heywoodvirgin · 8 months
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thatfanficgurl · 1 year
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Night City, it's where legends are made. And Jackie Welles is gunning to become the next one. Though currently he finds himself in a bind alongside his friend, V. Admist the chaos, Jackie and V find themselves deeper in the shit as they enter a scav apartment looking for Sandra Doorset.
Jackie hears whimpers coming from behind a barricaded wall leading to a hidden room. There he finds a face he never thought he'd see again. Cera Welles. Cera and Jackie married 10 years prior while he was in the Valentinos. In an attempt to save Jackie from the backlash of their foolish choices, she disappeared. Has she come back only for Jackie to lose her again?
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minisulfat · 6 months
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Jaquito <3
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roarmoreau · 2 years
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Jaquito 🥀
Jackie Welles 1/?
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antivan-dragon · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday
Jackie can't handle the idea his beloved sister works for a corporation, even if she's just a hostess in the Biotechnica Hotel. They haven’t spoken since she took the job, but it will be even worse when he'll find out Ana sends money to their mother.
"Yo cuido a mamá, ¿entiendes? She doesn't need dirty corpos money." "It's just money, Jaquito. Ella también es mi mamá. I'm free to help her how I want."
⚠ Do not re-upload/use my content on Tumblr or other sites
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vox-monstera · 2 years
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Cyber Hanami 2023 - Day 1
Vox has some things to get off her chest.
cw: angst, mentions of death
It takes longer than usual for the coffee to brew this morning.
Maybe it’s Lupe’s inquisitive gaze, or perhaps the fact that V’s awake earlier than she should be, but the percolation against the silence of the Welles house is stifling. Light is just now breaking through the curtained windows, barely illuminating the darkened kitchen, but it’s just enough for Lupe to read the expression on V’s face.
“What’s the matter, corazón?”
“I’m fine,” V responds, avoiding Lupe’s eyes. She turns away from her, busying herself with the dishes, which Lupe’s let pile up more than she would’ve found acceptable before.
Three weeks and four days. That’s how long V was on the brink vacillating between life and death, absent to the world. It’s how long Lupe worried, night and day, wondering if V was flatlined under an overpass– or worse.
V wishes she had died then, on the beer-soaked carpet of the No Tell. It would’ve been better than dealing with the guilt, with the memory of Jackie’s pale green eyes losing that lively spark of theirs. She can still smell the blood on his brand-new suit jacket, feel his large, rough hand slowly lose its grip on hers. Her wet fingers come up to her forehead, finding the indent of the scar Dexter’s bullet left– the bullet she now carries tight against her chest.
A soft hand lands on her shoulder, and then Lupe’s voice, patient and low, pleads, “Vox, háblame.”
The room suddenly feels like it’s closing in on her. V sucks in a sharp breath, asphyxiated by her own thoughts, the aching in her lungs almost overwhelming. She clenches the edge of the sink, staring into the drain as the water trickles down along with any bravery she may have had left.
“Why’re you bein’ like this with me?”
The knot in her throat is unraveling, her tongue moving of its own accord and letting spill every emotion she’s felt in the last month.
“I let him die, Lupe,” V manages through gritted teeth, vision blurry as she tries to no avail to keep the tears from falling. “I watched as he went and I… I couldn’t do a fuckin’ thing about it. He deserved better; a better partner, a better friend. Someone who would’ve made sure he was here right now. And now you’re askin’ me over for coffee, bein’ so fuckin’ kind when you should be livid. You should hate me.”
Sobs are threatening to choke her on her own words, loud, ugly cries of helplessness. She feels Lupe wrap her arms around her shaking shoulders, press her warm cheek against V’s back as she reassures, “Ay, mi niña, I could never hate you. You are my own.”
Lupe pulls away and turns V to face her, gentle hands wiping the tears trailing down her to her jaw. She’s smiling despite it all, her wrinkled green eyes vibrant like Jackie’s, and for the first time since he died V feels a calmness come over her.
“From the day Jaquito brought you into this home, you’ve been a Welles. And nothing can change that, Vox.”
V’s lower lip quivers, and though she wants to protest she knows there’s nothing she can say that would make her take those words back. She brings her hand up to envelop Lupe’s, eyes glossy as she whispers, “I’m so sorry…”
“Lo sé, corazón, lo sé.”
Lupe pats V’s cheek tenderly before turning back to the stove, the coffee already past its boiling point. She portions it out into two small, intricately-decorated cups– tazas de viejita, as Jackie liked to call them. V smiles, taking one from Lupe’s hands, the burnt coffee’s bitter scent somehow comforting, familiar. The Welles house feels like home again.
“Y ya, deja eso de ‘Lupe’. Soy tu mamá, por el amor De Dios.”
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Find The Word / Manuscript Search Tag
Thank you @morganlefaye79 for tagging me;)
Words to search: refuse, deep, kiss and beach. I chose the words from three (existing so far) fics “Tower” (long one), “Silenzio” and “A Valentine Mystery” (short ones).
A look of disbelief crossed Takemura's face.
"The biochip seems to be designed for communication with constructs. Are you saying that someone's engram is stored on the chip? Are you talking to him right now?"
“Yep, tellin' you to “fuck off”.
"Johnny, can't you quite just a minute?!" V replied to Johnny telepathically.
"No, I refuse to understand why the fuck are we wastin' our time on this scumbag!"
"He might be of use to us."
"Of what use is the Wanted #1? He'll help us to only catch the bullet.”
V's hand reached for the blockers in fear.
“You're mad at what Arasaka did to you… to Alt. But this is my body.” She poked her chest. “I didn't give you the keys to it ... And I won’t.”
Taking a deep breath, Johnny ran his fingers through his tousled hair.
“Fuck... Just take your pills already.”
A Valentine Mystery
"Long story short." Jackie sat down next to Misty, driving Johnny back to the biochip. "This morning I couldn’t find my garage keys, so I went to take a spare from mamá’s bookcase. Well, when I got them, I dropped the book mamá's readin'. When I bent down to pick it up, I found a postcard sticking out.
"What kind of postcard?" V asked.
"Guess. For Valentine's Day."
Deep in V's mind, Johnny burst out laughing.
Oh yeah, the crime of the century! Ha-ha-ha! Help! Some pendejos want my mother...
Guadalupe Welles pushed Goro away and ran to her son. While whispering in Spanish, she started kissing him. Goro had no need to know the language to understand that the mother thanked God.
“How long did it take you to learn by heart?” V let out a soft laugh.
“Longer than buying this warehouse,” Johnny chuckled.
With ringing laughter, V kissed Johnny's lips. It was as if a lost expectation of a miracle had resurfaced from the past. Whatever the Spirit of Christmas was or was not, for V it was Johnny Silverhand from now on.
Unfortunately, there’s nothing to choose. Looks like my characters don’t like going to the beach haha.
Tagging: @bnbc @neonbutchery
Words to search: bird, hair, neon, kick
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blinkaholik1 · 5 months
Grand Prize
JAQUITO, 20, tall, strong man with facial hair, and BONES, 22, also with facial hair, medium stature, and sarcastic are driving in a suburban neighborhood.
JAQUITO Hey man, you ready?
BONES looks over to JAQUITO.
BONES Are you?
Action shots as they pull up to a house. BONES and JAQUITO exit the car and put on ski masks.
BONES Ok remember the plan. We go in, find this guy and get out.
BONES holds up a badly printed image of a 22 year old man with glasses and short hair.
JAQUITO Uhm, is that picture supposed to be shitty?
BONES My printer was almost out of in ok?
JAQUITO Fucking amatuer
BONES Whatever, I’ll come in through the front door and you try around back.
JAQUITO Aw man, why do I always have to go around back? I always step in dog shit or trip over kids shit. I hate it.
BONES I have the lockpick and I’m the best at it. I’m not gonna let you set off the alarm and fuck up this entire plan. So go fuck yourself and go around back!
JAQUITO mutters under his breath, mocking BONES. He opens the side gate and closes it behind him. He turns around to find a dog staring right at him.
JAQUITO Good doggie, stay there.
JAQUITO grabs a bat and swings at the dog.
BONES is picking the lock. He hears the dog get hit with the bat.
BONES Fucking amateur
BONES unlocks the lock and creeps inside.
BONES checks the front rooms military style and calls for JAQUITO. JAQUITO opens the back door and joins with BONES.
BONES Ok search upstairs. I’ll look over here.
Bones walks down the hallway into the rooms checking for people.
Jaquito goes upstairs to the only room. He opens the door quietly and tightens his grip on his bat. He tiptoes in and slowly drops to the ground to look under the bed.
The closet door opens violently and YAZZER comes flying out with a knife.
Yazzer runs toward Jaquito with knife in hand. Jaquito rolls to the side missing the knife. Jaquito jumps on top of him and grabs his arms.
The two wrestle on the ground for a minute. Grunting as the knife is pointed at Jaquito then Yazzer then back at Jaquito. Yazzer pulls off Jaquito’s ski mask.
YAZZER Ha! I’ve seen your face, I’ll remember you!
JAQUITO Bones! Get the fuck up here!
Bones hears the struggle from downstairs and races up the stairs. He pulls Yazzer off of Jaquito and puts him in a chokehold. Bones pins Yazzer’s arms behind his back.
YAZZER Who the fuck are you guys?
BONES Shut up! You know what you did, you had this coming.
YAZZER I have no idea what you’re talking­­
Jaquito sends a right hook to Yazzer’s face knocking him out.
Jaquito and Bones are loading Yazzer into the trunk of Bone’s car. Yazzer comes to as they put him in.
BONES Keep all body parts inside the car at all times. Thank you very much and enjoy the ride.
Bones slams the trunk shut and walks into the car.
Bones starts the car and takes off his ski mask. He Looks through the back windows at Jaquito.
BONES Hey what are you doing? Let’s blow this pop stand already.
Jaquito looks up with a grim expression on his face. He slowly walks to the car door and gets in.
BONES Nice work out there.
Another simple job And no one got hurt..
JAQUITO He came at me with a knife!
BONES Ya but I got him didn’t I? Let’s just go collect from Mr. Chazar,that’ll cheer you up.
Jaquito looks out the window playing with his hands and looks around nervously.
BONES What is it now? Step in dog shit again?
JAQUITO No man, that guy said he’d remember my face
BONES (BLOWS RASPBERRY) Whatever man, he’s not going to be around long enough to remember anything.
YAZZER Please don’t kill me. I didn’t do anything wrong I swear!
Jaquito and Bones both turn around and look at the backseat. They look back at each other and let out a laugh.
BONES What are you talking about?
YAZZER Ok alright, I might have jerked off a couple of times in his..
JAQUITO Woah man we don’t wanna know that gross shit you do.
BONES Ya and besides, we don’t care What the hell you did, we just deliver Whoever has a price on their head And you my friend, are a goldmine.
YAZZER If money is what you want, I’ll give you everything I Have just let me go.
JAQUITO Don’t worry, I already took your Wallet when you “fell asleep”.
Jaquito and Bones laugh at each other and crank up the radio.
Jaquito and Bones exit the car and goes to the trunk. Bones beats his fist on the trunk twice.
BONES Don’t go running off now, Ya hear?
Bones chuckles and joins Jaquito at the door. They knock on the door and MR. CHAZAR, Late 20s, Intelligent, Wealthy and Blunt answers the door.
MR. CHAZAR Hello again, Bones.
The two firmly grab hands staring each other in the face.
MR. CHAZAR I see you brought your Monkey along again.
JAQUITO Ya, good to see you to, Dick.
MR. CHAZAR Well what have you got for me This time?
BONES Right this way.
Bones leads Mr. Chazar towards his trunk. Jaquito follows behind looking at the ground.
MR. CHAZAR Is this really the best you Could afford?
BONES What it’s brand new besides, It’s American made not one
Of those Japanese trap boxes.
Bones puts his key into the trunk. He tries to lift it but it is stuck.
BONES Ah! Damn thing is stuck again!
Bones finally lifts the trunk exposing Yazzer. The sunlight blinds him as the captors come into focus.
MR. CHAZAR Oh shit.
BONES What do you mean “oh shit”?
MR. CHAZAR I mean I don’t know who the fuck this Is. This isn’t Darrel Rhineberg!
YAZZER Wait you're after Mr. Rhineberg? That’s the guy who payed me to watch His place.
Bones starts throwing a tantrum, throwing his fists in the air and yelling.
BONES How the fuck did this happen? Who ratted us out? Shit! Fuck!
MR. CHAZAR Did he say where he was going?
YAZZER I think Europe but I don’t remember Man just let me go.
JAQUITO Fuck no man! You’ve seen our faces Were not going to let you run to the cops.
MR. CHAZAR Now gentleman, there are several ways To deal with this predicament. Bring him Inside quickly before the neighbors hear him.
Mr. Chazar goes back towards his house.
BONES Ya sure, don’t help or anything!
Bones and Jaquito lift Yazzer out of the trunk and walk towards the house.
Mr. Chazar, Bones and Jaquito sit around a table drinking beers googling “How to get rid of a body” on the computer.
MR. CHAZAR Ah here’s a good one, We Cut off all of his limbs and Disperse them around the city.
BONES Naw too much driving, gas Ain’t free.
JAQUITO How about we strap a car battery To his nipple and fry him!
MR. CHAZAR And how would that dispose of the Body?
Jaquito looks back and forth for a moment then looks down.
JAQUITO I don’t know but I’d be fun to watch.
BONES How about we just bury him in the Woods, real simple like.
MR. CHAZAR That could work, assuming you don’t Leave any evidence.
JAQUITO We got this and I know just the trail.
Jaquito is carrying Yazzer on his back towards Bones while Bones is digging a hole. Jaquito rests Yazzer on a nearby tree and catches his breath.
YAZZER Can you undo this tape?
JAQUITO (Out of breath) Now why would I go and do that?
YAZZER Because I have to shit so unless you Wanna wipe..
BONES No shitting, you can go All you want when you're dead.
Bones chuckles at his own joke and keeps digging.
JAQUITO Aw let the man shit, we can Call it his final wish.
Bones stops digging and looks at Jaquito.
BONES Fine let him shit, just hold on to Him, we don’t need him getting away now.
Jaquito nods and Bones goes back to digging. Jaquito grabs a rope and ties it around Yazzer’s arm. Jaquito cuts off his constraints and Yazzer squats down and farts violently. Jaquito turns around in disgust.
JAQUITO Holy fuck! What have you been fucking..
Yazzer comes up from behind and wraps the rope around his neck. Yazzer pulls tighter and tighter until Jaquito falls, unmoving.
Bones hears the sound of Jaquito dropping.
BONES Damn that guy really had to go, Hey you alright over there Jaquito? Jaquito?
There’s no response only the sounds of insects and trees rustling. Bones stops digging and gets out of the hole and walks cautiously toward Jaquito. Yazzer throws his rope around Bone’s legs, tripping him.
BONES You son of a bitch!
Bones rushes towards Yazzer hitting him in the chest. Yazzer counters with a hook to the face knocking him to the ground.
BONES Oh you wanna play dirty huh? Bring it on bitch!
Bones gets up and swings at Yazzer. Yazzer blocks it with his fist then knees Bones in the stomach. Bones falls over out of breath and coughs. Yazzer grabs the shovel off the ground and stands over Bones.
BONES Aw C’mon man, we weren’t gonna­­
Yazzer swings the shovel into Bone’s face killing him. Yazzer searches Bone’s pants and pulls out his own wallet with all the cash and credit cards missing. He finds Bone’s keys and gives his body a kick. Yazzer walks over towards Jaquito who is just coming to.
JAQUITO No wait­­
YAZZER Now maybe this time you’ll remember my face.
Yazzer hits Jaquito with the shovel and throws it on the ground. He pauses for a moment before walking down the a trail towards the woods.
After the credits, Jaquito, fatally injured, raises his hand to a flashlight being shown in his direction. Mr. Chazar comes to him and helps him stand up. Mr. Chazar sees Bones laying dead nearby. He starts grunting and clinching his fists and yells "you rat! I'll get you!" into the woods. He grabs Jaquito and walks down the same trail Yazzer went down.
Cuss word Count: Shit­ 12 Fuck­ 12 Bitch/Dick/Damn­ 5 Total: 29 in Approx. 10 mins. 29/10­ 2.9 cuss words per minute.
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operationbootstrap · 1 year
Creating a thousand save files just to see mi jaquito….
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heywoodvirgin · 10 months
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thatfanficgurl · 1 year
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Chapter 5: What if I was Nothing
Silken droplets of guilt poured down from above. She leaned back against the cool metal of Jackie's garage door. What had she done? Why had every choice she made left nothing but crippling decay in its wake? He was with Misty now, not her. She made her choice ten years ago, and this was the consequence. It was hard enough for her to stomach the anguish on his face. Cera's stomach churned and bile rose in her throat. She felt guilty. She felt to blame. She had been to blame for so much, how much more heartache could she cause this man? How much more could she live with? She doubted she could really do either.
Jackie had left her temporarily to speak with a friend of his at el coyote about fixing up V's car. The rain was coming down harder now. Thunder danced seductively along the clouds, hidden somewhere in the night lights. Wrapping her arms around her stomach, she sank to the ground. Fingertips dug into the soft skin of her triceps. Pressurized anger so deep that it caused her to bleed. So lost in her own thoughts and self loathing, she never saw Jackie approach.
Squatting on his knees, Jackie reached out, tilting her face so he could look into her eyes, "This isn't like you, chica. Come inside. Get outta this storm." Jackie slowly rose, Cera followed suit. He bent down momentarily, unlocking the garage door. Large strong hands pushed the garage door open, he turned with a smile to show her part of his world now. Misty was right, as much as he knew he hurt her. He needed to know if the Cera he knew was dead and gone. He had to know that the love was no longer there. But she stood out in the thundering storm. Jackie looked at her, concern and worry painted across his face, furrowing his brow. He reached out, fingertips grazing the knuckles on the back of her hand. "Cera?"
"I-I shouldn't have made a sound. I should have stayed silent." Cera stared down the alley in front of her. Her mind told her to run but she couldn't find it in her heart to go through with it. Not this time. "You should have-"
"Don't." his voice was stern as Jackie stepped back out into the rain. A little water wasn't going to hurt him. His fingertips caressed her cheek, the thumb of right hand carefully touched her lips. How he longed to kiss her... "Don't say it."
"But-" she started to protest when Jackie cupped her face in both of his hands.
"Cera, please. Don't say I should have left you there. In that scav den. I wouldn't have left anyone there. 'specially not you." His eyes scanned her face. He didn't find the cold heartless bitch his anger told him he'd find, there was genuine remorse there. "I jus' wanna know why. Por favor. Ayúdame a entender."
Cera pulled herself from his hands, stepping into the garage. High concrete ceilings decorated with posters of cars, Night City gangsters and scantily clad women. In the opening on the left side sat a motorcycle. A custom ARCH. Cera wasn't surprised. Jackie had been riding bikes since before she walked into his life. On the right side, sat a bench press. No wonder he kept so fit.
Her hands trailed along the edge of the metallic counter. Worn but well read was the weathered spine of a book beside where she stood. Picking it up, she instantly recognized the cover. For whom the bell tolls by Ernest Hemingway. Had she forgotten it? Opening the cover, there was the faintest hint of black ink from a pen weathered from time. "To my dearest Jaquito. With love, Cera." She whispered the words. "You kept this?" She asked, turning to see Jackie standing in the doorway of an additional add on room. Glancing over his shoulder, Cera could see a sofa pulled out into a make shift bed, a hand made sand mandala pushed into the corner of the room. There was a small desk behind a few lockers that had a standard sized computer on top of it.
Jackie leaned against the door casing, his arms crossed tightly against his chest. "Why wouldn't I? I loved you, Cera. That hasn't changed. No importa cuánto rompiste mi corazón". he looked at her through expressive green eyes. Jackie was always an intimidating brute of a man. Even when he was young. But that never stirred Cera away. That woman was fire walking along the edges of a storm. Captivating amber eyes that let you know exactly what was up.
"I never meant to. I never wanted that." Cera said, putting the book back down. Jackie turned and showed her the bed.
"Storms gettin' nastier outstide. The coyote is empty now if you want, I can sneak you in. Let you clean up in the bathroom. Then we can come back here n rest." she didn't have the energy to argue, so Cera nodded in agreement to his proposal. Swiftly, Jackie led her out of the garage, through the back door of the bar and to the bathroom. Upon entering, Cera took a good look at herself in the mirror. She was a wreck. Invisible stitches along her neck barely visible to the naked eye. Quickly, she stripped. washing herself with hand soap and water. She would be lying if she said she hadn't washed herself like a homeless person before. Cera would have been lying if she said she was never homeless. The warm water felt good against her skin. Closing her eyes, she imagined. Imagined his hot breath against her bare skin. Bodies pressed up against the shower wall. Lips locked revealing secrets that only angels could hear, silent whispers writing poetry on their skin. Her skin flushed with heat forcing her eyes back open. She was still so deeply in love with Jackie. Time nor distance had changed that. He was impossible not to love. Hands gripped the edge of the sink as she stared at her naked reflection. He still loved her. He still loved her... After all she had done. After all the hell she had wrought...she doubted she even deserved it.
Still, Cera got redressed, slipping out the back door and back out into the pouring rain. The walk back to the garage was brief, stepping inside she could see Jackie handing her a pair of clothes. "Thought you might wanna change." he handed her one of his black t-shirts and a pair of red and black basketball shorts. Cera took them with an appreciative nod. Turning from him, she shrugged off the black leather duster and hung it off the wall. Without thinking, she undid the belt buckle of her cargo pants and dropped them to the floor. Jackie's jaw however hit the fuckin' floor. Her body was incredible. Well toned legs trailed up to a shapely ass with an hour glass waist joytoy's dreamed of. A picturesque tattoo taking up most of her back. Up on her shoulder blades was a massive stained glass monarch butterfly leading down to a shadow of a black raven on her mid and lower back. Jackie watched her in awe, as she turned slightly and caught him looking. Abruptly, Jackie looked away as Cera giggled.
"You can look, ya know? It's not like you aren't my husband." Deliberately, Cera faced him. Peeling off her brown tank top, leaving her bare breasts for him to stare at before covering them with his t-shirt. The silky material stretched tightly over her chest accentuating the small curve of her breasts and how chilly she actually was.
She stepped into the room, laying down and enveloping herself beneath the heavy blankets. "Can-can I join you?" She heard Jackie ask. Rolling back over to face him, Cera's jaw dropped. Jackie had shut the garage door but stood in the doorway of the adjacent room. His shirt was off and he stood in a pair of black jeans. His trapeze muscle on his shoulders hulked in comparison to any other man she had ever seen. His chest was broad with pectorals so large that if she laid her hands on them, she'd feel small. He had an incredible six pack that only added to his goliath size. Cera blushed before pulling back the blankets, shifting herself farther down the mattress. As Jackie laid beside her, she instinctively rolled over with Jackie following suit. Curling one arm under his head, the other draped around her waist. Cera felt him release a relaxing breath as she closed her eyes. She did not dream though; she only remembered.
Spanish to English Translation:
Por favor. Ayudame a entender - please help me understand
No importa cuanto rompiste mi corazon - No matter how much you broke my heart
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arcandoria · 2 years
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ladies & gentlemen, JACKIE WELLES
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roarmoreau · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
aaah thank you very much. I didn't expect to get this 💕 😅 I apologize in advance for my english, as this is not my native language
It's really hard for me to choose just one. I am a very creative person and I have enough examples of work, but perhaps I will only touch on VP with my kid – Vincent "Welles" 😈
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why Welles?
because V is a street kid. he didn't know his last name or didn't want to know it because of his relationship with his fucking father. so he took the name of the family in which he is really loved. oh yes, he also accidentally had a crush on his best friend – Jackie.. Jaquito 🥀
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*he is very tall and big* 🤭
Konpeki Plaza. Jackie survived. and it is not discussed 🖤
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ladymarinamart · 4 years
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nerdy-waistoid · 4 years
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The genuine fear in Jackie’s face breaks my heart.
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fatcharlie · 4 years
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Jaquito Welles, ladies and gents 4k px  ↓
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