#It's just a bug with potential to harm and it's not going to because it's under a glass
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🤔 Admittedly I was a little disappointed by the reveal (but certainly not surprised the foreshadowing was heavy in this episode lol), but not actually against how Beth (and Will) seem to be playing with it thus far- which is to say that I do think it has a lot of potential, and I suspect there's more to what we're seeing).
;) Big ol' ramble below
Mostly the theory has turned me off until now (at least insofar as I've witnessed it transpire in the fandom at large) because it struck me as so painfully ironic to see Trudy, a 1950s housewife, struggle to exist under the system that she's in, fail to fit the mold assigned to her, and be denied her personhood very literally for it (this being ironic insofar as how it mimics how she would have been treated back then). This and because frankly I just think she's a lot less interesting if she's fully a robot LOL, but I'll hopefully get to that in a bit.
Not that the hints at her mechanical nature and the relevance of Tucker's background were lost on me; I can appreciate why those would contribute to a plausible, fun and I think still mostly harmless theory (now fact). However, minus one or two specific posts I've seen on the matter (namely a recent one suggesting that if Trudy is a robot Beth is probably taking inspiration from The Stepford Wives, :( sorry person who made that post I couldn't find it I wanted to credit yoouuu), I've seen the theory just about exclusively presented in a manner that, rather than explore the metaphorical and political significance of Trudy being partially or fully mechanical, at best disregards the parts of her narrative that are at their core about sexism (among other related things), and at worst negates them entirely (i.e. Trudy only thinking and acting how she does because she's a robot malfunctioning and not because the world itself is causing harm and she rightfully wants something more than the role she was forced into, Trudy not even having any real thoughts and feelings of her own, etc.). I just think it kind of sucks to shove all those important things about her aside and say "actually, there's no person suffering here, she's just a robot" and perhaps worse yet to imply that she does have thoughts and feelings but because they result in Weird™ behavior it must be a problem with her code and not at all relate to what women were subjugated to during this point in American history.
CONVERSELY I don't think Trudy being a robot (or at least partially one) at least from what Beth and Will have presented us thus far, inherently suffers from any of these issues? First and foremost because Trudy definitely appears to possess sentience, thoughts, and emotions of her own, matters which immediately complicate her degree of personhood and don't inherently box her behavior in as a bug in her programming rather than an issue with the world she's been put in, quite the opposite in fact! I think they have a very solid groundwork laid out here to make a strong statement with Trudy's narrative (and perhaps ask the question of what is really malfunctioning here), all the more so since [I pull out a Rebecca Swallows-style conspiracy board] I don't think she's entirely robotic in nature? Actually you should just read Mack's tags in this post cause he has great thoughts on the matter (of which those are just some of them), but if I can direct your attention to one thing in particular, it would be Beth's fact (I *believe* from episode 2) about Trudy never graduating high school because of her essay where she suggested that "perhaps women could one day domesticate themselves", a statement that could of course be interpreted a number of ways but ultimately threatened the patriarchal status quo enough (in suggesting women's independence) to cost Trudy her diploma. Taken on its own this fact appears to contradict the theory that Trudy has always been robotic in nature, because it doesn't really make sense that Trudy would have been set up to go through high school (or school at all really) when Tucker's intention was/is for her to be the perfect housewife. You may then suggest that Trudy's memories of this are fabricated and not actually her lived experiences, in which case firstly perhaps you should reread my earlier point on the robot theory being used to actively negate and otherwise disregard the portions of Trudy's narrative that pertain to sexism and feminism, and secondly it really doesn't make any sense to me that Tucker would implant those kind of memories into Trudy's brain? To be completely honest if she's been a robot from the very beginning (rather than someone who became a cyborg, which is what I'm trying to suggest here), then I don't see why Tucker would program her with actual sentience in the first place (suspending my disbelief here with regards to the possibility of programming sentience to begin with). It seems much more likely to me then that Trudy was not always a robot, and instead altered by Tucker to force her into a role of subordination and remedy her """imperfections""". This option is significantly more interesting to me one, because it implies that Trudy has actually lived a life up until the present, full of its own complexities and strife (and dreams, and real actual memories worth exploring, etc.), and hence is not by any means "just a robot", and second because it amplifies the hypothetical statement being made on the lives of the real living women of the era and how they were treated and seen as being "in need of fixing" for not conforming to gender roles or otherwise acting "out of line" with what was expected of them.
OKAY THIS GOT OUT OF HAND SO I'M CUTTING MYSELF OFF HERE but I wanted to my share my current thoughts what with this ending and where I'm at so hopefully that was at least interesting to whoever has chosen to read through this one okay thank you byyyyyyyyye~
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wordsinhaled · 4 months
so i just opened up netflix and the movie hit man was on the front page and i haven't seen it, but couldn't help thinking the summary sounds like it should be a dreamling AU???
"A mild-mannered professor moonlighting as a fake hit man in police stings ignites a chain reaction of trouble when he falls for a potential client."
okay, like, maybe the endless family is fuck-off wealthy, so wealthy it's almost inevitable they're doing something illegal but it's just hard to say what because they're good at obfuscating it. hob's initial contract with law enforcement, his singular goal when being hired as a "hit man" by dream is to solicit his murder-for-hire confession, generally speaking, so the family can finally get pinned for something.
but then he spends some actual time with dream, and realizes he likes him. a lot. dream is acerbic and brooding and traumatized and always on the defensive. but he lets hob in, a little bit, because he has to. dream's dearest wish is to be a writer, but his family wants him in the family enterprise. they've stuck him with a useless branch of the corporation as punishment for not being enough aligned with the family's goals, and dream is miserable, trying to do what he loves on the side, and not to mention terribly repressed.
hob finds out dream was kidnapped and held and tortured unspeakably for a year by roderick burgess and his son. dream wants the burgesses taken out so he can finally feel some measure of peace in the world. dream even thinks some of his family were in on his kidnapping, but he doesn't have proof. having been invited to one function, as part of his cover, as dream's "friend," hob has met the family and let's just say wouldn't be surprised if dream's suspicions proved true.
dream lives in an eclectic flat full of paintings and books and ferns. he keeps a raven named matthew as a pet. his fingers are always ink-stained. he looks like he came out of a gothic vampire novel. he is, objectively, weird as fuck, and this is not the kind of case hob ever expected to be on. hob is hopeless about him. and the more he learns about what happened to dream, the more he starts to think all of fawney rig deserves to burn to the ground, with the burgesses inside.
but hob is not a real hit man. he's a fucking medieval history professor! he could tell you all about the history of weaponry, sure, but he's never wielded a weapon to actually hurt someone in his life, he could hardly wield a butter knife, he traps bugs in cups and takes them outside. yeah, hob looks tough, and he could trust himself to win in a barfight or defend the two of them from getting mugged on a street corner, or something. but that's just about it. standard stuff.
and he's been lying to dream, who trusted him, about what he does, what he's here for. if he tells dream the truth now, he's going to lose their tentative connection; betray the confidence of someone who has already been so harmed by the world, wronged by his family, and hurt unimaginably by the evilest dregs of mankind.
can what they have even be called a friendship? it doesn't matter. it might be becoming one. hob wants it to be a real friendship. he wants it to be more. he doesn't want to lie anymore; wants to be able to protect dream—never mind that he doesn't know how to. never mind that that's not what his job is actually to do. never mind that he's probably in danger now himself.
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lakesbian · 10 months
and now for our Checking In With The Dallon Sisters poasting
Panacea shook her head, “Tattletale found a way around my sister’s invincibility. Glory Girl was bitten pretty badly, which is why I didn’t come sooner. I think it hits you harder, psychologically, when you’re pretty much invincible but you get hurt anyways. But we’re okay now. She’s healed but sulking. I- I’m alright. Bump on my head, but I’m okay.”
victoria is demonstrably having a bad time with the previously noted psychological pain of being forcibly reminded that, no matter how hard she tries, she will never be the spotless, invincible, perfect hero she wants to be. the bug bites suck obviously but the "sulking" After being healed is an indicator of where it really hurt--not just physically.
(amy's power reminds me of. do you guys know that one tumblr post about the concept of exploring the horror potential inherent to D&D-esque fantasy healers? like, the horror inherent to being perfectly, magically healed from horrifying injury a hundred times over, and being expected to just get up and keep fighting afterwards, without any regards to how your mental health is doing. that's exactly how amy's power functions: you're made physically better than ever, and expected to get back up and keep being a hero, but you still have the memory of the pain and the lingering psychological aftereffects. but, like, you're fine now, so you just need to get over it and go back to throwing yourself in the line of fire, okay?)
amy is also right off the bat clearly not doing so hot--she's acting very shy and withdrawn and unsure compared to both of her prior appearances. obviously that is due to the horror of some random villain going "btw, remember that you're ontologically an invader into the family you are trying to belong in!" but i think it's probably compounded by the fact that amy is so used to being treated either 1. like she's intrinsically awful/unwanted or 2. like she's only valuable/desirable as a resource by Everyone But Victoria that walking into a room of heroes w/o victoria by her side is always liable to make her insecure and withdrawn.
oh, and the burnout. obviously the severe fucking burnout.
“No, I hated that he would have a normal life, because I’d given up mine.  I was scared that I might intentionally make a mistake.  That I might let myself fuck up the procedure with this kid.  I could have killed him or ruined his life, but it would have eased the pressure.  Lowered expectations, you know?  Maybe it would have even lowered my own expectations for myself.  I… I was just so tired.  So exhausted.  I actually considered, for the briefest moment, abandoning a child to suffer or die.” “That sounds like more than just exhaustion,” Gallant replied, quietly. “Is this how it starts?  Is this the point I start becoming like my father, whoever he was?”
the "every second i rest, someone dies" conundrum would be nightmarish for her even if she had the healthiest social support net on the planet, but her circumstances make it infinitely worse. she's treated by everyone in her "family" but victoria like an invader, and even victoria has unintentionally stressed the importance of using her healing power in the way that the family wants (i.e. to cover up victoria's police brutality) in order to Be A Good Family Member. amy has internalized that being a good dallon is the same as being a good hero, and failing at being a dallon is the same as being overcome by her ontologically criminal roots. so she works herself to the bone, and when she inevitably starts to falter, she views it as an indicator of something intrinsically wrong with her rather than as a sign that her family + society's expectations for her are harmful and unfair.
and dean's advice for her only reinforces this further:
Gallant let out a slow breath, “I could say no, that you’re never going to be like your father. But I’d be lying. Any of us, all of us, we run the risk of finding our own way down that path. I can see the strain you’re experiencing, the stress. I’ve seen people snap because of less. So yeah. It’s possible.”
he suggests that she try to take a break, but only in the service of "so you can heal more people in the long run." he validates the idea that she could go "down that path," as if becoming a villain--becoming A Bad Person--is a risk all heroes have to fight against on an individual level, as opposed to criminality being a result of circumstance and not even inherently immoral. and of course dean thinks that way--he's a millionaire child soldier, his entire life is predicated on individualist thought with ignorance to the ways in which systematic factors impact people. acknowledging that amy is being horrifically mistreated would mean not only acknowledging the flaws in the PRT system, but acknowledging what might lead people to stray from it, and he simply can't do that. it goes counter to every idea that his life is built on.
he never even tells anyone that amy thought about letting a child die, or if he did, it didn't go anywhere. she was desperate for help all along, increasingly ready to explode, and everyone just ignored it. because as she says:
"My sister’s all I’ve got. The only person with no expectations, who knows me as a person. Carol never really wanted me.  Mark is clinically depressed, so as nice as he is, he’s too focused on himself to really be a dad. My aunt and uncle are sweet, but they’ve got their own problems. So it’s just me and Victoria. Has been almost from the beginning."
this is also where we see another more blatant sign of her crush on victoria--it's very ambiguous as to whether dean is interpreting amy's feelings towards him as meaning "wants to date me" or "jealous of me for dating victoria" but i think it's probably the former because there's no way he would keep his mouth shut if it was the latter, lmao. really what this scene is doing is introducing all of the stressors amy is experiencing that, because they're going unaddressed, because everyone else is refusing to address them and she has internalized that's how it should be, are going to boil over horrifically later on. that burnout and fear of accidentally-on-purpose making a mistake will lead to truly being unable to heal victoria later on. that sense of obligation, that if she can't keep healing she's turning into her father, will contribute to her being unable to just walk away from victoria instead of trying to heal her. her crush on victoria--the ultimate example of how her should-be family has ostracized her--will boil over in the impulsive brain alteration & the sexual nature of the wretch's design.
and all of this would've been avoidable if not for, as mentioned in the prior post abt this interlude, the dallons' and the PRT's enforcement of wallpapering over the kid heroes' pain to Keep Up The Show.
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flammenkobold · 1 year
I find the difference between Three's and Murderbot's initial interactions with ART/Perihelion still so funny.
Murderbot gets invited on board out of curiosity, only gets an implied threat, because it is a rogue SecUnit and could still potentially harm ART, then gets an apology for that and everyone's favourite SecUnit still goes "You are mean and scary and could squash me like a bug. But now it's on. You threaten me? Fine, I am going to figure out 30 ways to take you down with me if I have to but I'd rather just watch shows with you. Also I am going to give you a new insulting nickname you big asshole research transport." and then sulks around.
Three gets greeted with "Who the fuck are you?" and "If you so much as think about hurting anyone I will disassemble you without a second thought and make it hurt." and is only allowed on board because Murderbot 2.0 sent it. Three is terrifed of Perihelion, but also still a little confused by everything and goes "Uh okay, I did not plan to hurt anyone and I will not. Please don't kill me. Oh also I have a message from your friend?" Then politely offers to help with the situation despite the ship being this close to snapping and going on a murderous rampage because its friend has been kidnapped.
Honestly, iconic. Both of them.
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midnightsun-if · 1 year
This is a tumblr classic but the ros' reaction to mc having a hickey on their neck only to find out it's a mosquito bite later on?
I went with the late crushing stage/early relationship stage for this.
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Koda: Would honestly not even think it’s a hickey to begin with. Wouldn’t even cross his mind. Is it because he’s not used to seeing hickeys? Yes, but that’s not the only reason. He’d probably frown, tilt your head, and just ask you. “What happened to your neck, Anon? Did you slip and fall or something?” Would be relieved that it’s just a bug bite as he doesn’t want you to accidentally hurt yourself.
Scarlett: Her eyes would narrow, twin emerald flames, wanting to tear into the person that dared to mark what’s hers, before she’d force herself to calm down, sniffing the air, letting herself get wrapped in the scent she knows so well, and she’d instantly relax when she didn’t smell someone else’s with it. She’d, of course, not miss the opportunity to tease you though. “I’m not sure I like your new accessory, Anon.” Tugging you closer by the waist, Scarlett guides your body onto her lap, and lips ghost across the mark. “Have you been bad, my darling?” Would be instantly amused the moment you tell her it’s a bug bite.
Cyrus/Cyra: Their eyes would flash red instantly at the sight, body heating up at the mere implication of what it could mean. Before you’d be able to react they’d leave the room— fearing what their powers would do, and they’d never wish to harm you in any way. They’d be completely overthinking everything, but they know they needed to go back and talk to you— they just needed some time first. When they find out it’s a bug bite? They’d feel guilty instantly, but their relief would be so obvious. “I-I thought—” They cut themself off, simply shaking their head and pulling you into their arms. It didn’t matter now.
Quinn: With narrowed eyes, they’d just simply walk up to you, tilt your head, and peer closer to your neck, despite your confused questions filtering in their ear. They’re used to bug bites, know what they look like, and seeing it close up they’d be able to tell what it was. When they make the confirmation, they’d just step back with a rueful smile. “Sorry, I was just checking something.” They shrug. “Wanted to make sure I wasn’t seeing things that weren’t actually there.” They’d be more than happy to deal with your potential attitude after the fact— they got their answer in the end, and that’s all that matters.
Caden: They wouldn’t know how to react to be honest. Their entire being would just sort of…. Freeze? They’d grow instantly flustered, partially because of their distress and because they don’t know what to do and not look at it, which is something you’d probably pick up on. Probably wanting to approach them which would make them even more flustered. “I-I’m s-sorry for asking this, b-but what is t-that?” When it’s revealed it’s a bug bite they’d probably turn completely incorporeal due to their embarrassment.
Sloane: Anger and betrayal would lance through their chest instantly, a cavernous hole spreading out from their chest outward. It’d take everything within them not to shift, to give into the agony running through their being, but they’d give you the benefit of the doubt— you deserved that. “What’s that, Anon?” They’d ask, trying to keep their tone steady, unaffected. “Have some fun when I wasn’t here?” When they find out it’s a bug bite, they’d feel instantly better and guilty all at once— would apologize for doubting you instantly after learning it.
Blake: Would have an internal battle debating whether or not the “hickey” was actually a hickey— growing more and more upset with each moment the went on. In the end, Blake would decide to be petty because if it was a hickey then it obviously wasn’t done right. “Amateur work,” they mutter, tilting your head to the side. “Want to see how it’s really supposed to be done?” Their plan wouldn’t shift when they find out it’s a bug bite.
Reginald/Regina: They’d squint, debating whether or not they should ask. Maybe it was something that vampires sometimes got sporadically? I mean, come on, a vampire with a hickey, isn’t that too on the nose? The questions would abate the hurt they could feel welling within their chest, causing them to blurt out, rather abruptly, “Is that a hickey? Or did you have some fun with a vacuum cleaner?” Would immediately want to go and hide when they found out it was a bug bite.
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nothingtherefornow · 7 days
New theory about Miraculous World London : Maybe I was wrong, and the "two" antagonist are not different people, but one and the same, and none other than .....
... Adrien Agreste
At first I didn't pay attention to those who theorise that this dude who discovered Bug Noir's secret identity by spying on her after her fight against Monarch :
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Could be an akumatized version of Adrien, because the silhouette looked indeed similar to Adrien's body building
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But then I also noticed how the mysterious figure who steals Marinette's earings and black cat ring from her, and whom I assumed to be Lila who akumatized herself, does have a body build that's not similar at all to Lila's silhouette, but looks actually more like Adrien's, Luka's or Felix's :
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There's also that short glimpse in the trailer where we see Chronobug in the burrow escaping with a book that seemingly belong to the mysterious blue figure who figured out her secret identity
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And this takes place where Adrien and Kagami were kept prisonner and "safe" by their respective parents.
Still ... I couldn't imagine Adrien being the one to looks for Ladybug's secret identity, potentially giving it to Lila, given the fact that we see BOTH mysterious villains in Lila's lair, and then stealing Marinette's miraculous from her after seeing how losing all the other miraculous to Felix and Monarch the first time traumitized her. But then ... I remember one other instance where Adrien did try to steal Marinette's miraculous from her.
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When he was Chat Blanc ... alone and full of sorrow and despair and thinking that the Wish was the only thing that could fix the broken world he was all lonely in.
And I also guessed that if Adrien were to be ever akumatized by Chrysalis, he wouldn't necessarily know that the new butterfly wielder is Lila herself, and thus somoene who hates his lady and girlfriend guts. Changing identities is Lila's thing after all, all she would have to do is to pretend to be on Adrien's side and promise not to harm Marinette in order to succesfully manipulate him, because that's something that I found curious about the mysterious being stealing Marinette's Miraculous while she's sleeping
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How carefull he/she is not to wake her up, which could just be for safety measures, or for another random reason. Notheless whoever he/she is they leave Marinette alone and sleeping after stealing what they wanted, given that the synopsis clearly specifies that Marinette only discovers that her miraculous has been stolen after waking up and seeing the light of a wish being made from a distance.
And that's something I cannot see Lila doing, to not jump at the chance to further hurt Marinette by gloating in front of her and exposing her absolute defeat and Lila's full victory to her face before making a wish
Which left only one question in my mind, what reasons Adrien could ever have to let himself be akumatized by the new Butterfly, stealing the miraculous from his lady, and eitehr making a wish himself or letting who he doesn't know to be Lila making that wish ?
To answer this question, three elements caught my attention :
First, Adrien's reaction in the trailer upon which seems to be learning of his father's death :
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Adrien is clearly full of hurt and sorrow in that scene, something which we would not have imagined seeing given the more serene Adrien than the we see in the season 5 epilogue.
Second, The fact that instead of going back to his wielder, despite how Adrien would need a lot of confort after all of that, Plagg instead stayed with Marinette, even letting her wearing his miraculous
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And finally, Another synopsis shared about the Special London, and more precisely, the passage that I underlined in yellow :
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" In this new episode, Ladybug must make a crucial decision, which will lead to an unexpected twist that fans won't see coming."
This teasing sentence is the core of my theory, here it goes :
According to my new theory, This special London might take place in a timeline where Marinette chose to tell the truth to Adrien, to tell him that Gabriel Agreste died as the supervillain Monarch instead of a hero who helped stop Monarch.
The truth of course didn't bode well with Adrien, who would then feel guilty about the fact that his father may have been indirectly killed because of him, because of Chat Noir's cataclysm.
Which would then explain why Plagg doesn't directly go back to Adrien aftermath and and stays with Marinette instead, because the kwami knows that his presence would be a cruel a reminded of Chat Noir's indirect involvment in Monarch's death
And this would explain how Lila armed with the butterfly miraculous could ever akumatize Adrien and convince him to help her discover Ladybgu's secret identity and steal the miraculous from her, with the promise of a wish that would erase all the cause of Adrien's suffering by creating a new world.
Because what's the point of livign in a world where his father was the supervillain who hurt so many, a world where he is indirectly responsible for his father's death ?
At some point Chronobug will have to travel to the past to stop that mysterious time blue supervillain to figure out her secret identity, and if that person is revealed to be Adrien, Marinette would also have to ensure that the boy never fall prey to Chrysalis's manipulation and false promises. And the solution that will prsent itself to her is to lie to Adrien about his father
It's not the first time that Marinette deviates from the path toward the future adult Bunnix came from, because when she succesfully gave Adrien a gift with her real name on it, that was when the dooemed Chat Blanc timeline was created, Marinette wasn't supposed to have been successfull in giving that gift with Adrien knowing it was from her. So maybe she's not supposed either to tell Adrien the truth right now, in a time when he would be too vulnerable to an akumatization from Chrysalis.
What do you all think about it ?
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rising-volteccers · 1 year
I love how Friede is becoming a softie and being a guardian to liko and roy. His friends are enjoying watching the change too xD
YESS gosh what I've been enjoying through the last twelve episodes is the progression from 'I'm a hired bodyguard' to 'These are my Kids™'.
Let me just ramble about Friede is Becoming a Dad moments I've noticed and adored up until episode 12:
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In the first couple of episodes, he was quick to assure Liko when Sprig got nabbed. Asked her for some time so he can be properly sure that they have a lead so they're not seeking blindly. When they did find where Sprig is held at, he stopped her from rushing in without a plan and instead, acted like bait to draw Amethio's attention while she goes to save her cat. Yes hi Liko do you think he's going to let you run into danger like that.
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When they got to the island where Roy is at, aside from the fact that he saved the pair from the angry Bug-types, he didn't dismiss Roy's feelings of wanting to be Fuecoco's partner. He simply wanted him to understand that it's a two way street; Roy can't singularly push his feelings without considering Fuecoco's as well. Allowing him to stay on board for the night (with Cap's permission too) so he'll have the time and opportunity to convey these feelings to Fuecoco? Yeah, that's the Dad in him peeking out.
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Of course, we can't forget the time where he sees Liko's curiosity with the island Pokemon and decided to delay their return because of it. The way he watched Liko and then smiling like that? He's compromising for his kid right there.
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When the Explorers attacked, even Amethio got annoyed with the way he kept getting distracted from the fight. I feel like ordinarily, Friede's not the sort to keep his eyes away from battle but he does so here because he's worried for Roy. He can't help it when there's the potential of that Rhyhorn doing harm unto Roy and Fuecoco.
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He was relieved when Fuecoco pulled off his Ember but of course, his inattentiveness costed him when Amethio went straight for Liko. He's trying to get to his kids!!
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Look at him being so supportive of Roy and Fuecoco being partners! And how happy he is to know that both of them were brought together by the RVT flag! That's another kid acquired yes sir.
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I imagine this goes both ways. Friede thus far has prove the be quite the protective guy, not just to the kids but to his crew in general. He's the captain of this motley crew. These people from different walks of life all came together under the Rising Volt Tacklers flag where their motto is "chase each mystery we see until it's solved." Well it's no mystery that the good captain here has become Dad to the kids on board.
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Also this shows Friede and by extension the rest of the crew doesn't force Dot to change who she is. They know she's reclusive, grumpy, strict but they more or less leave her be. I personally find that nice to see.
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I adore this bit because while he gets to munch on the doughnuts Dot doesn't touch, it goes to show that he cares that Murdock wants to make something that she'll eat. His encouraging words are not just towards the kids!
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Friede trying to give advice to Roy in this moment was so sweet! He's trying to be a good role model to his kid (now if only he sat through the whole advice giving moment).
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Look at him witnessing and trusting Roy in his battle! That's a proud dad look right there!
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And look at how happy he is to know that Dot ate Murdock's doughnuts! He's just so sweet!
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See I can't be normal here I just can't not when he watches Liko standing up for herself and expressing what she wants with that warm look and smile and that whispered I'm happy for you FRIEDE THE DAD IN YOU IS JUMPING OUT.
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Also I wholeheartedly believe that based on the bits of scenes that was shown, he's pulling out that terastalization because he got cornered and gotta fight but he HAS TO GET BACK TO HIS KIDS THEY'RE IN DANGER!!
So yes those are the moments that I like and I think showcases how he's just being a Dad to Liko and Roy (and sometimes Dot). If you've reached the end, thank you for listening to me ramble. As you can see, I have a lot of feelings for him 🥰🥰🥰
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zia, could I request an aaron warner x reader where he kills a spider for you 😪
I LOVE THIS REQUEST SM😭😭 i HATE bugs so i scream if i see many esp spiders ☹️☹️ had to do this immediately TYSM FOR THE SEND EIR 🫶🩷
this is a drabble hope thats ok🤞🤞 (is 1.1k a drabble….)
tw: spider stuff, and anti-spider themes🕷️🕷️
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aaron warner doesn’t sleep peacefully. — or at least he didn’t, until he met you. now every night by your side is enough to have him sleeping soundly.
or it usually has him sleeping soundly when you don’t wake him up with your screeches.
“aaron! help!"
aaron is jump started awake at the sound of your distress. he look to your aide, you weren’t in bed. his first instinct was to grab the pistol he kept in the drawer of his night stand, and assess the scene for danger.
“aaron, please come quick!”
as soon as he locates your voice, aaron is charging into his office. he slams the door open and thrust his gun forward, expecting the worse; someone hurting you, an intruder, or you were brutally injured.
but it was none of the above. because low and behold, there you were — standing on top of his desk chair screaming for your life, pointing at something on the surface of his desk.
he’s so bewildered it takes him a good second to process what the hell is going on. in his vision, he didn’t see anything or anyone that could be described as dangerous or potentially life threatening to you.
he lowered his gun, “love, what’s going on?” his voice has both concern and confusion.
you snap your head toward him, relieved to see he finally woke up and arrived in the office. but then your face shifts to a look of distress, remembering the whole reason you screamed bloody murder.
“aaron! you’re finally here!” you cry out relieved.
“is…is this a joke?” he genuinely does not understand the source of your distress.
you scowl, “is your girlfriend being in danger a joke to you?”
“i’m not seeing any danger here, love.”
“are you blind? there's a spider on your desk! kill it quick!”
aaron waltzes over to his desk, next to you, who is standing on the chair freaking out and pointing. he follows your line of vision, and it takes him a moment, but then he sees it. it’s a harmless little spider, about an inch or a little more big.
he can’t help but grin at your dramatics. you woke him up out of bed, just to kill a spider.
“it’s not funny.”
“no, no, you’re right. it’s not funny, sweetheart.” his face opposes his statement. he’s holding back a chuckle, badly covering it by pretending to wipe his face.
aaron can’t help himself; he lets out a deep chuckle. he found it absolutely amusing that you were so distressed over a mere insect. he knew he should take your fear more seriously, but you looked too adorable when you freaked out.
“oh my god!” you squeal, “it’s moving, kill it now! use your shoe or something!”
“i’m not wearing shoes. you pulled me straight out of bed with your commotion, remember?”
“fetch one of your shoes!” you state like it’s the most obvious thing.
aaron frowns, he looks almost offended, "i refuse to use one of my costly shoes to squash a bug."
you groan, “then shoot at it for all i care!” you snap at him, waving your arms sporadically.
aaron rolls his eyes at your dramatics. he was not willing to shoot holes through his vintage wooden desk for the purpose of killing a spider.
“how about i just capture it, then let it go free outside.” aaron compromises.
you gape at him, “so it can lay more spider babies?” you say as if it was blasphemy.
your boyfriend shrugs, “or i could leave it. i mean, it’s not doing any harm, why should i remove it?” aaron says with a teasing voice.
your eyes widen, “no, no!" you quickly wave your hands to stop him.
"okay, fine, just get rid of it, quick!” you relent, deciding it was better than leaving the spider in the office.
he nods, then scans the room for a jar. he finds one that he uses for pens, and swiftly empties its contents on another surface. he grabs a paper then takes long steps to stand next to you.
aaron crouches down a little to get a better look at the spider. he acts like a predator about to pounce on its prey. you can’t even bare to look anymore, you cover your eyes with your eyes. in one move the makes his attack and traps the spider into the glass.
you peak out through your fingers and see aaron has got the little critter. you shiver as you see it move around the glass, realizing its trapped. you can’t stare at it too long before you get grossed out, so you cover your eyes again.
aaron uses the paper he grabbed to slide it under the jar, along with the spider. once he has it, he quickly flips the jar over, and continues covering the top with the paper. the beast itsy bitsy spider was captured.
once you saw he was contained, you let out a sigh of relief, much more calm now that aaron has got it.
aaron turns toward you with the spider jar in hand. “see, this little guy won’t hurt you.” he then brings the jar closer to your face.
you shriek, trying to back away, almost offing off the chair in the process, “get it away!”
aaron laughs, reaching one hand on your wrist to stop you from losing balance, “okay i’ll release this guy outside so he doesn’t bother you anymore. but first get off that chair before you hurt yourself.”
you roll your eyes but do as he says. aaron’s using one strong arm to wrap around your waist and bring you down. always the gentleman when it came to you.
you start shoving his chest, “ok, ok, now seriously get rid of that thing. make sure you go far.” you articulate to him. you did not want that ugly thing coming back.
now aaron is the one rolling his eyes, nodding that he understands and will make sure to do so. then he leaves out the door with the spider jar.
outside, aaron made a good distance from the base, hitting part of the woody area that surrounded it. he finds a rocky area before he kneels down on one knee, setting the jar down.
he turns the jar upside-down and removes the paper. — but he doesn’t lift the jar just yet.
“apologies for this, but can’t let you go crawling around scaring my girlfriend again.” he grins to himself a little, “after all i never said i was opposed to squashing you with a rock.”
then aaron dies just that, he grabs the nearest rock, lifts the jar, and squishes the spider.
aarons stands up and dusts himself off. what she doesn’t know won’t kill her, he thinks.
plus, aaron can’t deny he loves helping you when you’re a damsel in distress, even it the distress in question is a tiny bug.
he then turns to walk back to base, but when aaron turns, he’s see a figure standing there.
of course it was kenji.
kenji’s eyes are wide. “did i just witness a murder?”
aaron facepalms himself.
sorry but spiders are not safe in my fics 😋😋
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daystarvoyage · 1 month
I often see fans demonize some characters like Belos,The Blights, Camila, into far worse versions of themselves like fans portraying Camila as abusive since she wants Luz go to Reality Check Camp to correct her behavior and certain people interpret that of her sending her to a conversation therapy camp or the Blights while they are bad parents for sure they are sometimes depicted as physically abusive or homophobic despite that sort of thing not existing in the boiling isles and Finally Belos gets made into a bigot who is sexist,racist, homophobic because he a white Christian male despite not making any insults for Luz being a woman or POC while his stance of sexual orientation or gender identity is unknown the fact he didn’t insult Luz for being a woman or POC is remarkable progressive for a Man who is born in the 1600’s also He FICTIONAL and we already have enough of those people in real life what do you think?
I do say this, people need to start separating the art from the artist and fantasy from reality,
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this type of writing and fictional perspective, a lot of viewers and fans sit through, its been done throughout animation, Even in real life affecting how we see our adult figures.
hope i say this, the best way i can cause the show did the adults and supporting characters dirty with its ill pacing in storytelling and character exposure
The Fans Of their favorite media love to exaggerate disliked characters (be it villains or unpopular ones) cause of how there perceived physically or in writing in the creator's eyes. We get this at the start of the first episode introducing Camila (whos a great mother who I relate to cause, I also was on the spectrum being raised by a single mom) I feel I look at her as a character who carries a burden with her being a single mother) yet relatable cause she does her best to take care of her daughter on earth cause she to is a single mother protecting her daughter from the harsh reality cause its not all huckydorey (like the ending of the show),when she wants luz to conform. the way fans see luz assomeone needing protecting, might villanize camila firsthand(DEMONIZING ADULT MOMENT BY FANDOM) as a cheerful person luz is, fans forget that she's also impressionable, impulsive, don't think far on consequneces and needy, might gloss over the fact she needs proper mannerisms (to get by in the world at times), cause shes young & fits the viewers mold of perception, that no one should be punished cause of sexuality, it might show she doesn't need help. Let's be clear the fans are gonna gloss the fact shes a troublemaker who brings harmful items to school WHICH fans should be concerned, i mean neurodivergent character doesn't mean good personality,
2. The blight situation I swear they did Odalia dirty with this GRRR & how talented and amazing Rachel MacFarlane is (Her VA voicing hayley from American Dad.)
She also over exaggerated for being ( DEMONIZED BY FANDOM cause SHE's an ADULT) to being just an abusive mother, but however others will see it is a character who was a dark and humorous character at least & she has great writing tools to be & alador was just a plot device to make amity look good even the twins, & get rid of odalia even though her had his hand in amity's abuse, which I feel no one in the blight fam is not innocent (neither was amity, also which the twins didn't get fleshed out more & used as plot device for lumity, Which fans at times gloss over. Fans will over-exaggerate that Odalia was physically abusive to the kids but NEVER WAS! cause that's a negative perception on the fandom that (We have a adult hater situation nowadays of how this new age of Gen Z & alpha kids are raised,
i also wrote a post on the matter btw
The Belos Treatment (we al know how the creator treated him, such good potential DOwn the Drain.)
Bruh or GiIIIRRRRLL, I commend the Belos fans for being on their own ship supporting and adding more to his BG in fanfic & art
Belos was an intriguing villain who rivaled not only Frollo, the horned king, & Prof. Screweyes. This man also has a perception amongst the fans who followed the creator's way of how he was written (basically the new Chloe bourgeois treatment from miraculous.) He was only a character who was hell-bent on piping witches out and saving his humankind NOT BEING Racist Homophobic, or BIgoted, However, Chloe made racist & prejudiced remarks To Marinette in the cooking episode,(BUT BELOS DIDNT!) So he's an equal villain Who is all about equal rights means equal fights (falls under the neutral evil cause of how he was depicted into a person of tragedy upbringing to now a one-sided character (getting tired of how creators write villains in a one-sided manner.) oh and some people need proper knowledge of the 1600s cause belos was born in that era and I heard someone saying he was born in 1700s which I feel the show does suffer from anachronisms.
And don't get me started of how the fans go about Darius cause that has angry black man written all over it, along Manny being ONLY relevant in Luz's dire moment not being explored more,
hope i put down a lot of tea & crumpets for everyone hope you also can look at my video essay on my YouTube.
hope you enjoy comment and subscribe for more.
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ghostofcinders · 8 months
I've tons of reasons to be proud about my work on Onyx Path's The World Below, but today watching videos about RPGs horror stories I'm reminded of the Zenshu.
See, the Zenshu are a species of large flesh-weaving spider people. Think D&D driders with Tzimisce powers and the "human" part of their body being inspired by the mask crafting bug in Hollow Knight (mask included, because they're aware of how monstrous they look to others)
The Zenshu are rare. They're also nice? There are some implications about them crafting some monsters too because The World Below is dark fantasy, but those are for the Storyguide to decide. Could be true? Or not.
As far as facts go, the Zenshu travel across the world alone, offering services to people. The services? They allow people to change their body and - if asked - their memories, allowing people to take any look.
The Zenshu only ask very minor payments (a memory, a piece of flesh cut from the canvas, symbolic amount of goods/money...). Downsides? Only some maluses until characters get accustomed to the changes that vary depending on the degree of the "surgery." Afterwards, it's nothing.
And while the Zenshu are spooky-looking, they never harm anyone unless for self-defense. People are *happy* to have a rare one visit.
Now, the Zenshu enable tons of stories. People changing face to escape from somewhere, healing from terrible injuries... they're a cool addition with story potential around.
But one of the reasons I put them there is to add to the setting a way for characters to transition, just like that. No nonsense about "huh, it's fantasy, it can't happen" or "it's a grim setting".
Yeah, The World Below is a dark fantasy setting. And it has magical surgeon spiders in it people can seek out to change their bodies to their heart's content, no strings attached.
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anonslash · 1 year
Helloo, Freddy's on your whitelist? And you write for male readers?? Omg I found a new fav blog then!
Could I request Freddy (and whoever you want of course) with a s/o that's literally a sunshine, like always smiling, giggling and seeing the beautiful in anyone
Uuuntil you harm his beloved burnt man and turns into a scary and deep-voiced protective bf
Extra Asa content because I felt like writing it, sorry it’s been like a year since i got this ask lol
General slasher content warning, also there’s Asa so there is kidnapping.
Slashers with a sunshine s/o
Honestly? He’s got mixed feelings on the cute aspect. He thinks it’s hot but mostly because of the potential for corruption. He would never admit it, but your cheery personality makes him feel a teeny bit sappy.
You’ll get into some arguments with him if you have the same “good in everyone” mentality towards his victims. He’s stubborn and that’s one of many things he refuses to change for you.
But when you talk to him like that he adores you. He thinks it’s naive, but he can’t help but love the attention. Nobody has ever thought of him like that. Not once when he was alive, and definitely not after he died.
He’s only fueled by your laughter. If you thought he made a lot of jokes before, just wait. He’s constantly going to try to make you laugh. He loves it.
But then all of a sudden when he gets threatened and you get protective? He’s going to be even more obsessed. Again he finds it hot. Will give survivors the upper hand every once in a while just to see you do it again.
And he WILL let you know what he thinks. A lot. He’ll try and provoke you to get you to be tough and scary around him.
He loves both sides. He really wants to get you to kill someone for him. He’ll ask you about it a lot. If he could convince you to even just be bait, he’d be thrilled.
Asa Emory
Your bubbly personality is what made him take you. He saw your smile and heard you giggle and all of a sudden he was planning another kidnapping. You’re special to him, he doesn’t see anyone like that very often.
Carves bugs into the trunk he’s going to take you with. Fireflies, butterflies, grasshoppers, you name it. He gives you the nickname “Bee”.
You’re by his side a lot of the time. He doesn’t want to risk letting you out of his sight in case you slip away.
He’s pretty upset that you’re not as cheerful an addition to his collection. He expected it, but he’s still mad about it. He treats you more like he treated Abby. You have your own room, he brings you nice clothes and gifts. You get treated less harshly once he decides he wants you to smile again.
And it tugs on his heartstrings hard when you try and see the good in him. So naive, so easily misled. So foolish. But he loves it. It only furthers his obsession.
If he sees you get defensive over him after you finally open up to him, it’s over. He’s keeping you forever, end of story. He already decided that he was, but this just furthers it. Now he takes you out just to see if it’ll happen again.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 4 months
Ok I have I can't wait with my curiosity any more, completely unhinged question.. how do you deal with peeps simping for your characters? Because as far long as I could tell I've seen a few that do and it scares me
(I am afraid of the human Syke. It is a horrible thing. And a wonderful thing. Free will and the Internet is terrifying in the wrong hands)
PS. This isn't yolk it's his wife.
PPS. I am sorry if this ask is not ok. I'm still new to Tumblr And the rights and wrongs
PPPS. The baby is doing fine BTW. Will be born in a few months I can't wait to hold her
Oh! Hey Yolk's wife! Really glad to see your on here for a bit ^^. And heck yeah, im glad you and the baby are doing fine, i wish yall an easy birth!
Nah you're cool, you're cool. Sometimes these questions need to be asked ^^
As for peeps Simping for characters i have. It sometimes bugs me, sometimes it doesnt. I generally dont mind if they do, i just have an issue with them saying inappropriate things beneath the tags.
Its not harmful to like or simp for a character. But it starts to cross lines when they're in your replies saying potentially inappropriate things or going to your inbox demanding one thing or another.
Genuinely, if a person likes a characrer, just let them like it, nothing you say can dissuade them. But if they start trying to control your character or say things you arent comfortable with, put your foot down.
If that doesnt work, we got nifty lil block buttons that do wonders for us all. They dont respect you, they dont deserve to see the content you create for free ^^
Hope this helps!
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majycka · 4 months
Hello!! I just wanna drop by and say i enjoyed your Utahime thoughts! And i wanna share s couple of my cents if that's alright? Here we gooo
So I'll start by saying that i have nothing against anyone that ships gjhm, that's the beauty of fandom and aus and stories. however, i have tried to see the appeal in a realistically speaking sense within the context of the actual story and i just cannot. for the life of me. Like it's pretty evident that Utahime does not like Gojo, and that he's very disrespectful towards her, however, there is the trust they share because of their roles as teachers and their ideology. it's not that Utahime is an unreasonable person that would turn down an offer that would put her students in harms way right? but the thing is, I don't think the story ever set up any sublots for them to like each other you know? And I don't wanna be a killjoy when i say this altho i probably am, but rather that it's just not something author has envisioned for them?
i do think Gojo likes Utahime, but just not in a romantic sense, and this sort of dynamic is really reminiscent of that i would find in siblings, where one is endlessly annoying and the other wants to strangle the younger. i think if the story went the other way instead of the one it went now, Utahime and Gojo should cooperate and be understanding of one another as in good colleagues/friends? but given how Utahime was written and her limited appears in the story, luckluster and underwhelming sometimes, it's nearly impossible, and it's mostly on gege because all these characters have so much potential yet he only utilizes them as plot devices, in short it's not about the characters unfortunately.
and frankly i can't blame people for creating aus, in fact go ahead, it's what makes shipping so great! like i love to ship gojo too, mostly with geto or sometimes shoko heck i even like to pair him with ocs or readers too! but idk why i just can't picture him and Utahime ever being in a relationship at least within the story like context. again i don't wanna undermine anyone who loves this ship, i am all supporting but i just wanted to get out how i see it. Hope this wasn't confusing!
I see what you're coming from, Anon! People have varying preferences/opinions, and that's the beauty of it! I know Gege wouldn't draw out a romance plot line because he stated he ONLY sees it for mutamiwa. I can be delusional with gjhm BUT realistically, I’d never trust Gege EVER to handle a romance plot line cuz it will probably end tragically lol.
Imma try to speak from gojohime pov and give some insight why I personally love the ship.
I think the gjhm fans that I've seen doesn't ship them just because its ability to be canon but instead the dynamic that gjhm offers. Like you said Utahime does hate him while Gojo seems to like her, and the most funny part for me is that Gojo genuinely believes her "annoyance" is a joke between them. The way I see it, it offers this a slowburn romantic comedy potential with Gojo learning to get over himself, step up, and have this massive realization of falling for Utahime. I had this convo with my moot ola and moot said how basically Gojo just went “shit, she CAN fix me!” with Utahime (Because ya know how Utahime is everything Gojo isn’t) thus he continues to bug her xD
There's just so much to "play" with their dynamics honestly if you take them out of the canon story. You'd think that a slow burn romance would be two people earning each other's trust then doing all the slowly loving/liking part, but since the story already has set up that gjhm have each other trust because they share the goal of teachers fostering the new generation of sorcerers plus their decade of familiarity with each other, it makes you think what's more to this slowburn romcom?
Well, the way I see it, their opposing teaching beliefs can help them learn from each other and be better teachers. Gojo will be forced out of his emotionally constipated ways. Utahime's strength in her patience and ability to connect with other will be highlighted. They can be such a fun colleagues to lovers slowburn romcom type of story ya know which I honestly find hilarious xD So yehhh thats basically why I ship these two fuckers :^)
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
could i have fyodor, dazai and nikolai with an s/o who has hyperactive-impulsive adhd headcanons? thanks
Ofc you can :) thank you for your request!
'•.¸♡ hyperactive-impulsive adhd ♡¸.•'
Hyperactive-impulsive adhd!gn!reader
I don't know much about adhd so if I get something wrong or if you would like for me to add something please say so and I will try and do my best to talk about adhd in this.
Feat. Fyodor, Dazai, Nikolai
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Fyodor's a man who definitely seems like someone who would like to have things organized and plan ahead so when he fell for someone who did the opposite it forced him to alter his ways a bit.
He will constantly remind you to take care of yourself while also doing the bare minimum to take care of himself.
If you plan on doing something which potentially could be very dangerous and could put your life at risk he'll either go with you or just not let you do it.
He cares for you but whenever he wants you to not do something it sounds more like a demand than an ask or suggestion.
If you do something on impulse he'll understand that you didn't do it intentionally and if you feel bad he'll tell it that it isn't your fault and to stop feeling bad.
He doesn't mind your stimming just try not to stim verbally next to him as it'll annoy him
Dazai always knows whenever you forget something, be it your medication, to eat, or simply your phone, whatever it is, he always knows what you forgot he'll always remind you.
Whenever you get distracted he'll just kinda observe what you are distracted by for fun.
If you struggle with impulse control then he will try and keep you away from stuff that may trigger your impulse control. Obviously, that isn't always possible but he will try his best to keep you from buying a dozen ant farms.
He will love all your hyper-fixations, no matter what they are.
You like bugs? He'll love to hear all about them! You suddenly want to visit every temple 'cause they look cool? Road trip with Nikolai!
He loves seeing you stim and he might join you from time to time if it's something he would enjoy doing. (he doesn't love all stims because some are harmful, he doesn't like those ones)
If you have a mental health thing he will help you and will try to cheer you up whenever you feel down (or more down).
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I'm a fucking dumb ass. I swallowed a fucking button. I sorry if I got some adhd stuff wrong, I don't know alot about it :(
I took a drink and my fucking face is warm but I don't get to be drunk so now I just have to have a warm face for sometime.
ALSO I FOUND ROSE LIQUOR OR WODKA I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I FOUND BUT IT IS ROSE FLOUVOURED ALCOHOL AND IT IS IN A WODKA BOTTLE! :) It taste amazing, don't drink tho kids, it isn't good especially if you are young and your brain is still developing but when you're an adult you can do whatever you want.
Unless you are American then just wait like 3 more years and you're good.
Have a wonderful day/night and stay away from alcohol, drugs and country music.
-love, Az
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
Ive never liked the ants either
I don’t know something about cartoons where a predator is just doing what’s in their nature constantly getting tortured and treated like a villain for it bugs me
And I think the reason is, is because with the ants it’s like this excessive payback
Or like in tom and jerry, Thomas constantly beat and sometimes even killed, but we’re supposed to feel bad for Jerry cause he’s a “sweet little mouse”
(And totally not a potential disease, caring food stealing home invader)
I think the only time it hasn’t bothered me is Wile E coyote, and only because most of the time when he loses, it’s either his own fault or acme‘s faulty products
Yeah, I've never liked that one either. It's part of the reason I hated Lion Guard, why I didn't completely enjoy Fox Busters...it just rubs me the wrong way, and the fact that the ants go about 10 thousand miles out of their way to inflict as much slow, unbearable agony on Sniffles as possible as he cries his eyes out makes them impossible to like.
(Agreed on Wile E. Coyote. Love that that was actually in his character Bible, that he can't be harmed by the Road Runner, only his own ineptitude and blind brand loyalty.)
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 2 months
E for ALL the ships! Please (:
E - Do you have any favorite headcanons for this ship?
For ALL THE SHIPS!!! You really gave me a homework, love <3 But I really enjoyed writing this little compilation.
Let's see...
-- OrdoMaze --
My favorite thing about them is how they try to understand each other's functioning and motivations in life and usually this leads to conversations that can result in passionate arguments or potential fist fights and then hatesex.
Books are usually a topic they usually don't agree.
Maze is rigid in a way that he wants to feel the accomplishment that he worked very hard for a specific reward or something that is not obtainable in a military, such as: books. Eventually, the free-books available are not enough and sometimes he wants to read something other than dry information from the Jedi archive (free library pass from General Zey).
"Pirate it, then." Ordo shrugs, he doesn't understand why Maze is doing ethical dilemma over getting stuff he needs.
And then Ordo will never hear the end of it how artists, writers, content creators are working hard to tell their story, and is it harming for the creative industry to "just pirate" while not being compensated for it.
"I pirate it for you? So you won't have to feel bad for not compensating them because only I was involved in the... crime" Ordo offers, a sincere gesture to make his boyfriend happy.
Ordo will never hear the end of it but also won't understand the contradictions why morals and being a law-abiding citizen are even question here, when Maze works illegally in a low-level pub as a dishwasher with fake id and has a secret bank account so he would be able to properly pay for his books.
-- OrdoEcho --
Ordo is devastated that he can't express his love toward Echo through sharing food, because Echo is picky as fuck when it's about edibles created by natborns. So he keeps red ration bars - Echo's favorite one-, in his snack-pouches so he can surprise Echo with it~
-- OrdoEchoMaze --
Ordo and Maze is that kind of couple who are getting together and breaking up every two weeks. Maze started dating Echo when they were in this break up period and Maze decided that maybe he deserves better, more understanding and sensitive boyfriend (meaning, not the Ordo-kind of sensitive). Ordo almost killed Echo in jealousy.
-- FoxFives --
Fox and Fives' favorite datenight is going gambling, cheating their way though the games and get away with it, rewarding themselves with greasy junk food at Coruscant's low-level street carnivals, kissing in public to freak out people who think they are twins, and then soaking in naked in a public bathhouse.
-- FoxThorn --
This is an AU were Commander Fox joins later the Guard, reassigned from the fronts. And some eldritch occurences are involved too.
While Thorn was in sleeping-coma, he wasn't sleeping entirely. He heard Fox's every words who was thinking loudly while sitting at his bed or walking around the room. Fox needed someone to talk who wasn't hostile to him and who is better company for that than someone who can't mouth back?
I like the idea that Fox either shared the ideas how he will break this curse on Thorn. But sometimes he just shared that he misses the frontlines, he misses his men, he misses when he was actually knew what he was doing.
-- TEcho --
Tech and Echo first meeting was actually happened much earlier. Tech followed an interesting bug into the ventshaft, which in the end, collapsed under him and he landed in the mess hall, more precisely, in Echo's lap. (yeah. I know. I know. cheesy as fuck shut up) Echo immediately fell in love with this weird guy who protected the bug with all his life.
-- KalWalon --
Kal is shortking and Walon uses this as an advantage when he wants to piss off Kal. He actually has to bend down a bit if he wants a kiss from him.
"What now?"
"Beg for that kiss."
Walon realized too late that it wasn't the usual "Kal is deaf from all those explosions"-what. Kal headbutted Walon on the chin.
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