#Ishimaru siblings
mysteriousdoll · 1 month
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yk it’s gotta be fucked up if the ultimate detective is rattled by it
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poffyfluffnugg3t · 1 year
okay I feel like the Ishimaru family would own alot of pets. But I feel like it's mostly retired k9's.
Heres what I think they would be
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Like the Ishimaru family is scary enough having two people who kill(Maki Peko) a lunatic who creates explosives(Kiyondo) and a two kids one who looks like they will kill you but wont(Gonta) and one who looks like a nice grandma but will break your bones(Kirumi) and Kiyotaka probably has a a bunch of dirt on people and will probably use it. BUT!
Imagine being a robber and the first thing you see are these dogs.
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drclump · 6 months
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Silver and Gold
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akikikis · 3 months
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candiecarousel-art · 1 year
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Some babies
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Mondo: You and Chi have been hangin' out a lot more...even walkin' home together. S'there somethin' ya wanna tell me? I just wanna know if...
Kiyotaka: Mondo, I would never cheat on you! Chihiro's my brother! We're step-brothers!
Mondo: Huh?
Chihiro: O-Our dads are dating...
Mondo: Oh! Wait what–
Kiyotaka: Don't ask...
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mythgirlimagines · 4 months
HC about Peko and Kiyotaka finding out they were twins seperated at birth??
you can find some more like this here!
It all started with Taka finding a photo that he’d never seen before. It was of him and his mother when he was an infant- but he wasn’t the only infant in the picture.
He wasn’t sure where to go from there, but his dad had some information when he asked. He gave up the information surprisingly easily, mentioning that he didn’t know where his twin sister ended up after being put up for adoption.
Fortunately, Taka recognized the name he was given: Peko. Wasn’t that his upperclassman? He thought she was a year older than him, but maybe it was her who was his sister.
As it turned out, Peko was Taka’s age; the Kuzuryu’s had fudged her birth year so she could attend with Fuyuhiko. Of course, she was surprised to find out she had any family at all.
They set out to prove it, and prove it they did. It was awkward, learning that information about seventeen years into their lives, but at least in Taka’s opinion, it was better late than never.
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sprinklenoodles · 8 months
ok but imagine
Byakuya and his newfound army of unofficial siblings (Chihiro, Kyoko, Taka, Shuichi, and now Kiibo) that he acquired through the shenanigans of his father’s polycule
He immediately asserts dominance. This is his home and they are just his siblings. If they want something, they have to ask him first.
All except Chihiro that is. The little dude is Byakuya's favourite so he gets a pass. He can do whatever.
But, Kyoko, Shuichi, Kiibo and Taka? Nah. They gotta get his permission for everything.
Some like Taka don't mind but others (Kyoko) are already plotting something
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Kiyondo shows up to Kokichi's house with a box of chocolates.
Kokichi answered the door relatively quickly, tilting his head.
"O-Oh... It's you... What did you need?"
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glareandgrowl · 2 years
An Ishimondo Vampire/Werewolf slash fanfic for @perfect-ishimondo-boys ‘s
Ishimondo Monster Mash!
#82 and technically #4
And the companion drawing piece (also by me)- link
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mysteriousdoll · 2 years
Ishimaru Sibling Headcanons
Inspired by @incoherentramblings posts, I’ve decided to finally sort of properly post about my own Ishimaru family headcanons. I’m of the small majority of the fandom who headcanons Taka, Celeste, and Gundham to all be siblings.
Taka and Celeste are both trans! They quite literally just swapped uniforms (until Taka had to swap schools… twice…)
While Celeste was often out further engaging in her talent (and somehow always at someone’s get together), and Gundham was… somewhere, usually a shelter program with his grandmother or the local pet store, Taka was often with his grandfather being sculpted into a fit replacement. Nobody really knows what took place during that time, but it wasn’t until Taka was 11 that, after an incident, his family cut ties with his grandfather
Celeste hand makes all her clothes, as well as quite a few outfits for her siblings, and often patches her father’s trench coat.
Gundham is EXTREMELY protective of his little siblings. After word got out of them being siblings between their classes at Hopes Peak, he was much more vocal in his distaste towards Mondo, and only bites his tongue regarding Celeste’s admirers because she knows how to blackmail him.
Unlike the game Hifumi has good writing here because I liked his character up till the creepy Alter Ego thing… anywho, him and Celeste are genuinely friends! They bond a lot regarding specific manga and Lolita fashion! Celeste likes being a model for him for his art… plus it means she gets to play dress up no matter how extravagant the outfit.
While both twins have their own self destructive habits, Celeste having a tendency to bite her finger that the claw is on as well as straws and even some plastic items, Taka has more. He tugs on his hair, scratches his hands, and bites his lip.
Gundham notices this and tries to help as best he can. He’s gotten multiple stim jewelry for Celeste, and will try and occupy Taka’s hands when he gets distressed. Either with his own hands or his scarf.
Gundham was closest with their mother, and upon her passing, made a promise to her to keep the twins safe. He’s been caught a few times scolding Celeste for something mischievous or Taka for not taking care of himself
Taka is the best cook out of them all! He originally didn’t know many recipes but asked Teruteru to each him more about cooking… and while he doesn’t understand why Teruteru seems sort of frightened, he’s enjoyed the lessons he’s had.
Gundham is strong willed but the moment the twins tear up they give in. No hesitation.
Taka is a system! Ishida is part of that system, as well as a child alter known as Kiyo, and one other known one who Ishida is cautious of, only ever referred to as “Ishiru”.
While the siblings don’t associate much with one another before Hopes Peak, once there and the secret gets out, they’re much more open about it all… which secretly makes Taka happy as can be. Even if he knew that his siblings only used other names to avoid connections to the family, part of him always wondered if it was him.
Ishida doesn’t really get along with anyone in the family but Takaaki, as shown by him allowing him to call him Kiyondo (the only others allowed to do this being Taka, Kiyo, Sakura, Hina, Kaede, and Makoto.)
Celeste constantly pokes fun at Taka and Mondo’s relationship (calling Mondo whipped on a regular basis, Taka never quite understanding why), but Gundham can’t stand the two being together only due to seeing delinquents previously hurt Taka.
The kids are all very close with their father… but no one understands how such animated kids came from a man who has little to no emotion ever.
Celeste is trying to learn more and more about her father’s teenage years, as according to Hiroko and Jin, he was extremely rebellious.
Realistically, nobody in the family can resist Taka’s tears… and while it’s very rare… he will take it to his advantage when he really wants something. (Ex; hanging out with mondo late at night, having Chihiro over so she can help him with ‘computer studies’)
Taka was introduced to ARGs, unfiction, and Wham City Comedy by Chihiro. She suggested it to him when he made a passing comment that the series his friends showed him were nice but didn’t feel like they called for much beyond enjoyment… so she showed him This House and the two spent the entire weekend trying to break it down. Now he’s trying to get his siblings into some of them… they don’t seem too interested until he makes a small note about the Wyoming Incident which causes Celeste to question it, and finding herself just as invested as him.
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poffyfluffnugg3t · 1 year
Chihiro: I wonder where Mondo is?
Kiyotaka: I'm just waiting for my brother.. but it is very peculiar that both of them ar-
*💣 🔥 💥 *
Kiyotaka: . . .
Chihiro: sounded like one of Kiyondo's grenades...
Chihiro: Call Mikan...
Kiyotaka: one step ahead of you.
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softredribbon-kins · 2 years
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Kiyotaka Ishimaru and Celestia Ludenberg with sibling themes for anon !
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mickules · 1 year
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I missed you too
The Parent Trap
I ended up watching the original 1961 Parent Trap and LORD but there's a lot going on in that film. But ignoring the more . . . distressingly unhealthy 60s attitude toward marriage dynamics. . . The actual twin swap is such a good angle (and the effects genuinely hold up really well) I just wanted to capture the stress of trying to assimilate into a life so unlike your own, and that gut punch moment when they get to meet their missing parent for the first time.
And from there I just couldn't help imagine a future parent reconciliation, with a couple of siblings added into the mix . . .
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Unlike in the film where they were right to have gotten divorced (and shoulda stayed super divorced)- Takaaki and Kiyoko's seperation was very much a symptom of Toranosuke's scandal and demanded by Kiyoko's father. So when they meet once again as a result of the Twin's shenanigans, the two of them could easily develop a genuine connection, now they're older, more experienced, and freed from the pressure of expectation. And I'm not immune to making every red eyed Dangan character an Ishimaru sibling
(Truth be told, this has been on my mind ever since @puckishpal 's just marvellous fic Changed, and I really wanted to get this out in time for @mini-mecha-cowboy 's Kiyotaka week prompts AU and Lookalike, but uuuh- I managed to miss that by just a few ;; )
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nerd-cat-rambles · 4 months
Screenshots of my favourite characters from the Danganronpa Manga:
(From Chapter 2 Game 1 onwards)
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Special Mention Page:
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The display his trauma so much better in this than in the animation. In the animation it's just "I'm stronger than you! AND I'M STRONGER THAN BIG BROOOOOOO!!!!"
That line made me mad because like... where's the depth...? ALSO WHO CALLS THEIR SIBLINGS "BIG BRO" OR "LITTLE SIS" I'M SORRY BUT I HATE WHEN THE DO IT, ESPECIALLY IN ANIME-
THE MANGA GIVES ALL OF OUR FAVOURITES MORE SCREEN TIME TOOOOO!!! Because, a load of characters don't get much screentime until they're respective chapter, so we know a sit ton about Toko and Aoi and Byakuya etc. but we really don't know much about minor characters, because they die too soon, or get TOO much screentime you just know they're going to die anyway, so why do their FTES.
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Okay, more SS
Makoto is a cutie patootie in this :,)
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Oh my GOD Celeste is far from my favourite character, but she is MAJESTIC
Yk what, Majestic panel of characters GO!
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Honourable mention the this comment at the end of Celestias Chapter:
"Ahhhh honestly I love celestia. i mean yeah she murdered people but at least it was the two most annoying ones."
I love Ishimaru but reading the manga he wasn't the best- he's still my favourite but he would be annoying IRL let me be real here-
Anyway, that's all of the manga so far that has been updated, check it out if you can at https://m.manganelo.com/manga-no101782
Also, it proves my point further that Celes has no humane motive and shouldn't be considered an extremely popular character! People mainly like her because of her design, but no hate to those who do enjoy Celeste as a character. She just wasn't my "cup-of-tea" :-)
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I love that Taka would love to get vocal lessons from Sayaka. I love thattttt.
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