#Innocent Soul (Frisk)
signanothername · 3 months
Saw your animatic of NIGHTMARE HAS FALLEN, peak comedy right there
also, your art of Killer squshing Nightmare's cheeks was awesome, but also prompted my brain to question "How would Killer interact with Passive?"
On one hand, small child, like Chara, but wow this is really cute and innocent, why the fuck is it considered evil? On the other hand, if he knew it was Nightmare...actually, idk, Killer is pretty smart, so I'm not entirely sure how it would play out
Hahaha thank you!!
Ooooh i love this question
Ok so I feel like it depends on what circumstances they meet, but let’s go with “Killer never saw Passive before and it’s the very first time they meet”
I don’t think the fact Passive being a child would deter Killer at all, cause Passive differs greatly in temperament and character from Chara, I feel like Passive might actually reminds him of Frisk actually (and that on its own opens a whole pack of problems)
But the thing is, just as you said, Killer’s smart, I believe he’ll figure out it’s Nightmare pretty quickly, considering how observant Killer is and how Nightmare’s appearance gives it away
I mean, a child that is basically a copy paste of Dream only has the opposite colors, has a golden crown of his own with a crescent on it?? And is glued to his lil book? Yeah that’s definitely Nightmare, hell his lil belt has “NM” on it, like Killer would have to be an absolute idiot to not figure it out, with one look Killer would immediately know it’s Nightmare, it wouldn’t take any time at all
Now to talk about how they’d interact
Let’s imagine they’re in Dreamtale before it got destroyed
Important thing to think about first and foremost, is whether Dream would be present with Nightmare when they meet or not
For the sake of this ask we’re going to assume Dream has gone to visit the village, so it’s only Nightmare sitting with the tree by himself
I feel like it’s important to keep in mind that this isn’t a one way interaction, it’s not just Killer’s reaction to Nightmare, it’s also Nightmare’s reaction to Killer
Nightmare already has a bad experience with strangers, and Killer isn’t the most friendly looking, so i feel like their interaction is gonna go a bit poorly actually, cause Nightmare would assume this stranger is either A-here to hurt him, or B- here for the golden apples he’s guarding, both not good things
Killer on the other hand would honestly just be curious about Nightmare at first, cause it’s not every day you get to see the king of negativity and darkness, one of the most powerful beings, as a mere helpless and defenseless child, it’d definitely make Killer wonder how the hell was this tiny little creature entrusted to guard something that keeps emotional balance in the Multiverse (not that it truly matters to him, not when he can’t feel anything himself right?)
So Nightmare would be extremely wary and even a bit frightened of Killer while Killer would just stare through Nightmare for a few minutes, but here comes the interesting question…
At what timeline does their meeting occur?? Is it in which Killer is still under Nightmare’s command, or is it after Killer was saved by Color, cause depending on it i feel like Killer’s reaction can differ
If Killer was still under Nightmare, is he in a trigger happy mood or is he feeling chill enough to just not feel like killing anyone, would Killer take this as an opportunity to hurt Nightmare back, or would he not attack him at all? I feel like the latter’s more plausible, cause Killer is usually chill actually until triggered, pushed, or commanded to, plus if it’s Nightmare then he’s not very interested to attack him…. physically at least (tormenting the child mentally seems a bit fun, but he’d file that in his brain for later)
I can see Killer actually taking interest in the apples, I mean they’re literally the twins’ souls… in the future at least, and Nightmare would definitely be wary but REALLY surprised to know Killer isn’t just interested in the golden apples, but his own black apples too, cause no one ever liked his black apples, everyone thought they were evil so why would this stranger not think the same?
I feel like Nightmare while still extremely wary wouldn’t be able to stop the child wonder in his heart and warm feeling blossoming in his little chest at the idea someone actually being ok with the black apples, i can see him take one of his black apples to killer to offer him, i mean no one ever wants to be near his black apples so maybe he finally met a monster who would accept him and his apples?
And Killer is interested yes, but not for the reasons little Nightmare’s thinking about
So you’d better believe Killer would accept the offer, he actually gets to take a closer look at what’s supposed to be Nightmare’s soul in the future? Oh how fun tormenting future Nightmare and Dream would be when he understands how they work
I feel like the apple’s aura wouldn’t have much effect on him except for maybe his soul wavering a bit as it responds to the negativity it’s always been subjected to, a familiar conditioning if you will, and Nightmare would get curious enough to ask about why Killer seems unaffected, only for Killer to tell Nightmare that he can’t really feel anything, and Nightmare just not comprehending that fact, he’d insist that everyone has feelings, and that the balance of those positive and negative emotions is what the tree is for, Killer can’t just not feel anything, that everyone is affected by the apples’ aura, only for Killer to tell Nightmare that he’s a “special case” and would take a lot more than just aura to make him feel anything (cough like tentacles of pure agonizing negativity and the power of 999 black apples taking ahold of the very culmination of his being cough, i can imagine Killer smiling a creepy knowing smile as he looks at Nightmare, little Night doesn’t know what that look means, but he doesn’t like it, he feels like he’s missing so much context)
I can see Killer simply asking question after question about the apples to understand how they work, especially the black apples, and little Nightmare answering only some of them, because a child or not, Nightmare’s smart, he’s not to give info that could give this stranger an opportunity to do as he pleases to the apples, Killer absolutely notices Nightmare’s wariness and his very careful attitude, and Killer thinks Nightmare’s smart for it
Then again that’s the child that’s going to grow to become a tyrant so it’s to be expected that he’d be clever (it’s interesting to see how Nightmare used to be at least)
Killer would definitely try to find a way out after he’s gotten the info he needs (or as much as little Nightmare was willing to provide) and he holds no illusion that threatening little Nightmare would get him to talk, cause if he knows Nightmare well enough it’ll only do the opposite and little Nightmare will not provide anything more, and so it’s time to go cause he holds no deluded attachment to this place or little Nightmare
And I can see Nightmare actually asking Killer what his name is, after all they’ve been talking but they haven’t introduced themselves, that Nightmare has never seen him around here before, and I can see this to be the moment Killer takes the opportunity to be a bit of a bitch and say some bullshit about he’s actually from a different time and how his name indicates his job only to introduce himself as “Killer” and to immediately go “and you’re Nightmare, the king of negativity, tyrant lord of darkness and nightmares” (Killer’s ironically a lot like Corrupted Nightmare in finding joy in the mental anguish of people more so than physical anguish)
Nightmare doesn’t know what “Killer” is talking about, but it sends a shiver down his spine and he’s going to lie if he said he wasn’t terrified not only of the thought of a murderer from a different time knowing who he is, but of the implication of Killer’s comment about his possible future :)
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Some Undertale gamer headcanons:
Someone said that Toriel would be the world Tetris champion, and I'm not sure why, but I agree with that. And not just Tetris, but bubble-poppers, match 3, marble-shooters, all of those kinds of games. She's the new Candy Crush mascot.
I've also seen people say sans would be into rhythm games, and... no. Why would you think he would be into something that takes that much effort? Seriously, come on. What sans is into is farming sim games. He's written dozens of online strategy guides for Stardew Valley, all of them under different pseudonyms.
Papyrus is into online multiplayers. All of them, any genre- Fortnite, Apex Legends, Fall Guys, Elder Scrolls Online, Runescape, you name it. He sucks at all of them, but none of his online friends is willing to tell him how bad he is because he's so darned innocent and nice. Nobody really wants him on their team because he'll always make them fail the mission, but he's so upbeat and uplifting that no one has the heart to tell him they don't want him.
Undyne loves Souls-like and dungeon crawlers, but she struggles with anything that requires stealth, she just doesn't. do. stealth. She says it's stupid to have to sneak up on enemies, she should just be able to barge in with guns or swords or spears blazing in any and all circumstances. Don't ever even suggest Metal Gear to her. Or Breath of the Wild- she rage-quit after the Yiga Clan Hideout quest (although it did leave her with the impression that bananas give you strength in battle, so she now always keeps a bunch of bananas on hand).
Blooky plays solitaire and Mah Jongg, and even those stress them out.
Maddie plays casino and slots games. On an unrelated note, she's always broke.
Mettaton is the rhythm games master. You will not change my mind on this.
Alphys is HEAVY into JRPG's. The more anime it looks, the more she loves it.
Asgore has no idea what a video game is. Well, ok, he has some idea, his kids both played games, but he never could figure them out. He thinks Sonic and Crash are both Mario characters and that Link is a girl- you get the idea. But he did used to play card and board games with Toriel. Especially chess (she totally owned his ass in every match). Ever since Toriel left, he can't bring himself to play chess. He plays checkers a lot, tho. He usually loses (he plays against himself).
Asriel and Chara were into action/adventure games. Asriel's favorite characters were Yoshi and Link, while Chara's favorites were Samus and Shadow the Hedgehog. What? No, I'm not projecting my favorite games onto the Dreemurr kids. What are you talking about?
Frisk has only ever played the hit indie game Undertale. About 500 times. Always Pacifist, they've never even tried a Geno run. They've been thinking about playing that Deltarune game, too, but they kinda wanna wait until the whole thing is released.
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Genocide Frisk: The True Tragic Villain Of The Story
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Hear me out...
It's already been talked about how Chara and Asgore are misunderstood characters... now it's Genocide Frisk's turn.
Do I think that what Frisk did is right? No.
Do the monsters deserve to be wiped out completely? No.
Are any of the main characters innocent? No.
But does almost everyone keep forgetting that Frisk is a child that died countless times and was given a dangerous power that they never asked for? Yes.
Imagine things in Frisk's point of view...
You're a child that fell into a mountain full of monsters. You could have a loving family. You could have a horrible family. You could be an orphan. You could be younger than a 10-year-old.
A talking flower tried to kill you. A motherly goat saved you. But then she leaves you by yourself. Almost every monster in the Ruins tries to kill you. And maybe a few succeed.
She offered you a place to stay and gave you pie. You want to go home. You asked how to leave.
She tries to destroy the exit and hurts you with fire.
You somehow managed to convince her to let you leave. But she tells you to never come back. She doesn't even give you a coat for the freezing snow.
A skeleton scares you as a prank. His taller brother wants to hurt and capture you, so he can be a royal guard and be popular. The smaller skeleton asks you to play along with his brother, like possibly imprisoning you is a game. More monsters hurt you, insult you and possibly kill you.
The taller skeleton hurts you, both with his traps and his own bone attacks. He fails to defeat you and feels sorry for himself. You say you could be his friend, both out of pity and so he can let you pass.
More monsters hurt you, insult you and possibly kill you. You hide from a giant scary knight. The giant, scary knight silently chases you and tries to kill you with glowing spears. She later reveals to be an angry and mean fish lady. She calls you a coward for refusing to fight her, mocks you for not attacking monsters and saying that everyone would be better off with you dead.
You only escape her, when she collapses from the heat of the lava. For some reason, you give your constant killer some water and she simply walks away, with no words or apologies.
You find a stereotypical nerdy lizard who has been spying on you and claiming that she wants to help you. But she also said that before meeting you, she built a human-destroying tv-star robot and the robot broadcasts your suffering. She keeps helping you defeat her creation, but something about it feels off.
The smaller skeleton decides to reveal that he promised the goat lady that he would watch and protect you. A promise that he failed to keep. Then he scares you at the restaurant, as a cheap mean joke.
The robot reveals that the lizard is tricking and using you to feel better about herself. The robot then tries to kill you and steal your soul, to become famous on the surface. And your suffering is still being broadcasted for the kingdom's entertainment.
The smaller skeleton has the nerve to come back one last time, to judge you.
You meet the King and the souls of his victims.
Souls that could've been children like you.
Eventually... after enough pain, deaths and resets... you feel something inside of you break...
But it's not your soul...
...it's your mind.
You're all the way back to the very beginning.
When you had first fallen down.
But this time, things are gonna be different.
These monsters had hurt you.
They killed you.
They had enjoyed killing you.
They killed others.
They want to kill everyone you know.
You can't let this happen.
You can't let them kill anymore people.
They are monsters.
Insane, cruel, blood-thirsty monsters.
You have to do this.
Even if you know what you're doing is horrible.
Even if it makes you no better than their 'beloved' king.
Even if it makes you hate yourself.
Because if you don't, they'll destroy humanity, including your loved ones.
And if that makes you the villain, then fine.
You're the villain...
(Basically, my version of Genocide Frisk is similar to Asgore. Genocide Frisk/Asgore are doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. They both think that wiping out the other species is the only way to keep their own species safe. Also, constantly dying had driven Frisk a little bit insane. Maybe more than a bit... But remember, this is only a theory, like Chara possibly being the story's narrator.)
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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Well that wouldn't be a good thing to do- Its very well known that I don't like fanart of my works..
If you wanna show that you like Bibi, just leave a comment please!
Seriously ya'll, just comments. Reblogs, tags, asks.. what ever form they may take. All I look forward to when posting artwork is reading all the responses. 👍
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Oh they're both fine! :0 Other than some angst ideas I had for them-- they're both still alive and well XD I just haven't drawn them in a while :/
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I can hardly wait! :DDD (And yes you can XD)
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Sorry, I don't take requests. Thank you though!! :}}
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Blackmail XDD
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I still like transformers! Though I'm not really interested in drawing it atm.. thank you though!! :DD
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(Post in question)
XDDD fr tho--
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:DD Thank youuu!! :}}}
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XDD Blue is too big for that too! Though Seafoam might be able to give her a little peck on the cheek 👀 if either of them would just confess their feelings already <XDD
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I know, and I hate all of it. :(
Also thank you so much! :DD
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I was thinking that they're kind'a a cross between the two.
They pillage and raid other ships, but they don't normally go for "innocent" ships.. if they attack anyone, its usually other rotten pirates or slave ships maybe? "Bad" ships I guess you could say-
As for the voice claims. If like you explained- you happen upon an OC of mine and think "HE LOOKES LIKE HE SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE THAT OTHER GUY" Then feel free to send it on over to me! :DD
But don't go out of your way to find voice claims for my characters as a gift or a form of fanart. Remember! All I really want is comments. Engagement with my work means everything to me! <:)
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :DDD I'm so glad you like him!! :}} And that head injury was kind'a just a pose prompt. Though I might slap some lore on it and make it canon! :00
As for Papyrus.. its complicated.
Papyrus had accepted long ago that Sans and all his friends were gone. And that he was never going to see them again.. It really hurt. And it took him a very long time to accept that fact. But he did. He knows in his soul that his true brother is gone..
That didn't make seeing "Sans" again any less painful though. He probably saw a Sans through the trees in a new Snowdin. Man, I cant imagine how he felt.
The whole multiverse thing was explained to him by Frisk. He knows that's not his Sans. He knows its not him. But gosh. Its been so long since he's seen his brothers smile. What he would give to hear one of his silly puns again. What he would give to hear his voice.. to just.. to hug him one last time..
Frisk would grab Papyrus' hand, "Papyrus.. we need to go.. please, common.."
Seeing the other Papyrus walk into view and begin talking to that Sans.. He recollects himself. Its not him. Sans is gone. He's been gone for a very long time..
With tears streaming down his face, he would find the strength to grip Frisk's hand.. and turn away.
It never gets easier..
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Sorry, I don't take drawing requests! Plus the crews already pretty full as it is- <XDD
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I didn't intend to ever draw Frank and Eddie in a romantic light.. becuase yeah like you said, I just don't really like ships. Or honestly any romantic content that isn't my own OCs. Idk I just don't really enjoy drawing it--
But that's kind'a what I feared about the Welcome Home fandom if I'm being honest. I felt like people were really protective over Eddie and Frank. And if I revealed that I wasn't interested in drawing them as an item, canon or not? I felt like I would get a loooot of backlash.
But hey, I found a loophole. Just don't draw them together and there wont be any drama! :D It sucks though becuase Frank is a big part of Eddies lore and all his flashback shenanigans-
(Also thank you! :DD )
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Oh! No no, its just made of seafoam! :0 Though whipped cream would make sense because he's a cookie- <XD
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I do??
Huh.. I guess I do don't I..
What do I do with that power--
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Well the strongest would be Blue Beauty by far- but looking at the smaller cookies? I think Seafoam is probably the strongest. But that's mostly due to him being so big. He's the biggest cookie on the crew and most of his strength just comes from packing more weight to his punch.
Though another toughy on the ship would be Louis. He may not be very big. But boy that crab arm? He has a grip strong enough to break cookies in half. And enough upper body strength to take your pieces and chuck em overboard--- 💀💀💀I wouldn't mess with either of them tbh--
As for the bounty.. that's a good question. :0 I wanna say Seafoam because he's the Captain an all.. but I really like the idea of Cuttlefish having this dark past and a surprisingly huge bounty over her head- 👀👀
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<XD I think you might have got those two words switched around. I don't take drawing requests! But I've considered going back to some old artwork and redrawing them in my updated style.. 👀👀
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Not really.. :( There have been times in the past where I have asked for drawing ideas/requests when I was feeling low. But now a days I have plenty of ideas to draw so I don't need to do that anymore-
And to be totally honest, when someone says "Hey draw this thing for me." It just makes me go-
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You can find all the lore you need about Papyrus in this ask post! Just scroll down a bit and you'll find all the links and a bonus paragraph <XD
As for the tags. If you wanna see my AU with Jevil and the gang, you can find that under my #deltarune tag. They're also tagged under #Undertale but that will also bring up my Refinedtale AU and other au stuff-- :00
As for the Octonauts question, bro I EAT questions like these! :DD
Its a very interesting prompt. Usually we think of Captain Barnacles as very level headed and calm. He seems like one to bounce back from any situation and keep leading the team no problem. But man. After something like that? That's gotta scare him to his core.
I can see Barnacles being more tense and not wanting any of the crew to stray too far from him or the Octopod. I can imagine that he would give Kwazii a lot of time to recover, a lot more than he actually needs. And maybe even going as far to forbid him from going on certain missions.
But after a little time and maybe a talk with Kwazii. I'm sure both Kwazii and the Captain would recover from the experience and continue on as normal.
(Also thank you! I hope this response was along the lines of what you were hoping for-- :00 )
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I pictured it being like really dense soap bubbles. They smell nice and can be picked off his coat or head. But if you jumped on his coat foam you wouldn't sink through. It would be like a big cushion that you could sit on top of. If that makes sense?? <XDD
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Out my OCs? Probably Seafoam 🥺
Out of the game cookies? Uhhhm.. well, I don't really know/remember any of the characters.. But Tea Knight cookie looks really cool! :0 He gives me major Reinhardt vibes :))
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Thank you so much!!!! :DDD
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@insanityislife101 (I couldn't find the post in question :((( )
Oh fr??? Cool! He was in character after all! :DD
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mylittlepony45 · 29 days
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My thoughts on xchara:
as it turns out, this version of Chara was actually a sweet, innocent, and pacifistic child who loved their family and friends,especially their brother Frisk.
But his universe’s creator X-Gaster, wanting to selfishly fabricate “the perfect story,” decided to torment Chara and Frisk by constantly resetting, or Overwriting, their universe, with each consecutive timeline becoming much more horrific and torturous than the last.
After everything Chara and his brother are forced to go through, the pain of watching his loved ones suffer constantly, combined with his inability to break free no matter how much he tried, ground him down into a desperate, broken shell of what he once was.
So, in an amazing subversion, X-Chara was never a remorseless, irredeemable monster. He’s only a poor child who has been unfairly forced to feel loss and despair all his life, and tragically uses the only thing he’s ever known to communicate with others: pain and suffering.
In fact, he likely never even chose to be this way. X-Tale and UV S2 imply that when X-Gaster replaced half of X-Chara’s SOUL with his own, Chara’s morality and personality got corrupted by Gaster’s sadism and selfishness. In a sense, the worms literally ate into his brain.
X-Chara is ultimately a sympathetic, well-intentioned extremist who truly has one of the purest, most selfless motives out of everyone, but, due to how much X-Gaster poisoned his mind, he unfortunately tried to fulfill it in the wrong way and, by S1’s end, sadly failed.
With this, I sincerely hope that, through UT Frisk, his redemption gives him a second chance to truly connect with others who suffered as much as him, and to find the light not by lashing out at them, but by helping them to confront the same demons he himself dealt with.
@jakei95 @xtaleunderverse
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faux-mance · 2 months
I wanted to show this in my art before I talked about it, but since I’ve been feeling kind of unmotivated to make any art I feel comfortable with posting lately, so I might as well just talk about it
i heavily associate geno with white lilies. originally this was on a whim, just because i thought it fit. i drew white lilies in his sockets and growing around him and weaving through the gaps in his bones
this was a frankly amazing coincidence, though, because after looking into them more, they’re frequently considered symbols of death, grief and mourning. which ties into geno’s story and character surprisingly well.
however, they also represent rebirth and restorted innocence, which could relate to the new sans that was formed to replace geno in the timeline after he got trapped in the save screen. when that sans (who i call after) was created, he didn’t retain any of geno’s memories regarding the RESETs, which ties into white lilies really well. it might also refer to geno’s “rebirth” when he was able to leave the save screen and had his HP and (parts) of his body restored, also symbolizing the escape from the old cycles of resets. going even further with that, white lilies also are believed to be tied with the departure of the SOUL— which connects pretty well with chara finally accepting their death and leaving frisk’s body, letting them do one final pacifist route.
what i also find an amazing connection is the symbolism of white lilies in reapertale. it’s common knowledge that reaper’s touch kills everything living. this is a big factor in the white lily that life gives him in the comic. she tells him how mortals use it to symbolize death, and ironically, reaper kills it as soon as he touches it. but later, toriel makes him one made of glass using her powers, so that he could have a flower that would never wilt, never wither
and that connects back to geno, full circle. geno is reaper’s glass lily. he toes the line of death, but he’s something that reaper can touch without worry or fear of him dying.
i also just really like this idea because i hc geno to enjoy botany and plants, (also because i love when dust is characterized to ALSO be a botany nerd— i think they share an interest specifically in medical uses of plants, with geno also branching out into symbolism and dust experimenting with toxins. they should have an insane greenhouse together)
edit: you CAN tag this as afterdeath but that was not my intention.. i prefer to explore all these dynamics more thematically and platonically :-)
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karmaspidr · 8 months
Desert Sanctuary AU pt.2
Due to how many people liked this idea, I decided to develop it further. Here are the roles for the rest of Yellow's main cast as well as the cast of the original game.
Feisty Four: Special Forces.
After the Sanctuary was established, Starlo told his friends that they would no longer be 'playing around' and that things were about to get very dangerous. He told them they were allowed to back out at any time they wished. They refused.
They are now essentially Starlo's five-star generals, in charge of training and leading new recruits. They each also have unique roles, important to the security of the Sanctuary.
Ed - He's Clover's primary bodyguard. Whenever the only human in the Underground is out in the open, Ed is almost always the one to accompany him.
Moray - They oversee the prisoners. Prisoners may include mercenaries sent to assassinate Clover, extremists, general law breakers etc. They are basically the warden and treat their prisoners fairly. However, it's been noted that those who attempted to kill Clover received slightly less food.
Ace - Head of investigations. He's the one who finds patterns in places patterns shouldn't exist. Uses his playing cards in his conspiracy boards because Clover told him about a character in a TV Show who did that and he liked the idea.
Mooch - Reconasince and Scavenging. The Dunes aren't all that plentiful in terms of natural resources. That is where Mooch's kleptomania comes in handy. She leads teams into the Greater Underground to gather materials they can't trade for and generally nobody would miss. She also steals information, using her innocent appearance and small size to get people to tell her things or find her way into their darkest closets. She sees the Lab as her greatest challenge.
Dalv: Scholar
He still lives in Snowdin and tries to avoid the conflict. This doesn't mean he's not doing his part. He, like many people on both sides, doesn't want these tensions to spiral into something everyone would regret. So he spends his time shifting through history books, diaries, personal recounts and human myths and legends to figure out exactly what happened during the Human-Monster War.
Original Game
Toriel: Caretaker of the Ruins
Her role hasn't changed from the original game. She heard about the movement and has made contact with them. However, she remains in the Ruins take act as the the first line of protection for any human that falls. After all, the Sanctuary is far from the main path.
Flowey: Observer.
When he realised that Clover wouldn't be going to the castle, he was furious. He believed that this timeline was another dud. However, he had the patience to wait, perhaps because of something Clover said under that Cherry Blossom tree. He realised that this 'Cold Civil War' was the most interesting thing to ever happen in the Underground, and has only ever Reset to save Clover from an assassin. He also believes this conflict to be the key to him getting the souls.
Sans: Royal Judge
Sans doesn't change much from the original game either. He doesn't really care about the conflict. Although, due to his promise to Toriel, he would point any human that leaves the Ruins in the direction of either Martlet or the Dunes.
Asgore had sent him to the Dunes a handful of times to 'judge' the residents. He always comes back with good things to say. He never mentioned the anger buried deep inside Clover's soul.
Papyrus: Member of the Royal Guard.
Due to rising tensions between the two sides, Undyne decided to recruit Papyrus into the Guard because of the increased need for soldiers. He's still a loveable goofball but now takes his role much more seriously. Has a close friendship with Martlet. Capable of killing Frisk depending on the route.
Undyne: Captain of the Royal Guard.
She is much more aggressive than in the original game and is the primary reason the two sides haven't made peace yet. Her anti-human views are stronger than ever she sees the Monsters in the Sanctuary as traitors and has compared them to a cult. Wants nothing more than to skewer Clover. The only thing holding her back is her dwindling respect for Asgore and Gerson's warning.
"Men like Clover can be an ally just as easily as an enemy. The key is not giving them a reason to see you as an enemy. You do NOT want to be their enemy."
Alphys: Royal Scientist.
She is not having a good time. She's under more pressure than ever, is watching Undyne slowly destroy herself and has blackmail hanging over her head. Martlet doesn't know everything in the True Lab but she has seen enough to make people ask questions. Ceroba used this knowledge to get Alphys to provide the Sanctuary with the minimal resources to sustain itself.
Mettaton: Entertainment Robot and Wild Card.
Mettaton isn't aligned with either side and is surprisingly neutral when reporting the conflict. He doesn't want humanity to be destroyed but also sees Clover and his allies as a threat to his own agendas. Has sent multiple mercenaries to collect Clover's Soul.
Muffet: Head of the Spider Colony.
Let's be clear. No one likes her, at least as an ally. Everyone knows that the moment you trust her with something she'll sell it to the enemy.
Asgore: Tired King.
Asgore is probably the only one having a worse time than Alphys. He wants this conflict to end. He doesn't want to watch his people tear each other apart. He truly believes that the Sanctuary is in the right. But he can't bring himself to surrender. There are still so many Monsters who genuinely believe in what he is doing and believe that giving in to the Sanctuary's demands would escalate the conflict further. He is too tired to give any grand speeches or to confront his mistakes properly.
After the first diplomatic meeting, he told Clover, "I should have taken back what I said that night immediately, no matter how many people cheered."
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 months
I found something that reminded me of Delta but I'm too shy to come off of anon, so I'll be translating the image to text.
[ID: "Hello character who is desperate to be a good person; I want to play a game. In front of you is the one person you will never be able to save. You have the rest of your life to make peace with this. There are no defined repercussions if you fail, but we both know you're going to attempt to win regardless. Your time starts now."]
I had two. One, Color and Epic. Two, Ultratale Frisk.
I feel the Color one should be clear. The man is chasing after someone who dangerous and unstable, because Color simply can’t stand to sit around and do nothing when someone who is hurting has asked him for help.
This puts Color’s life in danger, his mental health, his safety. Potentially anyone Color is connected to if Nightmare is that petty to want revenge, which in turn fucks up Color’s mental health more and encourages him to keep moving on.
Of course, the trauma of being forgotten and trapped in the Void for who knows how long greatly effected Color’s issues with feeling trapped and always needing to stay on the move, but the need to chase after Killer and also avoid drawing Nightmare’s potential attention to anyone else close to Color is another motivation.
Delta gets first hand exposure to how everything with Killer and Nightmare affects Color. He’s very likely the one who tries to patch up Color’s injuries because Color doesn’t want to do it himself, he’s the one who calms Color down from panic attacks, nightmares, flashbacks, and meltdowns when Killer isn’t there to try.
He’s the one who sees the fear in Color’s eye when, after finally saving Killer, even losing sight of the other guy causes Color to tremble and overthink. Delta’s the one who hears about all the awful things Color had to watch be done to Killer, and he’s the one who hears Color’s fears that Killer will forget him one day.
Color isn’t often like this, he’s usually more laid back even if more prone to being grumpy. But Delta sees it all and tries his absolute best to support his friend when he’s struggling so much, and most days Delta can’t help but try to convince Color to stop. Chasing after Killer is killing him slowly, and it hurts Delta watch him deteriorate before his eyes.
(I’m also of the belief that being a witness to this type of stuff from both Epic and Color is precisely one of the reasons why the guy has issues with both Killer and Cross at first, outside of the whole crimes and murder. They hurt his friends and made him powerless to do anything but watch and try to convince them to care about themselves even half as much as they do about others.
Of course, this is mostly a subconscious thing Delta probably refuses to acknowledge or admit to himself at first because he’s aware that Cross and Killer weren’t doing it intentionally, but still. Emotions and trauma aren’t logical.)
Two, Ultratale Frisk. Delta seems to have taken it as a very deep personal failure that he failed to stop Frisk from having their soul absorbed, and he seems to think that’s precisely why everyone in his AU—the entire Underground—died. Because he was too lazy and sat on the sidelines, doing nothing but watching.
And dreaming about Toriel from Beta’s memories makes it so much worse—because of the promise he made to protect Frisk. Delta has grown to care for Beta himself, from Beta’s memories he can see just how much Toriel cared for both Beta and Frisk and therefore likely every other fallen child. How the grief and loss, over and over, would’ve impacted his friend, and how he was careless to make that promise to protect Frisk.
He looks at Beta, all their innocence and youth, and sees Frisk; what he failed to protect. What the entire Underground failed to protect, even. The children. The future.
Out of Frisk and Color/Epic, I think the only one he’ll ever be able to make peace with being unable to save is Frisk. Not only because it has already happened and he needs to move on, for his own kid now, for Toriel’s memory as well, because this is definitely what Papyrus would want for him—but because Frisk is a lesson—a reminder. To not let any of the other children be unprotected like that again, to try and protect them and by extension the Underground in other AUs.
He’d love to be able to protect Frisk like he should’ve, like he said he would, but he didn’t. It hurts, but he didn’t. He will do better. If he had Frisk in front of him again, he’d probably ruffle their hair or pat their head—make one of his rare jokes again, before genuinely apologizing for failing them.
And Frisk would probably smile and give him a tight hug, forgiveness before they have to go for good this time. Maybe they’d say hello to Beta, and approve of Delta’s work of trying to protect AUs and take care of Beta—but they’d remind him to not join them and the rest of the Underground. Papyrus misses him, too, but he’d better not see Sans too soon.
(Of course, the prompt is can Sans accept that he can never save Frisk no matter how badly he wants to; not can Sans realize that he never could’ve realistically protected Frisk in the first place. He’s gonna need a therapist to unpack that one.)
As for Epic and Color, these are the two he refuses to accept that he can’t save—even if only from themselves. In his eyes, they’re good, strong people—they’ve been through far too much to pass on from life with anything but a big smile and no regrets, happy.
(Of course, though. Does he realize how happy Epic would be to simply die?)
So I think he already experiences having Color and Epic in front of him everyday, trying to support them and help them and refusing to accept the possibility that he can’t.
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paper-jamming · 7 months
Ok, so I saw a lot of people making remakes, remasters, reimaginations (whoever is said) of ut aus.
AndI got a little inspired, so here is an idea i had!
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An underfell reimagination with two timelines!!
In this reimagination, the underground has been really rough and lot of monsters had to became more agresive and stronger to survive.
Toriel is more paranoic, Sans is "less" lazyer, Papyrus has became less innocent, etc, etc.
Inspired by "one hell of show", Flowey aids the human in battle, such as healing or making a shield for example.
Apart from everything been harder to overcome, the zones of the underground we all know have other paths to explore in the alternative timeline of this reimagination: DELTA FALLEN.
Instead of the well known Frisk falling into the underground, a child Kris does It instead.
In here, as mentioned before, new zones of the underground had open, with new friends to meet alongside the old ones and more secrets all around the underground!!!
Kris has a different gameplay than Frisk due to the fact that... Their soul is separated???
Yeah, as we can see while playing deltarune, Kris is been controled by us, the player, making them unable of controling themselves.
Here, the player is still in control of Kris's body but Kris is able of talking and move by themselves but letting us move them since we aren't taking their freedom away... But that depends of you I guess.
The thing that changes is that our soul is attached with some strings (like Starlo's lace in uty) to some place of the box, which changes depending on the enemy attack, making our movement more limited but giving some interesting ideas for later on.
Moving all this texto away, I always wanted to make something like this and hey, It might work even! (Apart i wanted to upload something since i have my blog literaly dead lmao)
But well, I hope whoever founds this post and reads It likes this idea as much as me.
Until next time!!!
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thunderking345 · 7 days
My favourite Frisk interpretation
There are many interpretations of Frisks character
Yknow, the innocent child who goes with pacifism inmediately, the one that eventually becomes Flowey 2.0 and does genocide simply out of curiosity, and many others
My favourite interpretation of them is the one that goes through the path of (mostly) No Mercy Neutral, then Agressive Pacifist(beating the monsters into submission) and in the sunset scene they go to "the places they have to go"(they also feel bad for what happened to the other 6 human souls and pity them, and they also dont give a shit about most monsters they met, they only like MK)
It might sound crazy, but i think nobody could stay in a good mood if they went through all that Frisk goes through in their adventure
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starlightrunesgang · 7 months
This new Undertale Au is created by our friend who created SubterLoved and her sister.
-**Au Name: SubrashyTale**
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In this Au, the story remains the same as Undertale, but with some significant differences.
The main difference is that the narrative is imbued with a sense of wonder and awe, exploring themes of discovery, personal growth and the power of optimism even in adverse circumstances.
-Underground locations: Are the same as in Undertale.
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-**Routes of this au:**
- **Pacifist Route**: Frisk embarks on a journey to reconcile the monsters and humans of the underground, finding goodness in everyone and promoting peace.
In this route after the monsters are freed Frisk gives a small part of his soul to Alphys so that Alphys creates an artificial soul using that small part, that artificial soul is to bring back Adara.
Alphys, after creating that artificial soul, gives it to Frisk and, as mentioned before, Adara, thanks to that soul, returned to life.
- **Neutral Route**: Frisk makes mixed decisions, showing compassion but also facing moral and ethical challenges on their path.
- **Genocidal Route**: In this route Frisk faces the temptation to surrender to despair and darkness, fighting against the corruption of his own soul while killing all the monsters in the underground.
-**The Human Souls of this Au and the deaths of the 6 human souls of this Au:**
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**Kindness**: A girl who always seeks to help others, with a generous and compassionate heart.
She died helping a monster and fell into the lava in Hotland.
**Integrity**: A girl who values honesty and consistency in all her actions.
She died because of Undyne in a battle against her.
**Justice**: A girl who strives to do the right thing and stand up for fairness and equality.
She died defending Burgerpants from Mettaton.
**Perseverance**: A child who never gives up in the face of obstacles, always fighting to achieve his goals.
He died lost in Gerson.
**Patience**: A calm and serene girl, capable of waiting the necessary time to achieve her goals.
She died waiting for Toriel in the ruins.
**Bravery**: A brave and determined child, willing to face any challenge with determination.
He died due to a confrontation with Sans when leaving the ruins.
**Determination**: Those who possess the soul of determination are: Frisk and Adara.
Frisk the eighth human soul and Adara the first human soul.
-**Biography of Frisk and Chara/Elisse from this Au:**
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- **Appearance**: She is a little girl, with brown hair and bright blue eyes.
- **Outfit**: She wears a very light blue and pink striped sweater, blue shorts, and brown shoes.
- **Personality**: Frisk is innocent and curious, always willing to see the best in others and find creative solutions to problems.
**Chara/Elisse:** In this Au Chara her name is: Elisse and she is the youngest and biological daughter of the kings of the monsters: Asgore and Toriel.
- **Appearance**:
She is a a little monster girl, with blonde hair and light yellow eyes.
- **Attire**: She dresses in royal clothes, but also wears a heart-shaped brooch that Frisk gave her.
She also often dresses in a very light yellow long-sleeved shirt, wears a light blue skirt with the Delta Rune on one side of the skirt, white stockings and the skirt has a flower design, and wears pink shoes.
- **Personality**: Although initially reserved, Chara opens up to Frisk and becomes their confidant and close friend, showing a fierce determination to protect those she loves.
She is kind and friendly and has a personality similar to that of her brother Asriel.
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-**New Unique Character of this Au - "Adara" (playing the role of Chara)**:
**Who is Adara?**:
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She is the first of the humans who have fallen into the Underground after climbing Mount Ebott.
She is a little girl that Toriel and Asgore adopted when they fell into the Underground, and therefore, adoptive sister of Asriel Dreemurr and Chara/Elisse Dreemurr.
Her, at the end of the Genocide Route is the desire to acquire STATS (LOVE, PE, attack, defense, etc.).
- **Personality**:
She is brave and determined, but she also keeps a secret that could change the fate of the underground. Like Chara in the original Undertale story, she plays a crucial role in the development of the story in this Au.
She also has the same personality as Chara from Undertale but she is a kind and good person.
- **Appearance**:
She is a little girl who bears an incredible resemblance to this Au's Frisk, mostly in the "choice of clothing".
Her SOUL is "red" in the same way as Frisk since her soul, like Frisk and soul, is determination.
She has heterochromia, meaning her eyes are a different color.
She has rosy cheeks.
His hair is black with yellow lines and bright blue and yellow eyes full of mystery.
- **Outfit**:
She is wearing a very light yellow and pink striped sweater, light blue shorts, and brown shoes.
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carys1918 · 7 months
Situation: You have confessed your feelings to her but she does not feel the same
Warning: English is not my first language, so there might be some mistakes.
Female reader!
Frisk and Chara are women
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♡ Undertale Frisk
Frisk was a flirtatious and affectionate person with everyone, that was her way of being and she enjoyed expressing her affection to her friends in that way.It was part of his personality. However, she never expected that this way of being would confuse one of her dearest friends.
"I don't know how to say this but... there was a misunderstanding here, I don't feel the same as you".
Frisk felt bad for being inconsistent with his love for her.
If he had, he wouldn't have behaved in a way that confused his feelings.
He hoped this wouldn't ruin their friendship. She really loved you... but as a friend.
♡Undertale Chara
She didn't know what to say, she didn't feel the same as you.
She never knew anyone could love her. Her personality was difficult, she had a lot of hatred inside her heart, it was simply unimaginable to think that someone could love a person as complicated as her.
Much less someone as sweet as you, you deserve better than her.
"I didn't expect this... the only thing I can offer you is my friendship."
Chara you don't want things to change between you, but if you need to get away from her for your own good, she will accept it even if it hurts her soul.
♡Underswap Frisk
Frisk was a cold person. However, that didn't mean he didn't have affection for those he liked. You were one of those people and that's why he tried so hard to think of a response that wouldn't hurt you.
However, finding nothing, he simply let out his frustrated thoughts.
"Damn...why did you have to make this so hard?"
The only thing Frisk thought about was that their friendship with you was ruined.
♡Underswap Chara
He was someone very happy, he always liked to make friends and have fun. What he loved most was making others happy, however this would be the first time that one of his friends would be deliberately sad because of him.
"What you feel for me is not the same as what I feel for you..."
Chara had a sad expression on his face, he loved you very much but not in the way you would like.
She appreciates you as a friend and it would hurt her to lose you, but if you decide to walk away from her she will understand, even if it hurts her to lose someone as special as you.
♡Underfell Frisk
He is a very shy and somewhat fearful person, so it is a bit difficult for him to make friends. It was you who approached her one day when she was hurt, everyone ignored her except you, you decided to help her.
That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
He follows you everywhere like a puppy, always clinging to you.
They experienced beautiful things together, they experienced horrible things together, but they always stayed together. It was obvious to everyone the love they had for each other, but only one party saw it through the lenses of romantic love.
The shy girl wouldn't know what to tell you, she is very afraid of losing her friend who has been with her all this time.
You could tell she doesn't feel the same way by the look on her face.
I was afraid. That you wouldn't want to see her anymore. Although even if you hate her for this and leave her, Frisk would never stop loving you, for her you will still be her dearest friend.
"I'm sorry, I don't feel the same feelings as you... I would understand if you hate me... but please don't leave me..."
Frisk could only cry and pray that you wouldn't leave her alone in this cruel world.
♡Underfell Chara
He is a difficult person to deal with, he has been through a lot and the hatred he feels towards humans is not just anything. However, she couldn't help but be attracted to you, you had an innocent aura that surprised her.
She decided to take a chance and give you the chance to be her friend. And it was the best thing he could have done, he loved you and he showed it to you even if he tried not to be obvious. But her love for you was just that of a friend, she hopes you can understand it.
"During this time I have enjoyed every moment with you... but I think you have confused the feeling."
She knows that anything she says won't stop you from suffering, so she tries to be direct despite the pain she feels in her chest from breaking your heart.
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deltaswapjevil · 11 months
A Different Undertale: Main Cast Summary
Content warning:
Frisk: Climbed Mount Ebott when playing with their friends. Fell and got amnesia. Actually takes the name of the first fallen human because of this. Goofy and childish. Naive. Easily manipulated because of their amnesia and general nativity and gullibility.
Flowey: If a monster body can't handle determination how would a lowly flower be able to? That's the logic I went with here. The determination and continued resets take a toll on Flowey's body. Due to his constant suffering he views the world through a pessimistic lense. More like a travel buddy for Frisk, constantly manipulating them to their bidding. Doesn't actually want to harm anyone, especially not Frisk, as they feel genuinely grateful for their help, but steal the souls to try and stop or at least delay his own demise.
Toriel: After being banished to the Ruins she lost all hope and began to deteriorate mentally. Delusional and has blotchy memories. Still kind and gentle but keeps mistaking you for her children. Doesn't remember who killed her kids but knew it was someone she loved and trusted. Somehow she begins to believe you killed her children and that's why you want to leave so soon. Similar to Horrortale and Underfell Toriel.
Sans: His magic became too strong and due to a combination of over exertion, low stats, laziness, drug addiction, and his loss of hope, his body began to deteriorate. He's basically a walking body made of dust puppeted by his soul. The only thing giving him a reason to live is taking care of his brother. Using magic, including shortcuts, causes him great pain. Smokes and drinks. Buys drugs off Grillby. Similar to Underfell Sans. Eye glows....grey. One hit is all it takes to shatter him completely. In genocide he doesn't even need to dodge as he's basically just dust now meaning your attacks have no effect.
Papyrus: Suffers from extreme autism and ADHD. Has little control over his body and magic. Still an expert with puzzles but they're more of his pastime. Needs constant attention and stimulation. Sans usually keeps him on a child leash to make sure he's not mugged or shanked or something. However most monsters actually really like him and most gangs even help him. A shining hope in the underground, showing there is good out there. Similar to Horrortale and Axetale Papyrus. Almost completely mute only speaking in jumbled words and an occasional NYEH. Sans translates what he means to the best of his ability.
Undyne: The cruel captain of the Royal Guard. Ashamed of the person she's become which is why she rarely removes her helmet. Sent to execute innocents and usually follows through. Refuses to kill children or queer people (as long as being queer is their only "crime") so she "accidently" lets them get away. The only person who can access Alphys. Secretly lesbian but won't come out due to fear of being removed from the Royal Guard.....or worse. Stays in the Royal Guard only because she's afraid of someone worse taking over. Still hates humanity but comes around pretty easily. If anything were to happen to her friends she might just finally snap.
Alphys: A "criminal" due to possessing human objects, being bisexual, and also illegal experimentation (honestly that's the only real crime here). Ashamed of herself. Isolated and hidden in her lab which has high security designed to only allow humans and or Undyne. Due to her isolation she has terrible eyesight. "Sees" by sensing Infrared heat like snakes. Nervously shakes ALOT. Has a lisp and a stutter and just generally has trouble talking. Has a huge crush on Undyne but doesn't want to get her in trouble.
Asgore: Has a genuine hatred for humanity after they sealed his kind underground and cursed them suffering. A cruel leader who hates anything the humans made. Doesn't even burry the humans just stores their corpses in his corpse room to intimidate the next humans. Doesn't even want freedom. Just likes killing humans. There's a small bit of his original kind and gentle self in there. Similar to Underfell Asgore. Cold. Destroys the Mercy and Fight buttons. Forcing you to just stall.
Mettaton: He was able to avoid execution for being so....Mettaton by promising to "bring hope and happiness to the underground." In other words....he's a sex worker. Hotland has become one big strip club. Many monsters hate him because he avoided execution by offering over his body. He's viewed as a cheater and able to be free. But really he's just as trapped as everyone else. Forced to stay in his ex form 90% of the time and has come to hate it. He's also come to hate Alphys for ditching him. He's become almost as pessimistic as Napstablook now. He buys drugs from Muffet to cope but they don't really have an effect besides gunking up his machinery. His body was also made more sexually appealing and even more feminine. All of his dreams of acting have been taken away and replaced with an eternity of dancing poles. He's similar to Lusttale Mettaton and Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel
Napstablook: After his cousin left their dying snail farm Napstablook turned to drugs. They smuggled them from Grillby's as they didn't want to be seen but at least they always left money on the counter on their way out. Unfortunately the drugs dont do anything for Napstablook because they're a ghost and the drugs are corporeal. If they would've asked for ghost drugs Grillby probably would've asked Muffet to make them since who would pass up an opportunity for a whole new group of customers but Napstablook doesn't like to talk to people and prefers isolation. They are also suicidal and similar to most Horrortale Napstablook interepretations they make a noose with their tears which is what they're doing when you first meet them. Unfortunately since their a ghost they can never truly rest in peace.
Monster Kid: Hangs around with other gangs who are a bad influence on the child. They're violent and aggressive. They still admire Undyne (though they pretend not to, to seem cool) and get under her skin and she comes close to killing them a couple times. They actually do die in the neutral and genocide routes. In neutral they fall off the bridge before anyone can save them and in genocide they are killed before Undyne can arrive. They are incredibly petty and jealous towards those with arms which is almost everyone.
Temmies: Tem has taken advantage of her intelligence. She runs a cultist gang of Temmies worshipping the all knowing egg. She keeps the loyal by manipulating them and getting them high on Grillby's drugs. She believes herself to be too smart for college and just wants all the money for the hell of it. Sends her Temmie hordes on heists and has them donate their riches to the egg's donation box which just so happens to lead to Tem's underground weapons shop. She sells great weapons at high prices and is a pretty influential terrorist of the underground. The only Tem she hasn't converted yet is Bob. He sits in the corner of the abandoned Tem Village (they relocated to a new area known as Tem Empire or Tempire) and thinks about how far he let things get out of hand....and if he should just follow everyone else.
Grillby: A drugs dealer in Snowdin. One of the kinder monster though. He's greedy and will kill anyone who pisses him off. But won't go out of his way to hurt anyone and at the end of the day he's just trying to provide for his family. He doesn't make drugs just sells them though sometimes he spices them up with fire magic. He's well liked in Snowdin....too well liked as he's afraid someone's gonna let slip about his underground operation. He makes sure to butter the dogs up with treats in his "apartment" and let them play poker. Misses his daughter but was forced to move away to Snowdin when Muffet threatened not to supply him with anymore products if he didn't move further away from her shop.
Muffet: Money isn't the root of all evil. It's people's greed that makes them evil. And none are more evil than Little Miss Muffet. Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet making her joint and weed. When along came cops who told her to stop but they're just food for her pet to eat. She makes all the drugs in the underground and sells them to other vendors only asking for a third of the revenue. She may sound like a great boss. But if you don't pay her in time you'll find yourself on the wrong side of her web. She already helped save the spiders from the Ruins due to her immense influence. She just wants the money to fill her putrid black heart. She may be cruel but deep down she's really just a scared little girl. Trying to prove herself to adults and not get pushed around. The only people who truly understand her are her spiders.
Mad Mew Mew: She's already transitioned due to her dummy body being destroyed in a fit of rage from Undyne and her finding this body dumped in the trash by the guards who raided Alphys human junk. Shes content with this body. But the underground doesn't take to lightly to queer folks. Asgore thinks it's something the humans made up and thus must be evil. And so Mew Mew is considered a criminal just for being herself. But if she's gonna be a criminal she might as well own it. She's gonna be the Undergrounds greatest criminal. Cause if she's going down she's taking all these other motherfuckers down with her. She leads a gang of other oppressed people and commits small misdemeanors and attacks those rude guards. Always being careful to avoid capture. She's one of the top crooks on Undyne's radar. And yet Undyne can't bring herself to capture and execute her. Undyne understands her struggles but doesn't agree with how she goes about dealing with them. They fight on the battlefield but in secret they hang out. They have a frenemy relationship. Undyne is trying to convince Mew to join the guard to at least offer her some protection but she's decided on raining hell in the Underground just to see the look on the guards face when they realize they messed with the wrong trans kitty.
River Person: Hope can be found in the strangest of places. River Person has gone quiet. Communicating through actions rather than words. Ferrying those who are worthy and drowning those who aren't. They drown very few people though. They try to see the good or rather potential for good in everyone. They believe there is hope for this world. That people can and will change. And that one day very soon peace will be returned. Until then they'll just hum their little tune in their riverboat and pray for a better tomorrow.
Annoying Dog: God has left this world
Asriel: Hopes and Dreams are a thing of the past. Asriel was born in a world with no Hopes, no Dreams, no Love. They befriended Chara but were distant from the rest of their family. They helped Chara move in their wheelchair and wanted to believe humanity was good....but one day disaster struck. Asriel and Chara were picking flowers. Chara knew very little about flowers and made a pie with them for Asriel's 12th birthday.....and poisoned him. The buttercups they picked poisoned the young monster and he passed away soon after.... As Flowey he blames Chara for everything. For the way the underground is. For the way he is. And for giving him hope that humanity was capable of anything but cruelty. He hates humans he hates monsters and wants them all to burn in hell alongside him. Even after regaining his true form he's covered in melting scars like a decaying corpse. Because some wounds never heal.
Chara: The first human who fell. They climbed Mount Ebott to bring joy to Monsterkind but ended up falling and breaking countless bones. They became wheelchair bound but Asriel and Toriel cared for them. They loved flowers and baking but weren't good at recognizing flowers. This lead to Asriel's death. Chara was stricken with grief and blamed them self which may be why they didn't fight back when Asgore killed them. It's said that when you enter the King's throne room you can still hear their laughter.
Gaster: His fall into the Core was no accident. He saw the decent of Monsterkind. And didn't want to around long enough to see it. So he fell into the Core. However even in death monsters are doomed to suffer. As he didn't die. He's stuck watching the world he tried to help spiral into hell unable to help. In intense pain his new goal is finding a way to put this world out of its misery.
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What if Papyrus guilt tripped Asgore and the others into stopping the war?
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Papyrus: Ooh, I'm so sorry! This was Frisk's favorite pizza, I don't want to remind you of that horrid human that is in the way of everyone's hopes and dreams... Even if the child is only trying to survive and wasn't even born yet when the death of Asriel happened... Whom was very fond of his human sibling and was even willing to die so other humans could live.
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Papyrus: But I understand. Asgore and the kingdom was upset because a child's life was lost. Which was terrible and painful, so all of you decided you should go ahead and let more children die. Brilliant. Makes perfect, rational sense...
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Yes, pretend that Chara never existed and forsake what Asriel wanted altogether. That will definitely fix it.
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Papyrus: Perhaps it's worth considering that the reason Asriel didn't destroy those humans with the power of Chara's soul is because he know that the villagers weren't evil. They believed that Asriel killed Chara and they wanted to avenge the child, just like how the monsters want to avenge Asriel. But revenge isn't the answer, it's a cycle. It's gonna get worse for both monsters and humans, unless we can stop it. Both Asriel and the Queen understood this. And what better way to that, then to NOT kill an innocent kid to harvest their soul?
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(I headcanon that only Asgore, Toriel and super old monsters remember/know that Asriel died because he didn't fight back against the humans because he wanted them to live... so, younger monsters like Undyne and Alphys didn't know... Let's say Papyrus knows because Flowey told him.)
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(Asgore hugs Papyrus, Alphys, Mettaton and Sans.)
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(Undyne wants to be stubborn, but the guilt finally consumes her and she joins the hug.)
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utmvarchive · 7 months
Horrortale: a summary.
As stated before, the UNDERTALE timeloop spans Frisk's tour through Mt. Ebott, with the condition that they or an unidentified third party can still loop back to their last or first SAVE point in the mountain for an indeterminate length of time after their return to the surface.
"Horrortale" is set in a later timeframe, within a timeline in which Frisk left monsterkind behind and Toriel attempted to return to the throne, but was forced back into exile and her position usurped by Undyne after Frisk reinforced monsters' fear and distrust of humans.
What distinguishes this version of the world, and what makes it difficult to identify as an AT or an AU, is what happens next.
The following seven-to-eight years have been dire, raising tensions between everyone, and as if it were a contagion, a frenzy of desperation has seemingly overtaken the kingdom. Monsters have been starving. The CORE suffered a shutdown, both symptomatic and causational of multiple shortages in resources. Sans was alerted of their intentions by an echoflower, but... Alphys... in trying to redeem herself to Queen Undyne and... talk her down from... self-destructing... encouraged her to use Sans' "eye" to repower it. He had an alternate solution to offer, but when Sans was cornered, it went... catastrophically. He sustained a traumatic skull injury, but was kept alive by his "eye" even after it was taken by force, and in retaliation, he stole another eye from a guard he killed, destroyed the CORE and... and dealt back a traumatic head injury back on Alphys, which her cognitive function would not survive.
He then declared in Snowdin that the mandate to collect SOULs would be abandoned in favor of... eating... the next humans to fall... and that any mention of this change of plans around Queen Undyne would be a punishable offense. He continues to scare other monsters now that he keeps a red eye in his broken socket, and Papyrus' teeth have become crooked since cooking with... human... meat.
It seems that since this incident, humans have begun to fall in at greater frequency. Exactly the kind of miracle monsterkind needed after Flowey took the other SOULs and Frisk departed intact, only it was a few years too late. Queen Undyne intended war, monsters had become man-eaters, even dust-eaters, and some, like her majesty Toriel, feared that the Barrier would now be the only thing holding humans back from a finishing counterstrike.
Then came a twelve-year-old child... the fallen human Aliza.
Like in Underfell, the flower chooses to follow her around now that monsters have become the aggressors, though he looks different with an eye now taking up his whole face. Perhaps an aftereffect of the form he took when he absorbed the SOULS? It is certainly a more... innocent change in comparison. In any case, her majesty Toriel has become overbearing and quickly burned him down, yet her vision and her competency at keeping a human healthy have deteriorated significantly by the time she takes in Aliza.
Aliza is able to use a hidden vial of healing water to revive Flowey, and in return he teaches her how to use her fear to access the SAVE. Now that she can Reload, she is able to pass by Toriel's interference in front of the door, Sans' attacks from outside it, and his and Papyrus' challenges. Though, in the interest of fairness, Papyrus offers three "freebies" to Aliza, invoked by hand signs, wherein he would oblige to bail her out.
Between puzzles, she also rebuilds a snowman and is given its carrot nose as a show of thanks.
Aliza does not (adamantly) spend her first freebie until the second lethal puzzle, but interestingly, SAVEs do not completely undo the harm she Reloads from. She retains scars on her neck where a trap in the first puzzle decapitates her, and her hair is damp with blue snow at the next puzzle– which she sinks into the first time and drowns. Sans accuses her of cheating when he notices, and attempts to cut off her ear as penalty, but he is scared off by Flowey's impression of a growl from the trees. The next time they cross paths, Sans offers a hot dog and... fails to discourage her from eating... Papyrus' spaghetti. This at least seems to dissuade his suspicion that she cheats, but he does not spare her from learning what or who was in what she ate.
As she is pointed to the Snowdin restaurant, the mayor divulges what he knows about Sans to Aliza before the patrons gather to drag her to Grillby– whose body as a fire elemental has been cannibalizing itself as it starves for magical sustenance. Her back is burned as he attempts to cook her alive, but she is rescued by Papyrus when she invokes her second aforementioned freebie and he declares that Queen Undyne is coming– which soon turns out to be more than a bluff.
Supposedly, Sans had abstained from eating human meat despite being the one to declare that monsters should, but when Aliza is thrown outside in the panic, the smell of her burns... drives him into a feeding frenzy... and he rips off her arm... but Papyrus strikes him in the face before he can take a bite.
Note: it seems that these frenzies also cause Sans to leak black fluid from his mouth, not too dissimilar from the black tears observed from Chara when overwhelming Frisk with bloodlust.
Aliza, meanwhile, escapes into the woods where she can overhear Queen Undyne threatening the townsfolk for the theft of her candy. Thinking fast, she uses the blue snow and a piece of charcoal Flowey found to make a disguise before rushing in to take the fall, earning Snowdin's camaraderie. When Queen Undyne orders Ailza to identify herself, Papyrus takes a neighbor's suggestion but misspeaks, interjecting to accidentally declares she is Sans' daughter. Queen Undyne quickly takes interest and tries to take her away to gain leverage on Sans and interrogate her for his weaknesses, only this leads to the townsfolk standing up to the queen and her guard. Queen Undyne backs down when Sans reappears, only just learning he now has a "daughter."
Sans and Papyrus then argues over whose should be the fifth puzzle, until Aliza interjects to choose between them herself. She chooses Papyrus' puzzle, which consists of red lines around the house eventually leading into the oven. Aliza argues with Flowey, and he closes it on her as the heat begins to melt off her disguise. The smell attracts Papyrus, which similarly sends him into a frenzy as he wrenches the oven door back open, but Aliza knocks him out with a baking pan as soon as she is free. Her next move is to take a knife she finds to mince the carrot she received before and, along with medicine she'd found in Toriel's home, adds it to the tomato paste one of the monsters gave her as repayment for inspiring them all to stand together against Undyne. The activity stirs Sans' appetite again, but he is taken off-guard after she gives him the mixture in a ketchup bottle as a peace offering.
He cautiously accepts, and the mayor of Snowdin brings Aliza... a meal, affirming her welcome into the town.
It has been a philosophical debate for perhaps as long as the concept of philosophical debates themselves. Which is the greater force, love or hate? Anger or fear? Hope or despair? My research, my experiences, would certainly make a compelling argument that it would be Determination. The epitome of willpower. But what force can override that?
The possibility of tampered code may diminish its legitimacy to some degree, maybe even a great degree. But looking at this UA, when it comes to close competitors against Determination, there is something to be said about the way people can be overwhelmed by desperation...
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galactic-knightmare · 8 months
MercyTale Rewrite Redesigns
AIGHT! the MercyTale redesigns. ARE DONE! Mild warning- there is blood. and some bones through someone. which is why I'm putting this under a cut lmao. its not the worst but better safe than sorry XD
Starting wiiiitthhhhhh THE FALLEN HUMANS!
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Pssst- Soul Skill stuff and LV corruption are explained in THIS post! I was intending to do Pixel art 'Sprites' for all of them, but I kinda... gave up lmao. I might try again later...
As stated before, back when I originally made MercyTale on DA, Soul Remnants still have bits of how they died show on their forms- Chara has Buttercups growing all over them, and Frisk has been absolutely skewered by bones.
Also, as per the changes, Frisk is not entirely evil, and Chara is not entirely innocent. It'll be explained more once I get through the writing part... (also no, the 'Player' is not a factor here)
I'm still debating if I should make Melody trans, but we'll see. It might even end up being done AFTER I finish the rewrite completely lmao.
Anyway, Sans now!
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yes I redesigned him AGAIN after having already redesigned him not long ago. I wasn't happy with his tail at the time, and he didn't match the other redesign sheets anyway.
I also added some blood and dust to him- Dust from his own injuries and Blood from the fight with Frisk.
...Also yes, that does mean he hasn't washed off the blood and dust in three years. Its fine- he can get a bath in the epilogue oneshots... XD
And Finally, the Soul Remnants!
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They haven't changed enough to be stated, since, ya know, Soul Remnants- they kinda just keep reliving the moment of their death again and again, which is really kinda dark, but eh. It'll get fixed.
Anyway, I'm off to either Chill with some games, or start working on the Rewrite itself. ADIOS!!
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