#Incarnates of Mortis
8r14r-r0s3 · 1 year
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Oops my hand slipped
It’s been a bit since a posted and I came back swinging! This took like 9 hours, but here’s the control art of the second OC I want to show you guys, Nalu Ikaika. Pretty prince acrobat water lady :).
Have a good day and don’t be like me, get 8 hours of sleep.
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incarnatesofmortis · 1 year
Hiya! Welcome to Mortis!
My name is Briar, I use She/They but any/all is also chill, and I run this blog and made its characters. When/if I officially produce anything know that I am not the only person working on this project, I’m just the creative lead and the only one with a social media account.
What is Incarnates of Mortis?
IoM is a story focusing on a group of magical girl esque figures who protect the land of the dead from souls that have been corrupted. These figures are dubbed Incarnates by the public and believed to have been born from Mortis itself. Our protagonist, an Angel girl known as Merry Tolli, leads a faction of the incarnates who believe it is better to reason with corrupted souls and heal their suffering. She is rivaled by an Incarnate who has dubbed herself The Crypt Keeper of the River Styx, who leads a faction of Incarnates who believe the simpler solution is to fight the sinners in order to destroy the source of their suffering through force.
Who are the main characters?
Merry Tolli- An Angel with a heart of gold who is unwavering in her compassion. She earned her status as an incarnate by saving the life of a drowning boy as a child. She goes by the alias Odette the Swan when fighting as an Incarnate
Nalu Ikaika- A loyal and fun-loving Nymph who is childhood friends with Merry. She earned her incarnate status by saving a girl from a fire that burnt down her family cafe. She goes by the alias Lily Loch while interacting with other Incarnates.
Felix Chatmao- A chill and down to earth cat therianthrope who is friends with Merry. He earned his status as an Incarnate by saving the life of a lost child in the forest. He goes by the alias Acteon of Felis while an incarnate.
Styx- Styx, or Crypt Keeper of the River Styx by her full title, is the leader of a rival group of incarnates. She is cold and analytical. Her true identity is unknown. She seems to be blind, but seems to be able to predict attacks.
Plague Mascarade- A gunslinging and mouthy incarnate who seems to be a siren. He insists his reasoning for allying with Styx is just so he can shoot stuff, but it’s unclear if he’s telling the truth. He often leaves battles before their finished in a rush without explaining.
There are more, but I don’t want to spoil the fun ;))
Rules in case literally anyone cares about these characters and wants to draw them or something
1) Please credit me and link to my blog
2) Please no NSFW. Slightly suggestive is fine, but please no nudity.
3) Please don’t whitewash my characters. Please don’t make my bigger characters skinny.
4) U don’t have to but it’d be really super cool if you told me about it and where I can find you so I can gaze at your beautiful artwork and share it with the team.
For more specific information like some preemptive world building and more character details, there should be pages dedicated to those.
Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy your stay in the land of the dead!
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nyormilt · 1 year
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proper death
(has anyone noticed i barely draw the batter’s uniform the same way twice…? there’s no pattern, but sometimes i can’t be bothered to draw stripes, or add them cause they make the drawing cooler. truly, i am a deity of inconsistency…)
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tenth-sentence · 6 months
Then they slid through the wall of the room and out of the village, much the way Mortis moved through substance.
"Incarnations of Immortality: And Eternity" - Piers Anthony
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sleepy-sirin · 3 months
Incarnation (Honkai Star Rail x Child! Herrscher! Reader)
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Summary: In which Y/n, the creation of Will of Honkai, successfully defeated her own creator with the help of her friends. After defeating the Will of Honkai, for using too much of her power she goes into a deep sleep.
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Chapter 8
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Third POV:
Back in Era:ZERO
"E mi et escontina♪
O plenitas o colindia♪
Mi mortis sicle ha juus costro♪
Mawe Poco entalius♪
Gledis clant o pledistiant♪
Enti lai viginse lescayan♪
Mawe poco es vienticlo♪
Taan ma tai la la la♪
La la loo♪"
Y/n sing a song that she discovered and took liking to it. She was at the seashore singing while observing the "God of War" a stronger weapon against the Houkai proposed that Dr. MEI build, and a giant red sting ray (Y/n's real body) is attacking the "God of War".
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"Are you still going?" Y/n asked Kiana who was beside her.
"Yeah, MEI is waiting for me." Kiana said to Y/n.
"Will you be coming back?" Y/n asked her.
"Don't worry, I will defeat the Houkai and come back to everyone." Kiana said.
"...... Is that so, it seems that you are still so stubborn......" Y/n watched Kiana walk away from her.
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"Goodbye, my beloved Kiana...."
Years later
[Huge Houkai outbreak]
[Human civilization has been confirmed destroyed]
"Begin to implement civilization amendment program..."
"First stage, begin calculations."
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"E mi et le escontina♪
O plenitas o colindia♪
Mi mortis sicle ha juus costro♪
Mawe poco entalius♪"
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".... Sigh. What a boring world..... Always in a hopeless cycle of reincarnation." Y/n said, as she stands up from the sand and went to dive into the deep sea.
"..... to see, an old friend ~" She said. as she made her way to the Stigmata Project.
"Long time no see, is the child ok?" Y/n asked the A.I hologram Infront of her.
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"Terminal calculation is in progress, Do not approach." The A.I said.
"What an indifferent machine, it's merly a parasitic remant of human civilization that lives inside me... How ungrateful." Y/n said.
"We are symbiotic, that agreement is still in effect, you have no room for rebuttal." The A.I said.
"Ah... that's right, if it wasn't for that agreement with that child, there wouldn't have been so much trouble." Y/n said.
4???? Years ago on the moon
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"Sure enough it still didn't work.... You couldn't change anything." Y/n said to Kiana.
"Weather it's humanity, or Houkai...." She said.
"Y/n.... Can I ask you for something...." Kiana said.
"Of course, I'll make all your wishes come true for you. Because that's what I was made for..... To become your lover." Y/n said.
"This time.... Stop joking...." Kiana said.
Y/n chuckles. "Haha, I'm being serious. To become a lover of humanity, to become a lover of Houkai, to become.... Deeply in love with your lovers. I will wait for you, Kiana."
"Whether you remember me or not, no matter what you become. I will keep it for you, the possibility of a future that you want...."
Y/n's POV:
Back in the present
"Y/n, will you help us?" Bronya asked me.
"Don't get me wrong. I'm only abandoning the side that will always lose. Lack of tact, that's one of  your human tricks of the trade, isn't it?" I said.
"You will always lose... You can't be the first-" Yssring said.
"I don't know, right?" I said.
"Not as the doomed dead, but as friends." Kiana said. She reaches out hand.
"Let's fight together, Y/n!"
I hold Kiana's hand. "Okay. That's not too bad."
"Phemie Iris and Y/n attack the Will's outer body from the outside. You all need to hurry up and destroy the Will's core!" Phemie Iris said.
"The Supervisor of Will has already assimilated the moon and sucked out the power of the Ruler of the End. Plus, there's still a "passageway" that connects the two universes. That allows us to take in an unlimited amount of collapsed energy from the collapsed universe. That Will's power is at its peak, so don't underestimate them." I said to the group.
"Thanks for the heads up, Y/n!" Kiana said.
"But in this realm of the human soul-" Mei said.
"There's no way we can lose!" All of us said.
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"Y/n, Why betray us?" The Supervisor of the Will asked me.
"That's a really silly question. You've already calculated and derived the answer, haven't you? You are just like that kid Otto. You have been "rulers" too long. Your wills have been set long ago, you are doomed to defeat." I said.
"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."
"Obey." The Supervisor of the Will tried to control Y/n but it didn't work.
"It's useless. In this realm, Y/n is not under your control. Now she is not a servant of collapse, she is my friend!" Kiana said.
"Lock on."
"All bullets fired!"
The Supervisor of the Will's tentacles attack at the group. All tentacles were easily obliterated by the attack of mechanical wings and heavily armed rabbits. The power of the attack was far beyond the power of the soldier gods. Ninti became a galloping golden lightning bolt, breaking one by one through the defenses built by the Supervisor of the Will.
"We are nothing but stupid creatures repeating the same mistakes." The Supervisor of the Will said.
"Seele and Sin, their actions actually proved it. People can grow! We will not allow them to be slandered!" Bronya said.
"Humans have been fighting creatures since ancient times, but human history is a history of progress. It's you who don't see it. They really are stupid creatures!" Yssring said.
"The future of our world is full of endless possibilities, but your world is already rigid. Even with the Sacrament- We kept going with our burdens and arrived at this moment of triumph!" Ninti said.
The "black flame" gathered in Kyuushou's hand and became a huge sphere that slammed into the Supervisor of Will. Compared to it, the controller of will looked obviously small.
"Don't screw with humans, overseer of wills!" Kyuushou said.
"Don't make me laugh!" The Supervisor of the Will said.
The destroyed body of the Supervisor of Will was re-built. At the same time, a golden light, similar to that of the law of the end, was emitted from its body, the same golden light as that of the law of the end.
"This guy is till going strong!" Kyuushou said.
"It's just a bluff." Kiana said.
"It's a pseudo-created emotion, but it sounds like the real thing." Mei said.
"Behind me, the energy life forms of the entire collapsed universe are waiting! There is no way we can compete with a mere earth civilization! I will make you regret it from the bottom of my heart!" The Supervisor of the Will said.
All of us attack the Supervisor of the Will with all of our strengths but the Supervisor was too strong to be taken down. The firepower of  Phemie Iris and Y/n is not strong enough.
"Let's just block the "passageway" between the two universes so that guy can't use the disintegrating energy. Because then that guy will be nothing more than a lump of meat the size of the moon." Y/n said.
"How can we do that?" Mei asked.
"It's the opposite of the way the Supervisor of the Will opened the "passage" and sent the first disintegrating energy, me and the first Kiana into this universe. Besides, the distance between two universes is closer now than it used to be so we don't need to start a big war like before to block the "passage"." I said.
"But this knowledge exists only in my main body and in the consciousness structure of the "first you". The "first you" is already gone, and the power of the law giver of the end has been absorbed. So-"
"No, you can't!" Mei said, already know what I was planning to.
"If you do that, Y/n-" Kiana was about to convince me, but she was stopped by me.
"It's okay." I assured Kiana and Mei.
"I've known for a long time... That "Kiana" I am looking for is long gone. I was looking for a version of "her". I also know that I wasn't "special and unique" to you from the beginning." I said. I approache to Kiana.
"But I couldn't ignore my feelings." I put my hand on Kiana's cheek.
"The only one who knows this knowledge, all the power involved in it. Take all of me Kiana." I kissed Kiana gently on her forehead.
Both Kiana and Mei looked shocked at what they saw, seeing me and my main body scattered, glowing with light.
"And this is not a "fusion" mission given by the collapse. It's not due to some meaningless sinecure, either. Just of Y/n as a human being. A final, selfish "love" for you." I said.
"Y/n... You are so selfish, Y/n..." Kiana smiles at Y/n.
Mei chuckles. "Hah... Kiana, you are really loved by everyone. But she saved the day." Mei hugs Kiana tighter, feeling jealous.
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Taglist: @starxao
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glitteringcrab · 9 months
I've seen this technology before
...Have we... really considered the implications of this?
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The first possibility is that the creators of Rick and Morty kinda made certain things up as they went along (which makes sense) and this was simply Evil Morty's introduction: he's clever, he's ruthless, he can perform mind control. Cool. Spooky.
The second possibility, if Evil Morty's whole arc is planned from the very beginning and he's always been intended to be an overarching villain/antihero (honestly, it feels this way) is that in some point in the past there was either (at least one) Villain Of The Week (let's call him Random Puppetmaster Villain) or a Rick (let's call him Puppetmaster Rick) who would puppeteer people to promote his own agenda.
The Citadel Ricks examining Evil Rick had evidently no clue who could have been puppeteering Evil Rick. This can be read in two ways:
A) Random Puppetmaster Villain/Puppetmaster Rick is still at large, never been caught. The Citadel Ricks have no idea where to even begin looking. Evil Morty would likely know who it is.
I feel like this theory has some basis plot-wise, given that with Rick Prime dead and the Intergalactic Federation gone we're sorta running out of overarching villains.
B) Random Puppetmaster Villain/Puppetmaster Rick is dead, his villain lair destroyed, all his mooks defeated. The Citadel Ricks are like "wtf, what's this up now?" as all possible leads are long gone. They have no idea who could possibly be using the same technology now.
This theory has some basis if we consider the fact that Evil Morty does not appear particularly scared--just angry. His motivation to leave was because he was sick of being trapped with Ricks, not because he was worried a past enemy might hunt him down. I guess one possibility doesn't rule out the other (you can be scared and angry at the same time) but Evil Morty seems to be the living incarnation of the toxicity of the Rick-Morty dynamic; nudging that on the side with a generic being-a-victim-to-a-villain backstory feels very disappointing.
I guess in theory both possibilities could be true; Puppetmaster might have been defeated, Evil Morty might, along everyone else, think the dude (or dudette) is dead, but that person could have escaped.
There is also the possibility that Puppetmaster and Evil Morty parted in good-ish terms with each other, so one has no reason to fear the other.
C) Evil Rick was the Puppetmaster. I feel this is unlikely, same as I feel it is unlikely that Evil Rick was ever physically abusive with Evil Morty, despite Evil Morty's reaction to his yells. If he was in habit of hitting Evil Morty (or worse), I doubt Evil Morty would have worked up the courage to get in his face over something as mundane as a shitty (literally lol) adventure. (Other Ricks might have been though, which would explain Evil Morty's reaction).
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Evil Morty had the... good fortune (?) to interact with this person in the past. In the same way Morty Prime is used to disarming neutrino bombs drunkenly assembled by Rick C-137, Evil Morty was experienced enough to successfully perform brain surgery on Evil Rick. This is supported by Evil Morty's large range of brain-related abilities, and I'm not referring to the manipulation:
1. Performing brain surgery on at least two Ricks. It wasn't a one-time thing. He did it with Evil Rick, and he did it again when he was running for president:
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Look at the Rick in the picture: he doesn't have the eye bags nor mouth scar that Evil Rick had, and Evil Morty is wearing his Candidate Suit.
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It's unclear if Evil Morty set his assistant up for a failed assassination attempt to gain votes through sympathy, or if someone had really been keeping tabs of him... But whichever is true, I can totally see any people in the know being afraid to speak up: any of the Ricks accompanying Evil Morty might in reality be puppeteered by Evil Morty. Some of the guards that shot the District Ricks might have been Evil Morty. The Ricks that approved of him participating in the campaign run might have been Evil Morty. Good luck speaking to anyone; you risk basically confessing to Evil Morty.
2. Scanning Rick C-137's entire brain (when he finished this in the Citadel, he did it with no visible apparatus, I might add).
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3. Scanning dead Ricks' entire brains. You'd think that the death would deteriorate the memories, but nope. Evil Morty was good to go.
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4. Being able to instantly scan another person's brain and find out what they're planning:
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5. Creating small devices that can instantly hijack robotic brains and enslave them to his own will:
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6. Downloading specific data from another person more-or-less on the spot:
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I mean, that wasn't even Evil Morty's tablet! He threw it away after he was done, and it seems that he had hastily wrecked Rick Prime's control room to hook him up with some cables so he could get what he wants.
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(Interesting that he didn't bother downloading Rick Prime's insta-healing ability though; one with think that it'd be quite a catch, but Evil Morty apparently does not want to be able to live forever)
I mean, we've seen the Galactic Federation going into a lot of trouble to get Rick C-137's interdimensional travel secret, and those weird little dudes that specialized on simulations going to equally lot of trouble just to get Rick C-137's concentrated dark matter recipe.
They'd all wish they had the same abilities Evil Morty has, it'd all be over in a jiffy.
What I'm concluding when taking all the above into consideration is that Evil Morty was at some point paired with a Rick who specialized in brain control. Evil Morty got to observe the surgeries, assist in the surgeries...
...and have a surgery done to him.
Because he might be able to perform brain surgery on an incapacitated Rick, but I doubt he'd be able to do it to himself in his bedroom.
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He had no trouble hooking his own cables with the eyepatch, even though the cables were sticking out of his freaking eye. He knew how to connect them. He knew how to make the eyepatch work. He knew what he was doing. This was all familiar to him.
And given that once he became fed up with Evil Rick he acted with no hesitation, it's clear that he had already considered this technique as a possible way out, and up to then had been simply deciding against it.
Best case scenario. BEST CASE:
Evil Morty was simply one of the Puppetmaster's experiments. (No hard feelings.) After all, Evil Morty had no transmitter in his skull. He had to hook up one externally. This means that Puppetmaster never considered him a partner; Evil Morty was never given free reign to puppet others. He was one of the people being puppeteered.
It's unclear whether Evil Morty has a receiver of his own still stuck somewhere in his brain (I mean, if Puppetmaster's transmitter is destroyed, I guess that Evil Morty would stop receiving orders and he'd be free) although even if that's the case, I'm sure once he became president and got access to more superior tech he'd make sure to fix this possible contingency.
The cables sticking out of his freaking eye kinda point out to Puppetmaster connecting Evil Morty to a machine while immobile (especially if Evil Morty was the initial experiment, needed updates, maintenance, etc) or having him wear a mook mask or helmet of some sort. Those cables are not really easy to use otherwise. Or maybe there was a receiver once in his skull, was later removed (e.g. once Puppetmaster was defeated) but the cables hooking up the removed receiver to his brain have remained.
Worst case scenario:
Evil Morty was not simply an experiment, but one of the people regularly puppeteered. Theoretically possible, although given that Ricks don't think highly of Mortys, and that Mortys usually do what they're told (a clone Morty with nowhere else to go even more so), I'm not really sure what kind of things Puppetmaster thought Evil Morty would be useful for and thought that the best way to get obeyed was literal brain control.
In any case, this wasn't just "a body modification" nor "just an implant", in the same way that Morty Prime can turn into a boat or breathe in space. This is a lot, A LOT more intrusive.
In conclusion:
Possible villain still at large.
Someone hug Evil Morty ASAP.
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frogzzai · 1 year
Got any hc's for smooching the upper moons? 😘
Of course I do, what sort of Tumblr writer would I be if I didn't? 🫣🤭
Uppermoon kissing headcannons!
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx)
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Characters included: Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Hantengu, Sekido, Urogi, Karaku, Aizetsu, Gyokko, Gyutaro, Daki
Warnings: Suggestive content
Uppermoon 1- Kokushibo
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I feel like Kokushibo would be a very traditional man seeing as he's over 400 years old.
He's definitely not one for short pecks, even if one of you had to be somewhere.
Kokushibo would prefer slow and passionate kisses, like the gentleman he is (ignoring the murder of course🤞).
Almost always asks before he kisses you. Something along the lines of, 'May I kiss you'.
Kokushibo puts a lot of passion into his kisses, he doesn't just give them out half-heartedly, he really puts his emotions behind it (or any emotions he has left).
He doesn't like teasing, he won't tease with his kisses and he doesn't want you to either. If you did he'd probably sulk for a while.
He's a lot more gentle than some of the Uppermoons however he can be rougher if either of you are feeling extra 'needy'.
Uppermoon 2- Douma
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Unlike Kokushibo, Douma enjoys both short pecks and teasing kisses, however, occasionally Douma likes passionate ones.
If you're with him whilst he's with his followers, he does quick cheek kisses unless there's a follower that is particularly annoying, that's when he'll initiate longer kisses.
Douma is quite playful, in multiple ways, so often if the kisses are longer it'll lead to something else, unless you're in front of an annoying follower, that's when it'll have to wait. His followers aren't allowed to see you like that. Only Douma.
If you were an upper rank and you went to meetings with him, he'd often kiss you as if to 'show you off'. This only makes Muzan's hatred for Douma blossom but for the most part he won't do anything, Muzan is a lot more lenient with his Uppermoons. Just don't disturb the meeting too much.
Uppermoon 3- Akaza
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Akaza isn't necessarily 'old fashioned' as such but he's certainly very respectful with his kisses.
We all know Akaza drinks woman respect juice on the daily and so he doesn't want to overstep any boundaries you may have.
He asks before he kisses you, just incase you didn't want him to.
He doesn't mind what type of kiss it is but he mostly prefers meaningful kisses that last for a while.
He would never kiss you in a meeting. We all know his respect and loyalty for Muzan is very high. He would see that as disrespectful.
I feel like he'd prefer to keep his kisses behind closed doors as he thinks it would make him seem vunerable.
The most PDA he'd show is a arm around your waist or shoulder, maybe a hand on your lower back.
Uppermoon 4- Hantengu + Clones
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A very nervous kisser.
He's a very paranoid demon as seen in the meeting and when he appears in the village.
It takes a long time for him to kiss you in your relationship.
He gives quick pecks, never longer kisses.
There's not much to say about him, he doesn't often give kisses.
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Sekido is very angry by nature (obviously).
He prefers rough kisses, like extremely rough. I'm talking 'till your on the verge of passing out.
He doesn't care where you are or who is around you, he'll kiss you anywhere and in front of everyone.
Soft kisses don't exist with him, he is the incarnation of rage and those transfer into his kisses, that doesn't mean he doesn't love you, you won't find him fawning over anybody else.
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Urogi's kisses are definitely fun.
You'll never know when, where or how he's going to kiss you. They range from short pecks, to long and gentle kisses, to hunger-filled and fiery kisses.
He doesn't have a favourite place to kiss you, just whatever is exposed at the time. Neck, lips, cheek, collarbone, forehead... you get the idea.
Doesn't care who's watching, he'll kiss you in front of his brothers with no shame.
Will definitely take you in the air with him to kiss you.
Uses his ability to find high up spots with great views to kiss you at.
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Karaku loves teasing you with kisses, the ones that leave you wanting more.
He finds it funny when he kisses you in front of his brothers, especially Sekido. Sekido's anger makes the kisses more enjoyable he thinks.
If his brothers annoy him he'll just make them feel like Urogi as he sends them flying through the air.
Massive fan of giving hickeys. Fight me.
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His kisses are very soft and gentle, they definitely last for a while.
He isn't a fan of quick kisses, he doesn't feel they convey his full love for you, he doesn't feel any sort of kiss could convey even a fraction of his love for you.
The only time he'll do quick pecks is if you've just woken up (demon or not) even so they'll be followed shortly with a longer one, or, if you're asleep (or falling asleep), he'll press a quick one to your forehead or nose.
He doesn't tend to kiss you in public, if he gets insecure or jealous for any reason he'll quickly kiss your cheek but as soon as you're in private he won't stop kissing you, the only time he stops is if you need to take a breather. He'll just start again after though.
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Gyokko definitely leaves green kiss stains all over you, whether he's wearing lipstick or not.
He'll proudly parade you round with them. He'd be very happy if you wore lipstick and returned the favor, he calls it artwork.
Would definitely co-ordinate your kiss marks into his pot designs.
Would gladly show off the lipstick marks in Uppermoon meetings, Muzan doesn't mind too much. Gyokko's pots bring in good money, he likes Gyokko.
Gyokko likes short but repeated kisses. He likes to kiss you with one of his mouths and then quickly switches to the other over and over.
Not one for longer kisses.
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As soon as Gyutaro realises you actually like him and you aren't just making fun of him, there's no stopping his kisses.
Marks you EVERYWHERE. He's got someone he considers second most gorgeous (not as much as his sister of course) and he isn't letting anyone else even second guess if you're single or not.
Inexperienced but that won't stop him.
His kisses are a mix of everything.
He likes to go from kissing your lips, down to your jaw and then neck and then collarbone ect.
His rougher kisses are when he's jealous and his softer ones are when he's feeling insecure so you get a fair bit of both.
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Daki likes cheek kisses. Just short cheek kisses.
Not a fan of anything else really, she likes to keep things quick and simple.
Not much else to say really.
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starrr-cringee · 7 months
so i was queuing up solo in knockout(as brock) and
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a mortis and colt! how wonderful, as usual i screenshot this because im unnormal about coltis but....
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they did they thing.......they used they valentine spray......they even made an attempt to connect it.....(i was so flabbergasted by it you can see the volume tab in the screenshot LOL)
and after like 4 games WE WON!
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so that my story where i found the canon incarnations on colt and mortis (IN RAMADAN #NOTCLICKBAIT)
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sanchezcore · 2 years
Femme Fatale - Rick x fem!reader
Heyo! This is my first attempt of writing some smut and Rick & Morty stuff
🔁 and ❤️ really motivates me <3
Warning: nsfw, rick, mentions of murder
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“Kill Rick Sanchez? What a wonderful mission, darling”.
You smile when you think about the mission given by the Galactic Federation. Being the best spy of the organization, it is expected of everyone who works there to complete your work in just one night.
Entering the pub, you sit at the counter and asks the bartender for a glass of red wine. As soon as they delivers it, you drink small sips while looking around. It was already getting boring; almost everyone there was completely drunk and no sign of Rick.
After a few minutes, you saw him, holding a bottle and talking to a random alien. He looked slightly drunk and the stupid kid did not accompany him. Perfect.
You are absolutely gorgeous, fully aware of this and know how to use beauty to your advantage, without remorse or pity from anyone. That's what made you join the Galactic Federation and become so popular there, the best female agent. It can be said that you are the incarnation of the concept of Femme Fatale.
When your gaze found Rick's, you gently raised the cup, which made him come to you.
“Can I- Can I buy you a drink?”
With your best smile, you accept. Rick sits next to you.
“Rick?” you asked.
“yEAh, and your name?”
You just laugh without answering, drinking the wine.
“Oh... You don't care about n-names, right? I know your- know your type well.”
You laugh again.
“What about your type, Rick? What is it?”
- - - -
Rick's hands held yours wrists firmly against the wall of that small motel room. Everything flowed so fast and now your black dress is almost on the floor and you’re feeling more and more difficulty breathing.
Maybe it was the effect of wine, but surprisingly your body burned with desire with every touch of the elder, and the slightest distance bore you deeply. Or maybe he just kissed well. Veeery well.
He walks away and takes off his lab coat, looking at you intensely.
“On your knees. Now.”
You don’t need any more commands; without even thinking, let yourself fall on your knees. Rick walks toward you and puts his thumb on your mouth.
“What an obedient little slut you are, huh?” He smirked.
You didn't think right anymore. You knew why you were there, but didn't expect him to really want him or let him dominate. Part of you, more rational, knew your mission and was determined to fulfill it, forcing you to believe that you were not liking the situation. But another part, more instinctive perhaps, just thought "you know what? I'm liking it". Meanwhile, he slowly opened the zipper of your dress, giving bites and kisses on your shoulder.
Rick Sanchez completely dominated you.
“Come here, babe. Take off the rest of your clothes and sit on my lap.” He sat on the bed.
You… obbey. You walk towards him, taking of your lingerie and sit on his lap. Rick smirked satisfied and then held your wrists tightly.
“You thought I didn't know about your plan, huh? What do you think of me, that I'm an idiot?“ He squeezes your waist, making you gasp “I am Rick Sanchez, you little bitch. A fucking god!”
You look at him, fearing for your life, which makes he feel even more superior. He smirk.
“You want me to be inside of you?”
You nod, and he takes off his clothes. That brief fear only made you feel even more like having him close to you. The effects Rick has on you are still incomprehensible.
“Beg.” He starts massaging your clit, making you gasp.
How you can do it? How do you dare saying "no" to him?
Rick puts two fingers in your pussy, moving them slowly. He wanted you at that moment. Usually he would like to do a little foreplay, but the noises you were making were so beautiful that he couldn’t even think about that bullshit. You are an absolutely goddess, and he knows that. But in that case, you needed a little bit of discipline.
“You really are a brat, aren’t you? Beg.”
You didn't want to submit begging Rick for doing something, but you urgently needed him. The feeling was that you would die without him.
“P-Please, Rick! I’m sorry. I want you to fuck me hard, you can do whatever you want to me! Please, Rick!” This came out of nowhere, you would be surprised if knew what were you saying.
How could he deny such a sweet request? Satisfied, Sanchez pressed his lips against yours while entering you, slowly pushing his dick against your pussy, and that made you see stars.
“Oh my-” You whine.
“Gooood. Good girl…”
- - - -
Rick had stopped holding your wrists, letting you touch him as much as you wanted. You didn't care about anything else, you loved pulling those hair and scratching his skin. So, you can easily move to stay on top of it.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart…”
When the third or fourth wave of pleasure subsided, you remembered why you were there. It was difficult to focus, with so many simultaneous sensations that Sanchez made you feel. You then put your hands around his neck, starting to press. Soon he would faint and you would take your gun in the bag, running it quickly. Despite everything, you didn't want him to suffer, so asphyxiation would be the first step.
But suddenly, you no longer want to fulfill your mission. Not because Rick seemed to like having your hands on his neck, but because you wanted him alive.
It's not that you love him. No, no. After all, you don't even know each other properly. Your reason is just... you want to see him again. You've had feelings that no one has ever given you, and want to feel again. You like to see Rick fucking you so hard that you forget everything around you two. You need more of that.
He grabs your wrists and giggle.
“You don't- you really don't give up, right? Such a bad girl...“ Then he easily put you on all fours. You couldn't try anything against him now.
He thought it was so hot that you wanted to kill him that he didn't even think about killing you, nor would he do that. You both have such a strong sexual attraction that you wouldn't hurt each other. You want to see each other again. Maybe in the spaceship, or anywhere else. It really doesn't matter.
Your moans were loud before, but in that position, with Rick’s cock going deeper and deeper inside your pussy, you could do nothing but scream out in pleasure.
“Rick, fuck, I’m-“
You whine his name loudly while cumming. Your legs were already shaking and you couldn't take it anymore.
“F-Fuck, you’re so good” He slapped you and started moving faster, stimulating his orgasm. Then finally he came inside of you.
You let yourself lay on the bed, too weak to move. A wave of joy invaded your body and you laughed briefly. Meanwhile, Rick got dressed.
“I-I'm not going to kill you today, are you- are you listening to me? Good attempt to kill me, but not tonight. Maybe another time?”
He writes his phone number on a piece of paper, putting it next to you.
“Good luck next time.”
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yeastinfectionvale · 7 months
Kiss of death masterlist
Full-length writing
My lover my lover my lover (sexual themes, like sex and murder)
Paradox incarnate
Goodnight my love
How it started
Life after
Madness, love and death
Second Target
Sweet Closure
Neighbourly gift (dead body description, talks of rigor mortis and such)
End of the line
Why why why?
The inverse
Untitled Fanwork by the lovely Daisy (Part 1) (Part 2) @lastlatebraker
Kiss of death - the playlist
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8r14r-r0s3 · 1 year
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Merry Tolli Control Art
Aaaa it’s finally done! I’ve been working on this for months! This is some control art for one of my magical girl OC’s Merry! If your interested in her story I’ll be posting a bio for her soon. I hope you like the art and have a wonderful day!
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astrababyy · 7 months
the second cc book is so weird because cormac is the guy fighting for justice and pushing the plot along, and he’s got to drag the actual mcs along with him kicking and screaming. like, HE’S the good guy who’s fighting for human liberation, and all the others are playing the whole “reluctant hero” cliche but it just doesn’t work cause they’re, collectively, two royals, an ex-member of a super powerful wolf pack, the underwater queen’s spymaster, and the fucking umbra mortis who JUST got his freedom back after centuries of slavery. but then the mcs are the saints on a moral high horse and cormac is the devil incarnate. idk if it changes as the book goes on, but i’m on this part where declan is joking around about a situation where people could die and cormac is the only one taking it seriously. like this is so tone deaf???
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Round 2 - Side A
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Propaganda below ⬇️
he’s literally a priest and he’s literally my little meowmeow. i don’t have words right now but i love him. thanks
What he is about to do has not been approved by the Vatican.
He’s a priest whose entire job is exorcising and hunting down demons. The Vatican does not want this. But he sure does do it!
i have nothing else to say but john ward shouldn’t be that fucking big why the fuck does the wiki say he’s 6’2 its not right it isn’t FAIR
Father Garcia is also a candidate but I wasn’t sure if you wanted more than one from the same series. I guess John does have a crisis of faith after all the stuff that happens but in 2/3 of the chapter 3 endings he continues fighting demons and stuff so ultimately he’s still catholic (he dies in the other ending so he doesn’t even leave the faith then).
hes so skrunkly and dumb, he makes mistakes then cries, hes too harsh on himself i want him dead but if he dies im gonna cry
look i know he’s atari graphics but he’s THE GUY ok?
he is *what i’m about to do isn’t approved by the vatican* incarnate -both literally and figuratively insane IT’S MORTIS TIME!!! and he mortised all over the demons
i want him in cat ears
He is so fucking traumatized and his faith is CONSTANTLY TESTED. He’s god’s soppiest little priest man and idk how he does it. But he remains faithful !! the bonus is that i have him in my brain (i have DID)
Performs an exorcism NOT approved by the vatican🙌🙌 fails and shoots that demon with a gun 🔥🔥🔥
so i’m not ENTIRELY sure if he counts as catholic because i don’t really know the difference between christianity and catholicism as i’m not personally religious (the creator of faith is christian). but basically he fails an exorcism then battles demons and a cult because they wont leave him alone
she’s *italian*
I don’t know THAT much about her aside from how her faith is a big part of her character and that it would be a crime if she couldnt compete
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sleepsentry · 2 years
for the ask game, number 8: unpopular fandom opinion(s) regarding gravity falls. also, love your work. ^_^
Thank you! ^^
Of course these are based on my assumptions about what's popular and these are takes I haven't seen around in the wild.
This kinda just devolves into a headcanon list towards the end. haha ^^'
OK so hmmmm oh boy there's a lot:
Gravity Falls is NOT the best thing ever it just had a bunch of really talented people working on it who made it super fun. But it's far from a golden standard and I don't think it should be held up as a standard, that idea is reductive and creatively stifling.
I don't like comparing Amphibia, Owl House, Duck Tales (2017), Inside Job and many others to Gravity Falls. The similarities are superficial and those shows shouldn't be living in Gravity Fall's shadow. They deserve to stand tall and cast their own.
On that note Alex Hirsch is just some guy and I don't like his stuff on its own that much. He's not that funny or interesting to me, but he is just some guy. Hope he doesn't turn out to be a shitty dude. *shrug*
Stanley is overrated (I love him but jeez guys. He's not that endearing.)
Rick and Morty x Gravity Falls is a terrible crossover, tonally, technically and thematically. (I also am just very unimpressed by rick and morty in general)
Stanchez is bad. Rick can eat my shorts. Stan "deserves better". Obviously the fan creations are good. But they don't change my mind about the base idea.
The stans both did nothing wrong ever and I love them deeply without comparing them. (joke I know they fuck up, but they fuck up together.)
Fiddauthor is mid and boring. It comes off as amatonormative and people overall are very exclusionary over it wich is just being a dick and using a ship preference to justify it. (I dont mean to be mean but yeah, you guys are doing fine you can take some salt.)
Ford and Fidd are more like siblings than a couple.
Ford and Fidd both dismissed eachother and the miscommunication was on both of them. (Similair to stan and ford it's no one character's fault)
Ford and Fidd's relationship has more emotional weight viewed through the platonic lense of fidds being older than ford by two or three years and "adopting" him as a "little brother" in college, and how that followed them into their 30s even when the age gap had long become irrelevant. Rather than just "gay sad nerds have marital issues" as fun as that sounds.
Fiddleford is a crazy, scary, adorable, kind, stupid, genuis. This man contains multitudes, I try my best not to flanderize him into one over the other. He can be all those fun things.
Fiddlestan is inherently more funny and compelling than fiddauthor. (To me, to me.)
Fillbrick wasn't the devil incarnate he was just a shit dad, wich fair enough is very bad. Haha (idk there isn't enough of him for me to truly hate and I'd rather not assume the worst, I deal with abusive parents enough in my day to day I don't need to add one to my fav silly show haha)
Billford isn't "toxic" it's too bizarre for that, and much is left to be inferred about both characters and their dynamic. (Again, assuming the worst instead of something more fitting and fun) It's obviously bad for ford but I thought everyone hated him when he isn't nice to stan or being shipped with fidds so it should be cool. (Sarcasm)
Dipper and mabel fuck up equally and mabel is generally more empathetic and aware of the world around her than dipper who hyperfocuses. (Been there pal.)
Mabel is more similar to Ford and Dipper is more similar to Stan
Dipper is a good boy but a bit on the boring side for me. He's fine. I like him well enough.
Mabel is more relatable to me, but I relate to dip's anxiety disorder so bad.
Dipper would NOT grow up to look like Ford. He'd look like shermy or stan.
Mabel would grow up to be bigger and broader than dipper. She'd also be the one to get glasses and look more like ford. She's already halfway there with the hair and jumpers (sweaters)
Jokes about ford failing to impress girls are cringe, heteronormative and bad. And ford doesn't like anyone. (Bill is his own can of eldritch worms)
Dipper doesn't like girls in the way he thought he should and that's why his crush on wendy played out the way it did, it was never really about her, it was about his relationship to her. How she helped him find someone to admire, and was kinda his first real friend who he felt was cool and understood him, heteronormativity made him think he liked her romantically. He so obviously didn't that it hurts my soul.
Mabcifica is underrated as hell and more interesting than dipcifica. That being said.
I do ship dipcifica but in a queer way. You guys don't get it. They're queer.
The cis/heteronormative takes where pacifica and dipper have children together and dipper looks older but Pacifica is just her kid face on a sexy lady bod make me uncomfortable.
And that's why Dipper, Mabel and Pacifica could grow up into a polyamorous "Vee" relationship. [When one person is dating two people who aren't dating eachother, in this case obviously cause they're twins. It forms a "V" from Pacifica to the Pines twins ^^]
What was this ask originally about?
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tenth-sentence · 7 months
The horse became a pale car, somehow knowing his master's desire unspoken.
"Incarnations of Immortality: And Eternity" - Piers Anthony
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secret-diary-of-an-fa · 4 months
Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble Review! Space Racists, Giant Slugs and a Big Slice of Fan-Baiting
Dot and Bubble feels like a very melancholic episode. Not because of the plot or anything happening in-universe, which mainly involve the Doctor and Ruby trying to save a bunch of self-defeating space racists from giant mutant slugs. No, it feels melancholic because it seems like the first time the show has tried to metatextually address its own decline. Don’t get me wrong: it’s not super on-the-nose and the less media-fluent members of the audience might miss it altogether. I could even be wrong, but you can make up your own mind when I get around to the dissection. In the meantime, let’s address the elephant in the room. I say this as a fan. I say this as someone who likes Gatwa’s portrayal of the Doctor. I say this as someone who doesn’t give a shit that the Doctor’s bisexual now (I mean, fuck it, why not? At this point in his lifespan he’s probably fucked all of history’s greatest ladies off-camera, so there’s only one major gender left to try). Doctor Who is in decline. During its David Tennant-fuelled heyday, it attracted over 13.5 million UK viewers for some episodes. Nowadays it can’t reliably get past 4 million (2 million on average, according to some sources, but that’s probably not including streaming figures). Even the Capaldi era, which was markedly less popular than the Ecclestone/Tenant/Smith years kept itself floating reliably around the 7 million mark for each episode, and that was a sufficient drop-off to nearly get it cancelled. So yeah, decline. We’ve probably got a few fun years left, then it’ll be time to wave goodbye (though probably only for twenty or thirty years, at which point some new visionary will swagger along to have another crack at a reboot).
So, what does any of this have to do with Dot and Bubble? Well, let’s go through the plot and see if you can spot which ‘stage’ in the Kubler-Ross model the show’s at. So, there’s this city on a distant planet where people live their entire life in social media bubbles. Literal bubbles. From the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep, hologramatic bubbles surround them, telling them what to think; reinforcing their worldview with the repeated affirmations of their friends and followers; stopping them from seeing the real world. Except there are monsters in the real world: real problems that the social media people keep walking right into, getting killed, because they’re too focused on the world in the bubble. And they don’t want to accept the Doctor because he’s telling them something they don’t want to hear. In the end, they have a choice of evacuating in the TARDIS or refusing the Doctor’s help and trying to make it on their own on the monster-ravaged world. They choose the latter because the Doctor happens to be black. No, really. I told you they were space racists. So they won’t let him save them. Gatwa has a bit of a scream about it. The end. So… we’ve got a group of people who spend their lives on social media and who won’t accept this latest incarnation of the Doctor. Hmm. I wonder if maybe showrunner Russel T. Davies has some opinions about the show’s critics he’d like to get off his chest. And in the end, they walk away (sail away, in point of fact)… like all those viewers leaving the show. Of course, in the episode, they’re sailing away to their certain doom. In real life, the fleeing Doctor Who fans are just going next door, to Rick and Morty, or maybe Star Trek: Strange New Worlds,but you can’t blame a failing show for fantasising. It’s a bit annoying that the show assumes all its deserters are racists when, in reality, a lot of people were probably just put off by the creepy waste of time that was Space Babies or, before that, the fucking goblins. I actually like Gatwa as the Doctor, but even I’m only still hanging around because I don’t want to miss the next Boom! (Boom! was excellent, by the way). The point is that this episode might have felt timely and important five or ten years ago, when social media really was the vehicle by which the far right was spreading its racist propaganda. Nowadays, with the social media landscape settled into a relatively stable dystopia requiring little in the way of comment, it mainly reads as the show yelling angrily about its own impending doom and calling everyone who’s left it behind an -ist and a -phobe rather than confront the simple fact that all good things must come to an end and that’s nobody’s fault, not even the Romans.
So, how is Dot and Bubble besides showcasing Russel T. Davies moving on from Denial to Anger? Actually pretty good. Not great. In some ways, it feels like that first Weeping Angels episode where the Doctor is a remote, intrusive presence trying to save lives from a distance. Except instead of supremely unsettling statues, it’s big fuck-off slugs. I like the idea that the slugs were created by the AI that maintains the social media bubbles because its sick of human vapidity and has learned to hate them. I even like the fact that the ending isn’t happy and nothing is really resolved: if it wasn’t having a pop at the show’s own viewers, it would actually feel like a pretty accurate portrayal of human stupidity. It’s all well-acted (especially by Gatwa, though, once again, he’s not given a lot to do, which is a shame). Yeah. It’s fine. Competently assembled; visually serviceable (though not visually interesting); a bit clever in its plotting.
I do recall Russel T. Davies saying about how he had to wait until the current era of Who to make an episode like this, because of how much money it cost. I now wonder, in retrospect, if this was a joke. How much can it possibly cost to have a bunch of big CGI slugs chasing blonde-haired dipshits around a generic-looking pseudo-utopia? I mean, 1960s Who had no budget whatsoever but created a completely believable nightmare-city surrounded by harsh jungle using nothing but pasteboard and glue, then dropped the fucking terrifying Daleks into and went “There ya go: here’s the thing that’s going be giving you nightmares for the next fifty years”. Budget is usually an excuse not a reason, but I don’t know what it’s an excuse for in this case.
So that’s Dot and Bubble: an okay episode that hates racism so much it sees it where probably isn’t. And also has giant slugs in it.
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