#Jason swears Bruce’s horse tried to eat him once
thesandsofelsweyr · 2 years
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My reimagining of how Jason escaped Arkham Asylum and ended up in Venezuela (Arkham Knight: Genesis Part 5 Retelling)
《RATING》 Unrated 《WORDS》 5,758 《CHAPTERS》 3/?
《CHARACTERS》 Jason Todd, Slade Wilson, Original Male Character, Joker (mentioned), Bruce Wayne (mentioned), Catherine Todd (mentioned), Willis Todd (mentioned)
《TROPES》 Angst, Whump, Fix-It
《WARNINGS》 Implied/Referenced Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Blood and Injury, Head Injury, Delirium, Hallucinations, Flashbacks, Near Death Experiences, Suicidal Thoughts, Past Child Abuse, Swearing
《SERIES》 Part 6 of My Arkhamverse
The title of this fic (“The Climb”) is a reference to the in-game City Story of how Jay ended up in Joker’s clutches (the inverse of that story's title, “The Fall”)
My Arkhamverse canon consists of a mix between game canon and Arkham Knight: Genesis canon. I pick and choose what I like best 😉
If you enjoy the read please consider kudosing, commenting, and reblogging 🧡
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His head is pounding. His heart is racing. His breath is ragged. His world is spinning. Every step he takes should be his last, but he keeps pushing forward, leaning against the corridor wall for support, dragging his useless ankle behind him.
“Attention! Code Black. Arkham facilities are on lockdown…”
“Shut… the… fuck… up…” He wheezes each word in sync with his faltering footsteps, speaking in vain to the lifeless female who’s annoying him from the speakers mounted above. Every five minutes without fail the automated voice warns him about the chaos on the surface. Why the hell is this message playing down here? Everyone has forgotten that this buried wing of Arkham even exists. Everyone except him… his jailers… his master…
Fluid trickles down the backs of his thighs and legs as he limps along. He ignores it. It’s blood and pus from the pressure sores that have opened on his ass, irritated by his sudden decision to stand up and move after several days of nothing. He hadn’t had the strength or will to move until he heard the muted sounds from above break the silence of his grave: sirens, shouting, gunshots. Then that damn message started repeating, urging him to do something, anything except sit there on the hard floor of his cage and listen until it robbed him of what little remained of his sanity.
He’s dying. His broken body has finally reached its limit. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men won’t be able to put me back together again… After all of the times he begged for death, shouldn’t he be grateful to the merciful deity who finally decided to give a shit? Yet, he creeps on, finding the strength to stay alive a little while longer from, what, not wanting to disappoint the psycho who has relentlessly tormented him… every day of his worthless life… for over a year? Yep. The thought makes him want to hurl but he has to swallow that awful truth. No one else wanted him, and as much as he tries to deny it, he needs to be needed.
He last saw the Clown probably about two weeks ago. (Of course, that’s just a rough guess time-wise. He quit keeping track of the days once he accepted that no one was coming to rescue him, that the people he thought had cared about him were totally fine with him rotting away in this hell.) Joker had told him he had to go away for a while, to be a good boy, eat his vegetables, brush his teeth, blah blah blah. Then he broke his ankle for the seventh time to make sure he’d stay out of trouble. And Jason had thanked him for it like he had been trained. (That memory stirs up a lot of shit that he doesn’t have the brain power to process right now so he ignores it.) The orderly who Joker called “Right” had brought him cold soup and lukewarm water a few times after Joker left then he also disappeared. That was a little over two days ago, judging by his dehydration symptoms.
Right used to have a co-worker, Left. Right and Left were usually given the honor of dragging him to the office-cum-torture chamber, and either tying him to a chair or hanging him from a meat hook. Poor Left was dead now though. Dead from a bullet between his eyes, from a gun Jason fired. Left had actually tried to be nice to him once or twice—more than anyone else in this shithole—and that’s definitely what got him killed. But Jason’s “partner in crime” had given him the order to murder the man in cold blood, and he had obeyed. He’s really good at obeying these days. His partner then rewarded him with a pat on the head and a blanket. He had felt more about the reward (pride, gratitude) than he did about the blood on his hands (nothing). That’s what 12+ months of torture and gaslighting will do to you.
The drafty corridor he’s hobbling down is dimly lit by a handful of emergency floodlights. The armed Arkham guards who the Clown paid off to patrol these halls must’ve joined the chaos above. He hopes so at least. This could always be another one of his games. A test of loyalty for his “little bird,” the same little bird who has flown away from his cage in search of food and water. The thought makes him uneasy but he presses on. A dead sidekick isn’t gonna be as much fun to play with. No one to make squeal when he gets bored. Abandoned offices and storage rooms—copies of his cage—line both sides of the hallway. He isn’t interested in what they hold (cubicles, desks, chairs, filing cabinets, stacks of cardboard boxes filled with paper medical records from before this asylum joined the 21st century, dust… photos… pain). His destination is a bathroom. The bathroom with the working shower for the poor, overworked asylum administrators who never stepped foot down in this pit. At least he got to take advantage of it once. The memory of that mindfuck makes his skin crawl. That bathroom has running water though, and he desperately needs water if he wants to stick around for the Clown.
That bathroom also happens to be dangerously close to the exit…
“Attention! Code Black. Arkham facilities are on lockdown…”
He isn’t leaving. He has to keep reminding himself of that because his thoughts are clouded by exhaustion and starvation and dehydration, and his weary mind is vulnerable to temptation. The other kid, the one who should’ve died months ago when a bullet ripped through his skull, Robin; well, Robin thinks this is his best chance to escape; to get out, run to the cops who are above ground right now, and maybe find some medical attention before he drops dead. But his fear is still strong enough to overpower the failed sidekick… the gut-twisting fear—no, certainty—of what will happen to him if he’s caught trying to escape again…
His addled brain frantically struggles to push away those horrific memories of what happened to him after his last escape attempt but he’s too weak to fight even a mental battle. When the dam breaks, and his memories flood in, overwhelming him, pulling him down into that whirlpool of misery, he’s forced to relive every moment of that brutal punishment. The beatings… the humiliation… the claw hammer… The dull, lingering pain from all of the torture he’s endured seemingly reignites, sparking a chain reaction of agony that courses through every bone, muscle, joint, and organ in his ravaged body. It’s all too much for him to bear. He moans, stumbles, and finally collapses. 
4 minutes pass…
“Attention! Code Black. Arkham facilities are on lockdown…”
With an even louder moan he somehow rolls his soon-to-be-corpse over onto his scarred back on the cracked tile floor. He stares up at the ceiling with empty bloodshot eyes. He could die here, right here, in this very spot. He could make that choice—the first decision he’s made for himself in… well, forever. He could finally be in control of his own destiny, as pathetic as it may be. He could finally be in control. He’s so. Fucking. Tired. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to finally rest without the threat of another punishment looming over him? He wouldn’t have to face another day with his master’s initial permanently seared into his cheek, a constant reminder of what he let himself become. He wouldn’t have to live with the heartrending knowledge that not a single person on the planet cared that he was suffering every day of his life, not even the man who he once considered his father. He wouldn’t have to live with all of his failures.
He wouldn’t hurt anymore… wouldn’t feel powerless anymore... He wouldn’t feel anything anymore. He would be free.
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aloha-obi · 2 years
Batfam headcanon:
Dick, Tim and Damian all grew up riding and are comfortable around horses…. But Jason doesn’t trust a horse as far as he could throw one and will only attempt to ride under extreme duress.
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BatMom- Jason Todd
Part 1
Part 2[Here]
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Jason Todd, Her Toughest Bird.
Marinette paced the Batcave anger clear on her face as she waited for Batman to get back with his newest Robin. She couldn’t believe Batman would go this far, he knew damn well that wasn’t his name to give away. Her thoughts were interrupted by the Batmobile skidding into the cave and parking. Batman and the young boy getting out, the new Robin took one look at her before sizing her up with a glare.
“Who's the angry lady B?” He said looking ready for a fight, which amused Marinette slightly. But her gaze focused on Batman as she upped her glare.
“Hello B, we need to talk.” She said stiffly before looking down at the boy with a stern look. “Alone.” She said firmly gesturing to the changing rooms. Jason huffed, pulling off his mask walking passed her indignantly. Marinette wasted no time tearing into Bruce the moment the door was closed. 
An hour later Marinette walked through the halls of the manor a frown still on her face. She stopped outside an opened door looking in on the newly adopted Jason Todd-Wayne. “Kid,” She called out catching his attention. “want to go out for ice cream?” Jason scoffed, closing his book giving her a deadpan look.
“Ya great idea let me go out with a woman that obviously doesn’t like me.” He said sarcastically waving his hand at her in a go away gesture. “Why would I even want to go with you in the first place?” Marinette smirked leaning against the door.
“First off I don’t know you enough to not like you, my anger at B will not be dragged over to you. “Second off we are going to Pico’s Ice Cream Gotham’s world renown Ice Cream Parlor, over two hundred flavors, I intend for us to eat so much Alfred has to pick us up. Finally B is paying and after your stunt with his tires, something tells me you’d be more than happy to waste his money.” She held up her hand showing Bruce’s Amex Black card held between her index and middle fingers. “So are you in or not kid?” Jason smirked, placing his book down and jumping out of his chair.
“Oh I am so down! Let's go get sick to our stomachs with Bruce paying!”
An hour later Alfred had arrived at Pico’s giving both of them a disappointed glare as they climbed into the shortened limo he had brought. Marinette and Jason laid on the floor facing each other, curled in on themselves.
“Was it worth it Miss Marinette, Master Jason.”
“Hell yes.” 
The two groaned out their response together shortly followed by a yelp from Jason after she had flicked his nose.
“Watch your language.” She said causing him to grumble while Alfred simply sighed, closing the door. A few moments later they felt the limo begin to move. Marinette closed her eyes trying to calm her churning stomach, well aware of Jason’s eyes on her.
“Why were you so mad at Bruce?” He asked softly, wanting to know yet not at the same time. Marinette was silent for a moment before opening her eyes, meeting his own. 
“B gave away something that wasn’t his to give away. Dick hadn’t let go over the title just yet, and Bruce in his anger ripped it away from him and gave it to you instead. He really hurt Dickie, that’s why I was so angry at him. Not at you, you’re innocent in this Jason.” She said softly groaning when Alfred took a sharp turn, showing his displeasure with his two current charges. “My anger is all towards B right now.” Jason nodded thinking over what she had said before he had another question.
“Why do you call him B, why not just say Bruce?” Marinette was silent before looking away with a slight blush.
“B stands for bitch and he knows it.” She said causing Jason to grin at her.
“Shut it little birdie.”
Jason Todd, The Night Joker took him.
She sat at the door curled up crying begging for forgiveness, and Jason-Jason couldn’t find it in himself to give it. This woman, this woman had caused this, Sheila Haywood was no saint. No she was far from it, and unfortunately she was his mother. She was the one that gave birth to him, and now she’d be the one to help kill him. A dark part of him was happy she’d go with him but he’d never admit that out loud. His thoughts strayed from his so called mother as he watched the timer slowly countdown. Instead he thought of the one woman in his life that always tried. That was always there for him, that always stood up for him, and helped him build a relationship with his predecessor. He thought of the terrible fight they had, though he knew that it was mostly on his part. He had gotten too hard headed and Marinette was always stubborn and unwilling to bend with things she believed in. His Marinette wanted to help him meet his mother, she did even though it hurt her slightly and he had known it. She had helped him unlike Bruce who refused after the fight they had had, she helped even though it hurt. Yet he persisted and pushed and pushed until they finally found the women. Jason had insisted that he left for Ethiopia right away, planning to go alone. Ever protective Marinette had refused, told him he would not go alone and that they would go together.  She said she’d have everything ready at the end of the month, but that was not soon enough for him. He snapped at her demanding that she stayed out of it. He declared it was a family matter, and ignored the hurt in her eyes. She had told him not to be hard headed and that she was coming along. Only to be silenced and told that she was not going, he was being so stupid, he let his temper get the best of him. He told her she wasn’t family, that she was nothing but the woman that chased after his adoptive Father. Trying to find any excuse to have his attention, he regretted it so much when he watched her close in on herself. Her blue eyes dulled so much they looked gray, her ever perfect posture faltered but he hadn’t cared. He turned and left her there all alone. Just like he was now, all alone wishing that his mom was there. Wishing that his Marinette, his Mom was hugging him and running her fingers through his red hair.
That was it, that's mom’s voice.
“Jay-bird, I don’t know if you can hear me, Gods I hope you do.”
He could hear the shake in her voice as his eyes landed on what he thought was his broken communicator. 
She’s crying, she should never cry.
“Bruce is on his way my little Fire-Cracker.”
She said choking back a sob, Jason twitched in his bond moving closer towards the communicator. His body protested every move as he made his way.
“Dickie isn’t on Earth right now but I told Clark he better get his ass off planet and to him as soon as possible.”
Jason let out a pain chuckle at her swearing, she rarely did it and it always surprised him to hear. Foul language was his thing; it should’ve never fallen from his mom’s mouth. Especially for the fact that she disliked crude language.
She heard him, she can hear him.
“I’m here.”
He said his voice horse as he shed a few tears.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I snapped at you, after everything you did, I hurt you so much. I’m so sorry Mom. I should’ve stayed, I should’ve listened, I’m so sorry. I just want to be with you. I want to be with you so bad mommy.”
He said desperate for the women to know, desperate for forgiveness from his mother.
“Jay, my sweet baby bird, it's okay. Oh baby, I love you so much my beautiful boy. You wanted to find your birth mother and I will never hold that against you. You have nothing to be sorry for, you hear me?”
Nine Seconds.
Jason’s eyes remain on the timer.
“Mommy, I love you. Thank you for everything.”
Eight Seconds.
Marinette’s voice cracked as she cried into her hands.
Seven Seconds.
“Please tell Dickie I love him and he was an amazing brother.”
Six Seconds.
“Don’t-Don’t say goodbye, this is goodbye Jason! You hear me! this isn’t goodbye.”
She finished her voice in a pained whisper.
Five Seconds.
“Tell Bruce he’s an asshole, but I loved him.”
Four Seconds.
“Tell Alfred I love him too.”
Jason was crying uncontrollably as he spoke.
Three Seconds.
Two Seconds.
“Yes baby boy?”
One Second.
“Don’t blame yourself.”
Marinette stared at the casket, unable to console herself and stop the tears. Her baby boy was in there, her tough little bird. He was gone and she wasn’t there, she failed him. A mother is meant to protect, and she didn’t protect. She should’ve followed him to Ethiopia, she shouldn’t have let her feeling of hurt get the best of her. A sob fell from her lips as her shoulders shooking, her posture breaking as she curled in on herself. Her baby bird will never fly again, he will never read her poetry or discuss his favorite books with her again. No, now she’d have to visit him here, for the rest of her life. Now she’d have to talk to a gravestone every time she saw her baby bird.
Jason Todd, Red Hood Finds her.
He watched her for weeks ever since he had officially come back to Gotham. Watching her as Ladybug, Lady Noir, and Marinette, watching the woman he had called mother. The mother that had seemingly moved on from him, along with his so called Father and brother. He saw her spend countless nights with his replacement, she had never gone on patrol with him as much as she did with the new one. She, of course, didn’t realize she was being watched. Old age he supposed his once mother looked much older since the last time he saw her, before he died. Black hair now greying and everything so perhaps he could not fault her for not noticing.
This night was special though, for weeks she had been fighting him with the so-called Batfamily. Tonight, exactly three days after he shot the replacement, she would find out that he was her ‘Baby-bird’.
He watched as she picked up the phone, no doubt Bruce or Alfred, his amusement faded when tears began to fall. He always hated when she cried, she was always so happy and collected. She rarely cried and when she did it was so heart wrenching, because Marinette cried with her entire body. He watched as she dropped the phone and rushed to the balcony, he saw the small red and black Gods following her. Heard her voice crying out as she threw the doors open.
“Plagg, Claws out!” 
She transformed and was traveling across the rooftops in minutes. She was making her way towards Bludhaven only to be met halfway by Nightwing. Immediately breaking down into her eldests arms.
“It's him, it's him, it's him. It's my babybird! It’s my baby! It's my baby!” 
Her cries caused Red Hood to flinch as he turned his gaze away from the mourning mother. He took one last glance before turning away returning to his current safe house.
Jason Todd, Saving him from Himself.
“Don’t do this.” Her voice called out, it was calm as always yet filled with pain. She limped toward him holding her side tenderly in an attempt to stop the bleeding from her wound. “Don’t do this Baby boy.” Red Hood growled leveling the gun on her as he turned away from the downed third Robin. He froze the moment he saw Marinette, not Lady Noir, not Ladybug, but Marinette, his Marinette. Beaten, Bloody, and Bruised, all caused by him and his men. She didn’t even flinch at the gun pointed at her even though it was clear that her injury was a bullet wound.
“Shut up you fucking liar.” He growled out red tinting his vision once again as he thought of her protecting his replacement. Thought of all the videos of her with little Tim Drake, the newest Robin, all the pictures of her at school events. The actual adoption of not just him, but of her perfect first son. That one had hurt him the most, she had adopted them but not him.
“I am a liar.” She admitted softly continuing towards her son. Looking up at the young man, but always her babybird. “I am. I promised you that I’d always be with you, that I’d protect you. I failed you and I have blamed myself every day. I should’ve followed you, I should’ve found you, I should’ve protected you. But I failed you instead.” She stopped with the gun barely an inch away from her forehead, and for a second she marveled at how tall her baby was now compared to her. She wished she could see his face, see how handsome her beautiful boy had turned out. While Dick had grown into a beautiful young man, she knew her tough little bird would grow into a very handsome man. “You have every right to be angry with me, but not him. He looked up to you, still does, he pulled Bruce, Dick, and me out of the dark place we were in after your death. Not once did he wish to replace you, not once did he shy away from mentioning you. If you want to take your anger out on somebody, make it me.” She closed her blue bell eyes picturing her little red headed bird with his mischievous smile, and love for literature. Marinette leaned her head forehead allowing the barrel of his gun to press against her head. Her free hand shook as she reached out, caressing the red helmet with her knuckles. She opened her eyes again, tears staining to fall from the now dulled grayish blue. “Just remember I love you my little Fire-Cracker, though you’re not exactly little anymore are you.” She choked out holding back a sob as she let her hand drop her legs shaking from exhaustion. “If you’re going to kill us then take me first. Please I don’t think I can bear to watch another one of my birds die.” She barely finished before exhaustion caught up to her and she began to collapse. She didn’t hit the ground though, no she was pulled into strong arms. Arms that held her tightly cradling her and providing safety. Red Hood stared down at the woman in his arms, the red having long faded as tears fell hidden by the helmet. Jason Todd-Wayne held his hurt mother in his arms as he let himself cry.
“Stupid woman, Stupid Mom.” He whispered before moving her so that she laid beside her newest bird. “Don’t say a word you fucking replacment.” He growled out as said bird looked up at him in surprise. “You better fucking protect her or else I will kill you.” He growled glaring at the small shy smirk on the bird’s face.
“Watch your language, you know her thoughts on cussing.”
Jason Todd, Bruce’s Death.
Jason Todd-Wayne sat atop Wayne Enterprises staring down at the city he was born into. Bruce was gone, he was gone and Jason didn’t know what to think of it. Dick was taking up the cowl, making Bruce’s actual son his new Robin. Tim had taken over Wayne Enterprises, the youngest CEO in the world. Meanwhile here was Jason still legally dead, and estranged from the family. With no idea what to do with his life, he had slowly waned from killing doing the same with her men. They very rarely killed, only those that truly deserved it, but ever since that night since he cradled his mother’s broken form. He hasn’t seen the family, he only knew of Bruce’s death from the video he had sent to the family. He tensed as a body sat down beside him, curling into her jacket. 
“Hello Handsome Birdie.” She said softly reaching up and caressing his cheek. “I’ve missed you.” Jason grabbed her hand holding it gently and rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.
“I’ve missed you too Mom.” He admitted softly both turning to look out at the city in silence together. “Is he really gone?” He asked, not really wanting to know the answer. Marinette leaned against her son allowing her eyes to drift to their held hands.
“Tim-Tim says he might not be and is trying to find him. Dick, my poor bird is hurting so much he is scared to hope that Bruce isn’t dead. Then there is Damian, oh he is going to be a tough Birdie to crack.” Jason smiled softly squeezing her hand.
“Well you managed to raise me, you'll have no problem with him.” He said jokingly, causing Marinette to laugh shaking her head.
“You didn't call me ‘Father’s newest whore’ and then immediately attempt to kill me.”
“He did want?!” 
Jason asked with a protective glare on his face as he turned to his mom.
“Oh hush Fire-Cracker, I’ll get through to him.”
Jason Todd, The Outlaws.
Red Hood could feel her eyes on him and his two companions. The fact that they didn’t notice was both irritating yet caused a bit of pride to fill his chest for only his mom could hide so easily.
“Kori, Roy,” He called out, pulling his helmet off his mask soon following revealing Jason Todd-Wayne to the night sky. “We have a visitor.” He said, turning to look at the shadows where Lady Noir resided.
“Getting better every day aren’t you Jay-bird?” She finally announced her presence to her son’s friends. She knew the both of them Roy better than Kori, it had been Dick that introduced them. Before the split in their friendships, she hated having to comfort her bird of the loss of his older brother. Lady Noir wouldn’t let her hold it against him though, or hold it against Kori.
“Hello mom” Jason said affectionately as he walked over to Lady Noir. She smiled, dropping her transformation and allowing her son to pull her into a tight hug. Marinette reached up rubbing his cheek with her thumb. “Come to make sure, I’m not getting into too much trouble?” He asked, teasingly causing her to roll her eyes.
“No, I simply wanted to see how my son’s new team worked together. “ She combed his hair to the side gently with her fingers before grabbing his gloved hand in hers. “My birds rarely team up with others outside the family.” Jason glanced away a little nervous squeezing her hand gently.
“Well, what do you think? Of my small team here?” Marinette smiled softly glancing back at the two that had joined her son, before looking back to her son.
“I think you have found some very good friends Fire-Craker. They will care for you as you care for them.” She leaned up on her tiptoes, huffing slightly when Jason still had to lean down for her, and kissed her son’s cheek. “Be good to them and you shall have a strong team.” keep them safe. They will do the same for you, now run along my tough little bird.”
“I’m not little anymore.”
“Yes Mom.”
Jason Todd, Returning to the Family.
Jason stuck his hand firmly in his pockets as he stared up at the manor. Marinette and Dick had both told him he should come for the holidays. If it had been just Duck he would have blown it off, but he’d hurt his mom too much in the past to do it to her. He didn’t want to go in, his relationship with Bruce was still incredibly rocky, and he really didn’t like the Demon brat. Though somehow his mom and older brother had both become rather fond of the brat. He shook his head and squared his shoulders walking towards the door, only to turn around and take the steps back down the stairs.
“I can’t do this.” He growled out kicking the snow glaring at it frustrated. “How can this be so hard! Just walk through the damn door, say hello to Alfred hand over your coat and then immediately find mom. Give her the stupid gift, then sneak out when the others distract her.” He said to himself, but he didn’t turn around he just continued to glare at the ground, his hands shaking slightly in his jacket pockets.
“Or, just putting this out there, you could turn around, walk through the door with me and spend Christmas with your family. A family which has been nervous to see if you’ll actually come tonight.” Marinette called out from her place on the steps behind him. Her cardigan wrapped tightly around her to chase away the cold. Jason turned slightly looking at her sheepishly until he realized she didn’t have a jacket on. “Personally I prefer my idea, way better than you sneaking away from us.” Jason glared slightly walking up to her as he unzipped his jacket.
“What are you doing out here with only a cardigan? I seem to remember you always complaining that I’d get sick if I didn’t wear a jacket!” He pulled his off wrapping it around Marinette holding back a snort over it reaching her knees. Marinette glared slightly as if knowing his thought process and turned up her nose indignantly huffing. “You’ll catch your death out here without a jacket Jason! Jason don’t forget your hat! Jason gloves are not uncool they make sure your fingers don’t get frostbite!” Jason said repeating all the phrases she had used on him when he was just twelve. Marinette reached out pinching his ear slightly causing him to wince, and pout at her, though he’d never admit it.
“I am your mother, young man. I have every right to make sure you wear proper attire for winter. And apparently I should have said it more as it appears, the only thing you were wearing is your jacket.” Jason rubbed his ear after she let go grumbling to himself about annoying mothers.
“Why did you come out here? How did you know I was here?” He finally asked before wrapping his arm around her shoulders walking her towards the door. He knew his mother never did good in the cold, a side effect of being the Champion of a Ladybug Goddess. Marinette huffed, shaking her head, giving him a pointed look.
“Timmy and I sat watching you stand outside for five minutes before he suggested I came and got you.” She smiled as Alfred opened the door for them. “That and Alfred had been standing at the door for a good ten minutes and I decided that ten minutes was enough.” Jason smiled apologetically at Alfred, hugging the elderly butler.
“Hi Alfred, I missed you.” He said softly, smiling brighter when the man hugged him back.
“And I you Master Jason, now come join the family. I shall take your coat from Mistress Marinette.”
Jason raised an eyebrow looking over at his mom who shook her head fondly.
“He insists that Bruce is going to marry me one day. It’s the only bit of denial I’ve seen him in, I shan’t mention it to him however.” She said with a mischievous smile, winging at her son. “Besides Bruce’s face when he brings it up is hilarious. Now come the boys are eager to see you.” She corrected herself after Jason’s pointed look. “Fine Tim and Dick are excited to see you. Damian doesn’t want to share me and Bruce can’t emotion so he hasn’t said it but he is thinking it.”
Jason Todd, Alive Again.
Jason paced his room in the manor mumbling to himself while Kori and Roy sat on his bed watching him. Today was the day, he had agreed to announce that he had survived the explosion all those years ago. They had even come up with a rather ingenious cover story on where he had been. Though that was most his replacement, the kid was wicked smart.
“I can’t do this.” He said turning to Kori and Roy with a pleading look, as he gripped his hair with his hands. “Kori, get me out of here, please.” He said softly though they could both hear the panic in his tone. Kori chuckled standing up and walking over to him. She gently pried his hands from his hair gesturing for Roy to grab the hair brush. 
“X’Hal, Jason, you are overthinking this, and panicking. You can do this, I know it for you are not weak. You know you want to do this, doing this means spending more time with them.Yes, yes that’s not why you are doing this.” She said rolling her eyes when he opened his mouth to argue. She took the hair brush Roy held out with a bright smile. “Jason, this is a most joyess occasion! After today you can spend more time with your K’norfka, and Roy and I know you want to go places with her more than anything.” Jason huffed letting her brush out his hair hold his face as she tilted his head side to side.
“She is not my nanny Kori, she’s my mother.” Kori pinned him with a look as she squeezed his cheeks gently leaning forward.
“On my planet K’norfka, also means guardian. Of which she is, correct?” Jason huffed before nodding his head.
“Yes, yes, you are correct.” Kori smirked triumphantly before kissing him briefly and releasing his face. “Roy and I will be here waiting for you when you are done. Isn’t that right?” Roy nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist, smirking at his boyfriend and girlfriend.
“Oh we will be here, but I don’t know. From the look on Miss Marinette’s face we won’t see you for a while.” Roy said nodding to the door, where Marinette stood watching them. She slowly made her way over to the trio.
“Mom! I can, I can explain. Roy, Star, and I-were-uh-were really good friends-well no we are actually-well.” He was silenced by Marinette’s hand on his cheek, causing him to finally meet her eyes. Understanding and love shining brightly in her eyes, as she rubbed his cheek with her thumb, marveling at her tough little bird all grown up.
“You couldn’t have picked anyone better Jay-bird. They have proved themselves remarkably well, and have shown their love for you my sweet bird. And that’s all that a mother can ask for in life, that their baby is happy and loved.” Jason teared up as he leaned down wrapping his mom into a tight hug hiding his face in her shoulder, causing the women to giggle. Marinette softly stroked his hair resting her cheek against his head. She looked over to the two her son had chosen her smile not wavering but Roy and Kori could read her eyes. Happiness, acceptance, and a little bit of love shining in them as she silently thanked her son’s precious people.
“Now, let’s go. It’s time for Jason Todd-Wayne to enter the world again. This time though I’ll finally get to adopt you.”
Jason Todd, A Prince Consort?
Jason stared at himself in the mirror tugging on the traditional Tamaranean clothing. He still couldn’t believe this was happening, Kori wasn’t even the Queen anymore. Yet her, Roy, and him had all been carted away to her home planet by her brother. News had spread far of her proposal to the two, and her home planet wanted to witness the marriage. Only two months after they became engaged they were getting married, and his family wasn’t even there.
“Lost in thought, Birdie.” 
“Just thinking about how my mom is going to kill me-Mom?!” He turned quickly looking at his mother, dressed in a lavender purple dress, obviously of her own design, that held elements of the Tamaranean attire.
“Surprise.” She said softly with a twinkle in her eye as she walked over. “Oh look at you, my tough little bird is getting married.” She smoothed out his clothing, a tearful smile on her face. “Koriand’r had a feeling her brother would insist on this. So she made sure that the family would also be picked up, she also gave me a few different items of Tamaranean clothing, so that I could make my own clothing.” Jason smiled at the mention of his soon to be wife.
“She is amazing, her and Roy.” He whispered softly, a smile taking over his face. Marinette watched him as a single happy year fell from her face.
“Gosh, first Dickie and now you. Now I just need to have Timmy and Dami find someone that loves them unconditionally. Then I could die happily knowing my sons are loved.” 
“Don’t joke about that mom, you won’t be dying for a very long time.” Jason said, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. “Besides demon brat find someone, please.” 
“Jason.” Marinette said with a warning note in her tone causing Jason to grin at her. Tikki coughed, finally gaining their attention.
“Oh not again. Tikki stop out shining me will you!”
Marinette said smiling playfully at her dear friend. Tikki smiled a twinkle in her eye as she shook her head.
“No I don’t think I will Mari!” She flew up kissing Jason on the forehead just like she had done a year ago for her bug’s first bird. “I grant you and your mates Good luck and Fortune in your future together. Cherish each other always, I am proud of you, even if you’re a troublesome bird.” Marinette smiled softly looking up at her second son, her tough bird, her Fire-Craker.
“I am proud of you too Jason. You’ve grown into such a handsome young man, and have found yourself the loves of your life. That’s all a mother can ask for in life.”
“How much are my brothers going to tease me over being a Prince Consort.”
“Oh so much, that we’re thinking of jokes on the way here. A little scary watching Timmy and Dami work together, but you know Dickie, he can bring anyone together.”
Jason snorted rolling his eyes, Plagg chose this moment to show himself grinning at Jason.
“So, you’re gonna be a Trophy Husband now kid?”
“Ow! Oh come on Sugar-cube! Ow!-It was a joke!”
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teentitanimals · 4 years
How the Batfamily Eats Popcorn
You might read that and be like- “What? Why, why would any one ever think about how the Batfamily eats popcorn?” But look, did you ever think about how Bruce eats a burger until you saw him eat one with a fork? Also I’m eating popcorn, and I’m eating it weirdly, so i was like “well why not”
Bruce: He grabs a giant handful of popcorn and then slowly picks up and eats the ones in his hand one by one, like my dad.
Alfred: You’d think he never eats popcorn, but he has once and twice, but only a few pieces.
Dick: He eats upside down and slowly pours/dips the popcorn into his mouth by tilting the bowl.
Jason: He scoops up a big ol’ handful and then its it like a horse. He’s the one who gets actively made fun of for his popcorn eating style.
Tim: He eats with only two fingers- or his thumb and pointer finger to be exact. This is because he doesn’t like to get his phone and laptop oily with popcorn juice afterwards. And yes, he has described it as ‘popcorn juice’ when defending why he eats that way.
Damian: His popcorn always gets eaten by his pets and his siblings, so he started trying to eat his popcorn as quick as possible, which has resulted in almost choking a few times. Him choking has not stopped his brothers from stealing his popcorn.
Cassandra: You never see her actually eat the popcorn. But by the end the bowl is completely empty (half-popped kernels included), so nobody’s ever sure if she ate it or if someone else stole hers or she dumped it somewhere.
Duke: He used to eat popcorn normally, he swears, but ever since he saw Bruce eating a burger with a fork and knife, he started jokingly eating random foods with knives, and he tried it with popcorn, but of course that didn’t work, so he used a spoon instead, but then he really liked using the spoon, and now every time he’s eating popcorn with a spoon he dies a little inside because he wishes he still ate popcorn normally.
Barbara: She only ever eats half the bowl. She never can get all the way through the bowl, and she thinks its because she always eats too slow and it gets stale by then.
Stephanie: She tosses the popcorn in the air and tries to catch it, like everyone has at some point. Except she does it for every single piece of popcorn. Without fail. Her popcorn is also stale halfway through, but she still eats it.
Kate: The only one in this family who eats popcorn like a normal human being.
Carrie: With a shit ton of unnecessary salt.
Harper: She grabs giant handfuls and shoves it into her mouth, or goes chubby bunny style, because she also likes eating the popcorn when it turns to mush in her mouth.
Cullen: He will eat popcorn normally if he has to eat popcorn, but he much prefers just munching on the unpopped and half-popped kernels at the bottom.
Helena: She likes to eat popcorn while she still has soda in her mouth. Everyone is horrified.
Alina: She likes to poke her tongue out like a frog and eat them all, one by one.
Terry: Every time he eats popcorn he fucking spills it. At this point he’ll just eat it off the ground.
Matt: He eats popcorn on a plate and leans down to take bites.
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fsketchart · 5 years
Daminette December - Robin Hood AU
OKAY so set in a fantasy thing because I can't make things historically accurate and sorry it's rushed.  Again, I don't know if this is historically accurate so rip. Also the bat fam are still vigilantes but they keep it seperate from their royale life stuff.
Also daily dose of @noirdots appreciation.
ALSO swearing in this one (slight.)
"AFTER HER!" Barked Gabriel Agreste.  Adrien and Gabriel broke into a sprint, as they both struggled to keep up.  The woman in question raced, laughing confidently as she raced up the stairs of the palace.  The sound of several footsteps grew louder and louder as she just got more and more excited. She reached a dead end at the end of the hallway she had run into.  Only an unused study room and a window were at the end of the hallway.
"We've got you now, you crook!" Gabriel snapped.
Nathalie stepped forwards.  "We're willing to cooperate, but first hand back the items you stole." The girl paused, and tapped her chin.  Then, she smiled.
"Nah." The girl spun around and whipped out a red grapple gun.  She launched it clean through the old glass and swung out of the building, laughing all the way.  Gabriel cursed as he started sending out orders to the security team.
The bat family were not amused, they were getting in calls non-stop to investigate a mysterious burglar, who had managed to steal from nobles, high-class man, and even royalty.  The bat family traveled for a few weeks to Europe, and walked along the streets. As they traveled to the palace to meet with the Agreste Family, they didn't miss the looks of hunger and poverty from the people.  The children were cold and tired, and the mothers and fathers struggled to make ends meet. They dreaded to meet the king behind it all. They were planning on meeting with him later that evening.
Except they didn't.  As they traveled through the woods, the family started to drift off to sleep.  Suddenly, the horses cried out and began to cry in surprise. The family woke up as the royal guards surrounding them became alert.  Damian stepped out of the carriage, and glanced around. Not a single sound. Damian went over to the horses to try to calm them down, but they wouldn't listen.  Bruce sighed as he too stepped out, and the rest of the family followed. They walked around to see what had happened, and strayed from their carriage. They checked around the forests and tried to find any animals that were scaring the horses, but didn't spot anything.  They signed and made their way back to the carriage, only to find it completely empty. No gold, no luxuries, and with knocked out knights. They quickly gathered in formation, back to back. They glanced around wildly, trying to find the culprit. The horses were relaxed and nibbling on some food that was most definitely not there before.  Damian snatched away, fear of it being poisoned, but Bruce inspected it. He shook his head and handed it back to them. The horses smiled and continued eating.
Then, Damian heard it.  The snap of a twig, a loud thud and a small curse.
Damian ran from the group with his sword at the ready.  Sure enough, a small girl with midnight hair and big blue eyes was face planted on the ground, looking as if she had just tripped.  Damian charged as she looked up surprised. She ducked under him and he went flying. He hid the ground and saw next to him were the stolen goods.  He snarled as she awkwardly chuckled. She made a run for it, but was soon stopped by the rest of the family. She just laughed and held her hands up.
The family narrowed their eyes and began the interrogation.
"Who on Earth do you think you are?"
She did a mock curtsey, "I go by Robin Hood, your highness." Damian snarled.
"No, you can't.  I already called dibs."
"E-excuse me?"
"Yeah what he said!" Dick added. "Robin is trademarked by the Wayne dynasty!"
"You all go by Robin?"
"Ye-" Bruce clamped his hand over Dick's mouth.
"No," Bruce said. "We're just fans of the bat family.  Nothing else. Ignore my son."
"Oh, same here.  I go by Robin Hood because I find them quite intriguing.  I especially like the new Robin. He seems fairly sweet. Though, I've only heard stories about his chivalry."
Damian puffed out his chest.  "Yeah, trust me I've met him. He's a pretty snazzy guy."
Jason cut him off.  "No, the current Robin is actually pretty lame." Damian gasped offendedly and snapped back.  Meanwhile, Marinette just grabbed her backpack. She opened it and began loading everything in.
"Dude Robin is like up to my elbows at best.  I once saw him fall off a roof because he tried to walk backwards and he failed," Jason countered.
Tim added, "Yeah once I saw him dab but he hit red Robin in the face.  Not cool. He's a jerk."
They began to bicker back and forth as Marinette finished packing her bag.
"Alright, well it was lovely meeting you guys!" She took Damian's hand and kissed it.  She winked and walked away. The entire family focused their attention on Damian as he struggled to form words.  She had a smug look on her face but none of them noticed it.
Damian just turned red as his brothers made fun of him.  He ignored them, but couldn't keep the small smile off his face.
They joked and laughed as they made their way back.  However, once they reached their carriage again they paused.  Then, Bruce cursed.
@noirdots @caffeinetheory
Royale Damian is too cool 😎 for school and that's just a fact.
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ask-a-robin · 8 years
Ice Queen and Cake - Jason Todd Imagine
Woo! Lord its been a while, I apologize for that! 
This imagine was requested here.
I hope everyone enjoys! 
~Mod Jaybird 
Warnings: Slight swearing
Word Count: 1,808 (Boy howdy is this a long one)
“Y/N! Come on babe we’re gunna be late! Bruce’s cake won’t make itself and Alfred’s already texted twice!”
“Gotcha,” you mumble as you extinguish a small flame from your hand, and climb out of the lower cupboard where you keep all of your baking supplies. “I’m coming don’t get your panties in a twist.”
You walk down the hallway from the kitchen and stop by the door to grab your jacket.
“What were you doing in there anyway? Sounded like an avalanche at one point,” Jason said as he held the front door open.
“My offset spatula fell out of my decorating bag and into the black depths of the cupboard,” You say as you walk through the threshold. “I had to go on a lifesaving mission.”
“Well it looks like it was successful.”
You head through the garage door and into the kitchen of Wayne Manor, stopping to place your decorating bag on the table and shed your coat.
“Miss Y/N, Master Jason. Glad to see you could join us!”
“The Chef does not enjoy the sass coming from her sous, Pennyworth, but I think I can forgive you,” you say as you pull your hair into a ponytail while walking over to give him a playful kiss on the cheek. “Jason, I love you, but get out of my kitchen, I have a masterpiece in the making.”
“Yes, Chef!” He said with a mock salute and a laugh. “I’ll go see what everyone else is up to.”
“All right Al, this double chocolate, Oreo truffle cake isn’t going to make itself. You start with the Oreos and I’ll start on the batter.”
“Oui, Chef,” the butler says with a smile.
You shake your head and sigh in response.
After a while of prepping and chatting with Alfred, Damian walks through the door.
“Hey Dami, whatcha up to?”
“Hello, Y/N. Todd and Drake are being insufferable so I decided to take a break up here, if it’s no bother to you.”  
“Go right ahead. You’re no bother to me and Alfred.”
The timer for the oven dings, and without a thought you reach in and take the pans straight from the oven.
“Y/N, did you just take those from the oven without mitts?”
You have a moment of enteral panic. Damn Y/N you really should be more careful with your powers around here.  “What? Uh…yeah I did, it’s not really I problem, I’ve burned myself so much over the past few years, it’s kind of like I’m immune,” you say with a chuckle, hopefully passing off the lie.
Damian gives you a look but lets the comment slide.
What you fail to notice is that he’s now watching you subtly from behind his book.
You come back to the cakes and slowly place your hand over the top of each one, using your powers to cool them down at a faster rate. The temperature of the air around you has gotten a bit chilly as a result of using your power so your breath comes out as a puff of fog. You glance quickly over to Damian to see if he noticed anything. He looks to be still engrossed in his book, and you breathe a sigh of relief.
“Hey Alfred do we have anymore sugar? I need just a touch more of the ganache.”
“Try the pantry Miss Y/N”
You head into the small room and begin to look around. While you’re doing this Damian raises from his seat and quickly makes his way to the cakes. His eye goes wide when he feels that they are completely cool even though they came out of the oven moments ago.  
You make your way out of the pantry as he begins to sit back down. You notice the look on his face, as if wheels are turning in his mind, you guess he must have read something intriguing in his book.
You head back to the counter to begin the final steps of the cake, being careful to not use any more of your powers during the process.
The cake was finally finished as you placed the last truffle on top. You take a step back and look at the masterpiece.
“Done,” you say wiping your hands on a dish rag.
“It looks fabulous Miss Y/N, I shall gather the troops into the living room and we’ll begin the celebration.”
“Okey dokey Al. I’ll start bringing everything in.”
You grab the plates, stick them under your arm and grab the cake stand. Right after you set everything down on the table, the boys enter the living room from wherever they were.
“Wow, Y/N, that looks amazing!” Dick said with a whistle.
“Thanks Dick! It was an idea I got from a friend with a few tweaks. It’s Bruce’s favorite, my double chocolate cake recipe filled with chocolate cookies and cream buttercream, covered in a chocolate ganache and decorated with cookies and cream buttercream florets and Oreo Truffles.”
“In other words…heart attack and clogged arteries with a side of diabetic coma,” Tim said with a smirk.
“Yupp,” you replied, popping the p at the end.
“It’s a special occasion,” Bruce said. “So a little sugar won’t hurt. Thank you, Y/N” He walked over and gave you a side hug with a thank you kiss to the temple. “I’m sure it’s wonderful as always.”
“Well. I think we should cut into this sucker. I want cake.”
“Hold your horses, Jay,” you said with a huff. You reach down to pass out the plates and realize that something was missing.
“Darn it, I forgot the forks. I’ll be right back.”
You head into the kitchen and grab the stack along with some napkins.
As you head out the door something feels off in the air around you, and then you place it. You feel the batarang make waves through the air as it soars toward your head. Instantly the cutlery in your hands falls to the floor and your instincts take over before you can stop them. A wall of ice erupts from your hands extending out in front of you successfully trapping the batarang a few inches from your face as well as the boy that launched the projectile at you.  
After a second you recover from what happened. “Well. Shit,” you sigh and head toward Damian. You stop about a foot away from his body. You take a breath and place your hands on the wall. As you begin to focus you can feel the heat starting to radiate out from your hands. The giant ice wall melts into a puddle that spans the ballroom.
You blow the patio doors open with a small push of your hands, and then begin to heat up the room so the water would turn to steam. As the last bits of fog dissipate through the door, you sigh and bend down to pick up the forks from the floor. When you come back up, you’re met with six stunned faces.
Jason is the first one to snap out of the stupefied gaze. “What in the ever-living hell was that, Y/N?” You could tell that he was getting slightly angry because his voice went a squeaky towards the end of his sentence.
“Um…. if you will hear me out for like five minutes this would be explained a lot better downstairs,” you say a nervous smile plastered on you face.
Bruce is the first one to speak, for some reason you feel like he already knows the story you’re about to tell. “By all means, then, Y/N. Lead the way.”
Once you reach the Batcomputer, you turn to face the boys and are met with another glaring silence. Those should really stop happening.
The chair turns and you start pulling up everything about your past life.
“The Elementalist? I remember her,” Dick said as he leaned against the chair. “Pretty sure she’s my age and worked with The Flash for a good chunk of time. She declined the invitation to join the Titans and the League, and then kinda fell off the grid.”
You sigh. “I didn’t fall off the grid, I left. I couldn’t take the life anymore, Barry started to get reckless and I knew nothing good would come of it. I wanted to start over. I left my day job as a geologist at STAR Labs and my night job as The Elementalist. I packed up, moved to Gotham, and went to pastry school. I always loved baking as a kid, so I tried it out.”
You get up out of the chair to look all the boys in the eye.
“Six months after I graduated I met Jason, six months after that I opened the bakery, and six months after than I found out about all this when he came through my window bleeding out at 3 in the morning. You guys are like my family, along with everyone in Central City. Just because I chose not to tell you about this doesn’t mean I lied about anything else.”
No one could meet your eyes after you finished speaking.
“Well…I’ll take that as a not so great sign. I’ll just be going, then. You don’t have to worry about anything. The secret is safe with me. Bye, guys.”
You turn and head to the stairs. Your foot lands on the bottom step when you feel a pressure on your wrist. You turn and almost slam you face into Jason’s. His hands move to grasp your face.
“I’m not going to lie, this is pretty crazy. And I’m only slightly-no-so-angry that you didn’t say anything, but that doesn’t mean I want you to leave. You’re my girlfriend and I love you whether you’re a Meta or not.”
He gave you a quick peck on the lips.
“Yeah, Y/N. You’re awesome and we don’t want you to leave either. You the next best computer person, besides me, of course,” Tim said with a chuckle. “I think its pretty cool that you can control all of the elements, it’s like Avatar, in real life!”
“I knew you were a cougar!” Dick said slapping you on the back as he walks up the stairs. “Let go eat some cake!”
The rest of the crew filed up the stairs, but Damian trailed behind. Jason gave you a look, and you motioned for him to head up the stairs.
After a few seconds the young boy spoke. “I apologize for acting odd to you today, Y/N. I just couldn’t shake a hunch that you were hiding something. I should have just asked instead of throwing projectiles.”
“You really should have, Dami. I would have had no problems telling you outright. But your apology is accepted. Let’s go eat some cake.”
“Very well,” he said as he began up the stairs. “I would like to request, if at all possible, that you not freeze me anymore. It was an uncomfortable experience.” 
You chuckle and rough up his hair as you pass by. “Only if you deserve it.”
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