#Jason Quartermaine
superghfan · 7 months
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Jason Quartermaine.
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calibabii21 · 7 months
Jason's return to General Hospital is sending meeee.
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whumpookies · 9 months
So question how do you think jason will return? Last time he was drugged and in Russia so how do you think he will this time?
I kinda gotta point out here I'm British (most everyone knows that here 🤣) so knowing American shows and their history on "comebacks" can be patchy...
With that said, let's dig in!
Okay, back in 2017 the return of Jason was..complicated we worked out that in 2013 he was shot in the back and pushed off the pier by Cesar fasion here (anyone stop me if I'm wrong in any part!)
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What was worked out was that divers in the water of Pier 55 grabbed Jason to the entrance of the catacombs (2019 Jason found a way out after being falling and trapped and Sam rescued him suffering from hyperthermia and almost drowning here)
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He was then transported to Russia where his memories was swapped to his twin brother (who was kidnapped 6 months prior) drew Cain who thought he was Jason Morgan.
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Only to fight to get back and go through whump hell..😈🤣
So saying that...
I think he'll be found back in 2021/2 in a caved tunnel system that fell on top of him.. with say.. amnesia or something like that...saying that, he could even get his memories of when he was Jason Quartermain before the car crash 🤔
Or he could be working as an international group 🤷‍♀️
Yes, I've thought this over I may have written a drabble or two of what ifs 🙈
Either way there better be a whump or 20! We need another 86 whumps from the guy list here...how he survived this far I've no idea and I love it 🤣🤣
Let's see what they come up with I anticipate big things 🤔
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britannv101 · 6 months
Just something that struck me as odd this week….not sure if it’s the change of writers or just how they’ve been writing Olivia for awhile now. It shocks me how we can go from Olivia shooting daggers at Carly and Michael at Jason’s trail saying crap like, “Hopefully you all will finally see the light” to her showing up at Bobbies simply to vent to Carly about how crappy Nina is. Like….I’m sorry, did we miss an apology moment? Don’t get me wrong, Dante is her son and she has every right to want the person who shot him to get what he deserves but she’s also known Jason and Carly for 10+ years now. She knows Jason would never hurt one of Sonny’s kids and she also know how amazing he has been to Carly and her kids. So for her to judge Carly and Michael for trying to support Jason is WILD when you remember how she was mad at Nina for keeping Sonny away from his family and owning Carly’s half of the Metro Court but at the same time, volunteers to plan their entire wedding!
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naijakdramaqueen · 6 months
I apologize in advance, but I completely disagree with this whole consensus of there being rewrites and the amount of vitriol and unrealistic criticism that has been thrown at the writers, in my opinion. I feel, we are humans and tend to be creatures of habit, so I am already hesitant and a bit eye-rolling at the absolute conviction that these "rewrites" are as severe as is portrayed. I can go back to some old, saved GH threads in the last year, few years, decades; where people claim dissatisfaction with the current regime and promote the fact that these new head writers are going to change GH for the better, fitting the storylines closer to the "mold" of what fans expect GH to be. And then, inevitably; once the new writers are in place, suddenly everything is a rewrite and characters aren't themselves, so now we want the old writers back because at least they knew our characters. Now think about how many cycles since General Hospital has aired where we have gone through this routine. And I am including myself in that 'we'.
My buffer was really just to say that everyone has characters they are preferential to and not preferential to. And so, because of that, we follow their stories more closely than others; which is why I feel I can still have a decent debate on opinions on a character I don't like and still enjoy the chaos of General Hospital, 'the show'. So even though some of these character choices don't makes sense to some, it might make sense to other since they prefer that character. For example, so far, I have been enjoying the Jason returns storyline and even though some things have irked my nerve, everything has pretty much made sense, so far. Yes, it is very very annoying when characters like Sam, Sonny (not surprising), and Liz turn against Jason. Especially if you were previously fans of those couples and somehow think Jason is still owed their loyalty. In my opinion, I feel it's an interesting contradiction and hypocritical perspective that I, as a fan, am trying to be more self-aware of. 
So, in that regard, I definitely interpreted the Josslyn scene way differently than the consensus. In my opinion, Josslyn wasn't saying she didn't know Jason, Dex, or Sonny killed. I felt she was saying she didn't know how far or willing Jason or Dex would go to kill someone specifically based on Sonny's personal vendetta. Like a mob soldier. And she realized that seeing that part of Dex was not appealing to her and apparently turned her off enough to want to break up with him. And she accepts and loves Jason still, because he's family. And loving each other, right or wrong, is their family motto. Now, for Sonny and Sam, I will hold off because I feel like that part of the storyline, and others, are going to be more nuance than some think, and this is kind of the first wave. But if it lasts month of them hating Jason, then I'll be ranting. I'll see how it plays out.  
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myghanimationspage · 1 year
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Feel free to use just give me (Linda) the credit for the animation if you use elsewhere…thanks
PLEASE dont use my animations to make other animations or banners with it. I work hard on my animations  and I dont want people to use them to make other fanarts
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bindi-the-skunk · 2 years
Sometimes when I’m writing my Fanfics for League of extraordinary gentlemen, I think it’s far too strange and out there to be liked at all…
Then I remember how bugfuck INSANE the comic is and I stop thinking it
If I ever write anything resembling lightning penis just SHOOT ME or strap me to a chair and play the leagues movie on LOOP
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toxicthotsyndrome68 · 2 years
A part of me will always love and be sad over certain pairings. Rewatching old clips, because I refuse and cannot keep up with nowadays gh, is sort of sad that some pairings were dropped or were never done the way I envisioned. I love Emily and Zander there was something wholesome there and I think when Emily changed (amber left as the character) the wholesomeness was gone. I also hate how they did Zander I mean they wouldn’t give the man a break. But I loved when Emily had that long lost twin but wasn’t related to Emily at all,Rebecca was her name, she was ended up with a Zander look alike on the plane that made me cry. Another was Georgie and Diego I live for a good girl/bad boy genre. I hated that the text message killer was Diego. I mean yeah it made sense he went after maxie but for a man that for a while liked Georgie couldn’t tell it was her was so stupid. Spinelli finding Georgie in the snow will always make me cry no matter how many times I rewatch it. Spinelli talking to Jason after finding Georgie, top favorite Jason/spinelli interaction ever. Hated how when Jason came back we barely saw spinelli and Jason interact.
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nostalgiablaque85 · 1 year
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arthurpendragonlove · 2 months
lmao. Gio is definitely a Quartermaine. I liked his and Tracy's scenes today as well has Tracy's scenes with Cody yesterday.
But honestly. Between Gio's brief scene with Jason the other day, the ones with Tracy today, the curiosity about the Quartermaines, wondering about Jason and why he looked familiar a few weeks back, I REALLY think that he's Drew's kid and that Drew will try to use him to look good when his whole thing with Willow comes out. I mean, this smart, musically talented kid? Drew will totally see him as a pawn for his shitty political career.
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superghfan · 2 years
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A.J. and Jason Quartermaine.
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whumpookies · 9 months
General hospital Jason Morgan's whump list...
Suffered permanent brain damage following a drunk driving car accident caused by his brother, A.J. [Dec 28, 1995]
Hospitalized after being beaten up by men working for Sonny Corinthos [Aug 23, 1996]
Fell when the ground caved in beneath him while trying to rescue Sonny and Brenda; pulled back up [Mar 3, 1997] **giffed**
Shot in the abdomen by The Tin Man [Jul 11, 1997] **giffed** here
Shot in the side by Moreno's men when their mob meeting went wrong [Dec 1, 1999] **giffed**
Attacked with a knife by Lucky Spencer, who was brainwashed by Helena Cassadine [Mar 20, 2001Held at gunpoint by a cemetery 
Cut his hand after breaking a glass window at Kelly's to unlock the door [Aug 13, 2002]
Jumped overboard Luis Alcazar's yacht and was subsequently shot at by his men; suffered a laceration to his forehead as a result [Sep 5, 2002]
Renrered unconscious after being hit over the head by Coleman Ratcliffe [Oct 23, 2002]
Hit over the head with a candle stick and tied to a stair banister by Jax [Dec 23, 2002]
Injured in a car accident with Courtney Matthews while headed to tell Sonny about them [Feb 5, 2003]
Had emergency surgery for injuries sustained in the car crash [Feb 7, 2003] **giffed**
Knocked unconscious [Apr 15, 2003]
Knocked unconscious [Aug 14, 2003]
Engulfed in a backdraft that separated him from Courtney and Brian Beck during the PC Hotel Fire [Feb 11, 2004]
Shoved down stairs by Andy [Feb 13, 2004]
Left handcuffed to a pipe to burn to death during the PC Hotel Fire by Andy [Feb 13, 2004]
Caught in an explosion during the PC Hotel Fire after Nikolas accidentally broke a gas pipe saving him [Feb 16, 2004]
Caught in an explosion that occurred in the courtroom during Sonny and Carly’s custody hearing due to a bomb being planted in Sonny’s car; not injured [Mar 15, 2004]
Knocked unconscious by Courtney [Apr 12, 2004]
Shot in the side by FBI agent Reese Marshall [Feb 2005] **giffed**
Injured his arm after falling from a balcony at the Quartermaine Mansion [Apr 2005] **giffed**
Crashed his motorcycle [Aug 2005]
Almost poisoned to death by Asher Thomas [Aug 2005]
Began suffering from a potentially fatal brain aneurysm which was causing him severe headaches and seizures after taking an experimental drug [Aug-Dec 2005; Jason was revealed to be suffering from a brain aneurysm on Sep 6, 2005; he survived]
Suffered from amnesia as a result of the brain aneurysm [Aug 24-Nov 28, 2005]
Shot in the leg by Manny Ruiz [Oct 13, 2005] **giffed** here
Injured in a train wreck [Nov 2005]
His heart stopped [Nov 2005
Began suffering extreme seizures as a side effect of the drug and required surgery [Dec 2005]
Shot in the shoulder by Manny Ruiz while attempting to rescue Sam McCall [Jul 4, 2006]
Shot in the knee by police [Nov 2006]
Hit over the head with a tequila bottle and rendered temporarily unconscious by Lulu Spencer [Nov 2006]
Suffered burns to his hands while trying to save a women in a burning ambulance [Jul 2007; GH:NS]
Severed tendons in both of his hands from shards of glass being embedded in them[43], while rescuing Elizabeth (and Sam) from Diego Alcazar (aka the Text Message Killer) and required three reconstructive surgeries[44] [Mar 2008; suffered from severe blood loss due to his hand injury
Almost smothered to death with a pillow in his sleep by Claudia Zacchara (it looked like she was about to but when he woke up she just told him she was giving him an extra pillow) [Jun 23, 2008]
Trapped in a cave with Sam [Dec 2008]
Accidentally shot in the shoulder by Sam McCall during the hospital bio-toxin crisis [Feb 4, 2009] 
Injured in a car bomb explosion [Apr 23-24, 2009
Developed an infection after Jerry Jacks shot him in the clavicle and trapped him underneath the rubble of an abandoned church, leaving him for dead; he suffered from hallucinations as a result the infection [Aug 2009]
Suffered a head injury after a car accident [Aug 2011]
Underwent a brain biopsy [Aug 2011]
Has a seizure [Aug 2011]
Underwent brain surgery to remove a piece of dashboard from his 1995 car accident with A.J. [Aug 2011]
Passed out in his hospital room [Aug 2011]
Drugged and trapped in a room by Franco and was forced to watch what he believed was Franco raping his then wife, Sam [Nov 2011; Sam learned that she hadn't been raped in May 2013]
Rendered unconscious after running into Michael while on his motorcycle [Dec 2011]
Passed out in the hospital corridor [Jan 2012]
Passed out [Feb 2012] Underwent surgery to relieve the swelling on his brain [Feb 2012]
Experienced a fever after ingesting the toxin Jerry Jacks had placed in the Port Charles water supply [Sep 2012]
Shot in the leg by Ewen Keenan while rescuing Elizabeth Webber [Sep 2012]
Presumed dead after being shot in the back by Cesar Faison (disguised as Duke Lavery) and kicked into the harbor [Oct 19-22, 2012; Jason was revealed to be alive in 2014]
Held captive at a clinic in Russia by Dr. Klein under the orders of Peter August [Oct 2012-Oct 2017; as Patient 6]
Given a sedative [Sep 25, 2017; as Patient 6]
Jumped into the water to save Sam [Oct 30, 2017; as Patient 6]
Ran into Charlie's pub to save Kristina and was caught in an explosion [Sep 10, 2018]
Assumed hypothermia and bruised ribs after falling into the catacombs [Jan 22, 2019; escaped and made it into cold waters of Pier 55 on Jan 23, 2019; rescued by Sam on Jan 24, 2019] **giffed** here
Infected by a latent virus and rendered temporarily blind [Feb 22-25, 2019] 
Attacked and nearly bludgeoned to death by Shiloh after losing a fight to him [Sep 25-26, 2019]
Rendered unconscious after a motorcycle crash caused by Cyrus [Aug 6-11, 2020; Cyrus' involvement revealed on Aug 7, 2020; had exploratory brain surgery on Aug 10, 2020]
Left the hospital prematurely [Aug 24, 2020] 
Jumped into cold water in an attempt to find Sonny, who disappeared after a bridge collapse [Dec 21, 2020]
Stabbed in the stomach by Shawn Butler under Carly Corinthos's orders to get him out of Pentonville [Apr 22, 2021]
Shot at by Carl Pine, one of Cyrus' men, while escaping with Dr. Britt Westbourne [May 3, 2021; saved by Brick]
Shot in the back by an unknown person while escaping with Britt [May 3, 2021]
His blood type is O- [revealed May 4, 2021 Received a blood transfusion from Carly [May 4, 2021]
Tied up and held hostage at gunpoint on Cassadine Island by his twin brother, Drew Cain, who was being programmed by Peter to do his bidding [Nov 2, 2021]
Held hostage with Drew in a wine cellar on Cassadine Island by Peter [Nov 2-18, 2021; revealed on Nov 8, 2021; Jason escaped] 
Presumed dead after being caught in a tunnel collapse which was caused by his shootout with Peter [Nov 19, 2021; Jason was legally declared dead on Mar 15, 2022; ]
2024! March 7th Shot (gifset here )
March 8th reunion with carly, injury treated and suspect (gifset here )
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seleeenaaa · 9 months
If I was writing the 60 special of General Hospital
I just finished watching the 60 special, and it was great, but it could have been amazing. Here is what I would do: 
I would have asked for it to be more than 60 minutes. Ninety minutes would have worked. 
For the host and moving it along. It was a choice to make it LW. You should have done beloved fan favourites. I would have done the following: 
Becky and Kelly or Genie and Jane or Tabyana and Nicholas. Those would be how to make most of the fanbase happy. 
I would cut down on the guest people and Stephen A. Smith. You could have done a small two minutes on some of the most famous people. John Stamos was an excellent choice to do that part. 
The part of the dancing should have been Kelly and Finola talking about guest and cast performances. 
More old clips and talking about families such as the Hardy-Webber, Quartermaine, Cassadine, and Spencer. 
Here's how I would have done it. (I love the energy Kelly and Becky have in scenes together, so that I would have them) 
Becky and Kelly are getting ready for the show, and both are in their most iconic or favourite outfits. (Becky could be in one of her wedding dresses or nurse ball dress, and Kelly could be too.) 
Becky starts it off with the Hardy-Webber family and how Dr. Steve Hardy started the show, and you get clips of the family members and the first clip of the first episode. Then Kelly added that it began as a hospital show, but it grew into more, and then we get more clips of the Cassadine-Jermoe families and the cops and others. 
But I would have Kristen Storms jump in and talk about the fantastic guest stars and famous people they had on, such as Elizabeth’s father, Richard Dean Anderson and John Stamos. That was when I would have John Stamos talk about getting the role and the other famous faces. Clips of Richard Dean Anderson, John Stamos, Demi Moore, Ricky Martin, Meghan Markle, Jonathan Jackson, Nathan Parsons, Rick Springfield, and lastly, Amber Tamblyn, who introduces the Quartermaine where she meets up with Wally, Rene, Jane, and Lisa at the Qs where they say a line if these walls could talk. This could lead to wedding dresses, with Lynn wearing her famous wedding dress.
Becky, Lynn, Brook, and Kristina are wearing their iconic wedding dresses with others such as Nancy, Laura W, and Katelyn in theirs. I would still have the same clips but with Brook talking about the first interracial wedding in the daytime. And showing iconic wedding clips such as Tom Hardy’s wedding, Steve and Audrey’s wedding, Drew and Sam’s wedding, Tiffany and Sean’s wedding, Laura and Kevin’s wedding, Scott and Laura’s wedding, Luke and Laura’s wedding, Monica and Alan’s wedding, Robert and Anna’s wedding, and one of Sonny and Carly’s wedding. And I would have Cynthia in one of her wedding dresses from Valentin and her wedding about almost weddings with clips such as Kate and Sonny’s wedding, Drew and Elizabeth’s wedding, Valentin and Nina’s wedding, and Patrick and Sabrina’s wedding.
Here is where I would have Genie host a segment on the Cassadine and Spencers as her wedding clip to Luke finishes with Helena's curse, and we have flashbacks to the war between the families and how other families get involved. I would have Nicholas C join her with Hudson, and they joke about what comes next for the Cassadine-Webber-Spencers war. 
Tristan joins them and jokes with Hudson that their character has something in common, such as coming back from death, and they have clips of characters who have done that. This is where I would have the Steve B announcement, but I would have Hudson and Asher, Jason’s sons, to make the announcement. 
The next segment I would do is about parties and events in PC that never go well with Dominic and Josh. The part of the dancing should have been Kelly and Finola talking about guest and cast performances at the Nurses Ball.  Donnell joins them, and talks about those making good Emmy reels, and they talk about General Hospital wins at the Emmys. 
Maurice, Laura, and Jon talk about iconic storylines about serious topics, and they show clips which I would like to lead into a clip of an upcoming storyline about Adam’s storyline. 
Rick and Kin talks about all of the ones the shows have lost in real life with clips, and I want them to include Billy Miller in this one. I would have Jane and Genie join them with Kristina, Tristan, and Finola as we have them honour long-standing characters. 
Becky and Kelly return and have a segment about fans' favourite storylines where they ask fans. 
Tanisha and Jon talk about babies, how we watch characters have kids and how it is always so dramatic. We have clips of all the main cast who give birth on the show of their most dramatic, such as Elizabeth with Jake and Aiden, Sam with Danny and Scout, Maxie with Georgie, James and Bailey, Alexis with Kristina and Molly, Carly with Michael, Morgan, and Josslyn, Robin with Emma, Felicia with Georgie and Maxie, Monica with AJ, Lucy with Serena, Sabrina with Gabriel, Olivia with Leo, and Britt with Rocco. 
I still have Cynthia and Maura do the bloopers and the ending of the special because that was done well. And the end of the whole thing should be a clip of the upcoming Bobbie’s episode. 
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theweefreewomen · 2 years
I bought and read the novelisation of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (the book based on the movie based on the comic book based on classic Victorian literature) and it’s facinating to see the difference between movie Jeykll and this version of Jeykll. people in the fandom joke about him being kind of wet and pathethic in the film, which is definitely an exageration, but in the novelisation... it’s a tad more accurate.
Shaking with weakness and personal misery, the scrawny figure arose, blinking his nervous, saucer-wide eyes. He was a slight man who easily slipped his entire hand out of Hyde’s wrist shackles, leaving the torn chains on the floor. His ashen face reflected his ordeal. His large Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he gulped.
“Henry Jeykll, at your service. And I would very much like to earn my pardon and return to London.” He swallowed hard. “May I have a glass of water, please?”
someone please wrap this man in a blanket and give him some tea.
“Liar. I’m a good man.” Jekyell whimpered.
[after talking with Nemo]
Jekyll scampered away without looking back.
That Henry Jeykll, famous for scampering about everywhere.
Jeykll blinked his saucerlike eyes, then swallowed hard in his scrawny throat.
again with the saucer eyes.
“I’m going inside there.” Jeykll’s voice was a mere squeak amid the choatic noise.
I wish I could make gifs because I would love to have a side-by-side comparison between this description and Jason Flyming’s actual performance.
Then his body began to change. Bones lenghened and thickened, muscles swelled and bulged. [...] He convulsed and spasmed, clamping his lips shut to hold in the air. Every time he suffered through this, the transformation brought him more and more agony.
Finally, Jekyll could not help himself. He screamed underwater, but let out only a mouthful of bubbles as his back arched and limps thrashed. His eyes began to bleed.
not actually connected to the ‘wet and pathetic’ thing, I just really like how the book described the transformation here. it really leans hard into the body horror on top of the horror of drowning.
Skittish Jekyll slipped on the slick coating of fresh frozen ice that covered the armored upper deck, but Quartermain caught him.
Someone had way too much fun with alliteration here.
[Skinner] looked like a frozen corspe, but at least he had stopped shivering, unlike Henry Jekyll.
‘Skinner might look like a zombie but at least he isn’t shivering like a loser.’
“Look out!” Jeykll cried in a thin squeak. He shoved Nemo aside just before the icicle spike spintered into chips on the chimney floor.
“I thank you. I would have been killed.”
Jeykll blinked, then smiled. “I’m glad that... I can be useful, too.”
yes Henry you did a Good Job here but also this isn’t the time for your praise kink.
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