ghostr0tz · 4 months
Vox is sick, the other two forced him to go back to bed, but he took his work with him.
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What are Voxtek laptops (Voxtops?) for if not fueling your workaholism without leaving bed?
Thank you I love this, he is very much the type to work as long as he can sit up (even if pillows are the only reason he can)
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incorrectalitaquotes · 4 months
Alita: Are we going to Zalem?
Ido, sorting pamphlets: I have a pile here that says no and another pile that says no.
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ghostr0tz · 5 months
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also a good necktie!!!!! i like the signals being on it
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ghostr0tz · 4 months
Velvette with hips and shoulders like those dolls where you technically can pull the limbs off and put them back in, but good luck bending the plastic just right to force that ball joint back into its socket without deforming the thin plastic at the edge of the socket.
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I love when she has doll joints and removable body parts and so cool thank you for the art
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ghostr0tz · 5 months
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aaaa!!! is that her skull earing turned into a hearing aid?? I love it!!!! and very clever :] !!!
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"You’re back! I didn’t miss you at all."
- Alita, whenever Nova comes back from the dead.
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Ido: I learned that moving on and living well is the best revenge.
Alita: Or murder. Mutilation is also an option...
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"Have you tried not having emotions? Your life will still be a mess but at least you won't mind."
-Alita during the Motorball arc
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Zapan: I simply cannot believe that once more my actions had consequences.
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Zapan: I can't belive this wanted poster of me got my nose wrong! I don't look like this at all!
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Hugo: You can't take away my dignity, because I don't have any!
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Alita: What's a word between sad and angry?
Ido: Malcontent, distraught, miserable, dismayed.
Hugo: Smad.
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Hugo: What's your greatest strength?
Alita: My decisiveness. Wait, wait, I changed my mind!
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Alita, to Nova: I’d tell you to go to hell, but you’d probably feel right at home there.
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Alita: You know what's better than sex? Violence!
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Alita: I have survived 100% of the things I went through. I am therefore statistically immortal.
Hugo: Math checks out!
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