#Israel R. Potter
voxofthevoid · 2 months
Nah, bro, rooting for russians to migrate to ao3 is crazy. No one educated enough on the functioning of russian laws and their culture wants that.
First of all, they are stealing like crazy. U will be surprised by the amount of works they "translate" with no heads up for original authors on ao3. Even worse than that, russia does not have established laws regarding copyright issues with fanfiction - meaning that A LOT of authors quite literally print and SELL fanfiction. It's a normal story especially with big fandoms, such as Harry Potter, Marvel universe etc.
Funny story, one of the most popular russian Harry Potter wannabe story "Tanya Grotter" tried to access western market and lost miserably to JK Rowling - which is like... lmfao... they didn't even try to mask it as original content. I have zero respect for this woman whatsoever, but it's still crazy to me, that they tried to capitalize on her works this boldly. https://blogs.princeton.edu/cotsen/2018/06/tanya-grotter-and-the-magic-of-international-copyright/
Second of all, it's a very closed community and there is a REASON why they didn't and aren't moving to ao3 anytime soon - russian "culture" has no respect for authenticity and originality. russians are still in their "colonizers" era and I can assure you - the amount of artists creating just for the sake of their passion is laughable in comparison with authors looking strictly for recognition and a bag of rice. They are making capitalistic hell out of fanfiction with no consequences. Add to that mix a great sense of patriotism and nostalgia for soviet culture and it's wraps for us.
Btw Google how many languages are you allowed to write with on Ficbook?
I can tell right away. Only one. Russian. No Ukrainian, Kazakh, Moldovan, English languages are allowed. And you can say, well, #they r pressuring them because of politics rn, they banned LGBT works lately, too. No honey it was ALWAYS like that. Since the very beginning of the Ficbook. I can assure you, you are NOT welcomed there, but your works may find a new russian author someday. With a good usage of VPN, of course, and language skills. Nothing personal, just business. At the end of the day, what's more desirable than forbidden fruit?
So, no - you don't want them to move on ao3. You really don't. And I wish people would be more aware of what kind of mentality and opinion they REALLY have on people like you especially. Not that left-wing 0.008% that long ago flew russia and now live in other countries spending whatever they want. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with highest amount of russian citizens now demand a B1 official language certificate confirmation from foreigners - a normal request every other country has when making a visa or citizenship. Who were screaming the loudest in protest, demanding to get rid of it in favor of one CERTAIN language and rhetoric of all those countries still being under CERTAIN country meaning their rights are "violated"? I let you guess, it's starts with R.
I frequently see you posting a lot of info about Palestine, which is good, but I wonder if you even know what the hell r you talking about when you posting something like this. Imagine saying - let's now give more platform to Israel to express their thoughts on whatever topics using fanfiction, artworks etc. What a great idea 💡 👍 I wonder what could possibly go wrong - certainly not increased procentage of propaganda thorough mass media... certainly not🤭 Only #fluff, #enemies to lovers, #countries r currently at war, #love wins #AUs. Amazing. I suggest you to get out of your bubble sometimes, might be groundbreaking and not comforting, but it'll get better.
Or not.
Either way, awareness is not a talent - it's a skill. You're currently lacking.
Shove your condescending bullshit up your asshole until you choke it back out of your mouth, you steaming pile of shit.
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wh0-even-am-i-0007 · 10 months
introduction post ☆
hi i’m sid (sidney) and i like to draw !! my art tumblr is @sdzartt and my art instagram is the same username :) check out my art if ur interested, my commissions and art trades are wide open for now!
my pronouns r they/he/xe, i’m agender & queer and i’ve been with my partner for a year ^_^
i'm a minor (16), and im only comfortable being friends w ppl 14-19!! but if ur 19+ we can be mutuals ofc and i’m cool chatting with anyone in reblogs, comments, etc
current interests: marble hornets, everymanHYBRID, slenderverse, creepypasta
interests i’m still into but arent my main focus rn: hannibal, the walking dead, supernatural, undertale, batman/dc, my little pony
if ur also into any of these things feel free to dm me!! i love talking about my interests with people ^_^
i love emo/pop punk and i love 2000s-2010s emo/scene culture !! i’m also into numetal and a variety of other music
-i support palestine. if you are in support of israel do not bother following me
-i’m pro neopronouns/xenopronouns, and queer discourse pisses me off. its nobodys place to decide who’s identity is valid besides the person said identity belongs to
-this blog is a safe space and any bigotry will not be tolerated
-if ur proship or make any sort of excuses for pedophilia, abuse, etc you’re not welcome here. if you support any problematic media or artist that has caused harm to a community or any person, you’re not welcome here.
and lastly, harry potter fans dni. jk rowling is a piece of shit and if u support her even by casually or indirectly enjoying her work, dont follow me lol
thanks for reading and i’d love to be friends/mutuals !! <3
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jacobseedisbabygirl · 4 months
Little post boost (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠��⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Far cry requests are open!! I only do gn/male readers though!!
No requesting smut, r*pe, inc3st, yandere (romanticized abused) please!
No pro Israel, cop, Rowling, Harry Potter, general bigotry allowed ❤️ I write for far cry 3, 4 and 5!
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1st August >> Mass Readings (USA)
Saint Alphonsus Mary de' Liguori, Bishop, Doctor 
Thursday, Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time.
Thursday, Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: White. Year: B(II))
(Readings for the feria (Thursday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Thursday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Jeremiah 18:1-6 Like the clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, house of Israel.
This word came to Jeremiah from the LORD: Rise up, be off to the potter’s house; there I will give you my message. I went down to the potter’s house and there he was, working at the wheel. Whenever the object of clay which he was making turned out badly in his hand, he tried again, making of the clay another object of whatever sort he pleased. Then the word of the LORD came to me: Can I not do to you, house of Israel, as this potter has done? says the LORD. Indeed, like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, house of Israel.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 146:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6ab
R/ Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. or R/ Alleluia.
Praise the LORD, O my soul; I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God while I live.
R/ Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. or R/ Alleluia.
Put not your trust in princes, in the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation. When his spirit departs he returns to his earth; on that day his plans perish.
R/ Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. or R/ Alleluia.
Blessed he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD, his God. Who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them.
R/ Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. or R/ Alleluia.
Gospel Acclamation cf. Acts of the Apostles 16:14b
Alleluia, alleluia. Open our hearts, O Lord, to listen to the words of your Son. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel Matthew 13:47-53 They put what is good into buckets, what is bad they throw away.
Jesus said to the disciples: “The Kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea, which collects fish of every kind. When it is full they haul it ashore and sit down to put what is good into buckets. What is bad they throw away. Thus it will be at the end of the age. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.” “Do you understand all these things?” They answered, “Yes.” And he replied, “Then every scribe who has been instructed in the Kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.” When Jesus finished these parables, he went away from there.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Alphonsus Mary de' Liguori, Bishop, Doctor 
(Liturgical Colour: White. Year: B(II))
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Thursday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Romans 8:1-4 The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.
Brothers and sisters: Now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has freed you from the law of sin and death. For what the law, weakened by the flesh, was powerless to do, this God has done: by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for the sake of sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, so that the righteous decree of the law might be fulfilled in us, who live not according to the flesh but according to the spirit.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 119:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
How shall a young man be faultless in his way? By keeping to your words.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
With all my heart I seek you; let me not stray from your commands.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
Within my heart I treasure your promise, that I may not sin against you.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
Blessed are you, O LORD; teach me your statutes.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
With my lips I declare all the ordinances of your mouth.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
In the way of your decrees I rejoice, as much as in all riches.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
Gospel Acclamation Matthew 5:16
Alleluia, alleluia. Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel Matthew 5:13-19 You are the light of the world.
Jesus said to his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the Kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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thevisitmaxxedfriend · 2 months
Intro to me
age- sixteen
pronouns- she/her ig but i'm also fine with literally any gender nuetral pronouns including neos
i'm queer. used to be queer recreationally, now i'm competitively queer. like gayer than you. like gold medal levels of gay simpery. like captain of the local homosexual team. like planning on doing it professionally.
DNI (by interact i mean follow n message, not like or rb bcz no ones checking dnis before liking a post lol):
•pro russia
•pro israel
•anti feminists (includes transphobes, exclusionists and intersexists, you can't be a good feminist if your feminism isn't intersectional and includes all genders)
•pro censorship
•pro harrassment
•anti endogenic systems (personally idk much about syscourse but i have endo friends who i love and support so fuck off anti endos)
Tags: 🩶=my posts, 🤍=reblogs, 🟡=reblogs where i yap too, 💙=srs stuff, 🎀=me/irl stuff, 💜=character/media/ship analysis, defense, meta, theories etc, 🩵=tag for my very specialist blorbos that i love very much despite them not paying rent for being in my head this fucking much. there's other emojis u will see as tags n those r none ur business but guess what they mean if u wanna
Fandoms i mainly post about:
•bungou stray dogs
•harry potter
•probably gonna start posting about miraculous ladybug more maybe idk
Music taste: vocaloid, goth music, kpop but i'm not involved in the fandom or am a stan also i mainly listen to girlgroups like mamamoo and black pink
Hobbies: karate, chess, writing fanfic, crochet
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sturniolocraft · 7 months
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i write for — sturniolo triplets, golden era/knights of walpurgis harry potter, gravity falls, grimm, percy jackson and the olympians, and the ballad of songbirds and snakes !
♥︎ matt sturniolo, harry potter, dipper pines, drew wu, and grover underwood — these get done fast !
under the cut is the rules, must read ^_^
do not interact 🌾 : basic dni, mdni blogs, anti-agere/petre, endo systems (support+neu), pro israel / supports any genocide, ppl who send hate ? (it's tumblr bro)
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🌼 : i only write fluff or angst ! i don't feel comfortable writing smut since im a minor. i also do moodboards & headcanons !!
🌼 : don't send me requests uve sent other writers !! it's disrespectful to me && the other writer.
🌼 : don't rush me w/ writing things, im not always in front and its also js disrespectful so don't do it.
🌼 : i don't write anything that has to do w/ pregnancy, cheating, self harm, or eating disorders. i also don't do anything about the reader having specific looks!
🌼 : fem, gn, & masc readers r welcome here <3 agab is never rlly mentioned but trans!reader is always implied for masc !! (cis ppl scare me)
🌼 : emoji anons r always welcomed n encouraged !!! i love interacting w/ ppl & will def support anything u tag me in ♡
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clownngutzz · 8 months
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Chronically ill
Plus size
of foreign lands and people by Robert Schumann
Angel by Sarah mclachlan
Psych ward threats
telling me to kms,
Threats of Abandonment
Saying “shhhhh” over and over when I’m mad
Emergency Alert System
Tornado sirens
Making fun of me
Things peeking through windows
Republicans/ conservatives/tr*mp
Fire alarms,
Sudden noises and movement
The News
Loud chomping/chewing noises
Chewing/talking with mouth open
Telling me to do multiple things at the same time (make your bed and the clean up)
making fun of my fictional others
Dental work sounds (cracking teeth)
Toys/plushie destruction/heads ripped off
Spider/bugs zoom ins
Discomforts: bugs (moth,jumping spiders,butterflies are ok), loud crowds,
Conservatives/trump supporters
Andrew tate followers
Pro/anti ship discourse
Political discourse
Jk. Rowling/Harry Potter discourse
People who make trauma competition
Autism speaks supporters
Sexists/r@pe supporters
People who make fun of neurodivergent traits (stimming,hyperfixations.etc)
Cospuritan/Cosplay Purists
Beetlebabes/lydia x beetlejuice supporters
Final Fantasy 6
Kefka Palazzo (ff6) (father/familial)
Chairman Rose(Pokémon swsh) (Husband)
Jareth(labyrinth) (husband)
Verified fundraisers for Congo,Palestine,Sudan
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retrohack · 2 years
Welcome to our blog!
This is our main blog where we just reblog whatever we see, whether it be fanart or memes... Enjoy your stay!
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DNI in read more:
DNI IF YOU ARE AGAINST mogai labels, neopronouns, mspec lesbians/gays aka bi/pan lesbians/gays, bisexuals, pansexuals, asexuals/aromantics, kinning, non traumagenic/endo systems, polyamorous relationships
Additional DNI if you
-Are a proshipper
-Think fiction doesn't affect reality
-Use any slurs that are not able to be reclaimed by you, including sexuality, gender, and mental health terms (I do not tolerate the R slur)
-Are a conservative/Trump supporter
-Support any of the following creators or creations: South Park, Harry Potter/J.K.R, Dream (I can tolerate DSMP fans), Vivziepop (I can tolerate Hazbin Hotel fans), Hetalia, Game Grumps, Pewdiepie, Scott Cawthon (FNAF fans are Okay!)
-Are pro-life, think "all lives matter", or you do NOT believe ACAB
-Are Pro Israel
I am not going to respond to any discourse in my DMs on these topics, and honestly, at this point, I just have the energy of a tired old man.
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georgiapioneers · 2 months
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Thursday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time
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Readings of Thursday, August 1, 2024
Reading 1
JER 18:1-6
This word came to Jeremiah from the LORD: Rise up, be off to the potter's house; there I will give you my message. I went down to the potter's house and there he was,  working at the wheel. Whenever the object of clay which he was making turned out badly in his hand,  he tried again, making of the clay another object of whatever sort he pleased. Then the word of the LORD came to me: Can I not do to you, house of Israel, as this potter has done? says the LORD. Indeed, like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, house of Israel.
Responsorial Psalm
PS 146:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6AB
R./ Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. or: R./ Alleluia.
Praise the LORD, O my soul; I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God while I live. R./ Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. or: R./ Alleluia.
Put not your trust in princes, in the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation. When his spirit departs he returns to his earth; on that day his plans perish. R./ Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. or: R./ Alleluia.
Blessed he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD, his God. Who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them. R./ Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. or: R./ Alleluia.
MT 13:47-53
Jesus said to the disciples: "The Kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea, which collects fish of every kind. When it is full they haul it ashore and sit down to put what is good into buckets. What is bad they throw away. Thus it will be at the end of the age. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth." "Do you understand all these things?" They answered, "Yes." And he replied, "Then every scribe who has been instructed in the Kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old." When Jesus finished these parables, he went away from there.
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ongolecharles · 2 months
DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS (DSR) 📚 Group, Thu Aug 01st, 2024 ... Thursday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year B/Memorial of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church.
Reading 1
Jer 18:1-6
This word came to Jeremiah from the LORD:
Rise up, be off to the potter’s house;
there I will give you my message.
I went down to the potter’s house and there he was, 
working at the wheel.
Whenever the object of clay which he was making
turned out badly in his hand, 
he tried again,
making of the clay another object of whatever sort he pleased.
Then the word of the LORD came to me:
Can I not do to you, house of Israel,
as this potter has done? says the LORD.
Indeed, like clay in the hand of the potter,
so are you in my hand, house of Israel.
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 146:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6AB
R. (5a)  Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob.
R. Alleluia.
Praise the LORD, O my soul;
I will praise the LORD all my life;
I will sing praise to my God while I live.
R.  Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob.
R. Alleluia.
Put not your trust in princes,
in the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation.
When his spirit departs he returns to his earth;
on that day his plans perish.
R. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob.
R. Alleluia.
Blessed he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD, his God.
Who made heaven and earth,
the sea and all that is in them.
R. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob.
R. Alleluia.
Acts 16:14
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Open our heart, O Lord,
to listen to the words of your Son.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Jesus said to the disciples:
“The Kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea,
which collects fish of every kind.
When it is full they haul it ashore
and sit down to put what is good into buckets.
What is bad they throw away.
Thus it will be at the end of the age.
The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous
and throw them into the fiery furnace,
where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.”
“Do you understand all these things?”
They answered, “Yes.”
And he replied,
“Then every scribe who has been instructed in the Kingdom of heaven
is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom
both the new and the old.”
When Jesus finished these parables, he went away from there.
Jesus instructs his disciples on the Kingdom of heaven in this, for me, puzzling and even frightening Gospel. Jesus likens the Kingdom to a "net thrown into the sea which collects fish of every kind.” The bad fish are “thrown away.” So, he continues, “at the end of the age the angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.”   He continues: “every scribe who has been instructed in the Kingdom of heaven is like the head of the household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.” No threats of eternal punishment with this last analogy. Just inclusiveness. Perhaps Jesus was referring to the law of the Torah as the old, and his fulfillment of the law as the new?
I found consolation in the words of Saint Alphonsus Liguori whose memorial is today. In the words of Robert Ellsberg, who writes the “Blessed Among Us” feature in the Give Us This Day series, St. Alphonsus Liguori maintained that " the moral life was not a matter of tortured or legalistic compliance with the law. It was essentially the life of love.” I just cannot get with the wailing and grinding of teeth description of the afterlife for the unrighteous. I couldn’t imagine a God of infinite mercy allowing even the wicked to choose such punishment. As Saint Alphonsus maintained and Ellsberg writes “ all are called to salvation and ..the means are available to every person.” All are called and the inclusiveness of “both the new and the old” is consolation.
Particularly consoling is the first reading from Jeremiah 18:1-6. A potter (God) makes objects out of clay, and if one turns out badly in his hand, he tries again!
I wonder how many times God has tried again and again to mold me into something pleasing to him? Like the householder with his storeroom who brings out both the old and the new, I wonder what I have in my storeroom of memories and past deeds. What is old? What do I hang onto and have trouble releasing, bringing out? What can I bring out that is new? What do I look forward to on my path toward growth in love for others and union with God? Do I see the setbacks and troubles of my life as God’s opportunities to lead me to a life of love?
The Eastern Church has many depictions of Christ, on his resurrection, descending to the place of wailing and grinding of teeth and freeing suffering souls, breaking the chains of hurt that held them captive to the great pains they suffered. I believe in hell and I believe Christ can free us. We are clay in the Father’s hands. God will keep trying. Will we?
Saint Alphonsus Liguori
(September 27, 1696 – August 1, 1787)
Saint Alphonsus Liguori’s Story
Moral theology, Vatican II said, should be more thoroughly nourished by Scripture, and show the nobility of the Christian vocation of the faithful and their obligation to bring forth fruit in charity for the life of the world. Alphonsus, declared patron of moral theologians by Pius XII in 1950, would rejoice in that statement.
In his day, Alphonsus fought for the liberation of moral theology from the rigidity of Jansenism. His moral theology, which went through 60 editions in the century following him, concentrated on the practical and concrete problems of pastors and confessors. If a certain legalism and minimalism crept into moral theology, it should not be attributed to this model of moderation and gentleness.
At the University of Naples, Alphonsus received a doctorate in both canon and civil law by acclamation, at the age of 16, but he soon gave up the practice of law for apostolic activity. He was ordained a priest, and concentrated his pastoral efforts on popular parish missions, hearing confessions, and forming Christian groups.
He founded the Redemptorist congregation in 1732. It was an association of priests and brothers living a common life, dedicated to the imitation of Christ, and working mainly in popular missions for peasants in rural areas. Almost as an omen of what was to come later, he found himself deserted after a while by all his original companions except one lay brother. But the congregation managed to survive and was formally approved 17 years later, though its troubles were not over.
Alphonsus’ great pastoral reforms were in the pulpit and confessional—replacing the pompous oratory of the time with simplicity, and the rigorism of Jansenism with kindness. His great fame as a writer has somewhat eclipsed the fact that for 26 years he traveled up and down the Kingdom of Naples preaching popular missions.
He was made bishop at age 66 after trying to reject the honor, and at once instituted a thorough reform of his diocese.
His greatest sorrow came toward the end of his life. The Redemptorists, precariously continuing after the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773, had difficulty in getting their Rule approved by the Kingdom of Naples. Alphonsus acceded to the condition that they possess no property in common, but with the connivance of a high Redemptorist official, a royal official changed the Rule substantially. Alphonsus, old, crippled and with very bad sight, signed the document, unaware that he had been betrayed. The Redemptorists in the Papal States then put themselves under the pope, who withdrew those in Naples from the jurisdiction of Alphonsus. It was only after his death that the branches were united.
At 71, Alphonsus was afflicted with rheumatic pains which left incurable bending of his neck. Until it was straightened a little, the pressure of his chin caused a raw wound on his chest. He suffered a final 18 months of “dark night” scruples, fears, temptations against every article of faith and every virtue, interspersed with intervals of light and relief, when ecstasies were frequent.
Alphonsus is best known for his moral theology, but he also wrote well in the field of spiritual and dogmatic theology. His Glories of Mary is one of the great works on that subject, and his book Visits to the Blessed Sacrament went through 40 editions in his lifetime, greatly influencing the practice of this devotion in the Church.
Saint Alphonsus was known above all as a practical man who dealt in the concrete rather than the abstract. His life is indeed a practical model for the everyday Christian who has difficulty recognizing the dignity of Christian life amid the swirl of problems, pain, misunderstanding and failure. Alphonsus suffered all these things. He is a saint because he was able to maintain an intimate sense of the presence of the suffering Christ through it all.
Saint Alphonsus Liguori is the Patron Saint of:
【Build your Faith in Christ Jesus on #dailyscripturereadingsgroup 📚: +256 751 540 524 .. Whatsapp】
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pollywiltse · 3 months
You know, I was very careful to say "any prior version" when talking about Ann Rinaldi's creepy, over-sexed version of André because The Traitor's Wife by Alison Pataki is basically an R-rated, worse-written version of Finishing Becca where the heroine is named after a cow, but either one part of this interview is weirdly phrased or Donna Thorland went even harder in Turncoat with André the sexual predator and has him molesting John Cope, who she inexplicably keeps referring to as Caleb. (Caleb was the father. John was the kid. Also André was trying to get Caleb Cope to send John to him in Carlisle, not New York. As soon as André got exchanged, he seems to have completely lost interest in cultivating John Cope's artistic genius. There's no reason to think he ever asked them send him to New York. I think she's either using Thomas Cope's diary or someone who cites Thomas Cope's diary, because Thomas Cope makes it sound like André was in Lancaster until he was exchanged. Note that Thomas Cope was like seven or eight when this was going on and he was writing I think twenty-seven years later after John Cope had just died of something that was probably alcohol-related, so there's stuff he's clearly not remembering correctly.)
Under the cut, I hope, because some people think that humans are way more sex-obsessed than they actually are, and some of those people have somehow managed to get book deals.
I couldn't find "Caleb" or "Cope" (which I had to put in quotes because Google was showing me snippets with the word "deal" in them thanks Google) when I tried searching inside the book, but he has to be in there, otherwise why would she talk about it? I may have to see if the library has a copy because I'm not giving this woman money, but it might piss me off so much that it would be excessively cruel to my mother to read it because then she'll have to listen to me complain for days.
What's particularly unpleasant is that even if he isn't a child-molester, it looks like she went hard on the whole Evil Gay (Depraved Bisexual?) trope, and several reviewers are claiming this is a more realistic portrayal than the older romanticized versions/"how I think of him has completely changed". Um, based on excerpts and reviews, he's seems to be an over-the-top evil secretly gay spymaster in Philadelphia who tries to murder the heroine by drugging her and leaving her in an ice house. Honestly the gay bit is the least unrealistic part here because that's something normal humans do, and it's still wrong.
A lot of the negative reviews are complaining about how rapey this book is, and it's making me think of the terrible Israel Potter novel I did read, which was basically "if James Bond lived during the American Revolution and was written by misogynist porn-addicted incels". (Gone Over? Or maybe that was the first book? Unfortunately there were two of them.) And if you're going "isn't that just James Bond during the American Revolution?", I have read James Bond, and I can tell you, it's not. I actually kind of enjoyed James Bond. These books were awful. By the time André showed up, I was trying to guess whether he would be a depraved pervert like every other male in the book, or gay. I forgot "both" was an option. Fortunately the authors didn't spend unnecessary amounts of time following him to increasingly recherché brothels, like they did with another character who was actually only separated from his wife and kids for like three months before they followed him to Paris in real life, but in this stupid book he's away from them for years because he's too busy watching fake nuns having sex with donkeys.
I don't even remember most of the characters' names. There was Gary Stu; King George III; John André; Depraved Perverts 1-270; Gary Stu's Depraved Pervert Mentor Who Secretly Slept With Gary Stu's Future Faithful Wife; Gary Stu's Convenient Casual Sex Girlfriends Who Get Conveniently Married Off So They Stop Being His Problem; Gary Stu's Lobotomized Faithful Wife Who Forgives Him For Being A Massive Hypocrite About The Fact That She Wasn't A Virgin; Two Million Assorted Whores, Some In Nuns' Costumes; and Squirting Peggy Shippen.
We do get a moment where Gary Stu shows up at Joshua Hett Smith's house and, when André points out the window, there's a bit of narration about how Clinton loves that hand because that's the hand André gives him handjobs with, because this is a completely normal thing to think when you're trying to figure out how to get the plans Benedict Arnold gave André back to New York so the British can capture West Point and win the war. Also, when I say Gary Stu shows up at Joshua Hett Smith's house, I mean he shows up at his house with a boat that he then uses to row himself back to the Vulture, and for some inexplicable reason André still goes back by land with the incriminating papers and gets caught and hanged. I say "some inexplicable reason", but actually I assume it's because André was trying to get himself executed because it was the most effective way of escaping from that horrible book. Sometimes your characters get away from you like that.
Anyway I'm wondering if there's a correlation between authors who think historical realism means straight men were having not-that-consensual sex with women constantly and authors who look at André and think, "Manipulative Bisexual". (Or "Manipulative Homosexual"; six-of-one, half a dozen of the other.) This is partly because I know there was a thing in the mid-20th century about "haha dumb bitch, you think the reason that guy doesn't sexually harass you is because he's gentlemanly and chivalrous, but actually it's because he's gay" and we are really not as far from skeevy early-mid 20th century beliefs about human sexuality as we think we are, and I mean you too, intersectional queer representation tumblr people.
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nijjhar · 4 months
Punjabi - In the secular world, once-born people are spiritually blind r... Punjabi - In the secular world, once-born people are spiritually blind reading Books whilst, in the Royal Kingdom of God, the Ram Rajaye, you are solitary twice-born "Gurmukh" capable of "logical reasoning" to Brew Logo = His Word = Face of God Perceived in your own heart.   https://youtu.be/RadA7tg4dqU ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੩ ॥ ਪਰਥਾਇ ਸਾਖੀ ਮਹਾ ਪੁਰਖ ਬੋਲਦੇ ਸਾਝੀ ਸਗਲ ਜਹਾਨੈ ॥ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਹੋਇ ਸੁ ਭਉ ਕਰੇ ਆਪਣਾ ਆਪੁ ਪਛਾਣੈ ॥ ਗੁਰ ਪਰਸਾਦੀ ਜੀਵਤੁ ਮਰੈ ਤਾ ਮਨ ਹੀ ਤੇ ਮਨੁ ਮਾਨੈ ॥ {ਪੰਨਾ 647} Punjabi - Why Ten Lights? Six Satgurus = Christs and 4 Royal Kings to protect righteous Sikhism. https://youtu.be/Vfta2i63AFI This Dark Age belongs to the people of the Juda, Princes and Khatri, Kings, and Emperors of Darkness tribes. The Second Coming of Christ Jesus was Satguru Nanak Dev Ji of Punjab among the most greedy Khatri people, the Kings and Emperors of Darkness. https://youtu.be/BTiRCMd1iLI Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered by the First Anointed Christ, which in Punjabi we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim that dwells within His Temple of God created by the demiurge Potter, the Lord of the Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc., the Greatest Artist of all and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” according to Christ Rajinder. Hi Brother, I can give a talk on the Second Coming of Jesus among the most greedy and Satanic people of the Khatri tribe in Punjab, India. This Golden Temple is the replacement of the Holiest of Holy Temple of Elohim whose Curtain Jesus tore from the Top, the Temple High Priest = Pope to the Bottom, the village Rabbi off you go and everyone is to make a direct approach to God for his Salvation. The people have been introduced to our Supernatural Father through His Word and those who have perceived His Word, have Perceived God within them. His Word is God and His Sons represent God and not the daughters. That is why Jesus had all 12 men and no woman in his inner circle whilst the 70 outer circles were the Prophets and not the Saints. The Samaritans were a Nation of Prophets that the "Saltless" Jewish people unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh hated our Bridegroom Christ Jesus the most. Youtube channel - Truthsoldier I served in the satanic Iraq war. I openly am shamed for that and I asked for forgiveness for taking part in that war. I actually had my awakening while over in Iraq. My eyes were opened to the injustice of that war. The Iraqi people loved Saddam; they had whole stories with nothing but Saddam’s face on everything. Since then I have been speaking out against the US and ISRAEL on my Youtube channel. Here is my contribution:- Holy spirit, common sense, shatters the fetters of the dead letters, the Holy Books. If we have One God, our Supernatural Father of our souls, then there should be one Faith. In Christianity, Jesus said One Fold called the Church of God headed by One Shepherd, our Bridegroom Christ Jesus/Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the Second coming of Jesus. Solid Proof; this Golden Temple is of the same size as the Holiest of Holy that used to be in Jerusalem and its Curtain held the Secrets of the Oral Torah = His Word was rendered from the Top, the Temple High Priests, to the Bottom, the village Rabbis off you go – Luke 16v16; Law and Prophets were till John and thus, everyone makes a direct approach to God through His Word = Logo = SATGUR PRASAD. So, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests and Mullahs, cannot give your account to God as the Rabbis used to give at Passover. So, they are "ANTICHRISTS" that have a following of the spiritually blind Super Bastard Fanatic Devils - John 8v44 -, Hindu, Jew, Sikh, Christian, Muslim, etc. Outwardly, and not spiritually inwardly. These spiritual selves Hindu, Jew and Christian, are never born like Christ, the Title and they never die but the tribal selves Judah, Levi, Jatt, Tarkhan, etc. were born and they will die. Thus, Jesus was born and Jesus died on the Cross and rose on the Third Day and NOT CHRIST, THE TITLE. Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf Greatest Blasphemers and Killers Blair and Bush being considered by Anti-Christ Bishops for the Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Peace Prize should rather go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qHdTpTXHvE&list=PL0C8AFaJhsWz7HtQEhV91eAKugUw73PW1 https://youtu.be/0WBYOmpDuCs American Jews are today – http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/GrimReaper.htm For the unlisted videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Unlisted.htm My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JAntisem.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JOHN 8V44.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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3rd December >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
First Sunday of Advent, Year B (ii) 
(Liturgical Colour: Violet. Year B (ii))
Readings at Mass
First Reading Isaiah 63:16-17,64:1,3-8 O that you would tear the heavens open and come down.
You, Lord, yourself are our Father, ‘Our Redeemer’ is your ancient name. Why, Lord, leave us to stray from your ways and harden our hearts against fearing you? Return, for the sake of your servants, the tribes of your inheritance.
Oh, that you would tear the heavens open and come down! – at your Presence the mountains would melt.
No ear has heard, no eye has seen any god but you act like this for those who trust him. You guide those who act with integrity and keep your ways in mind. You were angry when we were sinners; we had long been rebels against you. We were all like men unclean, all that integrity of ours like filthy clothing. We have all withered like leaves and our sins blew us away like the wind. No one invoked your name or roused himself to catch hold of you. For you hid your face from us and gave us up to the power of our sins. And yet, Lord, you are our Father; we the clay, you the potter, we are all the work of your hand.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 79(80):2-3,15-16,18-19
R/ God of hosts, bring us back; let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.
O shepherd of Israel, hear us, shine forth from your cherubim throne. O Lord, rouse up your might, O Lord, come to our help.
R/ God of hosts, bring us back; let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.
God of hosts, turn again, we implore, look down from heaven and see. Visit this vine and protect it, the vine your right hand has planted.
R/ God of hosts, bring us back; let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.
May your hand be on the man you have chosen, the man you have given your strength. And we shall never forsake you again; give us life that we may call upon your name.
R/ God of hosts, bring us back; let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.
Second Reading 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 We are waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.
May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ send you grace and peace. I never stop thanking God for all the graces you have received through Jesus Christ. I thank him that you have been enriched in so many ways, especially in your teachers and preachers; the witness to Christ has indeed been strong among you so that you will not be without any of the gifts of the Spirit while you are waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed; and he will keep you steady and without blame until the last day, the day of our Lord Jesus Christ, because God by calling you has joined you to his Son, Jesus Christ; and God is faithful.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation Psalm 84:8
Alleluia, alleluia! Let us see, O Lord, your mercy and give us your saving help. Alleluia!
Gospel Mark 13:33-37 If he comes unexpectedly, he must not find you asleep.
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come. It is like a man travelling abroad: he has gone from home, and left his servants in charge, each with his own task; and he has told the doorkeeper to stay awake. So stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming, evening, midnight, cockcrow, dawn; if he comes unexpectedly, he must not find you asleep. And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake!’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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larryland · 4 years
REVIEW: "The Almost True and Truly Remarkable Adventures of Israel Potter" at Oldcastle
REVIEW: “The Almost True and Truly Remarkable Adventures of Israel Potter” at Oldcastle
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oonathefaewitch · 3 years
Hey so I'm a self-taught witch who practices independently and I was hoping to learn a little bit from others as well. Do you have any books/resources/people you recommend looking into?
Hi there!
I'm a self-taught witch as well and I'm still at the beginning of my journey, at the moment I'm yet to finish the big blue book Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft of which I'm also sharing the lessons (you can find tose posts in my archive here) so for now I can only really recommend that one, but I'm marking down all the recommendend supplementary redings at the end of every lesson if you wanna check them out!
I'm also reading a very interesting and complete book about tarot called Holistic Tarot which i really recommend, it's a bit expensive maybe but it's totally worth it
Other than that I can write down here the list of recommended reading at the end of the blue book (with extra books other than the ones already listed at the end of every lesson), I can't recommend those personally (even if I did buy some of them but I still have to read them) but I think they're worth a shot if you'd like to know more, I'll add the other two I mentioned above in the list, in any case if you find other books online read carefully all the reviews cause many books are not serious about this topic
Also I'm not sure but I think these books below are all from white people and mainly about white cultures (and most of them are very old), so If you (or anyone else) have some recommendations about other cultures' book about witchcraft or ancient traditions I'd be glad to know more about that too!
As for people and other resources, I follow some witches on Twitter that shares interesting stuff, it would be too long to link all of their profiles so I can give you directly the list of people I follow here
I hope you'll find this helpful~
Color Healng by Mary Anderson
Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece by Edward E. Jr Barthell
Crystal Gazing by Theodore Besterman
I-Ching: The Book of Changes by J. Blofeld
Primitive Song by C. M. Bowra
Gerald Gardner: Witch by J. L. Bracelin
The Lost Gods of England by Brian Branston
Development of Religion and Thought is Ancient Egypt by J. H. Breasted
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft / Amazing Secrets of the Psychic World / Color Magick / Gypsy Dream Dictionary / A Pocket Guide to the Supernatural / Practical Candleburning Rituals / Scottish Witchcraft & Magick / The Tree: Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft / Wicca For Life / The Witch Book: Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, WIcca and Neopaganism / Witchcraft From the Inside by Raymond Buckland
The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries by Zsuzsanna Budapest
Amulets and Talismans by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge
Egyptian Language by Oxford University Press
How to Read the Aura, Practice Psychometry, Telepathy and Clairvoyance by W.E. Butler
Ancient Ways by Dan and Pauline Campanelli
Handbook of Unusual and Unorthodox Healing by J. V. Carney
Handbook of Bach Flower Remedies by Philip M. Chancellor
Color Therapy by Linda Clark
Precious Stones: Their Occult Power and Hidden Significance by W. B. Crow
Lid Off the Cauldron / The Witches Speak Athol by Patricia Crowther
Complete Herbal by Nicholas Culpeper
Earth Power / Living Wicca / Magical Herbalism by Scott Cunningham
Practical Guide to Astral Projection by Melita Dennings and Osborne Phillips
The Silent Path by Michael Eastcott
Patterns of Comparative Religion / Rites and Symbols of Initiation - Birth and Rebirth by Mircea Eliade
The Dream Game by Ann Faraday
What Witches Do / Eight Sabbats For Witches / The Witches' Way by Janet and Stewart Farrar
Magical Rites From the Crystal Well by Ed Fitch
The Golden Bought by Sir James G. Frazer
The Wisdom of Pagan Philosophers by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
Totem and Taboo by Sigmund Freud
Witchcraft Today / The Meaning of Witchcraft / High Magic's Aid / A Goddess Arrives by Gerald Gardner
Complete Herbal by Gerard
Stalking the Healthful Herbs by Euell Gibbons
Witchcraft, the Sixth Sense, and Us by Justine Glass
Seasonal Occult Rituals by William Gray
The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemay Ellen Guiley
Ancient Art and Ritual Kessinger by Jane E. Harrison
Palmistry, the Whole View by Judith Hipskind
Myth and Ritual by S. H. Hooke
Witch: A Magickal Journey by Fiona Horne
The Runes and Other Magical Alphabets by Michael Howard
Witchcraft by Penethorne Hughes
Memories Dreams and Reflections by Carl G. Jung
Aradia, Gospel of the Witches of Italy by Charles Godfrey Laland
Witches: Investigating an Ancient Religion / Gogmagog - the Buried Gods by T. C. Lethbridge
Healing For Everyone by E. Loomis and J. Paulson
Numerology by Vincent Lopez
Commond and Uncommond Uses of Herbs of Healthful Living by Richard Lucas
The Herb Book by John Lust
Pagan Parenting by Kristin Madden
Witta: An Irish Pagan Tradition by Edain McCoy
The Principles and Practice of Radiesthesia by Abbè Mermet
The Hearbalist by J. E. Meyer
The Craft by Dorothy Morrison
Green Witchcraft series by Ann Aoumiel Moura
Sexual Occultism by John Mumford
The Family Wicca Book by Ashleen O'Gaea
Reclaim the Power of the Witch by Monte Plaisance
Potter's New Cyclopedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations by R. C. Potter
How to Make and Use Talismans / The Art of True Healing by Israel Regardie
The Seventh Sense by Kenneth Roberts
High Magic's Aid by Scire
The Book of Charms and Alisman by Sepharial
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
The Devil in Massachusetts by Marion L. Starkey
Medical Palmistry by Marten Steinbach
Is This Your Day? by George S. Thommen
Magic and Healing by C. J. S. Thompson
Where Witchcraft Lives / An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present / Witchcraft For Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente
The Rites of Passage by Arnold Van Gennep
Herbal Manual by H. Ward
Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen
The I-Ching by R. Wilhelm
The Christians As the Romans Saw Them by Robert L. Wilken
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft by Denise Zimmermann and Katherine A. Gleason
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