#If you're wondering about the fire
okkennymay · 1 year
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This time around I thought I would make a comic relaying the events after the last time I posted, because my gosh is it easier to explain with pretty pictures than upsetting words >vO I prefer to make jokes about my situation than anything, ‘cause honestly it’s a solid way of dealing with it and I take so many medications as it is, why not add laughter to it I say! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Despite my condition’s best efforts I still managed to organise and complete a commission with someone through emails! Thank you @waezi2 you were so patient as I arose from my grave every other day to get things done (❁´◡`❁) Fighting my body and winning to complete it was the victory I needed! The sheer satisfaction I get from a commission well received by someone is like pure nectar to me~ Sweet sustenance I just can’t get enough of! The money don’t hurt either, Disability Support Pensions do not go far in this economy 👀 This is as close as I can get to having a job and I wont let C.V.S (Cyclic vomiting Syndrome) or Chrohns take that from me! 
I’m raring to dive into more if anyone’s interested ♪(´▽`) I’m just about to post a new “commissions sheet” to broadcast that very fact >vO I do love having something to draw between Ectober pages~
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dubiousdisco · 7 months
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Johnny's ass keeps pushing Sento away from the support on his back because it's too big btw, do you think Sento knows. Is Sento aware that johnny's cheeks are constantly pushing it. And if so, do you think Sento cares at all, being a sword and all. Is that mundane for a sword. Does Sento compare whose backs or waists or butts or hands felt nicer. Does Kenshi know. Would it tell Kenshi that his hands are the most caring but Johnny's ass is the biggest.
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shemdraws · 3 months
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Eternal Flame
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iamfuckingsorry · 19 days
Sorry guys, another DE rant incoming. This one's not even on any specific topic, just some feelings about the game that I need to get out.
So, the game absolutely fucking killed me. I intentionally didn't play the entire thing at once to give myself time to process and it still fucking killed me. And by killed I mean I had to take crying breaks at work hiding in the bathroom. Like literally unable to go through a day at work without coming this close to a breakdown. And there's other compounding factors for that, sure, but still.
And it's like... It's a chilling social commentary with too many layers for its own good. The main character is a walking bundle of current and past issues mixed with the consequences of extremely messed-up past actions. The main support character has the best of intentions but is heavily flawed himself. Everyone else in the story is fucked up, really every single fucking thing is fucked up, yet the game itself keeps giving you these little snippets of hope. All the side quests where you can make a difference to someone. Deep conversations. Kim smiling. Realizing the people you originally thought were massive assholes were just hurting. The goddamn stick insect.
You are a violent and irrepressible miracle.
Something beautiful is going to happen.
In the dark times, should the stars also go out?
Streets and sodium lights, the sky, the world. You're still alive.
You still have some years. You still have some hope.
The only way to load the dice is to keep on fighting.
Kim being so hopelessly in love with Revachol even though he's been treated like shit by the city's inhabitants.
Harry being so hopelessly in love with Revachol, too, even though he can't even remember her.
The world is shit, but there's still all these little things that make it worth living.
And I'd... really love for that to be my take away. I would really, really fucking love that. But somehow, I can't.
Because no matter how much good you do preventing an absolute bloodbath in Martinaise, changes are coming, and they aren't good changes. The wheels are already in motion and they cannot be stopped, no matter how vigilant Harry is, no matter how much Revachol loves him.
22 years after Harry wakes up, Revachol's getting nuked to pieces.
Some 5 years after that, the entire world as we know it is getting swallowed by the pale.
Kim Kitsuragi will not live to see 70.
(Honestly, this is the line that kills me the most. He deserves to grow old, to look at his life and be happy with what he's done with it, at peace and fully accepted by everyone including himself for the first time in his life. And instead he's getting killed in a pointless conflict that will usher in the end of the world, or if he won't get killed then, he's getting nuked to death. Kim Kitsuragi will not live to see 70.)
Anyway. I know that that's part of the point. Horrible things are inevitable but that doesn't mean life isn't worth living and good things aren't worth fighting for. You can still fight the inevitable darkness while you're here, you should still fight the inevitable darkness while you're here, you need to fight the inevitable darkness while you're still here because if you don't, then what are you living for? And if not you, then who? If you lose your last sliver of hope, then you lose everything. Yes, life is terrible and terrifying, but life is also so, so, so beautiful.
And even when life is shit, it's all just part of a cycle. Sometimes bad things need to happen in order for the good ones to be able to come back again. One day I'll return to your side. After death, life again. After the pale, the world again. The good connected to the bad, intertwined so tightly they cannot be separated in any meaningful way.
And I think I'm starting to get there, I really do. After the pale, the world again. Even in the darkest of times there is always hope of a brighter future. After the pale, the world again. After death, life again. Un jour je serai de retour près de toi. The only way to load the dice is to keep on fighting. The stars will never go out, not even in the darkest of times.
But instead I just... I close my eyes and I think of Revachol herself begging Harry to save her, and I think of her burning, and I think of Kim not living to see 70.
And I want to cry.
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vrisreziyuri · 2 months
Mark Hoffman burned down my house in 2010
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gaylactic-fire · 9 months
None of the Links after ALTTP are shown to worship Jesus. Stop christwashing Link, it's disrespectful to his religion. If you want a christian character just make your own OC and let Link worship the golden goddesses in peace ❤️😊
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 3 months
One thing I don't really see discussed a lot surrounding Solaris is how… oddly normal she is for a Zoraxis operative? She is by no means normal, just… you know, comparatively.
We've either seen or have been shown implications on how John and the Fabricator interact with people who aren't the agent. While their tones vary depending on who they're speaking to, they keep either a condescending or an outright hostile air to their voices no matter who they're referring to- something that only escalates when communicating with Phoenix or the Agency directly.
Solaris… doesn't really do that, though. The interesting thing about her in Death Engine (from a coding perspective) is that her lines of dialogue are split into pre and post the agent getting caught for what they are, because of how drastically they vary. After their cover is blown, Solaris has no qualms with being outwardly hostile to the agent, but until that point is reached she's strangely cordial for a member of Zoraxis.
While she still thinks the agent is their assistant, she'll do her best to keep them safe while she follows through with protocol (“Oh, right… There’s radioactive waste in your docking bay. You can get to that after you’re cleared by ground control.”, “I appreciate your proactive attitude. Just mind the high voltage?”). There's also a handful of general quotes that Solaris will bring up just to make light conversation with who she thinks she'll be spending the rest of her space flight with, implying at least an intention to be amicable (“Automatic computer? Agh… Who wouldn’t want to do their own computing?”, “Crafty and dangerous… I approve!”, “Ehh… Enjoy it if you can. Yes, that’s all we get to drink.”)
The thing that gets me the most though needs to be the variation of her Death Engine reaction lines that play at the beginning of the level. Not only do most of them address the player directly- implying, again, that Solaris is willing to make light conversation with her new crewmate- but the ones that result in her breaking out into a manic cackle always end with her reeling herself back in. She'll have her fun, notice her conduct, clear her throat and immediately compose herself. No one else is on the shuttle, and there's no one else on the phone, leading to the only logical conclusion being taking into account her 'assistant's' comfort or impressions of her and adjusting accordingly.
Solaris can no doubt be megalomanic, cruel, arrogant, and cutting. But what's more hilarious is just how… regular a person she can be, in comparison to everyone else she works with? Her villainous small talk kind of just takes me out?
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imminent-danger-came · 7 months
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Thank you, for giving me all of Monkey King's power! I will grant you my aid, my power in this final trial.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 1 year
Ford: Looks like the food's too hot. I can't eat it.
Fiddleford: You're too hot and I'd still eat you.
Stan, slamming his fists on the table: ONE DINNER. I just wanted ONE!!! DINNER!!!!
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tekatonic · 8 months
Hi, me again. I'm really curious about SEGAU Silver. You said that people with Passive Flow tend to have mind powers (which I assumed would mean Silver because of his psychokinesis) but you said that Silver instead has Hyperactive Flow. What's up with that?
Yes, very good observation !
When I said mind powers, I meant powers that stay internal, so the chaos energy stays in your body instead of being externalized. These included things like : enhanced senses or intuition, energy tracking/dowsing, a strong danger sense, telepathy, mind-reading, etc. Very rarely, you might be able to do the spoon-bending thing with external objects, but only if they come in direct contact with you.
Silver's power may be a mind power of sorts, but it visibly interacts with objects near or far, so it's not internal ! He's sending his energy to other objects and then applying force to move or crush them.
Amy, who is presumed to have Passive flow and can pass as just an exceptionally strong Passive, can do something relatively close to that. What she does is send her energy into objects that she touches ( it's easier with her Piko-piko hammer since it's part of her, I'll explain that next ) to make them stronger. She can't do that with anything she's not touching, though. Presumably she could share power with other people, but that might have adverse effects depending on the person, so I don't think I'd advise it !
About the Piko-piko hammer : that's a chaos object ! Chaos objects are tools you summon, but how do you do that and why are Passives the only ones that can do it ? Simply put, people with Passive flow have an inherently more stable connection to the planet's chaos energy. Through that connection and with their internal power, they can reach into the Chaos Plane ( basically a plane of existence that constitutes the energy fabric of everything, also where Special Stages are located and where deities usually live ), and their subconscious desires shape the chaos into a shape that will aid them. ( Note that just being Passive and having powers is generally not enough to be able to essentially rip a portal into the chaos dimension, you'll need some sort of medium. Chaos emeralds are great at that since they are tied to wishes and the heart in general, but they're definitely not easy to come by. )
For Amy, her chaos object is a hammer ! Chaos objects by definition are fitted to match your talents and intentions.
Fun fact : Sonic's shoes are chaos objects ! But they are also equipped with natural, non-removable inhibitor rings ! Damn, I hear you say, doesn't that go against the definition ? Why does his chaos object hinder him ? Well, I did say they are based on subconscious desires, clearly Sonic's intent is not to hurt people. That, and the planet's chaos energy is still governed by a certain force or will. There's gotta be balance somehow.
Addendum, on the topic of Silver and Hyperactive people especially. I said that that was a rare kind of flow to have, right ?
So Silver is from a really desolate future, and that future has MUCH LESS people than Sonic's time, not to mention barely any vegetation. which leaves a lot of the planet's chaos energy with nowhere to go, because it can't incarnate into a lot of living things. That situation causes people to be born with as much chaos energy as their vessel can handle, which means Hyperactive-flowing people are much more common ! In fact, they would be the most common type in Silver's era, if it wasn't for the high rate of death in infants and the terrible living conditions. So the most common flow category is Active, with Dormant becoming very rare.
Silver's telekinesis isn't an uncommon power at his time. What's rare is to not have any powers at all ! Completely backwards from Sonic's time.
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Corentin ref sheet!
Translation notes:
The first part (with blond Corentin) and the second part (with dark-haired Corentin) had really similar text with just a few small wording differences. I tried to catch the differences where I could, but I still feel like I might have missed a few connotative nuances.
"Uncle-like figure" was literally translated as "uncle"--I'm guessing they just meant it in a sort of metaphorical sense, so I put "uncle-like figure." Something like "older man" or "moderately-aged man" might have been a more natural English translation.
I'm still not 100% sure what they're saying with the note on the cloak's symbol. From context, I think the choice that the writer is referring to is using the Ministry symbol vs. the Hyzante national symbol, but the wording makes it sound like they're discussing a choice between the Ministry symbol vs. any symbol that will show up on the smaller pixel sprites. I feel like I might have misunderstood something there, but I couldn't figure out exactly what it was.
More of a fun fact, but "Hyzante" was sometimes translated over as "High Sand"--the wordplay hadn't occurred to me before, so it was kinda interesting!
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katherynes-rkive · 1 year
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Mista Woods!
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kqluckity · 1 year
qroier and qquackity are boyfriends. to me
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maranull · 8 months
Words a state owned journalist said in state owned TV:
The only positive, is that we haven't mourned human life, apart from the poor 18 people that lost their lives in the Dadias forest.
If that sounds like immigrants' lives are being separated as less important than Greek ones is because that's literally what's happening.
Oh, it doesn't sound like that? I'm looking too deep into it?
Do add the fact that 13 immigrants were fucking locked up in a trailer by 3 civilians as a "retaliation" for the fires. Comments in that video included: "burn them", "drive the trailer in the sea", "close the camera and make them feel pain". Add the fact that the far right (accounting for over 10% of the parliament) is straight up saying that the fires were started by immigrants and "strangers" (<- basically how Greeks say "aliens") and that "we are at war (with immigrants)". Add the fact that there have been at least two recorded instances of Greek forces either straight up sinking or not helping sinking ships carrying immigrants throughout Greek waters.
Does it sound like that now?
Are we seeing the pattern yet? Are we seeing that this country is becoming more and more unapologetically racist and is placing ranks of importance on how they value human life?
Are we seeing that while it hasn't been as visible as Italy straight up electing a far right party, Greece is —politically and more importantly, culturally— going further and further to the extreme right?
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leopharry · 3 months
Omg I was literally hanging out minding my own business when I remembered like, the bare bones concept of a fic I fucking LOVED, so I went looking for it, found it, started rereading it, and remembered that it a) was still in progress (sad), and b) literally gave me a panic attack once because of its graphically realistic instance of a character being buried alive, which is a phobia I didn't really realize affected me so much until reading this fic lmao. Anyway that was my day.
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twilighttheater · 5 months
design your quest and I'll tell you who you are
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the blacksmith’s daughter son
a little rough around the edges, people can often be intimidated by you and your seemingly cold personality. really, you’re very kind and loyal. but you’ve been burnt before, so you don’t just let people in like your father does with his shop. you’re fiercely protective and are always ready for a fight. whether its with words or fists, whether its for your friends or just because the person is an asshole (sorry, thou art a donkey’s colon)
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