#It was a coincidence that I finished this for Valentines Day but it worked out perfectly!
februaryart · 8 months
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Part 1 here 🍀 🌻
This fic is based on: Lovebirds by kiwithief
Thank you for reading! If you liked this please reblog, and read the original fic!
I had so much fun working on this comic, and so much love and thought went into making it! It ended up being so much longer than I ever thought it would be. This is 39 full pages, and I've been working on this since Nov 2022! Drawing them is a delight, though :)
301 notes · View notes
yerrenica · 8 months
⋯ JAHA LEE x READER | battle amid tangled sheets
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⬦ info; written for valentine's day! first time, first kiss, loss of virginity, dares, switch Jaha, Jaha losercore, New Year's inspired because I missed New Year's, slight wounding/blood, oral sex, praise kink, gentle sex (with a touch of roughness)
⬦ wc; 6.7k
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Mongrang dared him to do it; that's what Jaha reminds himself. Because that's the only reason he's currently wandering the streets of White Eagle Town like a lost kitten during the Qixi festival.
Now what he'd rather be doing is finding a bottle of something strong to spend his night commiserating with. In fact, there's a handle of Dukang wine back in his room with his name on it, which he is, unfortunately, going to have to forgo, but such is the life of a guy who never backs down from a challenge.
It's not like he's actually going to be able to pull this off, Mongrang's probably just looking for an excuse to embarrass him.
Actually, now that he thinks about it, he's sure the bastard's looking for an excuse to embarrass him, publicly at that because it just so happens that tonight the Jade Flower Palace planned an absolutely grandiose banquet for everyone present. Coincidence? He thinks not.
"Hey, country bumpkin," two hours prior at the banquet table, Mongrang whispers sweet venom into his ear.
His breath smells like dark red wine and rosemary, and his speech is already slurring. Jaha sips his own wine and tries his best to stay cordial. It'd be a shame if he gave into his urge to claw the other's eyes out this early in the night.
"I have a proposition for you," which is an absolutely foul way to phrase things and he knows it.
"Careful, fucker," Jaha smiles; shows teeth, "I haven't forgiven you from the last banquet for switching my wine with tomato juice," he's certain it was him, not because none of the others present would have the gall, but because nobody else chooses to spend their free time tormenting him except the Sex Demon himself.
Furthermore, there is really no reason for them to be sitting next to each other. Most of the time everyone was seated by who was closer to whom, but Geomma was absent, and the Generals were all too social to simply stick to Jaha. So by a horrible series of events, he's doomed to sitting next to Mongrang.
There is one other person who could've been quite tolerable to sit with, but they seem to be absent as well.
"Oh don't be like that, street urchin. I can see you're dying of boredom," he conjures a tiny snowflake on the tip of his finger and twirls it; six fractal arms twinkling in the candlelight. Jaha is, in fact, dying of boredom, but that doesn't mean he's going to give Mongrang the satisfaction of participating in one of his schemes.
"I am too, you know."
With a deadpan expression, Jaha reaches for his wine glass to toss it onto his problem to the right, but Mongrang quickly interjects.
"At least let me finish," the brunette hisses, with the nerve to look offended, "I suggest we wager a little bet, just you and me," he smiles, sickly sweet. Jaha finds it disgusting.
A bet. Jaha doesn't like the sound of that. He doesn't like the sound of that at all. People like Mongrang don't initiate bets, not without being certain that they'll win.
But here's the catch: Jaha is never one to turn down a bet. Mongrang knows this; everyone knows this, and they use it to their advantage all of the time. Sigh. He really needs to work on his self-control. He'll take that to his self-assigned therapist (Moyong didn't have a choice) the next time he sees him.
"What did you have in mind?" He signs his deal with the Devil.
Mongrang leans in close, letting him feel the ghost of his breath on his neck, "last one to get laid tonight loses."
Jaha chokes on his wine. The back of his neck goes bright red as he coughs and sputters, bringing his forearm to his lips, "are you out of your mind, you stupid fu—"
Jaha cuts himself off when he sees Mongrang's self-satisfied expression, and quickly composes himself. It's not often that someone catches him off-gaurd like this. Seems like the Sex Demon is more dangerous than Jaha had initially deemed.
"Why would I ever agree to that?" Jaha furrows his brows in both confusion and disbelief.
"What? Don't you think you can do it?" Mongrang puts on a shit-eating grin, and there it is; the challenge. He's got him and he knows it.
Jaha scoffs, "I never said that"
"Great! It's a deal then," Mongrang crushes the snowflake and pushes his chair back loudly, before striding away from the table, on a mission.
"Pleasure doing business with you, country bumpkin!" He calls over his shoulder. Jaha mentally puts his head in his hands, wondering what in the world he'd just agreed to.
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Jaha surveys the party as crystalline snowflakes fall from the sky. The Palace really was incredible, anything they dreamed of, they could make. With the help of Mongrang, they conjured flurries at will, and they always do for such events. The Jade Palace is their own personal snow globe.
And although any other day Jaha might have begrudgingly admitted that the icy ornaments Mongrang so effortlessly made weren't unsightly, today they felt like relentless blows in his face, thus he wished for nothing more than to melt them away.
But Mongrang himself wasn't around, so there was no point in doing that. Another time, Jaha thinks.
The courtyard was still alive with drinking, dancing, and other revelry. In the centre, a massive fir tree stands sentinel, still wrapped in glowing midwinter lights.
Dedicating an entire day to celebrating love had always seemed strange to Jaha. To him, it was almost childish to view the dynamic nature of love as something to be in awe of, rather than a simple fact of life. He supposes though, in theory, love wasn't a given, because in this world nothing is guaranteed. Quickly, though, he pushes that thought from his mind– he doesn't need to be a killjoy tonight. It certainly won't help him in winning this bet.
Now he'd take this to his grave, but he's decidedly inexperienced in this area – sex that is. He's not even sure how to go about winning this bet. He considers just paying a working girl, but he'd never live that down. That would go against all his morals.
He could pick someone up at a bar? Not a chance, too far away and too difficult (for him only, it seems). How about one of his subordinates? No, there's some kind of power dynamic there that he doesn't really want to get into. He rubs at his temples and groans. Mongrang is going to win this, and Jaha's going to be subjected to whatever horrible torment he has in mind for the loser of the bet.
Jaha's own fault, he supposes, for accepting such a bet from the Sex Demon himself.
He exits the courtyard to return to the sheltered walls of the palace, his feet feel sluggish after the realization that his inevitable loss is inching closer by the second.
"Still moping about, little rabbit?" Jaha freezes at the familiarity of the voice and turns to face whoever has just done an excellent job of sneaking up on him. He lays eyes on the one person who could've saved him from this damned bet by simply sitting beside him in place of Mongrang.
Of course, of all the martial masters he knows, she's one of the quietest when she's not running her mouth. Jaha would liken her to a docile cat if he knew no better. The woman is tipsy and has a fifth of wine in her hand. 
Jaha's guard immediately flies up, because the woman never starts a conversation with him unless she's done something that needs cleaning up. Jaha's pretty sure she's been sent personally by the Devil himself to ensure that he never gets rest, the others are no exception either, of course. Call him paranoid, but—
"Relax," [Y/N] chuckles, holding her hands up in a placating gesture. "I'm not here to get us into any trouble," her eyes shine with barely repressed laughter. The liquor in the bottle sloshes around and Jaha can't help but look at it longingly. 
"So how come you've decided to get out of your hiding place?" The ravenette raises an eyebrow, perturbed. He can feel a grudge forming.
"I asked you a question," the woman almost pouts, slurring her speech a bit. She steps closer and Jaha backs up because out of all of his associates, [Y/N] is the only one who truly scares him.
She's like a walking tornado of chaos, with a knack for stirring up trouble, and oh, Jaha doesn't even wish to think about it. Take, for instance, the time she casually turned half of the Black Rabbit sect's quarters into a blazing inferno - not once, but multiple times. And let's not forget the time she inadvertently invited a horde of spiders into the sect by forgetting to stash away some herbs she was carrying around before leaving. The entire sect spent weeks squashing them out. Jaha still shudders at the memory of finding those eight-legged invaders in his every meal.
And believe him, that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to her repertoire. Truly a terrifying woman to be around.
It makes Jaha want to fight her, but it'd be bad form to initiate a spar at a banquet, especially with someone from his own sect.
"I asked if you're still moping about," she continues, "It's been hours since dinner."
"So what?" Jaha glares at her, though it's more like he's sulking, hoping to be left alone in his misery.
"No offence, but you look pathetic, great brother."
"Spit it out, woman," Jaha is losing his patience, because of course the other is here to bother him. He tolerates her, but he thinks he might actually dislike drunk [Y/N].
At this moment in time, at least. Normally, she's quite... fun to be around. He'd never admit that out loud, though. The last thing he wants is to encourage her obnoxiousness.
"Well I was going to offer you a drink, but I can see that I'm not wanted here," the smaller one hums, feigning insult. She stretches big, making sure Jaha can see the completely full bottle of Dukang wine glint in the moonlight.
Now, if Jaha didn't know any better, he'd think the offer was genuine. However, she is definitely up to something. This is [Y/N] after all. She's always doing something for her own personal amusement. Jaha isn't particularly interested in falling for another scheme tonight, but the Dukang wine is a tantalizing offer. Once again his eyes are drawn to the bottle of sweet salvation. A little liquid courage could be all he needs.
And [Y/N], like the cheeky loafer she is, turns to walk away, robes swaying behind her loftily. Jaha thinks on her words. How bad can one drink really be?
Okay so he has a bit more than one drink.
The riverside is perfectly secluded at this hour. They settle on a small bench underneath a high arched alcove. The moonlight was shimmering down upon them.
[Y/N] inaugurates the bottle with a deep swig, tears pricking at her eyes at the burn, because honestly, Dukang wine is borderline undrinkable without a chaser to most people.
"Having some trouble?" Jaha chuckles and reaches for the bottle. He feels a bit fuzzy, which is strange because he's not drunk yet, nor is he ever. Well at least he thinks he isn't.
"Piss off," the woman slurs, but there's a bit of a laugh in it. It sparks something strange in Jaha's chest, something he quickly pushes down because fuck him if he's doing that right now.
Jaha purses his lips awkwardly, before opening them, "So, how was your day?" He makes an attempt to start a cordial conversation.
"Are you really trying to make small talk with me right now?" [Y/N] quirks an eyebrow, and for some reason Jaha's attention is drawn to it. He trails the lines of the woman's face from her soft cheekbones down to her plush lips.
Despite his best efforts, his mind strays to the dare and all of a sudden his ears are burning. [Y/N] might not be a bad choice. Well, she's actually a horrible choice. She'd probably be just as unruly in bed if not more... not that Jaha would mind. Honestly, the man doesn't even know if he's interested in things like that, or if she is interested in any of that, for that matter.
But Jaha is quickly running out of options, and he hates to admit it, but there's something about the other that's kind of doing it for him right now, which rarely happens nowadays. Back when he was the mad demon, it only happened perhaps once or twice when he was young. He takes another pull of the wine, lets it trickle down his throat and warm his stomach.
"Great brother, don't tell me you're drunk already."
"What? Why would you say that?" Jaha scoffs out a laugh, snapped out of his thoughts.
"Your ears, they're flushed," the woman slurs her observation, "I've never them like that before."
Oh. He's been caught. But Jaha really can't help himself, ever since the dare wormed its way into his mind, he's having a hard time looking away from his associate. The woman is objectively beautiful. The men under Jaha's wing tend to fall over themselves for her attention until they realize she's an insufferable incendiary, but even then, they hold out hope for a chance.
"Well—" Jaha starts.
"Pass it," she flexes her fingers and the man's eyes are suddenly drawn to her hands. Every single motion the woman makes is enticing right now. What the actual fuck is going on? Jaha feels like he's a teenager again, but what shit timing.
Okay, he can admit that he has a little crush, has had a little crush since the moment he'd seen the woman for the first time. In all her obnoxiousness she had come into Black Rabbit's quarters out of nowhere, blood-stained and smelling something awful. She strode into one of the sect's meetings like she owned the place and presented the head of a man Jaha had been searching for, kicking it across the floor, before bowing with a flourish, all toothy.
She was full of character from the get go. Ever since that... brazen display of randomness, she ended up revealing her connection to Nachal Dae, and said that she had hunted the man Jaha had been after as a thanks for liberating her friends, the Generals.
Henceforth, she could be found lounging about at the quarters, and soon enough everyone simply got used to her presence.
They get drunk. Not terribly so. Jaha still knows up from down and all that. Nothing to write home about. He feels mostly fine. But there's a comfortable warmth in his stomach and a nice buzz that's settled over his mind.
Moonlight seeps into the alcove, illuminating the vast star-speckled sky. Usually, it would draw Jaha's attention, when he was younger, he used to trace the stars with his eyes every night so he could imagine a future for himself among them. But not tonight, tonight he is captivated by someone that, martial arts be damned, burns just as bright.
[Y/N] takes another drink, and Jaha watches her throat work through it, and he can't - for the life of him - fathom why. He wants to attribute it to the glasses of red wine he drank at dinner, but that'd be doing himself a disservice because he knows he can drink most grown men under the table. No, there's something else brewing in his chest, a terrifying, molten feeling that makes the woman impossible to look away from.
In all honesty, [Y/N] is not bad in terms of drinking partners. She's quiet, yes, but that's a given with her mostly introverted personality. She's also nice to look at. Really nice to look at, for a matter of fact.
"I don't get know why the Mong family insists on these things," she gazes down at the courtyard below. Faceless figures in extravagant robes and masks intermingle, becoming one fuzzy blur of humanity.
"Don't you see it's all part of their grand plan to make us miserable?" Jaha grins at her and drinks from the bottle again. 
"Is that all there is, though? Misery?" She reaches for the fifth, and Jaha pulls it away.
"I think you've had enough," he laughs and takes another swig for himself.
"Never thought I'd see the day the Great Jaha would get introspective on me," her face is a little flushed, and it must be from the alcohol, has to be from the alcohol.
"'The Great Jaha'," Jaha repeats, a small smirk playing on his lips.
[Y/N] lets out a snort, "That was an insult."
"It's hardly an insult to know what you think of me," the moonlight flits across the woman's face, and Jaha wants.
"It'd be only fair to hear your thoughts too, then."
Jaha feigns studying her for a moment, "Tacky."
"Oh, but you love it," she shamelessly scoots closer.
"I find everything you say tactless and asinine."
"But you're here with me."
Jaha sighs, "Indeed I am," they settle into a comfortable silence, passing the bottle back and forth, though Jaha can't resist muttering under his breath, "for the wine."
The woman keeps her knowing smile.
Another moment of silence passes between them.
"You know, you're not half bad when you want to be," [Y/N] breaks it.
Jaha hums, speaking with humour, "And you're twice as bad no matter how hard you try."
The woman laughs, "I take it back."
She then scooches, just a little bit, closer to the man, who makes no move to draw away, "It's still your turn to say something truly introspective," she whispers.
"Now I'm sure you've had enough," Jaha snatches the bottle from her and finishes it, letting the last of the liquid-fire drip down his throat.
"Aw, but why? Must I always carry the conversations?" She lets out a sound akin to a whine. 
"I like listening to you talk," there it is, an embarrassing thing that Jaha's been holding in all night. He's got more embarrassing things to say, but he stops himself.
"Cute," the woman says with that deadpan sarcasm that never lets Jaha know what she's thinking. He's sure [Y/N] meant it as an insult, but his heart leaps anyway, hopes he didn't.
A moment of silence.
"You're pretty when you do," Jaha leans in just a fraction, and the others' eyes widen.
The clock strikes midnight. Chime 
There is liquor on their lips but not enough for this. Not enough at all for this. If nothing else, maybe he can allow this lapse in judgment, maybe he can allow this fall. Jaha closes the gap between them, kissing her softly. Time dilates.
[Y/N] tastes like wine, tea, and starlight. Sweet curiosity turns to burning intensity as they both seek to consume each other. And Jaha finds that there is joyous rapture in the agony of what it is to feel connected to another.
The kiss is a clumsy affair, mostly Jaha's doing, but it's good, more than good, and Jaha wants to devour it. Faintly, it occurs to the man that this is his first kiss, and he is all of a sudden overwhelmed beyond belief. He pulls away, dazed, shaky, and it all comes crashing down.
"Sorry," his breath comes in short, anxious puffs, "I shouldn't have done that."
Gods strike him down; he's doomed. He wants to crawl into a hole and die. Yet he also wants to pull her close and seal their lips together once more. Do it again; he wants to. He's beginning to understand the obsession people have with kissing.
Perhaps that is the whole reason this day exists. An excuse to lose yourself within another.
"Yeah, you shouldn't have," [Y/N] affirms.
"Now, do it again."
"Anyone could see us," Jaha points out, for the sake of the other. It is also at this point that it occurs to Jaha that the woman may have been flirting with him this entire time. From the moment she approached him, bottle in hand, stars in her eyes.
"Great brother, when have either of us ever cared what anybody thinks?"
There is more heat the second time. More heat as the other takes the lead and licks into his mouth. Jaha thinks he hears a wolf whistle from below, but it dissolves quickly into the roaring in his ears. He's lost in a tidal wave of sensation. He wonders if it's really all supposed to feel like this because, in both of his lifetimes, he never imagined that it would feel like this. Everything is upside down, sideways, lengthwise.
The woman takes him deeper and tangles her tongue with his own, and Jaha feels like he's floating. He returns with fervour, with that clumsy confidence that only comes with your first time. [Y/N] withdraws, and then she's everywhere. Hands under Jaha's shirt, lips on his neck. She finds the sweet spot between Jaha's jaw and collarbone and bites down hard, Jaha throws his head back in a choked gasp.
The invigorating thrill of battle is there, and it's strange because nothing about this is a fight. There is no resistance here. [Y/N] takes and takes, and Jaha allows it because he's never wanted anything but this. But still, he feels almost exactly how he does when he's deep in a fight. Sweat stuck to his brow, chest heaving with strangled breaths, lip split. He feels overwhelmed. He feels alive, and it's brilliant.
The woman latches onto his neck, sucking mottled bruises that will surely be there in the morning. There's far too much happening and somehow not enough. She is all-consuming, and faintly in the back of his mind, Jaha feels like he's forgetting something. Something important, but by the Gods, Jaha doesn't want this to end. Whatever this is, he wants to drown in it, then her hands drift to his waistband, and it's like the man has been dumped into a cold lake because he remembers–
"[Y/N], wait—" the other bites down on his neck again, "[Y/N]—" Jaha gasps, "Wait."
The woman pulls off of him, and she looks just as wrecked as Jaha feels. Her pupils are blown wide, and there is everything and nothing but stardust in them. Jaha is breathless, chest heaving with exertion. He takes a deep breath and wipes the spit from his mouth, trying to compose himself.
"Is something the matter?" Jaha hears a speck of concern in the other's usually cheery voice, remembers the dare, and all of a sudden he feels like a Grade-A Asshole. 
"There's something you should know," he swallows thickly, his heart beating fast. How does he even go about admitting it? Now that he thinks about it, this is actually really fucked. When he took that bet, never in his wildest dreams did he imagine anything like this. 
[Y/N] hums like she doesn't particularly care what Jaha has to say, instead busying herself with running her hands over Jaha's abs.
What does he do? Pry the other's hands from his body and stop her long enough to choke out: Hey, Mongrang actually dared me to fuck someone tonight, but I promise that this has nothing to do with it, well, in the beginning, it did, but now it doesn't, and I feel like a fucking dickhead, also I'm really enjoying this, Mongrang be damned, so can we please proceed?
Yeah, that is not going to work, Jaha might as well condemn himself to the guillotine.
He'd never had time for this really: to want. Wanting was a distraction, distraction was weakness, and there was no place for weakness for the Mad Demon. It was almost a cruel twist of fate to think that this was only half real, but fate always had been immeasurably cruel to him. He feels guilty.
"I don't know how to say this–"
"What? That this is a dare, and now that this is actually happening you're getting cold feet?" The woman is close again, so close that she outright purrs into his ear, and Jaha freezes up.
"How did you..." Jaha furrows his brows in confusion, overwhelmed with the abject horror of this situation. The woman knew from the very beginning, and she still—
"Oh, don't be ridiculous, great brother, that man can't whisper even when he's sober," she licks at the shell of his ear and Jaha stifles a gasp. [Y/N]'s hands creep below his waistband and leave little electric sparks in their wake, "And word tends to spread fast."
"So you're okay with this?"
"Clearly," she trails her lips downward, letting her teeth tug at the skin underneath Jaha's ear until it's black and blue, bloody; gingerly licking at the wound she left, the smooth lap of her tongue sending shivers down the man's spine, "I initially came to make fun of you, but I suppose this is a tolerable change in events."
"Besides, I thought perhaps I'd help you out a bit. Trust me when I say I know what it's like to lose a bet to..." Her face contorted into a disgusted expression as she paused, "Mongrang."
"Who knew you were so generous?" Jaha rhetorically asks, breathless between kisses.
"Oh, but I'm not. Now you'll owe me," she smiles, sinister, and it should really unnerve Jaha, reminding him that he is, in fact, dealing with [Y/N], but instead, it sparks heat in his stomach.
Jaha considers the pros and cons of owing the woman anything. In reality, there are no pros at all, he's playing a dangerous game with a very dangerous woman, yet he can't find it in himself to care.
He's always had a bit of a thing for the melodramatic. Call him crazy, but everything about the woman intrigues him. How she conjures death from delicate fingers. The quirk of her lip as she decimates a battlefield, the spark of mischief whenever she gazes upon him.
There's another wolf whistle from below, and this time, the man pulls back long enough to shoot a death glare at whatever piss-drunk party-goers are in the courtyard right now.  
[Y/N] can't help but snicker, "Wanna get out of here?"
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The woman's room is similar to Jaha's own, save for the amount of personal effects she has brought with her to this hotel. She always has to leave an impression wherever she goes, Jaha concludes.
"Finished gawking?" Her voice is playful, but there's a sultry undercurrent there that is novel to Jaha. He's sure he likes it.
Hands pull at clothes. The man fumbles with the woman's clothes. He's nervous, honestly, he has been since Mongrang made him agree to this asinine dare, but this is different. He's inexperienced to a level he hasn't been since he was dropped head-first into the world of martial arts at such a tender age.
"So you really know everything?" He asks awkwardly– half-asks because he already knows the answer– trying to distract from the fact that he physically cannot get the other's clothes off. He's never had to touch women's clothes before, after all.
"Of course, I did! Do I really need to go over this with you again?" [Y/N] pulls his hands off of her, and expertly undoes her robes, before shucking it off to reveal her undergarments. Jaha doesn't usually see women show this much skin, and the observation is tantalizing Mostly due to the fact that it's her. He finds himself wanting to run his tongue over the smooth unblemished flesh; wants to sink his teeth into her.
"And you still want to..." Jaha starts to deflate. Why is he so nervous now? He wants this; wants it really bad, but it's like there's a mental block. Something is keeping him from relaxing.
"I'm here, aren't I?" The woman sighs and takes a step back, a very slight pout on her lips, "Is something the matter?"
"No, not at all," Yes. "I just don't…" 
"I'm not going anywhere, Jaha."
Some minutes later, the man settles his teeth in the skin near the other's jugular. Litters the woman's skin with love bites and mottled bruises. They're both half-naked on the bed by the time Jaha admits it:
"I've got another confession to make."
"What now?" [Y/N] withdraws from the bruise she'd been methodically sucking into Jaha's collarbone, clearly annoyed at the interruption. 
Jaha purses his lips, "I've never–"
"Done this before?" She finishes for him, bangs lying flat on her face, "I know. You're kind of obvious."
Jaha feels his ears go hot, and murmurs a soft, "Sorry."
"Sorry for what? Being a virgin? Don't be an idiot," [Y/N] kisses him again, softer this time, her voice light. And it must be the alcohol because there's no other excuse for the way Jaha leans into the kiss, eyes falling shut, trying his hardest to be eaten alive.
"I was planning to take the lead anyway," the woman breathes across his lips, soft, and playful, and Jaha melts. He's so incredibly into this, and every breath and movement feels absolutely electric. 
"Just tell me what to do," he says, words falling from his lips like a plea. His neck is beyond hot, he's sure of it, there's far too much going on. Jaha is so far gone, and they haven't done anything but kiss and mark each other up.
This is everything and nothing like what he had imagined.
When he'd met the woman, never in his wildest dreams did he think he'd have the privilege of seeing her like this. He feels unbridled, filled with lust and something else he can't quite place. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he'd have the chance to see, feel, touch.
The man rakes his nails down her thighs, settling them at the base of [Y/N]'s ass, and plants butterfly kisses over the soft skin of her neck. His fingers leave little crescent moons in their wake. The woman slaps his hands away and pushes Jaha back on the bed lightly.
"Enough of that," she moves to pull the man's underwear down, hooking her fingers in the waistband with a sultry look. She frees his cock and then leans down to be level with it.
"[Y/N], what are you—"
[Y/N] simply smirks and presses a kiss to the head of Jaha's cock. It jumps at the sensation, and Jaha feels a jolt of pleasure throughout his entire body. He barely ever indulges himself in these things, and now that she's the one indulging him, he feels like he's not going to last long at all.
"This is a one-time thing," the woman whispers against his head, and it's like she doesn't even believe it herself because there's gold in her voice and stars in her eyes. 
Jaha nods.
[Y/N] takes him in her mouth, and it's not fair. Jaha's head tips back, mouth falling open in a silent moan. There's a hazy, perfect precision in which she works him with her lips and tongue, and Jaha thinks he might die.
The woman is criminally good with her mouth.
And as much as he's thankful for [Y/N]'s surprising amount of skill, he's also a bit jealous because she has to have done all of this to other people. She couldn't have learned everything or become this talented all by herself.
Jaha frowns at the thought. 
People have been in his position before. They've been held by [Y/N], been touched by [Y/N]—they’ve held [Y/N], touched [Y/N].
That makes Jaha want to step up. If he wants to have any chance of doing this again with her, he has to step up. And so, albeit uncertain, he gently runs his fingers through the woman's hair before finding a steady grip and tugging her closer.
The moan she lets out around his cock reassures him, and soon he finds a steady grip, tugging her closer.
Jaha tries to ignore the claustrophobic feeling of having his cock in such a tight space and instead focuses on the quite overwhelming feeling of hitting the back of the woman's throat. It's foreign, but not unwelcome.
Jaha's sure that if the woman could have it her way, she would make him reach even further, be even rougher. But Jaha's unsure if he could handle all that this time around.
He knows she's not made of glass. And he does wonder what she'd look like borderline gagging on his cock. He wonders what she'd sound like, how she'd cope with it all.
Jaha subconsciously tightens his hold on the woman's locks and yanks her head back, forcing [Y/N] to look him in the eye. She's silent, waiting to hear whatever Jaha has to say.
And, you know what? Fuck it, Jaha thinks.
It's his first time. He might as well push the limits.
"Let me be selfish for a bit, won't you?"
[Y/N] frowns, not sure what Jaha is really implying, but Jaha doesn't let her wander too far into confusion. He thrusts his hips forward, pushing himself in as far as the woman will allow him to go, and her eyes widen. Her fingers dig into Jaha's hip, drawing a pained hiss from the ravenette, but she can't pull away because Jaha's hand keeps her in place.
The woman has to fight the urge to gag. She's held down for maybe five seconds, maybe eight; she can't really keep count. She's too focused on trying to breathe through her nose. When Jaha finally pulls her off, the woman is spluttering and trying to catch her breath. Tears have collected on her lashes, but they haven't fallen just yet. She tries to blink them away, but Jaha grabs her jaw with his other hand and forces her mouth open again before shoving her down onto his cock.
This time the woman is expecting it and thus, she's a little more relaxed, but each time Jaha rolls his hips, her throat tightens around the man's cock. [Y/N] moans, nails scraping down his thighs, and that must've been the right move to play because the desperate groans that cascade down from Jaha's lips are all she ever wants to hear.
[Y/N] feels the drag of his cock as he shoves himself in and out of her throat repeatedly, setting a fast and brutal pace that has the other whimpering. It feels good, so good, for both of them. Jaha thinks this is better than anything he’s ever experienced before, including anything he’s ever imagined. And it definitely is.
Taking this risk was rewarded.
A low wanton sound escapes his lips and it's like the floodgates don't ever wish to close because Jaha is suddenly unabashedly loud. Panting and groaning. It's so vastly different than when he's by himself, not at all like when he used to steal away to his room and fuck his fist until he's shaking. No. This is so much better.
The woman's cheeks are hollow and stretched around him, caressing him with every motion, war-torn hands that should be hardened, but are soft– so soft, rubbing circles into his thighs. 
"Shit," Jaha loses himself in it. There's too much, far too much of this feeling that threatens to overtake him. He gasps, shudders, bucks his hips one, two times, and he's done; finishing breathlessly into the other's mouth.
[Y/N] pulls back to sit on her heels. Taking a moment to breathe and reign her emotions back in. She then hums and sticks out her tongue so Jaha can see his work, then closes her mouth and swallows, and for the second time tonight, Jaha finds himself drawn to the motion of her throat. It occurs to him that he's never come that fast in his life, but everything about this is so hot that it quickly overrides any kind of shame Jaha might have at the thought.
[Y/N] wipes her mouth and rises from her knees to crawl back over Jaha. She then straddles him.
"You did well," she praises, and Jaha feels another jolt of pleasure go through him. Oh. That's new. She seems to notice it too given the way her smirk widens.
"Do you like when I do that?" She grins and moves in to kiss him again, "Praise you?”
Jaha can taste himself on her lips and that shouldn't be as hot as it is.
[Y/N] pulls away for a moment, "You look beautiful like this."
Jaha's entire body flushes hot; he moans, and the other swallows it, lips back on him with a fury usually reserved for fighting. The moment is carnal but undeniably romantic.
She chuckles, "I’ll make note of that."
Jaha heaves out a breath, "How are we—"
"Lay back, you're going to fuck me now," she says, so matter of fact, yet playful, that Jaha can feel himself getting hard again. The woman settles herself on Jaha's hips who shudders under her.
"Relax, great brother, you're shaking," she says with a soft laugh.
He is? Oh, he is. Whether it's due to anticipation or the orgasm he experienced moments ago, he's uncertain.
"Don't worry about your performance. It's just you and me. I won't tease you for something like this," but that's the problem, "Or is something else the matter?"
Jaha looks away.
"Oh?" [Y/N] rolls her hips and locks eyes with the man, "It's me, isn't it?" She smirks, ever the troublemaker.
"Usually, you'd do this, but I'll cut you some slack tonight," she reaches forward to the bedside table, still perched on top of Jaha. She takes out a small bottle of... something. Jaha wouldn't know. She then begins applying whatever was in the bottle on his cock, and Jaha's breath hitches. It's cold, but combined with the hotness of her hands, it's pleasurable.
The sight of her only adds to the moment. Settled on top of him, moonlight haloing her hair, making her look inhuman, making her look more than.
"Beautiful," the words fall from Jaha's lips before he can stop them, a divine truth being pulled from his very being. Because the woman is beautiful, devastatingly so, and it would be a great disservice not to tell her.
"Stop talking," she murmurs, a blush coating her cheeks. And then she slips Jaha inside of her.
It's awkward at first: fucking. Getting used to the movement, the feeling, everything. It's too much and not enough at all. A beautiful contradiction. [Y/N] rolls her hips, and Jaha gasps, twitching inside of her. They pick up a steady rhythm, and the man clamps a hand over his mouth, resisting the urge to wail. She, however, pries the hand from his mouth and interlaces their fingers.
She is hot and soft inside, the tantalizing slide of skin on skin aided by the slick oil she'd used earlier. Jaha wonders if she carries that around all the time, or if tonight was just a special case. Before he can stop it, the thought of being special, of being something greater than ordinary sends a hot spike of pleasure through his stomach.
Fucking is like fighting, he decides. A dance of passion between two souls. He can't get enough of it.
To be honest, initially, Mongrang's dare terrified him. But he thinks he might be okay with this. [Y/N] is firm but gentle. She takes the lead, and Jaha is happy to follow. He lets himself slip away into bliss, genuine tears pricking at his eyes. It's so much, too much, and too good for him to think at all. It's too much for him to do anything but feel. He grips her hips tighter and squeezes his eyes shut in the pure madness of it all.
He's completely caught up in the moment, the sky could fall, and he doesn't think he'd notice.
"Shit dog," he doesn't see him again until lunch the next day. He's clearly avoiding him, sitting at a table all by himself.
"Oh, country bumpkin, about that bet, I realized that—" Jaha cuts him off by throwing a heavy metal pin on the table.
"Holy shit," Mongrang breathes.
"You actually pulled it off," he picks up [Y/N]'s pin, and scrutinizes it like he's trying to see if it's fake, "And with her of all people?"
Jaha smirks, plopping down on the chair opposite Mongrang, "So what do I win?"
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© yeri (@yerrenica) ⬦ do not repost, copy, translate, nothing. this is sort of crappy because i haven't written anything in ages, so if you find any mistakes, I'm sorry for that lol also teeny bit out of character because, again, i haven't been consuming or writing any rotmd content for a while now. HAPPY VALENTINE'S!
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funarisjournal · 4 months
Confession Talk! Manga Edition 2
It's been a bit, had work to deal with, but now I can sit down and write more about how Valentine's Day played out in Vol. 4. Again, if you haven't read it yet, I'll put my essay under a cut!
I talked about Kasuga's POV last time. Now it's time to look at it through Nomoto's!
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As we know, Nomoto has realized her feelings and put it into words sooner than Kasuga. She has been falling head over heels for the woman every time they hang out but trying really hard not to show it out of fear of weirding Kasuga out and possibly lose their friendship. As we have learned in Vol. 2, friendships are REALLY important to Nomoto. She's basically lost all of hers over time and has been alone for a long time!
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The fact that "But we're both girls!" is NOT a factor in her worries about confessing is an interesting one, but I get it. As a fellow demisexual, that never crossed into my mind when I had those crushes on my best friends growing up, or when I fell in love with my wife. My top worry was, if I were to say something about it, would I lose my friends? I already weirded out my bestie from high school by liking yuri, so I always kept it to myself. (I'm glad that Leigh confessed first, though, because by then I WAS too scared to reveal my intimate feelings)
Anyway, back to Nomoto. She was the one who initiated the Valentine's Day get-together back in Vol. 3, and she's both nervous but excited. She puts on a neat food idea with that hot plate fondue...
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I like to point this tiny bit out. Nomoto loves her booze, but she knows if she were to have some today, something weird will happen, or she'll fall asleep, and she doesn't want that to happen. All that within that simple response, huh?
Anyway, the meal is amazing. They have a moment of coincidence, sparking a little heart fluttering...and a wish that maybe, just maybe, there really could be something more.
But oh. Something weird DOES happen. Kasuga announces she plans to move out of her apartment soon.
Nomoto's world starts crashing down. As she hears WHY Kasuga is moving, it makes sense to her, logically. And, out of her love for Kasuga, forget romance, forget attraction, out of her love for this woman, she wants to help her.
...well, maybe.
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Nomoto is known to be a little selfish. She has a tendency to start enthusiastically taking over things or get chattery about her feelings. Things happened so suddenly, she was NOT expecting this outcome at all!
Kasuga moving away means she won't be nearby. She may not even be able to visit anymore. Just like that, she has lost her dearest friend, and it wasn't even due to her personal feelings. She's just...moving on, like all her previous friends did. Things are changing, for the worst, and she is scared.
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Her emotions are running wild. Her logical side takes a backseat. It's there, but it no longer has control. Nomoto has one last hope here. If she doesn't get it out, she will regret everything in the future.
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Nomoto is aware this was pretty much It. She was going to lose Kasuga with that move, anyway, but there was some hope that maybe, just maybe confessing may keep her here, close to her. If anything, her feelings are released, these feelings she had been bottling up for so long. If the worst-case scenario happened, she would be able to continue, maybe, but she'd be a much more somber woman afterward. At least she'd have Yako to talk to, right?
....Then we find out that Kasuga hadn't even finished her own comments from earlier. There was a part 2 to the whole thing! She wants Nomoto to room with her!
...OH! Nomoto, there you go yapping nervously and making mountains out of molehills! Hahaha, you can't even blame the alcohol on this one, this was all you! How their relationship will recover from this, she doesn't have a clue, but it SEEMS like it'll be okay, right??
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But then...a double whammy?!
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Kasuga says the feelings are mutual?! Can Nomoto's heart take all of this so fast?! She's been on an emotional roller coaster this whole time, I think she wants off now, to be honest!
What else is there to do, though?? Think, Nomoto, think!
Now, you would think, if this was a typical yuri, she would finally just get up and kiss Kasuga, huh? Well, this ISN'T your typical yuri. These ladies have grown up not really dealing with romantic relationships all their lives, not really caring about it, really. They are literal babies with 0 experience, so Nomoto does the one thing she can think of...
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And it's reciprocated.
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Congratulations, Nomoto. Your secret feelings no longer have to be secret. This journey you have gone through in the past few months has lead you to this. You not only have a girlfriend now, but the friendship is as strong as ever!
And omg, you actually held her HAND!! Pretty sure this was their first-ever moment of skinship!
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(Lmao Raven you released the blog announcement on Chinese New Year so imma play with the coincidence)
Lilia, I thought you might be bored by the normal handmade honmei chocolate by now so I brought you something a little different:
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They’re fish shaped chocolate coins. In the Land of the Red Long, the word “fish” is a homophone for “surplus” or “abundance”. It’s an auspicious item for our New Year, wishing our family to have so much food and wealth that it’s a “surplus”. I hope you find our customs somewhat interesting. And of course, my love for you is just as abundant \(//∇//)\
In fact it’s so abundant that one sloppy gift isn’t enough, so I made a short song for you!
One dream, a dream through time
Though you’re out reach like the sky
Your heart too big to only be mine
Still, you’re the one, please be my Valentine
— from Kibouka
You’re right, the initial announcement post went live on Chinese New Year 🐇 Creative way of tying that coincidence in with both TWST lore and your interaction!
Sweet on You.
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You finished your performance with a grandiose bow. The sole member of your audience enthusiastically clapped and cheered.
"Brava, brava!" Lilia called, his eyes twinkled like rubies inlaid in the ashen crust earth. The shine of the golden fish swimming in their red mesh bag paled in comparison to his smile. "What a moving serenade. I could feel your love overflowing from the lyrics. Space and time are of no consequence as long as you hold tight onto those feelings, hmm?
"Ah, and I can't forget your wonderful gift of course. I haven’t had the opportunity to pay a visit to the Land of the Red Long in quite some time. I was beginning to long for those days of travel—and here you are, having brought me a piece of that world yourself. Such a thoughtful gesture.
"Unfortunately, my command of their language is limited; I've only had the chance to pick up a few of the most commonly used phrases. However, I've noticed that the eastern part of Twisted Wonderland certainly does love its homophones. It lends itself to making charming puns. For example, one could say that this gift is most aus-fish-cious!"
You giggled at his attempt at a dad joke.
"My, I've still got it." Lilia said impishly, his fangs poking out from behind his lips. "In any case, you have my thanks for your gifts and for sharing your culture with me! May you, too, be blessed with all things good: luck, wealth, success, health, happiness, food, and, of course, love.
"Why, I think my heart is still overloaded and racing from your stirring performance!" he drawled, his voice as dark and as sweet as molasses. "It's going pitter-patter like a knight marching off to battle.
He leaned forward a bit, a hand on his hip. Cute, yet teasing.
"Shall I repay the favor by putting on my own private performance for you, Valentine? It just so happens that I've been composing a love song of my own. The title is a work in progress, but I've been calling it Let My Feelings Reach You Too. I think that would be fitting for this occasion."
His mouth cocked, and a slyness overtook his smile.
"Kufufu, I certainly hope you're a fan of death metal!"
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omegaremix · 5 months
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Sarah’s 2013-2015 Requests.
My Bloody Valentine announced a new album in 2013. The whole world was taken by total surprise because their fans assumed the project all but finished. After 22 years since releasing Loveless, they released MBV a week later and created a frenzy. That was our first exposure to the band. Yeah, we know. Don’t judge us. We decided to play “Who Sees You” on our eighth show and something changed. A listener saw our playlist and messaged us to say it would be awesome if we played more shoegaze. Our first correspondence was made.
Sarah* loved the Nineties and was obsessed with Kurt Cobain. I was totally aware of Nirvana all throughout my Brentwood days and was curious to what shoegaze encompassed, so I went with it. Omega WUSB were never sitting ducks and always looked to new directions. We asked her to send some ideas our way and we honored them on-air because we liked them. She thanked us and kept it going. Next thing I know, we were exchanging Cobain’s death conspiracy theories. It was crazy. So crazy that she wielded herself against other obsessive Cobain fans on Tumblr who believed that they communicated with him in the afterlife, or the time she took ma’s credit card and ordered $800.00 worth of music on Amazon, including the extremely rare “Pennyroyal Tea” disc single. Lucky Sarah.
During that time, she still exchanged music with us and we still fulfilled her requests. She was thrilled, and so was her boyfriend, who heard her requests on our shows. As time went forward I learned more about her. Big news: she went to the same university like I had. She used to smoke and drink but moved on from that and her ex- towards a healthier lifestyle. She recently moved in with her ma’ to get away from her father who was unbearably horrible to them. She hated him so much that she’s waiting out his death to receive the inheritance. But we held on to what had us start talking to each other: her love of the Nineties, all things Seattle, and her recent shoegaze finds. Requests weren’t enough, so she pitched a Nirvana B-sides and rarities broadcast, and we started building it. And, would you believe? Slowdive was about to tour. So she got two tickets for herself and her new boyfriend. The result? She loved it. He, on the other hand, didn’t care for it. She thought he ruined her experience by not liking them. So she made him cry after they left the venue.
Two years after our Omega WUSB’s genesis, my family switched towns; the same town Sarah’s tells me where she’s from. What a coincidence. She was happy that it’s been two years we were in touch. The time was right to finally meet up. I’ll never forget driving right from work in tight Friday rush-hour traffic heading eastbound to meet her at a coffeehouse. I said 5PM but traffic made it 6PM. I felt so horrible and nervous, hoping she’d still be there. But she was, sitting by herself with a cup of coffe and a slice of cheesecake. I profusely apologized to her but all was good. She greeted me with a hello, a handshake, and a smile; brown shoulder length curls, a new Sonic Youth shirt, and denim shorts. She was the first and still only person I met through this platform. For three hours sitting tight we went over everything imaginable: her fascination of Cobain, her hatred of her father, and how she loved the five times she used cocaine with her friends. You should’ve seen the look on her face when she told me.
But our conversation wasn’t just made of Cobain death theories, hatred, and her savory of coke. I asked Sarah about the time she made her boyfriend cry after the Slowdive show. She went more in-depth about their relationship. While both had career ambitions, our sit-down happened to be close to their two-year anniversary, though she wasn’t sure if she was to stay with him. The day we met up, however, was her boyfriend’s birthday. I asked why she was sharing this time with me instead of him? She thought holidays and birthdays were pointless. But onto more brighter pastures. She did have one positive story about how her and her boyfriend walked 10 hours from Fire Island back to her residence eastward. She showed me her tiny red iPod Nano, all 8 GB’s worth of Nineties shoegaze, My Bloody Valentine, and you guessed it all: some more Nirvana.
Three hours later, the coffeehouse closed shop and it was time to go. We walked out as Sarah showed me the fresh scrape on her new car her dad bought her. We agreed to stay in touch to collaborate on our pending Nirvana broadcast and shook on it. We say our goodbyes and parted ways for the night as I had burgers and fries afterward. A few rounds of talks later only consisted of her selling me her futon for $600 but I kindly passed on the offer as I bought my bedroom set from Ikea. Then, one Nirvana legend going back all the way to my days in Brentwood was finally confirmed: the Fecal Matter tape, consisting of a pre-Nirvana Cobain and The Melvins’ Dale Crover, was finally confirmed to be real and released in the wild. So I asked her what she thought. No response. A few days pass and I might have saw something else that interested us both, so I passed it on to her. Still, no response. I sent her one final message saying “hi”, seeing if everything was OK on her end. A hard nada. Then I realized…fuck, it’s dead between us. She stopped responding. No rhyme or reason.
It’s a downer that someone who once supported your show, went to the same campus as you, and lived in the same neighborhood as you bails out. It felt fucked up that a friend did this. I say “friend” because I wasn’t interested in her past what we had. It took some time to realize that maybe she thought differently. Making her boyfriend cry. Not celebrating their anniversary. Not seeing him in her future. There definitely were issues. Maybe she was playing chessboards and examinig her options. I could be wrong. It’s possible. Regardless of logistics, or lack thereof, ghosting someone instantly benefits those who do it and leaves the person on the other end dealing with more foolish involuntary games no one likes to play. Games like self-doubt, confusion, or feeling less-than. What was it? Because I was late to meet her? Was it due to my injury? Was it because I didn’t buy her futon? I’ll never know any of that. Nothing awesome about this, people.
However, one important thing we teach here on Ω+ is that we seperate the music from the individual. Your friends come and go, first encounters turn sour, and even valued relationships crash and burn. Their lasting impression, however, stays in the music they give you. We’ll take that. Cassettes, burned CDs, file trading, playlists over faults, we say. We always want the most of our connections and we always try our best to do right by them. We can’t write off how My Bloody Valentine opened our eyes with shoegaze to where it’s a regular thing on our broadcast. Bands like Black Tambourine and Courtney Love (not Hole, but the K Records-signed duo) made some of our better springtime moments like Shiny Two Shiny did during winter and Marine Girls in autumn. Skywave even became one of our favorites to play when we want to blow our broadcasts right out of the sky (Stargazer Lilies, too). Not all of the songs Sarah sent me made it to broadcast or even became favorites of mine. But, here’s one interesting way to feel where one’s head and heart is at.
Just like the discriminating hipster girl I met in Stony Brook’s art bloc who showed me Helium’s “XXX” (1995) or how one of my ex-’s opened my eyes to John Frusciante and riot grrl, music is the one thing that ends in a positive finish and still does good by us. There’s no ill will towards Sarah and it could’ve been worse. We wouldn’t want it that way. We can’t write someone off or their music entirely because of how it ended. When you look at it, it’s been nothing but good all the way through. These things happen for whatever reason, apparent or not. I know I’m not the only one. It’s one thing to ask for a modicum of respect. We can’t tell people what we want of them or how to feel. It’s another that the moves they make on us music-wise outweigh the bad. Those are the feel-good moves that truly stay with us.
Suffice to say, I never got around to the Nirvana tribute. But, what’s really keeping us from doing one? We may if there’s a significant anniversary or birthday close by because that’s the spirit. Shoegaze is a done deal and it’s a forever thing. Sarah and I haven’t spoken since and that’s a shame. The songs she’s given me always made for great memories. If anyone here is asking: we’re doing fine. Really. We are. How about you?
Sarah’s requests:
Bedflowers, The Songs: Summer 1990
Slowdive “Morningrise”
Black Tambourine “Black Car”
My Bloody Valentine “Only Shallow”
Young Marble Giants “Posed By Models”
Courtney Love (band) Uncrushworthy
Shiny Two Shiny “Through The Looking Glass”
Ceremony “Old”
Eternal “Breathe”
Cocteau Twins “Circling Girl”
My Bloody Valentine “Drive It All Over Me”
Clean, The “Beatnik”
Bats, The “North By North”
Clean, The “Anything Could Happen”
Young Marble Giants “Ode To Booker T”
Nirvana “Old Age”
Tiger Trap “Sour Grass”
Swirlies “Jeremy Parker”
Sonic Youth “Stalker”
Stereolab “Jenny Ondioline”
Marine Girls “In Love / Honey”
Beat Happening “Hey Day”
Broken Water “Heal”
Cocteau Twins “Watchlar”
Young Marble Giants “Brand New Life”
Beat Happening “Noise”
Sonic Youth “White Cross”
Mazzy Star “Halah”
L7 “Andres”
Go Team, The “935 Patterson”
Shop Assistants (various)
Mum (various)
Rocketship (various)
Skywave (various)
Teen Suicide (various)
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staceymcgillicuddy · 2 years
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Day 4: Handmade
There’s a crooked piece of tape on one side of the gift, and it’s driving Chrissy crazy. Two months of work, her first piece of the semester, an A+ from Mr. Morrow, meticulous gift-wrapping, and a crooked. Piece. Of. Tape. 
Miss Kelly would say she’s fixating on things she can’t control, but Miss Kelly didn’t wrap the damn present.
“I have something for you,” she says to Eddie upon entering the trailer, pushing the crooked tape down, as deep as it will go, into the locked cell where she keeps her mother, her ex, and her failings. 
Eddie, who has been home for hours because Hellfire doesn’t meet on Thursdays, looks intrigued. Cute, too, sitting on the couch, surrounded by notebooks, regular books, and graph paper he’ll use when he’s ready to make maps for the next campaign. 
“What for?” 
“Valentine’s Day,” she says.
The color drains from Eddie’s face. “I thought you said we weren’t doing presents.” 
“We’re not. It’s just a coincidence. Besides, it’s Wednesday, and Valentine’s isn’t until Friday, so… technically, it’s not.”
“You just said it was.” 
“Please don’t be so pedantic, Edward,” she said primly because he always laughs and wrinkles his nose like a startled hamster when she uses his full name. 
“Gross. Now I’m getting you something.” He puts his notebook to the side and holds out his arms. Chrissy settles on his lap with her backpack clutched to her chest. “So, what’d you get me?” 
“I didn’t get you anything. I said I have something for you.” 
“What, like a kiss?” 
“No, not like a kiss.” She unzips her bag and produces the rectangular package. The crooked tape is so, so visible to her, but Eddie doesn’t see it, and that’s not exactly why she’s fallen in love with him, except it kind of is? He’s the type of guy who sees over the trees to the forest, and that helps her remember there’s a way out when she’s lost in the woods. 
“Whoa, heavy,” he says as he takes the package. “Can I open it?” 
“That’s the idea.” 
He grins. Rips into the paper like it’s nothing to reveal a plain, wooden box. Pine, six inches by four inches, with dovetail joints and a hinged lid, cured with paste wax and presented without comment. 
Well, with a bit of comment. “I thought you could put weed in it, or your little figures, or whatever. I know it’s not that big, but I only had so much time, and—”
“You made this?” he says as his fingers run across the wood. Lift the lid. Peer inside with an awestruck grin. “Holy shit, Chrissy.” 
“It’s no big deal.” She plucks at a loose thread on his shirt. “You know I’m taking advanced shop.” 
“No, dude, it is a big deal. This is like… professional.” He looks at her, a grin on his face. “I’m gonna keep all my best stuff in here.” 
“All your best stuff,” she echoes, then laughs. “Like what?” 
“Like I’m gonna cut my heart out of my chest and drop it inside, probably.” 
“Hmm. I don’t know if the finish would stand up to bloodstains.” 
“Condoms, then,” he says with a grin. “And those panties I stole off you the first time I ate you out.” 
“And that’s your best stuff?” 
“Buddy, it doesn’t get any better.” 
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The girl was doing well in advanced shop! Her skills are perfect for a handmade gift.
Thanks to @amandaashplease for running the show!
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phanfictioncatalogue · 11 months
University (6) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
(and I spent all night) stuck on the puzzle (ao3) - carltzmann
Summary: It's Phil's first week of his final year of university, so really, he should be used to it by now. He should be able to behave normally when the cute guy down the hall is stepping out of the shower at the same time he's entering the bathroom.
Evidently not.
begin and never cease (ao3) - palomeheart
Summary: Dan is a grumpy second year law student living with reclusive, perpetual grad student named Phil. When the holiday season brings out a side of Phil that Dan’s never seen before, Meanwhile, when Phil finds out Dan hates all things festive, he makes it his goal to change Dan’s mind before Christmas. And also to find the perfect mince pie.
Change Will Come (ao3) - rainbowchristy
Summary: Dan’s a depressed university student. Phil’s just a cute coffee shop barista who writes notes on Dan’s hot chocolates.
Electrify My Heart (ao3) - counting2fifteen
Summary: Dan Howell picks his college major almost at random. Even after a gap year, he doesn’t know what he wants to do, so he supposes he might as well pick whatever will make him the most employable and impress the largest number of his relatives. Within his first semester, he knows he made a mistake and switches out. Except Dan’s major isn’t law. It’s computer science, and Phil is his TA.
Five Seconds (ao3) - starboydjh
Summary: Five seconds in a dusty university bookshop one night is all it takes to change Dan the work study master's student and Phil the PhD candidate’s lives for the better.
Flatmates (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: oh my god they were flatmates / the fuckboy!phil au we all deserve
give me all your hopeless hearts (ao3) - itsmyusualphannie (itsmyusualweeb)
Summary: Dan is a university student who doesn't believe in love, but when Valentine's Day rolls around, he feels himself suddenly falling for the boy who sits next to him in his writing 101 class. When they're assigned a project together, Dan has the brilliant idea to ask Phil out - for research!
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”
i don't know why (i can't keep my eyes off of you) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Starting a new university is hard enough without Phil having to convince his best friend PJ he doesn't have a crush on their other flatmate, Dan. He definitely does not have a crush on Dan.
knowing the way (ao3) - watergator (orphan_account)
Summary: dan meets phil at a party
based on the line in BIG, "trust me, i've known a lot of straight guys until a couple of drinks, some deep conversation and lingering eye contact, and suddenly they just start leaning in."
light through an open door (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: The only thing Dan’s trying to do is finish grad school and avoid talking about the very public crash and burn of his last relationship as much as possible. Meeting Phil, who’s working on his PhD in Philosophy, just like Dan’s ex was, is a coincidence. Now Dan’s just trying to finish grad school, avoid talking about his very public break up and try his hardest not to fall for a man who might hurt him the same way he’s been hurt before.
Pictures Of You (ao3) - CanDanAndPhilNot (enbycalhoun)
Summary: Punk Phil and (softish) Dan find out they are roommates after a couple stressful encounters.
Project with Phil (ao3) - Cuddlelester
Summary: Dan is an art student in his second year of college when he meets Phil, a film student in the same school. After getting paired for a project about queer expression they begin to grow close. Even though falling in love wasn't in the outline for the project, it had definitely happened.
robot in the dorms (ao3) - itsmyusualphannie (itsmyusualweeb)
Summary: dan goes to university in florida and meets his roommate phil. after a few months, and despite dan's facade of disinterest, he begins to actually like phil and his nerdy ways. the robot that phil designs doesn't help.
or: another "oh my god they were roommates" fic but COOLER because robots
snails kissing (ao3) - cloud-gays (wind_brewed)
Summary: Phil wants to be smooched and Dan wants to rescue snails.
Also called: Dan: the snail saviour; and Phil: the “maybe the real snails saved were the cuties we met along the way” guy.
snuggle up close, let me hold your pieces in place, even if just for a night (ao3) - natigail
Summary: It was just one thing after another really.
Broken down bus with a whole class of freshers.
Dingy hotel room that was cold as fuck.
No one wanting to share a room with Dan.
But then the TA Phil stepped up to the plate and defended Dan. Of course, it meant that the two of them ended up sharing a bed, and then the heater had to break. It's the perfect excuse for sharing body warmth and confessions.
Soft Speak with a Mean Streak (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Phil was a lonely film student; Dan was a mysterious new classmate he got stuck in with for a big project. It was only a matter of time and the right circumstances.
The Literal Other Half (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Dan arrives at Manchester University and feels a bit lost, luckily he gets an upperclassman as a tour guide and mentor of sorts. Coffee dates, friends and a lot of laughter finally enter his life - along with love.
This Could be the End of Everything (ao3) - rainbowchristy
Summary: Dan’s finally starting university, the phase of his life he’s been waiting for since he was a small child. His first real chance at freedom, away from his parents. Unfortunately, the universe has other plans for him.
time won't be enough, to make you fall in love (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: phil lester's first year of university, and how he's oblivious to how much he and dan howell like each other
Unlocked Doors (ao3) - TearDrop1234
Summary: Prompt: a university getting together au
What Phil Saw (ao3) - counting2fifteen
Summary: After their first night together, Phil knows he made a mistake sleeping with one of his students. Dan disagrees, but he's too busy having a crisis about his major to press the issue too much.
Or, the conversation Dan and Phil had after their first night together in Electrify my Heart, from Phil's point of view.
When the Weather Breaks (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: Sitting across from Phil on that worn out velvet Starbucks sofa, sharing sickeningly sweet coffees and what they would like to think were hushed giggles, was the first time Dan felt a glimpse at what real love could feel like.
Perception checks, pining, and peppermint mochas.
with a bullet (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: phil returns to his room after a party thrown by his housemates only to discover that there’s already someone in his bed
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racfoam · 5 months
Omg wjsjeosjekkd, I just read that scene with Harry dreaming about being killed and how she called Voldemort in chapter 37, and I loved everything about it! The descriptions, the dialogue, you have a way with words and is so amazing. Im truly mesmerized by your writing!
Also are you on your one piece era? Who's your favorite, besides Doffy? :3
Anon, that makes me so happy to hear! 🥹
The scene in Ch 37 was one I had sitting for a long time and was really excited to share and it makes me so happy to know you liked it. I'm so proud of it. Thank you for the kind words! ❤️
I am indeed in my One Piece era!
Funny thing is, I started watching One Piece after watching the Live Action like a day after, so it was like 1st September I started my journey. And throughout it, I didn't like get the like hyperfixation.
Until Doflamingo showed up at Punk Hazard and I was like 😳. And then Dressrosa came and I fell in love with this pink feather coat wearing man. I love men who dress flamboyantly and who have self-confidence to do so. Makes them so incredibly charming to me. Also, Doflamingo's funny as hell. I cackled for 5 minutes straight to his reaction to Usopp. Are his laughs eerie? Yes. Are his smiles and laughs also cute as fuck? Yes. Yes, they are.
Anon, I didn't just watch Dressrosa. No, no, no no. I lived and BREATHED Dressrosa. I watched 57 episodes within 8 days. That was in February. I finished the arc within 2 weeks because I couldn't stop watching. Funny thing, I watched the entrance into Dressrosa on Valentine's Day. Entering the country of love and passion on Valentine's Day? Coincidence? I think not. It would be hilarious if the day actually was in universe Valentine's Day. Imagine getting your ass beat by a flip flop-wearing feral 19-year-old midget who calls you Mingo (that nickname is so fckn cute) who is fighting you because a girl bought him lunch... all on Valentine's Day. I'd never go out in public again. I felt bad for Doffy a bit. Ten years of work, destroyed in one single day because a stupid girl bought this rubber moron food. Anyway, I love Doffy so much, he's my husband 🩷😊 DRESSROSA FOREVAH!
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I have now watched Ep 999 and have stopped watching cus I'm waiting for my Discord friends to catch up, so I'm taking a big break now.
Oh, fav chars! Man, there's so many. If I had to like pick besides Doffy, it'd be Luffy. He's so loveable, so funny, so cute, and I love that his design is very ordinary, with black hair and eyes, unlike the other protags who all have crazy colour schemes like purple hair or purple eyes or other vibrant colours. Luffy was genuinely a breath of fresh air to me. He... especially his sad moments/low points really hit hard with me, mostly because I've never seen emotions and the psychological toll and how they feel portrayed so well in fiction. Not only with Luffy, but especially with adult characters, too.
Luffy is my baby boy, he must be protected.
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Other fav chars are: Sanji, Chopper, Jimbei, Law (he must be protected too, I was a sobbing mess after his backstory. I relate to Adult Law regarding personality, haha), my fire boy Ace 🔥, Robin, Shanks, Mihawk, Katakuri my donut boy 🍩, and Rosinante 💙.
For the Donquixote Pirates members I really liked Gladius. He was so cute as a spiky blowfish. Reminded me of a hedgehog, too.
Also, Fujitora! He and Coby are the only Marines I like and respect.
I feel flattered this is now called my One Piece Era. Makes it sound epic. Heck yeah, I'm in my One Piece Era! Yeaaaah!
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years
Top 3 fav fanfic that you wrote 🥰
Oh that’s a good question! Below the cut to save space.
Also, I’ve written a few chaptered fics and some one-shots so I’ll share my 3 favorite chaptered fics and my 3 favorite one shots! I’m also working on an “author’s choice” masterlist so all my faves will be there once I'm finished. They're in no particular order.
Fluff Content marked with 💘
NSFW Content marked with 🌶️
Non-Con Content marked with 😈
(Please don't engage with non-con if you're uncomfortable with it, obvs)
Cherry Pie 🌶️ - AO3 - TUMBLR
It's Valentine's Day. You and Steven have been dating for a little while, and decide to take things a step further tonight. Neither of you expect this to be the night that Steven discovers a kink he has, and neither of you expect it to go this far. Part 13/28 of the 2023 February Fuck and Fluff Challenge
A Spetsnaz Initiation (All Spetsnaz X f!Reader) 😈 - AO3 Exclusive
You are a new Rainbow Six recruit and you are finished up training for the day. Kapkan invites you to the Spetsnaz sector in order to learn how to use a knife better in close combat. What you thought was going to be a nice and warm introduction, turned out to be more than you had anticipated.
The Moon Boys and Periods 💘 - AO3 - TUMBLR
Headcanons of the first period the Moon Boys experience with their SO.
Chaptered Fics:
A Bit Dodgy 🌶️- AO3 - TUMBLR
It's not ready yet, but I just KNOW that my Moon Knight series is going to be a favorite of mine. I've already been so obsessed with everything to do with it.
The Recruit and the Hunter🌶️ - AO3 Exclusive - In progress
After spending a year in the Rainbow Six recruit program, you were selected to be an official Rainbow Recruit. As a new recruit, you haven’t been on any missions yet, and grow anxious when your first one approaches. Due to the urgency of the mission, it was difficult to gather some of the more expertly trained, and well regarded, Rainbow Operators, and so they called upon you to do the job as one of the better skilled recruits suited for the mission.
Alongside Kapkan, Doc, Smoke, and Jager, you have to stop an incoming White Mask attack on a bank. When you make a mistake that nearly fails the mission, and almost gets you and Kapkan killed, you question your position in Rainbow, and whether or not you truly belong there. Kapkan didn’t want you to join them in the first place, and is especially upset when you prove him right. Is he ever going to forgive you for the mistake you made? Or will he always be irritated by the mere thought of you.
Just You 😈 - AO3 Exclusive - In progress
You are a normal girl who works a normal job at a local bakery. You were having a normal day, taking a normal walk through a secluded area in the park when you happen upon a strange man. He strikes up an awkward conversation with you, before abruptly asking you on a date. You aren’t sure what it is about him, but you feel inclined to say yes.
As a time goes by, you start to notice things are getting strange, like despite not ever having told him your schedule, this man seems to know exactly where to find you at almost any time of day. Things get even more strange when murders begin happening around you. While the coincidences are too many to number, you refuse to acknowledge them. He’s so nice, he couldn’t possibly be a killer…right?
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
Writing/Art Update 2/14/2023
Welp, the great "don't force myself to write when I don't wanna" experiment is over. I got real heckin' depressed and it was bad, so I started making myself write again, and it lifted. Perhaps it's a coincidence, I don't know, but this sort of holds with how the last four years of my life have been going. Trying to scrape dregs out of an empty jar isn't exactly fun, but it's what I gotta do, I guess.
Anyway, the good news is that I'm not being too mean to myself. I stole @bleachbleachbleach 's method of requiring myself to write one sentence on my WIP every day. I've managed to make it every day. One of the main things that happened (and this sort of thing always happens when I set goals) is that I realized that if I did only one sentence a day, it would take me forever to finish, which has pushed me to do more than the minimum. For the first few days of the week, I was doing about 100 words a day, which is still very paltry, but I think I've done more than that the last few days.
The thing I am working on is a story I started in 2019, which I have always been very fond of, except that it's a mess. The first paragraph is in a difference POV than the rest of it. It's mostly written in the present tense, except where it's not. Most importantly, it just sort of stops where I ran out of ideas. It's possible this was not the best possible project for me to dive into in my current mental state. I've been working on it, but I feel like it keeps getting worse 😂. Like, I re-wrote that first bit, and I just don't like it as much. Also, even though I know I should never, ever, never ever write in the present tense...I... think it works better that way? I'm seriously considering switching it back?? Also, it is primarily a world-building story, and as soon as I started on it, I realized that there were a bunch of holes in my world-building and it's been so hard to make any kind of decisions about anything. (I spent a week trying to figure out if this one guy has a wife or not. It seems like a thing I should just be able to decide except that it's also sort of the entire crux of the story)
At least I didn't have to start from nothing. The original story was about 2900 words, and my intuition is that the final product is going to end up between 5 and 10k. This is a great size for a story, the easiest size of story to write, and I'm honestly just mad that I'm so bad at all of this, and I'm worried that at the end of the day, the thing is gonna suck because I've lost my touch. Anyway, right now, it's 1768. It's nowhere near what I know I'm capable of when I'm on (when I'm really fucking on), but I'm faking it 'cause I have to, and it's going okay, I guess.
I don't know what's up with my art, either! I just don't really have any ideas I'm excited about! I did a tutorial this week with some pastel brushes, and then I turned around and did a Valentine's Day art project with the same brushes. I feel like it's probably a good time to do some skillbuilding, but, man, skillbuilding kinda sucks. 😂
The one good thing that did happen this week is that I finally made a decent loaf of sourdough! Look at these guys!!
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They were so springy and good in the middle and nice and crusty on the outside! The secret turned out to be a combination of getting my starter more active generally, and actually following an every-six-hour feeding schedule the day before I baked it (the last feeding was ten hours because it was overnight and I had to get my kid off to school in the morning) It was 100% naturally leavened (no commercial yeast at all). I followed this King Arthur recipe.
The discard recipe of the week was Little Spoon Farm Blueberry Muffins, which were every bit as good as the recipe promised, if you like sweet, cakey, grocery-store style muffins. Little Spoon Farm is becoming my go-to for discard recipes, they haven't missed yet.
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mattved · 1 year
Mega projects
Two years ago, I changed jobs.
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The role of BI Analyst that I moved from was about 80% hard-skill based. I took on it while living with a disability resulting from post-operation difficulties and it served me well, providing me with great work-life balance at acceptable wage. Thanks to the arrangement, I was able to take care of myself, deal with my physical handicap, and finally undergo a couple of surgeries, which restored my somewhat healthy status.
Following that, I finally started properly recovering mentally. Soon, I had been able to take on many of my previous hobbies other than gaming. I bought a bicycle, which I'd driven the 20 odd kilometers to work couple of times and even managed to climb the way to the dorms where my then girlfriend (now wife) stayed. I also managed to recondition and sell off computer hardware that I had had piling up for a good while then. I started new electronics projects and fixed appliences for friends and family. I redesigned my blog, made a website, designed a brandbook for an acquaintance, and edited hours of videos. It was almost as if I were back at the uni with little extra money, which allowed me to invest into stuff.
The next obvious thing to happen for any purpose-driven individual was becoming more proactive at work. I suggested expansion and overall improvement of architecture behind the firm's BI suite, because it was clearly necessary - more on that in an earlier article. In spite of my being categorized under finance, there was no real budget for it and most of my proposals ended up in an abbyss. I even paid for Google Cloud resources to automate some of the data science stuff.
When a new CTO came in and things finally started to move, he was more keen on bringing his own people to do the important work. Myself, being previously involved in projects of country-level importance including system implementation and process redesign, even being offered a similar role in the Netherlands, albeit shortly before being diagnosed with cancer, I felt it was unfair not to give me the opportunity. So I left to seek it elsewhere.
I found it with a firm two miles from my birthplace, which was founded some two years after I was born. [Coincidence? Likely.] They (or rather we) are a used car retailer and at that point in time needed to replace an old CRM system. And that's what I was tasked with, all the way from technology and supplier tender to the launch and establishment of iterative development cycles. It was notch up from what I did some time before then, exactly the challenge I felt I needed.
Supported by the director of ICT with profound experience working with a global logistics giant, I completed the implementation in two years. The role encompassed project management, across business stakeholders and external suppliers, creating technical specifications, but most of all, doing a lot of the programming myself - especially the integrations. Along the way, I was joined by a teammate, whom I slowly handed over the responsibility of overseeing the operations and providing L1 - L2 support.
The final 9 months leading up to that were particularly difficult, though - finalizing every little bit to the continually adjusting requirements put forward by the key process owners. In the week before go-live, I worked double hours to finish everything and enable a "big bang" transition. D-Day 3 am, I had to abort due to not making the final data migration in time, meaning that the switch happened on Valentine's day.
The extended care period, over which we had to fix every single bug and reduce glitches took about two more months. And even though we managed to present the whole thing as complete, oversight and further expansion still take about two days of my week.
Over the duration of the CRM project, I was fully invested in it and still managed to deliver some extras, like helping out with reporting, integrating Windows users repository with chip-based attendance system from late '00s, working with some weird APIs, and administering two servers loaded with devops utilities.
Personal life did not suffer entirely. I dedicated most to spending time with my girlfriend, even managed to marry her during that period. There were some home-improvement activities that needed to be done and a small number of hurried vacations. But all my side-projects and hobbies ended up being on hold.
And that is literally the only thing I regret about the project and, to date, from the whole job change. Now is the time to try and pick up where I left off. Regaining the momentum in writing and video editing will be particularly difficult. My wife wants me to help out with her cosplay, so I have good motivation to return to being crafty again and refresh the experience from when I made a LARP crossbow and melee weapons. Furthering home-improvement is a big desire of mine but cost is an issue nowadays, with rent and utilities being entirely on my shoulders.
And then there are two things that I want to achieve that I failed at for way too long. Obtaining a driver's license (or possibly making my wife get it) and losing weight. The latter, I am working on with the handy calorie tracking app that dine4fit.com is, especially in my current region, and my Garmin watch. We will hopefully go swimming again soon as well. The former is a whole different story surrounded by plenty of trauma that still needs some recovery and obviously the sacrifice of cost and time to complete it.
I believe I have now strongly improved my work-life balance, by far not to what I was used to at the uni, but to a level that should let me do things that I want to do. And I wish to maintain it for a while. Maybe before embarking on yet another mega project, albeit with a much better starting point than the one I had in this case? Who knows.
And about the money, I believe a spike will come eventually, with transition to another employer, most likely. But the longer I am here, the more experience comes my way in doses much greater than those I would get elsewhere if I were to move just now. I'm 28 and if I lose weight and make sure to overcome obstacles of personal nature, I will do better. As for not being a millionaire by the age of 30, I should be able to handle that.
I almost died five years ago, gave up on pursuing my master's, lost the chance to take on the opportunity I had in the Netherlands, and now live where I'd wished, even managed temporarily, to move away from. I do well understand how scarce our time is, but I have to cut myself some slack when others don't (upcoming article "cancer perks"). For what it is, I still rock, don't I?!
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hstylesloverr · 2 years
dad!harry x singer!reader | the series’s masterlist | part two.
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parining: dad!harry x singer!reader
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of pregnancy, vomiting, nausea, angst, baby denial. 
May, 2019.
Harry Styles was sleeping soundly in the king-size bed he shared with his girlfriend when the unpleasant sounds from the bathroom grew louder as Harry woke up. His eyes had to adjust to the morning light, and when he leaned down to look at the clock on his nightstand he saw that it was only a quarter past six in the morning. There was no way Y/N was up this early. Unless it was something really urgent.
Harry woke up quickly and apprehensively made his way to the bathroom, where he saw his girlfriend kneeling in front of the toilet, throwing up and making really nasty noises.
"Y/N, babe." Harry quickly knelt down beside her, twirling her hair to keep it from getting smeared with vomit and gently stroking her back.
After about a minute the vomiting stopped completely, Harry quickly handed her a piece of paper to clean up and a glass of water to get the vomit taste out of her mouth, Y/N smiled slightly at him in thanks and gladly accepted them.
Harry rubbed her back gently "Honey, maybe you should go to the doctor, I heard there's a stomach bug."
"It's nothing, Harry." Y/N shrugged. “I'm sure it's the pizza you cooked yesterday, I already told you that you put a lot of cheese on it.”
Harry pretended to be offended “The pizza was in perfect condition.”
"Whatever you say, cook." She kissed him on the cheek before getting up from the bathroom floor and going back to bed. Harry followed her after closing the bathroom door and making sure everything was in perfect order.
"I'm serious Y/N, maybe you should see a doctor."
Y/N rolled her eyes, but at Harry's seriousness she finally relented.
"Okay, I promise if I keep feeling bad I'll go to the doctor."
The topic was not mentioned again for the rest of the morning. Harry had to go into the studio early to finish perfecting some songs for his new album due out later that year, and Y/N was going to have lunch with her friends and bandmates, and then they'd have to start organizing events. for her tour that would start early next year.
Harry moved closer to Y/N to give her their usual goodbye kiss as she reached for the pair of sock in her hand, however, the girl scowled and quickly pushed him away.
“What's happening?” Harry said, surprised and offended at the same time.
“What perfume did you wear? It is awful.”
“It was the one you gave me for Valentine's Day!” Y/N frowned and moved closer to Harry to sniff him, however it was a bad idea as she immediately gagged.
"My God, I'm literally nauseated. It is impossible for it to be my perfume, I have good taste. Are you sure it's not the one Jeff gave you?”
Harry rolled his eyes in exasperation. And before Y/N could react he pulled her close to him and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.
“I'm leaving, I'm already late. Bye, I love you.”
Y/N smiled slightly.
"I love you too." As Harry opened the door to their apartment and started to leave, Y/N yelled at him. “Seriously, tell Jeff to learn how to pick better perfumes!”
She heard her boyfriend's light chuckle, followed by the sound of the door closing.
When Y/N took her car to go to the cafeteria where she would meet Rosé, Lisa and Jisoo, she saw her mother's incoming call on her mobile. She hurried to pick it up.
“Mom! how is everything?”
"It's all right, darling. And you?”
“Well, now I was going with the girls to have some breakfast, what are you doing now?”
“I was trying to make an appointment with a couple, the woman is pregnant and apparently all my available days this week coincide with her doctor, gynecologist and nutritionist appointments.”
Her mother worked in interior design, and even though she no longer needed to work as Y/N's fame had spread worldwide and money was not in short supply to speak in modest terms, Y/N's mother was really passionate about her job and didn't want to leave it before retirement.
“What does a nutritionist have to do with a pregnancy?” Y/N asked mockingly as she climbed into the driver's seat of his car.
“Nutrition during pregnancy is very important, darling. When I was pregnant with you, aside from nausea caused by any kind of smell, I had to stop eating peanuts, and you know how much I love peanuts.”
"Yeah, it must have been really hard for you," Y/N commented nonchalantly as she put the call on speaker and started his car. However, after making in the realization of what her mother had said, she frowned and said in a voice perhaps too shrill than it should have been. “Mom, did you have a lot of nausea when you were pregnant?”
"Of course, honey, I was throwing up at least five times a day during the first trimester. However, the second quarter was pretty good.”
“And you had nausea like... for example... with a perfume?”
"Oh yes, your father's perfumes really made me sick. I made him throw them all away the first week, why the question?”
"Ah, nothing is...just curious." Y/N cleared her throat and decided she couldn't drive anymore, so she headed to the nearest public garage so no fans or paparazzi could see her. “I have to hang up mom, uh... I'll call you later.”
"Sure, darling, bye. Say hi to Harry for me.”
Y/N just hung up and settled in the emptiest part of the garage. She turned off the engine and rested her forehead on the steering wheel, trying to control her breathing. She thought about calling Harry and telling him her worries, but was she really pregnant? what if she wasn't and it was just the pizza Harry cooked last night and she was worrying about nothing?
She quickly grabbed her phone and went to the calendar app where she had all her menstrual periods listed, since she wasn't very good at remembering those things. She frantically looked at the months of January, February, March, and April. Nothing in May. Her period was supposed to have come three weeks ago. Any. Y/N sank completely into her seat, suddenly feeling very cold.
She and Harry had a very active sex life, meaning they fucked almost every day. But they always took preventive measures. Apart from that, they had only been together for a year and a couple of months, isn't it supposed that to have a child you have to have been together for a longer time, like five years or so?
Then there were their careers. They were both singers and they were currently the most famous of the moment, they were busy with their songs, tours, meetings, photo shoots, recordings, interviews, how the hell was a child going to fit into all that? Harry and Y/N had barely had time to spend the last few months, how could they have time for a child?
Harry had always wanted children, he had known from a very young age, but was this really the time? What if Y/N is a bad mother and her son hates her for the rest of his life?
As Y/N was about to cry, her cell phone vibrated with an incoming call. Y/N looked at the name and saw that it's Lisa, so she hurriedly grabbed it.
“Y/N, pretty, we're all in the cafeteria, where are you?”
"I, uh... I'm coming, I'll be there in a moment," Y/N said with such a small voice that for a moment she thought Lisa hadn't heard her.
“Everything is alright?”
“Yes, everything is fine, calm down, I'm coming.”
“You don't sound good at all.”
Y/N cleared her throat.
“I'll be there in a moment.”
When Y/N arrives at the cafeteria, wearing a hat and glasses strategically placed so as not to be recognized, her friends are already waiting for her at a table and when Y/N sits next to them they greet each other affectionately.
"I think I'll order an American coffee," said Rosé as they looked at the menu to start ordering lunch. Lisa and Jisoo also ordered coffee and when Y/N nonchalantly said that she would go for a decaf Jisoo frowned.
“But if you hate decaf, you even got mad at Mitch for ordering a decaf, you said "why are you going to order a decaf, that's not even coffee!" "
Y/N was beginning to regret having so strongly professed her hatred of decaf coffee. But since she didn't know if she was pregnant or not, and wouldn't know until she bought two pairs of pregnancy tests, she couldn't take that chance.
"You're weird," Rosé observed, staring at her. “Are you sick?”
"Harry told us yesterday that you were sick to your stomach," Lisa commented, "you should go see a doctor, there's a stomach bug somewhere."
Y/N decided there was no point in lying to her friends, I mean, they'd known each other for over four years, and they'd been through all sorts of things together. Besides, she needed to vent to someone because if she didn't she thought she was going to go crazy.
“Actually, it's because...” Y/N wrung her hands nervously “I think I'm pregnant.”
A crushing silence fell over them. Jisoo was the first to react.
“Pregnant? You’re going to have a baby?”
"It's not... I'm not sure, but I've been waking up for a couple of days and running to the bathroom to throw up, and I'm constantly nauseous, and the perfume Harry was wearing today almost made me throw up, plus I was supposed to have gotten the period three weeks ago so... I don't know what to do guys, should I tell Harry? Or should I wait until I get tested to tell him?”
Lisa, who was at her side, gently placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.
”We are going to buy several pregnancy tests. That way you'll get out of doubt. And... whatever comes out, we'll work from that.”
Rosé and Jisoo immediately agreed. So they canceled all the meetings they had for the rest of the day and headed to the nearest pharmacy.
Since they were at risk of anyone seeing them, and seeing that they were buying pregnancy tests and chaos breaking out over Y/N and Harry, they decided that it would be better for neither of them to take off their hats and glasses and also buy other things to deflect the attention.
Jisoo was the one who took it upon herself to buy wrinkle creams first before quickly heading over to the pregnancy section and quickly grabbing four boxes, quickly throwing them into the shopping cart along with the creams, and pretending to be normal. Rosé and Y/N put in a couple of boxes of diarrhea pills and Lisa put in a large bottle of rubbing alcohol and gauze pads. They pretended to be completely normal and when they went to the register to pay they made sure not to look up at any time.
In the end they came out with three bags and the pregnancy tests well hidden in them. If by any chance someone had recognized them, they would only be seen with three pharmacy bags that could contain anything.
Harry wouldn't be home until five in the afternoon, so they had about five and a half hours to take the test and decide what they would do depending on the result. Y/N took the four boxes and entered the bathroom, while the others waited for her outside.
Since Y/N had never taken a pregnancy test before, she spent at least eight minutes reading the instructions. She followed all the instructions and when she finished all four tests she had to wait at least five minutes. Her hands were sweaty and she felt numb as she left the bathroom and announced to the others that now they would just wait.
She sat next to Rosé while Lisa set the timer. Her mind was in a kind of loop where she could only imagine herself telling Harry over and over again: I'm pregnant. Sometimes those repetitions alternated and the result was either Harry extremely happy telling Y/N and their son how much he loved them, or it was Harry getting mad at her, or it was Harry not saying a word and just walking away.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Lisa's cell phone, announcing that the five minutes had passed. The three gazes of her friends landed on Y/N, who without saying a word went back to the bathroom, to the sink, where the four tests were perfectly placed.
When Y/N came out of the bathroom again, so pale her skin was starting to turn purple, Lisa, Rosé, and Jisoo approached her worriedly.
Y/N didn't say anything, just handed the evidence to Jisoo and headed to her room, slamming the door shut. Jisoo raised her arm and the three of them looked worriedly at the word inscribed on each of them.
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wooahaes · 2 years
handmade with love
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pairing: mingyu x fem!reader
prompt: n/a [priv bday prompts]
word count: 0.9k~
warnings: food mention. suggestive talk. also you smack mingyu with a pillow for being fucking CHEESY.
daisy’s notes: when will a man make me chocolates actually. also know the other fic being posted today having the exact same prompt as this one was a complete coincidence.
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There were few sights sweeter than seeing your boyfriend dressed up in a suit, and you were pretty sure Mingyu knew what it did to you. But he showed up at your door, having said nothing else to you the entire day except a “happy birthday” text in the morning (sappier than that: you knew you’d wake up to him telling you sweet nothings in text form) and a request to wear something nice when he came to pick you up. But he showed up with a white box in one hand, neatly tied with bright red ribbon, you half-swore that he forgot it was your birthday and hopped right back to Valentines Day.
“Happy birthday,” he said as he kissed you, stepping into your apartment. “You look beautiful.”
Of course, Mingyu happened to get there half an hour early and was saying this to you, makeup half-done and not fully dressed, but it was the thought that counted, right?
He walked in, collapsing onto your couch with a quiet groan. You looked back at him, “Long day?”
He waved it off. “Just tired.”
“We don’t have to go out,” you called over your shoulder as you went to retrieve your makeup mirror--just to bring it where you could comfortably finish up your makeup while catching up with Mingyu. “I’m happy making dinner for us--”
“Ah, jagi,” he called out, “I’m okay. It’s your birthday. You shouldn’t have to do work.”
With that, you walked over, pressing a quick kiss against his lips. “It’s not work to take care of you,” you said. “You know that.” And then you nodded toward the box in his lap. “Is that for me?”
He held it up, shaking it slightly. You could hear something rustle inside the box. “Do you want it?” He asked, eyes gleaming as he smiled at you. “I made it for you.”
You reached for the box, only for him to jerk it out of your reach. “Gyu.” You pouted, and then pressed another kiss to his lips.
Satisfied, he pressed it into your hands. “You can’t have any now,” he warned as you sank down into the spot next to him. “But I still want you to see them.”
With a tug, the little bow he had tied for you came loose, and you wiggled the top off of the box. Inside were rows of chocolate, neatly decorated  with little hearts and swirls on each one. Astonished, you set the box down on your lap as you looked up at him. “You made these?”
“I have extra chocolate leftover,” he said, reaching for your free hand. “In case you want to...”
The goofy grin he gave you said everything, and you smacked his arm. He laughed at you, before pulling your hand over to press a kiss against the back of it.
“We took a class together once,” he admitted. “So I used my knowledge from that. I hope you like them,” he leaned forward. “Happy birthday,” Mingyu whispered against your lips, before capturing you in another kiss. When he pulled away, he gave you that same corny grin. “You’re sweeter than any chocolate--”
And then he fell back, laughing as you smacked his shoulder for being so goddamn cheesy. “Really?!”
“Ah, jagi--” He whined out, still laughing as you grabbed the nearest pillow, careful to set the box of chocolates on your coffee table first, “I just wanted to see your reaction!”
You pummeled him a bit further with the pillow, his hands raised to catch and tug it from your grasp. With ease, Mingyu pulled you to him, just holding you against his chest as he came back down from that high of laughter. “Gyu,” you mumbled, “I need to finish getting ready.”
“Mingyu,” you whined, trying to free yourself from his arms. “We can cuddle later, you big dork. If you’re going to take me out to dinner, then do it--but I’m not letting you cook tonight when you’re already tired.”
With that, his grip loosened around you. “Okay,” he said with a blissful sigh. “You look so pretty like this.”
You gave him a look as you stood up. “Half-dressed?”
“Smiling,” he gestured toward the corners of his mouth. “I love being able to tell the others about how happy my girlfriend is.”
You rolled your eyes as you started to make your way back to your mirror. “Do you really talk about me that much?”
He sat up, watching you lovingly as you finished off the makeup look you were trying out. “I like telling my friends about you,” he said, his smile falling as he watched you longer. “Don’t you?”
“Tell my friends?” You asked, watching him nod. “Yeah, of course,” you looked back in the mirror, looking closely at your eyeliner. The color contrasted in such a pretty way with your skin, it made you smile. “They know about my adorably sweet boyfriend who cooks for me. I think one of them is still planning on stealing you, actually.”
“Are you worried?” He teased, “That she could?”
You shook your head. “You’re my lover boy,” you smiled back at him. “She can find her own Mingyu. You’re mine.”
He loved that confident look on your face. Sometimes it could be rare (especially early on in your relationship: he had reassured you a few times that he loved you, busy as he was, and that he’d always be there unless and until either of you fell out of love), but he liked to see the pretty way your eyes seemed to light up when you called him yours. And he was: he considered himself one-hundred-percent yours at this point. He wasn’t ignoring those other obligations (and you knew that he never could) but his heart?
Yours. Always and forever.
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comet-wire · 2 years
Please read before following!!
Edit Jan 14,2023: I would appreciate it if you could like this post so I know people are reading it, it's not required but it would REALLY help a lot. Thank you.
Heya! The name's Val/Comet, please check out my carrd for information about the admin as well as links to other socials and other names and pronouns I go by!
There are also Spotify playlists for my OCs and my pets, some are still in the works but the ones that have been made are already up. I may not post allot about my OCs on Tumblr but I have more information on my Instagram!
My other socials are listed in carrd aswell as my DNI and comforts list. Along with resources to help others and for mental health.
My mini ARG for my OC series (Cupid daze) and the start of my comic Horror Comedy Passion project (Sweet tooth bats) is in my carrd, but I have also linked it separately in my Cupid Daze and Sweet tooth bats section below in this post, respectively.
Cupid Daze blog: @cupid-daze
Sweet Tooth Bats archive blog: @sweet-tooth-bats
Carrd located here.
Please read before interacting!!
If you want to support me and my art, Instagram is where I post my OC art the most! But I also post here when I can and over at @cupid-daze
Read my comic, Sweet Tooth Bats on comic fury!
(Edit:Also I am a young adult! But I can't put my age up at the moment because bots like to terrorize me the most, I think they think I'm one of them but I'm not and I'm terrified 😟 I find when I don't put my age in my bio,they don't come after me)
Edit Nov 2nd 2022: Reminder for new and old followers alike, I am a person just like everyone else and I have a tendency to disappear and reappear with actual content that are not reblogs. I want to say this because I am a retired cosplayer (I want to cosplay again at some point but not right now so I'm considerably retired) and I know what it's like to feel like I have to dish out content every day or every other day, I will not be doing this with my art as I just post things that are finished or somewhat finished, I think are fun/funny and are relating to my interests. I also say this because this year has been particularly hard for me for personal reasons regarding loosing loved ones and subjects such as loosing motivation, suddenly gaining motivation, and then loosing it all over again which often coincides with depression etc. Not to sound like a broken record but again I have a tendency to disappear off social media (usually to focus on myself and other instances) and I am a young adult, I do not post super mature things outside of horror etc, but I do ask for younger followers to not be weird about things it puts both of us in potential danger and this goes for other content creators outside of me as well. I mention this because when I cosplayed I got simp comments every now and again for the character I was cosplaying and that is super uncomfortable especially if that is from anyone under 17-18,and I just wish for that not to repeat if I do cosplay again and/or with any of my art as I have OCs that are considered attractive (ex: Valentina Valentine, who is an asexual and her whole character revolves around wanting to be seen more as a person than an object; so it will make me super if not violently uncomfortable if I get super s3xual comments about her). I also just want this blog to be an overall safe space for people of color and/or LGBTQ community, including furrys but excluding z00philes and so on.
Please and thank you. I am wishing everyone the best and please stay hydrated and eat when you are able to! Get rest as well! Be safe and take care dears!
Edit Jan 14,2023: Also I want to say again this is a safe space for everyone except problematics/proshippers etc.
I want to also add that if you cannot respect my boundaries as a person and creator, and not only just mine but others aswell, I will ask you to leave or if you were to hypothetically continue harassing anyone or just being overall not respectful to one another that will not be tolerated and you will be blocked.
I do not mean to come off as unpleasant but I want people to be aware. Thank you for understanding.
Mel/Moth-Moments <3
Mel arrives
Theories with Mel:The Owl House
Waking up in Ohio
Bacon Bacon Bacon
The Jong™
Glitch in the Splatoon plaza
Mel/Moths art!!
Mel's OCs:The Owl House;Indigo Nypan
Mel's OCs:Kirin and Ryu!
Mel's art:Us!!
Mortal Afterlife:Cover art
Mel/Moths OC: Dante
Mel/Moths OCs: Indie and Leaf - TOH
Cupid Daze
Mini ARG
Cupid Daze Blog
Valentina and her Borzoi
Portfolio idea & Ramblings
Cupid Daze official blog pinned post
Voice Claims:pt 1
Fuck it we ball(ft. Old art)
Young Valentina Valentine
Sweet Tooth Bats (Comic)
Official/Archive blog- Sweet tooth bats
Concepts and Reference sheet:Kevin/Kirby, Ripley, Salem (art)
Kirby/Kevin - inspiration and influence
Kirby the jester - art & reference
Salem Cynfael - outfit idea (art)
Jester harassment - doodle
Prologue: A vampires tears... - cover art
Holly the Joval - art -Kirby lore
Promo art/posters so far
Mornings with the trio - art/video
Hello puppets muse AU by Handeemuse
Muse-sona ref
Muse Jr ft. Muse-sona ref
Muse & Nick Nack interactions/art:
Height difference
Silly art discussions
Muse carrying Nick
Muse Jr made art for Nick
Hello Puppets!
Figuring out Owen Gubberson (Rough sketches/art)
Nick and Riley's dynamic moment
Canon Mortimer slander
This puppet is such a _ person
Nick and Riley are Tumblr sexyman/woman material
More Owen rough sketching
Riley Ruckus autism supremacy
Daisy Danger our beloved!
Post midnight show Riley Ruckus doodles ft. Sasha
Riley's Hair
Canon Cereal box art by Buglii-muligans
Headcanon's: Rivalry
Owen is exhausted (Video)
Riley's biggest mammal list
Riley Head pats
Self insert & Riley Ruckus: Self indulgence/AU
Sona & Riley mini ref
Riley with a big hoodie!! Ft. Nick
Lab Assistant AU + ref
Sofia the first
Skrunkly and his bean bowl
Spooky Month
New favorite Streber image
Pronunciation of 'Streber'
Streber headcanon & fanart
HCS & rambling - Streber and Kevin watch school for vampires
Vampire kid - ramblings
"You got games on yo phone" - Scout
Ramble: spy crabs r sillies
Baseball and Botany - Art
Art dump + Video/animation: Baseball and Botany
Cat Spamton ramblings
Spamton was eating toothpaste ft. Mel
The Walten Files
Boozoo is just some guy
Brawl Stars
New brawler's!:Chester, Mandy & Gray
Resident Evil
Alcina laughs at cheesed to meet you jokes
Comet's Albert Wesker crisis
SUBMAS: incorrect quotes (long post)
Me when submas
41 notes · View notes
mosshead-lover · 4 years
A to Z with Capt’n Levi
Levi Headcanons
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A/n: I was suddenly short of words when I was writing this. Lol. I managed to finish. Lemme know how you like it, okay? * Baby bear face*
A: Attention - Loves getting attention from you, especially when swarmed with work, when you offer to make tea or a back massage, or even take care of his hardness. He loves them all equally.
B: Books - One of the traits Levi admires in you is that you read. He often offers to read to you and asks you to correct him if he mispronounces something. Since he grew up underground and never had access to proper education, he is kind of conscious of his spellings. The grave expression he makes as he starts reading makes him look like an innocent kid that thinks he is on the most critical mission of his lifetime.
C: Chivalry - The Captain is chivalrous, indeed. He often brings you flowers. All white, however. He believes in the purity of love and which other colors can signify it better. Moreover, it's his favorite.
D: Dirty Talk - Levi sucks at it, okay? His blunt honesty doesn’t aid the fact.
You: So, you have been accused of damaging someone’s private property, causing flood after flood. I must take you into custody(eying at the bed).
Him: Oh.
You: (trying to keep up) Will you take a look at the damage you’ve caused?
Him: Sure.
E: Enthuse(what excites him?) - It may sound cliche but, You calling him *Captain* when alone is the biggest turn on for him.
F: Foreplay - Levi likes feeling every inch of your body before he gets on with the actual business. He nibbles and kisses the most random places, making your body ask for more, slowly making his way to the sensitive parts. So, You tell me, who’s the king of foreplay?
G: Gifts- Levi doesn't wait for an occasion to get you something, nor do you. If you come across a vintage teapot or a new cleaning tool, you pick it up immediately. Likewise, if he finds something that you’d use or look good on you, he is bringing it home.
H: Hugs- Levi isn't much of a hugger but offers to when you are super low and need comfort. Levi always rests his chin on your shoulder when he hugs you. Back hugs, on the other hand, are very common to him. Especially after a long day, he wants to come home to your warmth and nothing else.
I: Ideal Date- Levi has enough adventures at work already so, Home dates are a luxury for him and you. You begin with morning tea and a little chat. You cook breakfast together and clean too before hitting the bedroom. Aftercare includes a shower, hair drying, and a little snack followed by his wholesome tea. You might go on a small horse ride or a walk in the evening.
J: Jealousy - Levi doesn’t show envy. If something is bothering him, he will be honest with you about it. But, he is sure to lose it if someone stares at you or makes you feel uncomfortable.
K: Kill - Would he kill for you? Ack. You know it already!
L: Liquor (Do you get drunk together?)-
Occasionally you do. Levi seems to hold his booze quite well. Levi does enjoy watching you get drunk and go berserk. Of course, he is there if things go out of hand. That's why you drink crazy in the first place.
M: Massages - He is on the receiving end, mostly. Since he stays awake late at night working, you often offer him shoulder massages.
N: Nos(Turnoffs) - Not addressing the elephant in the room, untidiness, and cold tea.
O: Ogle - Was he ogling you before you got together? Yes. Does he still do? YES! and you love it when those bluish-grey deep set of eyes check you out like it's the first time. The captain’s eyes speak louder than his mouth, and you're more than okay with it.
P: PDA-Levi isn’t a fan tbh. The most you do is hold hands in public except on the last Valentine's day when you were crossing the bridge. The atmosphere was so irresistible that you had to kiss him.
Q: Quarrel- Like any other couple, you have your differences too. Friction between you two is mostly because of Levi’s poor work-life balance and his OCD. Nothing that can't be taken care of before the day ends.
R: Roleplaying- Housekeeper and the owner any day. Oh, and you switch the roles too. Guess who looks darn cute wearing that white lacy headpiece?
S: Snuggles- Does he get Cozy with you often? Not really. Not that he doesn’t like it, it’s just that he can’t initiate. He never discourages you from snuggling up to him. You spoon most of the winter nights.
T: Tickle - Is he Ticklish? Surprisingly Yes. Humanity’s strongest soldier is also one big ass sensitive baby. A Tickle battle is one of those rare things that gets a peal of laughter out of him.
U: Underrated part- His butt! His sinfully sexy butt. You often kindle him by whacking that piece of art. His reaction is worth a million dollars.
V: Variety - Who brings in variety in the relationship? You, Definitely. You are always trying out new stuff. Thanks to his honest feedback, it’s easier to find something you both like, sooner.
W: Walks- When Levi doesn’t have to jump right back to work after dinner, he asks you to go on walks. They are the best. You get to catch up with each other’s day, and Levi is usually in a good mood post walks.
X: X-mas - Well, Christmas is just a decoy. What is more important is his birthday, which falls on the same day. He doesn't like celebrating or even remembering it. The last time you baked a cake and wished him, he said.
”I see. You're eager to celebrate me getting another year closer to death,”
You stopped bothering him since then. You still decorate the house, bake his favorite cookies, and dress up. His birthday coinciding with Christmas is a blessing in disguise, after all.
Y: Yes - Stuff that might seem annoying but, Levi doesn’t mind- A little goofy-ness, snapping at him, messing up his hair, and mimicking him.
Z: Zzzzz/Sleep - What type of a sleeper is he? Levi doesn't snore but moves a lot in his sleep! Often he wakes up in the middle of the night, settles on a chair for the rest of the night. Despite you assuring that throwing his limbs around in sleep does not bother you.
Check out my New Year’s Levi list:
Eleven Minutes in Levi Heaven
Click the bear to checkout my other work:
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writing-in-april · 3 years
30 fics for 30 days in April
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A/N: Hey guys it’s finally here!!!!! I’m so excited to share all of these with you!!! Each number corresponds to the day of the month that it comes out on- all titles are subject to change because I’m indecisive as hell lol- also as always any fic marked 18+ means only the people over the age of 18 can read them- please don’t break this rule I have had to block a ton ton of people because of this and I still want to be able to let minors read my non explicit content- so please be considerate of me and how I could get into trouble and be considerate towards others who’d be affected if I had to make this blog 18+. Anyways- that aside I hope y’all enjoy all of these!!! Most of them are based on requests which will be linked and for most I’ll be adding an additional description once they are posted. My requests are still open as well so if you have anything you’d like to see in he future feel free to drop it into my inbox- and during the month of April since most of these are prewritten I may write and post a second fic if I feel inspired to write and post it- I’m just going to go with the flow. Wow this is too long lol- hope y’all enjoy! Main Masterlist Join my tag lists
1) April Fools~ Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Spencer needs to one up Reader just as he’s about to loose a prank war (18+)
2) Spooks~ Raymond Wadsworth x Female Reader: Raymond starts sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong at the next haunting he’s investigating. (18+)
3) Dog Person~ Javier Peña x Gender Neutral Reader: After Javier mentions being a dog person it gets Reader thinking
4) Dressed in Crimson~ Spencer Reid x Female Reader (Royalty AU)- Spencer is a stable boy with a passion for learning and Reader is the princess of the palace that he serves in. They’ve been in a secret relationship, the two grow restless about not being able to be out in the open. (18+)
5) Converging Parallels~ Spencer Reid x Single Mom Reader: based on this request- the first option
6) Kid~ Poe Dameron x Female Reader: Reader can’t get Poe to stop calling her kid so she’s tries a new method while they’re arguing (18+)
7) Cinematic Coincidences~ Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: based on this request from @andiebeaword
8) Origins~ Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: based on a request given to me by @imagining-in-the-margins request pic below
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9) Party Play~ Chip Taylor x Female Reader: based on this request (18+)
10) Paint me~ Laurent Leclaire x Female Reader: Reader asks Laurent to take the paint off the canvas for once- inspired partially by @propertyofabelmorales valentines fic for Laurent
11) Soured Nostalgia~ Spencer Reid x Reader: based on this request (18+)
12) Question and Answer~ Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: based on this request
13) Woodland Adventures~ Santiago Garcia x Reader: Santiago and Reader have a vacation to get away from everything. (18+)
14) A Snowy Morning After Part 2~ Spencer Reid x Female Reader: requested by @dreatine (18+)
15) Part 3 to Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde~ Spencer Reid x Female Reader Series- Description on Series Masterlist linked (18+)
16) Made to Match~ Frankie Morales x Gender Neutral Reader: Frankie gets you a gift so you can stop stealing his hat when he needs it (though he still likes it when you wear his on occasion lol) (18+)
17) Postmarked in the past~ Spencer Reid x Female Reader: based of this request and is part 4 for my unlinked Spencer Reid & Letters Series
18) Training Wheels~ Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: based on this request (18+)
19) A Hair’s breadth~ Javier Peña x Female Reader: based on this and this request (18+)
20) Chili Cheese Fries~Franklin (MGG in beginners luck) x Gender Neutral Reader: Franklin tries to make bowling alley food taste better for a date.
21) Shining Bright Above You~ Spencer Reid x Male Reader: based on this request
22) Punishment Deserved~ Abel Morales x Female Reader: based on this request by @propertyofabelmorales (18+)
23) Unwind in the Vines~ Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: based on this request by @lexieshuntingsstuff
24) Unintentionally Unrequited~ Lesley (MGG from hot air) x Gender Neutral Reader: based on this request
25) Erotica Explained~ Spencer Reid x Female Reader: based on this request- has elements of other fics and characters I write for (18+)
26) Manicured~ Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: based on this request
27) Tiny Vessels: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: based on this request by @zhuzhubii (18+)
28) Handblown~ Oberyn Martell x Female Reader x Ellaria: Basically Ellaria testing out new toys on and with Reader while Oberyn watches. (18+)
29) Between the Lines~ Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: based on this request made by @90spumkin
30) April showers bring May flowers: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: When Spencer was in prison there seemed to be only rain but when Spencer gets exonerated flowers begin to bloom again.
Relevant Tag lists (message me if you want to be added if there’s not a tag list for a character I write for yet and you want to be added to it message me as well:
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @takeyourleap-of-faith won’t let me tag you for some reason All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99 Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics Javier Peña/Narcos: @pascalesque Sub Spencer: @thatsonezesty13 @pastathighs @virtualpeanutartisanjudge @calm-and-doctor Dom Spencer: @rainsong01 @evlfknb Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde: @rainsong01 @dreatine @secretpickleprofessordean @evlfknb Letters Series (group of unlinked fics series master list under MGG master list): @whoreforthebau @sierraraeck @90spumkin
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