#Ikemen vampire resident
alby-rei · 1 year
On Cloud Nine (Leonardo x Reader)
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a/n: In which Leonardo takes you on a flight among the clouds in a hot-air balloon. Is it too late to call this a birthday fic for Leonardo, hahaha. It’s still April, after all! Written during a writing sprint over at @scummy-writes​​‘ server! I dedicate this story to @ana-thedaydreamer​​, for always fueling my desire to return to writing. Happy reading~ 💕  
[Word count]: ~1300 words
The streets were bustling with people all around, as you and Leonardo walked beside the Seine river. The sun reflected little white stars on the water surface. The trees swayed with from a light breeze.
“And where are we going today?” you asked Leonardo.
“Somewhere new, it’s a surprise,” he replied.
Outdoor promenades were a routine for you two. Leonardo refused to keep you cooped up in the mansion any longer than he had to. He also made it a mission to do something different every outing. He led you down a new path that led outside of the main city. Buildings were replaced with trees; cobblestone gave way to a dirt path. There were other couples and groups heading in the same direction.
‘Some kind of new event?’ you wondered.
Your question was answered when you saw clusters of giant, colored balloons floating in the air. In the distance, a line of flags perched high came into view, and there were crowds of onlookers all across the open field. As you got closer, you noticed a vibrant sign with large bold letters that read, Fly across Paris—An outstanding view of our beautiful city!
“Hot-air balloons!” You looked up at Leonardo eagerly. “I’ve never been on one before.”
Leonardo grinned. “That makes two of us.”
You joined the line of people and waited patiently for your turn. It was getting rarer for you and Leonardo to find activities that were unfamiliar to both of you. Oftentimes, either Leonardo would introduce you to places and people from his past adventures, or you came across inventions that emerged at the turn of the 20th century that you were familiar with already.
You asked Leonardo a myriad of questions, like how he heard of this place and how long the trip on the balloon would be.
“Always ready with questions, aren’t you?” Leonardo chuckled and patted your head twice. Your excitement amused him to no end. He answered every question until the shadow of a balloon loomed over both of you.  
Your turn drew near, so you focused your attention on the balloons themselves. Each one accommodated a group of six to seven passengers at a time. They were simply designed with a solid color, striped or checkered. One of the hosts ushered you and two other couples to his station. Time to board!
Leonardo helped you into the wide wicker basket, as the only way on was to climb over the edge. The basket’s height came up to your chest. High enough for you to feel secure. It was also sturdy, tied to the balloon with thick ropes around its perimeter.
Once everyone was in, the captain hoisted the anchor and turned up the burner’s flame.
“Woah!” You jolted when the basket wobbled slightly as it took off the ground. Two other ladies exclaimed the same way you did, which morphed into giggles when they were reassured by their partners.
“Nervous, amore?” The tight grip you had on his arm was enough of an indicator. He wrapped his arms around you protectively.  
“A little, yes. But mostly excited!” You settled into a corner of the basket, watching intently as the ground surface got farther and farther away.
“Heh. Thought you said you traveled higher speeds than this back home,” he spoke low so that only you heard him. You had also told him that airplanes in the future would be fully enclosed in steel, and everyone was strapped in seatbelts.
“Definitely a different experience from this.”
Your fellow passengers waved at their friends who waited below. You tuned out their subsequent chatter as white noise.
Within minutes, you were as high as the clouds. Your eyes traveled the path that led you to this place. Then, you followed the stream of the Seine river that splits the city of Paris in two. The streets that you walked through almost daily looked so small from your new vantage point. All those days when you got lost while out on errands with Sebastian seemed so silly now. Crowds of pedestrians traveled across the bridge, all of their own individual journeys.
All of your looming worries and responsibilities were swept away by the wind. Speaking of which, being so high up meant the wind sent your hair flying in every which way. Try as you might to keep it down, it refused to be tamed.
“Let me.” Leonardo gathered your hair in his hands and tied it back in a braid, securing it with your ribbon. “Better?”
“Much better, thank you!”
With that taken care of, you could turn your full focus back on the breathtaking view of the city you’ve become so fond of.
“Look, Leonardo! There’s Jean’s weapons shop, and over there is Isaac’s university.”
“There’s our favorite lake behind the forest.”
“And the mansion, down there!”
The balloon traveled over le Comte’s mansion. Looking closely, you saw a figure standing in the courtyard with an easel—Vincent! Now it was your turn to wave enthusiastically the way the other ladies did earlier. He was facing your direction, though you figured you were probably too high up for him to recognize you. Plus, there were a handful of other balloons around yours.
Then, the balloon made its round trip back. This time, Leonardo pointed out the older buildings, and he described to you the architectural features that differentiated them from the new buildings.
He spent some time observing the interior of the balloon as well, and the way the captain steered it. He took out a little notebook from his coat pocket—a gift from you, so he’d always have a place to store his wildest ideas on hand. He wrote some notes, and you couldn’t help but look over.
“So, has the notebook been useful to you?” you asked.
“Absolutely. It’s where I write down all the places, I want to show you next.” His smile widened at the joyous shine in your eyes, made brighter by the sun’s generous light. Peering at his notes, you recognized the names of a couple cities, some even outside of France altogether. They didn’t seem so far away now. Traveling across the Parisian landscape made further trips feel within reach, like you drop by any minute.
Leonardo turned to a new page, where he sketched the view of the city on both pages. He started with the curve of the river, then outlined the major roads. Within each block, he masterfully crafted the impression of little homes, the Eiffel Tower, and the town square. You leaned against him and watched the world go by in serene quietness. Your fellow passengers spoke in hushed voices, too.
The sky was painted a gradient of reds, oranges, pinks and blues. The sun dipped below the horizon line. In the city underneath, the crowds thinned out as most people returned to their homes for dinner. Your stomach growled.
“Wow, an hour already.” You read from your wristwatch. “I’m getting hungry here.”
“Want to eat in town or back home?”
“Home! I can’t wait to tell everyone about our trip. I wonder how they’d react to traveling by balloon like this.” You mused.
When you returned home, you saw Vincent at the mansion’s entrance. He carried a fresh painting alongside his briefcase.
“Welcome home!” Vincent greeted. “Did you see the colorful balloons in the sky? It was the first time I’d ever seen something like that. I knew I had to paint them right away.”
He showed you the painting. The scene was recreated with the wondrously unique vision that Vincent perceived the world in. You instantly recognized the balloon you traveled in. There was a little figure with an arm raised in the air. You smiled broadly.
“Haha, would you look at that. There I am!” You surprised him with your declaration, prompting you to recount the events of the trip to him on your way to the dining room.
It was Vincent’s turn to spring all kinds of questions on you during dinner time. The other residents were just as eager to hear all about it. Isaac and Napoleon were keen to go check it out, too. On the other hand, Theo and Mozart were less enthused by the thought of being thousands of meters away from solid ground. You were sure you could find a way to drag them all along on your next trip.
a/n: if you made it this far, thanks for reading! I thought of starting a taglist for my writing. I don’t upload nearly as frequently as I used to, so I’d like my readers to be alerted when I do post, even if once in a blue moon! Comment below if you’d like to be added ^^
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iranoutofnicknames · 11 months
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this is so embarrassing i wanna die
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mummers-of-the-heart · 6 months
The Meeting in the Entrance Hall
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According to Merriam-Webster Mummer (noun) - a performer in a pantomime Pantomime (noun) - any of various dramatic or dancing performances in which a story is told by expressive bodily or facial movements of the performers
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About the Blog: The heart and the affairs of it are a funny thing. Those desires and stories it tells us are part of human nature. From soft touches to moments of heartbreak, all of these experiences and how our heart responds defines the human experience. The fan fiction here explores the heart, both good and bad. As such reader discretion is advised. Additionally, there will be the occasionally essay on a character or tips on writing.
Fandoms: Ikemen Series, Resident Evil, Diabolik Lovers, Hellblazer, Twisted Wonderland, Love and Deepspace, Kingdom Hearts, DC comics, Hazbin Hotel, Honkai Star Rail
Characters That Take Up Mental Space: Leon Kennedy, Rindo Kaoru, Alastor, Leona Kingscholar, Silver (TWST), Solomon (Obey Me), Simeon (Obey Me), Jason Todd
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Be a decent human so racists, sexists, or discriminatory behavior means an automatic block.
I reserve the right to delete asks/requests.
I do not do matchups.
I will not take requests on incest, pedo stuff, and things of a similar nature with a ten foot pole even for a million bucks. Dark content will be tagged appropriately.
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You enter an old, abandoned theater house, on a whim quite frankly. People never talk much about this place, at least not younger souls. It's always those wiser, much more experienced people that speak fondly of the place, but when your friends ask what makes it so special they can never find the words.
Beautiful reds line the halls, faintly brighter than stains of crimson sin. Golden accents which bring a special sparkle to it. A slight musky smell. Not one speck of dust. Despite the stories of it being left to rot years ago, it seems to be decently well maintained. As if something couldn't bare to leave.
"Welcome to my theater hall." A soft voice appears from nowhere as you turn to face the mysterious speaker. You didn't hear any steps or signs of another person. "I am Ota, the humble director and manager of this fine establishment."
A pale, sickly thin hand stretches out as an offer to shake their hand. You take it and it feels cold. Still some traces of warmth but it's just that. Traces.
"Is there anything your heart desires?" The words dance in the air entrapping you.
You felt like you were floating.
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midwinterrmemento · 2 years
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Thinking about how Napoleon would’ve had no idea who “that consulting detective” was when he first arrived at the mansion, so either someone Sebastian explained the premise of Sherlock Holmes to him or he read some of Arthur’s stories himself, and I think that’s an incredibly wholesome image either way
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onegianthotmess · 5 months
When It’s Theo’s Birthday…
feat. Theo, Vincent, Jane (OC) & Amelia
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Amelia: Happy birthday, Bubba!
Amelia: *hugs Theo to where he can’t breathe*
Theo: *strained voice* Let go of me so I can breathe, dammit!
Amelia: Fine, you big baby. *lets go of Theo*
Vincent: Did I hear a rib crack?
Amelia: I didn’t hear anything. Theo, do you feel like your ribs are cracked?
Theo: No, I just felt like I couldn’t breathe!
Amelia: You’re a damn vampire! And breathing is overrated! Just ask people who force children to work in coal mines. (This is a joke, people. I do not condone nor endorse child labor and am thankful laws are in place to prevent any form of child labor)
Theo: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Theo: *sheepishly looks at the ground* Het spijt me, Broer.
Vincent: It’s alright, just don’t do it again.
Amelia: I’m now scared, but I’ll just cut to the chase and say that Theo, your birthday gift from me this year is my assistance in helping Jane with her gift to you and the location of this new animal shelter that opened up in town that has a lot of puppies at the moment. *hands Theo a piece of paper with the shelter’s address written in green crayon*
Theo: Why is it green?
Amelia: Do you know what a crayon is?
Theo: The hell is a crayon?
Amelia: It’s one of the things that kids from my time use to color and draw pictures.
Vincent: You have art supplies in your room?
Amelia: It’s just an old pack of crayons I forgot I had with me when I first came here. I can show them to you if you’d like.
Vincent: Oh, before you do!
Vincent: *turns to Theo* I’m sorry, Broer, but I haven’t quite finished your birthday present yet, but I promise to get it to you in a week or so at the latest!
Theo: That’s alright, Broer. I’m going to try and find where Jane scampered off to.
Amelia: Oh, right! She wanted me to tell you to meet her outside the dining room, Theo! Have fun!
Theo: Alright then…
~ Outside the Dining Hall~
Jane: Oh, Theo, there you are!
Theo: Hey, Hondje. Amelia tells me you got a present for me.
Jane: Oh, I do! *takes Theo’s hand* Come! Come in here!
Theo: *looks at the table* Pancakes?
Jane: Yes! Pancakes! Amelia taught me a few things and I’ve been working on a new recipe for months!
Theo: Really, now? Well, don’t I just have the sweetest little hondje all for myself? What did I do to deserve such a sweet girl?
Jane: You just had to be your lovely self, of course, dear!
Theo: *rare soft smile* You really are an angel, you know? Thank you for all of the effort you put into this one small thing.
Jane: Why wouldn’t I celebrate the day the love of my life was born? Now sit and try the pancakes before they get cold!
Theo: *sits down and tries the syrup soaked pancakes*
Jane: Well?
Theo: *sets down the silverware in his hands*
Jane: Theo, love? Are you alright? Were they really that bad?
Theo: *quickly pulls Jane into his lap*
Jane: OH-!
Theo: *kisses Jane’s cheek* Those are the best damn pancakes I’ve ever tasted in my life.
Jane: You like them?
Theo: I love them. And I think you deserve to have some since you worked so hard on them.
Jane: But, love, they’re yours and-
Theo: Yes, the pancakes are mine, but that means I can do whatever I want with them. If I want to share them with you, I’m going to share them with you, Hondje. And since you have no say in the matter, all you’re going to do is sit there and bark once for yes as I feed you. Am I clear?
Jane: Yes, my love.
Theo: That’s my good girl. *holds up forkful of pancake* Now, open.
Jane: Ahhhhh…
Pancakes: *gets devoured in fluffy goodness in ten minutes*
Jane: Yummy…
Theo: They were very good. Thank you, honey.
Jane: You’re very welcome, dearest.
Theo: *stands up while holding Jane bridal style* Well, since we’ve had a bit of an early dinner, I say we go up to the bedroom and have an early dessert with a side of my favorite collar and leash on you. What do you say to that, Hondje?
Jane: *blushes like a tomato* I-It’s your birthday. You ca-can do as you p-please.
Theo: Thank you, I intend to.
Jane: Ha-Happy birthday, Theo.
Theo: Thank you, Hondje. And I think I have to remind you that it’s “Master” to you tonight, don’t I?
Jane: *nods sheepishly*
Theo: Well, maybe if you’re especially good and learn your lesson quickly, I might just give you a treat for being such a good girl…
Jane: Th-Thank you, Ma-Master.
Theo: *smirks* No, thank you for letting me take advantages of the privileges I’m given from by birthday.
(I hope you all enjoyed the spice between Theo and Jane! I’m sorry for how long the angst to fluff fic is taking, but I promise it is gonna worth the wait!!!)
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spooscribbles · 2 years
And somehow the only way I can repay you is through my caresses on your hand to sooth the feeling of my teeth on your skin, which do little to return to you the life which you keep giving me until your heart beats slower and the way that you smile at me is closer to the expression of a ghost - present but only just as you slowly lose that which gives you life and keeps you here with me
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krys-loves-otome · 1 year
Different Universe, Same Love: Magic AU
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"Oi! Broer! Hondje! We need to reach town before sunset! Hurry it up back there!"
"Okay, Theo!" Vincent called back, holding out his hand to the little healer mage, Abby, at his side, helping her step over a low branch that would have tripped her.
"We've still got plenty of daylight left," he reassured Abby, "Theo's just worried about us using up too much of our energy from the fighting earlier."
"How are you holding up? You used a lot of mana in that last fight against the manticore."
"I-I'm okay." she said, "I still have one more potion left in my bag so that should hold until we reach town."
"Are you sure? You look a little pale and your hand feels very warm."
"Mhmm!" She nodded with a smile.
Vincent still tightened his grip on her hand, keeping to her pace.
"This path is so beautiful…" she said absentmindedly, admiring the colorful flowers.
"Yeah," Vincent said, "if we weren't in a rush, I would have liked to paint them."
Vincent glanced ahead, seeing Theo talking to Arthur. Or bickering, with the way Theo was scowling and the eternally mischievous grin on Arthurs's face.
"But, we do need to conserve our strength and resources. Perhaps I can ask Theo if we can stay in town for a few days, so I can paint the flowers with you, if you'd like."
"Really? I would-!" She fell forward, Vincent's surprisingly strong arms for his class, catching her before she hit the ground.
"Careful!" Vincent helped her to stand upright, brushing her bangs out of her face, his hand lingering on her forehead.
"…Theo, Arthur!" He called, taking Abby's staff out of her hands. "Take our staves. Abby isn't feeling well."
"V-Vincent, I can-"
"No way, Hondje." Theo took her staff, noting her flushed cheeks. "You pass out and we're all in trouble."
"You sure you don't want one of us to carry her, mate?" Arthur offered, "Magic users aren't exactly known for having great strength-"
His words vanished on his tongue as Vincent easily into his arms with a tiny squeak from the little bird. Theo smirked.
"He might be an elemental mage, but Broer has strength to match any brawler or sword-wielder. And beat them."
"Bloody hell," Arthur whispered, staring in disbelief. "Guess… there are exceptions."
"Naturally." Theo said proudly , then turned back to Vincent. "Do you want to rest here?"
"How far off is the town?"
"We can make it there in less than an hour, if we move fast."
Vincent nodded.
"Keep an eye out for fever reducing plants, both of you. Maybe even a restoring fountain if we're lucky."
They also nodded and turned to move on ahead.
"Vincent, I… I'm so sorry…"
"Rest, schatje." Vincent said, readjusting his grip for speed and followed Theo and Arthur at a brisk pace. "We'll find an inn to recover in once we get to town. You'll be good as new then."
Abby laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.
Another entry down! Only one more to go!
I know the prompt said circus/magic au, but I couldn't think of much for the circus theme, so I just went with my first thought at seeing magic, which was a sort of OG Final Fantasy kinda setting.
Many thanks again to Mo (@xxsycamore) and Julie (@queengiuliettafirstlady) for hosting this event once again!
Also, Happy World Watercolor Month, I'm gonna try to do most of my July artworks in watercolors (with help as needed with pencils and digital effects that I couldn't replicate in analog).
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rudysdork · 1 year
Heyho, your favorite Rudy simp here! This is just a little informative post because I'm planning on finally starting to write on here! My requests are and remain open, so let it rain on me! (I do have some things of my own in the planning tho :,))
I will make a Masterlist for everything soon but here are all the things I write for, feel free to chose whatever you like!!
Call of Duty Modern Warfare II
Genshin Impact
Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Honkai: Star Rail
Ikemen Prince/ Sengoku/ Vampire
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stardew Valley
Obey Me!
Tears of Themis
Attack on Titan
Resident Evil
Dead by Daylight
If you want a little taste of what my writing looks like, you can find a one shot here!
Rules and whatnot will be established once I finish the masterlist! I thank you all in advance! <3
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gunraekae · 7 months
having an off day
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Ophelia by Friedrich Heyser
>ikemen vampire
>mansion residents x reader
>a/n: so sorry for the weird formatting in advance. i hope it makes sense. enjoy! 
>part 2: how your evening and night went
You woke up with the weight of an oppressive dread. A black hole in you seemed to suck the vitality out of you. Usually your spirit was at least alive and willing to get you out of bed, but this morning, it was only dead static in your chest. You could chalk it up to feeling homesick or hopelessness with your predicament, but nonetheless, you were not up to it at all today. 
Still, you willed yourself out of bed, afraid to let Sebastian and the residents down (though you knew they wouldn’t fault you for being off, you still felt the obligation because Le Comte is letting you stay for free, after all.)
On that note, the residents would fs feel a disturbance in the force if you weren’t out in the mansion today. You not being there would set off a chain reaction and have them be grumpy and having off days too. 
While setting up breakfast with Sebastian, you asked for the cleaning tasks for the rest of the day. You loved the residents but unfortunately could muster up no energy to talk to anyone today. Sebastian's obviously the first to catch on, and as the mansion’s biggest gossip, will spread this notion to any and every vampire he encounters. Thankfully, he didn't question it and hesitantly granted you permission. He usually doesn’t give you the heavier tasks like cleaning, but seeing your dour mood, he caught on that you wanted the solitude. 
While passing out breakfast for the morning vampires (Arthur, Vincent, Theo, Dazai, Isaac, Mozart, Comte) you were unusually quiet. Usually, you would bashfully respond to Arthur’s flirty remarks or retaliate to Theo’s teasing, but today you only acknowledged everyone with a slight (and very forced) smile.
Dazai Osamu
I'm of the belief that Dazai has a sadness antenna that catches on to everyone’s emotions as soon as they feel them. So best believe that as soon as you woke up, he could already sense a disturbance in the force. 
So when you very quietly poured tea for him, he placed a gentle hand on your arm and gave you a silent “are you ok?” look. He could tell that you didn’t want to bring attention to yourself, but also didn’t want to leave you like this. 
The deal he made with you when you first arrived came to mind. He proposed that whenever you felt even the slightest inclination of sadness, that you came to him to confide in (because you know he gets it fs). 
You acknowledged it with a solemn nod, wanting to communicate that you remembered the promise but couldn’t do it just yet. Dazai pursed his lips in quiet uncertainty, but allowed you to continue your chores. 
Later in the afternoon, while tending to the gardens outside, Dazai nonchalantly sat by your working figure. He settled for watching you work before piping up, “how fortunate the flowers are to be cared for by you.” You may have jumped a little bit, having been lost in your thoughts. 
Dazai’s gentle smile seemed more genuine this time; not quite the clownish mask he usually wore. “Unfortunately for you, I may be the only one who understands your predicament the most.” He walked next to you, a serene silence in the air.  
You confess as much of your melancholy as you could put into words while Dazai remained contemplative and respectfully quiet. Whether it was your mental wellness being disturbed, thoughts of home, or even just a broad exhaustion, Dazai will listen and understand. Sometime during your tirade, tears seeped out from your eyes unnoticed, except by his golden eyes. He softly cupped your cheek and wiped your tears away; his touch never more than gentle. 
At that moment, Dazai touched your face as if it was a delicate flower petal about to fall to its demise. His heart clenched in both tender affection at your vulnerability around him, and deep anguish that it was you who suffered and he couldn’t take that burden instead. How was it that a beautiful angel like you was tormented at this moment and not him, the sinful monster who was deserving of your burden and more. Still, he kept those demeaning thoughts quiet and yearned that his love could be felt in his gentle touches to your cheek. 
Dazai is the most sensitive to others’ emotions and will be the first to catch on to any of your mood changes. He'd rather die than leave you toiling in your own sadness, so he’ll follow you around until you confide in him. As tragic as it is, it’s his responsibility to make sure no one else, and especially not someone he cares about so deeply like you, feels the same torture he does. 
Arthur Conan Doyle
The writers are perceptive and sensitive to people’s emotions and characters, and usually you love them for that. Today, it made you the slightest bit frustrated. With only a meek “thank you” to Arthur’s compliment of, “your beautiful face is the perfect start to this day, love” he knew something was wrong. 
You poured his coffee quietly, hoping no one would pay attention to you. Arthur placed a soft hand against your back and asked lowly, “are you alright? Did something happen?” you shook your head and gave him an appreciative smile. 
You moved to pour Theo’s drink next, but Arthur’s arm wrapped around your waist. He motioned for you to come closer and so you leaned down.
“I've got to run errands in town today, but I'll find you once I get back. Do you think you can talk to me then?” he whispered. 
“I'm not sure.”
“I hate to leave you like this, love, really. At least promise me you can hold out until later and you can take all your frustration out on me, yes?” you find yourself laughing a little at his suggestion. He smiled in victory and gave your waist a small squeeze before letting you go.
Once Arthur returns from his errands, it’s just nearing lunch. True to his word, he finds you in the mansion (good luck evading his genius mind) and vows to take you out for a meal. You can refuse all you want, but it truly does wound him seeing you the slightest bit upset. Maybe his past influences that, but nonetheless, he wants to make you happy. 
He’ll do everything in his power to make you laugh, and if that doesn’t work, he’ll try and pester you so that you take your anger out on him. 
He treats you like a princess during the date, hooking his arm under yours, pushing your chair in, paying for everything, and if you were up to it, taking you shopping afterwards. 
He’ll try and seek out a case nearby as those tend to cheer you up and serve as a welcome distraction. 
Whether you choose to confide in him or not, he might have already caught on to what made you upset and will subtly offer a word of advice or comfort, depending on whichever you needed. And he’s perceptive enough to catch on to what you need. 
Nevertheless, the author’s darling attempts of alleviating your mood will likely be a success. Arthur is one of the tragic ones who would rather suffer than even endure the thought of his cared ones being upset. And you’re the one who brought new light into his revived life, so admittedly, he enjoys being there for you. If you allow him past your walls, Arthur would do just about everything to prove it was worth doing so. His care may be hidden under layers of deceptive and cliché flirtation, but a little unravelling shows just how tenderly he cares for you. So while his attempts do reflect that playboy life, the warm hand on your back proves there is no one in this new life he treasures more than yourself. 
Theodorus van Gogh
Still feeling Arthur’s and Dazai’s worried looks on your back, you moved on to Theo, who was unfortunately, less perceptive than the two. 
“Took you long enough, hondje. Dogs aren’t known to be so slow.” he huffed, having already placed a generous amount of sugar in his cup. You could barely register the small, “sche uit, Theo,” from Vincent. Still, his comment served to sour your mood even further, a sinking feeling in your heart suddenly blurring your eyes. 
Your spatial awareness being off, you almost overfilled Theo’s cup. This time, he took notice of your shaky and meek manner. He was about to complain, but when you turned to him to apologise, he saw your teary eyes.
“You hurt? What happened? Who hurt you?” Theo immediately asked in concern. You shook your head in alarm. His handsome face scrunched in concern, and he reached out to seize your arm to steady its shaking. He set down the coffee pot and checked if your arm got burnt. 
he gruffly passed the coffee pot to his brother, and when he was faced with questioning looks from the rest of the table he simply said, “you pour your own damn coffee.” He motioned for you to leave, wanting to relieve you of your duties for this morning as a small mercy. 
Theo is unfortunately one of the busier men of the mansion, so he can’t do much until the evening when he returns. So despite the tense morning, there’s no resolution until after supper. what his words can’t deliver though, his actions do. 
Regardless of how many residents have comforted you, you remained silent and thoughtful. Their efforts were greatly appreciated, but your energy was still depleted. 
Theo catches you right after cleaning up with Sebastian. He hid a large box behind his broad back, strangely timid from his usual bold character. He cleared his throat, “hondje, I brought you something home from work. you told me you liked this last time I took you out for a walk.” 
He stepped aside to show you the large and very sweetly decorated cake in the box. you knew how expensive it was, and for a man like Theo, who was quite savvy with money, you felt a tinge of guilt for making him waste money on you. 
“Theo, thank you. I don't know what to say, you really didn’t have to.”
“Hush hondje. A master’s supposed to take care of his puppy. And you’ve been working hard lately—you deserve a little treat.” 
Of course, Theo indulges in the dessert with you, he may have bought it partly for himself too. But when he saw you enjoying something he gave you, it warmed his heart. Perhaps your smile is sweeter than any dessert he’s had before—and he’s got quite a sweet tooth. 
Theo can be brash, and not nearly as emotionally perceptive as the others. So initially, he’ll be his usual gruff and teasing self. But he’s a good man (savannah), and will always serve you, regardless of the master-puppy dynamic he’s got going on. He’s weak to you, and would hand you the world just to get a glimpse of your sweet smile again. He can’t have his pretty girl sad, that makes him a terrible master. 
Vincent van Gogh
You shook your head, insisting that you stay to help Sebastian. Theo disapprovingly shook his head and tried to stop you from doing more work, but you’d already moved to Vincent’s side. 
Vincent already caught on as soon as Theo asked if you were okay. He poured his coffee himself, so you passed him the small bowl of butter and served a plate of sliced fruit to help. Vincent gently stroked your back, “Schatje, we’re just fine here, you can sit down. Have you had breakfast yourself yet?” knowing you never liked to put yourself first. 
“I'm just fine, Vincent. thank you.” you stuttered out. He hummed in concern, “Sebas told me you were doing laundry outside today. I'll come help you, if that’s alright?” you shook your head, touched at his kind offer, but dreadful over having a companion. As sweet as Vincent was, you were afraid of being too brash with him, with how short your patience was today. 
“We don't have to talk or anything, I'm offering because I want to, mc. please?” Vincent’s pleading eyes were too precious, so you gave him a hesitant nod. 
Vincent brightened up, his angelic smile lifting your spirits up slightly. with a warm day like today, he usually painted outside anyway. at least you wouldn’t have to be with him the whole time. 
He gave your arm an appreciative squeeze before you left. you weren’t sure how to thank him exactly. 
True to his word, the moment you stepped foot outside, you were greeted with his “could heal any and every problem in the world” smile. He was extra handsome wearing his simple, white, button-up shirt with his sleeves rolled up. 
You gave him an appreciative nod, a bit flustered with having someone help you with such a simple task. Still, Vincent pleasantly hummed with no complaints, hanging the clothes you washed. 
It’s true that his hands were blessed by god, but his somewhat clumsy work with clipping the clothes on the line was a contrast to his paintings. Still, his determined expression dispelled any frustration you had, with how hardworking and adorable he was. 
With Vincent’s help (and the soft melody of Mozart's distant piano playing), the laundry was hung in sufficient time. other than having tea with Comte, you really didn’t have much left to do this early afternoon. Vincent cutely tilted his head in curiosity at your zoned out face. 
When he giggled, you snapped out of your stupor and glanced questioningly at him. “sorry! you’re just so cute staring into space like that.” Flustered, you faced away from him. 
“Don’t just say things like that Vincent. you’ll give me the wrong idea.”
“I mean it though. you’re adorable even just breathing.” He was doing that thing where he innocently compliments you, but just like his brother, actually wants to see you flustered. 
“and now you’re even lovelier when you’re all embarrassed!” Vincent chuckled, finally relenting when your hands fully covered your burning face. 
“Sorry for teasing you. I was just hoping I could make you smile. I know I'm not nearly as funny as Napoleon, or as dependable as Leonardo, but it hurts me to see you in pain, mc.” Vincent gently pried your hands away, holding them in his bigger and warmer ones. He stroked your palms in gentle circles. 
Really, he wanted to just wrap you in an embrace and hoped that you would let out your emotions to him. But he knew you needed time and patience before confiding in him. If you allowed it, he would stay all-day with you, just comforting and listening to any of your vulnerable confessions you chose to indulge him to. 
Eventually, you did relent to receiving a warm hug from him. you couldn’t see his face, but he was overjoyed you felt safe enough with him to do so. 
Angelic Vincent wishes he could take any and every pain you feel and take it all himself. It truly breaks his heart seeing your usually bright spirit so down, so he’ll do everything he can to comfort you. He’s patient and gentle; never crossing any of your boundaries and allowing you to take whatever you need and however long it takes you to find that out. He’ll help you with your work, sing you to sleep, feed you treats (that you hope he didn’t make), and give you as much or as little as you need. He cares about you deeply and only hopes he can be enough to cure at least a little bit of the pain you feel. 
Comte de Saint-Germain
Comte's face was already scrunched in worry from the moment you entered the dining hall. his calm and elegant demeanour belied it, but he was eager to finally talk to you. Once you reached his side, you swore you could almost hear the sigh of relief. 
“I speak for everyone when I say that no one can start their day right without seeing your face, chérie.” Ever the romantic, Comte wants to reassure you that you’re wanted (needed actually), and that he appreciates your being there. 
You’d be hard-pressed not to feel flustered by his words. “You’re exaggerating, Comte, but thank you.” Your usual routine consisted of having tea with Comte in the early afternoon, but you weren’t sure you’d make good company. “about later today comte—“
“I'll have the tea and desserts set up. i’ve found this new patisserie in the city—“
“comte, i’m really sorry—“
“You don’t have to do any work, mc. I want you to take a break.” He was clearly well-intentioned and the break did sound tempting. so with much hesitation, you relented to comte’s demands. 
Perhaps a little part of you dreaded it, knowing how protective Comte was over you. He’ll pry, and if he found out that it was another person’s doing that caused your mood, he’ll cause a riot (gracefully and elegantly, mind you). He was already waiting at the garden’s gazebo, a spread of various sweet pastries and steaming tea set up for you. 
He perked up upon seeing you, pushing your chair in as you sat down. He poured you tea and placed one of each pastry on your plate while you hopelessly tried to stop him. 
“I'm simply ecstatic you could join me today, ma chérie.” he hummed, sipping his tea. 
“It's not anyone’s fault, it’s just me.” You wanted to clear up what you knew he was itching to find out. his shoulders sagged down in relief for a brief moment before settling back into his perfect posture. 
“That's a relief, but I still want to make sure you’re okay, mc. Come, have some tea.” 
You could feel Comte’s golden eyes watching your every move, but otherwise, the tea was excellent and he was certainly generous with all the pastries. 
The real surprise was later in the night, after dinner, when comte asked you to meet him in his office. He was on the balcony, gazing out to the Parisian landscape (he would have been smoking then, but he tries not to). 
“You called for me, comte?” 
“Ah yes. mc.” The way he said your name was admittedly a bit seductive when accompanied by his golden eyes. he had this excited air about him, unknown if it was for innocent or more sinful reasons. He motioned towards a concerningly large box on his table. you opened it, and to your surprise (not really let’s bfr), there was a beautiful silk dress in your favourite colour. 
Comte moved close from behind you, and with a quiet “may i?” he delicately  put a necklace on your neck, the light brush of his fingers dizzying. 
He trailed his hands down to your shoulders and squeezed them, before descending to your arms. “ma chérie, i want to make you feel better. how can i do that for you?” he rubbed your arms up and down before wrapping around your body altogether. 
In this position, you could cry in peace, ramble in frustration, or be silent and enjoy his embrace without fear of judgement. He couldn’t see your expression, to save any embarrassment on your end, but he’s still there. 
Comte will definitely be protective and try and figure out if it was anyone made you upset. He would commit a murder to whoever did, but if there wasn’t anyone, he’d focus on making you feel better. His love language is gifts, quite obviously, but I also like to believe that he’s an acts of service guy who’d want to make things at least a little easier for you, like giving you a break. He'd want to reward you with gifts, expensive, but the kind that he knows you like. and if that doesn’t show you he cares about you, he’ll stay long enough to help you recover; in a way, he feels proudly possessive, knowing you could show your vulnerability to only him. 
Napoleon Bonaparte
As one of the late risers, you were tasked with waking him up in the morning. you did your usual routine of ripping the blankets off him and blocking his kiss with your hand. this time though, you left the former emperor be, once you caught sight of his half-opened eyes. 
He took a minute to catch on to your disappearance (forgive him, he’s half-awake) but as soon as it registered in his sleepy brain, he zoomed out of his room to catch your retreating figure. 
You knew he was one of the persistent men of the mansion, unable to leave you alone even when you weren’t upset. so this time around, he was hellbent on following you until you’d answer his inquiries. 
“Nunuche? what’s gotten into you?” he would quickly catch up to you and grip your arm until you show him your teary face. And only then would he relent and hold your hand instead.
You could confide in him and tell him about all your problems, because after all, he was the man who saved you and vowed to protect you all this time. However, even if you didn’t at that moment, nothing would stop Napoleon from making you feel better. 
He would briefly venture into town to absolve him of any of his guard duties so he could remain at your side the entire day. Perhaps a bit of an overreaction on his part, but owing his new life to you, he wanted to prioritise you above all else. 
Unlike a certain lazy Italian, this Italian will politely request that you be relieved of your tasks, and though you insisted on at least completing the laundry with Vincent and having tea with Comte, you relented to his demands. 
His usual routine was to take you to the stables and run as far as you can on his horse. It was often what helped him dispel the ghosts from his past; the coolness of the afternoon wind was a soothing balm to your face that was drenched with hot tears. He would childishly ignite a race between the two of you through the vast woods surrounding Comte’s mansion, if only to ease your heavy mind with a far less laborious task. 
He’d lead you to a small meadow on the outskirts of the fields, far from prying eyes and ears. There you can let any emotion out: whether that was a yell of frustration, a scream of rage, or harsh sobs, Napoleon will do it first, if it removes any embarrassment on your end. 
Whether you choose to confide in him or not, (which you likely would, considering how unyieldingly supportive and protective Napoleon had been for you thus far) Napoleon will willingly listen to anything you say. You could wax cheesy poetry, ponder about the origins of the universe, or just recall mundane moments in the mansion, but Napoleon will respond in kind to any silly statement you make. 
Napoleon of all people wouldn’t be opposed to having a nap on the soft, dewy grass, under the blanket of the warm setting sun. Once it gets cold though, he’d take you back to the mansion. 
If you still felt overwhelmed, he would bring you up to the attic that overlooked the Paris skyline. 
Napoleon, as he hopes that you consider him one of your closest companions, would do everything in his power to ease your pain. He’d begin by alleviating your work for the day, and whether that entailed him undertaking those chores or simply helping you with them, he’d do anything. Then, he might try what works best for him when he has his off days, usually in regard to the past, but allow you to dictate what he can or can’t do. Really, he hopes that whatever he does dispels those clouds of anguish and replaces it with some good old Napoleon humour. As the evening closes in, he’d take you to the attic. With only the stars and the moon as your witness, Napoleon would do everything in his power to bring you comfort. 
sorry that i wasn't able to write for everyone in this post, but I'll feature the rest (Leonardo, Isaac, Mozart, Jean, and a few bonus characters) on the next post. i just wanted to get some content out now.
if you made it this far, thank you so much for spending your time on my writing. lmk if you enjoyed it (or didn't, but pls be nice abt it I'm sensitive). have a great day, my dear <3
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letterstoear · 5 months
Leaving lipstick marks
Notes: Fem Reader! (just made it with a female MC in mind, but there's no use of pronouns), Suitor x reader, fluff, established relationship.
Please check out my Ikemen Vampire inspired jewelry collection too!
Shop here: Shop — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
Characters: Isaac, Mozart, Charles and Napoleon
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Thought it was just a normal day where you were peppering him with kisses all over and Isaac went about his day like usual. Sure you had a small giggle, but he figured you were just so over the moon in love. When you pulled away and saw your smile he was still clueless that is till he met the usual suspects.
Before Isaac could even leave the mansion, he’s hearing chuckles from the other residents. Which causes him to freak out, Isaac was used to the normal teasing but not like this. There was Dazai and Arthur who were making cheering noises and commenting how jealous the two were.
Even Napoleon had a small chuckle leaving his lips as he saw the lipstick marks all over Isaac. In fact, it’s probably one of the older residents who informs Isaac about his love marks. Leonardo will walk over after making his teasing remarks to inform Isaac. He’ll also help him remove the lipstick marks you left.
Once he reaches you after the incident, he’s a blushing mess telling you about all the teasing he endured. Not like he’s going to prevent you from kissing him though.
With your hand on the back of Mozart’s head you were devouring him with your kisses. One on his neck, cheek, lips, and even the tips of his ears. All across his face is a flutter of your lips as you mark him. You wanted to proudly show off your lover, the love of your life.
Then, when everything is all over, Mozart wipes it all off. Much to your dismay all of your artwork is lost, it was momentary. Whatever could you do, Mozart was a clean freak, so he wanted to be kept clean. However, he would never object to you kissing him again.
No, in fact he wanted you to kiss him all over again, not that he would admit it. Instead, Mozart will have to settle with kissing you like how did to him.
From the tips of your ear to your eyelids, he’s covering you in his love. Plus, you’re also getting marked at the same time. Why, Mozart left some of the lipstick which got rubbed off onto his lips.
While it wasn’t nearly as clear as your lip marks had been on Mozart, he definitely left some kiss marks. A proud smile on his face after having just kissed you all over, he too wants everyone to know you’re his.
He’s way too proud of your lipstick marks. I imagine he’ll even ask you to leave some on him if he really likes the color of your lipstick. Charles is in no way shy when it comes to affection.
Oh, you better believe he’s fully aware of lipstick on him but does not care. What’s so wrong about showing off the love he’s received. He’ll even put on lipstick to mark you when he feels like it.
Man has no shame, and he sees no need to feel shame, but Faust may have other ideas. Most likely makes Vlad feel single and bothers Faust of Charles “unkept” appearance.
A lovesick fool who wasn’t too into the idea at first. If the two of you enjoyed it the first time he’s got no problems if you wanna do it all over again.
Oh, but he’s strict about when you could do it. If he has to go into town, he would prefer if you don’t leave lipstick marks on him. Napoleon just doesn’t want to explain it to the little kids he teaches. Other than that, you’re all good.
Want to leave lipstick marks on him then go to dinner, go ahead. He might regret whipping it off at the end of the day though. Like to him it’s saying goodbye to an act of your love. Which is why Napoleon will want you to do it all over again, when given the chance.
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lukkabloom · 8 months
Fun Facts abt the residents according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 1
Found a playlist of Ikevamp Radio that occurred multiple years ago so I decided to collect my findings about the residents in a list. I haven't seen anyone translate it or talk abt it so I decided to do it for a bit of fun. Anyways, here are episodes 1-3!!
Some quick things to note before:
Vincent/Aramaki Yoshihiko (Makki) is the MC, Sebas/Morishima Shuta (Morishi) is a guest (but he’s in every episode he might as well be the 2nd MC). They also have other people as guests in some episodes (other ikevamp VAs or others related to the game itself)
Episodes 1 & 2 occur before Ikevamp’s release
most of my findings are from a segment from the livestream where the residents (mainly Vincent and Sebas) talk to each other & ask each other questions about the lives while they spend some bonding time in the thermae. The segment's called "I love yu" which is a pun on "I love you" and yu (湯) which means "hot water" or "bath"
There are also other segments where the VAs draw based on a designated theme & the viewers vote on the best art (van Gogh's drawing section), and another one where the VAs read the summary of the game in their in-character voices (but the VAs interrupt and make it funnier & less romantic) called "Ikemen Vampire, a guidance for you" (I won't talk abt these sections much tho)
ALSO!! This is not a translation of the whole livestream, just bits and pieces of it. I don't have the time and energy to do that
Episode 1: feat. Leonardo's VA Tsuda Kenjiro
Question: Which historical figure/genius do you respect the most?
Napoleon: Oda Nobunaga
Mozart: Johann Sebastian Bach
Leonardo: Michelangelo (which I thought was interesting since real-life Leo and Michelangelo had some beef w each other)
Morishima (Sebas’s VA): Newton (bc of the apple & theory of universal gravitation), Edison
Tsuda (Leonardo’s VA): van Gogh
Aramaki (Vincent’s VA): Liu Bei, Zhao Yun (I think that's who he was talking abt? I'm not familiar much w/Chinese figures' names in jp---they're read differently in Eng)
The other VAs joke that Aramaki’s similar to Napo in the sense that they both admire soldiers/military commanders
Question: Favorite part of a woman’s body? (This sounds so wrong in both jp & eng)
Napoleon: from the neck to the shoulder, he's prob talking abt the shoulders to the neckline or vice versa(首から肩まで)
Mozart: voice (so he can understand what his partner’s thinking & feeling)
Leonardo: thighs (bc it’s soft & he likes lap pillows)
Tsuda said Leo’s a bit of a pampered/attention-seeking child (甘えん坊), and not an ore-sama (which he thought Leo would be), an unexpectedly cute reason considering how reliable Leo looks
Vincent gets a bit sad when he’s bathing alone
Leo can sing a song that he’s only heard once (as expected of a genius)
Sebas can be seen hanging the sheets outside from Vincent’s room
Leo’s unsatisfied that there’s only men in the mansion (this was before MC stumbled to the mansion)
Vincent doesn’t want women in the mansion bc he wouldn’t know how to act in front of them
Sebas thinks Leo is an expert in handling women, Leo is confused when he became one
Leo’s weak against Vincent’s pleas/suggestions (honestly who isn’t??)
Sebas thinks it’s impossible for a woman to stumble upon the mansion (foreshadowing)
Leo thinks that fate will play a trick on them, his mumbling confuses Vincent and Sebas (more foreshadowing)
Episode 2: feat. Jun, singer of Ikevamp theme song "Rouge"
Jun is a repairman who fixes things around the mansion… HE'S ALIVE IN THAT ERA???? (Idk if its canon)
He also sings “Rouge” while he works which means the song exists in the 20th century (again idk how much of this is canon)
Jun also sells milk in the mansion, acting as a different person as the repairman, although Sebas & Vincent are suspicious of him (he literally just enters the bath to sell milk to Vincent and Sebas lol)
Vincent and Sebas talk about MC, she has arrived @ the mansion
Vincent worries abt her since she is surrounded by vampires in an unfamiliar environment, but to Sebas, it looks like MC enjoys her life and is headstrong (aka Vincent is just nice to others, nothing new)
Vincent believes that Sebas is cool and can do anything, to which Sebas indirectly disagrees (he coughs)
Sebas is weak to Vincent’s innocent eyes (just like Leo from the previous episode, again, who isn't?)
Sebas breaks the 4th wall talking abt a popular romance game where you can fall in love w/vampire-turned historical figures
This is literally the beginning of how Sebas goes ooc (becomes weirder) throughout the series (is it even ooc if it’s basically approved by official??)
Sebas says that Theo is overprotective of Vincent, Vincent comments that he’s supposed to be the older one
they also introduce my fav segment (Can you tell me... your name?) where they have listeners vote on quotes they want the VAs to say, and they will say the line w/the listener’s names so it sounds like the VAs are speaking to them. Vincent's & the guest (if there is one) will have legit cool lines (like “(y/n), Don’t let go of me” or “(y/n), you’re the only one in my eyes”) but Sebas always has one funny line as one of his options (ex. “Hey, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?” or “Do you want to fry one more sanma?”) and every single time the weird line gets voted and ITS FUNNY AS HECK
Also in the same segment the viewers will sometimes submit funny names for the VAs (especially Sebas) to say & it adds to the laughs
Ex. for Sebas’s “Hey, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?” some viewers gave names of Anpanman characters (a children’s anime in Japan) so Sebas will literally say things like “Jam-ojisan, hey, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?”
There was also one whose name was Tako (octopus in japanese) so Sebas would say “Tako, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?” so he’s asking the octopus to have a takoyaki party where the octopus will be eaten (the irony as well as the dark underlying meaning behind it is very funny)
Also the way the other people are laughing while Sebas’s VA is trying to keep his cool is so hilarious
It’s predetermined and agreed upon the Ikevamp staff that Sebas (or Morishi) is willing to do/say weird things for the audience
This whole segment is a whole ride in and out of itself
Episode 3: feat. Leonardo’s VA Tsuda Kenjiro once again
Sebas once again breaks the 4th wall by referencing episode 1 of the show
Sebas teaches Leo the basics of manzai (a type of japanese comedy)
Leo says “Vannama” (the name of ikevamp radio) and “tendon” (the food and a manzai phrase)  in a weird accent further proving that he doesn’t understand Japanese (or maybe it's bc the two phrases are too specific idk)
Sebas tells Leo to ignore what he’s saying as he is saying metafictional expressions (メタ発言) basically how he is breaking the 4th wall, and Leo just accepts that as another one of Sebas’s quirks
Vincent comments that Leo’s very manly, Sebas further compliments him saying that Leo is a man amongst men
This episode has one of the funniest (imo) “Can you tell me… your name?” segments ever. Vincent and Leo’s VAs had amazing lines, but Sebas… oh gosh where do I even start. (ok Leo’s VA did say “Ushi (cow), wait for me by the bed,” and “Namamono (raw food), wait for me by the bed” & that was funny too but…)
One of the options for Sebas’s lines (and the one that was ultimately chosen to be said) was “Do you want to fry one more sanma (a type of seasonal fish eaten in fall)?” and the viewers got crazy with this one.
There were some legit names but most were for jokes, choosing names going along with the theme of fall foods and creatures (tuna, matsutake, karaage, grasshoppers, etc.)
There was “Akashiya, sanma mouipikki yaku?”(Akashiya, do you want to fry one more sanma?) which was the funniest one. Akashiya Sanma is a very famous Japanese comedian and it’s very genius of the viewer to connect the person with the food. I laughed straight for like 10 min when I first listened to this (I still laugh just remembering it. The double-entendre!!!)
Literally any episode with Tsuda is chaotic (this isn’t the last time where he shows up)
At the end of the episode, Vincent’s VA couldn’t stop laughing and messed up his lines multiple times (I don’t blame him everything is just so funny)
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katriniac · 2 months
TIL about musical knives.
Of course, this meant I had to immediately apply this new knowledge to a scenario in one of my favorite 2d worlds: Ikemen Vampire.
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Every time Mozart publishes a new composition, le Comte buys a copy in the city (he could simply *borrow* the sheet music from Mozart's conservatory, but Comte wants to support the musician's second career and knows a sale will mean more) and then has a silversmith engrave the stanzas on a cake knife.
He has Sebastian bake a cake, to be presented after everyone is done with dinner. Le Comte pulls out the knife, does his best to hum the notes (to half-hearted applause from the residents), and then slices up and serves the cake.
A sweet gesture, no?
But Mozart is a prolific composer.
This means he is running out of room in his trophy case for all these damned knives.
The residents can only eat so much cake (not to mention le Comte's less-than-tuneful humming).
😅 Just imagine his face when they ask him to stop the tradition?! 🥹 Aww, poor papa. He just wants to be proud of his boys! 🥺
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fang-and-feather · 5 months
Congratulations on your follower milestone!
Can I request Theo and the prompt "If you solve this I'll buy you lunch" prompt?
Thank you!
Thank you!! 🥰 I didn't expect getting here, but I am glad to celebrate with you!
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Ikemen Vampire - Theo x Reader
Words: 3,577
Summary: The biggest proof Theo could give of trusting you were right about Vincent's safety when you tried reassuring his worries. But proving him you were right and could be trusted was a great responsibility, and the architect of such mystery wasn't making it easy for you? Or was her? And was this needed proof the only secret you were about to uncover?
Tags: Some Canon Divergence, Fluff, a bit of Romance at the end, Getting Together, First Kiss
Request from my 100 Followers Celebration. Prompts for it were from @anyfandomfluffbingo
Not planned as a birthday fic for Theo, but posted just in time for it so: Happy Birthday Theo!
(it was in fact planned to be paired with Vincent's birthday fic - and I finished neither in time - so the fic timeline is off for Theo's own birthday)
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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It wasn’t often that you had the opportunity to just sit in the dining room and enjoy a peaceful breakfast.
You always had an early, and sometimes rushed, breakfast, either before helping Sebastian serve breakfast as the other residents woke up or, most often, because Theo was in a hurry to leave for work, to which he often took you along.
Maybe you would take advantage of the beautiful day, find a nice spot in the garden, and finally read the books Vincent’s girlfriend left with you.
Or maybe you would head to town, do some window shopping, and stop by the cafe you had been meaning to visit for a while now. And maybe you could bring one of the books along. It was from Comte’s library, but he wouldn’t mind, would he? As long as you were careful with it.
But a dark cloud thundered on the horizon, threatening to rain over your sunny mood.
The name of that cloud was Theo, and by the thundering footsteps, loud enough even on the carpeted floor, his mood was as dark as the rain clouds, and with Vincent having gone out and Arthur busy writing, the problems that soured his mood would certainly rain over you.
And you had a good idea of what these problems were. The woman who had shown up about a week before, and whom Vincent introduced as his girlfriend. Apparently, they had been dating for a while, but it had been the first time Theo had ever heard of his brother having a girlfriend, and he immediately distrusted her.
Of course, he didn’t dare complain in front of Vincent. Not after his first few warnings were shut down. So it was you who had been subjected to his angry outburst the first time, until you calmed him enough to remind him that if Vincent had really fallen in love, that was a good thing.
Besides, although you had not dared say so to him then, you really thought Theo was exaggerating and being too quick to judge. Maybe because, for overprotective Theo, nobody was good enough for his brother, and anyone who dared try was targeting him because Vincent was an innocent angel that could see no evil in anyone.
You thought Vincent was more than capable of discerning bad intentions. He just chose to trust people. And his girlfriend was a little suspicious, yes, but whatever she was hiding seemed to be personal. Maybe something about her past or family, but not anything that would pose a danger to Vincent. You had yet to find a way to prove it to Theo, though.
And now you were likely in for another round of playing therapist.
Maybe listening to the same signs as you, Sebastian stepped out of the kitchen almost at the same time as Theo stormed in.
“You are quite late, Master Theodorus. I will have your breakfast ready in a moment.”
The only acknowledgement Tho gave Sebastian was a short grunt. You weren’t given even that as he roughly pulled the chair next to yours away from the table, and sat down, making the wood creak.
Finally opening the other hand that had been balled into a fist the whole time, Theo tried to roughly smother the crumpled piece of paper over the table.
By the way Theo glared at the paper as if he could set it on fire if he stared hard enough. It seemed to be the source of his foul mood, but when you peered at it, all you saw were lines.
Was it a sketch? A rough draft of an abstract painting? The lines were delicate and full of small curves and details, but they didn’t seem to form a definite shape. Or maybe you just weren’t looking at it the right way.
Theo looked equally stumped by its form or meaning. But maybe it just wasn’t finished. Why was he so determined to figure it out and so angry that he couldn’t?
You leaned over the table and closer to him, greeting in a loud, cheerful tone.
“Good morning, Theo!”
“Do you have to be so loud first thing in the morning, Hondje?” Theo groaned, rubbing his temple.
“Sorry, but you should rest if you’re not feeling well. Stressing will only make it worse.”
“Why shouldn’t I stress when Vincent didn’t come home yesterday? And I found this in his room, with my name written on the back, but that’s not Vincent’s handwriting. This must be a map to where she took him.”
You didn’t even need to ask who was “she”. There was only one person he would be so suspicious of, although you were also used to Theo being very rational. You forgot that, when it came to Vincent, Theo was a different person.
“So you think Vincent was kidnapped?”
“Why else would he just disappear without saying anything, or at least leave a note?”
“They left this. I think they just went out on a date. I mean, it’s Vincent’s birthday. Isn’t it normal to want to take your boyfriend on a date on his birthday? Maybe his girlfriend just signed the wrong paper by accident.”
In fact, you knew Vincent had gone on a date. You caught him leaving, and he made you promise not to tell Theo. But it wasn’t a problem if Vincent was already at his destination and Theo thought it was just your guess, right?
“Someday all that trust will get you into trouble.” Theo sighed. You were about to protest when he added in a softer tone. “Maybe I should really put a leash on you to keep you out of it.”
You used to complain about those kinds of comments, even if you knew Theo was joking, which led you to bicker a lot in the early days. But you knew how to read between the lines by now. And not only was he telling you that he cared enough that he wanted to keep you safe, but also, by the way anger seemed to slowly leave him, that he trusted you.
Could you be more in love with that man?
At first, you thought he was insufferably rude but, as he dragged you around to work, you started to see his inner kindness hidden by his harsh manners, as well as his passion for art and his loyalty to the people he loved. Only to start naming the things you discovered to love about him.
And he was handsome, to boot. While the house was full of pretty guys, you had to admit that, by looks alone, Theo was the one who caught your attention the most.
Theo had slowly made his way into your heart, and by now, he had taken permanent roots there. Yet, you were uncertain if he could feel the same way about you. At best, you wanted to believe the two of you had become friends.
And you would enjoy what you had while it lasted. You had to go back to your own time pretty soon, anyway. You just wanted to believe you could make Theo’s life a little better until then.
“Hondje!” Theo called loudly, and heat quickly rose up to your face as you realized you had been staring while lost in thought.
“Sorry. What did you say?”
“That little hondjes who don’t pay attention to their masters get punished.” He gave you one of his usual devious grins, and all you could think about was that he must have gotten back to his usual self, which was great.
“It wasn’t that!” You protested.
“I said that, even if you’re right about the date, this paper still holds some sort of secret. Vincent wouldn’t just leave without saying anything. And since you are so sure of yourself, then you should solve it. You two seem very close. ”
The paper was almost shoved in your hand as Sebastian set a plate piled high with pancakes in front of Theo, besides a big bottle of syrup and a glass of Rouge.
You cast a tense glance at Sebastian, your accomplice in Vincent’s little escapade, but the amused glint in his eyes informed you he had been listening and he was not going to be of any help.
As happy as it made you to know Theo trusted you enough to feel like Vincent was safe when you said so, you had no idea what these bunch little lines had to do with anything, and you didn’t think you could extract any answers from them.
“Theo, I…”
But you were shut off by a forkful of pancake drenched in syrup being shoved in your mouth.
“Do I have to keep that mouth of yours full for you to stop barking, Hondje?” He asked in an amused tone before using that same fork to feed himself, making your cheeks feel even hotter. “But fine. I won’t leave you without a treat. If you solve this, I will buy you lunch. If you do so before lunch, that is.”
Now that was a tempting offer. Going out for lunch with Theo sounded almost like a date. He’d taken you to eat out before, but it was always because he thought you were hungry or deserved a reward after work. You had never gone out exclusively for this.
You knew that was not how Theo meant it, but you could dream for a while, right? It would be a nice taste of what could have been. A precious memory to carry back when this place became nothing but a sweet dream.
“You know, it would be so much easier to figure something out if you hadn’t crumpled it this much.” You grumbled, trying to smother the paper.
Why did he ever think you could solve this, anyway? In fact, it was most likely that, now that he wasn’t worried anymore, he wanted to enjoy his pancakes in peace.
Should you leave and study this somewhere else? No. You would enjoy the company unless he told you to leave.
Your second impression of the mysterious paper, now that you could examine it up close, was the same as the first. The lines were too well done to not have a purpose, but at the same time were made of random patterns and didn’t seem to create anything discernible.
But not all art was straightforward, so you refused to let that be your final verdict.
You ran to your room to grab some supplies. You used a pencil to ‘color’ the areas between lines to get a better view of what you were dealing with. It made the picture look like some sort of pattern, which was some advance, and also served to highlight the form of the lines, making them look even more suspicious. Who drew patterns with such random lines?
The most telling result, though, was that it highlighted a few weirdly blank spots that looked like small arrows, indicating some form of direction around the pattern. At first you thought these were just flaws from the paper being all crumpled, but there were too many and all of them had roughly the same shape and were always close to the line.
Casting a side glance at Theo, you realized he had taken this time as his turn to stare at you, with a mix of amusement and… was it pride, in his gaze and smile? But as soon as you tried to get a better look, he turned back to his pancakes as if nothing had happened.
Now using the magnifying glass Theo had gifted you to take a closer look was a different story.
Whoever drew that knew what they were doing and wanted to complicate the life of whoever tried to decipher its mysteries.
It was easier to identify individual patterns like this and where they were repeated. They looked almost like letters now. It looked somewhat familiar, but wasn’t any language you knew.
That was too hard. Why would the person who left this for Theo - you were basically agreeing with him that it had been Vincent’s girlfriend - wouldn’t have left some sort of clue for him?
You closed your eyes and let out a small sigh, and Theo turned back to you.
“Giving up already, Hondje?”
“No. It’s just difficult. At least you were right. There is some sort of message here. I just need to find some context to start.”
What did you know about your new friend?
Nothing much, to be honest. You bonded through books. That was all it was.
Then something clicked in your mind. Books! What if the clue wasn’t left with Theo, because she expected for someone else to solve it for him? That person was you, and the writing looked familiar because it was in the books she left with you.
Running back to your room one last time, you quickly sought the books, finding similar writing on the first few introductory pages of the first one. Pages you had looked through just yesterday.
You hadn’t thought much of it at first because everything surrounding this house was strange and mysterious. These were books from the future, but it wouldn’t be the first time one such book made its way into Comte’s library. It currently housed all of Dazai’s books, who technically wasn’t even born yet, and Leonardo had told you they just showed up one day. The only difference was that the author of these wasn’t one of the residents. But who could prove there weren’t more books like these in the library? Maybe Leonardo, if you asked him, otherwise, you doubted anyone could know the full contents of a library that size without some sort of catalog.
But now that you thought about it, she had said something that had given you pause when you received the books. Something about you already having formed an opinion on reading it or not. As if she knew you had seen these particular books before.
You did read it before, in your time, and knew where to find answers.
You picked a new paper and, using the arrows to figure the order it was written in, started to translate it.
Curiously, it was written in English, adapted around some parts that didn’t translate well, which made it difficult to guess some words, but you were confident in your accuracy, given the context of the words you were sure of.
“I thought you had given up and ran away, hoping I wouldn’t catch you.” Theo spoke, leaning against the doorframe.
“Why do you sound like you wanted that to happen?” He smiled and so did you. “But I actually solved it. And it’s definitely not a ransom note.”
“What does it say, then?”
You weren’t sure you wanted a part in this game between Vincent’s girlfriend and Theo. Was it better to let him read it on his own?
“Spit it out, Hondje.”
Whatever. Not like the resulting translation was your fault, and Theo would understand that. So you took a deep breath and read it aloud.
The note basically complained about Theo’s obsession with Vincent, as it informed him that, because of it, she had decided to sneak out so they could go on a trip together. It didn’t explain why the cryptic message, but it informed she had left a more normal note. Theo just found this one first and got too focused on it.
To you, it sounded like she wanted him to find this note and give him a little of trouble, as some sort of revenge prank for the way he was acting.
And she had handed you the books with the solution, making you the only one who could solve the mystery. As if she knew, or at least hoped, Theo would go to you for help. As if she wanted to force him to.
Did she realize your feelings for Theo and wanted you two to interact more? Or was she just trying to push Theo towards the closest woman so she could have more time with Vincent without overprotective Theo getting in the way?
No. You knew little of her, but she wouldn’t just push people together without thinking there was some sort of relationship there. But it could be because you and Theo were friends, and she knew Arthur was too busy.
Theo swore in Dutch, from which you only understood the word cat, which you had no doubt he considered an insult, given his relationship with felines. The rest sounded awfully familiar, though, and although you didn't know the specific meanings, you knew they weren't exactly friendly words.
“She better not think that will get her off the hook. That’s why I don’t trust her.”
“Do you want to know what her secret is?” This little mystery had also given you a few clues for an entirely different answer, in a way that it felt like she wanted you to realize it. So there was no problem to share it, right? “Would that make you feel better?” You asked, before he could launch into a tirade of complaints about the girl. “I found something quite interesting during this game.”
“I don’t think it will help, but what is it?”
“I will tell you after lunch.” You couldn’t help grinning at him and adding: “If you behave.”
Instead of complaining, Theo grinned back, and stepped closer until he stood right before where you sat, forcing you to look up to see him, your eyes slowly trailing over his body. He was always such a great view from any angle, but there was something quite teasing and tempting from this point.
“Aren’t you cheeky today? What if I make you tell me right now?”
You gulped, your heart thundering in your ears with the way he looked down at you.
But the spell was quickly broken as Theo stepped back, his smile softening, and patted your head.
“If you wanted me to take you on a walk after lunch, you could have asked. You have been quite useful today. I will let you have it your way for now.”
Behind Theo’s typically weird phrasing, it sounded more and more like a date. Like he meant it as one, even though you knew there was no way.
“Don’t give me hope, Theo.” You thought, trying to keep your delusions to a minimum, enough so you wouldn’t give up your way home. Even though your recent discoveries were threatening to do so already.
Theo stepped back and pulled you to your feet, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you close.
“Are you doubting my intentions, Hondje? Do you think I would take just anyone out like this? That I would trust just anyone when it came to Vincent? I am only interested in owning one other dog besides King. So be a good girl and stay.”
Before you could say anything in response, Theo’s lips were upon yours, his other hand moving to the back of your head, fingers tangling into your hair, as he kissed you with such urgency that it made your head spin. And you returned it with the same passion, a hand also tangling in his hair, the other around his neck, your hold on each other the only thing keeping you from collapsing.
Even at his best, Theo was powerful and relentless like a storm. One you were more than glad to be swept into the eye of. Even when he pulled away, on the brink of drowning you in his passion, the storm didn’t quiet. And you didn’t want it to. Now that you had his attention, you refused to let go of him.
But Theo released you and stepped back. You sighed, struggling to calm the storm that had overtaken you. The smile he gave you was softer that you had ever seen, and as your eyes met his, he reached out and tucked a stray strand of your hair behind your ear, but he pulled away almost immediately, a glint in his eyes you had never seen either, but that lacked the softness of his now faltering smile.
“I’m not going anywhere.” you finally replied. “As long as you’ll let me stay with you.”
“Good.” Theo turned away from you. “Now let’s take you out for lunch before I get hungry and decide to devour you instead. I’ll met you by the gate in fifteen minutes.”
As Theo left, you let your body collapse back on the bed. What an exciting day it had been. And you hadn’t gone through half of it yet.
So that was the start of his bloodlust threatening to take over that you noticed and that made him practically run away. An unnecessary proof of his attraction to you. Theo hadn’t really said he loved you, but his actions spoke it loud and clear, because Theo would never kiss someone like that without being serious about it.
You couldn’t believe it. After all the time you spent fretting over whether it was worth facing rejection or leaving without telling him of your feelings, that he returned your love.
And you couldn’t believe it took some external push for you to get to this point. You would have to do something to thank her later. But for now, you had less than fifteen minutes to get ready for your date, and you wanted it to be as perfect as possible.
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midwinterrmemento · 7 months
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Flower Language
➢ pairing: Leonardo x MC [Ikemen Vampire]
➢ word count: 1,413
⚠️ content warnings: None!
This is my entry for @ikemenlibrary's Ikemen Valentine Gift Exchange, dedicated to @sunnyikemen! I have never written for Leo before, but I had a lot of fun with his character, and I hope that I did well enough to make for an enjoyable read at least! Happy belated Valentine's Day, Sunny, and here is some Leo fluff for you :)
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Being around the most famous polymath in history, there was always a new surprise in store.
Leonardo da Vinci seemed to know everything about everything. Perhaps it was because of his endless knowledge, gathered over the course of centuries, or perhaps it was because of the air of ease that surrounded him—but it did not escape his notice how the newest resident of the manor seemed to gravitate toward him upon her unexpected arrival. 
He never denied her his company. At first, because he knew she was frightened and disoriented.
For a girl who had found herself transported into another time period in the blink of an eye, there was only uncertainty around every corner. Yet Leonardo's breezy personality and apparent ability to handle anything with minimal effort brought her security, as well as distraction. He knew this, and so he made it a note to help her throughout her time in the manor, keeping her mind off her troubles.
You're restless and wish to get out of the manor, cara mia? Well, then, let's take a day outside Paris. The French countryside is an equally worthy sight for a time traveler, and it'd be a shame not to have you visit. Hm? Where to? Well, it's no fun if I tell you all the details, now, is it? 
How to paint, you ask? Why, you wish to prove a point to Theo? Ha! Don't pay him too much mind, 'knabbeltje' is merely a term of endearment, I'm sure. But if you really wish to learn, then I am glad to be of service, morso mio. ...Hm, no, of course that's not the same as what Theo says. Would you accuse me of such a thing? 
So, you want to hear about Florence back in those days, then. I hope this isn't because of any gossip you heard from the noble Comte. ...Alright, alright. Come, sit. I suppose I ought to make an effort to salvage my good name, at least.
Days turned into weeks of trying to make himself available to her, helping her calm down and settle into her new life at the mansion. He had sworn to himself that was all it was. But as wary as he knew to be of the passage of time, somehow he found it creeping up on him again. Even after she was already well settled, he continually found himself at her side, as if naturally drawn there.
He didn't realize until too late, one afternoon when they were sitting out in the mansion's gardens together.
A certain flower had caught her eye—a yellow daisy—and Leonardo had commented, absentmindedly, "Ah, yes. Joy and friendship."
It was an innocent remark, accompanied by a little chuckle. It made sense to him that this should be the flower that struck her. He had come to associate her with such qualities, after all, because they were what she brought to him. Every little inconsequential story he shared with her, every time he allowed her to watch him paint and work, every time he whisked her out on some spontaneous excursion, it was often met with that look of intrigue, that little excited glimmer in her eyes. 
Yet he was somewhat surprised when his passive comment earned him that same look.
Humming to herself, her eyes scanned over the other flowers in the garden and came to rest on another. “And that one?” She nodded her head towards the flower in question.
“Which, the marigold?” 
She glanced back at him expectantly and nodded once more, seeming quite eager to hear his explanation. Leonardo, now acutely aware that he was being tested, smiled a little.
“Marigolds represent grief. Or the passage from one life to the next.”
“Really? But they seem so much brighter, warmer…”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you doubting me, cara mia?”
And for that remark, he found himself rewarded with soft laughter. Despite himself, and despite everything he had assured himself about maintaining his distance, he could not help but feel his heart squeeze. Spending an idyllic afternoon wandering around the mansion’s garden, chatting among the flowers as they bloomed with the new season, it all felt so warm. 
“No, no…” She shook her head, still smiling. “It’s just unbelievable, that’s all…”
“So you are doubting me.” Leonardo tsked in faux disapproval, savoring the little back-and-forth of the moment. “Alright, now it’s a challenge, then. Ask me about another.”
Looking around again, she settled on a vibrant purple bud and pointed to it. 
“Ah, crocuses stand for young love,” he answered knowingly. “There is an old Greek legend that Crocus was a mortal lover of Hermes, and the god was so devastated when he died that he had him transformed into a flower. The red on the inside, there, is supposed to represent his blood.”
She seemed quite taken by the story as he explained. Ah, he would never tire of seeing that look on her face, when she was so absorbed in what he was saying, when he knew she was hanging on every word. But arguably, it was even better to watch her fluster when he concluded his tale with a triumphant smirk.
“Alright, don’t get too arrogant, now.” She pointed to another flower. “What about that one?”
“Sweetpea, gratitude.”
“And the lily?”
“And the white camellia?”
“You’re adorable.”
For a moment, silence fell between them. Even the great polymath had his limits, and he did not realize what he was saying—or how it would be construed—until he glanced at her curiously and found her staring back at him.
“No, I mean…” He coughed. “That… is what the flower means.”
She blinked. Quickly returning to her senses, she began to shake her head, as if to simply laugh off the misunderstanding. “Yes, right.”
For as much as he was inclined to laugh along with her, however, he found himself unable to do so. Once more he felt his heart squeeze in his chest—though this time, it was a more uncomfortable feeling. Uncomfortable in a familiar, sinking way.
“Well, anyway… I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that you’ve studied flower language at some point as well. You’ve studied practically everything else,” she said, attempting to keep the mood light and teasing. “At times I wonder, is there anything you don’t know?”
Leonardo found himself staring at her a moment longer, somewhat troubled by that old feeling in his chest, and taken aback by the realization that he did, in fact, find her quite adorable. Not wanting to keep her waiting for a response, lest she start to suspect there was something on his mind, he sighed and managed a little smile.
“...Actually, cara mia… There are plenty of things I don’t know.”
With that, he reached over and carefully plucked one of the little flowers nearby. He tucked the flower behind her ear, grinning with satisfaction as he watched her demeanor brighten again. 
“Hm, that’s better.”
“That was a pink camellia, right?” She gazed back at him with that curious look he loved so much to see on her.
“Maybe so.”
An ambiguous response, as if he had simply chosen the flower at random, when they both knew that wasn’t the case.
“What does that one mean, then?”
Something in Leonardo’s grin became a bit more wistful. There was another beat of silence, and then, suddenly, he reached out and lightly ruffled her hair.
“...I concede defeat,” he said, after pretending to think for a moment. “I’ve forgotten.”
Laughing at his actions as she tried to fix her hair, she seemed quite pleased by the thought of having gotten one over on him. So pleased that—much to his relief—she let it drop, and did not question him any further about the flower’s meaning.
Leonardo watched her smiling, standing in the sun with a flower in her mussed-up hair, and studied her as though she were one of the wonders of the world. There was no longer any doubt in his mind as to what exactly this feeling was, weighing so heavily upon his heart. And there was no doubt that he had chosen the right flower to express it. 
Even if he could never say it to her face—his lovely Crocus, who had so miraculously appeared in his life across time and space, and who was bound to one day return to her own world beyond that door—he could not deny it.
This unspeakable feeling, represented by a pink camellia.
I long for you.
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onegianthotmess · 3 months
I’m at 100 followers!!!
As a tiny celebration for this milestone, I will be doing a little thing/event!
From 6/14 to 6/30 I will be taking summer themed drabble requests! From beaches to water parks to blowing shit up, pick one of your favorite summer activities and request a drabble with a favorite character of yours!!!
It can be from any of the fandoms I am in and must follow the rules I have for my blog as I have stated by my blog rules here.
Have fun with your request, but remember to follow the rules!
Thank you for 100 followers!!!
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tayovampr · 1 year
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How Gossip Spreads Through The Mansion.
ikemen vampire headcannons
( warnings? ) none. ( notes? ) THIS HEADCANNON CONTAINS MY OC. just a few thoughts about how these vampires are extremely nosy and love to spread false information unknowingly :0
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It all begins in the kitchen. As the coffee brews for the mansions residents, our lovely helpers: Sebastian, Mitsuki (Y/n) and Temi seem to be cooking up some trouble…
Mitsuki would unintentionally reveal something that happened thorough out the day. Maybe it was something she overheard while shopping, on the balcony or watching Napoleon and Jean spar. She always tells Sebastian and Temi what she hears about the residents—since Sebastian has that interesting hobby of his.
“Hey Sebastian, Temi?” Mitsuki calls out to the two as they washed the dishes. Sebastian was scrubbing, Temi was rinsing, and Mitsuki was drying and polishing.
The two turned their heads to look at their friend, wondering what was the matter.
“I was in Comte room earlier helping him open up some letters, and that’s when I came across this one letter. Now mind you, it was scented, had a very prestigious emblem on the wax and included a dried rose in it.” Mitsuki began.
“Le Comte gets letters like that all the time.” Sebastian responded. “Was there something special about it?”
“Well, it clearly came from a girl. And when Comte read it, he was so happy! I mean I never saw him like this before, but it makes me think if he has a secret lover—” Before Mitsuki could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Temi, who had accidentally dropped a plate into the sink, causing the water to splash up at her.
“Secret lover?!” She exclaimed in disbelief. “What makes it worse is that it’s believable…”
“What if she’s a vampire bombshell who was childhood friends with him and lives in a gothic castle lavished in red and riches? I can’t compete in that race…” Temi grumbled afterwards. Sebastian however looked at the two thoughtfully.
“Well, we’ll do no good sitting here pondering. At dinner let’s go ask Le Comte ourselves.”
Most of the times, it’s something tame. No big deal, and not needing of attention. But as always, if your trying to keep a secret in a mansion full of nosy vampires with supersonic hearing—you better believe this game of telephone will spiral out of control.
Isaac, surprisingly, is the main catalyst for this disaster. Jean coming in a close second. ( I mean, you can see it in some events when it’s almost always these two mishearing something (*´▽`*) )
But it would always be unintentional! Isaac would just walk past an open door and when he heard something shocking, he couldn’t help to stop and get a closer ear. Jean on the other hand wouldn’t stop. He would take the bits and pieces he heard and formulate them in his mind, completing the story for himself.
‘Comte has a lover?’ Isaac thought to himself as he listened in to the conversation. ‘Why has he been hiding it from us all this time? Well—I could understand. I hope he introduces us to her…’
‘That rascal!’ Jean grit his teeth when he heard the news. Although heard would be a stretch. ‘Playing with Temi and Mitsuki’s heart even though he has a women of his own. I will get him to confess…’
And now we have three stories. The truth, an assumption, and a incomplete statement. Which one will travel throughout the mansion quicker?
Jean obviously tells Napoleon and Mozart. It slips out during their sparring lessons, and he tells Mozart on a whim—since they’re friends.
“Wait so—Comte is married?” Napoleon exclaims, as he puts his sword back into its hilt. Jean nods, sitting down of the ground to catch his breathe.
“He has refused to tell us about his secret lover for this long. It makes you wonder what else he has been keeping from us…” Napoleon loosely claims, wiping the sweat that adorned his forehead.
Jean however was thinking in his head, that he was right all along not to trust him. “That shady man…”
With Mozart, he looked a bit confused. “There is just no way Comte is married Jean, did he tell you himself?”
Then for Isaac, the words accidentally slip when he was getting teased by Arthur and Dazai. Of course, these were the worse people to tell out of everyone in the mansion.
Arthur applauded Comte on his fruitfulness. Claiming that it takes skill to hid a lover for so long. While Dazai takes this information with interest. It just so happened when he was scaling the windows, he overheard Mozart and Jean’s discussion.
For Dazai, he didn’t really believe this. As he saw in the music room, Jean wasn’t sure who he heard this information from. But being chaotic as Dazai is, he naturally wanted to be included in the fun. So he often changes up the story.
“How sly of Comte, it seems that he has not only hid his secret wife, but the fact that she will be moving in to live with us soon. Isn’t that great Ai-kun? Lovers reunited at last.” With these words Dazai left, not daring to explain anything.
“Move in with us? By Jove, you would think that old man would tell us before making the decision?” Arthur comments with a sigh.
Dazai doesn’t tell anyone else after that. He is more interested in seeing how this spreads and which one would reach Comte’s ear first. Arthur however tells his best buddy Theo. Theo tells Vincent and Vincent tells Shakespeare. By now the rumor has morphed into something unbelievable.
“Comte is a pathological liar who is hiding his wife from the residents and is planning to make her move in with them because she is expecting soon.” Don’t ask how.
Leonardo hears about this from Temi, who asks if Comte had a lover. Leonardo laughs and answers not anymore—wondering why she was asking.
“Are ya worried about “Comte’s” love life cara mia?” Leonardo jokingly asks.
Although he was joking in that moment, it just confirmed his suspicions that something was spreading in the mansion. Throughout the whole day Leonardo was hearing bits and pieces of a story that including Comte—so it was time he saw the truth for himself.
When he gets to Comte’s room he wastes no time to ask him about it.
“Have you just been in your room all day? Looks like you don’t know what’s happening outside.” Comte looks up from the papers he was sorting at Leonardo, a confused look on his eyes.
“Outside?” He asks, to which Leonardo takes out a cigarillo and begins to light it.
“Yeah…something about you being a compulsive liar who is hiding his pregnant wife from us—it gets a bit tricky because half are saying she’s gonna move in with us, and half are saying your gonna move in with her.”
Comte is just astounded. He just stares blankly at Leonardo…an awkward laugh sounding from his throat. “…Really?” Is all he could muster, as Leonardo begins to laugh.
“See I knew it wasn’t true. But you know might as well confirm before I do damage control right?”
Comte was still shocked. After all he’s done from the residents, was this how easy it was for their views to change—and when did he get a pregnant wife?
“For these being the great men I choose to revive…I wonder how great their intuition really is…” Comte mumbles to himself.
“Well, let’s go straight if things out. I’m fairly certain I know who started this.” Leonardo claims, laughing to himself. “I want to know where the story changed too.”
The residents were all gathered for dinner, the main goal being to clear up the misconceptions. Each person was made to go around and tell what they heard and what they believed, and from there they traced it down to Mitsuki, Isaac and Jean.
Mitsuki explains her thinking to Comte, I’m which he clarifies that he has no secret lover and that the letter was just from an old friend he saved years ago.
Everyone breathes out a sigh of relief. It looked like none of them were ready for a new arrival. And some, specifically Mozart, wasn’t particularly fond on a baby crying and running around…
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