thedeathdeelers · 2 years
the sun, the moon, the stars
she was the sun.
at first he thought she was the sun.
she was the first spark of light after he crash landed back down on earth; like seeing a glimpse of the rising sun following a cold, seemingly never ending, dark night.
her glow only intensified once he heard her sing, that dazzling voice blinding him in one fell swoop, leaving his eyes struggling to adjust. it was beautiful the way she would shine just as brightly onstage as she did in the privacy of her own home, her voice warming him to his very core, one note at a time.
the only problem was that he could never afford to get too close — if he did, if he tried, all the dreams and illusions that were built up in his head about this new life would burn to a crisp, leaving behind smoke and a trail of shattered hopes.
she was the sun, and he was no one.
she was the moon.
when he got the chance to get to know her a little more, when he found himself inevitably starting to fall for her, he realised he had been mistaken — that maybe julie wasn’t the sun, but rather the moon.
a quiet ethereal beauty that cast light on everything in its path, guiding lost stumbling souls out of the depth of the shadows and into its brilliance. with all odds against him, against them, she had managed to pull him out of his nightmares, and help shine a light on a home that had been long forsaken by hope.
it was also an undeniable fact that she had the distinct ability to pull him in and keep him in her orbit. he always found himself gravitating towards her, her voice effortlessly pulling him in like the rising tide of the ocean’s waves, her power on him never wavering.
and unlike the sun, touching her wouldn’t destroy him; wouldn’t set him ablaze. but she was still too far out of reach, fingers outstretched as far as they can go, yet still coming up empty.
she was the moon, out of reach, and he a ghostly shadow.
she was the stars.
more time had passed, and his thoughts kept shifting; the longer he looked at her, the more he was convinced she was the stars.
twinkling in the night sky even when surrounded by darkness, refusing to give in to the shadows. obstacle after obstacle, she rises up, never letting anyone dim that light shimmering in her eyes.
he always looked at her the same way, as one would a starry night — in awe and reverence at its sheer sparkling beauty, with millions upon millions of little glittering lights coming together to paint a masterpiece.
he could never look away.
but this only solidified what he already knew — just like the stars belonged to no one, she would never be his, was never meant to be his. her place was in the heavens, where her brilliance could mesmerise any who looked her way.
she was the stars, but who was he?
it was only when his fingers reached out and traced the soft curves of her cheek, palms pressing against forbidden warm skin, did he finally realise.
did he finally understand.
she wasn’t the sun, the moon, nor the stars.
she was all of them combined,
she was his entire universe.
and maybe, just maybe, that meant he was someone.
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sunjaesol · 3 years
serendipitous encounters
Tumblr media
juke | human au | fluff
"I think I met my soulmate!" Luke shouted as he barrelled through the front door, announcing his presence.
Alex, cuddled up with Willie, groaned from his place on the couch. "Not this again. Luke, soulmates do not exist!"
"Well, I'm curious," Willie joked. "What happened?"
Bouncing through the small living space, he propped himself on the coffee table. His eager lips spouted everything he knew so far. "Her name's Julie and she's beautiful and she drinks lattes with caramel syrup."
The two boys blinked at each other, an amused smile growing on Willie as the scowl deepened for Alex. Yeesh. How did these two work?
The blonde tried keeping composure. "You think... you met... the person you want to spend the rest of your life with... in a coffee shop?"
Luke nodded. What was his point?
Luckily, Willie was on his side. "Did you talk to her?"
Sighing, he slumped to the floor. "No. But I'm telling you, it's her."
"This oddly feels like that Zooey Deschanel movie," Alex mused.
"No! She's not some fantasy! She-I can't explain it." Dreamily looking up at the ceiling, he added. "She's it. I'm calling it."
"I think you're horny," Alex deadpanned. Willie snickered.
He rolled his eyes and swatted their legs. "Very cool, you guys.”
The doorbell rang. Jumping up and saving himself from further embarrassment, Luke went to open it.
And it was her. Holy shit.
She smiled up at him, holding up his trusty songbook.
"Hello. You left this journal on your table at Starbucks? It has your address inside."
Gobsmacked, Luke stared at her. Holy fucking shit. Because of his whole daydream about her in Starbucks, he forgot his book and then she took it upon herself to find the rightful owner. That was fate, right? Take that, Alex!
Stammering vowels, he plucked it from her grasp and let out a breathy laugh.
"Y-Yeah, thanks, that's- yup."
An amused smile pulled on her lips, nodding. "No problem. Have a nice day!"
Her goodbye snapped him out of his stupor, calling out for her with a raised hand.
"Wait! I didn't catch your name!"
She turned around, the girl looking so foreign in the grimy hallway of the apartment complex.
"Why do you need my name?"
Cause he knew it already and didn't want to seem like a creep.
He shrugged. "I want to thank you."
"It's Julie," she said after a beat.
"Thank you, Julie." His grin must've been comically wide, heart beating a mile a minute as he was still convinced she was his freaking soulmate.
And then she left. He was certain he'd see her again. In a non creepy way, that was.
— — — — — —
It was wholly coincidental once more. 
It was an early Sunday morning, Luke donned in sweatpants and a ratty cut-off and bedhead, as he meandered in the the shop of a tailor. Reggie owed him for this. 
The bassist loved buying vintage clothing, but never stuff that quite fit him. Hence, a tailor. His name was Peter and basically Reg’s best friend at this point, based on the disappointed look the man gave Luke as he handed him the the slip. He could hear the question on his tongue - “Where’s Reggie?” - and was happy when he didn’t ask. 
One, cause that was fucking rude. 
Two, cause Reg was currently fighting for an exclusive comic book on the other side of Los Angeles with a hurdle of other nerds. 
As Peter was sifting through the clothing racks, searching the order, the bell jingled behind him. 
“Oh, Journal Boy?”
He stilled. Holy shit. 
Whirling around, he came face to face with Julie. Just as beautiful as a week ago; maybe even more disarming in sandals and her curly hair up in a messy bun.
“Hi,” he breathed, unsure if he wasn’t just imagining her. It was a pretty hot day. It could easily be a sun stroke. 
Her smile widened. She was probably amused by his goofy behaviour, but he couldn’t help it. What were the odds he’d see her again, in a different location, this early after the first encounter? What was the statistical probability of meeting his soulmate twice? 
Before he could say anything else, Peter appeared from his rack and placed a leather jacket on the counter. Their attention diverted, Luke couldn’t help but feel heat travel up his back from having her so near. 
— — — — — —
No, he didn't want to go to silent disco.
Alas, Willie and Alex were that quirky type of couple that always liked to do the weirdest shit, including the most impersonal activity ever: a silent fucking disco.
They told him to bring a date, as Reggie was bringing his Tinder match Kayla, but he wasn't feeling it. One, because he still couldn't believe he saw Julie again at the tailor-
("It's Luke, by the way," he added.
She smiled and tasted the name. "Luke. Haven't lost your journal again?"
His name sounded heavenly on her tongue. Keeping the blush at bay, he nodded with a grin. "Yup. Uh-"
And then the man came back with her stuff, and that was that.)
-two, cause he wanted to win from Alex. Soulmates did exist and he hadn't lost hope it was her.
So there he was, in some old factory turned disco, with hundreds of idiots wearing headphones as they danced in a frenzy to whatever song was playing. The whole point of art - connection - was lost. Luke wanted to die.
Until he saw Julie from across the space. Again. And she saw him.
They smiled and waved and suddenly, this whole thing wasn't so bad anymore.
— — — — — —
There were about a 130,000 people living in East LA. It had sprawling neighbourhoods and hundreds of communities and subways that connected it to the other parts of LA. She could’ve been anywhere. 
And yet, he found her again. 
Even though he was still sticking to his guns that Julie was someone special, he also had his own needs. Which was how he found himself slipping out of a redhead’s bed at seven in the morning, dazed from being in an unknown place, and pulling his clothes back on. He was pretty sure her name was Meredith, though that could also just be entirely false. It was a weird, albeit good night. 
She mumbled in her pillow he could let himself out, waving half-heartedly and rolling on her side. 
Softly closing the door behind him and cracking the knots in his neck, he didn’t notice how he bumped into a person. 
Into Julie. 
His eyes widened in shock, the two letting out a surprised yelp. Her hand clutched her chest and took a step back. 
“Whoa!” he exclaimed. “Sorry!”
Her mouth opened and closed in confusion, about to say something, when her gaze trailed past him to the apartment he just left. She cleared up. 
“Meredith? Good choice, she’s nice.”
Luke flushed red. What the fuck was he supposed to say to that? 
Awkwardly scratching the back of his head, he drawled, “Uh, yeah... what’re you doing here?”
It was then that he noticed she had athletic wear on, duffle bag around her shoulder and keys dangling between her fingers. She confirmed his suspicions when she replied. 
“I, uh, live here.” She laughed. “So... have a nice rest of the day?”  
He wanted to say a lot. He wanted to ask if she wanted to grab breakfast, that Meredith wasn’t his girlfriend, that he had this crazy feeling they were always meant to meet - again and again and again ‘til they got it right. 
But he couldn’t. He’d sound insane. Hell, it was insane. Instead, he wished her a nice day as well and scurried out the hallway. He didn’t look back, but he did wonder if he was imagining he felt her eyes on his back. 
— — — — — —
Luke was typing on his laptop, the hustle and bustle of Starbucks at three in the afternoon and the methodical tap tap tap of the keys lulling him into a fast-paced trance. As always, he procrastinated some work for Pitchfork and had to get it done in two hours or else his boss would be yelling in his emails.
The bell jingled, Luke looking up automatically and almost rolling his eyes at the sight of her. This was getting insane.
Julie saw him too, changing her course from the register to his round table with a confused grimace twisting her features. As always, she looked pretty; the girl never looked bad and it was kind of messing with his head.
"Alright, fess up," she exclaimed, slipping into the seat opposite of him. "Are you stalking me?"
He snorted and leaned forward with a wry grin. "I can ask the same about you."
Her lips pursed, assessing him for a beat. With a sigh, she mellowed down. "I guess... we live in the same neighbourhood..."
"Still kinda crazy though," he mused. "East L.A. is big."
She nodded, pensive, and then looked over her shoulder to the menu board. "Is it okay if... I sit with you? I was going to grab a latte to go, but since you're here..."
But since you're here - rang in his ears, a careful smile blooming on his lips. Fuck, he really needed to work, but Julie wanted to sit with him, hang with him, be friends with him, outside of all the coincidental meetings they've had.
He wouldn't call it a date yet. He wanted to properly ask her when that day came.
"Sure," he mumbled, biting down the smile from becoming bigger.
His reply satisfied her, the tendrils dancing around her bright eyes as she matched his smile and stood up to make an order.
— — — — — —
Weeks passed with quick meetings here and there, Julie slowly bleeding into his life with laughs and smiles and whirlwind stories about her life. She was always on the go, always bright-eyed and easily matching his energy. He knew his enthusiasm could put people off, but she was never taken aback.
Wit against wit. Snark against snark. A dumb joke met with an amused roll of the eye. It worked. For a while, he even settled on the fact that hey, they might be platonic soulmates. Julie was a great friends and sometimes he felt his emotions fleeting. If they remained friends, he'd be perfectly content.
But then she closed gaps and barriers that had pointedly been kept before. After they got boba, her hand wrapped around his bicep, stretched on her tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss on his cheek. Before he could register it, she was back on her feet waving him goodbye. Luke had a dopey look on his face for the rest of the day.
She kept up cheek kisses, he let his warm embraces linger, their short hangouts turned into hours.
Then one night, she kissed his cheek after they got ramen and he shifted his face 'til their noses brushed. Julie held her breath. Tentatively, their fingers curled together - the simple touch sparking lightning up his arm.
"Is it weird that I've dreamed about you?" he asked, cautious, looking at their joined hands.
Luke wanted to tell her about his initial gut feeling; that he saw her and he knew. But it was too insane and he didn't want to scare her off. But he knew. He's always known.
"No..." Her mouth ghosted his. "I've dreamed about you too."
Luke closed the little space between them, lips slanting together and instantly deepening as one hand came up to cradle her cheek. His heart was bursting with euphoria. It felt as if his body sighed in relief, like it had finally come home. And then he did: he sighed and grinned and giggled when her arms wrapped around his neck.
Oh, man... he might already love her.
— — — — — —
Nothing definite happened afterwards. Though this is what he wanted, he felt weird confirming their relationship when he had always somehow ‘known.’ It had to come from her side, the more level-headed person in this situation. 
So, it was casual, even though he was anything but casual. 
It was pretty great though, walking past Meredith’s door towards Julie’s, having her yank him inside and kiss him like she’d been waiting for years. Kissing Julie was fucking heaven. 
Besides that, they were the same Luke and Julie as before. They got boba or ramen or any new spot that opened up like weeds. She listened to new music with him, sharing earbuds, for his Pitchfork articles. He watched her sing and play the piano at music clubs, becoming more and more enamoured each time simply by the sound of her angelic voice. He built a shelf for her. She taught him how to make friendship bracelets. He met her best friend Flynn. She stayed over for dinner with the guys and got drunk on white wine, giggling along to the jokes.
They fit. But they weren’t exclusive. He had no clue if she was also seeing someone else. He presumed she didn’t, the two constantly revolving around each other, but he couldn’t be certain.
Alex was gobsmacked the first time he properly met her. Stunned that Luke had been right, that it worked out, that East Los Angeles was apparently nothing more than a small town. Luke reckoned he was just jealous he didn’t have to meet his person by getting maimed on the street - ha! 
His finger trailed along her sleeping silhouette, gently and drowsy, observing in awe how a smile subconsciously quirked on her lips and shifted closer to his touch. He closed his eyes and pressed his nose in the back of her neck. There were worse ways to wake up. 
— — — — — —
Eventually, Julie simply decided for him.
She was moving apartments and he was helping her pack, move furniture, throw shit out, the whole nine yards. For one person, she had a lot of stuff, her cabinets an endless supply of decor, souvenirs and memories.
They were whirling around each other like clock-work, never bumping and smoothly handing things over. Rap music was playing from the stereo, its sound drifting from her opened front door into the hallway.
One of her neighbours popped their head in.
"Oh!" The old man perked up, surprised. "You're moving, Julie?"
She looked up from rummaging through her CD collection to shoot him a tired smile. "Yeah," she puffed, "my lease is up, so..."
"Change of pace, I get it. That's wonderful," he nodded, gaze shifting to Luke walking out of the bathroom. "Hello!"
Luke smiled at him, waving with the box of oddly shaped soaps Julie had for some reason. "Hi."
"This is Luke, my boyfriend," Julie introduced, Luke freezing in his tracks all at once as the words utter from her lips. Boyfriend. Holy shit. It didn't faze her, smoothly babbling more than he wasn't processing.
Boyfriend. Which meant that she was his girlfriend. Which meant that now, he had to threaten the guys to not say a fucking word about how mentally deranged he was the first week after meeting her. This wasn’t planned. This was fully her. This was past fate and serendipity - this was by choice. It felt better than he thought. 
The man bid goodbye and left. Luke dropped the box on the coffee table, sliding towards her with a shit-eating grin.
"Boyfriend," he drawled exaggeratedly.
She rolled her eyes. "Yes. ‘Cause you are. I know you well enough to know you can only do exclusive."
"Can you?"
"I said you were my boyfriend, didn't I?"
His smile widened, leaning in to kiss her. She met him halfway, loose curls tucked behind ears before her arms were slung around his waist. I love, I love you, I've loved you forever.
And then the truth tumbled out. Part of it, at least.
"I, uh," he gulped, looking at her through his lashes. "I saw you, that first day, and I thought you were the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
Her face turned tender, a pout jutting from her lip as she gauged his reaction, like she was waiting for him to make a joke. He wasn't.
"Really?" she whispered, voice so small it took him aback for a beat.
His thumbs gently caressed her cheeks, withholding himself from saying anything more. This was enough. It was the truth without the crazy - being with her was crazy enough. Luke settled on a simple nod.
Her head tilted, shy amusement lilting her tone. "Good thing I'm moving closer to your neighbourhood then."
@blush-and-books​ @bluefirewrites​ @willexx​ @pink-flame​ @constantly-singing​ @unsaid-emily​ @ourstarscollided​
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pink-flame · 3 years
A little introspective Juke fluff from Luke's perspective for @xxprettylittletimebombxx who went on a delightful spiral with me earlier about how Luke and Julie look at each other. I hope you enjoy it my friend! 💜
Luke had always been a little soft.
It wasn’t something he would have readily admitted back in 1995, wasn’t a descriptor that meshed well with the image of a rock star on the brink of legend status, at least not in his very much teenage boy mind.
That didn’t mean it wasn’t true.
The way that he had handmade valentines for his entire 4th grade class after he overheard some jerk making fun of Alex for the glittery ones he was working on, scrawling completely illegible messages on each one in a show of support.
The way that after he had run away he had taken his first guitar, that little acoustic his parents had bought him for Christmas as a kid before they realized he would never put it down, and donated it to Goodwill. He had liked the idea that some kid would stumble across it, feel the magic Luke felt under his fingertips when he played it, give it a happier ending.
The way even on their big night at the Orpheum (their first big night at the Orpheum) his instinct had been to monologue about the way their music had the potential to connect people, not the adoring legions of fans that they would soon have.
So if he was being completely honest with himself, which he was getting better at doing now that he was dead, he had always been a little soft. Not that he considered that a bad thing, not really in 1995 despite his reluctance to admit it and definitely not in 2020 when he had been granted a whole new chance at life and music and...well, everything. How could he not feel excited, and grateful and awed by absolutely everything in his situation?
And given all of that he really shouldn’t have been surprised that when he looked at Julie he could feel his face rearranging into a brand new expression, or that he could tell the gaze beaming out from behind his eyes was, well...soft.
But he was surprised.
Because he didn’t look at Julie like he looked at his guitar, like an old friend, a piece of his soul that came back to him unexpectedly.
And he didn’t look at Julie like he looked at Reggie and Alex, like his family, the ones he wanted to be standing next to in their last life, and this one, and any others they might get too.
He didn’t even look at Julie like he looked at the crowd at one of their shows, like the other half of a connection he’d been searching for his whole life, the answering echo to the songs he poured himself into.
No, the way he looked at Julie was a decidedly different, decidedly even more soft, look that was reserved just for her.
He couldn’t help it, even if he had wanted to, which...he wasn’t that motivated to stop looking at her like that if he was being honest (which, again...he was getting better at).
He looked at her like that when she sang, a note bursting out of her that was almost too beautiful and too powerful to believe.
He looked at her like that when they wrote together, when she suggested a line that was exactly what he had been about to say only better.
He looked at her like that when she helped him find his way back to his parents and when she helped call him back from the brink of hell in Caleb’s club and when against all odds she placed her hands on his face and pulled him back from death (again).
But he also looked at her like that when she was doing nothing in particular, sitting on the couch in the studio, tapping her foot while she worked on her homework. When she got up in the middle of the night to make a sandwich because she couldn’t sleep and let him watch just because she knew he missed eating. When she showed him something on her phone that she swore was meant to be hilarious but he didn’t get whatever memo...meme? She was trying to explain.
No, this wasn’t just about him being in awe of everything he came across in this second chance of his and it wasn’t just about the fact that Julie was objectively amazing.
It turned out that was just how Luke Patterson looked at Julie Molina.
And he understood that deep down, he really did.
Because Julie was objectively amazing and because this was his second chance and because she felt like coming home in a way that had nothing to do with the fact that she played some CD and yanked him back to their studio.
What he couldn’t understand...what he would have stayed up trying to understand if he could still sleep...was why Julie looked at him the same way.
What had he ever done for her to justify the way her eyes softened, and her head tilted and her mouth curled into a shy smile when they were close to each other?
Given a folded up piece of paper that she had no way of knowing contained a tiny piece of his heart?
Poofed onto the stage at her school to act as backup she never asked for?
Stood her up for her school dance?
Kept what Willie had told them about Caleb’s plan from her until the last possible moment?
Given her one half decent speech about how music without her didn’t matter anymore when he thought they were never going to see each other again? When he couldn’t even bring himself to say the words he really wanted to say to her, not even at the very end?
Luke didn’t get it.
But that didn’t mean he wasn't crazy, stupid, counting his lucky stars every night and then some that she looked at him in a way that was just so...soft.
So Luke had always been a little soft, and coming back from the dead, and meeting Julie, liking...loving Julie...had only made him softer.
No regrets.
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cloudshapedpatch · 4 years
take my money (take my heart, too)
the awkward julie & luke sugar daddy/baby au no one asked for
rated teen and up for swearing and semi-mature themes such as the concept of a sugar daddy/baby arrangement
no smut! insane tooth-rotting fluff tho
slow burn juke
and disaster lesbians flarrie side plot and (eventual) willex
also a coffee shop au because i said so
read on ao3 (chapter 1 and tag list below the cut)
* * * *
Julie is nervous. No, nervous is an understatement. Her knees bounce uncontrollably under the table, shaky fingers twirling the straw in her iced coffee. And the knot in her stomach seems to grow ever tighter.
She pulls out her phone to check the time for the third time this minute. How is it still 10:57 am? Just as she is about to put her phone back in her pocket, it buzzes with an incoming text from her best friend/roommate, Flynn.
Flynn: calm down
Julie smiles despite herself, turning around to look at her friend a few tables away. Thank goodness for her friend, willing to throw away a morning to make sure she is safe and comfortable on her blind date. She shoots Flynn a small smile. Flynn, to their credit, is taking their job very seriously, wearing an absurdly large sunhat and sunglasses, sipping on a mug of hot tea with a decoy book under her nose.
Julie turns to anxiously watch the baristas, moving around the small space with ease, mixing drinks hot and cold alike. Twirling around each other without even looking. And she lets her mind wander.
How had she gotten here? Waiting for a man whom she had never spoken to, let alone seen? And she isn’t counting their text messaging. Not really. Not even if they had been talking for weeks. Not even if they regularly stayed up well into the night just to keep talking to the other. Not even if he had her blushing furiously, toes curling from giddiness and hiding under her sheets, smiling at the flirtatious speech bubbles on her phone for longer than she’d like to admit.
Because that doesn’t count. She has never heard his voice. She has never seen what he looked like. Anyone could be a charmer, and she is undoubtedly nervous about who she might find walking through the door and towards her.
How had she gotten here? It is a simple question, and one she has the answer to. Doesn’t mean she likes it. She had made an offhand comment to Flynn at work one day. Julie is sick of working 12 hour days in the cafe (not this one. she would be dumb to meet a stranger in her workplace) and barely scraping by. She had joked she needed someone to fund her shopping sprees.
Flynn had suggested a sugar daddy.
Julie wants to bang her head on the table. Past Julie is an idiot. And now Present Julie is going to pay the price.
Why had she let Flynn convince her to download that dumb app?
(Because she has a virtually useless college degree, bills to pay, and school loans creeping up on her and she is cutting back every month. Living in L.A. isn’t cheap.
And, if she really lets herself think about it, Julie is lonely.)
She checks her phone again, pleased to find it is finally 11 am. He should be here any minute. Luke should be here any minute.
Is it a red flag that he had only been willing to share his first name? Should it have concerned her that he didn’t have a profile picture on his online dating account? Is she dumb for letting him change the subject every time she asked about his job? Solid ‘maybe’s to all of those, but! After they had started talking, they had instantly clicked. He loves music almost as much as she did, maybe even more. They bonded over that, and many other things.
This is fine.
She straightens her posture, glancing down at her dress to make sure all is in order. It’s baby blue with golden sunflowers all over, and she had slipped a cropped denim jacket on top, the one with patches of all her favorite bands. She fusses with the loose curls hanging by her face, her hair pulled into a half bun at the top of her head, leaving a clear view of her sunflower earrings. It’s the perfect outfit to be noticed in, she had told him she’d be wearing blue and sunflowers, certainly he wouldn’t miss her.
Whenever he decided to show up.
Wait. he would show up, wouldn’t he?
Of course he would.
Before she can get too far down that rabbit hole, the chime above the door is jingling, and Julie has to fight hard not to turn and see who it is. The anticipation crawls up her spine and settles in her neck, jaw tingling.
A man comes in, approaching the counter with confidence in his step. One barista takes one look at him and gapes like a fish, turning to a coworker to nonchalantly point at him. Both girls look at each other and quietly squeal, letting one of the male cashiers help him.
Must be attractive, she thinks, and she isn’t disappointed by what she can see from the back. His sleeves are short, showing off his muscular arms and he’s tall. She’s always liked tall men.
Supposedly handsome stranger orders his drink and waits at the counter for it. One of the girls hands it to him with a gleeful smile. He accepts, then says something to her before the girl’s smile falters and points right at Julie.
Wait, she’s pointing at Julie?
Definitely handsome stranger follows her finger and lands on Julie, eyes scanning up and down her body (at least, what he can see from above the table), his face instantly lighting up in the most gorgeous smile she’s ever seen.
And then he’s turning back to say thank you and then making his way towards her and oh no what what what--
Because this isn’t her date. It can’t be, right? But Luke Patterson is stepping up to her booth, sliding into the seat across from her.
“Hey, you’re Julie, right?” His voice, sweet and thick as honey, and Julie would know that voice anywhere.
“Luke Patterson? You… you didn’t say--” She cuts herself off before she can say something foolish.
Because there is no way in hell she’d unknowingly put up her sugar baby services to Luke fucking Patterson. Not rockstar Luke Patterson. Not lead guitarist and singer and songwriter for her favorite band, Sunset Curve. Not literally in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame Luke Patterson.
“Yeah, about that… I am really sorry about not telling you. It’s just not something I like mentioning to everyone I meet, you know?”
She’s having a hard time processing what he’s saying. He’s so close. Why is he leaning on the table like that? Why is he so close?
“Yeah! Yeah, totally. That’s understandable.” She laughs nervously, taking a sip of her coffee to avoid speaking any further.
“This… this is okay, right? You’re not mad?”
“Mad?” This clears her mind a bit. She takes in the way his hands fiddle with the rings on his fingers, his shoulders raised, and while his smile is easygoing, his eyes say otherwise. Why would she be mad?
She expresses this to him, and he just looks at his hands.
“Well, because I wasn’t completely truthful with you. And I totally understand if you want to walk away.”
“No!” She says before she can filter herself. His eyebrows raise in amusement. “I mean, it’s fine! I was just… surprised, that’s all.”
And surprised is correct. Luke Patterson is the same Luke she’s been talking to for the last three weeks, the very same one who’s been making her laugh and who’d almost made her miss work last week because they had texted about everything and nothing until the sun came up.
He seems to like her answer. His smile never leaves his face.
“You seemed to recognize me. You a fan of Sunset Curve’s?”
And maybe it’s the way his cocky smile burns her cheeks, or just the fact that he’s talking to her. Panic sets in and she lies.
“Never heard of Sunset Swerve.”
“You knew my name.”
“You know it’s a household name, right?”
“Your jacket says otherwise.”
And shit. She had forgotten about the Sunset Curve patch right over her heart. In fact, it was the first patch she had put on the jacket. But he doesn’t need to know that.
“Fine. You caught me. I’m a Curver. Happy?”
And though she’s teasing, he couldn’t seem to be happier. Seriously, she’s worried his dopey grin is gonna break his face. Then an ugly, ugly thought rears its head in her mind.
“Wait. You let me gush about Sunset Curve so many times and you didn’t say anything?” Her sentence ends in a laugh.
“Oh, Julie, I wanted to so bad. You have no idea!”
Julie finds herself not really registering the second half of his sentence. She had missed it, the first time he said her name due to being starstruck, and her face warms a bit when she recalls just how good her name had sounded when he said it. Like a splash of cool water on a hot day. Like sap dripping fresh from a tree, glinting in the sunlight.
“Then why didn’t you?”
He sobers a bit at this, though his eyes still hold the same fire as before. “Well, I didn’t really want to go around announcing that. Can you imagine how many matches I’d get if I put that little tidbit in my bio?”
Julie laughs at this, the absurdity of it hitting her. Of course. He’d want someone who’d like him for him, not for his status, or name, or fame or money.
Oh. Shit. She was literally here for his money.
“For sure! Must’ve been hard.”
“Oh, not really. I matched with you on day one and deleted the app once we exchanged phone numbers.”
“Really?” Julie felt a little guilty for still having the app on her phone now, even after she was pretty sure Luke was a good match. There was still the possibility that mystery man was a total creep. If she’d have known who he was, on the other hand…
“Totally! I’ll be honest, my bandmates put me up to this, but once we started talking I just knew I had to meet you.”
Julie’s mind still feels a bit foggy, like she was dreaming. A fantastic dream, might she add.
“I’ve been really excited to meet you too. My best friend also convinced me to get the app. She’s actually over there.” Julie smiled, nudging her head over towards her friend, where they were certainly trying their best to eavesdrop.
“Brought a plus one, I see?” Luke chuckled, giving Flynn a wave. Flynn hid her already shielded eyes from view with her book.
“Hey, you gotta remember I was meeting someone whom I had never seen before, and the fact that I didn’t know your last name was not helping.”
Luke’s smile turned bashful again. “Ah. She’s backup.”
“Yep! But I think they’re good to go.” Julie whipped out her phone and sent Flynn a quick message, relieving her of her duties.
“You sure? I might kidnap you.”
“I’d let you kidnap me.”
Oh god. She so did not say that.
He seemed to think it was funny. At least she was amusing. At her own expense, maybe, but amusing nonetheless.
Amusing to Luke Patterson.
If she doesn’t stop saying his last name, she’ll go insane. This is just the dorky guy she’s been talking to. The one she’ll hopefully get to talk to tomorrow.
Despite the rocky start, Julie would say it was a successful date. Coffee turned into lunch at a nearby bistro, and he walked Julie to her car a few blocks away. She didn’t get to her apartment until after 4 o’clock, and Flynn was waiting with two glasses of wine in their shared living room. Julie is eager to spill all the details, and Flynn is the perfect listener, oohing and ahhing at all the right moments.
As Julie crawls into bed after her eventful day, her phone dings on her nightstand.
PayPal: Luke Patterson sent you $500.00  “I had a great time today :) hope to see you again soon!”
Well. If she had calmed down any, this just undid all of her efforts. A wave of guilt floods over her. The concept of a sugar daddy sort of seemed too outlandish to really fathom. But now she feels awful taking his money.
She’s really doing this, isn’t she?
Julie: you really didn’t have to
Luke: but i wanted to
Luke: it’s ok tho right?
Julie: i guess it’s fine, it’s just a lot of money
Luke: i realise how conceited this is going to sound but its no sweat off my back. just think of it as a gift
Gifts. She could live with that.
* * * *
taglist! @ladyblanche :)
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Juke fluff comfort please “Okay, come here. You don’t need to use that face.”
oh this is ridiculous as hell and i’m HERE FOR IT
Luke's been moping around all day. Julie knows exactly why he's moping and she's not giving in. It's all his own fault and if he'd just listened to her and respected boundaries, he wouldn't be moping.
But he keeps hanging around her and pouting. Every time she turns around he's right there with his puppy eyes and sad face. It's not going to work on her, though. She's going to hold it together and maintain that this is entirely his own fault. Because it is.
"Julie," Reggie pleads. "C'mon, look at him!"
"He's sorry!" Alex tries. "Look at that face!"
Julie gives Alex a pointed look. "He wouldn't need that face if he'd just listened to me in the first place."
"But he's sorry!" Reggie tries again. "Really, he is!"
"If he's sorry then he can use his words and not emotional blackmail," Julie says as she rounds on Luke and stares him down. He keeps pouting, looking even more pathetic than before.
"C'mon, Jules." Luke pushes his bottom lip out even more and Julie rolls her eyes.
"Okay," she says as she opens her arms, "come here, you don't need to use that face."
Luke smiles as he accepts her hug, but he shouts when she pinches his arm. Hard.
"What was that for?!"
"For going in my dream box!" Julie shouts. "I told you not to open it again!"
"But--" Luke looks at his bandmates for help, but neither of them are getting involved again. "You--"
Julie crosses her arms and Luke's shoulders slump.
"Didn't like what you found?" she prompts. Luke shakes his head.
"You called me a big, fat dummy," he mumbles. "That's not nice."
"That's what you get for going in my dream box." Julie huffs. "I didn't actually mean it."
"You didn't?"
Julie rolls her eyes. "Not unless you really are a big, fat dummy."
"I'm not!" Luke crosses his arms and Julie snickers.
"Stay out of my dream box and I won't put mean messages in it anymore."
"Okay," Luke says with a sigh.
"Okay," Julie agrees with a nod, and they both sit down. After a moment, Reggie speaks up.
"But if you put messages in them for Luke, then shouldn't he want to check it?"
"Shut up, Reggie!"
prompt lists | filled prompts
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stargazermuse · 4 years
Questions for the mun: ☯️♧♥️♦️☽☺✆❥ ツ
I used completely different emojis for this since I’m on mobile!
☯️: Is there a muse you’ve always wanted to play?
I’ve always tried muses that I think I can play. I don’t think there’s ever been one I’ve really wanted to play before. If I feel like I can give the muse justice then I’ll usually try at least once or twice and if it goes well then I’ll continue, if not then I scrap them.
♣️: Is there an RP partner(s) that you credit for becoming a better writer?
I give every one of my rp partners credit! From when I first started to now! Everyone I have had a positive experience (or not so) and it’s helped me grow as a writer. I might look at how someone writes a dialogue and go “hmm I like that” and I may sample it or tweak it to make it work with me and end up loving it. I couldn’t give just one partner all the credit when every one has had a positive impact on me!
♥️: What’s your favorite ship with your muse?
Ha! I have too many to count with my ocs! But to name a few: (these are also ships from a different rp site as well)
Jatp: CeCe/Reggie (but I do like CeCe/Luke as well), Brynn/Luke, of course Julie/Luke
Marvel: Dillon/Steve, Dillon/Bucky, Dillon/Peter (in an aged down verse)
Descendants: Fae/Carlos, Mayebelle/Gil, Lillie/Jay, Melody/Jay
Those are just a few that I’ve had interaction with and have always loved when I had them.
♦️: What’s an AU that you’ve always wanted?
There’s not really one that I’ve always wanted. I like certain AU (or verses? Those get so mixed up for me) but I do like AUs.
🌙: Do you like writing angst? Why or why not?
Have you met my characters? Most, if not all, go through some type of angst in their lives. I put them through hell and idk why. I don’t know how to explain why I like writing it. I guess cause I like the fluff that happens after or something but my muses go through angst at least one part of their lives. Now whether that’s current or past, or if they’ve grown from it or not, that’s the question that I keep growing.
🙂: What’s a character that you desperately want your muse to play with? Why?
I’m a big shipper sometimes with certain ocs, so if I ship a certain oc with a certain character then I usually desperately want that character. I’ve gotten better at this and try to focus on familial threads of friend threads and such. There’s no certain character. It’s a menagerie.
📞: Other than RPing, what’s a hobby of yours?
Art. When I get the urge to paint, then I love to paint. I love creating different things. So for example; for Christmas I decided to make my coworkers and a few others blankets as presents instead of buying something. And then I’m also trying to paint a few canvases to add JatP lyrics to them.
I am also a movie enthusiast (I guess you can call me that) for certain fandoms so I’ll rewatch movies or shows a lot to pinpoint different details I didn’t catch or like to decipher certain aspects of the movies with friends (I got my best friend and her boyfriend to watch JatP and the entire time we deciphered the costuming, and different aspects)
💞: Has something ever happened to you to hate a ship? Why?
Anything that is taken so far out of context is when I hate ships, or something that doesn’t make sense. I think this is more a fandom thing for me than it is rp wise.
So like Destiel, Dean/Castiel from Supernatural. I’ll admit that is an interesting dynamic. It’s not one I can get behind but I understand and I like reading fanfiction and rps something. But the fans who take Destiel too far and force the actors to like it and such, is why I don’t really like Destiel.
Wincest: Don’t get me started on Wincest!! Just no! Now I have watched fan made videos that I liked the storyline but I just....no....
Another one I can’t stand it Drarry, Draco/Harry from HP. Again; I completely understand the story and what’s behind it but that’s been another that has been pressed and pushed too much.
Now Juke....okay Juke.... I love Juke! Julie and like are such a cute couple and I love their dynamic! But these “fans” who try to force Madison and Charlie to date because they want Juke to be real. Like just stop!
🙃: Who has been your favorite muse to play so far? Why?
Any of my character that are more of the goodie two shows I usually love to play.
But I love playing Dillon, Melody, and all of my characters that are built with a little spice. I can relate to them more because I am quiet but I’m sarcastic.
But I love all my characters fully! And love playing them! I wouldn’t have them if I didn’t!
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Identical Twins
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, Melanie (OFM)
Word Count: 3,606
Warnings: evil twin, crazy twin, mentions of bouncing from foster homes, a little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff, nothing too bad
Request: Hey can you do a dean x reader where the reader finds out she has a identical twin on a hunt and the twin turns out to be crazy and tries to take dean from her and in the end they have to figure out which is the real reader and dean asks a question only she knows,thanks :) 
Author’s Note: If you want to be tagged, leave an ask or message and I’ll add you! Same goes for my Series Rewrite! If you want to request a fic, please send them in! I love writing what you guys want!
Feedback is always appreciated
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“Sweetheart, we’re almost here.” Dean said from the driver’s seat.
“Yay, I am so looking forward to busting my ass off only to receive no thanks afterwards.” You said sarcastically, covering your eyes as you tried to take a nap in the backseat. But due to Dean’s loud ass music, you weren’t going to get any sleep.
“That’s the way to live.” Dean said, laughing. He sped up and zoomed down the road, entering a small town in Texas where you would be staying for hopefully the next few days. You hoped this case wouldn’t take much longer than that but there were some cases it took a couple of weeks.
Dean got to the motel you were staying at and you got checked in faster than you thought it would. The front desk person was giving you weird looks but you thought nothing of it and entered your room, falling on the bed.
“No, no, don’t fall asleep. Hey, it’s late and there is a 24-hour bar across the street that is calling our name.” Dean said, pulling you up. You whined in protest but turned that whine into a moan of appreciation when you felt Dean’s lips on yours.
“Come on, guys, there are other people rooming here too.” Sam complained. You tried to pull away to spare Sam’s feelings but Dean followed you, making sure he made the kiss extra noisy for Sam’s displeasure. He pulled away and licked his lips with a smirk.
“Fine, I’ll go with you but you better make my time worthwhile.” You said with a smirk, getting up and shedding your jacket, leaving you in only your flannel and tight jeans. It was the beginning of autumn so it wasn’t too cold out and therefore, you dind’t need your jacket.
“Sammy, you coming?” Dean asked with a grin.
“No thank you. I am going to try and get some sleep.” He said, taking off his shoes and jacket.
“Lucky. At least your boyfriend isn’t trying to drag you to a bar at almost midnight.” You teased. Dean chuckled and tucked you under his arm, walking you to the door.
“Yeah, don’t come back drunk.” Sam said with a laugh.
“Okay, Winchester, that was one time and you swore you’d never talk about it again.” You said, walking out of the room with him. There was no need for a car since it was literally right across the road. You walked into the bar and grinned at the lively music coming from the jukebox and patrons dancing and having a good time.
“Alright, let’s get this started, shall we?” Dean said with a grin, walking to the bar.
“What can I get for you?” The bartender asked when Dean sat down.
“Two beers for right now, thanks.” The bartender nodded and went to retrieve the bottles.
“I’ll be right back. I’m going to change the music.” You said, taking some quarters from Dean’s jacket pocket.
“Okay.” Dean said, kissing your lips. You grinned and walked away from him, your eyes on the juke and your heart on a song that you hoped was in there. You knew Dean would appreciate this one and you couldn’t wait to see what his reaction would be when you put it on.
If there was one thing you loved about Dean was that when he thought no one was listening, he would just let all his inhibitions go and let loose. To everyone else, he was this hard ass, cold, intimidating man who can make monsters tremble just by the mention of his name.
What they didn’t know was that when he was alone, he let all of that go and he became the biggest girl you’ve ever known. You’ve actually caught him trying to dance to Betty Davis Eyes by Jodie Mitchell. It was on your playlist and he found it. You caught him singing to it and you were so sure you were going to get caught by laughing but that wasn’t the reason you were caught.
No, you decided to join in and dance with him, singing alone to the awesome song. He didn’t stop either and danced until the song was over. Then he made you promise him that you wouldn’t dare speak of this to another soul for as long as you lived.
This was last week.
You loved him with all your heart and you didn’t know what you would do without him.
You got to the juke and smiled widely when you saw it on there. The original singer, Kim Carnes, was the version on the juke but you didn’t care. You loved her just as much. You put the money in the machine, waiting for the machine to finish the song it was on.
You couldn’t wait to see what Dean would look like when it came on.
Dean was waiting for you by the bar, sipping his beer.
“Damn, in all my years living, I’ve never seen a man as gorgeous as you.” Dean heard from behind him. He was about to tell whoever was there to beat it but he frowned when the voice sounded like yours. He turned around, staring at your face, wondering what you were doing.
“What are you doing?” He asked, confused a bit.
“I’m flirting with you. Unless you have someone already on your arm.” You said, touching his arm.
“No, seriously, what are you doing? Is this some kind of new game you like to play?” Dean asked.
“Ooh, game? You want to play with me?” You said, smirking and biting your lip.
“Y/N, what the hell is going on with you?”
“My name isn’t Y/N. It’s Melanie.” The girl who looked like you said with a frown. The real you walked back with a smile on your face but when you looked up, you lost it. Who the hell was Dean talking to and why was she so close to him.
“What’s going on?” You asked, walking beside the girl, looking at her. Your eyes widened when you found yourself face to face in front of a mirror. Well, that is what it felt like because this girl in front of you looked exactly like you.
“That’s what I’m wondering.” Dean said slowly, looking between the two girls.
“Who are you and why do you look like me?” You asked slowly, automatically thinking of a shifter, which was ironically the monster you were looking for. You looked at Dean and he slightly nodded, thinking the same thing you were. His dad’s wedding ring that sat on Dean’s right ring finger was pure silver and one touch to this girl’s skin, it would sizzle and hurt like a bitch.
“My name is Melanie but why do you look like me?” She asked, crossing her arms. Damn, she even sounded like you.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out,” You said, holding out your hand. “My name is Y/N.” She shook it with a smile, a smile that was too annoying to look at. Did you look at annoying when you smiled?
“Dean.” Dean said, holding out his right hand. The girl shook it with another smile, her skin still her skin and not burning. You frowned, wondered who this girl was. You didn’t have a sister growing up and your parents never mentioned another daughter, much less a twin of yours.
“Dean, I’m suddenly more interested in why I have a double of me than sitting at the bar, drinking.” You said to your boyfriend, him agreeing with her.
“Where are you two staying?” Melanie asked.
“The motel across the street.” You answered.
“Oh! Same here!” She said with a giggle. That I why the attendant was looking at you weird.
“I think Sam might be able to help us with this one.” You said, taking a few gulps of beer before leaving the place with Dean and Melanie.
“Who’s Sam?” She asked.
“His brother.” You said, walking to the door, getting out the key.
“Is he as hot as you are?” Melanie asked, looking at Dean.
“Save it, Melanie, he’s my boyfriend.” You said, walking inside.
“Wow, I would have thought you would stay out at least until 2 am.” Sam said, looking up from the book he was reading.
“We brought someone with us and there is something you should know…” You trailed off.
“No, Y/N, I’ve heard your conversations with Dean about that. I am not about to leave this room so you three can sex it up in here.” Sam said, disgusted.
“What? No, Sam, that’s not what this is. First off, stop eavesdropping. Second off, this might be something serious and we need your help.” You looked at Dean and nodded. Sam watched Dean enter the room and then another you walk in behind him.
“Holy shit.” Sam said, standing up.
“Damn, he is tall. How tall are you?” Melanie asked.
“6’4”.” Sam answered, staring at her.
“Wow, I love my men tall.” She said with a smirk. You cringed because you could never picture yourself with Sam, even though she is a completely different person.
“Okay, my parents never mentioned a twin, much less that I had a sister. So, what’s your story?” You asked her, sitting on one of the beds, Dean sitting next to you.
“Well, I am adopted but I’ve met my birth parents and they never mentioned a sister, just like you said.” She said, looking at you.
“Who are your birth parents?” You asked.
“Miranda and Carson Carter.” You frowned when those names didn’t match up to your parents’ names.
“That’s confusing because my parents are Y/P/N.” You said, looking at Sam who already had his laptop out. He was typing fast, no doubt hacking into some government website to figure this out.
“Okay, I got something,” Sam said, clearing his throat.
“Wow, that was fast. How did you do that?” Melanie asked. She wasn’t a part of the Supernatural and you hoped to keep it that way.
“Doesn’t matter. All that matters, is that your parents are the same. They used fake names, Melanie. Apparently, they didn’t want either child to know they had a twin. They just wanted one girl and so they separated you two, keeping Y/N as a daughter.” Sam read.
“Seriously, where are you getting that from?” Melanie asked but you stood up, preventing her from asking anymore questions.
“Wow, okay, this is so overwhelming right now. Why don’t you go back to your room and we’ll talk tomorrow, yeah?” You said to her.
“I know! Why don’t you come with me? I mean, I find out I have a twin and I would love to get to know her.” She said with a huge smile. You weren’t used to seeing yourself as this happy. That wasn’t who you were at all. You looked at Dean who smirked and stood up.
“I think that is a great idea, Melanie. You two ladies will have so much fun.” Dean said, with a smirk, putting his hands on yours and Melanie’s back. You glared at him, not enjoying this one bit. You loved being an only child. You’ve expressed how you felt about identical twins. You wanted to be the only kind that was you.
“Sure, why not.” You said, forcing a smile. She clapped and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the room. The last thing you saw was a smiling Dean, waving at you from his room. You were going to kill him later on.
As much as you needed the sleep, Melanie wasn’t letting you sleep at all. She really wanted to get to know you, despite you telling her that you had work in the morning.
You two talked about everything you possibly could: your childhood, your teen years, your high school life, your college life, your romantic life and a lot of other things. You learned that she bounced from foster home to foster home, always imagining wat it would be like to be in a family.
You felt bad for her because it was like your parents picked the better child. Too bad she couldn’t meet them because they died years ago from cancer. You also learned that she was, in her words, kind of a slut. You didn’t mind that because a girl has needs too, but she went a little over board with this one.
You two stayed up all night talking, never getting a wink of sleep. Around 7 am, a knock was heard on the door and you bounced up, basically running to the door so you could get away. You opened it up to see a smirking Dean leaning against the frame.
“You two have fun?” He asked, walking inside.
“Oh yeah, a blast. We talked all night long.” You said, a forced smile on your face.
“It was awesome. So, what are you guys doing today?” Melanie asked.
“Working. I told you I was in the FBI with them.” You said, being very vague about what you did for a living.
“Right, right, okay, hey, could I borrow some clothes? We look the same size and my luggage got stolen last night when I came in.” She asked with a smile.
“Sure, that’s fine.” You said with a sigh, following Dean back to his room. You walked in and Sam was about to say something but you stopped him with a glare. You grabbed some clothes she could wear and handed them to her.
“Keep them, you probably need them way more than I do.” You said. She smiled and walked to the bathroom after taking them.
“So, how was it?” Sam asked you when she was gone.
“Remember the time when you met Becky and she couldn’t stop asking you questions?” Sam’s eyes widened in realization when you asked that.
“Damn, poor Y/N.” Dean said with a laugh.
“Don’t you start laughing. I am not finished with you. You are so going get it when we’re done here.” You glared at your boyfriend, sleep begging you to join it but you refused. Melanie came out of the bathroom and you swore, you were looking in a mirror.
“Okay, Melanie, we have work to do so I’ll see you later, then.” You said with a smile, ushering her out of the room. You closed the door with a sigh, dragging a hand down your face.
“Did you get any sleep?” Sam asked.
“Not a wink. But that’s okay, I’ll manage. Just keep that woman away from me. God, am I that annoying?” You asked with a pout.
“Never.” Dean said, pecking your lips.
You managed to get some work done and you thought maybe you were going to finish this case easily but that all changed when you excused yourself from the table at the diner to go to the bathroom. You were almost done when you saw Melanie behind you with an evil grin on her face.
“Melanie, I didn’t expect to see you out here.” You said, frowning when you saw her look. You were probably 4 or 5 towns over and you dind’t think she would be here.
“Yeah, well, you don’t expect a lot of things.” Before you could do anything, Melanie wacked you over the head with something hard and you slumped to the floor, passed out. Melanie smirked and quickly switched out the clothes, taking yours phone and anything you owned on you, putting you into one of the stalls.
She walked back out and smiled at Sam and Dean. She knew she had a two and she knew she would run into you at that bar. She’s been watching you and the brothers for a few weeks and she’s learned a thing or two about the unknown.
“Ready to go?” Sam asked, paying the bill this time.
“Yeah.” Melanie said, sounding more like you. She walked out with the brothers but stopped Dean with a kiss, pulling him into her.
“Seriously, guys, we have bones to burn.” Sam said, getting in the car. Melanie kissed Dean for a few more seconds before pulling away.
“What was that for?” He asked.
“You are just so yummy.” Melanie said, getting in the backseat. Dean chuckled and nodded, getting behind the wheel. You were still passed out cold when they left the diner.
“Ma’am, we’re closing.” You groaned, your head moving to the side as you opened your eyes. You groaned and waited for them to focus, looking at an older man who bit his lip.
“What?” You asked, sitting up from the ground.
“We’re closing right now.” The man said, helping you up.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You said, remembering what happened hours earlier. You smiled politely at the man and left the restroom, leaving the diner. It was night fall already but you were seething. Who does this bitch think she is, trying to take your place.
Why was she asking you all sorts of questions about your life when she barely talked about hers? She was trying to take your place and you had a feeling that meeting her wasn’t coincidental.
You looked around the parking lot and saw only a few cars there, probably from the workers and you signed, going over to one of the nicer ones and tugging on the handle. Thank the Lord it was unlocked. You got on your knees, hot wiring it and taking off as soon as you could, putting the diner in the past.
You drove to the motel room and got out, rushing to the room, glad they were still there. You saw the Impala in the lot so you knew they were still here. You knocked on the door and when the door opened, you were staring at yourself.
“Melanie! What a surprise, come on in.” Melanie said, sounding more like you than the whiny voice she had earlier. You glared at her and walked in to see Dean on the bed without a shirt and Sam on the other, reading a book.
“Hey Melanie.” Sam said, looking at his book again.
“I’m not Melanie, she is. She knocked me out at the diner and took my clothes and everything.” You said, pissed off to the max. Sam and Dean sat up, on alert now. No one messes with the people Dean loves.
“Whoa, okay, start from the beginning.” Dean said, pulling on a shirt.
“She’s lying. Why would I hurt my own sister? “Melanie said, standing next to you.
“Dean, come on, I’m your girlfriend.” You said, looking at Dean’s eyes. You and Melanie were identical, it was very hard to tell you apart. Dean looked at Sam with confused eyes and Sam walked over to the two of you.
“Okay, this is hard.” He muttered.
“Seriously, Sam, you can’t even tell me a part from her? I thought you were smarter than that.” You sassed him.
“That is definitely her, she always sasses you.” Dean said, standing up as well.
“Are you two shitting me? We spent the whole night together, talking about everything. Don’t you think she would have picked up on something by now?” Melanie said, playing you very well. Damn, you dind’t know you were this easy.
“Alright, question time then.” Dean said.
“Did you not hear what I just said? We spent the whole night together.” Melanie said with a roll of her eyes.
“I know how to solve this. I bet everyone in here would just love to know how you sang and danced to...”
“Okay, this is her. We don’t need to go into details.” Dean said, going to your side.
“No, I know the song you danced to. I am your girlfriend and have been for the past 3 years.” Melanie said, crossing her arms. You smirked and knew she would never be able to guess this.
“Alright, what is it?” You asked her.
“His favorite song, Ramble On by Led Zeppelin.” Melanie said. You looked at Dean and raised your eyebrows, knowing that it was the wrong answer. Dean smirked and slung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in close.
“Not even close, sweetheart.” Her eyes widened, knowing she was caught and she tried to make a run for it but Sam beat her to the door, shaking his head. You got out Dean’s phone from his pocket and called the police.
You learned that she actually killed her adopted family for “keeping her and her sister apart” and then tried to find you, stalking you for weeks at a time. They took her away and you sighed, glad it was all over.
“What was the song you danced to?” Sam asked when things were normal again.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to.” Dean said, grabbing your waist.
“Oh no,” You said, pushing him away. “No, I am mad at the both of you. Am I really that replaceable? Am I really not that unique that someone else can just take my place and you two would never notice? No, you’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“Way to go, man.” Sam said with a chuckle, slapping Dean’s back.
“But, baby,” Dean tried saying.
“Don’t think I’m done with you either Sam. Oh no, your punishment is just starting.” You glared at the brothers, grabbing your bag and headed into the bathroom, locking it. You needed to rewind from the long ass day you had. You smirked when you heard the brothers fighting.
The likely scenario that would happen is they would punish themselves without knowing it and you could just sit back and watch it happen.
Forever tags:
@not-an-angel-boy @maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876  @innernightwerewolf @wishedworld
Dean tags:
@akshi8278 @winchesterandpie @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spn-applepie-imagines @tahbehonest
Other tags:
@jensen-jarpad @notnaturalanahi @27bmm
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thedeathdeelers · 2 years
a hike and a surprise
juke; julie POV // humour, fluff; pre-relationship // 2k // ao3
She’s not sure why she agreed to this.
No, scratch that — she knows exactly why: Flynn and her seven sodas.
Julie stops in her tracks, bending over with hands on knees as she attempts to catch her breath while the sun continues to mercilessly beat down on her. She can feel the sweat pooling at the back of her neck as small droplets slip past, tracking their way down her jaw and across her cheek to hang precariously at the tip of her nose. Her hair isn’t helping, sticking to every part of her exposed skin, while her clothes are clinging to every part of her non-exposed skin.
Julie was ready to scream. If only she wasn’t so out of breath.
continue reading on ao3
Her best friend had barged in on one of their late practice sessions last week, yelling about band bonding and team management and something about social expansion. Julie only heard about half of what Flynn was saying during her 7-soda fuelled rant, and from the looks on the boys’ faces, so did they.
When she was done talking, she had stared every single band member down until each one was agreeing to something they did not understand. They had gone back to practice after that, and Julie had completely forgotten about Flynn’s mysterious plans.
That is until Flynn showed up bright and early on Saturday morning, dressed in shorts, a tank top — and a pair of hiking boots.
All Julie could do was stare blankly at her friend, her mind struggling to function so early on a weekend. The sun was barely up.
It mostly just went downhill from there — Flynn handing Julie her own hiking outfit, then marching her out into her car to pick up the rest of the equally confused and groggy band (except for Reggie - Reggie was somehow all smiles, ready with his very own leather hiking vest).
Julie shakes her head at thought of Reggie, who was still enthusiastically leading their little hiking group, and then immediately regrets the motion when her sweaty palms slip past her knees. She loses her grip and nearly tumbles forward onto the hot rocky ground, only managing to save her ass by bolting back into a standing position (and staggering back a step or two. She’s fine. This is fine).
(Except for the sweltering heat. And the early hour. And the unwarranted exercise).
She huffs out a loud breath, making sure it’s loud enough for Flynn, who’s only a few steps ahead, to hear. When that doesn’t work, doesn’t make Flynn turn around or even acknowledge Julie, she starts whining (there’s only so much you can expect from a girl who hates hiking on a Saturday morning).
“Flyyyyyynn,” she laments, voice carrying over to her soon-to-be ex-best friend. “Can we just head back down to the car? We’ve hiked enough.” Julie waves her hand around the general area they’re in, and then switches tactics when she feels a blissful breeze fan her face at her hand’s movement.
Duh. Why didn’t she think about fanning herself with her own hand?
Oh that’s right — Flynn woke her up at the crack of dawn for this hell and her brain has been playing catch up ever since.
She’s cranky when she doesn’t get enough sleep, sue her.
Julie’s too busy closing her eyes and trying to enjoy the few precious puffs of air to notice that her hiking companions have all stopped to stare at her (some with more judgemental looks than others).
“Because we’re nearly at the top,” comes Flynn’s reply.
Julie’s eyes snap open at her friend’s words, then immediately narrow.
“That’s what you said an hour ago.”
Flynn only stares at her for a second, hand sliding up to rest on her hip.
“Jules that was like 10 minutes ago.”
Julie drops her head back in abject horror, eyes closed against the blinding sun.
“Ten minutes?!”
This was her own personal version of hell. It had to be. Even time wasn’t moving at the pace it should be.
“Come on we can take a few minutes’ break, right?” She hears Luke’s footsteps approaching as he walks up to her, bumping her shoulder with his. “We’ll smash this out and then treat you to some ice cream. How ‘bout it Boss?”
Julie weakly swats at the boy standing next to her, the same one who was complaining about their walk earlier but now seemed to suddenly have way too much energy, but can’t help but sigh at his words, a smile already tugging at her lips at the mention of good old ice cold refreshing ice cream.
She doesn’t have to say anything, he already knows.
“Nice, so it’s a deal.” He bumps her shoulder one more time, his sweaty skin pressing against and sticking to hers for a second, making her pull away with a grimace.
She hears him chuckle as he walks away while another voice drifts closer.
“You’re a literal child, I hope you know.”
Julie would roll her eyes if they were open. She does it anyway.
“This is what you get for waking me up and dragging me to the desert at the crack of dawn.”
This time it’s Flynn who’s rolling her eyes, and Julie knows this because she can practically hear it.
“You’re so dramatic.”
Julie just grunts at her best friend, dropping her face back down before she burns her cheeks to a crisp. She keeps her eyes closed for a moment, giving them time to readjust from the change in light intensity while listening in on the boys ahead of them.
“Luke what are you- that’s not- stop wasting your water!”
“I’m not wasting it, I’m using it, Alex.”
“I’m not handing you mine if you get thirsty later.”
Julie eases her eyes open, curious to see what the commotion is all about — and freezes.
“Huh, your boyfriend might be A Lot, but I gotta admit Jules, he’s hot.”
Julie’s too distracted to correct Flynn, her usually exasperated “he’s not my boyfriend” line stuck somewhere in her overheated and short-circuiting brain.
And this time it’s decidedly not due to the sun, but the boy standing a few feet away from them.
Luke has apparently decided that the best way to beat the heat is to pour water all over himself, rivulets starting from the top of his head, slowly making their way past his face and down his front. With his eyes closed, he tilts his head back, giving the water better access to his neck.
Julie watches on in horror and fascination, her eyes quickly latching onto a glistening water droplet as she follows it on its journey down.
It starts by dripping onto his skin from the tips of his hair, before it slowly makes its way across his sharp stubbled jawline and down his neck, resting on the edge of his collarbone. It seems to linger there for a moment, then continues on its journey, trickling down past his sternum and dipping between the tops of his defined pecs before vanishing, getting absorbed by the fabric of his already soaking white Rush tee. Julie swallows as she takes in the sudden see-through quality of his t-shirt, struggling to avert her eyes as her cheeks find a way to burn even hotter.
She doesn’t know what’s worse — the fact that she can’t seem to look away, or that his now soaked see-through shirt is clinging to every inch of his broad chest, revealing a set of abs she already knew he had.
And yet somehow everything seemed magnified by the running water. Or maybe it was the heat.
Was she experiencing heatstroke?
Julie’s about to look away, cover her eyes, slap herself across the face, anything, when Luke decides to unknowingly torture her some more as he reaches down with his hands, fingers tugging at the seams of his t-shirt before lifting.
She watches with widening eyes as the fabric somehow travels up his stomach in slow motion to reveal his navel, closely followed by his waist, torso, neck, and leaving behind nothing but…skin.
Full on exposed wet shiny skin.
Julie audibly gulps at the sight.
Yeah forget what she said earlier — this was definitely worse. Or was it better?
No, Julie! This is Luke! Snap! Out! Of! It!
….but she doesn’t.
She’s not sure how long she stands there, openly staring and unable to look away, but the next thing she knows a towel hits her square in the face, obscuring her view and leaving her spluttering indignantly in surprise.
It takes her a moment to recover, her brain needing time to reset, but as soon as it does, she’s mortified — at herself, at being caught, at the thought that someone must have seen her straight up ogling Luke.
Oh no.
Did Luke see her?
Julie doesn’t know who threw the towel at her, and honestly..she thinks she might be too chicken to check.
But unfortunately she’s not sure a lead singer of a band could have a successful career performing with a towel over her head (also she might eventually suffocate. Less than ideal).
Taking a slow deep breath, Julie reluctantly drags the towel with both hands down her face, her eyes immediately seeking Luke to make sure he hadn’t noticed…well, anything. She lets out a tiny sigh of relief when it looks like he might have been too busy ringing his now soaked t-shirt to pay any attention to her. Quickly reverting her eyes, Julie turns her head to find Flynn still standing next to her, arms crossed as she watches her with a very loud smirk on her face.
Julie can already hear her “we’re just friends, I see him like a brother, my ass” speech.
She lifts the towel back up to cover her face, closing her eyes and willing herself to forget this mortifying moment.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“I know what you’re thinking. Don’t.” She was never going to let this go.
“Hey, I get it.” Flynn leans closer, hovering right by her ear. “You’re in love with the guy and he’s hot.” Julie feels her pull away before she has the time to snatch the towel off her head again.
“I am not-“
“Yeah yeah, you’ve been saying.” Flynn throws her a look before shaking her head. “You’re just not ready to admit it, it’s fine.” She waves her off, then points at the boys. “I’m just going to round up the guys so we can continue.”
Flynn steps forward, then turns towards Julie.
“You’ve still got some drool by the way,” she says, slowly walking backwards. “Right here.” She points to the corner of her lip, sending another one of her Looks followed by a wink, before turning around and walking away.
Julie quickly starts scrubbing at her chin, and then her cheeks for good measure.
“You’re welcome for the towel by the way!” she shouts over her shoulder. That finally gets Luke’s attention, whose gaze flicks over to Flynn then immediately jumps lock eyes with a still flustered Julie. Her hands still, towel hovering by her cheek before she slowly lowers the material away from her face.
“You okay?” he mouths, brows drawn in concern.
Julie nods furiously, feeling her cheeks getting impossibly warmer as she hurries forward, past a still shirtless and slightly wet Luke, past a smirking Flynn and past Alex and Reggie’s knowing grins.
Well shit.
Julie doesn’t slow down, breezing through the last stretch of the hike as she leads their group for the first time that morning.
And if Luke asks her if she’s okay later, she’ll just blame it on the sun and her general exhaustion.
And if he suggests to carry her on his back on their way down then…
She’s only human.
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sunjaesol · 4 years
Tumblr media
canon juke fluff based on “till forever falls apart” by ashe and finneas
Raucous laughter disappeared in a snap as the door slammed behind her. Her feet stumbled from the sudden change, finding her balance again and then hopping towards the garden gate. She left a glitter trail in her wake.
Julie turned seventeen today. She knew it’d be special the second she woke up, Carlos blaring ‘Dancing Queen’ like a little shit before her alarm clock went off. It was the most brotherly way he could congratulate her and she loved him for it. (Not after she chased him though - who the hell did that?!)
Flynn came by during breakfast, phasing through Alex without realising as she placed a glittery crown atop Julie’s curls. It was plastic and clunky and the number 17 was pink and glowed in the dark. Luke sat on the kitchen island teasing her for it, Reggie helping Ray make pancakes and yelling he wanted one too. It was barely seven am and her day was the best.
At school, she was showered with birthday wishes and her Instagram flooded with messages of people that confirmed they’d come to her party.  
Despite everything, her traitorous thoughts always ended up in the same spot. Luke. He teased her at breakfast, but he didn’t hug her like Alex and Reggie. He didn’t poof beside her as she walked down the driveway to quickly impart a joke or a secret or a lyric, something for her to mull about on the trek to school with Flynn. There was nothing.
On the one hand, it could just be pre-performance jitters. Luke took every gig a hundred percent seriously and got pretty intense if a lot of people were going to be watching. If he didn’t set the stage on fire in one song, he’d feel like he failed. So yeah, Julie allowed herself to think that was the case for his absentmindedness.
If only she didn’t know him so well. She knew it was something else entirely. She knew it had to do with her age; the fact that she aged. It was hard to not let it temper her birthday excitement, but all she wished for (just like when she blew out her candles for her sixteenth birthday) was for them to hide in her daydreams and be together without qualms. That he was hers.
Luke and her have made plenty of mistakes over the two years that they’ve known each other. Falling in love wasn’t one. She couldn’t believe that - even if he’d given her mixed signals since their fated gig at The Orpheum.
The party was a hit. Dad bought a big peanut butter chocolate cake and they played their best set ever, the studio decorated in an explosion of flowers and butterflies and streamers. Julie was in a glittery purple dress, the crown to match, each lyric coming from her lips laced with glee and pink lemonade. That perpetual thrill coursing through her as she danced with Reggie and hyped up Alex and - her favourite part of all - shared the mic with Luke. His aloof behaviour from before was gone then, coming towards her in that greedy way that made her heart stutter out of place.
Julie wondered if anyone ever believed he was a hologram prior to the band ‘moving to America’. How could they, when he’s always looked so alive and real and warm and with his eyes so intently on hers that it felt like he bore through her, straight to her soul.
Pushing through the sensation, she shot him a teasing grin and returned to the piano.
After the set, Flynn put her DJ skills to good use and put on a killer playlist. Julie danced until her feet ached, sang along until her throat hurt, ate cake until she was full. She was happy and seventeen. As the hours went by, more and more classmates trickled away, ending with her family hoarding the kitchen island as they ate the remnants of cake. All except one.
It hurt. Julie knew Luke was brooder - but on her birthday? Because he couldn’t handle it? Tomorrow, she'd be on her way to surpass them. First Reggie, then Alex and then Luke. Was it selfish of her for wanting to spend time with him? For wanting to dance with him? If just once? If Alex and Reggie could, why couldn’t he?
Without a second thought (or third, fourth, fifth - it was always and forever tethered to Luke), she stumbled out the front door towards the garden gate. Glitter stuck to the pavement.
The light was on in the studio, their safe haven surrounded by fallen decorations as if a storm had passed. Her bare foot kicked a balloon, a smile tugging on her lips as the purple thing drifted and bounced against the trees.
She slid the doors open. There he was.  
His back was turned towards her, head bent over the grand piano as he fervently wrote in his trusty songbook. More songs were theirs than just his in there, she knew, and it left her warm.
He perked up, head turning, a gentle smile on his lips. “Hey birthday girl. You look like shit.”
She laughed, coming closer, and watched as more glitter fell to the floor. She must look like a sweaty, exhausted disco ball. Despite this, a sense of calmness washed over her. Luke was here and he was smiling at her and everything made sense again.
“Thanks,” she jabbed. “You look even worse.”
Tensing his muscles, as if she hadn’t seen them before, he smirked. “Please. The sweat makes my arms look better.”
The smile stuck to her cheeks, stupidly enamoured by his silliness, and remembered a time when she didn’t allow herself to feel like this. But that was before the late night sessions in the studio, before he became corporeal, before he placed tender kisses on her forehead before important gigs, as if infusing her with the power to kill it, before he hung out in her room and before he allowed her to know more about 90s-Luke. (There wasn’t much difference. According to his stories, he was just as endearing then.)
Before one frustrated kiss between them, months ago, nearly blew everything up. If the band and their connection wasn’t so tight, she didn’t know what would’ve happened. They never spoke about it. Perhaps the knowledge that it happened, the idea that it could happen again, realising that her daydreams weren’t one-sided - it left her yearning. Who would blame her? She was seventeen.  
The kiss had been a mistake, but that ‘stupidly enamoured’ feeling? It was only a natural reaction. She didn’t want anyone else.
Crossing the final distance, Julie tightly wrapped her arms around him. Luke held her close, face burrowed in her neck and letting his waning body spray and her flowery perfume melt together.
“You haven’t given me a hug today,” she whispered.
He nodded. “I know.”
She bit back a sigh. This couldn’t be a mistake too. “Why?”
“Cause you’re seventeen,” he muttered. “I can’t pretend you’re-”
His palms curled around her, pulling back slightly to look her in the eye. The green, bright yet troubled, flitted across her face. Dejected, it dropped to the ground, as if the sight of her brought him wonder and ache at once. Could she tell him it was mutual? Could she-
“Able to be mine.”
It was uttered so quietly, she almost didn’t catch it. It was as if the world went off its axis, both precariously close to falling off the edge and Julie debating whether that would be a bad thing or not. If it really was that insane if it meant she got to be right here, in his arms.
The feeling coiled in her stomach, pushed itself up her ribcage, straight through her heart and slid past her throat. The words danced on her lips, lively and colourful and devoted.
And then she said it. “I love you.”
His eyes slowly locked with hers, a glint of uncertainty found beneath. The lack of surprise on his part would make her laugh had she not been so terrified to lose him completely, all at once. His fingers pressed into her skin, like she’d be the one backtracking her words and running out. Like he wasn’t the one with the ability to vanish from her grasp.
Luke exhaled and dropped his forehead against hers, gaze unwavering. Her instincts told her to shut her eyes, look away, maybe even bridge the gap, but they were so close to finally becoming something. Whatever that might be.  
“Why aren’t you scared?”, he breathed. 
Her nervous hands found solace on his cheeks. “I am scared. And it’s despite that. All I wanted today, Luke, was have you be with me.” And then her eyes clenched tight anyway, overwhelmed by the moment. “I’m scared and- and despite everything… I love you.”
Her vulnerability hanging by a thread, she watched as he processed her words. She had no clue if she said or did the right thing, though her hands were frozen in place. Her heart rate picked up when he mirrored her, calloused fingers slipping from her shoulders to her face.
Luke swallowed, hard. “I’m sorry that- that I’ve been distant. But I’m scared and not for the reasons you think. I’m scared cause-” His chuckle was like a candle awakening in a dark cave. “-cause I don’t wanna spend a minute loving anyone else.”
The previous terror washed away, a brilliant smile blooming on her lips at his confession. Her head tilted, allowing her nose to brush his and sigh when he didn’t pull back.
“I was scared cause I thought you didn’t want that,” he finished.
Her voice drowned in reverence. “I do want that. I want you. Until…” Shaking her head, she let out the truth. “Until the universe takes you back.”
The boy laughed, relief sagging his shoulders and pulling so impossibly close, so tightly it should’ve hurt - had euphoria not been bursting in her chest at the simple action. His watery eyes held all she ever wanted to see. Him. Honestly, truly, him.
“I-”, he stuttered, his own anxious smile stopping him. Her thumbs pressed into the lines, urging him to keep going. It softened, in that earnest way only he knew of. “I think I fell back on this earth to be with you, Julie. I think- I know I’m yours.” That incredulous laugh erupted from his chest again, so full, as if it’d been waiting. “I’m so glad I get to hold you.”    
There was so much she wanted to say - that she was his, has always been his, that it was insane because they were so young, but what the hell was time anyway? Julie wanted to be with him, forever, until forever disintegrated like smoke between her fingers.
Now, she cradled his cheeks and he was warm. And he told her he loved her, in ways she never expected him to.
Instead of speaking, Julie kissed him. Her lips were sticky from soda and his still held the taste of lovesick words and lyrics, but it was perfect. Their mouths puckered from smiling, that damned kiss from months ago replaced by this one. It felt as if all her wishes, her restless midnight questions, all were granted by one simple touch. By his arms wrapping around her and hers gripping onto his jaw and hair. So tight, so close, as if the tides of Fate would pull the other away right this second.
But nothing happened that second. And the one after that. And again, again, again. They kissed and the universe allowed them to.
Julie didn’t think there was a more beautiful way to fall in love.
With a quiet thrill leading up her spine, she told him. “I think this year might be fun,” the girl grinned against his lips. “The first year of forever of giving my heart to you.”
His tender gaze rested on hers, relaxed hands caressing her back. Love was a good look on him. “Are you gonna say stuff like that now? To fuck with me?”
She giggled, glee bursting at the seams. “You started!”
“Yeah.” Luke trailed off, a dopey smile glittering his eyes. Just as he leaned in for another kiss, he stilled. “Oh! I was writing some stuff for a song!” Nodding at the discarded notebook on the piano, he asked: “Wanna work on it?”
Just like that, they were back to being Luke and Julie. Singers, musicians, writing partners, best friends, each other’s forever.
Propping the glittery crown on his head, she matched his fond expression and went to sit on the piano bench. “Yeah, show me.”
Julie would look back on that moment and smile. Two seventeen year olds, defying Fate and the Universe and everything in between, mocking the stars that yes, Luke and her did belong together. There was strength in knowing their forever was predetermined, that they knew it wouldn’t be eternal, but that that was okay. Every second mattered then. Every laugh became fuller, a kiss more passionate, a smile brighter. They spent a lifetime, counted in quick adolescent years, sharing their hearts.
For a while, Luke was hers. And forevermore would they be together - in the whispers of songs, in memories, in lingering cologne on clothing.
It was the sweetest, most adventurous romance of all.  
But that wasn’t important now. Luke sat next to her, held his notebook out, and together they did what they knew best. When the clock struck midnight, all he did was kiss her again.
“You know,” he muttered, lips brushing her ear. “The things we said? Might make for a killer song.”  
Julie’s nose scrunched up in delight, thumbing to a fresh page and clicking her pen. Nuzzling into his neck and interlacing their free hands, she swore she felt it. Their tether. It was real - just as real as him loving her and her loving him. It was there. She took a deep breath.  
“Let’s do it.”
@blush-and-books​ @bluefirewrites​ @unsaid-emily​ @willexx​ @ourstarscollided​ @constantly-singing​ @ruzek-halstead​
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