#Jarl Elisif
barvin0k · 4 months
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elisif the cute 💝
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throughtrialbyfire · 9 months
you know what i think elisif the fair deserves better
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Confession: There is not a butch bone in my body but something about Jarl Elisif's whole vibe makes me want to do the whole knight sworn to her service with incredibly sapphic undertones thing for her.
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"The Empress" - Jarl Elisif the fair
Art for The Elder Scrolls Tarot deck
Art by Erika Hollice
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 11 months
Can I be openly sensitive for one second or will someone tackle and kill me?
Elisif the Fair, who cannot catch a break from her court, probably
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hadvarandralof · 16 days
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the lady elisif <3
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What if we were two imperial soldiers who pushed our beds together, haha jk…. Unless…?
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Gonna say it
If you hate Elisif it is within your best interest and your own safety to not interact with me
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mazurga · 6 months
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Jarl Elisif at the bargaining table
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helgiafterdark · 7 days
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barvin0k · 1 month
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um... i dunno 🌷🌷🌷 someone in the blue palace told her to go touch some grass and here's the result (she is in her derealization era 🌺🌺🌺)
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throughtrialbyfire · 2 months
𝐖𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 ♥
hello, i hope everyones having a good wednesday!! my brain, for some unknown reason, believes it to be late fall right now. maybe i'm just craving that chill in the air AHAH
thank you to the fantastic @skyrim-forever and @umbracirrus for tagging me this week!! <33333
tagging the amazing @thequeenofthewinter @oblivions-dawn @orfeoarte @changelingsandothernonsense
@viss-and-pinegar @saltymaplesyrup @archangelsunited @dirty-bosmer @totally-not-deacon !! as always, there's no pressure, but i'd love to see what you're working on. <3333
this is a section from the very rough draft of chapter 39 of Cycle of the Serpent. the trio are becoming intrigued about varnius junius' plea, and have decided to do something about it.
Falk Firebeard, the steward to Jarl Elisif, had been here a great many years. He said so as he talked to the trio, his voice inviting, with the faintest hint of surprise that they were back. At first he must have assumed they were here to petition for the Burning of King Olaf, a sigh heaving down his lungs and his hands rubbing at his face. When Emeros explained the real reason they were here today, he visibly appeared to relax, and made a comment about the man that the Bosmer had mentioned being jumpy at the best of times. "I'll be honest with you, I was planning to let that go," he admitted in a half-hush, apparently unneeded, as the court made it clear the prior day that they did share his opinion. "If it were anything, I'm certain that Sybille's scrying would have picked up on it." The court wizard, seated near the Jarl, gave Wyndrelis a curious look, her eyes practically luminous under her dark hood. He swallowed an uncomfortable lump in his throat. He didn't enjoy the way she scrutinized him, or his friends. Her eyes, a particular shade of citrine which looked to be peering right into him and down to the veins beneath his skin, set the mild panic to rise, sensation a slow crawl up his back of something very off about the woman. "Yes, but what if there's something the scrying hasn't picked up on? I'm no stranger to magic," Wyndrelis managed out, "if there is something going on, wouldn't it be better to investigate?"
The man rubbed his face, hands fidgeting with one another idly. His glances to Elisif, her housecarl, and other figures in the court landed him with approving nods, and Falk again spoke up. "There have been reports of... weird happenings near Wolfskull Cave. Travelers disappearing, odd lights. I suspect wild animals or perhaps bandits." "Travelers disappearing?" Emeros repeated, his eyes wide as the words left him half-breathless. "And you didn't think that this was worth an investigation?" "Again, I thought it might be wild animals and bandits," Falk justified, enunciating the statement. "We all did. They've taken advantage with the war going on, all this uncertainty, no one is truly safe. But I digress, if you really think it's worth looking into, then I will make sure that you three are repaid for your work." A housecarl nearest Falk scoffed into a drink, prompting the court wizard to scowl. "Is there something funny, Erikur?" "No, no, not at all." The man rolled his eyes as he sipped from his goblet, a sort of wine from the smell of it. "I just find it a bit interesting that we're sending three strangers to investigate Haafingar's matters. This should be the work of someone from our own Hold, not these elves who had to get a military pardon when they first arrived here." Phoebe, over at her desk, winced. She looked to Erikur, a sharp, probably dangerous gaze on anyone else that merely served to make her appear like a mouse scolding a wolf. "Besides, our coffers are emptier by the day. What can we even reward three would-be bandit-slayers when they inevitably return without having spilt so much as skeever blood?"
"Erikur," the hulking figure on the other side of the throne snapped, "that's enough." Erikur shrugged, and took another long drink from his goblet. Elisif looked over the trio, her face worn into a dreary resignation. "Then what do you propose? We've already sent a detachment to Dragon Bridge, and Sybille's scrying has shown nothing, yet, I must admit that the idea of leaving this uninvestigated makes me uneasy." Erikur's focus darted around the room. "We should send a handful of our own soldiers. Perhaps discuss it with General Tullius? See if he will offer some help." The room descended into murmurs of agreement, the idea clearly tantalizing to the court. Wyndrelis frowned. He looked to Emeros and Athenath, both equally unsatisfied with this resolution. "I will send word to Captain Aldis, and ask if he's any new recruits he might test by sending them that way. Phoebe, draft a letter to the Captain, and deliver it as soon as possible," Elisif commanded, tension leaving her as she watched the pale-haired girl scratch something down into a new roll of paper. Athenath spluttered, "but what if it's something- I don't know, important?" "Then our soldiers will have it taken care of, instead of recent strangers dirtying their hands." Erikurs cavalier reply left the Altmer again struggling for words, Emeros placing a gentle palm on his shoulder. Wyndrelis shrunk back, his steps taking him to the stairs. A few mutters from the Bosmer, and Athenath was moving to the stairwell, face scrunched in a look of intense frustration with the dismissal. As the trio left the Blue Palace, the sneer never quite fell from Athenath's face, and Wyndrelis swallowed down the urge to ask of it, or to pry into why Erikurs words prodded so harshly into them as to leave their features twisted, until the Altmer ran a hand down their face and features relaxed, like he'd wiped it all away and resigned to the outcome. This wasn't ideal, but when was anything the trio had been through in the past few weeks?
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Confession: Jarl Elisif is so great conceptually and I wish they did more with her, she's inexperienced, she's driven by revenge, she wants her people to be happy, she is aware of Tullius's position and chafes under it, she surrenders if the Stormcloaks take Solitude despite it all, and I will never be over it (voice of somebody thoroughly surprised every time a concept isn't explored as much as it could be with several hundred hours in the Concepts Aren't Explored As Much As They Could Be Game).
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littledragondork · 4 months
Some Civil war cats
my buddy @weirdisme did some posts of the Jarls (plus Elenwen and Tullius) as cats a while ago and it made me want to do my own take on them for funsies :3c
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I wanted to take the elves into a even more fantasy cat-like design, so I gave high elves little wing like ears because I thought it would be cute! And the lion-like mane and tail are just something I thought would help with the silhouette.
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Duh du duh du
du du du du du
Duh du duh du
du du du du du
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 10 months
Haven't said "wowzers" for a long time. Probably due to grief.
Elisif the Fair, probably
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