ilyricshub · 6 months
Mithe Bol Lyrics - Sajjan Adeeb
Mithe Bol Lyrics Sajjan Adeeb
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jassi-kapoor · 9 months
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lyricsgoal · 10 months
Jhanjer Lyrics - Sajjan Adeeb
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spicybeefnoodles · 8 months
private language
summary: sometimes the thoughts get too loud for takeda
warnings: none :)
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For some reason, every thought echoed in Takeda’s head, amplifying in volume every time it bounced around. Takeda winced as another thought intruded into his head and screamed at him. The beginnings of a headache had already formed and all Takeda wanted to do was bury his head into a pillow and go to sleep. He just had to make it through this meeting, and he would be done. He could go to bed and not have to interact with the world and all of its thoughts. He clenched his jaw and his fingernails into the palm of his hand, trying to take the edge off of the throbbing in his head. However, the ache still persisted, prodding and poking at every corner in his head, and he could feel beads of sweat starting to form at his hairline. The pain tore at his mind, digging its claws into his flesh and tearing at his brain. For a brief second, all the voices in the room converged into one, and a blinding pain echoed throughout his head, setting all his nerves ablaze, and Takeda forgot how to breathe. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to focus his energy into his lungs and to pull air into his lungs.
To Takeda’s side, Kung Jin eyed his boyfriend worriedly. He had looked pale throughout the entire meeting and started swaying side to side slightly in the middle of the meeting. Takeda had been staring off into the distance, not really listening to General Sonya Blade drone on about some new development in the portals leading to Outworld. When Kung Jin saw Takeda’s chest suddenly stop moving and heard his breath slightly hitch, the archer placed his hand into Takeda’s, interlocking their fingers, and squeezed his hand. He hoped the gesture was comforting and gave the telekinetic a way to ground himself away from whatever was happening in his mind.
Takeda cracked open his eyes and glanced over at Kung Jin, who was still looking at Sonya Blade, and Takeda gratefully squeezed Kung Jin’s hand back. His chest stuttered as air flowed back into his lungs, and he gripped onto Kung Jin’s hand as the pain in his head continued to torture him. The archer hardly reacted, only shifting in his seat to get a bit more comfortable. The pain continued to torment Takeda, but with Kung Jin’s hand keeping him grounded, the voices seemed a little quieter and the world didn’t seem so painful.
When the meeting finally ended, Takeda shot out of his seat and dragged Kung Jin out of the room. The archer could barely shoot a worried glance toward Jacqui and Cassie before nearly stumbling out of the room as Takeda kept his firm grip on Kung Jin’s hand. Takeda led Kung Jin through the halls quickly before finally opening the door to their shared dorm and throwing Kung Jin on the bed and cuddling up close to the archer.
“What’s got you all worked up?” Kung Jin asked, a bit confused but nonetheless welcoming the sudden attention. Takeda just shook his head and buried his face further in Kung Jin’s plush chest. Kung Jin figured it was just one of those days and raked his fingers through Takeda’s soft hair. Soon enough, Takeda’s breath slowed down, and his muscles had gone lax, indicating that he had fallen asleep, and Kung Jin pressed a soft kiss to the telekinetic’s head. A few moments later, Jacqui and Cassie opened the door to their room. Kung Jin put a finger to his lips for them to stay quiet. They nodded and entered the darkened room, closing the door behind them quietly.
Jacqui got into the bed quietly and wrapped an arm around Takeda and pressed herself flush to Takeda’s back, nosing Takeda’s neck and breathing in the scent of cherry blossoms. Likewise, Cassie cuddled up close to Jacqui and lazily kissed Jacqui’s neck. The room was silent and soon enough all of them had fallen asleep cuddling each other. When Takeda woke up a few hours later, drool drying on his face and his eyes barely able to focus in the darkness of the room, he found himself sandwiched between Jacqui and Kung Jin, both snoring rather loudly. Takeda just smiled to himself as their thoughts floated lazily in the air. Surrounded by the partners and the soft thoughts of their love clouding his head, he snuggled back into the warmth of their bodies and let sleep overtake him again.
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jassygay · 1 year
Here is Jassy x Leon art (Jassy is not cheating Aglia but Aglia and Leon had a crush on Jassy so yea CHAOTC LOVE TRIANGLE)
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meteor752 · 2 years
The DL kids on Empires
I think this is the third or fourth “last post” about these fuckers, but like I grow attached alright
So I was actually planning on leaving them be for a while, mostly cause Double life ended months ago and there’s only so much you can do with them, but then an ask brought up that Jassy, the SmallEtho kid, would technically be the older sister of Hermes and boy did that open a world of possibilities
So if you don’t know these children by now, here’s a link to the first post which has a lot of other links at the bottom of it, or just check my blog
So at the end of Logbook, the short fic I wrote from this universe, it was implied that the kids found a rift similar to the one in Grian’s base. I did this because I couldn’t think of any other way to end the fricking fic
But let’s keep going with that, the kids are on Empires. I also imagine they go through before the Hermits, purely to make it easier and less messy for me
But when they enter the server, they get transported to different areas just like the Hermits, and they’re all separated and have no way to contact each other so some things goes wrong
This will also include the Empires designs of the kids, just for funsies, and it will all be made with Hero Forge because as my motto goes, I can’t draw
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Liana no last name given
(Parrot pal what happened to you 😭. Probably the only one of the kids to get less slutty on empires than she was before. Traded in her colorful clothes made from rich fabrics, for more dull and comfy clothes. Also she has a wedding ring now)
Spawned above Gobland, in the middle of a fucking snowstorm. Took her five days to get off the mountain and an additional day to find Goblands entrance, so she had a severe case of frost bite and hypothermia. It’s a miracle she came out of the experience with only one foot lost
Stayed in Sanctuary at first because no way in hell she’s gonna live underground, but she moved to the Ancient Capital when she started studying the rift
Pixl has the most books and ancient texts out of anyone on the server, so she gets to read as much as she wants in exchange for assisting him from time to time
She wears a monocle because one too many head traumas leading to bad eyesight in that eye
Liana desperately wants to leave the Empires Server, not just because the one thing she’s good at (selling and swindling) is a useless skill when everything is bought through carefully calculated trades, but also because of the divide it brought upon them, with everyone being spread out across the server and barely seeing each other
(Also she wants to find Hermitcraft because if Joel, Jimmy, and Scott are alive then her dads must be there. It’s a selfish reason but she’s never admit it to being the truth)
She does like the Elytras though, her bird brain gets happy to fly and she does that more than what is probably necessary. Also it’s difficult for her to walk, so yeah
In her pursuit to find the answer to the rift’s mystery, she grows kind of distant from the others, but excuses it with the ends justifying the means
So yeah. Scammer girl needs a nap because she strugglin
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Wes Double-SV
(I love making Wes because he’s just a fricking beast, tall broad and strong, but I also know that if he failed at a task he would just start crying. Gentle Giant more like fragile giant. But also my boy kinda thicc tho ngl)
Wes would spawn close to Animalia, and would probably be scared shitless out of the wandering foxes and frogs. And by Lizzie and her freaky mask face with the empty eyes
He would also stay in Sanctuary at first, but would quickly be put off by Sausage. The overly friendly nature by a total stranger just doesn’t sit right with him, also he’s terrified of his dog (It’s what happens when you watch your dads’ corpses get ripped to shreds by a bunch of feral dogs)
Wes would instead find a place in Gobland, an underground city based around mining and machinery. He’s always been more of an underground person, dating Jekiv and all who can’t really go in sunlight, plus mining was an easy way to pass the time on Double Life
Built a railway tunnel to The Evermoore the minute he joined Gobland too, for easy access to Jekiv. He’s a sap
Still nervous around most of the emperors, but he’s grown fond of fWhip, and he’s used to the Double Life emperors, otherwise he’d rather they stay back
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(Girl’s so special she getting two designs. This is the first time Gert is not wearing her sunglasses over her eyes actually, so Gertrude eye reveal whoop whoop. Honestly I love making Gert designs, because while she’s got a lot of butch energy, she’s a femme at heart)
Gertrude spawned in Glimmer Grove, and froze solid at the sight of the castle from her childhood dreams. This made her an easy target to Katherine, who jus saw a big hulking figure with wolf ears and went on the attack. They cleared that up pretty quickly
Katherine, feeling bad about literally trying to murder her, offered Gertrude a place to stay in her Empire, which is essentially a dream come true for her, especially since it’s princess fairytale + Monster hunting
A problem did quickly rise however, with the whole werewolf thing Gert has got going on
Gertrude couldn’t exactly tell her boss that she was a werewolf since they are considered monsters, but she couldn’t hide it every month either
Hilarity ensues
No but fr the full moons got really exhausting for all of the dl kids since they had to keep Weretrude away from Katherine, but while a werewolf she has no real awareness or idea what’s going on so they have to keep an eight feet, four hundred pound feral wolf from all of the empire area and from killing them. Basically Johnny and Wes, the two most durable of the kids, wrestled her away from the main area, while the other four played distractions to get her to chase them
No one enjoys it
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(There’s only so many western cowboy ranch outfits alright, so I said fuck it let there be sluttiness. Also the bracelet he’s wearing is a friendship bracelet from Lily, the warden he befriended. She had a similar one made from straw and strands from his hair)
Appeared in the Eversea, and stuck around for a few hours to check the place out before he heard about Tumblr Town, then he immediately took off
Jimmy was not at all prepared to have this fire child who looks like he’s been through actual hell (Because reminder they come from the dl server, where Johnny actually had moss and vines growing on him and looks half dead) hug him so tightly his back almost pops
Johnny was disappointed to say the least that his dad had no memory of him, in fact disappointed doesn’t cover it he was fucking distressed, but he spent an entire week just following Jimmy around when he was doing his chores, explaining everything from his childhood, to Tango, to their Warden Child, to the ranch. He also built a ranch in that period
Jimmy was kinda iffy about it at first, I mean who wouldn’t be, but Johnny is as stubborn as his fathers and refused to leave him be. Turns out Johnny is a great addition to Tumblr Town with his immunity to heat, tendency for hard manual labor, and absolute love for farm work. Plus, the flame bite came in handy, and the creeper explosion resistance
He doesn’t mind the toy jokes that much either, he’s more annoyed by the build pranks he had to take down, especially the ones that disturb the animals
It took him about two weeks to befriend all the wardens in Gobland. fWhip was not thrilled by the process to get there, but he enjoys to not have to worry about Warden attacks since they’re now pretty civil
Also has a horse named Butternut he loves more than his friends
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(Queen got two designs as well lol. I made her mask a bandana in her first design and a headband in the second, just cuz fun. Also her hair is a pain in the ass because it’s so inconsistent, why did I add that to her character. Also, just like Liana, she has a wedding ring <3)
Jassy appeared right under Stratos, kinda confused by the empty village but realized that there might be someone up in the floating city above her, so she grabbed yeeted up her grappling hook like a true ninja and climbed up
At first the floating city seemed just as abandoned as the town below, until she stumbled upon a young child dressed in a purple toga who was playing with a small sheriff doll that looked a tiny bit familiar
The child seemed fairly calm with her being there, answering any questions she had such as where am I (‘Stratos’) who are you (‘I’m Hermes!’) where are your parents (Daddy Sausage is in Sanctuary and Thunder Daddy is building a few islands away’), and what is that in your hand (‘It’s my sheriff toy! Thunder Daddy made it!)
Jassy guessed that she could probably get more info from this “Thunder Daddy”, so she grabbed Hermes tiny hand to help guide her and jumped from island to island, til she reached the one Hermes was pointing at and oh fuck that’s my dad
Yet somehow the fact that her dad was putting on the persona on an eleven feet tall god didn’t surprise her at all
While Jassy stays in Stratos sometimes, mainly because of her new little brother Hermes but also because it’s nice to see her dad again, she mainly stays in Eversea of all places. She was raised on a boat, what can I say. So when Hermes stays with Sausage, Jassy leaves to be a pirate
Jassy actually gets along surprisingly well with Joey. She’s a bit of a straight man to him, especially during his pursuit of Katherine
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(One of my favorite tropes in media is ‘Goth emo character who looks evil but is actually really nice’. Jek is the opposite of that. He dresses in bright pastels and Flowy clothes, but he’s a fucking zombie necromancer dude who can fuck you up so bad. What an icon. Also the reason behind the many skulls, is because he likes to accessorize with skulls, teeth, and brain matter. Skulls just happen to be the only option here lol)
Jekky boy would appear in the Ancient City, and have quite a hard time to explain to Pixl that no, he is not some old king brought back to life and no, he’s not cursed by some ancient artifact he was just born like this. Needless to say Jekiv didn’t stay there for long
No, he’d seek out a more dark and damp place since he’s not too great with sunlight, and this cursed swamp seems like the perfect place! Sure, he was warned that the place might eat his soul, but he’s not even sure if he had a soul, so it should be fine!
Shelby didn’t really mind having the zombie hybrid staying with her, he was able to collect any potions ingredients she needed from the mangrove swamps without much of a risk, plus it was nice to have someone besides tortoise around
That was until Jekiv got interested in the art of necromancy. Necromancy is very common on every server, I mean theres fricking zombies and skeletons everywhere, but to be able to control the dead into doing your bidding is not so common. In fact it’s classified as dark magic and is illegal for witches
Jekiv does not care about that. He likes death, plus he’s the weakest fighter out of all the kids so he gotta have something to protect him, even if that is a zombie army. A bit morbid since he himself is a zombie, but morality and ethicality has never been his thing
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(Between all of my babies, Novo is the one with the most drastic design changes between his first appearance and now. Man started out as looking like an annoying kid, and now looks like an annoying Slut. Girlboss <3. For real though, I am very proud of this Novo design he looks unhinged af and I love him. Out of all the kids, he’s the one I enjoy the look of the most)
Novo appeared in Chromia, and if you know these characters at all then you should know how that went. Novo got one look at Scott, punched him square in the face, spouted some Australia-Scottish curse he invented himself and then stormed off, leaving poor Scottie quite confused
I imagine that the word of the kids would spread over the server quickly, but also that Oli would not hear about it at all, so when he found a tiny elf boy looking through the frankly pathetic storage system he had in his tent he would be quite stun shocked
Still, Novo has flair, drama, and a very threatening aura, so he’s allowed to stay
Novo is absolutely not a singer however. As I’ve said before you can barely understand the lad because of his Frankenstein accent, and even if you did know what he was singing he’s very off key. Can’t play any instruments either, and is too impatient to learn any
So, he takes to the second part of being a Bard
Okay not that part, he’s in a happy monogamous relationship thank you very much. No the other second part
Singing and playing loudly while following someone around til they actually pay you to stop
Never speaks with Scott after the first day, and all the other dl kids feel that it isn’t there place to tell him what’s going on, so all Scott knows about Novo is that he’s apparently his son and that he flat out despises him. He’s tried to form some sort of relationship with him, but Novo is both stubborn and spiteful and does in fact bite, to no one’s surprise
Tries to serenade Gertrude to the best of his ability, and even though it sounds dreadful (especially to her and her fucking insane dog hearing) she appreciates the attempts
Other small notes:
Gertrude does not like Chromia, because she’s got dog color blindness and the place centers around colors. The place makes her feel inferior :(
Jassy and Liana had a second more “official” wedding on Empires, with clothes designed by Katherine and a ceremony officiated by Pixl. Joel walked Jassy down the aisle
The kids have a lot of leftover mental scars from the dl server, including the fact that they tend to forget that food is once again accessible to them, so they can eat stuff again and not just repeatedly starve themselves
Joey believes Jekiv to be some sort of skeleton creature. He’s not, but he’s clad in a lot on bones and his skin is mauled to the point where bones are sticking out. Jekiv doesn’t visit The Eversea
I would tell y’all how it would go with the kids when the hermits came to Empires, but I kinda wanna see how that arc ends before I plan any storyline out
I do have Hermitcraft designs already created though
Actually they were made before these designs
Anyways baiiiiiii
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userlaylivia · 2 years
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hyunsvngs · 10 months
One thing: Fem Skz x CUNNILINGUS, how would they react and who do you think squirts💦
ohh YES
chan: she has a creamy pussy. neat curls on her mound, maybe in a landing strip or a little triangle. she likes you to lick over her clit and pump two fingers inside of her, curving them up into her g-spot until she moans nice and pretty for you through her orgasm. "that's it, baby, that's it- ah, ah, i'm cumming, don't stop!" ahh she so pretty. her thighs shake, her hands gripping the sheets, but she doesn't squirt - she's a creamer, through and through.
minho: likes to ride your face. her thighs grip your head tightly, her pubes trimmed and pussy pretty pink. she'll let you lick over her clit and dip your tongue between her folds over and over until she's just about to cum, and then she'll pull off, shoving two of her own fingers inside of herself to stimulate her g-spot until she's squirting into your mouth with a low, gravelly moan. "drink it. drink mommy's squirt, kitty cat, taste it all." she'll even make you lick her clean afterwards <3
changbin: ohhh the prettiest brown pussy with a lil bush... tie this bunny up so her tits are angled towards the ceiling, big and heavy and spilling down her sides. kiss down her tummy and eat this angel out slowly, delicately - make love to her pussy with your mouth. slow and easy is the way she likes it, even through her orgasm, creaming into your mouth and those delicious thighs shaking. "ah, binnie's cumming, mama, mama, your mouth- please, mama, i'm gonna cum!" she is so sweet
hyunjin: the sexiest. pussy waxed bare, her clit peeking out of her folds all pink and swollen when she's excited. she prefers more direct clit stimulation rather than fingers, so suck and lick over her clit, maybe brush your teeth against it if she's been a little naughty. her long legs will thrash, her toes curling - maybe bend her in half so you can suck her toes into your mouth while she plays with her tits, small and perky. "ah, that's- baby, that's filthy, you're filthy. fuck, eat my pussy, please." spit on her pussy and get it all messy and she'll squirt all over your face as a reward.
jisung: oh you guys know i love fem jisung. fuck her open with one of those huge bad dragon dildos and lick over her clit at the same time, nose buried in her bush while she thrashes and babbles for you. she's messy when she cums, tongue lolling out of her mouth with drool spilling out of it, squirt gushing from her pussy so hard you have to pull the dildo out. always announces she's coming as if you can't see it! "mama, mommy, mom- mommy, mommy, cumming, cumming, i can't hold it, i- 's so good, mama, please, please-"
felix: sweetest girl. prettiest sweetest girl. she loves to 69 with you!! her cropped mullet tickling your inner thighs as she moans into your pussy, bucking her waxed pink core into your mouth. finger her open with one, two, three fingers while you lick over her clit - shit, even get your whole fist in there, she loves being full. suckle on her clit and tell her she's a good baby, so sweet and delicious for you. she always tries to make you cum first, but poor baby is just too sensitive - "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm gonna cum, i'm gonna cum so fucking hard, i can't hold it, i can't!"
seungmin: even fem seungmin is mean. if you're licking her cunt out, she wants you to lick her asshole, too. pushes your head down and makes you eat her ass sometimes as a punishment if you've been naughty - you don't even get to taste her sweet core. she'll have you spitting all over her more private hole before she even considers letting you lick over her clit. "do you think you can make me cum like this? from licking my ass? hmm, you better try. you don't get to cum unless i do."
jeongin: prettiest pussy. imagining her with her hair styled like the skz family ep with the fringe! lithe thighs spread wide, her hair splayed out on the pillow beneath her head as she whines and bucks her hips into your mouth. she wants to ride your face in a different way - let her hold your head to her clit and buck up into your mouth. she'll be extra sweet to you if you're licking her cunt too - that shit eating grin on her face, eyes forming crescent moons as she praises you. "that's it, good girl, good fucking girl. eatin' it so well, baby." she'll even squirt in your mouth if you're extra good!!
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bella-rose29 · 1 year
Nikolai Lantsov x f!reader
Woke up in a lot of pain because my body systems hate me, so I wrote this (I'm doing better now)
Word count: 1.4k (wtf i didn't mean to write this much lol)
Warnings: periods, anything period related, swearing, this is also based purely on my own experiences (although not the bit where he's hugging her 🥲), not proof read/edited
Tag list: @bubybubsters, @el-de-phi, @hauntedenthusiasttragedy, @iambored24601, @itsyoboo-jassy, @karensirkobabes, @kentucky-criedfricken, @little8sun, @mvidaaaa, @naushtheaspiringauthor, @notoakay, @simbaaas-stuff, @pietromaximoffsbabe (i'm so sorry lovely i completely forgot to add you earlier)
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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking, fuck, fuck!"
"You alright, darling?"
"Yep, all good, Nik!"
Y/n was not at all good. She'd woken up next to an empty space that morning, smiling and shaking her head when she realised where her husband was, sat at his desk and already working, and then had felt an excruciating burst of pain in her abdomen. She heard Nikolai stand up, his chair thumping against the carpeted floor as he came over to the bed.
"Yeah, you're very clearly not alright, darling," he said as he took in her pained expression. "What's going on? Do you need me to get the healer?"
"Monthly cycle, and yes please," she gasped out.
"Okay. Are you able to move?" Y/n shook her head, blinking back the tears that were forming in her eyes. "Alright darling. I'll be back in a few minutes, okay? Just gonna get the healer." He planted a kiss on her forehead, then practically sprinted out of the room. Y/n would have laughed if she thought it wouldn't hurt.
Nikolai really was only gone a few minutes, returning on his own but laden with heat packs. Y/n felt tears form for a different reason as he knelt down next to the bed to activate the heat packs, placing them on her lower stomach, adjusting them so that they all fit. The healer appeared with an assistant then, bag in hand as she sent Y/n an apologetic look.
"How are you doing, Your Majesty?"
"Not great," she whispered, eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to force the pain away. It was times like these that Y/n wished she were Grisha; if she were a Healer or a Tidemaker then maybe she could heal the pain away or force her body to comply through the water in her brain. The healer and Nikolai were talking, although Y/n couldn't make out what was being said, but then a minute or so later her husband was out the room and the healer was placing her hands over Y/n's abdomen, attempting to ease the Queen's pain. The assistant had brought a change of underclothes, helping Y/n to swap them.
"The King has just gone to arrange some things so that your day is easier for you, Your Majesty, he'll be back in a bit. I'll stay here for as long as you need, and in a moment I'll ask you to take the tonic on your bedside table, alright?" Her voice was calm and soothing, and Y/n felt ready to drift off.
"What's the tonic for?"
"It should alleviate some of the pain. We've only recently developed it, but it's had an incredibly high success rate."
"Oh, okay." She was feeling better now, the work the healer was doing helping hugely, and the heat packs distracted from what pain was left over.
"Are you able to sit, Your Majesty?"
"I think so, hang on." Wincing at the stab of pain when she moved, Y/n gritted her teeth, and with the help of the healer was able to sit up in bed. Nikolai returned then, now carrying a box of some description, and his face lit up at the sight of his wife looking better.
"I've got chocolate," he said, lifting the box. "And I managed to convince the head cook to surrender a couple of those breakfast pastries you love so much. Don't feel you need to eat anything now, darling, just let me know and I'll get it for you." She laughed lightly, flinching when it made the pain increase, and took the hand he offered when he sat down next to her. He managed to manoeuvre them so that he was sat behind her, a leg on either side. He pressed kisses to her hair every now and then, arms stroking up and down her arms, sometimes drifting down to gently stroke her stomach.
"Do you think you're able to take the tonic now, Your Majesty?"
"Yeah, I think so."
It tasted bitter going down, and nothing seemed to happen, but the healer reassured her that it would kick in within about 20 minutes.
"I just need to go and sort a few things out, Your Majesty, but I'll come back every so often to check up on how you're doing and bring you more tonics, alright?"
"Thank you," Nikolai said, grateful smile appearing on his face. The healer and her assistant bowed, exiting the room. The couple sat in silence for a while, Y/n basking in the warmth of the packs and her husband's body behind her, and the soft touches of his hands on her arms. Her heart ached with how gentle and loving he was being, and the tears came back. Hearing her quiet sniffles, Nikolai panicked, thinking it had gotten worse.
"What's wrong, darling? Does it still hurt?"
"No," she replied, shaking her head. "Well, yes, but not as much. It's not that though. I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed by you, Nik."
Although she couldn't see it, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Me? Why?"
"I've never been looked after like this before. It's nice. And I guess because we were arranged I thought you wouldn't care that much, but you do, and my body is all out of whack right now which isn't helping but it's making me want to cry because I love you."
Nikolai was silent for a while, never stopping stroking her arms, but Y/n started to worry. She was just about to speak up when he finally spoke.
"I love you too, Y/n."
Then she really did start crying, tears slipping down her face and wetting the bedsheets. Nikolai turned her face towards his, softly wiping away what he could and leaning in to press his lips to hers. It was brief, but more full of love than any other they'd shared, and Y/n couldn't believe how lucky she'd been in getting him as her husband.
"Wait," she said, pulling away with a frown. "What about your meetings?"
"Cancelled them," Nikolai shrugged. "You're more important to me, darling."
"Won't Zoya be mad? That you're leaving things to her?"
"She was actually weirdly understanding for Zoya. I'm fully convinced I'm going to be sent some very strongly worded letters involving death threats, though. Or made to plant face first into the lake by a strong wind."
Y/n giggled, picturing the scenario, and made a mental note to ask Zoya to do just that. Preferably when Nikolai was in just his slacks, suspenders and undershirt, and not for any particular reason.
"You'll be fine, Kolya."
Later that day, Y/n was feeling much better, having taken another dose of the tonic, and was sat outside by the lake with Zoya. Nikolai had rescued a frog (although the frog looked rather happy where it was) and was placing it on the bank. All of a sudden, the wind picked up, and Nikolai was pushed in the water, arms windmilling as he fell. It was a warm day, so he'd taken off his jacket, and while Y/n did feel a little bad for asking Zoya to push him in, all regrets were washed away when he emerged from the lake, completely soaked with water from head to toe.
He stalked over, trying not to smile at how loudly his wife was laughing, and pointed an accusatory finger at the Grisha General.
"I know that was you, Zoya. How could you, to your King, of all people!"
"I was just doing what my Queen commanded, Your Majesty," she mock bowed from where she sat, smirk on her face as she watched Nikolai wipe the water from his eyes. Y/n was still cackling next to her, and Zoya was glad to see her friend doing better than this morning.
"Darling Y/n?"
"Would you like a hug?" Her eyes widened, almost comically so, as Nikolai leaned in, arms open wide. She shrieked with joy as he got closer, pushing him away (not really, he was far too strong).
"Nik!" she laughed, all thoughts of pain completely forgotten.
He did eventually get his hug, but only when he was clean and dry (Y/n had found bits of grass and water plants in his hair), and not threatening to cover Y/n in lake water.
"Thank you, Nik, for everything today."
"Of course, darling. I love you."
"Love you too," she hummed, drifting off in her husband's arms.
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deutschland-im-krieg · 2 months
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Luftwaffe Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub (Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves) award ceremony at the Berghof, 4 April 1944. L-R: 68 victory ace (67 at night) Oberst Werner Streib, 301 victory ace Major Gerhard Gerd Barkhorn, Generalmajor Erich Walther (he and his Fallschirmjäger regiment defended Monte Cassino), 112 victory ace (including 14 four engined bombers) Oberstleutnant Kurt Bühligen, 50 victory ace (31 at night) Oberstleutnant Hans-Joachim Jabs, Oberstleutnant Bernhard Jope (a medium and heavy bomber pilot who took part in sinking the Italian battleship Roma using Fritz X radio controlled guided bombs on 9 September 1943), 109 victory ace (9 with the Legion Condor) Major Reinhard Seiler, Adolf Hitler, 352 victory ace Major Erich Hartmann (blocked by Hitler), 166 victory ace Major Horst Ademeit (MIA 7 August 1944), 133 victory ace Major Johannes Wiese (including 50 IL-2 ground attack aircraft), Wachtmeister Fritz Petersen (air defense commander/flak), Major Doktor Maximilian Otte (a Junkers Ju 87 Stuka pilot with 1,179 combat missions who was KIA 20 May 1944 by Soviet flak during the First Jassy-Kishinev Offensive), 197 victory ace Hauptmann Walter Krupinski. Krupinski was one of the first to fly the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter into combat, claiming 2 kills in April 1945 as a member of JV 44 led by 104 victory ace Generalleutnant Adolf Galland
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hey-august · 4 months
A Line from Me to You - Chapter 6
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Description: Buggy finds a peculiar book on his ship. Enticed by the words contained on each page, the pirate opens up. Anonymity leads to vulnerability. What else will come from this? (Chapter 1 ... Chapter 5, check out the story tag for all the chapters)
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: buggy x afab!reader, this chapter is SFW, a little bit of a fluffy build up before we get back to the spice, no use of y/n, the story within a story is a little longer than usual
A/N: So so sorry for the long delay between chapters!! The next chapter is already in the works and will have more spice. We're looking at 2-3 more chapters to wrap up this story.
Tag list: @lostfirefly @rorywritesjunk @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
The worries about your reading buddy’s spice tolerance were long gone, replaced by other issues preoccupying your mind and body. You were suffering from common affliction that often flared up in the presence of a romance book.
With every flip of a page, the words buried themselves deeper and deeper in your head, spindly roots that made it ever harder to detangle yourself from fiction. You would look for signs of affection and tender gestures everywhere - any little bump or shove, eye contact that lasted no longer than usual, someone calling your name - anything could send your heart fluttering in its gilded ribcage. 
Based on past experiences, the romance-induced delirium would be temporary. The antidote would be Kas and Jasid fully committing to their mutual love for each other. Unfortunately, they continued to smother their true feelings under the mock relationship that served as another layer of protection on the journey. Despite the hurried kisses, frantic touches, and long moonlit nights spent in bed together, Kas’ thoughts always returned to her future husband.
The couple sat at the small table, accompanied by two cups of coffee that tasted like river water and a flakey pastry. Kas looked off to the side where an older couple had crammed themselves on the same side of their own table. Years of love were etched deeply into their faces, yet their joy overflowed as tinkling laughter danced around the room. Jasid studied Kas’ face. Morning light bouncing off of the river was reflected in her eyes, ebbing and flowing with her emotions. A wistful smile played on her pink lips, fragile and full of longing. The trip had been long and arduous.  While the princess wouldn’t admit it took a toll on her, the soft-spoken figure that climbed into Jasid’s bed at night would whisper confessions in the spaces between falling tears. Laments about the field of flowers she would spend many summer afternoons in, the friends who tried to ease the pain of leaving by offering empty promises about visiting, and worries about her new life and the character she had yet to face. When her whispers fell into silent cries, mourning the lack of familiarity and comfort, Jasid could only hold her close. He never had the words that could ease such pain. Jasid reached out, pulled a flower from the small porcelain vase in the middle of their table, and shortened the long stem with a pinch. He only had to say the princess’ name for her to look at him with those beautiful eyes that soaked into his skin like moonlight. Upon seeing the flower, Kas tilted her head slightly and bit her lip, trying to tamp down a growing grin. Jasid tucked the bloom behind her left ear, hoping she didn’t feel his hand shake when he pushed the hair away from her face. “It’s beautiful, Jassy,” Kas complimented. She admired the flower she couldn’t see anymore by letting her fingertips drift along the petals. After a moment, her expression flickered. “I wonder if my husband will give me flowers like this…” “I’m sure he will, Kas,” Jasid responded. Confidence bolstered the claim, hiding the rotting frame and unsaid words. Jasid would plant Kas a field of flowers she asked him.
Your heart ached with how adorable and bittersweet the moment was. The cure to your malady was so close. If only Kas would admit that she was afraid her betrothed would be nothing like her beloved bodyguard. If only Jasid told Kas that he would love her the way she deserves. Unfortunately, there was still more than a third of the book left and the antidote wasn’t in the following chapter either.
Finally finished with reading your portion of the book, you needed to get ready for the day. You bent the corner of the page and then cringed. Unfolding the corner, you attempted to press out the crease. Rubbing your nail against the mark was no match for years of habit. Shit, it was still very noticeable and obvious. 
For a brief moment, you wondered if more damage would hide the dog-ear. The idea was followed by a twinge of guilt and confusion. Guilt because it would feel like lying to the other reader. Confusion because why would you feel bad about lying to a faceless entity. Then came acceptance - they weren’t just a faceless entity, but a faceless friend. Resigning to the mistake, you scribbled an unnecessarily extravagant apology.
“Dearest reader, I offer my deepest and most sincere regrets for defacing our shared reading material like this. It was a crime of passion and habit, and I assure you that it will not happen again. I humbly ask for your mercy and forgiveness. PS - I really am sorry.”
Today, you were on shared laundry duty. While each member of the crew was responsible for cleaning their personal clothes, performance outfits, costumes, rags, and textiles in the common areas were maintained through shared chores. You were first tasked with collecting dirt, sweat, and blood soaked clothes from the green room, dressing rooms, and wardrobe cubbies.
Along the way, you came across a vanity with a small bouquet from a show earlier in the week. The flowers had seen better days and were destined for the bin, so you teased out the blossom with the most life left and tucked it behind your ear. Looking in the mirror, you adjusted your hair so the flower was visible. It was small and a little droopier than you expected, but the purple blossom made you happy.
It wasn’t long before the canvas laundry bag was piled high and too difficult to hoist on your back. After another pair of trousers, striped socks, and a billowing dress, you reluctantly dragged and pulled your way to the washroom. You arrived red-faced and more sweaty than glistening. Gratefully, you passed off the hefty load of laundry and reviewed the rest of the cleaning plans. Refreshing the dirty garments would take a few hours, allowing you time to grab a meal and do other busy work before you were due to hang the wash.
You exited the soap filled room and immediately entered someone’s personal space. A quickly improvised dance ended with gloved hands on your shoulders and yours gripping their forearms for more stability.
“Shi- Sorry, Captain. I wasn’t looking where I was going!” The apology bubbled quickly while the heat in your face increased.
“Obviously,” Buggy retorted quickly. “I mean, looks like you’ve been busy.”
The muscles under your hands tensed as he spoke. Cool eyes darted across your face and then looked away. Then back to you and away again.
“You’ve got some shit in your hair,” he mumbled. Taking one hand off your shoulder, he reached up and dragged a bit of fuzz out of the strands that wanted to keep their treasure. Buggy pinched the fluff in front of your face before rubbing his fingers and dropping it. “Hold on, there’s more…”
You stayed silent, unsure what to say as your captain pulled out another piece of lint, a sequin, and a few small downy feathers that had escaped from the more extravagant costumes you collected. It was rare for you to get this close to him and you couldn’t resist the opportunity to steal glances of the person you admired the most. 
This show of rugged softness is what drew you to your captain and always in need of repeat performances. Sure, Buggy would often cuss out and insult his crew, but that was the thorny disguise his care hid behind. Behind his words and actions was someone who inspired his crew to live the lavish lives they craved. Who pushed them to practice past tears so they were as talented and extravagant as he believed them to be. Who took the time to care for his crew, even if it included picking out random debris from their hair.
Buggy’s eyebrows were furrowed and his nostrils flared in concentration. Bright red butterflies swarmed upwards, tickling your stomach, chest, and throat. Looking lower, his lips moved along with the quiet mumbling as he spoke to himself. His face paint looked fresh. It was thick in some areas - you could see the drag from bristled brushes and patches where he applied it with rushed fingertips. He hadn’t shaved and blue prickles of facial hair decorated his chin and…
Your examination was cut off by a hand on your chin. Buggy tilted your face this way and that, up and down, around and around in circles, pretending to look at every angle multiple times until you laughed and swatted him away.
“Wait, wait, wait, I see another!” A floating hand dodged your block.
“Oh no, my flower,” you said, recognizing the limp purple foliage held between Buggy’s thumb and pointer.
Buggy squinted at what he was holding and then looked at you, his aqua eyes swimming with mock concern. “This is trash.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” You moved to take the flower, but it was too weak to exchange hands and tore.
You finished the brief chat with your captain still very red-faced and out of breath, but no longer due to physical exertion. Raking your hair back, you felt the shadow of your captain’s careful ministrations. Every thought that lingered and tiptoed back towards memories would cause a hitch in your throat. You needed fresh air.
The rest of your free time was spent with a light lunch of overly salty soup and extra crusty bread, chugging room temperature water, and checking the weather to make sure rain wasn’t on the way.
In the quiet after eating, you took a moment to string up the laundry line. A snake of string lights still clung to the mast of the ship, still offering brightness during dark nights after the exuberant party from last month. The romantic malady in your mind called out to the butterflies in your stomach, begging them to dance with the memories of the party and sharing drinks with your captain.
The fresh air wasn’t helping anymore and you needed to get back to work. As you headed towards the washroom, you walked past the book’s swap spot and were happy to see the novel must be in someone else’s hands.
The washroom was empty, even the suds had vacated their homes as wet puddles turned into damp spots. Soaking, lathering, washing, and wringing must have gone faster than planned, even including the steps that had to be repeated. Waiting for you in the room were a few piles of damp laundry on the benchtops, which was hastily folded to give the guise of organization.
Also sitting on a bench was something else. Something purple. Tissue paper twisted and manipulated into the shape of a blossom just waking up for the first time.
You grazed the folded petals, thinking of the hands that had enough skill and dexterity to create a delicate flower that wouldn’t wilt. Of the person who wanted to replace the purple flower you were wearing in your hair.
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ilyricshub · 2 years
Surma Lyrics - Kaur B | Ravneet
#Surma #KaurB #ravneet #LoponSidhu #JassiX
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lyricsgoal · 2 years
Surma Lyrics - Kaur B
#Surma #KaurB
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electricea · 3 months
Get to know me better!
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Alias / Name: Jassi - some people call me Jas or Jazz, I remember early on a friend just started me calling 'Jassi' as a nickname and it stuck.
Birthday: November 22nd.
Zodiac Sign: My birthday is a weird day for Zodiac signs - some sources will swear I'm a Scorpio, others will say I'm a Sagittarius - I guess personality-wise I'd align closer to Scorpio but it's tough to say.
Height: Haven't been measured since like high school gym class lol but I'd say 5'0.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, role-playing games, puzzles, model kits.
Favourite Colour: I've always liked blue especially light blue - sky blue. I also really like any colour that's like a cyan or turquoise or aquamarine.
Favourite Book: Currently, Blue Lock - I've been obsessed with it since last Christmas and seeing the movie has only kind of intensified that lmao.
Last Song: Stormy by Nissiy x SKY-HI.
Last Movie / Show: I had the dumbass idea last night to start a movie at like 1am so I had to pause it and sleep but I got halfway through The King of Comedy, as for last show I think it would be Delicious in Dungeon since I was streaming it with a friend.
Recent Read: Haven't read anything terribly recently but there's a lot of great manga volumes coming out this month.
Inspiration: I kind of take inspiration from all around me as opposed to one person or a thing - it's hard to explain, but I just feel like my head is always bouncing around with plot ideas or things Ryuji would like. Inspiration has always just come naturally to me.
Story Behind Your URL: When I rebooted my blog a few years ago and decided to come back to Tumblr after a year long hiatus I was agonizing over a new URL - picking a new URL as well as working on a theme are probably two of my least favourite parts of Tumblr and a friend threw out the suggestion - it's a play on the words 'electricity' and was clever, in my opinion, so I give them full credit.
Fun Fact: Uh, I like turtles? (Both the animal and the chocolate - lol sorry I'm really bad of thinking of fun facts on the fly.)
Tagged by: @scarlxtleaves (Thank you - was cool getting to read yours and get to know you a bit as well!)
Tagging: Honestly I'd be happy to get to know any one of you better so feel free to steal this from me and give your answers!
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jassygay · 1 year
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yep Jassy is bi, Leon is straight, And Aglia is lesbian
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meteor752 · 2 years
The DL kids on Empires part 3: Stay or go?
Entering Hermitcraft was a dream come true for most of the kids. Gertrude, Liana, and Wes had dreamt of it since they were children, to see the place they’ve heard so many stories about.
When it actually happened though…it was a lot less exciting than they’d expected.
If you remember from last time, Liana, Wes, and Jassy jumped through the rift with the other Hermits, not really processing that they left the other four behind.
They came not soon after, but all seven knew the impact of the decision that had been made.
Anyways ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Like with part one, we will be going over the kids character by character, which means new desiiiiiigns.
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(Girl got a mad glow up tbh. Back again to her bright colors now that she’s once again a salesman. Also decided to actually put her hair up, because hair gel can only do so much to keep it out of the face. Also her pipe, that I forgot she had lol)
Liana was fricking ecstatic about being on Hermitcraft. She had been a bit down and depressed on Empires (Case you couldn’t tell), but Hermitcraft truly was a breath of fresh air
She spent days just flying around the server, looking at every build she could meticulously, checking every shop in the shopping district, and trying out every Redstone contraction
Has gotten used to her prosthetic, and despite being a bit wobbly from time to time and needing a cane, she can mostly walk just fine without her crutch.
Hermitcraft is the first server she’s on with an actual economy, and she plans to scam every single member out of all they have.
Being a natural born liar, she isn’t afraid to make up fictions about products, or upsell in every opportunity she gets. She mainly does this with The Entity, as getting a shop of her own would be way too much work, but she’s also seen using her tactics at Scarland.
Her and Jassy stay in Scarland, since they aren’t exactly capable of building their own base. Liana has ambitions of her own company, but it’s a long way there
She stays out of Christmas village for the most part, since most of the other kids are staying there. She fears the confrontation
She wishes she had a chance of meeting Mumbo, but unfortunately he’s off server. Sad :(
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(Big boy finally got a haircut, good on him. Went with some dwarf vibes for him, with the heavy boots and gauntlet. Healing pot and Nightvision are a must when you’re down in the mines constantly. Also wookit his lil smile, he’s happy :D)
Struggles a lot at Hermitcraft, since he’s on horrible terms with his boyfriend. Jekiv is kinda his crutch and helps him with his anxieties and OCD, so without him it was kinda difficult
Wes stays with Impulse in favor of BDubs since that relationship is beyond saving, building a quaint house not too far from his fortress.
He helps with restocking Iluminate and iBuy in any way he can, though also False with the copper and XB with Iron blocks. He just likes mining, but has no use for the actual wares he gets from it
Visits BDubs at least once a week for a cup of tea or something, because he still wants to bond with his dad. He’s still a little much sometimes, but it’s better than it’s been before
Jassy and him become amazing friends during this period. They’ve always had a close friendship, but when it’s just the three of them they got even closer. Especially since they are kind of step siblings
Yeah there’s that too. Wes really likes Zedaph and Tango, the same with Etho, it’s just strange to see his parents…not married. Together with other people. They were so lovey dovey on Double Life, but now they act as just general friends
Despite it all, Wes does enjoys Hermitcraft so much. He loves his dad, kind of likes the other one, enjoys the builds and redstone everyone makes (Impulse is even teaching him some simpler farms!), and loves the community. He just wishes Jekiv loved it more
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(Back to the Tomboy look lol. Easier to work in. Also yes she’s wearing a wielding helmet over her glasses, it’s a look alright! Also this is the first time y’all see her stomach, and yeah she’s absolutely shredded)
Gertrude is…conflicted. It’s nice to see where her dad is from and see some of his builds, but she really loved Glimmergrove and the Empires server. She loved that she could be both a princess and a monster hunter, she loved having Katherine as her mentor, she loved just…being.
And yeah, she’s angry as fuck about Wes, Liana and Jassy jumping through the portal with the intent to leave them all behind. Never mess with an angry werewolf, they’ve got more bite than bark
So while she stays on Hermitcraft, she stays out of the other kids business, the only one she really interacts with being Novo.
But through her dad, she meets Doc
Docm77 is someone she’s heard of through Ren, both by being one of his best friends and by being one of the best and most clever redstoners of his time.
So yeah, Gertrude is fascinated. She’s always enjoyed the craft of redstone, the idea that you can do and make whatever you want with just some red powder and a few pistons, and Doc takes it to levels she’d never even thought of. He brought an Enderdragon, a thing she’s only heard of in storybooks, to the overworld and tamed it!
So Gertrude hangs around the creeper all day, absorbing every bit of information she can. Doc isn’t against it, she’s a bit like Ren with the wild puppy energy, just a bit more chilled out.
She also loves the Dragon, it’s surprisingly friendly
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(As I’ve said before, there’s only so many western looks. Also the hat burnings probably got too tiresome, so no more hat :( Also Butternut! I mentioned her in part 1 I think, but yeah, there she is! She’s a Mustang! Of course Johnny brought her through the portal, what’s a country boy without his horse?)
As I said in part 2, Johnny is very conflicted over everything, but not for the same reason as Gertrude. No, for him it’s difficult because his two dads live in each of the different servers, and he knows he’s gonna have to choose between the two.
And Johnny really doesn’t want to choose. He’s the only one of the kids with equal love for both of his dads, who’s had no hiccups in his relationship with them, who just wishes to have Double Life back.
But he doesn’t have that option, and before he even jumps into Hermitcraft he knows what his choice will be
So the five months they are there, Johnny spends every minute with, Tango assisting him with Decked out 2 for the most part. It’s a bit strange to see his dad all frosty instead of Fiery, but his temper is still the same, he’s still his dad.
He also attempts to bond with his dads two partners, but Impulse is around Wes a little too much so it’s mostly with Zedaph. Johnny is a good mob herder though, so it’s easy to get things for Zed’s experiments. Zedaph probably loves the kid more than Tango
Because of all this, Johnny doesn’t see much of his pa. He visits him from time to time, but it’s more of a once every few weeks type of deal. Johnny never learns of Tiny Tom
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(Girl got the Sailor Moon space buns got the Sarashi, got the forearm blades, she’s dripped out. I had another design for her originally, but changed it immediately when the two heroes thing got added. Also, she’s missing her mask! That will be explained later….)
Jassy is fucking ecstatic, she don’ even care about the whole rift between the gang. Her wife and best friend are both team HC, and she gets to meet her favorite dad again. So yeah, how the others were feeling was not her prio at all
Finding Etho’s base was surprisingly easy, no the real problem was finding Etho
Jassy spent a week searching every inch of the main server area, and other places he might be drawn too. After three days she actually called upon the help of BDubs and Beef, the two people who knows him the best
A day after eventually giving up, Etho just showed up in the shopping district looking for rockets
Great waste of time
Etho was a lil iffy and awkward about, I mean wouldn’t you, but he adjusted better than most. But because Joel was so different than he was from last life, the two didn’t get along in the same way they did. They barely hit it off at all in fact. Jassy was bummed
It was strangely lovely to see Etho interact with BDubs though. He was happy in a different way than he ever was with her and Joel. Happy in the same way Jassy is with Liana
Her and Liana stays in Scarland for easy access to Liana’s business ventures, and Jassy mainly just vibes and does her thing. Etho starts teaching her a little redstone, she enjoys that
Unlike Liana and Wes, she does check out Christmas Village and still vibes with Joel. Even goes back to Empires for a few days to visit and hang out with Hermes.
While Jassy was fully fine with being a big sis to Hermes, she’s less than thrilled over the three new surprise siblings she gains
Tiny Tom is around for maybe two days, and Mandy Mane and Rucking Rat are mainly taken care of by Oli, so it’s not a whole lot there but also like holy void dad
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(Jekiv, like Novo, has really grown during his designs. He’s going through entire character arcs with every new look, we love that for him. Also Jekiv hair reveal! It’s very dirty, raggedy and patchy, hope y’all didn’t expect much lol. My boy continues with his skull motif too)
*Inhale* *Exhale* BOI-
Jek is straight suffering aright. Him and Wes are the only couple with separate views on the whole situation, wildly separate views at that.
As stated in the relationship analysis, Wes and Jek is a complicated situation. They have a fragile relationship that works for them, but it’s not built to last. So the whole ordeal is like someone finally pulling the final piece of the late stage jenga tower that has been there for years. It all crumbles.
Jekiv stays as far away from Wes as possible. He spends almost all of his time in Christmas Village or the surrounding area, studying his necromancer abilities. He’s able to summon up body parts of the dead, like a hand or a leg, but he’s yet to be able to make them do his bidding.
Ignoring his problems is like second nature to Jek. The only difference now is that he doesn’t have anyone around he can vent all of his frustrations out from time to time. He doesn’t want to put that all on Shubble or his mom, so he bites his tongue.
He just wishes to go back to Empires as soon as possible, but with the server being close to deserted (and he hates being alone), he’s forced to stick around.
Help around a lot of Christmas village, from the building of the bases to the decorating of the tree. He’s a Christmas fan alright?
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(My boy, in all of his glory. As stated before, Novo is my favorite of the kids based on looks alone, I think he looks amazing and I love making him. Beard a la Hunter Games style, plus a snazzy hat and snazzy shoes. The boy has drip, you just don’t know what it is yet)
Novo is…fine. Really, he’s fine. Since he’s the one with the worst relationship with his parents he’s usually the one who struggles the most with like, everything, but no he’s fully okay. Sure, Christmas Village makes it much harder to avoid his dad, but at one point you just sorta accept that he’s there
He travels around the server a lot, partly exploring and partly just keeping up with his new job as a bard. The Hermits hate his singing and playing just as much as the emperors, but they have actual diamonds when they wish to pay him to leave
Man accidentally becomes the richest of the kiddos
Is stoked he gets to hang around Jekiv a lot like when they were younger. He loves Jek, despite everything, he’s like his big brother (Even though Novo technically is the oldest), and even though Jekiv can’t stand him for more than five minutes it doesn’t bother him
Also, he becomes a babysitter. Mandy Mane and Rucking Rat just pop up one day, no idea how they got there (They don’t actually know where kids come from, as they all just spawned in and their parents never bothered with telling them), but now Novo is an uncle! And a terrible one at that!
Out of all the Team Empires kids, he’s the only one who’s kinda cool with the Team Hermitcraft kids. As stated, Jassy visits occasionally and while Jekiv immediately dips when she does, Novo is pretty friendly with her. Well, as friendly as he can be
So yeah, that’s the kids! Bye!!
Okay I’m joking
The Empires people are at Hermitcraft for five months. For four of these months, the group is divided with most not speaking to each other, and some barely speaking to anyone at all. It’s an issue.
Novo and Jassy, the two who are the least affected by the rift, finally decide to take action. Their partners, Gert and Liana, are suffering, and so are their best friends.
The root of the problem does lie within Jekiv and Wes. Jekiv is pissed and Wes is sad and ignores most people, so if they tried to get all seven of them in one room it would be chaos. The best solution would be to trick Jek and Wes into figuring out their problems, then extend it to the group as a whole.
So, with the help of the Soup Group, they devise a plan to get them talking.
Impulse and Gem make sure Wes stays down in the mines, distracting him, while Novo lures Jekiv down to the same mines, saying he’s found some crazy Zombie-Skeleton hybrid. As soon as Jekiv is down there, Impulse, Gem, and Novo sneak out as Pearl sets off an explosive in the mountain, causing a cave in. Jekiv and Wes are now trapped in a closed off mine, with nothing to do but talk to each other.
And talk they do. It takes them two hours to stop arguing and shouting at each other, both saying some real nasty stuff they will come to regret later (Oh I have a fic idea now, hehehe), and when they’re both sore in the throat they just try to get out in silence. Fortunately, Pearl is an expert in explosives, and knows exactly how to set them off just right. The mine is too unstable to try and escape from the inside, so their only hope is to wait for help. And, since they’re not technically players, they don’t have any communicators either.
(Unbeknownst to the both of them, Jassy is hiding in a dark corner of the mine with Gem’s borrowed communicator, ready to message Impulse when they can all be let out. Despite the striking white hair, she can easily avoid being seen. Anime logic)
And eventually, four hours in (Jassy is bored as hell at this point), the two finally get to actually talking. About how things changed since they left Double Life and how they drifted apart. Wes admits that he misses the server, and while he doesn’t wanna go back, he can’t help but yearn for it in a way. Jekiv talks about how he misses his dad in a weird way, and that he’s disappointed that he’s not there. Since none of the parents remember them, he hoped that they could’ve gotten a fresh start.
They talk about Hermitcraft and Empires, about how Wes wanted to leave the server because he just wasn’t happy in Gobland, and how it all freaked him out too much. Jekiv talks about how he wanted to stay because on Double Life he was weak, with being the worst fighter out of all of them, but as a Necromancer studying under Shelby he actually feels kind of powerful.
They see each other’s side. And while they can’t agree with each other about their choices, they can respect it.
Jassy let’s them out.
They all call for an official meeting in one of Scarland’s houses, and while yes they do have to trick the others into coming there, it’s important.
And so they just sit down in a circle, two of them sulking, one of them sad, and the other four ready to get this over with.
Everyone lets out their frustrations about practically everything. All they’ve been holding in for twenty years finally comes out.
Their issues with their parents, with themselves, their trauma from Double Life and their parents deaths, their regrets, their insecurities, why they either wanna stay on Hermitcraft or go back to Empires, all of it is laid out. Almost an eleven hour talk (Scar gives them snacks halfway through).
When they all grow tired they take a group nap together in a pile on the floor, Jekiv taking the time to study a spell while snuggling in Wes’ arms.
And they learn to accept that, maybe this is then end. Twenty years joined by the hip all seven, Will finally come to a close. They take solace in that at least they can visit each other all the time.
Until Grian announces that the rift is slowly closing, and if the Emperors wish to return then they better get their stuff ready and soon.
So they stand their with the rest of the member of both servers when the rifts is just big enough to squeeze a person through, all of them heartbroken.
Many goodbyes that day.
Jekiv, Novo, Johnny, Jassy, and Gert all say goodbye to their parents. While some (Johnny) are more upset than others (Novo), it’s still difficult for all of them.
Gertrude and Liana say goodbye to Doc and Pixl, their mentors.
And then…
They say goodbye to each other. Liana, Jekiv, and Novo have it difficult. They’re all besties (apart from Jekiv to Novo he can’t stand him), and all openly sob into each other’s arms.
Jassy gives Johnny a letter to give to Hermes. She was intending to say goodbye herself, but she never got the time. She also gives him her mask. Hermes always loved the thing and used to steal it to wear himself, something she did with Etho’s mask when she was a kid, so it’s something to remember her by.
Last but not least, Jekiv and Wes. The unlikely couple, forced together by someone else’s intervention, staying together out of convenience, but then keeping on going with each other out of determination and love.
They promise each other they will meet again. They will fix their code to make them able of server hopping, and then they will find each other and stay with each other for good.
And to keep that promise, Wes slips a simple golden ring on one of Jekiv’s fingers.
Then they leave through the rift just as it closes, gone.
Hopefully not for good
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