#JAC Analysis
jacscorner · 2 years
Steam Powered: Little Hamster, Big Adventure
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I've had my eyes on this game when I heard about it back in around June (it came out in March this year), but I couldn't buy it because I didn't have a computer that ran windows.
But that changed recently and I finally remembered to snag this little game.
PomPom - The Great Space Rescue is a cute little puzzle platformer. It looks kind of like a Mario Game with the Kirby Aesthetic.
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The story is pretty simple. PomPom is just running on his little hamster wheel when his owner, Hoshi, comes home with jewels that just fell from the sky! How lucky!
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Except not! He's not lucky at all! Because a crew of Space Pirate Cats want those jewels and kidnap Hoshi! PomPom, his lovable hamster, is the only one who can save the day!
Like Mario & Kirby, your objective is to guide PomPom from right to left and reach the end of the stage. But that is where the similarities abruptly end.
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PomPom will automatically move from left to right and jump whenever he's at a ledge. Even if there's nothing under him.
Instead of playing as PomPom himself, you control a cursor. PomPom will collect random objects on his path; from gurders to walk under to springs to bounce off of, balloons to ride on, hammers to break platforms, and more! Your job is to stop time, place down platforms for PomPom to platform on, and help him reach the end of the stage without this little hamster getting himself killed.
This game, I don't think, requires cat-like reflexes. I don't know if it's my fat fingers or my greasy hands, but I find it a little difficult to pause the game (spacebar) and set down an object (left mouse click) at the same time. I don't know if I just need to deep clean my laptop or if this game is better with a proper mouse and not a trackpad. (NOTE: You don't NEED to stop time to set platforms down, it just makes it easier.)
My only tip, and it's not really a good one, is that you should save your platform and not use them until you know exactly where Pompom is going. Otherwise, you're either gonna waste something or trap yourself.
Thankfully the game is pretty forgiving. Instead of lives, it gives you second chances for when Pompom dies; you get a nice bubble that gives you a few seconds to place Pompom where you want on the screen. Sometimes, it can feel a little pointless, like you're in a bad position and you can't continue one way or the other. But other times, this can get you out of a really tight spot and give you that one pickup you REALLY needed to make it to the next checkpoint.
At the time of writing, I only beat the first world's levels. But I'm already hungry for more and I want other people to love this little game! If I beat this game, I'll give it a proper score. But from what I played, I think the game's a solid A+!
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rainandandy · 28 days
Hiii, could you do a rain carradine x reader fic where they both survived the events of romulus and are safely brought to yvaga but yn is badly injured so she was in a coma and rain had to wait for her to wake up?
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Warnings: Grief, Coma description, mentions of blood,
Word Count: 1883
Pairings: Rain Carradine x Fem!Reader
The cryopod’s hiss was the first sound that Rain heard as her consciousness slowly returned. Her limbs felt stiff, her mind foggy from the long sleep. As her senses sharpened, panic knotted her stomach�� she remembered the dire circumstances they had left behind. The urgency to check on you and Andy propelled her from the pod. Rain’s heart pounded as she rushed to your side, her boots clanging against the metal floor of the Corbelan.
You were still unconscious, the dried blood on your forehead a stark contrast to your pale skin. Rain’s hands trembled as she traced the line of your jaw, whispering your name softly, her voice a fragile thread in the quiet of the medical bay. "Please, wake up," she murmured, each word laden with desperation. But you remained motionless, the steady beep of the heart monitors the only response in the sterile room.
After ensuring you were as comfortable as possible Rain then turned her attention to Andy, who was beginning to stir in his own cryopod. She quickly moved to his side, her movements practiced and efficient as she initiated the sequence to reset his chip. The familiar whir of circuits reactivating filled the air, a sound that brought a small measure of relief to Rain.
Andy’s optical sensors flickered to life, and he immediately fixated on Rain. "Is she okay?" he asked, his voice carrying an electronic tinge of concern.
Rain shook her head, fighting back a fresh wave of tears. "No, not yet, Andy. She’s still not awake." Her voice cracked on the last word, betraying her fear.
Andy sat up, scanning the medical equipment readings with rapid precision. "Systems analysis suggests significant trauma. Probability of recovery uncertain without further medical assessment," he reported, though his words were careful, calculated to avoid causing Rain more distress.
Rain nodded, absorbing his words with a heavy heart. "Just stay with me, Andy. Help me land us safely”
As Rain steered the Corbelan ship toward Yvaga, her focus was laser-sharp, every adjustment to the controls calculated and precise despite the emotional storm raging within her. The verdant hues of Yvaga loomed larger and brighter through the viewport, a stark contrast to the bleakness that had preceded this moment.
"We're almost there," Rain said softly, more to herself than to Andy, who was monitoring the ship's systems next to her.
Andy, always sensitive to her mood, replied, "It'll be okay, Rain. You've gotten us this far."
"I just need to know she'll be alright," Rain whispered, her voice carrying a weight that the vastness of space around them seemed to absorb.
As soon as the ship touched down on Yvaga's surface, Rain was a blur of motion, barely waiting for the landing sequence to complete before she was unbuckling and rushing toward the hatch. The ramp hadn’t fully deployed when she started shouting for help.
"Medical team! I need a medical team here now!" Her voice, usually so composed, cracked with urgency.
When the medical team finally burst through the ship's doors, their uniforms a blur of efficiency and urgency, Rain stepped back, allowing them to take charge. She watched with a mixture of fear and determination as they assessed your condition, their expressions giving away little as they worked swiftly and silently.
"Heart rate stable, but unresponsive," one of the doctors murmured, their voice a backdrop to the whirring of machines and the soft beeps of monitors. Another voice chimed in with medical jargon that Rain strained to understand, her gaze flickering between you and the medical staff.
"Will she be okay?" Rain finally managed to choke out the question that had been gnawing at her since they left Jackson's Star. Her voice was barely above a whisper, but the doctors seemed to hear her nonetheless.
"We're doing everything we can," one of them replied gently, their eyes meeting Rain's with a mixture of sympathy and professionalism. "She's stable for now. We'll keep you updated."
Relocated to the stark, white room of Yvaga customs, Rain's heart continued to pound, now out of sync with the buzzing fluorescents overhead. Officials moved her from station to station, conducting thorough scans and taking samples, ensuring she carried no pathogens that could threaten their pristine colony. Despite their politeness, their masked faces remained impassive, heightening Rain's sense of isolation and worry.
"And what about the synthetic?" one official inquired, glancing over a digital clipboard as he scrutinized Andy, who stood beside Rain, his usual stoic self.
"He's my brother," Rain asserted, her voice firm despite the undercurrent of fear that he might be taken from her. "I know your laws about synthetics..."
The officer looked up, a slight frown creasing his brow, then relaxed. "Miss, that regulation has been repealed years ago. Your... brother is welcome to stay as long as he abides by our rules, just like any other resident."
Relief washed over Rain, brief but profound, and she squeezed Andy's hand, smiling at him. "Did you hear that? You’re staying." Her voice wavered with emotion, a stark contrast to her usual composure.
Andy nodded, a flicker of what might have been relief passing through his eyes. "I am pleased to remain by your side, Rain."
But as the customs official handed her back her documents, including a new ID card for her life on Yvaga, Rain's thoughts were already racing back to you, lying in the medical bay, your condition unknown. "Thank you," she muttered distractedly, barely hearing the officer’s instructions on local guidelines and curfew times.
With every step towards the medical facility, her pace quickened, driven by a mix of dread and urgency. Upon arrival, she was met by a cool blast of air and the antiseptic smell of the hospital that did nothing to ease her nerves.
"I’m here to see my girlfriend," she told the receptionist, her voice steady but her hands clasped tightly in front of her.
The receptionist typed something into a computer, then looked up with a neutral expression. "You may go in, but please prepare yourself. She hasn’t regained consciousness yet."
Rain’s breath hitched, her feet carrying her down the fluorescent-lit hallway to the room where you lay. The door swung open quietly, and there you were, just as she’d left you, surrounded by beeping machines and IV lines, your breathing steady but unnatural.
She pulled up a chair beside your bed, her hand finding yours, cold and still. "Hey, it’s me," she whispered, her voice cracking as she spoke. "I need you to wake up, okay? Andy’s safe. We’re both here... waiting for you."
Hours turned into days, with Rain talking to you about everything and nothing—her hopes for their new life on Yvaga, the garden she imagined they might cultivate, the quiet evenings they could spend watching Yvaga’s twin suns set. Occasionally, she'd be silent, just watching your chest rise and fall, each breath a small reassurance that you were still with her.
One particularly quiet night, Rain leaned close, her whisper barely audible. "You have to come back to me," she said, her tone a mix of plea and command. "Remember all those plans we made? I can’t do this without you. I can’t lose anyone else."
She stayed there, her head resting beside your hand on the bed, her tears not quite spilling over but close. The weight of everything they’d been through, everything they’d lost and hoped to gain, pressed down on her.
"Please," she murmured as she felt the first tear escape, tracing a warm path down her cold cheek. "I need you. We’re supposed to start over here. Together."
The sterile hum of the medical bay was punctuated by the quiet beep of machines, a constant backdrop to Rain's vigil by your side. It was during one of these long nights, her head resting close to yours, her whispered stories floating through the dimly lit room, that a change occurred. A subtle shift in the rhythm of your breathing, a small furrow in your brow—signs of emerging consciousness that Rain almost didn't dare to hope for.
After what felt like an eternity immersed in silence and darkness, you finally sensed the veil of unconsciousness lifting. Your eyelids fluttered open, meeting the stark brightness of the medical bay on Yvaga. Disoriented, you turned your head slightly, finding Rain's face close to yours, her eyes wide with a mixture of shock and relief.
Your eyelids fluttered, a slow, uncertain movement, and then opened. Rain, who had been lost in her thoughts, looked up sharply, her heart skipping a beat. "Baby?" she said softly, her voice a mix of hope and disbelief.
You blinked slowly, disoriented, the shapes and shadows of the room coalescing into forms you recognized but couldn't quite place. "Rain?" Your voice was hoarse, barely a whisper, and you struggled to sit up, confusion written across your face.
"It's okay, take it slow," Rain soothed, her hands gentle on your shoulders, helping you adjust. "You're safe now. We're on Yvaga."
The name didn't mean much to you yet, not with your mind still grappling with the fog of long sleep and recovery. You looked around, trying to piece together the last fragments of memory—flashes of danger, of fear, of desperate actions. "What happened? The others—Kay, Tyler, Bjorn, Navarro... what happened to them?"
Rain's face fell, her eyes dimming with a grief she had held at bay. Taking a deep breath, she reached for your hand, squeezing it tightly. "There was an incident on the ship... there were these creatures" Her voice trembled, and she paused, gathering the strength to continue. "I managed to get you and Andy into cryopods. I... I dealt with it, but..." She swallowed hard, her other hand wiping away silent tears that began to stream down her face.
"The others weren't so lucky," she finished softly, the weight of the loss pressing down on her anew.
Your heart ached, both from your own physical weakness and the pain of the news. You remembered now—the fear, the chaos, the desperate rush to escape. And through it all, Rain, always protecting, always fighting. "You saved us," you whispered, your voice filled with a mix of sorrow for the lost and gratitude for the safety of those who remained.
Rain nodded, more tears falling as she tried to smile through them. "I did what I had to do. I couldn’t let anything happen to you or Andy." She took a shaky breath, trying to compose herself. "We're going to start over here, on Yvaga. Make it count, for them."
As you processed her words, the reality of your new beginning on this strange new world without some of your closest friends, you felt a profound sense of loss but also a deep, resolute determination. Rain was here, Andy was safe, and you were still together. In that, at least, there was some comfort.
"I'm glad you're here," you told her, squeezing her hand in return. "We'll make it count."
Rain nodded, a solemn promise shared between you two. As she settled back into the chair beside your bed, her vigilance unwavering, you knew that whatever challenges Yvaga might hold, you would face them together.
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thenerdofthegroup · 1 month
Analysing the Ballad of the Witches Road and I wanted to point out something. If others have figured this out then… I might be slow and just was dumbfounded by how beautiful Agatha was but here we go. The lyrics:
“Gather sisters far who water, earth and air darkest hour wake thy power, Earthly and Divine”
So this is slightly piggybacking on @trickofthelights blog (with your amazing Coven collage) but this is directly referencing the women in the coven. Later in the song it mentions ‘Familiar by thy side’ which is Billy Teen and this is purely the witches.
Agatha gathers a coven made of Alice (Fire- we see her associated with fire and red/orange a lot in the trailer), Jennifer (Water- we see her try and be drowned and she definitely fits personality wise) and Lilia (Air- we see her floating in the beautiful shot and she just gives ‘air’ vibes… so yeah we’ll go with that) to help her on her journey. The ‘far’ may reference the corners of the world they come from (Alice is linked to Homg Kong through her mother, Lilia is Sicilian).
The next line is more of a prophesy, it’s linking Agatha (divine) and Rio (Earthly) separately in being able to awaken agatha’s powers. I think this is telling us that at the end Rio will be absolutely crutial in getting agatha’s magic back. Some think it’s in a bad way, some think it’s in a good way, no one can really say. She is such an up and down character, but everything we have gotten leads us to the conclusion that she is obsessed with Agatha. Even looking back at the trailer, whenever she isn’t able to take the piss out of a situation or isn’t the centre of Agatha’s attention, she’s bored. That’s my interpretation anyway, proof here:
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(i just think this photo is cute)
ANYWAY, the separation of them in the song tells us that those two are much closer and more intertwined than the others. I think that the other witches (probably won't die because I actually want to see them all together at the end, don't shoot me I know that's an unpopular opinion) will come of the road and the main three of the series, Agatha Rio and Billy will be left.
Short analysis whilst I am now on page 42 on my dissecting Agatha evidence document that I will never show anyone out of embarrassment if everything is wrong. But I am making theories every day. Only the ones I love and don't think have a chance of being bollocks do I share.
Also this is what I call them now “The Earthly and Divine” as you could probably tell by my fic title. But I’m trying to stay objective in these theory things because some people are getting quite violent over ships and shipping culture. The internet is a scary place and I don’t ever want to interact long on here because some of y’all are actually crazy and I cannot understand it…
Anyway, thanks to anyone who actually reads these theories, this was done at midnight because I can't sleep. Today your gift for reading this is this observation: The flower Rio plays with in the photo above is in most of the show (note, in the airport clips, in the solo posing that we can see because it is filmed atrociously I'm positive she's holding the same flower):
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Right after this disco scene she gives it to Agatha trust I'm Jac Shaeffer-
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Sorry, adding onto that Weiss post I sent, eve n though you will likely see this one first XD
But one of the interesting things about the Schnee family is that each of the kids and Willow all subtly embody one of the four main trauma responses to abuse as a sort of underlying character trait that showed their overall trajectory and what they needed to overcome.
Willow Schnee, (The mother) embodied freeze, she had long since given up combatting Jac and fallen into an extended depression and addiction to wine. Though (Spoiler) she did begin planting cameras in the house to spy on hi, to gather evidence but didn't quite have the where with all to act on anything she had herself.
Winter Schnee, (One of the most elder sisters ever) Despite her intensely stern disposition and aggression, she actually embodies flight, going out of her way to avoid him whenever she can and quickly losing any semblance of self control when he's around as he still has his claws in her so to speak. She also unwittingly recreated the dynamic he wanted from her with General Ironwood. IE, she followed the general with utter devotion and loyalty until he was basically in the lowest depths of his descent to villainy. This is something she herself has become aware of since then.
Weiss Schnee, (Middle Child Syndrome) I already covered her, but she is primarily fight, though her leaving for Beacon & struggles when dragged back to the manor do show signs of flight and freeze. These latter two were tinged heavily by circumstance, IE needing to get away from him to build her own reputation & trauma from the Fall of Beacon. & also clearly took a lot of effort for Jac or a situation to bring out. While fighting comes naturally to Weiss, hence her being said to embody defiance.
Whitley Schnee, (Bratty baby) He is very much fawn, to the point where Jac clearly starts low key treating him more like staff than he ever did Weiss, cos that would just lead to fight. Whitley acts as door man, kind of a secretary and generally was expected to just follow Jac around, when he was wanted, and offer silent support and then disappear otherwise.
He was a bit more contentious with others, especially his siblings who he resented for leaving him with their parents (The show doesn't blame them for this, they were abused teens as well; its just made clear this is why he's so distrustful) but it was made clear he acts as he does because he thinks defying their father is a fools errand.
I would say Whitley is probably the closest to Chloe, fawning on an abusive parent, smug and even sharp tongued with others when he can get away with it, but clearly unhappy and when given the chance to do something worthwhile, does very well.
I guess if you fused Adrien & Chloe you'd get Whitley and if you mixed some of Gabriel & Andre's worst traits you'd get Jac Schnee, while the other Schnee family members feel a bit too distinct to easily draw such a line too.
Fascinating and low-key reminds me of my analysis of the Todorokis. Which is funny because the ice theming is with both.
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lunaechaos · 6 days
Agatha All Along spoilers and the /possible/ identity of The Ouija Board (tm) spirit
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(i've never done a theory post before so cut me so slack)
hello Agatha lovers! hope we're all good and frying our brains to come up with theories and analysis for the show, aren't we?
in light of the two episodes and the new teasers/tv spots that came out after them introducing Alice's mother as an actual character, i think we can assume she is the spirit the coven tries to contact via the ouija board. but why?
first, Alice's mother was revealed since the very beginning, which is very funny because i could swear this was Alice. this is literally from the first teaser trailer ever released for Agatha All Along, the new teaser and the ending credits of the show:
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Lorna Wu to you guys.
we know for a fact from the 2nd episode that Alice's mother is lost inside the road and probably trapped in it, so Alice's wish must presumably be related to finding her. this is the part where things get a little blurry for me, because i have a few ideas as to how the mother-daughter reunion could happen:
while Alice finds her mother in her own trial, the disco inferno one, i don't think her appearance is the result of it being successfully completed, considering everything that also happens in it (remember the red demon-thing everyone?).
i'm also not sure it's just Lorna's spirit manifesting for them as i've seen some people suggest, because this would mean she is already dead. all that we know about her is that she is missing and lost inside the witches' road, not deceased.
if she really is helping Alice on her trial, then i believe something goes wrong (who could've imagined it) and she perhaps sacrifice herself to protect Alice? there were early theories that pointed out that the red demon could be Alice, but now i'm tending to believe it is actually Lorna.
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there was a theory that Alice would die in this episode, which doesn't hold true at all. many sources who have watched the first four episodes have confirmed that the disco scene (aka Alice's trial) takes place in the 4th episode, and reliable leakers say that the ouija one is in the 5th. while we know Alice isn't with the rest of the coven in the scene where they're need-for-speed-ing on their broomsticks, we can only assume she's either gotten off of the road or died somewhere during episode 5.
now, let's talk about the ouija scene, shall we?
admittedly, i don't have much to work with this time except a bit of the lyrics of the ballad's sacred chant version. i'm sure most of us are streaming this song to the point it might get a bb hot100 entry, but after hearing Jac say that the entire show is based upon the ballad's lyrics, it's obvious that it contains copious amounts of foreshadowing. now:
"if one be gone, we carry on spirit as our guide"
this bit intrigued me because it clearly implies that the coven can be guided by the spirits of dead witches who walked the road. would it be the spirits of only the witches of the current coven doing the road? the spirits of all the witches who have died on it? both? i don't really know.
what i do know is that contacting Alice's mother, a witch who's been trapped on the road for god knows how long and probably knows quite a lot about it, who's composed the most famous version of the ballad and who's just died, does make sense. it might rely on a lot of things happening? yes, but i do believe it makes more sense than the theories that they're contacting Sharon/Mrs. Hart, Evanora or even Wanda (as much as i love de idea of Wanda giving Agatha hell even spiritually).
it's really either that (them contacting a specific person, which is usually how you do in ouija) or a random spirit.
anyway, this is valid as long as Marvel doesn't release another bunch of revealing teasers because my god, they're not slowing down at all. or as long as the episodes come out and i'm not proven miserably wrong. some final considerations without any particular order that are related to this post:
if Alice really dies, then she either dies at the ouija board house or by the hands of the Salem Seven. i'm inclined to believe it's the latter.
if Alice doesn't die, then she really has had enough of Agatha's ass and the murderous road and just peaces off of the road (which i think is unlikely considering the protective nature of her magic and character).
we know that the 3rd episode is Jennifer's trial, 4th is Alice's, 6th is Lilia's and 7th or 8th is Agatha's. 9th is the special, which i'm not sure if it's at all related to the story of the show.
which makes me wonder: where is Billy's trial? i'm actually tending to believe the 5th episode is where his trial takes place. Rio doesn't have a trial because of her status as green witch, and the ouija house is the only one not elemental-coded (and that weird Hydra-like facility, but i think this one is related to Agatha somehow). Jennifer's trial is related to water as we can see from the scenes where she's being drowned, Alice's trial is related to fire because of obvious reasons, and Lilia's trial is related to air (everyone flying and falling around, yeah?). which leaves this particular trial, and i do think it's a trial because of the outfits and the house and all, quite out of place. so yeah, my bet is on the possibility of this actually being Billy's trial.
Jac Schaeffer please let me take you to lunch i need to know what goes on inside your brain.
thank you for getting to the bottom of this long-ass post and i hope it's at least intelligible for y'all!
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thestarlightforge · 9 months
Fiona’s Art Journal:
Table of Contents
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my blog!
As outlined here, my New Year’s Resolution for 2024 was to do something for my art every day. Whether writing, drawing, watching/studying, exploring or reading—I’d do something to sharpen my artistic focus daily.
As the year has gone by, I’ve documented some of the process on Tumblr. The tag “#Fiona’s Art Journal” has both reflections and artistic works, and “#Poetry” has an index of poems. This post is an index, and I’ll update it with hyperlinks to journals, art posts, and other favs.
NB: Aside from theatre and art posts, much of this blog is fandom posting about whatever (usually queer) media has most recently captured my interest. You can track various Strange New Worlds, Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Supergirl and House of the Dragon rotations (to name a few), along with other shows/movies on my list. I will probably spend the rest of 2024 crying about Agatha All Along (as WandaVision is an all-time favorite media & I’ve waited 2 years, since the night before I graduated undergrad, for Jac Schaeffer to fix this mess). I appreciate your understanding during this time, lol.
Journals — 2024
PETITION and Info to shut down the Pinyon Plain Uranium Mine and protect the people and lands of the Navajo Nation, Havasupai, Hopi, and Ute Mountain Ute — 8/28/24
DC Metro Accessibility Petition
“Squishy But Firm: Sexcapades of a Crip Girl” at the Kennedy Center Local Theatre Festival 🏳️‍🌈♿️🏳️‍⚧️ — 8/24/24
2024 🏳️‍🌈 Media Retrospective ❤️ — 9/20/24
National Be Nice To Bugs Day! We love a native species! 🥰 — 7/14/24
Setting Intentions: “Through the Sunken Lands” — 1/31/24
Introduction — 12/31/23
Go Listen to Sandra Yellowhorse — 11/20/22
AO3 Entries
A Rhaenicent & Rhaesaria entry written shortly after HOTD 2x07
An early chapter of my ongoing Snowbaird fic with @imjustmarcy
Artistic Works — 2024
For Popo (like “Pawpaw”) Wilson: A Real (Union Strong) Redneck ❤️ — 9/25/24
“Clerics Have Necromancy” — 8/28/24
“Winter Blooms” — 8/18/24
“For Gus and Claudia” — 6/22/24
“Gentle Animals” Short Story — 5/1/24
“From Your Internet Big Brother” Essay — 4/8/24
Isolation/Recovery Discussion — 4/4/24
“Playing Fetch” Short Story — 3/31/24
“Building Momentum” Prose Poetry — 3/24/24
“Following the River” Short Story — 3/22/24
“Is There A World” Poem — 3/15/24
“A Practical Career” Short Story — 3/10/24
“The arospecs are onto something” Prose Poetry — 3/9/24
“Through the Sunken Lands” Pins Setup Addition — 3/9/24
“I wrote you a play” Prose Poetry — 3/9/24
On the Models of Disability Discussion — 3/5/24
“Threads” Prose Poetry — 3/3/24
“Interdependence is a love poem” Prose Poetry — 2/24/24
“A Shift” Short Story — 2/20/24
“To Falling in Love” Prose Poetry — 2/6/24
“Push-up Contest” Short Story — 2/6/24
“Autistic Katniss saves the world” THG Meta/Discussion — 2/2/24
“Purpose” Essay — 2/1/24
“Oracle Forever” Short Story — 1/29/24
“Stardust” Poem — 1/23/24
“Point of View” Short Story — 1/21/24
Patriarchy Hurts Everyone Discussion (edit: erroneously flagged/removed by Tumblr staff, appeal not allowed) — 1/21/24
“A Winter Morning” Short Story — 1/16/24
“Ymir with the Freckles” Short Story — 1/11/24
On Propaganda & the Cancellation of Queer Media (OFMD) Discussion — 1/10/24
“Glimmer” Short Story — 1/5/24
“What the Antihero, Your Villain, Has Left” Essay — 12/31/23
Some Favorite Art, Analyses/Metas & Journals (2023 + Previous)
“Lost Girl” at the National Theatre in Higher Ed Conference Journal — Aug. 6, 2023
First Day of “Through the Sunken Lands” at the Kennedy Center Journal — Dec. 11, 2023
Intimacy Choreography in “Hacks” Analysis — Jul. 15, 2023
“Swallowtail” Poem — Sept. 18, 2023
“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear” TBOSAS Meta — Nov. 19, 2023
“Wake Up” Gay Poem — Aug. 23, 2023
“Myths” Poem— Nov. 12, 2023
“Thanks, Tennessee” Gay Poem — Nov. 23, 2022
On Strength: Katniss and Lucy Gray TBOSAS Meta/Journal — Dec. 10, 2023
“Trust is more important even than love” TBOSAS Meta — Nov. 24, 2023
“The Valley Song” THG Meta — Nov. 18, 2023
Their first meeting in Twelve TBOSAS Meta — Dec. 24, 2023
Hurt/Comfort Thoughts TBOSAS Meta/Journal — Dec. 17, 2023
Do Better with Queer Rep — Aug. 19, 2023
“Ellee” Short Story — Aug. 15, 2023
I crack myself up
i'm so normal about them :)) — Sept. 26, 2024
“Oh, ableism. Great. THAT’S not gonna go over well with the woke mob.” — Aug. 19, 2024
rhaenicent nation how we feelin 😌 — July 21, 2024
it gets better, apparently :)) — July 22, 2024
representation matters (GoT/HotD) — July 21, 2024
rhaenyra my love, never ever change 😂 — July 21, 2024
Writing while queer — Jan. 2, 2024
Snowbaird “Aca-scuse me?” — Nov. 20, 2023
It’s almost like Suzanne meant to do that — Nov. 7, 2023
Not Coryo being more normal than Gale or Peeta — Dec. 13, 2023
Peeta “my beautiful princess with a disorder” 😆 — Dec. 7, 2023
SnowJanusBaird ≠ Everlark/Everthorne, lmao — Dec. 31, 2023
ValCarol giggles — Nov. 11, 2023
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librarycards · 2 years
do you have any recommendations more texts from disabled and mad people on "functioning labels" and their historical equivalents (am checking out yergeau from prev ask you answered)
yes! these should all be open access too btw, let me know if not and i will liberate them for you.
Neurodiversity: An Insider's Perspective (2019) by Jac den Houting - this is a brilliant and well-argued takedown of the most common anti-neurodiversity-model rhetoric.
Whose Expertise Is It? Evidence for Autistic Adults as Critical Autism Experts (2017) by Gillespie et al. is a sociological research study with autistic participants, with ample citations by autistic writers critiquing functioning labels as epistemic injustice.
Binary Boys: Autism, Aspie Supremacy and Post/Humanist Normativity (2019) by Anna de Hooge deconstructs the ongoing, violent legacy of Hans Asperger and weaves it into an analysis of aspie supremacy –– both explicit in the pre-DSM-V era and implicitly today.
The Social Construction of the Savant (2013) by Laurence Arnold identifies the explanatory power of "savant syndrome" in justifying the valorization of otherwise disposable so-called "idiots" –– essentially a radical dissonance in perceptions of "functioning".
The normalisation agenda and the psycho-emotional disablement of autistic people (2012) by Damian Milton. This piece points out the ways in which "high" and "low" functioning models of autistic selfhood circumscribe autonomy at every level, and facilitate abusive practices oriented toward normalization-by-trauma and/or disposal.
hope this helps :)
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gdbm-research-blog · 1 year
Car Roof Rails Market Size, Share, Trend, Opportunity Analysis, & Forecast 2023 to 2031
Car roof rails are mounted on top of the vehicle which used to carry bulk cargo, sporting gears such as bicycles and skis and other oversized items on the roof of the vehicles. Roof mounts are fixed on these rails with the help of the mounting points.Global Data Book latest report provides a deep insight into the global Car Roof Rails Market covering all its essential aspects. This ranges from a macro overview of the market to micro details of the market size, competitive landscape, development trend, niche market, key market drivers and challenges, SWOT analysis, Porter’s five forces analysis, value chain analysis, etc.
The analysis helps the reader to shape the competition within the industries and strategies for the competitive environment to enhance the potential profit. Furthermore, it provides a simple framework for evaluating and accessing the position of the business organization. The report structure also focuses on the competitive landscape of the Global Car Roof Rails Market, this report introduces in detail the market share, market performance, product situation, operation situation, etc. of the main players, which helps the readers in the industry to identify the main competitors and deeply understand the competition pattern of the market.
In a word, this report is a must-read for industry players, investors, researchers, consultants, business strategists, and all those who have any kind of stake or are planning to foray into the Car Roof Rails market in any manner.
Download Free Sample Report Global Car Roof Rails Market: Market Segmentation Analysis The research report includes specific segments by region (country), manufacturers, Type, and Application. Market segmentation creates subsets of a market based on product type, end-user or application, Geographic, and other factors. By understanding the market segments, the decision-maker can leverage this targeting in the product, sales, and marketing strategies. Market segments can power your product development cycles by informing how you create product offerings for different segments. Key Company
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Chapter Outline Chapter 1 mainly introduces the statistical scope of the report, market division standards, and market research methods.
Chapter 2 is an executive summary of different market segments (by region, product type, application, etc), including the market size of each market segment, future development potential, and so on. It offers a high-level view of the current state of the Car Roof Rails Market and its likely evolution in the short to mid-term, and long term.
Chapter 3 makes a detailed analysis of the market's competitive landscape of the market and provides the market share, capacity, output, price, latest development plan, merger, and acquisition information of the main manufacturers in the market.
Chapter 4 is the analysis of the whole market industrial chain, including the upstream and downstream of the industry, as well as Porter's five forces analysis.
Chapter 5 introduces the latest developments of the market, the driving factors and restrictive factors of the market, the challenges and risks faced by manufacturers in the industry, and the analysis of relevant policies in the industry.
Contact Us:
Global Data Book
Mob. No. +91 9319642100
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strand3602 · 2 years
Marketing Company Ottawa
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Get everything you need to prepare for your fantasy football drafts here, including rankings and analysis from ESPN's team of experts. The weekly fantasy football cheat sheet provides a rundown of the best tips Draft a league now and start fresh with a record and a. Cheat Sheet - ESPN. fantasy football rankings. Table Draft Board Our full cheat sheets are reserved for RotoWire subscribers. Get a single Cheatsheet for Fantasy Rankings from dozens of experts with rankings that are updated regularly. 9 BUF 7 2 Jackson,L. BAL 10 3 Herbert,J. LAC 8 4 Mahomes,P. KAN 8 5 Murray,K. ARI 13 6 Hurts,J. PHI 7 7 Brady,T. TB 11 8 Wilson,R. DEN 9 9 Burrow,J. CIN 10 10 Prescott,D. DAL 9 11 Stafford,M. LAR 7 12 Rodgers,A. GNB 14 13 Lance,T. SFO 9 14 Carr,D. LVR 6 15 Cousins,K. MIN 7 16 Tagovailoa,T. MIA 11 17 Fields,J. CHI 14 18 Ryan,M. IND 14 19 Lawrence,T. JAC 11 20 Jones,M. NWE 10 21 Tannehill,R. TEN 6 22 Winston,J. NOR 14 23 Wentz,C. WAS 14 24 Goff,J. DET 6 25 Wilson,Z. NYJ 10 26 Jones,D. NYG 9 27 Mills,D. HOU 6 28 Mayfield,B. CAR 13 29 Mariota,M. ATL 14 30 Brissett,J. CLE 9 31 Trubisky,M. PIT 9 32 Smith,G. SEA 11 33 Flacco,J. NYJ 10 34 Pickett,K. PIT 9 35 Watson,D. CLE 9 36 Taylor,T. NYG 9 37 Lock,D. SEA 11 38 Darnold,S. CAR 13 39 Huntley,T. BAL 10 40 Ridder,D. ATL 14 41 Garoppolo,J. SFO 9 42 Corral,M. CAR 13 43 Bridgewater,T. MIA 11 44 Willis,M. TEN 6 45 Dalton,A. KAN 8 2 Andrews,M. BAL 10 3 Pitts,K. ATL 14 4 Waller,D. LVR 6 5 Kittle,G. SFO 9 6 Schultz,D. DAL 9 7 Hockenson,T. DET 6 8 Goedert,D. PHI 7 9 Gesicki,M. MIA 11 10 Knox,D. BUF 7 11 Freiermuth,P. PIT 9 12 Ertz,Z. ARI 13 13 Kmet,C. CHI 14 14 Smith Jr. MIN 7 15 Henry,H. NWE 10 16 Okwuegbunam,A. DEN 9 17 Fant,N. SEA 11 18 Njoku,D. CLE 9 19 Higbee,T. LAR 7 20 Tonyan,R. GNB 14 21 Engram,E. JAC 11 22 Uzomah,C. NYJ 10 23 Brate,C. TB 11 24 Everett,G. LAC 8 25 Hooper,A. TEN 6 26 Trautman,A. NOR 14 27 Arnold,D. JAC 11 28 Thomas,L. WAS 14 29 Hurst,H. CIN 10 30 Conklin,T. NYJ 10 31 Jordan,B. HOU 6 32 Smith,J. NWE 10 33 Howard,O. HOU 6. IND 14 2 Henry,D. TEN 6 3 Harris,N. CAR 13 5 Ekeler,A. LAC 8 6 Mixon,J. CIN 10 7 Cook,D. MIN 7 8 Fournette,L. TB 11 9 Kamara,A. NOR 14 10 Conner,J. ARI 13 11 Swift,D. DET 6 12 Williams,J. DEN 9 13 Chubb,N. CLE 9 14 Elliott,E. DAL 9 15 Jones,A. GNB 14 16 Barkley,S. NYG 9 17 Akers,C. LAR 7 18 Dobbins,J. BAL 10 19 Mitchell,E. SFO 9 20 Etienne Jr. JAC 11 21 Hall,B. NYJ 10 22 Jacobs,J. LVR 6 23 Montgomery,D. CHI 14 24 Dillon,A. GNB 14 25 Harris,D. NWE 10 26 Singletary,D. BUF 7 27 Gibson,A. WAS 14 28 Penny,R. KAN 8 30 Patterson,C. ATL 14 31 Pierce,D. HOU 6 32 Sanders,M. PHI 7 33 Hunt,K. CLE 9 34 Edmonds,C. MIA 11 35 Stevenson,R. NWE 10 36 Robinson,J. SEA 11 38 Pollard,T. DAL 9 39 Gordon,M. DEN 9 40 Henderson,D. WAS 14 42 Carter,M. NYJ 10 43 Cook,J. BUF 7 44 Hines,N. IND 14 45 Williams,J. DET 6 46 Pacheco,I. KAN 8 47 Ingram,M. NOR 14 48 Edwards,G. BAL 10 49 Mattison,A. MIN 7 50 Mostert,R. MIA 11 51 Allgeier,T. ATL 14 52 Gainwell,K. PHI 7 53 Robinson Jr. WAS 14 54 Wilson,J. SFO 9 55 Foreman,D. CAR 13 56 Williams,D. ATL 14 57 Johnson,D. CLE 9 58 Haskins,H. TEN 6 59 Abdullah,A. LVR 6 60 White,Z. LVR 6 61 Drake,K. BAL 10 62 Hilliard,D. TEN 6 63 Hubbard,C. CAR 13 64 Michel,S. LAC 8 65 Scott,B. PHI 7 66 Bernard,G. TB 11 67 Warren,J. PIT 9 68 Evans,C. CIN 10 69 White,R. TB 11 70 Spiller,I. LAC 8 71 Herbert,K. CHI 14 72 Williams,D. SFO 9 74 Burkhead,R. HOU 6 75 Badie,T. KAN 8 77 Kelley,J. LAC 8 78 Breida,M. NYG 9 79 Jones,R. KAN 8 80 Perine,S. CIN LAR 7 2 Jefferson,J. MIN 7 3 Chase,J. CIN 10 4 Adams,D. LVR 6 5 Diggs,S. BUF 7 6 Samuel,D. SFO 9 7 Lamb,C. DAL 9 8 Evans,M. TB 11 9 Hill,T. MIA 11 10 Pittman Jr. IND 14 11 Allen,K. LAC 8 12 Brown,A. PHI 7 13 Higgins,T. CIN 10 14 Moore,D. CAR 13 15 Johnson,D. PIT 9 16 Waddle,J. MIA 11 17 Metcalf,D. SEA 11 18 Cooks,B. WAS 14 20 Sutton,C. DEN 9 21 Mooney,D. CHI 14 22 Williams,M. LAC 8 23 Godwin,C. TB 11 24 St. DET 6 25 Jeudy,J. DEN 9 26 Moore,E. NYJ 10 27 Brown,M. ARI 13 28 Robinson,A. LAR 7 29 Thomas,M. NOR 14 30 Bateman,R. BAL 10 31 Cooper,A. KAN 8 33 Smith,D. PHI 7 34 Renfrow,H. LVR 6 35 Davis,G. BUF 7 36 London,D. ATL 14 37 Thielen,A. MIN 7 38 Lockett,T. SEA 11 39 Burks,T. TEN 6 40 Kirk,C. JAC 11 41 Hopkins,D. ARI 13 42 Aiyuk,B. SFO 9 43 Lazard,A. GNB 14 44 Gage,R. TB 11 45 Parker,D. NWE 10 46 Olave,C. NOR 14 47 Woods,R. TEN 6 48 Claypool,C. PIT 9 49 Wilson,G. KAN 8 51 Watson,C. GNB 14 52 Hardman,M. KAN 8 53 Landry,J. NOR 14 54 Gallup,M. DAL 9 55 Pickens,G. PIT 9 56 Moore,R. ARI 13 57 Chark,D. DET 6 58 Moore,S. KAN 8 59 Doubs,R. GNB 14 60 Meyers,J. NWE 10 61 Boyd,T. CIN 10 62 Toney,K. NYG 9 63 Pierce,A. IND 14 64 Hamler,K. DEN 9 65 Jones,Z. JAC 11 66 Dotson,J. WAS 14 67 Shepard,S. NYG 9 68 Williams,J. DET 6 69 Palmer,J. LAC 8 70 Davis,C. NYJ 10 71 Anderson,R. CAR 13 72 Jefferson,V. LAR 7 73 Golladay,K. NYG 9 74 Jones,M. JAC 11 75 Tolbert,J. DAL 9 76 Green,A. BUF 7 78 Pringle,B. CHI 14 79 Collins,N. HOU 6 80 Agholor,N. NWE CIN 10 3 Gay,M. LAR 7 4 Bass,T. BUF 7 5 Carlson,D. LVR 6 6 Succop,R. TB 11 7 Butker,H. KAN 8 8 Prater,M. ARI 13 9 Blankenship,R. IND 14 10 Sanders,J. MIA 11 11 Koo,Y. ATL 14 12 Folk,N. NWE 10 13 Elliott,J. PHI 7 14 Gould,R. SFO 9 15 Myers,J. DEN 9 17 Crosby,M. GNB 14 18 Boswell,C. PIT 9 19 Lutz,W. NOR 14 20 Zuerlein,G. NYJ 10 21 Hopkins,D. LAC 8 22 Gano,G. NYG 9 23 Santos,C. CHI 14 24 Joseph,G. MIN 7 25 Bullock,R. TEN 6 26 York,C. CLE 9 27 Fairbairn,K. HOU 6 28 Gonzalez,Z. CAR 13 29 Pineiro,E. CAR 13 30 Maher,B. DAL 9 31 Santoso,R. FA 0 32 Garibay,J. ARI WR Smith Jr. Etienne Jr. Walker III,K. Robinson Jr. Pittman Jr. Tampa Bay. Kansas City. San Francisco. New Orleans. Los Angeles Rams. Los Angeles Chargers. New England. Green Bay. New York Giants. New York Jets. Las Vegas.
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jacscorner · 3 years
Deltarune Theory
Hey, hi, so, I'm PROBABLY gonna be talking about a lot of spoiler content. Deltarune Chapter 2 hasn't been out for that long. So, uh, if you don't want that, then don't look under the cut.
I tell you this not cause I care, but because you might care. So take care. ;P
I'm not sorry.
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So we learned in Chapter 1 that Kris can just rip out 'a' soul and throw it aside like a physical object. They do it again at the end of Chapter 2. And it's readily accepted that Deltarune follows two entities: Kris, the character, and us, the player, represented by that red soul, hijacking their body like a hot wired car.
However, that representation always bothered me a little bit. Cause both times when Kris does this, they seem to struggle to move. They seem capable enough to function, as in Chapter 2 they straight up jump out the bathroom window, slash Toriel's tire, come back, and shove you back into their chest, but it's seemingly a struggle. And if we are some kind of parasite, controlling them like a dummy, then why put us back in if they have a choice?
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Yeah, I know. But this is about the overall Meta Narrative. What is the game trying to tell us before Toby gives us the answer?
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Going off the beaten path in Chapter 2, we have the Spamton NEO Secret Boss Fight. After the fight, Kris can answer if Susie is okay; Yes or No. And, I think our choice definitely matters.
If you say 'Yes', Susie points out that you sound strained. As if Kris is being forced to say 'Yes'. Not to mention they notice you're covered in goosebumps. Kris...is afraid.
If you say 'No', then Kris screams it, as if they weren't sure if they could just say 'No'.
Kris has feelings. Emotions. And look, Kris' back is turned from the screen. Kris is capable of actually having emotions. The common belief is that Kris doesn't emote cause we, the player, an outside entity, controls them. But we're still IN control, we're still inside Kris. And finally, at the end of Chapter 2, Kris...
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So lettuce review, my sandwich pals; Kris can open up Dark Fountains to create Dark Worlds, a power that all Lightners potentially have, but only the Knight, a mysterious entity has actively done as far as we know. And they do this after ripping us out of their chest, again, and is thus an action separate from us.
And thus, here is my theory, the culmination of all my suspicions.
We are Kris. Kris' body is being inhabited by the Knight. We're the ones getting hijacked.
Now, this theory has a number of problems. More holes than a fine, Swiss Cheese. So allow me to address these problems.
1. If you talk to people in Chapter 1, they tell you it's out of character for Kris to do this, let alone be nice.
Kris is a teenager, one who's life has gone through some radical life changes. Parents divorced, older brother gone away to college, and then got isekai'd with the school bully. I wouldn't be surprised if Kris had a change of heart (;P) and attitude after that day.
Plus, it's not uncommon for someone to try and change their ways. Sure, doing it over night is a bit much, but not impossible for someone to at least try. It's not impossible for someone to try and change their life around after sulking and being miserable for a long time. People can change, sometimes even make drastic changes, if they're determined enough.
2. We don't know if Kris is the Knight! What if Kris is doing this as a ploy for taking control away from the Player?!
A good theory, and also correct. We don't know if Kris is the Knight. Berdly was about to open up a Dark World at the end of a Pacafist Run and Ralsei had to stop him. So, safe to say, any Lightner can do it. Doesn't have to mean Kris is the Knight, but we haven't seen the Knight in any shape or form and the first person we see actually create a Dark World is Kris?
Not to mention that Kris can perform actions without our direct input via ripping control away from us. Would it be such a stretch to assume Kris left their room after the Chapter 1 ending, keeping us trapped in a cage so we couldn't follow, created the Dark World in the library's computer room, and doubled back, ate the pie, and went to sleep?
Seems far fetched, and even I think it's pretty out there, but it doesn't seem impossible.
3. That's not how it worked in Undertale...
Well, this isn't Undertale, Chapter 1 made it clear.
And doesn't that make it even more likely? Think about it: Toby Fox isn't unaware of their own fandom. And he likes to play with expectations, both in big and small ways. It doesn't seem unlikely for them to use the fact that we played Undertale against us, acting as a subtle bit of misdirection to prepare for the big twist.
4. "No One Can Choose Who They Are In This World." This is all just to drive home the themes of no choice!
Yeah, the Character Creation section where we create and name our own avatar...and got it thrown out right in front of us. We are thrust into the 'role' of Kris, who has their own agency. But let me ask you this: did you give yourself your own name? Did you choose your hair to be curly or straight upon birth, or for the color of your eyes? Did you choose to even be born?
The answer is no. Sure, you can change things about yourself, but not without active work. You didn't 'choose' to be Kris, you were born Kris. You didn't choose to look like this, but its how you look.
You didn't choose to be the Knight, but somebody is taking your body for a joyride.
All your evidence is circumstantial and not fully supported by gameplay or story!
Both correct.
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To be honest, I'm kind of on the fence on this theory and I'm the one writing it.
It's very possible that I'm seeing things not there, looking into the darkness and convincing myself that I'm not mad. But I wanted to put this theory out there. Heck, while writing this, I think there's even more holes in this theory. But I've got a strong, gut feeling about this and while my gut...more often then not is wrong when it comes tot his, I still felt strongly enough about it to put it out there.
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we-are-inevitable · 3 years
i found out yesterday that my fall semester is online, so i WILL be living vicariously through your college posts until i can get on campus in january 🤓 how’s the start of classes going??
OH MY GOSH YEAH I SAW YOU POST ABOUT THAT !! im sorry hun :( that sucks, im sorry. i hope the semester is still at least somewhat fun in the long run!
also, so far so good !! im really only worried about one of my classes (and of course it's math) but the rest of them seem awesome!! my history professor is so cool, and my english professor is like. everything i want in a professor
also just bc i just got my grade back on this assignment:
the assignment was to read a few pages from a chapter called "The Taxonomy of Bullshit" (from the book Propaganda and
we had to learn about different types of bullshit (outlined in the paper), and talk about examples of fictional characters bullshitting in media, both in propagandistic and non-propagandistic ways
and because it fit really well:
i wrote about jack kelly <3
i got 5/5 points for it and i felt REALLY WEIRD bc we had to post it as a discussion, and also leave comments on OTHER people's discussion as part of the assignment, so like. that was nerve-wracking but fun and ALSO everyone else wrote one paragraph and i?? wrote FOUR
sorry this just. turned into me talking about my assignment but i was very happy with it and i am just very excited about this class !!
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What I Want for Wanda in “WandaVision”
     I'm actually really encouraged by the last couple eps — I'm glad to see that we're dealing with Wanda's trauma and that we’re not making her the antagonist. However, there are a few more things I’d like to see going forward.
     Centrally, I want Wanda to be her own, well-developed character. She's spent her whole MCU career tied to and at least partially motivated by a male character — Tony Stark for a hot second there in Age of Ultron, then Pietro and Vision and their deaths. I want to see Wanda. She was an activist and an Avenger, she's empathetic and driven, what does she want?
     As part of that, I want Wanda to grow into her own person who's not defined by tragedy and death and trauma. I don’t want to just keep heaping pain onto her. Yes, they’re already starting to have her work on this, but I want them to follow through. She can cry and scream and take her time and do what she needs to do short of hurting civilians hah, but I want her to process what’s happened to her. I want Wanda to grow past being controlled by her pain and learn how to handle her emotions and her power. Again, I know that's not an easy or fast thing and I don't want it to be.
     Additionally, I don’t want to bring Vision and/or Pietro back to life. One, I don’t think there’s a way to do it that doesn’t feel contrived. Two, if Wanda is the one who revives them, she’s not processing her grief. She’s still letting it drive her.
     In summary, I want Wanda to be respected as her own full and well-rounded character and I want her to be okay. Please, Marvel, don't do her dirty. She's been running on trauma and pain since she was 10, I want to see her get to move on.
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daisydoctor13 · 2 years
Is Holby City Hospital a safe place to work?
A briefly researched analysis
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I'm procrastinating and love an excel spreadsheet so get ready for some stats. I haven't included Casualty because frankly there's too many in there and I can't be arsed.
Since I started watching in 2010 there have been 62 regular/recurrent members of staff at Holby City Hospital (according to Wikipedia) and 36 (58%) of them have been involved in a workplace incident (not including naturally occurring disease such as cancer, although there's probably more of that in the staff than in the general population). 8 of those people died because of the incident they were involved in. 12 people were involved in more than one and between all of these characters there were 56 incidents, including a mass shooting, a bomb, and lots of people being pushed/falling down stairs.
So who was the unluckiest? And was there any gender bias?
Dom Copeland experienced 5 separate incidents over the years:
Attacked by a patient, pushed down stairs by his abusive partner and colleague, caught hepatitis C from a needlestick, impaled in a car crash in the car park and suffered complications from dangerous experimental surgery in the hospital
Closely followed by Jac with 4:
Attack/attempted sexual assault by patient, knocked down the hospital stairs, shot in the back, had complications from dangerous experimental surgery in the hospital
However, Jac went through a further 6 naturally occurring medical problems, whereas all of Dom's health issues were a result of the needlestick and car accident.
Shall we congratulate Holby on evenly distributing the characters who experienced workplace incidents - 18 men and 18 women were involved, and of those, 4 of each gender died because of the incident. Diversity win?
But what were the types of incidents?
I'm glad you asked
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Staff seem to be assaulted quite regularly (by patients and other staff members), but the car park is a surprisingly dangerous place, as many of the vehicle accidents occurred there (why do they want to have so many weddings/memorial services there?)
Falls down the stairs are pretty common, with one fall off the roof and another out of a window thrown in for good measure.
I think we can conclude if over half of your staff members are experiencing something like this at work, Holby is not somewhere you'd want to take a job, unless you really like living life on the edge.
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wandaposting · 2 years
the fact that marvel spent post match analysis of WV patting themselves on the back about how Wanda was gaining agency and moving on from her grief THE WHOLE TIME knowing that they were about to Daenerys her in MoM because bitches be crazy 🤮
"We had access to the scripts and then to cuts [of WandaVision]," Waldron said. "I became good friends with Jac Schaeffer, head writer of WandaVision, while I was writing Loki. Her and I became good pals, because we were kind of in it together and everything. She's great and brilliant and just somebody I really admired. It was nice to know somebody that we could commiserate together over our crazy jobs."
"I had the benefit of just being able to call Jac and talk to her about Wanda's character and everything, because it was really important to me that I do right by her with what she did with Wanda as a character," the writer continued. "And also, with Lizzie [Olsen], who's a friend of mine. I really worked with her and made sure, 'Okay, you guys just did this incredibly intimate show about this character that grew her so much. Let's make sure that we're doing that justice and telling a fulfilling next chapter of that story.'"
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