zombinary · 11 months
me: oh hey that person uploaded their winter king animatic lets check it out
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coochellati · 8 months
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
I made a Valentine for Bruno!
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Ahhhh, I love you so much, Bruno <3
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cursivebloodlines · 1 year
📸 - lydia
Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) | @overnightheartbeats | Accepting!
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Taken on one of their dates. Lydia saw this as a perfect photo opportunity. She would have done it too but insisted that it would suit Aaron so much better. And she's very pleased with how it turned out, even if she does say so herself. Though she's probably biased. She reckons she comes up a bit too short whereas he's the perfect height :)) That's her excuse anyway. She just likes taking photos of him and will literally use any excuse to be honest. Not that they're excuses, they're not - they're perfectly valid reasons. :))
An impromptu photo taken whilst travelling! She just thinks he's cute with his head in a book hehe. What is he reading? I like to think that maybe Aaron is reading a book she's recommended! Or one that she really likes so they can talk about it when he's finished! (Lydia would flat out refuse to read spoilers, though it warms her heart to see he's reading something she likes aaaa. If he finishes it, I hope he's prepared for 500 questions about it, another question in the class of Lyds :) )
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3. Lmaoooooooo Lydia thought this flower looked so odd so she bought the bouquet. Of course, Aaron caught on to that and noticed it as soon as his eyes set on it. Only went and picked it out because why not? And she may or may not have told him off LMAO but then they started messing around and she thought it was a perfect opportunity for a photo! In which life became a photoshoot for him <3 and she thought in the end, this turned out perfectly hehe.
4. It was late, they were heading somewhere unknown to either of them and the car broke down in the middle of the night en route. Luckily for them, there was a motel nearby in walking distance that happened to have a room free for the night....... :)) so they took it because it was too late for them to have a proper look at the car now. They'd been out and about for hours, had gotten lost and both were tired. And so Aaron took the first opportunity to head straight for the bed lmao. And Lydia couldn't resist taking a photo because she thought it was something they could look back on and laugh about another day. Even if they were both tired by that point bahaha. They made a fun night of it though! It was a good laugh, made even better by great company :)
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5. Another photo taken whilst they were both messing around. And once again, Lydia pops out the camera to take a photo of him because she just likes to appreciate the view. That's it. That's the reason. No special reason. Just because she's Lydia and she can do whatever she wants :)
6. hot man in hot jacket go brr - Lydia's brain, probably. LMAO. She really, really likes Aaron in his jacket, don't judge her. And she was probably simply just waiting for him wherever they'd arranged to meet this time! Even he's a bit like ????? but rolls with it. Again, she would just say she's appreciating the view :) and who could object with her??? Apart from Aaron potentially lmfao but you know!!! This woman has 0 chill, even less than that when it comes to him :)))
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dadmyth · 1 year
being sick will have you praying to a god you don't believe in for the ability to breathe and sleep
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kweenkatsuki-main · 2 months
Psychological warfare in my OWN! FUCKING! HOUSE!
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totallytubular · 5 months
had so much shit i was ready to start/get done but they are having me learn payroll on top of existing reception duties and what little energy i have after work goes towards playing switch & hitting the vape 😤😶‍🌫️
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cyber444angel · 1 month
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youngpettyqueen · 5 months
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
“Lead astray” jesus christtttttttt not the school marm vocabulary.
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mothman-pseudanthium · 2 months
Jesus h christtttttttt
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dreamcast-official · 1 year
jesus christtttt jesus fucking christtttttttt
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pastafossa · 3 years
Oop. Matt caught you sinning.
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HYES, YES I AM STARING AGAIN MATTHEW, FJKDFSLAFA because you - he's just always going SHIRTLESS, and I don't know how he expects ANYONE - not ME not READER not YOU or the WORLD - to not LOOK when it's right there begging to maybe get some kisses or touches or just a little cheek rub because his chest is a treasure and must be appreciated as any fine work of art should be. thank you for coming toMYTEDTALK *wheeze*
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3416 · 5 years
eliott’s reaction to lucas jumping away he is so... happy.... i am so....
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I’m sorry I cant focus on the story thanks to all these generic white boy names 
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nellygwyn · 6 years
how you gonna have the audacity to call a man sarah churchill was forced to marry "the love of her life" lmao honey she was a big fuckin lesbian! sorry bout it!
She wasn’t forced to marry John Churchill. Like, FAMOUSLY, both John’s parents and Sarah’s parents disapproved of their match. John was supposed to marry Catherine Sedley, who was infinitely richer than Sarah. But they loved each other so much that they married secretly and only announced it when Sarah became pregnant. So you’re wrong on that count, firstly. I don’t know where you got this alternative fact. 
Secondly, I’m not necessarily making a final judgement on whether she had any sexual/romantic proclivities towards women. I tend to think not, just based on how she treated Anne and how much of it seems to be symptomatic of manipulation for one’s own personal gain, rather than like...genuine sexual/romantic affection. But it is clear that she liked men in some capacity, and I’m not making that statement because she was married to one (that would be stupid) but because she wrote so explicitly about their active and (to her) satisfying sex life in her personal writings, because she and John sent very passionate love letters to each other throughout their life, because she so openly declared her sexual and romantic attraction to him whenever she could, because she and him were such a powerhouse together, because she was so anxious about him when he was away fighting. And being attracted to men doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to women too, but I think it does mean you aren’t exclusively attracted to women, like...that’s just common sense? That’s what ‘lesbian’ means??? 
The post you are referring to was made to talk about the real historical men that we saw represented in The Favourite and was not necessarily supposed to be a continuation of the film (though, even in the film, Sarah frets almost exclusively about her husband potentially dying) or its themes, it was just a history post. And history shows that Sarah and John were strongly sexually, romantically and platonically attached and that her feelings towards him far outweighed the feelings she had for any other person in her life. 
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panstarry · 5 years
i don’t know why this has to be clarified but i don’t associate with pedophiles or abusers at all, and if you are one then block me and die!! don’t fucking interact w/ me if you disagree lmao
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