#Inuyasha always hands him his ass
shinidamachu · 2 years
So I thought of something... I HATED Sesshoumaru in the beginning, reminded me of all my brother's bad traits back then (we are now best friends). It was after he adopted Rin he started becoming a better person, like some others become better people when they become parents. So it was the two of the, a father-daughter combo I liked, without the other, they aren't much. Just see the time Sesshoumaru kills a man and uses his arm while Ah-Un watches over Rin while they go to steal tessaiga and kill Inuyasha again. Now again, he's just awful. It's not before he appreciates human lives because she introduces her to the good sides of humanity (like some children introduce their parents to the beautiful and not cynical parts of the world), he starts to see that their lives also have their worth and becomes a better person. Some characters come as duos to be whole..!
You bring on some excellent, absolutely valid points.
For me, it comes down to the fact that I usually find stoic characters such as Sesshomaru – with very few exceptions – extremely uninteresting.
As a woman of color who is very passionate about everything I hold dear – my family especially – Sesshomaru is particularly hard to relate to. And everything I've said so far also applies to Kikyo.
I understand the appeal, it's just that he never did it for me. It feels like the very reasons why people love him so much are precisely the things that drive me away.
For instance, his character design is gorgeous, but I've never felt attracted to him and, even if I had, his cold personality would have nipped that in the bud.
Don't get me wrong: I absolutely love morally grey characters. Sesshomaru just didn't make it to the cut because he has the charisma of a water cracker.
The few things I actually enjoy about his character – the dynamic between him and Rin, his almost romance with Kagura, the unexplored idea of a relationship with Kikyo – aren't even about him per se, but about other characters.
Compare this to Inuyasha, a male lead who's actually interesting, charismatic and three-dimensional. It's not a secret that his relationship with Kagome is my favorite thing about him, but take that away completely – along with his character development – and I'd still be crazy invested on his journey as an anti-hero because that's how compelling and relatable he is.
Sesshomaru, on the other hand, works just fine as an antagonistic side character, but to be honest, every time there was an episode centered on him I wish I was watching literally anything else. Toga and Izayoi's love story, Koga and the wolf tribe or just the Inugang doind whatever: any one of those sound way more appealing to me.
You say some characters come as duos to be whole and I agree, but it's also true that this can lead people to not care about them as individuals, which is exactly my case.
I guess people can interpret Sesshomaru as someone who was just seeking for his father's approval, but even this sounds more like headcanon than anything actually explored in the show. Sesshomaru feeling overlooked doesn't necessarily means Toga overlooked him.
He is biased and entitled and we never got to see Toga's perspective on their relationship, but the fact that he left Tenseiga to Sesshomaru shows that he knew his son well and loved him enough to give him what he needed instead of what he wanted, even if Sesshomaru couldn't understand his act of love for what it was at first.
It was never about Toga's legacy – because Tenseiga is just a part of it as Tessaiga – and it was never about his broken up family – because he didn't seem to give a shit about his mother. It was about Sesshomaru's hurt ego at seeing his half demon, "bastard" brother getting the sword he judged to be more powerful.
I'll give credit where credit is due and say that from all the Inuyasha characters who were supposed to be morally grey – Kikyo, Koga, etc – he was the one who had the best written redemption arc by far, Kagura being the exception.
I just don't think it's as perfect as people make it out to be. It was good and natural for where the story stopped – anything else would have felt forced–, but he still had a long way to go before I stopped seeing him as a lowkey racist, spoiled little brat.
Even if Toga had if fact neglect him and this fact had been properly shown, it still doesn't justify nor erase the awful things he did, especially to Inuyasha, who had to go through way worse stuff than daddy issues, mostly because of him.
Abandoning Inuyasha as a child and using the memory of his mother to steal the sword their father had rightfully left to him are just a few examples of why I think a fraternal relationship between these two is broken beyond repair.
It's great that Sesshomaru did become a better person – not that the bar was too high anyway –, but it shouldn't be on Inuyasha to forgive and forget just like that. Especially because Sesshomaru never even put on the effort to apologize and make things right.
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ebonyslasher · 1 year
Hello! Hru? I love ur blog soo muchh♡ may I request human! Reader (from Kagome's world) who's really strong? Like the reader surprised the Inuyasha men (inuyasha, naraku and sesshomaru:> if you're not comfortable with these you can always change!) When a demon tried to attack her & the men tried to save reader but stop when they see her beating the demon up with bare hands or with a weapon she found brutally💀😭 And they just stood there dumbfounded like how tf🧍‍♂️? And when they ask how is she so strong, reader just shrugs and goes like "martial arts?"
Thank you and feel free to use any pronounces! I just wanna read sumn for once that doesn't have weak reader pls I'm so tired 💀💀
Hey anon! Sorry this is so late. I do agree with you on the last part. I'm tired of the weak reader all the time too. People gotta switch it up you know?
Strong ass Human!Reader in the Feudal Era with Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Naraku:
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Reveling in the heroism of saving a nearby village, the group started their journey elsewhere. Trekking through the forest, your rag-tag group ran into a boisterous pig yokai. Who, unfortunately, became smitten with your looks.
"I will have you as my bride. And we can make all the hanyou I want!"
Ew. The initial response was to ignore the pig. There've been many demons who would bother the group. And, after the fight you all came from, you just wanted to make camp. Inuyasha grumbled a quick, "Piss off," as the group passes by.
But, it seemed that the Pig was serious about his stupid claim. He bares his teeth and shoots forward at you, grabbing your legs. World tipping over, your head thumps against a patch of lush grass. How lucky. However, you felt a strong pull on your leg, dragging your body away from your friends.
Hell fuck no! In the midst of the dragging, your bag was in the perfect position to grab easily. With how quickly things happened, Inuyasha jumpstarts to save you. You grab the bulky hammer in your bag, hiding it from view.
The pig yokai guffaws and throws you over his shoulder. "When I see someone worthy of being a bride, it's my right to claim-OOUGH"
One hit to the dome scratched some skin off and left his brain to rattle. "WHAT THE-." The next swing made contact with his cheek, sending sanguine liquid onto the ground. The pig stood there shocked, with blood leaking from his mouth.
He gets angry and charges at you, again. This time, he wouldn't get you. Grounding yourself, you kick him back, which sends him flying back a few feet. Taking charge, you jump and start to gruesomely work on his head with the hammer.
"What da HELL!!! Y/N!!!" Inuyasha yells. He's totally flabbergasted. His eyes and mouth are so wide, it's comical. There's the desire to step in and protect you, but it's so impressed how strong and ferocious those swings were. Inuyasha didn't want to interrupt. It was kind of hot.
Although, Inuyasha is a little peeved that you didn't let him know how strong you were. The way you sent him back with that kick was unexpected. He starts cheering you on.
"Way to go Y/N!" He's standing there smiling with his hands on his hips. Once the beast was knocked out (or dead, who cares). You turn back to head to the group.
"Y/n that was so cool! When the hell did you get so strong?"
"Uhhhh....fighting with my cousins growing up?" You shrugged. "I just want to go lay down, can we hurry up and make camp somewhere?"
Now, he's wondering what type of humans your cousins are.
2. Sesshomaru
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This is one of the worst fears you had. Spiders. In your time, you could easily avoid an encounter with one of these wretched creatures. Modern houses and bug repellents helped tremendously. Not going out into nature and definitely NOT living in Australia did too. Since you've traveled back to the feudal era and were forced to interact with nature, your luck has been tested. And it just ran out today.
A fucking spider demon appeared. It was grotesque, smelly, and an abomination. And it was big too. It wanted to attempt to best Lord Sesshomaru in battle. Sesshomaru, of course, refuses. So, the dumb thing tries to shoot webs at you. Thankfully you dodged.
The hate for spiders took over your body. The fear you had compounded on top of that, making you scarier than the demon. It tries to stick its hairy and pointy leg through you, but you were quicker. With desperate and angered bare hands, you tore off its leg.
The spider yokai shouts in pain. Taking advantage of it's pause, you quickly tear off each limb. One by one.
Sesshomaru, in all his glory, stands there and says nothing. Does nothing. It really doesn't look like he's reacting but he is. The Demon Lord is extremely surprised that he's tense. His eyes are wide. Only thing that's slack is his hands.
The dagger in your side pouch begs to be utilized. It's appeased by you yanking it out and stabbing the yokai in one of it's many eyes. The screams, the power, and the needed imagery of you decimating this spider was iconic.
To Sesshomaru, it was obvious you were untrained. The ferocity of your actions cover it well. He's impressed and takes mental note to start training you. Maybe, have you be a little more graceful with your movements.
"This one had no indication of the strength you hold." Sesshomaru states.
".......I just really fucking hate spiders." you sardonically reply.
"...Hn. Noted. This one concurs with your sentiment."
Silently, he is pleased with this discovery. A small smile graces his face after you turn away
3. Naraku
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Narakus' lower demons were soooo annoying. Their existence was one that irritated you. Irritating when they sucked dick to Naraku and when they tried to be condescending towards you. Just because you were human. The audacity sent you over the edge.
The edge it sent you over was one close by. One of those things became unruly in your presence. Acting as it was better than you, the ugliness of it all. The decision to put it back in its place was swift and malicious. An example to others who felt the same.
Precise, your hand shoots out to grab the lowly yokai. Chucking it, the demon bashes against a nearby rock. It's body twitches on the ground, confused on what just occurred. Slowly, you walk over. With no urgency or care. It felt like you were Michael Myers in that moment. Once you made it over, you stare before stomping it. One more. And again. Again. Again. AGAIN. AGAIN. Until there was a crater in the dirt it crumpled in.
Naraku, some distance away, observed the scene with shocked eyes, his mouth slightly open. "This human...!"
He is pissed that you hid this information from him. And how did he miss this? He frequently spied on you, sent his wasps when he couldn't make a puppet! But now that he knows....you can be of use for him. You're a bit too....alluring to be considered a lackey, but he needed to have control over you somehow. A sly grin graces his face upon observing the aftermath. The squished gruel of guts and blood staining the ground and your shoes.
He approaches, with a questioning stare. "Y/n...pray tell, how did you aquire this power?"
"Oh, my parents had me do martial arts since I was a kid. Plus, I was angry."
All Naraku can think is how nice it was of your parents to prepare you for him and his deeds.
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dyaz-stories · 11 days
'You smell nice' — Day one of Inukag Fluff Week
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Just a fun lil one-shot for day one of @inukagfluffweek! There is a hint of background SessKagu too because I love them.
Mild warning for Inuyasha's potty mouth and that should be it.
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Public transportation was the bane of Inuyasha’s existence.
First of all, whichever human had come up with the idea that half the population would stuff themselves into tin cans to get themselves to and from places, following the same precise and regular schedules every single day, deserved a trip straight to hell. It was easily the dumbest fucking concept known to man, and no self-respecting demon would have agreed to it.
Then there was the fact that there were people everywhere on public transportation, and man, did Inuyasha hate people. Gross, stupid bastards with no self-awareness and no regard for others. There were the students who’d bump into you without even noticing, the women recounting their day far too loud over the phone, and, the worst of them all, the gaggle of salarymen drunk off their asses after some reunion at work. Those ones were rude, entitled, clumsy, and, what was by far the biggest offense, they fucking stank.
And that part was what took the public transport experience from shitty to downright awful. The smells. Inuyasha was no fan of cities in general, their pollution, the sheer amount of things everywhere, whether restaurants, stores, or, of course, public toilets, and, well, the people. It wasn’t always the lack of hygiene, though that was an issue for sure, but the sweat after a day of work, the deodorants, the perfumes, they all came together to produce the foulest of stenches. He hated it here.
The train veered sharply to the left, and Inuyasha tightened his hold on the overhead bar he favored using. Fewer human hands had grabbed it, and since his height meant he had no issue reaching for it, he preferred that to other solutions. In front of him, Kagome hadn’t been so lucky, standing right against the door with nothing to hold onto. With a squeak, she stumbled backwards on her kitten heels, her back colliding with Inuyasha’s broad chest — not that there was really anywhere else for her to go, with how tightly packed the train was.
His free hand closed around her hip, stabilizing her. It came naturally, just instinct, no need to think about it or how nicely her body slotted against his.
She tilted her head back, pretty eyes looking up to him pleadingly.
“Sorry, Inuyasha,” she apologized, lips forming a cute pout.
“You’re good,” he replied, voice gruff. He sent a nasty look to the man on her right, who’d bumped into her. People usually steered clear of him, so the closer she was to him, the better. “You’re getting off at the next stop, right?”
“Yeah,” she beamed, and as always, he marveled at how easy it seemed to be for her to smile and distance herself from the mess of the world around her. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shut down the noises, the smells, the flashes of people’s screens — well, unless he had her to focus on. “I can’t wait to get home.” An eyeroll. “Today was the worst.”
A smirk tugged at his lips.
“Really? You didn’t enjoy Kagura making a scene?”
He knew he had. His sister-in-law was probably his favorite person in the family, actually, with his nieces a close second, and watching her strut into her asshole husband’s office to yell at him about him cancelling their anniversary dinner had absolutely made his day. They could never stay mad at each other very long, so he was sure a very expensive reconciliation was coming, but he’d had his fun for sure.
“No, I like Kagura,” Kagome replied. “But I got cornered by Hojo at the coffee machine and he wouldn’t stop talking about some miracle diet he thinks would cure my allergies and it took me forever to free myself.”
“Want me to do something about that? He never bothers me with that shit.”
“That’s because you terrify him,” she sighed, “so no, that’s not necessary, don’t—” Another turn, but this time he kept her pressed against him, clawed hand on her waist, and her voice barely wavered. “—worry about it. And thanks for that, Inuyasha.”
A knot formed in his throat at the way she leaned back into him without hesitation. He swallowed around it. Where most people cowered away from the hanyo, Kagome had never acted like he was a threat. Sometimes, he felt she was even a little too trusting. Made him feel and think all sorts of things he wasn’t very proud of.
“’s nothing.”
From how he stood behind her, he couldn’t help but catch her scent, especially when she moved and her hair were right under his nose.
And, fuck, she was a breath of fresh air. He’d known that from the first day she’d strolled into the office, of course, gust of wind blowing through the open door and sending her smell throughout the whole office. He didn’t know what it was, if it was the reiki he could guess at under her skin, that gave it such a pleasant flavor. Either way, it could become overwhelming even in the wide open space. Here, on the other hand, it was the perfect distraction against everything else, and it took more willpower than he’d like to admit to not just sniff at her.
“Everything okay?” she asked, catching him off guard, her big inquisitive eyes staring up at him.
“Yeah, it’s—” Damn it, he’d known she was always noticing things no one else cared about. “That’s— You smell nice,” he blurted out at last, and immediately, he wished he could slap himself in the face. What a fucking weirdo. Turned out, everyone who had told him his mouth was too big for his own good, usually before they got their asses handed to them, had been right. Couldn’t he have kept it shut this one damn time?
“Oh,” Kagome said, and her expression turned thoughtful. He waited for the inevitable judgment to fall down. “I read that demons often find perfumes difficult to deal with, so I haven’t worn any since getting hired at Taisho Inc. Is that really better for you?”
There was the knot again, but this time it wasn’t embarrassment, and rather another, deeper emotion. Of course she’d pay attention to that kind of stuff.
“Yeah, it is,” he answered, clearing his throat. “Makes it hard to be around too many people.”
“That’s good to know,” she said with a nod. “Let me know if I can do other things to help you, alright?”
He would not be telling her anything about the thoughts that were running through his mind at her proposal. Nuh-huh.
“That’s my stop,” she grinned up at him, grabbing the hand at her waist and squeezing it gently in hers. “Thank you again, Inuyasha. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
She waved at him, and a second later, she was lost in the crowd, and his world was just a little darker, duller, blander. He let his hand fall back to his side, flexing it reflexively as if to remember how it had felt, touching her.
Keh. He couldn’t believe she was making him look forward to another day in the office.
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As a lot of you know, it's been ages since I last wrote for this pairing that's still near and dear to my heart, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Don't hesitate to scream at me about it in the tags, in the reblogs, in my askbox... anywhere your heart desires lol. Thank you for reading!
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authorautumnbanks · 3 months
One Night (16)
Satoru picks up his drink and pauses. He angles his head towards his father and raises a brow. "Yes?" The old man will not stop staring at him. Seriously, what is his deal?
"Are you two going to give an explanation?"
"Satoru," Kagome sighs as she squeezes his thigh in warning.
"I mean, I could give an explanation, but everyone in here will need to take a binding vow." Satoru sets his cup down and throws his arm over the back of Kagome's chair. "Not you, Himari, since you can't do one, anyway. But everyone else will have to vow to keep what I'm about to say to limited to the people in this room." And Himari is the only one not fazed by Shippo's appearance, so it's safe to assume she knows about demons.
"Fine." His father leans back in the chair across from Satoru and crosses his arms. Satoru waits for everyone to nod.
"Shippo is a demon."
"WHAT?" Ryu shouts.
"I already knew that," Himari says, right before taking a sip of her tea. "But Shippo, I thought you had red hair and a tail." She sets her cup down and pouts. "Never mind that, I'm sorry. How are you doing with the change? I'm sure it must be a bit of a shock to be in this time period."
Satoru closes his eyes and squeezes the bridge of his nose. "Add that to the binding vow, too."
"Papa, why is this man so loud?" Shippo asks, munching on ice cream instead of actual food. Shippo drops his spoon in the bowl and shivers. "Oh, that's sooooo cold!"
"I ask myself that every time I have to deal with him," Satoru says. "And don't eat it so fast or you'll give yourself a brain freeze."
Shippo's large green eyes widen. "My brain can freeze?" Shippo grabs his head.
"No, Shippo. Your brain won't actually freeze, but eating ice cream too fast could make your body feel like there's a... shock?"
"How?" The old man leans forward now, bringing the conversation back around to time travel. "Since when can you time travel?"
"It was all Kagome." Satoru strokes Kagome's arm. "Got the strongest wife."
"I'm not—"
"Yeah! Mama is the strongest." Shippo talks with his hands. "She even survived without half her soul for like months."
"Shippo." Kagome makes a point to not look at Satoru, so he grabs her chair and turns her to face him. "It was a long time ago, and it isn't relevant."
Satoru squints. "How do you survive with only half of a soul and how did that happen?" What does she mean this isn't relevant? Does she not understand that the notion of surviving without your full soul is preposterous?
"InuYasha's ex got raised from the dead and needed a soul so she could stay in this world."
Satoru's right eye twitches. "You have all of your soul now, right?" He grips her thighs, more so for his comfort. "And do I need you in order to travel to the past or—"
"Yes," Kagome sighs.
Damnit. Satoru runs his tongue over his teeth. So, he can't sneak out tonight and kick InuYasha's ass again.
"Now just wait a minute," Himari exclaims. "Kagome! What do you mean, you only had half a soul?"
Kagome shrinks in the chair. Koushi bounces between looking at his mom and looking at his grandma. "You guys are making this a way bigger deal than it was. It didn't hurt or anything." Kagome worries her bottom lip between her teeth. "I could have called the rest of it back at any time, but Kikyo wanted to get revenge on Naraku for what he did." She sits up and shrugs. "Can you move my chair back?"
Satoru frowns and does as she asks. Koushi yawns and snuggles closer to Kagome, so Satoru shoots Ryu a look to keep his voice down. Why his uncle always has to yell is a mystery to him.
Ryu rolls his eyes and then clears his throat. "So, if you're a demon, prove it. You just look like Satoru's kid."
Shippo looks over at Kagome and Satoru for confirmation. He slides out of the chair and takes a couple of steps back. A burst of blue flames erupts, and left is Shippo in his original form. Ryu's mouth drops.
"Do not," Satoru warns.
"I'm not going to yell," Ryu mutters. "What exactly can a demon do?"
"Are you volunteering?" Shippo's tail swishes behind him. Satoru inhales. Now, he's just met Shippo and all, but something about the way Shippo's tail is moving puts Satoru a little on edge. In the corner of his eye, Megumi scoots his chair further away. Satoru snorts.
"Megumi volunteers," Satoru answers, smiling at Megumi's strangled noise of indignation. "Go on Megumi, play nice with your younger brother."
Megumi glares at Satoru and walks over to Shippo. He stands awkwardly with his hands clenched into tight fists.
"Not to be a nitpicker, but I'm the older brother," Shippo says.
Megumi quirks a brow. "You look five."
"I'm in my 60s."
"What?" Satoru looks at Kagome, who doesn't seem fazed by the response. "He's not..." Satoru holds out his arms for Koushi.
"Yeah, Shippo is older than us, but not mentally." Kagome gently places the now sleeping Koushi in Satoru's arms. "I'd put him around six or seven in human years... I think six would be a good age." Kagome tugs on her bottom lip. "Shippo, don't go overboard, please. Something quiet and not messy. Koushi's sleeping."
Shippo frowns. "Can I turn Megumi into a baby?"
Kagome hums. "Megumi, do you think you would be able to keep your cries to yourself?"
"Now hold on," Megumi starts, but Shippo pulls out some kind of paper and jumps up to stick the paper on Megumi's forehead. For a second Megumi stands there frozen and then with a poof, his body shrinks and on the floor is...baby Megumi. Satoru stands, holding Koushi close to his chest. Is he seeing this right now?
Megumi's bottom lip wobbles and right before he lets out a cry, he stuffs his mouth with his fist, getting baby drool all over it.
"Pretty cute, huh?" Shippo scratches his nose. His eyes glitter with mischief and Satoru still isn't over seeing Megumi as a baby. Kagome stands and goes to pick up Megumi. She coos and rocks him. "That's some of the things I can do," Shippo says. "I am a fox, so I can shapeshift into anything or anyone."
"Even this glass?" The old man asks, holding up his cup.
Shippo scoffs and transforms into a glass that is identical to the cup in Syouma's hand. He jumps around and then changes back into his normal form. "There's nothing I can't transform into."
"The other clans are always trying to infiltrate," Ryu says, turning to face Syouma. "Shippo could be a plant, and no one would be the wiser."
"Shippo is not doing espionage," Kagome says, rocking Megumi. "He is a child."
Ryu frowns and looks at him for help. Satoru puts a hand up and shakes his head. "Wifey said no. Though I want to take him on some missions, so he knows how to defend himself."
Shippo rolls his eyes. "I know how to defend myself. I even guest taught at the kitsune school occasionally."
Satoru rolls his eyes, mimicking Shippo. "Okay, but that was there, and you don't know how to navigate here."
"Shippo, Satoru..." Kagome pauses. "Daddy just wants to spend time with you and get to know you."
His brain short circuits. Did she just call him Daddy?
"Okay, but if you hit me, I'm telling Mom."
Satoru sighs. "Why would I hit you?" Does Shippo not like him? Maybe he's pissed that Satoru beat InuYasha's ass?
Shippo shrugs. "InuYasha hit me all the time when he got annoyed, though he stopped doing it as much, but I also spent a lot of time at the school or with Sesshomaru."
"I have yet to hear one good thing about that guy." His phone vibrates. Satoru readjusts Koushi and fishes his phone out of his pocket. "Shippo, can you change Megumi back? We gotta go." Satoru slides his phone back in his pocket after sending a reply text to Yuji. He'll address Shippo's comments later. Seems Kagome isn't the only one that he needs to be extra careful with.
"Everything okay?" Kagome asks as she gently places Megumi on the floor. Shippo taps Megumi's forehead to change him back.
"It will be," Satoru says, not wanting to worry her. From the text, Yuji must have run into that cursed womb painting that got away in Shibuya. He eases Koushi into Kagome's arms and then kisses her. "Don't cook tonight. We can order pizza and watch a movie when I get home." He glances at Shippo for a moment and then pulls out his wallet. "Take this. Shippo will need some clothes and whatever else he wants. Like a game system." He hands out the black card for her to take and then pulls out some yen.
"Satoru, this is far too much."
"Oh, right...you wanted the details to the account." He pulls his phone out again and texts her the information. "There ya go. I'll see you guys when I get home." Satoru kisses the top of Koushi's head. "But if you need me, just call. I'll always pick up for you."
"You sure you don't want me to cook?"
"Nah, I want you to take it easy." Satoru smiles and then looks over at Ryu and his father. "Go with them to get Shippo some clothes and stuff. Kagome shouldn't be carrying any of the bags."
"And what's the story with Shippo?" His father asks.
Satoru shrugs. "Kagome and I were secret lovers, and we kept Shippo hidden because we were worried about assassination attempts or..." He pauses. "Or Suguru and his family trying anything. We would have kept Koushi hidden too, but he didn't like that. We keep it simple. And since it's all out in the open now, Kagome and I will get married next year," he says, watching the blush spread across Kagome's face.
Damn, she's cute.
But he needs to get going and see what kind of mess Yuji is in now.
Himari gasps, startling Satoru. "You're serious?" she asks. "About getting married. Like an actual ceremony, here."
"... Well, I don't know if it will be here at the shrine, but..." Satoru trails off. Okay, Himari is no longer listening to him. She turns to his father and engages in conversation with him instead. "Was I dismissed?" Satoru muses out loud.
"No, you just set her off," Kagome answers. "Now she's planning a wedding."
"Ah, glad to have been of service then." He makes eye contact with Megumi, who takes another step away from Shippo. "Let's go Megumi."
"Wait," Shippo says. "I wanna go to."
"That's up to your mom." Satoru crosses his arms. "We'll be going after that death painting. It's with Yuji right now. Could be dangerous."
"I'm strong."
Kagome readjusts Koushi and rubs his back. "No tricks. No turning invisible. No dropping a bunch of fox statues on people. No running off. And no making people fly away. I think that covers it."
"He can turn invisible?"
"I can also turn you invisible, but Mama wants me to behave." Shippo pouts. "I'll be good. I just want to observe and see what this world is like."
Kagome holds out a hand. "Give me a mushroom in case I need to get to you." Shippo pouts and pulls out a funny-looking mushroom. Satoru squints. Is he going senile or does that mushroom have eyes? Kagome takes the mushroom from Shippo and flashes a smile. "Thank you."
"We'll pick up pizzas on the way home," he says, before kissing her cheek. "Okay, you two, we really need to get moving now."
Koushi stirs and then cries. Satoru raises a fist at Ryu, who laughs sheepishly, which only makes Koushi stir more. Koushi turns his head, his eyes still droopy from sleep, and holds a palm out. Ryu blinks and then he's gone.
"Oh dear," Himari says, not sounding even remotely concerned about Ryu. "I'll have to get this kitchen remodeled again." She stands and shakes her head at the hole in the wall. Ryu groans from the ground and sits up, dusting the debris off him.
Satoru glares.
"That's my nephew."
"You can't stay here while that is getting fixed," the old man says. "You can come out to the estate."
"Oh? That's very kind of you."
"Ahem." Gramps clears his throat. "And what about me?"
"... You can come too," Syouma says, reluctance dripping from every word.
Satoru gags and retches. Disgusting. Himari doesn't need to stay at the freaking estate. Ryu should be paying for her and Gramps to stay at a luxury hotel. This is his fault for waking Koushi up.
"Please tell me you and Kagome-san aren't having any more children," Megumi says. Satoru laughs and throws an arm around him. He motions for Shippo, who changes back into his disguise and holds out his hands. Satoru grabs him and puts him on his shoulders. Satoru winks at Kagome before warping him, Megumi, and Shippo away.
When they warp near Yuji, the first thing that hits Satoru is that Yuji is not in a fight, at least not anymore. Sure, Yuji is a bit beat up and his right eye is swollen, but Yuji is also snacking on some takoyaki with the cursed painting while they sit on a bench in the park.
"Gojo-sensei!" Yuji exclaims, handing the rest of the takoyaki to the cursed painting. "This is Choso..." Yuji falters. "You have another kid?"
"Shippo," Satoru answers. "Something you want to tell me?" He motions to Choso, who keeps his expression blank.
"Choso thinks we're brothers," Yuji says.
"We are brothers," Choso corrects. "That man was not Geto, but Kamo Noritoshi, my father, and... your parent as well." He moves the food to his lap and holds up his hands. "I knew when I could feel death upon you, as I did with our siblings."
"... Right," Yuji says, nodding. "Anyway, he doesn't want to hurt people."
Satoru slides one hand into his pocket while the other hand holds on to Shippo's leg. "He's half curse." So that thing has been alive for centuries? Satoru grits his teeth. Had it not been in Suguru's body, he would have tortured it and got some answers.
"So?" Shippo chimes. "What's wrong with that?"
What's wrong with that?
Satoru opens his mouth and then closes it at the look on Choso's face. "Go out to the countryside and lie low."
Choso's eyes widen. "You aren't going to kill me?"
"Not today," he answers. "Don't give me a reason to." He smiles outwardly, though inside his brain is going into overdrive. The higher-ups will go into a fit if they catch wind of this. Hell, they'll lose it if they ever find out what Shippo is.
"I knew Gojo-sensei would know what to do!" Yuji beams. "Ah, but we gotta sneak you out of the city somehow."
Shippo jumps down and pulls out a sutra. "Leave it to me!"
Satoru exhales and drags a hand down his face. Where Choso was, a backpack eerily similar to the one Kagome has, lays innocently against the bench. The backpack shakes.
"Calm down. This is just to transport you somewhere." Shippo pats the backpack and shushes Choso. "Can I have more ice cream?" Shippo turns toward him.
"Uh... Gojo-sensei... this is another kid of yours or..."
"He's my son."
"Wow, really is Kagome-san—"
"Megumi!" Shippo coos, walking towards Megumi with arms wide open. "I want a hug!"
"NO!" Megumi backs up, which only spurs Shippo on, so Megumi takes off, with Shippo hot on his heels.
Satoru closes his eyes. What happened to not running off? "Uh, Yuji, just take care of your brother."
"Wait! How do we turn him back?"
Satoru shrugs. "I don't know. Figure it out." He waves goodbye and jogs down the sidewalk after Megumi and Shippo. "You two get back here!"
Shippo stops, looks at him, and then resumes chasing after Megumi.
When Kagome asks, Satoru will stress to her he had everything under control, because he totally has everything under control right now.
A/N: Okay, you see this update lol. I was gonna update on Thursday and then remembered that Thursday will probably bring pain.
I don't think anyone will be looking down on Shippo, though Satoru will probably have a talk with him about keeping some of those abilities under wraps.
Wish I Could and How To Tame will update next week. I might update Stranded (why did I write such a long title) this weekend.
Oh yeah, and the Morning Glory book is by C.M. Nascosta. I'm almost done reading it. I read pretty slow these days since I spend more time writing.
Take care! Hope you are having a great week. Stay safe. Make sure to get plenty of rest!
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chierafied · 9 months
December Drabbles Day 18 - Liquid Courage
Read on AO3.
Banner fan art by the amazing @sayuri-liu
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For @shortfry. Thank you for being amazing and for sharing your talent with us! You're such a wonderful person! Hope you have peaceful end of the year. 💙💙
For the 12 Days of Promptmas, Day 5: Warm Sake.
Day 18 - Liquid Courage
Inuyasha was not stupid. He knew that plenty of people might vehemently disagree with that statement — and his insufferable ass of a brother would be the first in line to do so. But he had seen the stolen glances. The smiles he couldn’t quite smother when she wasn’t looking. He’d seen the way the impenetrable amber of his brother’s eyes had grown warm and soft.  
Hell, he couldn’t blame him. Inuyasha brooded into the cup in his hands, then raised it to his lips. The warm sake soothed him as he swallowed, filling him with glowing heat. And a sense of purpose.  
Sesshoumaru had been clueless enough not to pursue his interest. Sure, he was a jerk. But Inuyasha wouldn’t mind giving him a helpful shove to move things along. After all, if there was one person on the planet who could soften the sharp edges of any jerk, it was Kagome. And Inuyasha was the living and breathing example of her influence. 
It was about time to return the favour, anyway. He owed her too much. Out of all of them, she had probably sacrificed the most. She deserved all the happiness she could get. Inuyasha would guarantee it. 
Inuyasha levered himself up. Swayed just a little before he swaggered towards his goal. He swiped another cup and a new bottle of warmed sake on his way to his brother.  
He loomed at the edge of the village, looking on at the merriment of the winter festival. Always keeping himself apart, the idiot. But his gaze was tracking Kagome, as she laughed and danced and chatted with everyone. The heart of the party, as she so often was. 
Inuyasha shoved the cup into his brother’s hand, then poured it full before topping up his own. 
He arched his stupid snobby eyebrow at him but made no remarks. Silently, Sesshoumaru sipped his sake .  
Inuyasha took one last gulp of liquid courage before embarking on his mission. 
“You’re an idiot,” he informed his brother. 
Sesshoumaru paused, the cup hovering near his lips. “That is rather an alarming assessment, coming from you.” 
Inuyasha ignored his hoity-toity insults. “You need to do something about it.” 
“About what, exactly?” 
Sesshoumaru’s claws clinked against the cup as his grip tightened. Abruptly, he was standing straighter and stiffer next to him, as if someone had just shoved that pole up his ass deeper in. His usually cool amber eyes were wide with surprise. Then, he quickly looked away. 
“I do not know what you are implying,” he replied, his voice carefully neutral. 
Inuyasha snorted his sake . The bastard was blushing!  
“Don’t give me that evasive shit. I’ve seen the way you stare at her.” 
Sesshoumaru drank his sake . Clearly avoiding answering him. Keh! 
“There should be less staring and more doing ,” Inuyasha advised him. “She’s worth the effort.” 
The amber eyes flashed. “I am aware of her worth,” Sesshoumaru snapped.  
Inuyasha blinked. Well. That was interesting. He grabbed the bottle and poured Sesshoumaru another cup. “Then what’s the hold-up?” 
Sesshoumaru shook his head and frowned at his drink. “I am not sure how... That is, I have never... What if she does not... What if we do not suit?” 
Inuyasha’s mind boggled, as he tried to both make sense out of his brother’s stammered fragments and understand what such a fumbling response revealed. Inuyasha heaved a sigh. This was a bigger mess than he could’ve imagined. He‘d meant to give his brother’s ass a good encouraging kick, not hold his hand and pat him on the back.  
“Listen,” he said gruffly. “If I didn’t think you’d be good for her, I wouldn’t be here telling you to go get the girl.” 
Sesshoumaru’s expression remained dubious. 
Inuyasha heroically resisted the urge to smack his brother’s head. “Also, I’m not here for you .” Well, maybe he was, a little bit. But he’d never admit that, least of all to him . “I’m doing this for her. Because I think she’s interested.” 
Oh, he had his attention now. The mask had slipped and the raw mixture of hope and longing on his brother’s face was both unsettling and deeply reassuring. He was doing the right thing. 
“Truly?” Sesshoumaru asked, lowering his cup. 
Inuyasha grinned. And patted his brother on the shoulder. “Go get the girl, you idiot.” 
He watched Sesshoumaru go. Pause at the table where the feast had been laid out. Pick up a bowl and carefully peruse the food on offer, before collecting the choicest bits into the bowl. And then carry his offering to Kagome. 
Inuyasha shook his head. Maybe he should have another talk with his brother at some point and explain to him the differences between youkai and human courting rituals.  
Across the village, Kagome took the bowl and gave Sesshoumaru a brilliant smile. 
Or maybe the two of them would be fine, after all. They’d figure it out. 
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
MAN so i was thinking about how you draw Hijack, but it used to be Death Note, but now all I can think about is the idea of an Inuyasha-type au, like a portal between worlds kind of vibe.
This just appeared in my brain and I needed to share with someone who enjoys both Hijack and anime, I hope you don't mind haha. Feel free to ignore if you want to!! :)
I tried to think of a DN au for Hijack just now but neither of them are horrible enough people to fit into the DN world LMAO
Just as there was a sort of expectation put on Tobirama and Naruto to lead due to lineage, Hiccup would be assumed as next in line to be Hokage in the Land of Fire after his father Stoic (dude like even in the second movie they carve his head into a mountain on Berk it’s perfect). All the villagers are super skeptical of this scrawny book-smart academy student who can barely throw a shuriken straight and gets his ass handed to him during spars.
But lo and behold, when the academy does an intro-to-summoning jutsu class, little Hiccup surprises them all — he’s the first ninja in three hundred years who can summon DRAGONS. At least, we think it’s dragons, the first one he summoned was this tiny black lizard looking thing with no teeth.
Years later, Hiccup has grown into a fine young jounin with his go-to summoning companion, Toothless the dragon. The pair of them dubbed the “Night Furies of the Leaf”! But disaster strikes, and Stoic gives his life to save the village from their invaders. Hiccup steps up as the youngest Hokage in history at just eighteen years old.
So at this point you can guess how wary the village would be to any outsiders — and how unwelcoming they are to this blue-eyed, white-haired refugee from the Land of Water stumbling to their gates.
It hasn’t even been a week after the attack when Jack, the last known descendant of the Yuki Clan, known for their famous ice-release technique, comes fleeing with like ten bounty hunters in tow. Every village he’s run to has turned him away, fearing the “curse” his bloodline brings. The border guards are about to deny him when Hiccup and Toothless swoop in and fold those ten guys like a ninja-lawn chair.
Despite everyone’s protests, Hiccup welcomes Jack to join their village and even offers him rank as a chunin ninja. Everyone’s like wtf dawg and shun the outsider, ignoring Jack and pretending he doesn’t exist.
Jack’s used to this since his clan was ostracized long before he was born, and plays pranks on people just so that they notice him. The last straw is some rather “inspired” graffiti on Stoic’s mountain face, and Hiccup assigns him to be an academy teacher to keep him in line. However, to everyone’s (except Hiccup because he’s always believed in Jack) surprise, Jack takes to the job like a duck to water — he LOVES kids!! All the students flourish under his gentle guidance and have so much more fun going to school! Slowly but surely the village warms up to him.
Eventually he gets promoted to jounin given his talents and assigned his own team of genin (you bet Jamie’s in there) because of how great a teacher he is.
However, he gets very reckless when it comes to protecting his students, and ends up in the hospital a lot for overdoing it on missions. Hiccup reprimands him constantly and definitely only visits him in the hospital to make sure he’s learned his lesson and not because he’s fun to talk to and is genuinely so kind and has really pretty eyes and wait what was he talking about, he lost track.
ALL THAT IS TO SAY yes I enjoy Hijack and anime, thank you for swinging by with the fun ask I hijacked (hehe)
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isabeauwolf · 4 months
I'm curious. What was everyone's first anime amv's that you watched and what ones stays in your mind rent free?
This Ryou Bakura/ Yami Bakura amv got me into RED back in high school. If ya'll have read the og Yu-Gi-Oh manga and Duelist, ya'll know. If not, let's just say its wayyy darker than the 4kids anime we grew up with and a lot of stuff was censored. All the crap Yami Bukura put poor Ryou through, Yami was super creepy and throwing out death punishments left and right, but the people deserved it. That was even before the card game was introduced!
I know, I know, Inuyasha is basic and over memed to death, but it's still very close to my heart. It was my first anime in middle school and is very close to my heart, say what you will, but I love the dub. I've re-watched the series 5 times before The Final Act aired, I watched it every week both in subbed and dubbed. I've read the manga online years ago after the original anime ended cuz I had to know what happened! I bought the VizBigs and have a couple of the anti-manga which I hope to finish collecting someday, have other merch and games too.
I'll even share that I used the instrumental version of "Dearest" while walking down the isle for my wedding. Why? The song fit my husband and me so well, we had been through so much together and our love only grew stronger. Even while we were apart, we never stopped thinking of each other.
Eternal Snow always hits me with heavy nostalgia. Do I always cry while singing it? Of course, I do. I always come back here in winter to listen to this beautiful song. I remember watching the whole series on YouYube in high school after reading the manga. The story really sticks with you and inspiring, no matter what your dream is.
This amv I think best summarizes Kai Chisaki, Overhaul perfectly as a character. He has such a twisted mind, but that's part of the reason he was such a great villain, and his style/quirk made him such a bad-ass villain.
The way Pops found Kai as a boy, alone, covered in filth and I imagine he was hungry, always made me feel as if we were missing something from his past before the latest chapters came out. He wanted more than anything to replay the man who saved him, rebuilding the Shie Hassaikai's former glory and reputation along with returning people quirkless. Might have saved so many lives who were eventually lost, but at the end of the day, he still choose the darkest route and solution.
"You have no place here", hearing those words from Pops, his father figure, that's probably what finally pushed him to do everything he did. Ignoring Pops wish and taking matters into his own hands, its brief, but it hurt him, he's shocked before recollecting himself and putting Pops into a coma.
Kai’s final scream makes me cry every time because you just know that’s when he realized he’s lost literally everything he ever had, his quirk, the ability to fix Pops, the Shie Hassaikai his only home, and the quirk erasing bullets and serum, his plan that's been pouring so much time and who knows how long working on.
I haven't said it often on here at least, haha. But MDZS is one of my favorite BL anime, danmei, and manhua I've been obsessed with since 2020.
If you haven't watched MDZS, or Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, I highly recommend it. The world building, music, the characters, the animation and raw feelings it pulls out of you.
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian's love is only a part of the series, the depth of their feelings cannot be matched by anything after what they’ve gone through together. No boundaries to their relationship and not even death stops their love.
Lan Zhan let go of everything to protect Wei Ying and tried to feel the pain he felt. They went through life and death together. It was literally them against the world. Even though they had no one by their side, they were with each other.
I still have to catch-up with The Untamed... XD I always play their song, "WANGXIAN" before "Mourning for Love."
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only the option with the lowest percentage will be eliminated! propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
jason grace and piper mclean:
So. Hera/Juno put a bunch of fake memories in Piper’s head of a months long relationship with Jason. However plot and stuff happens and they end up dating for real. Except no they didn’t. In the next series Apollo goes to them to ask for help and finds out they’ve broken up. Then there was a death prophecy that for once was actually fulfilled (RIP Jason). Finally at the end of ToA Piper was seen kissing a girl and your choice how to interpret that. Got together because a goddess shipped them. Broke up because they realised they were gay.
chrissie cunningham and eddie munson:
Had the CUTEST SCENE IN THE ENTIRE SHOW where they flirted and he tried to sell her drugs but then SHE GOT MURDERED and it was tragic
the joker and harley quinn:
They were a thing. She left his toxic ass for a cool plant lady. Good for her.
alec hardy and ellie miller:
They're your classic workplace enemies to lovers. Alec takes the job that Ellie was meant for, they're forced to work together on a devastating murder case, they bond. Over three series Alec becomes more human and lets his walls down around Ellie, and she begins to respect and trust him as a colleague and as a friend. Its a Big Deal when they hug. In most cases, especially when it's an m/f detective duo, they would end up together. But yet. Thee David Tennant and Olivia Coleman did not even have an aborted kiss or feelings confession. Neither of them end up with anyone else but they don't hint at anything at the end either. Queer Ally of all time David Tennant does straightbait ironically.
sam winchester and eileen leahy:
The last season set them up to be together, and then in Sam’s finale flash-forward, they replaced her with “blurry wife” literally a random blurred out woman rather than having him end up with Eileen Eileen is the coolest Supernatural character: she's deaf and also formerly dead (like Sam)
ok so it's complicated? like he's the lead love interest in a show that was very explicitly marketed as queer but I'm calling him straightbait because he literally straightbaits like every character in the show? So there's this girl (Jane) and everyone jsut assumes that he's dating her? Like she gets (spoiler!) murdered in ep 1 and the police are like "the body was found by the victim's boyfriend" and they mean Tan. Bun the main character drunkingly kissed Tan in the first episode as well and then saw Tan and Jane at an event holding hands and he was like....... wow this is awkward and also is he cheating on her with me??? (he was best friends with Jane). Anyways like this continues with Tan being under suspicion for Jane's murder because he's was her lover apparently and Bun is like living with this guy now and Tan is like laying it on thick about his attraction towards Bun but Bun is still suspicious and then Bun's talking to one of the kids that Jane and Tan taught and the kid is like "yeah so Miss Jane's boyfriend...." and Bun is like "right, Tan." and the kid is like "what??? mr tan never dated miss jane she was with this other guy." and Bun is confused (rightly) until like a few episodes later or so they're staring at their red string board and Tan is like "yeah so I was literally never with Jane we were just good friends" and is then also implied to be like gay as well so he's not even bi. Which ok straightbait over right? Wrong! Jane's actual boyfriend gets murdered and Tan gets arrested for it and he's like "what motive do I have to kill him??" and the police are like "well you two were fighting over Jane's love clearly" and he just kinda scoffs and smirks with a whole "these idiots have no idea that i'm currently planning on how to propose to my boyfriend of like a week" but just doesn't say anything?!?!?!?! he actively makes himself more suspicious and a greater target by pretending to be straight instead of just being like hey guys you know I was just buddies with Jane right? and i'm currently hooking up with the doctor who keeps giving you guys problems?? Anyways he's not straightbait in the sense that it was any surprise to the audience that he ended up with a boyfriend. but he did pretend to be straight for no real reason and literally endangered himself by doing so (this universe didn't seem to have like any actual homophobia stuff)
bruce wayne and selina kyle:
So a while back there was a whole thing about their wedding with SO much buildup. Like a whole mini series, a couple arcs in the main batman run, Superman and Nightwing threw him a bachelor party. Then when it was time for them to get married Selina fuckin left him at the altar. She left him at the altar man
luke skywalker and leia organa:
The idea of Luke and Leia was used in advertisements but they obviously decided not to do that. IT’S SO FUNNY. Like, I think this is the closest white straight people will ever get to ‘they were cousins’ing a couple. I looked up advertising to see if it was just in the movie proper or it WAS used to sell it and https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5z1SziDPKQw&t=118s&pp=2AF2kAIB ‘Luke and Leia: in danger, in love, in Star Wars’ is going to be one of the things that rolls around in my head for ages. It’s not just the whole ‘het love triangle advertises 2nd pairing that everyone knows won’t happen’ like Twilight, it’s the backpeddaling ‘no no it can’t happen, they’re actually siblings! It’d be weird! Ignore the ‘good luck’ kiss and the ‘I’ll be back’ kiss in the medbay and of course the full on make out session scene that happened! And even our own advertising’ Of it all.‘
eva garvey and gabriel:
they were really cute together and all their flirty build up actually had me, a known dyke, kind of rooting for them and then halfway through the show right in what's about to be a makeout scene they reveal he's gay lmfao. then they sleep together (platonically on different side of the covers) in his houseboat. iconic and i'm not mad about it but it was SO clearly calibrated to be straightbait and switch it was so funny like the cameras were WORKING for those lingering shots
kagome higurashi and inuyasha from inuyasha:
Long time until they get together, with teasing moments
good luck everyone! now go vote!
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vgbellylover · 2 years
A Bigger Case than Expected [Commission]
A commission from @Tummyrubblins2 about a convergence of worlds and a romance between two heroes brought together because of it. They decide to grow fat together. [m/m]
When Yusuke first took this job, he had honestly hoped for a bit more excitement. The paranormal detective agency he joined had been investigating a series of rifts in the space-time continuum that turned out to be bridges to other worlds. It had been a pleasant surprise to encounter some of the participants from the Tournament of Power. Not only that, he had also crossed paths with the Demon Inuyasha on several occasions, as well as some from... simpler times, such as Himura Kenshin and Guts, the Black Swordsman. He also could have sworn he caught a glimpse of an Eva unit or two. A number of their guests had agreed to help figure out what was going on, though even with the added help, they weren't making much progress.
One thing the young man found he missed about being a spirit detective was a high metabolism. Back then, he could eat whatever he wanted and not have to worry about gaining any weight. However, since returning, his demonic heritage had gone dormant, but his appetite remained. So, whenever he wasn't actively working on the case, he was stuffing his face with the greasiest, fattiest foods he could get his hands on and was quickly developing a noticeable portliness. Even now, as he and Goku made their way to the newest rift site while chowing down on a couple of foot-long chili dogs they had purchased, his rounded belly was hanging out of his tight green tracksuit for all the world to see. Barely, anyway, but still. 
He swallowed the last bit of sauce-covered bun, licked his fingers, and chugged the rest of the sports drink he bought with his food, tossing his garbage into a nearby wastebasket. He was still hungry. Of course he was. He was always hungry now. He held his stomach with both hands. It gurgled and churned, indicating its displeasure. It was fairly quiet for some time, but then let out a sudden, and rather loud, whine. 
His partner turned to him. "Wow~ That was quite the noise, Yu. You're still hungry?" 
Yusuke sighed. "I'm always hungry. It's a pain in the ass." 
"Literally, or figuratively?" Goku asked with a laugh. 
"If you want a training buddy, I'd be more than happy to help you out. I wouldn't wanna get too out of shape either." 
The prospect of doing something besides laze around and fill his ever-demanding gut genuinely appealed to the young detective. "I'd appreciate that, actually. I'm getting a little tired of seeming like little more than a fat ass." 
"Oh, there's nothing wrong with having a bit of a belly, kid. Honestly, I kinda wish I could develop one." 
"Oh? Why's that?" 
"I was browsing this... 'internet' you guys have here and found a piece about functional muscle. Apparently, it's more healthy to have a good amount of fat as well as muscle, than to be just solid muscle."
"Ha, if you stopped using your Super Sayien and Ultra Instinct powers and let yourself get a little or of shape, maybe you could build up some fat reserves." 
"Well, I can't seem to use those powers right now, anyway. Trunks and Bulma seem to think it had something to do with this rift problem we have." 
They had no sooner made it to the rift site, that the light that emitted from the tear had risen to blinding levels. The two of them took cover behind some nearby rubble to protect their eyes from the incandescence. That only happened when something, or someone, was coming through. 
When the light died, the two roommates peeked around their cover. The rift had disappeared and a man was standing in its place. Dressed in a deep blue jumpsuit adorned with yellow and white armor, he was looking rather confused.
Goku stood up, seeming to recognize him. "Vegeta? Is that you, man?"
The other man spun around. He has spiky black hair and a scouter over his right eye. It was Vegeta. "Kakarot. What's going on here?" His expression tightened. "And what are you wearing?" 
Yusuke's partner looked down at his clothes. He had traded his gi for a set of orange cargo pants, tall black boots, and a fitted black t-shirt. "I wish I could say what going on, but I honestly have no idea," the protector apologized as Yusuke also revealed himself.
As the two Sayiens conversed, Yusuke felt his body telling him to feed it again and a loud gurgle escaped him. 
Goku and Vegeta stopped and stared at him as his face grew bright red. He mumbled an apology when the Sayian Prince spoke up. "I don't think we're acquainted."
"Oh," Goku laughed again. "This is Yusuke. He's a former spirit detective, I met him when I first arrived on this planet. He's been letting me crash at his place." He turned back to his roommate. "You think you got room for one more?" 
Yusuke thought for a moment. "I don't think so. Not comfortably, anyway."
"Hmm, perhaps you won't have to."
"Whaddaya mean?" 
"Where we come from, it's possible for two people of a certain power threshold to fuse into a single body."
"That would be convenient, yeah, but our powers are... weakened here."
Vegeta seemed unsurprised. "Perhaps these will help?" He asked, reaching into a pocket and pulling out a pair of earrings. They consisted of small yellow orbs attached to a metal ring via a few tiny links.
"Where did you get those?"
"I've had them for a while, saving them for a special occasion. I think this may be such an occasion." He offered one earring to his rival. The great protector accepted the piece of jewelry and the two warriors attached the ornaments to their earlobes. Another bright light nearly blinded Yusuke. When the light faded, a single figure stood before him, one hand on his hip. His appearance was closer to that of the Sayian Prince but retained Goku's more light-hearted expression. His clothes were identical to what Yu's roommate had been wearing, except his cargo pants were now a deep blue, instead of bright orange.
The young detective did his best not to stare. For some reason, he found the man before him... attractive. Very attractive. "Right. So... what am I supposed to call you now?"
"People call us 'Vegito' in this form."
Yusuke was about to respond when his stomach demanded food again. He flushed. Vegito laughed.
"Maybe we should get some food in that belly of yours. I've been meaning to mention I think it looks good on you," the older man said, patting Yusuke's fat gut as he turned to leave the site.
The shopping district Yu led his new fusion partner to was lined with a variety of restaurants and street food vendors. They approached the first joint on the street. It was a simple Japanese diner and there was a group of samurai seated at a far table.
One raised a hand in greeting as Vegito and Yusuke approached an empty table nearby. It was Himura. Yusuke absently noted the ancient hero seemed a bit... heavier. He and his companions all had chopsticks in their hands and about a dozen different dishes they were sharing amongst themselves.
"Hey, man," Yusuke said, pulling a chair out. "You adjusting okay?"
The swordsman lowered his utensils. "It's... difficult, to say the least. I think the food is making things easier, however."
"Good food does bring people together, doesn't it?" Vegito laughed. "Have you found a favorite?"
Himura swallowed the serving of noodles he had just slurped up. "I've developed a particular fondness for this... ra-men you have."
The two partners' server arrived then, and the two let the samurai resume his meal. They placed their order of several dishes each and their drinks were quickly brought out.
Vegito, who was sitting at an angle, pulled out the cell phone Yusuke had given Goku. As his friend scrolled, the former spirit detective studied his face. His features were strong and angular, and his determined eyes sparkled with mischief. He glanced once at the young man. Yusuke's heart seemed to skip a beat as he quickly looked away, his ears growing hot.
The only explanation he could come up with for the feeling he was experiencing was, that he was developing a crush on his new partner. The two sat in silence. By the time their food was being brought out, Yusuke had finished nearly three glasses of soda pop and he could feel the pressure building inside his belly. 
Yusuke dug in, grateful that his stomach would finally stop yelling at him. He started with a dish of sweet and sour pork, glistening with sweet pineapple and mild peppers. The tangy sauce coated his tongue and filled his gurgling belly. He finished maybe half of the dish when the pressure inside him became almost too much. He paused, pressing his fingers into his gut. He felt several bubbles moving slightly within him until one was finally dislodged. It surged through his insides, detonating in the back of his throat in an impressive yet somewhat sloppy belch. The conversation around then stopped as the other patrons turned to stare.
"S-sorry..." the young man apologized, his face as red as the leather upholstered bench he was sitting on. His companion, however, began to laugh. Several others joined briefly as they turned back to their food.
"I bet that felt good, huh?"
Yu nodded. "Helps make more room, too." Resuming his own meal, he finished the pork, then reached for the shrimp and veggie tempura next. The light, crumbly batter, fried to perfection, did well to trap both the rich and subtle flavors within. A bowl of unagi donburi was followed by a platter of pan-fried gyoza, and he countered a spicy steamed chicken dish with several bottles of a dairy soft drink. He finished off with a basket of sata andagi, a type of fried doughnut. Their crisp exterior nicely complimented their soft, chewy center.
He had been so preoccupied with stuffing his face that he hadn't noticed Vegito was already finished.  The older man was watching Yusuke, a slight smile on his face, his chin propped up against one fist while his other hand absently traced patterns across his still-defined abs. A slight pang of jealousy shot through the young detective, considering his friend had consumed nearly twice as much as he had, yet it hardly showed on him.
Yusuke leaned back, cradling the mound of soft flesh that hung heavy in his lap. His jacket had ridden up a bit, showing off more of his tender underbelly. He was comfortably full, right now, but given the size of his appetite, he could still fit quite a bit more if he wanted.
"Done, then?" Vegito asked, still smiling. Yusuke only belched in response. "I'll take that as a 'yes'." The fusion stood up, pushing his chair in. "Let's go get more. I'm still hungry."
Yusuke nodded, sliding out of the booth, and hauled his thickening ass off the seat. His massive gut threw him slightly off-balance, so he more or less had to waddle out the door.
They got takoyaki at the next stall, then salt-grilled mackerel, yakisoba, and sticky sweet dango. They dined in at several other places as well, including an Italian bistro and an American-based chain that specialized in beef patty sandwiches.
As the pair made their way down the street and back again, Yusuke's belly swelled outward, weighing him down and his jacket had risen to just below his pecs, leaving the roundness of his paunch on full display. While Vegito's abdomen still stayed relatively flat, it too, had begun to round out. 
Doing his best to hide a broad grin, an image of the Saiyan duo sprawled out on his couch, surrounded by empty take-out containers and dirty dishes, sporting a gut the size of a small boulder crossed his mind. He fantasized about giving his crush belly rubs, listening to him digest, and falling asleep against his warm and supple skin. He felt his entire body grow hot as the two partners made their way back to Yusuke's apartment. 
Over the next several months, Yusuke, under Vegito's tutelage, was able to start turning his flab into muscle. While his physique developed, his stomach didn't seem to diminish. He was a little disappointed about that, but there wasn't much he could do. Vegito, on the other hand, had begun to develop a sizable gut; he was constantly gorging himself with the highest-calorie foods he could get his hands on or guzzling protein shakes of various flavors.
One day, while he was cramming his laundry into the washing machine, his roommate, who hadn't bothered to put a shirt on that morning, was busy with the vacuuming. He was adding the detergent when he heard the vacuum cleaner switch off.
"Oi," his crush called as he was punching in the settings. "Isn't that my t-shirt?"
Yu turned to him, glancing down at his clothes. "Er... yeah, it is. You don't mind, do you? All of mine are getting to be... too small."
Vegito shrugged, moving to put the vacuum away. "Eh, it's not like I'm using it right now."
With the washing machine started, the younger man closed the doors to their utility closet. He peered down the hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of his friend's plump ass, then quickly looked away when the other man straightened. "I was thinking about going shopping on Saturday. It would be nice to have some clothes that actually fit again."
Laughing wryly, Vegito leaned against the wall. "My wardrobe could use an update too. You think I could tag along?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," Yu responded, without really thinking.
"Great!" The Saiyan fusion grabbed him roughly by the arm and pulled him into the hall, pinning him against the wall with his heavy belly while gripping the younger man's upper arms– "It's a date, then–" and firmly pressed his lips to Yusuke's.
When he pulled back, all Yusuke could do was stare up at him, wide-eyed. He flushed, opening his mouth several times to say something, but nothing came out. "H-how...? I... you..."
Vegito grinned. "What, did you think I wouldn't notice you staring at me every meal?" He tapped Yu on the cheek before turning to the door– "I'm gonna go grab us some grub–" leaving Yusuke to wonder what the hell just happened. He slid down the wall, his stomach bouncing against his thighs as he hit the floor.
Yusuke was hesitant to appear as a couple in public at first, but his new boyfriend was very affectionate and often held him close, giving him little kisses here and there, or placing one large hand on his belly for a light massage. It wasn't long before their relationship was... general knowledge.
During the week, when they arrived at work, they found the agency in an unusual state of busyness. The chief flagged them down and ushered them into his office. Apparently, there was something he wanted to discuss with the two of them.
"Chief, what's going on? We haven't been this busy in months," the young detective asked as he sat down.
"We've seen a startling spike in disappearance cases. Mostly civilians, however, a number of our 'visitors' have also vanished. At first, I thought their cell phone batteries died and they just forgot to charge them. But no one's seen some of them in days. Even weeks. The two of you are some of the more powerful here and I have a feeling something else is at work here." 
"And you want us to see if we can figure it out?"
The chief nodded. "I'm sorry to drop this on you, but I don't know who else could potentially deal with it."
The two men looked at each other, then back at their boss. "Well, it certainly sounds more interesting than what we've seen doing so far."
They were sent all over the city to where the visitors were last seen, to see if they could find any clues. But about all they took away from each site was a sense of unease. It was stronger in some places than others, but that was the only consistency.
The two were quiet on the train ride home. Vegito absently pulled Yusuke into his lap, nuzzling the back of his well-muscled neck and shoulders while feeling up his chunky hips and gently fingering the flesh that spilled over his waistband.
Yu caught his boyfriend's wrists. "Please, Vi. Not when we're in public."
"As you wish," Vegito conceded, instead wrapping his arms around Yusuke's thick upper torso, kissing him behind the ear. He rested his chin on the younger man's shoulder for the rest of the trip.
They exited the train several stops later, grabbed a dozen or so bags of groceries at the station, and headed home, hand in hand.
The supper they whipped up at the apartment was warm, hearty, and very, very filling. Vegito leaned back in his chair, stifling a deep, rumbling belch. He held his tight belly with both hands. "Ooh, that was really good. I didn't know you could cook."
The young man shrugged. "As much as I appreciate the convenience of fast food, you can't really beat a good, homemade meal. I don't cook often because I'm usually too busy, or too tired, but I was in the mood today." 
Morning came bright and clear. The two quickly prepared for their date at the mall, only after a heavy, fattening breakfast that included lots of bacon and eggs.
When they arrived at the mall, it was busy, as was typical on a weekend. Their browsing of various clothing stores was broken up by visits to an assortment of food stalls, ranging from Chinese to sandwiches to sweet pastries.
By mid-afternoon, when they were working through a stack of extra large pizzas, they both had an armload of bags from several stores. They finished their meal and washed it down with a couple of two-liter bottles of their favorite soda. The carbonation bloated their stomachs out even further than they already were and made the glutted organs very noisy.
They sat, leaning against each other on their bench, simply watching the passersby. Yusuke kept glancing at his boyfriend's rounded belly. The fusion had developed quite a wide girth in the past few months, though the former spirit detective was fairly sure he was still bigger. But only be a little.
"Hey, have I ever mentioned that I think 'well-fed' looks good on you?" Yu asked, placing a hand on the other man's distended midsection.
Vegito thought a moment. "No. I kinda figured that, but it's nice to hear you say it once in a while."
Yusuke smiled, returning to his contemplation of the gurgling flesh in his hand. It was quiet for some time, but then there was a sudden, deep reverberation. Vegito winced as it echoed through his insides, gently rubbing his side.
The abrupt eructation stunned the young man, and several others in the vicinity, who stopped to stare and whisper amongst themselves, with one child asking their mother, "Mama, why are those two so fat?"
She quickly shushed the child and mentioned it wasn't polite to point and stare, hurrying away as the two lovers laughed. The fusion pounded his chest a couple times and loosed another, albeit shorter, belch that was just as loud. He slumped back against his boyfriend, smacking his gut. "That feels much better."
"That was pretty hot."
"Thanks, I've been practicing."
They both closed their eyes, listening to the cacophony of mall sounds.
Yusuke wasn't sure how long they sat like that, but a sudden explosion from a nearby store startled the two partners to their feet, their bodies pumped full of adrenaline. People were screaming, running this way and that. The dust was thick and the creaking of splintered timbers could be heard.
A faint silhouette could be seen emerging from the debris and they assumed a fighting stance. It was large and seemed to be carrying two limp others. The bubblegum-colored figure sported a massive, undulating belly, offset by an otherwise muscular physique. He had a peculiar sort of... antenna that gave him a resemblance to a dollop of whipped cream. He looked the two over, seeming to note their size and heft.
Vegito obviously recognized him. "Majin Buu. What are you doing here?"
The alien grinned, showing off a series of pointed teeth. "Isn't that obvious? I'm regaining my power." 
One of his captives weakly lifted their head and mouthed the words 'Help me' to the two heroes, but before either of them could react, their adversary displaced himself to a nearby roof.
"Don't worry, my little piglets. I'll come for you sooner or later," he promised, licking his lips. Then, he vanished.
Yusuke and Vegito looked at each other and wordlessly returned to their purchases, gathered them up, and headed home. Yusuke phoned their agency chief to relay what happened.
"Well," the chief had said, sounding relieved. "I'm glad I asked you two to take care of this then. I know Vegeta and Goku have dealt with him before, so it shouldn't be too hard for you and them."
"Yeah, the problem's gonna be taking the bastard down."
"We'll do what we can here, boys don't expect much. I'll see you Monday."
"Yes, sir." Then Yu hung up. He turned to his boyfriend. "Hey, that alien. Would he really... eat someone?"
Vegito nodded. "He's done it before, so I'm not surprised."
Weeks passed and the task of finding this offworlder saw little progress. The disappearance cases continued to pile up.
One day, a pair of less powerful coworkers expressed fear of going home alone. The two heroes offered to escort them home, splitting up as their friends lived in opposite directions.
Yusuke arrived home first. When his lover didn't arrive after several hours, he decided to make his own meal, storing about half in the fridge for when his boyfriend returned. 
When he awoke the next morning, the apartment was quiet. He sat up, noticing the other side of the bed was undisturbed. A sickening dread knotted up in the pit of his stomach and he bolted from the room.
"Vegito?" He called. No response. He cleared every room to make sure. "Babe?" Nothing. He went to the fridge and pulled it open. The supper he had prepared was still there.
This wasn't right. He fumbled for his cell phone, punching in the agency's number. Panicking slightly, he told them his partner was missing. He was told to calm down and was reminded that the detectives all had an app on their phones that was linked to A GPS satellite. He'd forgotten about that.
Unfortunately, they couldn't get a lock on the fusion's signal for several days.
"That's not far from an abandoned prison," the technician who had traced the signal told him.
A glimmer of hope broke through the clouds of anxiety that obscured Yusuke's judgment since his lover had vanished. "Great, send me the coordinates. I'll go tell the chief."
His boss nodded somberly. "Take Guts with you. He's been getting restless."
"Very well," the young man said and went to find the swordsman.
Guts had always seemed uncomfortable in this time and since this run-down jail was more in the country, the large man would be less on edge. He followed silently as Yusuke led him through the abandoned streets of the prison town.
They found Vegito's cell phone in a muddy ditch; it was on and transmitting. Yusuke was a little surprised it still had a charge but was grateful it had lasted for as long as it had. 
When they reached the decrepit building, Guts offered to secure the perimeter. Yusuke accepted and headed for the ruins, eager to find his boyfriend.
He didn't bother checking the common areas and went straight to the cell block. He found several of their visitors, many of whom had put on some serious weight, chained to the wall of a few cells, but none of the civilians.
As he unlocked the shackles that held Shinji Ikari, the designated pilot of the Eva One Unit, whose obese body had reduced his pilot's suit to tatters, Yusuke asked what happened, and learned a rather disturbing truth.
Majin Buu, who claimed to be responsible for the rift problem that resulted in the high concentration of heroes and legends, had captured and trapped them all here. The reason for the civilian disappearances made him want to puke then and there. They were captured and used as fodder, fattening the heroes to extremes, so that the pseudo-genie could then consume them, adding to his power. Nearly a dozen legends had already met their ends in this fashion.
The young man's heart sank. He quickly asked about his boyfriend. Shinji shrugged. "I haven't seen much other than this cell, sorry. But if he's not in this block, he may be in the other one. Otherwise, well..." He broke off, a pained expression on his face.
Not wanting to face the possibility, Yusuke thanked the young man and sent him outside to meet with the others he had freed.
As he made his way through the second cell block, his heart dropped lower and lower with every empty cell he encountered. But then, through the second to last door on the top level, he spotted a familiar figure, sitting on the floor with his back to the wall and his hands chained above his head. His head was hanging slightly to one side and his exposed belly was so massive it resembled an exercise ball.
"Vi!" He cried, rushing to his lover's side, awash with relief. "Thank God you're okay," he nearly wailed. He lifted the older man's face with both hands, his eyes brimming with tears. Ignoring the vaguely haunted look in Vegito's eyes, he leaned forward for a passionate kiss.
"Yu, I–"
"Don't talk, let's get out of here, first."
"I'm afraid," a voice called from the doorway. "That you two, won't be going anywhere."
Yusuke spun around fast enough that he lost his balance and landed on his ass. Buu stood at the exit, carrying another pair of captives. The scenery around them shifted and they were in a single larger cell with one wall replaced with iron bars.
There was another figure now. Clad in burnished full plate adorned with wing motifs, his wavy white hair surrounded a face that had an ethereal beauty to it. From the description he heard from Guts, this was Griffith, his former leader.
The two enemies entered the cell. Griffith grabbed Yusuke by the back of the collar and dragged him toward another set of shackles hanging off the wall. He didn't bother trying to resist. He was too busy watching in horror as Buu slowly crammed the two hostages down Vegito's gullet. He couldn't treat his eyes away from the writhing mass apparent through his skin.
Buu seemed immensely pleased with how much the fusion's stomach had ballooned out, as well as the expression of revulsion on his captive's face. He then approached Yusuke. "You and your friends will make fine meals once you're good and fat. I think I'll enjoy your consumption." He clapped a hand on Griffith's shoulder, and the mercenary was immediately converted into a figure consisting entirely of cookie dough ice cream.
"Wait, you–!" His objection was cut short when the pseudo-genie stuffed him head-first into Yusuke's mouth.
Despite being a frozen desert, the figure promptly started to melt when introduced to the young man's body heat. Though that may have been a blessing in disguise; the melting made gulping the figure down a bit easier. The downside? It made a horrendous mess across Yusuke's face and down the front of his shirt and swelling stomach. When his force-feeding was over, he was breathing heavily. He had never been so full. His stomach had grown two or three times larger than it was when he had arrived there. His 'meal' squirmed violently inside him, the cold of the ice cream spreading out from his center. He slumped against the wall, he was exhausted. Buu patted the twitching mound of flesh in from of him, then left.
He belched thunderously. "Ooh... Well, at least I won't have to worry about his armor giving me indigestion."
For several days, they did little more than moan about their massively overfull bellies, unfortunately, filled to their absolute limit with confectionized hostages.
After digesting the White Hawk Griffith, Yusuke noted the shackles around his wrists seemed tighter. When he glanced up, he noticed a series of black tattoos had appeared around his wrists and biceps. His nails seem to have grown sharper, and running his tongue across his teeth, he found they had pointed. His demonic heritage had reawakened.
When Buu decided they were fat enough, he made the mistake of deciding to start with the reawakened half Demon. He entered the cell, smiling, then began charging the ability that turns his victims into treats. When he fired, Yusuke sprang to his feet, ripping the shackle mounts from the wall, and caught the blazing ball of energy. He held it for a second, then returned to sender. 
There was a flash of light and the smell of sugar filled room. While his foe was disoriented, Yusuke pounced. Grabbing the figure by the neck and underbelly, he lifted the villain above his head and opened his jaws as wide as they would go, beginning the arduous process of swallowing his enemy.
Gripping the pseudo-genie by the belt, the young man slowly forced his 'victim' down his constricting gullet. The body was firmer than Griffith's had been; it seemed to be made of mochi, or something similar. Thick, but malleable enough that he didn't have to work too hard to get it into his belly. The colossal stomach proved to be more difficult, but he managed to stuff it down. Now all that was left was a plump ass and a pair of meaty thighs. A couple more powerful gulps and the evil was finally sealed inside him.
Yusuke let his breath out explosively, collapsing backward and sprawling on the concrete floor of the cell with his gut rising above him like a mountain. The conflict inside him was fierce and his skin rippled with his meal's struggle. The pressure inside him became suddenly oppressive and a belch that trumped anything he had ever produced erupted out of him, shattering the still air in the prison.
"Holy shit. That was hot."
Lazily turning his head, Yu realized Vegito was awake. "Thanks, I've been practicing." He swept a quick beam of energy at the wall above his boyfriend, severing the chains that held him captive. "Do me a favor, will you?" he asked breathlessly. "Come over here and rub my belly."
The fusion's answering grin was slightly lewd, but he did what he was asked. The massage certainly helped Yu digest and soon the thrashing inside him subsided. 
"We should probably get out of here."
"Maybe later. I'm too stuffed to move right now."
They stayed for a few more days, digesting and waiting for their stomachs to reduce to manageable proportions again. When they could finally walk straight again, they left the jail hand in hand.
"I still can believe you actually ate the guy. How'd you manage that?"
The young man hesitated, then told his lover about what he thought happened, as well as his heritage. "I... didn't tell you because I was afraid you'd leave me."
Vegito stopped, looking Yusuke over. "I dunno. I think it's pretty sexy. You've bulked up quite a bit and I've developed a thing for big men."
Looking away, Yu blushed furiously, but his boyfriend cupped his cheek, lifted his face, and kissed him deeply, pushing him up against the outer was of the building.
When they broke apart, Vegito's eyes were sparkling again. "I love you, ya know that?"
Yusuke couldn't bring himself to tear his gaze away. "I love you, too," he said quietly and reached up for another kiss. 
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shinidamachu · 1 year
Hello ma’am at Wendy’s; could you analyze some inukag scenes in the first movie? 😍
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I could talk about how Inuyasha was strugling in the first battle — to the point of Shippo stating he's hopeless when Kagome isn't around — and how he headed back to it with renewed energy once she got there.
I could talk about how he bickers with her the entire time, but it's always so gentle while constantly carrying her away from danger — bridal style, no less — and asking her in that soft voice we don't ever hear him use with anyone else if she is alright even though he was the one just getting his ass beaten.
I could also talk about how he follows after Kagome when she runs off, supposedly to "give her a piece of his mind" yet doesn't deny it when Shippo counter arguments that she got him wrapped around her finger. I could. But that's just our everyday Inukag, so here are the scenes I feel like are worthy discussing on a deeper level.
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When Inuyasha found Kagome after she accidentally cut herself, he got closer, wanting to take a better look at her wound, but for a second there Kagome forgot about her injury and really thought he was going to kiss her. You can see her surprise at his sudden proximity and then the disappointment when he goes for her hand instead.
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Then he took her finger to his mouth, to the place where his fangs are, without overthinking it or fearing any judgement, simply trusting that Kagome wouldn't be scared or disgusted by the gesture, by him. And she never does. What really makes this scene, though, is that Inuyasha is completely oblivious to the effect his actions are having on her so far or just how intimate they actually are.
Kagome's safety is his number one priority and Inuyasha feels comfortable enough with her to follow his instincts without reservations, so he doesn't quite realize the romantic implications because it's natural to him, to them, to be this close.
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Then Inuyasha uses Kagome's favorite handkerchief to patch her up. Considering she sounds more upset about him ripping it to do so than surprised that he has it in the first place and that he doesn't seem embarrased to have it at all, my guess is that she must have gifted it to him at some point.
And even though he claims it's just a piece of cloth, the fact remains that he carried it with himself for who knows how long — probably because it smells like her — and kept it intact despite the many battles, that is until she needed it as a bandage and we get visual confirmation that Shippo was right: Kagome literally got him wrapped around her finger.
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Flash forward to the bridge scene, where Inuyasha thinks he's seeing Kikyo at first, then notices is actually Kagome in priestess clothes and runs to her. If you ask me, it's pretty telling that he'd only mistake the two of them when Kagome isn't acting like herself.
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I love his reaction to realizing Kagome is there, safe and sound. He's just so genuinelly happy and relieved to see her. Those aren't emotions we're used to get from him. Plus, he worries about her being pale and insists that she gets back to Kaede's so she can get more rest.
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Then when Kagome hugs him, he apologizes — which we also don't see him do often — for not getting to her sooner, thinking that's what earned him that hug. And he returns her embrace in true Inuyasha fashion: tight and cradling her head.
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That's when Kagome pulled this little trick and I think two things are worthy noticing. One, she managed to break free from the mind control long enough to tell Inuyasha to get away. That's quite impressive. Two, when confronted with the idea of Kagome betraying him, Inuyasha came to the only possible conclusion that she was under a spell, never once doubting her.
He makes one attempt to reason with her, pleading for Kagome to snap out of it, but when that fails, he doesn't even try to immobilize her or adopt a defensive stance, he just runs, flat out refusing to lay a hand on her, the opposite of his fighting style.
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And even though Inuyasha knows Kagome is being controled, I still appreciate his reaction to hearing the one person who makes him want to live telling him to die. Not to mention how it brought back some very unpleasent memories. Speaking of which...
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What's interesting about this scene is that, again, Inuyasha knows this is Kagome attacking him — although against her will — but the very idea of her hurting him is so inconceivable that Inuyasha tries to make sense of it with the situations he has experienced before.
Then Kagome explained she has no control over her body and just can't stop, begging him to run again before it's too late. Inuyasha, however, wouldn't hear it.
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"I'm not running. Not without you. I won't leave you behind."
And honestly, who would have blamed him if he had run? Certainly not Kagome. She understands better than anyone just how difficult reliving those old traumas must be for him. Yet he would rather stay and die by her hands than leave without her.
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That's why she fought so hard against the spell here, in a way she couldn't quite fight when it wasn't Inuyasha's life on the line. Until the very end, she refuses to be the one to cause Inuyasha the same harm he has suffered before. But she ultimately fails.
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It's only after Kagome realizes what she's done that she manages to break the spell. It's very meaningful that she screams his name the exact moment it happens and that her eyes were full of tears even before she shot that arrow.
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She runs to Inuyasha and wraps him into one of my favorite Inukag hugs ever. The position they're in is so intimate, it's like she wants to melt into him and protect him from the entire world while begging him to say something and open his eyes, chanting how sorry she is.
It also parallels the scene in the beginning. Same spot, similar situations. Except where once was Kagome injured, now is Inuyasha and where once was him patching her up, now it's her who is taking care of him.
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Kagome doesn't let go of Inuyasha for a good while and when Kikyo tells her to return to her own time, since she doesn't belong there, Kagome answers that she won't, that she can't leave Inuyasha — echoing his words from earlier.
Even after Kikyo explains that once the well it's covered over, Kagome won't be able to return to her own world anymore, she is still reticent about leaving Inuyasha and Kikyo has to literally force her out.
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"Inuyasha! My hands can't touch him anymore. My voice can't reach him anymore. I won't see Inuyasha ever again."
I absolutely love how classic Inukag this quote is. You have Kagome saying his name twice, a mention of touching, which is a huge part of their love language, a nod to her voice reaching out to him, which is a recurrent theme for them and "I won't see Inuyasha ever again" as opposite to our many "I want to see Inuyasha once more."
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Another thing I love is how this scene mirrors the one when Kagome first meets Inuyasha: unconscious against the Sacred Tree, her hand reaching out to him. Except then she ended up saving him later and now she was the reason he was there.
Then we finally get to the reunion scene, the heart of "Affections Touching Across Time" which by the way is such a great name for the movie! Not only is it poetic, but it also paints Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship as the transcendental love story that it is. As if no matter the circumstances, it's inevitable for the love the feel for each other to find its way back to them.
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Inuyasha wakes up and Kagome is his very first thought. For her part, Kagome is also able to feel Inuyasha through the tree.
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"I can feel him. I can feel Inuyasha."
They start to talk even though they're years and years apart, Kagome asking if he is okay and Inuyasha brushing her worries off as usual. He then says he's surprised she isn't there and when Kagome says she came back home, he teases her about being scared.
Kagome denies it and I believe it's because she was initially thinking about the dangerous situation they were in, but then images of Kikyo telling her to go home and kissing Inuyasha flashes through her mind and she admits that e was right, that maybe she did run away.
She did get scared, but not of the danger they were facing. She was scared to find out Inuyasha was truly in love with Kikyo and that, since Kagome hurt him, he would be better off without her around.
Once Kagome explains that to him — minus the Kikyo part — Inuyasha gets up despite his wounds and tries to make his way to her, but Kagome meets him half way.
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@kitramune pointed out that Inuyasha smiles at her reaction because not only he knew she would do so, but he also expected her to in order to pull her into a hug.
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"I need you with me, Kagome. Haven't you realized that yet?"
Their hug is also a perfect replica of the original one, their very first one. From Inuyasha having a wound on his chest to catching Kagome completely off guard, first pulling her towards him then embracing her tight.
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The scene is a masterpiece overall. The music, the dialogue, the voice acting — both in japanese and english —, the emotional conflict. It keeps me wishing it had happened in canon every time I watch it.
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And I can't in good conscience leave the ultimate trusting exercise out of this. That Kagome trusts Inuyasha enough to jump into his arms from great heights it's pretty amazing in and out of itself, but the reason her confidence in him is so high is because he delivers it every time. It's all very reciprocal.
And even though Inuyasha complains about her being reckless, I love that he doesn't even bother to sheathe Tessaiga — his most valuable possession — too focus on catching Kagome in the gentlest way possible.
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Last but not least: the extra scene. In the beginning of the movie, we hear Grandpa Higurashi say that the Sacred Tree would blossom every single year without fail, until five hundred years ago, when Inuyasha was put under a spell and fixed to its truck, to which Kagome replies that now its flowers are blooming again because she set Inuyasha free.
The blossoms represent just that: a counterpoint to the snow that once fell over them. They're both pretty but where the snow is cold, the petals are warm. Where one is winter, the other is spring. Where one is the end of a cycle, the other is rebirth, it's life.
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I hope putting Inuyasha on the shadows and Kagome on the sunny side of the tree was a conscious creative choice here because it accentuates their personalities and the yin and yang dynamic of their relationship, on top of being aesthetically pleasing.
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I especially enjoyed how reassuring and straight forward he was here, like it was a given that he would be there for and with her even if it couldn't be physically, like he couldn't fathom any other way.
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And of course, there's the way Inuyasha is so aware of her and constantly worried about her well being, noticing how exhausted she was and being concerned she might collapse while having a severe injury on his own chest.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Sango telling Kagome to be careful and Kagome replying that she'll be fine because she'll be with Inuyasha. The villain saying "I've never seen anything more pathetic than a half demon cuddle by a mortal girl" and Kagome going "why? What's wrong with us being together?" Kagome still feeling awful about hurting Inuyasha and thanking him when he insisted that "it's barely a scratch."
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authorautumnbanks · 9 months
How To Tame A Sorcerer (68)
Series Master list
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"Your plan is idiotic," Sesshomaru says, coolly as he strolls into the dojo. He's wearing his old outfit from the feudal era, minus the spiky armor piece. His mokomoko trails behind him.
Kagome scowls and gives Shippo the look. The look all moms instinctively have. The kind of look that conveys how much trouble their child is in. And right now. Shippo is in so much trouble, it will take nothing short of him bringing Satoru home to soothe things over.
"What plan?" Yuta asks, stretching his arms and then twirling his sword with one hand. He rolls his shoulders back and takes a fighting stance. His dark hair highlights how pale his skin is.
Sesshomaru looks over at Yuta and then blurs out of view. Kagome's heart jumps to her throat as she throws her hands up. A pink barrier envelopes her and Shippo right as Sesshomaru's claws make contact. She gulps and tries to calm her breathing as Sesshomaru inspects his smoking hand.
"Your plan is idiotic. I can hear how fast your heart is beating. The barrier is fine, but only if you can maintain the concentration to keep it up." He pulls out his sword and dashes to Yuta, who barely blocks the attack.
Kagome bites her tongue as her hands drop to rub her stomach, soothing the twins. There's a pulse and her barrier dissipates into a shimmering glitter of pink. Shippo leans forward and picks up a crystal.
"Do your barriers always do this?"
Kagome swallows the lump in her throat and nudges her heart to go back to its rightful place in her chest. "N-no, that's not normal."
She rubs her stomach again. The pulse returns and her cheeks warm. She pats her face. Did the room get warmer?
"Wonder which twin is doing that," Shippo says with a whistle.
"Twins?" Yuta grunts out, falling to one knee as he blocks another attack. "Kagome-san, you're having twins?"
"Focus on me," Sesshomaru says, lifting his sword and spraying acid at Yuta. Yuta rolls to the side and gapes at the hole in the floor where he was just at. "Too slow." Mokomoko grabs a hold of Yuta and dangles him upside down.
Kagome grimaces. Sesshomaru can be quite brutal sometimes. "What if he didn't dodge that last attack?" Her stomach flip flops. Ughhhh, the smell of acid makes her want to hurl. The smell dances across her nostrils and travels down her cavity, settling on her tastebuds.
"Then he'd be dead."
Yuta makes a choked noise and then is promptly thrown into a wall.
"Get up."
"I'm fine right here," Shippo sing-songs. "I like my ass where it is."
"No, you should go." Kagome plucks the crystal out of Shippo's hand and nudges him forward.
"But mama! I didn't even do anything."
"You ratted me out."
"He beat it out of me. Where is the compassion?" Shippo sniffles, but the motion is exaggerated and not at all sincere. He rubs at his eyes with his fists, but no tears come out.
"Priestess, you are too far along to be putting yourself and the pups at risk. If you insist on helping, send a shikigami in your stead." Sesshomaru hits Shippo with his whip.
"This is as bad as training with Gojo-sensei," Yuta complains, dusting his shirt off. "Shit!" He dodges the green whip and lets out a sigh.
Kagome feels a tiny bit sorry for him.
"What's going on—OW! You son of a bitch!" InuYasha shakes one fist while palming his face with his other hand. Splat! Blood hits the floor, and Sesshomaru looks far too smug. "I wasn't fucking ready for you to attack me!"
"Because you're an idiot," Sesshomaru says, brushing his hair back, before flinging an attack at Yuta and Shippo.
"Ummm, maybe we should go back," Yuji says, taking a seat next to Kagome. Megumi grunts.
"How are you doing, Nanami-San?" Kagome tucks the crystal into her hoodie pocket—okay, Satoru's hoodie.
"Better thanks to you." Nanami crosses his arms and leans against the wall. "So, this is the strength of a demon?"
"A little. Sesshomaru's being pretty nice to them."
"NICE!" Megumi and Yuji exclaim.
"Sesshomaru-sama, will you be participating in the culling games then?" Yuji asks.
"This Sesshomaru cares not for what happens to humans." He blocks an attack from Yuta, kicks Shippo into InuYasha, and then drops low to sweep Yuta off his feet, and rams his claws into Yuta's gut. "Heal yourself. We will finish this after dinner."
"A-after dinner?" Yuta squeaks out, as his blood stains the floor.
"However," Sesshomaru continues, sheathing his sword. "The imprisonment of one of my own cannot go unpunished."
"I'll go," InuYasha says, pushing Shippo off of him.
"Sorry," Yuji interrupts, "but when you say the imprisonment of one of your own…"
"He's talking about Satoru, sweetie." Kagome pats Yuji's head. "Satoru is my mate, which makes him pack."
"Which means we can't let this go unchecked. Yada, yada, yada." Shippo mimics puppets with his hands as he rolls his green eyes. "Permission to kill the higher ups now? I appoint myself as the next lead."
"Granted, and no."
"Why not?" Shippo whines, tail drooping.
"I'd sooner put the wolf in charge." Sesshomaru holds out his bloody hand and steam rises, leaving behind a clean hand. "Kagome."
"Ohhh no," Kagome says, as she crosses her legs to get more comfortable. "I'm gonna be far too busy with these kiddos to be making those kinds of decisions." She sucks in a breath, closes her eyes, and imagines two shikigami. It doesn't hurt to try, even though Sesshomaru's words sting.
"Kagome, what the fuck are you doing?"
She peeks open one eye and then the other in shock at two large eggs in front of her. Talk about the world's most useless shikigami. Freaking eggs. Her shoulders slump as she blows a breath.
Megumi rises and hoards the eggs in front of him as he takes his place next to Kagome.
Kagome blinks slowly at Megumi. They might be the world's most useless shikigami, but they're her eggs, dang it!
"Where's Nobara?" she asks.
"Back at Jujutsu High with everyone else. She wanted to learn more about soul stuff from Yuki-san. Jaken is with her, so I guess she'll be back." Yuji scratches his cheek. "Speaking of which…is it alright for my brother to come here?"
"You have a brother?" Kagome's brows furrow together. Yuji never once mentioned a brother the entire time he was staying with her and Satoru.
"Yeah…. I didn't know about him either."
"Eggs aren't supposed to pop," Yuta comments, holding his stomach.
"Nothing about this place is normal," Nanami mutters.
Kagome ignores them and tilts her body towards Megumi, who refuses to take his eyes off the eggs. The eggs shake.
A hand pushes through the shell. A leg through the other.
"We're all gonna die," Yuji exclaims. "This is like the making of a horror movie."
A head pops through and Yuji makes a cry that sounds like he's croaking. Big blue eyes stare unblinking at Megumi. Another leg pops out of the other egg and it takes off, running into a wall.
Kagome purses her lips together as she scratches her nose. Great, not only are her shikigami useless, but they're stupid too. She sighs as she struggles to get up off the ground. It's like her stomach grew overnight.
"You can barely get up and you think you really going into battle?" Sesshomaru states as if she asked him for his so unhelpful opinion.
"I'm trying your plan, aren't I?" She slaps her hand on her leg as she walks over to the flailing egg. "It's okay, just calm down," she soothes, rubbing the egg. It shakes and a head full of black hair and the fuzziest cat like ears where normal ears would be, emerges.
"Kagome-san…did you just give birth?"
"You're a dumbass," Shippo chortles. "Since when do humans lay eggs?"
"I've seen some shit!" Yuji exclaims. "Give me a break here."
Kagome helps the shikigami break out of its egg. To be honest, she was expecting something like a phoenix. Not something that resembles a cat girl. She turns her head and blinks at the sight of Megumi, holding a similar cat girl shikigami with white hair.
That's different. She reaches her hand out to the dark-haired one and grabs its hand. Maybe she should name them? Ugh, but she sucks at names. Sesshomaru dashes past her. The hairs on the back of her neck stand. Is he charging at Megumi?
There's a pink light and Sesshomaru is pushed back. The white-haired shikigami in Megumi's arm glares at Sesshomaru. Her nose wrinkles in distaste as the barrier dissipates.
"Megumi-kun," Kagome says, "I know you like to collect things…but that isn't a pet." She frowns. Pet doesn't seem like the right word to use, but these are still shikigami, even if they look more human than others.
Megumi's cheeks turn pink. "I wasn't—" A white smoke cloud appears where the Shikigami was and a white cat with the largest ears possible takes its place. On its back are small wings and it has one long tail like that of a lion.
Kagome clucks her tongue and looks at the other one, who bats its pretty blue eyes up at her. "Can you do that too?" A nod. She huffs. Of course it can and Megumi is already eyeing this one to add to his collection. Buyo Jr. leaps out of Megumi's shadow and puffs up his tails.
Oh boy.
"You know what, guys, I'm just gonna take a nap." Kagome shakes her head as walks towards the door. Nanami calls out to her. She stops and waits for him to ask whatever is on his mind. A series of emotions flit across his face before settling on something akin to acceptance.
"You and Gojo," he says. He pauses, contemplating his words.
She and Satoru what?
"Sukuna has already revealed that you are a priestess," Nanami says. "And considering that demons exist…Did you really fall out of the sky into Gojo's lap?"
Sukuna knows? Well, she hasn't been that subtle. Whatever. "Yep! I was checking out something back at home and the next thing I knew, I was falling. And I've been with Satoru ever since."
Nanami's mouth drops. "He was telling the truth," he mutters in shock.
"How many years have you guys been together?" Yuji asks.
"…Years? It hasn't even been a year." Kagome chuckles. Hasn't been a year, and she's knocked up.
"For fuck's sake," InuYasha groans.
"You mean for fox's sake," Shippo chastises. "You gotta watch your language around the baby shikigami. What if they pick up your bad habits?"
"How about I shove this sword up your ass?"
"First of all, I top. Second—"
"Guys, be quiet for a second," Megumi interrupts as he pulls his ringing phone out of his pocket. Buyo Jr. continues to paw at the cat like shikigami, who paws back with kitten like wonder.
Kagome shakes her head and tries to head back out so she can take a much needed nap, but the distress in Megumi's voice stops her. She walks over to him, abandoning all thoughts of getting some rest. "What's wrong?"
He swallows. Buyo Jr. must sense the urgency of the situation because he brushes his head against Megumi's.
"Megumi, what's wrong?" Kagome asks again, this time softer. She prays that there haven't been any new developments regarding Tsumiki. Whoever took her is most likely keeping her safe to get Megumi to join these culling games. At least she prays Tsumiki is safe.
"It's Maki. She went to the Zenin estate to get some weapons that they took from jujutsu high. I gave her permission as clan leader."
"Is she dead?" Yuji questions, face grim.
"No. But Mai tried to kill her. Mai is saying Maki attacked her first. Not sure what is going on, but Naoya-san is insisting I come down there as clan leader and sort it out." He sighs. "And he won't tell me where either of them are, unless I bring Kagome-san with me because he wants to talk to you."
"Who?" Kagome scratches her head. Who the hell is Naoya? "What does he look like? And if you're the clan leader now, then he shouldn't be playing games with you." She wrinkles her nose as Megumi and Yuji explain who Naoya is and what he looks like.
This Naoya guy does sound familiar.
Oh. Shit.
That guy.
"He doesn't want to talk to me. He's probably still smarting over me slapping him for his disrespectful comments. And he knows I'm with Satoru because Satoru confronted him."
"The priestess is not going," Sesshomaru states. "Shippo will accompany you. Kill those you see fit. These sorcerers are becoming tiresome."
"Yes, milord," Shippo jokes, playfully saluting Sesshomaru. "Might mess around and wipe out the whole clan. Sorry, Gumi."
"So, we're going to force him to talk, then?" Megumi asks.
"Nah, I mean he wants to see mama so badly." Shippo's tail wags behind him in slow, measured strokes as though he just found something he wants to sink his teeth into. Kagome can't find it in her to care one way or the other if this Naoya guy ends up dead. She wants Satoru back. She wants Tsumiki back. And she really, really wants to take a nap.
"We can't take Kagome-san there," Megumi points out.
"Give me some credit here. I am a fox, after all. The real question is, should Naoya get to have a meeting with mama or papa?"
"Gojo-sensei isn't here."
"He's here in my heart." Shippo sniffs. "Mama, do you give me permission to do unspeakable things in your likeness and image?"
"I should say no." She motions for the other shikigami in Megumi's arms. It reluctantly leaves Megumi's arms and leaps to her shoulder. "But I'm too tired to care. Take one of the girls before you go. They should be able to help if need be."
"YES!" Shippo fist pumps the air and throws an arm around Yuta, who grins like he just found all his favorite items replaced with coal. "We ride out in twenty."
The white shikigami meows, and Kagome nods her head in acceptance. There goes her shikigami. It nuzzles her face and then rushes back to Megumi's arms. The dark-haired one tugs on her hoodie. She smiles softly at it.
She should name them. Something cool? Or something just nice?
"We aren't killing anyone, right?" Megumi asks.
"Do what needs to be done," Sesshomaru says. He walks over to stand by Kagome. "I will escort the priestess back to her room. Human, clean your blood off the floor." Sesshomaru escorts her out of the dojo and down to her bedroom, which is way on the other side of the estate. "We will get our mate back. Do not be rash."
Kagome dips her head, cheeks burning. "I feel useless. I should be able to do something."
"You just created two shikigami, one of which whom could create a barrier to repel this Sesshomaru. You are not useless."
"…Thanks, Sesshomaru." She blinks. Her eyes prickle with tears that want to fall. Damn her emotions for being so haywire. "I just want him—them, back."
"And they will. This Sesshomaru will see to it. Stop crying, it is unbecoming."
She barks out a laugh. The dark-haired shikigami squeezes her hand. Everything is going to be fine. It has to be.
A/N: Merry Christmas! I hope you have been having a wonderful and gentle holiday season. I was originally going to answer some questions, but that will have to wait until the next update.
It was brought to my attention that this story and maybe others have been getting some hate on social media. I just want to encourage anyone that wants to create, that there is an audience out there for you. There is an audience for all of us. Honestly, in all avenues of life, there will be people who do not like you and do not like your work, and that is okay. So, if there is something out there that you have been hesitant to do because you are afraid of what others might say, ignore them. Go for it. I promise there is an audience, a community out there for each and every one of us.
Stay encouraged. Stay hydrated. Be kind to yourself. And...I'm honestly shocked it wasn't a smut scene that set those people off LOL. Next update will most likely be Wish I Could since Geto is determined to have this smut scene. I won't spoil too much, but it's different from the other smut I have written. Take care of yourselves!
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casliveblog · 2 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 120 Rundown
Inuyasha: The big fight between Inuyasha and Bankotsu starts off and they kinda have perfectly symmetrical violence for a while which is pretty cool because Inuyasha rarely gets mirror matches since his skillset is pretty rare in the story, most of the time he’s just Wind Scarring a giant demon into oblivion. The anime really loves Bankotsu so there’s a ton of extra backstory for him and extra scenes of him being a badass and just throwing hands with Inuyasha and admittedly Bankotsu is one of the coolest characters in the show so it’s not like it’s not appreciated. Everyone outside gets their chance to show their attacks against the demons coming out of Mt. Hakurei and it’s like that scene in modern anime movies where it’s like ‘well we have to show off all the most popular characters but we don’t have anything for them to actually do so here’s so fodder so they get some attack scenes for the trailer’. Meanwhile inside Miroku and Sango actually fucking find Naraku but he’s not quite fully baked yet so Kagura intercepts them and sends them falling down again. Inuyasha manages to do a pretty smart feint on Bankotsu and get a couple of jewel shards out of his arm and knock his sword away until Bankotsu’s just like ‘you think having a big sword is all I got?’ and just fucking decks him so we get the rare chance to show Inuyasha just having a fistfight. Honestly Inuyasha vs Bankotsu is probably one of my favorite fights in the series behind maybe the last Inuyasha vs Sesshomaru fight. I remember as a kid the preview for the next episode is all like “Bankotsu has a demonic aura sword!? How can I beat that!?” and absolutely no one was fooled since Inuyasha mentions the Backlash Wave in this episode so everyone kinda immediately knew how this fight was gonna end in the anime but it’s still fun.  
Yu Yu Hakusho: So it’s the standard post-arc cooldown episode and I really kinda like these where the protagonists that have been through five apocalypse level threats have to come back and be teenagers again. Like after being punched with the force of a nuclear explosion, Algebra just doesn’t seem to do it anymore. Yusuke’s kinda riding that wave of ennui and Kuwabara rightly points out that if they never have to go through something that challenging again he’ll welcome the boredom. It’s just funny to watch random kids try to pick on Yusuke and him to give them the glare of like ten Vietnam vets combined and have them piss themselves. Anyway Botan’s getting reports of humans emitting weird energy all over the city so that’s kinda fucked and Yusuke gets challenged by some kids and kicks their asses but they still make off with him and send the message to the rest of the group sans Genkai to come after them because Genkai isn’t marketable enough I guess, glad we resurrected her.  But yeah, new arc time and we got Stand Users because Bleach wasn’t ripping off YYH enough we find out they took the ‘throw basic humans with obscure powers at the team after their most high-octane adventure’ from here too.
Fate/Apocrypha: So Astolfo and Sieg are still processing all the crazy shit that happened in the past ten minutes and suddenly Yggy TitsMcgee aka Astolfo’s Master comes out of fucking nowhere and is like ‘time to be crazy and kill the main character and I’m all out of crazy’ and just like BURNS through Command Spells to try to get Astolfo to kill Sieg like all the other Grail Wars has Masters sitting there like using one seal was like cutting off a limb and for this one they’re like ‘nah we got fourteen masters so might as well just use five seals to do one thing why not’ also Sieg has Command Spells too not because you’re not gonna tell the Bigger Cup how to do its job and it always knows who the new main character/new villain orgin story is and is ready to pass some of those things out. Anyway Mordred comes by and decapitates Tits Mcgee so Astolfo can go be gay with Sieg and is like ‘hey if you guys are gonna be morons and kill each other do it quietly’ and then she fucking teleports or some shit because in the next scene she’s just at the middle of the Hanging Gardens to break up Shiro’s ‘I’m the Ruler now’ speech. Karna’s just like ‘don’t really trust you but gonna need more context’ and Avicebron’s looking for his kid so he’s just fine with switching sides. And honestly at this point I wish we had one of those cover pages manga volumes do so I can keep track of who’s on what team now and who’s still alive because so many people exploded last episode and now the teams are basically non-functional and I need a flowchart damnit. Anyway Sieg’s back at Castle Yggy and is organizing the Homunculus Underground Railroad movement because apparently Team Yggy didn’t program the homunculi very well because Sieg’s just like ‘hey guys aren’t you tired of being nice, don’t you just wanna go apeshit?’ and all the homunculi are just like ‘yeah sure, didn’t really like the whole being a human murder battery thing anyway’ like I thought Sieg was a glitch in the matrix or something but apparently Team Yggy just did a really shitty job conditioning their murder battery dolls for a life of being murder battery dolls and none of them are down for it. So yeah Sieg’s a Master and a Servant now which I’m no Mana Physicist but that seems like really bad fuel economy but there’s no explanation for how he does any of the shit he does anyway so why not.
Speed Grapher: Picking up where we left off, Kagura is now in Suitengu’s custody and he whispers something to her that makes her docile enough to go along with the whole marriage plan for now and Suitengu just has the balls to alter all of Kagura’s records to make her legal like no one would notice she’s only in high school. Meanwhile Ginza’s done boning comatose Saiga’s brains out so he’s awake and in a jail cell but that doesn’t last long given they fucking let him keep his camera, like I know they don’t know he can use that thing as a miniature rocket launcher and he’s not technically a traditional prisoner but that seems like a dangerous thing to let him just keep in prison. So he busts himself out and Ginza follows him because time’s up and the doctor’s results on the Euphoric Virus are ready. They basically establish it’s a virus that alters the DNA of its users based on subconscious desire which makes sense why Euphorics have a healing factor since ‘stay alive’ is a subconscious desire of most people, and then it throws in some kinky shit as a bonus based on how fucked up the Euphoric’s morality is. Apparently Kagura doesn’t actually have the virus herself but is a catalyst for it so anyone that has contracted a strain of it and carried it in their DNA has it reproduce when introduced to her saliva. Saiga muses he must’ve gotten it while as a war photographer from some kind of biological weapon or something but we don’t get confirmation on that. The doctor goes on to say it affects Euphorics’ brain chemistry somehow and Saiga gets him off but fr I wanna know what he was gonna say, he says something about it inhibiting serotonin so their dopamine runs wild and I don’t know enough about biology to really make an informed conclusion from that but what I’m guessing he means is it makes Euphorics more impulsive and have more addictive personalities than they otherwise would which is true for all the Euphorics we’ve seen except Saiga (though his impulse control may be mostly in the form of protecting Kagura single-mindedly no matter what who knows) but he ends by saying overuse of the virus to change the cells damages them so the more Euphorics use their powers the more it destroys the affected parts, which we’ve seen with Suitengu having problems controlling his body though that may be more due to the stitched-together nature of his body we alluded to last episode because none of the other enemy Euphorics have displayed this despite some of them having implied to be at this for a long time so I’m guessing it takes a while for it to kick in but maybe since Saiga’s is so intensely focused on just his eye it does more damage more quickly. Anyway long story short if Saiga keeps blowing shit up with photography he’s gonna go blind or possibly die. Ginza takes this news badly and wants him to just give up on Kagura, assuming he’s just a weird guy with a thing for underage schoolgirls. It’s kinda funny how absolutely no one believes Saiga isn’t banging Kagura like it just shows how fucked this city’s morals are that no one thinks he wants to save her for any other reason. Like to me his dedication would back up that he’s not sleeping with her because honestly no one is worth taking on a city full of psychotic superpowered rich people just for sex. Anyway the spider tattoo guy from last time attacks again and Ginza wrecks her car to get rid of him but he just shrugs it off and activates the spider tattoo he put on her last time to take control of her gun arm and shoot Saiga. Ginza’s been not wanting Saiga to use his camera this whole time out of fear it’ll kill him but she finally asks him to use it to end her and that tattoo so she doesn’t kill him. Given this episode title is Ginza’s name it looks like this may be her swan song after all… BUT FUCK THAT she is able to alter her aim just enough to shoot spider dude in the fucking head and lets Saiga finish him off by blowing up the top half of his body without hurting Ginza, fuck yeah.
Durararax2: We now continue with the city of Ikebukuro fucking melting already in progress. The Blue Squares faction of the Dollars have arrived at the Saika zombie hoard in front of Russia Sushi and Takashi’s plan gets their scout infected and draws them into the hoard while Masaomi and Chikage are on a roof scouting the joint but the Blue Squares have their shark hoodies on and they’re disguising which one is Mikado which makes sense why Masaomi can’t just rush down there and has to send Chikage down but how come Takashi isn’t just infecting them all with Saika since he probably knows Mikado’s one of them, like I get he’s trying to lure Masaomi in too but it’s not like they gotta fight them just graze against each one individually like they did with the scout and boom you have control of Mikado assuming he is one of the group and if not you still have half a dozen new Blue Squares agents but I guess Takashi’s not exactly the smartest. Meanwhile Izaya reasons that while you can’t cut Shizuo up or crush him with fucking industrial equipment, dude’s still gotta fucking breathe so he just lets a bunch of carbon dioxide flood where Shizuo is to try and choke him and throws a match in for good measure. Celty mysteriously helps contain the explosion for some reason despite no longer having any memory of the main cast and apparently Shizuo just punched through the floor to escape the gas and the explosion and fucking bats Izaya through a window with a steel girder. Akabayashi confirms that Anri has Saika thanks to Namie’s texting spree and Chikage warns the Orihara twins to not go into the city on account of all the zombies. Meanwhile Manami goes over to Kasane’s hideout to give her all of Izaya’s data because fuck Izaya but turns out she’s not there and they kinda left Shinra alone and his Saika influence is kinda flickering because he saw Celty and the power of boners is just that strong I guess. So Manami is helping Shinra while pumping him for info to hurt Izaya and there’s a really funny scene where it looks like she’s about to stab Shinra until he says Izaya sucks and she puts away the knife. But yeah Shinra’s kinda at the center of both Izaya and Shizuo’s flashbacks and tells Manami that Izaya is pretty stoic when it comes to other people because he figures if he can predict and accept any human reaction he’ll never be hurt by others, the whole ‘bend so you don’t break’ mentality so he can take anything without being hurt because he’s learned to accept everything which is also why Shizuo’s inhuman mentality is at odds to him, it’s probably the only thing that can really hurt him because he can’t accept it. As far as Shinra guesses though the only thing that can hurt Izaya is something inside himself or his personal pain as opposed to trying to harm him with relationships or blackmail.  
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justafewsmallsteps · 2 years
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I’m finally migrating my work from FF.net here and to Ao3! Yay. Some InuKag drabbles—some loosely from canon and some I thought up. Doesn’t make reference to the sequel.
01: Ring
She knew that in this era there was no such thing as an engagement ring, but whenever Rin looped a flower into a little circle, she always slipped it on that left hand finger. She had even convinced Inuyasha to wear one once.
02: Hero
He would always come to save her, he swore. He didn't need to promise for her to know it to be true.
03: Memory
She wasn't afraid of the same thing as he was—that he'd rip her to shreds. What she feared the most was that those blue on red eyes held no recognition for her; he didn't remember her.
04: Box
Shippou's favorite cookies came in a rectangular container, but Inuyasha's eager hands searched Kagome's bag for a rounded cup.
Ah there it was!
"Kagome!" he grinned, "Boil some water, okay!" He couldn't stop smiling.
05: Run
Kagome missed her bike at times, at least the feeling of being independent, but hitching a ride on a hanyou running at full speed? She'd never felt more free.
06: Hurricane
Kagome would sense it first usually, but then he'd smell it and his mood would immediately sour.
"What does that fucking wolf want this time?"
He'd appear in a whirlwind and grab her hands, much to Inuyasha's annoyance.
07: Wings
He'd sit up in the trees comfortably. Who knew a dog could be so at home with the birds, Kagome mused as she looked up with a smile.
08: Cold
How in the world is she not freezing her ass off in that stupid tiny skirt of hers? When she sneezes he rolls his eyes, shrugs off his red top, and throws it around her tiny shoulders. She sends him a smile that wipes all the cold from his cheeks.
09: Red
She knew it was bad when his haori deepened in color. She peeled back the fabric to see his white top stained with blood, so she tossed that to the side as well. His cuts were red, skin red, her hands red, the sponge red, the water she wrung it out in also red. And so were her puffy eyes.
10: Drink
There! Finally he managed to gather all the ingredients he needed. Now all he had to do was make the damned thing and Kagome would be better in no time.
11: Midnight
"It'll be a while before the sun comes up..." Kagome muttered as she ran her fingers through midnight black strands of hair.
"Great," a human Inuyasha mumbled sarcastically from his place in her lap.
"Sorry about that, Inuyasha," she tried to whisper soothingly as she smoothed the bangs away from his dark eyes.
Ah, what was she trying to do? Drug him to sleep with her ministrations?
"S'ok... 'S not so bad."
12: Temptation
When they first met Miroku, he always wanted to be close to Kagome, and his hand seemed to always want to be on Kagome. After a couple of barked threats and Tessaiga pointed his way, the monk no longer felt like it was worth it to hit on a woman that had such a violent suitor.
13: View
He appeared in front of her out of nowhere. She had no idea how, but she knew he would. Somehow he got inside the Meidou of the Shikon no Tama to save her from the darkness.
"Inuyasha, I wanted to see you."
How could she know it would be the last time for a very, very long time?
14: Music
The songs that Kagome sang were unlike any music Inuyasha had ever heard in his life. Then he heard some of it on that box with the moving pictures at her house while waiting for Kagome to get out of the shower. He hadn't realized how annoyingly catchy the tunes were until one day Kagome caught the sound of him mindlessly humming and pointed an accusing finger at him.
"Britney Spears!" she cried.
15: Silk
"Inuyasha! That's my favorite handkerchief!" Kagome whined. "It was made with real silk from Kyoto!"
He scoffed and wrapped her bleeding hand.
"It wouldn't be a problem if you didn't have to go and hurt yourself."
It was several months later that Sango handed her a wrapped parcel with a bundle of the softest, most gorgeous embroidered silk she had ever seen.
"It's so beautiful! What's this for?" Kagome asked with a frown of confusion as she continued to admire the textile.
"I don't know. Inuyasha tossed it at me just a little while ago and said it was something he owed you."
16: Cover
It was Kagome's turn to play babysitter for the twins while Sango was out. Inuyasha was clearly their favorite to run around with, but she managed to lull them to sleep for nap time with a captivating telling of Cinderella. With a tired smile, she and Inuyasha tucked them in. It distinctly felt like they were playing House.
17: Promise
"If that's what you want then I promise you Kagome, I will protect you with my life." What else could she need?
18: Dream
In the illusion, a smiling Kikyou invited him to come with her. He nearly went, but Kagome's voice called him back to reality once again.
She was always the only one who could wake him.
19: Candle
She was adverse to the idea of making wishes ever since she had been stuck inside the jewel, but...
Today was her 16th birthday, and it'd been exactly one year since she fell down the well and met Inuyasha. Yet here she was without him because the well had sealed a few weeks ago.
She drew in a deep breath. Only one thought came to mind.
"I want to see Inuyasha again..." 
20: Talent
It was a particularly hot day when the twins got into a terrible mood. Their brother cried all night because of a rash, and the heat only made them more ornery. With an angry baby finally asleep in her arms and bags under her eyes, Sango begged Kagome to watch the girls while she laid down to sleep for a while.
So Kagome took the grumpy girls to the river to cool off, and Inuyasha followed to keep an eye on them. It had been working to keep the girls happy and entertained until one managed to lose her favorite doll in the current. Inuyasha was ready to lazily go after it, but soon his arms were stuffed with apprehensive, damp twins, and Kagome was swimming after the toy like a fish in the water.
"Kagome! Fishy! Mermaid!" the girls squealed as she caught it.
Even Inuyasha was impressed.
21: Silence
Her first day back was loud—full of questions and answers, excitement and joy, catching up.
Her first night back was quiet as he held her, held his breath, and held back all the words stuck in his throat but running through his mind.
22: Journey
At the start, they were only apprehensive partners "thrown together by a cruel twist of fate" and a magic well, looking for shards of the Sacred Jewel.
In the end, he realized that they were born to meet each other, only to be separated by a cruel twist of fate and a magic well, having rid the world forever of the Sacred Jewel.
23: Fire
The time he saw her engulfed in the blue flames of the kitsune bi, he thought it was all over. "Kagome!" he cried and grabbed her wrist. Damn it all if he was going to lose the only friend he ever made. "Don't go!"
The flames gave way to leave her standing there with a little fox in her arms. "Go?"
Aw shit. He threw her hand away as if it burned.
24: Strength
He could lift the Tessaiga, knock out demons four times his height, and could pull a full grown tree from its roots out of the ground. How could these stupid little beads pull him down like nothing?!
"Kagome, you bitch..."
25: Mask
She couldn't get it out of her mind—the image of him with a smirk on his face as the sun finally rose at the dawn after that awful night she spent running from the cursed Noh mask. At the time she admitted he looked pretty cool, heroic even. Looking back, she distinctly remembers that he was very handsome.
26: Ice
Among the most wondrous things Kagome ever showed them, the frozen fruit bars had to be on the list. But watching her eat one of the cooling treats sent a flush through his whole body.
27: Fall
She was falling, and even though he was in his youkai state he knew he had to catch her. But the second he got her into his arms, she saved him.
28: Forgotten
"I never forgot you! Not for even a day!" He declared boldly at a hateful Kikyou.
Kagome felt embarrassed and angry. That guy! After holding her and telling her he was scared of losing her!
That was the first time Kagome ever felt jealous.
29: Dance
Bon Odori, the Obon festival. Inuyasha had seen it before, but he'd never participated. Now the whole village was getting excited and he found a very eager girl dragging him to the moving circle of villagers dancing.
"Just watch me!" she instructed as her arms moved side to side. As if he hadn't been doing that already.
30: Body
In their three years apart Kagome hardly grew taller, just a few centimeters really. He remembered that she filled out her uniform fine, and the feel of her small curves in his arms. He knew her hips had widened when he carried her on his back the first time, and could hardly breathe the first time her chest pressed against his own as she embraced him. Kagome had done a lot of growing up in those three years...
31: Sacred
Kagome knew that if she ran to Goshinboku, she could find her way home.
They day she met Inuyasha, she did just that.
32: Farewells
"We're heading off to do a simple extermination north, just a day away," Miroku explained to Kagome, who frowned and looked to her hanyou companion.
"Oh... good luck then."
He turned to catch her eyes and saw the worry and disappointment in them. He'd been so preoccupied being annoyed at leaving her that he forgot to consider she might not be too keen about it either.
"It's probably nothing. I'll be back soon," he assured gruffly.
"Just be careful, okay?"
"Feh. The only reason I go is to make sure the bouzo doesn't wind up with his head in his ass," Inuyasha sneered. "You'll be okay?"
"I will. Just come back to me," she replied with a smile.
"You know I will."
Miroku wanted to gag. "It's only two days! What a melodramatic couple."
33: World
"Here are some pictures of my time," she passed around shiny sheets of strange parchment. A curious hanyou flipped through them with mild interest until something caught his eye.
"Oi, Kagome!" He held up a sheet and waved it around. "Let's go here!" his clawed finger pointed directly at a restaurant sign that clearly and boldly read, "RAMEN!"
34: Formal
He'd never been one for formalities. There was no Miroku-sama or Keade-obaa-san, or Sango-san, or whatever! It was Miroku (bouzo), Sango, Keade-baba. He had his Old Man and his Old Lady, Myouja-jiji, that shitty Ookami. Just call everyone by their name or something and be done with it! How many damn ways could you address a single person?
But the way he said "Kagome" was different every time, and the way she called him "Inuyasha," was different from the way anyone else could.
35: Fever
Half demons don't really get the fever, but it's amusing to watch one fret over the high temperature of a certain little miko.
36: Laugh
Kagome told herself that as long as she was by his side, she would try her best to make him feel at ease. It was okay to laugh, good to smile, alright to feel light. That's what friends did.
37: Lies
"You said you hated the way I smelled!" she accused in a high pitched voice.
Too delirious in his poisoned, human state, Inuyasha turned over and sighed, "That was a... lie..."
38: Forever
It was an archaically simple solution, but she understood why no one would ask for it. People and youkai alike had their own desires, both selfish and for the sake of others. They all had wishes they wanted to make themselves. If she had her way, she would have asked for peace, or love, or a way to stay by his side. But when she heard his voice and he was suddenly with her, Kagome knew that this was the only way.
"Shikon no Tama, disappear from this world... forever!"
39: Overwhelmed
It was one thing to see an old battlefield full of skeletons, but the first time Kagome saw the ripe corpses of innocent villagers she was horrified.
Without thinking, she buried herself into Inuyasha's shoulder and cried, the smell of his haori the only thing distracting her from the death all around.
"H-hey! What are you... Kagome?" He'd never been so close to a girl before. He had no idea what to do.
40: Whisper
Inuyasha hardly whispered. He said things quietly, mumbled, muttered under his breath. The only times his whispered were when he was hissing about danger nearby.
But he soon learned that the girls would wake up to even the slightest noise (like their parents), and grew accustomed to hushed tones.
"Inuyasha, I'm h-"
"Shhh! Are you crazy, woman?!" he pointed at the two lumps on the floor.
Ah, the danger of the awakening those terrifying toddlers!
Kagome giggled into her hand quietly.
41: Wait
Ask anyone and they could tell you that Inuyasha was not a patient person. Therefore it came to no surprise that he was extremely annoying and snappish when Kagome would leave for a few days. What was worse was his utter denial that he missed her, and the barked insistence that it was because he wanted to get back to the road. It was maddening! He was so bothersome in fact, that Sango practically chased and threw him down the well just to be rid of him. She wasn't a patient person either.
42: Talk
Kagome was the one who told him about his demon blood eating away at his soul when he lost Tessaiga. No one else wanted to, but she did it anyways. He knew he could trust her, now he had to make sure he could trust himself around her- he had to control his demon side. For Kagome's sake.
43: Search
Jewel shards, jewel shards, jewel shards! That's all he ever cared about at the beginning, and Kagome just wanted to get it over with.
44: Hope
It was more than just hoping that Inuyasha would come for her. It was sheer and unwavering belief that he definitely would.
"I believe in Inuyasha."
45: Eclipse
The lunar eclipse treated him the same way that the New Moon did. Shitty.
And when he was human, Kagome treated him the same way she always did. Like Kagome.
46: Gravity
Tessaiga was heavier because Totousai added in Inuyasha's own fang. Despite the fact he could hardly lift the damned thing, the second he smelled Kagome, it didn't even register.
47: Highway
Even Inuyasha liked to hitch a ride on the back of Kagome's bike when the road was smooth and he was bored of running without her. At least this way he could take a nap.
48: Unknown
Inuyasha had no idea how the well worked before or why it stopped working now, or if it would ever open again. But he had to keep trying.
Today might be the day, he thought as he jumped in.
49: Lock
The day Kagome removed the arrow from his heart, she made an opening there for her to get in it. It was so effortless, it was astonishing.
50: Breathe
He reached down knowing what his nose had told him (Kagome's scent, he'd know it anywhere!), but when he felt her hand clasp his and he lifted her out of the well, he let go of a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding.
"I'm sorry Inuyasha, did I keep you waiting?"
"Kagome..." He exhaled. "You idiot. What have you been up to?"
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lemonlushff-iy · 4 years
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Do you want to play a game?
You do? Good.
You know how these games work if you’ve ever seen one of Clearwillow’s...but game rules are HERE since it’s slightly different! I hope this is fun for people...that was my goal! And I hope you catch the “Easter Eggs” in it. I’m curious how many people will find them all. 
I’ll post everything once it’s done on FFN and AO3, and you can catch what I’m doing for @clearwillow‘s game early on my Patreon HERE! (It might be more smut...It might be fluff. WHO KNOWS! It will be OLR related...and it will go up as soon as it’s finished!)
Special thanks to @underwater0phelia​ for kink help and @clearwillow​ for additional edits...and the IYFF BC for brainstorming! Art by @clearwillow​ for @eringobroke​ - used and edited with permission. 
And now without further ado... The first treat (aka, the “freebie”).
Starting Fires
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the Inuyasha universe.
"Inuyasha, stop," Kagome giggled, trying to wriggle out of his hold as he pressed wet kisses up her neck. "I don't want to burn your bacon…"
"It's just bacon," he reasoned, his hands sliding up under her shirt. Or should he say his shirt? Fuck...there wasn't a better sight in the world than his best friend...his best girl...Kagome...Wearing his shirt in their kitchen in their house. Now that he had her again, he weren't never letting go of her. "I don't mind eating something else for breakfast."
"You will when your stomach is rumbling later," she blushed, grabbing his hands and pulling them down, his fingers grazing over the lace fabric of her panties. "Behave yourself and go grab a cup of coffee."
"I'd rather grab your—"
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She reprimanded, flipping the bacon in the pan. He placed a gentle nip to the side of her neck before moving away from her, a disappointed pout on his lips.
"Fine. But let it be known that I'm doing it under protest," he grumbled, moving to his cabinet to pull out a mug.
"Your protest has been duly noted, Sir," she teased, turning away from the stove to pick up her own cup of coffee. She brought it to her lips, sipping from it as she watched Inuyasha pour himself some. Their life together felt so surreal still. It felt strange to wake up in their house and cook them breakfast.
But it was a good kind of surreal.
The kind where she found herself pinching her arm to make sure it wasn't all some crazy dream. This was their life. And...she loved it.
"Mmm," he moaned, taking a sip from his cup. "As good as ever, Kags," he grinned toothily, and she risked entering his personal space to press another kiss to his lips.
"Glad you like it," she replied, running away from him again when he moved to squeeze her ass. She removed their bacon and eggs from the pan as a text message chimed on both of their phones, and Inuyasha raised a brow in curiosity. She watched him slide his thumb across the screen, before muttering out a low "Huh" as he read the text.
"What is it?" she asked, picking up their plates and placing them onto the island.
"See for yourself," he shrugged, placing the phone down next to her plate. "It's from Sango."
That already piqued her curiosity. Kagome picked up the phone, leaning over the countertop as she read it.
"Hey Guys!" She began aloud. "Miroku and I decided to throw a Halloween party this year. We know it's a bit last minute, but we were hoping you guys could come since you aren't heading back out to California like you thought. Let us know if you can make it! Trying to plan in terms of food. Love you!"
"Love you too," he grinned, and she couldn't stop the shy smile even if she wanted to. She didn't think she would ever get tired of hearing that again from him. The words were like a balm to her soul.
"What do you think?" Kagome asked, handing him his phone back as he began digging his fork into his eggs.
"Up to you," he shrugged. He really didn't care either way. He was just glad he didn't have to go out to California with her. Though, to tell the truth, he wouldn't have minded. They could have had a night in...just the two of them...And he was always a fan of nights in with her. But..."We can go. I know you wanna…"
It was true too. He had seen the way her eyes lit up when she was reading that message. The way she was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. Kagome didn't want to spend the night in. She wanted to spend her first Halloween back in Montana at a party with old friends.
He shrugged.
"Don't matter either way. I'm fine going. I'm fine staying home and fucking ya seven ways from Sunday."
"What! It's tha truth," he replied with a smirk. "And you can't tell me ya don't like the sound of it," he continued, running his tongue over his fangs. The cute little blush he pulled from her was worth it.
"Well...How about a compromise?"
He paused, lifting his brow in curiosity.
"Go on…"
"What if we went to the party...Just for an hour or two...and then afterward we can come home and have sex? Oh! We can even wear couple's costumes again!"
The phrase couples costume made his butt clench so tight he could probably twist off a beer cap with his cheeks.
"I'll agree to go to the party...but not the couple's costume."
"But Yash," she whined, coming around the island to take his hands. "That's part of the fun…"
"I'll wear something slutty?"
"N—" He began, ready to tell her no again when his brain processed her offer. "Keep talking."
"I'll wear something slutty and sexy?"
"...Uh-huh...And what else?"
"...And you get to take it off of me?"
He almost said yes...but he was a greedy fucker. He was probably gonna take it off of her even if she hadn't offered that.
"Do I get to do more than that?"
"You mean other than wear a matching outfit?"
"I do."
"Well," she began, tilting her head to the side and pursing her lips in thought. "I'm assuming that sex is a given…"
"But you can say it anyway, and make it interesting," he shrugged. If he was going to get roped into this...because he was going to say yes, because he loved her...then he wanted to squeeze as much as he could out of this.
"Ok...If you do it, sex is on the table...and I'll also add you picking the place and position," she decided, causing his eyes to light up.
Place and position huh?
"Well...In that case Darling, you've got yourself a deal!"
Her childlike squeal and the way she giddily clapped her hands, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, made him feel like he made the right decision.
"Now let's talk costumes…"
He groaned, shaking his head and digging his fork into the eggs on his plate.
Then again...Maybe not…
He let her prattle on for a while, running different ideas past him...But he knew that it ultimately wouldn't matter. He was going to give in to whatever she wanted. If she wanted him to go as a hot dog, and she was going to be a bottle of mustard? That was what was going to happen. Wasn't sure how she could make it sexy...but sure. Her call. Prince and Princess? No fighting it. Batman and Catwoman…
It had piqued his interest, but she almost instantly changed her mind. The cowl would be uncomfortable for his ears.
So, she decided on a fireman and a dalmatian. He looked over at her phone when she held up a picture of the costume she had found for him and sighed.
"That's what you want?"
It didn't look too bad. And it looked like he could maybe get away with just wearing the pants. He was going to have to be sneaky about it though...He could do just a t-shirt and those pants.
"Please?" she beseeched, batting her long lashes at him. "It will be so cute! And you'll look so good!"
He tilted his head to the side, and she chewed the inside of his lip as she watched him roll her suggestion around in his head. She really liked the fireman outfit. She thought it would be fun! And he would look good in it too...She could already picture him slowly taking off the jacket to reveal his bare torso...the suspenders holding up his pants hanging limply at the sides as he slowly peeled himself out of—
"—What are you thinking about Kagome?"
She looked up at his face and saw him looking at her, a smirk stretching his lips as he limply held the phone, leaning down across the island.
"N-nothing," she blushed, swiping out to grab the phone from him, but he pulled it away from her at the last second.
"Nu-uh. I can smell it when you're lying…and I can smell it when you're—"
She insisted, grabbing the phone from him this time, and his grin turned predatory.
"Ain't nothing, or you wouldn't be smelling like that," he countered cheekily before his gaze began to darken. "Ya know...You don't have to keep that bottled up…"
"Inuyasha," she warned as he straightened, running his carefully filed and declawed fingers along the island countertop as he slowly came around to her side.
He was ignoring her, however.
"Kagome," he replied, closing in on her in just a few short strides. "Were you thinking about me in that fireman outfit?"
Sometimes she swore he could read her mind.
"Liar," he purred, placing his hands onto the granite top on either side of her hips. He had effectively trapped her...and he was looking at her like prey.
It made her swallow because her mouth was suddenly dry. And made her lower abdomen heat. The intensity and desire in his gaze...the slight glint of fang in the morning light…
Fucking hell...She wanted to be his prey. Wanted to be captured and eaten and...eaten…
He inhaled deeply, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lowly moaned, "Fuck Kags…"
"W-what," she swallowed, and his smirk widened into a fangy grin before his lips crashed into hers.
I WILL ONLY DO THIS WALL OF TAGS ONCE! All future treats will be completely hidden under cuts so I don’t spam everyone’s timeline with in your face kink!
@clearwillow, @keichanz, @dangerouspompadour, @nartista, @kaze-ranna, @superpixie42, @sticky-llama-perfection, @pinkpigeonstudio, @mcornilliac, @itzatakahashi, @zelink-inukag, @juliatheanimelover7, @i-dream-of-soup, @smmahamazing, @the-lucky-ones311, @cyncyn981, @animemomma96, @ayari17, @underwater0phelia, @sailorbabydoll92, @l-taisho29, @animelove1313, @littlemissinukag​, @gofoulpuppycollector, @umacaking, @chanin29​,  @willowandfog​, @lebiishoujo​, @theinuyashareader​, @bluejay785​, @irrationalandimpossible​, @cstorm86​, @ruddcatha​, @desiree239​, @littledaisy91​, @liz8080​, @cannibalsforbreakfast​, @horriblehowl​, @arcprz​, @daisy-st-pati3nce​, @senneth-pendra​, @nsr0716​, @eringobroke​, @kagometaishostory​, @thisshipisbananahs​, @sunsetskys​, @ajoy3fanfics​, @sangoslays​, @v0dka-cat​, @cloudsz04​, @lavendertwilight89​, @yurawiththegoodhair​, @saturnsilence​, @lavaffair​, @blairex​, @fawn-eyed-girl​, @fandomobsessions016​, @neutronstarchild​, @preciouslyours​, @kalsies​, @shnuggletea​, @ladyphoenix0711​, @littlestuffstohide​
See you at 500 notes!!
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pumpkinfiction · 3 years
The Robe of The Fire Rat.
“Moroha honey please come inside, it's cold.”
Kagome's thirteen year old daughter was as stubborn as her father. (Maybe a little like herself)
Moroha pouted and shook her head in a no.
“He’s not back yet mama. He said he would be back before sundown.”
With a huff Kagome walked outside of their hut and sat on the small porch with her girl. “I used to worry about him too, I still do, but your father is one of the strongest people I know. I’m sure he’s fine” she told Moroha while running her hand through her daughter’s short hair.
Moroha looked up at her mother and made her frown even bigger. “Why didn’t he take me with him? We’ve been going on trips together but this time he told me no! I don’t get it.” The little girl looked out to the sky of the setting Sun.
“Is he mad?” She said in such a small voice it broke Kagome's heart.
Quickly wrapping her arms around her little girl she immediately forced that idea out of Moroha’s head. “Not a Chance, your father has a short temper but he could never be so upset with you he up and leaves.”
Kagome gave her daughter a kiss on the head.
“He loves you so much, hon, and your brother. Whatever’s keeping him I’m sure he’ll have a good excuse.”
Moroha gave her mother a sweet toothy smile.
Kagome began to slowly get up with her daughter's hand on her own.
“You wanna go inside? Your brother is done with his studies so you can go and bug him.”
She knew Moroha would never pass up the idea of bugging her brother.
She popped up and immediately went inside.
Kagome hesitated though. Before going through the sliding door she looked at the sky.
‘Inuyasha you left so suddenly, now you're late and left me with two worried children.’
“If you don’t come back in one piece I’ll sit your ass so hard you’ll wish whatever got to you first finished you off.” She muttered.
Maybe Moroha did get her temper from her.
She couldn’t help but giggle at herself.
Rubbing his robe against his nose the Half demon couldn’t help but think somebody was talking about him.
Probably his damn little wife, or the monk.
Gods, he was a dead man. Looking up at the sky he begins to see stars start to peak through the purple sky.
Inuyasha picked up the pace into a sprint.
He told his family he would be back by now, the girls would give him hell and his little boy would give him the silent treatment.
Adjusting the luggage on his back. His gifts might save his ass.
The idea came to him while training with his daughter.
He had accidentally nicked her arm the other day but he was left without a scratch, he wasn’t saying Moroha was bad at fighting. She was pretty damn good for her age and considering how little experience she had.
Even though it was just training Inuyasha couldn’t help but worry about his baby girl getting hurt on an extermination job. Inuyasha was only taking her to small jobs but something as small as a weasel demon could always get a lucky hit. He would die before he lets that happen.
Then there was his son, his little Ichiki. Ichiki has shown little to no interest in fighting and preferred to have his mother teach him about herbs and being a healer.
It wouldn’t shock Inuyasha if he developed spiritual powers here sooner or later.
Inuyasha didn't mind that of course but there was one problem. His son's hair was bright white, like his own.
He would have preferred Ichiki to have hair like his mother and sister, beautiful coal black.
Inuyasha remembered what it was like growing up with white hair, how people used to look at him, what they said about him.
It wasn’t as bad as his ears though.
He couldn’t help but be glad neither of his children had his ears, he couldn’t handle it if one of them came home with their dog ears bleeding because someone yelled in it or tried to cut it off.
Hopefully, the items in the bag he carries on his back will be able to keep them safe if he’s not always there on time.
When Inuyasha finally made it back to his little hut in the woods, it was pretty dark.
And on his porch was a small priestess with her arms crossed.
Aw fuck.
Slowing his pace he stopped in front of his wife, his ears back in silent submission.
“..uh hi, look Kago-“
She was in his arms immediately, checking his face for scratches with her soft hands. He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face.
“I’m okay ‘Gome” he muttered to her.
“You better be! Running late, leaving me with two worrying children.” She whispered to him harshly.
“I know, I know, I’m a dumbass and didn’t know how late this was going to take me.”
Kagome sighed deeply and kept her hands on his face, her thumb slowly caressing his cheek. Inuyasha turned his head into her palm and kissed it gently.
“Are they awake?” He whispered to her.
She smiled gently at him.
“Barely, told them they could stay up for you.”
“How kind of you, my little wife.” He said as she led him inside.
Inside the hut Inuyasha saw his two children around the fire pit. Ichiki was in between Morohas legs huddling for warmth together like two birds in a storm. They both looked up with shinning eyes, and their mouths slowly turned up in a smile.
Inuyashas couldn’t hold back the toothy grin.
“Dry your tears guys, your old man is back to bug ya!”
Both of them shot up in a hurry and grabbed onto his middle before he could say anything else.
Kagome's laughter echoed through the hut at the sight of Inuyasha struggling to stand.
“Where were you?!”
“We missed you!”
“What’s in the bag?”
“Mom was beginning to get upset!”
“It smells weird!”
“She said she was going to sit you!”
“Geez you two one at a time!” Inuyasha laughed slowly, going on his knees to level with his kids.
Moroha seems to be stunting in growth, he’s going to guess her mothers fault. And Ichiki, even at eight, was still pretty damn short.
Stupid Kagome being so small and adorable, she ruined their kids!
“I was visiting grandpa Tōtōsai, he helped me get you two something.” He put his hands on his children's heads, ruffling their hair in the process.”
Ichiki looked puzzled. “Grandpa Tōtōsai?”
Moroha looked excited. “What did you get us??”
“Here” Inuyasha said gently, he pulled off the bag on his back and reached in. He grabbed Morohas first. “For you my little Beniyasha” he said as he handed the red cloth to his daughter.
She gasped. “A robe of the fire rat!”
He felt Kagome's hand on his back, and the awe in her voice. “Inuyasha how did you manage to-?”
“Tōtōsai helped, it’s not exactly the same as mine but it’s got the same material. Hunted the rats myself.” Inuyasha said proudly.
“It’s as good as armor, repairs itself and flame proof like mine, it will keep them safe.” Inuyasha said as he got the second robe out.
He handed it out to his little boy “Here you go Ichi.”
His son hesitated before grabbing the robe.
“But I don’t fight.” Ichiki said so quietly even Inuyasha could miss it.
He put his hands on his shoulders “Fighting doesn't matter son, I got it for you because you're my kid, and I protect my kids.”
“Besides-“ Inuyasha smiled. “Tōtōsai added something special for you, go on try then on you two.”
Both Ichiki and Moroha looked at each other with a smile and immediately went to put on their gifts. Not even to bother taking off their current clothes.
Inuyasha and Kagome couldn’t help but laugh when their children were done.
Morohas robe went past her knees and Ichiki was practically drowning in cloth as it piled around his feet. He gave his father a small frown.
“Haha don’t worry you two, they’ll fit eventually.” Inuyasha said as Kagome gushed.
“Oh Moroha! The red makes you look so pretty! And Ichi you look just like your father!” She was on her knees adjusting the robes on their children.
She stopped when she got to Ichi’s though.
“A hood?” Kagome lifted up the flap on the back of his son's robe and put it over his head.
“Yeah, it was my idea.” Inuyasha said watching the red cloth cover his son's white hair. His smile turned slightly sad. It was a last minute decision but maybe it was for the better.
Out of excitement from their gifts both of the kids ran outside to play. Moroha pretended to be a big bad demon while Ichiki charged at her with a wooden branch. He may not fight but Moroha will always let them win the imaginary fights because she’s just a good sister. They ran around in the grass only having the light that shined passed the opening of the hut.
Inuyasha watched from the door frame, his arms wrapped around his little wife.
“A hood Inuyasha?” She whispered watching the kids play.
“It will keep him safe.” He said, shushing her by squeezing her closer.
What kind of parent would he be if he couldn’t protect them.
The end.
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only the option with the lowest pertentage will be eliminated! the rest go on to round 3. propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
jason grace and piper mclean:
So. Hera/Juno put a bunch of fake memories in Piper’s head of a months long relationship with Jason. However plot and stuff happens and they end up dating for real. Except no they didn’t. In the next series Apollo goes to them to ask for help and finds out they’ve broken up. Then there was a death prophecy that for once was actually fulfilled (RIP Jason). Finally at the end of ToA Piper was seen kissing a girl and your choice how to interpret that. Got together because a goddess shipped them. Broke up because they realised they were gay.
chrissie cunningham and eddie munson:
Had the CUTEST SCENE IN THE ENTIRE SHOW where they flirted and he tried to sell her drugs but then SHE GOT MURDERED and it was tragic
the joker and harley quinn:
They were a thing. She left his toxic ass for a cool plant lady. Good for her.
alec hardy and ellie miller:
They're your classic workplace enemies to lovers. Alec takes the job that Ellie was meant for, they're forced to work together on a devastating murder case, they bond. Over three series Alec becomes more human and lets his walls down around Ellie, and she begins to respect and trust him as a colleague and as a friend. Its a Big Deal when they hug. In most cases, especially when it's an m/f detective duo, they would end up together. But yet. Thee David Tennant and Olivia Coleman did not even have an aborted kiss or feelings confession. Neither of them end up with anyone else but they don't hint at anything at the end either. Queer Ally of all time David Tennant does straightbait ironically.
sam winchester and eileen leahy:
The last season set them up to be together, and then in Sam’s finale flash-forward, they replaced her with “blurry wife” literally a random blurred out woman rather than having him end up with Eileen Eileen is the coolest Supernatural character: she's deaf and also formerly dead (like Sam)
ok so it's complicated? like he's the lead love interest in a show that was very explicitly marketed as queer but I'm calling him straightbait because he literally straightbaits like every character in the show? So there's this girl (Jane) and everyone jsut assumes that he's dating her? Like she gets (spoiler!) murdered in ep 1 and the police are like "the body was found by the victim's boyfriend" and they mean Tan. Bun the main character drunkingly kissed Tan in the first episode as well and then saw Tan and Jane at an event holding hands and he was like....... wow this is awkward and also is he cheating on her with me??? (he was best friends with Jane). Anyways like this continues with Tan being under suspicion for Jane's murder because he's was her lover apparently and Bun is like living with this guy now and Tan is like laying it on thick about his attraction towards Bun but Bun is still suspicious and then Bun's talking to one of the kids that Jane and Tan taught and the kid is like "yeah so Miss Jane's boyfriend...." and Bun is like "right, Tan." and the kid is like "what??? mr tan never dated miss jane she was with this other guy." and Bun is confused (rightly) until like a few episodes later or so they're staring at their red string board and Tan is like "yeah so I was literally never with Jane we were just good friends" and is then also implied to be like gay as well so he's not even bi. Which ok straightbait over right? Wrong! Jane's actual boyfriend gets murdered and Tan gets arrested for it and he's like "what motive do I have to kill him??" and the police are like "well you two were fighting over Jane's love clearly" and he just kinda scoffs and smirks with a whole "these idiots have no idea that i'm currently planning on how to propose to my boyfriend of like a week" but just doesn't say anything?!?!?!?! he actively makes himself more suspicious and a greater target by pretending to be straight instead of just being like hey guys you know I was just buddies with Jane right? and i'm currently hooking up with the doctor who keeps giving you guys problems?? Anyways he's not straightbait in the sense that it was any surprise to the audience that he ended up with a boyfriend. but he did pretend to be straight for no real reason and literally endangered himself by doing so (this universe didn't seem to have like any actual homophobia stuff)
bruce wayne and selina kyle:
So a while back there was a whole thing about their wedding with SO much buildup. Like a whole mini series, a couple arcs in the main batman run, Superman and Nightwing threw him a bachelor party. Then when it was time for them to get married Selina fuckin left him at the altar. She left him at the altar man
luke skywalker and leia organa:
The idea of Luke and Leia was used in advertisements but they obviously decided not to do that. IT’S SO FUNNY. Like, I think this is the closest white straight people will ever get to ‘they were cousins’ing a couple. I looked up advertising to see if it was just in the movie proper or it WAS used to sell it and https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5z1SziDPKQw&t=118s&pp=2AF2kAIB ‘Luke and Leia: in danger, in love, in Star Wars’ is going to be one of the things that rolls around in my head for ages. It’s not just the whole ‘het love triangle advertises 2nd pairing that everyone knows won’t happen’ like Twilight, it’s the backpeddaling ‘no no it can’t happen, they’re actually siblings! It’d be weird! Ignore the ‘good luck’ kiss and the ‘I’ll be back’ kiss in the medbay and of course the full on make out session scene that happened! And even our own advertising’ Of it all.‘
kagome higurashi and inuyasha from inuyasha:
Long time until they get together, with teasing moments
good luck everyone! now go vote!
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