#Iman's cards
jasmariswonderland · 2 years
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“Ah, so you’ve come to wish me happy birthday! As you should! And as thanks, it’s only right that I invite you to the celebration later. I expect to see you so don’t disappoint me!”
✨👑Happy Birthday to my royal desert bloom!👑✨
Expect a lot of Iman-centric content today! I still have a few asks left in my inbox that will get answered either this evening or tomorrow morning. But for now, it’s Iman’s day to shine! And as always, asks/interactions are open! 
✨👑Iman’s Birthday Lines👑✨
When Summoned: “Welcome to my party. You should consider it a great honor to have the privilege of celebrating with me.”
Summon: “What do you have planned for me today? Will it live up to my standards? I’m looking forward to finding out!”
Groovy: “I hope you enjoyed today as much as I did!”
Set Home: “All this outfit is missing is a crown!” 
Home Idle 1: “I woke up to a large delivery of packages from home! All from my grandmother, do doubt. She really does spoil me rotten, not that I’m complaining!” 
Home Idle 2: “The first to wish me happy birthday were my younger siblings when they called me this morning. They told me they were still gonna celebrate even though I’m not with them, such sweethearts!” 
Home Idle 3: “My equestrian club mates gifted me a very lovely new saddle and reins. I’m gonna try them out firs thing tomorrow!”
Home Login: “Today’s party is rather low key compared to what I’m used to back home. But that won’t deter me from having a good time!” 
Home Idle Groovy: “Vidi gave me the most gorgeous friendship bracelet, its set with such beautiful stones of the likes I’ve never seen before! I wonder, are they only native in Briar Valley?” 
Home Tap 1: “Vil-san’s gift to me was a set of hair products he crafted himself. He told me hair like mine must be specially cared for. They has such a nice scent so I’m gonna enjoy using them.” 
Home Tap 2: “Leona-san sent me a gift through Ruggie, but Ruggie apparently couldn’t be bothered. He said he wouldn’t know what to give a princess who has everything but he could have at least tried!”
Home Tap 3: “Normally, I refuse when Cater tries to get a selfie with me cause I don’t like my status being used for clout. But since he was nice enough to come today, I think I can be generous and pose with him just once.” 
Home Tap 4: “Hmph, Taima asked me if now that I’m a year older, will I now act a year nicer? On her birthday, I’ll ask if she’s now a year more mature.” 
Home Tap 5: “I’m glad you’re here, really I am. But do keep an eye on Grim, please? I don’t want a repeat of orientation, especially at MY party!” 
Home Tap Groovy: “It’s hard for me to think of a birthday wish. I guess I wanna continue being fabulous, having fun and...well...the last part is a secret only for me!” 
DUO MAGIC: Maximilian: “Happy birthday, Iman! You’re like a diamond growing more radiant every day!” Iman: “No need for flattery, Maxie! But thank you very much!” 
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lobbycards · 6 months
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Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Hungarian Lobby Card. 1991
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I know that some people may have already seen that I'm not much of a fan of the last posts I've seen here and there about those, supposedly, female boxers who had failed their "gender eligibility" in the IBA's World Championship.
I, for one, detest posts that can be summarized as accusation posts that end up generalizing and simplifying the whole discussion as: white women with their racism again!!
Calling any of them men was a mistake. Although one could really believe it, it doesn't mean that any of them are men or that they are intersex, or if they have been through male puberty or if they knew it before IBAs tests. We just don't know for certain.
Now, calling women racists for being "paranoid" at a time, people are being constantly gaslighted by ideas like sex and gender are not real, or that sex is just genitals, or trans women are just like "cis women," so much so that they also have periods, etc, rubs me so wrong!
Why is it so absurd for people to demand fairness in sports?
Doing some blood exams is not (that) invasive!
Since there are some number of DSD people, there could be a competition between them, too? Alongside everybody else...
I don't know, and that's not my job to know!
Or what I wanted to get out of my chest, and I think this is quite reasonable, is:
All this mess wouldn't have happened if COI had actual (reasonable) rules that made fairness possible for women in their games.
No, women aren't just "racists" 'cause they are well aware of our politico-social landscape now, where women are supposed to deal with (by shutting the fuck up about) men forcing their way in all sort of women only places.
Taking people's words (or even photos, if you know how IA is taking the internet with fake photos and videos) as truth is not something we should start doing for the sake of being "nice."
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cinematitlecards · 8 months
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"The Marvels" (2023) Directed by Nia DaCosta (Action/Comedy/Sci-Fi/Comic Book)
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royalsimsofyazmia · 9 months
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Royal Family Christmas Card
The Royal House of Yazmia have released their annual Christmas Card.
It pictures Their Majesties King Tamar and Queen Amelie with their children (L-R) Their Royal Highnesses The Princess Esma, The Princess Aisha, The Princess Raya, The Crown Prince Ali and The Prince Karim.
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elitecam72 · 10 months
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taratarotgreene · 2 months
Imane Khelif Astrology Olympic boxer
The astrology of Imane Khelif. The 24 year old Algerian Olympic boxer won by default over Italian female boxer Angela Carini, in an Olympic match August 1, who stopped the match because she was hit very hard and feared for her life, dropped to her knees sobbing. This fight has stirred up much controversy as Imane looks very masculine but is not transgender and was apparently born a female with…
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doberbutts · 2 months
about your TME/Imane Khelif post, i believe i can provide some answers (im not transfem myself but im very interested in transfeminism)
first of all, no oppressed/oppressor binary is going to be perfect. POC/white is a useful distinction, but last summer a white man was killed after being mistaken for being arab. a straight man may be harassed for hugging his male friend and being seen as gay, etc. TME/TMA are useful terms to describe the way transmisogyny operates in society, even though like all oppressions, things can occasionally get muddled IRL. it doesn't make those terms useless or incorrect. to go back to the harassed straight man example, that man would certainly be a VICTIM of homophobia, but that doesn't make him gay, or mean that he doesn't have any heterosexual privilege at all.
(you said imane khelif may be sent to jail IF she's ruled not to be enough of a woman. horrifying prospect of course, but that IF is doing a lot! a trans woman would not have that IF!)
just wanted to provide that perspective since you asked very genuinely and thoughtfully. have a nice day
I appreciate the good faith response!!! This is exactly the sort of discussion I was looking for.
I am mostly on board - I have discussed at length how these social categories are muddy at best and do not operate on strict lines, and that people in general are impossible to place into neatly sorted boxes. Similar to your first example, I reference frequently a past love of mine who was white but often mistaken for mixed asian (usually chinese/white) due to his monolids, facial structure, and facial hair pattern. Despite being a white guy, he had numerous encounters with racists that ended quite violently for him, and as a result was probably one of the most sensitive white guys I've ever dated regarding race.
Being mistaken for being chinese, while not actually being chinese himself, is not at all the same as actually being chinese. I certainly agree. However, I think it is wrong to say that sinophobia does not affect him or that he is exempt from sinophobia because he has the ability to say "hey wait a second I'm not chinese I'm white". Mostly because any time he tried to do that, it didn't work, and he still got beaten up anyway.
And I also don't think it means he has no white privilege at all- certainly, we experienced it as a couple in real time because while he could be mistaken as a man of color, I absolutely am one without question. And, furthermore, I'm visibly black, not just "of color", which makes people really double down on the racism. Case in point, any time I parked my car in the visitor spot next to his apartment door, the landlord would run out of their office to chase me away stating the spot was only for approved visitors. Even though she saw me entering and exiting his residence in her pursuit to make me move my car. The town he lived in is less than 2% black, and these were luxury apartments that did not have a single black person in the building he specifically lived in. He could live there, but I couldn't even visit without being harassed.
Similarly, as I said in my post, I can see the logic of stating that there is privilege there even though Khelif is in a difficult situation currently, because yes, she can provide a birth certificate and a blood test and a genital check and be cleared of all accusations. I just think that being forced to submit to embarrassing and invasive testing, as well as being forced to provide personal documents, and having the world weigh in on the judgement of your gender, is not really a good literal get-out-of-jail-free card. It is certainly a leg up that she has the ability to do so. I do not think it is right that she should have to- but then I don't see the problem with trans women competing alongside cis women. I think it's stupid that sports are divided by gender and not by weight/height/proficiency.
And I think that forcing specifically women of color who oddly enough seem to be the vast majority of these cases (esp black women and esp esp black intersex women who didn't even know they were intersex before but w/e) to prove that they're woman enough to be qualified as women is racial violence with interphobia and transphobia as the weapon. Intersectionality and all that.
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rambyol · 2 months
Analysis - The Joker’s cards for Bruce and what they suggest:
We shouldn’t take Handwriting psychology literally as it’s very subjective but it’s definitely fascinating what we can learn or pull from a characters penmanship.
1. The Card from the Church
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Between the two cards, this one is my favourite because it has the most personality in it.
This card shows up after the events at Wayne Tower where Joker and Harley unleash the Virus (Gas Bomb) and during Batman, Iman, and Tiffany’s search for the next Bomb.
Right off the bat, the penmanship on this card is messy. The letters are jagged, some misaligned, and some have varying degrees of pressure to them.
Writing with a lot of pressure can be a sign of attention seeking behaviour and Joker is trying to get Batman’s attention, obviously, but more notably the pressure on the letters mimic Johns/Jokers speech. John has a habit of subverting and exaggerating certain words in his speech. For instance when talking about Harley potentially setting off the bombs on the bridge (if you choose to trust John), John describes that hypothetical as ‘exciting’. It’s no surprise that writing can reflect our speech but as I mention below it’s a sign of being unfiltered.
It’s evident that Joker isn’t dwelling on presentation here, much like his fashion sense, there’s a disheveled appearance to his writing.
The scribble in the bottom left corner where you can see Joker was checking to see if the pen was still working is kind of endearing since this letter was intended for Batman and the scribble indicated a lack of filter, as is observed through Villain Jokers personality. V Joker is arguably the least filtered out of all 3 in my opinion and naturally that would reflect in every facet of him down to his writing. I mean even his attempt to scribble out the joke at the end seems half hearted, because we can still see it clearly.
In addition we’ve got the doodles of a heart and a mystery doodle which Batman has his thumb covering (I wonder what it is 0_o). Doodles display playfulness and of course that childish is pretty consistent to Johns character regardless if he goes down the Vigilante or Villain route.
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Jokers handwriting here is relatively ‘bad’ but without going into detail (I want to wrap this one up) we can see that theres a struggle for consistency in his lettering and strokes, which mirrors his personality in way. John was/and Joker is very muddled at times because his motives are all over place and it’s hard to determine what he wants. Now sometimes I think people see inconsistency in characters as ‘bad writing’ but I see it as making them more believable/complex. So yes, ‘unstable’ writing comes as no surprise.
2. The Card from Joker’s Funhouse
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Now this one’s shorter but it’s much more presentable. The lettering is mostly level and although there’s the mix between capital and lower case letters within the same word it’s overall more thought out. Even the doodles of the diamonds (?) on top of the ‘i’ are consistent. There’s a bluntness to this that otherwise isn’t seen in the first letter, the sentence are short and concise almost as if Joker has more control here. And he does, Bruce sees this letter after being shocked unconscious by Joker. He’s not in his Batsuit and he’s being led towards the games that Joker is going to force him to play before ‘dinner’.
I know this is written with a different pen, clearly a marker and that can effect penmanship, I know I write better with a certain type of pen (thicker ball points) but I like to think there’s more certainty in Joker at this point in the story about what he’s doing, since before this, John was a part of other peoples plans.
Also this one reads more intimately than the other for obvious reasons like with the use of the term ‘our secret’ and the domestic connotations of ‘dinner’ but that of course goes into the bigger scheme of this being presented as a dinner party. What I think is most important in this letter is how the heart ❤️ has no arrow in it. Unlike the first card which did;
According to Google:
A heart symbol pierced with an arrow, symbolizing romantic love (being lovestruck, or the pain of lovesickness) A typical depiction of the Sacred Heart (often shown with other attributes, e.g. surmounted by a cross, pierced by nails or swords, etc.)
Okay maybe the first one was more intimate?
But from what I could find about a plain heart and what it could potentially mean, the closest I could really find was ‘unromantic but sincere love’. And with what we know about Joker’s determination and certainty that he is the ‘villain’ of Batmans/Bruces dreams (a term could definitely be a stand in for other things) I think that certainty comes off here too. Bruce never questions or entertains the thought that Joker would have taken his suit off in front of others or had his henchmen do it, it’s clearly implied with how committed Joker is to not exposing Batmans identity that it was HIM who removed the batsuit off Bruce’s unconscious body. Point is, there’s this mutual/unspoken assuredness between them that this is in fact THEIR secret.
Phew! Idk if this made sense or even coherent but I just found the letters really cool and wanted to talk about them. Let me know if I should go into more detail or pls add to this in the notes I’d love to hear your ideas!
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helpmeimblorboing · 2 months
I had a lot of things on my Olympics bingo card, but I have to say “J K Rowling makes an enemy of all of Taiwan after calling their athlete - a cis woman - a man” wasn’t it
Like, this woman is clinically insane at this point.
She trusts the word of an institution KNOWN for its ties to Russian crime over actual legitimate organisations., because said organisation said something about chromosomes (which is a word that, as we all know, activates TERFs like a goddamn sleeper code) after throwing a pissy fit about Imane beating their athlete
She isn’t even pretending to be “for women” at this point
Also, another highlight - apparently having a vagina isn’t enough to make you a woman, after she spent years arguing that that was exactly what made you a woman
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jasmariswonderland · 1 year
Iman’s School Uniform Story+Voice Lines
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Read accompanying vignette here! 
❤️School Uniform Voice Lines❤️
Summon: “Yawn, the day’s already started and already it’s a bore.”
Groovy: “I guess there is some value to all of this.”
Set Home: “Yes? Can I help you?” 
Home Idle 1: “How can you stand living in Ramshackle? I get Crowley is a cheapskate but couldn’t he at least bear to put you in a place more respectable?”
Home Idle 2: “I’ve known Kalim and Jamil since we were children. Kalim and I are actually related by marriage.” 
Home Idle 3: “I hope we don’t have a pop quiz today. I’ve been mainly focused on club activities lately in place of studying.” 
Home Login: “Being royal, I’m used to standing out in a crowd. Needless to say I am NOT like most of the students here.”
Home Tap 1: “I really don’t like cats. I sit in the far back of Professor Trein’s class so Lucis won’t notice me.” 
Home Tap 2: “You like my jewelry? Thank you, one could probably fully renovate your dorm with how much it cost.”
Home Tap 3: “If you aren’t doing anything this evening, you should stop by Scarabia. We’re having another party and you can see yours truly grace the dancefloor. 
Home Tap 4: “Hmm? Do you need something or are you simply starstruck? I don’t blame you, though. It’s not everyday one can be in the presence of such royal radiance.”
Home Tap 5: “Uh, excuse you?! I’d prefer if you keep your hands to yourself.”
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popblank · 4 months
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More random details from the final Broadway performance of Lempicka:
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As I walked in line past the metal detectors at the theater entrance, composer Matt Gould was standing on the other side of the barrier, apparently waiting for someone. The people in front of me also recognized him and stopped for a few seconds to talk to him (from the body language it seemed like they paid him a compliment and he accepted it gracefully).
The merchandise had sold out the day before, but there were stacks of printed “Tamara de Lempicka” signature cards placed at the merchandise stands for people to take.
Prior to the show starting, there was a standing ovation as the creative team entered the theater and took their seats.
From my seat, there were standing ovations during the show for:
Eden Espinosa’s entrance (between the intro and “Unseen”)
Amber Iman’s entrance (prior to “Don’t Bet Your Heart”)
After “Don’t Bet Your Heart”
After “I Will Paint Her”
Sort of after “Woman Is,” but since the lights go up and it was intermission, it didn’t last long
After “Women”
After “Just This Way”
After “In the Blasted California Sun”
Even though ensemble member Nicholas Ward wasn’t in the show that day, I’m pretty sure I saw him come down the aisle and take a seat a few songs into Act I. It’s good that he was still able to be there.
The performance of “Paris” during the last show was especially funny. After the first madeleine Eden Espinosa accidentally spit out a crumb, which made the audience giggle. Thus primed for silliness, the audience laughed again when she turned back to her still life and had to swat at a fly that very obviously had designs on the madeleines. She continued with the “two madeleines” section but broke in the middle of licking the powdered sugar, which made the audience laugh, which made her laugh, etc. etc. There is some audio floating around where you can hear her kind of shakily wheeze out half a line there. In any case she got through the scene and called for Kizette, and now the audience was a bit amped up and gave Zoe Glick enthusiastic, prolonged entrance applause, which then made her giggle while trying to hold her goofy apple-pose which made EE grin (still with her mouthful of madeleine), to which the audience was like “wooooo!” and kept the applause going. After this the scene transitions over to the Baron and Baroness’s first appearance, which was also greeted with a lot of applause. So on the heels of all that the audience was very receptive to Beth Leavel’s ad-lib (“as I was saying…”), and it was a lot of fun to see and be a part of.
When Tamara and Rafaela finally have a chance to talk to each other by the bar at the Dead Rat, Suzy gives them some privacy and heads over to sit and/or flirt with the piano player (aka Charity Wicks, the show’s musical director & conductor). There is a sensitive piano line of two or three notes that is played a few times as Tamara's conversation with Rafaela gets more personal (it sounds very similar to the opening of “I Will Paint Her”) and in the final show it looked like it was actually Natalie Joy Johnson playing it.
During “Women,” after the Duchess de la Salle says, “I could use something for my entryway,” everyone looked at Suzy, Suzy looked at the audience knowingly, and the audience cracked up before she made the joke.
At the end of “Women” I think Rafaela and Tamara normally stand in the recessed semicircular seating area and briefly kiss each other. But since the applause kept going, well, so did they.
When Baroness left the stage after “Just This Way,” Beth Leavel looked very emotional and instead of just touching the Baron she stopped to give him a full arms-around-the-neck hug.
During “In the Blasted California Sun” Eden looked as if she were going to burst into tears through the entire song; the sense of sadness and loss was unusually palpable. (Which is one reason why “PUT THE PHONE DOWN” was so jarring.)
When the cast members circled by Tamara in the finale, it looked as if EE tried to give each of them a personal acknowledgement.
A photo during Raja Feather Kelly's speech:
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Stuff I brought home:
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(I purchased the pin before the Saturday matinee. By that evening everything was sold out.)
One last pic of the marquee later that evening:
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all of you now that are playing woke card with imane khelif, come september 1st will be posting 'happy going back to hogwarts day' with accompanying moodboards and all sorts of aesthetic edits.
If it really irks you sm (as you claim) her behaviour, have balls you duplicitous prats and cancel her wholly. Excuses like 'separate art from artist' just don't hold water anymore.
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p1nkfr1day · 1 year
QQ Couples Quiz
Pairing: Rapper Aran Ojiro x Black Reader
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content, use of N word, fluff
A/N: it’s been so long and this been sitting in my drafts for about two years. I need it gone! This was inspired by Teyana Taylor & Iman Shrumpet’s video. This is also a short chapter from my story abt Rapper Aran and Black Reader. Enjoy lol.
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“Hey GQ, it’s y/n here, with my favorite person everr.” You look to him so he can introduce himself. “Aran Ojiro, top tog” he threw gang signs up and you guys laughed together.
You guys are sitting in an illuminated room, with two spinning chairs and the GQ producers and crew members were all doing their role and laughing a little too.
“first question, besides you, who’s my celebrity crush.” you smirked.
“Brent Faiyez. Easy.” He said rolling his eyes. The women on the set all laughed cause they know Brent fine asf. He went on to tell a short story about how you fan girled when you met him.
“Oh you don’t know this one…” you read over the next question.
“man hit me.” he smacked his teeth.
“how many tattoos do I have?” you giggled, you could already tell he was bout to say some outta pocket shit.
“girl my mouth been on every part of yo body and you think I don’t know how many tattoos you have?” He looked confused.
You looked to the producers and asked if you could curse and they said yes, it’s fine.
“nigga stop stalling and answer the question.”
“the heart behind your ear, the butterflies on your rib cage, your birthday in Roman numerals on your shoulder, and our lil secret on your index finger.”
“show off. what’s my favorite color?”
“easyyy. pink”
“the first movie we watched together?”
“aw man. after the BET awards, you made me watch every marvel movie ever made. but we started from the beginning so iron man.”
“stop acting like you didn’t like it. What’s something on my bucket list?” you scooted your chair closer to him to look him in the eye. he pecked your lips sense you were so close.
you laughed and backed up. “To do a song with Nicki Minaj.”
“Yesss. If you know me, you know I’m a huge Nicki fan.” He looked into to camera and rolled his eyes.
“How you know when I’m mad at you?” You laughed. You never really got mad at him unless he ate your food.
“You blast breakup music in my house.” He mean mugged you.
“that is not true.” you made a buzzard noise.
“What color are my eyes?” You asked next.
“psh. That’s easy bro. Brown.” He responded.
“You right that was an easy question.. let me see.” You looked through the cards for a harder question to ask him.
“I know you.” He laughed taking a sip of the water while he waited.
“If I wasn’t a singer, what would I be?”
“Damn, an.. Athletic Trainer” he smiled knowing he got it right.
“Oh my god. If you know me, you know I got a full ride scholarship to Clark Atl for that. But I chose to pursue my music with the help of my daddy”
“Shout out to pops. The real og.” He winked.
“Boy my daddy don’t even like you.” You pushed.
“That’s cause he don’t know me! I bet he’ll like me more than he like you.” He held his hand out for you to shake.
“How much?” You asked before you shook his hand.
“Boy I am not betting you $20. Get out my face.” You pushed his hand away and everyone laughed.
“Ok, last question. What is my favorite song by you?” You smiled while hiding your face with the cards.
“Released or Unreleased?” He asked knowing that you know all his songs.
“It don’t matter.”
“Prada U. Only because it’s about you though.”
“All your love songs better be about me.” You threatened. To which he threw his hands up and said they are.
“Aye, thank yall for watching our GQ Couples Quiz. It’s been fun.” He said laughing and looking at the camera.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 7 months
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Beautiful People 👑
Teyonah Parris for Essence Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon
Hair @dionnesmithhair @7evenmanagement
Makeup @gene9902
Styling @bryonjavar
#dionnesmith #7evenmgmt #7MArtist #teyonahparris #essencebwih #hollywood #actress #hairstylist @blumbyteyonah
Can’t go out sad
@the_real_iman by @abdmstudio for @harpersbazaararabia.
Lighting: @vintage_fiasco
Styling: @ayumiperry
Hair: hoshounkpatin
Make Up: @kilprity
#iman #blackmagcovers #blackmagblackphotog
A luxury moment with @louisvuitton. Thank you for having us @nicolasghesquiere and congrats on a stunning show!
you guys have asked for it, so i’ll gladly give it to you ✨in your hands 3/15 💔 presave now link in bio
some more magical moments from @voguemagazine ✨
Vogue  @voguemagazine
Writer: Abby Aguirre @abbyaguirre
Photographer: Annie Leibovitz @annieleibovitz
Fashion Editor: Tabitha Simmons @tabithasimmons
Hair: Lacy Redway @lacyredway
Makeup: Raisa Flowers @raisaflowers
Talent Director: Sergio Kletnoy @sergiokletnoy
Some highlights of FW24 ✨ Working with an eco-responsive mindset IS possible within the world of fashion, 3 examples of beautiful brands who champion climate human consciousness are shown here (alongside some lovely people I’ve met and seen along the way ❤️)
7th picture credit: @ameliechatellard
@keithpowers for @teenvogue.
Story by @kaitmcnab
Stylist: @ian__mcrae
#keithpowers #blackmagcovers
I ❤️ JAPAN 🇯🇵
Grazie @graziaphilippines 🤎🤎
💋MaDOM Dior💋
🤎 I’ll be there, by your side baby
It’s Ghana’s 67th Independence Day and we must honor the rich culture, music, art, and so much more that the motherland has offered over the years…and for blessing us with fine men like #KofiSiriobe 🙏🏽 🇬🇭 💛 #NAACPImageAwards
‘A face card that never declines ✨ Makeup by me @berniciaboateng on #michaelacoel for the @netaporter international womens day dinner
Blush @danessa_myricks
Stylist @georgmedley
Dress @paolocarzana’ via @berniciaboateng ✨
Gorgeous Michaela 👑✨👑❤️
Coco TIME | Coco Gauff wowed at the 2024 TIME Women of the Year Gala on Tuesday alongside her father Corey.⁣
During her toast, the US Open champion named the likes of Venus and Serena Williams and her grandmother Yvonne Lee Odom, among others, as inspirations.⁣
📸 | Getty⁣
#BlackSpinGlobal | #CocoGauff | #Gauff | #HeadTennis | #NBTennis | #USA | #WTATour | #WTA | #TIME | #WomenOfTheYear
chloe on the @essence black women in hollywood carpet 🤍
📸 @gettyimages #chloebailey #chloe #chloexhalle #explore #dreads #locs #chlovers #sirens #parkwoodentertainment
Hoes couldn’t CHECK me on my WORST day 💅🏾.
Thank you so much @billboard for a beautiful night celebrating women in music and for honoring me with your Rising Star award!! ✨🤎 I am so grateful 🙏🏾
Styled by @kollincarter in custom @roberto_cavalli @azature @faustopuglisi
Glam: @mua.alexander
Hair: @iamdavontae
📸 @jpwphoto
Halle Bailey and Chloe Bailey at the 2024 ESSENCE Black Women In Hollywood Awards Ceremony.
today i felt like a princess 💘it was an honor to receive the essence black woman in hollywood award 🥹💘to be lifted up by so many women who have paved the way for me to be here today is an incredibly special feeling. thank you to my sister @chloebailey for presenting me with this award, i was a crying mess 😭i’m also so grateful to my siblings @skiwithaneye & @bransonbailey_ for saying such beautiful words about our journey as a family, and how we got here. as well as rob marshall, @tlabarbe & @deoncole for contributing such special words about the journey. i am incredibly honored & thankful 💕 i will never forget today.
thank you @voguemagazine for this amazing cover. it’s truly an honor and i am forever grateful for this opportunity ❤️✨
Fashion Editor: Tabitha Simmons @tabithasimmons
Vogue  @voguemagazine\nWriter: Abby Aguirre @abbyaguirre
Photographer: Annie Leibovitz @annieleibovitz
Hair: Lacy Redway
Makeup: Raisa Flowers @raisaflowers
Talent Director: Sergio Kletnoy @sergiokletnoy
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ithappensoffstage · 2 months
I'm having such a fucking hard time existing online because of all the awful discussions around Imane Khelif right now. It's one of those "oh, that's how you really feel about me" moments with people like old coworkers showing their true colors in their self-described "well meaning" ways about how "everyone calling her a man needs to apologize she's been a real woman this entire time." And I read these posts and comments and I think of every time that same person has been positive about me, an athlete, a gnc queer butch dyke athlete, and my success, and wonder how they'd react if they knew I have naturally elevated t and low e just because those are the cards I was dealt. And it's brutal, absolutely brutal, to remember why I've had to build this specific and protected queer and trans community because the rest of the people around in my life wouldn't hesitate to say something hateful if they didn't actually know me.
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