#Imma beat him istg
hishoukoku · 10 months
Gods...I'm so obsessed with the tgcf donghua that it's literally all I think about ❤️
Hence the spam!
Especially now after how ep5 ended.. 😭 Hua Cheng was so hurt for e ming hurting Xie Lian I'll never forget that face he made through the flames...
I can't wait for the next episode when HC kidnaps XL from the heavenly capital ❤️
But it's been delayed until December whyyyyyyyyyy
I'll def reread the book again after s2 😭
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coco0milkshake · 10 months
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dreamingcloudie · 2 years
im sorry for immediately jumping into requests but i see dottore content and i immediately go gdusabjnkdsa
reader, feeling a bit bored and lonely, gathered a bunch of segments and asked if they could just cuddle with them OF COURSE they'd agree... prime comes back from a mission to see the tasks he'd assign them half done but before he could get too angry, sees you all snuggled up in a pile with the most relaxed expression on your face he'd seen in a while.......... he tells the segments to leave and hugs you himself instead (jealous perhaps? HHEHEHE)
❛❛ In My (Our) Arms You Go ❜❜
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✎ ❛❛ Dog pile!— Oof! ❜❜
Pairing(s): Dottore (& segments) x GN!Reader
Genre/Format: Fluff (oneshot)
wc: ~1.1k
Notes: Back to our regularly scheduled fluff :D This is so cute istg 😫✋️✋️Dottore and his skrunkly segments are just ANAKSHDIEJEFIS 💕💕💕 I'm sorry this is short! ^^;
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You sighed as you threw your head backwards and stared at the ceiling, the pencil that you were holding dropped onto the desk.
"I give up." You groaned into your hands.
It has only been fifteen minutes since you started to sketch random objects in the room. You thought having your mind run wild with imaginations by adding some twists to them would be the cure to your boredom. 
But it clearly backfired, it required too much thinking.
If anything, it made you feel even more bored than before, if that was even possible.
Heck, you even tried to watch the raindrops sliding down the window pane, pretending that they were racing against each other! 
No matter how much effort you put into distracting your bored out mind, you were too occupied with thoughts of your lover. 
A week ago, the Tsrista had sent out an order to Dottore, there was a mission that required his assistance in the far lands of Sumeru. And since this was an order from the Cryo Archon herself, there was no way he could decline even if he wanted to. 
So reluctantly, you had to let him go for you didn't even know how long. 
Without his goofy laughs and your daily dose of kisses, you felt lonely…
Especially with how your work schedule has been pretty hectic lately. Just as you thought you could have some peaceful moments with Dottore, he had to leave.
What kind of cruel joke was this?
What to do now… You thought as you closed your eyes.
Reading… Cooking... Beating Delta's ass up—
Wait, what?
Where did that come from? 
Reopening your eyes again, you focused on your hearing and could make out faint footsteps walking past your room along with a grumpy voice.
"I can't believe Delta messed all of this up! More work for me, ugh."
So it was a segment.
The segments…
You gasped a bit when a sudden idea came to mind. 
How fun would it be if you cuddled all of them at once?
You were getting a little giddy about your genius idea but then a realization made you doubt your plan.
They are probably busy though… You let out a huff.
Before Dottore left, he had given out a task for each of them to complete. He expected them to finish everything he asked of them by the time he returned.
But a fifteen minute break for them wouldn't hurt, right? You reasoned.
As you slammed the laboratory doors open, you slightly cringed at the loud noise it made when it hit the wall, startling some of the segments.
"(Y/n), my dear. You could've just knocked next time," Omega lightly scolded you.
Smiling at him sheepishly, you lightly scratched your neck.
"Haha, sorry."
He shook his head, chuckling at how adorable you were.
"Well, what brings you here?"
"So I was thinking… if we could all cuddle together?" You asked. 
Your voice wasn't loud enough to reach the other segments, but they could still make out the words "we" and "cuddle". All of them instantly dropped what they were doing and surrounded you.
Getting affection from their darling? And with no Prime around? Who would pass up such a great offer?
"Are we gonna cuddle?!"
"Can we really?"
"Cuddling? I wanna join!"
Well, that was a lot easier than you thought it'd be. 
Oh, how you loved their happy little faces as they trailed behind you, with you leading them to your room.
The moment you got into your room, you laid down onto your bed and sprawled your limbs out, inviting them to come join you.
One by one, each of them plopped themselves down onto the bed with you. 
Some of them held onto your arms while some intertwined their legs with yours, and a head was laid against your torso.
Though, even with this king-sized bed, it could barely fit all of them. 
Theta moved around a little to find a comfortable position when he accidentally kicked someone.
"Ow! Who kicked me?!" Delta yelped.
"Deserved, you gave me more work to do by spilling the serum everywhere!"
"Oh my— Whoever has their feet near my face, please move. It smells of rotten flesh." Omega covered his nose from… whoever feet that was.
Well, this was definitely a bit hard to get used to with how much weight was laying on top of you. 
You weren't complaining though, the weather was a bit colder than usual and they made such a great heat source.
Their bickerings died down and silence soon took over the room, only to be occasionally broken with some light snores and the soft sounds of rain hitting the window.
Ah, life was good.
After a week of being away from the comfort of the palace, he was finally back from the mission and he felt like he would pass out any moment.
The mission he came back from was hell even though it was a success in the end. Nonetheless, he was now back and he had missed you dearly.
Though before going to your room, he was looking forward to seeing how his personal project was coming along. He had calculated that by the time he came back, it would've been completed by his segments.
However, all he saw was an empty lab. What's even stranger was that the work was half-done.
Where did they go? They wouldn't abandon their work like this unless it was an emergency…
Dottore turned back and walked to your room, afraid that something might have happened.
The sight he was greeted with made his blood boil. His segments were slacking off, hugging you as they slept. But when he got closer and took a glance at you, he noticed how peaceful you looked, and it's been a long time since he had seen you this relaxed.
You were complaining about how your work was stressing you out and you weren't able to get some proper rest.
Well, he supposed he'd let his segments off the hook this time for helping you to relax.
Though, his chest tightened at the realization that he wasn't the one who was holding you.
It was his turn now.
He nudged one of the segments awake, and soon the others began to wake up as well at the movement. Miraculously, you were still sound asleep.
All of them stiffened at the sight of Prime glaring at them, oh boy, they could already hear the mouthful lecture they'd get later.
"All of you get back to work, now."
The segments scurried to get out of the room, a little down that they had to leave you so soon.
Changing out of his work clothes and taking off his mask, he slowly got into the spot beside you. Chuckling lightly when his thumb cleaned the drool that left your mouth.
His arm wrapped around you, sighing in content that he finally got to hold you again.
All to himself.
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funtheysaid · 5 months
IWTV 2x01 Initial Thoughts (Stream Of Consciousness)
- That title card for Delainey felt very stage play to me (ahhh I adore the theatrical elements for this season)
- Ooh I love the idea that vamps can take on the emotions of whosever blood they’re drinking - it’s like the vampire equivalent of when werewolves can smell ppl’s emotions and fears through chemosignals (a la Teen Wolf iykyk)
- “Disregard” is the funniest shit ever 😂 Oldmaniel they could never make me hate you
- There’s a Real Rashid OMFG ??? Lol imagine he’s not actually Rashid and they pull one over on us again I’d fucking shit myself
- “Your love was in a box” OH MY GOD EAT HIM UP DANNY BOY
- “Quite fucked” 😏😏😏
- “mon amour” “mon cher” “love” IM GOING TO EXSANGUINATE MYSELF ISTG
- The singular finger on Louis’ chin 🥲 so delicate so soft so bad for my mental health
- I like Emilia
- “They are not used to seeing man with good looks” OKAY I know they’re just racists BUT she also wasn’t lying bc beautiful Louis is canon god bless you Jacob Anderson
- Lol Morgan a little fruity
- OOH memory is a monster! They be redoing scenes as Louis “fixes” his memories !!!! That’s gonna show up again for sure :))))
- “Stupid Halloween costume” Daniel Molloy the brat that you are (is okay, Armand likes brats) *cough cough*
- I’ve never seen someone *elegantly* close an iPad before. Armand, you have bewitched me.
- The fucking sexual tension between DM is stifling 🥵😶‍🌫️ Um if this is us “not getting Devil’s Minion” then I think imma be okay
- Claudia pushing the little racist boy 🤪🥹 we can’t help but to stan
- WTF AMC you can’t just jumpscare me with a Grace photograph :’)))
- so the makeup department really put their whole sfxussies into that decrepit ass abomination
- Louis: Alexa, play Mr. Steal Your Girl by Trey Songz
- Claudia calling Louis Daddy in S1: ☺️🍭👼 Claudia calling Louis Daddy in S2: 😖🤢😟
- I’m dubbing Louis “The Rat Prince”
- “If he can’t take you ballroom dancing and call you pretty” ICONIC.
- “the motherfucker” it’s on sight Bruce or Killer or whatever the fuck your name was 🤕🥊
- “her hand twitched like yours would” why was that line lowkey out of pocket. My mans has Parkinson’s Louis !!!!
- that wasn’t even acting that was some REAL shit. Get Jacob Anderson his Emmy or Oscar or Tony or whatever the fuck I just need him to be awarded for his talent
- Daniel’s soft compassionate side: rare but that much more meaningful when it makes an appearance
- LOUIS you did not just do Emilia dirty like that TF!?! She helped you dude.
- “Human affairs. Their problem.” Not you listening to Lestat now of all times
- “Catfish with teeth” Louis can really read a bitch to filth can’t he?
- Oh shit he’s a kid okay I’m sorry for calling you an abomination earlier. That was mean.
- Woman vampire, you standing precariously close to that fire 👀
- Delainey’s facial expressions are the perfect blend of innocent and slightly unsettling
- What the hell is a bacon triptych am I just stupid don’t answer that
- Armand you ain’t beating the iPad kid allegations
- “It’s his drug” He said that with such malice. Is this a “he needed me but he needed drugs more” plot line???
- So Dubai Loumand is chilly frigid tepid frosty glacial
- Free feet? Okay im sorry
- “We can have him saying what happened next in no time” okay wait hold up why you making it sound like YOU don’t know what happened next and you need him to tell you???
- oh danny boy whistling while the couple he’s counseling walks in… is this a comedy or ?
- Daniel: yeah? 🤓 Armand: yeah 🫦
- “the mother of New Orleans” oh he misses home
- LMFAO Daniel interrupting Armand before he can start soliloquizing
- Louis and Claudia in a truck full of art which they belong in bc they too are pieces of art to me
- hard words. soft words. 🥺
- “a shit life beats no life” god damn this monologue feels like Louis is speaking directly to my soul
- “as long as you walk the earth I’ll never taste the fire” If this is foreshadowing I- I- I don’t know what I’ll do but it’s going to involve a baseball bat and a waffle iron and my head
- “it would be enough” pan to Lestat 💀 you can’t be fucking serious right now you just cannot
- okay it’s over and the teaser for the season just started playing and I just have to shout out the score bc damn if those violins don’t get me every god damn time
(Stutter) That’s all, folks! 🐷👋
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 9 months
aot veteran/104 corp icks bc im back on my bullshit
someone requested AOT veteran icks, they didn't specify nsfw or not so I did both and also added sasha connie and jean bc i luv them:) feel free to message/inbox with requests!
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(levi, erwin, hange, jean, sasha and connie)
will visit ur place and organize things without you asking. he'd just be like "ur welcome, now your kitchen makes sense" and ur like sir, I don't know where anything is now??? also he'd def the type to proclaim he's better than you for only getting two hours of sleep when you got four. honestly so many icks come to mind for this one, imma limit it to those two for now (stay tuned lol)
nsfw: tries to be rough with you but forgets his own strength. will try to throw you on the bed, but he does it too hard so you completely miss the bed and fall on the other side of it and he's just standing there like "🧍🏻...my bad."
you cannot convince me this man doesn't wear water shoes at the pool. you guys say you want a dilf until you actually get one bc this is the type of shit it entails^^
nsfw: erwin cannot dirty talk for shit. im srry but if you're a lil kinky this isn't the man for you. try to call him daddy and he'd be like "we don't have kids?" and you explain the kink to him and he'd just say, "have you considered therapy?🤨" now he's concerned, boner gone, you feel called out, just go to sleep tbh
they're def a firm believer in natural deodorant and won't take the graceful hints that it's not working. prob wouldn't chill w them on a hot day is all i'm saying
nsfw: feel like they'd be really good in bed tbh like i'm struggling to think of an ick. hange has big dick energy, weirdos just do it better idk. i think maybe hange would try to spit in your mouth (they a freak) and they have so much and its thick and globby like the back of the throat type spit, your gonna choke bro im gagging as a i type-
bring back toxic masculinity because Jean's hair care routine is so good to the point he'll call out your split ends, i just know it
nsfw: a fucking chatterbox like his homies know everything. you've walked in on him telling connie in extreme detail how he had you in a full nelson last night while you screamed bloody murder and he doesn't see why ur mad. "babe, if anything i'm bragging about you 😏" fucking idiot istg. also kinda gross but I think he's the type to keep sniffing his fingers after fingering you like well into the next day EWW
obvi she can't share for shit so I think she'd be an annoying person to eat out with. like yk when you're with your friends and only one person puts their card down so the rest can Venmo them? I think you can ask her to Venmo 20 and she'd send 15 and say something like "oh I didn't eat as many fries" but she fr did. never puts her card down either so believe it or not? jail.
nsfw: will literally be on her phone mid-sex with you. feel like she'd be really into the subway surfer vids and yeah, you go down on her and look up and she brought her own entertainment? ipad child behavior
i think he'd say "we" when talking about his fave sports team as if he contributed. like, "really connie, you helped win the superbowl? did you score a touchdown?" grow tf up
nsfw: insane bush on this one, i feel like he doesn't groom for shit and whatever, that's your choice! but I also feel like college-aged modern connie would talk shit about women who weren't bald down there and won't eat it unless it is. HYPOCRITE!! I think when he gets to his mid-twenties tho he'd mature (sasha beat his ass)
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ghostiiess · 10 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - regie's reactions when he saw you crying in the bathroom
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pov: the title say everything (other title: hate comments from the stars directed to you)
warnings: feelind sad, mention of hateful comments, headcanon about online hate, mention of swears here and there, mention of crying and hating ourselves, mention of gaining weight or losing weight (regie is saying he would still love y/n whatever the weight they have. BTW, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Do not change for others people.)
type: comfort
member: regie macalino
reblogs and likes are very appreciated!
please, if you know someone, or live this situation, please do not keep it to yourself. you do not deserve this. if you don't feel to talk or don't know what to say / who to tell, my dms are always open and i put some websites at the end of the post :)
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So regie just finished his job with the boys
And like he usually do when he have time (and when he’s available), he visit you at your apartment
Today, without really knowing why, he missed you more than the usual
He always miss you when he’s at work
(More under the cut!)
But today?
He was like “damn i hope she’s okay” and “i hope she’s smiling right now”
like he was just having gut feelings that you weren't 100% okay? if i can say it like that?
So when his work got done, he quickly went to your apartment
and saw your car was there, which made him happy bc he really wanted to see you! and your car were there, so it probably meant that you were here
He rang on your appartment’s number door ring and got no response
He trust you with all his heart, but tonight, he felt like something wasn’t good
Like if it was his guts saying something to him
Obviously, regie had the key to enter, but he didn’t want to enter just like that
He wanted you to know he was going to come in to see you
He quickly got a text from you, saying you weren’t feeling great, which made regie’s worrying even worse
“What’s up bby? Do u need smth?” Regie quickly texted back
When he didn’t got no response, regie quickly took his key and texted he was going to see u
When he stepped into your apartment, and closed the main door, regie’s voice went all around the house
“Hey baby, it’s me! are you there?”
Ofc, you were there.
He knew it. But he wanted to hear your voice.
But, he didn’t.
Now, he was starting to feel a bit nervous.
You didn’t want to see him, didn’t want to talk or text… it wasn’t really you to do that kind of thing
For sure, when you had bad days, you were feeling not very.. social, but never you were acting like this
And regie knew it.
Regie quietly walking in your appartment and knocked on your bedroom door before open it
"Ayo? Are you dead or what?" he jokingly said (not funny)
When he saw you, in your bed, the phone’s in your hand and your cheeks all wet, his heart started beating so fast
He thought his heart was going to get out of his chest
“Baby? Are you good? What happened?”
You didn’t reply
“Baby… i hate seeing you like this, you know that.. what’s up? Did someone said something? Istg if someone did, imma beat their ass so hard bruh. No ones disrespect my baby.”
You shook you head
“Do you want to talk about it? Do you want me to leave you alone?”
You nodded
“You said yes bc you want to talk about it, or because you want me to leave you alone?”
When you said “first option” with your tired, and sad voice, his heart broke
“Omg, baby… shhh it’s okay, i am here. Im not going anywhere”
He layed on the bed, next to you and quietly stroke your hair
“Talk when you’re ready, my love. I’m here. And if you do not want to talk about it, then that’s fine too. I can just stroke your hair and tells you about my day if thats what you want”
He kissed your cheeks and your nose “you do what you want, okay? im here for you”
When you started talking, and couldn’t talk without letting some tears rolling down your face, his heart broke even more
“Shhh… it’s okay, try to breathe in and out, okay? You can do it, take your time”
When you finally explained the whole situation, he thought his heart was going to die
yes his heart did live a lot of thing-BUT YKWIM
His fans (the stars) were making fun of you on your social medias
"they did WHAT"
"WDYM IT'S OKAY??? its not!! omg, why didnt you tell me?"
"baby, omg... im so so sorry"
“Please, do not hate yourself. You are so amazing and so hardworking. You're so beautiful and so talented, i have no words to say how perfect you are to me”
“You’re always thinking of others before yourself, you always make sure that everyone’s okay, and you always find compassion and respect in people who clearly don’t deserve you”
he started having tears in his eyes
“ you are perfect, just the way you are.”
But you just couldn’t keep it in yourself anymore, it was too hard :((
“Baby, show me your phone, please. I need to see these”
“I am so sorry, my love. I am so so so sorry you had to live this and hide it from me…”
He stroke your cheek
“Why did you hide it from me…? I feel so bad, baby.”
“Baby, i would have care! I'm your boyfriend, you're my girlfriend! I do have a busy schedule, but I’ll always make time for you. Always.”
He sighed
“I always try to make time for you as much as i can, please do not think that your problems are bothering me. We are dating. Your problems are my problems too. You can’t hold everything on your shoulder and expect you to not fall. You need another person to help you holding all the problems off your shoulders and that person is me, okay, baby?”
When he went on his social medias, he blocked *each* star on the platforms
he also wrote on his social medias’ stories:
“Jsyk, if you can’t love my partner or at least respecting them by not writing hateful comments about them, please, stop following me. I would not accept any form of irrespect about me and the people im close to, even more if its about my wonderful partner. Do not write any hateful comments about my partner saying how’s they’re ugly or how they don’t deserve me (which is isnt true btw). If i ever see others comments like this ever again, you will be blocked. Me n the guys respect you, so we expect the same things coming towards you stars. I hope i won’t have to say it again, thank you.”
Let’s say that most of the comments about regie’s stories were like “omg, how dare some stars say hateful comments to y/n??” Or “istg, some stars really do not deserve the guys and y/n.”
“If it ever start again baby, please let me know. I won’t let my own fans treat you this way, okay?” Regie said while kissing your cheek
“I love you so much and nothing will change that. You are perfect the way you are, and even if you gained weight, or lost weight, or were looking like another person, or things like that, you’d still have my heart. you're so beautiful and no ones should decide how you dress and how you eat.”
Please, trust regie when he say things like that, you are so precious and so beautiful, like just look at you now, you are so cute and so pretty and beautiful and so cool
You are so stunning, like whoever write comments about you are so dumb, like idk what they are doing, but they are dumb, you look like a supermodel babe
Who’s Bella hadid? Idk, i only know you
Please, if you are in a situation like this or know someone in this situation, please talk about it to someone. A lot of ressources (such as 7cup who’s a website that can help you telling your problems or situations to random people. its totally free!) are there to help you. I am here too if you guys need something. Although, i am not a specialist and a therapist, i am always willing to listen and help you guys!
Please, do not keep this for you, this is not okay. If you can’t find someone to talk to, or feel too shy to talk about it, or can't find / afford a therapist, go on character.ai (or any other app, idk the names) and search for therapist ai in the search bar. It might sound weird, but it could (maybe) help you, since you are not talking to an irl person and it allow you to vent and be listened without having to feel ashamed if the person behind the screen judge you or not. (AI are not real therapist. do not consider every things the AI says. It's only a solution and can't be remplaced with real professionnals.)
Taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you’d like to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
Bold can’t be tagged.
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sugar-omi · 20 days
STOPPPP OMG ILYT 🥺💞 i was so close to breaking that rule for him tho. only for him...he just looked so sweet and gorgeous and the way i was WANTINGGGGGG. i am not beating the yearnergirl allegations...
im gonna beam your consciousness into the kuromi pin that kicked everything off a la astral projection. that way you will always be there in spirit to watch me go googoo gaga over cute boy...
HELPMEMMEMEMEEE I WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE AN EXTROVERT...BEING SOCIABLE AND QUICK WIT IT IS IN MY BLOOD...MY GENES EVEN...don't get it twisted tho i was literally shitting myself trying to come up with those one liners before he could notice i was overthinking HELPME
on a more recent note, he's been texting me since 7am (he has early classes + the evening shift today so no hangout unfortunately :(( but he promised to text me throughout the day whenever he could EEEEEEEE) and he suddenly asked me what perfume i wear. i tell him i use this one body mist and he sends an ok, AND THIRTY MINUTES LATER I GET SENT A VIDEO OF HIS HAND SPRAYING A BRAND NEW FRESH-OUT-THE-BAG BOTTLE OF THE BODY MIST I USE AROUND HIS CAR??? FOLLOWED BY "that way i don't have to forget last night :))"????? HELLO????????? AM I INSANE. IS THIS A MOVE. IS TH
also omg yes. I will happily possess your kuromi pin so I can watch love unfold ✨️ IT'LL BE LIKE THOSE MANHWA'S WHERE THE OBJECT IS ACTUALLY A GOD FORCING THE FL AND ML TOGETHER BUT THE GOD IS JUST KUROMI... wow so powerful
omg you have to share your luck with me, bless me queen of attracting yearning men. 😔🙏🙏🙏🙏
also. must add on. THAT BUYING YOUR SCENT MOVE IS SO CUTEEE PARTICALLY BC "aww you love my smell" and "omfg that's so hot that you went out of your way to buy my scent *insert linger demonic ramble about how hot that is. at least to me istg*" BUT ALSO. "aww, youre (kinda) trying to one up me by flustering me by buying my scent but I saw how you stuttered and blushed n twiddle your thumbs boy!!!! you are obsessed!!!!"
sigh. please. this is so cute. n so good. n so hot. n so sweet.
istg if that happened to me.... all imma say is, niagara Falls. 👐👐
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miss-celestial-being · 7 months
Today the one guy I used to/ still like. Football player guy. Today when I was standing there by his dad with my friend. He walked over and I was like almost certain he got a haircut cause you know his hair looked different. I didn’t wanna say something and be wrong. But I asked and he did 😌I was right
(He smiled when I asked)
im honestly sure that made his day
did you compliment him??????
istg if you didnt imma come all the way over there and beat your dumb fucking ass that was perfectly set up by whatever deity is up there and you missed it
all hypothetical ofc bc you totally 100% fucking complimented his haircut 😠
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mayisgoingnuts · 2 months
OKKK SO STREBER FIRST. Streber and marco are very fucking affectionate to eachother its normal and stuff to them since they known eachother for a long time ofc!! but when they started dating marco sortaaa got less affectionate but its because yk hes worried about things!! Hes scared hes going fuck things up and that tinyyyy voice in his head telling him streber going to do something bad like jaz even if marco knows its not true its just scary. So i feel like streber notices but gives her time to talk but she just doesn't and acts like everything is fine- so even if streber didn't want to since he felt like he was being rude about it (even if he wasnt he was super careful!) he went to her and sorta talked to her about it and just. asks her to be honest- and after a bit she just opens up how shes worried and all this other stuff and since streber sorta knows how jaz was a ass- was comforting her and telling her hes never going to do that and she can say no to him- and decided to prove that by saying smth like "so if i ask for you to kiss me when you don't feel like it you would say-" and marco just sorta giggles because its stupid but silly lmao- and just "i would say no-...but i wanna kiss you :(" and its just silly- after a bit of talking and stuff they do kiss that night and its a sweet comforting kiss! Marco gets giggly thinking about it-/pos RADFORD. OH MY GOD THIS IS SIMPLE BUT SILLY- Marco and radford on a livestream playing a game they were both veryyyyyyy into and trying to beat a hard part and they were both glued to the game- they had a close call dying but they did it they beat the game!! i like to think they both get up and marco just jumping up and down while radford is giggling at marco and marco without thinking kisses radford out of the moment- RADFORD IS JUST BAFFLED FOR A FEW SECONDS BUT IS GIGGLING WHILE MARCO IS RED AS FUCK LIKE "OH MY GOD IM SORRY I WASNT THINKING" but radford says its fine and its just so cute!! Radford brings it up alot and marco always gets embarrassed about it/pos AND imma send kevin later hehe
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Love In The Air episode 9 live reaction under the cut (long post)
Prapai always looks so good aaaa
What is going on with these siblings lmao
This is random af but Sky's fridge magnets >>>>>>>>
Why is Sky going grocery shopping in his boxers (and a t-shirt but still bro put some clothes on lmao)
Awwwww he didn't throw the flowers away
Sassy Sky is back ayooo
Oh shit I was not expecting trauma flashbacks uh oh
Broooooo I love Sky soooo much
"Do you wanna lose your legs?" PLEASE HE IS SUCH A SASSY BITCH
I feel like bratty bottoms are a reoccurring theme in this series
The hand slap hahahahaha
Awwww my baby's got low self esteem and thinks Prapai's compliments are lies 😭😭
P-piercings? And Sky covers his nipples? Wait a minute *goes back to ep 8 to check for nipple piercings* Sky doesn't have nipple piercings or at least he didn't when they hooked up so either he got some in the meantime or there's a nipple joke there that got lost in translation and went over my head --- and that concludes my nipple research back to the episode
Huh? He got piercings? And took them out? Then how would Prapai know about them, he didn't have them back then and he doesn't have them now??? I am confused and once again spending way too much time wondering about nipple piercings
Sky can not deal with the fact that someone is actually interested in him, he's mad because he thinks it's a joke 😭 (and because Prapai is annoyingly full of himself)
Pai: "What if I'm serious?" Sky: *panic*
Hahahaha Rain ships it soooo hard
Omg when Rain mentioned Sky's ex... SKY BABY WHAT HAPPENED
Ok the little care package from Prapai is cute tho
"I won't like anyone" WHO HURT YOU BABY IMMA BEAT EM UP
Nooooo don't throw it away
1) ohhh I see the piercing now - and maybe I did miss it in episode 8? 2) SKY WHO DID THIS TO YOU LET THEM BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY
Went back to ep 8 again because the piercing mystery would not leave my mind --- idk if they purposely filmed it that way but it was literally impossible to see if there was actually a piercing there, the nipple in question is literally covered or out of focus the entire time (you can see it briefly when he takes off his shirt but the piercing wouldn't really be visible from that angle) --- side note, that song sounds good at 0.75x speed lmao
The reason why I'm so wrapped up in the piercing thing is because HOW WOULD PRAPAI KNOW like was he in any way involved in the scenario from Sky's nightmare?? Because that would be HORRID and I hope it's not the case
Why does this couple have me playing detective all the time wtf
Awwww he's being sassy but Prapai's text actually made him smile
He's just so scared to get hurt again
He blocked him?!?!
Hahaha Prapai's little flashback to Rain's reaction
He's worried about Sky aaawww
And he brought him more food 😭❤️ he'd have my heart so fast with sunflowers and food istg
One thing that annoys me (in this series and in most bl actually) is that "no" is taken as "keep trying" --- but we can acknowledge that it's fictional and we know what consent is so yeah it's just something that should be taken with a grain of salt
He's getting Prapai's texts so he's definitely unblocked him
"Ignore the voice in your heart. Only listen to your head." NOOO SKY THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS
"I'll go piss him off again" SIG THE REAL MVP
Nooo not the nightmares again this hurts to watch
Brooo Sky looks like he's about to collapse
Called it
The fact that Rain told Pai to come to Sky's dorm not knowing that he was probably making it worse for Sky aaaa
Love to see Rain being protective of Sky ❤️❤️❤️
AWWWWW HE'S ACTUALLY LETTING PRAPAI COMFORT HIM but I'm not sure he's even conscious enough to know what's going on and who's holding his hand
The forehead touch aaaaaa
And Prapai asks!!!! And respects Sky's "no"!!!!! Even though he doesn't say "no" but just turns away!!!!!! Good boy
Soft cuddlessss
Prapai in his pj's aawwww
And respecting Sky's boundaries!!!
And doing laundry!!!!!! Hubbyyyyyyyyy
Bonus scene: he's practicing addressing Sky in a soft/friendly way why is that so cute
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
It's his fault they fought.
Tumblr media
FUCK HIM UP !!!!!!!! FUCK HIM UP KEVIN !!!!!!!!
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chocolatytea · 1 year
For that question shit. You are gonna answer all of them, no skipping, piglet~
Whoever this is imma find you and kill you istg 😭 and imma do this shit quick.
1. What’s my favorite tickle tool?
uhh fuck uhm…fingers-?
2. Favorite lers *fucking internal screaming*
Ice -He seems like a lee most of the time BUT FUCK WHEN HES IN HIS LER MOODS!!? ILL DIE
@flufflover7 - WHERE TF DO I EVEN EXPLAIN?!!
@sakounari343 - …*cries*
@amandatheartlover ANGIE UR RUTHLESS
3. Favorite lees (My cute little lees~)
4. Opinion on blindfold or restraints-
Uuuuh I mean ngl I would like blindfolds but restraints- IF IS LIKE ME TIED DOWN TO THE POINT I CANT EVEN MOVE OR OR UHHH TO THE POINT IT FEELS LIKE MY OWN HEART FEELS LIKE IT CANT BEAT OR MOVE OR SHIT- then no :3 I would mostly rather to be pinned down
5. A spot that gets me squealing.
*sniffles* my poor sides and thighs..a fucking squeeze in my thigh or sides will drive my ass insane i swear to heaven and god.
6. How long do you estimate you could last before calling mercy?
2 milliseconds. Period. 😭
7. Ever have tickle fantasies?
yes of course all the damn time
8. Why did you make your tickle blog?
Uuuuhh because why not. 😌
9. Does someone irl know my interest?
No and I hope they never will because if they do I’ll do a double somersault off a cliff
10. Can I say the T-word
I mean I can in text but I’m real life-? HA expect me to be giggling
11. Verbal teases, yes or no and why?
that shit always makes me go into a giggling mess. Seriously especially when like sending me a voice message saying how adorable I am 😭 LIKE *COUGH* *COUGH* @ashwasfound MF SENT ME LIKE… 3 OR 4 RECORDINGS AND ONCE I GOTTEN INTO LIKE 2 SECONDS IN I FUCKIN DIED I WAS A GIGGLING MESS AND SNORTING JEEZ ASHY 😭
12. Upper or lower body tickles?
MAN- Ok ok LISTEN. Well- PAY ATTENTION SINCE U CANT LISTEN TO A TEXT BECAUSE IT AINT SPEAKIN. I have like— 2 spots in my upper body and like 3 spots on my lower. So I prefer both c:
13. Neck or ear tickles
Neck because why not a drag down my poor poor neck will make me die
14. Pinned down on my back because it’s more comfortable for me
15. What do you love about the lees you know?
Dear Ice, Ash, and Saklee..
@ashwasfound - I fucking love your reactions once about to be wrecked by me makes me die of laughter yet your squeals are so fucking adorable too Ashy~
@sakounari343 HELLO THERE STRAWBERRY SAKLEE~ what I LOVVVVVEEEEE about you is how you are a cute little lee and loves some tickles by me~ like literally that’s so cute
Ice- HAIHAI I’m pretty much sure your ass won’t see this but ahem. You’re so damn cute Ice istg all the times I’ve been tickling your ass u just make cute reactions and it makes me wanna tickle you so badly Irl 😭💞✨
16. What do you love about the lers you know?
1. @ashwasfound - THIS DEMONIC DRAGON ISTG- fucking love this asshole and how he tease the shit outta me- I mean his teases really be do getting my ass a lot especially thoses voice recordings.. THOSE SHIT MAKES ME ASCEND.
2. @flufflover7 - DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN?!? NO THIS MF KILLS ME INSTANTLY CRIES. But anyways the way how she teases me right before she’ll wreck my ass- makes me die inside
3. @sakounari343 - SAKO ILL STILL NEVER FORGIVE U ON WHAT U DID ON VC AND HOW U EXPOSED MY ASS *CRIES* BUT ANYWAYS- he’s SCARY. He’ll say the worse teases without him knowing it’s apart of my tickle list- but he’s pretty amazing ler c:
4. @amandatheartlover - Angie. ..ILL NEVER FORGET THAT DAY WHEN U WRECKED MY ASS. But anyways c: I just love how you sometimes give me gentle tickles c: yet wrecking my poor spots..anyways Angie if u see this I LOVE U
5. @xxxmonterodapunk - MONTY CRIES. YOU’LL ALWAYS POP UP WHEN IM IN A CERTAIN MOOD AND ATTACK ME AT THE WORSE SPOTS UNIMAGINABLE. But anyways- I love how this dude tickles me and shit 😭
6. ICE. ICE SPICE HOW OK. SEE. whenever ur not in a lee mood you'll be fucking RUTHLESS ISTG. saying the most unimaginable teases I've ever heard which makes me happy-? But anyways ur a good ler :3
17. Feathers or paintbrushes?
I'll prefer paintbrushes since that shit gets me giggling-
18. How long have you known about your interests in the community?
Uhhhh gosh- like years- maybe when I was like 7 or 8
19. What's your favorite way to be tickled? (As unprovoked, teased into asking, etc.)
Uhh..maybe like just making me ask you to tickle me- shit gets me all flustered
20. Are you/Do you like Polite Lees or Bratty Lees?
Bratty ass lee. Sobs
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harlowsbby · 1 year
This is the first real fic I’ve read since I been back!! And girl u ain’t disappoint it was cute 😭🫶🏽
Summer Shenanigans
The entire day was spent going in and out of the casinos just spending money and making memories a few times you had to try your hardest to cheer Urban up when he lost a good amount of money to the slot machines. ISTG u should never test yo luck wit a slot machine 😭 you’ll win a once play again & get yo ass handed to you
“I mean we did tell you to stop $100 ago.” Druski said as he walked next to a sulking Urban. Me 2 my momma…
“They sure did Urban I even saw someone adjusting with the machine before you even used it.” Sarah lied. it’s givin “that’s my man & imma stick beside him” & we love dat for them 😭
His plan was to throw you in the pool when you weren’t looking or paying attention and he planned on doing it when you got up to get drinks for Sarah and Yourself. Sarah was in on it and although she wasn’t exactly thrilled about the plan she was still down. Now Jackman.. u NEVER throw a black woman in the pool. And Sarah I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS REAL😭 U FAKE!!
“You’re throwing Y/N in the pool? Let me know how being a single man goes.” Ace laughed and walked off. 💀💀😂 See Ace know what’s up
As I was typing this I realized this is the same man who sprayed his fans wit a hoes 😭 I wouldn’t put it past him to throw someone in the pool
I missed your commentary very much 😭💘 I’m glad you liked it I didn’t really like it as much
Not the “me 2 my momma” part taking me out 😭 that’s literally me with my uncles they don’t know how to leave them slot machines alone 💀
STOP I remember when he was literally spraying people with that damn hoes he needed his ass beat for that 😭😭
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As a child Billy got coke and coca cola confused- so when he says "I had coke" people are like 💀
Steves nickname for Billy is Annoying Orange
They go to the zoo (bird enclosure) and Billy is laughing at Steve for wearing a shower cap, and then a bird shits on his head
(I just need fun shit because I just saw edits of Billy's death and referring to him as a pussy- and the whole bat scene with Max- so I need to cleanse myself of bullshit and turn up the clownery 😭)
sorry you saw fucking w h a t
he's a pussy for saving hawkins?? wtaf
i'm happy to provide bae imma beat a few people istg
sorry i'm just imagining, because i hc argyle being billy's old dealer. and billy is a little late and walks in going "sorry man i was just finishing off my coke in the car" and argyle is just "sick dude where did you get it from?"
and billy is just so confused and goes "the store?"
when the bird shits on him he just stands there for a few seconds. lips pursed while steve doubles over laughing his ass off. he is pissed. and leaves :)
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noritoshiikamo · 4 years
game over
pairing: noritoshi kamo + fem!oc genre: angst tags//warning: established relationship, wild gojo appeared // blood, character death, emotion distress, mention of shibuya  note: the obligatory trio of mine: not well edited, lowercase intended, english isnt my first language im sorry if i murder it. note that i put descriptions of the characters i write so it would be easier for me, you’re free to imagine the character the way you seem fits! okay listen imma be honest i dont like this part that much dhhdbdjksncjddiem and im sorry if it sucks bcs istg i cant compete to part 1 and 2 of it so IM SORRY tagging @unabashednightmarepizza @sassyeahhhh @dok-ja @sukirichi [bold means i cant tag u idky :( lemme know if wanna be tagged in the next part] read the first part | second part | third part | bonus
few years ago;
“you’re fucking ridiculous!”
“you’re injured, how the fuck is it me that’s being unreasonable?”
she contemplated stabbing him straight to his chest. “i’m fine, leave me alone,” she hissed, holding on to her arm as she tried to limp away. second year jujutsu student noritoshi kamo wondered how the hell one could be this stubborn. with blood caked up on the side of her face, lips busted and bruising in the corner, not to mention the broken arm and probably twisted ankle, he could not understand how one could be this reckless and stupid, it’s almost ridiculous.
but here she is standing in front of him.
“you could’ve let me handle it,” he said, coldly.
she never turned that fast in her life; her limping leg suddenly worked fine as she hauled her ass, throwing both fists to his chest. the force put was enough to threw him back a few steps, he caught her wrists holding her from falling down. “stop acting like i’m so fragile. i can exorcist the curse just fine. you make me hate you so much,” she spitted, pure rage etched on her face, “just because i’m a girl, because i’m your girl, i’m weak. please, i am as good as you are, kamo.”
their faces were so close, he could count the freckles spread on her nose and cheeks. he loves her eyes the very first time he caught glimpse of it; one is a dull brown while the other looks like it carries the secret of the bright blue sea. this time, the eyes he loves looked hopeless, lack of the burning spirit she carried with tears threatening to spill. letting go of a wrist, his trembling hand brushed the hair coated with the blood back, carefully not to hurt her. “i never said you are bad,” he clarified, fingers busy brushing the hair back. his sudden reaction surprised her, and her body betrayed her thoughts as she eased in his arms.
he tilted her chin, his head was panicking as he realised that his brain was no longer controlling his movement as he leaned down and kissed her.
she tasted like blood.
she winced, pain aching on the swollen part and he apologized so quietly as he deepened the kiss. “nori-” her voice croaked as she swallowed his moans. he hummed, satisfied by the kiss. their foreheads rest against each other, the tip of their noses touched as they struggled to catch breath.
“stop being stupid. let me help you okay?”
slipping his arm under hers, he helped her walk, leading them out of the abandoned building they managed to exorcist. nothing major, a couple of pestering level three and four curses that them both handled well but their supervisor missed to tell them about the hiding level two curse that took them by surprise. she had become the curse’s main target.
if she would’ve just listened to him and stay close. he sighed.
“ouch, ouch,” she cried, clutching on her left leg, forcing him to stop. impatient, he slipped his hand under her knees, lifting her up in his arms. she apologized profusely, embarrassed to be such a burden to him. he brushed it off immediately.
“did you call them? told them that we are done?”
she gasped, “wait, i thought they’ll wait for us.”
he huffed, “you’re not that important, y/n. give them a call, please. i want to go home.”
kicking the door open, the moonlight shone on them as he carried her down to the bottom stairs. settling her down on the steps, he sat beside her, letting a long sigh. he watched as she took the call, letting them know that she was slightly injured, and they need to go back asap. she was visibly tired, and he was the same too.
he couldn’t help but to sigh at the way the moonlight enveloped her. he had loved her from the very first moment he caught his eyes on her; she caught him staring, called him out publicly and ignored all his advances. it took him a lot to court her. she’s a gojo, she can have anything and everything with the sky is the limit.
but one thing money could never buy is affection.
it started with little stuffs; noritoshi waiting for her with her lunch readied every day. it annoyed her but momo (who was secretly rooting for him) forced her to just do it. “it’s just a lunch,” momo said sheepishly. noritoshi would have them paired all the time for the missions. she’d accepted it with open heart. noritoshi would also teach her how to weld a bow and shoot arrows. she promised that she would go out on date with him if he taught her.
by the end of their first year, they became inseparable.
the idea of being apart from her hurts him physically and mentally. she took a sharp breath when he laced his fingers between her own, quickly telling the other person on the phone that she was okay. “it was just noritoshi,” she replied with a small laugh. their hands fit each other; his skin contrasted her slightly tanned skin. while his hands were rough from welding the bow and he kept his nail short and clean, hers were slightly softer with her nails painted prettily. this month she had her nails painted in pastel. all the girls’ day out with momo and mai had proven its importance. he was happy to provide her with his black card despite her discontent.
“analysing my hands now?”
he smiled slightly, “it looks very pretty. i guess i got my money worth. are they coming?”
she leaned on his shoulder, his own wrapped around her as she closed her eyes, “they are around the corner. i would definitely need another round this week,” she teased. kissing her forehead gently, he didn’t mind that his uniform was stained with her blood; he was glad that she’s safe.
“i’ll happily take you there.”
few years later;
noritoshi kamo almost lost his mind. the stadium was half destroyed, huge craters on the pitch with the sight of his wife nowhere to be found. he looked up to the black pitch curtain encasing the stadium area from the sky, a curse escaped his lips.
“where the fuck are you?” he grunted, scanning the area.
she is gone, his stubborn little wife. she could’ve just wait but annoyed that their dinner date was interrupted and eager because this was their first mission together as a married couple; she escaped his supervision. as they were dealing with minor curses outside, she decided to head on forward, leaving him to deal with whatever is left. he beat himself inside for letting her come, he could easily do this himself and send her home safely, but she blinked her eyes and he was weak. she always has her way with him.
his step stopped when he realised there was a shadow ahead.
“she’s pretty,” the thing said.
his blood ran cold, “what did you do to my wife?”
the curse let out a laugh. it was sinister enough to send chills down his spine. especially when he realised the head it was stepping on was his wife. her eyes were fluttering back and forth, struggling to stay awake. a howl shocked him, shivers down his spine at the painful whimpers her shikigami making. cursed spirits were devouring it alive, overwhelming it and chewing every part of its body. his wife was too weak to dispel the shikigami; it’s dangerous as the devoured wolf shikigami will drain her cursed energy by a second.
all shikigami linked directly to the owner; everything inflected to the wolf, she could feel it too.
he needed a plan.
hidden in his wedding ring was a retractable knife. he rarely carries blood bags anymore as his power solidified itself. the older he got, the better he was at using and controlling a small steady flow of his own blood straight from the tap. with a clap of his hands, the knife cut his hand enough to send blood shooting like bullets. the blood hit the curses straight to its cores, died out instantly on impact, but the shikigami was beyond salvageable. it let out one last howl, one last goodbye before dropping to the ground, half of his snout gone. she will be devastated, it’s her only shikigami she managed to tame at such a young age, but at least it has stopped the shikigami from stripping his wife’s cursed energy to its core.
the fire burning in his eyes only made the curse laughed. he kicked her body away, spurting blood out of her mouth. she was halfway close to death’s doorstep.
“i will fucking murder you,” he hissed.
“my blood is my power. it’s supposed to rot human, stripping its meat from the bone like acid. however,” the curse nudged her body, “your wife didn’t. humour me, did your blood tainted hers? tell me, i’m curious how.”
“are you going to chit chat because i don’t have whole day.” his blood dripped on the pitch.
the curse grinned, shrugging his shoulder. he kneeled, running his bloody fingers on her cheeks leaving trails of flowers pattern that dissipated immediately, “i’m not here to fight. i’m here to serve a warning,” he looked up to the tensed sorcerer, “for gojo satoru. tell him, we’ll be waiting for him in shibuya.” noritoshi’s face scrunched in confusion.
“we have no business with the gojos.”
“but she is. she could change her name, married you, but it doesn’t erase the fact that she carried gojo’s blood in her vein. she’s the bridge to your two clans. i’m just killing two birds with one stone. ruin the kamo clan’s relationship with gojos and hurt gojo satoru. all thanks to her,” the curse turned his back on him, his laugh echoed as he walked away. the dark curtain disappeared slowly as the ground rumbled. a perfect chance for noritoshi to strike if it wasn’t because of the cursed spirit’s words gluing him to his spot, “oh, kamo, i believe a congratulation is overdue. let me know when’s the baby is due, i would love to drop by personally.”
the pillar holding on to the roof collapsed sending wave of dust all over the place. noritoshi covered his face, coughing as he sucked some in, removing his coat as a shield. the cursed spirit was no where to be found.
“the place is going to collapse! i’ll get the curse, you go get her!”
a voice echoed and he caught a glimpse of blond hair running past him and noritoshi didn’t think twice as he sprinted around the cracks and holes. who was that voice or who was the curse, he couldn’t give a single fuck, he just wants his wife back. he was shaking when he got to her, arms immediately scooped her up in his arms. her chest was raising slowly, blood dripping on the side of her lips as she struggled to exhale.
“you’re going to be okay,”
he told her, but he wasn’t sure if he will ever be.
“can you turn down the stupid light, it’s hurting my eyes.”
the voice laughed melodiously, the light moved to the other eye repeating the same thing.
“as you can see, she’s awake, slightly weak, but she should be okay.”
another voice interrupted, “are you sure?” she gasped, excited to hear a familiar voice. “nori?” she called out, unable to open her eyes, relying strictly to her hearing as she reached her shaky hands out for him. “her senses might be slightly off, just let her do it herself,” the woman’s voice noted, and she felt annoyed. how dare you underestimate me, her mind scoffed.
“my senses are fine. see?” she claimed as she held noritoshi’s hand up. he smiled, gently rubbing her hand with encouragement. “thanks, shoko, we are fine.”
“i’ll leave you be then. call me if you need anything.”
she listened to the clacking of shoko’s heels, followed by the door opening and slamming shut. she jumped, but he held her hand tighter, reassuring her that it’s alright. “so why can’t i see?” she asked, confident that they are alone now. she felt the bed sunk a little on the left side, “you were high on anesthesia, i’m surprise you could even move your jaw to speak.” she felt a finger brushed her hair aside, breath loomed on her face and she could feel her own face reddening up.
“are you going to kiss me or are you just going to tease me?” his heart swell up, despite her shaky voice almost made him laugh.
“do you trust me?” his hand cupped her cheek gently.
she nodded eagerly, “always.”
his kiss hit her like a waft of fresh air. every kiss felt like a first kiss to her that she couldn’t help to react so eagerly to it. his tongue slipped through her defense, overwhelming her taste buds with such strong taste of iron. it didn’t stop her. she knew what he was doing from start. he peeked a little, didn’t stop a second from kissing her as he watched his blood marking appeared on her face. her hands went up around her neck pulling him closer and he obeyed, deepening the kiss.
heal; his mind commanded.
after a while, she pulled back, being the one to break apart from the kiss first, her chest raising up and down as she struggled to catch her breath. her eyes were wide open now, fluttering lazily as she leaned back on the propped-up pillow. he wiped the corner of his lips, eyes on her as he watched the open wound on her face and arms slowly closed leaving the fresh healed red marks behind. he relaxed when he heard a thank you coming from her, as she checked her healed arms.
“i’m disappointed with you,” he finally broke the silence.
“really?” she frowned. he always does this thing where he will immediately go into lecture mood every time she does something that pisses him off. it’s almost like a game to her as she waited for him to explode, “right now? not even going to wait until i’m discharged. this is a new record, toshi. like shoko said, i’m fine.” he shook his head, “it doesn’t make it right. you always disobeyed me. ignored my orders, going about with your goddamn big head, you could’ve been killed.”
she rolled her eyes, noritoshi is being noritoshi, what a drama queen, she mentally rolled her eyes, “but i’m not,” she pushed her hair back, twisting it easily into a simple loose knot, “i told you, i am not weak.”
“your shikigami was destroyed, your blood was poisoned, 70 percent was already circulating to every part of your vein, i had to beg for the higher up to help purify your blood,” her smile died down. this game no longer feels fun for her. noritoshi was really mad this time. “you think it’s fun and all game but game over, y/n. you need to stop doing this. if you can’t do it for me, do it for yourself.”
“leave me alone, nori, if you just going to nag, please i don’t want to hear it. i’m tired.”
it made him angry that she was taking his word lightly. running his hand in his messy hair, he felt like hauling his head to the wall.
“you don’t understand-”
she slammed her hand on the bed, interrupting his words, “no YOU don’t understand me, i’m tired of you babying me. i’m an adult, i am your wife, stop treating me like a fucking child! we have been married for months, but god you’re suffocating me.”
“i will when you stop endangering yourself. i will stop treating your like a child when you stop acting like one. you’re pregnant, for the love of god!” he threw his hand on the wall. the wall cracked from the force. “i’m what?” she felt the world stopped spinning. she was hundred percent sure that her ears and head were deceiving her. he removed his hand from the hole he made on the wall, his body shaking from the amount of anger building up.
“noritoshi, answer me! what do you mean- i’m not pregnant, i had my period this month.”
“you are,” he shrugged. he felt something hit him in the back; looking down he saw the fluffy white pillow sitting by his feet.
he pointed to the bedside table where a sonogram perched up against a tissue box. she was about to lose her mind. “this is not funny, if this is your mean way of fucking me up because i won’t listen to you then this is just fucking cruel.”
he marched towards him, his hand went down on his chin, forcing her eyes on him, “until you stop playing your stupid games, until you stop treating your life like it’s nothing, until you consider my feelings and my worries, as your husband is valid, i do not exist in your life,” tears fell down her cheeks, “like you, i’m tired too.
“nori i-“
he left her before she could say a word. she broke into sob; her chest was pounding so hard that the blood pressure monitor was beeping. the door burst opened but it was not the face she wanted to see. she was immediately hysterical. satoru managed to hold her wrist down before she ripped the tubes and needles off her arms. “no, no, i want nori. where is he!” she screamed as satoru held her down. “you need to calm down, it’s not good for the baby,” satoru cooed, but she was not having it. he turned to shoko, “her cursed energy is skyrocketing, she’s going hysterical, do something!”
“let me go!”
shoko held out a syringe, “hold her down.”
she screamed, thrashing so rough that she almost slipped out of the strongest sorcerer’s hands. she managed to get a needle out before she felt another sharp pain on her back. shoko pulled the empty needle out and they retreated away as she fell on her butt backward. she was reduced to a babbling mess, her eyes drooped as she struggled to fight the waves of sleepiness hitting her one after another.
“tell him i’m sorry,” she croaked out, before everything turned completely dark.
the blood pressure monitor returned back to normal.
three days later;
“are you still going to ignore her? it’s been 3 days.”
“she needs to learn her place.”
gojo satoru disagreed. he eyed the head of the clan, shaking his head before standing up. he thought he could convince noritoshi kamo to visit his wife, but the man was as stubborn as- huh, her.
“i think she have learned enough, she’s miserable. you’re miserable.”
the man glared at the blonde man child, raising the cup of tea up for a sip. the tea doesn’t taste as good as the way she made it. he left her for 3 days and he found himself struggling to do everything alone. 
he, noritoshi kamo, 23 years old and the head of the kamo family, could not make a cup of fucking tea.
she always said that the best way to make tea depends on how long you let it steep. “too early and you won’t get the right amount of flavour,” she explained, her back facing him as he watched from the counter as she loomed over the stove, “but if you steep it way too long you going to burn the tea leaves and it will make everything taste bitter.” she turned around, a huge smile on her face that made his heart skipped a beat.
he frowned; the tea tasted bitter.
“she’s pregnant, she’s supposed to be crazy. you are supposed to be the wise one. she is going to carry your child for 9 long months, i can’t explain to you how long that’s going to be but she is allowed to be crazy.”
he dropped the cup on the floor when gojo’s hand grabbed him by his collar, pulling him up from his chair.
“now please, see your goddamn wife before i deck you in the mouth.”
“i will.”
satisfied with his answer, gojo’s demeanor changed and he was again the man child they all know of him. noritoshi could no longer focus on the report in front of him; not when his mind is full of her and only her.
would she forgive him? he wasn’t sure.
but he would spend his lifetime making up to her and the baby if that’s necessary.
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corpse-bl0g · 3 years
chapter 85 spoilers!
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also teru bby I love u but for the love of god stop trying to beat up hanako every 5 mins or istg Imma smack ur head
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yes yashiro bby get him outta there ASAP❗
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