#In a similar way that the first HP book used to but I can't stand those books anymore
evils-corner · 11 months
Sometimes I see mention of the first warrior cats book and it feels so...nostalgic to me. It feels like home. It's comforting. Just Firepaw and his friends learning and growing together when they were young and naive. Before the plot thickened and before he was really thrust into the politics and tragedies of the clans.
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Frozen Dean Winchester x Reader Fic
: !! Romantic junk, comedy, and a whole lot of smut lies ahead. You have been warned !!:
P.O.V = point of view
E/C = eye colour
Y/N = your name
Chapter One
~Your P.O.V~
| | hello! My name is Y/N , I'm not exactly your average girl, I'm not an instagram model with a thigh gap or a flat tummy, but I'm me! I'm a huge book nerd, I love LOTR, HP, etc. Etc! I don't really listen to anything other than classic rock and occasionally a little bit of Taylor Swift.. also, if you get close to me, you better have licorice.. | |
"Whew.. all done!" You sighed,
You had just filled in a long tinder bio, you read it over and decided it was okay
*Tinder bio updated!*
You got up from your desk and headed down to the kitchen
Boxes were spread around the kitchen, as you had only moved in just two days prior. You were scavenging the food boxes when you found a box that wasn't supposed to be there.
It was the box with your mother's stuff in it.
Three months before your move, your mother had passed away peacefully in her sleep, she was suffering from bone cancer for nearly two years. She fought hard but couldn't fight any longer. She was always a brave woman, the strongest you ever knew. So when she passed away, you were torn but you knew it was going to be okay.
You picked up the first thing you saw in the box- a picture, it was of her, holding you when you were a baby, you felt tears on the verge of falling, so when you blinked, you accidentally got tears on the picture, you made sure to quickly wipe them away. You turned the picture over, and saw your mother's beautiful handwriting
"October 4th, 1992, going home!"
This was taken just a couple days after you were born, you smiled, looking down at the picture one last time before placing it back in the box and closing it up to put into the attic.
As you were crossing your room, box in hand, you heard a faint *ting!* coming from your computer.
You put the box outside your bedroom door and headed into your room, sat at the computer: and saw a tinder notification.
*you got a match!*
Only a couple seconds later you saw you got a "super-like" and a direct message by "impala67"
~ Tinder chat ~
Impala67: hey, so.. we were matched.
Gandalf11: looks like it.
Impala67: what's your name?
Gandalf11: gandalf obvi :P
Impala67: hahah okay, gandalf. For real, what's your name?
Gandalf11: Y/N 's the name! How about you?
Impala67: names Dean :P
Gandalf11: hello, Dean.
Impala67: hello, Y/N.
Gandalf11: so, I don't really know how this whole tinder thing works.. I'm quite new..
Impala67: well, tinder basically just hooks you up with people with similar interests, and then they go out on a date, and see if it works out or not. A lot of people use this site for one-night-stands but that's not really what I'm here for.
Gandalf11: oh! So.. should.. we.. go on a date..??
Impala67: of course! :) are you free on Tuesday?
Gandalf11: hold on let me check.
~ten minutes later~
Impala67: .. hello? y/n?
Gandalf11: hey! Sorry that took so long I had to scavenge the billions of boxes for my calendar 😧 and yes, I'm free this Tuesday.
Impala67: ah, moving?
Gandalf11: just moved in, actually. Been putting off un-packing for two days lol
Impala67: hahah. So, when should I pick you up?
Gandalf11: 5:3o should be good :P
Impala67: great! I'll pick you up then, but I have to go, my brothers bugging me about leaving for our job 😐
Gandalf11: hahah okay, I'll send you my location later but for now ill let you go :)
Impala67: alright, it was nice talking to you, y/n :D
Gandalf11: as it was to you, Dean :) bye!
Impala67: bye :)
*end of chat*
~Deans P.O.V~
"Dean! Hurry up we don't have all night!" Sam yelled
"Yeah, yeah!" I yelled back
I got up and put my phone in my pocket, left the room and put on a flannel and a coat, and saw sam already waiting at the door
"Dude.. where's my keys?"
I patted myself down and looked behind me, then I heard tinkling, I looked back at Sam, who, not that surprisingly, was holding my keys teasingly. I walked over to the door, snatched my keys and walked out, and heard him laughing behind me.
I walked up to my baby and opened the door, sam doing the same, and we got in, I started the car, and heard the familiar purr of baby
"Listen to her purr, sammy! Ain't she beautiful?" I exclaimed happily
Sam looked over at me, happy but also a little puzzled
"Dude what's gotten into you? Only two hours ago you were all grumpy then you went on your phone and now suddenly you're so happy" sam chuckled
"What? Can't a guy be happy for once sam? GOD" I said sarcastically.
I looked over at sam, smiling, and watched him laugh while looking out the window. I always loved moments like these, seeing my little brother in a good mood always cheers me up. I started driving onto the main road out of town, there was a pack of vamps camping out in minesota killing sheep and people every week, so we figured we'd go scope the place out.
~Your P.O.V~
*ri- S L A M*
"Uuuuggghh" you sigh
You sit up straight, your hair is messy, not the cute messy either, and there's mascara smeared all over your face
You open your eyes to see your mirror in front of you, and scare yourself
"JESUS FUCK AND DAMNATION" you've been scared awake, and then realize you got scared over your own reflection, and then you realize and chuckle to yourself, "why am I laughing to myself? That's so sad, so stereotypical it could be in a cheesy fanfiction." You say to yourself
'That too..' you think
'All of that cou-' you stop yourself, you're thinking too deep into this..
You get up from your bed and head down to the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast
"And todays special breakfast is Ramen with a hardboiled egg.." you whisper to yourself
That's when you hear something crash upstairs, your head jets up to look up the stairs behind you
"What the fuck?" You say shakily
You grab a kitchen knife, the water is still boiling behind you, but thats the least of your worries right now.. you tiptoe to the stairs and look up.. there's nothing there..
You walk up the stairs, knife still in hand
You walk to your room
"Sounds like it came from.. in here.."
You open the door, only to see the cutest black kitten, with the brightest blue eyes you've ever seen. It's adorable, but then you notice it isn't moving.. or breathing. It's a stuffed kitten. Somebody, had somehow gotten their hands on a dead kitten, and had stuffed it, then put it on the dead Centre of your room
"Tick tock" somebody says behind you
You turn around quickly, its a woman with long black hair, a black leather jacket, black jeans and black boots on, she's slim but fit, and has an oval shaped face, and she has blue eyes, and pale skin.
You scream, as she attacks you, right after you scream, you hear the front door get busted open, and she whips her head around while pinning you down, and growls "bloody fucking hunters.."
She looks back at you while you're struggling, and then she gets up quickly and as she's about to leave, two big burly men run in, and within seconds she's pinned to the wall with a machete on her neck.
"WHERE'S THE REST OF THE PACK!?" One man yells
The taller man runs over to you and helps you up
"Are you okay? Did she hurt you? Or bite you?" He says, panicked
"N-no why the hell would some stranger bite me?" You ask
"Nevermind that, we have to get you out of here quickly.
He rushes you out to their car and puts a blanket around you.
"My brother is going to deal with her, for now you need to tell me everything that happened." The tall man says
You don't know what it is about him, but you trust him. Maybe it's because he just saved your life.
You're about to tell him all of what happened when suddenly you're interrupted
You look over to your front door, and see a way too familiar face in your now broken doorway
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