided to inform him with your arms folded over your chest.
You could hear him mutter ‘fuck’ under his breath while he avoided your gaze, probably a thousand different excuses going through his handsome blond head at the time. “You’ve been acting weird lately, but whenever I asked what was wrong, you just brushed it off and said everything was okay,” he said eventually. “What the hell was I supposed to do?”
As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. You always said you were okay. But it wasn’t that easy. “Ask me when you’re here, not when you’re risking your life god-knows-where.”
“All right. Fine,” he said, putting his hands on your shoulders to make you look at him. “You’re here. I’m here. What’s wrong with you?”
“You know what’s wrong.” Phillip raised an eyebrow at this. He didn’t know, it was crystal clear, so you took a deep breath and said, “I’m tired of this. I’m tired of always failing everyone. All I want is a child, yet I just can’t get pregnant.”
“Baby, you can’t blame yourself for this,” your husband immediately told you as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “Look, if you think therapy might help, I’ll go with you, okay?” You nodded between sobs. “All right, get us an appointment. My assistant will clear my calendar for that time.”
The way he could make you feel–angry one second, then completely smitten the next–made you upset, but you couldn’t deny that you loved him. He was always there when you needed him, and apparently this time wasn’t any different.
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zenithabovemarshland · 7 months
Reflections, listening to the March 2024 Forecast from the Astrology Podcast:
Pluto in Aquarius: Society forever changed by... tech?
Sometimes I feel like an emphasis on technology is made too strongly when we talk about Pluto Aquarius. @corvoidea forwarded me an awesome talk (link to part 1) from Steve Judd on Youtube, and at one part he says astrologers have in some ways missed the target by overemphasizing Pluto's quality of destruction over its quality of transformation. One example (of many) he gives is Pluto Capricorn, and how astrologers were saying that it will be the end of democracy and government, and what we got was corporate government instead.
Aquarius, in my opinion, will be about the relationship between the individual and society. Tech may be just one way in which we play this out, but I don't think it's gonna be all Terminator. (Austin always brings up the quote about not studying technology, instead studying how people behave around technology. And 100% this.) It's probably gonna be a lot more about labour and the kind of life we humans have the right to live. (UBI, anyone? Wouldn't that be nice.) Art is definitely a focal point of that, as we're seeing. There's a question of "legion", a collective, and also who is ostracized.
Augmented Reality, Class Consequences, and Saturn-Neptune
Bringing up Saturn in Pisces co-present with Neptune is really interesting. As they were describing the AR headsets, walking through rooms and having a window open on the side, I thought of those adaptable furnitures for shoebox apartments. Murphy beds that become desks, for example. Furniture that has many uses and fits in a small space. There were arguments about this furniture causing issues, that landlords could charge higher for smaller space because of such furniture. I wonder how this AR stuff can relate to that.
For many years Pluto will be in the bounds of Mercury in Aquarius, and then it will come to the bounds of Venus. I know I've referenced this video before on my blog but World Astrology Report did a video about how Pluto moving through the bounds of Aquarius last time played out. In France, when Pluto came to the bounds of Venus, there were issues with agriculture and the price of bread became out of control.
Anyway, as an aside, I was thinking about how I feel a keyword for the Saturn-Neptune energy could be "euthanasia". Easing misery and shame. Soothing or disguising indignity. How all this AR may be the working-class "luxury" that soothes the shit of society, or justifies being short-changed.
"But Dad, I Love Them!": Humans in love with non-humans
Chris says debates around human and non-human relationships will emerge in Pluto Aquarius, and Austin brings up what I was thinking, that these already exist. On a similar vein, Dan from World Astrology Report has argued that the Venus term of Aquarius could see VR porn that is tailor-made for each person, and thus a surge in porn addiction.
What I think is worth being brought up is how these debates will go within a society that, I believe, will encourage this kind of intimacy, but delegitimize and disparage so many other experiences of human-ness.
Coming into Pluto Aquarius we have the vicious attack on trans people, especially in the USA. Just in the last couple months, failed IVF is declared murder. We're seeing an ongoing dehumanization campaign against Palestinians in a genocide, and watching "first world" governments, corporations, and thought leaders (like gd Brene Brown, of all people) support Isreal in word and/or funding. We're getting all this AR tech, but I wonder how much of it is really going to be given to people who would seriously benefit from it, like people who need transplants, assistive devices, interpersonal/ social/ emotional support, etc.
In Canada, people who are relatively young and happen to be chronically ill have been applying for euthanasia for the last few years. (The first case I remember seeing in the news was in 2022, I think.) Because doctors do not take mystery illness seriously, because women's bodies are grand mysteries to medicine, and/or because these people can't afford to live with their illness.
So yeah. I agree that this is a very plausible debate to have. But I don't think it's going to be about whether we think it's "ok" or "socially acceptable", or that we need to define "humanity" to determine what is "human enough" to be in love with. I think it's going to be about how the only people who are encouraged to live full, loving lives are the heterosexuals who happen to not struggle with fertility, and people in hetero-presenting relationships with non-humans. The debate about human-ness will be there.
(Cool sub-argument begin brought up: debates about the experience of love. Some Leo being brought in here!)
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
An investigation is underway after an explosive device was detonated outside the office of the Alabama attorney general this weekend, officials said.
No one was hurt in the Saturday morning incident in Montgomery, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said in a statement on Monday.MORE: Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall says he won't prosecute IVF families, providers
"The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency will be leading the investigation, and we are urging anyone with information to contact them immediately," Marshall said.
The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s State Bureau of Investigation was notified of the suspicious package at 8:19 a.m. local time Monday. It was determined that the suspicious package was an explosive device that was detonated in the early morning hours on Saturday, according to the ALEA.
While a motive has not been released, the incident came one day after Marshall said he won’t prosecute in vitro fertilization providers or families in the wake of a state Supreme Court ruling that embryos should be considered children.
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docmerry · 4 days
Health is on the Ballot in November-Reproductive Health
Perhaps you have been marooned on an uninhabited island for the past decade, in which case, let me catch you up. One of the promises that Trump fulfilled during his time in office, with an assist from Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, was to appoint justices to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) that would overturn Roe v Wade. The appointments of justices Gorsich, Kavenaugh, and Coney Barret gave conservatives a supermajority on the bench,
In Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (2022), SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992).decision in 2022 overturned what had been the law of the land for close to 50 years. Since then, 21 states have passed laws or reinstituted “trigger laws” that were on the books prior to 1973 that restricted or prohibitted abortion. Stick a pin in that.
Justices Gorsich, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barret were recommended by the Heritage Foundation (Heritage), which is a conservative think tank that began in 1973 and has been active in Republican politics since the Reagan administration.
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Heritage is the publisher of "Mandate for Leakership: The Conservative Promise" aka Project 25, a conservative playbook for the next Republican administration. It includes utilizing the 1873 Comstock Act, an anti-vice law that specifically prohibits the mailing of items related to abortion or birth control. Project 2025 suggests that mifepristone, a drug used in medical abortions, should not be mailed to patients under any circumstances. Additionally, this law from the nineteenth century could prevent the mailing of devices used in surgical abortion.
SCOTUS heard two cases in the latest term on abortion. FDA vs Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine was a case brought by Texas physicians that challenged the approval of mifepristone. In a unanimous decision, that case was thrown out because the doctors were found to lack standing to bring the suit.
In the notable case of Moyle v. United States, consolidated with United States v Idaho, the central issue was whether the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), which mandates hospitals to provide stabilizing treatment, including but not limitted to emergency abortions, preempts state law in Idaho and five other states that restrict abortion. Once again the court decided not to decide and sent the case back to the lower courts. The justices were divided, with Justices Alito and Thomas suggesting that states may prioritize the fetus's health over the woman's. Currently, women in Idaho and five other states can obtain an emergency abortion.
Justices Alito and Thomas are both in their seventies. If Trump were to win the election in November, it is anticipated that they would retire during his term, potentially solidifying a conservative supermajority for an extended period.
Just as men’s health is about more than just erectile dysfunction, reproductive health is about more than just abortions. Bills have been introduced in the House and the Senate that address In-vitro fertilization (IVF) and access to contraception. The future actions of those who enforce moral standards remain uncertain.
Across the aisle, Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Tim Walz signed a law that "codified Roe," granting the right to abortion access in Minnesota's constitution. President Biden and VP Harris have considered similar national measures, but without eliminating the Senate filibuster, that would be a heavy lift in Congress.
Regarding the broader strategy, it may not be detrimental. Ruth Bader Ginsburg posited that if Roe v. Wade hadn't made abortion legal nationwide in one sweeping decision, states might have individually repealed anti-abortion laws gradually, similar to the recent trend of states legalizing recreational marijuana.
We don’t live in that universe. We live in this one where reproductive health is on the ballot in November.
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mariacallous · 2 years
A proposed Missouri law would allow women to be prosecuted for abortions and potentially criminalize certain types of contraceptives. A bill pre-filed by Senator Mike Moon (R-Ash Grove) this month would change the state’s definition of “person” to begin at the moment of fertilization, opening the door for criminal charges against individuals who terminate their pregnancies or use contraceptives that prevent fertilized eggs from developing, legal experts say. While lawyers who spoke to the RFT see this proposal as a reckless application of criminal law, Moon says his Senate Bill 356, the “Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act,” is an acknowledgement of the sanctity of human life. “I believe science proves that life begins when a female egg is fertilized by a male sperm,” Moon says. “And because of that, I think life should be protected from the beginning till the natural death.” Moon’s bill has a slim chance of becoming law — thousands of bills are filed each year, and only a handful make it through committee, much less approval by both the Missouri House and Senate. And Moon acknowledges that he has tried and failed to pass similar legislation at least three times before. Still, legal experts worry about the ramifications of his proposal in light of Missouri’s swift enactment of its so-called trigger law after the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade last June. If enacted, Moon’s bill could allow an abortion seeker to be prosecuted with a whole host of charges — from murder, attempted murder or assault to, for example, endangering the welfare of a child if a pregnant person is found to have consumed alcohol, according to Marcia McCormick, a professor of law at Saint Louis University. “Anytime an egg doesn’t implant, it could create an opportunity for the state to at least investigate if the failure to allow implantation was intentional,” McCormick says. “If it was intentional, then maybe there could be a murder claim because at that point, the ‘child,’ being a fertilized egg, is destroyed.” Sidney Watson, a professor at Saint Louis University and a specialist in health law, says she fears that the bill would also affect contraceptives and IVF. “This attempt to define life as beginning at fertilization is, I think, a way for some elected officials to outlaw some forms of contraception,” Watson says. Certain types of birth control — such as levonorgestrel, also known as “the morning after pill,” and some forms of intrauterine devices — prevent pregnancies by blocking fertilized eggs from implanting into uterine walls. Though pregnancy is medically considered to start after implantation, GOP legislators in Missouri and other Republican-dominated states have tried to ban morning-after pills in the past for being “abortifacients.” Last year, the Missouri Senate voted to ban Plan B and IUDs as part of a bill to renew a tax on hospitals. The measure did not advance after female senators criticized the language. A revised version of the bill later passed and barred public dollars from being used for any “abortifacient drug or device.”
Pro-choice Missourians worried contraceptives would be at risk once again after the federal right to an abortion was taken away. Under Moon’s bill, McCormick says, “any birth control that operates after the moment of fertilization could count as the instrument of murder.” Moon disagrees. In a phone call Thursday, Moon said the bill “is not intended to” affect birth control. When asked how that’s possible when some forms of contraceptives prevent fertilized eggs from implantation, Moon acknowledged the bill “certainly might” affect contraceptives. “The primary focus is on purposely ending a child’s life,” Moon continued. Moon groups condoms and IUDs as contraceptives separate from Plan B, or the morning after pill. When asked if Plan B would still be lawful under his proposal, Moon responded: “I think there will be lots of conversation about that.” Plan B “very well could be” causing an abortion if an egg has been fertilized, according to Moon. Moon’s bill also sparks concern over how violators would be prosecuted, McCormick says.
The bill lists five places where persons accused could be prosecuted — from the county in which they preside to the county in which they commit their alleged crime. One especially concerns McCormick: The bill would allow prosecutors to try defendants in the county they were apprehended in. This, to McCormick, could be interpreted as an attempt to charge Missourians who travel out of state for abortions. “It seems like they’re trying to get at conduct that maybe isn’t illegal somewhere else or to get around prosecutors in Missouri who’ve said they’re unwilling to prosecute people for violating anti-abortion laws,” McCormick says. Moon’s bill offers few exceptions. A person would not be prosecuted if they were coerced under physical threat to end their pregnancy. Another exception is given for when a licensed physician performs a life-saving procedure that results in the “accidental or unintentional” death of the unborn child, but only after all other options to save the child’s life are exhausted or unavailable. This exception confused Watson and McCormick. Ectopic pregnancies (when a fertilized egg implants in a fallopian tube rather than the uterus) can kill a pregnant person if left untreated and fertilized eggs can not survive, according to the Mayo Clinic. Ending ectopic pregnancies is not “unintentional or accidental,” Watson says. “You mean to do it.” “It’s not entirely clear that the people who draft bills like these understand how biology works,” McCormick adds. Moon claims ectopic pregnancies could be an exception if a woman’s life is in danger. However, he points to a procedure he read about where, in early 1900s Europe, a part of a woman’s fallopian tube was excised and an embryo was successfully moved to her womb. (Moon was presumably referencing a 1917 medical journal article in which an American woman was reported to have undergone a similar procedure — though transplanting an ectopic pregnancy is widely considered to be medically impossible.) McCormick hopes the bill will never pass — not only for its criminal law implications but also for possibly unforeseen consequences. If a fertilized egg is considered a person under law, it could be covered by any state benefit program, she says. Moon himself has little confidence his bill will advance. “I don’t think the majority of either chamber have a desire to take on an issue of this magnitude,” Moon says, adding that a vote for the bill may not be the most politically expedient move for his colleagues. “Unfortunately, it’s going to take a monumental effort to get this passed.”
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It appears every possible outcome regarding Buck saying yes to be a sperm donor has been written so that the end result will lead to him having a breakdown.
If it’s determined that he’s infertile, then his feelings of being composed of “defective parts” will heighten and have a negative emotional effect on him.
If his family’s medical history causes him to be rejected, then the feelings he has about being made up of “defective parts” will cause him to spiral.
If the IVF treatments fail, then Buck will feel guilty and blame himself since he couldn’t help them and make them happy.
If Connor and Kameron ghost him and stop contacting him without explaining what happened, then Buck will once again experience abandonment issues and blame himself since he won’t know the reason why they stopped communicating with him.
If Connor and Kameron are really grifters and they are using Buck to extort money from him, then it’s likely Buck will feel embarrassed since he will have gotten swindled by someone who was supposed to be his friend.
If his donation succeeds, Kameron gets pregnant and has the baby, then Buck will spiral because he’s not going to be able to walk away from a child that’s biologically his. Also since Connor hadn’t contacted him in more than three years, it’s very unlikely they will keep Buck updated on the child’s progress as they continue to grow and mature.
There could be other outcomes that result from this storyline but with all of the mishaps, misinformation and mistakes that have happened to Buck since the storyline began, it’s unlikely for a positive result to occur.  It appears the goal is to get Buck to have a breakdown so that he can start to heal but he won’t be able to do that until he’s been broken.  None of the other characters were able to start their own healings until after they had their breakdowns so Buck shouldn’t be an exception.  Since Buck is the main character, that means his arc is the one that matters and the one that has to be furthered along.  Therefore the recurring characters of Connor and Kameron are simply there to be plot devices just like Taylor was last season and the end result SHOULD SHOW HOW BUCK HAS GROWN AND MATURED.  He has to understand that he doesn’t have to keep giving himself away to others while denying his own happiness but it’s apparent he hasn’t learned that lesson yet.  He did show a miniscule amount of growth after he broke up with Taylor in 5x18 “Starting Over” since he was the one who ended it but he didn’t end their relationship because he was unhappy.  During his healing, he should be able to realize that everything he's always wanted has been right in front of him this whole time but he keeps looking past it.  Also Buck has to learn from his mistakes and stop expecting things like happiness to just happen.
Was this storyline the best and only option that 9-1-1 could have used to propel Buck towards having a breakdown, NO and ABSOLUTELY NOT! There were certainly other ways they could have used to get Buck to have a breakdown so it’s unclear why they’ve involved two additional recurring characters especially since Buck’s parents are right there and will be back in 6B.  The emotional damage they’ve already caused him should have been enough to launch him into a full-blown breakdown without any help from other characters.
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esomq · 1 year
From an antinatalist's viewpoint, doing ivf is pretty fucked up: you are unable to have a baby, so you have someone perform a complex procedure in a lab equipped with various devices just to go against nature's boundaries.
The lengths people will go to fulfil their wish of having children is insane, from an antinatalist's point of view.
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theusaleaders · 1 year
Just like IVF and test tube babies, healthcare technology is advancing toward a new miracle. If you are a health professional, you must consider this question: artificial wombs. If you answered “yes,” you are correct. These devices could enable babies to develop safely outside their mother’s womb, potentially revolutionizing our perspective on pregnancy and childbirth.
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healthcare-domain · 2 years
Infertility Treatment Market Scope of Current and Future, Key Players Analysis by 2026
According to the new market research report "Infertility Treatment Market by Product (Equipment, Media, Accessories), Procedure (ART (IVF,ICSI, Surrogate), Insemination, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Patient Type (Female, Male), End User (Fertility Clinics, Hospitals, Research) - Global Forecast to 2026", published by MarketsandMarkets™, the global Infertility Treatment Market size is projected to reach USD 2.2 billion by 2026 from USD 1.5 billion in 2021, at a CAGR of 8.1% during the forecast period.
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The decline in the fertility rate, increase awareness about the availability of infertility treatment procedures, rising number of fertility clinics, increasing public & private investments and growing technological advancements are expected to drive market growth in the coming years
The infertility treatment market include major Tier I and II suppliers of infertility treatment equipment, media & consumables are The Cooper Companies Inc. (US), Cook Group (US), Vitrolife (Sweden), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (US), Esco Micro Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), Genea Biomedx (Australia), IVFtech ApS (Denmark), FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific (US), The Baker Company, Inc. (US), Kitazato Corporation (Japan), Rocket Medical plc (UK), IHMedical A/S (Denmark), Hamilton Thorne Ltd. (US), ZEISS Group (Germany), MedGyn Products, Inc. (US), DxNow, Inc. (US), Nidacon International AB (Sweden), Gynotec B.V. (Netherlands), SAR Healthline Pvt. Ltd. (India), and InVitroCare Inc. (US). These suppliers have their manufacturing facilities spread across regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific.
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COVID-19 has impacted their businesses as well. Logistical issues, managing patients with the disease, prioritizing patients with comorbidities and pre-existing conditions, and protecting public & hospital frontline workers from exposure to the COVID-19 infection are the major challenges faced by healthcare systems across the globe. One in six reproductive-aged couples experiences infertility, and many turn to treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), which require in-person appointments to complete.
The fertility rate worldwide is declining steadily owing to various factors, such as the growing trend of late marriages and increasing age-related infertility. Global fertility rates are projected to decline to 2.4 children per woman by 2030 and 2.2 children per woman by 2050. This declining fertility rate has led to a significant increase in the demand for infertility treatment products that determine the fertility window in males and females.
The rise in number of fertility clinics to support the market growth during the forecast period.
Significant rise in number of fertility clinics, coupled with the decline in the fertility rate across the globe. Along with this growing focus of players and government towards the launching and acquiring new fertility centers across the globe is likely to contribute towards the growth of the segment. The expansion of fertility clinics equipped with advanced technology is anticipated to increase the accessibility of infertility treatment devices among infertile couples.
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Asia Pacific likely to emerge as the fastest-growing infertility treatment market, globally
Geographically, the emerging Asian countries, such as China, India, Japan and Singapore, are offering high-growth opportunities for market players. The Asia Pacific point of care market is projected to grow at the highest CAGR of 9.1% from 2021 to 2026. Expansion of healthcare infrastructure and increase in disposable personal income, rising medical tourism in Asian countries, increasing healthcare expenditure, and growing awareness among people about infertility are supporting the growth of the infertility treatment market in the region.
Prominent players in this market are The Cooper Companies Inc. (US), Cook Group (US), Vitrolife (Sweden), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (US), FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific (US), Kitazato Corporation (Japan), and Hamilton Thorne Ltd. (US), among others
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lowestivfcostindia · 6 days
Finding the Lowest IVF Cost in India at Top Clinics:
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The IVF fees in India are cheaper for couples than in other countries. IVF treatment helps couples achieve top conception outcomes. Top clinics will offer the lowest IVF cost in India to all couples who are not able to afford advanced fertility methods in other nations. IVF treatment method in India is the best and is performed with A-class technologies and advanced methods. Couples get different fertility treatments from experienced fertility doctors at the cheapest IVF cost in India.
The IVF cost in India includes many advanced steps that help in a successful conception result. IVF treatment process is done with advanced equipment. The cost of in vitro fertilization is based on many reasons. If a couple is dealing with a serious infertility problem then a fertility doctor can offer different other advanced approaches. These advanced approaches can increase IVF fees in India. The lowest IVF cost in India also depends on the location and reputation of the fertility clinic. For example, the cost of IVF treatment in Delhi IVF can be more affordable than the cost of IVF treatment in Chennai.
What stages are included in the lowest IVF cost in India?
IVF treatment in India has a high success rate. Various stages are included in the lowest IVF cost in India at top fertility clinics. The steps in the cheapest IVF cost in India are as follows:
1. The fertility doctor will give reproductive medications to the intended female parent. The doctor will also perform an ovarian exam to see the reaction of the medicines to the ovaries of the female parent. Sometimes female partners' ovaries feel side effects after taking fertility drugs. The fertility doctor will also examine the male partner`s semen. This examination is performed to check the condition of sperm. In addition, the fertility doctor will also perform a screening of the female`s uterus to know the health of the sex organs.
2. A top-class consultation will be given to the couple to calm down the mental health of the intended parents. The counselor also explains the stages involved in the IVF treatment method and can advise other fertility treatment methods depending on the medical evaluation of the couple.
3. The female`s ovaries will get stimulated by injecting hormonal drugs before beginning the IVF treatment method. These drugs help ovaries produce a higher quantity and quality of mature eggs for better IVF treatment results.
4. The egg collection method will be done with the help of a transvaginal ultrasound and a small device named a catheter. The catheter will be inserted into the female`s uterus to collect eggs from the egg follicles. The doctor will recommend painkillers to the female partner because she can experience some cramps after the egg retrieval.
5. The male`s healthy sperm will be prepared from the semen sample produced by him. If the male has poor sperm quality or low sperm quantity, the donor sperm could be used for better conception results.
6. The fertility doctor will conduct the fertilization process by combining sperm and eggs on a dish plate performed in the laboratory under the doctor`s supervision. The fertilization process will fertilize the sperm and eggs.
7. The fertilized egg is known as an embryo. The fertility doctor will select a healthy embryo by implanting it in the woman's uterus after screening the growth in the laboratory for several days. The catheter will be inserted inside the woman`s uterus, to place the embryo. The woman will get pregnant after a successful embryo transfer.
Where can you find the lowest IVF cost in India?
World Fertility Services is the top IVF clinic in India offering A-class methods to treat every couple who wants to get a healthy biological baby. A couple can get top IVF treatment methods for several medical and infertility conditions with a high rate of success at the lowest IVF cost in India. Top fertility doctors with high experience will perform the IVF treatment at the cheapest IVF cost in India. These doctors have top qualifications to perform the best IVF procedures with the help of advanced equipment at the lowest IVF fees in India.
A couple can get effective help for paying the high IVF cost in India from leading fertility doctors. The top IVF center offers top IVF packages along with other fertility treatments. The leading fertility clinic will help in a successful reasonable IVF treatment method in India. Moreover, the IVF treatment`s success rate in India is much higher than in other nations as couples are offered top-class approaches to treat their severe infertility conditions. A couple can receive a successful pregnancy outcome with the assistance of the best IVF doctor in India.
Many couples who want to get conceived with advanced fertility treatment can be assisted at the top clinic at the lowest IVF cost in India. Infertility is a common issue nowadays that prevents couples from conceiving a genetically related baby through the natural process. The best IVF clinics, such as World Fertility Services, provide the top fertility treatment between INR 1,50,000 and INR 3,00,000. At our centers, couples can receive assistance from experienced fertility doctors and dedicated health workers who help infertile couples with conception. The top clinics will also provide top counseling sessions. The top fertility hospitals will provide advanced IVF treatment methods at low IVF fees in India. These doctors perform IVF treatment with advanced equipment. Couples has faced previous failed pregnancies or miscarriages can receive the best treatment at the cheapest IVF cost in India.
FAQs related to the lowest IVF cost in India-
1. What factors influence the lowest IVF cost in India? A. Many factors can increase the cheapest IVF cost in India. Problems like poor quality of eggs or low count of sperm, previously failed IVF cycles, miscarriages or failed pregnancies can increase the IVF cost in India.
2. What stages are included in the cheapest IVF cost in India? A. Many advanced stages are included in IVF treatment. Counseling sessions, fertility drugs, collecting sperm and eggs, fertilizing the sperm and eggs, collecting healthy embryos, and implanting embryos inside the uterus.
3. What is the cost of the IVF treatment method in India? A. Top fertility clinics such as World Fertility Services offer a reasonable IVF treatment between INR 1,50,000 and INR 3,00,000.
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drritabakshi-blog1 · 8 days
Top IVF with an Egg donor in Bangalore at Reasonable Prices
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Fertility servicesA female partner`s poor eggs will affect the entire in vitro fertilization cycle. A failure in IVFtreatment affects the results of patients at the best IVF centre in Bangalore. A top fertility doctor will suggest IVF with an egg donor in Bangalore for better pregnancy outcomes. An egg Donor in Bangalore is a healthy woman who will donate her healthy eggs. These healthy eggs help a couple who are facing infertility problems. IVF in Bangalore with healthy eggs will give successful conception results to partners. The healthy donor`s eggs will fertilize with the intended male partner&#39;s sperm inside a laboratory.
Many couples are assisted with an egg donor as the female`s ovaries are in poor condition, advanced age, no ovaries, hereditary problems, etc.
Egg donor assistance can be the top method for better conception results at an affordable IVF cost in Bangalore. The fertility doctor will do several screening tests on the female partner. He will also collect the eggs from the donors. The doctor will use the donor`s eggs during the IVF cycle treatment. The price of the egg donor in Bangalore is much more reasonable than in developed nations.
The egg donor price in Bangalore is between INR.1,25,000 and INR.1,75,000. The cost of an IVF treatment at a top fertility clinic like World Fertility Services is between INR.1,50,000 and INR.3,00,000. The IVF with an egg donor in Bangalore involves different advanced stages. IVF treatment will need reproductive drugs to increase highly mature egg production in the uterus of the donor. The fertility doctor will collect highly mature eggs from the uterus of the donor with the help of a device and a sharp needle.
What is the IVF with an egg donor in Bangalore? 
The best IVF centre in Bangalore is available to assist infertile couples with the top IVF egg donors by using the latest technologies. IVF in Bangalore is done with the help of donor eggs. These donor eggs which are collected from another healthy woman get fertilized with the intended male parent&#39;s sperm outside the human body. After a successful fertilization procedure, a healthy embryo will be transferred inside the intended female parent&#39;s uterus for a successful pregnancy outcome. A couple has to choose a top egg donor with a similar appearance by finding themselves or through the top center. These centers offer a reasonable IVF cost in Bangalore. Here are the proper stages of IVF with an egg donor in Bangalore:
1. The fertility specialist will give reproductive drugs to the egg donor in Bangalore. These drugs will increase healthy egg production inside the uterus of the egg donor.The doctor will also prepare the intended female parent&#39;s uterus with fertility drugs.
2. A healthy sperm will be collected and prepared with the help of the male partner`s semen by the fertility doctor. The fertility doctor will choose healthy sperm for a successful fertilization procedure. The doctor will collect healthy eggs from the uterus of the donor by inserting a catheter and a tiny needle.
3. The donor`s eggs and the intended male parent`s sperm will be mixed inside the laboratory by placing them on a Petri dish plate at the best IVF centre in Bangalore. The gametes will be fertilized and developed into healthy embryos. The top specialist will watch these embryos closely for a few days. He will select one or two healthy embryos for the implantation procedure into the intended female parent&#39;s uterus.
4. After two weeks of healthy embryo implantation inside the intended female parent`s uterus, the fertility specialist will conduct blood tests to verify a pregnancy confirmation.
5. The egg donor with IVF cost in Bangalore is much more affordable than in developed nations. The outcome of egg donors with IVF in Bangalore depends on many reasons like advanced age. A couple&#39;s advanced age can affect the pregnancy and IVF results.
What are the IVF egg donor success rates in Bangalore?
The success rate of IVF with an egg donor in Bangalore is higher than in the standard IVF treatment method. The eggs will be collected from a healthy woman. A fertility specialist will fertilize the eggs inside a lab through many modern technologies and techniques. An egg donor in Bangalore can assist with IVF treatment methods for better conception outcomes. The IVF egg donor success rate in the best IVF centre in Bangalore is more than 65%. Many reasons can affect the success rate of an egg donor with IVF in Bangalore:
1. Advanced age always impacts the female partner`s egg, sex organs, and overall health which affects the success rate of IVF treatment.
2. If an intended male parent is facing infertility issues it will affect the pregnancy results. 
3. Other health issues can result in miscarriages and failed pregnancies.
IVF in Bangalore helps infertile couples with egg donors with the help of modern technologies and techniques. Nowadays, many couples are dealing with infertility problems. The cost of IVF with an egg donor in Bangalore can be increased because of many reasons. Poor egg quantity or quality, advanced age of the female partner, previous failed miscarriages, and hereditary diseases. As compared to other nations, an egg donor in Bangalore is affordable. The donor egg IVF treatment at the best IVF centre in Bangalore includes medical screening, reproductive drugs, egg collection from the egg donor, sperm retrieval from the intended male parents, fertilization of gametes, and embryo transfer inside the intended female
FAQs related to IVF with an Egg Donor in Bangalore
1. What factors influence the cost of IVF with an egg donor in Bangalore?
A. The cost of an egg donor in Bangalore is influenced due to many reasons. If afemale partner has poor eggs, failed previous miscarriages, or pregnancies can increase the IVF cost in Bangalore.
2. What is the cost of an egg donor with IVF in Bangalore?
A. The egg donor with IVF cost in Bangalore at the best fertility clinic such as World Fertility Services is between INR 2,75,000 and INR 4,75,000, which is more affordable than in other developed nations.
3. Who should go for egg donation treatment at the best IVF centre in Bangalore?
A. Couples who have faced previous miscarriages, failed pregnancies, or have genetic issues can look for the egg donor`s assistance.
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ivfpriceindia · 8 days
How much is the IVF price in India?
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The IVF price in India is more affordable than in other foreign nations as the IVF procedure prices in foreign nations are high. The top-class fertility centers in India provide A-level techniques and advanced technologies at a lower IVF cost in India 2024 than in Western nations. A top fertility clinic has advanced multiple IVF stages with top techniques. Sometimes couples are lucky as they can conceive twins with IVF techniques. Surely, an IVF for twins cost in India will get increased. These fertility clinics help couples in conceiving a healthy biological baby with affordable IVF package cost.
Every couple wants lower charges with budget-friendly options and get the best conception results. The IVF treatment ranges between INR.1,50,000 and INR.3,00,000 at top fertility clinics. IVF therapy includes many steps to get excellent conception outcomes. The cost of IVF treatment depends on the different issues. The involvement of different advanced fertility methods with IVF therapy will increase the success rates but will increase the IVF price in India. The patient`s age, infertility status, reputation and location of the clinic, and involvement of different fertility methods are a few reasons that can increase the IVF cost in India 2024.
What stages are included in an affordable IVF price in India?
The stages in an affordable IVF price in India have high conception rates and are performed by skilled doctors with the assistance of modern technologies. The IVF package cost has different stages to help infertile couples for better pregnancy results. The total IVF package price will depend on successful and unsuccessful cycles. The IVF treatment includes the following stages:
The IVF cost in India will include fertility medication charges to increase the egg production of the female partner. It will trigger the female partner's ovaries to produce a large number of healthy eggs. It will also encourage them to increase their maturity in the ovaries. The retrieval procedure will include one more fertility injection to help in releasing the female`s eggs into the uterus.
The fertility professional will gather healthy eggs from the female partner's uterus. With the assistance of a catheter, camera, and light device, the fertility professional will locate the female`s eggs in the ovaries. The doctor will successfully gather the eggs from the ovaries of the female partner.
The male partner will produce a semen sample and give it to the fertility professional. From this semen sample, the doctor will prepare a healthy sperm inside the laboratory for a fertilization procedure.
The eggs and sperm of the couple will be placed together on the cultural dish plate. The prepared sperm will enter and fertilize the female`s eggs. The fertilized egg will divide into parts and form healthy embryos.
The professional will monitor the selected embryos for more than three days. The specialist will monitor the growth and development and will choose one or two fully developed healthy embryos for the implantation procedure inside the uterus. These healthy embryos will again be placed on a catheter so that they can be implanted inside the uterus wall of the female partner. These healthy embryos will successfully grow for a successful conception outcome.
Which is the best center offering an affordable IVF price in India?
Many IVF centers offer a reasonable IVF price in India with top methods and high success rates. At World Fertility Services, couples can get a reasonable IVF cost in India 2024 with a top-class IVF method for the best conception outcomes. The IVF technique approaches are highly advanced in treating different infertility issues of couples. We offer the latest advanced technologies at a reasonable IVF package cost. These fertility doctors have years of experience in treating various infertility issues of infertile couples. We also offer IVF for twins cost in India.
In vitro fertilization is helping several infertile couples in India. Many advanced stages are included in the IVF therapy method. Stages include medical screening of the intended parents, retrieval of the gametes from the intended parents, fertilization procedure of these gametes in a laboratory, and transferring the best embryo into the intended female parent's uterus with advanced techniques and technologies. A successful implantation of the embryos helps to conceive a healthy biological baby. The IVF price in India can be increased because of several severe issues in the couple. If a female is suffering from blocked, missing, or damaged fallopian tubes she needs IVF therapy assistance. Couples can get a reasonable IVF cost in India 2024 at World Fertility Services. The total IVF package cost ranges between INR 1,50,000 and INR 3,00,000 at top fertility clinics.
FAQs related to IVF cost in India?
1. What is IVF therapy? A. IVF is a technique performed by top fertility doctors to help couples dealing with severe infertility problems. IVF is an ART technique in which the sperm of the intended male parent is mixed with the eggs of the intended female parent in a laboratory to form embryos outside the human body.
2. What stages are included in the affordable IVF price in India? A. Different advanced stages are included in the IVF technique. The fertility doctor will give fertility medicines to increase egg production, the couple's gametes are retrieved, fertilization of the gametes and implanting the embryos inside the uterus.
3. What is the IVF cost in India 2024? A. The IVF package cost is between INR.1,50,000 to INR.3,00,000 at World Fertility Services.
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