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Soldiers of the Latvian army are training with the RBS-70 air defense system to destroy Russian air targets during combat shooting exercises "Baltic Zenith 2024", Latvia, 2024. Screenshot from original video published by Latvijas armija
From June 1 to 10, the international military exercises "Baltic Zenith 2024" took place at the Jūrmalciem military aviation range in the Southern Kurzeme region, during which Latvian, Lithuanian and Czech soldiers improved their skills in combat shooting at air targets. About 250 participants took part in the exercise, including soldiers, national guardsmen and civilians from the Air Force, Ground Forces Mechanized Infantry Brigade, National Guard, Lithuanian Armed Forces and units of the Czech Armed Forces. The purpose of the training was to train and professionally prepare specialists of the short-range air defense missile systems RBS-70 and GROM by conducting practical combat firing exercises at air targets.
P.S. The good news is that both anti-aircraft weapon systems, the RBS-70 (made in Sweden) and the Grom (made in Poland), are manufactured in Europe! In today's conditions, it is important to reduce Europe's dependence on the import of American-made armaments...! European money must stay in Europe...!!!
Make Europeans dangerous again!!!
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henk-heijmans · 2 years
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Boys of Jūrmalciems', Latvia, 1971 - by Egons Spuris (1931 - 1990), Latvian
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heazmusic · 5 years
Liepāja and Jūrmalciems fisher boats, at early morning after the shortest night of the year. Latvia. 2018©heazmusic
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Climbed a tree. It was nice. It’s also windy and somewhat cold here. (at Jūrmalciems, Latvia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Bg7papM4c/?igshid=10raea2ht0et
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Mācībās „Baltic Zenith /Ramstein Arrows” pilnveido iemaņas kaujas šaušanā pa gaisa mērķiem (Latvians and troops from Allied countries are improving combat shooting skills at air targets during the live fire exercise "Baltic Zenith/Ramstein Arrows")
Latvijas armija
No 5. līdz 15. jūnijam Dienvidkurzemes novada, Nīcas pagastā esošajā NBS Jūrmalciema militārās aviācijas poligonā norisinās starptautiskās militārās mācības „Baltic Zenith 2022”, kuru laikā Latvijas, Lietuvas, Čehijas un ASV karavīri pilnveido iemaņas kaujas šaušanā pa gaisa mērķiem. Mācībās piedalās aptuveni 300 dalībnieku, tostarp karavīri, zemessargi un civilie darbinieki no Gaisa spēkiem, Sauszemes spēku Mehanizētās kājnieku brigādes, Zemessardzes, Lietuvas bruņotajiem spēkiem, Čehijas un ASV armijas pretgaisa aizsardzības vienībām. Mācību mērķis ir trenēt un profesionāli sagatavot tuvās darbības rādiusa pretgaisa aizsardzības raķešu sistēmu RBS-70, GROM, STINGER un AVENGER speciālistus, veicot praktiskos kaujas šaušanas vingrinājumus pa gaisa mērķiem.
(From June 5 to 15, the international military training "Baltic Zenith 2022" will take place at the NBS Jūrmalciems military aviation range in Nīcas parish, Southern Kurzeme district, during which soldiers from Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and the United States will improve their skills in combat shooting at aerial targets. About 300 participants are taking part in the exercise, including soldiers, national guardsmen and civilians from the Air Force, Ground Forces Mechanized Infantry Brigade, National Guard, Lithuanian Armed Forces, Czech Republic and US Army Air Defense Units. The purpose of the training is to train and professionally prepare specialists of the short-range air defense missile systems RBS-70, GROM, STINGER and AVENGER by conducting practical combat firing exercises at air targets.
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