ali-annals · 8 months
call it what you want
Pairing: Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: G | Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ao3 | WC: 1.7k | TW: -
A/N: This is part of a series called The Eras Tour (Jasonette’s Version), a collection of Jasonette-centric fics I wrote for the Maribat discord server Maribat? Get In!’s 2024 Civil War event. Not beta’d.
“Jaybird, you need to calm down. Please.” The red-helmeted figure turned to face Batman. “It’s not me! I have calmed down!” ... “Let’s go back to the Cave and talk it out,” suggested Nightwing, slowly advancing. ... A girl in black and red walked towards the cluster of Bats. The last thing he saw was her taking his family out, then only blackness.
“Jaybird, you need to calm down. Please.”
The red-helmeted figure turned to face Batman. “It’s not me! I have calmed down!”
The past several months drug lords had been shot, their gangs busted and taken over by a new player in Gotham. Just before they began, Red Hood had fought with Bruce and left angrily. Now, after three weeks of Oracle reporting sightings of Red Hood around the crime scenes, Batman had finally caught his errant son.
“I’m perfectly fine, B,” snarked Hood as Nightwing and Red Robin landed behind Batman. “Doin’ better than I ever was, actually.”
“Little Wing, where’d you go?” asked Nightwing sadly. “We were doing so well…it was one fight.”
Red Hood rounded on him. “It’s always one fight, ‘Wing! And it’s not me–I was out of the country when Sionis was taken over!”
“Please, calm down, Jaybird.”
“Let’s go back to the Cave and talk it out,” suggested Nightwing, slowly advancing. 
Hood turned around, seeing Black Bat and Robin had gathered behind him. His breathing quickened and he started to shake, claustrophobia setting in. 
A girl in black and red walked towards the cluster of Bats. The last thing he saw was her taking his family out, then only blackness.
Jason awoke to rhythmic beeping–a heart monitor. Through slitted eyes, he noticed he was in his medical safehouse. A familiar face swam into focus.
He smiled slightly. “Hey.”
“Hey, yourself. How do you feel?”
“Fine. It was just some…”
“I know. Okay, the scan says you’re clear; you can get up.”
“What time is it?”
“One-thirty. You’ve been out for two-point-two-five hours.”
“We’re in M-2?”
“Mhm. You want to talk about it?”
“It was just–too much. Too close.”
His companion slowly came forward and hugged him. “They’re out for a bit, except BB. She let me take you. The others are in the lockup bay. I figured we should explain, and this seemed like the safest option at the moment.”
He wrapped his arms around her, sighing contentedly as her familiar comforting scent surrounded him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
She untangled herself from his arms after a few more seconds. “So, how much are we telling them?”
“Everything. B will hate it.”
“That is not why we are doing this, mon cherie .”
“I know, but it’s a nice plus!”
Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, and Robin were securely tied up. Their lockpicks and dislocated thumbs wouldn’t help them escape. Though their masks/cowls stayed on, their utility belts had been removed. Black Bat was wrapped in rope, but she could escape easily enough; the rope was more for show than anything, as she was currently the most sensible of the cauldron. 
The room was a fair size, all metal. No windows, doors, or any type of escape hatches were visible. 
The steel door flush with the wall slid open silently. Red Hood stepped in minus his helmet and mask. Following him was a petite Eurasian woman in a black bodysuit with red accents. A red mask covered her eyes, nose, and forehead. Her eyes were blue, her waist-length braid black. A red yoyo hung from her hip, but the Bats knew better than to underestimate such an unconventional weapon.
“I am Jason’s alibi for the past eight months, Monsieur Batman.” Her mildly French accent was polite yet cold. “When Roman Sionis was taken down, Jason was with me, in Paris. Here are dated pictures and his plane tickets as proof,” she laid the information on the steel table in the middle of the room after passing them in front of the captives’ faces. “For the others, I have similar proof except for one, but if this is the same criminal–and I’m sure you’ve come to the same conclusion as well–-then that automatically rules him out.”
“Who are you?” asked Nightwing.
“Oh, did I not introduce myself? Pardonnez-moi, messieurs et mademoiselle. Je suis Ladybird , Red Hood’s partner. Red Robin and Oracle will find no trace or mention of me. No one sees me, though I am just as active as Hood. I retired from heroing after I caught my villain. I missed the action, so I unretired to become a vigilante.”
Jason untied Black Bat. “Cass knows Ladybird is on my side and that I’m innocent. She let Birdy take you guys out.”
Cass nodded at Ladybird and slipped into the room’s shadows.
“If you promise to remain calm, civil, and unaccusing while we explain, I’ll let you go,” he told the Bats. 
They quickly agreed and were led to a comfortable living room. Jason started a fire in the fireplace while the Bats settled themselves on the couches, sizing up the room. Most of the decor could be used as a weapon of some sort.
Ladybird reappeared with a tray of coffee and pastries. She handed a pastry to Jason and put a mug on the knitted coaster on the table beside his leather armchair, then handed a mug to Red Robin. 
Jason caught her waist, pulling her onto his lap; she leaned into his embrace comfortably, clearly used to his casual handling.
“So, uh, are you two dating?” asked Nightwing.
Ladybird laughed. “No, we’re not. The reason you are here is because you need to understand some things about Jason.”
“Go on,” grunted Batman. 
She took a sip from her mug, a deep breath, and began.
Two years ago
Ladybug stormed into Gabriel Agreste’s office. “Why did Adrien tell me–” She stopped in surprise.
Hawkmoth was there. They stared at each other in shock, then she lunged for his brooch. For five years he’d sat in his lair sending out butterflies. For five years she’d fought akuma after akuma, amok after amok. He didn’t have a chance against her rage-fuelled combat skills.
She ripped off his brooch, tearing his transformation away, revealing Gabriel Agreste. On the warpath, she headed for Nathalie and seized her pin as well, finally recovering all the Miraculous.
Paris assured of its safety against magical emotional terrorists, Ladybug and Chat Noir retired. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng took a long-needed and well-deserved vacation. It was far away from Paris…New Jersey was a quiet New England state in the quiet USA, right?
A red-helmeted finger dropped onto her hotel balcony. 
“Oh, kwami! He’s bleeding out!”
She dragged Red Hood inside her room to heal him, a handful of kwami hovering around her to lend their energy.
Plagg latched onto Hood’s dark energy. “Pigtails, he’s died before. You know about the Lazarus Pits? He’s been in one and it’s twisting him. He’ll go crazy as the al Ghuls if you don’t fix it. You’re lucky a supreme being like me is around to help you with that.”
Using TIkki’s creation magic to level out the destruction of Plagg’s magic, Marinette began to even out Hood’s energy to normal levels.
Doing too much at one time could cause irreversible side effects, however, so when Hood woke up, noticeably confused and defensive, she explained the situation and received his agreement to continue his treatment.
She assured him he was perfectly safe with her, she’d once been a hero and understood how to keep identities secret. Sensing the magical darkness in Gotham, she moved there six months later, continuing to see Jason long after he’d been completely healed.
Seven months ago
Jason flew to France to meet Marinette’s friends and parents, happy to be surprising his number-one supporter.  
Somehow, he had made it to a field of flowers, down on one knee in front of the love of his life.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, will you let me become the happiest man in the world and be your husband?”
Tears prickled in both their eyes as she rapidly nodded. “Yes!”
Six months ago
 “Do you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, take Jason Todd as your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do!”
The gold ring sliding on her finger was cool, but warmed quickly from her body heat, like it had always been there.
They both wanted a quick, small wedding. Jason still wasn’t speaking to his family since their fight four months ago, and all her friends and family were there, so the couple were married in the city of lights and love.
Three months ago
Ladybird appeared beside Red Hood. He was closely following the new crime lord’s case, so of course she was too. No one saw them watching the Bats from the shadows, eyeing them as they worked.
One month ago
“Alright, this is stupid. Jason, mon coeur, I think it would be good for everyone if you reconnect with your family. I’m sure they miss you, and I know you miss them too, even if you’ll never say it.
“The Madness is gone, so even if you fight–which I’m sure you won’t–it won’t be nearly as bad as before. I’ll fight Bruce myself if I have to.”
“I’ll think about it, Pix.”
“That’s…the best I can ask for. Thank you, cherie .”
“...and that’s what happened,” Ladybird finished.
The Bats were silent, finally broken by Batman.
“Thank you for this proof of Jason’s innocence, and for helping us meet again, Ladybird.”
She smiled. “You are welcome. I hope you’ll not waste this time?”
“No. When—Would you be willing to come to dinner one night?”
He sighed, then looked at his father. “Sunday still family dinner day?”
“Alfred won’t let us skip it.”
“We’ll be there 4:30 then.”
Batman;s face softened–what could be read of it–and argument could be made that it was a smile. “I’ll tell Alfred you’re bringing a guest.”
Ladybird stood up. “Jay won’t hug you, so you can hug me instead, Nightwing. I can tell you want to.”
With a squeal the vigilante bounded over to hug her. “Thank you! New little sister privileges!”
She laughed a little and patted his back. “I’m not averse to hugs, as long as I have warning beforehand. I don’t hold any responsibility for any KO’s you may incur.”
“Finally, someone who’ll let me hug them! Good job picking her, Little Wing.” Nightwing ruffled Jason’s hair.
Jason batted his hand away, smirking. “It was my very good luck that she picked me .”
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888-fr · 1 year
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some sort of lich things
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aritany · 1 year
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okay. this book is NA which means it's going to be inevitably marketed as YA were i to ever pursue publishing for it. do you think this sort of content belongs in YA spaces? do you think there's room for conversations about this with younger audiences, or does this belong in adult fiction?
(content on consent derived from ace by angela chen, a 10/10 read)
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gummybugg · 1 year
Get To Know My OC
I am so excited to do this one! Thank you, @writernopal, for the tag! Go read her Super cool post Here.
Jemmah, I choose you!
Jemmah rolls her eyes and reluctantly follows my voice down a hallway lined with white concrete walls covered in timeless murals. His clunky platforms tack against the cracked, yellowed tiles. The witch makes her way into the room at the end of the hall labeled “Interviewing Room” in black Lobster font. There, she seats herself, cross-legged, in a folding metal chair in front of a thick, wooden table across from me, who stands behind a one-way mirror. He is alone, except for a friendly spotlight that shines in his face. The faint sound of the Family Feud theme song plays in the speakers above.
“I know you’re there. I’m not stupid.” Jemmah squints her eyes from the harsh light. I tell him why he’s here and that he’s the perfect candidate to answer these questions. She obliges, saying under her breath that once this is over, for me to never contact her again, or else I’ll regret it.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not to my knowledge, no.
2. When was the last time you cried?
What kind of question is that?
3. Do you have kids?
Of course, not! Jemmah looks offended, as if this question were indicative of his age.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
To some it’s sarcasm, but to Silas, it’s a form of endearment. I have to watch what I say around them so that they don’t misconstrue.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Usually what clothes they have on. Big talk coming from someone who wears a lot of holographic clothing, I know. But if I see one clashing pattern or color, your first impression is as good as ruined.
6. What's your eye color?
Turquoise, Jemmah says as she squints in the mirror, over five feet away. They look black when my pupils are completely dilated. (note: Jemmah has pupils like a cat’s)
Scary movies or happy endings?
Don’t tell Binaca this, but I actually don’t mind the gushy movies she puts on during movie night. He looks off to the side for a moment, realizing that Bianca is probably tuning in.
8. Any special talents?
Well, I can pour a perfect shot, I can craft pretty potent healing elixirs, and I can dance in ten-inch heels. So I’d say I have a few talents up my sleeve. Jemmah crosses her arms, looking rather proud of herself.
9. Where were you born?
Not exactly in this city, more on the outskirts. She nods, as if any of that made a lick of sense. Jemmah isn’t too fond of sharing private information.
10. What are your hobbies?
Well, I work at a bar called Indie’s Bar and Thrills, but you’re asking what I do outside of work. I like to paint landscapes, go to wine and painting events, cook, and read.
11. Have you any pets?
Yes, I have a white ball python named Leone! Jemmah flashes a smile, but is quick to hide it with the paper held in front of her. But if you were referring to the demon in my house, then yes, I suppose I have two pets to look after… Jemmah grimaces to himself.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I’m not really a sports person, but I do occasionally dance at Indie’s.
13. How tall are you?
Five feet and eleven inches, the last I checked.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Currently, I am pursuing the art of potion-making. It’s a craft I have been studying for my entire life. Everyone tells me I’d be the youngest person to ever have received such a license, but they don’t know the half of it.
15. Dream job?
I like my bartending job at Indie’s and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. But if I had to choose another job, it would probably be something in the medical field. Healing is what I am good at, no matter how you slice it. Jemmah doesn’t seem to notice her pun, but luckily I do, and call her out on it. She fights really hard not to smirk and says how stupid a pun it was.
Just as promised, I release Jemmah from the room, and cut all forms of contact with him. Everyone give it up for our favorite witch! The Family Feud theme starts back up again as the witch hastily makes her way out of the room, cursing under her breath.
Tagging (as soft as a feather): @hihopelessromantics, @another-white-hole, @yedithwrites, @imaginarie-fun, @new-royston-cursebreakers, @charlesjosephwrites, @rickie-the-storyteller, @sabels-small-sphere, @doublegoblin, @hydrangea-gas, @digitalsatyr23, @withlovelunette, @akindofmagictoo, and really Anyone because I couldn’t tag Everyone, and plus I love learning about everyone's ocs! This is a very Open tag!
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vinetae · 2 years
You have promised that you will upload full circle series at the end of December please upload it soon
Finally done! So sorry for the wait, guys.. At first I had been really sick for around two weeks, the Christmas came around the corner like that, and now my cat has a UTI 😔
I had MAJOR writer's block with this chapter, so I hope it's not terrible. This had been in my drafts for over 2 weeks 👀
I hope you enjoy it! (Does have a lil smut and oop- Jimin's got a lil addiction to something. Can you guess what? Lmfao.)
Chapter 2: Addictions
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Pairings: Jimin x Pregnant Reader
Genre: Pregnancy!AU, Unexpected Pregnancy, Angst, SMUT SMUT SMUT, Sperm Donor mishaps
W.C: 6.3k
Summary: Y/n's now a little further in her trimester and acceptance of her situation. While Jimin on the other hand...
Not so much..
How will they both find a way to cope through this new way of life?
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
This was it. 
He had a feeling about it. He knew you’d find out eventually. The dates had just added up too much to be a coincidence. 
You were carrying his child. 
The thought stuns him each time it crosses his mind. The fact that his child, your child is his own. He’s the father, and he barely even knows you. Sure, he’s hung around you in the past a few times but it had always been short lived from Namjoon’s early and late arrivals. When he got time, you’d scoot further away from Jimin, giving him a small jab in the heart at the cold gesture. 
The door creaks open, noticing how you’re just sitting down in the chair across from the doctor’s desk. Your hair pulled into a loose ponytail. The flow of your dress had been graciously splaying across the skin of your thighs. He takes in a deep breath, before revealing him fully. 
“Jimin, did you not feel like waiting outside anymore?” You flash him an adorable smile, which makes his heart pang with sadness. Will you hate him for this? Will you leave and never let him see your child? Can you file for sexual assault?
All of the questions are simmered by the doctor’s short commentary. 
“We’re actually waiting for someone, sir. If you’d like to wait outside for a little while longer-” 
They weren’t going to believe this. He sighs, pulling his phone from the hidden pockets of his jeans, dialing the last number in his unknown contacts. The doctor quickly picks up the hand held phone that sat on her desk before answering. 
The simple word was all the confirmation that doctor Lee needed. She sets the line down before offering Jimin to take a seat. 
Your glimmering eyes set on his. “Why’d she call you, Jimin? How do you even have her number?” This was torture. He couldn’t stand this. The pain, regret, and everything else you’ll feel will be all his fault. 
“Well, shall we get started?” You tilt your head to the side. Confusion paints your expressions. 
“Aren’t we waiting for the donor?” Your voice is so sweet, so innocent. Like a spoonful of smooth honey coating a sore throat for a great relief. His eyes land on your straight figure. Hands rest in the crease of your thighs, while your ankles cross at the joints. Before Jimin could say anything, the doctor speaks. 
“Donor 519, Park Jimin.” 
Your body freezes up. His eyes glisten with a certain gleam. Worry? Maybe some even pity in his saddened chocolate irises. Your heart races from the new information. 
This can’t be happening..
There’s no way Jimin’s the-
“Mr. Park came in on the 12th of last December. Two supplements had been provided, totaling his earnings to 300,000 Korean won.” Your eyes fall back between the two. Jimin had sat in silence, focusing his sights on the papers he’d been skimming over. 
“So, since the two parties already have been in contact before, have you discussed a plan for when the child arrives?” Your eyes are both set on each other. An awkward silence falls upon the room. 
“If not, Mr, Park; you’re legally obligated to sign over all permissions to miss Y/n.”
Jimin’s fist clenched, as his eyes darken in his gaze. “And what will you be doing about this mess up, hmm? Last time I checked, it’s not exactly an accepted practice to accidentally inseminate the wrong patient.” 
Doctor Lee’s eyes widened at his words. The lump in her throat visible to anyone who’d take a look. She pulls at the tight of his button up collar, loosening the fabric to get pressure off her windpipe. Your hand comes to rest on Jimin. His gaze immediately softens when looking at you. 
“We can figure out the logistics of this later. What about the couple who’d originally planned for the procedure?” She quickly starts clicking the keys on her keyboard, until she turns the screen to face the two of you. 
“The couple is already scheduled to get the right procedure taken care of on Monday morning. You two have nothing legally to do with them, so need for no  introductions.” You nod, watching as the little vein in Jimin’s neck starts throbbing.
This was going to be a difficult conversation indeed…
The door clicks shut as you lean up against it’s hard surface. Jimin follows soon after, as you both avoid eye contact with each other. The TV’s bright lights switch off, as Namjoon rises from his seat on the couch he’d been laying on while watching the first few episodes of Love Island. 
You sigh, shuffling your way over to the stocked kitchen, rumbling through his goodies of sweets before settling on a bag of salt and vinegar chips. Jimin trudges over, plopping down onto the couch next to Joonie, sporting an exhausted expression. 
“Jesus you two. Did someone die?” Namjoon walks over, taking a few chips from the bag held in your hands. Quickly, you slap his hand away before he has time to grab a second round. You flash him a pissed look which tells him to back the fuck off. 
“No. No one died, hyung.” Jimin finally responds, making his way over to the kitchen, pulling out a cold beer before plopping down onto the barstool adjacent to the two of you. Namjoon’s gaze switches between the two of you, a questioning look arises. 
“Then what’s the matter?” His eyes go wide at the crazy thoughts filling his head. His hands quickly reach down to cradle your small bump. 
“Is something wrong with the baby!?” You shake your head before removing his hands from your lower stomach, pressing the palm of yours to his cheek to calm him down. 
“Everything with the baby’s fine, Joonie. It was perfectly healthy. Here-” You reach into the small of your pocket, pulling out the little sonogram the doctor had taken of your child a few hours before. You place the small piece of precious paper in Namjoon’s hand. His smile beams like rays from the sun as he examines the thin sheet. 
“Wow..” Is all he responds with. 
You clear your throat, leaning back into your chair to finish the remains of your meal. Once you’re through, you stand up to clean your mess and head to the bathroom to ready yourself for bedtime. 
The tinted night falls heavy upon the apartment’s lack of lighting. The moon’s bright rays peek through the thin curtains that flow from the A/C’s cooling winds. Namjoon had offered for you to spend the night since you and Jimin had gotten back super late. Offering his bed to you, you quickly refused, commenting that you’d much rather take the couch instead. You’ve slept on it before. 
Why would this time be any different?
Took him for about EVER to finally give in to your stubbornness, but he’d had a long day at work. So, in the end you’d won. Which led you to sleeping on the black faux leather sectional in the large apartment complex. 
Tossing and turning, your mind wanders to scenes from the hours before. 
“Donor 519, Park Jimin.” 
You groan, rubbing your face out of agony. Ever since walking out of the OBG/YN Office, your head hasn't stopped pounding. It felt as if a million tiny monkeys with anvils were bouncing on a bed. Your flip over, huffing from frustration. 
You weren’t going to sleep anytime soon. 
Sighing, you untangle yourself from the wrapped sheets you’d encased yourself in, walking to grab a glass of water. As you're chugging the liquid, your headache has subdued a bit. The loud being from the front door had alerted your hazy senses. A tall dark shadow messily walks into the doorway before shutting the door behind himself. He ruffles his hair while making his way to the kitchen cabinets. Rummaging through the shelves, he huffs before breaking the seal of a new chip bag. You turn to face you a few seconds later, his reddened eyes widen at you. A smile plasters his features as he stumbles over to embrace you in a tight hug. 
“Y/n! You’re here!!” You cover his mouth, trying to pry his heavy weight from you. “I’m here, Jimin. Fuck-” You push him back, feeling bile creep up the backs of your throat. You cover your nostrils to not projectile vomit all over the place. 
“You reek of alcohol. What the hell happened??” He pouts before laughing maniacally. He fumbles over to a stool at the bar before plopping down with his bag of chips and a new bottle of soju. 
“I went out and I was g-gonna buuy some fings for ma room but I thought about our baby! So I went-” He hiccups, banging his head on the counter. 
“Fuuuck. Is is loud in here? It’s so fucking loud..” You sit down next to him, rubbing the curves of his back. 
“You’re drunk, Jimin. Come on, let’s go get you into bed.” He whines as you help in rise to his feet before he collapses, falling to the floor while pulling your weight down with his. He laughs loudly at the silly position, as you’re trying to pick his heavy form up off the floor. 
“Jimin get uuup! You can’t sleep here” He whines, kicking his feet like a toddler pitching a tantrum. After a few more tries you sigh before swinging him around to drag him by his feet. 
“Weeee! This is so fuuunnn! We should d-do this more often, Y/n!” He laughs like a crazy person, as you reach the entry of his room. His navy blue silk button down had ridden up, revealing the toned dips of his stomach. You swallow quickly before helping him onto the flat sheets of his bed. 
“Stay here, I’ll get you a trash can.” He smirks before tackling your figure, pinning you against the his bed. 
“I’ve got a better idea~” His jet-black locks fall softly into your field of vision before the pads of his lips press gently kisses to your cheek. You groan, trying to push his weight off of you, but it has been no use. He was way too strong, and you had already been worn out physically. 
“Mmmm that’s so hot.” He moans, while the palms of his hands travel up to squeeze one of your breasts in his hand while the other pulls the hem of your over-sized -well, Namjoon’s oversized tee- to sit on your ribcage. 
“Jimin, stop. Get off me” His motions never stop. With each soft, angelic kiss had been paired with his naughty, devilish hands coming to explore the plains of your figure. Honestly, it had been so long since you felt any kind of touch. Even if he was drunk, would it really be that bad? He’s really fucking hot and it’d be awesome to loose your virginity to a God-like statue as attractive as this man was-
“GET OFF HER BEFORE I BEAT YOU TO A PULP.” Namjoon’s loud yells pull you from your lust-driven thoughts. You’d never been this horny before..
Namjoon immediately pulls Jimin off you as he lets out a pouty groan.
“No fucking way I’m letting you fuck my best friend too, Jimin!” Namjoon pulls you into a tight embrace, as he rushes you out before Jimin could make any kind of move. Once you’re both back into the safety of Namjoon’s bedroom, he locks the door before joining you on his bed. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. I didn’t know that he had gone out drinking. He usually never gets this bad..” You look down to the floor, not wanting to admit that you’d been at fault for not stopping it either. 
“God, I promise you he’s never done anything like that.. This is so embarrassing.” He rubs his face harshly, hiding his shame between the cups of his hands. A big, frustrated sigh washes over his body. 
“He’s just- He’s being really weird lately. I don’t know why but it’s like he’s-”
“Jimin’s the father.” You blurt out. 
His head whips around to face yours, his eyes blown out like cartoon characters. His jaw practically drops to the floor. 
“H-He’s the- You and he-” 
“No. But… He was the donor. There were two Park Jimins and they mixed up the batches I guess. But we didn’t sleep together so..” 
“Wait, so let me get this straight.” He twists his body to face yours, holding out his hands to make sense of it all. 
“The doctors mixed up the products.” 
You nod. 
“And.. there were TWO Park Jimins..”
“And.. My female best friend’s baby daddy is my roommate.”
You chuckle nervously. “You’re on a roll, Joonie.” 
“But.. you two didn’t sleep together?” 
You nod again. 
“But that still doesn’t answer on why he’s drunk as fuck right now.” You stand to meet him, locking your sights to his chocolatey irises before letting out a sigh. 
“He told me that he went to the store to get some things for his room, but then started to think about the baby.. Well, his baby.” Namjoon’s eyebrows knit together in your tone. You put your hands up in defense. “Hey, his words are not mine! Anyways- So I guess he tried drinking to understand it all..” 
Namjoon plops back down onto the edge of his bed spread. “This is so fucked up..” You nod before laying back on his bed, arms spread wide apart from each other. He soon joins, as you both stare up at the ceiling trying to contemplate everything. 
A few minutes of silence goes by before he asks.
“So, what are you gonna do?” 
You sigh, slowly turning your head to lay on its side while admiring his prominent features. You flip on your side, cuddling up to his arm. He scoots closer, slinging his opposite arm around your lazed figure. Both of your breathing patterns slowly come in alliance. 
“I don’t know.” 
The living room had only one patterned sound echoing through the background. 
The droning noise of boring daytime television. 
You’d decided to sit back for the day and enjoy the peace and quiet of Namjoon’s apartment. He’d left a while ago to meet with some architect for a piece he wanted to buy to add to his collection. He’d always loved collecting special items. Mainly abstract or unusual pieces to match his unique style himself. You’d started on cleaning around the rooms, but quickly had ran out of breath. So now, here you lay spread out on the gray sectional in his living room. Your chest rises and falls in a patterned way, breathing in the peace and tranquility. 
Until a quiet door had latched itself close. 
You sit up, seeing a ruffled haired Jimin stumbling his way out of his door to the kitchen. A bumble of silence buzzes over the room, before you decide to lay back down, not wanting to get into what had happened the night before, right now. You were too tired to even barely stand. My feet ached already, a migraine had been teasing you on and off repeatedly for around 7 hours now. It had started dully in the middle of the night. You had sat up to ask Namjoon if he had any pain medications, but his snores signaled to you that he’d been far to gone for any sort of communication. 
That’s when you’d met Jimin in the kitchen, early in the wee hours of the morning. He’d been following a recipe on his lit up phone screen, while watching a small pot of soup boil on the stove surface. He’d been leaning against the counter, bending forward to brace himself on the edge. It had been a few minutes before he finally took notice of you.  You quietly made your way past his body, reaching up to search the cabinets. He turns to face you, while his sights are still set on the boiling pot of stew.
 “Looking for something?” He finally responds, breaking the silence. You sigh, nodding.
 “I’ve got a headache..” He hums softly before sliding a little bottle of pills over your way, taking a taste of his stew as his face contorts into a grimace at the taste.
 “Thanks.” You walk away after popping one of the capsules in our mouth. 
Jimin plops down onto the couch next to you, glancing to look at your overheated body sprawled out on the couch. He takes a sip of the bottle he’d been nursing for the past hour or so. His eyes travel up the length of your elongated legs. Each curve and dip had been like candy tempting a little kid. 
The way your silk pink pajama shorts had been riding up the round of your peeking cheeks had something inside him begging to get a taste. Your worried tone pulls him from his daydreams. He watches as you arise from the sunken couch, reaching upwards to crack your back. The thin, silky material of your button down pajama shirt lifts slightly to reveal the tiny protruding bump. 
A smile creeps his face without knowing. He watches you rub the sides of your temples before plopping back down. A mumbled curse leaves your lips.
“Shit-” He’s quick to reach out, helping you keep your balance so you won’t fall over. You turn back, as he flashes you a worried expression, as it’s soon turned into a soft smile. His smile fades as you ignore his gesture.
“Y/n..” He starts, trying to get into your view of sight. Moving all around your vision while your eyes are fakely glued to the TV.
“Y/n.. I’m sorry.” He sighs, giving up trying to get your attention. At that, your head cranes to the side, giving him a soft glance. “I was really drunk and.. I never should have- touched you. At all.” You let out a gentle huff before fixing your attention back onto the droning television. He still continues. 
“I was just- it was so much to grasp, you know? I’m just.. Scared. I guess.” He chuckles, tipping his bottle up to take another sip. Your hand’s quicker as it reaches out, stopping him from drinking another drop. 
“At least stop the day drinking, Jimin.” He hesitates, but soon allows you to take the bottle away from him. You place it on the side of the coffee table, watching as his face contorts into a withdrawn expression.
“You’re right..” He chuckles at the thought. “If I’m going to be a dad, I guess I have to act it.. Right?” His small smile fades while watching you give him no sort of reaction. 
“I’m really sorry about last night, Y/n. I've never done anything like that, I swear..” You nod, surfing through the channels to browse. His hand reaches out to yours, cupping your small fingers between his large palms. A saddened expression paints his face. Yours soon follows to match. You felt bad for him. He didn’t ask for this…
Any of it. 
Your thoughts start sending you down a rabbit hole of possible outcomes of this. 
Number one: You could give birth, live a happy life..
But that means stealing his own. 
Option two: Forget all of this, and put it behind you. Get rid of all of it. Move away to another country, and leave your past behind. 
It’s not like getting pregnant was in your life plans anyways. 
Jimin’s soft tone pulls you from your detriment of spiraling thoughts. Your eyes focus back on the gentle features of his face. His thick, blackened sharp eyebrows knit together, expressing concern. His eyes glisten with a certain shimmer you’d seen so many times these past few weeks now. 
Your voice is weak and strained. You’re not sure from what though..
“Jimin..” You practically whine out. You hadn’t felt the tears welled up in your eyes, a few slipping down your cheeks before landing on the flesh of your thighs. He gives you a gentle smile, placing his thumb to your cheek, wiping the dripping liquid from your reddened cheeks. Your eyes had become puffy and red from the overwhelming emotions this tiny moment had revealed. Your breath staggers in your chest. The tight, bolt-like feeling screws in the back of your throat, as you hiccup through the emotions. He coos, pulling you in a tight embrace. His other hand comes to pet your hair as you lean into his touch.
You needed some kind of comfort. 
But this..
It Wasn't enough. 
You needed more. 
You craved more. 
He presses the front of his forehead to yours, as your lips reach out to meet his. His palm slides over your dampened cheeks, fingers caressing each and every beauty mark and freckle your features displayed. The digits of his hands caress the sharpness of your jaw, tracing along the protruding bone before resting at the hairline near your cherry red ears. Every dip and crater on your skin had been the mark of perfection to him. His eyes fluttered open just to peak at your tear-dropped eyes. Squinting with every emotion you’d been feeling from these past few weeks. His heart breaks at the sight. 
This was all his fault. 
He never meant to hurt you like this. 
His own stupid actions had led to your life ending. 
You were still so young. 
You had so much to live for. 
So many dreams he overheard you telling Namjoon about for the past two months. 
Every Time you had a night terror, he’d wanted to be the one to comfort you. 
Not Namjoon. 
Instead, he became the monster haunting you the most. 
You feared him. 
He could see that clear as day. 
But he also had seen something else hiding behind your innocent, doll-like eyes. 
Something he’d never even guess close to imagining lurking behind your gaze. 
It was the same thing he’d been stuck with as well. The need for something that you know you shouldn’t have. The longing for that comfort from something that will destroy you in the end. 
You still run towards this thing with open arms.
You like the pain. 
You like to feel broken. 
Because you know, 
Even if it’s bad. 
It helps you to feel something. 
And that’s all you need to keep crawling back to your doom. 
With each passing day, you slip further and further into insanity. 
Every hour feels as if it’s a million, without the help of your comfort. 
You drip back into your vice like an IV bag trying to keep it’s patient alive. 
Only in this sense, 
It had been trying to kill you.
As this bitter-sweet tragic kiss is sealed, his mind replays all the horrible things he had done to you just some hours ago.
Touching you like that..
How warm your body had felt in his cold hands. The sweet scent of your newly purchased perfume had filled his senses more than any meal he's ever eaten. All he wanted was to show you how much you meant to him.
How much the both of you meant to him.
Instead, his own greed and selfishness led to you hating his guts even more.
As the kiss drags on, it felt like pins and needles as his hands caressed only the places he wished you would only give him access to. The fiery path he trails behind his gentle touches sends butterflies shooting into the pit of your stomach. Your soft moans grow in volume at his feathery light touches. He wished this moment could last forever.
He wanted you.
And damn whoever tried to get in his way.
His hands drip down to grip onto your hips, before pulling you to straddle his lap. You rise above a bit, hovering over his pelvis as to not cause him any disturbance. His moans rolls onto the tip of your tongue, pushing past all of your doubts to replace them with the images of what could be, instead.
The point of your chin is taken by his strong grip, as he leads the way in your passionate exchange of silent sentiments. His hand reaches to yours, guiding them downwards to drag along the straight plains of his chest. His forehead presses against yours, pulling away from the kiss for a second to gain oxygen which he had been more than happy to give away to you.
Then, it starts again.
The passion resumes, kisses exchanged. This time; more fiery and fierce than ever before. You both had an unspoken desire lurking behind these spirited reciprocity.
His strong, well toned arms come to lift the hem of your shirt above the dip of your belly-button, as you both admire the little pudge that had begin to show itself just in the first few weeks. You anticipate his next move, wondering what had been going on in his mind right now. Did he think you were fat? Were you ugly? Is it weird seeing that? Does it just look like you had a big lunch? Is this a turn off??
You watch as a smile tugs his lips before he flips the two of you around, until your back is pressed firmly up against the couch's. He's now sat right between the space of your thighs. The tip of his tongue peaking through his plump lips to wet the edges.
He smiles before bringing his lips to your lower stomach, placing tiny little pecks along your semi-rounded belly. Your eyes knit in confusion at his gesture. He glances up through batted eyelashes, flashing you a smile. Your head tilts to the side.
"You.. You don't think it's weird..?" A chuckle rolls past his lips as the hook of his index finger pulls down on the elastic of your silk pajamas. His eyes burn with an intensity so fine, it could melt through metal.
"Weird? Oh baby, " His plush lips come down to press soft kissing along the light red line that had marked your skin from your silky elastic shorts.
"Seeing you carrying my child is the hottest thing you could probably ever do." Your eyes widen at his comment. His, narrow to oppose your shocked expression. A smirk tugs the corner of his lips. You hadn't even noticed that your panties and shorts were already half-way down your legs until you felt a wet sensation press itself to your most intimate places. You grip onto the edge of the couch as a moan is forced out from the back of your throat. Your legs unconsciously part, wanting more of the unfamiliar feeling. He hums, satisfied with the response he'd received. He continues, testing your boundaries even more this time.
"Hmm, you like that? Like it when I eat your pussy out?" You watch as his features disappear from sight, as the wet sensation against your clit returns. Your moans quickly grow is size at his motions. You watch as he sticks his fingers into his mouth before inserting the smallest of his digit into your core. You reach out, gripping onto his should from the slightly painful sensation. I mean, you never really touched yourself anyways. When you had, it was no more than just your clit. Never really felt good with your fingers but-
with his ..
"Aww, I don't even have one finger in, baby. You already giving up?" You whine at his teasing, as your heads lulls back to hit the couch's backrest. You shake your head, as your breath fails to follow a certain, calmed pattern. You feel the length of his finger slide up into your core a bit, inching further inside you as his lips come to plant a soft kiss to your navel before looking back up to meet your messed gaze.
"That's my girl." He tsks, watching as your face contorts into expressions he's only dreamed of seeing. Your mouth falls open to rest at a O-shape, chest rising and falling at an uncontrollable pace. He watches with a smirk as your knuckles turn white from your gorilla-like grip onto the poor sectional's fabrics.
"What's the matter baby? Cat got your-" His thumb's quick to press circles into your throbbing bud.
Your eyes lull to the back of your head, as your thigh begins to twitch at his quick motions. You can't but help all the sinful noises that erupt from the bottom of your chest. You hadn't really had any relationships prior to meeting Jimin. You had just friend-zoned them all until you saw their true intentions. Many had just wanted in your pants, not on your friendship bracelet. It's not like you were saving it for some magical wedding night- no. You had just never really gotten the chance-
Let's not lie here: You hadn't really gotten the confidence either.
You'd always been so shy and awkward with your body. The way your parents had explained sex didn't at all help with the whole thing either.
Your body is a temple and it should be preserved and blah blah blah. You just wanted to live like everyone else and be normal for once. But, I guess the universe had other plans for you.
He grips your legs, motioning for you to wrap them around his shoulders as his mouth dips down to lick stripes up along the center of your core. You moan out, accidentally tensing up your thighs which in turn makes his moans drown out your own.
"Oh my god" He groans while sucking on your throbbing clit.
"Oh my goddd" You moan out as your leg starts uncontrollably shaking from the pleasure.
"OH MY GOD-" A new voice echoes through the hallways. Your head quickly does a 160-ish, watching as the bags Namjoon had been holding, fall to the ground. The milk busting open as it starts to leak on the floor. Your eyes go wide at his sudden entrance.
I really hope you enjoyed this as much as I did while writing it!! I kept getting writer's block for WEEKS and then all of a sudden this idea popped into my head when i was cleaning. I did have to delete like 13 pages of nonsense before this so 😔
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Caution: This tongue twister may cause uncontrollable laughter! 🤪🗣️😂
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bookeatingbean · 1 year
IBT update
honestly I feel like this is pretty predictable considering when the last update was, but I'll Be There is going on hiatus. I got super burnt out with it super fast, and I didn't have anything prewritten when I first uploaded the prologue to Ao3, and honestly the way I set up the whole thing just makes it very difficult to continue it without it being super stressful. I've been scared to give this update until I had SOME other multichap going on(which I now do), but yeah here it is. I just started writing another multichap fic, but i'll probably split that one by year and have fewer chapters per year, and it also won't start to be released until I have the whole thing written.
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edwisefoundation · 13 days
TOEFL iBT Study Material and Preparation Strategies for Beginners
Preparing for the TOEFL iBT test can seem overwhelming for beginners, but with the right materials and strategies, success is within reach. This guide highlights essential study materials, such as the TOEFL Test Prep Planner and books like Cracking the TOEFL iBT and Essential Words for the TOEFL. It also offers practical tips for improving your reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills, including daily English immersion through movies, newspapers, and conversations.
For a deeper dive into TOEFL iBT preparation strategies, visit the full article here.
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tallysolutioncoin · 1 month
Tally Courses In Muzaffarpur | GSDF
Our courses are 100% job-oriented, ensuring that every lesson you learn is directly applicable to real-world job scenarios. Affordable and accessible, our programs are specifically designed to support and elevate students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Start your journey with us today and open doors to a world of career opportunities! We provide all types of tally courses in Muzaffarpur.
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agnickradio · 2 months
Το Crete International Basketball Tournament επιστρέφει στο Ηράκλειο στις 14-15 Σεπτεμβρίου
Το Crete International Basketball Tournament επιστρέφει πιο δυνατό και ανανεωμένο από ποτέ, φέρνοντας τον αέρα και την αύρα της EuroLeague στο Ηράκλειο στις 14 και 15 Σεπτεμβρίου. Continue reading Το Crete International Basketball Tournament επιστρέφει στο Ηράκλειο στις 14-15 Σεπτεμβρίου
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languageschoolc · 4 months
Best Esl Courses for International Students | California language school
Come learn English with our ESL courses made just for international students! Whether you're a beginner or want to improve your skills, we've got easy-to-understand classes to help you speak and understand English better. Join us and start your journey to fluent communication. For more information visit our website today.
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ali-annals · 8 months
The Eras Tour (Jasonette's Version)
A collection of Jasonette fics I wrote for the Maribat? Get In! discord server's 2024 Civil War event.
Master Masterlist
Fearless: Sparks Fly - sparks fly (like a fireworks show)
1989: Wildest Dreams - nothing lasts forever (say you'll remember me)
Reputation: Call It What You Want - call it what you want
Lover: Cruel Summer - summer's a knife (it's a cruel summer)
folklore: cardigan - i knew you'd linger (like a tattoo kiss)
evermore: cowboy like me - i could be the way forward (i know i'll pay for it)
Midnights: Mastermind - it was all by design ('cause i'm a mastermind)
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testhelper-kk · 4 months
How did test helper help me take the GRE?
Each international student sets a unique score goal for the GRE/TOEFL/GMAT test. TestHelper offers a risk-free way for international students to achieve their target scores. By hiring experts from leading universities worldwide, you can ensure a perfect score on your upcoming online GRE/GMAT/TOEFL exams. How to cheat on the gre?This cost-effective solution is ideal for those feeling anxious about their upcoming tests. It is unrealistic for an individual student to cover all topics alone before taking an online TOEFL, GRE, or GMAT exam. When seeking assistance from TestHelper, students can rest assured that our test helper will excel in completing their exams. Our exam helpers are committed to delivering top-notch quality in every exam they undertake.
Is toefl home edition cheating possible?
TOEFL scores hold significant global recognition, with 90% of colleges and universities considering them as part of their application criteria. The home edition of the TOEFL test has been accepted by 80% of colleges as a valid application requirement. Questions about the integrity of the TOEFL iBT Home Edition arise regarding cheating possibilities and safety concerns. Is toefl home edition cheating possible? Can individuals pay TOEFL test helpers to take their online exams? Is is safe? Our online exam helpers stand by to support students, even when their online exams are just around the corner, aiming to provide the most comfortable and secure experience for each customer.
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Differences between the home edition and the offline TOEFL test exist in the administration process. The home edition test is completed at the candidate's residence using their personal computer, overseen by a proctor and monitored through artificial intelligence technology. The entire test session is recorded on video. If you are considering hiring assistance for an online proctored exam, simply share your test details with us via chat or email, and our TOEFL test helper will be in contact with you promptly.
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aritany · 1 year
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since i’m sharing things about my Project this is a silly little cover i drew for it because i’m in my feelings big time
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gummybugg · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Thanks for the tags, @writernopal, @lena-rambles, and @digitalsatyr23! It took me a Hot second to get Around to this, unfortunately. Check out each of their posts here, here, and here, respectively!
<<Check Warnings in the tags!>>
I'm going to pick 5 words Between all 3 tags: scream, candle, faint, blood, and heart.
scream (The Mice Come Out at Night)
Honestly, Morgana had grown used to tuning out screaming by now, only deciding to tune back in just in case he missed something incriminating about himself like how he always records the highlights of his day each night before bed or that he was technically still on parole.
candle (IBT)
“Once you complete your task, are you then transported back?” Jemmah asked.
“Yeah, I suppose I could hitch a ride back using a few cheap candles and salt packets. I go back on my own terms,” Silas repeated. “Hell doesn’t offer you a free ride unless you’ve earned it, I suppose…”
faint (Crater City, Elijah’s POV)
“You ask too many questions. You should be resting right now.”
“I fainted, didn't I, Blair?” I caught his gaze.
He hesitated a moment before responding, “Yeah.”
blood & heart (Crater City, Blair’s POV)
I fumbled to unlock his ribcage. Once I was granted entry, I reached deep inside his chest. His heart beat, alive, and I stroked it, wiping away the excess blood.
Out of Comfort, I will Not reveal any more than this :')
✨Under the Break we have our (optional) Tagees & their prompt!✨
@sabels-small-sphere, @sender-paulson, @moonluringfrost, @acertainmoshke, @indigowriting, @sergeantnarwhalwrites, @zestymimblo, @rhikasa, @frostedlemonwriter, @aether-wasteland-s, @charlesjosephwrites, @new-royston-cursebreakers, @jasmineinthenight, @boundedsea, @wildswrites, @sam-glade, @detectiveashthemfer, @airic-fenn, @aberooski, @lalalovezfrenchfriez, @lyutenw, @faelanvance, and anyone else who wants to Hop on in because this is an Open tag!
Your words to find are mean, close, lead, minute, lie, and object
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TOEFL Exam https://jaivikoverseasconsultants.com/toefl/
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