#If she's to make Sawada Tsunayoshi the Decimo then she's going to break him.
vroomian · 4 years
Do you have any oc in khr?
i had a few! most of them never got past being a one note character, but one did get an actual scene written. It was oc as tsuna’s twin sister. her name was Hifumi, Fumi for short. I also think fu-mi was two and three in old Japanese or something?? her character number would’ve been 23 anyway, like Tsuna’s was 27. 
the plot was that, despite Fumi being the older twin and a powerful sky+cloud, Tsuna was still selected to be Decimo. Can’t have a ~girl~ running one of the oldest mafia familias after all. Iemitsu showed his normal A+ parenting by engaging Fumi to Xanus without her knowledge or consent. I think she was going end up collecting arcobaleno for gaurdians??? 
the title was going to either be ‘hell for the company’ or ‘that gun is loaded (but it’s not in my hands)’
I only wrote one scene before inspiration dried up. this was the scene immediately after Iemitsu dropped the whole ‘get married for the Family’ bomb. its in reborns pov. 
Hifumi Sawada's face didn't change. "You want me to what?" 
The young lion of the vongola squirmed in the face of his daughter's disdain. "He's a very -- passionate young man. He could use a smart girl like you by his side! Papa also thinks he'll be good for you!" 
The girl still said nothing. Even her gaze was utterly blank, no sign of her true feelings showing on her face. She slowly took a sip of her tea. 
Reborn had to admire her ability to say a thousand things without saying a thing. The silence was flavored with disbelief, a "can you really be that stupid?" coming through loud and clear.
Reborn hated to admit it, but maybe the Ninth wasn't as senile as he seemed. This girl wasn't the sort to be pushed around. Getting her out of the line of succession was going to be key -- She was Tsuna’s biggest obstacle right now, girl or not. She was the eldest, the strongest, the more practical and ruthless one. 
Marrying her into the Varia was by far the best option. 
Finally, after Iemitsu babbled himself into silence, Fumi moved. She crossed her legs and put down the tea cup, but the gentle click sounded like a gunshot. 
Iemitsu mouth closed with an audible snap. 
"You want me to marry a stranger. To solve a problem that your boss made for himself. To serve a criminal syndacate that has never once benifited me. To make your life easier," The girl smiled for the first time, a shockingly bright thing that transformed her into a miniature of her mother. "Go fuck yourself." 
Iemitsu spluttered. "Princess -- " 
"Also, Iemitsu-san, who gave you permission to address me so informally? Who do you think you are -- my father or something?" 
Reborn blinked. 
The girl pulled no punches. 
She sat up straight, spine like an iron rod and she looked down on the two of them like she was a queen and they were merely subjects. "You're shameless. I put up with you because Nana loves you, though I have no idea why. Did you really think that I was going to just... agree? I've spent maybe three hours in your presence in the last three years, and nothing you do has made me respect you. It's clear that you think a bit of sperm makes you family, but let me tell you: you’re not family, much less Famliy." 
Reborn pulled down his hat down to cover his eyes. "You're revoking his rights to you?" 
"As the eldest of the Sawada family and current head of the household, I'm doing exactly that." She said, still smiling. "Just so you know, that means you're not welcome here anymore. Nana may speak to you as much as you want, but neither Tsunayoshi or I will have anything to do with you." 
"You understand that this puts you in danger?" Iemitsu said. 
The girl gave him a scornful look. "Who exactly put us in danger in the first place? Don't act like this has nothing to do with you. Will you withdraw your protection now? Is this the loyalty of the Vongola?" 
What a brat. 
But reborn couldn't say anything because she was right. 
The father had a duty to care for his children, no matter what happened. Children had no such obligation. Not only that, but Nana had no idea about the mafia when even the lowliest mistress was brought into the fold -- it was their basic right to know what would happen to any children they had.  
By taking that choice away from Nana -- Iemitsu made an enemy of every woman in the mafia. And their husbands by extension. 
If it ever got out... 
Iemitsu was finished. 
Fumi's eyes were the mirror image of Primo, even more so than her younger brother. Iemitsu was a fool. Reborn could have made a masterwork out of this girl if he got to her earlier. 
"You know a lot." Reborn said. "You're aware of Omerta?" 
The girl smiled again, sunny and vapid. "What do mafia rules have to do with me? I'm just a civilian. Like Iemitsu-san wanted." 
Meaning that no one could go after her for loyalty. 
It really shouldn’t matter. They were Vongla civilians, expected to hold up Omerta. A mafia daughter would be expected to marry for the sake of an alliance. 
Except the Sawadas were never once treated as Vongola civilians. No money was given, no protections were extended except anonymity, not even a yearly check in by Iemitsu or the Ninth guardians -- the bare minimum the other Vongola civilians got. 
Nana didn’t even know her husband was mafia. 
After failing them so bad, Vongola had no claim on the Sawadas. 
Hifumi Sawada could break Omerta as much as she wanted, because she wasn’t mafia. If anyone tried to come after her, the Vongola would still be forced to retaliate -- because they were nominally Vongola civilians, the family of the Young Lion. Iemitsu would be forced to retaliate in defense of his children, no matter how little they had to do with each other. 
"If that's everything?" Fumi said. Her tone made it clear that it was, in fact, everything. 
Iemitsu stared at her like she was a lioness, dripping blood from her claws. It was fitting, because Reborn would classify his expression as gutted. 
"Princess, Daddy didn't --" 
What a fucking moron. Reborn summoned a hammer and brought it down on the young lion's head before he could make things any worse. "We'll be taking our leave. Miss Sawada." He tipped his hat. 
"Reborn-san." She glanced at the unconscious man on the floor. "Take your trash with you. I don't want it in my house." 
Reborn smiled, without mirth. Trash indeed. "I'll do that. May I return?" 
Fumi stilled. He could see the thoughts move through her eyes, but none of them showed up on her face. "Why?"
“Your family may not be mafia, but they are still a target,” Reborn said. It was the truth. “You will need training you haven’t had simply because of who your father is.”
The girl gave Iemitsu a disgusted look, but otherwise seemed resigned. 
...Maybe there was hope after all. The Vongola needed a legitimate heir and there was strong sky with her own household right there, ripe for the training. 
She tapped her finger on the table, obviously thinking. "One condition." 
The girl leaned forward to pick up her tea, then looked up to meet Reborn's eyes. "My brother has nothing to do with the mafia, or the Vongola. Not now. Not ever." 
Ah. She really would make a good boss. Family and family were different things, but she was willing to humor the  Vongola so long as her family was left alone. 
"I understand." Reborn tipped his hat to Hifumi and left, dragging the unconscious man behind him.
He and the ninth had a few things to talk about. 
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cheshiresense · 6 years
And here’s the other thing I wrote on discord. Still a ramble but shorter.
AU where Tsuna listened to his intuition more (even with his Flames sealed, his intuition was powerful enough that it helped him avoid bullies or just gave him a nudge whenever Hibari was headed his way or there was a quicker route to wherever he was going; he's learned to rely on it even if he didn't know what 'it' was before Reborn showed up) and was also a little more proactive post-Kokuyo arc.
I still headcanon that Tsuna and Mukuro formed a Flame/Guardian bond after their battle. So after one too many times of Reborn scolding him for sympathizing with an enemy or flat-out telling him that they'll probably be locked up in Vendicare forever whenever Tsuna asks what's going to happen to Mukuro and co., he decides to try and figure it out on his own. Locked up forever isn't a good enough answer for him.
Shamal is generally an unreliable pervert in Tsuna's opinion, but he's also a professional assassin with years of mafia experience under his belt (Tsuna can't believe his life has reached the point where he can say this stuff with a straight face), so he stammers and nags an answer out of the distracted doctor when Reborn isn't around under the guise of needing to learn more about the mafia, and Shamal, who's a little more helpful when Tsuna isn't asking him for a cure, grudgingly delivers. Tsuna finds out Vendicare procedures - what crimes are too much even in the mafia world, under what circumstances the Vindice would cut in, even their trade policy - and by the time they part ways, Tsuna feels ready to throw up but also knows how to contact the Vindice and even a vague idea of what he's going to have to do to get Mukuro released into his custody.
(Some part of him can't believe he's doing this at all. But the sliver of Flame that's always flickered like a candle at the back of his mind and in the depths of his chest drives him on with more fervour than Tsuna's ever felt for anything, and even just the thought of Mukuro spending the rest of his life in the horrors of Vendicare that Shamal painted for him makes him feel sick to his stomach. He can't just not do anything.)
So basically Tsuna rings up the Vindice and is all like whattup im the future vongola decimo (because his word needs weight) and that's my guardian you have in your custody (because invisible spiritual connections made of soul fire apparently mean a lot in the mafia world), what can i do to get him and his minions back.
And the Vindice are like we'll trade you criminal for criminal, and they pull out their Most Wanted list and be like Do You Have So And So like the world's most illegal game of Go Fish.
And I just want Tsuna to go out there and kill someone for Mukuro. Like, he obviously doesn't have anybody on the Vindice's list, the only people he's fought so far are the ones Reborn forced him to fight. But the Vindice gives him names of criminals hiding in Japan, people even they haven't been able to find, but Tsuna with his Intuition can. He just needs to get his hands dirty.
But he does it. He accepts the deal the Vindice offers him - two of the world's worst criminals in exchange for Mukuro and both Ken and Chikusa. Preferably alive but dead is fine. He won't even have to lug the bodies all the way to Italy. The Vindice needs proof but they'll go to him when he calls.
Tsuna disappears for two weeks. In the end, it's not that hard. Reborn's stopped following him every minute of every day now that he has Gokudera and Yamamoto constantly hovering around him, but it's easy enough to ditch them both when they get into another one of their shouting-laughing arguments at school. He has some money and food, and he has his gloves but they won't do him much good without one of Reborn's bullets so he also pickpocketed a silencer from Reborn's bafflingly large arsenal. That turns out to be pretty easy too because Reborn's been trying to teach him how to assemble and fire various weapons for weeks.
(Half his friends flip the fuck out when they finally realize he's missing. Hibari is mostly just irritated because one of Namimori's students is skipping school. Reborn retraces Tsuna's steps with all the ruthless determination of a hurricane and within three days tracks down Shamal and gets him to spill everything he unknowingly told Tsuna about the Vindice. The only problem left is they don't know who Tsuna is hunting down for the Vindice, and not even Reborn is quite ready to dial them up to demand answers. Reborn would be impressed with Tsuna's new display of a spine if he wasn't doing it for Rokudo Mukuro what even is his obsession with that Mist honestly, did Mukuro do something to him in their fight??)
Fast-forward a couple weeks and Tsuna's done it. Sure, he almost got killed once or twice, but the truth is his targets have been keeping their heads down for years, and they've grown complacent, confident in their ability to evade the Vindice and go about their lives without constantly looking over their shoulders.
They still dabble though, from time to time. The Vindice were helpful enough to give Tsuna everything they had on them. The first has a partiality for baby-faced teenagers. Tsuna is exactly his type, and it's not hard to walk past the guy's shop a few times before luring him down a dark alley one afternoon. He doesn't even realize he's been shot until Tsuna's put a hole in his head ("Headshots are your safest bet for a fast kill, Dame-Tsuna, are you paying attention?"). Tsuna also spends the next two minutes heaving up the contents of his stomach. He's not that bothered by the blood, if he's honest; he's seen his own blood often enough that he's more or less desensitized to it. But he's just killed someone, and he's never done that before, and for a moment he regrets - fiercely - what he's set out to do, for a boy who might as well be a stranger and probably won't ever thank him for this.
(But Mukuro isn't a stranger, is he? Somehow, even though he hangs out with Gokudera and Yamamoto practically every day, even though he lives with Lambo and I-Pin and Bianchi and Reborn, even though he interacts with Hibari and Ryouhei, Tsuna still feels like it's Mukuro he understands best. His motives, his goals, his reason for living and fighting and killing, his hatred and his anger and his fears - somehow, when it comes to Mukuro, he knows it all.)
So he keeps at it. The regret fades, his resolve surges, and he's pale but steady when he calls the Vindice for them to pick up the body. And then it's on to the next target.
The second criminal - a black widow responsible for slaughtering three whole Famiglia down to the last child after marrying into them - gives him more trouble, mostly because Tsuna misses his first shot and alerts her to Tsuna's presence. They end up cat-and-mousing halfway across the country, clashing in a warehouse and resulting in Tsuna finally lighting his Flames all on his own out of sheer desperation after the woman shatters two of his ribs and has her hands around his throat and a wild gleam in her eyes before Tsuna bursts into Sky Flames that consume her before she can scramble away.
She screams and screams as Tsuna's Flames devour her, hot and hungry and relentless, and Tsuna doesn't think he's ever going to get the smell of overcooked meat out of his nose again.
By the time he figures out how to put it out, the woman is very dead, but at least she's also still recognizable. Tsuna doesn't throw up this time, mostly just numb and cold and fucking exhausted. Everything hurts, he's bleeding from a head wound, and he's pretty sure he won't be able to talk without sounding like he's been gargling gravel.
Still, he might as well finish this, so he calls the Vindice, and he gets the distinct impression that they're actually impressed with him, which is just fucked up, nobody should be impressed by murder, especially when Tsuna is committing it. It's not like he even did it well. Reborn would probably sneer at the shoddy execution. Tsuna's a mess and about to keel over, and he really just wants to go home and sleep for a week or possibly forever.
He does end up falling unconscious, so he misses the Vindice cleaning up the evidence of a murder before leaving through their portal, only to come back with a truly confuzzled Mukuro and minions. They give him the bare bones of it - they're free but under Tsuna's custody because Tsuna was the one who traded for them; if they break one of their laws again, even the future Vongola Decimo won't be able to save them. And then they leave.
Mukuro is left with a baffled Ken and Chikusa and an unconscious bleeding mess of a boy who was his enemy and now his saviour, and...
He should just go. He's free, and Tsuna's in no state to even try and stop him, let alone succeed. He should take Ken and Chikusa and book it out the door while he still has the chance. Who knows, Tsuna might even bleed out without medical attention soon, and that won't even be on Mukuro.
But something in him rebels at the very idea of taking even one step away from this stupid boy. He hates to admit it but fighting Tsuna - and perhaps even the way he lost to him and all that glorious burning resolve - gave him more than a decent idea of the kind of person Tsuna is. And he hates it because he wants to think Vongola Decimo and associate it with evil, with the trash of society, with Estraneo, except he can't, because this is Sawada Tsunayoshi, who fought for his friends even though half of them didn't give a damn about him when he was growing up alone, who even then - beaten and bruised - protested when the Vindice came to take Mukuro away, who freed him and very obviously doesn't expect anything in return, and apparently Mukuro isn't completely heartless after all.
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itsnervoussalad · 6 years
What if Sawada Nana had died in accident?
Iemitsu had at least half brain because only people who know surname of his family are him, Nono and Nono's guardians
It seemed like car accident, driver lost control over vehicle and hit her
but who knows if it really was accident...
definitely not Iemitsu since authorities couldn't get hold on that man to tell him about his wife’s death and need for someone to take care of his son
but luckily they find Nana's distant family…
he's not sure why he agreed to take Tsuna in
but he needed assistant and one with sky flames would be useful
he's rather good dad
thanks to him Tsuna have received best education on every subject
but he can't really fight, he have excellent control over his flames but physically he's rather weak
but he's great with poisons(Verde said something about his mother lineage but Tsuna doesn't know)
probably has his guardians because Verde wanted to study guardian bond(maybe Mukuro was first then Gokudera and then Verde knew how to find rest)
They certainly did not expect Reborn to crash into laboratory one day and say that Tsuna will be Vongola Decimo
"Why is Vongola demanding their heir now?" "Because Iemitsu recently discovered that his wife is dead and son is missing"
...Bermuda von Veckenschtein
no one knows how
but Vindice are very rational; when life gives you a child...
...you train them into best mafia prison guard ever
maybe when Mukuro was locked there for the first time: "Uncle Bermuda! He's my mist! Can I have him, plase?"(He still need to learn how to say no to puppy eyes)
Tsuna is trained in using both Night and Sky flames
maybe Vongola(which is currently looking for Young Lion's son) sees him catching some mafia criminal
...Byakuran's mother
she decided that Byakuran needed friend his age
boys quickly started liking each other and become close as sibling
Tsuna growing up sometimes felt sad about his inability to bond to anyone
when Byakuran for the first time saw Parallel Worlds his thoughts weren't about which Byakuran he is or to conquer the World - it was "Holy cow I know who are Tsuna's guardians and where to find them!"
he easily mutes all worlds where he and Tsuna are enemies or lovers because they are siblings
so soon they go on a journey to find all Tsuna's guardians!(maybe his too)
his parents are really laid back "your tutor said you are ahead with material so of course you can go on vacation"
when they come back they see don Vongola talking with Byakuran's parents about Tsuna becoming next Vongola boss(?!)
"Byakuran why you didn't warn me!" "I wanted to see your face Tsuna-kun"
he wanted to make sure little sky gets good home because he has potential to become next sky arcobaleno
he did not expected this kid to break curse at age of ten
Checkerface no longer needed Tsuna so he left him with arcobaleno
they were grateful so Aria decided to take care of kid(she was best choice)
but they all sometimes visit to teach him thing or two
when Lal, Reborn and Mammon are called to help locate Iemitsu's son and are shown some baby pictures there is silence for few minutes
"Did something happen?" "I think he's person who broke our curse"
they still don't know why they agreed to take kid
they were running on 80+ hours of no sleep
... or were drunk
... maybe both
either way they brought kid to Varia headquarters on officer's floor
he quickly won their hearts over(fact that he somehow proved that their cloud was spy for enemy Famiglia had nothing to do with that)
the way in which he didn't care he was adopted made Xanxus not lash out when he found out that he was adopted and instead confront his father about it
when two years later Nono and Iemitsu arrived to Varia Hq to order them to find Sawada Tsunayoshi they received some surprised looks from officers and then Xanxus made a call
"Brat get over to my office"
Iemitsu cried and tried to hug his Tuna-fishie
only to be dodged and kicked(Varia officers were very proud for this instincts they managed to teach him)
Iemitsu wants to take his son with himself but Varia is like 'HELL NO'
and Timoteo is on their side seeing Iemitsu is to Tsuna complete stranger(also Xanxus calmed down in past two years and he had sinking feeling Xanxus would react much more violently when he found out about being adopted)
sealing also wasn't an option any longer
when Tsuna was born his flames were strong enough to summon Primo and his guardians and keep them close to him
they really loved this boy
so when Nana's death made Tsuna erupt in flames so strong they could hurt him they started absorbing them to help Tsuna
they didn't expect to gain corporeal bodies
Deamon using mist flames made some necessary documents and boom Tsuna was officially adopted by Giotto
with them he would be safer than with his father
besides rising one child in seven couldn't be this hard
Sorry for mistakes!(English isn’t my first language)
If you liked it feel free to use it - just let me know.
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seitosokusha · 6 years
For the 5 Headcanon au how about Vongola and Giglio Nero situation reversed in the future arc. Instead of Byakuran putting a spell on Yuni he puts one on Tsuna and joins Vongola and Gesso to make Miliefore. Yuni is still the sky arcobaleno and Tsuna is still the vongola Decimo. Everything else goes as the future arc did only instead everyone except Tsuna goes to the future and for some reason the Arcobalenos are still alive and reborn can meet his future counterpart.
Not entirely sure how this swap works out since there are bit of logic holes but for the sake of headcanon, it does.
This AU is called Break Me From Inside Out 
Here is a universe where Byakuran was a little smarter, played a little bit harder. Here is a universe where Byakuran took one look at Vongola’s growing power and recognized the cunning that Sawada Tsunayoshi hid. Here is a world where Byakuran took no chances. Between a young, untrained girl, and a rising mafia don, it was an easy decide to go after the don first. Here is a universe where Byakuran trapped Tsunayoshi’s heart, used Tsuna’s soft heart and “let’s give him a second chance” nature against him.
Reborn doesn’t take the capture of his student lightly. But even he, the World’s Greatest Hitman, would have a hard time going up Vongola (who hell or high water, will stick with Tsunayoshi) Not to mention given Vongola’s size, majority don’t even recognize Tsuna’s change of heart. Plus, you know, there was capable-of-leveling-cities Tsuna himself.
It is both terrifying and relieving when younger!Tsuna shows up. How do you break it to someone that due to what Byakuran had done, the lives of millions of civilians and mafiosos now stain his future hands?
Meanwhile, back in the present, Nana takes one look at her son (mysteriously older for some reason), blankly staring into the distance and twinge of familiarity hits her. It had been nearly 9 years since she had seen that blank expression.
All she does was is gather him in her arms, hand carding through his hair and humming the soft lullaby she use to sing to him when Tsuna was five.
“It’ll be alright, Tsu-kun,” she murmurs. They got through this once, they’ll get through it again.
Check break me from inside out au tag for more of this universe
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onceabluemoonwrites · 7 years
How To Stay Together Outside the Mafia (Thanks, Mukuro)
Summary: There was nothing wrong with needing reassurance, but it had been blowing up lately with all his guardians, and Tsuna hadn’t been able to figure out why. Now, however, it was all crystal clear.
This was a Code Red situation. His angst babies were insecure and he would have to make sure their run-away-with-the-dark-thoughts-because-that’s-a-fun-road-to-go-down  brains would once again understand the situation as it was.
He might be dame, but he had learned. There was only ONE thing to do in a situation like this: Call your mom!
And the rest of his family, because he wasn’t that hopeless.
FF.net | AO3
You can find my fic master list here.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Tsuna’s voice shook the very foundations of the house.
Mukuro sighed and pushed another cookie cutter into the dough.
When he moved in with the Sawada’s, he’d narrowed his eyes at Mama- as this woman insisted he call her- who’s flowery aura of… Surprisingly not death, though he had the idea that the woman that birthed Tsunayoshi must have the same strange dual qualities. He was certain it could turn murderous any moment, and yet still smell like fresh laundry and lavender.
…She seemed like the type that would scent her victims with her personal brand of perfume.
‘’What do you want for our boarding?’’
She’d blinked, tapped her lips and beamed. ‘’Well, if you insist, I’d love to have some help with baking! Making treats for the whole family is a lot of work! But don’t worry, I do it with love and I’m sure you will too!’’
Mukuro had flinched away from the disgustingly bright woman, but had accepted the apron she handed him. Frowning, he’d unfolded it. It was a frilly, purple garment. The upper part was shaped like the top-half of a heart, with the lower half having the likeliness of a ruffled skirt. It would have been adorable on Chrome, but this was apparently Mukuro’s apron, and he was going to rock it.
Sure, cute was a no-go, but that was Chrome’s area. Mukuro was the drop dead sexy half of the twin act. He would work Lolita like no man had worked it before!
Cackling to himself, he swung his narrow hips to let the ruffles bounce properly and set out to help his Mama.
…Calling her that was just practice for when he took over Tsunayoshi’s body. Yeah. That was it.
Sawada Tsunayoshi was devil spawn. Literally.
‘’Welcome to THE Sawada Household, Mukuro. Welcome to Hell.’’ He had murmured when he’d come home on Mukuro’s arrival day, before falling over the table in exhaustion.
Mukuro had not believed him. He’d even joked about it! “I’ve already been to hell six times. Not to this particular Hell, no.’’ Sarcasm, so lovely, applicable in every situation.
By now, however, reality had sunk in. The Sawada Household was the seventh Hell Mukuro had landed in, and he wasn’t all that eager to leave. This one taught the deadliest tricks, mind you. Sawada Nana was the greatest Satan he had ever seen.
Top techniques included: The Flowery Aura of Death, Set-the-Table, Mama’s Disappointment, the Guilttrip, Religion inducing Cooking, Yes-You-Must-Go-Bathe and the most deadly of all: Love Makes the World Go Round (Fly, you fools!).
So here he was, a few weeks into his stay at the Sawada household, making little cat-shaped cookies for Chrome, yoyo’s for Chikusa and paws for Ken. The only ones he owned up to making specifically for someone were the paws, of course. He couldn’t help but snigger as he pushed the mini-paw out of the cookie cutter with a fork. Comparing Ken to a dog in any way was guaranteed to get great reactions. Teasing him was just too much fun!
The door slid closed behind him, and an arm reached past him, snatching up part of the dough. Nobody touched the dough.
Mukuro’s fork missed the hand by a hair’s breadth.
‘’God fucking damn it, Rokudo! Let a man have his cookie dough!’’
Whirling around (ruffles rushing, to his eternal pleasure), Mukuro smiled at Gokudera. ‘’Well, well, well, Ha-ya-to~~ Have a little argument with the boss?’’
Gokudera shivered.
Popping a chocolate chip into his mouth, Mukuro smirked. Gokudera’s insecurities were just too easy to play into and those flowery aura of death lessons were paying off. Mama was awesome (No, not a personal meaning, it was a general opinion.
Okay, maybe not just a general opinion, but Sawada Nana’s food was Worthy of Worship and Mukuro was pretty sure she somehow managed to enslave him through it, the devilish woman!)
‘’He’s still refusing to talk about the future. Any attempt to talk to him about being Decimo, our future together… It just fails,’’ Gokudera stared morosely at his empty hand as if he were seeing the bottom of a whiskey glass (if Chrome asked, Mukuro had no idea how that might look) instead of a cookie dough-free hand. The way his eyes widened reminded Mukuro of a mutt.  This was probably what people meant when they talked about ‘’puppy dog eyes,’’.
Mukuro handed the white-haired adolescent more dough. A technique to keep him talking. Sympathy was for the weak.
…Tsunayoshi not becoming Decimo was a problem if Mukuro wanted to possess his body and destroy the mafia. Then again, Tsunayoshi being in a relationship with Tsunayoshi 2.0 (the red-headed one) and Cherry-blossom-chan (even just thinking about calling Hibari that made him cackle in glee) meant Cherry-blossom-chan had touched that body. Tsunayoshi was tainted now and possessing his body might result in cooties.
Letting Chrome join the Vongola might be an option after all. She deserved to be happy and being one of Sawada’s guardians certainly seemed to do the job!
Mukuro wanted to wash his mouth out with soap, the sugar was too much.
But, in the interest of Chrome’s future happiness, Mukuro couldn’t let Tsunayoshi go on about not becoming Decimo. Because if he wasn’t Decimo, then what use would he have for a tool like Muku- Chrome?
Chrome would be all alone again, without heating! No more cookies to bake for a house full of people, no more ruffled aprons to wear, no Fran to antagonize about his crush on Le Petit Prince (Squealing? Mukuro? No, that was Chrome! Honestly, you people!) and most of all: No one to love an asshole like- he meant cutie- Chrome.
Leaving the fork stuck in the counter and Gokudera with more cookie dough, Mukuro stalked out of the kitchen. Tying his apron strings tighter, Mukuro clenched his jaw. He was going to do something selfless for the first time in years.
Protect his adorable Chrome’s future and defend Gokudera’s hurt feelings so he could snigger about it later.
No self-interest at all! The things Mukuro did for his subordinates!
Now, on to make Sawada Tsunayoshi cease his attempts to abandon his post as heir!
‘’Sawada Tsunayoshi!’’
A disembodied voice resonated through the room. Mist drifted, engulfing the bed, kotatsu and desk with little effort. The door creaked, the curtains skid closed, the sound of metal against metal.
An eerie silence settled.
‘’If you’re just here to spy on me, get out or be more subtle.’’ Tsunayoshi looked up from his attempts to straighten his tie, completely ignoring the fact that only his upper half was completely covered.
‘’My, my, my, Tsunayoshi, so forward!’’
The brunette didn’t even bother to wave him away. ‘’I’m too used to you guys storming my room at all hours.’’ A tired sigh.
The room darkened. ‘’I heard your fight with Gokudera. As the Socially Inept Person in this household, I must say-‘’
‘’Isn’t Kyouya the Socially Inept Person?’’ Tsunayoshi continued to struggle with his tie. Honestly, the guy was a fashion disaster. How a respectable Madame Murder like Sawada Nana had birthed him… Mukuro had no idea.
Before he could answer, the brunette opened his mouth again. ‘’Oh, wait, Kyouya’s the Social-Skills-Nonexistent-Get-Tetsuya-To-Translate Person.’’
If even Tsunayoshi thought so, then how did their relationship even work? Did Kusakabe just… sit there all the time? Next to them?
…Then again, Tsunayoshi 2.0. doubtlessly had that woman (Adel, the one with the Murder Maniac tendencies) hovering over him, so maybe she and Kusakabe just did well in company.
Mukuro would have to look into that later- the greatest blackmail material ever.
‘’But what were you saying about Hayato?’’
Mukuro’s fist clenched. Tsunayoshi said it so casually, as if nothing had happened. And that was, as even he could admit, absolutely awful in the face of all Gokudera’s work. Mukuro hated do-gooders, but the bomber spent a lot of time with the Sawada’s, and there was no way the illusionist couldn’t notice all the effort the man put into becoming a better righthand man. And this reaction? It was utterly unfair to him.
Damn it. Mukuro had picked up a stray again. Just don’t feed them, and it will be alright, was the golden rule, but he kept breaking it, and the minute he fed them, he was gone! …Let’s just bury that underneath a mountain of denial, ne?
Curse the heavens for creating the Mist with a pinch of Sky flame-alignment! Mukuro pouted.
Appearing from thin air in front of Tsunayoshi’s nose, Mukuro jabbed a finger into his chest and hissed: ‘’Stop saying you don’t want to be Decimo. The fool is trying so hard to do better and you just keep throwing that back in his face every time. How do you think that makes him feel?’’
Tsuna sighed. ‘’You can’t force me into a career just because you want me to be, Mukuro.’’
‘’I said Gokudera wanted it,’’ Mukuro crossed his arms, ‘’He’s never had a safe family before- you can’t take that from him!’’
Tsuna’s mouth fell open. ‘’That is what this is all about?’’
‘’What else would it be about? The cookies? Because there’s sure a hell nothing wrong with those, I assure you!’’
‘’I know, I know, go put them in the oven- we’re going to need them in a bit.’’
‘’I wasn’t making any!’’ Mukuro yelled as Tsuna pushed him through the door opening. ‘’I wasn’t!’’
Slumping against the door, Tsuna rubbed his temples. God. Mukuro was insecure and had a Small and Breakable Heart (…and would probably slit your throat with the pieces left of it but that wasn’t the point in case). He was one of the most reassurance-needing guardians, and Tsuna’s storm was Gokudera.
There was nothing wrong with needing reassurance, but it had been blowing up lately with all his guardians, and Tsuna hadn’t been able to figure out why. Now, however, it was all crystal clear.
This was a Code Red situation. His angst babies were insecure and he would have to make sure their run-away-with-the-dark-thoughts-because-that’s-a-fun-road-to-go-down  brains would once again understand the situation as it was.
He might be dame, but he had learned. There was only ONE thing to do in a situation like this: Call your mom!
And the rest of his family, because he wasn’t that hopeless.
Sitting on a chair in the circle, Tsuna stapled his hands against each other. ‘’’We’re here today because it has come to my attention that we have a communication problem.’’
Gokudera almost choked on his drink. ‘’What?! How has this not come to my attention before?!’’
Yamamoto patted him on the back.
‘’It has come to your attention. We’ve been fighting about this since forever and I’m done.’’
‘’’Giving up is EXTREMELY not right, Sawada!’’ The rest of the room’s occupants began to talk too.
‘’You have to be Decimo, Juudaime!’’
‘’…Kufufufu, making my dear Chrome cry? She’s Murder Moe, Tsunayoshi, she knows where to find you!’’
Tsuna slammed his hand down on the table. ‘’This is exactly what I mean! If you would shut up for a second, I could tell you-‘’
‘’Shut up, dame-Tsuna.’’ Reborn jumped down from the ceiling fan, but before his mallet could connect with Tsuna’s skull, the brunet’s eyes flashed a deep orange and he threw Reborn aside. Landing on the table, Reborn opened his mouth, but Tsuna had enough.
Taking off the ring, he threw it on the ground and stomped on it a couple times. It hurt his feet more than it did the ring harm, but god, that felt good. ‘’I’m NOT becoming Decimo, and if you all would just listen, you’d know this DOES NOT mean the end of us as a family.’’
Gokudera deflated like he was a balloon and Tsuna just stuck a pin in him. ‘’Oh.’’
‘’Yes, oh.’’ Tsuna sat back down. ‘’Though, to be honest, I could’ve handled this better too. I should’ve known this was the problem and just taken it out at the root. I’m sorry.’’
Ken scoffed. ‘’Pretty words, Sawada, but how do you wanna keep us together then? I sure as hell ain’t seeing results here!’’
Tsuna shrugged. ‘’No offence, but you guys were born into the mafia. You might want to destroy it, but it’s hard for you to think in terms of life outside of it. I thought we might be able to come up with something else together.’’
‘’Besides, this house will always be a home for all of you.’’ Nana smiled, hugging Lambo to her chest. The little boy melted into the embrace.
‘’Mama’s the best.’’
Nobody protested. Unanimous agreement there.
It was silent for a moment, the only sound to be heard was Kyouya munching on a tonfa cookie. …Tsuna was pretty sure Mukuro had put poison in there. He clearly was nowhere near Bianchi’s level, though, because Kyouya hadn’t kicked the bucket yet.
Then again, maybe he was trying to give him diabetes. Death by sugary goodness. Mukuro’s evil knew no bounds (according to the boy himself, that was. Though the corner of Kyouya’s mouth creeping up while he was happily munching on the cookies was definitely creeping Tsuna out).
‘’…So,’’ Bianchi murmured, ‘’Just because the mafia threw us together, it doesn’t mean we have to stay in it together. We can go be together somewhere else. That’s what you wanted to say, right? But what’s the next step?’’
Tsuna cleared his throat. ‘’I have a four-step plan and it’s guaranteed to work. This is how it’s going down…’’
‘’Sawada, that plan EXTREMELY sucks.’’
Yamamoto laughed, rubbing his neck. ‘’Sorry, Tsuna, but Ryohei’s right.’’
‘’Of course it sucks!’’ Haru rummaged through her bag and threw keys, pads and a crowbar onto the table, before she found the magazines she’d apparently been searching for. The glossy covers gleamed in the light. ‘’Us, opening up a food factory? Please, we’d sell poisoned goods and be back in the crime business before the day was over- and that is if we didn’t get bored and destroy the whole place! No, I have the perfect solution!’’ Kyoko did jazz hands behind Haru before the effect. Together, they struck a pose. ‘’A fashion house!’’
‘’Oh, come on, Tsuna-kun! Don’t be like that!’’ Kyoko bounced up and down. ‘’We have the perfect skillset for it! Hana, we have a chart, right?’’
‘’I thought the chart was going to stay a secret,’’ Hana hissed into Kyoko’s ear, but she did pull an enormous chart out of her handbag.
‘’Mary Poppins,’’ I-Pin breathed, eyes big and starry, looking like Christmas had come early. Lambo squealed, making grabby hands at the older girl.
Hana stared at her for a moment. ‘’Okay, never doing that again. It attracts kids.’’
Lambo pouted, but Nana kept him quiet.
The rest of the room was staring at the charts. Putting on her glasses, Hana began using her laser pointer. ‘’As you can see here, we have thought about the finances. There are several people who would definitely invest in our ventures, especially with young, talented designers like Haru and Mukuro-san.’’
‘’Runway shows wouldn’t be a problem either,’’ Kyoko pointed out, ‘’I know you’ve done a couple of runway shows before, Hibari-san, and distinctive walks like Ken and Chikusa’s would do very well! They’d be able to establish a brand right away!’’
‘’Sasawaga -kun’s energy could also work,’’ Chrome said quietly, ‘’Plus, his athletic abilities give him options other models wouldn’t have. He could easily  maintain his boxing on the side.’’
‘’Ooooh! Good idea!’’ Haru fished a pen from underneath the pads and the crowbar and scribbled it down on the chart right away- ignoring Hana’s grimace at her neat work being messed up.
‘’Also, Reborn-san likes suits and Tsuna-san is the perfect watch model!’’ Haru elbowed Hana, ‘’I mean, have you seen his wrists?! Holy objects, I’m telling you!’’
Kyoko giggled. Tsuna gaped.
‘’Hmmm…’’ Mukuro tapped his lips, ‘’My dear Chrome, you would do VERY well with perfume spots, don’t you think?’’
Chrome hid a laugh behind her hand. ‘’Only if it’s called ‘Murder Moe’.’’
Bianchi cocked her head. ‘’Hmm… Bit of a silly name, but I could definitely cook something up for a fragrance with an atmosphere like that!’’
‘’Hey!’’ Ken shouted, ‘’No making fun of Mukuro-sama’s nicknames!’’
‘’Shut up, Ken!’’ Mukuro threw his trident at him like a mother hen curbing her ducklings by pecking at them until they stood in line. ‘’Anyway,’’ he flicked his hair out of his eyes, ‘’I would only agree to such proposal if I got my own shoe line.’’
Gokudera’s mouth dropped. ‘’Are you mad?! Wait- don’t answer that. Of course you’re getting your own shoe line. I mean, have you seen your shoes? If I knew where to buy boots like that spiky pair you wore yesterday, I’d have gone bankrupt already!’’ He bit his lip, ‘’Um. If we’re doing this, that is.’’
‘’Of course we’re doing it,’’ Bianchi rolled her eyes, ‘’I’m tired of you stealing my crop tops. If we have a fashion house, we might actually be able to satisfy your clothing addiction.’’
Gokudera narrowed his eyes. ‘’Pot calling the kettle black!’’
Nana laughed. ‘’That’s family to you!’’
‘’…Now we’re on the topic anyway, Yamamoto-san, would you be willing to model? We’d love some more eye-candy.’’
‘’Eye-candy, huh?’’ Yamamoto’s eyes narrowed.
Haru smiled like the cat got the canary. ‘’Why, yes, we need someone to dress up like a giant grape so Lambo will sit still during the onesie shoots!’’
Yamamoto’s jaw dropped.
Kyoko appeared behind Haru, tucking a lock behind her ear. ‘’That’s not what you said last night, sweetheart!’’
She winked at Yamamoto. ‘’Don’t worry, Takeshi-kun! Byakuran-san sure won’t be the only one who will enjoy all those shirtless photoshoots!’’
Never mind Flame Fashion™, who the hell let Byakuran talk to Kyoko-chan and how much time did they have left before the world imploded?!
In the end, it all came down to this: No matter what Mukuro said about Tsuna’s fashion sense, Vongola was the final boss, and they defeated it together.
Author’s Note
Xanxus became Decimo and buys Flame Fashion in bulk. Dino is eternally grateful to Mukuro for designing the sexiest heels in existence because Xanxus rocks them.
Interviewer: “Where did your brand name come from?”
Haru: “Funny story, actually! We kept saying our people were flaming!”
Kyoko: *beams and the world falls in love,” So we called it “Flame Fashion” because we’re on fire!’’
Tsuna: *looks at the camera with dead eyes* They set everything on fire. Everything. There is no escape.
I might write some more about the Flame Fashion house, so if anyone has suggestions, don’t hesitate to tell me! Maybe I’ll get inspired because I know you lot- you’re enablers! Also, a fun experiment: send some KHR fashion headcanons through my ask! I’m curious what you guys think what kind of high fashion the KHR characters would wear! For an example of what I’m talking about, I’ve got a post here.
Thanks a LOT to @i-w-p-chan for squealing with me! The line “GOD FUCKING DAMMNIT, WOULD YOU ALL LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY WHEN I FUCKING SPEAK?! Not you Chrome, you’re a sweetheart.” was her first reaction when I told her what I was writing and she gave me permission to use it! :D
Other than that, the moment between Bianchi and Gokudera was inspired by this post by @incorrectkhr ! 
The ‘’Mist with a pinch of sky’’ was inspired by @nightmare-aoife ’s Mukuro from the Cradle ‘verse! 
And also thanks to @operaeagleicelynlacelett for asking me about Mukuro doing chores and Tsuna one-upping Reborn which reminded me of this, and got me writing again!
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mafiabosstsuna · 8 years
angst prompt: Hibari falling in love with Tsuna’s wife and Tsuna using this to control his Cloud.
…He threw you on the bed and started tearing at your clothes like an animal gone rabid. He marked every piece of skin he could free and reveled in your cries of pain and pleasure. He relished in the feel of your skin and the feel of himself grinding desperately between your legs.
He moaned as you gouged at his back with your nails in futile vengeance and he sealed your cries with an unforgiving, hungry kiss as he shoved your legs apart and thrust himself inside you.
You wanted him… You wanted this… Just the very thought made him want to come so hard…! Just the thought made him so damned hungry he trembled with the want.
He watched you blush and moan as you practically tore at the sheets every time he pushed inside you. He listened to you whimper every time he slid out. He breathed hard as he tried to keep himself in control because you were so close… So close…
And when you opened your lips his heart strained with all its eagerness to hear you call out his name when you finally came―
Kyoya started as he woke up, breathing hard, his heart beating a mile a minute. With a frustrated growl he reached for his phone and glared at the caller id. His hand trembled even as his heart twisted at the name of Sawada Tsunayoshi.
“What?” he finally answered the phone. Trying to keep his usual monotone in place and hide the breathy trembling behind it.
“Sorry for the wake up call, Kyouya,” the Decimo greeted, genuinely apologetic. “I know it’s late but there’s something I thought you ought to know.”
The Cloud-user scowled. He wanted nothing more than to slam the damned phone down into a brick wall and hope the caller felt the impact. Instead he took a deep breath and tried to calm down. “I’m listening.”
“I want you to stop Foundation’s operations on that yakuza clan you’ve been hot on lately.”
“What?” Kyouya bit back through gritted teeth. He had been ready to slaughter that damn Family for months now, especially since the clan heir was a no good bastard who dared try and claim property on the edges of Namimori. How dare Sawada try and stop him?!
“I know how you feel,” Tsuna replied calmly on the other line. “But killing them off is not the time. There’s something I want from them and until I know where it is, keep your hands off but your eyes on them.”
Kyouya gritted his teeth at this. “Three of my men had already been tortured and killed by these herbivores. I am not going to allow them to stay on Namimori ground for one more day, Sawada Tsunayoshi.”
“I know how you feel, believe me,” Tsuna replied with a sigh. “Just please, trust me on this.”
“…Fine, if you really want to know the truth,” Kyouya scowled as he waited for the Vongola don to give him an answer he could accept. Something that he would not have to throw back in his damned face. “They’ve been asking for an alliance. My wife is asking me to give them a chance, I think she likes the clan’s daughter.”
Kyouya stopped dead at the mention of you. He sat still, feeling numb.
And Tsuna continued. “Just give me a little time to assess them. My wife and I will be meeting them the day after tomorrow to talk.”
The thought of you being near such herbivorous creatures made Kyouya break out of his numbness as near crazed anger borne out of concern overwhelmed him. “ARE YOU INSANE?! WHY WOULD YOU TAKE HER NEAR THOSE BASTARDS! WHAT IF THEY HURT HER?! WHAT IF THEY BETRAY YOU?!”
Tsuna smirked sadly on the other line. It would never cease to amaze him how easily Kyouya betrayed himself when it came to his wife. “Then why don’t you come with us for security then? You should be able to keep things under control, right?”
Bastard, Kyouya thought bitterly as he glared at the phone in his hand. Goddamned bastard. “Fine.”
“I’m glad to hear that, Kyouya. I’m sure my wife would enjoy seeing you again. Right, dear?”
“Who is that, Tsuna?”
At the sound of your voice Kyouya held the phone with both hands and held his breath, staring at the object he had wanted to destroy earlier as though it had turned into something precious. Like a lifeline he won’t be able to live without. Longing and want made him still. Too scared you would retreat and stop speaking if you heard him breathing.
“It’s Kyouya, dear. He says he’ll come and be our bodyguard when we visit the Todoroki Clan.”
“Really? Thanks, Kyouya!” that dear voice called out happily from the other line and Kyouya closed his eyes in painful bliss as he allowed your words to wash over him. He held the phone desperately closer to him. Each word and the very thought of you speaking right beside his ear making his whole being strain towards your presence. And if he could drown himself just by the sound of your voice he would have already died in it. “I’ll feel safer when you’re there.”
“There you have it,” Tsuna’s voice was smug and it was all Kyouya could do not to beg him to put you back on the phone so he could hear her talking all night long. “Good night, Kyouya.”
No. No! Put her back on the phone! Let me hear her voice just a little bit longer!
But the line was already dead. The only thing left of him was a picture of you smiling gently, permanently etched on his phone’s wallpaper and Kyouya couldn’t stop himself from chasing all lingering traces of you by pressing his lips against your still, oblivious image. Hopelessly needing you. Mindlessly wanting you. Imagining how you smelled like right now. All warm and soft and heavenly…
His dream from earlier came back to haunt him as he stared at your inanimate face still pressed against his lips and with a desperate groan his hand slipped under the sheets and began stroking himself…
He closed his eyes and threw his head back in a moan as he recalled how you said his name just now…
His hips thrust upwards desperately again and again; imagining your mouth enveloping his erection.
He cried out your name as he came hard, thinking of you straddling him. Spilling himself inside you as he thrust into his hand again and again, whispering sweet nonsense into your imaginary ear. Promising everything and nothing and maybes in between…
And when he finally lay in his bed, spent and panting Kyouya crossed his forearms over his eyes and wept silently.
He was nothing but a puppet now. A puppet of a man who knew how he felt about you. Living in the hopeless battle of loving a person he can’t have. He lost his strength, his reason, his pride with just the sound of your voice or even a reminder of your existence.
And if anyone ever asked he would have to say his biggest regret was that he was not able to meet you first…
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ms-erie · 8 years
Well, Thank you, No, Really
They always taunted him, he, Sawada Tsunayoshi, but he never listened. When they punched him in the gut and made his everyday life a misery, he ignored it.
 A tragedy, that’s what his life was to them.
 Did he care in the first place?
 His Mother didn’t care for him. She ignored his very existence and instead catered to his brother. His brother who was younger than him by a year absolutely hated him. He was surprised; they even remember his name and still consider him as a family. Though, with upturned mouths like he didn’t matter.
 Did they matter to him?
 Pain, was his best friend.
 Of course, as a child, he would feel lonely, because why didn’t Mama, Nana love him? Where was Papa, Iemitsu? Why did Otouto hate him? Why can’t they play again? So many questions his old child-self asked.
 Then he stopped asking.
 He became too numb and empty. Like a shell, forgetting his bright self.
 In Junior High, he became known as Dame-Tsuna because he’s so useless.
 “No, I’m not. I know I’m not.”
 Did he care?
 No. Not a damn about it.
 He swam in the sea of networks. He became emerged in Hacking. In truth, he was more intelligent than his younger brother. He just didn’t feel the need to show off. He started accumulating money by hacking for information that mafia families wanted. It was dangerous, he knew, but he hid his tracks and it was clean. He was safe.
 At least now, he didn’t need to ask for money and get meager pieces of coins.
 Through his first year in middle school, he drowned in words. He loved reading books. It was his only positive friend to shield him from his other, negative friends called pain, loneliness, sadness and abandonment.
 Books filled his clean room. His mother couldn’t care less for him so there was only a bed, a cabinet and a small table on the floor. The only thing his father left for him was the laptop with an external drive. The books lined themselves on a corner. It raged from classics to teen fiction, he didn’t care; he just wanted to occupy his mind.
 Eventually, he disappeared. He learned to divert people’s attention from himself and his family just forgot about him. It was bad.
 But he didn’t care.
 His room was untouched, no one opened it, and no one bothered to.
 People from his school forgot he existed, carefully going through the crowd and disappeared. Teachers just called his name and marked him present, then eventually forgetting him the rest of the day. Dame-Tsuna did not exist. Neither did Sawada Tsunayoshi.
 He still lived in his house but his mother didn’t cook him breakfast or call him for dinner. Only calling her perfect son to come down and eat. Tsuna just got down and went straight to school. The school population didn’t bother with him anymore and he just did his best to keep his grades on average.
 Then on second year of his Junior High, the fact that his father worked in the mafia surfaced. Of course, he knew. He was a Hacker; he knew the insides of the mafia but didn’t show it. A baby, Arcobaleno went to tutor his brother. The baby was a curious being. He has the body of a baby but didn’t seem to think like a baby at all.
 Tsuna just ignored him.
 The Arcobaleno didn’t bother with him either, just telling him about the mafia with his brother then that’s it, he seemed to always forget him anyway.
 It was really easy to erase any trace of rivalry with his brother.
 He just disappeared out of the picture and no one wondered why.
 Then his brother confessed to Sasagawa Kyoko in his boxers. He looked at the scene impassively and turned away.
 A kendo captain challenged him in a fight for Kyoko.
 “Wow, just, wow. A round of applause because I don’t care.”
 He looked at the fight and knew the Arcobaleno was involved in his brother’s sudden strength.
 He knew the Disciplinary Committee would not stand this and looked across the gym to see Hibari Kyoya in a corner. He noted the look of pure blood lust in his eyes and continued his merry way.
 His brother won.
 “Wow. Congratulations! You won with your boxers on!”
 A transfer student from Italy, mmhm, it smelled mafia.
 He challenged his brother.
 His brother won.
 The challenger is a lost puppy. Isn’t that great?
 Then his brother said something stupid to the fake Yamamoto Takeshi.
 “His smile is fake.”
 Yamamoto Takeshi almost committed suicide.
 His Brother saved him. Hooray.
 Then other people came barging in the house like the kid in cow print suit and the Chinese girl.
 “Well,” Tsuna thought. “It’s time to move out. They will need the extra room and I want to get away from all those craziness.”
 So he moved out. His mother and brother with his tutor didn’t even notice it. His room that was filled with books was now empty and bare save for the original furniture’s.
 He moved to a small apartment in Tokyo, and left entirely for good. He enrolled in another school and sustained himself by writing articles and translating articles, novels and mangas into English online. He left all the hacking in Namimori.
 The mafia didn’t need anything from him anyway
 Five years have passed, he is now a first year student in college and again, he just moved with the flow of everything and still drowned in words.
 Their school allowed them to work in part-time jobs and he worked as a part-time assistant editor in a nearby publishing house.
 He was content with his life, going to school, editing books and reading books. He didn’t want to be bothered by mafia anymore.
 Not until mafia came knocking at his door.
 It was a Thursday night, one of the days where he didn’t have school but he had an editor job. So he came home with his dinner in a plastic bag in the cold autumn breeze behind his back. He’s having a small feast for the success of that book; thankfully, he wasn’t allowed to drink so he wasn’t invited in the celebration.
 He fished his keys from his bag and went inside. He took a shower and went to cook his small feast and ate it. He was going about his nightly routines before going to bed when he heard a knock.
 Who would visit him at 11 in the Evening?
 Still, he opened the door slightly, not taking the chains off.
 “Who is it?”
 The man looked eerily familiar; he had black hair and sad but warm brown eyes.
 “This is the house of Sawada Tsunayoshi, isn’t it?”
 Cautiously, Tsuna looked around the man and saw a… child?
 “Yes, what do you want?” He was blunt but hell, he doesn’t care.
 The child spoke to him with a mature voice, “We are friends of you brother, we want to talk with you.”
 The one who seemed to hate his guts and ignored his existence? The one who’s got their parents attention? The one who is the mafia boss though, technically, he’s the oldest?
 Oh, yeah. He remembers now.
 This probably got something to do with mafia but none the less, his intuition told him to let them inside.
 Once they have settled in the small circular table of Tsuna’s small apartment, silence became thicker than anything else.
 Wow. This is awkward.
 “So, do you want to tea or coffee?”
 “Coffee would be fine.” The man answered while the child remained quiet.
 Tsuna stood up to make it. He came back with three cups of black coffee, sugar and creamer on the side.
 The two mixed their coffee to their liking while Tsuna silently watched them as he sipped his black coffee.
 Once they were finished, he put his coffee down and asked the question he had in mind.
 “So, what do you want to say to me about my Brother?”
 “Your Brother is dead.” The child said bluntly, his fedora shadowing his eyes.
 “Oh.” What?
 “He was killed in a feud.”
 Okay. What am I supposed to feel now?
 Tsuna didn’t know what he was feeling, maybe a bit sad but he was entirely indifferent.
 The two watched the Brother of the one they served and searched for some kind of emotion, whatever it is. Some sadness or pain but no, he just looked impassive as if this piece of information was irrelevant.
 And that’s it, the man, who was the same age as Tsuna, Yamamoto Takeshi, slammed his fist on the table.
 Now, don’t break anything, I’m just a poor student.
 “Do you even care that your Brother died?! That-that-”
 “Yamamoto.” The child warned the man. Yamamoto seemed to relax and he slumped slightly.
 “Your Brother was very important to a lot of people in the mafia.”
 Okay, so what am I supposed to do with that?
 “And… since, the Decimo is now dead, the only living candidate is you.”
 Oh, wow.
 Tsuna remained silent and just stared at them.
 The child, Reborn, tried to read his emotions but couldn’t.
 “If I don’t take that throne, what will happen to the mafia?” The candidate finally answered.
 He didn’t hesitate to answer, “It would be torn apart and fall.”
 On the inside, Tsuna was frowning and raising his eyebrow, on the outside; his face is very impassive.
 Does this kid have any emotions? An unbidden thought from Reborn.
 “All of the things your Brother had, the Guardians, the power, the authority, everything will belong to you.” Reborn watched Tsuna with calculating eyes.
 When suddenly, Tsuna sighed and looked at them, showing expressive but unreadable eyes.
 “So, I’m just going to step-up and take the throne like a substitute because the original is dead.”
 His visitor’s eyes widened.
 “Don’t try to cover it up. You see, mafia came knocking on his life and look at where he is now.” He said that in a very casual voice, it was scary.
 “And then you want me to take over because no one’s going to.”
 “You have a point but-”
 “Look, let’s all be honest, I bet my father, the Young Lion of Vongola said that my brother is the eldest.”
 “Yes but how did you know that?”
 “Yes well, it was a guess, because in all things, being the eldest counts that you take over the family. It’s an ancient common sense but guess what? I’m the eldest.”
 The two looked at him in shock. “Well, well, looks like the cats’ out of the bag.” The candidate looked at them amusedly.
 “You could ask him, he’s so easy to read in the first place.” He continued as if daring them.
 “And NO,” he said firmly. “I will not take that throne. I’m content where I am, with what I’m doing. No one cared about me in the first place. The mafia didn’t care about me for five years. So why should I?”
 He went to the door and opened it, “Get out.”
 A firm stare got them walking towards the door and outside of it. “I’d like to say it was nice seeing you after a long time, except it wasn’t.”
 “And a warning, if I may, if any of you come to my University or Work, I’m going to castrate all of you. Good bye and don’t come back~” The door closed.
 Reborn knew; the one they ignored, the one they put aside, will make the mafia strive. Why didn’t anyone see this?
 But no, it seems it will be hard to persuade the candidate.
 They stood there for a long time, staring at the door and wondering how they’re going to report this to the aging Ninth Boss of Vongola.
 Well, only time will tell what happens; at least mafia will become a bit more interesting.
This takes me waaaaay back when I was so stressed (and I had time) that I needed to write a things. Katekyo Hitman Reborn fandom has always been my calm place. I could take refuge in it and let go of all the thing’s I’ve been bottling up. All the things I could’ve done. 
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cheshiresense · 6 years
so i'm curious about the hunger au. how do the other arcos decided that they like tsuna?
Uhhhh this will probably require some jumping around since I definitely haven’t thought about most of the details in this AU. Also, I feel like it’ll take a lot to actually get to the point where all the arcobaleno like Tsuna. So how about I just write a bit of POV for a few of the other arcobaleno of when they first learn about Tsuna.
Edit: Ugh, Colonello’s bit turned long, so you only get him and Viper in this one, and like three lines of Lal.
Pinglist: @yoshifics @bewarethemandragora @runeofluna @selenedreamwalker @hypnos28 @verticallychallengedintrovert @fandommaniac2401 @lovingempress @cynthia-of-the-wallflowers @shadowsofmoonracer @pairp @warriorofbooks @charlottedabookworm @lyra689​ @sheyrenawyrsabane @sora-the-empress @xadriannax @yumeniai @arrysa @lirial89-fanfiction @skysong246 @caiahat @grimreaper19 @arosethornbyanyothername @mtkiseki @kaminoko-x @nesskyru @tatarako @parklena42 @zibeth-a @aerdnanocte @timegrenades @healingmichiko @shiko-rae @soraofmelody @fandoms-make-the-world-go-round @north-peach @yannilicious @wolfsrainrules 
Viper doesn’t leave. They should, they know they should. Reborn may have lost his mind (again), but Viper knows better than to fall for this song and dance a second time.
But logic of all things makes them hesitate. They hover there, right outside this barrier made of Sky Flames stronger than anything Viper’s ever felt. They think about Reborn, and yes, the hitman’s always been quick with his threats, but not… not like he was earlier, all desperation and urgency and stone-cold certainty.
He would’ve shot Viper dead right then and there if Viper hadn’t complied, and for Reborn of all people - who’d arguably felt Luce’s betrayal deepest - to turn on his fellow Arcobaleno, and for the Sky Arcobaleno at that, after everything they’ve suffered, it makes Viper wonder.
Reborn was always a bit of a fool about Luce, before they found out the truth. But he isn’t stupid, and the greatest hitman in the world didn’t get to be that by making the same mistake twice.
So Viper hesitates, because logic says Reborn should be on the other side of the planet right now. Logic says he would’ve warned the rest of them as soon as he found out.
Logic says that even if the new Sky Arcobaleno only learned how to feed off his elements’ Flames after he met Reborn, Viper would’ve still started feeling the violation again months ago. Everyone knows when Reborn was sent to train the last eligible Nono-approved Vongola heir.
But they didn’t. Nothing’s changed since Luce died.
And Viper needs to know why.
Just a quick look, they tell themselves as they slip through the hole they made for Reborn. Just a quick look to see what’s wrong - because clearly something has to be wrong with Iemitsu’s son, he’s not acting like the Sky Arcobaleno at all - but after that, Viper would leave, as quickly as they can book the first flight out of Japan, even if they’re overcharged.
They follow the tug of Reborn’s Pacifier up to one of the bedrooms, and they enter just in time to witness Reborn all but force-feeding a piece of his Sun core to Tsunayoshi Sawada.
Viper is an assassin for the Varia, their stomach might as well be cast-iron. They still think they might just hurl.
“Get out if you can’t stomach it,” Reborn orders, because of course he saw Viper come in. He hasn’t looked away from the frail-looking husk of a boy on the bed though, and there’s something, something in the way Reborn has a hand on the boy’s pulse even as he prods the Sky into a more comfortable position that makes Viper feel like they’re intruding.
And normally, that wouldn’t bother them. But this time, they float back out of the room without a word, closing the door for good measure. When they close their eyes, they don’t even have to focus particularly hard to feel the Sun-Sky bond a mere few feet away, strong and bright and bursting with power, nothing like the brittle links of rot and decay that their bonds with Luce had been reduced to from the moment she betrayed them.
Viper takes a deep breath and - for now - pushes aside the hair-trigger instinct to flee.
They do not leave. They settle against the far wall and wait.
It feels like both forever and not long enough since the last time Colonello saw any of his fellow Arcobaleno. On one hand, most of the time when they gathered together in the past, it was to either visit Luce, discuss half-heartedly whether any of them had found a way to break the Curse, or check in with each other to see if they’d discovered who the new Sky Arcobaleno is. On the other, Colonello hasn’t had a decent workout in ages. Reborn’s appearance at least promises some high-level sparring.
Reborn with Viper though… That’s a new one.
He waits for them to find him, the way they usually do when they’re in Mafia Land, but hours go by, and as far as Colonello has heard from the grapevine, both Reborn and Viper remain in the civilian sector where relatives of mafiosi usually frequent. It’s where the… calmer rides are found, along with food and drink and other entertainment facilities that don’t involve an overabundance of violence.
What in the world would Reborn and Viper be doing over there?
Colonello finishes delivering his routine ass-kicking to the latest batch of  overconfident mafiosi attempting one of his obstacle courses, and then his curiosity wins out, and he tells his men that he’s going on break early.
He finds them easily enough, although he wonders briefly why his Pacifier doesn’t glow. That’s  easily forgotten when he spots them, and he can only stare for a long moment. They’re at one of those ridiculous game booths where you have to shoot balloons with one of those plastic dart gun to win prizes. The whole thing’s undoubtedly rigged, but Reborn - who’s wielding the shitty gun - is popping balloons like no tomorrow while Viper hovers menacingly nearby, staring down the poor bastard who’s manning the booth. Colonello doesn’t doubt that they’ve received a discount per round.
And… there’s a boy. Colonello can only see his back from where he’s perched in a nearby tree, but he’s thin as a rake, small and harmless, couldn’t possibly be over the age of eight. He’s standing beside Reborn, giggling at whatever disparaging remark Reborn is saying about either the gun or the game or maybe the dismal attempts to manipulate how many people would be able to win anything. The hitman pops the last balloon, tosses the gun down with a disdainful sniff, and then turns to the boy and gestures at the prizes.
The boy comes back with three stuffed animals - a chameleon that looks remarkably like Reborn’s Leon, a floppy-looking salamander, and an oversized lion. He gives the chameleon to Reborn, who rolls his eyes but takes it and somehow manages to hold it without looking like an idiot. The salamander goes to Viper, who visibly heaves a long-suffering sigh but accepts the thing all the same, making it float beside them and even seemingly come to life with a few well-placed illusions so that it hisses at anybody who wanders too close to the group. The boy hugs the lion, looking bafflingly happy about the stuffed toy. It isn’t even that well-made, in Colonello’s opinion.
What the heck is going on?
They turn as a group, drifting towards the rollercoaster ride nearby, which just so happens to be in Colonello’s direction. He gets one clear look at the boy’s face - Sawada’s kid, slated to be Vongola Decimo, that’s right, Reborn was going to train him - and then he’s practically blindsided by the innocuous-looking pacifier hanging around the kid’s neck, wrapped in a chain and not glowing but unmistakeable.
What the fuck.
He subconsciously takes a step back and then goes crashing to the ground because he forgot he was in a tree. Even more unfortunately, the noise definitely serves to draw the attention of both the other Arcobaleno and Sawada’s kid - the Sky Arcobaleno, Colonello thinks rather hysterically - and before Colonello can really think about it, he’s reaching for his rifle.
That’s all he gets to do though before a handgun has been leveled between his eyes and the chilly weight of Viper’s Flames lurk just at the edge of his senses, as much a threat as it is a warning, ready to attack.
And the boy, Sawada’s kid, the Sky Arcobaleno, hangs back behind them, peering anxiously at Colonello in a way that sets off every last one of his fight-or-flight instincts.
“What the hell, kora?!” He snaps as soon as he finds his voice. “Do you know who that is? What’s wrong with you two?!”
Colonello can’t quite make out Viper’s expression with that hood of theirs but he can practically taste their disapproval.
“I told you we should’ve gone to a different amusement park,” The illusionist says to Reborn.
Reborn doesn’t take his eyes off Colonello but he retorts without missing a beat, “You also said your chains would ensure this moron wouldn’t notice we’re here.”
“I said the chains would prevent him from tracking us with the Pacifiers,” Viper snipes back flatly. “And they did. It’s not my fault he’s actually decent at his job.”
Right. That’s enough.
Colonello bats the gun aside and flips backwards onto his feet. “Get that thing outta my face!” He snarls, keeping one eye out for Viper’s illusions. Reborn doesn’t look particularly impressed, but he also looks like he’s willing to let Colonello say his piece. “What the hell’s going on, kora? That’s the Sky Arcobaleno!”
“Shout it a little louder,” Reborn mutters irritably. “The other end of the island didn’t hear you.”
But other than that, there’s no… reaction. Reborn and Viper are hanging around the Sky like they’re perfectly aware of who he is and also perfectly content with it.
Colonello doesn’t get it. He knows he’s not as smart as Reborn or even Viper, but this should be pretty damn simple, right? It’s the Sky Arcobaleno. They can’t kill him, but they should all be doing their utmost to warn the others and then scatter, preferably before the boy figures out how to eat their Flames.
He swallows and takes another step back. He can’t- He can’t do this again. If it was just him, that would be- well, not fine, but he’d be able to tolerate it. But Lal. Lal, who looks at him sometimes like she wants to hate him but only really hates herself, who shoulders guilt like it’s her due, even though it was Colonello’s choice through and through, and he’d do it again, every time, if it means sparing her.
He doesn’t want to be fed on again, of course he doesn’t, but more than that, he doesn’t want to see Lal’s expression when it happens. He knows there’s nowhere on the planet he can go where the Sky Arcobaleno won’t be able to get at his Flames, but they’d agreed, hadn’t they? A while back, during one of their get-togethers to talk about what they’d do if they found the new Sky. And they’d agreed they would warn each other and do their utmost to stay away from the Sky Arcobaleno, in the hopes that if whoever it is never actually meets any of them, they wouldn’t be able to realize they can feed on their Flames or maybe learn how to do it to begin with.
This is very much not warning each other, let alone staying the fuck away from the Sky Arcobaleno. So Colonello doesn’t get what’s happening, because out of all of them, Reborn hated Luce most, in the end, and Viper was probably the most bitter about placing their trust in the wrong person, the one time they allowed themselves to trust. It makes no sense for these two to just be… hanging out with the Sky Arcobaleno, and at a fucking fun park of all places. Has the Sky done something to them? Luce could never force them to like her, not after she and Checkerface revealed everything, but she could order them about if she wanted to, in addition to feeding from them whenever.
(It was perhaps her one kindness to them - she ordered them back every now and then, gathered them all together once in a while for a fuller meal because distance didn’t do shit to stop her from taking their Flames but proximity did allow her to take more, faster, but she never ordered them to stay.)
Maybe this Sky Arcobaleno can though? Reborn and Viper aren’t acting any differently - aside from the whole associating with the Sky Arcobaleno - but-
“Hey, idiot,” Reborn interrupts, somehow sounding both bored and annoyed. “As amusing as it is to watch you panic, there’s nothing to panic about.”
Colonello snorts with disbelief, darting another look at the Sky Arcobaleno, who for some reason looks a little miserable now, and he’s shuffled back several steps. “You do remember the Sky Arcobaleno eats-”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” Viper cuts him off this time. Their voice lacks inflection as usual, and Colonello would’ve mistaken it for disinterest or dismissal if not for the very watchful presence of their Flames. For an illusionist, Viper’s never been particularly subtle when he isn’t actively trying to be. “Tsunayoshi hasn’t touched your Flames in all these years; he isn’t about to start now.”
“He’s the Rain Arcobaleno by the way, Tsuna,” Reborn adds, glancing back at the Sky. “Even if he’s also a moron.”
Colonello bristles. That’s just bullshit. Between the three of them, he is not the one acting fucking weird.
And to his utter shock, the Sky Arcobaleno actually rolls his eyes a little and takes a step forward, only to pause when Colonello immediately tenses again. The kid’s expression falls but he only says to Reborn and Viper, “Don’t act like you two weren’t running scared too.”
Reborn scoffs, and Viper makes a moue of offense, but neither exactly protests.
“I still approached you,” Reborn points out, almost smugly of all things, like it’s something to be proud of. “I was first.”
“Yeah, but you’re a little crazy like that, Reborn,” the Sky says. Fondly, if Colonello isn’t mistaken.
“And besides, you were first only because you didn’t know what the Nono was sending you to,” Viper interjects, tone dry as the desert. “You aren’t special. Our situations were the same.”
Reborn turns glinting black eyes on Viper. “I was still first.”
Viper sneers back, cloak fluttering around them, but before they can snark something back, because apparently that’s a thing now, the kid sighs, “Oh my god, guys, stop. I like you both, and it doesn’t matter who came first. Reborn, your ego’s gonna get too big for this island.”
Reborn turns his gun on the Sky and fires, but only water of all things comes out of it, leaving the kid spluttering and laughing at the same time. But he also stops poking at Viper, who snorts softly before whipping out a handkerchief for the Sky.
Vaguely, Colonello wonders if he’s come down with something. Or maybe he’s been drugged? Is he hallucinating? Dreaming?
“Anyway, let’s just go,” The Sky suggests once he’s wiped away most of the water. He smiles, the expression warm in a way that startles Colonello. “Thanks for bringing me here. It was really fun.” And then he glances apologetically at Colonello. “We didn’t mean to intrude though. We’ll leave now.”
Reborn scoffs again even as his gun transforms back into Leon and hops back onto his fedora. “We’re hardly intruding. Last time I checked, Mafia Land didn’t belong to Colonello.” He sighs when the kid frowns at him. “But fine, it’s almost time for dinner anyway, and it’s better if we do that somewhere private.”
As if on cue, Viper whips out a phone and begins tapping away. “There’s a five-star hotel with decent prices in one of the coastal cities nearby.” Somehow, they look particularly sinister for a moment without twitching a finger. “I’m sure they’ll even be happy to give us a discount.”
The kid looks away briefly, not quite able to hide an exasperated smile. “Alright, let’s go then. Is there a beach nearby? I’ve never been to a beach before.”
Reborn looks torn between pity and contempt, and yet somehow both emotions come out soft when he directs them at the Sky. “And yet you live on an island.”
The kid pouts.
“I’ll book a room with an ocean view,” is all Viper says, but they also float over to the boy and settle down on his head while the stuffed salamander toy coils itself around his shoulders.
And just like that, they’re leaving. Neither Viper nor Reborn gives Colonello a second glance, but the Sky offers an awkward wave and an even more awkward smile, something sad in his expression before he too turns away.
They’re long gone - Colonello can’t even sense them anymore - before he manages to move. He heads back to his apartment in a daze, half-thinking he must’ve imagined the whole bizarre encounter.
He checks his Flames. Still there, unmolested since Luce died.
He’s shaky as he fumbles for his phone, and he almost hangs up as he waits for Lal to pick up.
If- If there’s nothing wrong, should he worry her about this at all?
But then the line connects, and Lal’s brisk voice answers, and it’s too late to change his mind.
“Lal,” Colonello greets, inwardly grimacing at how hoarse he sounds. He clears his throat. “I- I’ve found the Sky Arcobaleno.”
Lal goes dead silent. He can’t even hear her breathe anymore.
“He was at Mafia Land today, kora.” He continues. “But he didn’t- Lal, he didn’t even try to eat my Flames. And he wasn’t alone. Reborn and Viper were with him. And I think-” He casts his mind back, and now that he’s had the time to digest the entire unexpected confrontation, something in him is certain, “They have a bond with him, Lal. Not like with Luce. They’re his Guardians, kora. Real Guardians. I think Reborn’s bond with him is stronger, but I could sense Viper’s too. I don’t know why, I don’t know how they can stand it, but they’re his.”
In the end, after a long, strained silence that seems to stretch on forever, Lal asks only one question. “Who?”
And Colonello can’t help the bark of laughter that escapes him, because if ever there was a thing called Fate, “Tsunayoshi Sawada. The Vongola Young Lion’s kid. And their future Decimo hopeful. Not so hopeful anymore.”
Lal Mirch:
Lal hangs up. She gives herself five minutes to put her racing thoughts in order, calms herself down as much as she thinks is possible at this point in time, and then she goes hunting.
She doesn’t so much find her target as she does greet him with her Flames so thick in the air that Iemitsu half-leaps out of his desk chair where he’s been snoring away over a pile of paperwork, hand at his gun before he catches sight of her.
Lal very carefully rests her hands on his desk even as she pins him with an unblinking, uncompromising glare.
Iemitsu shrinks back, just a little. “U- Uh, Lal? Is something wrong?”
Is something wrong. Hah.
“What,” Lal hisses through gritted teeth. “The fuck have you not fucking told us about your son, Iemitsu?!”
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seitosokusha · 8 years
Try to Picture Me Without You (but I can’t) 13
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Pairings:  N/A
Triggers:  N/A
Important Stuff:  N/A
Summary: Tsuna was dying and nothing anyone did helped. At the cusp of the 36th hour, Reborn concedes defeat and goes to call the one person he swore to never to: his mother.
ff.net | ao3
The cafeteria was not open.
Asahi had already taken that into account. The reason why it had taken him an extra two hours to arrive after waking up was because he cooked breakfast and neatly packed it into a bento box. Given the way Kaun had flown out of the house last night, he had suspected whatever Renato had called about, it was a serious issue and neither his wife nor son had slept or eaten.
Asahi made a note to make sure Renato ate when he got back.
There was no point if you collapsed from lack of food and rest while trying to help people.
Kaun accepted the bento. Her black eyes sparkling with amusement, well aware of what Asahi's reasoning was. She gleefully poked at the brightly colored bento box, chuckling quietly at the cute face that Asahi had drawn on her omelet.
"So?" Asahi asked.
"Renato doesn't realize it yet, but Sawada Tsunayoshi is unconscious and has our son wrapped around his little finger." Kaun smiled completely amused by the idea. Then her expression hardened. "The Tri-Ni-Set is causing the issue. Sawada-kun's soul is being torn apart; our son is anchoring him down, which I don't like by the way. The mafia doesn't have shape training and due the compatibility of your and Renato's Flames, you should be able to echo and support Renato's anchors."
That was… well. Asahi had his work cut out for him.
"We also may have to fake Sawada-kun's death because according to Renato, Sawada-kun doesn't want to be Decimo," Kaun finished off plainly.
Ah, that was what Kaun meant. Renato had never asked that before for anyone. Wrapped around Sawada-kun's little finger indeed.
"Hmm, I see much has happened after you left last night," Asahi said. "I assume you want me to swap out with Renato after this."
Kaun nodded. "The stress of the Sun Pacifier is heavy," she said, her expression dark. "It's not something I want to chance."
Asahi quieted the wave of rage that flooded him at the mention of the Sun Pacifier. Kaun had, predictably, exploded upon the news of Renato inheriting the Sun Pacifier. Asahi… Asahi stewed in his anger.
"And our long-term plans?" Asahi asked. Kaun always had plans and he had left her alone long enough for her to plot away.
"Well, given our son's attachment, I assume we'll be watching over Sawada-kun's recovery," Kaun said. She took another bite of her breakfast before pouring some coffee out of a thermos for herself. "We'll have to resolve the Arcobaleno Curse soon too. So once Renato can bare to be separate from Sawada-kun, I'll run tests."
Busy then. Asahi sipped his green tea. "And the others?"
Kaun's black eyes narrowed just a fraction. "I promised to play nice with Renato's friends. The others, Dino-kun aside, remain to be seen."
Well, that was the best he was going to get out of his wife. Asahi learned to pick his battles. Convincing his wife not to cause chaos was a losing fight. It was far better to simply direct her towards a more acceptable target then to actually contain it.
"Try not to break them," Asahi said dryly. There weren't that many dumping grounds in Namimori.
"No promises."
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