bl-bam-beyond · 7 months
A LOOK BACK at Jong Chan & Seung Hyun
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Remember the brief moment when Jong Chan's ex and Seung Hyun's first love (crush) Na Soo Seong encouraged Jong Chan to pursue Seung Hyun and then...
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And the way Jong Chan (KWON HYUK) the man all about work trained his eye on the cute intern Seung Hyun (MOON JI YONG)
The way Jong Chan looked at Seung Hyun once he looked at him "that way" was magical.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf @kingofthereblog-boysloveed @thewayofsubtext @pharawee @absolutebl
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gillianthecat · 2 years
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The New Employee - episode 5
Gah this EPISODE!! 🥰😍🥰 Here are my thoughts during and after watching:
Excellent, we're getting right into the mystery of the terrifying pen.
Omg the second hand embarrassment in this college flashback makes me curl up and hide. Also, I assume it's less obvious in Korean that Seung Hyun thought they were talking about a gift for him, because otherwise Yoo Seong is being deliberately cruel, not just self-centered and obvious, and I don't think he's supposed to be.
This is a legit explanation for why Seung Hyun freaked out though. I also would runaway if I saw something that was both evidence that my new person once dated my toxic crush and a reminder of one of my saddest and most embarrassing memories.
Lee Beom with the wise advice once again! And it sounds like Seong Hyun isn't mad at Jong Chan for this, just freaked out and stuck about how to talk about it.
These two have really good friendship chemistry. Which actors don't always manage to make clearly distinct from romantic chemistry, but these two do.
Oh Jong Chan. I mean I get it. Everyone is freaking out here. But Seong Hyun is trying to be open and vulnerable with you. You don't need to get defensive and go on the attack now.
Something about this fight and break up feels very adult to me. I mean, Jong Chan is being immature and leaping to conclusions and breaking up because he doesn’t understand Seung Hyun and he’s scared to try. But it feels like adult immaturity somehow, rather than youngness.
Oh god, Seung Hyun is having the worst week. All this heartache from the past pops up out of nowhere, your boss dumps you just as your trying to do the adult thing and talk about it, and then on top of it you keep fucking up at work and everyone is getting on your case about it. Including your he’s-not-actually-your-ex-because-he-ended-things-before-it-even-got-to-that-point. Oh man, I ache for him.
Jong Chan is in pain too, and I sympathize with him having spent the last day confused about the sudden withdrawal of the man he’s falling for, right after sleeping together for the first time. And when he finally explains why, it makes it sound like he’s still hung up on someone else. But I’m also mad at Jong Chan for not even trying to listen. Probably because it strikes a nerve—memories of trying to explain my complicated emotions to various ex-boyfriends and them freaking out about it, not listening to what I was actually saying and instead making up a story in their head about what my emotions were based on what scared them the most. Which was very frustrating.
And at first I was surprised that Jong Chan went there so quickly. I had expected more understanding from him, more willingness to work. But then his monologue to his cat made sense of it for me: "I don’t like emotional quarrels." Look, I’m not sure what of this the show is putting in there intentionally, and what is me making up complexity for a stock "cold boss seme" archetype, but I think this might be the first time when he’s faced with the complexity of who Seung Hyun actually is, rather than the sweet new kid who hero-worships him.
And although Jong Chan has been in many relationships, I wouldn’t be surprised if he never actually put the work into them, but rather ended things, or more likely retreated into his career when the emotions got hard and his boyfriends wanted things from him. That memory scene in the previous episode made it sound like non of his exes had understood his values and his love of his job, and maybe that’s all it is, but his line about hating quarreling makes me think there is more to it than that, that he in fact hasn't cared enough about anyone to actually face scary emotions. Except that now he does with Seung Hyun.
Anyway, I did like his desperately stoic face whenever he had to see or hear about or talk to Seung Hyun. And the way he grabbed his wrist and positively yanked him into the elevator to finally confront him in the storage closet. (It's not making out in a supply closet, but I'm still happy about it. Although it does make the camera angles weird and distorts their faces.) And the way he kept drinking more and more at the work party while his eyes kept tracking Seung Hyun frantically trying to be a good intern and take care of all his seniors. It seems very reminiscent of Japanese BL, although maybe its just that that's where most of the office romances I've seen are from.
And then! Jong Chan apparently couldn't stand it anymore and then goes after him. I loved his line (I'm paraphrasing) "I don't understand your feelings, and I know I'm supposed to or supposed to lie and say I do, but I just don't. But I want to." It's just so... gah! This was the moment (and their subsequent hug and giddy walk back to the work party) that turned this episode from 'some nice stuff happening' to 🥰😍! for me. It felt so honest and vulnerable and true to the character. He doesn't understand the complexity of people's emotions. But Seung Hyun makes him want to understand him.
It was also this line that made me willing to handwave the rest of the conversations they need to be having. Yes, yes, there are only eight short episodes, so we need to wrap everything up soon. But I believe, behind the scenes, they are talking about the hard stuff. Jong Chan is someone who if he says he's going to do something he does it. And I think he does want to see Seung Hyun for who he actually is.
I also have thoughts about seme/uke dynamics in this show and Seung Hyun's... passivity? Or not that exactly, but his very uke role of following Jong Chan's lead and not initiating much of anything, be it kisses, romantic gestures or difficult conversations, himself. But a) I'm not exactly sure what my thoughts are yet, and b) this is already very long and I should get on with my day.
Although this conversation gave me some insight into what was going on--the show's very traditional manga roots nestled alongside the grown-up queer story the director wants to tell, create some oddities like this, where despite his insecurities and inexperience, Seung Hyun doesn't seem like he'd be as passive as he is, but the structure of the story kind of requires him to be, so there is some dissonance there. And it also creates this thing were I'm not sure if I'm reading too much complexity into the characters and their backstories, or if it's really there.
But anyway. Their giddiness and joy at un-breaking up! Seung Hyun can't stop smiling! The relief on Jong Chan's face. That hug, they way they held each other so tightly. Their silly little argument over carrying the bags and who would enter first. 🥰
And the queerness of this show, in showing both the fun things and the glimpses of being queer in a homophobic world. The way they spring apart from their embrace when someone walks by, and their relief when he reassures them with a "cute." And the whole extremely queer you-used-to-be-in-unrequited-love-with-my-ex-boyfriend.
(Speaking of the ex-boyfriend, I still want to know more about Yoo Seong. Including who he's in love with. OOOOOHHH. I just had a thought. Second season about him? Is that what they're setting us up for with all these dropped hints?!? That would make me so happy. I don't know anything about the source material, so I don't know if this is a realistic hope or just a daydream. But if this was an English language romance novel, it absolutely would be setting us up for a second Yoo Seong book. The ridiculously attractive mysterious "rake" who hurts both of the main characters, sweeping through their lives seemingly unaware. Who seems to have fallen for some unknown person. Come on producers, give it to us.)
Ok, back to our main couple. The sweetness of their texting from opposite sides of the corporate sleepover! Their promises to communicate and stick around when things got hard. Jong Chan sneaking over just to sit next to Seung Hyun as he falls asleep. And this is all the sweeter for me, because I feel like their giddy happiness means something now.
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mygwenchan · 2 years
Currently watching - Update CW4
I finally got around to updating my "currently watching" list 😊
I will knock you (Thailand, currently airing): I'm in love with this cute little series! It's got pretty much everything I like: An opposites attract couple, vintage fashion, delinquents, a really good OST, the characters are likable and really cute (I love Noey's side kick, he's so funny lol), a wholesome story, and it's even got kink (Noey is a baby dom and you can't convince me otherwise, also Thi is a cute sub). All in all it's a 9.5/10 for me
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Ameiro Paradox / Candy Color Paradox (Japan, currently airing): It's the story of an ex-host and an inexperienced coworker who of course falls in love with said host. In short, they're both idiots and I'm here for it 🤣 It's a 8/10
Between us (Thailand, currently airing): Unfortunately I'm stuck at ep7 right now. I think I'll wait until ep12 has aired and then watch the remaining episodes in one go. It's not a bad show, but I feel like something is missing. 6.5/10
Hit Bite Love (Thailand, currently airing): Tbh, I was really hesitant to start this one because of all the controversies surrounding some of the actors ages. But I'm glad I watched their ep0 in which they explained some things about the show. It looks like the makers actually want to portray realistic relationships between thai teenagers. They even asked government agencies and a kink expert for help, so it looks like they did a lot of research. The first ep was ok, even if the plot/scene cut was a bit messy. 6/10 for now
My School President (Thailand, currently airing): What a cute series! It's like a happy place I can come to after a tiring day at work. I really adore how much Tinn loves Gun (and vice versa). The side couples are cute as well and so far there have been no annoying characters, which is always a win. A 9.5/10 from me
Strangers from Hell (Korea, already finished): I just love psychos ok, don't judge lol. I can't watch this series everyday though, especially right now with all the drama surroundings BOC and how that mess has made me feel these past few days... But when I'm in the right mood to watch it, this series really keeps me on my toes. Possibly a 10/10!
The New Employee (Korea, currently airing): I didn't read the manwha (was it a manwha or a novel idk?), so it doesn't bother me that they've cut out a lot of the smut scenes. It's a cute office love story either way. And can I just say that I really want to have a superior like Jong Chan? I mean he's capable and smart and also gives praise were it's due. He also doesn't steal the achievements of others and pretends they're his own. And he's daddy as fuck XD Anyway the show is a 8/10 for me
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tokkiheart · 2 years
Winter Romance K-Dramas For The Holiday Season
A list of wintery K-Dramas for those who love snow and winter vibes.
The K-Dramas on this list take place primarily during winter. These are mostly going to be rom-coms because that’s…really about all I watch.
The bare minimum requirement for a K-Drama to make it on this list is for there to be at least one snow scene or scene that I can reasonably conclude is set in winter.
While You Were Sleeping
Starting off my list is this fantasy rom-com drama (which is not to be confused with the 1995 American rom-com movie of the same title, which I also like, but that’s neither here nor there) which starts off on one fateful snowy Valentine’s Day where Hong Joo, a woman who has had prophetic dreams ever since she was young and is powerless to stop or change them, was supposed to wind up framed for the accidental vehicular manslaughter of a police officer named Woo Tak. Both she and the officer are saved by Jae Chan, who has a prophetic dream about Hong Joo being framed and having her life fall apart because of it. Anyway, the three of them all have prophetic dreams and work to figure out why they have these abilities while utilizing them in order to save those that they love.
This drama features plenty of wintery scenes as some key moments within the drama take place during late winter, but also a scene around Christmas. This drama also features some of my favorite tropes (some of which I can’t list for spoiler reasons) and also features the rarest of creatures: a love triangle that actually doesn’t aggravate me.
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Doom At Your Service
This supernatural fantasy rom-com drama takes place primarily in wintertime, I think it starts somewhere in December or January, with the end being in March. There’s mostly rain scenes in this drama, but there are two snow scenes in episode 11.
This drama is about Tak Dong-kyung, a woman who just found out that she has a terminal brain tumor the same day she discovers her boyfriend is actually a married man. One night, while drunk, she declares a desire for doom to befall the world. This ends up bringing Myul Mang, Doom himself, to her doorstep. He offers to grant her wish as well as make sure she doesn’t feel the pain or negative effects of her illness for the 100 days of their contract. She of course agrees and over time, both of them begin to falling in love with each other.
I’m going to be super honest about this drama, the 2nd lead female and her love triangle is 100% skippable without impacting your enjoyment or understanding of the show. It’s very bland, boring and kinda…easy to not care about when you have the high-fantasy romance happening in the A plot. This drama isn’t perfect, but I still continue to recommend it because Seo In-guk and Park Bo-young really brought their A games to their roles and it’s really worth it to watch their parts in the drama.
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Yet another Lee Jong-suk drama makes its way onto this list and the first time this drama has made it on one of my lists because I recently finished it.
This drama is undeniably set in and around December. Why undeniably? The Christmas decorations and the music. Not to mention there’s also an episode that takes place on Christmas Day which has a very drunk Dal-po/Ha-myung telling his adoptive father and “little” brother “Merry Christmas, pew pew.” Which, is simply adorable.
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Anyway, this K-Drama is very basically about news reporters. Very specifically focusing on the male lead character Ha-myung (also known as Dal-po) and female lead, In-ha. Dal-po/Ha-myung’s family was destroyed by wrongful news reporting, which the worst of was largely done by the In-ha’s mother. Ha-myung ends up being adopted by In-ha’s grandfather and so he’s also, legally, her uncle.
They grew up together, went to school together, fell in love with each other and now work as reporters at two different news companies that are rivals.
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Soundtrack #1
This is a short 4 episode long K-Drama that’s on Disney+.
This K-Drama has a friends-to-lovers story, with Sunwoo the ML having been pining for the Eunsoo the FL for 8(?) years. The story focuses primarily on a time when they’re living together in Eunsoo’s home for two weeks in order to help her write the lyrics for song about unrequited love, something that Eunsoo has no experience with, but knows that Sunwoo does (though she has no idea who the unrequited love is really directed to). The show seems to take place during winter, there’s plenty of snow, that’s for sure!
I originally only wanted to watch this drama because of Seo In-guk’s cameo, but I ended up actually really enjoying the show despite how short it was!
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Romance Is A Bonus Book
Either I am being too generous with what K-Dramas I consider to be wintery enough for this list or Lee Jong-suk really loves doing dramas that are set in wintertime.
This drama is primarily set around late fall, maybe early winter?
Anyway, here’s a third Lee Jong-suk winter-y drama. Unlike the other two on this list, this one is a noona romance where the age gap between the characters is 5 years.
I’ve talked about this drama before many a time and how it feels like curling up in some warm blankets with a hot drink and a good book.
This drama is about Dan-yi, a divorced single mom who has been struggling to get hired after a 7 year job break. Desperate to get a job, she “erases” her college education and work experience on her resume when applying to work at the publishing company that her long-time best friend Cha Eun-ho works at as an editor (when he’s not teaching college classes or publishing his own successful books).
If you want warm and cozy feels for the fall or winter season or for the holidays, I strongly recommend this drama, even if you think that you wouldn’t like it because it’s a noona romance.
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Goblin: The Lonely and Great God
This drama is set in fall and winter. I feel like it’s set primarily in November/December. There’s plenty of snow and rain, not to mention Christmas lights and decorations!
This drama is about a man named Kim Shin who was a decorated military general who was betrayed by his king and forced to witness his family be killed before being murdered himself. Except he doesn't really die and is instead transformed into an immortal goblin. He wanders through the years in search of the prophesied "goblin's bride" who is the only one with the ability to remove his sword from his chest and set his soul free. 19 years ago, he happens to save a pregnant woman from a life-threatening accident and as a result her child is able to see and talk to ghosts, but because she was never supposed to be born, she has to hide from a grim reaper - who just so happens to now be the Goblin's roommate.
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I Am Not A Robot
I’m not exactly sure when this drama is set, but it must be winter because the characters are bundled up and snow is on the ground and falling from the sky. There’s also rain!
Anyway, this drama is about a male chaebol heir named Min-kyu, who is allergic to humans and the mere touch of a fellow human being can cause him to have a severe allergic reaction. He becomes interested in a humanoid robot being made by a company that he just bought/acquired called Aji3. He convinces the scientists to allow him to do a trial run of the robot in his home. They agree, but the day before they are to start the trial run, something happens to the robot that makes it not operational. In order to save their company and the project, the man who designed the Aji3 goes to the inspiration and model for the robot - his ex-girlfriend Jo Ji-a. Since she too needs the money in order to work on her own inventions, she agrees and poses as the robot.
While posing as the Aji3, Ji-a comes to care for and eventually falls in love with Min-kyu, who has also fallen in love with her.
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Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo
This drama is for all the people who love a good school drama with a friends-to-lovers story. This drama is set during the fall semester of college.
This drama is about Kim Bok-joo, a girl who has been a weightlifter most of her life and has never really considered doing anything else. She falls in love for the very first time with the older brother of her friend Jun-hyung and gets swept up in the feelings. In order to spend time with him and get his attention, she does things that she’d never considered doing before.
Jun-hyung and Bok-joo have a really fun relationship dynamic which starts off almost enemy-like. Jun-hyung teases her at first and while I didn’t like him calling her “Chubs” he doesn’t mean it maliciously, so I guess I’m forgiving of his brief use of the nickname lol They’re really supportive of one another and this drama is something I recommend to non-sports loving people like myself lol
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My Roommate Is A Gumiho
Another school drama, this one also being set in college/university.
This drama is about Lee Dam, a female history major student who has never been in a relationship before winding up in possession of (via accidentally swallowing) the fox bead belonging to Shin Woo-yeo, a 999 year old gumiho hoping to become human. Due to the nature of the bead, it causes some ill-effects to Lee Dam, which lead to her and Shin Woo-yeo entering into a contract cohabitation agreement.
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You Who Came From The Stars
So, I’ll be honest, I’m only 1/3 of the way through this show (I’m just starting episode 7 as of writing this) but I’m including this one on the list because just like Pinocchio, this show is set primarily in winter. Very specifically, in December.
You’ll see a fair amount of Christmas decorations, lights, etc. in this drama!
This drama is about an alien who had been on Earth for the past 400 years and in 3 months is due to finally return to his home-world. He winds up with a new neighbor, a famous Hallyu actress.
I’ll be honest, the female lead is a bit… unlikeable at first/currently for me and I’m having a tough time with this drama, but it’s got enough intrigue to keep me interested and I’m hoping she gets some positive character development.
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Jong Chan, looking at Seung Hyun being an advertising nerd like it's the sexiest thing he's ever seen:
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It's just so cute?
Work is very important to Jong Chan, but it's also a loaded issue in his relationships; his past relationships have all ended because of his workaholic tendencies, his habit of getting sucked into his job.
Already, Seung Hyun has seen him fall into an ad on TV and start analyzing, but he didn't find it irritating, he thought it was endearing, even.
The awe in Jong Chan's gaze here is so pure and sweet, he's looking at Seung Hyun and seeing the possibility that they could work, that Seung Hyun could really love him, and even match his passion for his work, instead of resent him for it.
I love them a lot, y'all.
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cherriegyuu · 2 years
Boys Planet | Episodes 5&6
Finally, the second round of performances. I thought that the bad performances would have stopped in round one. However, here we are with more bad performances. I'm mention them from least to most liked by me, so keep that in mind.
Vocal + Rap
#4 Not Spring or Cherry Blossoms - I expected a shit show, and it was okay? I Chan did good here, his voice was really pleasant, but I don't think any of them will survive.
#3 Limousine - it was fine. Their voices were good together, but nothing much tbh. For this team too, I don't think any of them will survive
#2 Man in Love - I liked it a lot. It's weird how Taerae looks like Seokhoon, could have fooled me that he was Taerae's dad hahahaha. Is it weird that, although I'm not voting for him, I want Tae Rae to make it into the group? I think that one Taerae will survive from this group
#1 Tomboy - everyone already sort of expected this performance to be good, and it was. Props to Zhang Hao for placing first, but Gunwook was better over all (but I may be biased as he is my one pick). Everyone will survive and Gunwook will make it to top 9 and he will stay there (saying it to the universe).
Vocal + Dance
#4 Feel Special - I knew that it was going to be bad, but I didn't expect it to be this bad. Woongi carried the whole performance on his own and still didn't manage to get first place because, like I have always said, Koreans vote with their asses. The guy who placed first, I don't care enough to look for his name, was terrible in every sense of the word. He got to perform the song he wanted, feel special was his pick from the moment it was announced, and he didn't even try to pull his weight. The amount of anger I have towards this guy is not even funny. I swear to God that if I see anyone saying "he has to debut" I'll pick a fight because dude can't dance, can't sing and isn't a team player so what the fuck does he want. Woongi maybe has a chance to survive, but indont think any of the others will
#3 Butterfly - the dancing was good, as expected, but the vocal part fell short. Everyone will likely get eliminated
#2 Home - this was a very hard song to cover, seventeen sings very high, and their dances are really hard. I really like Jong Woo, I hope that he can make it all the way to the final, and if he makes de debut group I won't be angry. I think Yunseo (?) Will probably be eliminated but I hope not.
#1 Love Killa - only placing it as number one because they had no issued vocally and their dancing was good. But I would easily place home as number 1. Seowon is in risk on elimination.
Dance + Rap
#4 Rush Hour - it wasn't bad, but it also wasn't good either. I don't know. It felt like they went on stage because they had to, and that was it. They didn't look like they enjoyed it at all. I know that there was some evil editing, but some stuff weren't either, so their lack of teamwork made the whole stage sort of fall apart. Most likely, only Ricky will survive.
#3 Zoom - I thought that whoever got this song would have to work extra hard because it's not the best, you know, but they managed to make a fan stage and they really looked like they were having fun. I love Keita so much, I hope he makes it to the final lineup (it looks like he will, considering the current ranking and how much people seem to like him). Keita and Haruto will for sure survive but the others, probably not.
#2 Gang - ah this fucking meme song but they did so well. Junhyeon is so funny, and he didn't want this song at all but managed to do a great job. Seunghwan, too. He got the song no one wanted and turned it into something great. I love it. Seunghwan may survive, Junhyeon too.
#1 Law - to me, the best performance of this round. I hate how that stupid master has been crushing Yujin from episode three and how the kid looks like he's about to throw up every time he sees him but he's sooo good with his dancing and he can improve I'm his vocals, yes, but he's going through puberty so his voice is yet to change. Yedam was so good, Hanbin was great, Wang Zihao gets no screen time although he is possibly the best dance in the whole fucking show and it pisses me off. I hope he survives. Yujin and Hanbin and the only ones I'm certain of.
I want to briefly mention the ranking from last week and the 12th place announced from today.
Taerae made it into top 9 but Hui dropped out of the top 9 and that worries me. I don't think he will have the same arc as Yujin and he won't make it into the final lineup. I think a lot of people voted for him as a filler vote.
Jiwoong also dropped a little in ranking. However, he is still the top 9. I think he also may have had a lot of filler votes
Jay is no longer in the top 9. He dropped to 12th. Like Hui and Jiwoong, he probably got a lot of filler votes, but now that things are narrowing down, he lost those votes. It happens. If he dropped, there's a chance Gunwook will be in the top 9.
I will never shut up about Gun Wook in this show, okay? I want him to make it, so just deal with it.
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kdrama whump recs: found family/team as family edition
Found family/team as family is my favorite trope, and when it’s combined with whump it’s even better! So, without further ado, here are some of my favorite whumpy kdramas featuring these tropes! (This list is not a ranking!)
1. The Uncanny Counter (2021)
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Age Rating: TV-14
Synopsis: So Mun is an orphaned high-school student who suddenly gains supernatural powers. Soon after, the local noodle-shop employees recruit him into their team of “Counters”, where he begins to learn of the evil spirits roaming around town. 
Notes: This was actually my first-ever kdrama! It’s a great blend of action, drama, and comedy. It also has one of the most unique “magic” systems I’ve seen, with the “Counters” each connected to a spirit in the afterlife. It’s also extremely whumpy, with a lot of comfort and care given to the characters. Definitely recommend.
 Here is a whumplist by @love-me-a-lotta-whump
Here is a whumplist for Season 2!
2. Bulgasal: Immortal Souls (2021)
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Age Rating: TV-MA
Synopsis: Dan Hwal has lived for the past 600 years as a Bulgasal—a mythical creature that feeds off human blood and is cursed with immortality. Eventually, he connects with his reincarnated family, along with a formerly immortal woman. 
Notes: This show is pretty complex and can get confusing at times. It’s also heartbreaking, but the characters make up for it! There’s a TON of whump for both characters shown in the GIF above. 
Here is a whumplist by @love-me-a-lotta-whump
3. Mystic Pop-Up Bar (2020)
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Age Rating: TV-MA
Synopsis: Han Kang-bae is a young man with the ability to make people confess their deepest troubles with a single touch, but this power isn’t always a gift to him. One night, he meets the mysterious owner of a pop-up bar, a woman who must settle the grudges of 100,000 souls in order to gain a peaceful place in the afterlife. 
Notes: This show isn’t the most whumpy on this list by any means, but it still has a good amount! What stood out to me were the relationships between the main trio of characters and how close they become with each other over the course of the show. No spoilers here, but this drama does involve reincarnation... 
Here is a whumplist by @whumperfect
4. While You Were Sleeping (2017)
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Age Rating: TV-14
Synopsis: Three young adults discover that they all have the same ability: seeing the future in their dreams. As a trio, they work together to attempt to change these (sometimes terrible) visions and save each other from harm. 
Notes: Though this show is more focused on the romance between Jae-chan and Hong-joo, there are some great moments of found family feels between the main trio, sometimes including Jae-chan’s little brother and a different character who somewhat acts as a father figure. Pretty whumpy show that I absolutely adored watching! (Plus, the cast is STELLAR! I mean, Suzy, Jong-suk, and Jae-in together in a drama? It’s so good.)
Here is a whumplist by @whumpalot
Here is a whumplist by @thewhumpyrabbit
5. Tomorrow (2022)
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Age Rating: TV-MA
Synopsis: Choi Jun-woong is a young man struggling to find a job, but when he falls into a coma after an unfortunate accident, he’s offered a place on the Risk Management Team as a temporary grim reaper. Together, they help save people from s*icide.
Notes: Possibly my most favorite kdrama ever! It has more emotional whump than physical for the most part, but it’s so amazingly done. The main trio (plus another character, later in the show) have such great platonic chemistry, and even though they have conflicts, you can tell they all truly care for each other even after a short amount of time. (Rowoon’s acting talents are really highlighted in this show, as well as the other main leads!)
Here is a whumplist I made! 
6. The Devil Judge (2021)
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Age Rating: TV-14
Synopsis: This series is set in a dystopian version of South Korea, where the people live in chaos and corruption runs rampant. Trials are held through a courtroom live show aired on television, led by "The Devil Judge”.
Notes: This show is very dark, but has an interesting dynamic between the characters that evolves and grows over the course of the show. The characters are complex and imperfect, and though their conflicts are intense, it just makes the domestic moments so much better because of it. It has some good whump for the two main characters, and of course, Jin-young is an added bonus.
Here is a whumplist by @whumpslist​
7. He is Psychometric (2019)
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Age Rating: TV-14 
Synopsis: Lee Ahn is a young man with the ability to read the memories of any object or person he touches. He begins to train his powers in order to help solve crimes and get justice for the death of his parents. 
Notes: One of my favorite kdramas ever and a must-watch for anyone in the kdrama whump community. Fair warning, this show will absolutely shatter your heart, but it has such a great storyline with many twists and turns. This is a complex found family, and though the show does have a romance, it’s a really good one. Also, there’s SO MUCH WHUMP! Like in every single episode. It’s truly amazing. Jin-young never fails to amaze me with his acting. 
Here is a whumplist by @love-me-a-lotta-whump
Alright, that’s the end of the list (at least for now)! If you have any recommendations for more whumpy found family/team as family kdramas, please comment them or send me them! <3
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Bumpy Road
Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Depression and Relationship struggles as well as Health Problems
Genre: Mild Angst, Romance, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: On a live podcast discussing his rise to fame and how its affected his personal life, Corpse stumbles over the topic of his romantic relationships, more specifically his relationship with Y/N.
Requested by Anon. Hello dear! Thank you so much for your wonderful request and so sorry you’ve had to wait for it to be posted so long. However, here it finally is and I hope you come across it and read it an if you do I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
“Right, ok we’re officially live!“ Exclaims Anthony as he waves to one of the cameras - the one turned to him - and leans closer to the mic placed on the table in front of him. “Hello everyone, thanks for tuning in today. I’m here with the internet sensation and mystery known as Corpse Husband.“ He turns away from the camera to look across the table at his guest, “Corpse, I hope you know how much effort is being put into editing that sticker over your face for the duration of this whole podcast.“
Corpse, whose face is hidden by a sticker of his avatar, chuckles, “So you’re insinuating that I should probably not move so much.”
“Exactly.“ Anthony laughs, “My guy would be very grateful for that curtesy. Yeah, I have an actual person who I assigned to move around the sticker so there goes an extra paycheck.“
“In that case I promise to give you worthy content. A lot of never previously heard scoop.“ Corpse says, mocking the very words he uses, laughing about them afterwards, “Ask away, man.“
Anthony briefly looks down at a printed sheet of paper before pushing it to the side with a slight furrow of his brows, “You know, these are all cookie-cutter questions you’ve probably been asked many times before. So, I think it’s for the best I ask you something no one has had you talk about. Or something I hope no one has had you talk about yet. If you feel uncomfortable with any question just say so and we’ll skip it right away.“
The sticker moves up and down to mask Corpse’s face as he nods, “Got it.”
“Ok um...“ Anthony falls in thought for a moment, thinking of a question, “The first thing off the top of my head, um, what part of the dark side of fame have you had the displeasure of experiencing?“
Corpse lets out a laugh dangerously close to a scoff, “Almost all if not totally all of it really. There’s such a big chunk of privacy being taken away from you on social media. I got to that point where I felt so naked and seen I felt I was losing myself as my fandom grew. I know it’s many YouTubers’ dream to blow up and have a ton of fans and followers but I never wanted that. Don’t get me wrong, I love each and every one of my fans, I just never expected to accumulate so many of them. I’m such a private person, it was so anxiety inducing in the beginning but I sort of learned how to cope with it, you know? Sometimes, in order to stop people from reaching into my real privacy, I created a fake one that I’d feed into and let them enjoy.”
Anthony’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, “Wow, how do we know what’s real about you anymore, huh?” It was said more as a joke but he truly meant it. If a person can fake a whole reality for people not to touch into their real one, Lord knows what else they can do.
Corpse huffs, “I’ll give you a hint: If it seems pretty, pink, peach and perfect it’s fake.“ The sticker may be hiding his face from the viewers but it’s most definitely not doing anything to shield the change in expression that occurs on his face from Anthony who’s sitting right across from him and notices the shift right away but before he could question it, Corpse prods on, “Y/N, my partner, can tell you just as much. They know better than anyone what’s the difference between what people know and what the reality is. They know that our relationship isn’t the sunny skies we put on display for our fans. I have my mental and physical health issues, my trust issues and paranoia play a big role in the ‘rains’ in our day-to-day life but they understand it’s all a part of me and a part I can’t control. It actually controls me sometimes and it’s so fucking annoying. But they understand. And while we pretend it’s perfect even though it isn’t, we find our happiness wherever and whenever we can. When it rains so often, you might as well look for a little hint of sunlight. That sunlight can create a rainbow after all. Believe me when I say, that rainbow is the most beautiful thing, makes you forget about the storm that just took place or might even be still raging all around.“ He sighs, preparing to bring his outpour of honesty to a close, “It may be a bumpy road 98% of the time even though on social media we pretend it’s the complete opposite, but that 2% of honest happiness we get from the tiniest of things are more meaningful than I could describe to you with words.“
And he’s more than right, words are often not enough. But the ones he used to describe what he just did were perfectly enough to bring one particular viewer to tears. That particular viewer who knows exactly what he was talking about. Because they are his other half and they’re going through it the same as he is. They’ve gone down that bumpy road side by side with him, ignoring the pain and turmoil while focusing their gaze on the rainbow above. That analogy was theirs from the very start after all. They both knew Y/N is the better one at finding the deeper meaning in everything even when there was nothing to be found.
They always found something. And Corpse will always cherish that trait as one of their best - always finding something to keep them both afloat.
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aqupistau · 2 years
‘‘ When a night that is beautiful like you falls in this sleepy world (I close my eyes) and quietly dream of you. ’’ — good night: exo
( sugar content? ✰ : personal fav / M : mature / ⚘ : fluff / ♧ : angst )
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𓂃 🗝 ࣪˖՞ choose your barista & their specials ٪ ˖ ݁ .
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└ ✒️ byun baek-hyun / baekhyun
The Way Back Home [ ⚘ · drabble ]
"If I were a sleepy sea otter and you were also a sleepy sea otter, would you hold my hand so that we won't float away from each other?"
G-Docs Chatroom [ ⚘ · drabble ]
An Anonymous Chinchilla has accessed the document.
└ ✒️ park chan-yeol / chanyeol
An Unexpected Help [ ⚘ · drabble ]
Chanyeol races against time as he attempts to tie his necktie for the millionth time for a job interview that would start in a few minutes. He’s trying his best not to break down in the middle of the busy street, then comes you, a stranger, offering a hand to tie his neck tie. 
└ ✒️ do kyung-soo / d.o
Unintentional [ ✰ · M · oneshot ]
Your first impression of your neighbor didn't end well for you, but it was the opposite for him. After eavesdropping his conversation about you next door and him singing a song of romantic interest for you—lyrics filled with undressing you off in your Versace dress, you gain the same pining for him and end up following every lyrics of his song.
9:25 PM [ ✰ · ⚘ · timestamp ]
"Sleep well." I love you.
└ ✒️ kim jong-in / kai
11:10 PM [ ✰ · ⚘ · timestamp ]
"Now—do I have permission to clean your makeup off?"
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© aqupistau. all rights reserved.
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bl-bam-beyond · 19 days
A LOOK BACK at Jong Chan & Seung Hyun
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An absolutely beautiful story of a intern quite pass his college days that falls in love with his workaholic boss. A boss that becomes a new and better man because of this intern that stole his heart.
When the intern loses his job, the boss takes it quite personally confronting the CEO and ultimately quitting his job to began a startup with the former intern as his first hire.
Kim Jong Chan (KWON HYUK) was initially cold towards Seung Hyun (MOON JI YONG) but once his heart softened it was permanent and irreversible. Kim Jong Chan made so many changes simply because his love for a man that wanted to understand him and his passion for his work.
And that small bit of understanding made work less important and the man more important bringing a beautiful balance to both of them.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
I am feeling oddly perfectionist about posting after not posting for so long? To counteract that, I will share my (mostly) unedited responses to The New Employee.
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Episode 1 (and the very beginning of two)
I was skeptical at the beginning, given my general aversion to office romance, especially featuring an intern, especially in advertising (although it's still better than "content creation"). And I was feeling a bit over shows based in webtoons after Oh My Assistant (which I realize is a lot of the Korean and Japanese shows and therefore a diverse genre, many of which I’ve liked), or maybe just didn't like the drawing style of the cartoons used. But the rest of the episode won me over. The characters are growing on me. I do enjoy people being good at their jobs. I was worried that the lead was going to be way too chipper, but he seems like he'll be interestingly complex. The scene in the elevator was so good!
And it's so queer! There's a queer student group! His best friend is a queer woman!
I've also realized I'm a person who actually likes love triangles in my stories. I feel like that makes me very basic or something, but I like the tension it creates, and I like it when the protagonist is forced to make choices and figure out what they really want. Obviously, it's easy to do them badly, but when they're good, or even just ok, I eat that stuff up.
Episode 2
-the wrist grab in the meeting! I knew they were going to do it and yet it still made me so happy. and Jong Chan held on for a long time after 😍 and looked slightly flustered when he realized that he was still holding Seung Hyun’s wrist 🥰 (I just went back and timed it, he held his wrist for 47 seconds! which is a long time in 20 minute episode.)
-i would love an office romance that isn’t set in an advertizing/marketing/content creation industry. why not the power company or something? I know I complain about it every time, but every time they start talking about marketing I am tempted just to quit the show altogether. It would be fine if it was just the background, but when they talk about how to convince people to buy things it’s either bullshit, which annoys me, or it’s accurate, which also annoys me. I realized my objection isn’t to office romance in general, just to the specifics of the companies where they’re so often set. At least this one isn’t completely staffed by 22 year olds.
-But I love the love triangle-esque dynamic. And Yoo Seong is so pretty, I do not blame college Seung Hyun one bit for falling for him. Even though his friend Lee Beom is right, Yoo Seong does seem like bad news, manipulative and selfish. But he’s listed as a main role, so hopefully we will still get lots of him.
-And the show is so delightfully, explicitly queer! I think the part that brings me joy is it’s featuring queer community, and happy queer friendships, not just gay boys pining (like Roommates of Poongduck 304, for example.)
-I just went to MDL to get the spellings of everyone names and learned that the main character is supposed to be a “late bloomer” and a “virgin.” This is why I don’t read summaries, I prefer to find things out about the characters as the show tells me. Is his virginity a plot point or a major concern of his? Perhaps it will be, but if not, why are you telling me this. (Ok, fine, after watching the rest of the episode, apparently it will be important to the show.)
- “Because it’s you, Seung Hyun.” What does it mean?! I understand Seung Hyun thinking that it feels like a love confession, because it doesn’t really make sense any other way. Who are you, Jong Chan? You are a mystery man so far. I do appreciate you making sure your intern gets credit for his ideas though.
-ooh the crush is definitely mutual already! But what is Yoo Seong’s game? Is he just a shitstirrer? Is he good hearted and wants to help them get together? My initial assumption was that he wanted to keep Seung Hyun in his thrall, without ever actually dating him, so I was surprised that he would point him out as dateable to his (friend? rival?) coworker. It’s probably because I too am swayed by his pretty face, but so far he’s the character I’m most curious about.
- i’m not sure what I’m going to think about this series. Overall I feel neutral about the main characters so far. They neither grab me nor annoy me; their have been moments I’ve liked but overall neither of them have one my heart so far. Seong Hyun is definitely a puppy, and while he is adorable I tend to prefer the cat romances. Jong Chan is making me mull over my general thoughts about cold stoic boss-type romance figures. GAP is doing interesting things with that archetype (I’m way behind), and I’m also thinking about Alexis Hall’s take on the billionaire romance genre How To Bang a Billionaire, which very self-consciously plays with this tropes. My understanding is het Korean dramas love this dynamic; I haven’t watched that many, but have seen the first episodes of Business Proposal. I think it’s a dynamic I can either love or hate depending on how it’s treated. We need to get enough insight into the cold stoic boss for me to care about them. And it generally doesn’t work if they treat the love interest like shit (GAP treads this line very well as far as I’ve seen). Perhaps I will write more on these thoughts later.
-the protect-him-by-drinking-his-alcohol-for-him maneuver! I love it so 😻I mean, it’s the kind of thing that if someone did that to me in real life I’d probably be tempted to through the drink in their face, but for some reason I love it on screen. And sweet Seong Yoon so earnestly trying to fit in he’s letting people trample all over his boundaries. Good thing Jong Chan is there to protect him.
-ok. my parents came home and I took a long break to watch and think about The Apartment. I wonder if that other office romance will change my thoughts on this one.
-oh! I didn’t realize that his friend from university worked for the same company. Her drunken lack of boundaries is troubling, but I don’t mind because I’m sure that this information about Seung Hyun’s virginity is only going to make Jong Chan fall harder. I do love the way that they look at each other and burst into laughter when Jong Chan asks if they’re dating. And that he’s jealous enough to ask.
-this car ride is confusing me. Is there another man in the backseat, are we sometimes somehow seeing Seung Hyun in a mirror, or did they fuck up the editing and reverse some of the shots?
-However, drunken Seung Hyun is adorable! And clearly Jong Chan agrees. His daring little cheek kiss! Will Seung Hyun remember the next day? What will be the fallout from this? I will find out in one day.
-And of course Korea can’t resist ending on fall-into-his arms
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thewhumpyrabbit · 3 years
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While You Were Sleeping (당신이 잠든 사이에) - Whump List
Where to watch: Viki
Synopsis: A young woman has visions through her dreams of terrible things that will happen to people in the future. A prosecutor tries to prevent these dreams from happening in real life.
⚠️Content Warning⚠️ A character commits suicide in a dream
*Spoilers below*
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Whumpee: Jae-Chan played by Lee Jong-Suk
Episode 1: Blood on his head from an injury, startled awake from a dream, breathing heavily, car accident, head bleeding from injury, shoved multiple times, angry
Episode 2: Holding a cloth to the wound on his head, sitting in the back of an ambulance, head bandaged, falls off a bench, startled awake from a dream, crying, frustrated
Episode 3: Upset, cooking and spatter hits his forehead and he flinches, cuts his finger, concern for him, his love interest puts medicine on his burn and cut (it’s so precious), twists his ankle
Episode 4: Nothing
Episode 5: Startles awake from a dream, fight and punched in a dream
Episode 6: Wakes up from a dream, startled and yelling (comedic), startled awake from a dream, sweating
Episode 7: Fight, punched repeatedly, choked, cut on his cheek and lip
Episode 8: In a dream he is stabbed and passes out
Episode 9: In a dream he is stabbed, shot, collapses, held by his love interest, bleeding, passes out
Episode 10: Shot, collapses, on a stretcher, put in the back of an ambulance, oxygen mask, rolled into the hospital on a stretcher, crying, flatlining, cpr, defibrillator, in the icu, talking weakly, hallucinating (comedic), breathing treatment (so cute), someone hugging him won’t let go and he’s in pain, touches the spot where he was shot and in pain, rips out his IV, wound suddenly hurts and he leans against a wall for support, in a dream his wound is bleeding and he leans against a wall for support and he’s in pain
Episode 11: Temperature is checked, in a dream he’s crying
Episode 12: Frustrated
Episode 13: In a dream he’s trapped in a fire, trapped in a fire, coughing, rescued, on the ground and coughing
Episode 14: Blanket around his shoulders, reprimanded for putting his life in danger, in the back of an ambulance, oxygen mask, startled awake from a dream
Episode 15: Giving mouth to mouth to his love interest, worried, angry, crying/upset, crying, in an imagined scenario he’s angry and then pushed more than once
Episode 16: Hand tremor 3x, bloody (someone else’s blood), upset, crying/sobbing (broke my heart 🥺), crying, hand tremor, upset
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Whumpee: Han Woo-Tak played by Jung Hae-In
Episode 1: Hit by a car, lying on the ground and blood on the ground from his head wound
Episode 2: Nothing
Episode 3: Startled awake from a dream
Episode 4: Startled awake from a dream, breathing heavily and sweating
Episode 5: Startled awake from a dream
Episode 6: Stabbed, punched, lying on the floor bleeding, kicked repeatedly, groaning in pain, stab wound is stepped on, passes out
Episode 7: Still lying on the ground unconscious, concern for him, someone is putting pressure on the stab wound, waking up in hospital bed, tries to sit up but groans in pain and lies back down, concern for him, flashback to him getting stabbed and kicked, shirtless (😏) and wound bandaged, startled awake from a dream
Episode 8: Crying
Episode 9: Nothing
Episode 10: Almost hit by a car but jumps out of the way
Episode 11: Startled awake from a dream
Episode 12: Nothing
Episode 13: Color blind and can’t identify someone in a crowd by the color of their shirt, talks with his work partner about his color blindness
Episode 14: Nothing
Episode 15: Startled awake from a dream, frustrated, nervous
Episode 16: Reveals that he’s color blind in court, crying
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katierosefun · 3 years
Hi! Love your works on Ao3! I have a question - should I watch school 2013? I heard that there's a lot of bullying there, and it's sometimes personally triggering, and the ending is not a total HE.. One the other hand, bromance! .. 😣I don't know.. What do you think? What kind of feelings do you have after finishing it?
hello hello anon! you came to the right place--and omg yes, i love school 2013. to be honest, i didn't think i would like it bc it was airing around 2012/2013 and as such, the camera work isn't the best, and the first 3 eps are kinda on the slower side, but i was so glad i persisted.
the bullying is pretty intense, and i personally winced quite a bit--but also, it tapers off + again, after the first 3 eps, it's no longer quite as disruptive as it once has been (+ it also isn't quite as bad as other kdramas . . . like boys over flowers, which is notorious for its intense bullying/harassment or the penthouse, which . . . if you've watched/heard of it, the bullying in that show is very intense). with school 2013, there's quite a lot of punching/kicking/yelling, but that all slowly settles down as the show progresses.
but anyways, my overall feelings after finishing the show: i loved it, and i wish i was watching it when it was first airing back in 2012/2013, because i feel like 12/13 year old caroline (+ also in general, high school caroline) would have massively benefited from the overall themes and messages of the show. it's like. there's some tv shows/books/movies that i firmly believe you can't really appreciate/understand until you get older, but school 2013 was one of those shows where i was like "man . . . i wish i'd dropped some other shows to watch this instead".
but that said, i was incredibly happy to be watching the show when i first did. i was studying for the lsat when i first watched this show, y'see, and so i was already pretty stressed out/feeling relatively burnt out and sad pretty often. this show made me feel...a lot of good things. (+ i listed to the ost for like . . . the entire summer while studying. a lot of distinct memories of me listening to the lyrics "dream whatever you wanna dream / go wherever you wanna go"...i can't tell you enough how much this ost felt like someone very gently patting me on the head and telling me that things will be okay eventually.)
the teacher characters (jung in jae and kang se chan) brought me so much comfort--and even though there's not an explicit romance between them, i really do adore them together. something about teachers with differing teaching methods but eventually grow to respect and admire one another + also see each other through their most vulnerable moments . . . peak romance. also, i think we all need teachers like jung in jae and kang se chan--teachers who tell you that you don't have to be the best at studying, you just need to make sure you have a dream. that's the most important and teachers who tell you to straighten up and fly right and just . . . god. i love them.
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(also, look at these fuckign nerds. they're so fuckign cute.)
you're also right that the bromance (or, as i like to call it, just straight up romance) in this show is off-the-charts. lee jong suk and kim woo bin, who play the troubled teens go nam soon and park heung soo, actually brought him a Best Couples Award because of this show because they were just That Good. (also worth noting that jang na ra, the queen herself who played the fantastic jung in jae, said, "i think nam soon and heung soo genuinely love each other.")
but all that aside, yes. they're fantastic. if you've ever been super close to someone, only to fall out rather miserably with them + then be forced to see each other again, their dynamic will get you in all the feelings. they're the typical "we were best friends but then you left why did you leave and now i'm angry and pissed off as all hell at you and you hurt me but i also hurt you and now we're stuck together so what the hell do we do now" kind of storyline, and they're just . . . so endearing. they cry a lot together too. so genuine and so open. true boys will be boys behavior bc they go through so many ups and downs and yet remain loyal to each other + i do think they really invented the template of a solid companionship dynamic between boys, whether it be romantic or incredibly, deeply platonic.
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(again: look at them.)
this answer has become ridiculously long, so i'm sorry for the long answer anon, but as you can tell: i really do adore this show and yes, i highly recommend it. it is pretty dramatic, esp. in the first few episodes--and yet, i think this show is one of the most comforting shows i've ever watched, mostly bc of its running themes of what it means to have a dream / what it means to be close with someone / how the school system can leave people with so many awful problems . . . and yet how we can all learn to become better, because we can get better.
anyways. it truly is a lovely show. mayhaps a bit dramatic, but i sometimes feel as though i really, truly knew and understood the characters--and they all feel rather real to me, whether they were on screen for only a few minutes or if they were on screen for hours. the characters will make you feel comforted in the end, and i promise that you'll want to spend more time in that classroom, if only to hear the students joke around or the teachers tell you to not yet give up.
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malaysiankpopfans · 4 years
9 Times We Had a Serious Case of Second Lead Syndrome
When your heart aches for the second lead 😭
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K-dramas usually have us rooting for the main leads, but every once in a while there’ll be a swoon-worthy second lead who’ll make our hearts ache. These second leads appear to be the better match in our eyes, but the main lead gets selected instead, much to our frustration. Check out some impressive second leads who swayed our hearts and had us cheering for them here.
Han Ji-pyeong | Start-Up
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Start-Up is the latest drama to be buzzing with second lead syndrome. From the first episode, Han Ji-pyeong (Kim Seon-ho)’s heart-wrenching story makes you wish for his happiness. As an orphan, he had nowhere to go until kind grandmother Choi Won-deok (Kim Hae-sook) helped him out. He’s the real author behind the letters that Seo Dal-mi (Bae Suzy) found much comfort and love in. While he has a tough exterior, Ji-pyeong goes out of his way to help Dal-mi and her grandmother. He’s got such a soft heart hidden beneath his cold words.
Kim Jung-hwan | Reply 1988
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Reply 1988 had us guessing the identity of Sung Deok-sun (Lee Hye-ri)’s husband until the end of the series. The older version of her husband seemed pretty grumpy, so most assumed the husband would be Kim Jung-hwan (Ryu Jun-yeol). After all, Deok-sun and Jung-hwan clearly had feelings for one another. Jung-hwan was so cute to watch as he secretly doted on Deok-sun. Unfortunately, Jung-hwan couldn’t confess in time. While his character didn’t end up with the girl, actors Lee Hye-ri and Ryu Jun-yeol became a real life couple!
Goo Dong-mae | Mr. Sunshine
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In Mr. Sunshine, there are actually three men who care about leading lady Go Ae-shin (Kim Tae-ri). However, Goo Dong-mae (Yoo Yeon-seok) is the one who incites second lead syndrome. They share a special history due to Ae-shin helping save Dong-mae’s life when they were children. Dong-mae has very intense feelings for Ae-shin which he struggles to admit. Ultimately, he does whatever he can to ensure her safety and wellbeing.
Baek In-ho | Cheese in the Trap
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The main lead of Cheese in the Trap, You Jeong (Park Hae-jin), is a bit hard to root for. He hides his true nature from people, but Hong Seol (Kim Go-eun) sees through his facade. Jeong’s twisted and manipulative personality begins to affect Seol, but he suddenly becomes nice and asks her out. While she’s still trying to figure him out, second lead Baek In-ho (Seo Kang-jun) enters the picture. He’s much more normal and caring, which makes us want Seol to pick him instead.
Han U-Tak | While You Were Sleeping
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While You Were Sleeping has a strong likeable male lead in Jeong Jae-chan (Lee Jong-suk), but swoon-worthy Han U-tak (Jung Hae-in) definitely gives us second lead syndrome. U-tak develops feelings for Nam Hong-ju (Bae Suzy) as the three of them work to prevent tragedies. U-tak is a true gentleman and never makes Hong-ju feel uncomfortable due to his feelings. He’s always there for her, looks hot in uniform, and has such an adorable smile.
Go Cheong-myeong | Hotel Del Luna
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Hotel Del Luna shows Go Cheong-myeong (Lee Do-hyun) and Koo Chan-sung (Yeo Jin-goo) as Jang Man-wol (IU)’s love interests. What made Cheong-myeong such a strong second lead was their sad love story that began over a thousand years ago. Man-wol was unaware of how everything Cheong-myeong did was to help spare her life. While she wondered if Chan-sung was the reincarnation of her first love Cheong-myeong, Cheong-myeong had actually been by her side all those years.
Baek Gyeong | Extraordinary You
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Extraordinary You’s second lead, Baek Gyeong (Lee Jae-wook), seems like a bad boy jerk at first. While he is the destined romantic partner for Eun Dan-o (Kim Hye-yoon) in their comic book world, Dan-o fights against her fate to find her own true love. However, even after Gyeong realizes the truth about their world, he finds himself still caring for Dan-o. Eventually, he wants Dan-o to feel free to be herself, so he let’s her go. While we’re happy for Dan-o, we can’t help but wish for a happier ending for Gyeong.
Kim Shin-hyuk | She Was Pretty
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She Was Pretty stars the always lovable Park Seo-jun, but the character Shin-hyuk (Choi Si-won) gives us major second lead syndrome. Hye-jin (Hwang Jung-eum) goes unrecognized by her childhood friend Sung-joon (Park Seo-jun), but Shin-hyuk sees past her appearance and likes her for who she is from the beginning. Plus, he’s super charming and goofy, never failing to make Hye-jin smile. Shin-hyuk loves Hye-jin just as she is and loves her freckles and frizzy hair to boot.
In Guk-doo | Strong Girl Bong-soon
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Do Bong-soon (Park Bo-young) crushes on In Guk-doo (Ji Soo) in Strong Girl Bong-soon for the longest time. Guk-doo is always concerned for Bong-soon and makes her safety a priority. Unfortunately, Guk-doo doesn’t express that he also has feelings for Bong-soon in time which leads Bong-soon to fall in love with Ahn Min-hyuk (Park Hyung-sik). Guk-doo is heartbroken at his missed timing, but he ends up having a cute bromance with Min-hyuk.
Which characters gave you the biggest case of second lead syndrome? Check out all of these shows, and more, on Netflix!
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k-odyssey · 4 years
Into the Ring thoughts - character by character
Just some things I liked, this is going to be long...
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Goo Se Ra: I didn’t get into this drama thinking I’d fall in  love with her but here we are. Flawless acting from Nana (which I hadn’t  actually seen in anything before, apart from that time I tried watching  Kill It and decided it wasn’t for me). I really admire how Se Ra stands  up for what she believes in and how she’s not afraid to make a wave and  be loud. She’s honestly such a hard-worker and so full of hope when life didn’t necessarily give her reason to be. (Even when it seems that everyone is against her.) At first I thought her thing about complaints was that she was litigious and loved rules. Turns out she believed in  the democratic process and in sticking to her principles. Also maybe she liked having control in one (1) aspect of her life. I loved the  childhood flashbacks and they really added something to the story.  Seeing how Jong Dae’s death impacted her too made me see her in a new  light. She and Gong Myung have complimentary personalities and similar values and they’re such a good match!!! I always enjoy seeing female leads take the initiative and she definitely does that. She’s so confident! Not in an arrogant sort of way, but in a “she looks like she has a healthy self-talk” way. Her looks are almost never mentioned and I actually find that so refreshing. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t  bring A+ fashion to the district assembly. Her calling out “Gong” is my  absolute favourite thing.
Seo Gong Myung: Another surprise crush. I’m very impressed with Park Sung Hoon! He brings so much to this character!! And obviously his chemistry with Nana is amazing (this drama has the best kisses, just saying). Now I’ve definitely said it before but, lonely characters  finding a place where they belong is my favourite kind of narrative. I feel proud of him for opening up to people and standing up to his dad. I love that he’s Se Ra’s number 1 cheerleader and will do anything for her. The new hair style looks amazing and he deserves all of the happiness okay.
Yoon Hee Soo: Loved her dynamic with Se Ra. Her hanging up on  Chief Jo/Cho in the last episode: very satisfying, 10/10. I like that  she handles the news of Se Ra and Gong Myung being a couple with a lot of grace. Her “revenge” is barely one and she doesn’t become extra mean to Se Ra just because she’s dating her crush. It’s the decent thing to do but so many dramas have a bitchy second lead and I’m relieved that this one doesn’t.
Jo/Cho Maeng Deok: All of that bs about “selling everything you have” was the worst and I would be lying if I said he didn’t deserve his ending. Very nuanced performance from Ahn Nae Sang. There’s times when you can  tell he’s capable of emotions, but he’s just trained himself to ignore  and repress them. My guess is that he was like this before his son died,  but it got worse in the aftermath. His way of dealing with the pain was  to stop feeling anything and focus on his career. This moment of vulnerability with Gong Myung at the end felt very real and raw. I hated  seeing him play god and pull the strings all along, that’s why Yoon Hee Soo turning on him was so amazing.
Kim Min Jae: As Se Ra’s boyfriend, I really disliked him. Chief  Jo/Cho was beginning to rub off on him and quitting was probably the best decision he could make. Good on him. I liked his last scene with Gong Myung because it showed his growth.
Se Ra’s parents: This actually applies to almost every character in this drama because it’s just that well written, but I loved the slow reveal of their backstory. The dad made me so emotional when he realized why Se Ra had got into politics and when he apologized to his wife, and then when he went to find Se Ra at the underground/subway with a pair of shoes. Plus, I love the parallel  with Gong Myung’s father later on. Se Ra’s mum is so good to Gong Myung  and she usually has good intentions, even when she does real stupid  stuff. Se Ra is a mix of both of her parents and it shows.
Se Ra’s friends: It’s great that they each have their own distinct personality but the three of them get along so well. Do I like to imagine Han Bi gets a girlfriend? Yes. But I’m happy with the part of her story we’re actually told. Her relationship with Woo Young’s son is one my fave things and I love that he’s a kid who’s sometimes wise beyond his years and at the same time still very much a child. Woo Young getting into politics and scaring the shit out of old men was the best plot twist.
Gong Myung’s friends/colleagues: These two provided excellent comedy!! Lee Dae Chul trying to act like a spy and Jung Yong Gyu being “controlled” by Gong Myung as Se Ra’s secretary were personal favourites. Side note: Go Dong Chan was absolutely hilarious as well.
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the-inner-weebs · 4 years
K-Drama Recommendation Masterlist
Coffee Prince (2007) 커피프린스 1호점 ~
Genre: Food/Friendship/Comedy/Romance/Drama
𝐆𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝗼𝗼 ~ Choi Han Gyul
𝐘𝗼𝗼𝐧 𝐄𝐮𝐧 𝐇𝐲𝐞 ~ Go Eun Chan
Choi Han Gyul is the grandson of chairwoman Bang of Dong-in Foods, a company that has a thriving coffee business. He has never had a job and does not care for responsibility. Han Gyul is hung up on his first love, Han Yoo Joo, who only sees him as a friend.
Go Eun Chan is a 24-year-old tomboy who is often mistaken for a guy. Her father died when she was 16 years old and since then she has taken over as the breadwinner in her family.
When Han Kyul and Eun Chan meet, he, not knowing that she is a girl, decides to hire her to pretend to be his gay lover so that he can escape the blind dates arranged by his grandmother. After getting an ultimatum from his grandmother, Han Gyul takes over a rundown old coffee shop, later renamed "Coffee Prince," to prove that he's capable, both to his grandmother and to Yoo Joo. In order to attract female customers, he only hires good-looking male employees. Eun Chan, desperate for money, continues to hide her gender to get a job at Coffee Prince.
Director: Lee Yoon Jung
Secret Garden (2010) 시크릿 가든 ~
Genre: Comedy/Romance/Drama/Melodramatic/Supernatural
𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧 𝐁𝐢𝐧 ~ Kim Joo Won
𝐇𝐚 𝐉𝐢 𝐖𝗼𝐧 ~ Gil Ra Im
The drama tells the story of Kim Joo Won, an arrogant and eccentric CEO who maintains the image of seeming perfection, and Gil Ra Im, a poor and humble stuntwoman whose beauty and body are the object of envy amongst top actresses. Their accidental meeting, when Joo Won mistakes Ra Im for actress Park Chae Rin, marks the beginning of a tense, bickering relationship, through which Joo Won tries to hide a growing attraction to Ra Im that both confuses and disturbs him. To complicate matters further, a strange sequence of events results in them swapping bodies.
Director: Kwon Hyuk Chan/Shin Woo Cheol
Personal Taste  (2010)  개인의 취향 ~
Genre: Comedy/Romance
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝗼 ~ Jeon Jin Ho
𝐒𝗼𝐧 𝐘𝐞 𝐉𝐢𝐧 ~ Park Gae In
Jeon Jin Ho is a straight guy who is mistaken as gay when he applies to become Park Gae In's roommate. His hobbies include organization and ironing, and he's known for his stoic poker face. He's a stickler for cleanliness, but he also has a talent for figuring out a women's feelings. Gae In is very trusting even though she has a habit of being betrayed. However, that doesn't stop her from giving people the benefit of doubt and Jin Ho is no different. How will Gae In react when she finds out that her gay roommate is not actually gay at all and that he has fallen for her?
Director: Song Hyung Suk/Noh Jong Chan
What’s WrongWith Secretay Kim (2018) 김비서가 왜 그럴까 ~ 
Genre: Friendship/ Business/Comedy/Romance
Park Min Young ~ Kim Mi So
Park Seo Joon ~ Lee Young Joon
The series revolves around the narcissistic Lee Young Joon, the vice president of a company run by his family. He is very self-absorbed and thinks highly of himself, so much that he barely acknowledges the people around him. Lee Young Joon has a capable and patient secretary Kim Mi So who has remained by his side and worked diligently for 9 years without any romantic involvement. However, Mi So now wants to set her life & focus on herself so when she decides to resign from her job, hilarious misunderstandings ensue. After 9 years of their strictly-workplace relationship, can it now develop in something more?
Director: Park Joon Hwa
Goblin (2016) 도깨비 ~ 
Genre: Comedy/Romance/Fantasy/Melodrama/Supernatural
Gong Yoo ~ Kim Shin
Kim Go Eun ~ Ji Eun Tak
Kim Shin was once an unbeatable general in Goryeo's military who died a tragic death. He now possesses immortality but is tired of living while everyone else around him dies. For 900 years, Kim Shin has searched for his bride, a mortal who can pull out the sword and end his life. One day, he encounters Ji Eun Tak, a positive, upbeat high school student who can see the dead and has gone through tragic events, yet still stays strong. She claims to be the Goblin's bride who can end his immortal life, but what appears to be an easy task, only gets complicated, as the two fall in love.
Director: Lee Eung Bok
Moorim School (2016) 무림학교 ~
Genre:Action/Romance/School/Drama/Martial Arts/Fantasy
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐖𝗼𝗼 ~ Yoon Shi Woo
𝐇𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐢𝐧 ~ Wang Chi Ang
𝐒𝐞𝗼 𝐘𝐞 𝐉𝐢 ~ Shim Soon Duk
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝗼𝗼 𝐉𝐢𝐧 ~ Hwang Sun Ah
The Moorim School is a hidden school that can only be seen by special individuals, it isn't focused solely on high academic scores but on physical abilities. The school teaches its students great virtues which include honesty, faith, sacrifice, and communication. The teachers and students at the school come from different countries and each has their own stories. Everything is very extraordinary and normal until a student who doesn't seem to fill the role wanders into the academy and changes the destiny of all the students.
Director: Lee So Yeon
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (2017) 힘쎈여자 도봉순 ~
Genre: Action/Thriller/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Supernatural
Park Bo Young ~ Do Bong Soon
Park Hyung Shik ~ Ahn Min Hyuk
Ji Soo ~ In Gook Doo
Do Bong Soon is a petite, unemployed woman who is honest and kind. She appears little and sweet on the outside, but she is in fact very, very strong. In her family, for generations the women have been gifted Herculean strength to use for the greater good. If abused, however, their power will be taken away. Whilst standing up for herself after gang members bully her, she finds herself approached by Ahn Min Hyuk, the handsome and somewhat childish CEO of Ainsoft, a gaming company. Ahn Min Hyuk, who holds a great distrust towards the police, witnessed the whole exchange of Bong Soon's superhuman strength, and now wants to employ her as a bodyguard after being threatened by an unknown enemy. Min Hyuk falls in love with super-strong Bong Soon at first sight, but there's a catch. Bong Soon has eyes for someone else; police officer and childhood friend, In Guk Doo, whom she has known since high school. When chaos ensues after a series of kidnappings in Do Bong Soon's hometown of Dobong-dong, Dobong-gu, Bong Soon must decide whether to use her strength and stand up to evil, or play it safe and keep her powers hidden from the world. Combined with the love triangle she faces between In Guk Doo and Ahn Min Hyuk, as well as having to keep Min Hyuk safe, Bong Soon's life is thrown into turmoil. Can she use her strength for the greater good, or will it prove in the end to be too much?
Director: Lee Hyung Min
He is Psychometric (2019) 사이코메트리 그녀석 ~
Genre: Thriller/Mystery/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Fantasy
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐠 ~ Lee Ahn
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐞 𝐄𝐮𝐧 ~ Yoon Jae In
𝐊𝐢𝗺 𝐊𝐰𝗼𝐧 ~ Kang Sung Mo
After losing his parents in a fire, Lee Ahn acquires the power of psychometry, the ability to read a person or an object's past through physical contact, and he decides to use it to take bad people down. While he does not know how to control his power yet, he meets Yoon Jae In who tries her best to hide her painful secrets. Together with his foster guardian, prosecutor Kang Seong Mo, and the latter's colleague, investigator Eun Ji Soo, they team up to solve an elusive case that has been haunting the lives of Ahn, Sung-Mo, and Jae In. The case revolves around the life of prosecutor Kang his mother and father who were the main cause of the fire. Jae In and Lee Ahn heal each other through their past present and future and find the culprit.
Director: Kim Byung Soo
Memorist (2020) 메모리스트  ~
Genre: Action/Thriller/Mystery/Crime/Supernatural
Yoo Seung Ho ~ Dong Baek
Lee Se Young ~ Han Sun Mi
Dong Baek has an extraordinary ability. He can peer into the memories of whoever he touches. With his supernatural power, get it done attitude, and eye-pleasing looks, he is fervently revered worldwide as a superstar detective. However, when his punches meet with suspects before words, he can be a bit of a headache to his comrades. Starting from the age of twenty, Han Sun Mi is the youngest to have passed the bar exam, obtain a doctorate in criminal psychology, and become a senior superintendent in the police force. Having solved five cold cases that even a detective with supernatural powers couldn't do, she is a genius profiler. She has a secret that drives her to do what she does. These two highly-skilled professionals meet their match—a serial killer with abilities that transcend theirs combined. It's going to be a fight worth watching.
Director: So Jae Hyun, Kim Hwi
Tale of the Nine-Tailed (2020) 구미호뎐 ~
Lee Dong Wook ~ Lee Yeon
Jo Bo Ah ~ Nam Ji Ah
The mythical nine-tailed fox, or gumiho, Lee Yeon had to settle in the city many centuries ago. Able to transform into human form, he eradicates supernatural beings that threaten the mortal world. His real aim is to find the reincarnation of his lost first love.
The talented television producer Nam Ji Ah works in a show that features urban myths. In the past, her parents were involved in a mysterious car accident and disappeared, and she suspects that Lee Yeon might be connected with this accident.
The half-brother to Lee Yeon is the captivating Lee Rang.  Despite being half-human himself,  he harbors a deep-seated contempt for all people. For sport,  he will unleash his seductive prowess upon his human-du-jour,  by promising to grant them their wishes, only to trick them into paying a hefty price for their earthly desires.
Director: Kang Shin Hyo
Heal Me Kill Me (2015) 킬미힐미 ~
Genre: Psychological/Comedy/Romance/Drama
Ji Sung ~ Cha Do Hyun
Hwang Jung Eum ~ Oh Ri Jin
A traumatic childhood experience leaves Cha Do Hyeon, suffering from memory loss and dissociation. The latter has resulted in the creation of seven distinct personalities. Wanting to regain control over his life, he asks Oh Ri Jin, a first-year psychiatric resident, to help him, but she eventually falls in love with one of his personalities. Ri Jin’s twin brother, Oh Ri On, a famous mystery novelist, investigates Do Hyeon and his family.
Director: Kim Jin Man, Kim Dae Jin
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (2020) 사이코지만 괜찮아 ~
Genre: Psychological/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Family
𝐊𝐢𝗺 𝐒𝗼𝗼 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧 ~ Moon Gang Tae
𝐒𝐞𝗼 𝐘𝐞 𝐉𝐢 ~ Ko Moon Young
𝐎𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐞 ~ Moon Sang Tae
The story of a community health worker at a psychiatric ward who lives on 1.8 million won (approximately $1,520) a month and a storybook writer suffering from an antisocial personality disorder. A man who denies love and a woman who doesn’t know love defy fate and fall in love, finding their souls and identities in the process.
Moon Gang Tae is a community health worker at a psychiatric ward who was blessed with everything including a great body, smarts, ability to sympathize with others, patience, ability to react quickly, stamina, and more. Meanwhile, Ko Moon Young is a popular writer of children’s literature, but she is extremely selfish, arrogant, and rude.
Director: Park Shin Woo/Jung Dong Yoon
Emergency Couple (2014) 응급남녀 ~ 
Genre: Comedy/Romance/Drama/Medical
𝐒𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐢 𝐇𝐲𝗼 ~ Oh Jin Hee
𝐂𝐡𝗼𝐢 𝐉𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐤 ~ Oh Chang Min
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐥 𝐌𝗼 ~ Gook Chun Soo
Jin-Hee led a satisfying life as a dietitian. She then met medical school student Chang-Min. Despite his wealthy family's strong opposition, Jin-Hee and Chang-Min decided to get married. Chang-Min's family is full of doctors. Chang-Min though gave up his medical internship and began working as a pharmaceutical salesman. Their marriage life was not happy. Chang-Min's family looked down on Jin-Hee and even Chang-Min seemed to change. Chang-Min began to think terribly of Jin-Hee and they finally divorced. After their divorce, Jin-Hee became a medical student and now works as an intern. Chang-Min also graduated from medical school and begins to work as an intern. One day, they meet in the emergency room of a hospital where they will both work together.
Director: Kim Chul Gyu
Doctor Stranger (2014) 닥터 이바��인 ~ 
Genre: Thriller/Romance/Drama/Medical
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐉𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐮𝐤 ~ Park Hoon
𝐉𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐞 𝐘𝐞𝗼𝐧 ~ Song Jae Hee
𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝗼 𝐑𝐚 ~ Oh Soo Hyun
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐞 𝐉𝐢𝐧 ~ Han Jae Joon
As a child, Park Hoon and his father were kidnapped by North Korea. In North Korea, he was trained to become a doctor by his father who was already a doctor. Park Hoon became a genius-like heart surgeon. He then flees to South Korea. Park Hoon begins to work as a doctor in South Korea's top hospital Myeongwoo University Hospital, but he feels like a complete outsider. To bring his love from North Korea, he does anything to make money.
Director: Hong Jong Chan/Jin Hyeok
Blood (2015) 블러드 ~
Genre: Action/Vampire/Romance/Drama/Medical/Supernatural
𝐀𝐡𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐞 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧 ~ Park Ji Sang
𝐆𝐮 𝐇𝐲𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝗼𝐧 ~ Yoo Ri Ta
Park Ji Sang is a doctor specializing in hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery in the best cancer research hospital in the country. He is also a vampire. Despite seeming cold and unfeeling, Ji Sang masks his soft heart and inner pain and yearns for closeness with people. He believes very strongly in the sanctity of human life and suppresses his thirst for blood to treat terminally ill patients and save lives.
Among his colleagues is Yoo Ri Ta, a hotshot physician who entered medical school at the age of 17 and is also the niece of the chaebol group chairman who owns the hospital. Ri Ta is highly capable but snooty and prideful, yet Ji Sang finds himself falling for her. He also gets drawn into a conflict between good and evil as he encounters Lee Jae Wook, a two-faced hospital chief who gains everyone's trust with his gentle demeanor but inwardly harbors a dangerous ambition for power and a talent for cruelty.
Director: Lee Jae Hoo/Ki Min Soo
D-Day (2015) 디데이 ~ 
Genre: Romance/Drama/Medical
Kim Young Kwang ~ Dr. Lee Hae Sun
Jung So Min ~ Dr. Jung Ddol M
An unprecedented 6.5-magnitude earthquake has struck Seoul, destroying roads and buildings, and preventing ambulances from reaching victims. Woefully unprepared for such a massive disaster, Korea can only watch the desperate situation and listen to the pleading cries for help. Hae Sung, a competent surgeon, can’t resist doing everything he can to help the injured people during the emergency. This upsets his hospital and they put him on a blacklist, as his benevolent help is against the hospital's profit. Ddol Mi, beautiful and ambitious, chased money and fame as a doctor, but now wants to become a truly compassionate doctor after meeting Hae Sung. Woo Jin has been building a successful career as Korea’s rising doctor, but secretly, he truly cares about being a genuine doctor, saving the lives of the sick. These three characters team up to rush into emergencies, holding onto hope in the most desperate situations, and taking all sorts of risks for the sake of saving lives.
Director: Jang Yong Woo
Hospital Ship (2017) 병원선 ~
Genre: Romance/Drama/Medical
Ha Ji Won ~ Song Eun Jae
Kang Min Hyuk ~ Kwak Hyun
Lee Seo Won ~ Kim Jae Gul
Army doctors board a hospital ship, which is a floating hospital that serves people who live on remote islands. But were these doctors interested in helping underprivileged people for free? Not at all. There is the non-army doctor Eun Jae, a cold perfectionist surgeon whose fast-track career was derailed. Kwak Hyun who practices internal medicine is the first army doctor to volunteer for duty on the hospital ship. Then there is the irritating Jae Geol, an oriental medicine doctor who drew the short straw and now has to serve on the hospital ship. A bunch of doctors with different backgrounds finds themselves afloat at sea. They are too old to be called youthful doctors as they are all in their thirties. Though they have skills obtained through long years of studying in medical school, their hearts and souls are barren. This is a coming-of-age story about doctors who have experienced setbacks in life that they are trying to bounce back from while they learn how to be a compassionate doctor and pursue fulfilling lives.
Director: Park Jae Bum, Kim Sang Woo
Doctor John (2019) 의사 요한 ~
Genre: Mystery/Comedy/Romance/Life/Drama/Medical
Ji Sung ~ Cha Yo Han
Lee Se Young ~ Kang Shi Young
“Doctor John” is a new medical drama about doctors specializing in pain management. In a refreshing take on the genre, “Doctor John” will portray the doctors’ search for the cause of their patients’ mysterious pain as a thrilling chase, almost like a detective hunting down the perpetrator behind an unsolved crime. 
Cha Yo Han is a genius anesthesiologist, who is also the youngest professor at his medical school. The brilliant doctor goes by the nickname “10 Seconds,” referring to his ability to figure out his patients in the 10 seconds that it takes for them to enter an examination room and walk to their seats.
Kang Shi Young is a legendary anesthesiologist, who was always at the top of her class throughout medical school. The talented doctor inherited her skills from her cool-headed, rational mother, while she inherited her empathy, listening skills, and warm bedside manner from her father.
Director: Jo Soo Won
Pinocchio (2014) 피노키오 ~
Genre: Thriller/Mystery/Comedy/Romance/Melodrama
Lee Jong Suk ~ Choi Dal Po 
Park Shin Hye ~ Choi In Ha
The idealistic Choi In Ha has her work cut out for her when she becomes a broadcast journalist, especially when she suffers from a condition known as “Pinocchio syndrome,” which makes her break out into hiccups whenever she tells a lie. Her rookie colleagues include Choi Dal Po, whose shabby appearance masks his true eloquence and sharp memory; Seo Bum Jo, a wealthy heir who has had everything handed to him in life; and Yoon Yoo Rae, whose fangirl knowledge comes in handy in covering the news. The 20-something newbie reporters pursue justice as they try to discover themselves in the process.
Director: Jo Soo Won
I am Not a Robot (2017) 로봇이 아니야 ~ 
Genre: Friendship/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Sci-Fi
𝐘𝗼𝗼 𝐒𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝗼 ~ Kim Min Kyu
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐞 𝐒𝗼𝗼 𝐁𝐢𝐧 ~ Jo Ji Ah
𝐔𝐡𝗺 𝐊𝐢 𝐉𝗼𝗼𝐧 ~ Hong Baek Gyun
Kim Min Kyu is the largest shareholder of a financial company. He suffers from a "human allergy", preventing him from normal interactions with other people. He becomes interested in a robotic project named Aji-3 created by the Santa Maria robotic team. The team is headed by Hong Baek Gyun,  inventor of Aji-3 and world-renowned robotics professor. He modeled Aji-3 after his ex-girlfriend, Jo Ji Ah, a struggling inventor that also works as a personal shopper to make ends meet.  Just when Kim Min Kyu wants to test the robot, an accident causes the malfunction of the robot's battery. Hong Baek Gyun begs Jo Ji Ah to take the place of Aji-3 and pretend to be the robot so they can get funding from Kim Min Kyu. But, Aji-3 becomes the closest thing that the lonely Min-Kyu has to real contact with another person.
Director: Jeong Dae Yun
My Shy Boss (2017) 내성적임보다 ~
Genre: Business/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Melodrama
𝐘𝐞𝗼𝐧 𝐖𝗼𝗼 𝐉𝐢𝐧 ~ Eun Hwan Ki
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐇𝐲𝐞 𝐒𝗼𝗼 ~ Chae Ro Woon
When a young, energetic employee joins a public relations firm with an introverted and severely misunderstood boss, she makes it her life’s mission to show the world who he really is.
Eun Hwan Ki is the boss at a PR company. He is really shy. So shy that even his employees don't know him that well. He prefers to hide in his office. Everyone thinks he is a cold, prickly, arrogant grouch. They call him the "Silent Monster".
Chae Ro Woon is a recent hire at the same company. She is energetic, bubbly, loves to be the center of attention, and always has something to say. The exact opposite of her boss, who she seems to have an old grudge against. Her goal in life is: to expose the big boss man for who he really is and take her revenge.
The same company also employs Kang Woo Il, co-boss at the company. He, unlike his partner, is warm, sensitive, and well-liked.
Eun Yi Soo is a chaebol heiress who has been engaged for three long years.
Director: Song Hyun Wook
Thirty But Seventeen(2018) 서른이지만 열일곱입니다 ~
Genre: Friendship/Music/Coemdy/Romance/Life/Drama/Family
Shin Hye Sun ~ Woo Seo Ri
Yang Se Jong ~ Gong Woo Jin
Woo Seo Ri, a violin prodigy at 17 who was about to study in Germany, got into a bus accident and fell into a coma waking up 13 years later. Mentally she is still only 17, while physically she is now 30.
Due to a trauma he experienced 13 years before, Gong Woo Jin does not want to have a relationship with others.
This series is about a man and a woman whose lives in their own ways essentially stopped when they were 17. Together, they use all their might to try and open the door to the happiness that they once thought had been closed to them.
Director: Jo Soo Won
Romance is a Bonus Book (2019) 로맨스는 별책부록 ~
Genre: Frienship/Business/Comedy/Romance/Life/Drama/Melodrama
Lee Na Young ~ Kang Dan Yi
Lee Jong Suk ~ Cha Eun Ho
Cha Eun Ho is a successful and handsome writer who is also the youngest chief editor at a publishing company.  He has a calm demeanor and remains reasonable at work.  He then becomes involved in the life of his childhood friend, Kang Dan Yi who was once a popular copywriter. She is now divorced, a single mother, unemployed and struggling in life though still attempts to find a job, but even with her once good career, she cannot. 
However, in a desperate attempt to find a job, she lies about her background and begins to work as a temporary worker in the same building under none other than Cha Eun Ho. As they become involved in each other’s life more than often, a love story begins to unfold.
Director: Lee Jeong Hyo
DoDoSolSolLaLaSol (2020) 도도솔솔라라솔 ~
Genre: Music/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Melodrama
Go Ah Ra ~ Goo Ra Ra
Lee Jae Wook ~ Sun Woo Joon
Goo Ra Ra is a naive rich girl, who dreams of being a great pianist with her father's love guiding her. But her path becomes rocky when her father passes away, and she finds herself going bankrupt. Being scammed of home and needing an escape, she goes on a ride where she encounters an accident trying to avoid Sun Woo Joon, a diligent worker trying to meet ends. Being hospitalized with a broken arm and no place to go, guilty Sun Woo Joon decides to take responsibility and take care of her. With Go Ra Ra’s naive personality, she slowly begins creeping into Sun Woo Joon's heart, while trying to deal with the challenges of living an adult life.
Director: Kim Min Kyung
You’re beautiful (2009)  미남이시네요 ~
Genre: Friendship/Music/Comedy/Romance/Drama
Jang Geun Suk ~ Hwang Tae Kyu
Park Shin Hye ~ Go Mi Nam 
Jung Yong Hwa ~ Kang Shin Woo
Lee Hong Ki ~ Kang On Yu
The management company of the idol group A.N.JELL insisted on adding a new singer to the group as the lead vocal, Tae Kyung's voice was hurting. However,the new member, Mi Nam, had to go to the States to repair a botched eye job just before signing the contract. His agent came up with the idea of having his twin sister, Mi Nyu,to stand in for him and pretend that she was her brother. The two of them grew up in an orphanage and Mi Nyu, who was all set to become a nun, agreed to this charade as she didn't want to spoil her brother's chance of fame which would make it easier to look for their mother.
Director: Hong Sung Chang
Boys Over Flowers (2009) 꽃보다 남자 ~ 
Genre: Friendship/Comedy/Romance/School/Youth/Drama
Gu Hye Seon ~ Geum Jan Di
Lee Min Ho ~ Goo Joon Pyo
Kim Hyun Joong ~ Yoon Ji Hoo
Kim Bum  ~ So Yi Jung
Kim Joon ~ Song Woo Bin
Geum Jan Di comes from a poor family who owns a dry-cleaning shop. One day, she visits Shinhwa High School, a prestigious school for the wealthy, and saves a student trying to commit suicide because of bullying. For her heroic act, Jan Di receives a swimming scholarship and starts attending the school.
In school, she meets the notorious F4, the most popular and powerful group of boys at the school, consisting of Gu Jun Pyo; the leader of F4 and heir to the Shinhwa Group, Yoon Ji Hu; the grandson of a former president of Korea, So Yi Jung; a skilled potter who comes from a family that owns the country's biggest art museum, and Song Woo Bin; whose family runs the country's largest construction company.
Her life at school starts out miserable, as she doesn't fit in with other students because of her status, and later becomes worse when she is labeled as the new bullying target of the F4.
Director: Jeon Ki Sang
To the Beautiful You (2012) 아름다운 그대에게 ~
Genre: Comedy/Romance/School/Youth/Drama/Sports
Sulli ~ Goo Jae Hee
Choi Min Ho ~ Kang Tae Joon
Lee Hyun Woo ~ Cha Eun Gyeol
Tae Joon became Jae Hee’s strength during her toughest time, and she leaves the US for Korea to enroll in a men’s physical education high school to help Tae Joon restart his high jump career.
Tae Joon announces his retirement from the high jump national team and closes his heart, but his closed heart begins to open after meeting Jae Hee.
Eun Gyul is confused about his sexual orientation as he falls in love with Jae Hee who is masquerading as a man. The student-athletes have a fun time training with each other and are not tied down to setting a record or competition. 
Director: Jeon Ki Sang
Strongest Delivery Man (2017) 최강 배달꾼 ~
Genre: Friendship/Business/ Comedy/Romance/Life/Youth
Go Kyung Pyo ~ Choi Kang Soo
Chae Soo Bin ~ Lee Dan Ah
Choi Kang Soo is a deliveryman. In spite of his humble beginnings, Choi Kang Soo is fearless and gives it all in everything he does. Lee Dan Ah is another delivery worker. She hates her current socioeconomic status so much that she, like many young people, calls her country “Hell Joseon.” Lee Dan Ah is so focused on making money and changing her life that she has no time for men. But when she comes across the charming Choi Kang Soo, her attitude is due to be moved.
Together, Choi Kang Soo and Lee Dan Ah have a budding competition and romance in their quest for glory. And, for them, glory means being like rich folk Lee Jin Yoon and Oh Jin Gyu. They compete to conquer life but, as our two delivery workers soon learn, being the strongest does not guarantee success.
Director: Kim Shin Il, Jeon Woo Sung
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (2016) 역도요정 김복주 ~
Genre: Friendship/Comedy/Roamnce/School/Youth/Sports
Lee Sung Kyung ~ Kim Bok Joo
Nam Joo Hyuk ~ Jung Joon Hyun
Bok Joo is a weightlifter who is pursuing her dream of winning the gold medal but she then finds romance for the first time in her life. While she is a woman who trains with heavy steel weights, she is also very feminine when it comes to relationships. To focus solely on weightlifting would jeopardize her relationship but leaving her weightlifting career for love would keep her from attaining her dreams. Can she find a way to have love as well as glory at the age of 20? The characters within this drama are elite athletes in weightlifting, swimming and rhythmic gymnastics who work hard to reach their goals in life. It covers their coming-of-age stories and relationships through hectic life.
Director: Oh Hyun Jong
Itaewon Class (2020) 이태원 클라쓰 ~
Genre: Food/Friendship/Business/Romance/Life/Drama
Park Seo Joon ~ Park Sae Ro Yi
Kim Da Mi ~ Jo Yi Seo
Kwon Na Ra ~ Oh Soo Ah
Park Saeroyi's life has been turned upside down after he gets expelled from school for punching a bully and his father is killed in an accident. Following his father's steps, he opens a pub named "DanBam" in Itaewon and, along with his manager and staff, strive towards success and reaching greater heights.
Director: Kim Seong Yoon
One Spring Night (2019) 봄밤 ~ 
Genre: Romance/Life/Drama/Melodrama
Jung Hae In ~ Yoo Ji Ho
Han Ji Min ~ Lee Jung In
Feeling trapped in a stale four-year relationship and reluctant to take the next step into marriage, Lee Jung In stumbles into Yu Ji Ho's pharmacy one morning, nursing a hangover after a night of drinking with her friend. As she tries to reassemble herself before going to work, Jung In discovers that she has forgotten her wallet and cannot pay. Ji Ho kindly helps Jung In, despite her prickly personality. What begins as an innocent daily interaction, develops into a deeper attachment as the two find themselves drawn to one another. They embark on a secret friendship while navigating the minefield of familial and societal expectations. 
Director: Ahn Pan Seok
Crash Landing on You (2020) 사랑의 불시착 ~
Genre: Military/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Political
Hyun Bin ~ Ri Jung Hyuk
Son Ye Jin ~ Yoon Se Ri 
Tells the story of two star-crossed lovers, a South Korean heiress and a North Korean elite who also happens to be an army officer. One day, while paragliding, Yoon Se Ri has an accident caused by strong winds, leading her to crash land in North Korea, where she meets Ri Jung Hyuk, a North Korean army officer, who agrees to help her return to South Korea. Over time, they fall in love, despite the divide and dispute between their respective countries.
Director: Lee Jeong Hyo 
Extracurricular (2020) 인간수업 ~ 
Genre:  Friendship/Psychological/Crime/Life/School/Youth/Drama/Mature
Kim Dong Hee ~ Oh Ji Soo
Park Joo Hyun ~ Bae Gyu Ri
"Extracurricular” is centered around three high school students who start committing crimes to earn money and the unpredictable dangers they face as a result.
Kim Dong Hee will portray Ji Soo, who goes from a model student to a criminal after committing an unthinkable act. Jung Da Bin as school bully Min Hee, who gets caught up in Ji Soo’s crime. Park Joo Hyun will portray Ji Soo’s dangerous partner in crime Gyu Ri, while Nam Yoon Soo will appear as Min Hee’s boyfriend and the school’s most popular guy Ki Tae.
Director: Kim Jin Min
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