#Ice Cold Blue Planet NEPTUNE
9th-empress-suravi · 11 months
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Ice Cold Blue Planet NEPTUNE 🌐 || Big Blue with Darkness
#neptune #bigblueplanet #trending #neptune #solarsystem #ColdBluePlanetNeptune
To Watch The Video go to my Youtube Channel @InfinityASTRONOMERICA
About the Video :
Dark, cold and whipped by supersonic winds, giant Neptune is the eighth and most distant major planet orbiting our Sun. More than 30 times as far from the Sun as Earth, Neptune is not visible to the naked eye. In 2011, Neptune completed its first 165-year orbit since its discovery. The planet’s rich blue color comes from methane in its atmosphere, which absorbs red wavelengths of light but allows blue ones to be reflected back into space. Neptune was the first planet located through mathematical calculations. Using predictions sent him by French astronomer Urbain Le Verrier, based on disturbances in the orbit of Uranus, German asstronomer Johann Galle was first to observe the planet in 1846. The planet is named after the Roman god of the sea, as suggested by Le Verrier.
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steadyangelplaidsalad · 2 months
So when you want to make a tattoo you very often make them as where is your Scorpio sign
For example.: Scorpio in 12th (Pisces) house - you might like to have waves, light blue tattoos, statues, tattoos that have a taste of oldness, dreaminess, fantasy, mysteriousness.
let's say you have mercury in Scorpio - you might like small tattoos
but if you have jupiter in Scorpio - you like big tattoos.
Scorpio in the houses and what tattoos you might like :
1st - red tattoos, fire, eyes, lips, bomb, gun, knife, angry face, tattoos on face, intimate areas.
2nd - green tattoos, flowers, horns, moon,bear, food, tattoos on neck.
3rd- yellow, colorfull tattoos, two faces, sentenses, words, rainbows, fairy, car, tattoos on hands.
4th - grey, white tattoos, family tattoos, family related tattoos, moon, tattoos on breasts. (p.s. you might also like to have piercings on breasts)
5th - orange tattoos, lion , shine tattoo, sun, tattoo that makes you feel proud, winner's cup, heart, tattoos on stomach.
6th - white tattoos, animals, medicine tattoos, doctor's stuff, soap, minimalistic flowers, tattoos on stomach.
7th - pink, blue tattoos, tattoos about love, couple, your other half's name , clouds, cotton candy, candy, tattoos on stomach,butt.
8th - red tattoos - sexy body tattoos, deep/meaningfull words, satanic, scary tattoos, baddie tattoos, ghost, tattoos on intimate areas.
9th - purple, blue tattoos, plane tattoo, map, religion , jesus, mother mary, god, everything thats on brighter side/good side, knowledge ,tattoos on hips .
10th - grey, brown tattoos, ice tattoos, brutal tattoos, tattoos about karma, brutal/cold sentenses, dad tattoos (or about dad), tattoos on knees.
11th - aqua, blue tattoos, strike tattoo, alien, weird and unique, tattoos on ankles, calves.
12th - pastel tattoos, (light blue especially), fish tattoo, columns, mermaids, waves, dreamy, mysterious tattoos ,tattoos that have oldness to it (maybe your grandparents) poetic tattoos.
(i didnt write black tattoos ,becouse its classic and almost everyone likes it)
And also check in what planet your scorpio sign is . I will write what house each planet is so that you can check and read if it resonates.
sun - 5th
moon - 4th
mercury - 6th/3rd
venus - 7th/2nd
mars - 8th/1st
jupiter - 9th
saturn - 10/th
uranus - 11/10th
byee. ask if you want to know something!!!!
neptune - 12/9th
*check your sun sign too since sun is all about expression*
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hobiinobs · 1 year
Been thinking about the nine houses and which planets they correspond to:
1st - We know it's Earth, but my brain requires this being a complete list.
2nd - Probably mars, seeing as they run the Cohort and mars is the Roman god of war.
3rd - I'd say Jupiter because Jupiter is the Roman version of Zeus who was born on Mount Ida and Corona and Ianthe are the princess' of Ida.
4th - Neptune... It's blue.
5th - I believe the 5th house to be Saturn because of Koniortos Court, Koniortos means raised dust or flying dust. Seems to me like it's alluding to Saturn's rings.
6th - Mercury, obviously it's the closest to Dominicus.
7th - Venus, we know from GtN that the 7th and the 6th are closer to Dominicus than the 1st and process of elimination. But also Cytherea comes from the 7th and Venus is the Roman name for Aphrodite, Cytherea of course also being another name for Aphrodite.
8th - This and the 4th are where I get a bit fuzzy but Uranus makes the most sense to me is named after Ouranus, who was the Titan in Greek mythology that personified the sky/the heavens, which fits their vibes. Plus they're assholes soooo...
9th - Pluto, super cold, receives little to no light from Dominicus, the smallest house. Need I go on.
P.S. I always imagine the house based around the Gas and Ice Giants actually being on their moons cause they all got tons, and they can't really be on the planets and necromancers not huge fans of space, so space stations seems unlikely.
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thunderroseses · 3 months
Neptune from the Royal Au (everything will be redone in digital art when I have more energy!)
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Neptune’s kingdom is known as the forever frozen kingdom, one forged from war and bloodshed from battles long gone, during the multiple wars they were under control of the Sun’s empire and any battle Sun got into so did they, meaning they very war torn for much of their history until the Great War that involved many of the Solar System kingdoms, Neptune was not welling to give up easily as they raised above all else to stay alive and keep their citizens safe.
Sun gave them their independence after this as they couldn’t keep their many colonies under control any long as Sun needed to focus on his own Kingdom.
Warmth is the upmost important as it is almost always snowing or cold out, so they wear multiple layers that keep them warm will also expressing their nation pride, on Neptune’s coat you can see their nation flower that is royal purple and fish, as they have a booming fishing industry (more on it later) underneath the coat is a pale white dress, to keep focus on the elaborate coat, it is light and flowing, as to make it easy to move and not weigh them down, the veil is to keep their head/ears warm and having a layer between her head and crown, as metal can get really cold.
For the braids it’s tradition from the start of their villages to have two braids with dark blue ribbons in their hair for the first daughter, while the other younger daughter wear light blue instead, it shows their maturity and wellness to serve their citizens and are passed down by their mother after they hit puberty, believing that is when they are mature enough to know the responsibility they are excepting by taking the ribbon, this is also a huge celebration that the girl are trained for since they were little.
Neptunes kingdom has a lot of bright colours to keep their moods up in the cold weather, it also help other find their way between towns in case of storm comes in. Even if it’s cold out everyone is pretty happy and friendly for those brave enough to visit despite the cold.
They are mostly known as a ice fishing nation, which is how they get most of their fish since the ice makes it hard to fish normally, they sell the freshest and best tasting fish on the market right next to Earth (something she is not happy about lol) if anyone is brave enough to visit it’s for the sea food :)
Neptune has memory loss after part of a castle collapsed onto her during the war, she was only six at the time and has a long lasting consequences because of it, those being memory loss/trouble and phantom pain that strikes up sometime leaving her bedridden.
Uranus parents are the cause of the castle collapse and while they didn’t mean to hurt such a small child, it was collateral from the war effort, Neptune’s parents were wary of Neptune hanging with Uranus (this is long after the war) but lighted after they saw how much it helped with Neptune’s memory problems as well as making Neptune more social then she was before. Now the parents are more friendly with each other, often going over to Uranus nation a few times a year (Uranus would go over to Neptune’s but had health problems which are also consequence from the war more on it in Uranus section)
Neptune is very close with Uranus and they try to keep in touch via mail, she is not as close to the other gas giants but is friendly with them.
She doesn’t really know the rocky planets, maybe when she was younger but can no longer remember anything about them, same with Sun even if she was their ruler for years
I’m probably going to post Uranus’ next, I’ve been really enjoying making up stories for all the different kingdoms and what their kingdoms would be like, if anyone else want so join in I’ll be happy to share it and talk with them to bounce ideas off each other!
Here’s so extra drawing I’ve made, mostly for the villagers outfits
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Characteristics of neptune
Neptune is a fascinating world, and not much is known about it. Perhaps, it is because Neptune is the most distant planet from the sun. Very few exploratory missions have ventured that far. Regardless, it is a planet full of wonder. It is the only planet in the solar system that is found by mathematical prediction rather than empirical observation. In this article, we discuss the nature of Neptune and more.
Characteristics of neptune
In Roman mythology, Neptune is the god of the sea. The planet is seemingly named after the sea god owing to its blue colour. After the discovery of Neptune, it was observed that its orbit was not in accordance with Newton’s law. It was, therefore, predicted that there must be another distant planet perturbing Uranus’s orbit. Neptune was first observed by Galle and Le Verrier from calculations based on the observed position of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
Centuries earlier, in 1613, Galileo observed Neptune when it happened to be very near to Jupiter. But Galileo disregarded it as a star. On two successive nights, he noticed that it moved slightly with respect to a nearby star. But on subsequent nights, due to cloudy skies, it was out of his field of view. Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft that has visited Neptune. Much of what we know today comes from this single encounter.
Characteristics of Neptune
Neptune is dark, cold, and windy. It’s the last of planets in our solar system. The composition of Neptune is similar to Uranus – ice and rock with about 15% hydrogen and a little helium. Its atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane. Neptune’s blue colour is primarily due to the absorption of red light by methane in the atmosphere. Neptune winds are the fastest in the solar system reaching a speed of 2000 km/hr.
Five known rings of rock and dust encircle Neptune – all named after astronomers who helped bring light details about the windy world. Neptune also has several partial rings known as arcs.
Neptune Satellites
Neptune is known to have 14 moons; 7 named one. The table below shows the list of satellites and rings of Neptune.
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garbagewitchcraft · 2 years
Elemental Correspondences
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Direction: West. Time of the Day: Sunset. Season: Autumn. Colors: blue, purple. Sense: Taste. Cycle of Life: Maturity. Instruments: anything that is resonant. Plants: underwater plants, algae, lily, plants living near water. Animals: water animals (frogs, water insects, fish, swan, crab etc.). Places: lakes/ponds, sea/ocean, beaches, swimming pools, bathroom, cold climate, tides.
Gender: Feminine. Tarot: Cups/Chalices/Goblets. Zodiac: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer. Planets: Moon, Neptune, Pluto. Energy: Receptive. Emotional. Changeable. Crystals: blue crystals. Mythical Beings: Mermaids/Sirens, Water Fae, Nymphs/Nereids, Rusalka, Selkie, Kraken, Nessie, Leviathan, Titans, Undines.
Ritual Tools: fish bone, shark teeth, teapot, teacup, mirror, crystal ball, sea shell, sand, spray bottle, seaweed, comb, bowl, pearls, fishing nest. Ritual Forms: brewing, making tea, cooking with water (boiling), cleaning (windows, floors, dishes), taking a bath, cold herbal infusions. Ritual Types: divination, enchanting, cleansing, dowsing, astral travel, lucid dreaming, healing, lunar magic, scrying.
Introducing water magic to everyday life is the easiest of all the elements!
While making tea, imagine putting good energy/intention into it and then drink it to have a good day! Afterwards (if you have time and skills) you can feel free to do divination, using leftover tea leaves.
While taking a bath/shower in the evening, imagine the water pouring onto you to be white/light in color and the water dripping off of you to be black/greyish color. I use it to cleanse myself of all the negative energy.
Looking into mirror as a divination is a very disturbing experience for me! Like, it’s effective, it can get weird though.
Water in a spray bottle can be used for space cleansing if you don’t wanna use incense all the time. Also it’s good for the indoor plants if you have any! 
Washing dishes is another ritual of mine and it’s a good way to meditate. I just get lost in thought. 
If you want to practice water magic, follow moon phases and use them to your advantage! 
Water magic is not necessarily only gathering water and using it, but also perfoming spells or doing anything spiritual during specific weather conditions (ex.: raining, storm, snowing, hail stones).
Moon Water - great for all kinds of spells and craft! Moon water can have different abilities, all depending on during which moon phase we charged it in. The best water is the one charged during full moon or super moon as it is the most powerful. 
Sun Water - keywords: positivity, strenght, happiness, courage, good health. 
Rain Water - good for cleansing, meditation and relaxation. Keywords: growth, regeneration, cleansing, rest.
River Water - good for warding or spells with a clear goal as river water has a focused energy. Keywords: movement, action, flow.
Lake/Pond Water - I find it good for connecting with nature or animals. Could be used in animal magic. Keywords: wildness, nature, hidden, isolation.
Swamp/Mud Water - good for curses, hexes, binding, wishing someone bad health. Keywords: disease, dirty work, sticky, messy.
Sea Water - good for protection, banishing and any form of spell that needs powerful but calm energy. Keywords: vastness, life, fear.
Dew Water - keywords: vulnerability, peace, refreshing, delicate, calm, waiting. Good for Fae communication or any creature that is elusive.
Storm Water - good for spells that needs a lot of power. Be warned though, it’s very different from the sea water; it’s uncontrolled, chaotic and doesn’t last long. There’s a lot of anger and destructive energy.
Ice/Snow Water - keywords: endings, change, patience, harmony, growth.
Cemetery Water - good for necromancy, of course. You can put some in a spray bottle and spray it in a room in which you want to communicate with the dead. 
Well Water - keywords: wishing, domesticity, home, family, community. Could be good for communicating with spirits/creatures living near or in your house. 
Fog/Mist - keywords: invisibility, mystery, hidden, blindness. Spells including ‘clouding someone’s judgement’, those in which you want to stay anonymous as much as you can or those who will slowly start working over time.
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Direction: South. Time of the Day: Noon. Season: Summer. Colors: red, orange, yellow, gold. Sense: Sight. Cycle of Life: Youth. Instruments: string instruments (guitar, violin etc.) Plants: spices, strong-smelling, stinging or irritating the skin, resembles sun or fire, thrives in warm weather/sun/hot climate. Animals: lion, tigers, cats, lizards, foxes, snakes, scorpions, coyote. Places: hot climate, bedroom, hot springs, volcanoes, desert.
Gender: Masculine. Tarot: Wands/Torches. Zodiac: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries. Planets: Jupiter, Mars, Sun. Energy: Projective. Creative. Transformative. Crystals: red/orange/yellow/pink crystals. Mythical Beings: Dragons, Phoenix, Demons, Fire Giants, Golems, Jinns, Cyclops, Chimera, Fire Fae.
Ritual Tools: candles, lamp, sunlight, spices, ashes, metals, bones, hair/nails, firewood, matches, knives, alcohol, charcoal. Ritual Forms: cooking, baking, grilling, heating, sunbathing, having sex, intimacy, dancing, candle work, cauldron work, taking a risk, burning. Ritual Types: divination, enchanting, cleansing, protection, purification, transformation, destructive magic, banishing.
It’s not as easy to introduce fire to everyday life as it was with water but it’s not impossible!
The easiest thing to do is to use fire/heat in baking/cooking/grilling. For me, the fire is all about protection and destruction (sometimes cleansing but it’s cleansing by destructive force) so by using it, we get rid of all the bad stuff inside of us.
Sun is the ultimate ally to fire magic and so are stars! Sun brings us life and happiness but it also makes us sweat like pigs so, for me, it’s still cleansing by destruction. Meditation during star gazing is great and I feel like spending time with someone under starry night sky is the best thing to deepen the connection! It’s also good to just talk out loud to either a deity or a spirit guide. 
I find all physical sports to be fire-related but dancing is the biggest one! Sweating, lots of energy but also fun is a great way to connect to your inner fire. Sports involving adrenaline are also fire-y. 
The most common way to practice fire magick is to burn stuff. Incense, paper, bay leaves. It’s good for manifestation, protection or banishing. 
In general, be careful with fire. I find the safest option is to just use candles. Down below, there’s not many examples of how to use different types in spells but I included keywords so you can decide on your own if it speaks to you or if you want to try it at all. 
Bonfire - keywords: friendship, community peace, happiness, fun. 
Torch Flame/Lantern - keywords: wildness, rawness, travel, guidance, focused. 
Lightning - keywords: chaos, destruction, power, fear.
Sunlight - happiness, positivity, joy, strenght, courage.
Candle Flame - generally good for everything and commonly used. The main type of fire magick. 
Burning Flame - it could be small burning flame (aka candle flame) or when you take specific things (like your ex’s things) and burn them in a big pile to move on/banish them. All depends on the intention.
Match’s Flame - keywords: elusive, short-lasting, quick. Can be used in any types of spells or even divination. We light the match and wait for it to burn. If it doesn’t then the spell won’t work/the answer is no, etc. I’ll elaborate in a different post. 
Grilling Fire/Heat - keywords: abundance, prosperity, survival.
Cemetery Candle Flame - necromancy again. Better to perform at a cemetery, rather than at home.
Heat - keywords: energy flow, cleansing.
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Direction: East. Time of the Day: Morning/Sunrise. Season: Spring. Colors: white, transparent, gray. Sense: Hearing. Cycle of Life: Infancy. Instruments: wind instruments (flute etc.). Plants: plants with strong aroma, plants located high, plants with pollen/heavily pollinating. Animals: birds, flying insects. Places: mountains, high buildings, schools, offices, libraries, airports, travel agencies.
Gender: Masculine. Tarot: Swords/Knives/Daggers. Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Planets: Uranus, Venus, Mercury. Energy: Projective. Mental. Elusive. Crystals: white/clear/gray crystals. Mythical Beings: Pegasus, Gryphons, Zephyrs, Fae of Trees, Striga, Gremlins.
Ritual Tools: feathers, bells, incense, brooms, wands, fans, balloons, ribbons, wind chimes, dream catchers.  Ritual Forms: music (singing, playing instruments, creating), burning incense, listening/talking/communicating, writing, meditation, spending time outside, hanging objects, learning. Ritual Types: divination, enchanting, learning, chaos magic, storm magic.
Not much I can say about air magic but I’ll try my hardest.
Air is a very elusive element so there are no actual material uses. 
As you can see in ‘Ritual Forms’ I listed some examples of how I see practicing air magic which is mostly through music (but also painting/drawing!). It’s all the things that require your brain and focus.
However, there are some actual spiritual option for all the folks that wants to practice air magick.
Follow atmospheric conditions and perform spells accordingly. Spend time outside and focus on the wind surrounding you. 
Work with birds! There is a form of divination called crow counting. 
There’s a lot of types of air divination like shuffling songs, throwing stuff, by pendulum or Nephomancy (by clouds). There’s a whole wikipedia page about that!
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Direction: North. Time of the Day: Midnight. Season: Winter. Colors: green, brown, black. Sense: Touch. Cycle of Life: Advanced Age. Instruments: drums. Plants: all plants, mushrooms, moss. Animals: dogs, wolves, insects, cow, horse, bull. Places: forest, meadow, park, kitchen, basement, caves, canyon, mines.
Gender: Feminine. Tarot: Pentacles/Coins/Discs. Zodiac: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo. Planets: Saturn, Venus, Mercury. Energy: Perceptive. Physical. Crystals: green/brown/black crystals. Mythical Beings: Dwarves, Fae, Dryads, Gnomes, Goblins, Trolls.
Ritual Tools: rocks, crystals, leaves, herbs, seeds, flowers, dirt, coins, food, wood, cards, books. Ritual Forms: cooking, baking, gardening, handmade stuff, walks in the nature, spending time with animals, offerings, cleaning the house/nature. Ritual Types: divination, enchanting, grounding, binding, animal magic, leaving the old behind.
Practicing earth magick is really easy. It’s all about grounding, nature work, animals and using your two hands.
The most recognizable form of earth magick is kitchen and animal magick!
I find earth magic to be the most peaceful but isolated and unburdened magick of all! It minds its own business, it just want to be left alone and do whatever it does the best. It’s my favourite! 
There’s not much to say because I think earth magick is pretty self-explanatory.
Ashes - it all depends on what we burnt. Sage ashes are good for protection/cleansing, bay leaves ashes for wishing/manifesting. In case of paper ashes it depends on what we used the paper for/what was written on it. 
Cemetery Dirt - necromancy again!
Regular Dirt - can be used in spell involving banishing, letting go, unbinding, manifestation.
Used Tea Leaves - if we made the intention, then the usage of the leaves depend on the intention! If not, then we might focus on the type of tea we drank. The leaves are also good for divination. 
Destroyed Crystals (in small particles) - depends on the crystal! 
Ashes From The Bonfire - or so called wood ashes. Can be used in spells involving cleansing/banishing/letting go/unbinding. 
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belljarbehavior · 2 years
Taylor Swift Albums as Planets
Debut is the Earth. Where it all began in wondrous colors of blue and green. It might be distanced from people who view the night sky in awe and seek to travel the stars, ignoring they have a very planet of their own.
Fearless is Saturn. She is large and bright and caught the heart of many. Childhood youth and love before we understand the pain of the world. Rings made of ice and rock that is terribly cold but shine in a multitude of colors nonetheless.
Speak Now
Speak Now is Neptune. Blue and bright but full of churning seas nonetheless. Outwardly innocent appearance but more knowledge of hidden pain. Dear John and Never Grow Up show bad experiences and the wish to return to innocent youth. Neptune that is beautiful but has the strongest winds and the coldest temperature.
Red is Mars. Deep with emotion and feeling, not just anger. Range from Begin Again and Come Back...Be Here to I Knew You We're Trouble. Themes of sadness and love have a underlying theme of anger, distain, regret.
1989 is Uranus. Distant and different. She has rings and rains diamonds showing the universe she is here! The planet that rotates on a different axis, completely sideways. 1989 has songs like Blank Space, making fun of perceptions and the fact that despite what might outwardly appear, She Is.
Reputation is Jupiter. Extremely huge and revolutionary. Jupiter is the first large and gaseous planet from the sun. Jupiters surface is filled with storms and is the fastest spinning in our solar system.
Lover is Venus. Fitting as she's named after the roman goddess of love. Venus is the brightest natural object that may appear in our sky besides the moon. She radiates heat and love despite the poisonous atmosphere.
Folklore is Mercury. The closest to the sun and doesn't have any moons or rings. Lonely and rotates slowly compared to earth, but is ever present and never changing. Thought to just be grey, but once observed using powerful light, it is possible to see blues and yellows. Entire constellations mercury has been hiding.
Evermore is Pluto. Far away and distant. Hardly considered a planet anymore. Pluto orbits slowly. Too slowly to be acknowledged, but slow enough to observe. Pluto sees the stories that the universe has written and travels after screaming to be apart of them. Pluto is still there, signing Right Where You Left Me.
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divinexmercy · 2 years
So I make up quirks when im bored, so here one that took the most amount of research and probably my favorite
Solar System
Description- the user has ability based on every feature of the solar system. For sun the user can give off a blinding light that is also extremely hot, one-touch from said light is enough to burn skin and muscles off a person/ animal and even melt rocks and metal. For Mercury (which is known as the fastest planet) the users gets super speed leaving behind a blue stary streak. For Venus, the user gets the ability to slow time down making a single day, several days (one days on Venus is actually a year-) . For earth the user gets the ability to create and manipulate water (earth is the only known planet with liquid water). For mars the user gets the ability to create a dark, cold, empty world that spans about 128 meters (Mars is a dusty, cold and desert world). For Jupiter the users gets the ability to enlarge an object up to 10x it's previous size by touching it (Jupiter is twice as massive as the other planets). For Saturn the user gets the ability to create up to 8 rings, the user can control said rings anything the rings touch freeze (Saturn is known for its icy rings). For Uranus the user can create a dense fluid of icy materials (water, methane and ammonia) and control it. For Neptune the users gets the ability to make and control supersonic winds. For dwarf planets the user can shrink things down to the size of an apple. For moons the user can create a miniature moon that brings absolute darkness. For asteroids, the user can launch rocks (any size) at the speed of light. For comets the user can create mini comets and throw then at people very fast (couldn't think of anything lol). For meteoroids the user can create balls (ranging in size if a apple to a car) of different inanimate objects. For stars the user can create a temporary (lasting up to 1-2 hours) night. For black holes the user can create black holes up to the size of a car but as small as a grain of rice that suck in every non-living thing. For supernovas the user can create small stars that explode and release a blinding light. Quirk overuse can lead to extreme headache's, heat burns, ice burns, temporary/ permanent blindness, loss of sense of time, insomnia, fear of the dark, body pains
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daddysdem0n · 3 years
water element correspondences
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Water: the moving element
Is the element of purification, the subconscious mind, love and emotions. Water is the element of absorption and germination. The subconscious is symbolized by this element because is rolling, always moving like the sea.
Animals- dragon, water snakes, dolphin, fish, cat, frog, turtle, swan, crab, sea mammals, sea birds
Characteristics of the element- Embodies nourishment healing purification, intuition, emotion and creativity, it also spells for growth and abundance, or nurture your creativity. Water energy is changeable and unpredictable
Colors- blue, aqua, silver, turquoise
Connect with water- connecting with water is critical in keeping your intuition sharp and your emotional health in check. Take a bath, drink water or tea, place a vessel of water near your bed or on your altar, visit a pond or the ocean, step at into the rain, eat fruits and vegetables high in water content. Connect with water by feeling its energy flow within you
Crystals- amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, blue fluorite, blue topaz, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, opal, pearl, sodalite
Cycle of life- maturity
Direction- west
Energy- receptive
- Emotional energy. We associate it with nourishment. Water moves constantly. We sense the change and movement. Because we think of this element as cleansing, clearing and healing
Gender- feminine
Goddesses- Aphrodite, Isis, Marianne, Mari, Tiammat, Yemaha
Gods- Dylan, Ea, Osiris, Manannan, Neptune, Poseidon
Instruments- anything resonant
Metals- mercury, silver
Pentagram placement- upper right
Places- lakes, springs and wells, pond, stream, river, beach, swimming pools, bedroom (for sleep), shower, ocean, tides
Plants/herbs- aloe, apple, bushes, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lilac, lily, lotus, moss, passion flower, rose, seaweed, thyme, willow
Ritual actions- bathing, dilution, washing, sprinkling, preparing cold herbal infusions
Rules- emotion, intuition, psychic abilities, love, deep feelings, the unconscious mind, fertility, tides, lunar energy, self-healing, reflection
Ruling planet- moon, Neptune, pluto
Season- fall
Sense- taste
Spirits- undines, nymphs, mermaids, fairies of ponds, lakes or streams
Symbols- ocean, river, shell, spring, lake, well, tain, fog, cup
Tarot suit- cups/ chalices
Time- twilight, dusk
Tools- sea shells, ocean water, seaweed, hog stones, chalice, cup, cauldron, mirror
Type of magick- sea, ice, snow, fog, mirror, magnet, rain
Virtues & vices
Virtues- compassion, love, flexibility, forgiveness, understanding
Vices- indifference, instability, moodiness, depression, fragility
Zodiac- cancer, scorpio, pisces
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lexosaurus · 4 years
My Truce gift for @thelegendaryloaf! I was so pumped when I was assigned you, and I absolutely LOVED working with your prompts! Happy holidays, and I hope 2021 treats you well!
Characters: Danny and Valerie Genre: Friendship Word Count: 3523 Summary: Up close, Valerie could see him more clearly. The stars and planets that speckled throughout his face, the tiny bits of multicolored light that sparkled in his eyes, the way his aura seemed to ebb and flow as if it were the aurora in the northern sky. It was as if Phantom was someone else entirely.
Read on [ao3] [ffn]
“Ugh, where is that stupid ghost?” Valerie grumbled, gliding through the air on her hoverboard. She had been on her way home from Star’s house when her watch beeped to life, alerting her of an unwanted ghostly visitor. And, if the watch was correct, it was a rather powerful ghost too.
After all, very few ghosts could ping her from so far away.
But like the dutiful hunter she was, she suited up, trying to ignore the way her stomach knotted up with nerves. As much as she enjoyed sending ghosts back to the hell they came from, going up against a ghost of that much ectoplasmic power was sure to empty out her first aid kit.
She glanced down at her watch. She was getting close now. She should be able to hear screaming, see people fleeing in terror, but there was nothing to suggest a powerful ghost had breached the city.
Which meant that Phantom was likely the ghost responsible for cutting into Valerie’s precious sleep.
Valerie was going to kill him. Again. 
Her radar was leading her towards the outskirts of the city, which was odd for Phantom. When he wasn’t baiting ghosts and causing destruction to Amity, Valerie could find him at the park or on top of some tall building. 
But outside of the city? This wasn’t like him.
Maybe it wasn’t Phantom. Maybe it was some tall ghost hellbent on baiting ghost hunters far away from the populace, away from any emergency response, so they could be destroyed in peace. Maybe Valerie was walking straight to her own doom.
Oh well. It wouldn’t be the first time her career as a ghost hunter had gotten her into trouble.
“Ok, he’s definitely in there,” Valerie said, shifting between her radar and the large building in front of her.
She glanced down at her watch, then back up again. Was her watch leading her to...an observatory?
“Why the hell is he in there?” 
Valerie flew low to the ground, making sure to keep out of sight of the open roof. She was almost certain that Phantom was inside the round building, but she just couldn’t figure out why.
It didn’t make sense. He was a ghost. He didn’t care about space. What did he have to gain from traveling this far to the edge of Amity just for a stupid observatory?
She could turn back here. Just go home, leave Phantom to do whatever weird thing he was doing on his night off. And why wouldn’t she—it was Saturday! She could be in bed instead of keeping Phantom out of trouble.
But it was her responsibility. Her duty to Amity. Sure, maybe Phantom wasn’t a purely evil ghost hellbent on Amity’s destruction, maybe he was just a cocky asshole with a hero Obsession, but someone had to keep him in check. 
And that someone was about to send him back to the Ghost Zone.
“Alright, Phantom.” Valerie launched herself through the open roof and hovered above the room. “Very funny. Now, come on, it’s time to—”
“Valerie!” came a cheerful cry from below her. “You made it!”
“Phantom?” She looked down and nearly fell off her glider. Below her was Phantom, but he looked...different. 
His aura had changed, and instead of a bright white glow it swirled with violets, teals, and blues. His freckles had turned into stars and planets which shimmered across his skin, and his eyes positively sparkled.
Valerie regarded him with disgust. “What the hell? Why do you look like the Milky Way threw up on you?”
Then he did something Valerie never expected a ghost to do in a million years: he giggled. 
“I’m so glad you’re here! We have so much to talk about. Saturn and Jupiter are right next to each other, and through this telescope you can even see all of Saturn’s rings. The rings, Valerie! And oh my goddess, if you thought that was cool, wait till you see the Pleiades!” Phantom reached a hand out, and his swirling aura shot forward, wrapping itself around the telescope in front of him.
“Wait, don’t break it!” Valerie shouted, touching down on the floor. But, before she could so much as ready an ecto-gun, she stopped.
Because the telescope wasn’t breaking apart.
It was moving. 
Valerie watched in a mix of horror and fascination as the telescope in front of Phantom adjusted itself, shifting around and settling into place. The aura dimmed, leaving behind a telescope that didn’t look any more ghostly than before Phantom’s interference.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on right now?”
Phantom’s beamed. “Look! Take a look!”
“Oh hell no. I’m not going anywhere near that possessed thing!”
He laughed, and for a moment his aura brightened. “Just trust me, Val!”
“Don’t call me that,” Valerie muttered, but nonetheless stepped towards the telescope. She gave one last suspicious glance Phantom’s way before she leaned forward and looked through the stupid metal thing.
Saturn stared back at her, its rings preening like a peacock against the vast emptiness around it. She had never seen Saturn before, not outside of Google Images anyhow. It looked exactly like all the pictures showed, and yet seeing it in person was...really cool. 
“And wait!” Phantom’s childish voice bubbled from behind her. Cold swept over her and she flinched, her arm instinctively twitching for her gun, before she realized what was happening.
Phantom was wrapping his galaxy aura around the telescope and moving it again.
“Okay, look now!”
Valerie glanced quizzically back towards the ghost, searching for any signs of malevolence, but his innocent smile never wavered.
“Are you high or something?” she finally asked.
He giggled again. “Stop making jokes and look already!”
She rolled her eyes but relented once more. When she looked through the telescope this time, she was met with another tan colored planet. This one had brown stripes running through the sides, warping to show an unmistakable eye-like figure towards the middle of it.
“Is that...is that Jupiter?”
“Yeah!” Phantom clapped. “And if you look, there should be some of its moons in view too! Look around it, Val!”
“Don’t call me that,” she muttered without any real malice. Sure enough, a few tiny tan dots surrounded the planet. “How many moons does it have, anyway?”
“Seventy-nine!” Phantom said.
“Jesus, wonder what its tides are like.”
Phantom playfully nudged her. “Silly Val, it doesn’t have an ocean! I know you know that. But if you think that’s crazy, Saturn actually has more moons than Jupiter does! It has eighty two.”
She stepped away from the telescope, and once again Phantom’s aura took command, adjusting the lens to a new spot. Phantom immediately jumped to the telescope with a ferocity that Valerie had only seen him use in the heat of the moment when fighting other ghosts. Yet, she noticed the way he delicately touched the telescope, allowing his fingers to gently hold the metal shell as he peered into space with a fascination that seemed too ethereal to be real.
Phantom was destructive, he was a fighter, he was driven by his Obsession to fight and be a hero. He wasn’t...this. 
“Seriously, what the hell happened to you?”
“What do you mean?” Phantom asked in a singsong voice.
“I mean this,” Valerie emphasized, allowing her arms to sweep out around her. “All of this! What...Phantom, I know we’re not friends, but—”
“Of course we are!” 
Valerie blinked. “Huh?”
“We’re friends, Val!” Phantom repeated, detaching from the telescope momentarily to hover next to Valerie. 
She could feel his cold aura brushing against her arm, and she suppressed a shudder. “Are you messing with me?”
Phantom peered up at her, his glowing eyes seeming almost offended by her accusation.
Offended? Hurt? Phantom? 
“Val, why would you say that? Of course we’re friends! We’re hanging out right now, right? That’s what friends do!” 
Up close, Valerie could see him more clearly. The stars and planets that speckled throughout his face, the tiny bits of multicolored light that sparkled in his eyes, a shooting star that traveled across his cheek, the way his aura seemed to ebb and flow as if it were the aurora in the northern sky.
It was as if Phantom was someone else entirely. It was like another ghost had taken possession over him. Was controlling him from the inside out.
Valerie’s hand slowly moved down towards her belt, but it didn’t seem to matter. Phantom didn’t notice. In fact, he shot her a beaming smile and turned his attention back to the telescope, rambling about how astronomers believe that diamonds rain on Uranus and Neptune as if Valerie’s hand wasn’t slowly inching towards her gun.
“It’s just a hypothesis really,” Phantom said. “Scientists can’t really study inside the planets yet because they’re so far away. But I hope it’s true! It would be so cool! Imagine, you’re just an alien on these planets, and then suddenly you walk outside and there’s solid diamonds falling from the sky! They wouldn’t be that pretty probably because the diamonds wouldn’t be shaped nicely, also those planets aren’t habitable to any life so there’s no aliens, but it’s still cool to imagine! Oh, oh, but if you thought that was cool, there’s this other planet—not in our galaxy—that’s really really close to its sun so it’s super hot but guess what? Val, you’ll never guess! It’s solid ice! The gravity is so strong that it forced all the water on its planets into ice and—”
Valerie gripped the gun, raising it to eye level and clicking the safety off.
Phantom’s head snapped up. He looked to the gun, then to Valerie, and his aura faltered.
“Val?” Phantom said, the stars on his face dimming. “I...I don’t understand...why…?”
“You’re not Phantom.” Valerie’s voice was steady. “I don’t know who you are, but get out of him.”
“I don’t understand…” The colored flecks of light in Phantom’s eyes faded, leaving them back to their vibrant green. “I...just…I...” His aura fluctuated before turning back to its hauntingly white glow.
“...Valerie?” Phantom 's voice was cautious. He took stock of the gun once more before a hint of realization bled through his expression. He slowly raised his hands. “Wait! I know what this looks like, but I swear I wasn’t doing anything. Don’t—”
“Phantom! There’s a ghost inside you. It was possessing you! I need to take it out. I need to—”
“Wait, Val, stop! You don’t know what you’re doing!” 
“I think it’s trying to lead us to a trap. This will only sting for a moment!”
“No! You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Phantom glanced wildy around the room, his eyes locking onto the telescope once more.
Then, his aura flared, the aurora fought to return, his freckles sparkled like stars once more. A hint of childlike wonder hit his features and for a moment, he seemed lost in the fascination of the observatory.
It was the perfect opportunity to shoot.
But Valerie’s hands were shaking. They were unsteady, just like they were when she first started using the equipment. And in that split second of uncertainty, that moment of hesitation, Phantom gripped his hair and pulled himself out of his stupor.
“No!” he groaned. “Not now!”
“What the hell is going on?” Valerie shouted. 
“Don’t shoot! Just—ugh, gimmie a sec…” He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. “I just godda...I just need a second.”
To Valerie’s surprise, she waited. Maybe it was the growing respect she’d begun to feel for Phantom over the past year, maybe it was her fading hatred as she learned more about ghosts, maybe it wasn’t anything deep and it was just that Valerie was confused. In any case, she followed his pleas and watched as he pulled himself together, drawing his shimmering aura inward and allowing the familiar homogenous white aura to wash over him.
He gave a final sigh of relief. “Okay. Okay, I’m good now. You can lower the gun.”
“Tell me first.” Her voice allowed for no arguments. “Tell me what the hell just happened, and then maybe I’ll think about it.”
“It’s complicated.”
Valerie noticed how he seemed to be making a visible effort to ignore all the astronomy equipment around them. His eyes were trained to her and her only.
“Then enlighten me.”
“I…” He hesitated.
“I’m giving you five seconds before I blast you unconscious.”
He blinked, and then his expression shifted into the cocky, shit-eating grin Phantom that Valerie had come to know over these months, “As if you could hit me.”
“Don’t change the subject, Phantom. I’m serious.”
He sobered. “Right. Sorry. I...listen, it’s personal, okay? I’m telling you because I trust you, but you can’t tell anyone. If any of my enemies find out…”
“Tell me.”
“Okay.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “What do you know of...of Obsessions?”
“Every ghost has one. It’s what controls their core, what gives them power. All ghosts are driven by their Obsession and if they manage to fulfill it or they’re somehow blocked from feeding into their Obsession for too long, they’ll cease to exist. Why? What does this have to do with anything?”
“I…” His face screwed up before he gave out a frustrated huff. “Oh, what the hell! I have two Obsessions.”
Valerie faltered, her gun lowering ever so slightly. 
She didn’t know what she expected, but this? 
“You what?”
Was this even possible? Better yet, how was it possible? Every ghost had an Obsession, but every ghost had one Obsession. It was impossible for a ghost to have two. It would be torment for the ghost, the two Obsessions constantly battling inside their core for dominance.
It would tear him apart from the inside out, wouldn’t it?
But Valerie watched as Phantom’s eyes strayed beside them to a small white telescope sitting off to the side of the room, and Valerie watched as his aura seemed to fluctuate again as the other side of him fought for control.
Once again, Phantom screwed his eyes shut and fought the aura down, allowing his natural white glow to pulsate over his form brighter than before. 
“Can we take this outside?” he asked, his voice tight. “This room is...distracting.”
Valerie allowed her arm to drop, her gun hanging loosely at her side. “Sure.”
“Ok, I need to...I need to slip back into it to close the observatory walls. I can’t access those powers in this form. I’m not dangerous in that state, so please don’t shoot me.”
She nodded, momentarily forgetting that he couldn’t see her with his eyes shut. But he seemed to hear the unspoken words regardless. The blues, greens, and purples of his aura swirled around him, overtaking his aura in a brilliant display of light. The stars and planets returned to his face, and when he finally opened his eyes, it was as if Valerie could see the entire Milky Way within his corneas.
He raised his arms, his face relaxed, and allowed his aura to seep out to the walls. The room glowed, and Valerie watched with an open mouth as the incandescent colors of the northern lights guided the observatory walls closed. They cascaded through the walls before finally dimming, leaving Phantom as the only remaining source of light.
“Okay,” he said, the childlike bubble to his voice echoing around the room. “Let’s go!”
Before she could blink, Phantom grabbed her arm and spread his aura out around her. She let out a yelp of protest before she could feel a familiar chill overtake her skin.
Phantom was...he was turning her intangible. 
“Ready?” He asked. His eyes seemed to glow brighter in the dark.
Valerie looked up at him, breathless.
He grinned and pulled her forward, shooting them both through the walls. They flew up for a moment before shooting back down towards a cluster of trees. 
Valerie had flown on her hoverboard many times, but this was incredible. It was as if gravity didn’t exist. Her body was weightless, flowing across the air with a precision that she’d never felt before.
But as soon as it started, it stopped. The duo landed on the ground, and Phantom broke contact with her. Warmth immediately filled her veins. She glanced back towards the observatory, but the trees blocked her view.
That was probably intentional, if Phantom’s earlier display of cognitive dissonance had anything to do with it.
Valerie waited once more, watching as Phantom’s aura seemed to waver, before settling back into white. When it seemed like he was more or less back to normal, she finally spoke. “Okay, explain. What do you mean you have two Obsessions? How is that possible?” 
“I don’t know.” Phantom’s gaze was downcast. “I mean, my, uh...death was rather, um, complicated. I think.”
She raised an eyebrow. 
Ghosts never talked about their death. According to Maddie Fenton, it was a taboo. Bringing the topic up would only result in angering the ghost.
So for Phantom to bring his own death up like this…
This was uncharted waters for any human.
This was serious.
Phantom pinched the bridge of his nose. “I can’t explain it, but it didn’t go right. I don’t—I can’t…” He huffed, his eyes turning up to her with an almost desperate look. “You must have noticed that I’m just different, right?”
Valerie nodded slowly. “I have, but you’re still just a ghost.”
Phantom’s eyes widened before turning back to the ground. “Right. I...no, you’re right. I’m just a ghost. But I…”
Valerie watched as his eyebrows pinched, his mouth thinning as something inside of him fought to surface. She wanted to speak, wanted to ask what did he mean when he said he was different, but she didn’t.
She couldn’t. 
She didn’t know what to say.
When he finally spoke again, his voice was quiet. “When I died, it went wrong. And my core couldn’t decide on what it wanted to be, so something inside of it fractured. One part of it focused on the people in the room with me, the people that I was worried about. I wanted to make sure they were safe. My friends. I wanted to protect them.”
Valerie held her breath.
According to studies, most ghosts didn’t remember their prior life, or the people in it. Memory loss was just a part of the process of transforming from human to ghost.
And yet…
Phantom clearly did.
“The other part of my core went to the thing I was doing just moments before. I was...I wanted to explore. I always loved space and astronomy. I wanted to work for NASA and see other worlds and...other dimensions. I know it sounds crazy, but it was just who I was. Who I still am.”
He looked up at her, and Valerie saw remnants of stars speckle in his eyes. “So my core settled on two modes. And depending on where I am or what I’m doing, it switches between them. My powers shift too. When I’m normal, I can project ectoblasts and control ice. But when I go into my space mode, I can’t do any of that. But I can control astronomy equipment, as you saw, and I can locate any star or planet in the sky.”
“So that’s how you knew where to move the telescope?” 
“Yeah.” He held out his hand, and a little ice Saturn formed in his palm. “I don’t know how I know where things are, but I just know. But it only happens when I let that part of my core take control of my body.”
“I see.” Valerie breathed out. “I get it. I get why you don’t want anyone to know. That’s kind of terrifying, knowing that you have a half of you that’s so defenseless.”
“Right…” Phantom set the planet down on the grass. “If word got out...if the government found out…”
Realization hit Valerie like a truck. “They could set up a trap, couldn’t they? Lure you into a place like this and take you out. It would be too easy.”
“Exactly,” Phantom said bitterly. “You can’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t. I swear.”
Phantom nodded, relief evident on his features. “Thank you, Valerie.”
Before she could stop herself, she stepped forward. And then again, approaching him slowly as if she were afraid he would disappear. 
But he didn’t move. He didn’t flinch.
He trusted her. Even after everything, he trusted her with one of his most vulnerable secrets.
She closed the gap between them, resting a hand on his shoulder and looking him square in the face. “I mean it, Phantom. I won’t tell anyone. Well, so long as you promise me one thing.”
“What is it?”
“Bring me back here sometime, alright?” She shot him a grin. “This place is pretty cool, and if I have some sort of space wizard with me, I bet we could find a lot of sweet stuff, yeah?”
His aura brightened, and the smile was evident on his face. “Sure thing, Val!”
Thanks for reading!
272 notes · View notes
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 2 years
Hey astro, may I please get a selfcare for alienkin? Planets of origin: Neptune & Pluto. Mountains, snow, frozen oceans, frozen plains of ice, lots of wind. Also she loves to read and research things such as psychology. She tries to learn all she can about humans but finds it hard to act like them. She is a bit of a kuudere, a cold, aloof person but inside has a warm heart of gold. She likes writing stories & papers of her thoughts too. Her color is blue. Enjoys hot food such as chicken soups, chicken&dumplings, warm thick bread, hot drinks (like cocoa &bone broth). Soft warm blankets. No fragrance or moving images please. Thank you.
Tumblr media
hi! i hope she enjoys it!! :D
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mochitoaster · 2 years
Top 5 shapes top 5 planets 🪐
Oo oo oo! Okay.
TOP 5 SHAPES !!! \o/ in no particular order cuz I’m bad at ranking things:
Circle, triangle, icosahedron (d20 ^_^), pyramid? Or like the long pyramids. Like monuments or whatever, and uhmmm stars! Just all kinds of fun shapes of stars. I like pointy shapes C:
TOP 5 PLANETS!!! Again not in correct order. Ummm only doing solar system ones cuz I can’t think of ones outside of it rn.
URANUS. NEPTUNE. PLUTO. SATURN. VENUS. ^_^ yes I know Pluto is not a planet but I like all the cold ice ones okay. I’d pick an ice comet if I could. Also Uranus is sideways and quirky which makes it number one. Also I like the colour. I like blue and ice I’m sensing a patern. Saturn is cool cuz it has rings (but Uranus is cooler cuz it’s rings are sideways and thinner) and Venus is very pretty with lots of wacky bright colours. Neptune is very blue so therefore it’s good to me C:
Thank you for the ask! \o/ I am full of opinions about nothing and everything thank you thank you
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neopronouns · 4 years
do you happen to know any genders related to space? Like stars, or certain planets or just space in general
quite a few! under the cut
(also, due to the Very Large amount of space genders, i may have missed some, sorry!!)
aliencoric: a xenogender related to aliencore
aliensic: a xenic alignment to aliens
andromediane: a xenogender related to the andromeda galaxy
asteragender: a fluid gender that’s connected to a specific constellation
astergender: a gender that feels bright and celestial
astralgender: a gender that feels connected to space
astronomique: a gender related to and/or influenced by astronomy
eclipsique: an astronomique gender related to and/or influenced by solar and lunar eclipses
blastjernen: a gender related to blue dwarf stars, blue stars, blue nights, neutron stars, and space that feels hot and unknown
b✰y/b*y/b⭐y: a nonbinary male xenogender related to space, aliens, etc. similar to being male, but a version of male that is based more on alien concepts than on human concepts.
caelgender: an aesthetically-centered gender that is largely focused on space-related things such as stars, aliens, planets, galaxies, and black holes
caelagender: caelgender + agender
caelivus: a gender related to the empty space between celestial bodies, where you can see the stars, but not feel them, and are alone
cavrumgender: a gender based around black holes and the feeling of black holes. feels all-consuming but never complete
celestae: a celestial xenogender. feels ethereal, angelic, extraterrestrial, and as though it relates to outer space
celestiagender: a gender connected to outer space and creatures from outer space
celestialgender: a gender that is related to a planet, celestial body, or astronomical object in out solar system
linnutgender: a gender related to or influenced by all the planets, celestial bodies, and astronomical objects in our solar system
the following definitions can be modified to fit the rest of the genders in this system by inserting the celestial body the gender is named for:
a gender related to the [celestial body]
a gender influenced by the [body]/the placement of the [body] in the sky
a gender that is stronger in the presence of the [body]
a gender influenced by a [body] kintype
a gender related to [deity that represents the body]
a gender influenced by one’s devotion to any of the aforementioned gods
a gender that can otherwise be explained using the [body]
sonnegender: the sun
lunirgender: earth’s moon
mercugender: mercury
venugender: venus
terragender: earth
marigender: mars
juperigender: jupiter
saturnigender: saturn
uranugender: uranus
neptunigender: neptune
plutigender: pluto
celestial gender system: a system of nonbinary genders that are linked to a soft, celestial energy
juparian: masculine
lunettian: feminine
mercurian: neutral; gendered, but not masc or fem
plutoian: void and/or uncertain
neptunian: masc + neutral
venusian: fem + masc
saturnian: fem + neutral
celestarian: masc + fem + neutral
ceresian: fem + void
sonnean: masc + void
ouranian: neutral + void
terraean: masc + fem + void
marsean: masc + neutral + void
erisian: fem + neutral + void
asteroidian: fem + masc + neutral + void
kuiperian/starfluid: fluid between celestial genders
collapsargender: a gender that has a strong pull, tending to pull other identities into and compress them before spitting them out in a compressed form, like a black hole
collstellargender: a collapsargender related to a stellar black hole
collsumagender: a collapsargender related to a supermassive black hole
collintergender: a collapsargender related to an intermediate black hole
scutifluid: fluid between collapsargenders
cometgender: a gender which relates to another gender in the way a comet orbits the sun of a solar system - zooming into the solar system, then out again, spending more time out in space than near the center but always attached to the gravitational field of that sun
constellavir: having both a space-related gender and a male(-aligned) gender at the same time (or more than one of either/both. basically polygender with space genders and male genders)
constellgender: a gender that fluctuates based on what constellation is most visible at that time
contigender: a gender that flows through space and time, constantly changing and always moving; a gender of or related to space and time
cosmiccoric: a gender that feels like you’re a cosmic entity, one with the universe, especially when you’re meditating
cosmoic alignments:
void-aligned: a formless, dark, and frigid alignment associated with black holes and deep space. may be unaligned or reject alignment
constellation-aligned: a cold, multifaceted alignment that is complex and solid. associated with starlight and astrology. may feel as though individual parts of the alignment make up one larger alignment
nebula-aligned: a fluid, colorful, and bright alignment that floats slowly through the cold void of space. associated with supernovas and stars. may feel cloudy or intangible
aurora-aligned: a fluctuating, colorful, and bright alignment that swirls through the temperate atmosphere. associated with solar winds, magnetic fields, and earth
stellar-aligned: a large, hot, and bright alignment with a fixed course through space. associated with light and solar eclipses. may be loud or boisterous.
supernova-aligned: a huge, red-hot alignment that seems to expand rapidly in all directions. associated with stars. may feel like it’s burning up other alignments around it
planet-aligned: a stable, solid, and warm alignment thriving with liveliness. associated with weather patters and gravitational forces. may aligned with sunlight and/or darkness
lunar-aligned: a quiet, slow, cold alignment with a fixed course through space. associated with water and lunar eclipses. may align with softness and/or grace
asteroid-aligned: an erratic and unpredictable alignment that’s cold. may feel like it’s far away from other alignment
singularity-aligned: a small and enigmatic red-hot alignment that has the potential to be something bigger. may indicated questioning alignment rather than being sure
quantum-aligned: a paradoxical alignment that is both known and unknown, present and absent. may be complex or simple, and may overlap with many other alignments or none at all
cyberastral: a gender defined by the ideas that 1) one is consubstantial with stars, galaxies, and celestial bodies due to being a collection of matter in the universe and 2) that software is modeled by the universe, combined into the idea that one is both a celestial soul and a self-modifying piece of code
dipperine: a gender related to the big dipper, small stars, space, and time that feels cold and is only felt under certain circumstances
exoplafluid: fluid between celestial/space genders
exoplanique: a gender related to exoplanets and rogue planets
extraterrgender: feeling that you are some sort of celestial body, planet, asteroid, meteor, constellation, or something indescribable that is in the universe or yet to be found in space
galaksene: a gender related to clusters of stars, galaxies, small distant planets, earth-like planets, and nebulas that feels infinite and void at the same time
galaxenic: a xenogender related to a galaxy
galaxiasflux: a fluid gneder that feels like it flows and fluctuates with any galaxy
galaxxin: a gender that feels like it’s flying through galaxies, never to return
galaxygender: a gender related to space, the stars, the cosmos, and all things galaxy-like
genderlulne: a gender related to the moon itself, not dependent on phases or time of day
genderquasari: a gender that bursts like a quasar
genderspace: an umbrella term for genders influenced by and/or related to things in space. could be a standalone identity generally related to space
jupitique: a gender related to the moons of jupiter
keplerique: a gender related to kepler planets
kosmyc genders (the ones with space characteristics):
nuitsolum: a dark min- + xin-aligned gender connected to power, space, the color purple, moons, and a sense of the void
nuagesolum: a soft min- + agin-aligned gender connected to neutrality, fog, the color purple, stars, suns, and power
brilliantesolum: a bright min-aligned gender connected to the color yellow, suns, writing, and deserts
angesolum: a bright idin-aligned gender connected to the color cyan, suns, the color yellow, angels, and feathers
clamosolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to cameras, the color cyan, eyes, moons, and history
deusolum: a min-aligned gender connected to greek gods, the color green, conceptum attraction, stars, and nature
rubrusolum: a min-aligned gender connected to the color red, fire, suns, the summer, and roses
auransolum: a lin-aligned gender connected to the color orange, campfires, fruit, moons, and warmth
flavosolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to the color yellow, sunshine, space, stars, and happiness
virisolum: an agin-aligned gender connected to the color green, nature, health, suns, and neurodivergence
cyasolum: a din-aligned gender connected to the color cyan, ice, winter, moons, and snow angels
caersolum: a fin-aligned gender connected to the color blue, lakes, rivers, stars, and birds
purpusolum: a xin-aligned gender connected to the color purple, nonconformity, fashion, suns, and royalty
magsolum: a uin-aligned gender connected to the color magenta, time, literature, suns, and lizards
roseasolum: an idin-aligned gender connected to the color pink, lovecore, doves, stars, and pillows
reosolum: a uxin-aligned gender connected to the color black, demons, scales, moons, and dragons
albusolum: a flin-aligned gender connected to the color white, angels, feathers, stars, and fae
aessolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to the color bronze, wealth, freedom, suns, and self-control
grisesolum: a uin-aligned gender connected to the color gray, rainy days, hot chocolate, moons, and winter
argesolum: a din-aligned gender connected to the color silver, silence, technology, moons, and rocks
brusolum: an agin-aligned gender connected to the color brown, music, books, stars, and movies
aurusolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to the color gold, family, self-identification, suns, and comfort
lunaegender: a gender that feels spacey and celestial and bears a similarly to vampires. during the night, it soaks in the radiance of the moon and is unidentifiably gendered, while during the day, it turns to ash and becomes void/genderless. bears similarities to (demi)bigender
moongender: a nonbinary gender connected to the moon and various aspects of it
neptunique: a gender related to the moons of neptune
oceaspatium: a gender that encompasses the depths of space and the depths and qualities of the ocean
pancaeleste/pancaelestic: being every space-related gender within one’s experiences
pangalaxenic: a xenogender related to every galaxy
phobosique: a gender related to the moons of mars
planetesfluid: a fluid gneder that feels like a planet aimelessly floating through space
plutique: a gender related to the moons of pluto
profundanic: a gender centered around a deep connection to caverns/caves, space, and unknowable knowledge
rodstjernen: a gender related to red dwarf stars, red stars, red sunsets, supernovas, and space that feels warm and distant
saturneo: a neutral gender with fluid ambiguine feelings/qualities that’s linked in some way to saturn
saturnir: masculine version of saturneo
saturnera: feminine version of saturneo
saturnique: a gender related to the moons of saturn
siengender: a masculine gender revolving around space, kindness, and loyalty
solislayera: a gender related to any layer of the sun
spacecoric: a xenogender related to spacecore
spacegendervoid: a nonbinary gender connected to space, stars, and the universe as a whole. feels vaguely unaligned in nature and has ties to feelings of genderlessness.
astralgendervoid: mascuilne version of spacegendervoid
celestialgendervoid: feminine version of spacegendervoid
spaethgender: a gender related to missing space. only for alienkin and variants thereof
stargender: having the gender of a star; an otherworldly/nonhuman gender that is beyond comprehension; no matter how many genders are discovered/coined, none would match the person
stellaene: a gender that feels like a planet that’s spiraling out of control, flying off into the cosmos
supernovae: a gender that is like a supernova. it erupts and dozens or hundreds of new genders are created, destroyed, or fused together
uranusique: a gender related to the moons of uranus
venusanian: a fingender (feminine-in-nature gender) related to the solar system, specifically venus, or outer space in general
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dreamersdownfall · 3 years
an ode to the planets; for even celestial beings need to be remembered.
i. to mercury: you burn quietly. silent, brushed off, your smiles are ice, your eyes are sad, maybe if you didn't hide behind venus, you'd be a star. i see you shine sometimes, see you at twilight, and if you let those flames of yours burn a little brighter, i think you'd be silver instead of grey, i want to see you run hot, run cold, lose control, but you're a well of secrets tucked inside a restrained smile. no one knows. they never will.
ii. to venus: you shine. evening star, morning star, you're ethereal, aren't you? the loveliest deity in the pantheon, and yet. yet. do they know what burns in those lovely eyes? have they seen the hell you've wrought upon yourself? earth's twin, they called you, but your life faded away years ago. you're a broken legend, baby, you're the myth that's nothing more than an adorned story—don't look too close, you beg, don't see the dead song my body whispers. hell, that's what you think you are, hell that smiles like heaven. don't forget your diamonds.
iii. to earth: your hands are gentle. you cradle flowers in your hands, you heal my wounds and you turn gold in the sunlight. tell me what your wind sings. tell me if it holds the echoes of everything venus could have been. will you hold my broken wings with tender fingers? you're the object of envy, a last hope. your eyes are still filled with dreams, your feet leave petals in their wake. you're alive. you're alive like no other.
iv. to mars: you're fire, baby, if earth is venus's living twin, you're her mirror. is the red on your cheek from the blood you've spilled? you wage war and you want more and you have bruised knuckles, i've seen them graze venus's cheek when you think no one's looking, but i know. you fight because no one else will. you burn because no one else will. because venus burns too much. you're devastation. i think i like it.
v. to jupiter: king of the gods, they say. so close to being a star. so close and yet so far, you hate it. i was born under your stars, did you know? storms in your heart, storms in your eyes, three hundred years, and you'll rage for three hundred more. your rings, (did you think i wouldn't notice?) one of them is transparent, isn't it? zeus, stop hiding. hera breaks away from you even now. i know the ring is to her. i know you fade from her heart. you could have been a star, a star, if only you let the storm ease. you can't shine when you're submerged in darkness.
vi. to saturn: your eyes are distant. your hands are cold, full of gold rings, like me, i think. rings worn for every heart we broke. rings for every kiss. you run, run, run the second you feel the rising in your chest, and you're cold as diamonds but you're brittle as shards of glass. maybe if you weren't fluttering wings in a gilded cage, in the trap of all your rings, all those shattered hearts, you could have been beautiful. but all you do, all you do is run.
vii. to uranus: god of the skies, a real king, aren't you? you're encased in ice and your thirteen rings are for the thirteen times you were unlucky in love, you're twenty-one years of night, twenty-one years of day, which one is the truth? dual faces, which is your real one? choose. midnight smirks or sunlight smiles, tell me why your justice feels like every time you fell in love. every time you fell out of it. you hold your heart close, hidden in your sleeve, but it slips out far too easily. breakable. shattered.
viii. to neptune: the prodigal son, the wanderer, you're blue, blue, blue, and shipwrecks kiss your skin for every secret ring you gave away. can you see your heart in your fingers, dim as the light where you turn, blue as your soft smile? you've never felt the sunlight on your cheek, but you know what a kiss feels like. you figure it's much the same. you sail in your ship, and you run as far as you can from everyone, but your hands are still warm. they're still warm.
ix. to pluto: are you surprised? did you think i'd forget like everyone else has? you've been the heart of so many controversies, been the heart of changing history and lost loves, but you never wanted any of it. you were named after the god of death, and i wonder if they knew, even back then, if they knew that you'd be abandoned. that you'd die because gods are only immortal if they're worshipped. you laid down flowers for persephone with such hope in your eyes. with such love in your heart. you don't want to be no one. you want to be someone's. you want to be called mine. if you smile that sad smile, maybe i will.
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How to see Uranus in the night sky (without a telescope) this week
NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft captured this image of the planet Uranus on Dec. 18, 1986. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
Just how many planets are visible without a telescope? Not including our own planet, most people will answer "five" (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn).
Those are the five brightest planets, but in reality, there is a sixth planet that can be glimpsed without the aid of either a telescope or binoculars.
That sixth planet is the planet Uranus. This week will be a fine time to try and seek it out, especially since it is now favorably placed for viewing in our late-evening sky and the bright moon is out of the way.
Related: Photos of Uranus, the tilted giant planet
This sky map shows where Uranus will be located around midnight on Sept. 13-14, as seen from New York City. Look for it in the constellation of Aries, the ram. (Image credit: SkySafari app)
Of course, you'll have to know exactly where to look for it. Astronomers measure the brightness of objects in the night sky as magnitude. Smaller numbers indicate brighter objects, with negative numbers denoting exceptionally bright objects. But Uranus is currently shining at magnitude +5.7, relatively dim on the scale; barely visible by a keen naked eye on very dark, clear nights.
It is currently located within the constellation of Aries, the Ram, about a dozen degrees to the east (left) of the brilliant planet Mars. It's already one-third up from the eastern horizon by 11:30 p.m. local daylight time and will reach its highest point — more than two thirds up from the southern horizon — just before 4 a.m.
It is best to study the accompanying chart first, then scan that region with binoculars. Using a magnification of 150-power with a telescope of at least three-inch aperture, you should be able to resolve it into a tiny, blue-green featureless disk.
An icy, cold world
This week Uranus is about 1.771 billion miles (2.851 billion kilometers) from Earth (only Neptune is farther away). It takes 84.4 years to orbit the sun. The planet has a diameter of about 31,518 miles (50,724 km), making it the third-largest planet, and according to flyby magnetic data from Voyager 2 in 1986, has a rotation period of 17.23 hours.
At last count, Uranus has 27 moons, all in orbits lying in the planet's equator in which there is also a complex of nine narrow, nearly opaque rings, which were discovered in 1978.
Uranus likely has an icy, rocky core, surrounded by a liquid mantle of water, methane and ammonia, encased in an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. In fact, Uranus has the coldest atmosphere of any planet in the solar system with a minimum temperature
of -371 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 224 degrees Celsius).
A freakish tilt
A bizarre feature is how far over Uranus is tipped. The other planets are tilted somewhere between 3 degrees and 29 degrees, but Uranus' north pole lies 98 degrees from being directly up and down to its orbit plane.
From our point of view, this means that sometimes we see Uranus with its north pole pointing at us. At other times we see it with its equatorial belt oriented vertically instead of horizontally. From the point of view of a hypothetical astronaut visiting Uranus, daylight and darkness would be nothing short of extraordinary. Its seasons are extreme: when the sun rises (as an example) at the north pole, it stays up for 42 Earth years; then it sets and the north pole is in darkness for 42 Earth years.
Accidental discovery
In the late winter of 1781, British astronomer Sir William Herschel had just finished building a new 6.3-inch (16 centimeters) reflecting telescope and began to study the stars through it. On the night of March 13, he had his telescope turned on the constellation of Gemini, the twins. There, to his great surprise, he came across an extra star that was not plotted on any of his star charts. An accomplished astronomer, Herschel was quick to realize that what he found could not possibly be a star, for it appeared in his telescope as a glowing disk as opposed to a twinkling speck of light.
Continuing his observations of this unusual object night after night, Herschel soon perceived movement; it was slowly shifting its position among the background stars of Gemini. Finally, he decided that he had discovered a new comet and he wrote up a detailed report of his observations, which were published on April 26.
The report of a new comet excited astronomers all over Europe, and they all eagerly trained their telescopes on Herschel's discovery. King George III, who loved the sciences, had the astronomer brought to him and presented him with a life pension and a residence at Slough, in the neighborhood of Windsor Castle.
Multiple monikers
Soon, enough observations were made to calculate an orbit for Herschel's "comet." That's when an increasing number of astronomers began to doubt that what they were looking at was really a comet. For one thing, it seemed to be following a nearly circular orbit out beyond Saturn.
Eventually it was determined that Herschel's "comet" was in fact a new planet. For a while, it actually bore Herschel's name, though Herschel himself proposed the name Georgium Sidus — "The Star of George," after his generous benefactor. However, the custom for a mythological name ultimately prevailed and the new planet was finally christened Uranus.
Prior to its discovery, the outermost planet was considered to be Saturn, named for the ancient god of time and destiny. But Uranus was the grandfather of Jupiter and father of Saturn and considered the most ancient deity of all.
It probably was for all for the best. After all, if Herschel's request was granted, just think of how we might have listed the planets in order from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and ... George?
And then came Neptune by plotting the path of a planet, astronomers can draw up a table (called an "ephemeris") that can show them exactly where the planet will be at any given time. So, after the discovery of Uranus, they set about determining an ephemeris for it.
But this method didn't seem to work; sometimes Uranus turned up ahead of its predicted position; sometimes it lagged behind. It seemed to astronomers that some unknown body was somehow perturbing Uranus's orbit.
Adams was a student at Cambridge University, and he sent his results to Sir George Airy (1801-1892), the Astronomer Royal, with specific instructions on where to look for it. For some unknown reason Airy delayed a year before starting the search. In the meantime, Leverrier wrote to the Berlin Observatory requesting that they search in the place he directed. Johann Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest at Berlin did exactly as instructed and found the new planet in less than an hour.
The naming of this new eighth planet was more complicated than for Uranus. Initially, Janus and Oceanus were suggested. Leverrier wanted it to be named after him. But while the population of France seemed in favor of this, the other European countries resisted this moniker. Eventually, it was named for Neptune after the god of the sea.
Ice giant
Neptune is slightly smaller than Uranus, measuring 30,599 miles (49,244 km) in diameter. Like Uranus, Neptune is a frigid world, with temperatures at its cloud tops of -361 degrees F (-218 C). Because they are similar both in size and temperatures, Uranus and Neptune are referred to as "ice giants."
Because of its gaseous composition, its speed of rotation varies from 18 hours at the equator to just 12 hours at the poles. This differential rotation is the most pronounced of any other planet and results in exceedingly strong winds reaching speeds upward to 1,300 mph (2,200 kph). Most of the winds on Neptune move in a direction opposite to the planet's rotation.
Finding Neptune
This sky map shows where to find Neptune will be located around midnight on Sept. 13-14, as seen from New York City. Look for it in the constellation of Aquarius, to the right of the bright planet Mars. (Image credit: SkySafari app)
Unlike Uranus, Neptune is much too faint to be viewed with the unaided eye, lying at a mean distance from the sun of 2.8 billion miles (4.5 billion km); the most distant planet. It's about seven times dimmer than Uranus, but if you have access to a dark, clear sky and carefully examine the map above, you should have no trouble in finding it with a good pair of binoculars.
September is Neptune's month. It will be at opposition to the sun on Sept. 11, so it will be in the sky all night long, reaching its highest point in the southern sky at around 1 a.m. local time. Neptune can currently be found among the stars of Aquarius, the water bearer.
With a telescope, trying to resolve Neptune into a disk will be more difficult than it is with Uranus. You're going to need at least a 4-inch (10 cm) telescope with a magnification of no less than 200-power, just to turn Neptune into a tiny blue dot of light.
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Characteristics of neptune
Neptune is a fascinating world, and not much is known about it. Perhaps, it is because Neptune is the most distant planet from the sun. Very few exploratory missions have ventured that far. Regardless, it is a planet full of wonder. It is the only planet in the solar system that is found by mathematical prediction rather than empirical observation. In this article, we discuss the nature of Neptune and more.
Characteristics of neptune
In Roman mythology, Neptune is the god of the sea. The planet is seemingly named after the sea god owing to its blue colour. After the discovery of Neptune, it was observed that its orbit was not in accordance with Newton’s law. It was, therefore, predicted that there must be another distant planet perturbing Uranus’s orbit. Neptune was first observed by Galle and Le Verrier from calculations based on the observed position of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
Centuries earlier, in 1613, Galileo observed Neptune when it happened to be very near to Jupiter. But Galileo disregarded it as a star. On two successive nights, he noticed that it moved slightly with respect to a nearby star. But on subsequent nights, due to cloudy skies, it was out of his field of view. Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft that has visited Neptune. Much of what we know today comes from this single encounter.
Characteristics of Neptune
Neptune is dark, cold, and windy. It’s the last of planets in our solar system. The composition of Neptune is similar to Uranus – ice and rock with about 15% hydrogen and a little helium. Its atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane. Neptune’s blue colour is primarily due to the absorption of red light by methane in the atmosphere. Neptune winds are the fastest in the solar system reaching a speed of 2000 km/hr.
Five known rings of rock and dust encircle Neptune – all named after astronomers who helped bring light details about the windy world. Neptune also has several partial rings known as arcs.
Neptune Satellites
Neptune is known to have 14 moons; 7 named one. The table below shows the list of satellites and rings of Neptune.
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