#If I had a Pokemon team it would either be a team of Eeveelutions because they're cute and I love them all
phoenix-flamed · 10 months
Me, working on replies to things on here.
Friends in a group chat discussing Pokemon.
Me, getting distracted from writing by thinking about how I should use Lilligant as my "OOC faceclaim" thingy: .
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fulgurbugs · 3 months
What would the travelers Pokémon teams be?
I can totally see Alfyn having a Blissey. Therion seems like he’d have a Gengar, potentially.
ok. upon literally hours of deliberation and team building (i actually already had ones for the OT1 travelers but decided to revisit them and change a few picks) me and my bestie @snailcruncher have settled on some teams. i will be going in depth on reasonings for these so prepare for a long post lol. im gonna put it under a readmore because really im not joking about how long it is
we also came up with some ideas/lore for why some of these would be picked in a pokemon AU setting, so i’ll be explaining any of those thoughts if they’re relevant too.
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one of the only teams left untouched, I think this is a good batch for her. i’m imagining a scenario where the sacred flame takes the form of a pokemon, and it’s a lampent. frosmoth and togetic felt just like… the right vibe. Lapras and Ampharos both have associations with guiding, so they’re in. Audino is a notable healing pokemon, and it feels in line with her personality as well.
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Alakazam for mr high iq smart guy. duh. oranguru for his role as a teacher, and Runerigus would be a late acquisition to his team in his ch4. Flareon, Glaceon, and Jolteon for the 3 scholar spell types. i also think him having 3 eeveelutions could also be kind of like, they’re really good for demonstrations for single-type stuff, as well as being popular with others. people might come up to him and be like omg you have a flareon i love flareon pleaseeee tell me more (flirtily) which of course would go over his head and he would start telling you flareon facts. I feel like Cyrus would excel in double battles.
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Meowth: the pay day signature pokemon. this is as close as i can replicate to tressa randomly finding money. Skwovet (she can now take her pet squirrel with her in a pokeball)
Gyrados for sure. one, she lives along an ocean, so she should definitely have a water type, two, i’m imagining a scenario where she buys a magikarp cheap, seeing the potential in it, then raises it into a real powerhouse. just like her!
carbink: really funny scenario me and the bestie came up with that instead of eldrite the treasure was diancieite. the carbink is from the same cave. tressa did try to evolve it with the diancieite. it didn’t work.
pidgeot… felt like she needed a flying type (wind magic rep) and i feel like she’d gravitate to the humbler normal types… doesn’t get much more straightforward than pidgeot. Dhelmise… maybe it used to be captain leons, maybe she fished it out of the harbor in rippletide herself. either way, she thinks it’s cool
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Aegislash: sword form, shield form…. this pokemon itself is the unbending blade. obviously i have given him several other sword based pokemon, too.
gallade, escavalier, and sirfetch’d badically all fit this. they’re knight-like, so they feel fitting i think to him.
as for conkeldurr and garganacl, they feel kind of… solidly built. like him. ( ⬇️ garganacl pick lore)
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almost all of her pokemon can learn some kind of dance though their level up. Oricorio is the obvious choice, dragonair reps dragon dance, beautifly reps quiver dance, and lilligant… well they can learn so fucking many. we couldn’t decide on which one to give her, so we ended up giving her both. they’re her backup dancers or whatever.
mawile just feels very primrose to me. its cute or pretty or whatever, and you might underestimate it… but watch out. it bites.
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he feels like a guy who loves a big fluffy dog. and stoutland has also been used in games for its ability to sniff out items, so it feels like it’d be a good pick for an apothecary looking to sniff out herbs and such. Comfey is an obvious pick, i mean its signature move is. floral healing. meganium also has mentioned in its dex entries its healing and calming properties. it’s also a cool as fuck dinosaur so i think alfyn would like it.
chatot. does this even need explanation
we also wanted to give him an ice type, and settled on cubchoo. it has a perpetually runny nose… even Alfyn can’t fix it, try as he might.
as for leavanny, we had some trouble picking the last slot on this team. we were looking through friendship evos, and leavanny caught my eye. it’s dex entries mention that it’s very gentle, it also shows no mercy to foes who target young pokemon. seems fitting… we decided alfyn got it as a swadloon (maybe it could be taught to use its sewing abilities to dress wounds?) and it evolved during his ch3.
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I think Krookodile, mimikyu, and klefki are quite obvious picks, so i won’t go too in on them. Ninjask and Shedinja…. Ninjask is super speedy, so it felt right to give one to therion, but also i feel like.. he’d keep the shedinja around. even with 1 hp and one billion weaknesses… it’s still a part of his team. it and ninjask were born from the same nincada. he couldn’t abandon it like that.
and applin lol. something about therion gives me “guy who’s going for a cool as fuck hydrapple and ends up with an appletun actually”
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If anyone’s allowed to have legendaries, it’s the hunters. Chien-pao is as close as we can get to a snow leopard. and yeah maybe it’s a little evil but H’aanit is built different. Decidueye feels like an obvious pick, and spirit shackle is a great signature move for the h’aanit vibe. trapinch for. leghold trap. kilowattrel is literally a thunderbird. and ariados… well, it has the ability sniper, to reference hunter’s crit boosting abilities, as well as having some trapping moves like webs. for the Hunters, I’ve left their last spot blank, but this just means like, a “flex” spot that would be different each time you battled them. H’aanits got boxes of options to choose from.
now, onto the OT2 ones!
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I’m sure you can see what i’m going for here. it’s just the closest i could get to Akala/mahina and her 3 story beasts. and again, like H’aanit, the last spot is “flex” not empty, so imagine her bringing some different new bullshit to every battle.
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i wanted to do a few things with Castti: obviously, give her some healing-y mons, but also a few oddball picks that might have you looking twice. picked Shiinotic because of its ominous dex entries, and then. toedscruel because i realize shiinotic actuallt doesn’t get spore i think? and i think castti “put em to sleep right in the street” florenz should have a mon with spore. (edit. i actually just cant read the bulbapedia tables and shiinotic does get spore. anyways she gets two spore mons i guess cuz what if she’s gotta knock out two people at the same time. or whatever. dustox emits toxic powder from its wings, which seems like it could be something castti would want to keep on hand for poison axe. these three might seem a little weird tho, and reinforce her bad first impression in canalbrine, even though i’m sure they’d all be very well behaved and nice. Blissey and Arboliva are straightforward healing picks. I feel like these would be common for apothecaries to have in general.
and then galar-slowking. poison-activated brain nonsense. i feel like she acquires this one post-amnesia. they feel a kinship with each other.
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Throné’s team is half-blacksnakes dedicated, half catered to herself. Every blacksnake has a seviper or an ekans, as well as probably most of them also having other grunt-esque pokemon, like zubats and such. throné’s taken care of hers, though, and friendship evolved it into a crobat.
chose furfrou because i think throné would like a prissy little dog she can dress up cutely. milcery, which she’s waiting on evolving until she can figure out what alcremie form she wants, and a shade-cherrim.
oh, and zangoose, of course. the natural enemy of sevipers. one appeared to her right after she left new delsta. what a sign, right?
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Osvald we had some interesting stuff to work with, I think. we decided that most of his pokemon were newly acquired after his prison escape- not on purpose. they seem to just take a liking to him and start following him around.
the avalugg helped get him out of the frozen water at cape cold, and then stuck with him.
the teddiursa.. also just stuck with him. we wanted to give him something that felt a little oddball for him… so this doesn’t evolve. it stays cute and unevolved forever.
the shuppet was found hovering around the ruins of Osvald’s house. he was reluctant to take it, but if it was formed out of some semblance of his desire for vengeance… he has to be responsible for it.
the Indeedee is the only one of osvalds old pokemon, out of this lineup. since indeedee are so helpful to people, it was kind of a family pokemon acquired after elena’s birth (dex mentions they’re good at babysitting.) Osvald could probably also trust it with simple lab assistant tasks like moving stuff around. was a very beloved pokemon within their family. anyways, following his sentencing, clarissa managed to get ahold of the indeedee and took care of it all this time. when osvald returns, it’s clear it wants him to take her with him.
the drampa was acquired after the events of montwise, having shown up and basically just forced itself to go with osvald. somehow it seems to know what’s going on and who it can trust…
and slowking.. well, smart guy needs a smart pokemon. it’s another one that took a shine to him, though at that point he was getting used to this happening.
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Talonflame: partitio’s aptitude for fire magic and the “chickadee” nickname made this an obvious choice for an ace. I can imagine a young partitio’s first pokemon being a fletchling, for sure.
bramblegast. the funny tumbleweed. put it on the team immediately.
Milotic: Paritio picked up a feebas. having a knack for seeing the potential in pokemon, he wasn’t wrong, and now hes got this thing. it’s very popular with other people, though it seems an odd pick for partito at first glance to strangers.
armarouge: ok this one’s a little convoluted so i will explain it later. kind of vibes based pick tho lol. revavroom kind of. uhh. steam engine. (we can pretend)
there ain’t a more partitio pokemon out there than gholdengo. everyone say thank you scarvi for giving partitio most of his team.
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hey, it’s another oricorio! i think you can guess why.
volcarona: learns fiery dance, but we thought up even more lore on this one. the larvesta was a family pokemon. mostly belonging to Garud (we ended up deciding that the Bristarnis had a lot of bug types, who help out with the sewing stuff and larvesta does give a little bit silkworm, lol..)
anyways, part of his blessing for sending agnea off was telling her to take the larvesta, who also turned out to be a dazzling star in the end too… after a lot of hard work.
altaria and leafeon rep dragon and swords dance. i just feel like they’re good picks for her energy, too. lunatone reps the moonstep. I’ve also opted to give her a sunny cherrim, which i think would be cute contrasted with Throné’s gloomy one.
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temenos has quite the oddball lineup for a cleric. but hes kind of an oddball cleric so i think it works.
Absol. man. a lot of shit happens to temenos. this absol is stressed tf out 24 fucking 7. sorry man.
Clefable: felt like we had to give him a healer-adjacent pokemon and this one evolves with a moonstone. feels fitting for mr night-ability mistral tbh.
Lokix. alright. another scenario based pick. Temenos caught this thing on the pilgrims way as a nymble at like level 2. probably rustling in the metaphorical tall grass, crick is all “get behind me, it could be dangerous” and then. lvl 2. nymble. doesn’t even need to be fought to be caught. and then temenos is all hey crick, it’s a “crick”et pokemon! (we’ll ignore that the dex says grasshopper) he’d keep it just to mess with crick, but it ends up sticking around.
Houndoom. well, temenos is the pontiff’s hound, so we did need to pick a dog for him. it’s a houndour in the beginning, houndoom by the end. probably evolved in a moment of crisis (in ch4?) the yamask is from crackridge.
wooloo. this is actually Crick’s. it wasn’t helping with the little lamb allegations… after the events of stormhail, Temenos takes it in.
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Kingambit: i mean. come on. gotta get a kingambit for the future king.
Gardevoirs dex entire mention that it is dedicated to its trainer/cause to the bitter end, and would do anything to protect it. perfect for Hikari.
Morpeko and Zweilous. some literally two-faced pokemon. (maybe he feels a little bit of a kinship with them in that way) i also really wanted to give Hikari a pseudo-legendary, and i think that his zweilous would probably evolve just in the nick of time to kick some ass against mugen. Hydreigons might be notoriously destructive, but something about the personalities merging into one brain in evolution seems to have mellowed Hikari’s out. it’s remarkably personable, for a hydreigon.
lucario: i really wanted to give him a pokemon that learns copycat, and lucario fits that bill. plus, he definitely needed a fighting type.
Cerudelge: formed from bitterness of old cursed armor, but also an extremely skilled sword fighter… one of hikari’s aces.
I also like to imagine that a lot of hikari’s pokemon are quite difficult to deal with (his ceruledge in particular is quite belligerent and mean) but they all have utmost respect for him as a trainer, once they’re on the battlefield. but onlookers sometimes worry… how the hell does he deal with it all?
other notes about some of the picks :
Partitio’s amarouge. Paritio picked up a. charcadet later on, and hikari personally warned him that it might be difficult to deal with. (his charcadet and later ceruledge were super hard to train for him) of course, partitio did end up in possession of the cool nice armor that evolved it into the better mannered and nobler armarouge… but honestly, even his charcadet was far better behaved.
paritio and tressa both get those shitty fish that get cool. must be because they both have an eye for a diamond in the rough.
agnea and throné’s cherrims are best friends. throné rarely got to see her cherrim sunny-form until she left new delsta… she wonders if maybe it was upset about being so nocturnal before, with the blacksnakes.
castti and osvald, team mom and team dad somehow both ended up with slowkings. everyone’s a little concerned about castti’s, though…
after the events of his story, Osvald leaves indeedee and teddiursa with clarissa and elena. the teddiursa and elena in particular take to each other very well… when osvald finally is able to return to elena’s life, the teddiursa is really much more her pokemon.
also. H’aanit and Ochette and far and away the best battlers of both groups. i know i only have them with one flex spot, but you can imagine that they’d swap out a lot more for whatever they need to do to build a good team. they’ve got loads more options than everyone else.
you know that thing about giving someone an applin in galar? therion did trade it over to alfyn at one point. but really they have joint custody of that thing. which definitely ended up as an appletun.
we also had some npc aces sprinkled in there, so here’s some other thoughts, just as bonus!
Malaya: Pawmot (revival blessing), rapidash.
Elena: Abra
Harvey: Hypno, Bacephalon
Pala: Kricketot (formerly belonged to her and agnea’s mom)
Roque: Metagross
Kazan: Husuian Braviary
Ori: Chatot
Trousseau: Glimmora
Cordelia: ….ferrothorn
Erhardt: Aegislash, Hisuian Samurott
Z’aanta: Zamazenta
Juvah: is literally a solgaleo
Darius: Scrafy/Pangoro
Simeon: Malamar
Esmeralda: Mismagius (wanted to give her something with perish song)
Mattias: drifblim? darkrai?
Lucia: Hatterene
Miguel: Grimmsnarl
Werner: spectrier
Mugen: Kingambit. mirror match with Hikari, but mugen’s has supreme overlord while Hikari’s has defiant.
Kaldena: we couldn’t pick but maybe she goes like lusamine mode and fuses with something.
Claude: Cradily. (uh. literally fossil pokemon)
Dolcinea: belive it or not, also an oricorio. also, solrock. but her oricorio is the prettiest.
veronica: she has somehow acquired the worlds first and only female gallade through the power of lesbianism.
Crick: … wooloo….
I do wanna make some drawings for these ideas, but this post was literally already one billion miles long and has way too many images, so it’ll probably be a separate post. thanks for the ask! and sorry for talking so much, but i fucking love making pokemon teams so much it’s insane.
and a big thank you again to my bestie @snailcruncher who helped me with a lot of these picks (and did basically all of the npc picks thank you so much i love you). tysm for pokemon octopath brainrotting with me for like 4 hours.
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gemsbian · 9 months
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Made some refs for Frankie's team! She doesn't battle with either of her pokemon, they are service pokemon.
Feebie, the Togekiss, was given to her as a Togepi while she was recovering from her amputation to help her mentally. Much like Emotional Support Animals, Feebie's primary job is to comfort Frankie and calm her down. Feebie can tell when Frankie is experiencing phantom limb pain to offer support. She will lay on top of her to ground her when she's panicking or anxious, much like a weighted blanket. I imagine Fairy types are common Emotional Support Aids in the pokemon world. Another option for Frankie would've been a Riolu/Lucario, but that evolution line has high energy requirements that Frankie wouldn't have been able to manage.
Michael mostly makes her life easier by retrieving items for her. It's helpful to have another set of "hands" while she's tinkering in her freetime or performing maintenance. She's had Michael since before she was old enough to be a trainer. The only indication it recognizes she lost an arm is the fact it will carry her prosthetic when she's not wearing it. Michael was registered as a service pokemon after Frankie's amputation not because its particularly helpful, but so that she can't be told to recall her pokemon when she travels.
I really enjoy thinking about the various ways pokemon can function as aids! I think the Rockruff line would be particularly helpful for fainting and chronic fatigue, as many service dogs today can smell when their owner is about to pass out, including for disorders like narcolepsy.
Sylveons would be particularly good emotional support and seeing-eye pokemon because they can guide their trainers with their ribbons. Though, I imagine all the Eeveelutions would be good emotional support aids. The friendship evolutions would be most common.
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dootplusone · 7 months
McSpirk's Pokemon Teams
I decided to try and put together some pokemon teams for McSpirk just for fun. These teams are mostly comprised from vibes.
All under the cut because this is a looooooong long post
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Chikorita is cute
Its pokedex says it can calm aggressive feelings.
Overall, I just think it'd be a cute pokemon for him to raise? Maybe one he's even has since childhood.
Blissey A classic pokemon for Doctors and Nurses. They heal other pokemon in the wild. Just very caring and fitting for Bones, honestly. A must-have.
Togekiss Imagine him raising a Togepi. IMAGINE IT. Evolving Togepi to Togetic through friendship. And then to Togekiss Also "It shares many blessings with people who respect one another’s rights and avoid needless strife." Is it fitting or funny, who knows.
Umbreon A contrast to Spock, which you'll see later! I like to think this pokemon was a gift from Spock and/or Kirk, given to him so that he has a "battling pokemon" for protection - the catch being that Umbreon is mostly a defense pokemon, rather than an attack-focused pokemon. Plus, it can glow in the dark for him. One of the three eeveelutions that evolves through friendship.
Miltank Look this was mostly just a funny addition. But also Miltank makes Moomoo Milk, which is a healing item in-game.
"Its milk is packed with nutrition, making it the ultimate beverage for the sick or weary."
Drakloak Okay I was originally just going to have Umbreon be his only pokemon capable of fighting. However, after going through pokedex entries, I thought this pokemon would also work as a great part of his team. Drakloak dotes on Dreepy until they evolve. It gets restless if it does not have a dreepy to care for, and will care for literally anything as a substitute. Also its evolution is super cunty, I almost gave it to Spock. Maybe this, too, was gifted to him, and he's just in the middle of raising it into a Dragapult.
EXTRA: Either has raised or will raise a Cubone at some point. Like are you kididng me. I was gonna put a mudsdale in the team, but decided that maybe he left his Mudsdale that he grew up with to Joanna, so that they can take care of each other
I think his "main" pokemon would be Meganium or Blissey.
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Espeon Contrasts with Bones. A pokemon that evolves with high friendship. A psychic type. Plus I think he'd love its big ears. Overall, just a very fitting pokemon for him.
Lucario "A well-trained one can sense auras to identify and take in the feelings of creatures over half a mile away." "It can tell what people are thinking. Only Trainers who have justice in their hearts can earn this Pokémon’s trust." Another pokemon that evolves through high friendship. I just think it's a good fit.
Gardevoir Will create black holes to protect its trainer. Make of that what you will. An extremely loyal psychic and fairy pokemon. Has a general air of grace and nobility that I think suits Spock.
Intelleon Look. I know what you're thinking. Why the fuck would I choose Intelleon over all starters. Honestly, I was tempted to give him Sceptile or Meowscarada. However, wanted to give McSpirk different types of starters. And out of the water starters, it was between Intelleon and Samurott. So why Intelleon? I think him raising a very tearful little lizard into a lanky, cunty spy lizard is fucking hilarious. So yes, this is a bit of a meme option.
Haxorus "While usually kindhearted, it can be terrifying if angered. Tusks that can slice through steel beams are how Haxorus deals with its adversaries."
While Spock does have some strong pokemon, I think this one is a good one to sort of underly that somewhat Secret Vulcan Strength.
Ursaluna I disregarded any qualms of time-related forms, so paradox pokemon and Hisuian pokemon were considered! This one was decided on with help from the lovelies of the McSpirk discord server! Spock has this pokemon as a reference to the sehlat of Vulcan. This is a pokemon he's had since he was a child, and it's shiny to boot. A unique pokemon to match a unique guy like him.
EXTRA: I think he'd raise an Abra at some point. I was torn between a Goodra and a Haxorus for him, I do think that they all have more than six pokemon, and that these are just the ones most commonly in their rotation. So maybe he does have a Goodra that stays on Vulcan or smth!
I also considered some Poison types for him, namely Roserade or Crobat!
I did consider giving him a Mewtwo. Genuinely.
I think his main pokemon would be Espeon or Ursaluna.
Okay, Kirk was an interesting one. So far, I was able to pretty much make teams that I think could fit both AOS and TOS. However, Kirk gave me the most trouble with this. So of the three teams, I think this one is probably the one I'm not as certain on.
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Charizard A classic pokemon, one that searches for challenges, and never attacks those weaker than itself. Its pre-evolution Charmeleon purposefully gets into fights, which I think fits AOS Jim pre-academy lol.
Sylveon The third eeveelution to evolve by friendship. Its pokedex entries talk of its ability to soothe conflicts with its calming aura. A very affectionaste pokemon, I see it being close with Bones and Spock's eeveelutions, and perhaps being the most outgoing of the three.
Scrafty "While mostly known for having the temperament of an aggressive ruffian, this Pokémon takes very good care of its family, friends, and territory." Suits the outer perspective of him, and I also think AOS Jim in particular would vibe with a Scrafty.
Dragonite LOOK AT IT. It's a kindhearted pokemon that always feels the need to help others, and frequently rescues others from drowning. Just a very Jim feeling pokemon to me, honestly. Also a classic.
Smth smth... Guiding light? Ampharos is known for the way it shines in darkness, and is known to be a beacon for the lost. Juat has the vibes of a Jim pokemon to me
"When attacked, this Pokémon will retaliate by sticking thick spines out from its body. It’s a risky move that puts everything on the line." Risky moves, you say? Well that definitely sounds like Kirk.
I think his main pokemon would be Charizard.
Was tempted to give AOS Jim a Cyclizar. Maybe he has one, and it's just not in his regular rotation?
I think at some point he'd at least befriend a Latios. "Latios will only open its heart to a Trainer with a compassionate spirit." - If it wasn't for Dragonite, Latios would be his dragon-type pokemon. And that goes for either version of him.
I was tempted to give him a whole Mew. Just for the fun of it.
Maaaybe maybe, Bones gifts him the Cubone-now-Marowak that he raised. And Spock gifts him the Abra-now-Kadabra he raisedm which evolves into Alakazam. Just maybe.
While I think all their Pokemon are more than happy to hang out, I think the eeveelutions in particular love being together. Find them in cuddle piles if they're not with their trainers.
In AOS I can see Bones and Spock raising a Cubone together.
While I was making these teams, I thought about how the Lake Trio from Diamond and Pearl suited them. Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf: Bringers and also erasers of Knowledge, Emotion and Willpower
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monstrsball · 1 year
hi kennedy :3 i am curious about the karasuno adults™ in your pokemon au :3 if there's any you have thoughts about do share please
hi ash :3 i DO have thoughts about some of them. uh. read more because this is gonna be long probably.
takeda - pokemon professor!! he’s focused on evolution, specifically studying eevees and all of their eeveelutions. only because i wanted a reason for all of the karasuno third years to have an eeveelution haha. but i also think it kind of makes sense? maybe.
ukai - so… i’m actually unsure of what i want to do with them. my notes say a professor too but idk how i feel about that. i might just make him a store owner lol. and maybe make his grandpa a former gym leader who was forced to retire? but that i’m not sure of because i feel like that would lead to him becoming one too and idk if i want to have three different ppl from karasuno as gym leaders lol. would be interested to hear people’s thoughts though!!! always open to ideas.
tenma - gym leader!! flying-type! still a manga artist on the side though :3 tbh he probably prioritizes his manga career more than being a gym leader. i kinda like the idea of akaashi still being the one who has to wrangle him in this au. but instead of it being related to his manga, it’s related to his duties as a gym leader. people always think akaashi is the gym leader cause he’s the first face they see but then tenma comes out and they’re like “Oh” BUT this i’m not sure of. i don’t think this will actually work age-wise. (but you know… tenma’s handler being a teenager is kind of a funny idea. i just don’t know why akaashi would be there)
unfortunately i still haven’t picked a team for him lol.
akiteru - a trainer at tenma’s gym! i’m still trying to sort out what exactly it is that he lied to tsukishima about in this au but it’s probably related to this? not sure! i don’t have a team for him either.
saeko - fighting type gym leader!!! naturally :) this one isn’t as rambly cause i’m very set on her role and there isn’t much to say about it? gym leader. cool lady.
her team: bewear, medicham, hitmonchan*, mienshao, machamp, throh*
* = would like to mention that tanaka has a tyrogue and a sawk :3 because i think that’s cute.
miwa - ok so i don’t think she would be considered a karasuno adult but she is kageyama’s older sister so i’m talking about her anyway. another gym leader!! leaning towards dark-type for her! i haven’t figured out her team either :/
i think the only ones i had given 0 thought to were takinoue and shimada. but i now have thoughts! they are gay married and both still own their respective stores (takinoue’s electronics & shimada mart). takinoue has an ampharos & shimada has a sunflora.
i might come back later with full teams for them because i can see them both being retired trainers who did the gym challenge when they were young. (this way i can still incorporate shimada being a mentor for yamaguchi too - kinda why i picked a grass type for him)
i think that’s everyone? i hope i didn’t miss anyone. (but if i did, that means i didn’t have any thoughts about them in my notes anyway lol) thanks for asking!!! i haven’t rlly talked about any of them yet so it was fun to write out my ideas so far for them.
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noiverns-den · 7 months
if you could turn the bb elite 4 and area zero crew into animal crossing villagers, what animals would they all be?
I've been rotating this question in my head like a rotisserie chicken cause I had to think long and hard about it since so many characters are at play here haha, these are the village types I would personally put these guys as but i would love to hear others opinions as well!! Nemona - something with high stamina and lots of energy and strong, for that reason I can see her as a horse villager. However a pawmi line inspired mouse would be cute but that's personal preference
Penny - a bit hard to pinpoint, I can see her as a cat or a wolf (the eeveelutions arguably having lots of feline and canine like features) A cat would fit well as a anti-social shut in that opens up near her friends, or a "lone wolf" thats the leader of her "pack" (team star) this one was a bit hard I'd love to hear others opinions on this
Arven - Dog no doubt. Ever loyal and your absolute BEST friend
Lacey- this is 100% biased opinion, because Lacey loves cute pokemon I see her being a cute villager type and to me that is deers (me with my 4 deer villagers in my town wehe) she gives out cute deer vibes. However cubs are also cute so i think either of these works. Crispin - A fiery personality like his may fit as a tiger, however a blaziken inspired eagle might be fun. (i know blaziken is chicken like but i like the model for an eagle looks more the part for blaziken) Amarys- A cool personality but really loves her friends and has a spot for liking cute things as well would make for a fun penguin. points if its Empoleon inspired like the one she owns.
Drayton - laid back but also one of the strongest I think an alligator/crocodile fits perfect. One of my fave villagers is Draco who has a dragon look to him, I think that kinda design would be fun and fit even more to the dragon trainer.
i would love to hear others input of this tho, this was really fun to think about.
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legendary-cookies · 2 years
What teams would the legends have?
Or what would be their aces
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A few years ago I had made these teams for the Elemental Four
Since then I've changed their teams a bit but it's only those four for now
Here's what I've thought of:
Sea Fairy: Vaporeon, Primarina, Milotic, Clefable, Lapras, Alolan Ninetales
Moonlight: Umbreon, Delphox, Gothitelle, Mightyena, Lunatone, Hatterene
Fire Spirit: Flareon, Charizard, Rapidash, Druddigon, Volcarona, Salamence
Wind Archer: Leafeon, Decidueye, Lilligant, Corviknight, Trevenant, Altaria
Sea Fairy uses Water and Fairy types, Moonlight uses Psychic and Dark types, Fire Spirit uses Fire and Dragon type, and Wind Archer uses Flying and Grass types
I actually wrote these down some time ago so maybe there'd be a few changes I'd make since Scarlet and Violet came out after I made these teams
I think their aces would either be their Eeveelutions or their starters because I'm a sucker for matching lol
I do remember it being really fun to pick out Pokémon based on typing and Pokédex entries though so I'll definitely make teams for the other Legends at some point!
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thebraveasagi · 2 years
warning for long post, caps warning randomly throughout post, and vague sv spoilers (not plot points but just generally).
obviously it is just like. a missed opportunity at this point so idk why I Need to post abt it but I do. bc I honestly hoped with all my heart that SV / more specifically Penny was like. THE opportunity to introduce new eeveelutions.
img - an answered ask posted by adobe-outdesign
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image text reads:
Anonymous asked:
Im ngl, i do find it odd that gamefreak made penny have a full eeveelution team and not take the opportunity to introduce a new one for her to have as an ace
adobe-outdesign answered:
GameFreak is allergic to doing want the fans want
end descirption.
so FIRST with the eevee backpack, I thought it would have been soo amazing if there was a normal type eeveelution just called eeveeon (not my original idea, someone posted this I will go find the post)
AND second between the dragon tamers all over Paldea and Penny having the blue/red hair I was really really hoping that we could finally have a dragon type eeveelution (whch to me makes logical sense after the introduction of sylveon).
readmore bc it gets long
I desperately want to see the other eeveelutions and in my bones I feel that they exist already like tPCI has them like locked up in a super secret vault and refuses to release them.
And I feel that Paldea would have been a splendid environment for most of the unreleased eeveelutions.
I do have one in particular that I care way too much about how it could be revealed and oddly enough it is not one of my most favourite types so if you know me and you're thinking bug or flying or steel you may be surprised (like lbr iwant those too, but. differently). the one I care the most about is a poison type eeveelution. and I know with the MPM sendoff series seems to say goodbye to Team Rocket not just to Ash and so my dear treasured hc will never ever happen but. here it is.
I want the first ever poison-type eeveelution to happen because of Jessie. I think it might have to be its own post but yeah. the first ever poison-type eeveelution should evolve because of Jessie.
But tbh soo many of the unreleased eeveelutions would just. make SENSE in Paldea (mild spoilers if you haven't played the game) but the many areas with the ruins would be perfect places to encounter a ghost-type, the many caves would be ideal for either rock-types or ground-types (depending on how deep into the cave you went maybe?) if you went to all the sights of Paldea in order and then went to the tallest peak and you had an eevee as the lead in your party the whole time you could encounter a flying-type or something. after your second battle with Katy you could have gone down into her bakery and met her bug-type eeveelution who is her bakery buddy who Does Not Battle because it is a sweetie who just naps in her bakery all day. just. aahhggg. soo many missed opportunities I feel. and I'm still grumpy about it.
It's not the worst loss of the game of course, I am still really mad on behalf of everyone who worked on that game and who poured so much love and dedication into it only to have crunch culture and a waayy too early released date effectively destroy everything that they were trying to accomplish.
anyways. thanks for reading if you did. I just had to vent before pokemon day distracts everyone. best wishes !
(bonus poll if you want to press a button as a reward for the long post)
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fowlblue · 2 years
Honestly all the Pokemons lol
Alrighty then!
1. Favorite Type?
A strong tie between Dragon-Types and Electric-Types! As a general rule I think all the Dragon-Types are near-perfect, but I love a lot of Electric-Types too!
2. First starter you ever had?
Totodile! My first game was Soulsilver. For the life of me I can’t remember what I named him, though. Britts, I think? The name of a donut shop at the beach I loved when I was a kid.
3. If you could choose to live in any town in any region, which would it be?
Somewhere in Galar… maybe Ballonlea? The whole ‘glowing forest’ thing is really cool!
4. Name a favorite from each type!
Off the top of my head:
Normal: Purugly
Fire: Hisuan Arcanine
Water: Tatsuguri
Grass: Serperior or Sprigatito
Flying: Dartrix
Fighting: Luxray
Poison: Seviper
Electric: Luxray
Ground: Krookodile
Rock: Tyrantrum
Psychic: Espathra
Ice: Chien-Pao
Bug: Volcarona or Centiscorch
Ghost: Girantina (Altered Forme)
Steel: Corviknight
Dragon: Garchomp
Dark: Honchkrow
Fairy: Sylveon
5. Pokémon you dislike the most?
Diglett. Arena Trap is annoying as hell, LET ME LEAVE THE BATTLE.
6. Favorite legendary?
A tie between Reshiram, Miraidon, and Girantina!
7. Which generation/ region is most special to you?
I'm very fond of Soulsilver-era Johto, but I'd say Galar! That region was the first time I looked at the game I was playing and thought "Wow, I can really see how someone would want to, and could, be a Pokemon trainer." Framing it as similar to sports was a great move, and the characters were really fun!
8.Name a favorite Pokemon from each of the generations.
(of those I haven't mentioned before:) Persian, Arbok, Sceptile, Drapion, Eelektross, Pumpkaboo, Lurantis, Theivul, and Kilowattrel!
10. What future eeveelution type do you hope for?
I'd love to see how they'd pull off a Bug-Type eeveelution, tbh. Maybe based off a bee or something?
11. Favorite gym leader?
Ohh, this is hard... either Drayden or Kabu!
12. Favorite “roaming” Pokemon?
13. What do you think the next generation of game should be called?
I thought about this for several minutes and the only thing my brain came up with was 'Pokemon Storm' and 'Pokemon Surge', so do with that what you will!
15. If you could have any 6 Pokemon in your party, what would they be?
Shinx (the obligate 'cute' one)
16. Which game is your most favorite?
At the moment I'm gonna have to say Violet. The plot + characters are very strong in my opinion, I was very invested in the story and teared up at a few points. Also Meowscarada, Miraidon, and Tatsugiri's existence alone make it a fave.
17. Which game is your least favorite?
Moon. Never finished it and I'll probably sell it soon, so someone else can enjoy it. Legends: Arceus also quickly became stale to me, though I can see why some like it!
18. If you could create a new Pokemon type, what would it be?
Perhaps something based on sound?
19. Name your favorite thing about each game generation.
I can't say anything about the early gens, unfortunately. For Gen IV, the dual regions in SS/HG was neat, Gen V had beautiful environments in the pixel style (Chargestone Cave was really neat) + Team Plasma's battle theme, Gen VI had Professor Sycamore, Gen VII had Team Skull who I adore, and Gen VIII had Champion Leon! As for the newest gen, befriending your box legendary as you go is really fun, lol.
20. Favorite hold item and why?
Black Glasses just because its so, so funny to picture. Practicality-wise, Shell Bell!
21. Favorite TM?
Shadow Ball!
22. Favorite HM?
24. Which professor is your favorite?
Professor Sycamore (also Professor Turo, in a way, for reasons I will not specify cause spoilers)
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I never did get to update so I’ll say it now. A couple days ago I finally finished the main story for Pokemon Violet!!!!
The end of Arven’s storyline broke my heart as much as it healed it. I was so happy to see Mabosstiff stand up and ready to play with Arven. And Arven just hugging his good boy, in tears. He deserved it! And you know what for a guy who says he’s bad at battling my boy Arven packed a hell of a punch in his battle! Especially his Mabosstiff, the good boy was a scary boy!!!
I was not surprised at all by Penny being Cassiopeia. Like, I would’ve been genuinely more shocked if it really HADN’T been her. Also gotta say...Clavell gave me a much harder time than her 😅 Though I appreciate the Eeveelution theme! And it was a really sweet ending that Team Star weren’t punished for being victims, that the truth came out and they can now move forward from their bullying openly and all together.
The Elite Four ended up being pretty easy overall, Hassel was the only one who gave me actual trouble. But I liked all of them as characters, especially my beloved crybaby grandpa Hassel, and I like how they stick around and make comments after each one’s turn. Geeta was also surprisingly easy for how she was built up as La Primera. It was both funny and kinda adorable that she had a Gogoat on her team. Honestly if she had put that Glimmora of hers in the lead I would’ve had a MUCH harder time. Nemona’s final showdown finally came along too aaaaaand....I demolished her. It’s actual hilarious how badly I wrecked her. Sorry Nemona!
As for the final storyline, Area Zero was gorgeous! And it has some of the best area music in the game! I loved interacting with the robo future Pokemon and I enjoyed the slow hints over what happened and the reveal of Turo’s true nature (even though I was already spoiled on this it didn’t make the reveal any less wow). My only problem was I kept having trouble figuring out how to get to certain areas that I would literally send my character plummeting off cliffs and the sides of roads because I couldn’t figure out how to get down 😅
The final Turo battle was soooo much fun! A fun challenge, great music, beautiful environment, it had it all! And the Miraidon vs Miraidon showdown was so great, even if it’s a scripted battle. Karui, baby, you earned that comeback against the other Miraidon! And for fuck’s sake, what does Gamefreak have against Arven???? This poor kid...this game, ESPECIALLY this finale, was not kind to him. My sweet little sunbeam chef, I knew I chose right having you as my fave. The ending group picture was super cute. And hell yeah, I finally got to officially get Karui and actually NAME him Karui at last! I’m keeping him in ride mode though since that way he can actually hang out with the rest of the gang.
So yeah my final Paldea squad is Carmine the Meowscarada, Trueno the Pawmot, Anyu the Fidough, Gwendolyn the Ceruledge, Freyja the Tinkaton,  Havilland the Kilowattrel, and Karui the Miraidon!
I actually had a great time in Paldea! The story was fun and the characters were lovely. It’s a shame, I feel a little more time in the oven and this game could’ve been something real special for everyone instead of being so known for its bugs. But either way, I enjoyed it a ton and, maybe after I finish Engage, I’ll be continuing to do post game and catch those Ruinous Legends!
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geodetojoy · 2 months
They're going to be Pokemon related because you have infested me with pokemon brainrot
Some of your favorite Pokemon of all time + why? (doesn't have to be any specific number however many you want to add :3)
Favorite character in any of the pokemon series that isn't Ash?
Any specific Pokemon episodes that stick out to you for whatever reason or that you put on to make yourself feel better?
Favorite Pokemon of Ash's in Sun and Moon?
Similarly, favorite Pokemon of Ash's in XYZ?
Ideal pokemon team?
Favorite Pokemon theme song from any of the shows?
If you had to pick three Pokemon to have as pets, which ones would you want?
Favorite Pokemon game and what ones have you played?
Pokemon that you HATE?
Favorite eeveelution?
Favorite Pokemon type?
What Pokemon do you think would be the softest/cuddliest?
Aaaaand favorite Pokemon side character? (Basically not ash or any of his companions that travel with him)
ok ok here we go
LUXRAYYYYYYY you know i love my boy luxray <3333 I feel like half of my answers here are gonna be luxray
Also Mimikyu, Greninja, Garchomp, VULPIX (specifically alolan, but i love the other one too), Leafeon, Glaceon, Lampent, Chinchou, Celebi, Metagross, Aggron, Altaria, ABSOL, Houndoom, Groudon, Zygarde, and Darkrai in no particular order are some honorable mentions :DDD
2. Im a HUUUUGE Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie enjoyer!!! I also really like Friede and Murdock from Pokemon Horizons :P
But if I had to pick a singular favorite I think id have to go with Bonnie hehe
so i dont know all of the titles and i couldnt be bothered to go and look them up lmaooo so ill just describe them all :DD
ok starting with XY/XYZ, I LOVE the two where Froaky/Frogadier evolves and we learn abt the bond phenomenon :DDD
also the one where they go into the gadget place and Jesse keeps confusing the words gadget and budget i love that one i love when Clemont gets to shine - this is my main go to
ooh the ball one where ash and serena have a double battle!! makes the amourshipping part of my heart happy. AND SYLVEON <3333
okok then journeys (im sorry sun and moon its been so long since ive rewatched i dont remember individual episodes just the overall plot mysti you have permission to burn me at the stake)
ok i think all of these are from ultimate journeys, the last one where he battles the master 8
the aura one where greninja makes a return :3333
the pokemon competition one where serena makes a return :333
and honestly all of the battles in the masters 8 tournament watching the animation and strategy in pokemon battles is a surefire way to distract me and calm me down
4. Id say Solgaleo if that counts lmaooo but i gotta go with lycanroc <333
either mimikyu or inkay :333 and ofc meowth i adore meowth
7. ooooo ok im not great at building teams based on actual like. strategy or anything but here we go
Luxray, obvi
8. i honestly adore the original, but Be A Hero, Stand Tall, and the sun and moon one where they say all the tapu names at the beginning are really good ones too :D
9. I mean. Luxray LMAOO but for the rest hmmmm
imma make a whole list and choose two others from it
rockruff, vulpix, eevee, zorua, minccino, joltik, snom, fletchling, dedenne, litten, scorbunny, and sprigatito
hmmm ok i think ill go with Luxray, Dedenne, and Vulpix
10. I. do not know anything about the games. I have not played a single one. Ive played the actual card game and pokemon go LMAOOO so i genuinely have zero opinion on this
11. oooo baby ive got a whole LIST of ones that just piss me off, sometimes for genuinely no reason lmaooo
M U R K R O W.
those three fuckin monkeys you know the ones the green red and blue they dont deserve their names listed out
12. oooo between leafeon, glaceon, and sylveon. probably leafy :3
13. ooooo! hmmm i really like electric, steel, ice, and dragon. idk if i can choose a fav out of those
14. i feel like snorlax is the correct answer but im gonna go with Cinccino :D
i really like corrina and alain, also acerola, kahuna hala, gladeon (idk if he counts as a companion lmao), delia, diana, leon, and both prof sycamore and kukui :DDD
i cant choose just one itd have to be between alain and kukui
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teefa85 · 1 year
So getting around to making a Tera Type chart for my Muses' Pokemon. Yes, all the Pokemon World's crazy gimmicks are in that world...Megas since the ancient rift opened up and really screwed with things, Dynamax/Gigantamaz is an artificial creation based on Eternatus by our usual trove of wacky scientists (also responsible for Ultra Beasts arriving and next year in-universe the Paradoxes). And when said paradoxal rifts are opened by said scientists, Tera Crystals.
Now, with Megas and Gigantamax it's easy. If a 'mon is capable of doing that, they can...end of story. But since Tera is type shifting I need to record it. And while a lot of the times they have their regular type (or secondary even if it comes later in evolution as these forms would be gained after they'd fully evolved) I do naturally change it up from time to time.
Some of the more fun/interesting ones are under a cut. Many of which are inside jokes...
Teefa has an Alolan Ninetales and Hisuian Zoroark. As before those variants were introduced they were the original variants, Foxy has a Fire Tera and Kit a Dark Tera.
Lufia's Pikachu has been called Blaze since this thing's inception. Many of the Pokemon were named for my regular nickname for that 'mon. And Blaze was named for the Capsule Monster of Fire from Lufia II because of this really dumb thing I did as a kid where I narrated TV shows as if various other game characters were acting on them. So a good number of my Gen I nicknames were from this and references to Lufia I or II monsters/the CMs...and not always chosen with Type in mind if the 'mon seemed like it worked! This long winded tangent is all to say that Blaze's Tera Type is Fire.
Likewise, Burianne has a Persian. Meowth in that same stupid narration was Freeze as I wanted the enemy team's Pokemon to have a fitting opposite nickname. So her Persian is Ice Tera.
Samantha's Lopunny is Fighting Tera for Lopunny's Mega. Her Mienshao is Flying due to an inside joke about how aerial that 'mon can be.
Phoebe's Meowscarada is Fairy due to her aromatherapy. I mean, Play Rough is in its moveset...mine had it to deal with other Dark Types.
Lufia has a Typhlosion that is Ghost Tera in reference to the Hisuian Form though hers is the Johtonian one. Ditto with Alley's Rock Tera Arcanine that is a normal Kantonian Arcanine.
Rutee's Meganium is Dragon Type due to its dinosaur look. Her Incineroar is Fighting and Cinderace is Electric due to fans whining that those aren't those two 'mons secondary types and me loving people's salt.
Terrie's Sunflora is Fire for some dumb in-jokes about her in Warrior Academy along with one thing people have often said should happen to a theoretical Sunflora Evo.
The Three Lycanroc of Rutee and her niece and nephew are a trio reference. Elliot's Midday Lycanroc is Fire Tera, Lina's Midnight Lycanroc is Dark Tera, Rutee's Dusk Lycanroc is Electric...the sun, the moon, and just how energy comes from light.
Finally...the Eeveelutions used by Rutee, Stahn, and Philia are all references to the "missing" Eevee Types. Vapor=Ghost (can turn invisible in Water), Jolt=Flying (other air-based Type), Flare=Rock (magma is melted rock and heat relates to fire), Espy=Fighting (exact opposite), Umbry=Poison (there are refs to Umbreon and poisons and it seems it was originally planned to be Poison Type according to beta leaks), Leefa=Ground (two Types referencing nature), Glace=Steel (both Types that are often created with defensive stats), Sylvie=Bug (along with Flying it was one of the most commonly guessed Types for Sylveon before Fairy was revealed).
Going with above to continue the gag, Kyle's Flareon Scruff is Normal Tera (he uses Last Resort as one of his moves) and Emmy's Sylveon Sakura is Dragon (left over plus she's a kid who enjoys magic much more than her brother or cousins on either side of the family).
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phoenix-manga · 3 years
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Dorms Meet the Eeveelutions
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The students want to know more about Phoebe’s Pokemon, the evolution part anyway. It’s so bizarre how something cute could eventually evolve into something totally different and intimidating. What better way to learn about evolution than introducing them to the Pokemon, Eevee and its various Eeveelutions.
First Years + Eevee
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“Huh? This little dog-fox is strong? No way am I believing that! It looks like a plush toy!”
⊖ Phoebe was showing off Eevee to the first years and explains how its a very unique Pokemon who can evolve into different forms. But Ace and Jack thinks that it looks like a fox-puppy who is not strong looking.
⊖ Deuce thinks its cute though as it lays on his lap for pets. Phoebe shows them that Eevee is just as cool and strong as its evolutions. She demonstrates its abilities as a fighter when she had them spar with it to prove a point. 
⊖ Needless to say, Ace was sent flying and Jack, though was basically a stone wall to Eevee until it used Return. The power of affection send the wolf boy rolling backwards a few feet away. From that day forward, they don’t dare say anything about Eevee being weak.
⊖ Sebek though, he was confident he was going to win because he trained under Lilia and he could secure victory. The poor half-fae was sent flying when Eevee started to use Double Team to distract him, Phoebe spammed that move to the point it got annoying. 
⊖ But she never told Sebek what Double Team does though, she just wanted to see him take back what he said about Eevee... Therefore decided to be “that” jerk who spams evasion moves during battle.
⊖ Don’t talk sh*t about her Pokemon or else she WILL play you like the cheap kazoo you are.
⊖ Eevee wasn’t all bad when you’re not its opponent, it was rather affectionate and the boys can’t get enough of the fluff around its neck. Deuce especially has a habit of running his hands through the neck fur whenever he goes to Ramshackle.
Heartslabyul + Leafeon
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“Oh, it tripped again! Someone get it out of the mud before you bring it in the dorm!”
⊖ Leafeon was alright at Heartslabyul except it was always getting stuck, tripping and even getting dirt and mud on itself. No one knows how but a mess is sure to follow unless you either get rid of the hazards or keep a VERY CLOSE eye on it.
⊖ Of course, Cater can’t help but get so carried away in taking pictures because clumsy is cute when it comes to animals. While Cater was following Leafeon to try and capture another clumsy moment, he tripped on a stray root the same time Leafeon tripped.
⊖ This happened during an Unbirthday Party and the awkward silence that followed was deafening. No one expected it, Trey just helped Cater up and tells him to look where he’s going and pay less attention on the phone. Leafeon does get a nice treat though, courtesy from Trey.
⊖ Leafeon does get a lot of attention from the students, often times placed a lot of flowers around it while it was sleeping because it just looks so photogenic. Cater is more mindful of where he’s going because he would have preferred people chuckle at him tripping because he can laugh it off too, the silence made him internally embarrassed.
⊖ Ace and Deuce got the idea to try and change Leafeon’s colors to autumn but the Pokemon wasn’t having it and runs around the garden trying to avoid their pens. What ended up was a bunch of roses in different colors and a very angry Riddle yelling for the ones responsible. 
Savanaclaw + Flareon
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“Oh? This little fox thing has spunk... Could you roast this meat again?”
⊖ Leona didn’t like any pets at his dorm but of course, this one wanders off into Savanaclaw territory and at the sight of the buff students, it wanted to pick a fight.
⊖ A few minutes of fire being blasted around the area, Ruggie came in just in time to pick up Flareon and gets it to the mirror before anything worse occurs. No matter how many times Phoebe has tried to keep it from going back or Ruggie throwing it through the mirror. It was stubborn! Leona had enough and tried to kick it out himself.
⊖ That ended up with Leona chasing Flareon around the dorm with an actual murderous look on his face, Flareon had an equally scary expression. Those two duking it out on the dorm, fire was everywhere, Ruggie had to fetch Phoebe to get her to stop the madness.
⊖ Leona and Flareon ended up getting soaked by water Pokemon. The two had to come to an agreement, so Flareon becomes a training assistant for the dorm students who are looking to enhance their skills in combat.
⊖ Leona doesn’t want to admit that he’s grown fond of the fiery furball. Yeah right, he says that he still hates it guts but the way Flareon sleeps by his bed says otherwise.
⊖ No one knows why but Flareon has beef with Jack, probably because he’s really buff? But so are the other dorm students though... Whatever it was, the poor boy is confused by it’s temper.
Octavinelle + Vaporeon
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“It is entirely just water? Interesting... Your creatures never cease to amaze me!“
⊖ Azul wanted to know more about Pokemon, when the topic of a creature with several possible evolutions was brought up, he immediately goes for the water eeveelution, Vaporeon. 
⊖ Things were going well at first, it was very chill and was easy to look after but then when he tried to give it a bath, Azul looked away for a moment to get shampoo when he turned around because he heard a splash.
⊖ There was nothing in the bathtub, he started to panic and thought that it escaped or dissolved into sea foam! Jade had to calm him down by having Floyd feel around the supposedly empty bathtub. Only to feel something and lift it out, revealing Vaporeon who just looked innocent and was unaware of what occurred.
⊖ After that scare, Azul is very intrigued by Vaporeon and would study its behavior in and out of the water. He would love to observe more about this creature.
Scarabia + Umbreon & Espeon
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“Look at this! It’s like me and Jamil! What a coincidence, ahaha!”
⊖ Espeon and Umbreon always came as a pair. It just seemed wrong to exclude one from the other, so Scarabia gets two Pokemon to look after. 
⊖ Kalim is more in tune with Espeon as he loves the sunlight and Espeon’s power is related to the daytime. The two would spend their time walking to the oasis and having a nice soak in the water before going back.
⊖ Espeon is also a good choice to leave with Kalim as it will use it’s powers to foresee accidents and injuries and prevents the Scarabia dorm leader from the danger. Jamil can finally rest easy for once, he wished he had an Espeon back then so he doesn’t have to babysit all the time.
⊖ But that doesn’t mean that Espeon won’t play some small pranks on the boy. Floating his headband  or even his plate of food. Kalim gets flustered and Espeon wants to do it more often because of how easy he is to get a reaction out of.
⊖ Kalim absolutely loves touching the soft velvet fur of Espeon, he also loves the gem on its forehead. It reminds him of the type of decor women wore around his home kingdom.
⊖ Jamil is much more fond of Umbreon. The two find solace in the nighttime. Umbreon doesn’t like parties as much so it can’t be seen whenever Kalim throws a party. But after the party, it can be seen basking under the moonlight with the rings glowing with dark energy. 
⊖ Jamil finds the glow quite hypnotic which is ironic. He often takes nightly walks to de-stress, with Umbreon it was more relaxing. He always thought that he can feel some sort of connection with its gaze. He takes great care of Umbreon, preparing it some nice food for both it and Espeon. 
⊖ Jamil can understand that Umbreon finds Espeon’s pranks annoying, as much as the boy finds Kalim to be a bit troublesome when he gets reckless.
Pomefiore + Glaceon
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“Such a beautiful creature! I suppose this wouldn’t be too much trouble looking after...”
⊖ Glaceon would bask in the praise of the Pomefiore students. It knows how beautiful it is and will let others know it. Rook fuels it’s ego with so many praises.
⊖ The only problem was that Glaceon has nowhere to make a snowy bed for itself, it knows that doing it in the garden would upset the students. So, Glaceon just makes it a habit to douse itself with water to freeze it on its fur. 
⊖ Vil took notice of the snowy paw prints it leaves and he wonders why it was making a mess of the floor until he actually observed it. He feels like slapping himself for not realizing so sooner. Pomefiore is beautiful but it has no place for snow.
⊖ He remedied the situation by having the students clean out an empty room for Glaceon to make as much snow as it wants. Glaceon was quite pleased with this arrangement, it now follows Vil and would often make him more sparkly by showering him in a light snow. 
⊖ Glaceon also flaunts itself too, the Pomefiore students praise the Pokemon a lot. Vil and Glaceon are like a perfect pair.
⊖ Seven help the poor soul who was blinded by the sparkling light of his beauty.
Ignihyde + Jolteon
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“S-So much energy!! Ah! I wonder if this is some sort of mistake... I might have to make some lightning rods for this one, Ortho”
⊖ Jolteon was very friendly and immediately began curiously poking around the dorm. There was so much to look at! Jolteon managed to sneak into Idia’s room while he was distracted by the game. 
⊖ Jolteon was watching from over his shoulder what Idia was doing, when the Pokemon brushed up against Idia’s side, he bolted up in fright.
⊖ Jolteon didn’t seem to be bothered and continued rubbing against the shaking student. Ortho managed to track Jolteon down and is now trying to get his brother and Jolteon to be friends.
⊖ He finds it cute!
⊖ It took a while for Idia to open up to Jolteon, as exciting it is to study a new species, facing one in person who wields huge power grounded him in reality.
⊖ But he found use for Jolteon’s unintentional jolts, he was using lightning rods to power his new inventions and that became their version of bonding. to the point Ortho had to drag Idia away from Jolteon because he wasn’t done with testing the new machine.
Diasomnia + Sylveon
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“So colorful yet... it doesn’t fear me... I think I will like this one, child of man~ fufu!”
⊖ Most would notice how out of place Sylveon is, it clashes with the black of the dorm. But Sylveon was so polite and beautiful that most of them were too distracted to care. 
⊖ Sebek didn’t think that this pastel creature was the strongest. But he was proven wrong after sparring. He’d find it even more shocking to know that Fairy types like Sylveon are feared by Dragons in Phoebe’s world. Not even dragon attacks would make a dent on them.
⊖ Silver likes watching the flowing ribbons, they always are mesmerizing to watch, he often falls asleep after a few minutes of watching the waving ribbons though.
⊖ Lilia tried to feed it his food but Sylveon was quite offended because his food can be considered a Poison attack. Which Fairies are weak to, Sylveon refuses to eat any cooking made by Lilia. Poor guy, the Pokemon was very blunt.
⊖ Malleus was very fond of Sylveon, it always holds his hand with the ribbons. He likes to gently grasp the ribbon as he walks alongside it, if anything happens to Sylveon, he will destroy everyone in the room and then himself! Maybe...
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Fuck it, I'm bored and this is on my mind, so Batfam members' favorite pokemon let's go!
Bruce's is obviously Crobat. Both for the Bat motif, and for the fact that it's a friendship evolution. He tends not to name his pokemon, but his first ever Crobat was named Carmilla.
Dick's favorite is Auroras. He got it as his starter in a randomized game once, and took him all the way to the fight against Diantha. He names his males either Slush or Frostbite, and the one time he had a female he named her Diana.
Jason claims his favorite is Banette, but while he does love them a lot (they were also thrown away, plus the whole ghost thing) his actual favorite is Lucario. He just doesn't want to be basic. He makes sure to catch a female and names her Beatrice every time.
Tim has Gardevoir as his favorite, because he is basic and isn't ashamed of it. He really likes the banshee/guardian angel motif and is irritated at Gardevoir's reputation as the Waifu pokemon, especially when it can summon black holes and is a top-tier battler, and while he loves its mega evolution he hates how it made the jokes worse. He names his males Gabriel and his females Maria.
Damian has Noivern down as his favorite. It's a bat, it's a dragon, it's a badass. He names each one a different thing depending on the game, but his first was a female that he didn't realize was a female until he'd already named her Goliath.
Babs loves all the eeveelutions, but her favorite is Umbreon. She's one of those people who plays competitively instead of just doing the story, and she always finds a way to weasel Umbreon onto her team no matter how little sense it makes. She always names them Rocky because that's what she named her first one and she's not going to stop now.
Cass has and always will love Zoroark. She watched the movie with Zoroark in it when she first came to the manor and was instantly taken with the black-and-red fox who would do anything to protect its kit. She always makes sure to catch a female and always names it Meemaw.
Steph, as said before in a headcanon post, loves Mismagius most. It's a purple prank ghost who just wants to curse people and make mischief. Love the specter. Protect the specter. She names her males Terry and her females Ursula.
Duke loves Ampharos. His first game was a copy of HeartGold, and catching Mareep made his journey that much easier. He was thrilled when it got a mega evolution, and will give up on better mega pokemon to have a Mega Ampharos on his team. He names the males Bo and females Peep.
Jarro likes Starmie. It looks like him! Look dad, he's in a video game! He names them all Jarro 2.
Alfred doesn't play pokemon. If asked, he will point to a picture of Charizard, say "This Pikachu looks rather fearsome", and wait until his horrible grandchildren cringe and leave him alone to get back to his job.
I know nothing about Pokémon.
Okay actually, I know just enough that I’d be Alfred in this scenario and I would find it hilarious
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Pokemon Teams for Fictional Characters pt. 2
Damian Wayne
(Also, I'm not including move sets because in my headcannon Pokemon do remember all their old moves. But humans choose to only use four)
For this AU I'm having the Wayne's own the Gotham City Gym, which specializes in Dark types. Most of the cannon events still happened. Just with a few tweaks here and there. (Dick's 20, Jason's 16, Cass is 15 Tim's 15 but younger than Cass and Damian's 13 because I love AUs where there closer in age).
Anyway here we go!
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First things first in the Pokemon Universe his alias wouldn't be Robin since they don't exist. Instead I think it would be Rookidee, since thats the closest Pokemon to a Robin.
His Partner Pokemon and ace would be a Gligar
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Name: Goliath
Gender: Male
Why: Gligar screams Goliath (his Batdragon) plus the coloring of his evolutions matches with Dami's Robin and Batman outfits
Story: He found Goliath while climbing a mountain for his training. At the time he was four and Goliath was a hatching. Damian ended up giving him some food, seeing that the hatching was hungry.
Grateful, the Gligar followed him hoping to return the favor.
When Damian's hand got broken on that same trip, Goliath was the one to help him finish his mission and get home safely.
Talia was impressed that Damian could tame a wild Pokemon without catching it, so she allowed him to keep him as his first Pokemon.
Next he would have a Meowth
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Name: Alfred
Gender: Female
Why: This one has to do with its evolution. Persian are said to only be loyal to trainers it likes and that it takes a lot to get them to like you. Their also said to be prissy and uptight. This reminded me of Damian. How it took forever for him to trust his brothers and his own snobby attitude. Thus I think it fits.
Story: After coming to live with his father Damian didn't know how to act. He saw his "brothers" and father treating their Pokemon so different than how the League did. They all trained hard. But, there was something eles: warm praise for a job well done, asking for insight on a case (they had taught their bipedal pokemon sighn language) and comfort on a bad day. His father and brothers treated their Pokemon like... people
In the League Pokemon where the lowest soldier, lower than the slaves or concubines. They trained, ate then they had to and got in their ball.
He had been a little more lenient in his training with Goliath. When asked he said that he was still a baby and he had to take things slow in this stage or he might develop too much muscle mass and be unable to fly.
He had kept him out of his ball with the excuse of developing muscle mass at a proper pace.
He liked Goliath's company. The Gligar was a good companion. But on the same level as another person?
He had expressed these thoughts to Pennyworth, the only person in the house to give him a straight answer when he needed it.
Pennyworth had explained to him that some people love to hold power over others and that Pokemon where an easy target, since they couldn't communicate their emotions as clearly as people could.
"Think of Mistress Cain. She sometimes cannot communicate with words, but we know that she's intelligent. But some people see her as less than intelligent and treat her as such because of the power it gives them."
Two weeks later Damian would come across a group of teenagers attempting to shave a Meowth. The Pokemon was little more than skin and bone and crying out on pain. So, Damian broke their fingers and shaved part of their heads for good measure.
He kept the Meowth and named her after the man who taught him about the abuse of power.
Next, a Poochyena
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Name: Titus
Gender: Male
Why: These Pokemon and their evolution are ruthless with their pray, and only obey trainers with external skill.
Story: Raven gave Damian Titus as a gift. She said that she rescued him from an underground fighting ring (where the battles are to the death). He was still to young to battle so he didn't need much rehabilitation. The other Pokemon there though...
Now we have a Type Null
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Name: Heretic
Gender: ???
Why: This Pokemon was created in lab, and artificial designed for the purpose of fighting, just like Damian. True I could have given him Mewtwo, but that cat seems to fit Kon more.
Story: Damian's mother had spent years creating Type: Null with the purpose of being able to kill any target. As a last test she wanted to see which of her creations was suppirrior. So she sent the Type Null out to (try and) kill her son.
Damian, with the rest of his team, beat the Pokemon but couldn't kill it. He had long since vowed to wash the blood from his hands. Instead he offered his hand to it and asked it to join him.
Here we have the hardest to explain... Mimikyu
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Name: Habibi (I hope I spelled that right)
Gender: Female
Why: Damian is complex, he wants to be accepted and loved just like Mimikyu but dosent know how. Both try to mimic others in order to get that love, Damian his father and Mimikyu Pikachu. So I see this as Damian's spirit Pokemon in a way.
Story: He didn't know why it was so hard to fit in. Gods know he tried. But... little things confused him. Like how eveyone could understand each other without words or singhing. He had no problems with that on a battlefield, but in day to day life; it felt like he was on a separate server.
Like how Todd knew at breakfast with just a look that Drake was in a bad mood and how to help. Or how Grayson could audomadicly tell what kind of day at school the rest of them had withen a few minutes. Hell even Drake could tell what grunts ment what from father! Which ment good job, Which ment I'm glade your okay, or frustration either at them or at a case (Cass didn't surprise him, she had to learn how to communicate without words and watch body language and micro expressions).
School was no better; sometimes it was to load or bright othertimes, when everyone was doing a test, it felt to quiet. But, to much or to little, Damian was always aware of every movement, every sound. It was like the very instincts that saved his life every night where turned against him.
He turned to his nearly forgotten childhood habits to distract himself from everything around him. That only led to more whisper shouting and what even he could tell where displeased glares with a grunt of "fucking tapping" or a snap of "stop!" He knew it was disrupting but it was all be could do to drown out the noise or silence.
On one particularly bad day at school; apparently during one of their tests one of his classmates had had enough of Damian's tapping and decided to make a scene.
There was some yelling from the kid. A few cries in agreement. Before the teacher had gotten hem to settle down. He had demanded that Damian look him in the eye and when he finally did told him to stop with the tapping or else he would be sent to the office, Gym Leaders son or not.
He was the last to finish that test where he normally finished first. The silence had been to load!!
After that clusterfuck Damian finally headed home. He had texted Grayson saying that he was meeting a friend somewhere to work on a project and to not pick him up. In truth he didn't want his brother reading what kind of day he had had. He needed some time to himself.
That was how he found himself in a nearby park. It was filled with plenty of sounds that didn't suffocate him and the fall leaves where soothing to his eyes. Damian had Titus out of his ball as company, knowing that the pup loved park walks.
They had been walking for an hour when they came across a box set off just on the edge of the trail. "Free to Good Homes" was written on the side in black sharpie.
No sound was coming from inside, so he assumed that the had all been taken. Until Titus went closer sniffing at the seemingly empty box.
"Pooch Pooch"
"Hmmm... what is is it boy?" He asked as he walked closer to his Pokemon and the Box. Damian hoped he was wrong. It was cruel to leave a baby Pokemon all alone, especially since the weather was getting colder by the day.
Inside the box was in fact a lone Pokemon. At first glance it looked like a Pikachu. But something was off. It looked more like a doll than a living creature. If it wasn't for the small chirps it let out and slight way that it was shivering from the cold Damian would have written it off as a toy. No wonder it got left behind...
Damian reached down and picked up the mystery Pokemon as gently as he could.
"Come on beloved, lets go home."
He tucked the Pokemon in his jacket to warm it up before reaching for his phone to call Grayson for a ride home.
That night Damian locked himself away, even skipped patrol, and spent a sleepless night learning everything he could about his newest Pokemon.
That was inspired by this comic
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Finaly, for his last spot Eevee!!
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Name: Omni
Gender: Female
Why: I'm going to have all the Batfam members have an Eeveelution. This branch and the Batfam are both growing consistently. We all have our favorites but we love them all the same. So I think it fits.
Story: Everyone in the family had an Eevee or one of its evolutions. Damian's Father said that Eevee was the Wayne family symbol, it was potential, the ability to become whatever you wanted.
Though it surprised Damian that the Wayne symbol wasn't a Noibat or Noivern (Batman's ace) at first he eventually understood the logic in choosing such a Pokemon to represent the family name. That only made things harder for him being the only one not having one. Did they not truly see him as family?
On the one year anniversary of Damian arriving at The Mannor, his family through a small party. Pennyworth made his favorite foods, The Mannor was decorated in tacky streamers (Graysons' idea) and they watched some of Damian's favorite fims, their Pokemon curled up with them. His father had offered to take the day off from the gym. Until Todd suggested that Damian take on the challengers.
The Gotham gym was part of his heritage. Damian had been training for the day that he could finally help weed out the weak challengers just like his siblings sometimes did (think the battles you do before challenging a gym leader in the games).
On that day, if the challengers agreed to it, their final battle wasn't with Bruce Wayne the Dark Knight but instead his son. Most accepted thinking that it would be an easy win, that they had lucked out in not having to battle one of the stongest Gym Leaders in the League and could still get the Shadow Badge.
Those poor fools.
Damian was only allowed to use Alfred, Titus and Habibi since he used Goliath and Heretic primarily as Rookidee.
Damian fought seven trainers that day in 3v3 fights. Only two of them got the badge.
With the day overwith and the night rising, so did Gothams' protecters.
The night ended with exhausted body's and adrenaline crashes. Damian was ready to slip into a mini coma from the day he had but before he could head upstairs to The Mannor...
"Not so fast baby bat." Graysons' voice called out to him. "We got one more surprise for you."
Damian raised his eyebrow at that. What else could they do? His father came back from the locker rooms where he had been desuiting, it always took him the longest because of his "old man bones" as Todd said.
"Son," his father said "its Wayne tradition to get your first Pokemon when you turn ten years old. I missed that with you." He paused, eyes briefly shifting to the floor before they snapped back on Damian's face. "Luckily there's one tradition we didn't miss. When you've lived at The Mannor for a year or the adoption papers get finalized, I give my children this..."
He pulled a Poke'ball out of his poket and handed to Damian. "Go on son, let them out."
He did
Staring at him was his own Eevee.
AN: All of Damian's Pokemon (sans maybe Omni, I'm thinking of leaving her as an Eevee) will eventually evolve. Eventually.
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The art of Saeyoung with an Umbreon has me wondering which Pokémon he and Saeran would have on their teams, either while playing one of the games or in like an MM Pokémon AU 🤔
What do you think? 😁💗
~Hearts Anon (I know it's been awhile, hope you're doing well!)
I had a Pokemon AU once but I feel like it's been a few years since I've thought about it or touched it. I've got a lot of thoughts about it since the teams that I'd create for them would really depend on which one we're talking about. For Unknown, I tend to imagine him with Banette and Zorua. If I'm thinking about Ray, it's a Flabébé! If I'm thinking Suit Saeran, then I'm thinking about Absol. GE Saeran has a mixture of a lot of glass types and whoever remains from Ray and Suit's teams. I know that SE Saeran has a Slurpuff and the dark/ghost types that he had when he was Unknown.
Seven? He's got Rotom... maybe a Porygon-Z. But, we can't discount him having an Umbreon because of his jacket. You know what, if we have to give a Saeran an Eeveelution, then let's let him have Leafeon. I feel like that's a nice pick for him in the SE and quite possibly the GE as well.
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