#Jack and sarah
Me, on a new date: Hey, have you ever thought about the fact that there are plenty of planets where "the Doctor" doesn't refer to the Time Lord carrying around the sonic screwdriver, but rather to the young women who swing through their lives and ask their names and demand answers and sacrifice themselves, to the young men who start off unsure and second-fiddle but bring a kindness, a loyalty, with them and end up finding their own voices and their own purpose? Do you ever think about the role that myth plays in Doctor Who, how so many companion exits and finales take on the role of storytelling, about how companions become gods and immortals and walk the entire dystopian earth and wait two thousand years and be the cause of every Cyberman's single tear and wrench the Doctor back into the universe and carry the story off of screen with them, that they birth myths in their wake, that Doctor Who finales so often leave science-fiction behind them and become mythology itself, when these humans insert themselves into the mythology of the Doctor only to usurp him, that they make themselves the Bad Wolf and Orpheus and the Woman Who Walked the Earth and the Doctor Donna and the Last Centurion and the Girl Who Saw the Stars and most of all, they become the Doctor themself, that the Doctor's story goes nowhere if Rose doesn't save him on Satellite Five or Amy doesn't pull him back into existence or Martha doesn't walk the entire hell-earth to restore him or Clara doesn't make him forget her or Jack doesn't sacrifice himself to stop the Daleks or Bill doesn't carry him away from the Cybermen or Donna doesn't stop him from drowning himself with the Racnoss or Yaz doesn't pilot the TARDIS or River Song sacrifices herself at the library or Sarah Jane and Mickey don't help restore the earth back to its place in the sky and that the Doctor is only a myth with so many stories to their name because their companions make it so-
My date, sliding the breadsticks out of their purse back onto the table, hopelessly intrigued: Go on...
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doctor-donnaa · 7 months
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victoryshowers · 6 months
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the 10th doctor + relationships
olivia laing / w.s. merwin / richard siken / red valley / ann packer / unknown / anna haifisch
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dmitryanya · 7 months
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been using these kids as warmups lately !!
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cascodedtech · 6 months
People who say The Avengers: Infinity Wars/End Game was the most epic crossover ever attempted has clearly never watched Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth/Journey's End.
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winter-seance · 8 months
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Doctor Who | 4.12 The Stolen Earth
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providence-park · 10 months
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"Now then, you lot. Sarah, hold that down. Mickey, you hold that. Because you know why this Tardis always is always rattling about the place? Rose, that there. It's designed to have six pilots, and I have to do it single handed. Martha, keep that level. But not any more. Jack, there you go. Steady that. Now we can fly this thing. No, Jackie. No, no. Not you. Don't touch anything. Just stand back. Like it's meant to be flown. We've got the Torchwood Rift looped around the Tardis by Mister Smith, and we're going to fly Planet Earth back home." "Right then. Off we go."
DOCTOR WHO (2005 - )
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greencatalystcomet · 4 months
there is something in my stupid primal nostalgia brain that so desperately wants doctor who characters from different eras to meet eachother. i want amy to meet the third doctor. i want bill to meet susan. i want captain jack to meet adric or the second doctor. i want martha to meet the fifteenth doctor. and GOD the way i would go feral if ruby met rose. i may simply combust
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mistikfir · 2 months
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Tempo (2003)
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its-tenrose · 10 months
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doctor who + tumblr textposts pt 2
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tkwrites · 3 months
Understanding (or the one in which Jack Hughes is forced to get over himself) - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah Roberts (ofc) 
Summary: Still upset about finding out about Sarah from Brady, Jack has some hesitations when he and Luke come to town for the Finals. Can he get over himself enough to see what Quinn and Sarah have is real?
Warnings: Angst, sibling fighting, light body shaming
Word Count: 5,600
Comments: I’ve been working on this fic for almost three months and tossing around ideas for it since December. On Thursday, something clicked into place, and the story just fell together. I really like the way it turned out, and I hope you like it too! 
If you enjoyed this, please let me know by commenting, reblogging, or sending in an ask. Your encouragement and comments truly inspire me to keep writing. 
I love Quinn and Sarah, and I’m constantly blown away that so many of you love them, too.
 Understanding (or the one in which Jack Hughes is forced to get over himself)
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
Sarah was sitting in the living room, trying not to freak out. Their night before had been one to remember, and her hips were still sore and achy from it in the most satisfying way. 
But even remembering Quinn giving her so many orgasms she lost count — murmuring how proud he was of her with each and every one of them — couldn’t take away from the fact that his brothers were about to arrive. 
Sarah and her siblings were close, but Quinn and his brothers were closer. They were all in the same phase of life - all playing professional hockey, all unmarried, and all figuring things out. Even Luke, who she knew, had been dating his girlfriend Kylee for two and a half years wasn’t in a place to get married, especially not while Kylee was still in school. 
It was so different from her own siblings, who were both in the young family stage of life while she was still figuring out no-longer-single life and dating-a-professional-athlete life. 
She loved her siblings, but they had less in common than they used to.
It felt like a huge test to be accepted by his family — his best friends. She wasn’t totally sure what she’d do if they didn’t like her. 
When she’d brought that up to Quinn after they’d finally collapsed into bed, he had pulled her close, kissed her forehead, and assured her, “they’re going to love you. I love you, so they’re going to love you.” 
She hadn’t pointed out how flawed his logic was. 
Quinn appeared at her side, holding a shot of rum, “here, I think you might need this.” 
“I thought you said I don’t have anything to be worried about!”
“I don’t think you do.”
Her eyebrows shot up, “but you think I should take a shot?” 
He gulped nervously, “Jack can just be kind of a lot. I’m not sure he’s totally over the whole, I didn’t tell him first thing.” 
Her eyes went wide, and while Quinn had the best of intentions, he realized what a stupid move this was. Instead of calming her down, he was making her more anxious. He tried to backtrack, “you don’t have to. It was a stupid idea,” he said before starting back to the bar — intent on dumping the alcohol down the drain.
“No, come back.” 
He turned, and she reached for the small glass, “it will take the edge off.”
Taking a deep breath, she tossed the liquor into her mouth. As soon as she’d swallowed, she pulled a face, “ugh, I hate shots. Remind me to never do that again.” 
Laughing, he lifted the glass out of her hands and leaned down to kiss her. They stayed that way for a while, each of them remembering slices of the night before. 
His phone trilled. He would have picked them all up from the airport, but Jack had insisted on renting a car for them to use while they were here, so there was no need.
The dinner they’d ordered was on it’s way, and everything was going to be fine. 
Having finished her finals the day before, Sarah had spent most of the day relaxing and sleeping in Quinn’s bed. He’d left for practice, then crawled back in bed with her when he got home, happy to fall asleep again, holding her close.
As a result, he looked refreshed and clear headed. 
“You ready?” he asked when the elevator dinged. 
She nodded, standing and wrapping her arms around his torso. 
She was wearing the same jeans she’d worn when she met the team and a cream colored top, partially unbuttoned, so he could see just a hint of her cleavage.
“It’s going to be fine,” he assured. 
The very fact that he kept saying it made Sarah wonder if he was trying to convince himself into believing it. 
She should have worn the green dress. When she’d been packing to stay at Quinn’s overnight, she’d convinced herself the boyfriend jeans were lucky enough now, and she didn’t need to pull out the big guns. Plus, she didn’t want Quinn to think she only had one outfit she wore when she was nervous. Now, that didn’t seem like it mattered much, and she wished she had the comforting assurance of it with her. 
When Quinn opened the door and his brothers came tumbling into the apartment, Sarah immediately understood what her own brother had missed out on by only having two sisters. 
They were so distinctly…male. There was a lot of congratulatory hair mussing and punching going on in celebration of Quinn making the finals.
Ellen was dutifully waiting for them to be done so she could hug her eldest. 
To Sarah’s surprise, Jim was the first one to greet her, offering a hug she gladly accepted. 
When they broke apart, Quinn moved to introduce everyone, “Sarah,” he said, and everyone’s eyes snapped to him, “these are my brothers Jack and Luke. Guys, this is Sarah.” 
Luke gave her a shy smile and offered her a hand to shake. Jack didn’t move other than to give her a curt nod. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said, pulling a smile onto her face she hoped masked her disappointment at his clipped response. 
Ellen rolled her eyes and crossed the room to give her a hug. 
The front desk buzzed up to let them know their food was delivered, and Sarah offered to go collect it just to get away from the tense meeting. 
When they sat down to eat, Sarah was able to engage Luke in conversation, and they started talking about his girlfriend Kylee, who would be coming out once she had finished her finals. Once the ice was broken, Luke was easy to talk to, and they swapped stories about work and growing up.
More than once in their conversation, Sarah caught Ellen shooting disappointed looks at her middle son, who couldn’t seem to stop staring at her, but didn’t say a word.
The conversation lulled, and Jack spoke for the first time, “so, Sarah, what are you going to do when you’re done with school?” His tone was almost accusatory, like he expected her to say she would be moving to Dubai and leaving Quinn behind.
“I’m not really sure yet. I like working at the aquarium, so I wouldn’t mind staying there. But if I could get a job in conservation, that would be ideal. I feel more passionate about it.” 
“What would you do in conservation?” he asked. It sounded a little like they were rehearsed questions on Jacks part, as if he were trying to appease someone by making conversation but didn’t actually care much about the subject. 
“Well, there’s a lot that crosses over in terms of what can be done in the wild to make our oceans more habitable to everything that lives in them. And if we need to do any rescue and rehab, I can help care for most of those animals.” 
“So you’re like a vet?” 
“No, I can’t administer any medical treatment, but I can assist. I thought about going into veterinary medicine, but it would have meant seven more years of school, and there’s a lot of aspects of being a vet that terrify me.” 
“Like what?” he asked with an arched eyebrow, as if her admitting she had weaknesses was completely unexpected. 
Sarah flicked a glance at Quinn, who was looking at his brother with narrowed eyes, as if trying to figure out what he was getting at. 
“Well, I’m not great with blood, for one. Plus, the smell of hospitals tends to give me panic attacks.” 
Somehow, this admission made Jack relax. She was human, after all. When they met June, she was all smiles and rainbows and didn’t admit to having faults of any kind. Quinn talked about how genuine Sarah was, but Jack wanted to see it for himself. 
Quinns eyes darted to her, and she gave him a small smile. 
“What is it about hospitals?” Jim asked. 
She took a deep breath and reached for Quinn’s hand under the table. Their fingers entwined, and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. 
“My mom died of cancer, so she spent a good portion of the last six months of her life in a hospital, and every time I came home, I would have to see her there. The smell always transports me straight back.” 
Quinn didn’t hesitate to put his arm around her, and she leaned into his shoulder, blinking a few times. 
Jack looked between them and felt something twist in his gut. This was so much more serious than he wanted to believe. He’d seen the signs from Quinn — the dreamy look he often got when he talked about her, and how it seemed like they were together all the time, or the way he talked about the future, like he couldn’t envision one without her in it. 
The two sides of his mind warred. On one hand, he was glad Quinn found her, but on the other, he was still pissed he was the last one to know. He and Quinn were supposed to be best friends as well as brothers. He’d never keep something like that from Quinn, and it hurt every time he remembered Brady asking, “so what do you think of Sarah?”
Then, there was the whole issue of Sarah herself. Not that she was bad looking. She was pretty. But June was gorgeous, and Jack couldn’t help but think that Sarah was a bit of a step down. 
The meal ended on less tense terms than it started on, and Quinn took Sarah home. 
“Was it okay?” he asked. 
She knotted her fingers together in her lap, “I don’t know. Was it? You know Jack better than I do.” 
One of his hands dragged over his face before he reached for hers. 
Gratefully, she took it, glad for the reassurance of his touch. 
He felt off kilter. The end was such a stark contrast to the beginning that he had a hard time reconciling that morning as part of the same day. 
“Can you come up for a minute?” she asked when he pulled in front of her building. 
He glanced over with raised eyebrows only to find nervousness clearly written on her face. “Yeah, of course,” he said and flipped around to find a spot to park. 
They got up to her apartment, which she knew would be empty - Eunice had gone home to stay with her parents for a week, and Jane was working. As soon as the door shut behind them, she wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder. 
“What’s up?” Quinn asked, his hands heavy and comforting on the small of her back. 
“I just —” Sarah could feel the tears she’d pushed off for the drive home forcing their way up to the surface. 
She sniffed, and Quinn pulled back, “what’s wrong?” 
Sarah wiped her cheeks. “What if —” She didn’t want to say it out loud, but she needed to. Talking about it would make it better. She knew that, but it was still scary as hell to voice the anxiety that was eating away at her peace of mind. Not only was the summer going to fucking suck, “I think Jack hates me.” 
Something behind his sternum fractured, “Jack doesn’t hate you.”
Looking up to meet his eyes, she asked, “really? Because it doesn’t seem like he likes me very much.”
“I think he just needs time to adjust to the situation. He’s still mad at me that I didn’t tell them first.”
“I don’t understand that either. My sister was the second person I told.” Technically, she’d been the 4th with her roommates, but no need to split hairs. Rachel was the second person she’d told on purpose.
He pulled a calming breath into his chest. “I think Brady mentioned June to you?” She nodded, and he continued, “June was…” how did he even find the right words? “We dated for a long time. Way longer than we should have. We weren’t good together. I mean, you know all that weird shit she had about sex, and she would break up with me every few months, then come back after a few days, begging to get back together.” 
“That sounds exhausting.”
“It wasn’t great,” he admitted ruefully. “Anyway, my family never really came out and said they didn’t like her. They only said it after I called it off for good. I remember Jack told me, ‘Thank god, I never liked that bitch.’” 
Sarah wrinkled her nose, and Quinn laughed, “yeah. Brady was the only one who told it to me straight from the beginning. He was pretty frank with me; his family doesn’t really beat around the bush about anything. He encouraged me to break it off for good. Anyway, when we met,” he gestured between them, “I was kind of hesitant to tell anyone. Not because I thought you were like June. You’re not. In any way. But I didn’t… I didn’t really trust my own judgment, you know?” 
She didn’t, but she nodded anyway. That was something they could unpack later.
“I wanted Brady to meet you first since he and Emma had been so honest.” 
This, she knew from conversations with Ellen and Brady himself, but it was nice to hear it from Quinn. 
“Before I had a chance to tell him, Brady asked Jack what he thought of you while they were playing in Ottawa, and he called me, pretty pissed. I think he’s still caught on that.” 
Pursing her lips, she wasn’t totally sure what the protocol for this was. “Is there anything I can do to fix it? I don’t want —” she broke off, feeling she couldn’t say it. She didn’t want Jack to come between them. She didn’t want to have to forge a new relationship when Quinn’s brother and best friend didn’t like her, and she didn’t want to put Quinn in a position where he would have to choose.
That fracturing feeling was back. 
“That’s not going to happen,” Quinn said, picking up on what he thought the subtext of the conversation was as he ran his hands up and down her arms. “I think he just needs time. Jack doesn’t really hate anyone. It’s not in his nature.” 
“Was he like this with Kylee?” 
“No, but Luke and Kylee were friends in high school and college, so we knew her before they started dating.” 
She thunked her forehead onto his shoulder and took a deep breath. 
One of his hands ran over her hair, “I’m sorry. I know this put you in a really weird position.” 
She felt his words in his chest at the same time she heard them and swallowed the feeling whole. 
“I just don’t want to lose you,” she said, nuzzling into his shirt
“You’re not going to lose me,” he said. Definitive. Simple. Straight to the point. 
She knew she sounded whiney, but she needed to say it, “but what happens if he never likes me? I don’t want you to feel like you have to choose.” 
“Jack’ll come around. He’s never been able to hold grudges for very long.”
Looking up at him, then, hope filled her face, and he kissed her, hoping it reassured her. He was sure Jack would come around as soon as he could get his head out of his ass.  
“I’m sorry, but I need to get back,” he said as gently as he could. Not only was there a game tomorrow, he knew his brothers would want to talk. 
Swallowing down the loneliness of being in the apartment by herself for the night, she nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
‘Tomorrow,” he repeated before pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too. One more?”
He couldn't resist.
One turned into six or seven, and he pulled away feeling light. “Jack’ll come around,” he assured again before kissing her once more and turning to go. 
“I mean, she’s pretty and all,” Jack was saying as they stood in the living room. Their parents had gone to bed, so it was best to have this conversation on the floor below. “But don’t you think she’s a little big?”
Luke stared at Jack while Quinn glared at him. “What?” 
“Don’t get me wrong, she has a pretty face, but her thighs are kind of huge.” 
Luke spoke before Quinn could follow through with punching his brother in the face. “Is this because you actually think that, or because you’re mad Quinn didn’t trust you enough to tell you first?” 
“Trust us,” Jack corrected through a jaw clenched so tight, it answered Lukes question for him. 
“Fine. Whatever,” Luke said. He’d come to terms with it. He had been too scared to tell Quinn what he thought of June. After thinking it over, it did make sense for him to go to the only person in his life who made their concerns clear and keep Sarah from everyone else. They got attached to June, or at least to the idea of her. Luke had never really liked her. But he liked the idea of Quinn having a girlfriend. Of him having someone here in Van while the rest of them were all out east. 
Now that he had met Sarah in person, not just talked on the phone with her - which Jack had made feel more like a job interview than a welcoming, get to know you chat - he understood just how bad of a match June had been for Quinn.
Gone were the tense morning phone calls after a blowout fight. Gone were the sick-in-love nights where Quinn was hanging up early before really talking to either of them so he could spend time with June while the getting was good. Gone were the confused, “I don’t know what she wants from me,” talks that happened way too often for Luke's liking. 
Not only was Sarah more stable, Luke felt like Quinn was more stable with her. 
“I’m saying it because it’s true,” Jack said, clinging to his pride. “You’re an athlete, Q. Do you really think she can keep up with the lifestyle?” 
“It’s not like she needs to go to the gym with me every day,” Quinn shot back. 
“The girls you’ve dated before have been…” 
“Listen, Jack. Yes, Sarah might be a little bigger than the girls I’ve dated before, but she’s more than all of them.” 
“I’ll say she’s more,” Jack snided. 
Luke stepped in, “don’t be such a dick.” 
“It’s true.”
“She’s better,” Quinn corrected, and his voice went hard. “She’s better than any of those girls. More driven and more supportive and more understanding and loving than anyone I’ve ever dated.” 
That stopped Jack in his tracks. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, unsure of what to say. 
This. This was the thing he was most scared of. 
Somewhere in the back of his mind, Jack knew Quinn or Luke would eventually get married, and their unit would be changed forever. They wouldn’t be The Hughes Boys anymore. Not like they had been. They would be different. Sarah was coming in and stealing his brother from him. 
“And just for the record,” Quinn said, getting in Jack’s face with a fierceness Luke rarely saw directed at either of them when talking about something so serious, “I don’t think Sarah’s fat, and I don’t think you do either. You never called Madeline fat, and she’s bigger than Sarah.” 
Madeline was a plus-size model Jack had quietly dated and broken up with the year before. 
Luke wondered, not for the first time, how much of their breakup was caused by Jack’s need to be perceived a certain way. Madeline was stunningly beautiful, but there were comments swirling all the time about how much bigger she was than him, and how could he possibly want to date someone so large, despite the fact that she was incredibly successful and was one of the most gorgeous women he’d ever seen. Not to mention that she kept to a diet that would put all of them to shame. 
Caught, Jack snapped his mouth shut and glared. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, okay?” Quinn practically begged. “I should have, and I didn’t, but that doesn’t mean you need to take it out on her.” 
Luke was struck at how much his oldest brother was trying to protect his girlfriend. Jack could say what he wanted about him, but when it came to Sarah, he was trying to put blame back where it belonged. 
Quinn sunk into the club chair closest to him, raking his hands into his hair. 
“Can you just TRY to get to know her?” he asked. “I think you’ll really like her if you get to know her.” 
Jack huffed a breath through his nose and nodded once. Once again, he was struck with a sudden sense of vertigo, like everything around him was shifting and changing, pulled just off kilter. 
He wasn’t blind, as much as he wanted to be. He knew Quinn, and the very fact he was directing the blame back on himself again and again told Jack all he needed to know about how he felt about Sarah. Even though he didn’t know her very well and resented the swift way she’d blown into Quinns life, Jack could see she would be around for a long time. 
A few days later, as they sat around the table to eat breakfast, Ellen met Quinn's eyes, a warm smile lighting her face. “She's good. I really like her.”
Quinn knew his mom liked Sarah from when she first met his parents several weeks before.
Still, hearing her say this after seeing her interact with the rest of the family meant more. Some of the lingering anxiety he felt blew away. Jack still didn't love her, but he was softening up. Quinn wasn't sure anyone would ever live up to Jack's ideal standard. Luke loved everyone and liked to talk to her about the ocean. Plus, it seemed like she’d get along great with Kylee. 
His dad nodded in agreement, “don't fuck it up.”
That spoke louder to Quinn than anything else he could have said. “I don't plan to.”
“Make sure you don't. She's good for you. Good for the family, too.”
“Too good for him,” Luke added quietly. 
“That goes without saying. Most women will be for all of you.”
Jack scoffed. 
“Is she coming to Hawaii?” his mom asked. 
“What?” Jack exclaimed. “She can't come to Hawaii! That's our trip.”
Ellen looked at her middle son patiently, waiting for his instinctive reaction to calm down so he could think clearly. 
“I asked her,” Quinn said, “but -”
Jack broke in, his hot head getting the best of him,“you talked about this without me?”  
“Relax Jack,” Luke said. 
“But she told me no,” Quinn finished. 
“She told you no? She told me all sorts of things we should do from when she lived there. I was really hoping she could show us around,” Ellen admitted.
“I know,” Quinn said. “She said she didn't want to tread on family time.”
“She's going to be a part of this family, isn't she?” Ellen asked. 
Jack glared at her, “mom, it hasn't even been six months.”
“Five months can tell you a lot, Jack. Can't you see how much your brother loves her? And how much she loves him?” 
Jack had to admit she was right. Quinn was more settled - no, that wasn't it. He had always been settled. He was more…at ease. A better, less worried version of himself. It was like Sarah had come in and soothed all this anxiety and all these fears that had been bubbling beneath Quinn’s skin. Only when they were gone did Jack notice. 
And Sarah was…sweet. She was considerate and kind and tried her best to engage him in conversation. 
“Sar told me she would only come if everyone said it was okay, especially you, Jack.” 
Jack looked at his brother, totally taken aback. Something in him shifted. “Really?” 
Quinn nodded. “She doesn't want to tread on our time. She knows we don't get much time together anyway.”
Jack had been feeling like she'd just come barging into their family, taking his brother away from him. He'd heard Quinn talk about her, but seeing it in real life - seeing how much time they spent together, how they had their own little language, and always seemed to be touching each other - he wasn't ready to lose his brother like that. 
But this shifted things a bit. It was one thing to visit the lake house or even tag along to a big family vacation, but the trip to Hawaii was more than that. It was going to be just them. Even Kylee wasn't coming. He was pretty sure it was because she had a family reunion of her own she couldn't skip out on, but the sentiment still counted. 
“I'll think about it,” Jack agreed begrudgingly. 
The morning after the Canucks were eliminated, Sarah wandered down to the kitchen wearing one of Quinn’s Michigan shirts and a pair of his boxers, still slightly twisted slightly from sleep. 
“Oh,” she greeted hesitantly upon seeing him at the bar, “morning, Jack.”
Watching her and Quinn interact last night had cracked something in him. Not only that Sarah was here to stay, but it awoke a kind of longing to have someone totally accept him. 
It was made even worse when he wandered up to the gaming room, figuring he could at least watch some TV if he couldn’t get any sleep, and heard noise from Quinn’s bedroom that let him know they were going at it. He didn’t ever want to think about his brother having sex, but the fact that Quinn had so many different levels of comfort available - all seemingly tailored to meet his exact needs - after a hard day woke a deep longing for that kind of intimacy in Jack. He hadn’t allowed himself to want it, at least since he and Madeline broke up.
He gave up on the gaming room and slept on the uncomfortable living room sofa. Now his shoulder was sore, and his hips hurt, and he hadn’t gotten nearly enough sleep. 
“Morning,” he mumbled, hating that she felt like she needed to tip toe around him. He knew it was his own fault, but now he was in so deep that he wasn’t sure how to get out of it. The conversation about Hawaii, realizing she was thinking about their family as well as her relationship with Quinn along with what happened the night before, had him feeling ready to make peace with her. Except that would just be him admitting he was wrong, which seemed so much easier than it felt. 
She put a pod in the coffee maker, more at home in Quinns house than he was. That was a new feeling. Jack had searched for the coffee pods that morning, and when he couldn’t find one, settled for milk. Now, he wondered why Quinn kept them in the drawer beneath the coffee maker when it would have made more sense to keep them in the cupboard above. 
“How did you sleep?” she asked, leaning her butt on the counter while the machine gurgled. 
He shrugged, “Luke snored all night.” 
Wrinkling her nose, she said, “I’m sorry.”
“We haven’t had to share a room when he’s not exhausted from hockey in a long time.” 
She nodded, pulling creamer out of the fridge. 
He watched her walk back to her mug, noting the way her thighs trembled with each step. He loved that about Madeline. The softness of her. She was stunning, but not hard. Before he’d met her, he didn’t know those things could coexist. 
“How did you sleep?” 
“Good,” she said, “Quinn was so exhausted, I don’t think he turned over once.” 
“Isn’t he the worst?” Jack said with a loud, laughing groan. “Flailing all over the bed.”
Sarah snorted when he nearly fell backward off the stool in his demonstration of flailing limbs. “Has he always done that?” 
“Since we were kids. He must be a nightmare to share a bed with.” 
“Thankfully, I don’t think I’ve experienced any flailing. He must be a little less writhe-y now, but if we’re not cuddling, he does usually toss and turn all night.” 
“Good,” he said, and then immediately felt stupid. What was she supposed to say to that now? 
“Where are your parents?” she asked instead, bringing the mug to her lips to blow on the hot liquid. 
“They went to get breakfast or something,” he said with a vague gesture over his shoulder. “They invited me, but I went back to sleep.” 
“Have you eaten? I was about to cook some eggs.” 
“Is Quinn up?” he asked. 
“He was still conked out when I got up. I figured I’d let him sleep. No use in waking him when he’s finally getting some solid rest.” 
There it was again - that pinch of jealousy. She knew him in ways Jack didn’t, like her knowledge that cuddling kept Quinn still at night, and she obviously liked to care for him. 
It’s not like he didn’t want her in his brothers life. She obviously made Quinn happy, and all Jack really wanted was for him to be happy. 
It was a weird, night and day difference between Quinn now and Quinn at the beginning of the season. When they’d left Michigan in September, it wasn’t like Quinn had been depressed - he’d been excited to get back to hockey - but he’d spent so much of the off season wondering if he and June were actually a good match that when he left, it felt like he was leaving without having anything truly resolved. When they’d finally broken up in November, a huge sigh of relief  had swept through Quinn’s whole life. 
Looking back now, Jack should have known something was up when Quinn started calling them, relaxed and cheerful, quick with a smile and a joke in a way he hadn’t been since he and June had broken up. Now, he was happy and content, and Jack could practically see the love he had for Sarah glowing on his skin. 
After spending time with her, he understood how Quinn had fallen so hard, so fast. She was kind but willing to put in the work, genuine and honest, but funny and snarky.
Might as well just get it over with. 
“Listen, Sarah,” he began, looking down at his glass of milk, “I’m sorry.”
She continued to look at him over her mug. It struck him that she waited for him to finish without jumping in or jumping to conclusions. 
“You’re really good for Quinn,” he admitted.
Something in her heart fluttered.
“And I’m sorry I’ve been kind of a dick. With June it was pretty obvious they weren’t going to last so I never put much stock in her, but I…” he chewed briefly on this thumbnail, thinking, “but I can see how you guys are good together.” 
A smile reached her eyes. 
He blew out a deep breath. “It’s just…Quinn’s my brother, you know?” Shaking his head, he raked a hand into his hair, “I’m sorry, I'm not making any sense.”
“It’s okay, Jack,” she said, her voice calm. He wondered if she ever raised it. “I’ve been through this, too, when my sister started dating someone seriously. It’s weird and hard when someone new comes into your family.”
“I don’t ever want you to feel like I’m taking Quinn away from you or something.” 
“You couldn’t,” he said, then realized how stupid that sounded. “I mean, I know you wouldn’t. I can see that now.” 
Smiling in a way he realized was totally genuine, she set her mug on the counter. “Thank you, Jack. That means a lot coming from you.”  
It was like she knew all he needed was time. There were no hard feelings, no grudges or fits. No glares from across the room. She just waited and gave him time, and wasn’t mad at how much he needed. 
And now that he’d admitted it, she let it lie, changing the subject as soon as it’d been put to rest. “So, do you want some eggs?” she asked, turning back to the fridge. 
It was a refreshing turn of events. 
“Sure,” he stood from the bar stool, “how can I help?” 
By the time Quinn wandered down the stairs, clumsy with sleep and rubbing his eyes, they had omelets going. 
Looking nervously between Jack and Sarah, side by side in the kitchen, he briefly wondered if he was still dreaming. One night, and it seemed all of Jack’s hesitations had been put to bed. 
“Morning,” he yawned.
Sarah glanced over her shoulder, smiling bright, “hey, how’d you sleep?” 
“Good,” he said through another yawn as he walked up to them. He slipped an arm around Sarah’s waist and rested the other on Jacks shoulder, “you two made up?” 
“I don’t think we were fighting, really,” Sarah said, “but we came to an understanding.”
Jack smiled gratefully, and Quinn leaned in to kiss her cheek. 
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist 
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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onmebackmush · 2 months
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some silly newsies tweets
part 2 part 3
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badxwolf · 11 months
“[Donna, Martha, Rose, Jack, Sarah Jane and Mickey] were all created to show off Doctor Who’s central premise: the world and the universe is wonderful, ordinary people can do great things, and the human race survives.”
- Russell T Davies, The Writers Tale
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dragonflydrivein · 1 month
David is simply just so angry when he realizes he’s fallen for Jack.
Not angry about the fact that he’s fallen for Jack.
Angry that Les and Sarah both knew he had fallen for Jack before he did.
125 notes · View notes
kai-in-the-korner · 15 days
throwback to when my 4th grade music class was watching newsies and jack swore and my teacher ran across the room to slam her computer shut 🤞🏼
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too-funky · 6 months
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Tenth Doctor | Journey's End
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