#If Vil had to pick a musical i feel like it would be Rocky Horror Picture Show
sweetbunpura · 4 months
Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me
"What song?"
"Touch a touch a touch me." Vil replied into the microphone as he swirled his pencil around. "The one Janet sings to Rocky. Now this is a practice, so you don't have to go all out, Potato."
Yuu scrunched up her face. "We don't have a Rocky yet and you just grabbed me out of the hallway to be Janet."
"Potato please."
Yuu rolled her eyes and looked around the auditorium. Numerous students went back and forth throughout, some with costumes, others with stage props. Her eyes fell on the back of a teal haired tall student.
"Jade." He turned to face her with a smile. "Mind helping me out here?"
"Of course not, Miss Yuu." He handed his papers off to Azul and joined Yuu on stage. "What is it that you require?"
"Just stand there, I'll decide where I'll put you during the song."
"Very well."
"Rook." Vil addressed his vice. "The music."
Rook hit play and music started playing in the auditorium. Yuu cleared her throat and turned to Jade.
"I was feeling done in. Couldn't win. I'd only ever kissed before. I thought there's no use getting Into heavy sweating." Yuu placed her hands on Jade's jacket and slowly dragged her hands down it. Heterochromic eyes followed her movement before flicking back to her face. "It only leads to trouble and bad fretting. Now, all I want to know is how to go. I've tasted blood and I want more."
“More, more, more.” Rook sang along, ignoring the look Vil sent him.
"I'll put up no resistance." She pulled him close and lowered her voice. "I want to stay the distance, I've got an itch to scratch, I need assistance." She backed and grabbed his hands before turning around and pressing her back to his front. "Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me. I wanna be dirty." She pulled away and backed up to lean against one of the prop desks on stage, unaware of suddenly all the eyes on her. "Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me. Creature of the night."
"Then if anything shows while you pose." She slowly pulled off his jacket and threw it into one of the chairs nearby. "I'll oil you up and drop you down." 
“Down, down, down~”
“Rook.” Vil hissed.
Yuu grabbed Jade by his tie and pulled him down. "And that's just one small fraction of the main attraction." She let it go and pushed Jade back until he fell into one of the chairs. "I want a friendly man, and I need action." She sat in his lap. "Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me. I wanna be dirty." She ran her fingers along a wide eyed Jade's chin and titled his head up to look her in the eyes. "Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me, creature of the night."
“Touch-a touch-a touch me.” Rook sang.
“I wanna be dirty.” Vil shook his head and sang along
“Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me!” Rook grabbed Vil’s hands.
“Creature of the night.”
She got up and pulled him up by his tie before wrapping her leg around his waist and jumping up, forcing Jade to wrap his arms around her waist to keep her from falling down. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to where their lips were almost touching. "Oh! Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me oh! I wanna be dirty!" She leaned back and stuck out her leg, letting it and herself hang against the eels grip. "Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me, creature of the night!"
The music continued to finish out as Yuu blinked, now aware of everyone's eyes on her. Including a wide eyed Azul and a laughing Floyd. She sat up, staring at a startled and blushing Jade. Yuu climbed off him quickly and smoothed out her uniform before walking over and grabbing Jade's discarded jacket and returning it to him.
"Thank you." She muttered.
"You're-" he cleared his throat. "You're welcome."
Yuu watched as Jade calmly walked off stage with Floyd and Azul chasing off after him. Yuu's eyes flicker over to Vil, who was staring at her with crossed arms. Rook was clapping loudly next to him.
"Bravo, Trickster, bravo! C'est magnifique!"
"Potato, I said practice, what was that?"
“Hey, I heard you and Rook singing too! Don’t give me that look!” She shouted and pointed at Vil. “And as you said, it was practice. It’s not going to happen during the actual show.”
He said nothing at that except stared at her, Yuu shot finger guns at him and backed away off stage. She made her way down the steps and paused as she heard voices.
"Neh, Jade, your face is so red!" Floyd laughed. "Shrimpy really did a number on you, huh?"
"I believe she did a number on the entire school." Azul commented.
"She was breathtaking." Jade muttered. "I believe I might have to try out for Rocky."
"Eh?" Floyd stopped laughing. "I thought you said you didn't want to try out."
"I'm allowed to change my mind, especially after that performance."
"Well then I'm trying out too! I want Shrimpy to sing to me!"
Azul hummed in thought. "Perhaps we could get her as a lounge singer- wait, you're both trying out? What about the concession stand!?"
"You should try out too, Azul, Shrimpy could sing to you."
"I don't want to be serenaded!"
"Then why were you watching her so intentionally~?"
Yuu rolled her eyes and returned to the auditorium to see students bombarding Vil for tryouts. He sent a stern look her way and Yuu smiled before departing from the auditorium. Sometimes it's fun to be aware of the chaos you can cause around the campus with just a single song.
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