#Im gonna work on those mermaids if yall know what I'm talking about
little-b1rdy · 5 years
what do y'all want me to draw
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Fall is right around the corner and I couldn't be more excited! All the hay rides and spooky trails and haunted houses and trick-or-treaters! Hot chocolate and sheetz coffee! Falk is a time for all the warm vanilla candels to come out yall✌🏼Short fall days of 55 and cool nights for snuggling. Nice walks on leaves in the woods and holding hands and all the fall colors too! All the dark oranges and reds, itself all so pretty! Its all so pretty to see all the trees change and everyone being so festive and bundled up. Being together and watching horror movies all hours of the night!
Fall time also means fall attire, scarfs, hoodies, sweaters, boots, skinny jeans, and beanies! All of my favorite things to wear nowadays. I wanna get another pair of high black boots just gotta keep an eye out gonna check Gabes or Shoe show.
Hubs looks good in orange too;) Hubs looks good in any color but he looks good especially in fall colors. Oh shoot he can pull off any color really, I am super jealous! I can't wait to take all those cheesy couples fall pictures with the pumpkins in our cliche matching outfits! And I know hes gonna dread it but he's always such a good sport. I couldn't ask for a better Hubby he's the greatest. It makes me so happy how amazing he is and cooperative he always is with me and my shannagins. He knows how excited I am for all those things but most of all dressing up for Halloween!! He is very compliant to everything I need from him and it makes my heart warm! He always knows how to bring a smile to my face.
Im throwing a party of course, I enjoy planning parties and such, theres people who literally hate the stress of planning a party or wedding or anything but I love it! Like for real Hubs knows when we finally do get married, I already have everything planned down a tee! Its pretty crazy actually. I planned our 4th of july party and Thanksgiving last year was my doing with the tremendous help from his dad doing all the cooking! But I planned it all out and exicutded it. And all those holidays ended perfectly! We had a blast. I can plan baby showers too, I love all the Pintrest DIY things they have! Its so easy to do your own parties these days! Plus Im super creative and clever. And Hubs helps too.
Do you guys like parties? If so what kinda parties do you like to attend?
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Halloween 2017☝🏼😚
He is always such a good sport he dressed up at work as prince Eric from the little mermaid. Everyone at work thought he wasnt gonna do it but he was such a good Prince! He did all the pictures and everything. Everyone loved our costumes, which were home made btw. I know right?! We look damn good for spending virtually nothing. It was a overall pretty easy and simple look. Luckily his mom is very crafty and knows how to sew really good! So shout out to Hubby's mom! It was a good year. This year for my party I wanna be a dalmatian and he is going to be a sexy fire fighter.👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
I think we'll be able to pull it off just as well hopefully for just as cheap! We don't work on Halloween this year so I wanted to have a party, which I think my mom is more excited about it than me and Hubs are which hey, more power to her. Shes already bought so much for it, which trust me I very much appreciate cause I know she doesnt have to but she loves doing parties too. Maybe thats where I get it from.
I invited alot of people from Captain Toms they're like my family! I've known all those people for years. I've been there for like 3 years and some change. Were all like a huge family at least the OGs are. We get away with everything at that place and were something kinda special. Everyone who works there is great at least my friends are anyhow. There's Marley, who's my A1 since day 1. We went to East together she's actually my friends youbger sister who I happen to get along with too! And her bff Ashley! Aka Red. They're both great friends of mine! We hangout quite a bit and we always have a good time! We went to carowinds and Danielle's party and Ronda's party! And theyre our favorite Olive garden dates! 👇🏼 Marley may!
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We always have a good time and she always makes me smile! We always act like kids when we get together. Theres never a dull moment with my A1!
The people at Captain toms are 90% of the reason I'm still there, im so comfortable there too and Im a favorite so I never get in trouble. Which I don't really go out of my way to get in trouble or anything. As long you do what youre suppose to working there the mangers pretty much leave you alone. Just do your job correctly and if she does say something just say yes and walk away it really is that simple. Whats the point of giving lip or having an attitude? I don't get it. Serving tables isn't that hard come on now. But we always do like secret Santa and all those fun things and Tina always gets a card for people at work on thier birthday's. Working there hasn't been so bad, best restuarant job I've had by far. That's why I still work there. And the money isn't so bad either right?;)
Fall time it finally starts getting busy. I cant wait for that fall time money. Chritmas is actually the best time of the year. People are always so generous. But it starts in the fall, people start going out everynight before going to see a scary movie. Fall brings people together I think...
I think that word means something and I think fall is the one of the best times for togetherness. Going out walking or sitting outside on your back porch just sitting talking with the ones you love. I love to go outside during fall time. Everything makes me feel so thankful and full and loved. Makes me think of November and Thanksgiving! Im beyond excited about those holidays! They're my favorite holidays besides Christmas and my birthday! Another year also spent with the love of my life too! I always enjoy holidays with my wonderful Hubs! He makes everyday special but especially my holidays.
Who do you guys like spending your holidays with?
What holidays are your favorites?
This year is a new year and were gonna carve pumpkins with funny desings and were gonna DIY Halloween party and its gonna be awesome. Until then friends...
Sincerly yours,
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