#It does contain writing for LU
7 & 10 or perish
7. Share a line/paragraph/snippet that you were especially proud of.
Okay so I love this chapter just for the fact that everything I've been setting up for 200,000+ words culminates in here (but this section I've chosen also should reveal nothing heu heu heu). Also @needfantasticstories complemented the wording of one of the sentences, and I seeing my work through another's eyes really makes me appreciate it? If you know what I'm saying? But yeah, I wrote this during the poetry section of my AP Literature class in high school, if you couldn't tell by my gratuitous use of alliteration, semicolons, and parallel sentence structure.
[Have I posted this before? I hope I haven't DX I am very proud of it. If I have let me know and I'll try to find something else]
Wild stepped into the ornate church. High stone ceilings flew overhead, lined with stained glass windows—depictions of their Golden Goddess—that sent shattered slivers of light dancing along the cold stone floor. Rows upon rows of lowly stone pews stood in ordered procession on either side of the walkway, stretching all the way to the raised platform at the front of the cathedral. A great statue, so unlike the one that he knew, loomed over it all. The Hylia he knew had hair of flowering vine, and robes of majestic moss; this one's every strand was spun of gold, this one's every fold formed of ivory. His Hylia’s face was of cracked calcite, worn down and rounded out over years of exposure to the elements; this one’s was of sharp, shining porcelain. Little gray wings he’d only ever seen tucked to her sides, like those of a Rito fledgling, were now golden and stretched out in their full glory. She did not lower her head over clasped hands in constant thought of her people, as said by her now-extinct priests; instead, her gaze was cast victoriously outwards, her hand thrust forwards like that of a sovereign, conquering queen. White rose petals drifted and fluttered gently down to lay scattered across the stone pews. They trailed after Wild, swirling around his ankles with every step, as he walked forwards in a dreamlike state to the foot of the statue. It only grew larger, more imposing, as he approached, and himself so much smaller.
10. What are your writing goals for the upcoming year?
Okay okay okay okay. Just because you asked, I'm going to end up having to write out my entire planned chapter by chapter schedule and pin it to the top of my blog, aren't I?
But for a summary, basically--right now I'm trying to finish up my Noble's Warning chapters, which will get me to through February and some of March, so that I can participate in FebWhump without juggling two projects. The Differences chapters, which are pretty much done besides a few select bits that actually need to be written, should carry me all the way to Spring Break and through. During Spring Break (cuz I'm a cringe college student) I will try to finalize enough to make it close to the Heal Chapters, which should free me up until finals are over in May/June-ish.
Summer is when things get real. That's when I'll evaluate how much of Arc 2 I have done and how much time I think I need to finish it. If I'm ahead of schedule, I'll make sure I've hit all the finishing touches for Arc 1 and start releasing chapters twice a week. If not, I'll give myself more time with the once a week updates. Plus, I want to take a break between Arc 1 and 2 just to let ya'll squirm, so that gives me at least a month, I think, depending how hard ya'll cry at me to continue. There's also a whole timeline thing there of whether I want to do flashbacks of a section or if I just wanna say F it we ball, but that's beside the point.
If I do once a week releases, I already have enough planned content for Arc 1 + the occasional Prologue pieces to get me through the entire year and then some. So yeah, that's the plan for the year :D
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confirmeddead · 3 months
Episode 8 theory (contains ep 7 spoilers)
A lot of us are wondering what episode 8 will consist of because episode 7 is the trial/Claudia and Madeleine’s deaths. An easy guess is the official Loumand divorce proceedings… but what will finally lead Louis out the door?
With all the abhorrent things Armand has done, Louis has stayed with Armand. Does Louis think it was just the initial betrayal or does he know Armand was behind it all (as he did in the book)? Whether or not he knows the full extent of what he’s done remains to be seen.
But what could enrage Louis so much to finally leave Armand for good?
Claudia’s missing diary pages. What did Armand tear out without Louis being there?
The pages detailing Claudia’s SA seem to have been torn out of anger and protection by Louis.
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Louis mentioned he and Armand took out pages together which might explain these:
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But what about the pages on the diary where she wrote Lestat’s final words in his own blood?
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These carefully exacto’d pages before Lestat’s dying words may be the pages Armand took out with Louis knowing.
What could have been on those pages?
How about Claudia’s dying words, written by her mâitre just as he had annotated her Baby Lu performance?
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Louis and Daniel know Armand’s handwriting well at this point- they have direct access to the TdV scripts. They will know his writing immediately.
Armand is directly to blame for Claudia’s death and likely sees her betrayal of her maker Lestat (someone he deeply cares for) as good enough reason for her murder. And wanting Louis all to himself, of course.
And what better way to bid farewell to his coven member than to copy what she’d done to Lestat in his own fucked up way?
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st0rmyskies · 5 months
stormmmyyyy people are being weird about linkcest in the lu fandom agaaaiiiiinnnnn. specifically raviolink apparently, so if you get the time, i would love it greatly if ud bless us with some extra legend and ravio content 👉👈
While I don't write a whole lot of Ravioli content, I do have a lovely friend who does.
If you haven't checked out the Rupees and Rods collection by Tendertendrils on AO3, you absolutely need to. This ongoing series already contains 30 stories (!!!) and is full of sweet, silly, and jaw-dropping smut. It's got a little bit of everything: bondage, dom/sub dynamics, questionable communication at times, failsex, and is a fascinating deep-dive into characterization through sex as written by an author of deep thoughtfulness, devious creativity, and incredible skill.
This series has been going strong for two years now - and just passed its 2-year anniversary! Congratulations @tendertendrils1!!
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chiquititaosita · 1 year
I just loved your writing! I rlly wish(as a latina too) that you could write the monter trio with a y/n that is teaching them to dance piseiro (brazilian dance)
I think it would be pretty cool actually 😫💞
bear note 🤩🤩 pillali! (Hello in nahuatl) Tlazohcamati (thank you so much) thank you so much for your request this made my day. I really love to give diversity to latine community. Because as a latine and an indigenous (mexica and huestaco descent) i want to see how y/n will be come into life. But I thought you’d never ask my love :> it may take me a bit because ill be researching when it comes to culture appreciation and not appropriation.
Context: much like the quebradora (the break in español) its almost similar to pisero. It kinda contains the same movements but lots of hips moving on both dance partners. Sometimes there are lifts and spins and turns enjoy!!!
Cw: slight nsfw (suggestive).
Monster trio learning to do Piseiro (dance) with Brazilian (latina) s/o (latine reader)
post type: headcannon
pairing: luffy x reader, zoro x reader, sanji x reader
reader: Latina reader
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reference video
-“ no wait wait! You gotta do this.” you show him the foot work again and corrected him once more
-instantly would drop you if he saw a rack of meat. then immediately apologize after.
-no ifs or buts. It’s canon
- “and spinnnnn!!!” He’s gonna want to be spun around too. Which he does.
- you’ll be falling on your butt 💀
- ngl luffy dances better in the dirt than on tile floors.
- again he uses his hips to try and get in sync with you. But it doesn’t add up sometimes
-“ how are you doing this? Lu?”
-“easy by using my gomu gomu hip moves!” It’s giving very much washing machine moves
-“and dip you to the floorr!!!” It’s so cute to watch him show you what he learned from you! Especially IF YALL DANCED AT CARNIVAL OMGGGGGGG 🤩🤩🤩🤩
-epic show stoppers
-he’ll definitely step on your toes unintentionally. HE DONT EVEN KNOW HOW STRONG HIS GRIPPERS ARE!
-unfortunately dry humping happens to you. If You’ll look miserable nami and robin will try to rescue you :)
-You’ll both most likely dance barefoot because it helps luffy get stimulated and used to it. (If does wear shoes, from what i see he DONT)
- “yeah!- we did this move where I pick up y/n and let her fly a bit! And I kinda grab her how she grabs my hair when I eat he-“ it was the only you could explain it to him.
-“ LUFFY! CALA A BOCA!!” Nami and sanji will smack him for you.
-“SHISHISHI you love me and you know it y/n channn!!!”
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https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRCV4cjo/ < reference
-“absolutely not!!!”
-“I’m not doing it.”
-So getting zoro to do piseiro , he had to have at least 5 drinks worth of sake to get it in his system.
- but teaching him was actually not too bad
-“Why are you doing it this way?”
-“isn’t it easier this way, it just makes this so complicated!!!!”
-since he can only see with one eye it’s a little bit harder for him (if it was pre time skip, that’d be a major difference) it’s just that he doesn’t want you to get hurt
-poor moss heads hips are too stiff
-“ow OW! zoro! That’s my foot.” You huff in frustration.
-“what I’m sorry!-.”
- he’s going try and carry you at least once. It won’t go well at least in your eyes.
-but it goes well in his eyes.
-“and dip? And dip.”He’ll just mutter in the back of his mind. Thinking in the back of his mind.
-“I’m surprised you’re not even complaining.” You whisper into his ear as he blushed
-“ I can’t let that bastard cook take my woman on the dance floor now can I?”
- Shaking your hips damn girl, he attempts to cover your ass if you’re ever like about to shake whatcha mama gave ya, he’s like “NOPE!!!! NOPE! THATS MINE!!”
-he’s a softie for sure when it comes to the love of his life.
- if y’all do the spins, y’all are for sure gonna get lost, but luckily you find y’all’s way back (y’all wouldn’t even be that far away)
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https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRbTJkrb/ <reference
-an absolute menace
- seriously, he’s gonna be dead the minute you start shaking your ass
-ussopp and chopper almost had to resuscitate him and do chest compressions.
-His hips don’t lie and that’s on period
- I’ll say that he loves to watch you smile and dance
-ass grabber indeed.
-“Y/n!!! You should teach some more moves like this in private like in your bed room!”
-“y/n-chwannnn!!!!~ y-your ass it’s on m-my.”
-will immediately take you to another room to strictly eat you out
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
Do you do psychoanalyzing on other characters besides Yi Sang and Hong Lu? If so I’d like to hear you talk about Don and Faust, and why you think they share 2 egos (Telepole and Fluid Sac)
I mean! I can certainly try! Hong Lu and Yi Sang are just. I guess my field of expertise??? Since I care the most about those two??? But I can certainly try to analyze some other characters, though it might not be able to be as specific and detailed as I am when analyzing my favorites. Hope you understand!
Now then. Let's do this. Under cut we go as usual.
Fluid Sac
Let's start with the one we know less about, aka Headless Ichthys. In fact, we know... very, very little about Headless Ichthys.
Due to Meursault being the one to write the logs about this abnormality, we only get information on its physical characteristics, such as it having lost its head, and that there's something inside its sack that is said to bear resemblence to either a flower or a human nervous system.
That's it. That's all the definitive info we have on this abnormality. We can assume that it has Some religious significance due to its name, Ichthys, being the name of a religious fish symbol, but that doesn't help too much.
There is something interesting I want to note here, and that's the thing inside its sack. The fact that it's unclear whether it resembles a flower or a human nervous system is interesting... Because that mimics what Lunacy looks like. While Lunacy is described as rose-shaped by its Inventory description, the full Lunacy icon can also be interpreted as a brain on a brainstem.
I suppose, if you wanted to dig deep enough, the implications of it containing a symbol akin to Lunacy and having lost its head could could be interpreted as the abnormality being a symbol of a descent into madness. Which, honestly, that's the best I got from what little we have.
Because of just how little lore we have on the Headless Ichthys, unfortunately I can't go too in depth on Don and Faust with it in mind... But I'll still try.
Fluid Sac is a Gloom E.G.O, and though Gloom is one of those Sins I'm not entirely sure of, it does seem to represent taking actions due to one's built up negative emotions.
The main base E.G.O examples we have are Snagharpoon, which has Ishmael follow her compulsion to keep searching for "That bastard", and Land of Illusion, which implies that Hong Lu retreats from reality into his own dream world under heavy emotional stress.
As such, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Fluid Sac signifies something that caused horrible emotional stress to both Don and Faust, which would then kickstart their descent into madness. In more specific terms, this would be heroic delusions for Don and single-minded mad scientist-esque pursuit of knowledge for Faust.
As a brief sidenote, this would align quite well with the visual design differences between the two. Though the E.G.O outfits they wear are extremely similar, all the way down to both of them having green tints in their hair and fin decorations in the exact same spots, there are two notable differences.
One - the shape of the weapon. Don's weapon is shaped like a miniature Headless Ichthys clutching onto a perfectly round sack-orb. It looks almost more like a toy rather than a weapon. Faust's weapon is not only shaped almost perfectly like Headless Ichthys's sack, it also seems to have the same properties, as it bursts during Faust's Awakening attack animation.
Two - the article of clothing that mimics the Ichthys's hand-flippers. For Don, it's a cape-like piece of clothing that looks more like something you'd see on a kid's hero costume. For Faust, it's seemingly anatomically-correct recreations of the flippers that are attached to her jacket.
Both of those I think reinforce the idea of Don and Faust indulging in their methods of madness. Child-like obsession with heroism for Don (using toys and costumes), and endless scientific pursuits for Faust (only someone studying the abnormality closely could replicate its anatomy in this much detail).
It's a bit hard to tell anything from their dialogue lines as they are somewhat generic (my unrelated theory on that is that Fluid Sac is one of the first E.G.Os designed, based on its dialogue lines not having much to do with its abnormality, and due to its attack animations being uncharacteristically sparse in actual frame-to-frame animation), but they do seem to work as good reflections of Don and Faust in general.
Their Awakening lines seem to reflect their general attitudes, with Don's being jovial yet quick to resort to violence, and Faust's being self-assured and seemingly trying to predict all outcomes.
Their Corroded lines on the other hand could be a reflection of their attitudes after their descent into madness began. Don's single-minded "...Crush them." could be a reflection of how she views morality as black and white, and thus believes all that she considers 'villains' should be crushed by her. Likewise, Faust's line here implies that she's willing to do anything, even leave herself completely empty by 'disgorging everything', if it means she reaches what she's looking for.
Looking at the Sin Resources, both Faust and Don require Gloom and Lust to use Fluid Sac, and while Don also uses Pride, Faust uses Envy instead.
I already mentioned what I think Gloom means for Fluid Sac, and I think it being a requirement further reinforces it here. Both Don and Faust need to be acting under severe emotional stress to start their descent into madness.
Lust as a sin seems to represent acting according to one's desires, or more specifically, indulging in them. It also tends to have slight spiritual connotations in Limbus, making it the Sin of acting for the sake of some form of personal fulfillment as well.
Using it for Fluid Sac would make sense with the descent into madness interpretation. For both Don and Faust, their forms of madness are them overindulging in something they find personally fulfilling - heroism for Don, science for Faust.
Don's unique Sin requirement here is Pride. I already went into detail on what Pride as a Sin means in Limbus in the Dimension Shredder post, but to recap, Pride represents actions taken for their personal benefits, while ignoring their negative consequences on either other people or oneself.
This very much represents Don's madness quite well. Her heroic acts are rooted in what she personally perceives as doing good, and she completely ignores the collateral damage that she may cause in the process. Her willful ignorance of the harm she inflicts on others is one of the main things that led her to her personal form of madness.
Faust's unique Sin requirement here is Envy. Now, I won't go into detail on Envy just yet, as it's better saved for Telepole, but in very basic summary, it represents actions done in reaction to other people and their actions.
While there is still much we don't know about Faust, the inclusion of Envy as a requirement for her Fluid Sac implies that the root of her madness actually comes from someone else. There's not enough info for us to speculate on more details... but something tells me this might have to do with a certain Faustian Bargain, if you catch my drift.
So, that's Fluid Sac! For something with so little to dissect, it ended up leading to quite a good bit of analysis anyway! Call me Game Theory cause I'm about to put MatPat out of a job.
Alright, let's once again start with the abnormality itself - Alleyway Watchdog.
The funny thing is that the Watchdog has the opposite problem to the Ichthys, as while the fish had very little lore, the Watchdog has a decent amount, but it's written by Yi Sang and as such it's hard to tell how much of its logs are facts, and how much is Yi Sang being Yi Sang and projecting onto the dog.
If there is one thing that is a definitive fact, it's that lack of being able to control oneself and being unable to tell who is controlling who is a recurring theme for this abnormality. The fact that it's unclear if the dog is in control of its own actions calls back to it, and the further muddling of what actually is in control of it only further adds to that theme.
It's unclear if the charred person on its back is controlling the dog, or if it's simply along for the ride unable to do anything to stop it, or if it is also under the control of something else. It's unclear if electricity is what is directly controlling the dog, or if it's something Yi Sang is projecting onto it due to his own experiences.
With that in mind, let's look at the three Sinners who have this E.G.O - Don, Faust, and Heathcliff. Now, I won't be looking at Heathcliff's case too closely, since this is meant to focus on Don and Faust, but I will be bringing him up when talking about Telepole on a general level, so that we have the biggest sample size possible.
In this case, having the Telepole E.G.O would imply these three have some issues when it comes to control, whether it's they themselves lacked control in their life, or whether it's their own degree of perceived control isn't as it seems. Since neither of those three have had their Cantos released yet, it's impossible for me to tell what exactly is going on here, but this is something to keep in mind.
Now, let's talk about Envy, as that's the Sin damage that all of the Telepoles deal. Envy appears to represent actions one takes as a reaction to what others do. This can take any form, whether it's revenge or following orders or being provoked or anything really. What's important here is that the action taken is a Direct Response to someone else.
The only base E.G.O that deals Envy damage is Heathcliff's Bodysack, which represents his impulsive and likely violent reaction to whatever Cathy did to him.
This all fits very nicely with the nature of Alleyway Watchdog, and Telepole E.G.O as a whole. The Watchdog's actions are all reactions to something else controlling it. Likewise, those using the Telepole E.G.O have their actions be influenced or even controlled by someone else.
Their Awakening lines (since there's nothing to analyze when it comes to their Corroded howls I don't think) all reflect a certain part of their personality, potentially implying that something about that is due to the influence of someone else.
Heathcliff's line expresses his impulsively violent tendencies, Don's ties back to her blind heroism, and Faust's has a clinical, detached feel to it.
As for Sin Resources, both Faust and Heathcliff use Envy, Wrath, and Lust, while Don exchanges Lust for Gloom.
Envy as a Sin Resource here once again ties back to the themes of control, implying that for all three, the actions they take are not entirely Just their own. Whether it's provokation or suggestion or something else, for all three of them, their actions are being encouraged, if not directly controlled, by someone else entirely.
Wrath is... hard to analyze. Partially because on first glance it seems to act as a shorthand for fire damage, and partially because no base E.G.O deals Wrath damage. My best guess based on other E.G.Os is that Wrath represents actions done out of self-righteousness. It's the "I deserve to do this, I DARE to do this." of Sins, in my opinion.
It's not necessarily tied to literal anger, as its name might imply, but rather a deeper reason that usually leads to anger - that being the idea that something should or shouldn't happen simply because you wish it so. After all, the most common reason for anger is for something to not go your way. Think children throwing tantrums over their toy being taken away, or a gamer smashing their keyboard over getting outplayed.
With all that being said, Wrath being used for Telepole could have several meanings. It could represent defiance, the idea that the Sinners act out because they believe they deserve better than the person trying to control them. It could also represent temptation, falling under someone else's control or provokation due to believing that they deserve something they don't have or to do something they can't without falling for it.
Now onto the more unique Sin resource requirements. Faust and Heathcliff both require Lust, a Sin representing indulging one's desires and seeking personal fulfillment. This would fit both Heathcliff and Faust, as their Telepoles seem to allude to the things they are already impulsive about - mindless violence for Heathcliff, and pursuit of knowledge for Faust. The actions they are being controlled or provoked to do are things they already wish to indulge in. Perhaps in their case, they are specifically being tempted into doing something, rather than being directly forced.
This however, is different for Don. Don's Telepole requires Gloom, which is a Sin representing actions done out of succumbing to negative emotions. This paints the actions she's controlled or provoked into comitting in a different light. Unlike Heathcliff or Faust, she isn't being tempted by personal fulfillment. No, in her case it's an expression of emotional stress. Perhaps in her case the control is much more forceful, causing her to act out, or perhaps her actions are a reaction to something bad happening to someone she knows. Either way, it's quite intriguing to note.
Unlike my Fluid Sac analysis, which I could get a little bit more detailed on thanks to touching on a facet of Don and Faust's personalities that are clearly evident, Telepole seems to more so reference their pasts, something that as of right now we simply have no access to.
I expect reaching Heathcliff's Canto will help a ton in this specific case, as it will help analyze the rest of the Telepoles thanks to being able to compare what it seems to reference in his revealed past to potentially similar events in both Don and Faust's pasts.
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beehawk4 · 9 months
hi hiiii i havent been here in like months. anyway im super stoked about Limbus Company showing teasers of Der Freitschütz ID for Outis and for fun i decided to make a guess on what her sin resonances (and the specific skills they're for) might be
anyway! just as a foreword, this is based off of lu-is-not-okay's sin analysis guide. very interesting read, does provide a connection between the explanations ill give and the sin resonances i propose. ill also include a paraphrased explanation of the relevant sins, but if you want a more indepth explanation the link is below
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Skill 1 -- Lust
Lust is when you let yourself be guided by your own desires and whims, i.e. forgoing any discipline, long-term goals, etc. to solely fulfill your own instincts and wants. Der Freitschütz as an abno fits this description very well; he does not act on any kind of moral compass, but rather whatever he feels like doing at the time. This is supported by his lore entry in Lobotomy Corporation:
"... With the last bullet gone for good, the hunter traveled to numerous worlds. Sometimes he helped those in need or fought evil, but it was all done on impulse, not a gesture of goodwill or ideals. In one world, he was called a righteous hunter, while in another, he was a bloodstained gunman.. ..."
He is guided by nothing but his own personal whims. He has no moral, external, or societal obligations.
Skill 2 -- Envy
Envy is defined by its requirement of an external stimuli -- a reaction to something done by someone else. Envy implies jealousy or vengeance, but those aspects are not necessary for the sin of Envy -- rather, the key necessity is that a person is being influenced or prompted by something else.
For this Outis ID, she is being prompted by the Manager. Whatever orders she is given, she will follow to the ends of the earth. If the Manager tells her to fire at something, whether its a Green Dawn ordeal, an Agent in the Security Team, or an ALEPH abnormality breaching containment, she WILL shoot it.
"Should the Manager order me to fire... the bullet will penetrate the target. Wherever it is, whichever it is, or whoever it is."
In this regard, she is under total control of the Manager; she does nothing without explicit orders from the Manager, i.e. only acts when prompted to.
Skill 3 -- Pride
Pride is to ignore consequences, whether that is due to the belief that the pros of doing something outweigh the cons or simply flatout refusing to acknowledge the potential harm your actions may bring. It's not necessarily tied to selfishness or overconfidence -- while sacrificing others to benefit yourself is Prideful, so too is making a personal sacrifice to benefit others. Both ways, you are ignoring the ramifications that you or others may experience, out of the belief that it's worth the cost (or ignoring the harm the latter may bring you).
For this ID, this sin is rather intricately tied with Envy, so much so that I had a bit of a rough time determining which Sin should go to which skill. See, in Outis's case, the consequence she is ignoring is the possibility of harming or even killing her coworkers, due to the way her E.G.O. gear works. (FYI, in the original Lobotomy Corporation game, Der Freitschütz's E.G.O. weapon dealt very high damage and had infinite pierce, but also damaged other Agents and Clerks in its line of fire.)
This is where Envy and Pride mix together -- it doesn't matter to her if she kills other Agents or Clerks (Pride), so long as she fulfills her orders (Envy).
"Even... the loved ones."
Adding more for Pride, Outis doesn't acknowledge the harm she brings to her fellow coworkers at all, instead adopting an "at all costs" attitude towards her directives. To her, the "benefit" of completing the Manager's request far outweighs the potential costs of hurting / killing her coworkers.
It's also just woven into the abnormality itself. Der Freitschütz, in the pursuit of his own whims, doesn't acknowledge the harm or aid he brings to other people. He gains various reputations on multiple worlds, being a "righteous gunman" in some and a "bloodstained hunter" in others, but nothing suggests that he cares about his notoriety, or about the consequences of his actions in general.
"The marksman, now a devil himself, continues to pull the trigger to gather the souls of others."
Again, he acts only on his own whims, caring not for the consequences that come after, or for any reasons beside his transient desires.
sorry if this is messy or hard to understand its like 5 am for me. anyway der freitschutz is one of my fav abnos and it was fun to theorycraft for the first time in a while. fingers crossed that im right 🤞🤞🤞
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northofallmusic · 2 months
first line meme
tagged by @phneltwrites and I think maybe also a very long time ago by lianzi?
RULES: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
The failure of the generator was what woke Zhou Zishu: the choke of it, and then the silence where the quiet buzz of electricity should be. (memory is what makes you older)
Evening falls on the city more quickly, it seems to Zhou Zishu, than it did on the high slopes of his childhood. (a light to drown in)
Wen Kexing does it like an afterthought—as though grabbing something left behind while packing, though they've already checked the hotel room twice. (the third passenger)
The compact Apostolosian ship slid across the deck, a shuddering and only half-controlled sideways skid which splintered the surface below it and brought it, at last, to a hard stop up against a tall curved pillar which, fortunately, no longer held anything up. (splinter)
Jing Beiyuan, naked, sometimes seemed less touchable than ever—but Wuxi touched him anyway. (sincerity)
Wen Kexing was sitting by the river in the sunset, warm light colouring his pale face. (fortune)
This is Gu Yun's Black Iron Battalion: new and bold and well-armed, a handful of veterans but far more people who have before this only fought in other ways with other commanders, or who have barely fought at all. (within the war)
Lin Jingheng was in the attic when Lu Bixing got home. (containment)
In a distant lifetime, Jing Beiyuan said: "No, but nobody cares that much for lying with anyone. They care for power, or for flirtation. Or for money—and such." (ember)
Shen Zechuan was still lying on the bed: an untidy but lovely sprawl of limbs, half-undone robes bunched up around his waist, hair so haphazardly tied that it might even have looked more decent were it simply entirely loose. (gorge)
I definitely expected more of these to be about environment and quality of light etc than actually are - it's what I think of as my default opening gambit, but it actually mostly shows up here in the zzs and wenzhou stories & not so much in pieces for other fandoms. does this mean something.
pretty broad spread here in general, I feel like. I tend to favour a reflective tone, which is complicated when it pushes up against an action sequence opening as in splinter.
to be honest, I'm kind of wandering all over the place wrt to writing, and I don't know if it particularly shows but I feel it looking at the list.
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ryin-silverfish · 12 days
So I did a brief review of when writers from the Warring States and earlier would place the legend of Yi.
Yellow Emperor's Reign: Spring and Autumn Annals of Lu Bu Wei (吕氏春秋) and Mozi's writings. Yi is listed as inventor of the bow and arrow, alongside other inventors from the Yellow Emperor's period. 吕氏 also mentions ten suns appearing before Yao's reign, but as a good omen. Also quoting from Zhuangzi, 吕氏 has Yao saying that “lighting fires while the ten suns are out" is a waste of effort, because their light cannot make the already bright environment brighter, just like Yao remaining on the throne cannot make the realm a better place when the sage Xu You is already going around helping people.
Xia Dynasty: Shang Shu (尚书), Guo Yu (国语), Zuo Zhuan (左传), Tale of King Mu (穆天子传), Qu Yuan's Tian Wen (天问), Confucius, Zhuangzi, students of Mozi. The three history books, Shang Shu, Guo Yu, and Zuo Zhuan all present Yi as an usurper of the Xia Dynasty who was then betrayed and murdered by his advisor Han Zhuo. Shang Shu also rationalizes Yi's shooting of the suns as a campaign against the Xi and He clans, two noble families charged with calculating the calendar, but who had neglected their duties. The Tale of King Mu also calls Yi the Xia Dynasty ruler of Yoqiong. Confucius and Zhuangzi both cite Yi as a powerful archer, but bad ruler. However, Zhuangzi portrays Yi as a man who understood his own faults and could not take pride in his ability to judge character. Mozi's students related a story about Yi receiving a jade pendant from heaven before his final failure and death, as an allegory of pride going before a fall. Qu Yuan has the most complete summary of Yi's myth, presenting him as a Heaven-sent hero who was meant to save the people of Xia, but usurped the king's throne, stole a river god's wife, abducted the woman Xuan Qi, lost Chang-E when she went to the moon, and finally was punished by Heaven and fell to the schemes of those around him. Other texts also mention Yi, but he's still implied to be a Xia Dynasty figure because there are pre-late Warring States texts setting him in any other time. Guizang, one of the earliest texts to contain Chinese myths, states that Yi shot down the suns and Chang-E stole the elixir of immortality and went to moon. Shan Hai JIng mentions Yi received a bow from the sky god Di Jun to slay monsters. Mencius mentioned Yi being murdered by his jealous student Feng Meng, but stated Yi bore some responsibility for the crime (neglecting mortal education). In contrast, Guan Zhong and Han Fei regarded Yi as a principled man dedicated to his craft, who understood the philosophy and not just the act of shooting an arrow, and who was the protective figure. Yi is often listed alongside his disciple Feng Meng as the example of a good archer.
Yao's Reign: Huainanzi (淮南子) and its oral sources. Yi shooting the suns is set during Yao's reign. Xunzi also mentions Yi as a title that can be given to any good archer. However, he also makes references to Yi and Feng Meng as specific individuals, in which case he's likely referring to Yi from the Xia Dynasty. ("Yi and Feng Meng cannot aim accurately with crooked bows"; "Yi's methods are not lost, but Yi is no longer in this world.") Meanwhile Han Fei makes vague comparisons between Yao and Yi as enforcers of the law, but never specifically calls them contemporary.
Later Han Dynasty commentaries would make the sun-shooting Yi from Yao's era a different individual than the Xia Dynasty Yi, but the myth of a single Yi who both shot the suns (or the individuals responsible for tracking the sun's movements through the year) and usurped the Xia throne came first and was the most popular before the Qin Dynasty.
Wonderful collection!
I only have one small correction: Qu Yuan's Tianwen does not make any connection between Chang'e and Yi.
There are lines about the death and revival of the moon, and the animal in it (夜光何德,死则又育?厥利维何,而顾菟在腹?), as well as the lines asking about why a woman in fine white robes is decorating herself in jewelry, followed by a question about where she gets the "fine pills" and why she cannot hide/keep them. (白蜺婴茀,胡为此堂?安得夫良药,不能固臧?)
It is commonly interpreted as referring to the Chang'e legends, but at least in the poem, it's not connected to the Yi-related lines.
Also, though the version of Guizang quoted in the ask mentions both Yi and Chang'e next to each other, the Qin era bamboo slips excavated from Wangjia Tai only mentions Chang'e stealing the pill of immortality and flying to the moon.
From what I know, though both the Yi and Chang'e mythology were floating around in the late Warring States-Qin era, they weren't yet connected to each other.
The earliest passage that featured the "Yi gets immortality pills from QMoW, Chang'e steals it and fly to the moon" plot is from Huainan Zi , and in the eastern Han annotation of the passage, they became husband and wife.
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digitalmidnight · 7 months
Hey y'all
So I'm almost on spring break! Finals puts me in the mood to write for some reason. Long story short, my total Ao3 word count is 91,884. I therefore want to write 8,116 words to get to that sweet sweet even 100k.
Below are story ideas. One for Loonatics Unleashed, rest for Tom and Jerry. There's also a poll and I will write whatever wins. Poll ends around 2am, March 14th, PST
Loonatics Unleashed:
Solution [name pending]
"After another failed demonstration, Tech and Rev return to their home 3.5 minutes before the meteor falls, and their lives are changed forever." An expansion off this post. A different remimaging of Tech and Rev's relationship right before they get their powers. Based technically on the AU I had in my head, but I will write it with their canon powers and such. Rev will have his speed prior to powers, though. Oh, and some light angst as they figure out their powers, including Tech's :)
Tom and Jerry:
Rewrite/Remake: Don't fall in Love
"Jerry makes bet with Tom, the first one to fall in love loses." The rewrite will contain the same plot, but with updated writing, grammar and jokes. Don't fall in love has a mere 788 words. The updated version will be more expanded with lots more imagery.
Back again (Human AU + Ship):
"After many years of hyping it up, Tom finally takes Jerry to a multi-day event in his hometown. However, he begins to get cold feet as he remembers how unwelcoming it can be." A fic that takes place over 3 days involving almost comical amounts of miscommunication that takes place in a rural farm town.
[Warning! Potential to go over word limit. If it does, I'll post second place, get the pic, then post this]
Boxes (Human AU + Ship):
"Mentally, Tom puts everyone into boxes (stereotypes). Everyone is supposed to stay in their little box and be predictable. Tom can not put Jerry into a box, and Jerry seems to be dragging Tom out of his." Tom centric. Tom trying to overcome his own mental stereotypes while also coming to the realization he might have a crush.
Instincts (Canon + Implied)
Jerry hurt his legs and they are lost together in the woods. Tom has to get them out while also fighting his prey drive/hunger that gets worse the longer they are out there.
Last Night (Canon)
Tom irreparably breaks his owner's prized heirloom. Knowing he'll be punished no matter what he does, he decides to have one last night of fun. Tom centric and mostly about the feeling of dread that comes with making a mistake and fearing the consequences.
Amnesiacat (Canon + Friends)
5+1. 5 times one of them tries to remember, and 1 time they do. One of them (still picking who. Leaning towards Jerry) gets amnesia cartoon style. The amnesiac believes their relationship mimics the first cartoon, while their relationship has evolved to what it is in the later cartoons.
[Least developed idea mentally]
Winner of poll will be the fic written. The losers may or may not be written someday depending on hyperfixation/ideas being put into other fics.
For the Tom and Jerry fics: Human = they will be human. Canon = they will be cat and mouse. Ship = 100% romantic interest. Implied = it's possible. Friends = written as friends.
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Spoilers for a fic I will write eventually?
Do not read if you do not like made-up, author-indulgent backstories for characters who exist in the GFFA. This one is almost hard to post because it's kind of personal. Like, a story so plot driven that I am nervous people will hate my interpretation and my ships. Oh well, I guess, it's happening.
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A discussion in the Duros hoes chat, and then between me and @allsystemsblue, got me thinking about what is Cad Bane's real name? It sure as hell ain't Cad Bane. A lot of the fandom seems to agree on that. "Cad" and "bane" are both words in the dictionary that can be defined.
Cad: a man who behaves dishonorably, especially toward a woman. / scoundrel / rogue / rascal.
Bane: a cause of great distress or annoyance. / scourge / ruin / death.
We shall come back to this.
I have a scene mapped out for Stars Above in which I want Cad to run into his sister. I have a plan for his backstory that does not include this particular fanfic, but another, a series I am working on that will be entitled "Annuals of an Outlaw," and is essentially a collection of works I have outlined that will contain my version of Cad Bane's "story" from his beginnings on Duro in the Descent Ghetto, to after the Clone Wars and beyond.
Yes, it will have smut. And angst. Lots and lots of angst. Many character will appear, including Jango, Hondo, Aurra, Bossk, Embo, Zam, Dengar, Todo 360, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and even Boba at some point. Oh, and let us not forget Shriv Suurgav. :)
Yes, Shriv.
You cannot stop me. Don't even try. This is my magnum opus, and by God it will make sense narratively. Just you wait. Or don't. I don't care. I am still going to write this thing if it's the last thing I ever do.
First of all, I enjoy playing around with Star Wars name generators. That is how I came up with the name of my OC, Zulara. I started sifting through them, piecing last names together with other first names, and voilà, a new name appeared to me that caught my attention.
Originally, I was looking for Durese words that maybe meant something in relation to his occupation or personality, but none of them called out. It appears others had that same idea in the past, so it makes sense to go with something new.
Anyway, my name for Cad Bane is Lumoon Troks.
Here are the outpouring of thoughts I had on the matter before I could stop myself. I came up with this over the last hour or two, and I am digging it so far. Who knows, maybe I will change my mind. It's helping me to fill in a lot of gaps, anyway, that I had in the plot, and I am happy about that.
So, I am giving Bane siblings. Two much older sisters, two brothers who are 1-2 years apart, and a younger sister who is four or five at the time Lumoon finally leaves home.
His siblings call him Lu, or Moon for short. When they want to be annoying, they call him Moody Moon, or "Lemon" because of his sour outlook ( lemons are "canon" in SW, I checked).
To sum things up briefly, Bane's mother was a kindhearted woman and his father was a gruff workaholic. They both were employed in the factories and rarely had time to spend with their family, but had too many mouths to feed.
Cad gets into trouble quite often. He runs wild in the streets from a young age. Maybe he hooks up with the wrong crowd. Nothing too menacing; some petty theft, vandalism, etc, etc.
His father's angry about it. He refuses to take on work in the factories with him. He wants more for himself. He's not about that grind day in, day out life. Things get so toxic between them that he leaves to make his own way, stops coming home, worries his mother sick, and his little sister to boot.
So much so, his little sister ( talking maybe preschool / kindergartener age ) decides she has to "bring Moon home" and takes it upon herself to find him. She loves her big brother and sorely misses him.
This does not end well. At all. The worst possible scenario unfolds. The first of many tragedies in Cad Bane's life. It deeply affects him. He tries to go to his mother; she isn't the same Duros any longer. She coldshoulders him, ignores him, and she suffers from a broken heart.
Cad blames himself. "She went out to find you and never came home." This time, he really does leave and never returns. I am sure there is a final fight between him and his father that maybe seals the deal. He takes up random jobs, anything that pays, from sex work, to being hired muscle, to thieving, to murder, you name it, as long as the pay is good and it keeps his mind off his own problems.
He learns skills along the way, and he also learns from his mistakes. Things start being a little too easy. He's tired of being bossed around. He wants to be his own boss. So, that's exactly what he becomes.
He decides to try his hand at bounty hunting. He begins to make a name for himself, except, he hasn't. He needs a new one, something intimidating, striking, and rememberable. Plus, he doesn't want his birthname floating around; that makes him vulnerable, as well as the rest of his surviving kin.
Bane's mother, in the early days of his youth, used to scold him for misbehaving. She called him the equivalent of a cad in Durese, and it translated that way from basic, something along the lines of "Lumoon! Quit being such a cad, you naughty boy!"
It means something to him. He feels it embodies what he has become. It is also a tribute to his mother as well as a punishment; something he has to live with and that he brought upon himself.
The next thing you know, one of his many enemies makes a snarky comment, saying to him, "you are the bane of my existence," or simply, "you are a bane!" From there, his new name takes shape in his mind. He thinks if you put two and two together, it sounds kind of nice. It sticks. He starts to introduce himself like that, when before he had only referred to himself as Cad.
Another misfortune befalls him, which I mentioned I wanted him to run into his sister. This would happen off-world somewhere, years later, and during the reign of the Galactic Empire. She would say something to the likes of: "Mom died. She never gave up on you. She waited for you to come home, everyday. I didn't have the heart to tell her I had seen your wanted posters."
It tears him apart for awhile. His second great tragedy. Never getting to reconcile with the Duros who raised him and whom he loved. He harbors this for the rest of his life.
Of course, running in the streets, he learns not to trust people. He's jaded. He gets fucked over a time or two, badly, and by people he thinks he can trust. He develops a shell; a way of looking at the world that allows him to keep his guard up for his own protection.
In that same vein, I believe Bane can love and that he can love hard given the right circumstances. One of the many reasons he's kept from saying it, is because every person he has ever cared about has either turned on him or dies. The galaxy is a harsh mistress. He's afraid of a repeat scenario; he doesn't let himself get close. He tells himself he's better off alone, doesn't need anybody; he prefers to run without a pack.
That is, until he meets Jango.
And, that, my friends, is a whole other story, but I want to add that Cad Bane has bad dreams. Nightmares, even. Visions. Terrible things happen, old memories replay, he is haunted by his past. The sister he couldn't save; the mother he thought had stopped loving him; the father he was never good enough to please.
Hondo compares himself to a sun, and Bane is the moon. This would fuck with him psychologically, and cause him to react unexpectantly should the nickname stick - one that is reminiscent of his childhood. It is Hondo Ohnaka in my story that saves Bane from himself after Fett meets his untimely end.
Jango, Hondo, and Shriv may call him moody from time-to-time, or grumpy, but that also does not sit well, either, considering his past.
Once Jango dies, and once he fails at training Boba, Cad is even more a wreck than before. In my story, he also does not get to reconcile with his old partner and mentor after their falling out. He drinks himself stupid in the presence of Boba to the point the boy gets fed-up and they have their duel.
Bane, in my mind, can't accept Boba as Fett's son; he is a clone; he could never accept the clone contract from the get go - it put a rift in their relationship. This adds more fuel to the "look out for yourself" fire that is his quote in the Book of Boba Fett.
Sorry this got so long-winded, but, I had to get that out as it came to me. Now, to actually write the story all these ideas are for!
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iridescentgleam · 1 year
12, 18, and 34 for the ask game !!
(Ask game from here!)
Thank you for asking, Crow! :D
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be?
I wish I could be in a productive environment free of distractions whenever I write
I wish I always had a clear idea of where the story's going when I start a WIP 😭
And I wish, sometimes, that I could write well for more fandoms than I do, but I'm working on that! hehe
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
(@amiharana, you asked this one too, so here's the answer for both of you! :D This was a very hard one lol)
"Just as [Twilight] got a second to contemplate this, three explosions rang out across the clearing, throwing off his balance a little as he scrambled to pinpoint the origin, only to see an electric arrow wiz right over his shoulder, barely missing him as the hair on his neck stood straight up. He whirled around, catching a glimpse of a figure descending with a paraglider. Once they were about twenty feet off of the ground, they let go and fell like a deadweight, landing in a crouch as they met the fight head-on in a blaze of glory and golden braids that caught the moonlight just right." - A current WIP entitled "Flight of the Wilds" (subject to change)
I think the prompt was asking for a piece of currently published writing and I can add that if you guys want later, but I figured I'd treat you both with my current Revalink WIP 💛 It's also a LU fic, but that's not the point lol. This doesn't even begin to cover the premise of the oneshot, as it's projected to be about 30,000+ words. I wrote most of it on paper (crying it's thirty-two pages front and back and IM NOT EVEN DONE), so you better believe a lot is getting changed as I type it out lol.
This is very early on in the oneshot when Twilight reunites with Wild for the first time. The Chain is getting ambushed by a hoard of monsters and Wild comes by and helps them. In this, he's definitely picked up a lot of his archery skills from Revali, hence the signature three bomb arrows. He's still not nearly as good at the Rito himself, though! :D hehe
This sequence likely won't change any more than it already has, as the beginning doesn't need a whole lot of work anymore imo. It didn't used to be nearly as epic, though. Originally, the scene is a lot more Twilight-centric (as the story is told from his POV), but I changed it because it didn't focus nearly enough on Wild as it really should have for his introduction scene??? Idk what I was thinking tbh. Didn't even address how Wild even got there fr, which is why I made him glide down from his paraglider like the BAMF he is lmaooooo The blond braids stayed the whole time, tho 👍 That, I can assure you lol
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
As someone who perhaps uses commas where they ought not be, I use the Oxford comma in my writing almost religiously and I find it hard to read anything that does not contain it lol.
As someone who is learning Spanish, though, (which does not make use of the Oxford comma, like, at all) it is a very hard habit to break, but I am working on it! lol
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erisenyo · 2 years
A Third Chance (Or a First)
Got inspired to write a little Iroh POV on a post-Comet Azula, if he were involved in her recovery. Enjoy!
Iroh sets out his teapot and two of his rapidly dwindling set of cups. He precisely places the canisters of leaves and his precious supply of ginger next to them. He lays out his measuring spoons on the neat little mat he still carries from his time in the Earth Kingdom and carefully adjusts their angle until they’re oriented just right. And throughout it all, he holds his tongue.
The motions of it are ritual, rhythmic, and he paces his breathing to it where words would normally flow forth, trying to model calm as his niece seethes across the fire, straight-backed and ragged-nailed, the fire whipping and roiling along with her mood, sparks on her breath and her tawny eyes predatory in their intensity as she watches his every move.
They were having, Iroh silently laments, a good day. Or a better one at least, where his niece’s inner flame seemed more aligned to her purpose than at odds with it even if she was as sharp-edged and vicious as ever.
But then she found something in her room that reminder her of who knows what, since a quarter of the room is currently still charred and smoking and when Iroh tried to ask she—
Well. Iroh had moved her things quietly and without comment to the next door down the long hallway after that, which only seemed to make her even more full of rage. He’s learned that everything does, though, at a certain point. Like the well of fury inside her is endless, like she is a cup overfull and constantly spilling over, and his heart aches to imagine trying to contain it in a body so small, aches to imagine all the instructors and tutors who taught her to nurture and tend it like it was a fire lily in bloom and not a choking vine that grew to become something larger than herself.
And his brother…well. Iroh has learned not to mention his brother in front of Azula unless she brings it up herself, first.
So he will sit, and model calm and foundational breathing exercises, and make Azula’s favorite tea the way she likes it best. And he will hold back his words much as it pains him to let her rage in silence. Because he has learned, slow and painful as it was, that his niece likes his words far less than his nephew, which some days feels like it means all he has left to give is tea.
He does not know what he is going to do when he runs out of ginger.
He will find the path when he faces that challenge, though, he assures himself as he carefully measures just enough for a fresh pot to steep. He will find a way just as he has found the path many times before, and this need no less urgent than the others. He will not waste this third chance the Spirits have seen fit to give him, this gift that is far more than he ever thought he’d have.
But no, he chides himself, catching his thoughts. Just as Zuko was not another attempt to do better by Lu Ten, this is not a third chance. It is a first. A first chance with Azula. A chance to get it right, maybe, where he has stepped with such confidence before and stumbled.
But oh, where to begin when she is raging and powerful beyond her years, so smart and clever and beyond all else scared and furious that he can see it, enraged that Iroh knows how to recognize fear where no one else would see it on a face so like her brother’s. So like their father’s.
He thinks of Zuko’s raging, of how he would push away like he was testing how determined Iroh was to stay. Of his nephew’s need for plain speaking and how long it took Iroh to realize it, how it took having his face shoved in it when it was nearly too late for him to finally recognize how close pushing away and walking away could seem.
And he thinks of his own brother. Of Ozai’s quiet, simmering fury, of his vindictiveness and his jealousy and worse. And he cannot help but think that Azula has a right to her anger.
So Iroh will hold his tongue though it pains him not to soothe her rage. He will make her favorite tea as long as he can, what little comfort and consideration he can offer that she will accept. And he will do his best to make himself into a port in the storm of her emotions and unruly fire. Into calm seas for her to crash against and come away unhurt.
He will ask her what she needs, and he will listen to her answers and not just what he thinks she means by them. And he will extend his hand in trust before demanding that it be given to him first, even knowing he might be burned, because old men can learn new tricks, even one who spent sixty years learning about what is owed to them first and what they owed to everyone else second.
A Crown Prince expects loyalty before he gives it, even a former one.
A parent, Iroh reminds himself, can expect no such thing.
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fairybond · 4 months
♡ - Lisanna/Lucy
Send me a ♡ plus a ship // Accepting
@divinikey 😉
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the 100yr quest had to be good for Something right?
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙰𝚂��𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃? i think it could go either way, but I'm leaning towards Lis bc Lucy is kinda hopeless. like i feel Lisanna asks Lucy out 3 different times, and they go on 3 dates, and then lucy is like "tehehe, its like we're dating" and lisanna is like ".....what did you Think we were doing?" (affectionate)
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚆𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝙸𝙽 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃 𝙺𝙸𝚂𝚂? Lisanna most likely but there's a lot of possibilities, like even them going in at the same time. Lisanna does get like, affection overload at times (like when you see something cute and you just wanna squeeze it), and so Lucy does Anything Remotely Cute, or even just exists, and Lisanna is struggling to contain herself, so it could be a case of her just going for it after something happens.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙶𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙺𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚂? Lisanna is a bit of a nicknamer, and is probably used to calling her Lu or Lulu (as Levy calls her) and Lucy probably calls her Lis, but other than that, and perhaps endearments, thats it i think.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙲𝙾𝙾𝙺𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙼𝙴𝙰𝙻𝚂? They would cook together or take turns.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝙱𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴 𝙸𝙽 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙸𝙲? about the same i think
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙷𝙾𝙶𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙳? probably Lucy, since Lisanna is a curl up in one spot type. they both try to hog the blankets in their sleep though
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚆𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂 𝚄𝙿 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃? lisanna always wakes up just before sunrise, so likely her
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙵𝙵𝙴𝙴? lisanna in the morning usually, but any drinks they have later, they take turns making
𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙸𝙶 𝚂𝙿𝙾𝙾𝙽? LISANNA. lucy sometimes, but inevitably it ends up being Lisanna
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝚄𝙿 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚂𝚃? Lucy gets caught up on reading and writing and Lisanna tries to wait up for her or convince her to go to bed
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙲𝙷𝙴𝚂 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳? They typically reach for each other at the same time
𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝙰 𝙵𝙰𝙽 𝙾𝙵 𝙿𝙳𝙰? Lisanna for sure. I think Lucy gets a bit embarrassed or flustered but she does enjoy it too, but they keep things relatively lowkey.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚂𝙽𝙾𝚁𝙴𝚂? Lisanna does her little purry-snore thing sometimes
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙶𝙴𝚃𝚂 𝙰𝙽𝙽𝙾𝚈𝙴𝙳 𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙴 𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙸𝙻𝚈? it's pretty even, but Lisanna, due to her magic and its side effects, can get overstimulated and more irritable at times (not with Lucy, just Everything)
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚂 𝚂𝙴𝚇? Hmm. again, pretty even i think, but Lisanna probably a bit more
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙰𝚂𝙺𝚂 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙸𝚁 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙶𝙴? could go either way. but i think lucy would do a really special proposal
𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴'𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝚅𝙾𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙴 𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙾𝚁𝚈 𝙾𝙵 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚂: there's probably dozens of good memories between them and it could change depending on interaction/development. i think possibly what sticks out to Lisanna would be times when they've hung out or Lucy has done anything that makes Lisanna really feel Connected and seen by her. Or times when Lucy has done something cool or impressive and Lisanna is proud of her and happy for her.
𝙰 𝚁𝙴𝙶𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝚁𝙴𝙶𝙰𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚂: no regrets that i can think of. except for all the difficulties Lucy has gone through, like sacrificing Aquarius' key. also in canon, they dont seem to really hang out much, so that would be a regret of hers, but we already know in our Hearts that canon is Wrong.
𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙸𝚁 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝙻𝙰𝙽𝙶𝚄𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚂 𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙾𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚃𝙾 𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴: Physical touch and quality time. Very affectionate gals who love to be around each other. They also appreciate acts of service/gifts as it shows the Care and Thought.
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resistantbees · 1 year
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huh-huhyourself · 2 years
The typewriter and the typist, in the rain…
So this is my first OC, not perfect, even not good. It's an alternative universe which shits didn't start from 1933 (or not so much), mixed both classic one and DE. I don't want to plague the most of original story, so I only want to put her in background people if I can draw more next year just in case.
Sure the profile contains many grammatical errors. Which one's more difficult, drawing, fighting Omicron and my ADHD, or writing this in English with a help of Google Translate, it's all of above.
No more paper dolls next year, I swear.
I should buy a tablet, the cheapest one, though it won't change anything.
I should finish the game first…
(I may edit the following anytime. Not sure if there are any logical errors.)
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About Her
Name: Lucetta Leonforte
Nicknames: Lu, Moon
Alias(es): Moonshine
Gender :Female
Birthdate: May 31st
Nationality: American
Place of birth: Detroit
Current residence: Lost Heaven
Spoken languages: English
Occupation: Assistant of home bakery(day), side work typist of LH Paint & Wallpaper Co.(night)
Eye color: Grey
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 5'7"
Scars: A perforating gun-shot wound on right waist
Sibling(s): A brother (7 years older than Lu)
Father: Lorenzo Leonforte, Enzo the baker, sounds familiar?
Mother: A women from Milan
As a third son, Enzo immigrated to America with his wife and his firstborn in early 1900s for some family businesses.
One year later, 3 cugini (Lu's) joined the Leonfortes in Detroit, it was a hard time for everyone.
At some point before 1910, Lucetta was born on a stormy night.
Lu had a bad cold before she could remember, after that she got a husky voice and tears fall out when she sees the sunshine during the daytime. She always wears a hat/8-piece on sunny days when she's outside.
Her mother left them when Lucetta was sick, her parents had a major fight because her mother didn't want herself and her son trapped in this life. Enzo never mentions them again and Lucetta never asks.
In some year of early 1920s, the Leonfortes moved to LH to do a favor for an old friend.
Now they rent a building in Little Italy which used to be an old small hotel (not far from the bar), the first floor is their bakery.
I heard you paint houses.
"I heard the Leonfortes are good executors, too bad the youngest one's a girl." says an anonymous person.
The side work is working for someone named Baskerville.
Lu's father is a distant cousin of Vincenzo, because I want to so she can call him uncle Vinny LEGALLY.
The Leonfortes are actually doing the bakery business (taste the peach pies), meanwhile they "import" something like explosives and others too complex to say right now. They are not a part of the Salieri family, more like one of the suppliers.
"Best Powder Best Dough" printed on the bakery's front windows.
They have their own delivery cars but also have a fake Rothco's Bakery one, cause they're everywhere in the city.
Lu does some of these deliveries about 3 times a week, bread, cakes, and other things better handled with care.
She only does the deliveries for her family now.
She likes uncle Vinny's business more than her father's.
Some of the side work's outfits are her father's, so don't fit very well.
She loves sitting on a bench near the lighthouse, watching the clouds, the sea waves, thinking nothing.
She's a good listener, usually she won't give any advice.
She hasn't watched the end of Sadie Thompson because she has slept.
Yes, she has a bike.
Family motto (to Lucetta)
Don't in. (Don't get involved in things you can't handle.)
Don't out. (Don't run away from your own family.)
Don't ask. (Don't question the order.)
Don't talk. (Just don't be a rat.)
Don't date with mobs/cops/lawyers/doctors especially shrinks.
​Don't get caught.
Don't die. (Be safe.)
"Generally 'Don't do this, don't do that. '" says Lu.
"'I won't put any bread which is made in a factory into my mouth!' says Don Salieri." says me.
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teenageread · 2 years
Review: Life Before Legend
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Find out more about June and Day in this never-before-seen glimpse into their daily lives before they met in Marie Lu’s New York Times bestselling LEGEND series. As twelve-year-olds struggling to survive in two very different worlds within the Republic’s stronghold, June was starting her first day of school at Drake University as the youngest cadet ever admitted, and Day was fighting for food on the streets of the Lake sector. LIFE BEFORE LEGEND contains two original stories written by Marie Lu that give readers a sneak peek into the lives of their favorite characters in a thrilling new context.
Taking place three years before the events of Legend, when both Day and June are twelve years old, comes two stories of their childhood. For Day it was his first kiss, to an older girl who helped him out during some of the time on the street. For June it was her first day at Drake University, where she is twelve years old in her class with other sixteen-year-olds, trying to make friends and her first of what is soon to be eighteen reports.
A low rating for one of my most favorite series because of the unnecessariness of it. It is a cute little story, as Marie Lu writes these two twenty-page short stories about our favorite characters when they were younger. But it was definitely not needed, and would not be something to search for unless given to you. The stories do not change your opinion on Day or June, do not add value to their past, and honestly are probably less well done than some fan fiction. At least with June’s story, you get to see her interact with Metis and realize that it is hard for her to make friends given her age compared to her peers. For Day’s story, it is all fluff and not anything detrimental to his character, but does not add anything either. Overall, if you have a copy, read it, as this book is sometimes found in the box set of the series, but otherwise, ignore this book as it does not add to the series in any way.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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