#Itadori Yuji x latinx!gn!reader
Itadori Yuji x latinx!gn!reader
Summary: you’re from Latin America and end up moving to Japan (cause your whole family is fucking dead hehe sorry). You feel sad and homesick but Itadori tries his best to cheer you up.
Warnings: I’d say none?
a/n: just to clarify, I am from Latin America and I know not everyone here is loud and touchy but I am and this was kind of a self inserted fic cause I feel that if I had to move to Japan it’d be really hard to get used to the people and their culture in general. Like japanesse people are known for being closed off and distant mostly because they’re very respectful and well behaved, whereas in Latin America people are more outgoing and kind of rude to be honest. Idk I think it’s an interesting contrast between these two cultures and Itadori has a bit of both and I love him so yeah enjoy (also I didn’t proofread this I’m very sorry)
Being a foreigner student in Japan wasn’t easy, specially coming from a place like Latin America with such a different culture. When Gojo sensei found you in the middle of a loosing battle against a curse back in your country, you never would’ve thought he’d save you and take you with him to the other side of the world. You were grateful though, thanks to him you got to meet amazing people that understood what loosing everyone you loved was like. People who gradually became your friends and helped you through your hardest days without expecting anything back. But you still missed your home, the food, the music and the people. Your people. Sometimes those thoughts made you feel guilty, but you couldn’t help but feel left out whenever Noraba made a reference about a tv show they all used to watch when they were kids, or when Megumi flinched and run away anytime you got too exited and accidentally raised your voice. Yuji was a great cook and would often make you try new dishes to cheer you up, but japanese food tasted so different to what you were used to it sometimes wasn’t comforting enough. You weren’t having a bad time but you definitely weren’t the happiest you’d ever been. You craved touch and warmth, you wanted to go dancing without being self conscious and stay up till sunrise.
The closest person to you was Yuji. You met him a few months after your arrival in Japan, apparently he’d been out on a ‘secret mission’ or at least that’s what Gojo had told you. The pink haired boy greeted you with a big smile and a lot of questions, you were surprised by his outgoing and warm personality at first but you immediately became good friends. You loved being around Yuji, he’d always let you hug him and didn’t seem to be affected by your voice volume. He reminded you of an old friend back home so it wasn’t hard to open up to him and tell him about your mixed feelings towards the cultural crash.
“I can’t say I get it ‘cause I totally don’t, I wasn’t forced to leave my country and leave behind everything I’ve known my whole life to try and start a new life on the other side of the world” he said while grabbing his chin and looking at the ceiling “ and I don’t think there’s a way to make you feel completely at home, I mean I can try recreating your country’s traditional dishes but I don’t wanna ruin that for you”
You’d tried that before but you could never find the right ingredients and there was always something missing, leaving you with and empty space in your chest. It seemed like every time you tried to do things to keep holding on to your culture the more distant you felt, as if the life you knew was forever lost.
“That’s it! We can go to the festival!” the boy next to you jumped and you stared at him wondering what the hell he was talking about. “Noraba didn’t tell you about it?” You shook your head no “This weekend starts the Tanabata festival, it was a chinese tradition at first but we’ve been celebrating it for a while. There’s gonna be a lot of food, cute decorations around the city and… oh!” Suddenly he was in front of you grabbing you by your shoulders “ WE HAVE TO MAKE A WISH”
And that’s how you ended up borrowing one of Nobara’s yukata and headed to the festival, Yuji right next to you. As soon as he saw you wearing the traditional clothes his face lit up and he grabbed your hand, dragging you to what he described as the best place in earth. Some of the second year students decided to tag along but you lost them in the crowd.
Yuji was right, it was fun. He showed you around and bought you different types of food, you played games and he told you about the japanese traditions. You slowly realized that maybe you’d judged his people wrong. Seeing kids running around, couples holding each other, and the dumb idiot’s bright smile made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Yes it was a different country, and yes the people there could be distant and a bit close minded, but they were also very nice and respectful, full of wisdom and spirituality.
Apparently it was this festival’s tradition to write down a wish on a colorful paper strip (tanzaku) and tie it onto a bamboo branch. The color you chose held a meaning and directed your wish towards it’s destination. You chose red, representing gratuity towards your parents and ancestors. Yuji chose yellow but he didn’t tell you what the color represented.
“You know there’s a Japanese legend my grandpa used to tell me every time during this festival” He said while you two walked down a path and heading to a bridge “Aparently there used to be two lovers, a cowherd and a weaver girl, that lived by a riverbank in China a long long long time ago. Before knowing each other they dedicated their time to their respective jobs, but once they got married they’d spend so much time together that they completely forgot about them. The girls father got so mad that he split the two lovers apart and exiled the boy to the other side of the river.” He stoped walking and you realized you’d reached the bridge and the two of you were now standing in the middle of it. “The girl cried and begged his father to let them see each other one more time and he agreed, allowing the lovers to meet every 7th of July. But when the date came they realized there was no way of crossing the river, ‘cause you know there was no bridge and they apparently didn’t know how to swim or maybe the tide was too strong and it would’ve been dangerous to…” he started rambling on about the possible ways the couple could’ve seen each other and you couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh, making the boy blush. “Anyways, a bunch of birds I don’t remember what type exactly but they helped the girl cross the river and she was able to meet his lover. Now we throw our bamboo branches to the river so they reach the sea and the gods can find them and read our wishes, hopefully they’ll make them come true.”
“It’s a beautiful story” he nodded and kept looking down at the river. Together you threw your branches and watched them get carried away downstream by the current.
“My wish was yellow, it represents friendship. I usually choose the red paper like you did, I like to make wishes for my parents and my grandpa.” You listened intently, he rarely spoke about his parents. “This time I decided to be a bit selfish and wished for our friendship to last forever and for you to feel at home.” He turned to you and dug holes in your sole with his brown eyes.
You stood there silent, not knowing what to say or how to react. Your heart was beating fast and your eyes were getting wet, but there was this indescribable feeling beginning to settle in inside of your chest. Itadori moved closer to you and cupped your cheek with his cold hand, hot breath fanning over your face.
“I promise I’ll try my best to make you feel at home”
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Dime tu
Itadori Yuji x latinx!gn!reader
Summary: after the festival Yuji dances with you :)
Warnings: none just pure fluff
a/n: this is my happy place, welcome to heaven. Also this is supposed to be the second part of this fic but you don’t have to read that in order to understand this one. Enjoy.
This is the song you’re dancing to
Once you decided to head back to the school the sun had already gone down and the starts shone bright above your heads. Even though it was late and most of the other students had already gone to bed, you were too happy and excited to call it a day. Luckily your favorite golden retriever boy was just as energetic as you.
“What do you wanna do?” He asked you while you walked around the buildings.
There wasn’t much to do honestly, the only people awake where probably you two and Megumi who hated being disturbed by yours and Yuji’s ‘annoying high pitched voices’. Once you reached the stairs Yuji sat down and watched you walk in circles while trying to think of something fun to do. Without realizing he started humming one of the songs he’d heard you play on your phone on repeat for the past week. The melody was sweet like honey and it gave him goosebumps every time he listened to it. Not even a second later you started humming along with him almost unconsciously, still trying to come up with an idea.
“I got it” Yuji said all of a sudden. You looked at him and raised your eyebrows in question. “Teach me how to dance”
Your face grew hot and your hands started to sweat. Even though you loved dancing you weren’t sure if you could make a good teacher, it’s not mike you were a professional.
“I don’t know Yuji, my dancing is not that good and the type of music I dance to is a bit… I don’t know it’s different from what you’re used to” memories of crowded clubs with loud music and bodies pressed together made their way to your head and you instantly knew you couldn’t teach him those dance moves.
“It’s okay, we can start with something easy. Just, whatever you feel comfortable with teaching me” his sweet smile was irresistible and you easily gave in.
“Let me think of a song we can dance to without making the old men freak out or getting bullied by Gojo”
“I’ve got one” he interrupted you and took his phone out of his right pocket to show you what song he was talking about. He pressed play and you instantly recognized it. Obviously there were non-dirty spanish songs you two could dance to without having to grind your ass against your friend, how stupid you were. Maybe it would be fun.
You positioned yourself in front of Yuji and taught him how to move his feet following your steps. You talked about connection between dance partners and the passion needed to express yourselves through your movements. Yuji took it seriously and soon enough he was grabbing you by the waist and staring into your eyes, his crooked smile making you want to smack your faces together right there and then.
You danced to the song again and again, replaying it about five times. His gaze was hypnotizing and the way he twirled you around and pulled you back made you believe he was trying to get you closer to him every time. His dance moves weren’t perfect and he still had a lot to learn, but he definitely was a natural dancer. After the sixth time you decided to stop and go to bed, promising you’d keep practicing the next day.
And just like you promised, you kept giving him dance lessons every night. You tried it once during the day but Inumaki and Panda made fun of you and started calling you lovebirds. Yuji didn’t seem to mind but you were smart enough not to let them keep talking in case someone even more annoying (ejem, Gojo) found out about your little sessions. You danced to a different song every night to try and teach him different types and ways of dancing, but the first song you danced to remained his favorite. On your sixth night Yuji asked to dance to it again, just like the first time. You two started off smoothly, already used to each other’s bodies, but there was something different in Itadori’s eyes this time. Usually he’d never look away from you, it was almost weird and intimidating but this time he was scanning your whole face. Eyes roaming from your eyes to your cheeks to your neck to your lips to your eyes again. You were about to ask him what was up but where cut off by his voice once you reached the chorus.
“Dime tu… dime tu a quien besarás” he wasn’t a good singer but that didn’t matter, he was singing in your language, he had learned the lyrics to a song in a language he didn’t speak and he was singing it while dancing with you “Cuando el sol caiga del cielo y deslice por tu pelo” his grip on your waist tightened and his face got closer to yours. Your heart was beating so fast you were sure he could hear it, and you must’ve seemed shocked or flustered by his actions cause all he could do was smile smoothly. “Dime tu… dime tu a quién besarás” And as if that wasn’t enough to break your brains and drive you crazy, he leaned it and sang the last words of the chorus next to your ear “Yo te elijo a ti”
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