#It's No Use
redtheroom · 11 months
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Sir Galahad the Silver Knight, but, he- future??? AHHH
I drew em. love em.
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"I feel like after stopping the apocalypse, it's high time for her to figure out who she is as a person," - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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justyalocalmoss · 5 months
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Silver likes his apples
Fun fact: I used to strictly be a traditional artist!
Close up:
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blackrosesandwhump · 1 year
June of Doom Day 12
Prompt: “It’s no use.” (Explosion | Fainting | Trembling)
CW: magical exhaustion, bleeding out, near death, fainting (obviously)
"It’s no use," hero whispers. On his knees, he slumps forward, his hands shaking. "I can’t heal you. The wound’s too deep.” It’s too deep, and his power is used up. Weak and empty, he has just enough consciousness left to focus on breathing. He can barely get enough air. Even his lungs feel shriveled. Each shallow exhale puffs out in the cold, a little haze of fog in the dark.
“It was…worth a shot.” Villain’s skin has turned ash-grey. His hand, clamped over the bleeding wound in his side, tenses once and falls to his side, limp. "Too soon…for the pun?"
"Too…" hero starts, but a wave of weakness threatens to topple him, and he clenches his teeth instead. He doesn’t have the strength to smile anyway.
Villain smiles for him, a tiny curl of his bloodstained mouth. "It’s okay...you tried."
The encroaching darkness is so close now hero can almost taste it. Or maybe it's his own blood, his exhaustion starting to destroy him from the inside. "But…supervillain…"
"Supervillain...can go…to hell."
Villain’s words. The last thing hero hears before he collapses into…nothing.
@forthetaintedsorrow-whump @whumping-to-conclusions @whumping-out-of-time @juneofdoom
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 9 months
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I've been meaning to do this since his birthday also this is my first actual time drawing Silver
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serickswrites · 1 year
It’s No Use
Warnings: captivity, torture, forced to watch
“It’s no use,” Whumpee said as their trembling legs gave out. They collapsed next to Caretaker, their body still trembling. “We’re never getting out of here,” they said as tears slipped down their cheeks. 
“No. Don’t say that Whumpee. Don’t say that. I’ll get us out of here. I just have to find a way.” 
“Even if you do find a way out, I won’t be able to go. I can’t even stay standing, Caretaker.” Whumpee leaned heavily on Caretaker, absolutely spent. Their time with Whumper had left them weak and shaking. And in pain. 
“I’ll carry you out of here if I have to, Whumpee We are getting out of here.” Caretaker did not want to witness more of Whumpee’s torture. Did not want to sit there uselessly as Whumper tortured Whumpe. Did not want to sit there and watch and do nothing. “I’ll find us a way out of here. And I’ll carry you.”
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foundfamilyhq · 11 months
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video-sonic · 4 months
Sonic Unleashed Day Stage (Silver)
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kosmicpowers · 8 months
Listening to some Sonic music rn and so ashamed to admit I just now realized Dreams of an Absolution is a Green Hill remix.
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avatar-mikazuki · 10 months
When your own catch phrase is thrown back at you, and you realize how stupid it sounds
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It's no use
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ink-thistle · 27 days
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Is that so, Sonic?
[Archie Sonic: Classic Era (#18)]
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sir-buddy · 2 years
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For Day 13 I just decided to post the remaining cards because they were getting super drawn out, so I apologize for that.
Anyway, Amy and her giant Bird from Prime are Muffet and her pet, Tikal and Chaos are Chara and Asriel (the Koco is Flowey), and Rouge and Silver as Mettaton and Napstablook.
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srkizer · 2 years
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collect enough "it's no use" from various characters from various continuities to trigger silver across the multiverses
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akamintyt · 8 months
... So I got side-tracked yesterday-
Anyways, have a bland Silver the Hedgehog model with no chest fur yet because why not-
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cheerichlo · 8 months
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me (left) and my drama club classmate who i barely know who keeps doing this to me every single time i see her (right)
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June of Doom Day 12
12. “It’s no use.”                                  
| Explosion | Fainting | Trembling |
TW: experiments, blood and gore, minor character death
His body was trembling as Montgomery Scott waited for his demise in the wee cell they had locked him in. The whole landing crew had been caught by an unknown species's shuttle and the - probably cloaked - ship that belonged to it, had left the orbit of the planet in no time.
These bastards really thought that they could get away with it! Ha! They didn't stand a chance against the Enterprise and her captain.
Jim would stop them somehow. And as soon as Scott would get the chance to beat one of his captors up, he'd gladly take it.
He wasn't trembling out of fear, no, but because of whatever the kidnappers had done to the cell. It was cold as hell!
Maybe it was a test. Maybe they wanted to see how long he could stand the freezing hell they had put him in.
Well... he wouldn't give in and ask for help. He wrapped his arms tighter around his body, pulled the legs even closer to his chest.
He only hoped that the rest of the landing party was okay. But his hope soon faded when he saw a pair of the unknown species. They were big and looked a bit like lizards. They had five eyes and sharp, long teeth.
Scotty's heart sank when he saw them pull a familar young man out of the brig.
Ensign Hamilton! He looked so scared and helpless.
Scotty got to his feet as fast as he could and he hit his fists against the glass.
"Oi! L-l-let him g-g-go!"
His teeth were chattering, but still, he did his best to sound intimidating.
The captors didn't even turn around. They just left through a door, taking the poor lad with them.
"N-n-no! S-s-stop!"
"Don't even try it. It's no use."
Scotty was startled by the voice coming out of the cell next to his. He... knew it. That deep baritone.
What was the augment doing here? Shouldn't he be locked away?
"The one and only, Mr. Scott."
A long pause followed.
Khan interrupted him right away.
"Don't ask. It's a long story. Let's just say that the crew of the USS Farwood won't be coming back home from its mission."
Scotty's eyes narrowed in confusion. What? Why? Why would Khan say that? Hell, why would he even know that?
"O-o-kay. Then n-n-no questions about that. W-who are these creatures?"
He heard Khan stand up and move around in his cell.
"I don't know a name. I just know that they take people away and scan their brains and bodies. Some don't come back and others... are locked up again."
Scotty nodded, even though Khan couldn't see it.
"L-l-like ye?"
He heard the augment chuckle.
"For example. Each scan is preceded by a test. Cold, heat, thirst - I went through it all."
Ah, now that explained the cold in Scott's cell. It was some sort of experiment.
"A-and what a-are ye enduring n-n-now?"
Khan hesitated for a moment, before he spoke up again.
It sounded like the augment wasn't too happy about it. Shouldn't he be relieved that he was okay?
"That a b-b-bad thing?"
"I can't tell yet. Maybe it is a test itself."
Ha... that was quite possible, wasn't it? Scotty sat back on the floor again to warm his body, but he didn't get too much time.
The door to the brig opened once again and the captors returned... without Hamilton.
No... no, no, no!
"Ye b-b-bastards! What d-d-did ye do to him?!"
He didn't get an answer. However, the door to his cell was opened and he was pulled out.
"L-l-let go of m-m-me!"
Scotty was pulled along and this time he could catch a glimpse of Khan. The augment was watching the scene, a smile on his face. He waved the Scotsman goodbye and then the door closed.
The scan was over faster than he had expected. Scotty had been forced to sit down in a chair and then a machine had been run over his body.
Apparently he had passed whatever these creatures expected of him.
He was brought back to his cell and couldn't help a grim smile, when he saw the surprised look on Khan's face.
"Didn't expect to see me again, did ye?"
Finally, he could talk again without his teeth clattering.
Khan just shrugged.
"Well, I guess you and I are more alike than we think."
Scotty snorted in return.
"Yeah, right. Dream on, laddie."
The engineer was pushed into his cell which was now the complete opposite of what it had been like before.
It was hot like hell!
He groaned. Well... that would be just great.
The other tests passed him by quite quickly and Scotty was surprised when Khan, some other prisoners and himself were eventually led out of their cells into a big room.
There weren't too many of them left. Ten survivors.
Their captors had gathered all around them, making sure that they wouldn't escape.
An Andorian was grabbed and chained to the seat. It looked just like the one where they had been scanned before. He looked around, eyes wide.
"What? Another scan?"
But he couldn't have been more wrong.
Scotty and the others watched in shock as one of the lizards stepped behind the chair and used his sharp claws to cut the Andorian's skull open. The poor fella screamed in pain for a moment, before his eyes rolled back.
Sickness washed over the Scotsman, as the lizard alien grabbed its victim's brain and tore it out of his body, before it devoured it.
Oh God! They... had sorted out the smartest of them! They wanted to feast on their brains, devouring their intelligence! Didn't they know that it was nonsense? Didn't they understand that it wouldn't make them smarter in any way?
Two of the captors stepped closer to Scotty and Khan, once the Andorian body had been removed from the chair. The engineer and the augment were standing close to each other.
Scotty took a step back, bumping into Khan, who gently pushed him forward again into the lizard's arms.
"Oh, please, age before beauty."
Khan grinned maliciously as he watched the kidnappers pull the Scotsman along.
"Though... both of that applies to me, doesn't it?"
Scotty gritted his teeth in anger and glared at the augment. That bloody bastard!
However, his anger quickly turned to panic, when his captors forced him to sit down and tied him to the chair.
Khan chuckled at Scott's desperate tries to break free.
"Oh, I'll be enjoying this a lot."
Scotty couldn't help but shake his head. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a lizard step behind him.
No! No!
The engineer closed his eyes, horrified by the thought of his demise, however, he soon opened them again, when a red alert rang out.
Their captors instantly ran out of the room, probably to take the battle stations.
And Scotty? Scotty breathed out in relief, his heart still racing. He was okay. He wasn't hurt.
The ship was soon enough invaded by members of Starfleet. They had found them! They had actually searched for the missing persons! Thank God!
When Khan was taken in custody by security, Scotty stepped in front of him. This time he was the one who had a grin on his face.
"Just for the record, I'm the prettier one."
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